Title: Walking is good for your health. 


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Posted 06 April 2003  



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Not bad, not bad at all. This news was nice to observe, I will keep this short but this was good to see. Some elderly (not meant in some denigrating way or so, in a few decades I'll be some elderly myself) did take some little walks in the old city of Baghdad. And given the response of this it looks clear he should have done this more often.
Most stupid detail was 'His body guards had problems keeping away the civilians' and I am so sorry but this detail was also the problem of this mans life. 


Hello Saddam, 

My name is Reinko, probably never heard of me but I do not care upon that. I wonder if you will ever read this, I think you will never read this but again I do not care. Hey Sam, you are in the middle of some Dutch treat although some other army is doing this.

May be you wonder 'What have I done wrong?' and may be you are right from some decade long point of view. Indeed it is hard to judge how your country would have evolved if you would not have been there. All I did observe that in the last decade things went terribly wrong&all I want is some ending to those (economical) sanctions. 

May be you say 'We did indeed demolish all WMD stuff'. I say 'To me this is not relevant anymore'. And may be you say 'We simply have no connections with any international terror network whatsoever'. I say 'You are probably right, I doubted connections too but again this is not relevant to me'.

May be I say 'Sorry but I want an end to the sanctions and if you would stay at your place nothing would change. In a decade from now we would still be in the same status quo'. In these ending days to your ruling I just hope that not to many civilians die from this, and I feel sorry to inform you that you are finished as the saying goes'. 

Surely I say 'If the reports of those hanged children are correct, in that case I hold you responsible for this. And the ones who follow your orders are hold responsible too. This is not the way to behave as some kind of statesman, you just do not allow children hanged and if you did you are finished'.
Yes, this is what I surely say my dear Saddam H. You do not fight over the bodies of some children, and may be you say that I have no right to say such words when I am some kind of 'terror leader' but again you are the statesman and I'm not. But I did learn important lessons from you, let me name some:
A lot of ordinary citizens in your country do not name some 'governmental organizations' (secret services and the likes of that) by name. They simply do not name them and only refer to this as some kind of 'upstairs'. My problems are similar, so very similar I do not like that. But I can understand in many ways how you came into the position you are in for a long time already.


We are suddenly at the end of this little file, it is not short as was said above but who is not some big bottle of conflicting energies? I am not different and I have learned a lot from the honored Saddam but now it is time to say goodbye. So goodbye while a few thousand things are unspoken of, goodbye in this silence in this silency.

 Title: Walk, talk, think&shrink. The end is near&don't have fear.  





At the end some quote from the previous homepage; 'talk, walk&don't smoke' is observed:

Rest, sleep, eat&dream. Talk, walk, think&shrink. React, provoke, act smart&don't smoke. Light comes, light goes, careers break&muscle grows. 
Three pieces of meat, still alive. Let me recite to just one Baghdad wife.
Feed them well&feed them good. They are for hell&that's understood.


End of file, eof.



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Title: There is always another walk. Some longer walk.



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