Title: Washington burning?
Subtitle: History timeline. 


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Posted 06 April 2003  



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No comments, but the 'Washington burning' did it all. In these days one would not talk about some 'Washington burning' or not? Statistics are fine, important statistics are derived from the simple frequency tables of loose words. Lately the example word could be 'volunteer' or 'voluntary' but why this is I do not know of course (otherwise the 'coincidence' is lost, oops I never inhale really true). Yes, I never inhale, this is true because you cannot inhale power. Can you inhale power? Yes? Lets smoke.... 


Now we look at Washington burning, just quote from long time ago:




As Washington Burns...

Foreign problems are pressing for Clinton's attention. Bombing Iraq is only the first challenge

By Bruce W. Nelan

(TIME, February 9 in the year 1998) -- It was Saturday, four days after the Monica Lewinsky story burst into the media frenzy that engulfed Washington. Bill Clinton spent most of the morning and afternoon with his political aides and lawyers trying to figure out how to deal with the crisis and agonizing over whether to brave a press conference or stand silent until after his State of the Union address. Then, at 4 p.m., he took an hour break from the mess to think about going to war. He walked into the Cabinet Room, where his top foreign and defense officials were debating whether and how to bomb Iraq, maps and target lists spread on the table. He had met with the same officials on the same issue two weeks before, and now plunged directly into the discussion. "He just picked right up," says a participant, "where we had left off at the last meeting."

Reinko says: Fine nice&sharp guy. These days the White House is devoted to IQ43, not so sharp and to some not so human and for the rest I just do not know. But 'Left Behind' is important in the thinking world of IQ43 and I consider this as not acceptable. Or am I completely wrong on this my dear George Doubleyou?? Is it not true most of your supporters think that the 'Ending Days' are at hand? As always, you can have what you want...
Proceed these old quotes:

For the Clintonites the anecdote is self-serving, but it tracks the President's astounding ability to wall off parts of his life and focus intently on the job at hand. The performance in the Cabinet Room speaks as well to a growing worry: Will the President manage to turn his gaze overseas often enough to protect U.S. national interests? Nervous foreign governments are wondering how much clout the leader of the free world can still wield, and how fast it might drain away in the bloodletting over Interngate. As Administration officials tell it, the scandal posed no problem. And to make the point more emphatically, officials say, "He certainly has no trouble concentrating on issues of war and peace." In other words, Clinton is thinking very carefully about whether to bomb Iraq and punish Saddam Hussein for defying U.N. arms inspectors.

Reinko says: Is it truly possible to suck history into some other direction? All I know that after the suck a lot of history points to the ground and is not longer standing up. But if you want to come again (I didn't squirt!) you must grow into some upward position again. 


Title: I did not squirt? 







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Title: There is always more to squirt. Some longer squirt.
Hey Billy bill, are there some folks in your old regime that understand the symbolism in this nice picture?



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