Repost=The first letter to my Dual. 


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Yes, now we just after the time that I skeelered on some 'selected part' of the ringway around ThisOldCity I think it is time to repost that very first letter to my Dual again.

It is one of the best pieces I have ever written, so much emotion was in my head at that time. At that time just after nine eleven in the year two thousand and one according to the local calendar. Such beautiful words in it, like 'And was the reason for one of your four horsemen going into the woods only given by....'

That fourth horsemen was of course the Pennsylvania plane. It was. And lately I whispered some words again with my simple act of skeelering that selected part of the ringway. And within 24 hours there was a good audio message saying 'What America saw with her own eyes are just the first skirmishes.' So all and everything fits, the cognitive closure is complete and it is drown in art and in emotion. 

Take your time to read this first letter to my Dual, more were written and one of the others did even trigger some raid upon a nuke facility. As far as I know this raid failed, but the details were never mentioned in the press. One day I will have my nuke, that is a fact, that is for sure. But now read this very wonderful prose as found below: 





A letter to my Dual.&nbsp; </b> <p>&nbsp; <p><b>My dear Dual,&nbsp; </b> <p><b>These days when I walk trough the city streets of this old city, sometimes I do whisper some words. The words are soft spoken words like 'True War is in the air', or 'Danger is in the Wind', or 'Someone else is crying' and even 'Someone else will be skinned'.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>And when the wind touches my lips upon my soft speaking, my words are carried into the corners of this city. And the words do not fade away, they just keep on hanging in the air and move from corner to corner. And constantly I hear the echo's of old spoken words.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>But, my dual, I have to admit it; Some time ago I placed some words like the below on my homepage:&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Who is my Dual?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Make yourself heard!&nbsp; </b> <p><b>I only placed them for 5 minutes, only 5 minutes, more softly spoken cannot be.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>All I can say is: 'I did hear you, oh I did hear you!' You gave me a rough ride, oh sure you gave me a rough ride.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>And is the reason for one of your four Horseman going into the woods only given by the simple statement 'Otherwise it would not fit the story'?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>Is that a key to this madness? Or am I just talking&amp;thinking stupid stuff?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>And if the key fits, what must I do? Do you want more stories like before or shall I write stories that will haunt at your door?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>Or were some other publications on the internet arousing the concern of your family? Does your family not like me?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>And was my recent stuff a 'to good to be true' story? But, my dear dual, never I will write stories that will come haunting at your door. How could I?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>On the other hand: I do not give away my copyrights 'For free', so do not take this to far. But why tell you that you don't mess around with me? You do know this for so long and also you know 'I like it'. And on the third hand let me inform you that you must not overestimate me, I am just 70 kg of meat with some strange brain. And I like to write stories, yes that's what I like.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>So be my guest, but next time please make it a bit less rough. That's all my dear dual.&nbsp; </b> <p>&nbsp; <p><b>End of this textual piece of art.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>Only letters chosen from a set of 128 characters, together they form words and the words form sentences and the sentences generate emotions. And all the people not understanding the importance of why is a word a word (try to say 30 times the word 'word' in your head, the meaning fades away....) fall into some traps towards some bad things. They will act 'without thinking' upon receiving 'some message'.&nbsp; </b> <p>&nbsp; <p>&nbsp; <p>&nbsp; <p><b>Bye bye dear readers, work well&amp;sleep well.&nbsp; </b> <p>&nbsp; <p>&nbsp; <p><b>(No update of this.)  


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End of extra text.




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