Cache of a part of the homepage concerning the
request of photo's I need to complete
my version of the 9/11


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Posted 12 October 2003
Extra text to 30 August 2003

Right now (12 Oct 2003) is all I have to say more or less the next: 'Please don't come complaining at my door in case there will be some Bali-bang-bang soup served in this little country known as Holland (or the Dutch landscape)'. That's all I have to say to all those journalist and governmental figures with brains like stones. 


Galileo considerations in blue?

Just a cache and although I always use a blue colored font for 'cache use' this time I quote it without changing the color font and now the intro is in blue...

Why blue? That is because I feel a bit blue myself, how can it be that now (12 Oct) after more than 7 weeks after posting some clues at 9/11 still those journalists stay away? My dear journalists, do you truly think that 'truth' is democratic or so? And if 99,95% of all journalists say that 9/11 was cooked up in Afghan caves, that in than becomes true
And when every one is telling the earth is flat, is that also a good thing to believe? Have you forgotten the simple lessons from that guy named Galileo? 

(Friday 22 August 17.00 hours) Right now so just before September I think I have evidence enough to confront the authorities with my kind of version of the famous 9/11 attacks. But I am still missing some kind of 'direct link' and likely some of you are feeling already what I want to ask. Here is it: 

The guys who did photograph me end spring / begin summer 2001 right in front of the Gas Unie here in Groningen on the ringway, may I ask you to send a few of those photos to some Dutch authorities?
I have selected the next authority, it's a local prosecutor (address is):
Mr. Gert Souer
Arrondisementsparket Groningen
Postbus 577
9700 AN Groningen
(this is the post address of the local courthouse here in Groningen)

Because after all, the so called trigger hypothesis to nine eleven only makes sense if there were some Muslim guys doing the photography. All Dutch authorities & departments that could have done such a thing all do deny they did it (that's logical, they would not have a reason...)

Also it could be fun if you included some letter to Mr. Souer saying that the trigger hypothesis makes none / little / much sense. In case the photographs still exist send them (or a copy) to the address above, that would bring some relief to the constant and devastating amount of shit I receive from addresses like the above.

Lets name a few clues to the trigger hypothesis to the 9/11 stuff:

  • Significant more bombs in civil areas this month August 2003 (just like I 'wanted' at the end of July and as written to the local authorities in letters)

  • Actual and factual content of audio & video messages from the so called evil al Queda network (about six messages so that looks like enough contribution from that corner)

  • The same from White House statements this combined with the start of Gulf War II and the sudden end of the coalition bombardments

  • The workings of the so called NightmareOnWallStreet (it is broken now, but I have filed enough stock graphs together with the 'clicks' to make my statistical point & a whole bunch of other 'behavioral information')

  • And so on and so on, but only a few real photo's added to this all would be nice...

Yes, those photo's would be nice. It is safe because they are not 'court proof hard' evidence but then the picture would be complete, it is like the last jigsaw puzzle piece missing. So if the photo's are still out there somewhere, please send it in to the address mentioned above!







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End of extra text.







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