Bunker Design:

Can bunker busters like the GBU 28 be lead astray?


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Extra text to 23 September

There are likely many ways to improve bunker design to withstand the American bunker busters. In this file only a few rudimentary thoughts are unfolded, but with the use of old concrete (flat) blocks (from roads for example) and iron train rails you can come an end.

Anyway that is what I think.

The bunker buster is a weapon that is famous because of the deep penetration it has in concrete, rocks and hard soil. There are various numbers reported, for example 2 to 3 meters (yards) deep in enforced concrete. Up to 100 feet in (hard) soil.

That is indeed a respectable weapon and when used in combination with the Global Position System you can indeed achieve devastating damage to bunkers. The art of countering this weapon is a large scaling up of the latest armor as found on the American Stryker vehicles.
In Iraq lots of so called Improvised Explosive Devices (IDE's) are used against the freedom bringing forces of America and the other coalition members.
Here is a picture of how that looks, you see not one big layer of steel but lots of strips of metal to absorb the energy and shrapnel from the blast:


Remark that this is far more efficient in use, when all that metal had to be just one layer of metal you would need much more metal. It is all about absorbing the energy.

And that is already the first answering in effective bunker building, not one big layer of enforced concrete but many layers made in cone shaped figures. (And soft soil in between these layers.)
Why cone shaped?

That is to avoid constantly perpendicular penetration of the bunker buster, that the bunker buster will change it's course in the ground...
(That looks a bit like the next example: Suppose you have placed 10 pieces of window glass after each other, all glass parallel to each other, and under an angle of lets say 60 degrees you fire a bullet out of a gun. With each window passing the bullet will change direction.)

An important technical detail of the bunker buster is the use of depleted uranium in the nose, that very hard metal can deliver the explosives so deep into the ground. This property can be used to the advantage of new bunker design. Because the change of direction under the ground is best achieved when perpendicular forces are applied on the top of the penetrating device. 

On a website named globalsecurity dot org you can find many info upon American weapons, freedom of information is handy in this case. Here is a pic as found on that website:


So that is how they look, for further technical specifications look at the website mentioned above or use other sources of information. Here is a photo that gives an idea of how it looks in reality, the photo is rather different from the pic above but anyway:


Of course when building bunkers always local terrain has to be taken in consideration, just like it is with normal buildings. So suppose we are in a soft soil situation, as we have for example here in Holland. (In a country like Iran it would be very different of course.) 

Beside concrete it might also be handy to weld together lots of (old) train rails in some kind of metal curtain that will lead away the penetrating bunker buster. So this too has to be applied in cone like figures over the actual bunker.   

What is the idea upon avoiding too much attention from bunker busters?

Not that difficult; 

  • You dig a deep deep hole and start building there the actual rooms for the bunker, the hull of the living & working rooms are of course a rather big layer of enforced concrete & metal.
  • Then up to one meter of sand or clay or any kind of soft soil that can absorb lots of energy.
  • After that the first layer of (old) train rails, nicely welded together to form some kind of curtain.
  • Then soft soil again.
  • Then concrete parts, flat and also so placed that the bunker buster will be leaded away from the actual bunker.
  • And so on and so on, soft soil, train rails, soft soil, concrete...

Ten to fifteen meters of these layers will prove difficult for the penetrating bunker buster. The art of the design lies it the fact that as much kinetic energy from the movement is used to lead the weapon away from it's target.

At last the 'cone shaped' concrete and 'iron curtains' can be used with the top up (for leading bunker busters away from the actual bunker). Or they can be used with the top down to lead the bunker busters towards tubes that will make the bunker buster explode far away from the actual bunker. (Some kind of funnel for bunker busters.) 

So it is far from impossible, just as the design in the Stryker uses far less metal then just one hull of metal, this principle can be used in building bunkers. May be it is long around already, I do not know. Rumors go that the Yugoslavians are good bunker builders, may be they use this a long time already. I just do not know, all I know I had fun to write this down.

Hope you can lead a few American bunker busters away ;)




Sincerely yours,

Reinko Venema.     


Update 01 (posted 07 October 2004). Today I realized another very cheap way to hinder the penetration of bunker busters. Take into account that these busters are especially designed to penetrate (enforced) concrete, well have you ever axed wood?

Have you? And didn't it occur to you that most wood is often easily penetrated by a sharp axe? But when you have that triplex or multiplex wood where many small layers are (perpendicular) glued on each other, the axe only comes one or two millimeters deep in it... No matter how hard you ram your axe into it, all kinetic energy is absorbed efficient. 

And that is the third material, a bunker buster might be able to take a few meters of concrete but can a bunker buster take 60 centimeters of multiplex?

Ha! What does that kind of stuff cost? With the price of just a few bunker busters you can envelop a bunker in multiplex kind of wood. Together with the materials named above you can make cheap yet efficient bunkers that make military fools of the Americans...

(Of course long lasting and enduring bombing takes all protection away, but combined these materials together with hollow tube like shapes can bring serious hinder to the American military forces and their muppet armies like the Israeli Defense Forces. Good luck Iranians...) 

Update 02 (posted 18 October 2004). There are also these plastic fibers that are much stronger then iron fibers, suppose these fibers are woven into a (large) carpet. And this carpet is just dropped on an irregular landscape (with some boulders here and there, or some mountainous  landscape).

Suppose there is one of those 'long hard rod shaped' bunker busters coming in and it slams in on that fiber mat. What would happen? (Experiments are important, the tip of the impending rod has to be displaced a little bit so the whole 'penetration' breaks down.)  

(Here in Holland where I live, when you order a cubic meter of sand you get some cubic shaped 'plastic bag' delivered it in. That kind of cheap stuff (but then a bit stronger or in many layers) can do an amazing trick it you think upon it...) And again: 'What does it cost?'

Update 03 (posted 15 November 2004). Lately it was reported that the US military is considering a 30 thousand pound bunker buster. The sheer '30 thousand' number out dwarfs stuff like daisy cutters (daisy cutters are no bunker busters, they were used for example during the Vietnam war to clear jungle for helicopter landings). 

This looks very impressive but is it? Bombs that big behave a lot like a balloon filled with water and there are enough example from military history that indicate that bigger is not necessary better. (Think for example on that giant cannon named Fat Bertha during World War one, it was giant but it did not work better...)

No, these 30 thousand pounders are very vulnerable upon impact. Take large boulders that are a bit sphere like shaped, most bunker busters will not hit the exact middle of the boulder. When the nose of the bomb misses the exact middle, it cannot be anything else then that the nose is pushed aside. A push aside of 20 to 30 centimeters will do all the trick and the bomb will start behaving like a balloon of water...

So just like eggs are placed in a carton, place large sphere or egg like boulders into such an arrangement. When the outside of the rocks is even polished and 'slippery' (for that large bomb) it will even work better.

All in all armies must experiment themselves too. Make dummy bombs with a coating of  depleted uranium and throw it from a plane from high altitude. (Armies that already have cruise missiles themselves, like the Chinese army for example, can use a modified version of that of course.)  




Title: Just a little greeting card to the US bustered bunker busters.  

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