00 Comments on and definition of the Trigger hypothesis.

Spring 2001.
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The so called 'Trigger hypothesis'.

(Weak and strong versions of the hypothesis.)




Weak versions are available in many ways, often they look like a small part of the strongest version. Let me spell you a few weak versions: 

Weak nr01: It is utterly nonsense that Reinko did make some Muslim men mad with his writing of (just quote) 'Ah, females are a bit more expensive compared to cattle. But allah, who cares?'
But indeed it is proven that some of the Arty story was used into the attack.

Weak nr02: The provocation seems real, but the execution of the 11 Sept attacks are not driven by the rest of the writings of Reinko Venema. 

Remark01: If you are American or English you do not understand the enormous amount of humiliation in the Dutch saying 'maar allah' (the Provocative pages were partly written into the Dutch writing) when this is emotionally combined with humiliation of the name of the AllMighty.  

Remark02: When you look at the number of death into the riots in Africa surrounding the Miss World elections from 2002 the 'provocation hypothesis' fits very good. This means I think the 200 African death fit good to the 3000 American death (although the American number could have been higher, or not?).


But again from a purely scientific viewpoint all weak versions do not make much sense. Simply because weak versions would be true I would have run into some kind of trouble surrounding these weak versions. Again from a scientific viewpoint, only the strong versions make sense. In mathematical terms you could say 'The approximation is uniformly bounded around what happened in practice'.

Of course with 'the approximation' I do mean the trigger hypothesis.

So I simply reject most weak versions and it could be wise to show some of the 'strong versions' that could have small deviation from what happened in practice:

Strong01: Everything concerning the stories is true, but the fact that photos have been made (and the rest in nr03 of the timeline) is not of any measure able influence. So only internet stuff and no private life stuff is involved here.

Strong02: All internet publications were not proven significant, but on the other hand it is true that the hijackers did copy your lifestyle in a lot of ways.

Strong03: Publication of internet stuff and the copying of stories and lifestyle did indeed lead to a (minor) significant factor into the 11 Sept attacks.

Strong04: Publication of internet stuff and the copying of stories and lifestyle did indeed lead to the main significant factor into the 11 Sept attacks.  


Much more formulations of 'what could have happened' could be formulated. But why take all the energy and time for this? Why not simply retell that it might be very wise to say at this moment: 'My dear authorities, why don't you just enjoy the bombs in the meantime? Simply because I just figured out you want it, otherwise you would contact me and give me the information I want to have.'

Since I lately did work towards the concept of 'Just tell facts and not all that emotional stuff anymore' I will end this 'enjoyable stuff' right now. With a bit of luck those words will speak for themselves, just as the behavior of local secret services is doing.
Why not put facts and emotion into just six words in the next:

                Give me facts or face hell.

Ok ok, a little bit of emotion, but the emotion is real just like facts are. Better keep this in mind with the rest of these files around the timeline.



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