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The telephone trouble and fun.


Date; 18 and 20 June 2002.

Some strange telephone stuff.

Timeline date=18 and 20 June 2002.


Some weeks before 18 June I started writing the so called '26th of July publications' and it was my goal to bring fundamental problems to the juridical parts of this city.

Therefore I selected for of five 'embarrassing things' from my years as a student on the local university. Together with another four or five 'fake stories' I would group the nine stories into three triples.

The triples had the struture TFT TFT FTF where the T represents a true story (or embarrassing fact to the university) and the F was fake. 

So it would be rather complicated for local prosecutors to find out what was real and what not, of course I would not be of much help either... 

Some time after I told my plans on this into the 'Intro to the 26th of July publications' a very very interesting telephone number came to my attention; it was 06 23 13 13 49.

Is this a beauty or not? Just one other telephone number would be as beautiful as this one and that would end on 59 instead of 49.

To me it was fun to call this number (it was from a good pal who I often do ring) and only much later I mentioned on my website some pairs of ciphers from the telephone number.
The next day I tried to ring my pal, but the number suddenly stopped working. That happened yesterday evening according to my pal, he was thinking this number had only limited time or so.

When I told him of the fact I just mentioned some ciphers of the phone in the text of the website he had fun and I too. 

To tease the local cops a bit I congratulated them with the telephone number, but they probably had nothing to do with it.

Again according to my pal, he got the telephone from some figure of dubious nature. But what is dubious nature? Is that some foreign secret service or is it.....???


And since I am probably nailed to the White House in correlation or so, the White House told by the mouth of Ari Fleischer that they lost all contact with the satellite telephone of a guy under the name of Osama bin Ladin after they tapped it in 1998.

At that point I just did not grasp what was so important to that fact at that point in time, but now (Jan 2003) we know that Osama did escape from Tora Bora with the help of a simple telephone trick (he left the phone behind, that was all...). But it was weird they brought this satellite telephone tapping story once more up, could be coincident of course. Not all 'correlations' found in the Media are expected to be 'casual relations' from my writings of course; it is like when I flip a coin a hundred times and I just guess what comes above and I am right in seventy of the hundred cases would you say I am a good guesser?

Yes, would you say I am a good guesser when predicting a coin 70 times good out of a 100 trials? 


All in all it was big fun to see some echo of my stories back in a real phone number and it was also big fun to see the number out of order after I just mentioned it. Again it is of no big importance but only a signal that something 'more' might be behind this.

But what is 'more'? If you know a bit more, please mail me on reinko1963@hotmail.com


End of the telephone stuff, I could tell you more strange behavior of my telephone at some important points in time. But if I am not sure about a tap on the thing I do not mention it, also not to mention is the use of 'voice recognition' software for use in 'public phone' phone call tapping (try a different voice sometime and see what happens...).    


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