Page 5 of the magnetic pages covering the stuff found in the year 2020. | |
Introduction: In
this html page on magnetism we will focus on a weird detail of the so
called Stern-Gerlach experiment from the year 1922 where they managed to
separate a stream of silver ions into two parts. And the culprit was one loose unpaired electron that did split this stream of silver ions. I was 50 years of age when I
read these weird results for the first time and I did not understand
them: Within two days I had the answer: Electrons are magnetic monopoles because only monopoles can be repelled by the stronger side of a magnetic field. I was very surprised by my own result because I too was indoctrinated by 'Magnetic monopoles do no exist' kind of thinking. Anyway, two years back that was the starting point of the 'electrons are magnetic monopoles'. Have fun reading it and
hopefully you will learn something from it.
Foreword: Last year I tried to make at least one update a month, this
year I will relax that to at most one update a month. All in all I now have
penned down 80 reasons as why it is impossible that electrons are magnetic
dipoles. And these 80 reasons show it is far more logical that electrons
carry magnetic charge and as such are never magnetic dipoles but magnetic
In order to show you that I always like to keep it as logical as possible, never stuff like 'If you think you understand quantum physics you don't understand quantum physics', let me give you a small elevator pitch.
Ok, may be my elevator pitch is a bit too long for a 20 seconds long explanation. But if the electron pair is magnetically neutral while the electron is not, it is only logical that electrons aren't magnetic dipoles. This year is only 12 days old (when I write this it is 12 Jan 2020) and I already found two more reasons as why it makes it plausible that electrons carry magnetic charge. I would like to start with the latest results from the Parker solar probe. The other reason could be that on stars like our sun, if they rotate faster they have fare stronger solar flares. May be that would be the reason for the month of February. End of the foreword.
14 Jan 2020:
Reason 81: Parker solar probe results; fast changing direction of the local
magnetic field.
A couple of years ago I arrived at the conclusion that if solar plasma would spin round like some kind of tornado, that would make a lot of the electrons inside that spinning tornado go out and very soon this tornado would become positively charged and as such become a very strong dipole magnet. But I had no clue whatsoever if there could be spinning tornado like structures going into the solar plasma. So I never wrote that idea down at the time because it was all too speculative. After about a year I became aware of the fact that at the solar equation the sun is rotating faster compared to the polar regions. Ah, that was a very good finding because if the equation regions spin faster, it all is very plausible that rotating structures will emerge in the solar plasma... It is well known that plasma is very conductive, for example they run the current through a tokamak fusion reactor with only one Volt or something of that order of magnitude. Plasma is highly conductive by it's very nature: most electrons are separated from the atomic nuclei. So if such a spinning tornado structure becomes highly positively charged because it spits out so many electrons, in that case streams of electrons from the surrounding plasma could come in. It could also be that in a short span of time so many electrons come in that the spinning plasma tornado would become negatively charged resulting in a sudden change of magnetism as it comes out of the solar surface... May be, if you have seen those video's of the solar surface, you see such a stream of plasma going out from a solar spot along some magnetic field but than all of a sudden it stops in it path and you see all that plasma reverse and go back into the sun... Ok, now for one of the results
of the Parker solar probe. Let me quote you from a NASA source:14 Jan 2020:
Parker solar probe results; fast changing direction of magnetic field. They
name such sudden magnetic reversals 'switchbacks'. One type of event in particular caught the attention of the science teams – flips in the direction of the magnetic field, which flows out from the Sun, embedded in the solar wind and detected by the FIELDS instrument. These reversals – dubbed "switchbacks" – appear to be a very common phenomenon in the solar wind flow inside the orbit of Mercury, and last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes as they flow over the spacecraft. Yet they seem not to be present any farther from the Sun, making them undetectable without flying directly through that solar wind the way Parker has. Source: First NASA Parker Solar Probe Results Reveal Surprising Details About Our Sun I hesitated for about 10 days in order to turn this stuff into reason number 81 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles because the explanatory graphic from NASA were so strange. But from history when it comes to solar plasma I know that a lot of the 'official version' also includes magnetic fields as some rubber band thing that live inside the sun and because of the rotational differences that would 'mess up' the rubber bands and all that energy released is the root cause of solar spots and the outbursts they have... I am not fooling you, I have said many times those people are crazy to the bone. Here is the NASA picture: The five sided thing at the right lower corner is the Parker solar probe. It looks like the NASA folks think that the magnetic reversals are spatial but my dear NASA folks: magnetic fields fly out with the speed of light. So all in all I post this reason number 81 is that I think a model like plasma tornado's makes much more sense to describe all that wonderful stuff we seen when looking at the behavior of solar plasma. Back in 2018, on 22 July to be
precise, I suggested this rotation model for the first time. That was in
reason number 65 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles: I could not find a video that fast that shows solar plasma going out, coming to a halt and then going back along the same magnetic arc as it came out. But I found a nice pdf written by the quartet Z. Sturrock, A. W. Hood, V. Archontis, and C. M. McNeill. It is about sunspot rotation. Let we give you a short quote from the abstract: Solar eruptions and high flare activity often accompany the rapid rotation of sunspots. The title of their pdf is:
Sunspot rotation (A consequence of flux
emergence). Needless to say I think the title is a bit wrong: It is the rotation that causes the magnetic arcs going out of the solar surface. And not magnetism coming from the inside of the sun that makes the plasma rotate (anyway that is what the authors of that pdf seem to think). Ok, that was it for this month Jan 2020. Till updates. (Updated on 22 Jan.) By accident I found that video again where the solar magnetism is explained as rubber bands that get stretched and knotted and then explode releasing all that magnetic energy... It could be that the above confusing picture is explained by ideas like rubber bands that move through space. It has to be remarked however that the astronomers just like me think that the difference in rotation speed is a driving factor in all those solar eruptions and those magnetic arcs observed at the solar surface. Yet the explanation offered in the video is rather weird; because of that difference in solar rotation those magnetic bands start moving sideways, get knotted and more or less explode in a violent manner... Here is a screen shot of how it
is supposed to work (according to the video from the university of Glasgow). Video title: 'Solar Flares and Superflares' A lecture by Prof Lyndsay Fletcher University of Glasgow Ok, it is a bit of a tongue in cheek picture but let me try and use a tiny bit of the thing called 'logic' in my version of electrons being magnetic monopoles: If electrons are magnetic monopoles and just like the protons carry a net magnetic charge, they will get accelerated by magnetic fields much more than the protons. Compare it to acceleration of electrons & protons by an electrical field: because the electric charges are opposite is sign but equal in strength, due to the giant difference in mass the electrons get much more accelerated. The same should go for magnetic fields. Furthermore if the rotational difference of the sun gives rise to tornado like rotating structures in the solar plasma, once the plasma is spinning it will spit out much more electrons compared to protons going out. That means rotating plasma will always become positively charged and as such will act as a strong dynamo. End of trying to use the thing called 'logic'. End of this update.
08 Feb 2020:
Reason 82: More on solar flares.
Once more we will look at the rotational differential in our sun and more general in stars like the sun. At the equator the sun seems to be rotating much faster compared to the polar regions of the sun and in my view this gives rise to tornado like structures in the solar plasma. If indeed electrons and protons carry magnetic charge, in that case the electrons will be pumped out via the magnetic field and as such the tornado becomes heavily positively charged and as such acts as a strong dynamo generating magnetism. But the solar plasma is very conductive, so a spinning tornado like structure that is strongly positive will generate all kinds of electrical currents that will bring down the overall positive charge of that spinning tornado like structure. So what happens if there is a lack of electric current going into the spinning tornado like structure? I think that is when a solar flare is created: the magnetic field becomes very strong and with high speed the plasma gets ejected. An open question is that during the solar minimum there are no sun spots (sun spots must be always rotating, underneath is one of those spinning tornado like structures), but if there are no sun spots or flares or stuff, how the hell is it possible there are no rotating tornado like structures? After all the rotational differential, if that is a driving force during sun spot activity, why during a solar minimum are there no sun spots? Well during a solar minimum when the sun major magnetic field is flipping from north to south, the rotational differential should vanish. I think it does but I could not find any proof for that (only and article that stated polar speed declined by about 1%, that is just not enough...). __________ Ok, just a few quotes from a
wiki about solar rotation. And I would like to keep it simple, we only look
at those G-type stars like our own sun. Here is the wiki link where I am
quoting from: The information seems to be coming from observations of the Kepler satellite, quote: Flares are more common in stars with short periods. However, the energy of the largest flares is not related to the period of rotation. Comment: Remark this is information within the G-type stars like our sun. If red dwarf rotate much much faster that could may be an explanation for their magnetic behavior. If the largest flares are not related to the star rotation all I can say: hey the plasma is highly conductive so if a tornado becomes too positive that will kill itself. It is well known that both the rotation rate and the magnetic activity of a star decrease with age in G-type stars. Comment: This is perfectly in line with my idea that all this magnetic behavior is just a way of transforming the angular momentum from the sun or a star into all kinds of kinetic energy. As such the average angular momentum should always decline as a function of time. __________ Beside spinning plasma on the sun, during star formation it seems there are those jets coming out from the polar regions. Again the same principle should be at work: Because of the rotation the electrons get spewed out much more compared to the protons and neutrons because of the vast difference in mass. That makes the whole rotating lump of plasma electrically positive and that explains the strong magnetic fields associated with it. But from the accretion disk there is still all kinds of material falling and if the accretion disk is also mainly plasma there will be all kinds of electrical currents attracted to that highly positive large spinning ball of plasma. There are all kinds of
irregularities involved, here are a few screen shots from a video about the
formation of large stars. It is from the channel Launch Pad Astronomy by a
guy named Christian Ready.
The two jets should mostly contain electrons of opposite magnetic spin, after all like charges repel so the north pole of the forming star will spit out electrons with a north pole magnetic charge and vice versa for the magnetic south pole of the forming star. I have to remark that I sincerely hope the above pictures are crafted from astronomical observations and are not computer generated pictures... Of course the colors are often not real but are just a translation from information about a particular part of the em spectrum we can't see to a visual representation of what we can see... It's fine by me those pictures are often heavily photoshopped, but the core basis should always be build on astronomical data. In another development, since I think electrons carry one of two possible magnetic charges, could it be that these give the two kinds of photons we know as left & right circular photons? If true, the light coming two jets coming from such a forming star should contain mostly photons of a preferred circular polarization. __________ Back to our beloved solar flares & all that solar plasma that is going round in magnetic arcs on the solar surface. It is known that sun spots are sources of strong solar magnetism, so are they the spinning tornado like structures of plasma? From a 2011 html file from it is a funny read: Rotating sunspots spin up a super solar flare Just a funny quote: “Rotating sunspots are an extremely efficient way to inject energy into the magnetic field of the Sun's atmosphere,” said Dr. Brown. “With five sunspots rotating at the same time enough energy has been injected into the atmospheric magnetic field to produce the largest solar flare seen for almost 5 years.” Comment: That is not a bad quote to end this update known as Reason nr 82 why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles with.
03 March 2020:
Reason 83: Plasma instability in fusion reactors.
It seems there are all kinds of filaments forming in the plasma of fusion reactors like the JET in the UK and without doubt also in the stellarator type from the Max-Planck institute in Germany. The official version is that the electrons in those filaments do not move except for the Lorentz force, that means they move something like 2 mm around in circles. Of course that is not what I
think; if electrons are magnetic monopoles that come in two varieties, from
the moment they enter a magnetic field they will get accelerated. Why can't
electrons be magnetic dipoles? Think for example at the neutron, is the
neutron an electric tripole? After all the official version is that a
neutron is made of 3 quarks who all have an electric charge. And those three
electric charges add up to zero hence the neutron is neutral when it comes
to electric fields. A simple thought experiment: We load the plasma vessel with
atomic hydrogen and it is heated up so it becomes a plasma of protons and
electrons. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN? Well the electron have a tiny mass compared to the plasma protons so they will get accelerated much more than the protons. Depending on the magnetic charge of the electrons they will get accelerated in two opposite direction. These electrons try to follow paths with least resistance so a bunch of electrons that more in the same direction will keep being together and as such form very small microscopic filaments. Compare that behavior to for example when you are at a big music concert with thousands of people and you want to go to the toilet or get more beer or whatever what. Most of the time you try to follow streams of walking people that lead you into the direction you want to go. Of course electrons are not visitors to a music concert, but they will cluster together if they are accelerated into the same direction. So we get initially small filaments that do a lot of electron transport and electrons with opposite magnetic charge will feel opposite forces and as such move in opposite directions. WHY WOULD THOSE FILAMENTS GROW IN SIZE? These filaments are clearly electrical currents, so filaments that move in the same direction will attract each other. That is very simple explained by the Ampere law for two wires: if in two wires the electrical current goes in the same direction they will attract each other. And filaments with opposite direction will repel each other. So those filaments will keep on growing and get bigger and bigger so that after some time there are only a few left. It could be you are only left with two big filaments going round but it could also be there will be some alternating layer formation of filaments. Suppose we only have two huge filaments going round constantly accelerated by the magnetic field that is supposed to contain the very plasma, after some time also the protons will follow those fast electrons and as such the entire plasma starts rotating in opposite directions. END OF THE SIMPLE THOUGHT EXPERIMENT. In tokamak fusion reactors there are two magnetic fields; one that goes around in the torus shaped fusion vessel and one generated by a giant extra electrical current going round and as such those filaments look like: You can only see this on the outside of the plasma where it cools down so that the recombination of protons and electrons give the light we can see. Inside the plasma there should also be all kinds of filaments but you can't see them because they do not emit light in the visible spectrum. (But since they get accelerated they should resist to that by sending out the so called brems strahlung, yet I never found research results into that direction.) Remark the longer the magnetic field of the fusion vessel is turned on the more the plasma filaments will combine in bigger filaments. So likely this photo is not from when the fusion reactor is turned on for 5 or 10 minutes but only shortly after firing it up. Source of the screen shot (the guy in the picture is one of those that think the electrons move at best 2 millimeters due to the Lorentz force, good luck with explaining those filaments that way...): Fusion
energy: scientific challenges. To my amazement they also have computer simulations of the fusion plasma and weirdly enough it shows two regions with opposite behavior: an inner layer of plasma rotating opposite to the outer layer. How they pull that off is a big mystery to me: if in computer simulations you model the electron as a magnetic dipole, how the fuck can you end with only two layers moving in opposite direction? It is about 38.30 minutes into the video where the guy from the video shows the results of that computer simulation: I also want to remark that the sound of the old video from 2013 is highly symbolic: there is some microphone problem and constantly you get those eruptions of noise that is louder than the voice of professor Howard Wilson explaining plasma eruptions and the understanding of those plasma eruptions back in the year 2013.. At last a screen shot from a part where Howard Wilson talks about plasma eruptions. In my view if the electrons constantly get accelerated this is what you get. Like said before a few years back I joked at the Wendelstein folks about relativistic electrons. Of course just like you I have no guess what the maximum speed of such electrons is, so if they are really relativistic is hard to say. At first, a few months back, I
wanted to write it all down as some mathematical model. Later I decided that
was too time consuming and I have no way of more or less easy to do plasma
simulations... ;) So I just gave it a thought of how the plasma could behave
if there was an energy transfer all of the time by the magnetic fields that
are supposed to contain the plasma.
11 May 2020: Reason 84: A few
possible experiments on electrons.
After writing about five years about the impossibility that electrons are magnetic dipoles, it is about time that I try to unfold some idea's of experiments that would validate that indeed electrons are magnetic monopoles. Not that I expect that such experiments will be done during my lifetime, after all suppose somebody indeed is capable of gathering experimental evidence (or experimental proof) that indeed electrons are magnetic monopoles. And this person tries to write it down in some official publication, what will happen? Very simple: That publication will never make it past the so called peer review process, it will be dismissed because the experiment must have experimental error because 'electrons are magnetic dipoles' and every body knows that. It has to be remarked once more that these weirdo's (the peer reviewers) have zero experimental evidence or experimental proof that the electron is a magnetic dipole, but who cares? I would like to start with an experiment that I think can not be done because electrons are just too small for that. Since it cannot be done the experimental setup is irrelevant. The impossible experiment: Measuring the magnetic field strength of an individual electron. If it falls down with the square of the distance, it must be a magnetic monopole. If it falls down with the third power of the distance it likely has at least two magnetic poles. End of this proposal of the impossible experiment. Although the impossible experiment can not be done, if electrons carry magnetic charge they should be accelerated by magnetic fields in a classical way. In a uniform magnetic field it should be accelerated in the direction of the magnetic field and as such obey the classical expressions from Newton for their displacement along the magnetic field lines. How to set up an experiment as cheap as possible? The possible experiment number 1: Use an old cyclotron, cyclotrons are made such that the magnetic field is as uniform as possible and that is just what you need. Cyclotrons use electric field to accelerate particles (often protons) and all that stuff has to be removed carefully because we do not want any electron acceleration by electrical fields. But an old cyclotron has the benefit it has a vacuum in it and that is also important. The goal of the experiment is to let a beam of electrons enter the vacuum chamber, let the Lorentz force do it's thing so the electrons will go round in a circle. If the beam of electrons is made up from magnetic monopoles, the electron beam should split in two. One going up and one going down. And, that is important, this spiraling up and down should go faster and faster precisely like the Newton law for acceleration says it should. Here is a famous photo of what clearly was a mountain of work: Basically the experimental setup is easy to understand: A beam of electrons enters a uniform magnetic field in a perpendicular way. The Lorentz force will make the beam go around in circles and these circles will split in two because the individual electrons are magnetic monopoles and as such have a preference of going north or south. Although the experimental setup is easy to understand, as you see in the old picture from above it takes a lot of labor before you have your 'finished product'. Making an electron beam should not be that hard, after all those old televisions run on that stuff. But those old televisions used high voltage so that should be far away from the inside where the electron spiral should split in half. At CERN they are very good at transporting particles in beams, so look at ideas they use over there. So try to craft a beam of electrons that enter a chamber without any electric field and that has a uniform magnetic field. For visualizing the electron beam splitting in two you need some stick or whatever what with fluorescent paint on it that makes the electron position visually detectable. A lot of cyclotrons seem to be made for accelerating protons, therefore the magnetic field is rather strong if you use it for electrons. Let's take a look at that cute high school formula (anyway in most of the EU it is high school stuff, in the USA it likely is something for the last year of a university study). My estimation is that it is not bad to have a rather strong magnetic field, you can always compensate by letting the electrons have a higher velocity but of course that will make the apparatus more expensive. With a high magnetic field strength we should get a better separation between the 'spin states' of the electron. So if you are an experimental physicist and if you need to apply for some funding for this experimental setup, in your application always remark that you want to separate the electrons due to their spin. Absolutely do now say that you want to measure if electrons are magnetic monopoles because that is a 100% rejection of your request for funding! So far for this easy to write down experimental setup, in practice it will be a lot of work of course but it should not be a multi year project like all that CERN stuff. And if you succeed it is very pleasant to know that over there at CERN lately they failed to find the magnetic monopoles. But they used the insights of Paul Dirac to find the magnetic monopole and that is a particle without magnetic charge and with a magnetic charge. I think such things do not exist, electrons have always a negative electric charge and one of the two magnetic charges. Why Paul never thought of a 'dual particle' to the electron that has a magnetic charge and is an electric dipole is unknown to me. Let's go to the next possible experiment. __________ The possible experiment number 2: From magnetic domains it is known that you cannot displace the domain walls with magnetic fields. Years ago I arrived at the conclusion that the walls of magnetic domains must have a surplus of electron pairs while the domains themselves have surpluses of either north pole electrons or south pole electrons. Hence two magnetic domains that are separated by a domain wall must always have opposite magnetic charges, that is the famous checker board pattern they must have. I once observed a video where an experimental physics professor showed how from a super conducting material when it gets warmer, all of a sudden those magnetic domains emerge. How he made the magnetic domains visible is completely unknown by me, I also do not know how expensive such visualizations of magnetic domains are. So if you have figured out how to make magnetic domains visible to the human eye with the help of a lot of tech, all in all checking the checker board pattern should be simple: You start with a visualization where there is no external magnetic field. If you apply an external magnetic field, in a checker board alternating fashion the magnetic domains should grow and shrink in size. If is very simple: If you approach the sample with the south pole of a permanent magnet, the domains with a surplus of south charged electrons should shrink while the magnetic domains with a surplus of north magnetic charge should get a bit larger. Again: I have absolutely no idea how expensive such an experimental setup is, as always the cheaper it is the better it is. End of the description of the second possible experiment. __________ And the perfumed princes from CERN, what do the want? After their failure of finding magnetic monopoles, any form of super symmetric particle or any significant result at all, all they want is 20+ billion € for a 100 km long particle accelerator. In my view we should not do this. After all the CERN perfumed princes are to stupid not only to understand it is logical that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, they are also too stupid to understand 3D complex numbers... Why give those mentally handicapped people 20+ billion €? If you have a proven track record of finding nothing, why would that change with a fresh load of tax payer money?
07 July 2020:
Reason 85: More on the vacuum catastrophe & the Casimir effect.
As the years go by about zero progress is made because the thing known as 'science' is done by the university people. Zero progress into the elementary insight that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, why do university people only hinder and sabotage progress on elementary insights? Take for example the Dutch university of Leiden (I am not 100% sure that Hendrik Casimir was paid his salary by them but that detail does not matter very much). Years ago I complained that universities like those in Leiden should actually finally after all those centuries on idiot nonsense give some experimental proof that electrons are magnetic dipoles... Guess what happened? Well, we are dealing with university employees so why should there be made any progress at all? Let's first start with the Casimir effect: It seems that if you bring two metal plates together they will start attract each other. The explanation is rather bizarre, it goes like this: Given the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the vacuum has all those pairs of created particles and anti particles. Popular said: For a short time the vacuum can borrow some energy. As long as this is on a time scale shorter than what the Heisenberg principles says, we cannot measure it. This vacuum energy is believed the only source for the fact the metal plates in the Casimir effect get attracted to each other. Here is a picture to paint what the belief says:
Picture source: The vacuum catastrophe, link used: And a quote from that source: When two metal plates are placed in a vacuum, they are pushed together. This is because the vacuum actually contains energy existing in different modes of vibration – waves. Some of the waves will occupy the space between the metal plates and some will occupy the space outside, with only waves small enough occupying the space between the plates. The difference in energy density on each side of the plate results in an attractive force between the plates. Comment: For years I consider this a very weird explanation but that is what Hendrik Casimir thought of it. I think that it are magnetic monopoles in the form of electrons that do most of the explaining of the attractive force. But you don't have to think that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, even if electrons are magnetic dipoles you could argue: Hey dude, these are metal plates so they have lots of free electrons in it. If you bring the two plates close together the electron spins will align themselves and as such create this attractive force... Back in Nov 2018 in Reason number 67 we looked at very flat metal surfaces. If two blocks of metal are very very flat they attract each other rather strongly like they were strong magnets. You never hear the professional physics people talk about that, only that Casimir thing and that is only explained by something you cannot measure: vacuum fluctuations... Here is an old picture from Nov 2018, if you click on it you will land on Reason nr 67: Please remark that the old guy in the top of the picture has a lot of loose metal blocks. These metals are not magnetic but they stick like strong magnets. So if that can happen, why not use some of the stuff that explains that for the force known as the Casimir effect?
As far as I know the most recent
results about the Casimir effect or Casimir force were published in 1996 or
so. In my view the experiments were done in such a way that the attraction
observed could be explained in the same manner as flat metal surfaces of
metal blocks do the attraction: all free electrons that are magnetic
monopoles will arrange themselves in the most energy minimal configuration.
That is they will give of the binding energy and as such get bound. In Dutch there is a wiki about the Hendrik Casimir thing: Casimireffect, link used: I even found on the Physics Review Letters the original article. Of course you cannot download it for free, it costs only 35 US$ so I did not buy it. Not a cent not a penny towards those weirdo's. But if you want to buy it, here is a link to the Physics Review Letters:
Demonstration of the Casimir Force in the 0.6 to 6μm Range Again, to me it is a miracle as why none of those folks talk about spin alignment as a root source of the attraction. When they talk about explaining permanent magnets and how they work it is always spin alignment all over the place. But when two metal plates get attracted all of a sudden it is that mysterious zero point energy of the vacuum that should explain it all... Let's leave it with that, it might not be a new reason but if the professional physics people keep on repeating there stuff so do I. After all why never explain those old metal block attraction thing while only singing the vacuum energy thing when it comes to the Casimir effect? And, by the way, the vacuum catastrophe refers to the fact that if you use that Casimir effect to explain the zero point energy of the vacuum, you are only wrong about 120 orders of magnitude... Till next reason my dear reader.
Sept 2020: Reason 86: Why can we map the galaxy with the 21 cm hydrogen
Since there is actually 21 cm radio astronomy and it is generally assumed this 21 cm radiation is caused by a spin flip in atomic hydrogen, it is logical that a lot of people will not be convinced by me stating it is not logical that electrons are magnetic dipoles. So it is time to dive a bit into that. In astronomy both emission and absorption spectra can be used to show the existence of particular elements. When an atom of a particular element is exited and it releases a photon, that same element can also absorb such a photon and as such the photons are missing from the em spectrum. And that left me with a very basic question: if the 21 cm hydrogen line is caused by a spin flip, why doesn't it get absorbed? After all if memory serves in the visible spectrum we can only see around in a radius of say 6000 light years while astronomers succeeded into mapping out the spirals of our galaxy using the 21 cm hydrogen line. The official version is that when the electron spin and proton spin of atomic hydrogen are aligned, it is the spin flip of the electron that causes this emission of the 21 cm wavelength. But if such a photon meets another hydrogen atom that has opposite spins, why doesn't it get absorbed? After all hydrogen is a very abundant element in every galaxy so you should expect that a lot of the 21 cm radiation would get absorbed quickly.
Over on the other website I already
wrote a post on this detail (why is there no problem with 21 cm absorbtion).
If you are interested here is the permalink: Let me repost two pictures from that post, the official version of spin flip and a 24 year old picture of a sky full of atomic hydrogen:
And the 24 year old sky filled with atomic hydrogen:
For the more hardcore people like students of physics, I found a nice relatively hard core web page where just as easily they use the fine structure constant alpha (the 1/137 thing) to calculate the frequency of the hydrogen line (about 1420 MHz). For the less hardcore people I found a funny video from the people that believe in the so called 'Electric universe'. I hope I do not damage my reputation too much by exposing I sometimes look at video's like that. My dear reader, consuming videos like that is much more a form of entertainment and not a serious scientific thing. The people from the electric universe are believers like all other forms of unproved religion. For example they think solar fusion occurs in the solar corona while the interior of the sun is cold. Gravity spreads out infinitely fast and not with the speed of light (otherwise the solar system would fly apart because of the 'sling shot effect'). The people from the Electric universe are more or less a form of modern religion, it is nice to watch just like it is nice to watch other forms of religion. And say for yourself: Ancient
religion was the first rudimentary form of science. Here is a link to a Youtube video from the electric believers: Donald Scott: Electric Sun & the Mystery of "Hot" Solar Wind | Space News And a screen shot from those believers where they look at 'magnetic mirrors'. It has to be remarked however that even firms like Lockheed Martin used this utter nonsense for building a new nuclear fusion machine. Of course it did not work because there are no magnetic mirrors for all kinds of electrons. Only one kind of electrons will get repelled and the other kind will get attracted. But hey, try to explain that to the 'scientific community'... Anyway, the next picture is a good laugh: Ok, that was it for this month. See you around my dear reader.
14 Jan
2021: Reason 87: There is 'too much' symmetry in the universe.
I have decided to stop publishing into these magnetic pages. So after five years this project will come to an end. There are more than one reason for this, for example in search engines it does not pop up properly. This also means that the idea of electron spin being not a magnetic dipole is just a bridge too far for the average idiot at the universities. Also there has been zero response from all those universities in a time span of five years. Why keep on throwing pearls at the swines? Not that everything is a disaster. Only two weeks ago I found that wonderful result from the Voyager probes who are now flying in interstellar space. It seems that sometimes they get struck by electron clouds that go at almost the speed of light and these electrons are emerging from our own sun during so called coronal mass ejections. On average the electrons seemed to go about 670 times their original speed, that is something that can only be explained by acceleration by magnetic fields. Yet those retarded physics professors keep on doing the blah blah that electrons can get accelerated by plasma waves and it dawned on me that those people will just never ever change. Why keep on throwing pearls at the swines? Anyway if I find more important results about electron spin and magnetism I will publish it only on the other website. These pages are discontinued so I do not have the obligation to find at least one reason a month. Not that such a search was hard, the longer you think about the impossibility that electrons are magnetic dipoles the better you get a finding reasons as why they are magnetic monopoles. On 01 Jan this new year I wrote
about it on the other website, here is a link: An important feature of human behavior is that we often try to convince other people from stuff we perceive as 'true'. Just look at the average parliament, all those people talking and trying to convince the others that their own views are the correct ones. But that kind of behavior is also a trap, why waste time and energy and a lot of thinking and trying to explain that it is impossible that electrons are magnetic dipoles when I only get neglected? At some point in time you must accept that incompetence is incompetence; and incompetent people have trouble learning new things. It is not only incompetence but also arrogance, that is most manifest in those physics 'professors' that do so called string theory. If you have never seen one of those video's, search of Ed Witten and observe how ultra arrogance leads to weird stuff. At some point in time I have to conclude we just have nothing in common, if the population wants to fund string theory people just let it be... __________ At the end of these pages I only want to show you one more video and that is from Gerard 't Hooft. Compared to the arrogant Witten guy Gerard is much more realistic with understanding humans are relatively dumb, so ending with a video from him should be seen as positive thing. Just like me, Gerard knows it is better to be humble all of the time in case you want to find any results at all. The average string theorist thinks they are 'the only game in town' while not realizing there is no town at all. So just a five minute video as the closure of this five year long project. Click on the picture to land at the video: Link used: The title of the video is hilarious: Gerard 't Hooft | Does Quantum Explain Reality? No Gerard, for the detail of electron spin all that quantum theory can be thrown into the garbage basket. It is just fucking nonsense and as such it is important to study why people like Gerard believe the electron has two magnetic poles. It is not there is too much symmetry in the world, there is much more a lack of experimental proof that electrons are magnetic dipoles. There is zero experimental evidence and after five years I only wonder why people like Gerard keep on hanging to silly beliefs like that.
Ok, this is the end of this update & also the end of this five year long project. I simply refuse to throw pearls at overpaid retarded swine's any longer. I am through with it; physics professors are just like math professors & that's the end of this story.