A second letter to local authorities.


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  Posted 19 Feb 2003



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This can be a long letter and it can be kept small. As you have found out we have some little trouble you and me and this goes on for some time now. It started long time ago with some Valentine card that suddenly did turn into some kind of 'sex case' and after this the stuff did get some thundering speed.
If I am correct we are looking at a full 30 dead corpses by now simply because you succeeded into making me mad at a few occasions. You can find them in the timeline, we have for example the Milan plane, the Erfurt shootout and more recent we have the Paradise lost (hotel) in Africa and the small scale violence in local courts from the second day of Part 17 of the big story.

Hey! Are you still standing? Thirty dead corpses just for a Valentine card? Well I can tell you I am still standing and I do regret the death, I really do. And you could argue that some things are blown completely out of proportion but I am not the one who started this 'blowing out of proportion'.

Furthermore I would advice you to read nr 31 of the timeline, it is called 'Statistics emerging from the Islamabad audiotape'. You see I am some arsehole because by behaving the way I did it was clear that the local prosecutor would be compromised as well. Hopefully by now you see the dimensions of what I call 'The Dance'. I made you just as 'guilty' as I am and that might be a good lesson for future use.

Also it would be very wise if you would read the letter I send last Friday to the local electricity reseller under the name of Essent. The letter contains some possible future developments around so called terrorist attacks inside our little country called Holland. I tried to make it a bit funny by calling this some possible 'Bali bang bang' soup but let me please ask you not to smile and laugh any longer and take this all a bit more serious please. Because I am a bit fed up with the situation we are in right now, please try to understand the dimensions of this game, the dimensions of this dance. 

I can understand some of you are shocked as hell when you finally see what is going on but in that case I would like to bring up an old memory of me. In November 2001 I gave a visit to the local cops and beside the Valentine card I mentioned some plane that fell onto New York just a few days earlier that week. And I also did say words like 'This week I practiced a completely new line of writing and within 3 hours that plane fell from the skies'. You must understand that in that plane crash some 260 people (or more) died so when you feel shocked by 30 dead corpses you cannot take much.

These last words sound just as awful as they are, I am so sorry but I am changed. Also it is wise to understand that I am still in the middle of a little 'fact finding mission' around the so called 'trigger hypothesis'. On the forehand I would never think I would end up in a situation as this, no I could not imagine that. But I will proceed because beside all those death tolls to be paid the future can be bright, it could be and that is why I just proceed. Sorry if there is any inconvenience felt at your side. Sorry. 
And all in all I do not need much help, for example you (as authority) could have asked at a guy under the name of Mounir el Motassadeq (Hamburg trial) if he knew that I (Reinko Venema) was some kind of 'enemy to the Islam' in the spring&summer of 2001. May be he knows nothing, may be he had heard some vague facts like 'somebody from Holland or somebody from Groningen'. But do something please, even vague details and facts are welcome. 

Why don't you look at it this way: 'If it is found out the trigger hypothesis does contain some truth, do you think a lousy 30 dead corpses would change the time I will burn in hell significantly?'
Think about that last please, my moral ways have changed and I think they have changed forever. If you feel the need you can cry for a few hours or a few days, and if you ever lost a parent or even a child you understand how vast the numbers are and you understand the size of the hell found in my head. I have dealt with that hell and now it is your turn to deal with it. And you cannot say I lied to you, no it was you time after time not seeing some facts of life. May be you are blinded by emotion right now after finally seeing some of these facts of life and may be you wonder 'Why did we act the way we did?' Because as the saying goes, you have some kilo's of butter on your heads. You sure have, you sure have. 

This is the end of this letter. Now we split, to foreign readers; The original is in the Dutch writing. Greetings and do your crying if you need so, there is no reason to fear me there is only reason to help me a little bit. 



Reinko Venema.





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