The birth of the Kweb.


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Dear readers, I have changed this page into a series of pages.
Mostly on a monthly bases, so now we have (end) February 2003.
Look at the index of these pages!

Part XVIIIb: End February 2003:



Extra texts

Date Extra texts

17 Feb 2003 
18 Feb 2003 
19 Feb 2003 
20 Feb 2003

24 Feb 2003 
 25 Feb 2003  
  26 Feb 2003   

 24Feb_txt01   txt02



To readers who are new to this story: You are now in part XVIIIb of the Birth of the Kweb, the Kweb is of course the KinkyWeb&is this website. This website is good&strong, it's some fine piece of art. Sometimes I write a bit rough on some subjects, but that's the way it is. If you don't like that you get to some other PolitcalCorrect website please!
If you are new, you have to know that almost all things I do write on this website do have some nasty habit of coming out. To avoid juridical shit I had to place some disclaimers, here is the disclaimer to this story.  

Also it is wise to read the Introduction to the stories, here I spell out some words that frequently appear in the stories, for example the SilverBullet. Who is the SilverBullet do you think? If you don't know read the Introduction to TheStoriesProject.


It could be that this part nr 18&18b will be very very exiting! Yes that is what I think, could be I finally did succeed into burning some simple truth in the heads of local authorities. But on the other hand me must not underestimate how strong people will hang onto their beliefs so it could be they need more smashing. Could be they need to feel some real axe and it could be I am very willing to give that to them.
So if you are in some position you could help me (and help the story of course) please act harsh. Just please...


Also a bit of excitement to the start of this part 18b, the second half of Feb 2003 will covered in this Part.

Title to this sky art: Was this not very similar to the 4th plane on New York?



17 Feb 2003: The weather is very beautiful again but it is freezing cold, I hope I can say at the end of this day that it was a beautiful day after all. All I can work on is changing a bit the attitude of some local authorities and I decided not to let myself arrested again in doing that (because my children both had serious nightmares while I was jailed a few days, so the next attack will be different I just guess...). That is all I can say for the moment, lets first go to the Media report because so much did happen. So much and all in all the situation is getting more confused by the day, yes by the day. Only the so called 'NATO rift' is gone for the time being.

Last week I started writing around the first so called 'theme' in the timeline, this theme is around religion and I will carefully try to stay a bit polite and diplomatic. The first part of that theme is also an event and the event took place on 06 September 2001. Read it if you like (new window). 


Media report to 17 Feb 2003: What a weekend, and what a lot of demonstrators against the war into the Iraqi landscape around the globe, about 5 million and because it is rather cold into the European parts these are large numbers. So they prefer another decade of economical sanctions I just guess, or not?
The NATO rift was finally repaired a bit after a meeting of 13 hours last Sunday, to me it was very funny that France was excluded... The military part of NATO took the final decision and now we can say to France; 'Give some greetings to de Gaulle, you know that very old statesman'.

To me the NATO rift was very funny and also important, I will not tease you with my writings from last summer that 'The conquering of NATO goes relatively fast' (Monday 15 July 2002 to be precise). It is just important that NATO could get rifted, that is.
The European Union is also acting like she always does, this weekend I heard a lovely saying from the Americans saying that Europe is the 'Axis of weasels' and they sure have some point in that, they sure have. The Dutch have another saying for this kind of behavior, it is a wheelbarrow of frogs.
But the United Nations could run into the same kind of trouble, this worries me a bit. Please do not forget you still have the last word on the war matters but if you look at the facts it is true that America & allies do not need another resolution. 

That's a fact of life too, but I still think it's important a second resolution will be there (if needed of course). Also worrisome is the fact that until today nothing serious is found into Iraq, this might be a feast for some folks but will that lift sanctions? Difficult difficult and difficult again, the situation gets more mixed up by the day if you ask me.


Also nice to observe were a full three audio tapes from Osama and also the voice of the Hamas was heard, will the beast be awake by now? And will I ride it again or am I riding already?
Ha! Last week was a cold week to a lot of English police men and females, also a lot of English soldiers were doing important stuff in the cold surrounding Heathrow. Brr, some cold feet observed or not?
And to fly even more fun into the story it was read that the first reason to level up the 'terror thread' in the USA was after all just one big hoax. The guy giving the information did not pass the lie detector, no he did not. But according to USA authorities this was not a reason the lower the 'terror thread' level because they had 'more' information. I truly wonder what 'more' info they do have, only the little 'country list' I made? Or do you have really 'more info' on the subject at hand?
Now we close this little report from 17 Feb 2003. 

Title to this (still) amazing art: Thank you for flying la Bomba.

This bird took off on 16 Jan 2003, but did they know they would be just some 'prime numbers at prime time'? Did they know?

This bird took off on 16 Jan 2003, but did they know they would be just some 'prime numbers at prime time'? Did they know?  

Sorry for repeating this, but the above words in red were truly written on the day the Columbia did start her last flight. Sometimes I wonder how much coincident I can take, you could also ask yourself 'What is happening here?' But what would be happening? No idea, so see you tomorrow; work well and shuffle snow well. 

18 Feb 2002: This was a nice morning to start the day, finally I did see a movie called 'The Matrix'. I have the movie for over a year in my possession but I never took the time to look at it, normal life is often much more exiting (at least to me, movies are often boring to me). But I liked this movie, my compliments to the movie makers of The Matrix, may be I will even see part II of that and you can see that as a big big compliment.
Also I decided to be the AngelOnWallStreet for four days on a row, this day is the first day. What will happen next? Will stocks climb or will some beast having a very strange rider on it's back spoil the fun?
Of course I do not know, I do not know. 

Media report to 18 Feb 2003: No media stuff of any importance is observed, anyway nothing to pay attention to. Only my amazement of the North 

Korea stuff is spoken out and I just wonder why the big neighbor China is not doing anything...
Now we close this little report from 18 Feb 2003. 

Title to this boring art:  The multiplication of matrices.







Till next update, work well and sleep well&let the Angel feed your greed. Bye.


19 Feb 2003: Another cold day and another day without any snow around here. The South Korean people are still in a big state of shock and it was heard this morning the death toll from the fire in the subway could rise to a rough 300. Truly unbelievable that it takes just one milk pack with flame-able stuff to get such a result, my condoleances to the South Koreans.
As an antidote to those sad stories we re-quote some old writings from the previous version of this little website, it was called the 'Cycle of chats between Reinko and Arty'. It is just a small detail but it was fun to write at that moment in time. Furthermore I am considering to make the timeline longer and proceed with Jan 2003, that is funny to because the timeline would meet itself after a few more 'events' (see the index to the timeline).

The green font are the words from Arty and the black font are mine 'soft spoken' words... The blue font is what Reinko and Arty were talking about, it is funny to know that the Americans still react very pissed when you speak about 'deserving this'. For a big part the 'pissed reactions' can be explained by the fact that most Americans consider their country to be the center of the universe. Or is this not so evident any longer my dear Americans?

L.A. WEEKLY: Are you arguing that the 3,000 civilians killed on September 11 somehow deserved their fate?

GORE VIDAL: I don't think we, the American people, deserved what happened. Nor do we deserve the sort of governments we have had over the last 40 years. Our governments have brought this upon us by their actions all over the world. I have a list in my new book that gives the reader some idea how busy we have been. Unfortunately, we only get disinformation from The New York Times and other official places. Americans have no idea of the extent of their government's mischief. The number of military strikes we have made unprovoked, against other countries, since 1947-48 is more than 250. These are major strikes everywhere from Panama to Iran. And it isn't even a complete list. It doesn't include places like Chile, as that was a CIA operation. I was only listing military attacks.


Hey Reinko shall me make some interview ourselves? In that case you do not have to wait until the first (female) journalist comes at your door for your humble opinions. Yes ok?


Fine by me, I like you as some journalist. So what is your question my dear journalist?.


Oh Thou emperor of empires, Thou thief of thieves, Thou raper of rapists, can you shine your Holy insight upon us nonworthy&mentally retarded figures on the above quoted words in the blue font?  .


Dear journalist of mine, you are not mentally retarded and you are very worthy. Your ideas and your writings as a journalist are the best in the field and you have the admiration of your fellow colleagues. Let this non worthy and humble person only serving a free press tell you that my comments on the above blue quotes are:
The Americans deserved it and they had this coming for sure
. It sure was a very amateur kind of attack because all the time people could leave the buildings and at night it was not observed some dozen small remote control little planes did fly in the city and smashed on the ground and to the buildings around ground zero. In each plane is of course a fine sample of the SongOfA&similar dances.
That would have been there if I would have planned this America, but I did not plan it because on the forehand I would not allow that many civilians dead. I prefer military targets, the bigger the better.

So my wise journalist, this is the humble opinion of your non worthy servant to a free press.


Yes, I do know you again. May I quote your words exactly as you spoke them? Or do you want to read the publication before it is printed in the newspapers? But I just quote on because this is all so good man:

(Here it stops, some future day it will be placed online again.)     

Right now we are at the second day of the 'AngelOnWallStreet', with a bit of luck the stocks will rise further but the openings in Europe were not very promising. So I have to wait until it's four o'clock in the afternoon because at that point in time the 'big market' opens at the other side of the Atlantic. But if all kind of (macro) economic ciphers and or war worries surface than this could spoil the four day fun serious, so I am exited what will happen.... 

Also I made a second letter to local authorities (the first was from Oct or Nov 2001). I will not hang this letter in the story index, may be I make some separate index to all 'extra texts to this story'. That might be the most handy thing to do, so small and large stories do not mix up any longer.


Media report to 19 Feb 2003: No report today. 

Now we close this little report from 19 Feb 2003. 


20 Feb 2003: A really cold night and cold day, simply because my heater is leaking and so the temperature in my house is a bit low by now. In the middle of the night it started leaking and I had to wake up a few times to throw the water away so I feel a bit slow and 'unslept' right now. 
It is amazing how long the house stays warm, but of course a lot of heat comes crippling in via the walls of the neighboring houses so I thank my neighbors for that free heat. 

For the rest not much of great importance done, the Media report reflects some of my ongoing queeste around the so called trigger hypothesis. By the way, lately it became suddenly clear to me that this 'queeste stuff' is the first time I work on some 'project' for over a full year and still did not get bored or so. This is of interest to observe, and there is a big chance that it might take some more years. I remember the journalist researching the '300 babies left to die' (that was told to the American Senate or some committee) in front of Gulf War I needed a full nine years before the Pentagon did tell the truth. So will I need more or less time? May be I need some 'asymmetric pressure' on this, may be may be not. But now it is the turn of Ridge in the Media report below:

Media report to 20 Feb 2003: We now go back to 16 Feb 2003 and we take a look at the words of some American under the name of Ridge. He has something to do with Homeland defense or so. He spoke a few interesting words, lets hope he do what he says. The first is simple:
The level of terror threat could be lowered by one, if this is done there will be a good explanation given. But the increase was based on more than one or two reasons so now one of them seems to be a fake there is no need to decrease the level right now.
Well I am very interested in reading the motivation to decrease the level, we will wait, just wait.

But he had more to say, since there were three audio tapes lately he had some worries that something could happen. And he even said:
There is no reason or rhyme to when they attack, they just attack when they are ready.
Well well my dear Ridge, you are either some lying bastard or you could be classified as 'not very smart'. So what is it? Let me refresh your memory a bit:
The Friday before the bombing of the Jewish hotel Paradise your boss spoke words like (quote): The audiotape from last Tuesday was 

delivered timely and therefore we can downgrade the importance of it.
And although I did get my freedom back that Friday the week after the hotel just came under attack. So why do you say there was no reason? I think you better read this, it is called 'statistics emerging from the Islamabad audiotape'. So again Ridge: Are you just being stupid or are you some lying bastard? 


We close with a remark on the Hamburg trial: Mounir el Motassadeq did get the full 15 years the prosecutors asked for. I have no comment on that but I am sad another very simple opportunity is lost now. It is rather simple, if my ideas about the trigger hypothesis are correct than we have a little chance that Mounir knows that at one point in time I was classified as some enemy of the Islam (spring&summer 2001 is that point in time). But now this little opportunity is gone (or did some German investigators research on this???) so I feel sad again. Is it that hard to ask the right questions?

Now we close this little report from 19 Feb 2003.

Brrr, I will upload this somewhere next week. It is rather cold around here but I can stand it (takes a lot of extra body move and if I sit still too long the cold does set in, but the shower is still working happily and so am I). With one day the heater will be repaired so I have to exercise a lot of sport this day to stay warm and to think about the ways my grandparents and their parents did live. They were turf sailors so they had probably some relatively good survival position when it got terribly freezing cold. Now it's different, we have 'button push' kind of lives and that is a big step forward.
Lets look in the pic below, you see the love of Hollywood towards gun violence. That beautiful&constitutional gun love that is in the deepest parts of the American soul&ways of thinking. 

Title to this exiting art:  The inversion of matrices is sometimes a lengthy calculating.







So see you next time and with some luck much more 'military planes' will fall from strange skies....  Bye bye.


24 Feb 2003: Again a week of 'WallStreetAngel' yes another week of this. Why not? Beside all that Nightmare stuff it is something completely different again but if it takes this Angel a few months to set in than we must wait long long long to observe the result..... Because the opposite (NightmareOnWallStreet) took four months to settle into the minds of the public (without they were aware of it of course, it is just like the White House says 'We are confronted with an enemy that is so evil that most of us into the United States do not know what they do why they do...
With some luck this situation is still at hand and now we will see what the Angel stuff will do, just wait and see. Wait and see.

Also this day I finished (well not completely yet) the timeline numbers 33 and 34, they go entirely about the 3 audio tapes from some 'terror chief' and some 26-page letter from the same source. Take a look at nr 33 and nr 34 for a 'brief' comment on that. Furthermore I will not take any time to make any Media report to this day because I lack time for this. See you next update, sleep well and so on...

Title: In Augustus 2001 I published two lightning's, but this was long time ago.

25 Feb 2003: Oh oh oh I just cannot tell you how much fun I felt when I started grasping the dimensions of the fall of Ahold, the Dutch retailer that is (was?) nr 2 in Europe. And also it was some big big pity that I did not stay at my original plan of just four days of 'Angel on Wall Street'. If I would have struck to my original plan... In that case yesterday (Monday 24 Feb 2003) would be the first day of the NightmareOnWallStreet stuff and in that case I could even write:
Now it is the first day of the NightmareOnWallStreet again and this day the Dutch retailer Ahold lost 63% of market cap. Thank you America, thank you (and I do mean this, yes I do).

(Remark: the exact % number is not known by me right now, I hope it's 63% but I am not sure of course...) But right now we still have the AngelOnWallStreet continued for 5 more days the above is not correct, what a pity what a pity&what a pity again. And when you read what I did write last week it is completely unclear I would continue the Angel fun. For myself I was very satisfied with the Angel workings from last week, even that big explosion at Exxon Mobile did not start a panic. No, just a moderate 1% lower stock values and I felt proud on the brave Wall Street boys and girls for being that brave. 
There is even some additional text written about the Ahold fun, it has a long title lets abbreviate it as The AngelOnWallStreet & Ahold fun. Read it, as always it is written for your pleasure, only pleasure.... Or not? 

Media Report to 25 Feb 2003: Again, Ahold Ahold Ahold. What a blast and what a very very strange time to surface this. Such a strange time, ha! The whole of 2002 could be used to tell bad company news to the markets but the smartest of Ahold did choose the beginning of 2003. This could not be more worse, this could not be more  worse. Ahold is in so many portfolios and Ahold was to a lot of people a very trustworthy kind of company, and BAM! BAM! BAM!
Gone is a rough 6 billion Euro again and the rest value is only 3 billion or less (and a rough 12,5 billion in loans to be paid back...., wow wow wow).

Now we close this Media Report of real fun. 

See you some other day at some stock selling house in your neighborhood, oh I feel so funny today that I almost like to say 'Ich bin ein Amerikaner'. Jawohl, Ich bin ein Amerikaner. Or not? Do you buy this crap or not?


26Feb2003: Not much done, I hoped I could repair my own computer but this failed again. A pity, most people who know a bit more about computers than I do also did not see the solution to the problems in the thing. Shall I simply put a few liters gasoline on it and burn the stupid thing away forever? May be that is the most wise solution from some emotional viewpoint but in reality I do not have any money to buy me a new one so I will not burn it away. Nothing more to say, I feel bored as hell and now I close this day. Bye. 









Title to work below: Glide into perfection please..  
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