Details of the second CyberBlast.


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Extra text to 11 Dec
Posted 12 Dec 2003  

In this file I will only sum up what happened to my little but dear computer as far as this average computer user knows what happened. So I can only be descriptive and I hope that my Cyber Warriors can play 'doctor enough' to understand what could have happened.

And that they are Weapon Smith enough to make that special knife that might come in handy at certain future occasions. Let me now share some amazing details that did happen:  


Detail one: 

There is that one program I am so careful about, I do not lay it in the safe but I keep it carefully from all other programs so I can always find it back easily. This is the program I make graphical art with, it is a (American) program under the name of PicturePublisher 9 from Micrografx. 

Lately the program failed a bit so I decided to install it again on my computing device. 

When I placed the Compact Disk into the recorder to my great amazement some files were missing, for example the 'install' file was missing... That was very strange.

Although very confused upon this I succeeded into starting up the Micrografx program in other ways then via the desktop shortcut (a simple direct click on any jpg file was enough often to get the thing started). But via the desktop shortcut always this problem run into trouble.

The date upon the start of these particular problems is important but is not a part of this detail.


Detail two:

What timing concerns, I feel shit I never filed the exact moment that my graphics program started doing 'strange' was not filed properly by me. I did not recognize it's importance (you know how chaotic Window applications can behave) and I am well aware of the limitations of the human memory. 

But in this long story I gave a clue about my particular graphical program right after that PAM project from DARPA (Pentagon) was axed away by their political leaders. (In August this year.) Since the PAM project was a rather wise thing to do (PAM = Policy Analysis Market, with futures in future political developments and so) this was a big '1-0' for the story. (Because just two days before I did some boasting upon 'stockmarkets of international terror'.) 
Yes, I had fun and victory was here again. But on the other hand it was very possible that some DARPA employees were frustrated to the bone, this was very very likely at that moment in time...

So I think that the graphical program problems started after this PAM shootout but I am just not sure given the strange ways your own memory can cheat on you.


Detail three: 

Strangely enough I could not run the standard 'defragmentation' maintenance (Windows) program on the 'C:\' part of my hard disk. Constantly this started over and over again and constantly there was this new build up of my desktop (you could see a new screen was build every few minutes). 


Detail four: 

I grasped that there was some monitor activity sneaker at the scene, but what and where? I decided to install the graphical program again...


Detail five: 

After the strange detail number one I placed an extra Compact Disk burner into my hardware and I figured out that this strange non-reading of the 'install' file would be different in that hardware part. I was right, the 'install files' were 'back'.

And I just clicked on the 'install' command. 


Detail six: 

The installation failed, the last message from the computer was 'Your DirectX 6 file is corrupted!' I had to shut down the computer and when I tried to reboot this failed. 


Detail seven:

Upon inspection of the content of the hard drives I found that each and every file exactly five directories deep was wiped out. So a lot of work was gone and I got mad, the original files to the WarArt numbers 16 though 20 lost! 

Carefully I did not repair my computer because I would have recited at least three extra (car) bombs. I just started thinking 'Who did this?' 





The DirectX 6 file was so corrupted that when deleting or replacement takes place it destroys all files to a level of five directories deep.
I would like to have a kind of weapon like this in my CyberArsenal, my dear CyberWarriors can you pay a bit of attention to stuff like this in the coming years?

Also my dear CyberWarriors I am well aware of the fact that you already have some good filled arsenal and that I often do not even see you actions or your helping of this story. But for sure you have given me great works and because they are 'military important' I simply do not name it at all. I just trust in you, have a nice 'orange day'.  




Title: Just a little greeting card to Micrografx & did thee sell thy soul?  

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End of extra text.







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