A request to all Afghan militia's: 

At least once a year a 'military fest'.  


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Extra text to 14 October

In case there still isn't, all Afghan militia's of large enough size (lets say over 10 thousand active members or so) must point out one person who will be a 'representative to the WarTribunal'. These representatives must come together as often as is needed to organize so called 'fests' and normal military exercises.

The military exercises are needed in case in the future more 'Russian jokes' or even a 'Chinese joke' come along, there is a much more efficient answer to the 'jokes' they bring. But lets start with festivities for the time being.

What is a military fest anyway? Well you can have all kinds of fantasies upon this, but the Afghan militia's must look at the weaponry they all have. The militia's must make contest with each other like some kind of Olympic games, this could for example include the next:

-Sniper contests on a board far away, moving and still standing targets (not on life people of course). 
-Sniper contest after one kilometer of running (points for the running and points for the shooting).
-Hand grenade throwing, who comes the furthest? Who throws the best lobs? 
-And so on and so on.

The combined representatives to the WarTribunal must play the referees (or point out the referees and their helpers).

Better keep all (Western) media outlets far far away, seal of the area efficient. But make it a fest, indulge in many contest but have a good meal and so too. Lets not indulge in nagging like 'That is the way that Mongul Kahn did it too', lets not nag from one militia to the other 'You were there and than in service of the Russian joke'. Lets not do this.

Lets also understand why the 10 thousand threshold of 'active members' must be realistic, according to high qualified military Western sources the so called central Afghan government has only 9 thousand. A pity, they do not make it to the 10 thousand level...;) 
But, ok ok, openness must be there too. So if the central government wants it, they can send a few observers. And if there are a few observers from the central Afghan government, the Americans would not throw a few cruse missiles on it. Because that would be a very naughty naughty thing to do isn't it America? 

Just make it a fest so you have good feelings in it, just make good contest in the use of military equipment. Make it fun and make sure you can strike in concert when needed. 

At least once a year, but no limit to the number of fests of course... No limits. 




Good luck & never forget no casualties during festivities but study how to strike in concert and learn form the winners of the contests... 

Sincerely yours,


Reinko Venema, chairman WarTribunal.   






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