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Reinko Venema    

Click on the logo above to enter the so called Big Story or the Long Story.

(A kind of WebLog for the newcomers to these files; this WebLog plays often a bit of ping pong with reality.)

That story will open again on 21 July this year, continuing again from 21 July. 

Just some WarArt files
The (short) Story index
Index to the BigStory

-In the morning after you have woken up and in the news it says that no American is killed inside your country... What must you do?

You must slam your head against the wall for exactly 26 times! And while the blood is still streaming from your head you will visit your neighbors and start howling "Why were no Americans killed yesterday???"

Then your neighbors kids start crying because you look and behave so scary and the mother of the house gives you a slap in your face and two blood drops land on the heated stove. They vaporize instantly and suddenly you know what to do! You will start learn how to fly a Space Shuttle! And with four of those...

This site is some source for democratic orientated but hefty Anti-Americanism, hefty and democratic!   


(Friday 20 August 15.58 hours) Today the Iraqi Prime Minister spoke words like (quote): "We are very determined that blood loss should be minimized," interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said. (Scource CNN)
Comment: Well that is at least a second step in the right direction (the first step was the fact that talk like 'The evil forces of this planet are attacking us' stopped). So what can I say today?
To be honest I do not know what to say, Iraq is not Afghanistan where indeed I hope elections will not be disrupted too much. All I know is that I still have great hopes that Iraq will turn into some kernel of what I name the 63 CountriesOfMuslimMania, but I am worried that in case there is far to little resistance against the Americans that this kernel will die like an unborn baby.

So Ayad I don't know right now, I don't know. All I know is that indeed you can put the determination into deeds that this present Iraqi 'government' can gradually get more support from my side. Furthermore there is that fundamental problem that needs to be addressed and that are those one million+ dead from the economical sanctions, somehow this problem must enter the impending elections. (And very likely the Americans will try to prevent that). So Ayad Allawi I don't know the long term wisdom yet..

But short term is not that difficult Ayad, my eventual slowly rising support is countered by the fact that family member of those people who died have some right into shooting some bullets at the US army. They have some moral right to that and also I have to be fair to all parties involved in a conflict. Therefore I do declare that Military Bloody Day nr 8 will be repeated as an entire month and that is the next month of Ramadan starting on 1 Ramadan according to the lunar calendar or 15 October to the solar calendar. I hope the Iraqi operatives can live with that, it is a holy month but the streets are much more empty. Good luck.   

(Wednesday 18 August 16.22 hours) Temporary update: There is an extremely important set of battlefield requests written in the LongStory at date 18 August.  Think on it China, the three strikes requested can pay of very good in case you executed them in a smart way. Good luck with it. 

(Saturday 14 August 17.03 hours) So my dear reader, I have to change tactics and you find yourself at a historical moment in the story; Right now I have the honor and the pride to declare economical sanctions against America.     

Title: Let the Economical Sanctions against North America begin!

(Friday 30 July 11.58 hours) Oh oh, what fascinating reading is the 9/11 report. It all fits nicely again, only some timeline details were wrongly estimated by me. For example the study of the smuggling of knives aboard of planes was far longer going on then I expected. But these are only details, important details but details anyway... 
Far more important is the fact that the 9/11 mission never derailed and after my humble opinion it is still that 21 May 2001 provocation of the Muslim faith that did prevent the operation from derailing. Don't believe me? Here is a very significant quote from the report:

On June 21, near the height of the threat reporting, U.S. Central Command raised the force 
protection condition level for U.S. troops in six countries to the highest possible level, Delta. 

Again this is perfectly in line with my so called 'trigger hypothesis' like so many hundred other details. But the (local) authorities still refuse to investigate a bit, they even tell me at face value that they are not capable of seeing any kind of connection between what I write and the unfolding of attacks in practice...
Well, that is their responsibility and not mine any longer. I have done my best and now I can only wish the operatives good luck in the impending attacks here in Europe. The local US embassy refuses to give me insight into the 'chatter level' before and after 21May 2001 so they cannot say they don't deserve the impending attacks.
It is time again to write in blood, let it be. Let it be.

Till updates...   

(Thursday 29 July 16.31 hours) Not much done today, only reading a bit in that 585 pages long report of the 9/11 committee around the 9/11 attacks. Of course they skip the hot potato and therefore I hope the next attack will be much bigger. That is what I hope and in case you want to read a bit more details go to 29 July of the long story please... Till updates. 

(Wednesday 28 July 17.01 hours) Well nowhere I can find the number of kilos explosives that did not detonate in Iraq last Monday during Military Bloody Day number eight, but what I feared for might have happened; The US soldiers are changing routines but the information I have is very limited. (Quote found on the Washington Post:)

Reducing the U.S. profile as appears to be already happening in some parts of the country almost certainly will reduce U.S. casualties. 

So it was shit that no US soldier was killed last Monday, but all in all it was good there was no air power either.
And also my dear Iraqis may be I made a few mistakes during the previous Military Bloody Day from 29 April. Since I wasn't online I emailed my brains out to the Pentagon and the White House, but I just had to give the instructions upon the impending MBD and there was no  other way available to me.
I even made the 'nuke threat' at their address, may be that did draw attention from higher up and therefore the military axiom of leaving your opponent in the dark was not fulfilled... But luckily Fallujah had a soft landing on MBD nr. 7, that one was in the pocket and that was good. 

 Title: My dear Fallujahns, the timing of the Blackwater bridge barbeque was not
 that handy all in all. It just wasn't. 


(Tuesday 27 July 20.25 hours) Nah, the US$ value is doing 'funny' today, does this mean that all my insights into economics are wrong? We'll see on this...

In another development from the Afghan landscape I can say that the Dostum reach towards the Afghan presidency election is welcomed by me with a soft smile. I am well aware that there are some 'political risks' for me when I say the next, but will say it anyway:
"I don't know much of you my dear Dostum but all I know from you is that you are not some coward. So if you are capable of winning the impending Afghan elections it is a fact you will get some support of me afterwards. In case you want to know my 'election powers' you could read this old 23 June 2003 file where I did let fall the 'Kerry name' just by accident. Just by accident of course my dear Dostum, I like that. And I never mentioned one of the other US presidential candidates..." 
(But you must implement some real future elections too Dostum because it is just the best way to rule countries if the leaders can be voted away, it just prevents stuff like civil wars and so I hope you understand the benefits of the democratic model.)

In another Afghan development I would ask the Taliban to create some kind of museum, details will follow later but it could be a very interesting project.   

In yet another development I am planning a first letter upon the Sudan equation while the Thailand equation and the TR Sports friends weigh still in my stomach too.

In the Palestine equation I have to emphasize again that it is wise to blast this Summer only with 20% of the stuff I recited for a full year ago. (The other 80% needs to be saved for the period of something like 24 to at most 48 hours after the fall of this present Israeli government.) I hope the operatives think this is a modest proposal, let's call this the revenge of the Hamas sheik. Lets call these 20% the revenge of the Hamas sheik while I still have to say keep stuff between 50 and 300 civilians. (I know how difficult this 300 ceiling is, if the Madrid trains from 11 March did not have that few minutes delay life could have been different now, that is well known to me!)

In the latest 'development' of this day I wonder why the hell I am writing texts like these? Why not take a job with lots of colleagues and coffee breaks and so? Do thee know? I don't! 

 Title: Do thee know why I am writing texts like these? 

(Monday 26 July 19.20 hours) Today it was Military Bloody Day number eight, now it looks like this was a day with a bit of bad luck in it and may be the MBD that for the very first time did awake the Pentagon boys & girlz.
It sure was a pity that the truck bomb in Mosul did not work properly, that can be called a bit of luck for the Americans. May be there is more luck found and do they have a bit of 'shock and awe' when there are found many kilos of not exploded stuff. How many kilos did not detonate my dear American journalists? Now? 

A bit more is at 26 July of the BigStory. Till updates, live well and work well.  

(Sunday 25 July 18.15 hours) Well there is no denying it, I feel a bit nervous upon tomorrow. Very likely the US army will do it's own dance (the dance of the cowards) and therefore the logical conclusion is that a lot of hostages will get killed in Iraq.
I only hope that no truck drivers will get executed because what military honor is to gain in that? (Well, political benefit is clear, execution will hinder the 'relations' between the homecountry of the hostage involved and America. That is clear.) 

But lets not forget that an estimated 2 to 4 hundred people died while being in US army custody, so the US army did call upon herself this interesting hostage taking problem. So my dear US army, can you be brave for just one day tomorrow? Thanks!

 Title: May I invite the US army to fight brave tomorrow? Thank you!

(Friday 23 July 17.45 hours) A few hours back I returned back to my little home after a nice couple of days in the leftovers of the former Dutch Woods. It was fine to live a few days without all that international news and it was fine to teach the kids how to travel the land without use of a car. 

So I did not read much news, only in a local newspaper it said that the use of Apache helicopters was observed in the Iraqi landscape. A few minutes back I read a newsreport on the jihadunspun dot com that did say that only after 14 US soldiers were killed the air power was called in. I cannot comment on this right now because I have to read more Media stuff on this but lets hope for the time being that this was a strict defensive use of air power. 

Of course in my new found role as some kind of 'international organization' that 'sees upon' the course of military battles I just have to pretend that I am above all parties involved. Therefore I wish luck to all who need it; fight well. 

Now it is a perfect time to poke a bit of fun around the 'famous' Washington Post, like I said before the whole of the American 'free press' is only behaving just like the 'free press' behaved during World War II. That means not telling the truth but only maximizing propaganda to help the US army. Don't believe me? Below you can find the proof (after some emailing the WP corrected the 'mistakes' at 18 September but they could not 'find' the 26 July mistake upon themselves...) How come this? Isn't the WP the finest pearl in the 'free press corpse'? Now?
Look at the pic and know that the 3 soldiers mentioned died from just one handgrenade. Have fun: 

 Title: Washington Post employees, where are your loyalties???

(Monday 12 July 10.15 hours) Well in a few moments I will go on a nice little trip for about 10 days. To all who need it let me tell you that my thoughts will be with you, good luck with the preparations upon the eighth MBD.
Beside this I hope upon a fairly good decline in US$ value against all other major currencies, do your best and keep spirits up folks! GOOD LUCK to all who need it! 

(Friday 09 July 19.51 hours) In a few days I will be gone on a trip of about 10 days, before that a few but important facts needs to be paid attention upon. The first is the hefty pummeling of the prices of raw opium in the Afghan landscape, this worries me a lot. 

It is important that the contribution to the Afghan economy stays at something like 50% of the entire economy, this works far better than all so called 'international help'. Right now the development of opium prices is heading towards a low according to the standard economical principle known as the 'pig cyclus' in standard economical theory. So I have a few words to speak to the biggest drugs dealers on the face of this planet, here we go:

How you do it I don't care but you must understand the right morals in this and you must support the most poor farmers on the face of this little planet in general and those in the Afghan landscape in particular. Like I said before: Imitate the Western way of agriculture subsidies. How you do it I don't care, think of something yourself to make sure a bit of money is tunneled to there where it is needed the most. (Some kind of quota system so that each farmer [or each family or each village] can bring in a certain amount of kilos raw opium for a relatively good price might work.)

So to those big drug traffickers I would like to ask: "In case you consider paying attention to your 5th or 6th luxury car or house more important, why don't you give yourself a scratch on the head? Do you really want a bunch of operatives running after your ass?

 Title: So my evil drug Lords I just wish you luck in this difficult task.

So my dear but evil drug lords, your contribution is needed very much and just good luck with the task you face. The helping of the most poor farmers is just as equally important as the crushing of the US army is, so I wish you luck on this. 

Now a few words for the so called 'free press' from the Western countries, my dear journalists I have done lots of thinking lately. Lots of that, but I still do not understand those attacks at religious objects from lately. (On the same day there was trouble in Iraq and Pakistan, lots of dead people.)
I don't remember the name of that Shia religious fest anymore so the journalists must look in their own files for details of those attacks.
Further facts of interest are that lately I did some emailing at US Senator Inhofe from the Armed Services Committee and I had to inform him of the next (quote:)
Are the old reports of the CIA employees learning at foreigners how to make car bombs for real? In case these reports are for real there is no excuse for this kind of behavior, no kind of excuse like 'If they know how to make it they are better in defusing it.'. In case this is true you better live in deep deep fear man because I am well aware of my powers my dear shithead Inhofe!

Just 8 or 9 days later there was the resign of the CIA head of Special Operations, this in the shadows of the George Tenet resign. According to the Media files this resign of the head of Special Ops was already in the pipeline for 3 weeks. This all might be very interesting my dear American free press corps, did the CIA did have some weird 'Plan B' or am I seeing ghosts while I am not understanding my own powers?
That plan B would surely dwarf that Abu Ghraib dance, wouldn't it?
Or are those attacks against Shia religious stuff only on the conto of that Zarqawi figure? 

Till updates. 

 Title: So my evil drug Lords I just wish you luck in this difficult thing.

(Thursday 08 July 21.30 hours) Holy Moses! Suddenly I realized that I did not give a big big THANK YOU to all operatives around the developments in April lately. 

Some readers might recall that 29 April 2004 was the 7th Military Bloody Day and as you can see below it was even declared to being a Giant MBD. What happened on that day in Iraq (the Thailand equation is skipped in this, later we will look at the Thai equation):

-1-The biggest blast against the US army in the entire month April just 30 minutes before the start of my trial in the Dutch city of Leeuwarden;
-2-The Fallujah siege ended in a peaceful way, Fallujah civilians were driving around cars while carrying Green flags;
-3-That day finally the Abu Ghraib stuff came out, that was long time waiting and we can see that the so called 'free press' is just not working properly in America. It is just exactly like in World War II and there is lots of pure propaganda at the scene. Or not my dear CNN & other US Media outlet readers? Are you really after the truth? You make me puke!

Now at first a wonderful table of interesting facts around the US-led coalition casualties from the last months:








July 2004







June 2004







May 2004







April 2004







March 2004







From the column Average we see a wonderful number emerging, 4.67 US-led soldiers dead on a daily basis. Again we can take a fine look at another source of wonderful military info, those famous files called Faces of the Fallen give much information too:

 Title: Lots of military info found in this, but the Pentagon doesn't grasp it...

As a last remark: The value of the US dollar did fall about 3 cents the last seven days. May I ask at my latest created 'cell structure' in the international financial markets to keep the US dollar value at the level that is real? And not that crap like 'around 1.20 on the €/US$' pair, come on please     you can make a list of 'little US faults' yourself in case you are a money (related) trader! 
So far this update, sleep well & work well. And good luck to all who need it on 26 July so in just 18 days. Till updates! 

 Title: Look me in the eyes; just hedge for loss of US$ value once more.....

(Tuesday 06 July 18.40 hours) Tranquility is in the mind, anyway this day it is. It is good that the next Military Bloody Day date is out (26 July so 20 days from now) and so good luck to those who need it.
My mind will be with you the next time, oh now I remember it: The instructions of the use of hostages was not spelled out in detail. Here they are: 

--To make it clear that no US air power is allowed during the 5 to 7 days before 26 July it could be wise for the Iraqi operatives to start collecting military related hostages. In case the air power rule for the US army is violated in many ways all hostages will be executed.
But what are 'military related' hostages? Let me give you a few examples of 'US military related' people. Here we go:

-All US army personnel wearing the uniform,
-All US army personnel captured in civil clothing (but the ID papers say its a US soldier or so),
-All people who are on the pay roll of military equipment companies (like that Saudi example of the guy that repaired Apache helicopters),
-All US 'civilians' that do jobs that normally would have been done by the US army in Iraq, when they carry a gun they are very simply 'military related' (think for example at those four Blackwater employees, all four were former US military),
-Red Cross employees 'inspecting' the 'Geneva convention rules upon making war' are definitely US military related while the Red Cross employees taking care of the medical and human aid parts of the Red Cross are often only there to help. 

The above are just a few examples, make up your mind upon the 'US military related yes/no' question yourself when you have captured one 'foreigner in Iraq'. 

--The second statement of military importance is the next:

To my attention has come the statements as done by the Mr. M. Atef platoons. They did mention some third front in some other country, to be honest I was thinking along rather similar lines but I wondered only 'what country?'. You named that country, I understood the reasons. But can that country take war?
Preparations are important, you know what the enemy could do...

But doesn't provoking a complete third front not an impossible task given the fact that there are not that many US soldiers left to start such a front? Isn't it hard to provoke the enemy into that? Now?

No, it is not hard. But the provocation must be hefty. (For example five large Christian crosses in a half circle and on each of them is bound a captured US soldier. Lots of brush wood is laid down at their feet and they all are burned alive, all is captured by many cameras and lots of video files are given at 'free press members'. 

Will that not provoke a 'third front'? What was the saying of the US marine corps surrounding Fallujah lately? Wasn't there all kinds of speak like 'We will wipe this city from the map'

So it can be done, a third front can be done. But what about the population in that country? Well the old 'one percent rule of population wipe out' must be there, so anything goes but when you reach the one percent level of dead population just stop it.

--As a third statement there is the present Sudan equation at the scene. If indeed those Janaweed platoons are some significant contribution to the present problems it is clear they have lack of discipline. Therefore it looks wise that a few of the platoons that did the most of female raping and other things will get executed. Lets keep it with three platoons at most to restore order and discipline again.

By the way, the fact that the UN and even the USA did decide to visit Sudan in concert is not that relevant to me. Relevant to me are the wordings of the truce against Europe that ask for 'non interference' in Islamic countries, these carefully crafted words of that document are not without obligation in that strange Sudan equation. So kill the rapists, restore battlefield discipline and let them work towards the creation of the large thing called the 63 NationsOfMuslimMania...

And I mean this, 3 platoons will serve the story! 


(Sunday 04 July 21.30 hours) Ah fine! The Mr. M. Atef platoons reacted fast last Friday so what to do this long awaited Summer? Chose a number from the set {0, 1}? 
Or turn stuff in some kind of 'Tour the Europe' in the month of August (just like the Tour the World from the previous Summer)? 

Well the Mr. M. Atef platoons must do what they cannot leave doing. But the next old battlefield decision must be held high:

Never strike with all you have got because in that case you can never upscale there where it is needed.

Facts are that the platoons have some right to some hot Summer because of the constant humiliation emerging from the electricity fun from last year. Yet you must turn that humiliation into some tactical advantage, also platoons that lose temper often do not win the war. So it's all up to you my dear platoons!

All that is needed to say right now that it would be in the way of the story to get the average number of dead civilians/strike between the 50 and the 300. And let the number of strikes (or better striking dates) be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Lets make that dependent upon the reaction of the first strike. So far the Mr. M. Atef platoons.


Now a message for the Pentagon boys & girlz: Just like in my emails at your address in the period around 29 April this year there will be no air power allowed in the week before 26 July 2004. On 26 July there is the next Military Bloody Day and given the distribution of fire power along the diverse parties you are only allowed to act defensive.

Just like MBD7 only air power (and Abrams stuff to of course) when all other options are exhausted. (For example when 10 to 20 US soldiers are trapped inside a building, no ground troops can reach them and the operatives are almost starting to strike on that building.) So my dear US army this is what I expect from you on 26 July (and the days before or just after).   

Title: The mighty US army can be brave too! Or not my dear Pentagon?


(Friday 02 July 2004) This is what Reinko Venema says:

Item01: No welcoming blasts please! Just nothing, I'm back and that's it. So no bombs to celebrate the return, there is much work to do before...
Item02: Next so called Military Bloody Day is (of course) placed at 26 July 2004, so MBD number eight is just a few weeks away! Good luck to those who need the date. (Partial motivation for the 26 July choice: On that day the final 9/11 report comes out, after my humble opinion the full truth is not found in that report)

(For later to be updated=instructions for the Pentagon upon the use of air power & instructions for the operatives for the use of hostages)

Item03: The Palestine equation obliges me to say that it would be wise to strike with only zero or one of the things asked for a full year ago. It looks wise right now to reserve the other strikes for the period of 24-48 hours after the fall of the present Israeli democratically chosen government.
Item04: Right now and here it is time for me to make some kind of humble apology upon the abu Ghraib equation. The fact that the upscaling of the Iraqi resistance did also upscale that strange kind of behavior (people forced to crawl through broken glass and so on and so on) did give me a full blow in my brain.
I was naive to the bone, I was thinking the Americans were taking the Military Bloody Days as some kind of sportsmen... I was stupid on that part so I am sorry. 
Item05: But on 13 Jan this year I concluded that the US army was just a bunch of ShitEatingGays when I suddenly understood what they were doing to the prisoners in general (on 14 and 15 Jan the Pentagon suddenly started some investigation but until the 7th MBD from 29 April there was use of 110 Volts of electricity in other Iraqi prisons by great military heroes from the US army upon Iraqi captives...)
Also the free underwater swimming lessons from the Cuban base did not skip my attention.
Let me ask the operatives via this way not to imitate the prison behaviors of the USA, lowering yourself to that kind of level does not destroy the US army (while the American media will use your low behavior to let the US army grow bigger and bigger). 
Item06: I tried to estimate the number of dead Iraqis after capturing by the brave US army, it was found in the Media files that something like 37 suspicious deaths were under 'investigation'. This is in line with my estimation, I estimate that at least 200 to at most 400 Iraqis have died while in US 'custody'. 
So it looks like a wise battlefield decision that in Iraq no more than 400 captured US soldiers could be executed. Only after that number I would start complaining, but may be the US media can try convince me of the fact that the 37 number from the Pentagon is far more correct than my 2-to-4 hundred estimation...

This is what I had to say for now, of course some operatives have something to say too and since the saying is that a picture paints a thousand words we can look at the next most beautiful work of art. It is wonderful my dear operatives, or not? Just one country but what a country! Lets strike on the next Military Bloody Day, the next MBD...

 Title: The next MBD is on 26 July 2004, good luck to all who need it.


(Tuesday 06 Jan 14.15 hours) A message to the (local) Cyber Warriors: "Attacks on Essent will continue for the entire year 2004; this included the energy production, distribution and all other services of the Essent corporation." (The Essent corporation has the base in Holland, it delivers and produces energy and cable services. Also it delivers internet services via daughter companies. It the operatives can bankrupt Essent in the near future, in the long run they could bankrupt the large defense companies of the beloved USA. It is just a tip and it is just Essent, we will see how we fare on that one." 

Title: Don't forget operatives, they all lick the white house ass.


(Sunday 16 Nov 16. 31 hours) Since the so called Military Bloody Days (in Iraq and so) are very successful I found wisdom in trying to make some kind of contest from this.
So next Saturday 22 November will be a MBD day and that party in Iraq that kills the most coalition soldiers has won the contest. The winner will be rewarded with the Blue Footed Crane Trophy, in case you do not know what a Blue Footed Crane is you could read this nice little file...

Good luck to all and I hope all will have a little bit of luck and a little bit of sharp brains.


(Wednesday 12 Nov / 17 Ram 17.31 hours) Given the success of the two Military Bloody Day (periods) I found wisdom into the declaration of the first Giant Military Bloody Day on 29 April 2004. So in almost six month the first GMBD will be there and as said before the Pentagon will nicely swallow!
Ashes to ashes and power to power & spread the word under all those who need to know this. Read a bit more upon this at date 12 Nov of the Big Story!

Motivation: On 29 April 2004 at 11.00 hours in the morning I have to appear in front of 3 judges that accuse me of being some Hamas member and being the ruler of international terrorism! This is completely unacceptable, in thousands of (Western) media outlets it spelled out who the terrorist mastermind of this planet is! Attack their lies and follow the path of truth... (Update: The result of this can be studied in many ways but this pic as found above says a lot!)



Title: Index below is UnderConstruction, stuff to sell is not finished yet.



Lessons for journalists part V:.

My dear journalists you have to make up your own mind but if you keep on ignoring a vast body of evidence in this WarOnTerror that is completely out of line with the official white house of this all you must not complain upon a few colleagues less. Why not look into the mirror of history? Quote:

Why such inaccurate news coverage? Wells points to the media's "almost exclusive reliance on U.S. government officials as sources of information" -- as well as "reluctance to question official pronouncements on 'national security issues.'"

Daniel Hallin's classic book The "Uncensored War" observes that journalists had "a great deal of information available which contradicted the official account [of Tonkin Gulf events]; it simply wasn't used. The day before the first incident, Hanoi had protested the attacks on its territory by Laotian aircraft and South Vietnamese gunboats."

Yes journalists there is a vast body of evidence that is not in line with the white house version of stuff, let me name a few:
-The shaving of body hair (while it is know that Osama really did not want to fight together with you when you had only a shave face).
-The drinking of (a lot of) alcohol by a lot of the 19 hijackers,
-The watching of porno videos & the heavy use of internet related techno,
-The little fact that in the December 2001 video tape from Osama he said that in Holland there was so much 'new enthusiasm' observed (why this little country Holland and no other country?)
-And so on and so on, the list is endless and I have a big body of evidence that is against the official American version...

So journalist shitheads do you now understand why you are legitimate targets and do you understand that this is of good & high moral level? Or do thee prefer to draw other lines between a lot of dots and do thee not see any contradictions at all in the white house version of this all? Now?

Next is added 03 Jan 2004 (wonderful news by the way):

He said troops from the 82nd Airborne Division were "fairly convinced that it was enemy fire" that brought down the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter near Fallujah, a flashpoint in the insurgency.

As paratroopers from the 82nd surrounded the crash site, five men "wearing black press jackets with 'press' clearly written in English" fired on them, Kimmitt said. He said it was the first time he had heard of assailants in Iraq posing as journalists.

The 'funny' thing is: A few minutes later a Reuters team went to that scene, they took heavy fire from brave US soldiers but were not killed or so. The Reuters team was arrested and days later set free again, when I read the details of that I suddenly understood the way the US army treated prisoners in general.
On 13 Jan I declared the US army being a bunch of shit eating gays, on 14 or 15 Jan the Pentagon suddenly starts some kind of 'investigation' and finally just before the seventh Military Bloody Day the Abu Ghraib news broke out.
Why did this take so long my dear but fucking US press corps? Is is that you behave just no different than the 'free press' during World War II? It looks like it, it looks like it a lot. So what is your job anyway? Helping the US army in all ways possible or are you a servant to that thing normally referred to as being 'the truth as it happened'? Now?

Title: A 2004 condolences card to the US dollar (the beloved one).


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