A request to the Cyber Warriors.  


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Extra text to 12 October

Dear Cyber Warriors let me greet you.

You have achieved many great works since CyberWar was started and often I even did not mention it. Often it might have skipped my attention and sometimes it didn't but I did not mention it anyway. The reason for that is rather simple; every time when I pay a bit too much attention at your progress I constantly run into computer difficulties myself. 

Yet this time it is different, I have no resources to investigate what happens and I have no time for it. It is very simple, can you look at it if you have the right software for this? Here it it:


I have reason to suspect that a lot of pictures on this website are poisoned a bit. I only use the jpg picture standard. To be honest I suspect the jpg poison to be some kind of measurement of the penetration of this website into certain social parts of our world. More simple: When you have visited this website, somehow later this can be traced and it is not some silly cookie stuff. 

Let me spare you the details, but while updating this website with or without my approval pictures from this website get replaced. Sometimes the dear computer even asks me 'replace modified file?' and at other times entire picture directories get replaced without me clicking the OK button.

Well I am only 70 to 80 percent confident in this, it could also be that there is no 'poisoning of jpg files' at hand.

That could be, but I am asking you this not for nothing:

When you have the same old pictures (from this website) stored somewhere (older then lets say 14 days back) and you have the right software to look into it, look for the 'modification'. With a bit of luck the CyberWarriors can find a mighty weapon, but again I am far from sure. 

If there is nothing it has to be outside my 80% confidence, but if this website is traced in a smart way this is undeniable a very nice weapon to study.


Good luck with this request and good luck with all these other projects out there.



Sincerely yours,

Reinko Venema, chairman WarTribunal.



Oops; Update from 15 Nov: Now the stupid computing device also starts replacing html files. So this makes it likely that there is no 'sniffing device' placed because that would be easy to find in the html code. It is only a pity I never took the time to learn html code but suspicious looking things are even for me to find with ease.

This all does not take away I would like a kind of cyber spy weapon as above, so if you can't find anything in the jpg files try to make a thing like this yourself...



Update from 20 Nov: In the first paragraph above I explain why I compliment the CyberWarroriors so little, often I ran into hefty computer problems myself later. This time it was all rather moderate, the next day I had to reboot this thing only 10 to 12 times and later on the day suddenly another 8 reboots were needed.

So it's all moderate and soft, it is not like destroying all files exactly five directories layers deep within a few seconds. It's all soft, only nasty detail is I cannot install the firewall again but I can live with problems like that. I mean I have nothing to hide, when some folks want to know some details they could ring the doorbell I mean. 

Of course I do   mention the 'five directories deep' weapon not for nothing, can my dear CyberWarriors study on stuff like that a bit? I mean, it is devastating to see all files wiped out in just a few seconds. I have seen it with my own eyes, it is devastating good!       



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End of extra text.

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