The writings of Reinko Venema. 

 Click the pic for the history of this main page... (The archives)


Just some WarArt files
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Index to the BigStory


-Dring dring, there the door bell goes. Reinko opens the door and it is Arty! Hey come on in Reinko says. 

Arty: Shit man, all these years you let me dry out in the beautiful Afhganistan landscape and now I must come here to eat cookies?

-Reinko: Oh, you got the message wrong: In this country it is illegal to send so called cookies along with your website. 

But I cannot control the cookies my dear Arty, that problem is around for many years: 
Visitors get a cookie, but it is not done by  me... .

Arty (looking difficult): So what do we need to do?

-Reinko: We must eat the cookies before they eat us..

 Arty (smiling): Ok ok, I have to go back to my home country, so bye bye 




(30 June 2014) A short update on the Ukrainian equation.    

Item 1) On a short notice the cease fire expires, what to do?

 Item 1) On a short notice the cease fire expires, what to do?

What to do? 

For the Ukraine army that is simple: Ram very hard at the separatists so that the separatists understand there is a difference between withholding attacks and the art of inflicting heavy damage & violence.  

For the Russian army it is also simple: Keep on a heightened alert because we now have a few thousand of refugees and we would like to avoid hundreds of thousands of refugees. 

For the separatists it is also simple: Try to stay alive while you have to study the shortcomings of the standard Ukraine army.  

For the present Ukraine government it is also simple: They are allowed to use military power in order to maintain the territorial integrity of the country. 

For the NATO it is also simple to understand: It would be great if you wind down all that stupid talk you did until now. 

And so on and so on. 


For the time being I am looking at that guy Petro Poroshenko and given the fact he won the elections big time, I have decided he gets my blessing for what he does. 

He is not a war mongerer like the Syrian Assad with that macho stuff, but can he temper down the Ukraine stuff? 

For the time being he is doing ok. 

How the long run will go, we will see. 

End of this update.  


(28 June 2014) Sorry for my international readers, but this update is in the Dutch language and it is about the 'kidnapped teenagers' from Israel. 
As more info comes in, I am rather confident that my original idea of 'the Jewish settlement people did it' is still a vibrant idea.    

After all, there are also two Palestinians missing and guess what? 
The Israelis have found their car but ha ha ha where are the Israeli teenagers? 

Here we go: 

Item 1) Wat zegt ons lieve CIDI over de ontvoering?

 Item 1) Wat zegt ons lieve CIDI over de ontvoering?

Nou hier in ons kleine Nederland hebben we het CIDI.
Dat is the Centrum voor Informatie en Documentatie over Israel. 

CIDI is enorm pro-Israel en dat komt omdat het Joden zijn. 
Als CIDI bemand zou worden door diaspora Palestijnen dan zou the anti-Israel zijn...  

Concentratie kampen. 

Kijk, altijd als je over die Joden begint dan gaan zij altijd schelden van Vieze Vuile Anti Semiet! 

Nou, dat is niet de bedoeling van mijn kant. 

In plaats van al dat goedkope geschreeuw moeten jullie maar eens nadenken wat zoiets als een Holocaust doet met een gemeenschap zoals bijv de Joden gemeenschap.
En geef je dat soort van trauma's een eigen land, nogal wiedes dat je dan vele jaren een zwaar probleem zal hebben. 


Maar goed, ik dwaal af dus laten we teruggaan naar de feiten die wij hebben: 

Drie Israelische tieners zijn weg &
Twee Palestijnen zijn weg. 

Dat is alles. Niks meer en niks minder, behalve natuurlijk dat Israel op alle nivo's weer verse ammo heeft om het vredesproces te dwarsbomen. 

De gasten die het gedaan zouden hebben zijn deze gasten: 


Het is een schande dat de CIDI gasten zo makkelijk meegaan in dit soort van onzin. 

Identitieit kidnappers bekend gemaakt

Laten we het hierbij houden; till updates.   


(27 June 2014) Wow man, the Israelis have identified two people that might or might be not related to the adduction of the three Israeli teenagers.     

It does not amount to much but I think it is important to look deeper into what Netanyahu says because Netanyahu is in the same equivalence class as his colleague Maliki in Iraq. 

That means sectarian to the bone and as such the core of a lot of problems.
So Netanyahu is our item for today: 

Item 1) On a piece of shit named Netanyahu.

  Item 1) On a piece of shit named Netanyahu.

To understand why Netanyahu is 100% shit you must first understand the Holocaust:
Why did most European nations hand over the Jews inside their societies so easily and even actively hunt Jews down for delivering them to the Nazi's? 

That is very simple to understand: 

Just like in the present time, in the past the Jews were also highly annoying and irritating without the Jews knowing they were perceived this way. 

If you cannot have a simple meal together, it is not much of a trouble that other parts of society think you are weird. And once they think you are weird the rest will follow. 

This is a deep rooted problem in Judaism: They do not understand that they are irritating other people. 


Ok back to the present stuff of 2014: 

Some teenagers are missing and who did it? 

For myself speaking it could also be done by those settlement people because they can pass all checkpoints easily. Furthermore, Israeli police and military forces will never look inside settlements for the teenagers. 

How does Netanyahu 'play the game'? 

He plays it skillfully but he does not understand that his behavior is irritating.
Just a quote from that piece of shit: 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who publicly condemned the kidnapping in a high-profile Arab gathering in Saudi Arabia, to end a unity government he formed with the backing of Hamas earlier this month.

Comment: So the Palestinians are supposed to stop making a unity government where every reasonable person understands that unity governments minimize the terror stuff...

Please my dear Israelis, from my point of view it is not anti Semite stuff, but since you are highly irritating, more pogroms will be there and I will not stop them. 

May be I have the might to stop them, but why should I? 

Give me just one reason... 


Source of the quoted words: 

Israel identifies kidnapping suspects

End of the Netanyahu shit. 

Till updates. 


(25 June 2014) Bah I do not feel like explaining difficult military axioms that say when it comes to longlasting war you should never let run your military at 100% of it's potential speed.    

If you cannot accelerate, you will get predictable and the more likely it will be you will loose your war stuff.   

No I do not feel like explaining stuff like that, we are going a light tone in today's item: 

Item 1) From my garden I can see Russia and Lady Liberty.

 Item 1) From my garden I can see Russia and Lady Liberty.

Actually and facutually this is not true because there are buildings standing in the way, but both objects are located within 10 kilometer of where I live. 

The onion shaped top of that local church is highly Russian style and that has a bit to do with the longstanding historic ties between Russia and my native Dutch country. 

Lady Liberty is also church related; some locals might know it as belonging to kerkje Harkema (the little church of Harkema).   

So that is the view from my garden if we would not have all those stupid buildings standing in between it: 


Let's leave it with that. Till updates.


(23 June 2014) The highest mathematical prize is the Fields medal and a very high number of Israeli Jews have won a Fields medal. 
Since I know a bit of math for myself, I congratulate the Israeli Jews for skillfully 'playing the game'.    

After having said that we ponder who kidnapped the three Israeli teenagers since the IFD already arrested hundreds of Palestinians. That is today's item: 

 Item 1) Who kidnapped the three Israeli teenagers?

Item 1) Who kidnapped the three Israeli teenagers?

The Israeli pm Netanyahu is constantly pressing the case that the Hamas kidnapped the three teenagers that were going home to some Israeli settlement. 

In my worldview this is a relatively absurd statement, but in my world it is known longer that Netanyahu is in the same equivalence class as for example the Iraqi pm Maliki. I mean: Sectarian to the bone while the whole world buys the crap that is coming from guys like that. 

So the Israeli narrative is that the Palestine Hamas did it, but if I look at the CNN video of a mother of one of the kidnapped teenagers she is all smiles. 

Since it is well documented that Netanyahu and most other Israelis are skilled apartheid followers, I would like to post that it is not the Hamas but those teenagers are 'kidnapped' by settlement people. 

I know that sounds crazy, and please do not think that I am some anti-Semite or so. 

No, on the contrary; the Israelis play the game very good. My compliments!


But arresting hundreds and finding nothing is also interesting, so against the weird stuff of Netanyahu I ask you to choose between two alternatives that both are bizarre: 

Narrative 1) The Hamas did it, versus
Narrative 2) The settlement people did it. 

After all, the mother was all smiles on CNN... 



So make up your own mind, but you should never forget that a large fraction of the highest prize in math goes to Israelis so they understand it is wise to throw some pearls to some swine's but better keep the diamonds in the vault.  

CNN link: Attack from Syria kills Israeli teen; Israeli military kills two Palestinians

End of this update. 


(21 June 2014) Welcome news observed from the Ukrainian equation.    

Item 1) A cease fire for one week, how to proceed?

 Item 1) A cease fire for one week, how to proceed?

The newly elected Ukrainian prez Petro Poroshenko has planned for a full week of non combat, of course when Ukrainian forces or civilians come under attack there will be action.  

So that is a good thing, but how will the separatists react and what is a reasonable future strategy for the Ukrainians?

After all, the Ukrainian state has a right to defend the national integrity and as such this includes the use of military power.  

Now Petro has chosen for a relatively long period of ceasing military power. 

That is not unwise. 

When in six days the drawback of military power ends, one way or the other the Ukrainian army needs to ram hard on the separatists. 

Let's say for two weeks or 14 days. 

After that a new cease fire. 

And so on and so on. 


Good luck with it my dear Ukrainians. 
(The above might seem utterly simple; but the best military strategies there are, most of the time they often are very simple...)

Till updates. 


(19 June 2014) Today US prez Obama announced that about 300 military advisors will go to Iraq in order to help the democratic forces in Iraq to battle ISIS.   

Very likely this will fail because the Iraqi pm is not a president for the whole of Iraq and therefore the most likely outcome is that Iraq will split up.
That is item number one: 

Item 1) Musings on a piece of shit named Maliki.

 Item 1) Musings on a piece of shit named Maliki.

I don't recall the exact date and year but a few years back the Sunni vice prez had to flee in order to save his life and Maliki accused him of running a death squad. 

For me it was clear that if Maliki was not killed in a short time period, dark future days would be there for Iraq.  

Furthermore, recall that back in time al Qaida in Iraq was ousted also with the help of the more moderate Sunni's because everyone was completely fed up with guys that amputated the fingers of teenagers for simple stuff like smoking a cigarette.  

Now a few years more of that wonderful Iraqi prez Maliki stuff we have ISIS and indeed after a few years of that wonderful stuff from that idiot Maliki the Sunni's absolutely do not fight ISIS. 

And I cannot blame them; given the choice between Maliki and ISIS every fool can understand that it is better to cut Iraq into pieces and solve the ISIS problem later on. 


Yet the USA is hanging on to a fantasy that Iraq is one nation undivided under a democratically elected prez Maliki. 

It is not, so many years of the Maliki thing have destroyed all unity there was. 

So I wish the USA luck if they want to hang on to old fantasies of a united Iraq... 

Let's leave it with that, till updates. 


(15 June 2014) I more or less repaired all these dumb typo's you make in longer texts. So the 18 page pdf file is finished, the title is given in item 1:   

Item 1) A tribute to Euler: Product integration in ten different styles.

 Item 1) A tribute to Euler: Product integration in ten different styles.

Product integration is the same as additive integration only in adding it all up you now multiply it all up. So if humans would be a species of smart primates we would use product integrals on a massive scale. 

But we do not use product integrals on a massive scale, on the contrary; although product integration is know for over a century, all those fucking stupid professors at our universities are just to fucking stupid to use them. 

Ok ok, we live in a free world and we all know that stuff works for the best if people use stuff they understand.... 

But the lack of success the product integrals had over the last century is making me scratch my old bold head; very likely the higher dimensional complex numbers will have the same fate. 

That is a pity, but hey the chimpanzees do not die without the product integrals and so the gorilla's and all other primates do not die out as a species because they do not understand the concept of product integration.   

So what will happen to the primates known as humans? 



Enough of the preacher stuff, here are the 10 styles on product integration, 
just click on the picture to get the pdf: 



Added 17 June: I found a nice wiki upon product integration and guess what?
The 'Reinko style' is called Type 1 and the (1 + df) style is called Type 2. 
Back in the time, Type 1 simply wasn't there. 

So the brings a little bit of relief: I am not talking into a complete vacuum.

Link:  Product integral

(I do not know why this is a https link, if the link does not work try the http variant or go to the English version of wikipedia and search for 'product integral' if you want to understand more about that subject. 

Till updates.  


(13 June 2014, temporary update)  Oh oh what a nice day today: The Dutch soccer team just beat the former Spanish world champion with a nice 1-5.
It is a good start for my home country, may be it is even too good because so many more competitors are viewing the stuff & only one country will win this years world tournament in Brazil...

But I want to update on the natural gas from Russia to Europe and the Ukraine. 

Item 1) Sometimes you have to stop deliveries if you don't get paid. 

 Item 1) Sometimes you have to stop deliveries if you don't get paid. 

Basically it is very simple: The Ukrainians have a long history of making lousy payments for the natural gas and it does not look like they are going to change that. 

The Ukrainians are behind billions of Euro's and if Gazprom wants to see some money it looks like the best thing is to shut off gas deliveries. 

This moment is about the best moment in a calendar year to stop gas supplies because in a week it will be 21 June and as we all know that is the start of Summer. 

In the Winter it is not wise to stop gas supplies because you have all those elderly people that freeze to death. 

Now if Europe is a true friend of the non-corrupt Ukrainian people, they know that if they borrow the Ukraine just a few billions of Euro's the Ukrainian people will always pay it back.   

In this world nothing is as trustworthy as the oath of the Ukrainian people, so Europe should help the Ukrainians because you can always trust them...


Let's leave it with that. Till updates.  


(12 June 2014, temporary update)   Lately I told you I will only publish 10% to at most 20% of new results found. And now I just finished an 18 page pdf file on the subject of product integration.

But 18 pages is relatively long, do I break my own rules? 

No I do not break my new rules because the overwhelmingly part is old stuff like for example 25 year old stuff. 

Later this week I will hang in the pdf file, for the time being only a so called teaser picture:


Ok, later this week I will hang the stuff into the website. 
In the meantime, if you have a calculator like a Casio fx thingeling:
it is not forbidden to check that nine-th root that says 0.5196.  

Till updates.  


(28 May 2014) Lately I have been trying to destroy the idea that electrons are magnetic monopoles. Yet all examples found point towards the idea that electrons are in fact magnetic monopoles.  

Although this is not directly related to the higher dimensional complex numbers I posted the stuff in those files: 

On the quantumization of magnetism 

That's all, till updates. 


(27 May 2014) The Ukraine equation has generated a brand new prez and although he is nicknamed the 'chocolate billionaire' it can not be denied he has won in a landslide victory.
So I hope this guy Poroshenko is capable of separating his chocolate stuff from the problems he will face as a Ukraine prez.  
All in all the Ukraine equation still goes smooth; if the Syrian Assad would have ruled the Ukraine we would be looking at a daily death toll now of about 175 to 200 but luckily Assad does not rule the Ukraine... 

Therefore in this update a simple request at Gazprom.  

 Item 1) A request at Gazprom.

 Item 1) A request at Gazprom.

Lately it was demanded by Gazprom that the Ukraine paid upfront for their gas. Now from the viewpoint of Gazprom this is very logical because the Ukraine has a long history of lousy payments. 

So the advice given to Gazprom is to keep the pressure up, after all if you deliver the natural gas and they do not pay you simply stop delivering natural gas. 

But suppose the Ukrainians succeed for the first time in paying upfront for future gas deliveries, it would be reasonable to give each and every Ukraine citizen a bonus of about 15 to 20 € of value.  

Most easily Gazprom subtracts from the old outstanding payments the next number:

Number of Ukraine citizens times 15 €.  


If the request is followed up by Gazprom, it is important to keep it completely out of the Media files because Western observers will view this as weakness on the Russian side. But Russia and the Ukraine are two brotherly nations or they are not. 

What happens between two brothers can be exposed to the rest of the world or it can not be exposed. 

Let's leave it with that, till updates. 


(25 May 2014) Why not take a look at the so called 'expert problem'? It has plagued humanity for millennia and it will continue to do so for about the same time span. 

Item 1) The expert problem. 

  Item 1) The expert problem. 

Most people have difficulties in differentiating between a truly good solution as given by an expert in some field of knowledge compared to what a charlatan would cough up. 

Example: Suppose there is some deep complicated economical problem that wrecks havoc on the economy and there is a person that has more or less the best solution to it. And there is also a 100% charlatan, for example in my country that would be Geert Wilders. 

Now in a television broadcast the expert and the charlatan go into a debate and suppose both the expert and the charlatan equally good at debating. 

The general public that view the television broadcast has tremendous difficulty in understanding who is right and who is wrong. 

This is known as 'the expert problem'; you might have good insight into something but convincing other people is another thing. 


Now what has this to do with things like higher dimensional complex numbers? 

Basically it is very simple: For over two years I am writing about them while decades ago I invented them when I was just a student at the local university. 

As a matter of fact, the local university here in Groningen (but all other universities too) stay silent. 

What explains the silence? 

After all, all those highly paid university professors are supposed to be the experts. They are not a random sample of the population. And they stay silent... 

The silence can only mean that all these professors are not capable of judging the value of the results found. So they are not experts but incompetent assholes. 


Now some readers might think that at this moment I am highly emotionally charged because I am giving negative social classifications like 'incompetent assholes' to honorable and hard working people. 

That is nonsense; If it takes decades to arrive at the 'incompetent assholes' classification, all emotion is lost a long time ago in a far gone past. 

To be honest, I am pretty cool and completely at peace with myself.
After all, if it is true that all those university professors are not capable of judging the value of the stuff found, it is their problem and not mine. 

End of this short update. 


(19 May 2014) Ha ha ha, nothing about higher dimensional complex numbers.
Only recycling some old math;   

Item 1) A tribute to Gauss.

 Item 1) A tribute to Gauss.



Carl Friedrich Gauss 

Till updates. 


(11 May 2014) More on the magnetic monopoles; the more I think about magnetic monopoles as being quantum states for 'spin half' particles the more I do not understand why otherwise sane people talk about spin as an 'intrinsic property'.  

Item 1) Another crazy Youtube clip on magnetic monopoles.

  Item 1) Another crazy Youtube clip on magnetic monopoles.

Now before we go to the youtube clip it is very important to distance myself from the 'free energy' fantasies that they often portrait. 

In the previous youtube clip about making monopole magnets it was more or less understandable how those coin shaped magnets would turn into magnetic monopoles using only a deep freezer.  

This youtube clip is completely different; now we have a guy standing in a windy garden pouring liquid solder through two coils. 

And although solder is a mixture of tin and lead, both metals do not have important magnetic properties, he manages to make two magnetic monopoles. 

It is important to remark that this setup could be a total fake because you can hide two ordinary magnets outside of the camera view to get these results.
But you can also ask as why someone would cheat on this, after all that is not a guy related to all that university money so he lives in a free world... 

Screenshot of the setup (youtube link via clicking on the pic of course): 


An important feature is that both coils are short-circuited. 

If this setup is not a fake, it is another strong clue that spin half particles are basically magnetic monopoles and all that spin talk is just like math professors stating that 3-dimensional numbers do not exist...  

End of this update, till updates. 


(10 May 2014) Oh oh, I am not for the full 100% satisfied with the sleaze bags from the local university here in Groningen. What to do about these sleaze bags?    

Item 1) What about the sleazy bags from the local university in Groningen?

  Item 1) What about the sleazy bags from the local university in Groningen?

Ha ha ha, I have to admit I am a little bit emotional when I think how two decades ago via the method of sheer and total stupidity the Groninger professors in math skillfully killed all prospects I could have in getting a math job. 

But that was two decades ago, so that is not a problem or so at present date. 

At present day the weido's from the local faculty of math think they can proceed as usual, but they will find me on their way and they will not like it. 

This year 2014 is the year that the Groninger university celebrates her 400 years of existence, I sincerely hope the next 400 years will have greater efficiency and in order to do so I am awarding right now the 'Galois prize' to the incompetent sleaze bags from the faculty of math.  


There is a saying that says revenge is a dish that is best served cold. 

Is 22 years of waiting enough to make the dish cold?  

These incompetent shitheads, that even have a large amount of 'honorary professors' inside their non performing ranks, they will feel my fist. 


As you might imagine, I am no longer 'dialogue seeking' any longer:
The time has come to slaughter all that crap, all these ego's that are so big but produce so little. So my dear Bernoulli institute, you are just rewarded the Galois prize and how are you going to respond?


One response is already clear: if there is a tale of missed opportunities, Groningen always takes the lead. For example: 

Ah, they are doing stuff like happened to me for centuries... 


Till updates. 


 (08 May 2014) Yes, with a bit of luck I was once more able to write a small piece of math that contains absolutely nothing new so I almost feel like a real professional professor!   

Along the new lines of writing down at most 10 to 20% of new results, this also fits because it contains nothing new.  It even has a nice name:

Item 1) Appendix 2.

  Item 1) Appendix 2.

This appendix is not about physics but only on some funny math detail, the triangle at the end is very cute.  




Till updates.  


(06 May 2014) A shorty on the Ukraine equation.    

Item 1) The Ukraine equation.

 Item 1) The Ukraine equation.

Slowly the daily death toll is creeping up, the question is how high will it rise?
Ha, just a few weeks ago when everybody did difficult about Russia conducting military exercises at the border of Crimea it looked like the stuff would stay calm. But a few days later the east Ukraine stuff started to emerge, and now the Kiev folks have started an 'anti terrorist' action.

Has the Ukraine become a failed state? 

The more details come floating above the more you understand why the Ukraine is such a weak state, for example all those luxuries inside the tax-collectors office: it is weird to see a boxing ring where supposedly boxer boxed without gloves & a weird long array of luxury stuff... Is it that strange that some groups do not want to belong to such a nation any longer? 

Has NATO been helpful? 

No, for example by stating that after 20 years Russia is the enemy once more, high NATO folks have put NATO aside. In the future I can not ask NATO to conduct peace operations together with the Russians.
To put it mildly: NATO behaved like a pile of dumb shit. 

Why does everybody blame mister Putin? 
If you would believe lot's of Western observers, the evil hand of Putin is everywhere.
But my dear reader, what interest does Russia have in a civil war inside the Ukraine spinning totally out of hand? Just ask the border states with Syria what kind of fun is brought by hefty civil war.
For me it is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. At some point in time I asked the Russians to tunnel into action, they did and although the Crimea thing does not win the beauty contest from the political point of view, from the military point of view it was as good as could be. 


Ok, until now the biggest daily death toll was 40 when that labor organization building was set in fire by folks that are supported by Western leaders and NATO stuff. 

It might be wise to ponder the question of the wisdom of supporting what could be a failed state from the beginning. That does not mean Europe and the USA should do nothing because after all the Ukraine has a large population and most of them are not responsible for the troubles they find themselves in. 


Let's leave it with that, till updates. 


(29 April 2014) Ok, I finished the electron stuff, you can go here or click on the teaser picture from yesterday's update.    

So how are we going to beat the shit out of the local university?
Very simple: we let the math do the talking. 

Item 1) Suppose you live in a world where they only use 2 by 2 matrices...

 Item 1) Suppose you live in a world where they only use 2 by 2 matrices...

Suppose you live in a world where mathematics only uses small 2 by 2 matrices, suppose further that you found 3 by 3 sized matrices and you would like to try to get the precious professional math professors interested in that. 

Would you succeed or would those sleaze balls win and neglect your insights? 

Of course the sleazy balls will win it, after all they have the big bucks to spend and they have centuries of time embedded into their organizations, so who can beat the sleaze balls? 

Nobody can beat the sleazy balls, but what kind of sleazy balls are we talking anyway?
There are so many sleazy balls observed lately, just think about our wonderful financial sector and their bonus stuff. 

We need the bonuses to attract the bright and shining people the bankers say, but in the end it only destroys the real economy. 

In this update we do not talk about bankers because it is well known what they have done, no we talk Bernoulli institute here in Groningen. 

Decades ago when it was not weirdly named 'Bernoulli institute' the professional math professors were just working for the mathematics faculty and they were exposed to the higher dimensional complex numbers.

How did they react? 

Zero point zero, decades ago they were brainless & today they are classified as cowards. 

They are no longer 'risk avoiding people, from now on these folks are cowards. 

Wanna see what they do? 

Here is the best link I can give: 

Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science

Let's leave it with that. Till updates. 


(28 April 2014) As usual temptation is found in commenting on the Ukraine equation but since we know that resisting temptation brings happiness we will not do that.  

No, we are going to beat the shit out of the local university because those sleazeball bags still stay silent (while at the very same time I will use no new math...).
That is item one: 

Item 1) No new math, only recycling old stuff.

  Item 1) No new math, only recycling old stuff.

With great pride I can announce that I have crafted a math update that contains absolutely no new math so that I can act just like those people at the local university here in Groningen! 

I can be a sleazy ball too! 

But hey, didn't I say I will withhold at least 80% of new stuff?
Yes I did, so nothing new and the 'nothing new' will not be published today either. 

Only a teaser, it goes like this: 


That's it, beside a small teaser more or less absolutely no new math is published.

Till updates.  


(15 April 2014) I had some computer trouble so this update is over 24 hours late...
Two items:   

Item 1) A short Ukraine update.
Item 2) What about future math publications?

  Item 1) A short Ukraine update.

In the east of the Ukraine more and more government buildings are seized by Russian speaking armed provocateurs. For some wide spectrum of reasons these people prefer to belong to the Russian federation and no longer be part of the Ukraine. 

Hard to say if that is wise but originally when I said that after about one hundred of deaths the Russians could come in and try to restore peace, this kind of provocative behavior was not what I had in mind. 

After all, if you are going armed and seize government buildings, you are seeking confrontation. 

Therefore it is reasonable for me, as founder of the War Tribunal, to raise the number of deaths needed to allow for an invasion to let's say in the range of 150 to 200 death. 


I would like to close with two remarks: 

Remark 1) Could it be that these pro Russian gunmen are a little bit over enthusiastic because there are still relative large Russian military forces concentrated at the borders close by? 

Remark 2) In the western world everybody is doing difficult about the Crimea thing, but I do not have an opinion on that because it is a political thing and not a military thing. Of course political things and military things are always entangled, but from the War Tribunal I can only comment on the military part of it all.

 Item 2) What about future math publications?

For myself speaking I am highly disappointed in the behavior of the academia and universities when it comes to higher dimensional complex numbers. 
For over 26 months I have been trying to draw attention to that subject, but if in 26 months nobody makes a move or makes a sound it is not hard to understand that after 260 or 2600 months it will still be the same. 

Ok ok, there are those boundary effects: For example professors in math are members of the establishment and as such very good in risk avoiding. And as such those folks will never be able to create the higher complex numbers for themselves; that would go against the mantra that complex numbers are only in the complex plane and that would endanger their career. 

When back in 1990 I found those higher dimensional complex numbers, all math professors here in the University of Groningen were just too fucking stupid to grasp what was found. So with great enthusiasm I left those weirdo's behind. 

But a new total ban of another 20 years of waiting goes too far I think, a reasonable thing to do would be to withhold about 80% to 90% of all new results found. 

After all, if these university assholes are truly that smart, they can easily find the stuff that matters themselves...  



Let's poke a bit of fun against the University of Groningen: 

Everybody knows that if a commercial brand or trademark makes a lot of advertisements and has large marketing budgets, one way or the other it has to be an inferior product. The standard example is Coca Cola; the products they make are 100% crap but it stays an industry because of marketing and advertisement.  

Now the University of Groningen has for many years the next slogan: 

Working on the borders of knowledge. 

The naive person might think that the local university is trying to expand those borders into new realms of knowledge. But I have found out over the decades that 'working on the borders' only means applying border guards that try to prevent all persons into going into the unknown. 

Or am I to dark when putting it that way?

I don't know, after all all other universities still don't understand the higher dimensional stuff too. And that is weird. 

Let's leave it with that, till updates. 


(08 April 2014) In physics there is a famous but very weird experiment known as the Stern Gerlach experiment; in short it goes as next:   

Through a non-homogenous magnetic field one sends a beam of electrons; the beam splits up in two and people from the science of physics say the one beam has spin up and the other spin down. 

I do not know if that is true and that is where this update is about: 

Item 1) The Stern Gerlach experiment and the magnetic monopoles.

 Item 1) The Stern Gerlach experiment and the magnetic monopoles.

It is important to emphasize that when it comes to physics, at best I am an advanced amateur. But since I am the creator of the higher dimensional complex numbers I can break an egg or two. So let's go: 

Here is a picture of how the Stern Gerlach experiment could be done
(the tip ensures the magnetic field is stronger above):  


From high school physics we know that you cannot split a standard magnet into a North and a separate South pole, we also know that there is a deep connection between the magnetic and electrical fields; in particular we know that if we make a magnetic field with electricity there always is a North & South pole.

All spinning charges create North & South pole stuff. 

And now we are told that an electron is a spinning thing, but a spinning electrical charge always has a North & South pole. 

Furthermore we know that the mass of an electron is very very small, so if it is true that the electron is a spinning electrical charge, if it enters the non-homogenous magnetic field it should always turn so that it gets attracted by the tip. 

The beam of electrons should only go up into the direction of the stronger magnetic density... 

Yet half of the electrons are in fact pushed away, how come this? 


The most easy explanation is that electrons are magnetic monopoles, given their small mass the monopole thing explains why they are going up and down. 

And once you accept that they are magnetic monopoles, you understand why a pair of coupled electrons do not feel like they have anything to do with other pairs of electrons. 

Indeed, in the science of chemistry, no matter how difficult or large a molecule is, all connections in the molecule are only done by pairs of electrons...
If electrons would be bipolar magnets because of their spin, these molecules would behave very differently. 


But there is more, in quantum mechanics there always is more.
A second magnetic field perpendicular would do stuff like this: 


This simply means that electrons are not pure magnetic monopoles, it is just a quantum state they are in.  

I made the pictures from a Youtubber about the Stern Gerlach experiment, here is
the source file: 

Stern Gerlach experiment 


If my ideas about electrons being magnetic monopoles is indeed true (and only two days ago I found that idea), would it be possible to make real macroscopic monopole magnets?  

With posting the next link to another Youtubber I take a bit gamble because this video could easily be a hoax (figure out for yourself how you could hoax stuff like this with magnets). But it looks sincere and, ha ha ha, you could repeat it at most universities... 

How to make a monopole magnet  

I have to remark that I do not have a clue about how far you must cool down the coin shaped magnets to get the desired effect of having magnetic monopole electrons separate thus far. But if this video is not a hoax, it would be a validation of the monopole idea.


Ok, that's it for today. Till updates.  


(05 April 2014) What do I and the USA have in common?   

Item 1) Every now and then we fall prey to false hope. 

 Item 1) Every now and then we fall prey to false hope. 

The USA people always seem to think that it is possible there would be peace between the Jews and the Palestinians. For a large part this is rooted in religion and those fuzzy religious feelings neglect historical stuff like the holocaust.
Or not realizing that the Israelis do not want to give up their overweight when it comes to military and economical power and most of all:
They will never stop expanding the settlements.  

Of course I almost never commented on the 'peace talks', why would I feel the need to irritate myself at some parasitic Jews? No way... 

But finally, probably for a short time, John Kerry is starting to realize that was is obvious to other people: Without sanctions against Israel this all is a hopeless exercise in getting irritated: 

John Kerry warns US loosing patience on Mideast peace talks (Boston Globe) 


Now what is the fault that I make every now and then? 

Every few years I try to incorporate pictures in mathematical texts, for decades this never works on my computer but in theory it is so simple:  

All you have to do is to install a few packages and after that, in theory, you have math text combined with pictures... 

Yesterday I wasted once more 4 hours and today another 2 hours and it just does not work; like all those years ago it also never worked. 

Now why is that dumb and naive? 

That is dumb and naive because even if I would be able to write a standard publication (included some graphics) of course you have to take the hurdle of so called 'peer review'. Of course the 'peer reviewer' will be done within 5 minutes: Article rejected. 

So I wonder as why I even tried once more to incorporate pictures... 

Why am I that naive and dumb? 

Till updates. 


(02 April 2014) Musings on Quantum Computing?  

Or some writing on the Ukraine equation or the mopping up off of chemical fun in the Syrian landscape?  

I don't know what to do: Attack the idea of Quantum Computing versus Syrian chemical stuff versus the Ukraine equation. 

So let's do something else; make an advertisement for those new Solid State Disks after having said the next on the Ukraine:  

Let's wait another week but if by then there is no violence in the Ukraine it could be safe to withdraw the military forces at the Ukraine/Crimean border.
For the time being I am still looking with a bit of bewilderment at all those NATO comments/remarks etc etc, but since stuff still runs on about zero deaths a day I arrive at the conclusion the Russian military did a great job.

Ok, for the NATO assholes: Why not look at Iraq and why not drink the fruits of your own military thingelings? 
Let's leave it with that... 

 Item 1) Reinko also advertises those new Solid State Disks for your computer!

 Item 1) Reinko also advertises those new Solid State Disks for your computer!

Geek man today I did buy one of those SSD things and although my own computer is a little bit old, it is amazing to observe how much it speeds things up. 

If you are just like me and you prefer to build your own computers from the loose parts that are available it is worthwhile considering replacing a few of your hard drives with these new Solid State Disks. 

Who needs a Quantum Computer (that won't work anyway) if you can replace old Hard Drives that run with a needle for SSD fun? 

For only 80 € your computer acts like she is five years younger, so you don't have to replace all the other stuff. 


Ok ok, what Quantum Computing concerns: 

For days and days I try to prove that 

Quantum Entanglement = Quantum Measurement 

so that inherently Quantum Computers will never work.
But the math is hard, those quantum folks only use 2-dimensional complex numbers so the math is hard. 

Till updates. 


(24 March 2014) These days there is a so called Nuclear Security Summit meeting in my country so it would be tempting to explain once more the nuclear attack scare from Pakistan from October 2001. 

But hey, I tried for a full decade to create interest by so called 'authorities' for the so called 'trigger hypothesis' related to the 9/11 attacks in NYC.
And after 10 years of trying I arrived at the  conclusion that for our political leaders and the diverse secret services, it is more important to get more budget and more legislation to spy on your population and more this and more that.  

It's a circus, these people have nothing to do with fighting terror... 

So instead of old nuke scares from the Pak landscape we are going to destroy all hopes there still might be on nuclear fusion as a source of unlimited energy.
Here we go: 

Item 1) Let's destroy hope! 

 Item 1) Let's destroy hope!

For decades there is talk about nuclear fusion as a potential source of unlimited energy. Skilled scientists ask for billions and billions of money so they can hunt that dream down and deliver unlimited energy for countless billions of future people. 

It is all nonsense, these scientists are just parasites like for example our beloved bankers that also believed in fairy tales and were not capable of understanding their own job...  

I wrote a 'popular science' pdf about the difficulties there are with nuclear fusion, you can say that the conclusion is more or less that Fukoshima in Japan is far more safe compared to what a large nuclear fusion plant would be. 

Click on the picture for the pdf file: 


Yeah yeah, the tunneling effect; a quantum thingeling that surely works perfectly contrary to so called 'quantum computers'. 

May be in some future update I will destroy all hope there is for that stupid quantum computing that is once more the same: give us money and we will talk difficult and produce nothing! 

Further reading (this wiki leaves out the tunneling insight), click on the picture: 


Let's leave it with that, till updates. 


 (20 March 2014) For me it is funny, but the behavior of NATO and professional math professors bear great similarities: they both think neglecting important details will help their survival.    

Item 1) Has NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen gone crazy? 

 Item 1) Has NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen gone crazy? 

Some time ago on just one day about 77 people died in the Kiev killings, since then we have gone abruptly to 0 death toll a day. 
Why does not one NATO member bring this into the analysis?

Why do I only get shit like the next from Rasmussen, NY Times  source, quote :  

The NATO secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said on Wednesday that Russia’s military intervention was the “gravest threat” to European security since the end of the Cold War.

“This is a wake-up call, for the Euro-Atlantic community, for NATO and for all those committed to a Europe whole, free and at peace,” Mr. Rasmussen said in a speech at the Brookings Institution on Wednesday afternoon.

Comment: This stuff is so stupid that I refuse to comment on it, all I can say to that crazy person named Rasmussen is to scroll down at below where at some point in time I ask the Russians to do their so called 'stinking best' to avoid civil war in the Ukraine... 

Anders Rasmussen, you are some piece of dumb shit... 

Let's leave it with that. 


(16 March 2014) Today is the referendum vote inside the Cremean landscape, because everyone says it is a race already won let's wait and see...  

It would be nice to comment on the diverse henhouses, oh sorry, the diverse parliaments around the world where they speak words of utter stupidity, oh sorry, utter wisdom. 

But we are not going to do that all, instead just a few words directed towards the Russian military. Here we go: 

Item 1) A few words for the Russian military.

 Item 1) A few words for the Russian military.

After my humble opinion both you and me are set on a course that prevents hundreds of thousands of deaths in case the situation escalates beyond control.
Given the present emotions, this implies operations outside Crimea inside the Ukrainian landscape are only allowed when certain boundary conditions are fullfilled. 

A reasonable boundary condition would be if in a short timespan over 100 people die from internal violence. 

Yesterday it emerged that already a small scale operation was done inside the Ukraine and guess what it was done for? 

It was for protecting some fucking gas station... 

Have you gone nuts or so? Please cut the crap my dear Russian forces, use the brain and not all that emotion. 


Emotion is pumped up skillfully, of course always that is the case before large military adventures, but I expect the higher echelons of the Russian military forces to stand above all that monkey screaming like I observe on platforms like 'the Voice of Russia'. 

The Voice of Russia? 

Isn't that the latest official Russian state media outlet?
Yes it is, but the VoR is also a collection of war mongerers talking stupid crap and embracing lunatics like the USA guy Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is famous for unleashing at least 10 completely unfounded conspiracies a day, so why is the Voice of Russia siding with a retard like that? 

I do not know, but it is my responsibility to warn the Russian military against all that nonsense that goes around in the media. 


Don't believe me that Alex Jones has a voice inside the mindset of the Voice of Russia?  

Human-animal hybrids, disasters in the making

Just scroll down the above mentioned link and find the miracle of Alex Jones: 


If the Russian military gets too emotional, a disaster will be there. 

Is the Voice of Russia helping preventing this disaster or are they already the disaster themselves? 

Let's wait and see, till updates.  


 (09 March 2014) It is lovely that we have all this emotion in the air when it comes to the Ukraine and the Crimean landscapes, the most important details is and stays:
At one day we had 77 deaths in Kiev, after that about zero death toll a day...   

So the main stuff still goes well, therefore in the next item a small detail named Viktor Yanukovich and his future fate: 

Item 1) The fate of Viktor Yanukovich.

 Item 1) The fate of Viktor Yanukovich.

The lack of escalating violence in the Ukraine has a lot of roots but the two most important of these roots are as next: 

Root 1) The ouster of Viktor Yanukovich. 
Root 2) Perfect sable rattling, but no killings, by the Russian forces.

With a bit of bewilderment I am looking at the Russian fm Lavrov who still views Viktor as the legitimate Ukraine prez, I even observe stuff to the defense of Viktor like 'He did not order the shootings and killings in Kiev'. 

Now that is a very interesting opinion, so we weigh two things against one another: 

1) Viktor Y did order for the killings done by the riot police, versus
2) Viktor Y did not order for the killings done by the riot police. 

In both ways it is a disaster and it simply cannot be allowed to view Viktor Y as the legitimate prez of the Ukrainian landscape.

Now the Russians constantly say that it was a coup done by fascists that drove away a hero named Viktor Yanukovich. That is nonsense of course, just like talk that the Syrian rebels did it.

My dear Lavrov, basically it is extremely simple:
With the ouster of Viktor Y a Syrian style civil war has been prevented, so that means a few hundred of thousand less deaths.
If you my dear Lavrov think otherwise, why don't you give it a try and keep on pushing Viktor Y as the true and only president that can unite the Ukraine and prevent a split up of the Ukraine...


After the Viktor detail I would like to speak a few words to the Russian military forces: 

Remark that we are in a wonderful situation: Zero deaths day in day out. 

Don't spoil it and also have a little bit of respect for those Ukrainian forces still inside Crimea. If they get humiliated for no reason at all, in the future you will pay a hefty price for that.  

Don't spoil it my dear Russian forces, but with a little smile on my face I also give you a compliment for managing the situation until now... 


That's it for today, till updates my dear reader. 


From just before midnight (so Mr. Putin is sound asleep right now) we need a good laugh because all those statements from Putin & Lavrov are just so funny: 


Ok, it is 23.30 local time & let's hit the button 'publish website' & see ya around.
Till updates. 


(07 March 2014) Once more it is very tempting to write about the Ukraine, Crimea and so on, but also once more the source to a happy life lies in resisting temptation.    

So we will look instead at the way governments lie to their civilians about how large the economy is, in particular the statistic that measures the total amount of goods & services named Gross Domestic Product. 

 Item 1) If it is R&D your economy suddenly grows faster they say.

 Item 1) If it is R&D your economy suddenly grows faster they say.

A few years back I observed that the US Gross Domestic Product could easily be overstated by about one trillion US$ or so.
And although I had no way of finding out if my gut feeling was true, since then I always took the reported GDP rates with a grain of salt. 

(See the red words in the right column where I do not understand how the USA managed once more to jack up the GDP.) 

Yesterday it emerged that for the year 2010 our own Dutch economical output was revised upwards by a hefty 7.6% completely dwarfing what the USA could pump up... 

So after all these years, why not muse a bit about the statistical side of the GDP. 


Now as a standard citizen you want your government to be a truthful reporter about the state and size of the economy. On the other side, the government statistical employees operate within so called boundary conditions because we would like to compare the GDP statistics for the diverse countries. 

So the local government, like our own Dutch government, has more or less to oblige towards those statistical standards in order to avoid to become the North-Korea of statistics... 

To my surprise all expenses on Research & Development are valued much higher (because they generate 'future income') compared to, lets say, expenses on beer and whores.  

For me, as a citizen, this is not acceptable: You just cannot activate future income inside present GDP because it falls under the label of Research & Development.
That is just another accountancy gimmick: future income is not present day stuff. 


Now I solved the problem of 'Why is the USA GDP always so high decade in decade out' I only have one link to offer to you and it is in the Dutch language.
On page 11 it says, quote:

Tot dusverre werden de uitgaven aan R&D in de NR beschouwd als lopende kosten en geregistreerd als intermediair verbruik van bedrijven. R&D in eigen beheer en voor eigen gebruik werd in het ESR1995 geregistreerd als productie en intermediair verbruik binnen dezelfde eenheid. Deze uitzondering op de regel dat hulpactiviteiten binnen een eenheid niet in de NR worden opgenomen, zorgde ervoor dat ook deze vorm van R&D zichtbaar was, maar geen effect had op de toegevoegde waarde. De nieuwe richtlijnen geven aan dat R&D geboekt moet worden als investering omdat deze uitgaven naar verwachting in de toekomst inkomsten genereren.


Revisie Nationale rekeningen 2010: Beschrijving en uitkomsten revisiejaar 2010

Comment: No comment. 


Till updates. 



(02 March 2014, item 2 added on 03 March) Since everybody, including a lot of NATO members, are acting very strange when it comes to the Ukraine, it is time to speak a few words.  

Item 1) What have we gained, where are we now? 
Item 2) A simple model for the proton and the neutron. 

 Item 1) What have we gained, where are we now? 

About 10 days ago on one day about 77 people were killed in Kiev, I complained heavily and within hours and not days the fate of the former Ukraine prez Viktor Yanukovich was sealed and a civil war a la Syria was prevented. 

So give the size of the Ukraine, at this point in time it looks like a few hundred of thousand people will not be killed. So that is what has been gained. 

Of course there are more ways to get civil war but anyway now this Assad clone is gone very likely it is not the Ukraine government itself that will spoil the stuff. 


A few days later I requested it that Russia would do her best to prevent civil war in her neighbor Ukraine. You could, if you wanted, read that in the updates below from 20 and 23 Feb. 

After my humble opinion what happens right now is more or less what I asked for, so why are all those NATO countries doing so difficult?

Don't forget the situation in the last days is still tremendously fragile; suppose a handful of provocateurs hijack two airplanes, one is flown into the parliament in Kiev and the other in some ammo depot somewhere in Crimea. A few days later everybody will be fighting everybody and what now is Syria will be a cakewalk compared to that. 

Therefore it is pretty obvious that security has to be beefed up until it is clear that the diverse groups inside the Ukraine will not start fighting each other; once that is clear it is safe enough to beef down the extra soldiers. 

I am not sure about the numbers of extra soldiers, right now you hear numbers like about 15 thousand Russian soldiers or so. My dear NATO; given the population size of the Ukraine, 15 thousand is peanuts. So can you cut the crap?


What the new Ukraine government concerns; I endorse them because in the first place they deserve to be in power because they paid a hefty price in blood and in the second place because they stated they will not get provoked...
Let's hope and pray everything will stay as calm as it is. 



I have to say there is a tremendous amount of distrust between the diverse parts of the Ukraine society. That is something that is beyond control for almost all of us but that is where we are standing right now. 

Don't forget that for the moment an Assad style of civil war has been prevented and it would be best if everybody would count this as a blessing. 

Item 2) A simple model for the proton and the neutron.  

After all those political and military stuff, why not pose a pure philosophical question about the existence of the ego's of precious professional math professors?  

What is the most important characteristic of such a precious ego? 

Answer: When it comes to precious professional professors it not how often does their ego fit in the universe, but how often the entire universe fits in their ego. 

Needless to say: If your ego is inflated too much, you loose contact with reality and it would be best to deflate our precious ego's a little bit. 

So that is the goal of this update: crafting a little bit of deflation... 

Click on the picture to go to the simple model: 



Let's leave it with that my dear reader, till updates. 


(27 Feb 2014) Ok ok, here are the boundary conditions:     

Item 1) Boundary conditions for military action in the Ukraine for Russia. 

 Item 1) Boundary conditions for military action in the Ukraine for Russia. 

Ok, I have done my thinking: If really needed Russia has the right to protect the Russian speaking parts of the Ukraine.
For the time being everything seems to go smoothly (only one person dead this day and he was pushed to death in a large crowd of protesters). 


If needed Russia is allowed to use more or less the blue print from the Georgian war from the year 2008. 

For people who don't know that war, it went more or less like this: 

Suddenly the whole of Western press started condemning Russia because of a brutal attack against Georgia. Well I scratched my head because I have seen so often that Western media outlets are very good at hanging out the screaming faggot. 

After may be half a day or may be a full day or more, it turned out it was the complete opposite: Georgia started the stuff and as memory serves only after about 1750 deaths the Russians started military action. 

To make a long story short: I gave some advice and as far as I could see this advice was followed up for the one 100%. 

For me this simply means: When push comes to shove, I can trust the Russians. 

So far for the flash back to 2008. 


Now back to 2014: If stuff runs out of hand in the Ukraine, for me it is very simple and the Russians are allowed to take military action in order to stabilize the chaos at their doorstep. 
This boundary condition is very simple: Only if thing run out of hand! 


Yet at the moment everything looks so smooth, it looks like most people still have a strong 'desire for peace' and that is a good thing. 

For the Ukrainians I have some advice too:
I observed a lot of Russian speaking folks that were upset by the idea that the Russian language would be illegal in the future.
That is a weird thing of course because for any government it is hard to control the language people want to speak. 

So it is not unwise to make the Russian language the second official language so that minorities that want it can craft schools and stuff that use that second official language. 

Let's leave it with that. Till updates. 


(26 Feb 2014) It is tempting to update about the political situation in the Ukraine, but resisting temptation is the source code of a happy life. So therefore today we take a look at Google, and since I have never said it, let's say it now:
Ok Google folks, may be you are Americans, but  I surely like you.  

Item 1) Virtual camera changes & a Google project named Tango. 

 Item 1) Virtual camera changes & a Google project named Tango. 

Over two decades ago I developed a very simple theory of how to differentiate and integrate all kinds of geometrical objects like circles, squares, cubes in all dimensions, ellipses etc etc.  

Even a piece of line can be differentiated; if the length of a line equals l(r) = 2r after differentiation with respect to the variable r you are left with the number  2.
That number 2 are just the two endpoints of the line... 

In 2005 I penned down a few easy to understand observations from those lines of reasoning, it is a pdf file: radiuspi.pdf.

Well over two decades ago I perfectly understood the power such ideas had when it comes to virtually changing your camera position. And, as usual, the entire academic world did not because these folks are only busy counting their quotation ranks. 

Anyway, to make a long story short, it were not the Dutch but it is USA based Google that is making some serious progress with the camera's you need in order to have such a 'virtual displacement of the camera position'. 

As I envisioned it two decades ago: 
You take a normal picture or a video clip of your environment but on top of that you must have some kind of 'radar device' that creates an extra layer that contains all the information of the distances between the camera and the objects that the camera sees. 


So I am pleased that Google have taken up this stuff; they are trying to make a phone (actually a camera, but these days everything goes as a 'smart phone') that makes a 3D mapping of your environment if you are walking around... 

May be instead of using two camera's in the smart phone, the whole thing works better with 3 camera's onboard, but ha ha ha, you must also develop good math for the distance to what you see with those 3 camera's...

Link (in Dutch from techzine): 

Google creeërt smartphone die 3D-scans ontwikkelt  

And in the language of the Angloise a Youtubber that is in 2D: 

Say hello to Project Tango 


I wish the Google geeks a lot of luck and happiness. 

Till updates. 


(23 Feb 2014) Two items:  

Item 1) A formal request from the War Tribunal towards Russia. 
Item 2) Ok I made a math blunder: it's not an exponential circle in 5D.


 Item 1) A formal request from the War Tribunal towards Russia. 

Since the Ukraine stuff goes swiftly I have a small request for the Russians:
You will do your stinking best to avoid further bloodshed in the Ukraine. 

My dear Russians, given the geographical position of the Ukraine it would be best that Ukraine would have good relations with all of it's neighbors whether they are named Russia or Europe. I am not after 'gluing Ukraine to Europe' or so, no no I am not like the Israelis that only want to steal more and more land... 

So the request is a reasonable request, let's leave it with that my dear Russians.  

 Item 2) Ok I made a math blunder: it's not an exponential circle in 5D.

Oh oh after waiting a few weeks I decided to replace five faults in the last math update. 

This was no fun to do because whit the act of changing stuff that I wrote in the past I seriously run the risk that inbred retards like our security services instantly jump to the conclusion that I do that for many years.

Butt my dear secret service folks: I never replace what I wrote in the War on Terror. 

Let the Dutch secret service folks be left with that. 


Ok, here is the 5D repaired update

Till updates.  


(20 Feb 2014,temporary update)  

A short update on the Ukraine stuff: 

An amazing lot of people see the evil hand of Vladimir Putin behind the recent trouble and killings in Ukraine. 

After my humble opinion this is not correct, for myself speaking I consider the present Ukraine president a perfect 'Assad clone' because he is making all the mistakes of Assad over again.

What Ukraine prez Viktor Yanukovich and the Syrian Assad have in common is a long array of similarities:    

-- They think they are attacked by pure evil in the form of terrorists, therefore
-- They they strike back hard, resulting in
-- Civil war for a long long time. 
-- And so on, and so on.

This behavior or mindset of Viktor & Bashar is relatively easy to explain: Both guys do not understand their own nation on the deepest of workings. And beside that they think that after a few killings everybody will worship them because they are the legitimate democratic rulers. 

I have said it so often: 

Evil does not kill a lot of people, let's say a few thousands here and there.
Stupidity kills in the millions. 

Stupidity of leadership is the worst thing you can have, so Viktor could look at Syria as the bright and shining example of that, or he could look into a mirror. 


Am I allowed to make a joke now on this day now about one 100 were killed in the Ukraine?

Of course I am allowed that because humanity is about 7 billion of people and 7 billion minus one 100 still equals 7 billion. 

The joke goes as next: 

Vladimir Putin is stating the Syrian rebels are responsible for the Ukraine stuff in order to provoke a military intervention. 


Ok, may be you do not think it is funny, but I do. 

Till updates. 


(17 Feb 2014) The leader of the land thieves (the Israeli pm Netanyahu) is sharing his eternal wisdom once more. So let's quote and comment.   

Item 1) Israeli pm says: Guys like Reinko are just Nazi's all over again.

 Item 1) Israeli pm says: Guys like Reinko are just Nazi's all over again.

From this Reuters source file we have the next quote: 

"I think it's important that the boycotters must be exposed for what they are - they're classical anti-Semites in modern garb. And I think we have to fight them," Netanyahu said in a speech to a conference of U.S. Jewish leaders.

Comment: Oh oh sleazy ball Netanyahu is speaking out once more...  It is so fucking stupid it is hard to get a handle on where to dissect this nonsense.
For myself speaking, I am not an anti Semite as long as there is another religion on this planet followed by many millions more that for me is the ultimate disgusting form of religion. 
Ok the Jews are very strange for example when it comes to food: did you know that if only your breath goes over or comes in touch with Kosher food, it is no longer Kosher for the Jews? So if only one molecule or one atom from your body touches their food, a religious Jew cannot eat that food any more...

That is how the Jews think about us, but that does not make me an anti-Semite because this small detail validates that Jews are relatively prone to apartheids thinking. 
The Kosher food thing only validates that Jews are very lunatic too. 

My dear Netanyahu, let it be no secret that I am in favor of a good bout of sanctions on the academic and economical and political level. The reason for that is very simple my dear Netanyahu: 

The Israelis, for a wide spectrum of reasons, do not want peace. 
They do not want that because, just a detail, settlements could no longer expand in a 'natural fashion'. 

Only sanctions will transfer the desire for peace, 1 + 1 = 2 my dear Netanyahu.
May I ask you once more to cut your stupid crap and please finally try to grasp as why the Jews were holocausted?  
Because after my humble opinion, you Jews still do not understand as why you were targeted in the first place. 

Let's leave it with that. Till updates.  



-Food for thought:

Chained dollars! What the vuk are chained dollars?

Chained dollars are from a time chain and so you have to filter out inflation so you have a better estimate of price and quality and so. 

Therefore chained dollars are easy to understand. Hard to understand is what exactly a Gross Domestic Product, or a GDP is.

One way or the other; all nations will have their own flavor of GDP. 

Lately I just got so confused my dear reader. The Americans were able to spike up GDP growth by almost 0.5% because some stuff was now 'investment related' instead of the old thing.

Now that is very interesting because a dollar is a dollar, let it be a consumer good like bread or coffee or green tea or whatever what. Or a business invested dollar, GDP statistics should be like the temperature of the air outside the building and not inside the building. 



Everything on the 3D complex numbers from 2012 and this year is bundled together in one html file.  

A primer on the three dimensional complex numbers.

For 2014 there is page number two: Page 2


Some old math I wrote about 13 years ago, it is very simple to understand: you can differentiate and integrate all geometrical objects. And when you triangulate a landscape or a movie scene properly you can later in a computer change the position of the camera. Of course you need a new file format because the goody good mpg format won't work.
This might be of future interest for police or stuff like that (you can change the camera viewpoint to that of the victims or that of the criminals. Of course this is not a miracle; missing information can only be repaired at a certain level but anyway... The math is there and it is waiting to be used!
(Ok you also need geometrical integration but that's a cakewalk, some geometric projection theory, lots of self repairing codes and very very difficult: a good camera device. But if these conditions are met you can later change the camera viewpoint...)


(17 Oct 2008) This morning I finished a very simple and non technical article about statistical testing of poisons in food. It is so horrible non technical that even political leaders can understand it's content; only seldom I have sunken so low...

Here is the pdf file.


A pdf file explaining why we likely never ever will have nuclear fusion as a reliable source of unlimited energy...  



Sayings from famous and unknown people that shed light on their insights and their emotional daily running system:

Phrase nr one (from Dubya or the present lame duck president of the USA):

"The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war, thereby causing no more war!"
--The first Presidential debate

Phrase nr two, also from Dubya but I have to pump it up from my memory so there might be some little faults in it (it was some weeks after the 911 attacks on the USA):

The enemy is so evil that most people in the USA do not know what they do why they do!

Phrase nr three from the former USA secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld (if my memory is correct he spoke these words in the week from 16 to 21 October 2001, at that point in time we were on the height of the anthrax scares): 

And it makes you wonder; How does he do it? And we would like to ask this person to come on over to our side and together fight the war on terror.

Phrase nr four is from me myself & I:

To understand your own 'logical thinking' you must know that logical thinking is only the first derivate of emotion. That is why all attempts towards artificial intelligence have failed: computers do not have emotion build in but we humans, like all other animals,  do.
The above mentioned three phrases of my enemies only expose their emotional system, lets destroy that system...

Phrase nr five is from US celebrity Donald Trump. A few weeks before this the famous Lancet report was published calculating Iraqi civil death toll at 650 thousand (this with a relatively large but acceptable standard deviation):

For myself I use 400 thousand killed.

Phrase nr six is from CNN's Larry King (CNN is received in 200 countries so therefore the CNN management thinks it's wise that Larry King can parade every day one or more American celebrities). When King was asked why he did not use the internet he responded:

There are a billion things on the internet.

Phrase nr seven is one more from the former US secretary of defense. After a few years in the war on terror he was asked what it all boiled down to. He said:

Can we kill the terrorists in a faster rate than the massandra's spit them out?

Phrase nr eight is from Osama bin Laden. The phrase is very worthwhile mentioning because the US CIA folks were in the past very satisfied with 'Just a few weapon deliveries and we lured the Russians into Afghanistan'.

When America needed us to fight their proxy war against Russia they supported us. The moment the Russians left Afghanistan we were irrelevant. 

Phrase nr nine is from US four star general Peter Pace, he made it during a memorial speech on 11 Sept 2006 (exactly five years after the 9/11 attacks from 2001).
At that point in time total US military death toll already stood above the number of civilians killed on 9/11/2001.

Right now the total amount of killed US military members is approaching the civil death toll from nine September 2001.

Phrase nr 10 is again from me myself & I. It is around the rebuilding of the organization after the military campaign in Afghanistan.

Make sure to imitate the way the German army was organized after world war one; That is make sure that every member can function properly until up three hierarchical layers higher. If you do that you can grow with an enormous speed in the future when this is needed.

Phrase nr eleven is also from me myself & I. It is to proof that I can be stupid too. I do not know when I wrote it but it was a long time ago.
I asked the Iraqis the next:

Can you hold on one more year? After that things will get better, I promise.

You just don't imagine how much I have regretted those words, after that the US military came with bonuses of up to 70 thousand dollars for enlisting / reenlisting and how could I have been so stupid as to not have foreseen this?
I mean the Americans run their country on the greenback & why was I outside reality? Why?

Phrase number twelve is from a peace loving female neighbor of mine, her name is Geertruida.

We people we can speak, so we should not fight war but speak with each other until our differences are solved.

Of course I had to remark: Because we have speech we are much better in making war compared to other animal species. 

Phrase nr thirteen is from the present al Qaida leader in Iraq. I mention it because I think it was a very important detail, it was made in his first statement after he took over from Zarqawi.

We need help from scientists, let it be in the field of communications, chemistry, medics, biologicals or whatever what. You can live your dream and kill the Americans on a large scale inside their bases. You can fulfill your scientific dreams.

Phrase nr fourteen is from CNN's war whore Christiana Armanpour. Why do I call a whore where in fact she is a respected senior correspondent?
That is because she understands the difference between a 'commodity driven war' and one that is not driven by that.
In the entire Iraqi war no CNN reporter has emphasized that Iraq is very much 'commodity driven' (read stealing the oil) but when Tony Blair resigns she says:

He wanted military assistance in Bosnia although there are no commodities over there.

(Or words of similar phrasing, I do not recall her exact words but they boiled down to the above.)   


Not all my hobbies evolve around war, death and destruction, or financial markets. No, I also like to cook food and stuff. There will not be many recipes but here is the index to some food I made, it is just a small fraction of what I cook. A very small fraction but the goal is to come to a feast meal for the Iraqis and Afghanis. So it likely will take a few more years...

























Title: A 2010 condolences card to the US dollar.