Some Math Work 02; 

Classification of all secret&holy beer crate shapes.


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Introduction: Today I did some mathematical discovery of the highest importance! Yes, of the highest importance! The discovery is about the HolyTwoUnity of a crate of beer bottles!

The important discovery is not only for beer drinking math loving figures but also to all Christians who do believe in the so called ThreeUnity of Jezus&HolySpirit&TheAllmightyFather.

At the math side of it, we try to solve the equation:

  n  =  c     

and by solving this problem we did need the toilet a lot of times.

The ThreeUnity idea is some strange idea, I wonder what Jezus would think of this nonsense. This idea is from somewhere 300 or 400 in the Christian calendar. And since that time all church authorities having no free will just tell the same crap, century in&century out. 

So you understand I am shaking with emotion&I do thank the heavens for burning this discovery into my brain. Wow wow wow, my luck is definite infinite. The math behind the HolyTwoUnity is so simple and at the same time so elegant. 

Let start with some basic stuff, the beer crates observed into this little country mostly do have the following shape (seen from above):


c c c c c c
c c c c c c
c c c c c c
c c c c c c


In the crate above a c is meaning a full beer bottle and a n is meaning some empty bottle.

But why only full&empty beer bottles, let's free out mind and set the following symbolism upon these symbols:

 c   =  A human male figure, often full with something&
 n   =  A human female figure, often empty with something. 

The male&female figures could (after some drinking of course) be arranged as below:

Title to this MathArt: She feels a bit poked.   

























In the above symbolic crate of beer you observe the males penetrating into the females, or you could see it as some males sucked into the females. But we see some strange asymmetry  into the pic:  There are 10 males&14 females!

Sheer horror! They are not in balance&so they are not equal! So we try to look if there might be some configuration upon the males&females might be found in the same numbers. At first I have to drink the above crate empty&than I can try a new crate of beer. (So wait a few seconds&minutes please....)

Ah, yes! here I am again. Look at the next configuration please. I take some time to go to the toilet, so hang on!


n n n n n n
n  c   c   c   c  n
n  c   c   c   c  n
n  c   c   c   c  n

Pffff, that was some big pee stuff. You see, in the above is everything in perfect balance. All the males are into the female stuff&we have 12 n&also 12 c!! So we have the equation of

  n  =  c     

So now I have reached the HolySpiritState of 2 times the Holy number of    

This was the first revelation that came to my mind today&still I am shaking with emotions. And still I do thank the heavens above for giving me this holy revelation.

But after my first revelation I was called upon more HolySpiritBeer and I did design a completely new kind of beer crate. And than I did drink it all away of course. You can now look at the second revelation:


n n n n n n n n
n  c   c   c   c   c   c  n
n  c   c   c   c   c   c  n

Wow man, this is hard work. Now I understand why Jezus&Mohammed did not make it till retirement. These revelations are often hard to swallow!
But religious duty called me again and I drove with my car to the supermarket to buy me a whole lot of beer. Now I am home again, I hope you didn't miss me. Oh sorry I have to take some big pee, wait a few minutes because I feel a new revelation coming up!


So here I am back, I think I do have a new revelation! Brr I hope the AllMightyLord never forces me to write a complete book of revelations! That would be terrible, but now I do my drinking and you must wait until my latest revelation is ready. Just hold on, why don't you take some beer yourself in the meantime?

Just wait, I am almost there. If you don't mind I first go to the bathroom again and please wait some time.
Hurray, the third revelation is found. Look below to find the third revelation:

n n n n n n
n  c  c  c  c n
n  c  c  c  c n
n  c  c  c  c n
n  c  c  c  c n


Burp, yes. Only burp I can say. What beautiful math this is, and now I have defined the 3 form of HolyTwoUnity! And at the end of this day I can finally say:

Inside my stomach&in my toilet is the ThreeUnityOfHolyTwoUnities found. Burpie burpie.




End of this Just some math 02 (burpie burpie). We successfully solved the equation

  n  =  c 

and in the process we drank some beer. Till next math work. 


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