29 May 2006: A few weeks ago
(when US military death in Iraq were standing at 2396, now it is
2465) I came across an unbelievable quote. It is hard to say how
reliable the information is, but stating that one killed in action
a day is politically sustainable (for the Bush administration) is
feeding al Qaida and other groups inside Iraq...
Here is the quote:
Support in the US for the war in Iraq has been sapped by the 2396 American combat deaths since the invasion. The Pentagon hopes to limit deaths among American troops to "one KIA (killed in action) a day" - a figure White House strategists believe will be politically sustainable.
Comment: Ah, the death toll is feeding it's way into
the very caves of American political power. The poor
creatures. But we can easy draw an important lesson from
this: Before the impending US midterm elections this year, the
Iraqis should keep up the pace of killing US military in
The weeks before this US election will be important and
when the democrats win there will be severe trouble for
commander in chief Dubya. |
It is even tempting to make the day before the US elections a
new Military Bloody Day. But we better look at the result of the
next MBD on 26 July this year, when nothing happens the Iraqis
have lost interest in this long story.
Next subject: The tensions between Iran and the USA (or may be
better the tensions between Iran and a whole lot of other nation
in particular the USA). The tensions over the nuclear affairs from
Iran are growing and growing and it looks like Iran is on a ram
course, just like the USA...
Well military action by some international coalition or solely
by the USA would alter the Iraqi equation, that's what I am hoping
for. But read the quote, the Iranians have all kinds of fantasies
of course about how to fight back and here is one of those
fantasies (that might be in the planning by the Iranians by
"We have announced that wherever America does something evil, the first place that we target will be Israel," Revolutionary Guards Rear Admiral
Mohammad-Ebrahim Dehqani was quoted as saying by Iran's student news agency
Now isn't that easy to understand? If you attack us, we attack
Israel! Easy and simple...
Next and last subject for today: Coalition fatalities in Iraq.
In the previous month I published the next picture on the
homepage, just some statistics around military coalition
fatalities in Iraq. Just take a look at the numbers:

Beside this I asked the Iraqi mujahedin to kill only 31 in this
month of May, they did not listen... It is hard to say if this is
a pity because extra military deaths are always welcome around
here. It would be funny if this month total will stuck at 62 US
military deaths, in that case the mujahedin would have twice a '31
package' delivered. But we have to wait until the end of the
month, in the meantime you can look at the statistics until now,
there are interesting differences to observe. For example look at
British fatalities:

We have to go a long way back since the UK suffered losses like
this, to be precise we have to go back to a previous Military
Bloody Day. That MBD was 30 January 2005 (elections in Iraq). That
was a very important MBD-day, in my memory it was a bit like this:
Country wide something like 300 to 350 attacks were staged by
the Iraqis but all efforts did not give one single dead Western
soldier. It just looked like that MBD would end into the void of
history. But in the evening after I had given up hopes of massive
destruction a British Hercules was shot down, this was
unbelievable news. This was unbelievable and because the initial
reports had no clue upon the number of dead there was room for all
kinds of fantasies because Hercules planes can carry many dozens
of soldiers...
But this election day MBD is a thing from the past, we must
look at the future and the next Military Bloody Day is located at
26 July 2006. Lets wait upon that one, with a bit of luck we will
have another good day.