The writings of Reinko Venema.
-Dring dring, there the door bell goes. Reinko opens the door and it is Arty! Hey come on in Reinko says. Arty: Long time yo see man! Hey I need some hot coffee because it is damn cold in your country and what do we have to do with this surge in USA born soldiers? -Reinko: I don't know, the surge in Afghanistan is very weird because only next year in 2011 these USA born soldiers are supposed to get back to their trailer parks. We must also take into account that even the throwing of dumb bombs is good for the US economy because of the replacement demand. Arty (looking difficult): So what do we need to do? -Reinko: For Afghanistan it is important to keep attacks up, after all Afghanistan is not for nothing the graveyard of empires. On the other hand the Pakistanis should put their act together and avoid being the next Colombia or Mexico. Arty (smiling): Ok ok, I have to go back to Afghanistan so bye bye |
End of this update. Till updates.
(05 March 2012) Only one item, it is so boring to read that you better get to more exiting activities right now. So leave this website and never return! Item 1) Paul Krugman watch: Debt hugger Paul explains why austerity is bad. Item 1) Paul Krugman watch: Debt hugger Paul explains why austerity is bad. Lately we have done some calculations upon fresh debt needed in the USA in order to let the US economy grow modestly and as a point estimation we observed that for at most 2% GDP growth a hefty 37 trillion US$ was needed for the next 10 years. By all standards this is a truly astronomical figure, but given USA debt growth over the last 30 years that is what they need for just a modest GDP growth of at most 2%. Consumer economy. In the holy financial Media they always say that the USA is a 'consumer economy' because about 70% of her gross domestic products is done by consumers. That is a highly interesting phenomenon: how can you consume so much while producing so little? Please remark that in Greece, after all, obesity in the worker population was never as high as in the USA. Greece folks were dumb, but they were not lazy... __________ Let's go to the 'We Need Always More
Stimulus' guy Paul Krugman. It is not the first time I am saying this, but Paul Krugman is very bad at math... But he hides it very well, look for example when Paul explains the evils of austerity: A number of people have asked me for a quick, easy explanation of the difference between a government and a family — basically, what’s wrong with the argument that when times are tough the government should tighten its belt. Until this far, Paul does not look like a weirdo. More quotes: That’s the key point, of course. When a family tightens its belt it doesn’t put itself out of a job. When a government tightens its belt in a depressed economy, it puts lots of people out of jobs; and this is a negative even from the government’s own, narrowly fiscal point of view, since a shrinking economy means less revenue. Comment: Paul is right when he remarks that the USA economy is not a family, no normal family would need such a huge yearly debt growth. But my dear Paul, suppose that the US economy is not a family living in harmony, where do these fresh 37 trillions for the next decade come from? Boring (extremely boring) source file: Losing the belt? Only obesity folks loose the belt on a regular basis my dear Paul... __________ End of this update so see you around. Till updates.
(01 March 2012) Not much news from Syria in the
sense that the madness continues. Lets hope for the best but I
have to remark I only have little hope. So let time float by & lets wait and see. __________ Today's two items are about the gigantic strength and resilience of the USA economy; anyway they reported a 3% GDP growth while just in my previous update I told you folks that high growth is not expected for a long time. The other item is in Dutch and we poke a bit of fun at the Dutch government that has, miracle miracle, a budget deficit of 4.5% as measured in local GDP numbers... Item 1) Oh deflator on the wall, who grows
the fastest of them all? Item 1) Oh deflator on the wall, who grows the fastest of them all? Last week I estimated for you that the USA needs about 37 trillion US$ in fresh debt for the non-financial parts of her economy. It is highly questionable that such an amount of money is there to borrow it out or that borrowers want to take on such high levels of debt. Then the news came out the USA GDP grew a hefty 3% year on year, but I neglected it because sometimes I am so horribly bored with the USA financial/sector/press coverage/etc etc. Yet by coincidence I heard someone complaining that the deflator was only 1% and I was thinking 'That can't be true'. So I looked it up in the relevant files from the US Bureau of Economical Analysis. This link confirms the 3% growth: Table 1.1.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product And this one the ridiculous 1% for the deflator (in case you don't know what a deflator is: it is the price inflation for the entire economy, so it measures a little bit more than price changes in for example grocery stuff): Table 1.1.7. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Prices for Gross Domestic Product Please remark I am not saying the USA BEA is cheating or so, but I don't understand what is happening. After all the USA population is still getting more obese, lazy & dumb year in year out so what explains this huge reported USA GDP number? I don't know. Screaming faggots... Where are the usual USA screaming faggots
always so afraid for deflation? As we see, the Durable goods prices are
completely smashed with 2.5%. Item 2) In Dutch: Au zeg! Wel 9 miljard bezuinigen? An sich was het uitermate komisch om te zien: steeds in het buitenland roepen dat 3% toch echt de limit is en onder hun eigen kont en natuurlijk volslagen onverwacht zitten we zelf ineens met een tekort van 4.5%. Om het helemaal hilarisch te maken: vandaag zeiden ze in het nieuws dat na de vorming van ons nieuwe kabinet Rutte ze zelfs vergadering(en) hebben gehouden over 'wat te doen met eventuele overschotten?' En nu, min of meer plotseling, moet het geld daar gehaald worden waar het is: woningmarkt en pensioen leeftijd... Dus sowieso afbouwen van de hypotheekrente aftrek en een paar jaar later de huurtoeslagen. Het zou creatief zijn om gewoon de huren in
sociale woningbouw eens een jaar of 5 te bevriezen, of pak em
beet, hooguit 0,5% per jaar verhogen. Dat heeft een leuk drukkend
effect op de inflatie terwijl tegelijkertijd de woningbouw
corporaties als het ware uitgenodigd worden om terug te gaan naar
hun kerntaak: __________ En je kunt bezuinigen ook heel leuk maken, zo klaagt de politie over hun salarissen enzo. Nou dan laat je elke diender gewoon een standaard IQ test maken, als bijv voor een willekeurige diender daar een IQ van 65 uit komt rollen dan krijgt ie voortaan nog maar 65% van zijn oude salaris. Ja nu ik er zo over nadenk: met die standaard
IQ testjes kun je enorm veel bezuinigingen doorvoeren bij de
politie. Tot opdatums. Till updates. (26 Feb 2012.) This is a short update on a simple extrapolation of future USA total debt levels, the European debt growth is neglected although I have to remark the second round of a possible fresh half a trillion € joke from the ECB does come a little bit swift if you would ask me ask me. Just a short time ago we had those 500 billion Howitzer for 3 year long bank loans, so I am scratching my old bold head. For the time being I support the ECB policy but this all should not get too crazy... Item 1) Future USA debt growth; a fresh 37 trillion needed in 10 years of time... Item 1) Future USA debt growth; a fresh 37 trillion needed in 10 years of time... Yes you read this correctly: if the present ways of USA economical growth continue they need at least 37 trillion in fresh debt in the non-financial sectors of the USA economy. I don't have a clue about estimates of total world yearly gross domestic product, but it might very well be that in the next 10 years total debt levels in the USA in the non-fin parts will exceed the economical output of the entire planet. Why do I look only at the non-financial sector of the USA economy? That is because in the financial sector they are deleveraging at the expense of expanding US Federal Reserve so called 'balance sheets'. So in the long run over the decades that is not relevant, the FED has become just like the average USA citizen: dumb, lazy & obese. __________ Enough of the rhetoric! Please take a good long look at my easy to understand source file from the US FED, here is the source file: In the very first column in the above link
you see stuff like 'Total nonfin debt' or so. The results upon yearly debt growth are not very promising, since it is clearly a nail in the Pentagon death coffin I was delighted to make a little graphic from the data: With a little bit of rudimentary math you see yearly debt growth is always above 7% totally outstripping the growth of economical output let alone the profits needed to pay back this debt growth. Ok ok very often debt growth also induces inflation but in order to tame the 37.8 trillion debt beast you need about 5% inflation a year for at least 10 more years... So in a hand basket the next 10 years for the USA from the macro viewpoint will be: -- At most 2% economical growth when it comes
to reported real GDP. __________ Now crisis in crisis out the USA has arrived at a 37.8 trillion in 30 years of time, that is over 7% of debt growth a year. Given her military arsenal she will proceed with that kind of debt growth, so what will happen? Very simple: at least 7% a year simply means that in 10 years of time we are looking at: 37844 * 1.07^10 = ha ha ha 74 trillion US bucks... End of this update.
(21 Feb 2012, temporary update.) In the USA the presidential race is going on and the Republicans offer a wide range of utterly strange people that try to win the Republican nomination for being the Republican candidate. As such we have Rick Santorum, he is a true Christian & he likes to show it. I kind of like this guy, he is definitely not a Dubya clone but he has the same deeply rooted fundamental smell of utter retardation. Why in the USA there still are so many retards doing their thing is unknown to me, may be in the USA the 50 cents of wisdom always fall 10 years too late. Ok the other guys in the race like Newt G and that rich stinker Romney are also highly interesting, but if you want to enjoy the weird insights of Rick upon the killing of Dutch elderly people in state run hospitals, you should definitely look at the video as found in the next link: Rick
Santorum on the monstrous ways the Dutch kill the elderly. You know Rick is just like Dubya a 'nice fellow' but guys like that should not run 50% of the world defense budget... Till updates.
(15 Feb 2012, temporary update in Dutch.) Guttegut, zitten we zomaar in een recessie... Volgens het CBS is de economie in het vierde kwartaal 0,7% gekrompen ten opzichte van één jaar eerder (dus geen kwartaal op kwartaal gedoe met al die seizoens invloeden). Hoewel verrassend qua omvang zie ik de krimp als een uitermate positief gegeven, het is toch prima dat er minder gas verkocht is? Elke kuub die we nu niet verkopen kan je in de toekomst tegen veel hogere prijzen verkopen. En dan dat gezeur over 'de consument' die 'de hand op de knip' zal houden? Ach ach, pure paniek natuurlijk... Kom nou, het is toch een goed ding dat allerlei personen eindelijk eens wat gaan aflossen op hun idioot hoge hypotheek? Vergeet niet dat de Nederlandse huizenmarkt er tot nu toe waanzinnig goed is afgekomen; vrijwel nul komma niks aan 'USA housing collapse effect'. Die paar procentjes in waardeverlies tot nu toe stelt niet veel voor, het had veel en veel erger kunnen zijn. Maar het is nooit in mijn belang geweest om de lokale huizenmarkt een dreun te geven. In tegendeel, nu de huiseigenaren om de één of andere reden graag wat meer willen aflossen wil ik de banken vragen om dit geld te gebruiken voor het verstrekken van nieuwe hypotheken... __________ Grap van de dag: Denk je nu echt dat de banken de extra aflossingen op hypotheken gaan gebruiken voor verse hypotheken? In dat geval ben je waarschijnlijk een huis bezitter die net een extra betaling op de hypotheek gedaan heeft... __________ CBS link: Tot opdatums.
(08 Feb 2012) One short item: Item 1) On the Syrian equation. Item 1) On the Syrian equation. From the level of international diplomacy the UN Security Council resolution was vetoed by Russia & China. (I did not read the details of the resolution since it was clear from the beginning stuff would not make it. And, by the way, where has my UNSC vote on Palestine statehood gone? Have I missed something?) Ok, China is not important since it is hard to phantom they could cough up some serious help. China is only relevant since it has veto power... I have more trust in the Russians since at least they try something although I fear that the Russian efforts are not enough given the present escalation problems. My dear Russians, it is clear that the Syrian Assad is not a full blown idiot. Likely Assad is doing his best. But stuff like 'restoring dialogue' or 'transforming politics' has a high degree of failure my dear Russians. So it is nice the Russians try to do something, but is it enough? For example: UN resolution would bring no peace to Syria – Medvedev In order to keep this update short: The Russians are allowed to go on with their efforts for lets say 7 days, so that would be until 08 Feb + 07 days= 15 Feb. After that the Russians retreat and the Turkish people are invited to take the lead... Till updates my dear reader.
(04 Feb 2012) Only one item around math. Item 1) Syria is boring, lets do some math that calms the nerves even more. Item 1) Syria is boring, lets do some math that calms the nerves even more. Ok ok the title of this item is a little bit overdone, of course Syria is not boring but there is also that vast ocean of that science known as math. So instead of commenting on the Syrian equation I would like to update with a little bit of elementary math known as the Cauchy-Riemann equations that rule a lot of math in the complex plane. I sincerely hope understanding the next math is good for your nerves, it is good stuff although it is only a small detail. Till updates.
(27 Jan 2012) One item: Item 1) Leadership and the brain. Item 1) Leadership and the brain. What is leadership? Because leadership in humans is a very wide thing lets only look at, for example, political leadership. What makes the populace follow leaders and why do leaders 'lead' in the first place? Stuff like that is embedded into our biology, a well known Dutch biologist named Midas Dekker once explained leadership among schools of fish that swim into the ocean: Most fish that swim in schools just follow
their instinct and try to swim behind other fish in the school.
But weirdly enough there is at least one lonely fish swimming in
front the entire school. What does this fish set apart from the
other fish? It turned out all those leading fish had a little bit of brain damage and as such were not capable of following other fish... __________ I had to laugh very hard when I understood the implications of the contribution Midas Dekker made. Of course our human brain is far bigger per kilo bodymass and as such our brain operates a little bit more complicated, but I had to laugh anyway. It is a pity we cannot operate on the Dubya brain in order to find that spot where it all has gone so horribly wrong... But serious: political leaders that create the most lethal chaos are never of the conformist type, in that sense they have indeed some brain damage. __________ For myself speaking, when I employ projects like bringing the DOW in half from 14 to 7 thousand, of course I use my insights in leadership. If I would not follow elementary insights, the whole process might have stopped at, lets say, 9500 on the DOW and those folks would party like a bunch of debt huggers inside a Central Bank. __________ Now why do some brain damaged people get so
many followers? I don't have a clue, may be my mind does not want to go there... Till updates.
(21 Jan 2012) Two items: Item 1) On the Syrian equation. Item 1) On the Syrian equation. Ok, on 04 Jan I asked for withholding sniper fire done by the Syrian army for at least 7 to 10 days ending on the 14-th of Jan. That was all I asked for and without posting all kinds of links it more or less looks like that is what I got. So that is a good thing although it has to be remarked that it was only on a limited timescale on a limited detail of war (the marksman or the sniper). But hey my dear Syrians, where do we go from here? For myself speaking I would like it to write a little bit about Syria every now and then, it is not for nothing I am already writing 'Syrian equation' instead of simply Syria. __________ Just like the international community, I too don't have a clue about Syria. A lot of forces are pulling at it; most want stability and other forces like higher instability. __________ So lets wait and see how the Syrian equation will evolve over time.
Item 2) In Dutch: En ineens zomaar en volkomen is je dag verpest... Zit ik gewoon op de bank naar die saaie tv te kijken en bah: de tv zegt dat Netanyahu op bezoek is in Nederland! Ik dacht van die eikel heeft toch wel wat anders te doen nu zijn hoom kountrie een fizit heeft van deze kwast: US military chief holds talks in Israel on Iran Maar nee, de Israelische Netanyahu zit gewoon een kopje koffie te drinken met Mark Rutte en aanverwante materie. Nou man, mijn dag was gewoon verpest weet je. Tot opdatums. Till updates.
(11 Jan 2012) One item: Item 1) The Syrian equation versus my oath of non-interference. Item 1) The Syrian equation versus my oath of non-interference. Where is my oath of non interference gone? You know, that old promise of me to keep my mouth shut when it comes to uprisings in so called 'Arab nations'. Ok ok, a bit of Libya came along, but for the rest most of the time I kept my promise of a more or less rigid non interference policy... And now there is Syria, it is screaming for attention because the levels of internal violence are relatively high. Oath or not, rising levels of rough violence always arouse my attention. __________ My dear reader the Syrian equation is packed with a gigantic load of dimensions, as such most people have enough reasons to more-or-less explain the higher levels of violence. I will not loose myself in such generally accepted nonsense, on the contrary: My compliments go to the Israeli IDF for the help into the Syrian equation. It's so fucking good my dear IDF; you can even look me in the eyes for a few seconds, my compliments! Religious dimensions. A lot of people are blinded by religion when
it comes to Israel. After all the IDF guy Gantz is telling us, quote: The chief of staff also explained that the current situation in Syria makes it difficult for Assad to attack Israel. Comment: Only a fool needs more comment! Jerusalem Post source: __________ It is actually past midnight right now but I forgot to comment on the content of the Syrian prez Assad speech from yesterday. The line of reasoning is more or less that foreign involvement causes the violence and the response will be with an iron fist... In this regard it is highly interesting why exactly the Syrian security forces act so very violent... The most logical answer is that indeed they had some rough attacks, and they respond by killing back. Suppose the line of reasoning from Assad is correct and indeed foreign stuff is trying to trigger higher and higher levels of violence inside Syria, why do you let your iron fist hammer the own Syrian population? That does not make sense because it is very logical from the viewpoint of state survival that Israel dearly wants and needs maximum amounts of violence in Syria. So that our Israeli pals can say once more: We are a beacon of stability... To put it more simply: If a burglar attacks my house, why should I attack my own family members? Wouldn't it be far more logical to find out what attacks you instead of doing weird stuff without brains? There is something strange with the Assad regime although it is a far cry from that imbecile formerly known as colonel Kadhaffi. Till updates my dear reader.
(04 Jan 2012) A happy new year by the way... I have decided to make the previous temporary update a permanent one, so if I am wrong with my idea's that our beloved Israel is indeed jacking violence a bit up inside Syria, I would like to fall flat on my face. Since the temporary status is now lifted we can proceed to the items of this update: Item 1) A simple marching order for the
Syrian army: no sniper fire for 7 days. Item 1) A simple marching order for the Syrian army: no sniper fire for 7 days. Ok, lets try to see if it is possible to control average violence levels in Syria... That is all I would like to do my dear Syrian army, don't worry it is not like the zero-one project from Iraq that lasted over one hundred days. It's only a 7 to 10 day timespan kind of thing. I could write thousands of words and lay down all kinds of nuances and hang out the diplomat. I am not going to do that, no lets grab some small axe and simply tell the Syrian army it is simply forbidden to use sniper fire for a period of lets say 7 to 10 days. __________ It goes in right now, so that implies that from the 14-th January higher levels of sniper fire from all parties inside the Syrian equation are allowed. Lets leave it with that. Item 2) Boring but funny links. Did you know the Palestinians are an 'invented people'? I never knew that, but USA prez hopeful Newt Gingrich explains: Gingrich Describes Palestinian People as 'Invented' After so much sniper power every body needs a good laugh, from the Fox business channel they are telling us: Why America's Financial Future is Far Better Than Europe's After all that laughing it gets truly hilarious when USA Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman complains: Lets not try to explain to Paul Krugman when debt levels grow too fast, let time do it's miracle thing. __________ End of this update, the financial parts follow their predictable path but how will the Syrian army react? And what about the fucking Israelis? Till updates.
(25 Dec 2011, temporary update) These Damascus bombings look very strange, it has all the looks and feels of another 'Hariri bombing'; therefore this temporary update on the Syrian equation. Item 1) Musings on weird & unexplained bombings... Item 1) Musings on weird & unexplained bombings... Weird & unexplained bombings and who to blame for them? For myself speaking the recent Damascus bombs have all that gut & feel like the Lebanon Hariri pm killing. I know that inside Syria everybody is blaming everybody & I am 100% sure that I will put all my credibility on the line, but at the moment I am thinking the Damascus bombings are some advanced Israeli joke. After all, at the state level, the Israelis are very much interested into hefty instability inside the neighboring countries. __________ But hey my dear reader, did I not put 100% of my credibility up? If you want to destroy my line of reasoning, lets look at: 1) Lebanon Hariri still unexplained,
while __________ From the statistical point the future is very easy to measure: More bombings like these on a rather sparse timescale... __________ At last it is remarked that against Israeli involvement the detail of suicide bombers was observed, hard to say if Israel has such capabilities. Till updates.
(21 Dec 2011) Two items, the last item is in Dutch: Item 1) The ECB bazooka. Item 1) The ECB bazooka. Item 1) The ECB bazooka. Wow man, today the European Central Bank
borrowed out almost 500 billion in 3 year loans at 1% of yearly
interest... I have to admit that I needed some time too in order to swallow the possible implications and/or future ramifications of such a big thing. After a few hours of thinking I give it the green light: a priori there is no reason to expect future inflation danger from this if this giant half a trillion borrowing scheme is executed properly included the exit path... Furthermore I am not going to check all kinds of details because for the time being I still trust the ECB more than other Central Banks from not named nations. Lets leave it with that. Item 2) Van Dale woord van het jaar: Tuigdorp... Item 1) Van Dale woord van het jaar: Tuigdorp... Tuigdorp? Wat is dat nou weer? Één of ander mislukt
concentratiekamp zonder ovens? Maar volgens een enquête van Van Dale is tuigdorp het woord van het jaar geworden: 'Tuigdorp' Van Dale Woord van het Jaar 2011 En, vreemd genoeg, schijnt dat woord uit de koker van dhr Geert Wilders te komen; je weet wel, die mafketel Geert van de PVV die min of meer een heel moderne versie van Boer Koekoek is. Vroeger, mijn lieve lezertjes, hadden we Boer
Koekoek in ons parlement. Als je eens een halve gare in actie
wilde zien dan kon je nog altijd naar Boer Koekoek kijken. Nou, Boer Koekoek kan er nog een puntje aan zuigen maar Geert is tegenwoordig zelfs een beschermd handelsmerk! Kijk maar: Geert Wilders® is
(nu ook) een merk Nee dat tuigdorp gaat het echt niet worden en of Geert succes zal hebben als Trade Mark is ook disputabel... Laten we hat daarbij houden. Tot opdatums. Till updates.
(09 Dec 2011) Two items, no links. Item 1) Mario Braghi, the new ECB prez has
won the seal of approval. Item 1) Mario Braghi, the new ECB prez has won the seal of approval. Today the new European Central Bank had her latest policy meeting and as such Mario was invited to the usual press conference afterwards. For myself speaking (don't forget Mario is Italian...) I think we can trust Mario, so he gets my seal of approval. Ok ok me myself & I might differ on
details with the ECB central bankers; I don't see the inflation
going away in the food & energy parts of the real economy. So
I would have raised 25 points instead of lowering 25 basis points. Lets not loose ourselves in all kinds of sideways concerning today's ECB policy decision, why does Mario get my thumbs up? Because he nicely pointed out that in the European treaty it said that monetization of sovereign debt was not allowed and as such a bypass via the IMF was completely out of the question... __________ Tip for the ECB folks upon monetization of future sovereign debt: Until now, as far as I understand reality, for every € sovereign debt bought at some other point in our beloved financial system one € is sucked out again... I don't know if that is true, but at least over there at the ECB at least they try to get the place nice and tidy. And that cannot be said by the US Federal Reserve who, by now, can only expand further their wonderful balance sheet. So without much problems, in the future, for every € of sovereign debt sucked up, you can also put a leverage on it and drain above it: why not 2 or 3 in liquidity withdrawn for every sovereign debt €? Item 2) What will the EU politicians decide? No idea because we need 'balanced budgets' at the nation state level and for some strange reason a lot of European political leaders think that if your own economy expands 3% a year, you can also reap up 3% fresh debt in GDP every year. This is so breathtaking stupid, only people with a background in law studies could believe such a retarded thing. __________ My dear European political leaders, if you can only tax about 25% in money numbers as compared to your GDP and your economy expands 3% a year, your own government layouts can only grow 3% of GDP too... (Anyway, that is the math stupidity in it.) For example: If a government taxes away 25% from her economy while that wonderful economy grows 3% a year, at best the government outlays can grown is 0.25 times 3% = 0.75% of the reported GDP. Yeah yeah my dear European leaders, the war against the debt huggers is far from won... __________ But what will they decide now they have their
own meeting too? So good luck with it. Till updates.
(01 Dec 2011) I want Italy to sing the song of debt for me and for that I need the help of the bond markets that rule sovereign debt. Item 1) Italy thou are so beautiful, please sing the song of debt for me... Item 1) Italy thou are so beautiful, please sing the song of debt for me... I can't say how much I enjoy the present European so called credit crisis: Lovely to see all those weirdo's that think the end of the earth is there because it is such a giant mess in Europe... All of that because the European political leaders just cannot hammer out some progress and the European Central Bank for some strange reason has weak knees when it comes to sucking up trillions of € in sovereign debt for the next years. __________ Tourist stuff. May be you have traveled a little around in Europe and very very may be you have visited some famous tourist attractions in Europe. While doing so you might have encountered Italians; especially as a group they always stand out because they talk so much. Where normal people would only need about five words to say something, the Italians easily need 25+ words & a whole lot of gestures to say exactly the same thing... That's how they are on average; talk a lot but not saying anything. If you have observed a few of those groups of Italians abroad you understand instantly that it would be very hard to change the way they behave in public. The Italians are a kind of their own: in Italy things go differently. End of the tourist stuff. __________ And if you have about 60 million of those talkative debt huggers inside a nation called Italy, again instantly you understand that warning against the dangers of debt hugging will be met with a lot of words but zero substance... __________ Luckily there is also a guy named 'Mr. Market', I have never met him and I have never seen any photo of Mister Market but lately this guy wants 7% interest rates of freshly issued Italian government debt. I am shaking with laughter; that Mr. Market person has far more muscle than I will ever have! __________ But lets get serious: for the time being bond markets should focus sharply on the 7% rates for fresh Italian debt. Whatever the timespan of Italian fresh debt offered, let it be 3 months or 3 years, 7% for fresh debt is always the answer of the bond markets... In case there are some weirdo's inside the international bond markets that think they can skip my 7% advice when it comes to Italy; you can give it a try but if you annoy me or you irritate me you will find me on your path and rather likely you will not enjoy that... Lets leave it with that. Till updates.
(22 Nov 2011) One item: Item 1) From the debt huggers to the toilet economy...
Years and years ago I combined the words 'debt' and 'hugger' into debt huggers as some kind of funny antidote to tree huggers. And in case you don't understand it: a toilet economy can, by definition, only finance it selves via stuff like this: Monetization of Federal debt is all the USA can do, just like your obesity rates why don't you just have fun with it my dear USA?
(18 Nov 2011) Two items: Item 1) On the IAEA report on Iranian nuclear
activities. Item 1) On the IAEA report on Iranian nuclear activities. Ok, there is a steady drumbeat over there in the media about the likelihood of Iran trying to make a nuclear bomb. Since many years ago I arrived at the conclusion that Iran did not try to make a nuclear bomb it might be wise to check for myself if old old insights are still valid today. Without posting links, for me it was very funny to observe that some US lawmakers think that Iran tries to create a nuclear EMP blast against our beloved USA... I will not repeat my own old arguments upon my old conclusion, I would only like to highlight the extreme desire of some IAEA so called 'member states' to turn attention away from the little Palestine problem they have towards big evil like a nuclear armed Iran. My dear reader, I have only read a few parts of the IAEA recent report on Iran and I am sorry to inform you that rather likely this report is just another bucket of shit. My dear reader, the IAEA report is about 26 pages long, so it's a long read. But if you do not have the time, save the file so you can later read it when you have time enough... Link: __________ Chairman stuff. Simply for myself speaking, from the moment he was appointed I considered the new IAEA chairman a so called 'weak person'. I never wrote about it, why not let time do it's miracles? In the report there is just too much weird stuff coming from 'member states' so in mind comes Israel & the USA. Sorry folks, the above report might be more or less a little bit true, for the time being I simply operate from the viewpoint that Iran is not actually making nuclear bombs. In case you might be interested about why I think the new IAEA chairman is a 'weak person'? Try to read this: Statement to World Association of Nuclear Operators Biennial General Meeting
Item 2) Boring links. I love it, all those doomsayers about the
€. It will break up, it will destroy us too, it will this and it
will that... In practice it is very very good we finally have some
action against the ridiculous debt super cycle where year in
year out debt growth always outstrips total profit growth. The Rise of a Euro Doomsayer
(from the NYT) __________ Rather often the USA folks complain about China having an artificially cheap currency and as such generating gigantic trade deficits with the poor poor USA folks. But, as Stephen Roach points out, the USA runs more or less a trade deficit against every nation it trades with... America's Other 87 Deficits __________ No time was found to check the factual
details on the official USA Federal Reserve website, but somewhere
it was claimed that the FED was now the largest holder of US
Treasuries thereby surpassing China. Fed Now Largest Owner of U.S. Gov’t Debt—Surpassing China __________ Bloomberg is reporting that, sheer horror & pure evil, that holy USA banks risk contagion from Euro risks! Wow man, it is no longer Mortgage Backed Securities that could be a trouble for USA banks, this time the poor poor USA banks have to skip the 'mark to market' rule even for European sovereign debt! U.S. Banks Face Contagion Risk From Europe Debt __________ The most boring links are the last two: they
are about using the axe properly. For you it will be boring, but I like Youtubbers like that: And a German version, also nice: Till updates.
(09 Nov 2011) Two items: Item 1) Will the Italian debt huggers run
into problems? Item 1) Will the Italian debt huggers run into problems? In the previous update I neglected the side show named Greece because all in all that takes away all attention of much larger underlying issues. (May be that explains why the US financial media pay so much attention at the European problems...) Anyway today Italy her ten year interest
rates on fresh debt rose above 7%. Italy has a population of about 60 million so the extra interest payments would amount to about 1000 € a year per capita citizen. Although that is a lot of money it rather likely will not be the end of Italy. __________ The problem for Italy is of course that they
can only pay old debt via refinance and so you have to trust them
you constantly hear because financial markets are build on trust. With only a small piece of paper and a pencil you can calculate that this safe haven is not for real; what else can the USA do in the long run than monetizing more and more debt? __________ Now for trust in Italy; do you trust Italy? For myself speaking I think it will be very hard for Italy to change in a meaningful way, just look for example at the garbage problems in Napels and so. For an amazingly long time people have constantly trash and garbage on the streets. So do you trust a nation that cannot even clean up it's own citizens garbage? Item 2) Oh oh Israel; are thou a bunch of liars? Yesterday it was very funny that emerged, quote: Microphones accidently left on after G20 meeting pick up private conversation between US, French presidents. Sarkozy admits he 'can't stand' Israeli premier. Obama: You're fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day! Source (Ynet): Report: Sarkozy calls Netanyahu 'liar' Of course it is very funny that it is phrased in words like 'liar' but lets put all fun aside and analyze Israel's very weird words once more: For months and years we are hearing from the
Israelis that the Palestinians need to come to the negotiating
table without pre-conditions (with that the fucking Israelis mean
the Palestinians must not complain about settlement expansions). Netanyahu at UN: Palestinians can get state only after peace with Israel Of course in the meantime Israel just cannot give up her right to 'self defense' because they are surrounded by evil terrorists & more of that bla bla bla. __________ My dear reader, the creation of the state of Israel was a massive blunder from our recent forefathers. It has been a disaster from the very beginning and since Israel was created by the international community, that very same community should also end the existence of the state of Israel. One way or the other: the creation of Israel was one of the last big colonial decisions. It was wrong from day one, we should end Israel as soon as possible. As far as I am concerned; the state of Israel has lost her right to exist somewhere in the last 60 years. That's my view on the fucking liars from Israel; they don't want peace, they only want settlement expansions and go on with the military imbalance that prevents a meaningful peace anyway. Lets leave it with that, till updates.
(01 Nov 2011) Today we take a fine look at the UNESCO vote for allowing Palestine to be a member while we neglect a funny side show like the Greek debt hugging problems. Item 1) It looks like the Israeli circus is continuing: more landgrabs. Item 1) It looks like the Israeli circus is continuing: more landgrabs. For some strange reason the USA has some law that forbids all funding to UN agencies that would recognize some kind of Palestine state. One way or the other; this is a very strange
law. It looks like inside USA laws there are all kinds of things
that truly hinder the recognition of a Palestine state. So, by law, the USA stopped funding UNESCO. Who says the USA is not the perfect Israeli poodle? __________ My dear reader for years and years I have argued that the present situation is more or less the perfect situation for our beloved Israel: day in day out the slow landgrab will go on one square meter of new ground at a time. Therefore it was funny to observe a very fresh reaction from the strong Israeli leader monseigneur Netanyahu (Jerusalem Post): PM calls for increased W. Bank settlement after UNESCO vote As an example, quoting: In a series of retaliatory moves against the Palestinian Authority, Israel on Tuesday night agreed to accelerate Jewish construction over the pre-1967 line and to temporarily suspend the transfer of tax funds to the PA. Comment: No comment needed, a long long time ago I understood the luxury position of Israel. Israel will always do anything to prevent peace, therefore she shall be destroyed... (Or will she only break a finger nail, who knows...) __________ My dear reader, with sadness in my heart I have to inform you that there is a new SecDef. You might think 'So what'? But for me those kind of details are very important, the previous SecDef was Robert Gates and he was so smart that his sheer presence kept me from activating sheer & rough violence against the US army. By now the US military has a new SecDef and although I did not study the guy I simply smell a fresh Donald Rumsfeld clone. Don't forget my dear reader, guys wearing the title of 'SecDef' usually run about 50% of global military spending. It is only the 50% threshold that arouses my attention of course... And oh yeah, why me might look at another Rumsfeld clone? The new guy on the block has stated a few weeks ago that Israel and Palestine: Both parties should go back to the negotiating table because they have nothing to loose. Comment: No comment, if the SecDef wants to believe such nonsense for himself just let it be. __________ Till updates.
(25 Oct 2011) Ok ok, I am annoyed by all those
'human rights' weirdo's that want to investigate the Gadhaffi
killing as some kind of criminal war act... My dear human right weirdo's; compare that to the bullets used by the US Navy Seal team when they killed bin Laden. After my humble opinion that was illegal ammo, of course with stuff like that the human right weirdo's keep their mouth shut. __________ After having said that, let have fun with the European debt crisis! Item 1) Will the EU rescue fund work? Will it 'rescue'? Item 1) Will the EU rescue fund work? Will it 'rescue'? The rescue fund is a very strange thing, in many ways it resembles something of a flying elephant. There is no real money in the 440 billion € rescue fund; it is borrowed money that is AAA rated and the money could be borrowed because the European countries guaranteed for the shortcomings of the rescue fund... In practice countries contribute with a pledge of guarantee and this adds nothing to their running daily deficits. So it's a huge bag of borrowed money, but until now not much of this bag of borrowed money has been spend. Since the rescue fund doesn't show up on the
deficits of the diverse EU countries we might wonder if this will
be a total disaster. Will it work? I don't know because I don't have any kind of sharp insight into total debt level growth inside Europe. In the previous update I calculated for you that in the USA debt levels in the last 30 years in the real economy grew over 7% every year thus outstripping all possible underlying profit growth. By the way, in case you are interested about exactly why the USA population got so horribly fat & obese these last decades: look no further as their total debt growth... So I know a lot of statistics and I have to admit that have no insight in European total debt levels, the rescue fund can work if and only if total EU debt growth is far beyond the USA 7% problem. Lets leave it with that, till updates.
(20 Oct 2011, temporary update) Item 1) Wow man, what a day in Libya! Item 1) Wow man, what a day in Libya! Of course in the first place I would like to congratulate the Libyans too with the killing of our bucket of shit named colonel Gadhafi; congratulations! A few updates back I pondered the detail of a
killed Gadhafi buried under some square in Tripoli inside the
sewage system and build an urinoir above it... To my surprise today it emerged in the end he was hiding in some sewage pipes and I felt the need to make some graphical art from it, but nowhere I could find some good footage; if I find it may be I'll make some art from that in the future. __________ In the West a lot of observers are afraid for civil war inside Libya because there are so many factions and the place is awash with lots and lots of weapons... Ok ok I admit things could run out of hand, but for the time being I totally don't expect it. After 42 years of the colonel most Libyans understand what it means to have some fair share of freedom. __________ Ha my dear Libyans, may be already 1% of your total workload is done these last months. From the bottom of my heart I wish you luck with the next 99%. Make Libya a beautiful place to live! Lets leave it with that, it was a good day today. Till updates. Updated 21 Oct at 00.19 hours: Luckily the Guardian had a photo, so after about 10 minutes of work some graphic art could look like this (it's only a sketch of course):
Ok, end of this temporary item, till updates my dear reader. (07 Oct 2011) One item: Item 1) Musings on debt level growth; a boring approach. Item 1) Musings on debt level growth; a boring approach. Suppose you live in an economy where it is more or less supposed that if you take on debt you will also repay it, for example if you take a mortgage it is supposed by the bank that you will actually pay your mortgage back in the long run. Lately the US FED issued a new so called Z1 release and one of my favorite short files is the next link: It is such a cute short file that gives so much insight on the larger scale of things, for example all the stuff of 2008 and so could be easily foreseen if you knew where to look... It was so fucking simple to foresee the collapse of the financial system. Today I only want to look at the total debt levels in the USA as found in the first column of the file above: that contains all USA debt without the financial sector debt. Of course now the last few years there is all that talk of so called 'tax money' needed to transfer it to the so called 'financial sector' it might be interesting to observe how fast private and government debt as a total grows. (Or shrinks...) So for example; how fast did this total of private and government debt grow over the last five years in the USA? On inspection you see: 2011 Q2 = 36516.8 and The growth factor over a five year timespan
is 36516.8 / 28089.0 = 1.30 so the yearly factor would be 1.30^0.2
= 1.0539 Is that high given the 36 trillion we are talking about? Are the years 2006 through 2011 some kind of anomaly? Lets look at the last 30 years in order to see if the last five years might be some strange anomaly: in the year 1981 total debt was: 1981 Q4 = 4361.7 while we still
have That gives a 30 year growth factor of 36516.8 / 4361.7 = 8.37 So the yearly growth factor would be 8.37^(1/30) = 1.073 or a totally staggering 7.3% on an annualized basis. May be now you understand why the US FED is so afraid of deflation; the US economy is finetuned to be afraid for stuff like the real economy ruling the waves. All we have is ridiculous debt growth but little real performance... In order to make this update as boring as possible, a bit of graphics: And: Ok, it's time to hit the 'publish website'. See ya around my dear reader. Till updates.
(22 Sept 2011, temporary update. Updated in Dutch on 30 Sept.) Item 1) The Israeli circus will continue, or not? Item 1) The Israeli circus will continue, or not? Numerous times I told you that the Israelis are basically only interested in ongoing slow expansions, they do it slowly and it goes on by the square meter and day by day year in year out. That is the only thing that counts in the long run for Israel, the rest is only a circus and when the Israelis feel the need to play the violin they play the violin. The only difference is that this time it is the Israeli finger behind the (military) trigger so you observe a very different kind of violin music. This week it emerged that the Palestinians want a reasonable response from the United Nations in general & the upper echelons of the UN in particular. The request is simple to understand: Give us some kind of state so we can live. __________ For myself speaking I would like to see the application of the USA veto in the UN Security Council so that we will have clearity on that detail. Please no weasel stuff from the other UN folks please... Lets leave this temporary update with that, as mostly when I am seething with anger better I keep updates as short as possible. So see you on some lost Friday afternoon. Till updates. ========== Update (in Dutch from Friday 30 Sept 2011): Zo zeg eigenlijk wilde ik vorige week op vrijdag de 23-ste wat updaten maar ik was een beetje moe of had geen zin of weet ik veel wat. Gelukkig was er in Zeeland een interessante giga grote knal; een compleet caisson totaal aan gruzelementen! En weet je, ik krabe mij een beetje over mijn oude kale kop en dacht van dat soort dingen als 'Wow man, zouden de lui die dit explosief gemaakt en geplaatst hebben soms ook af en toe deze website lezen?' Geen idee of zij ook kinkytshirts punt nl lezen, maar er waren wel een aantal gave details gevonden: 1) Giga grote knal te horen over grote delen
van Zeeland, geen doden of gewonden. Voor als je het nieuws gemist had, bijv op nu punt nl: Nou ja de Zeeland knal was het positieve nieuws van de week maar het negatieve nieuws was toch wel de Jodenstreek die onze minister van buitenlandse zaken Uri Rosental ons brave belastingbetalers flikte. Ik had eerst zoiets van ik scheld Uri gewoon uit voor Blöde Scheiss Jude maar later dacht ik van dat dat misschien toch iets te ver gaat... Wat is het geval? Uri blokkeerde eigenhandig een Europese resolutie omdat die 'te negatief' voor Israel zou zijn. Ik moet zeggen dat ik de oorspronkelijke tekst van die resolutie niet gelezen heb, maar voor zover ik weet is dhr Uri Rosental een lid van de Nederlandse regering en niet in dienst van Israel. Kijk wat mij betreft mogen Joden gewoon Nederlanders zijn en ook alle gangbare maatschappelijke functies vervullen, maar een minister van buitenlandse zaken die zo éénzijdig pro Israel is dat kan natuurlijk niet. Dus ik adviseer geen sniper schot tegen Uri (zoals
ik lang geleden wel eens adviseerde in het gevalletje Maxime
Verhagen) maar ik zie liever een minister van buitenlandse zaken
die de Nederlandse belangen behartigd en niet die van
Israel. NRC bericht bijv: D66 en PvdA eisen uitleg over Nederlandse blokkade EU-standpunt Israël En dan bijv dat weekbald Elsevier, eigenlijk is Elsevier altijd een pro Israel club geweest: Rosenthal: EU-tekst over Israël was niet evenwichtig Dus mijn geachte Rosental: wil je een evenwichtig sniper schot ja of nee? Einde van deze update. ========== Update van 09 Nov 2011 (in Dutch): Er blijft geen enkel nieuw nieuws komen in de arrestatie van die 20 jarige jonge man die deze caisson explosie op zijn geweten zou hebben. Zijn ouders waren ook gearresteerd maar die zijn al weer vrij en zijn voorarrest was verlengd met een dag of 30... Ik moet opmerken dat de kans dat een 20 jarige zoiets kan doen als een heel caisson opblazen toch wel uitermate klein is, het kan wel maar dan moet je toch als klein kind af aan al veel met explosieven te maken hebben. Zelf had ik een soort van dader profiel als iemand, waarschijnlijk mannelijk, van 28 tot zo'n 35 jaar. Nou ja, ouder dan 35 jaar zou natuurlijk best kunnen, in dat geval en als ie nog op vrije voeten is zullen toekomstige bommen spaarzaam zijn. Maar bij activatie wel spectaculair... (Tenminste dat is mijn inschatting tot nu toe.) Verder is er natuurlijk gerede kans dat de Zeeuwse politie in dezelfde IQ equivalentie klasse zitten als de lokale politie hier te Groningen en tja laat mij diplomatiek blijven en deze IQ klasse maar niet omschrijven... Ik blijf (als een soort van strontvlieg) deze interessante caisson zaak natuurlijk volgen... Tot kijks. Till updates.
(09 Sept 2011) Sorry for not updating for
so long but I was doing other stuff. Other stuff like loosing
weight (15 kilogram until now so only 5000 gram to go), loosing
weight is actually very simple. Eat less, exercise a bit more and,
in my individual case, drink green tea... Hey, I crafted two very boring items, here they are: Item 1) Boring links. Item 1) Boring links. Somewhere it was claimed some monkeys made photo's of themselves with a camera that was left behind... Don't know if it's true but the photo's don't seem to be some trick. Source (from techdirt): Monkey Business: Can A Monkey License Its Copyrights To A News Agency? A six page read about the emerge of the US dollar, very interesting: When money brought us together From just before the recent market turmoil, from the Black Swan: S&P 500 Priced in Gold---The Economic Recovery Illusion A movie festival with 911 conspiracy theory movies? Those folks are very persistent, I have given up highlighting my version of events because of the sheer lack of interest... (Although even today after so many years it is still funny to be able to say: They had to die so I could live...;) Bay Area to Host 9/11 Conspiracy Movie Festival For the fine-tasters, in Europe money measurement M3 grew 2% in July (annualized 2% of course): MONETARY
JULY 2011 In the next video a guy named Chris Whalen is talking reasonable stuff about farces like Federal US Trust Funds... He even
mentions stuff like the Is Social Security a ‘Ponzi Scheme’? Chris Whalen “Salutes Perry for Raising the Issue” Item 2) On the nonsense of Euro bonds. In Europe the situation is very simple: Debt Hugging nations think it is a good idea to issue Euro bonds because that will shrink their interest rates on freshly issued debt while normal countries don't think it is a good idea. In this country we, the Dutch, pay very low interest rates on more or less modest amounts of debt. But it is not as a simple one dimensional mindset I am very much against the idea of Euro bonds. Let me name just a few counter arguments: 1) One thing we have learned from the financial crisis is that it would be better to have risk locally contained. If local risk can swarm too easy around you run the risk of blowing the whole place up. 2) Too low rates were very much the beginning of the problems for debt hugger nations, going on with that is of course the best way to blow up the value of the €. 3) There will always be nations confronted with huge internal problems that will over borrow if rates are too low. Look for example at Spain; they are not rigid debt huggers but their unemployment levels are just so high that they might be tempted to do weird things. 4) Euro bonds will hollow out the national
parliaments, it is simply better to let the locals collect taxes
and issue debt and avoid too much centralization. 5) And so on, and so on. No I cannot think of only one tiny long term benefit, the European countries are far to diverse that a uniform tax code and Euro bonds will always be a negative in the long run. While the € has only brought positives for the real economy, every day from every year we have large cost cutters at work: Try to imagine how 17 different currencies would work... __________ My dear reader, it is time to hit the button
known as 'publish website'.
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A 2010 condolences card
to the US dollar.