(08 June 2019) I finished a wooden frame for
one of those posters I made lately and the result is not bad. I
had to made thinner planks from bigger ones and I should have
taken more time in the beginning in flattening everything more
out. That caused in the end a lot more work but anyway it is not
Item 1) Am I struck by the IKEA effect?
Item 1) Am I struck
by the IKEA effect?
For years I am making pieces of furniture
myself (for the locals here in Groningen: Je moet eens hout kopen
bij Dikhout, die zit aan de Osloweg in de buurt van de IKEA). It
is a nice hobby far away from all that theoretical math and the
good thing is slowly but surely your house looks a bit
If you can make stuff in your own style it is
always more rewarding compared when you have to buy stuff. In that
regard it is just like math: If you craft it yourself often it is
better compared what is on 'the market'.
Here is how it looks, the poster contains a
small part of the calculation of the circular 7D number tau. It
replaces my old notes that did hang there, the old notes were
about the calculation of the 5D number tau. But in the past when I
crafted the 5D tau I did not have that diagonalization method I
found later, so all in all the 5D tau was much harder compared to
the 7D tau...
This is how it looks, I still used some metal
things like screws but I am also considering making a few pieces
without any Western metal things so a bit more like Japanese
woodcraft where they have those beautiful joints for

One or two weeks back I came across that
video with the weird title 'The IKEA effect' and that started
like: 'You know, when you have build something yourself like an
IKEA table or something, you feel proud' and I felt a bit insulted
at the beginning.
Ok, even I feel a bit proud when I succeed
into putting an IKEA thing together but whatever IKEA thing it is,
most of the time you are finished in a few hours.
The way I make furniture takes a lot more
time, very often you make something for the first time so it will
always be imperfect and the next time it will be different, but I
try to work on a piece at least 10 minutes a day. So even if I
don't want to work on it any longer after about one week I am
still one hour further down the timeline on that piece of
For example the support structure for the
poster on the back is made of all kinds of wooden strips and it is
a whole lot of chiseling before it is done. I could also have used
a plastic sheet or something like hardboard but I hate that. Just
keep on chiseling at least 10 minutes a day and before you know it
you can put it all together.
But the video made me laugh to; You can also
argue that the professional physics professors are so proud of
their standard model with the tiny fault of electrons having
bipolar disorder that they just don't care about the bipolar
disorder of the poor electrons... ;)
Here is the funny video: Why
You Really Love That Wobbly Table
Ok, that was it. Till updates.
(03 June 2019) Yesterday it was the first hot
day of the summer, here it was about 30 degrees Celsius and it was
lovely. I was a bit afraid that after last horrible summer I would
hate hot days for the rest of my life, luckily I liked the heat so
my hatred does not last even one year.
On 01 June I posted reason number 74 as why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles & that is our item for
Item 1) Reason number 74; a simple
Item 1) Reason
number 74; a simple experiment.
This year I decided to post at most one
reason every month and as such reason number 74 is the reason
posted this month that sheds some light on why electrons cannot be
magnetic dipoles.
Last year in 2018 I figured out how magnetic
domains & domain walls in magnetic materials like iron
probably emerge: it has to be that magnetic domains are always
magnetic monopoles themselves.
And two neighboring magnetic domains must
always have opposite magnetic charge; the domain walls separate
the magnetic domains in an active way; the walls must have
surpluses of electron pairs and the spinning of these electron
pairs must be responsible for the separation of the magnetic
All in all these magnetic domains & walls
are a beautiful was to store a bit more energy into ferro magnetic
In another development, I found out that more
or less five years ago on 28
may 2014 I wrote for the first time on the impossibility that
electrons are magnetic dipoles. So this is the sixth year of my
investigations into the matter and of course the university people
do nothing day in day out year in year out.
Do you hear me utter the word shitholes? No
you don't, five years back I already understood how universities
work because back in 1992 I had decided not to try and get a phd.
Why try to work four years on a row with people that are
mathematically inferior anyway?
The same goes for physics, if there is a
clear fault like in the present case of electron spin
understanding it is almost impossible to repair that. The way
universities run does never promote quick & easy repair of
past knowledge. On the contrary, everything is pointing towards
more polishing existing knowledge and fine tuning the stuff and
that's it. Some unemployed person with too much free time on his
hands finding out that there is something wrong with electron
spin, give me a break the university perfumed princes have more
important matters on their minds...
Here is a picture of a nice experiment where
two small stacks of neodymium magnets are place in a rejecting
fashion as high as possible. The magnets still are attracted to
the iron in the axe, the attraction is bigger compared to the
At first I found this a perfect way of
explaining how the formation of magnetic domains takes place. One
day later I had to laugh very hard when I understood how the
university weirdo's would digest the results of such a simple
Nothing will change because if it not pleases
the ego of a university professor it is irrelevant. So I study
this stuff now for about five years and likely in the year 2014
once more nothing has changed and the electron will still be a
magnetic dipole as promoted by the future physics
Click on the picture to land at reason number

Ok, that was it. Till updates my dear
(30 May 2019) A lot has happened in the
last two weeks, Theresa May is stepping down as the British pm,
the Dutch king has invited donald trump for a visit to our
country, the summer is still cool and not hot like last year, I
found a crazy application of the 4D complex number determinants
but I am not sure if I am not fooling myself, European elections
came along, I made a clock after I found a 1.95 € so called
uurwerk at the local Hornbach, and so on and so on.
I cherry pick on the EU elections because in
my country (the Dutch landscape) two parties that are rather anti
Europa are the main losers in these electrons. That is our item
for today:
Item 1) Ha ha, shithead Geert Wilders PVV no
longer in EU parliament.
Item 1) Ha ha,
shithead Geert Wilders PVV no longer in EU parliament.
It seems that the PVV has won zero seats in
the European parliament, as a side note if the UK leaves the EU
they will get one seat. The political party PVV is not actual a
political party, you cannot become a member of it. The PVV has
only one member: shithead Geert Wilders.
This update is not supposed to be some
political rant or so, no it is only abut how healthy your brains
run. And the shithead Geert Wilders kept on remarking that they
have done a bad job at explaining to people as why Nexit would be
a good thing. Nexit being of course we leaving the European
You know I don't care what political views
people have, what much more matters is if the stuff involved is
carefully thought through. And since you do not need that many
brain cells in order to understand that the EU market is good for
our economy BIG TIME, we conclude that shithead Geert Wilders does
not have that tiny amount of properly working brain cells.
Oh oh, that brings back old memories. Years
ago the shithead party PVV came up with some report that for our
country to leave the EU would have great benifits. It was stupid
to the bone but now a few years later it is even more funny
because that report was written by one of those weird UK think
tanks. Just one of that weird stuff like in the USA they have so
called 'Prager university'. It is not a university at all but some
stupid think tank that promotes stuff like 'More CO2 in the air is
a good thing for plants'.

Picture source: https://www.ad.nl/politiek/pvv-en-sp-met-lege-handen~ae76090f/
Ok, that was it. As you see I am trying to
make my life as boring as possible by paying attention to shithead
Geert Wilders & once more: how many EU seats?
End of this update. Vote well and video well.
(14 May 2019) Last week I placed reason
nr 73 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles into the
magnetic pages. It is about the Goldsmit & Uhlenbach guys that
made an important contribution to quantum mechanics: Electron spin
is an intrinsic property of the electrons.
Needless to say I think otherwise and I was
that lucky to stumble upon a translation of a 1971 lecture from
Mr. Goldsmit. If you read it, it is crazy stuff. I had to read it
about three times until I stopped falling from one amazement into
the other.
I had always suspected something sloppy was
going on with that old discovery, the translation of the 1971
lecture more or less confirms that in my view.
But this update is just two posters. I always
skip many years between making posters because you need to hang
them somewhere in your house. After all why make a poster and not
print it out?
Item 1) Two boring posters about the
calculation of the 7D circular tau.
Item 1) Two boring
posters about the calculation of the 7D circular tau.
It is very seldom I print my work out because
I am bad at throwing print away a few years later. But there is a
small part in my house that finally will get some kind of math
filling with one of these posters. I think it will be the colorful
Here are the posters, if you click on the
picture you get them at 50x70 cm. If you want to print them out,
use a resolution of 96 dpi. I remember it was a great work to
write the details of the calculation of the 7D number tau; I still
like it so likely it will stand the test of time...

And a black & white version of this:

For myself speaking; the line with the first
imaginary component is for sure one of the most beautiful lines I
have ever written.
Ok, it is time to split. Till updates my dear
(05 May 2019) Why not another stupid video? A
few years back I observed the genius Leonard Susskind (he is a
genius because he more or less invented string theory without any
use of exponential circles or exponential curves) talking weird
stuff about black holes.
At present day Leonard still is as crazy as
can be.
Item 1) Modern day black hole studies.
Item 1) Modern day
black hole studies.
In short the genial insights go as
You have a bunch of entangled pairs of
You separate them while leaving them entangled.
Alica and Bob get each one particle of every pair.
They both make a black hole from those particles.
They jump into the black holes they crafted.
They meet in the middle.
I have no comment whatsoever on this genius
eruption of nonsense.
I also know that a lot of people think that I am the crazy one
with thinking that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. So both
Leonard and me, we live in crazyland.
The entire video is about 78 minutes long, if
you like the wisdom shown in the video a lot that means your brain
more or less works like the brain of the present day genius
Leonard Susskind. Click on the picture to view this 78 minutes of
physics genius stuff:

Youtube source:
The Quantum Origins of Gravity by Leonard Susskind
I hope you now see I am only trying to do a
very moderate thing: trying to prove the electron is not a
magnetic dipole is more or less a modest undertaking.
Talking out of your neck about black holes is
another level of interesting behavior.
Let me not classify this kind of stupid
theoretical exercises, why don't those weird people not jump in a
black hole and see if they can meet in the middle?
Till updates.
(03 May 2019) It is about time for a fresh
update. The last weeks I had nothing to say so why post stuff if I
basically have nothing to say? Today we go over the most stupid
video I observed today and that is another dumb video by the
SciShow channel about the keto diet. Now I do not recommend any
kind of diet, but the way I eat resembles very much about what the
keto stuff is: keeping your insulin levels low almost all of the
Item 1) And another fatty explaining the keto
Item 1) And another
fatty explaining the keto diet...
On the Youtube SciShow channel once more they
are very stupid when it comes to food. Present day understanding
is that fat storage in the human body is regulated by at least
four hormones and the most mighty one is king insulin.
One of the more important tasks of insulin is
that when your blood sugar levels get too high, the king sets in
and increased levels of the hormone insulin ensure your body cells
take in the poisonous excess sugar from your blood and it gets
stored as fat. As a consequence all fat burning stops until
insulin levels are low enough to give the fat burning process it's
It is not only sugar, insulin also plays a
role when you consume protein. I never studied it in detail but in
your body delivering the right proteins at the right place on the
right time is a handy thing. Insulin is not the enemy, but because
it is such a mighty hormone it can mess up your body if you eat
the wrong kind of foods.
My entire life I often woke up in the middle
of the night, often after about five hours of sleep and I had a
terrible hunger. And I had a simple choice: eat something or stay
awake for the rest of the night. I simply thought everybody had
this, for me it was just normal. At present day I understand what
I did wrong; my insulin levels were elevated and that prevented my
body from burning enough fat.
In the stupid video the keto diet is once
more viewed as some eat as much meat as you can kind of weird
stuff video. The SciShow weirdo's still have to figure out that if
you eat far to much meat, the body turns the excess protein it
cannot digest in other ways into glucose. It is a stupid video so
if you are stupid too you likely will enjoy it.
Click on the picture to enjoy the SciShow

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr9nwtu9Ph8
Ok, let us split and I wish you happy eating.
Till updates.
(16 April 2019) Oh oh my credibility is on
the line: About six months back I predicted a hard Brexit by now,
but the whole stuff is postponed again by another six months. And
I am just soo worried because if the Brits do not go out with a
hard crash, the physics professors will use that as an argument
that I have some mental thing and as such it is just so ridiculous
to study electron spin.
On the other hand I am in a good mood because
my first serious math invention or discovery was the product
integral; instead of adding all stuff up like in additive
integration with the product integral everything gets multiplied.
If memory serves I found that back in 1987, only 32 years back
(yes I am getting old).
The cute detail from back to 1987 is that I
raised the function to the power dx, like in f(x)^dx, as far as I
know in all literature I read about it, nobody did the obvious
thing and raised it to the power dx...
About 29 years later I found the first use of
raising stuff to the power dx, it was from some university based
in Malta of all places. But today there suddenly pooped up two
video's about product integration. Has my miserable life all of a
sudden a tiny glimmer of hope?
Item 1) From miserable lives and glimmers of
Item 1) From
miserable lives and glimmers of hope.
It is unbelievable but if today on my
computer you type the search 'product integral' on the Youtube
channel you get the next unbelievable screen shot:

I recognized the first video instantly as an
additive integral although the very enthusiastic Flammable Maths
guy thinks it is a product integral. No no, you have to put that
integral in the exponent and you have your desired product
The second video from Dr. Peyam is a bit more
advanced but he does not have a clue about how to differentiate
the functions involved.
Anyway it is good news, the flame guy for his
enthousiasm and the Dr. Peyam guy for the depth and broadness of
his mathematical investigations.
Wow man, 32 years of almost nothing and
within one week two video's about product integrals. That more or
less means that the entire humanity has only figured out in the
year 2050 or beyond that electrons are not magnetic dipoles.
Ok ok, since I know those product integral a
long time, here is an old pdf file under the title Ten
styles for product integration and differentiation.
Video links: Flammable Math enthusiast:
The Dr. Peyam doing what I did in my first
year of math studies:
Ok, that was it for this small update. Till
updates my dear reader.
(07 April 2019) It would be tempting to
comment on a tweet written by Brexiteer Jacob Rees Mogg where he
calls for all kinds of sabotage of the EU in case there will be a
longer extension to the breaking up of the UK & EU.
I don't know why Jacob wrote this, may be it
is an attempt to provoke EU officials, may be it serves some inner
British political goal. I don't know but the words of the child
Jacob Rees Mogg have been noticed with a little smile on my face.
This update is another cute video of Paul
Sutter, in this case he explains electron spin...
Item 1) Paul Sutter on discovery &
explanation of electron spin.
Item 1) Paul Sutter
on discovery & explanation of electron spin.
On the other website I already posted a
tongue in cheek kind of update about Paul Sutter explaining
permanent magnets. Here is a link:
And like said in the previous post on this:
Do not take it out at Paul Sutter in any way because he is just
explaining the main view inside physics how permanent magnetism is
understood. And for today's update; how electron spin is
Of course the famous Stern-Gerlach experiment
is spoken about. This video is not so riddled with faults as the
previous one on permanent magnets, but here Paul describes an
experiment where all electrons are supposed to have a spin with a
(vector) direction.
But the outcome of the SG experiment was a
split into two beams of silver ions, independent of any direction
of the electron spin.
And instead of the conclusion that electrons
do not have magnetic dipoles that are pointing in some direction,
you get the usual bunch of nonsense like in a 'mysterious fashion
this quantum information of the direction of the electron spin
disappears' and more of that blah blah blah.
Here is the video, click on the picture to
watch it:

Youtube source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD7wL6yIegY
What is missing in the video is how the
professional physics professors explain how a magnetic dipole
electron gets accelerated: It must be a non-constant or inhomogeneous
magnetic field. That only means it is stronger or more
concentrated at the north pole while the south pole is more stretched
out and is weaker.
And because the magnetic field is
non-constant, there is a tiny difference in forces on the north
and south pole of the electron and that should explain the
observed acceleration.
That my dear reader is totally bogus.
Electron size is not well known but it is in the range of 10^-16
meter. It is impossible to achieve any acceleration via the
non-constant magnetic field, the spatial gradient needed says
gradients like 100 thousand Tesla per meter weaker or stronger.
That is why you never see a calculation
accompanying the blah blah blah of the inhomogeneous magnetic
If my version of electron magnetism is
correct, it should not matter at all if the magnetic field is
constant or not. After all if electrons carry magnetic charge,
that explains experiments like the SG experiment much better. And
you do not have to shout all of the time that quantum mechanics is
so difficult that if you think you understand it, you don't
understand it...
Ok, let me leave it with that. Till
(30 March 2019) Yesterday the Brexit deal was
voted down a third time in the UK parliament. I am glad my
original insight from back when the deal was just struck still
stays alive. The insight was the deal between the EU & UK will
not pass the UK parliament because there is not a majority of
anything and that lack of majority for anything is directly
related to all that emotion that is going round.
Item 1) More stupid Brexit emotion
Item 1) More stupid
Brexit emotion observed.
Very often you come across crazy lines of
reasoning. For example there are a whole lot of Brexiteers that
easily state the next:
If we go out without a deal we don't have to
pay the 39€ billion and after that because we are such a huge
economy we will get a free trade deal with the EU.
For me it is hard to understand why people
hang on to such weird stuff. Due to all that multiyear financial
planning we have over here in Europe, a lot of things are not done
in just one single fiscal year but spread out over more years. As
such the UK has committed to the multi year stuff, so that has to
be paid. It is not upfront that 39 billion €, why should it be.
Other European nations also don't have to pay upfront because that
is why we have those multi year budgets in the first
I don't know much about legal matters, but
likely it is illegal for the UK to scrap those long standing
Anyway to try and explain to a Brexit
believer why this is nonsense you likely end up with the same
problem of explaining to a professional physics professor that
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, have never been magnetic
dipoles and in the future electrons will never be magnetic
Now physics professors are the so called
'scientists' but if they get emotional no logic will bring clarity
to their brains: It is emotional reasons only that the professors
will keep on doing their stuff like they want it.
Another example would be explaining to math
professors how to craft 4D complex numbers. All of a sudden nobody
is interested just like the average Brexit supporter not very much
interested in the tiny fact it is really fucking hard not to pay
your old long standing financial obligations while getting a free
deal trade later.
In this world there is never a shortage of
dumb people, they are found everywhere; from garbage collectors to
high shot university professors.
The most stupid news headline I found today
is the next weird text, it sounds very much like some 'get rich
quick scheme' or 'burn body fat fast' if you do just 'this one
The title alone is just so stupid that it brings a smile on my
Peter Bone DEMANDS ALL Brexiteers UNITE and do this ONE thing to SECURE Brexit
Link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1107325/Brexit-news-march-
Oh oh, why are those Brexit people always so
stupid? How likely is it they will 'unite' or do 'just one

Go bone yourself my dear UK folks. End of
this update. Till updates.
(26 March 2019) I neglected an old hobby of
mine for too long: the US Federal deficit.
Item 1) Wow, amazing monthly US Federal
deficit observed: only $234 billion.
Item 1) Wow, amazing
monthly US Federal deficit observed: only $234 billion.
It looks like the growth of the US Federal
deficit is more or less on it's predictive path. It also wasn't
that long ago that only three times 234 billion US$, that was more
or less the entire US military budget.
It has to be remarked that February is always
a peak month when it comes to US Federal deficits. So You must not
extrapolate this to a yearly US Federal deficit of twelve times
234 Billion.
After having said that, let me keep this post
short & only one funny link:
US budget deficit hit $234 billion in February, a new monthly record
Ok ok, I will not deny I have such a little
smile on my face.
For the time being I will deny that I am
activating the third so called 'Nightmare on WallStreet'. Is it
possible to cut the DOW in half once more?
Who knows? Till updates my dear
(13 March 2019) Oh shit my computer has
broken down further; the biggest hard disk broke and I lost a
significant part of my music files... On the other hand in 2015 I
already build a spare computer and a half year back that thing did
not fire up anymore but now it works again. I don't know why it
works again but that is a good shot into the right direction.
Although my biggest hard disk is broken,
there is amazing little damage. Ok it is no fun to loose such an
amount of music files but my back up system works very well all in
all: no critical files lost...
It is tempting to write a piece upon how to
build you own desktop computer for use at home but we also have
Brexit. Last evening the deal between the EU & UK has been
voted down a second time. The problem stays the so called back
stop and in my view this shows that a lot of Brits have an
emotional problem with the EU.
All that hysteria and zero constructive
thinking; for example why should the EU hijack North Ireland
indefinitely as such 'confiscating' North Ireland within the EU?
Item 1) Brexit as an emotional problem; why
don't they solve the border issues?
Item 1) Brexit as an
emotional problem; why don't they solve the border issues?
It is not my problem in the sense I did not
cause it, it is not caused by the EU but the Brits want no border
between North Ireland & Ireland and as such border facilities
and handling must be done in other places.
For example a bunch of containers go from the
UK via Northern Ireland to Ireland and possible the rest of
Europe. All that needs to happen is that this container is
inspected, possible tariffs paid and that it gets sealed if the
destination is Ireland or other European countries.
Such is seal is of course illegal to break in
North Ireland, only containers with a valid seal can cross the
border between the North & Southern part of Ireland.
How hard can it be?
Ok given future deviation of UK standards
& legislation the problem of smuggling things will evolve over
time. But the idea of having those border facilities along the
coast and not land inwards is not a bad idea.
But week in week out all you hear from those
British politicians that there need to be 'alternative
arrangements' or stuff like that. They never explain how they want
to do that.
So not much happens beside a lot of emotion
and only little reason behind what we observe in the news. It is
in many ways an emotional problem where the Brexeteers constantly
portrait Europe as a bad or even an evil entity.
Again: That is an emotional and irrational
view of Europe. Europe is 27 nations together and as such
everything has to be done in accordance to all kind of legal
stuff. If you hear a lot of those UK political folks, they talk
like Europe is just one person that you deal with.
And again: That kind of stuff is only
emotional stuff.

But for myself speaking I am glad my insight
from Nov last year is still standing:
Likely the UK is going to crash out without a deal...
Till updates (new updates make take some time
because I think I also need a new motherboard, but anyway). So pop
up a beer or a green tea or if you are a Brit; pour also some milk
in the tea.
(07 March 2019) Yesterday I finished reason
number 71 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. It is based
on the result as found in a video about quantum computing, I hope
that is not confusing and the quantum computing thing can be
skipped because the video contains a perfect explanation about so
called Rabi frequency.
Item 1) Rabi freq = 0.5*Lamor freq? Compare
the two different explanations.
Item 1) Rabi freq =
0.5*Lamor freq? Compare the two different explanations.
I am glad I came upon this video, it is from
a Berkeley guy and he is very good at explaining stuff. Often when
you view video's upon physics, whether it is quantum computing or
electron spin or whatever what, very often the people explaining
the stuff are not very good at explaining.
Being a good teacher is an art in itself
because beside your own knowledge you must also have a good
insight in how your audience will react to new stuff. Luckily the
Berkeley guy (Umesh V. Vazirani is his name) is relatively good at
explaining the stuff involved.
And I finally understand what the community
of physics professors is doing with explaining Rabi frequency with
all those weird rotating magnetic fields... They use two of those
rotating fields, they rotate against each other and their super
position is the applied oscillating magnetic field.
There is only one tiny problem: They can use
only one of those magnetic fields and as such the other purely
hypothetical rotating field is just not talked about any
I have to say it is a very ingenious
explanation; in reality you apply an oscillating magnetic field,
you decompose it into two rotating magnetic fields and after that
you only use one of those rotating things while neglecting the
other for the full 100% and that is how professional physics
professors get their salary every month.
My own explanation goes via the work done by
the real applied magnetic field and if the energy transfer to the
electron can only be done by an oscillating magnetic field, I am
very pleased with a result like that:
It more or less validates that the electric
and magnetic properties of each electron are more or less equal in
strength. After all if work done by a magnetic field give photons
of half the frequency of the applied magnetic field, that means
those Rabi photons have half of the energy of the Lamor photons.
That brings a big smile to my face while on
the other hand I understand it will not make much of a difference
if I post reason 71 or reason 710:
University people will always have more
important things to do.
The next picture is almost unreadable unless
you already know what it says but if you click on it you will land
at reason number 71 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles:

Ok, it is little bit for the nerdy diehards
that like to understand a bit more about what is all happening
with spin resonance and how it emerges. Electrons only radiate
photons when they are accelerated, all that wiggle wiggle stuff
like precession of the spin is still not very convincing to me:
nothing accelerates so what explains the photon radiation
No, normal people are at best interested in
how Brexit will evolve or how good Ajax has done in beating Real
Madrid. Ok, I liked it too but does that make me a normal

That was it for this update. See you
(22 Feb 2019) The TLDR channel had a funny
video out where the Brexit no deal scenario is viewed as an
elementary example in game theory: the prisoners dilemma.
Item 1) No deal Brexit as game theory?
Item 1) No deal
Brexit as game theory?
I won't explain the so called prisoners
dilemma because I guess if you visit this website every now and
then, you likely already know what it is. It is quite a stretch to
view the inner workings of a parliament like the British
parliament in the view of such simple things like the prisoners
dilemma. On the other hand, the UK has had for a long long time
just two main democratic parties and for years and years I am
thinking those simple binary democracies are not in the most
stable state.
Take for example the USA where they have a
binary party structure too, most of the time the political balance
flips because people are getting bored by constantly more of the
same stuff. And when the other side takes over after such a
political shift, whether this is Congress, Senate or the POTUS,
often the newcomers try to turn back a lot of what the previous
rulers did...
At present we have an extreme example of this
where the piece of shit named donald trump tried to turn as much
as possible back from the Obama era. For example the latest rumors
indicate that piece of shit donald wants a Nobel peace prize
too... (Anyway, the Japanese do not comment on it but it seems
some Japanese pee pee whores have written a letter with a
recommendation that piece of shit donald should get the Nobel
peace prize).
But let me not discuss the long term
stability of binary democracies. Just enjoy the video and try to
figure out if you can use such simple versions of game theory when
it comes to the British parliament. You might think such simple
models just cannot be a predictable fit but in practice there
still are many mp's who think that Europe will change it's
position just in time... Like it is 'just a negotiating
Nope, the deal was negotiated over two years
by 27 other nations. That is not something that flips
Here is the video:

Title & link: Game Theory Explains Why No Deal is Inevitable - Brexit Explained
Ok, that was it. Till updates.
(18 Feb 2019) Two days back I posted reason
number 70 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. That is the
item for this update:
Item 1) Reason 70 posted; ion behavior in an
electric field.
Item 1) Reason 70
posted; ion behavior in an electric field.
In reason 70 I entertain a simple thought
experiment from let's say back in time when they first found out
the existence of ions. And back in the time they hypothetically
send a stream of ions through a vertical electric field.
And the result was that it did split in two
beams. The explanation was given as follows:
Ions are electric dipoles and those that
align with the electric field move up while the ions that
anti-align with the electric field move down.
Would you believe such an explanation?
No of course not. We now know that ions are
just atoms or molecules with either a surplus of a shortage of
electrons. Atoms can have small electric dipole moments but that
is only related to the spatial configuration of the electrons. See
for example the water molecule; it is not an ion but has a tiny
electric dipole thing going on because of the structure of the
water molecule (it is not a linear molecule shape).
Anyway let me stop doing the blah blah thing
and keep this update short.
Click on the picture below that is the good old photo from the
Stern Gerlach experiment from the year 1922:

And never forget the original SG experiment
was done with silver, that is silver vapor so to say and that is
extremely hot and as such most of the silver vapor will be
ionized. That is important to understand for the obvious reasons:
all electron pairs are magnetically neutral so only unpaired
electrons rule the magnetic properties on the atomic scale.
Ok, that was it. Till updates.
(12 Feb 2019) Oh oh Brexit, why do I love you
so much? The answer is of course that it is all so unpredictable.
It is hard to see how for example stuff looks in about 12
months... For myself speaking I hope there will be no free trade
deal between the EU & the UK. I think it is better there will
be trade tarifs on goods, but what about all those services they
seem to have?
Anyway, with amazement today I looked at a
video about Brexit. I considered it rather funny and likely you
will doubt my sense of humor. But anyway:
Item 1) Lord of the Ring goes Brexit.
Item 1) Lord of the
Ring goes Brexit.
Lets simply say Brexit is entering the
popular domain...
Click on the picture for the video:

Picture source: Corbyn Consoles May | Lord of The Rings Brexit Impressions Dub
It is rather refreshing after staring so much
about what is going on over there like in the British parliament
and stuff.
So what are you'll do with the deal? Till
(09 Feb 2019) Usually I just neglect ignorant
video's from Youtube. For example a flat earther has found a new
proof for the earth being flat? I can't care less.
But both yesterday and today the Scishow
channel on Youtube had a horrible video out. The one from
yesterday was about nuclear fusion and the one from to today about
as why it is so hard to loose weight.
Item 1) Why do people get obese?
Item 1) Why do people
get obese?
In my view this is because the body cannot
burn the body fat when that is needed and as such you get hungry
and eat more compared to a situation where the body simply could
burn the fat and you would not get hungry in the first
For example since my teenage years I often
woke up in the middle of the night because I was hungry. And I had
to eat a little bit because otherwise I would not fall to sleep
At present day I simply understand that my
insulin levels were just too high and that prevents the body from
burning fat. If you fix that (most of the time it is just an
insulin problem, at least in males) your body will happily return
to a non obese status.
The days when I was fat I was hungry most of
the time but no matter how much I ate, the hunger did not go
away... At present day I understand I had developed that nice
thing known as insulin resistance, a condition where the body does
not respond properly to the larger and larger amounts of
In the video the weight loss is presented as
something that is difficult because the body reacts strongly
against it, is wrong in my view. You should not go on hefty
calorie restriction but for an obese person only go back from what
they eat every day to what a normal level of calories should
Once you have repaired your hormones, likely
you should not go back to your old ways of eating. Your old ways
made you fat in the first place so why repeat that whole
Anyway, the scishow video also has a few good
points in it because it shows your more or less a rude version of
present day understanding of the most important hormones that rule
body weight. And insulin is the king of hormones because one of
the noble tasks of the king is to prevent too high blood sugar
Click on the picture for the video:

Source: The Real Reason It's So Hard to Lose Weight
Ok, let me leave it with that. Till
(08 Feb 2019) This is a short update: only
two links about how to change electron spin using electric fields.
Needless to say I have my doubts on scientific endeavors like that
because I think electrons carry magnetic charge. And flipping the
magnetic charge with an electric field looks like a very very hard
Item 1) Comparing two publications.
Item 1) Comparing two
I will not dive too deep into the details, if
you want just read the intro's to the underlying stuff about
'controlling' the electron magnetic spin with electrical
I just picked two things from a simple
internet search, one is from the year 2007 and the other from
2018. In my opinion it looks like zero progress.
From the year 2007:
Coherent Control of a Single Electron Spin with Electric Fields
From the year 2018:
Controlling magnetic spin with electric fields
That does not look like much progress. On the
contrary it looks just like reality: all kinds of government tax
money flows to universities while money for a real proof that
electrons are in fact magnetic dipoles just is never there.
The whole universe might fall apart rapidly
if electrons were indeed magnetic dipoles, but try to explain that
to a professional physics professor...
Let's leave this short update with that, till
06 Feb 2019) Brexit oh Brexit why do I love
you so much? Well that is very simple: it is all so complicated
that it is hard to predict what the future will bring on all kinds
of details. But in my world there are more interesting problems to
crack: how long will it take before there is a more fundamental
proof that electrons are actually magnetic dipoles?
But let us not loose ourselves in the things
we don't know or that are hard to estimate and look more at what
we do know:
Item 1) Part 20 in the basics for 4D complex
Item 1) Part 20 in
the basics for 4D complex numbers.
It is about the structure of all
non-invertible four dimensional complex numbers. I am relatively
satisfied about it because I remember when a couple of years back
I tried to find only one non-invertible numbers and man that was
hard work! Link:
Yet I found a cute picture representing all
non-invertibles in the purely imaginary part of the 4D complex
numbers. And at the same time I found the pair of so called
divisors of zero in that putely imaginary part of the 4D complex
So only professional math professors will
argue you learn nothing from that. That might be true, but I
learned a little bit of how those divisors of zero looked:
Purely imaginary and evidently perpendicular
to each other.
Anyway here is a hastily crafted teaser
picture and if you click on it you will land at the same link as

Ok, that was it. Have a nice Brexit and
likely we have to wait till after the deed and inspect the
economical damage & and start mopping it up.
Till updates.
(28 Jan 2018) Last week my smart television
started to suggest to me I should look at video's from a chick
named Jilian Michaels. I did not have a clue who she is but it
turned out she was one of the trainers of a show called The
Biggest Loser. That was a show where fat Americans tried to loose
as much weight as possible and you won by losing the most kilo's
of body weight.
That is the item for this update:
Item 1) Who the hell is Jilian Michaels?
Item 1) Who the hell
is Jilian Michaels?
When you are too fat, like I had become in
the year 2011, you might want to shed a few kilo's of fat. And for
that you only need to understand that your body can only burn fat
if your levels of the hormone insulin are low enough.
So after researching the fine art of loosing
weight I arrived at the conclusion that I simply had to cut out a
whole lot of carbs like potatoes, rice, wheat products like bread
etc etc. It was only later that I found out that this was the goal
of the so called keto diet, it tries to do the same as I had found
out: keep your insulin levels as low as possible all of the
If you go out on calorie restriction only and
exercise as much as possible, that is not very good for your body.
It seems to lower your basic metabolic rate for the rest of your
life. A lot of participants in that show the biggest loser seem to
have a crippled metabolic rate even five years later, I heard one
of those female participants state she could only eat about 1400
Cal a day in order to stay at a stable body weight...
That means the way the participants of the
show named the biggest loser were guided was wrong: If you
restrict calorie intake while still eating carbs, your body still
cannot burn the body fat and as such your body will adept to lower
energy output. Think about the poor female mentioned above: If you
can only eat 1400 Cal a day while keeping a stable weight that
means she can only expend 1400 Cal a day...
As a joke you can say: All those participants
in the biggest loser were put on a concentration camp
Ok ok, in the concentration camps survival
rate was far below those who participated in the loser show but
hey it is just a joke.
For myself speaking I was bewildered as why
Jilian Michaels was so heavy attacked by a lot of video's. She is
a good looking chick so why get upset?
Some time back we also had the American and
Dutch heart association coming out with the statement that using
coconut oil was dangerous because it was saturated fat...
No, fats only become a health problem if your
body cannot burn dietary fat like when you are eating too much
carbs... And the American and Dutch heart association got a little
bit of critique but chick Lilian get much much more video's
blasting at her.
Anyway, this evening I looked at the entire
Julian Michaels thing that started it all. It is a video posted on
'big think'. Here is our Jilian chick, click on the picture for
the video:

Video source file: Jillian Michaels: Don't believe the keto diet hype
The Jilian chick is indeed very stupid: I
lost about 30+ kilo of body fat and my weight is very stable ever
after. As a contrary most of the participants of the biggest loser
show are crippled for life because it could very well be that
their basic metabolic rate is crippled for life.
Ok, that was it. Have a slim life or try to
get crippled forever yourself.
Till updates.
(16 Jan 2019) A shorty on Brexit: Prepare for
a hard Brexit?
Item 1) Prepare for a hard Brexit?
Item 1) Prepare for a
hard Brexit?
Two months back on 16 Nov finally the deal
between the EU & UK was reached. At that point in time I more
or less remarked that finalizing this deal was a lot of work
because all I knew it also had to pass all European parliaments.
And I remarked that weirdly enough the
parliament that most likely would vote it down was the UK
parliament. After that it was 4 weeks of waiting because the UK
parliament would vote on 11 Dec...
Well that vote got postponed to 15 Jan 2019
and indeed the deal was voted away by a huge margin of 230.
So all in all, the likelihood of the British
crashing out the European union is strongly increasing. Like said
before: Let them crash out and mop up the economical damage later.
For trade this should mean a fall back to the
basics of the WTO rules & tariffs that come with that. This is
a huge disruption to industrial supply chains where parts cross
the border many times. So likely the whole integration of European
industries will get a bit disrupted.
At present the size of the UK economy is
about the 19 smallest European nations combined, so it will be a
huge change when on the 28-th of March this year the UK economy
will become a competitor instead of an integrated part of Europe.
Now anything can happen but like said before:
There are so many weirdo's in the UK, weirdo's like Boris Johnson
and the Reed Moss guy and they represent a stream of weird emotion
that just has to run it's course.
Just like 12 years back you look at the
financial sector and only wondering why they act so strange? They
acted so strange because almost nobody understood what they were
actually doing. From that kind of perspective at this point in
time there still are a lot of weirdo's over there in the UK and
only time will bring an infitesimal of wisdom to those Brexiteers.
There is an old song that is appropriate for
the present situation, the UK can hit the road so they can do
their thing. Click on the next picture for a nice remix of the
song 'Hit the road Jack':

Link in the picture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_cHddNaKQo
Ok, have a nice Brexit and let me leave it
with that. Till updates.
(12 Jan 2019) Ok ok with a bit of reservation
I opened page 4 into the magnetic stuff.
Item 1) Ok Jack, let's hit the road for one
more year.
Item 1) Ok Jack,
let's hit the road for one more year.
There is an old song with the title 'Hit
the road Jack' where the female singer makes clear she does
not want to see the Jack guy ever again.
In the last year I had similar feelings about
all that magnetic stuff. And I don't know why but about one year
back I more or less started thinking about trying to write a so
called 'official publication' into the magnetic properties of
electrons & the likes.
And I don't know why I was that stupid; it is
hard to imagine that any paper that says electrons carry magnetic
charge will make it past the so called peer review process.
Of course that will not happen and although
that was rather frustrating for me I also had to laugh about me
being stupid:
With all the math written down year in year
out, never ever I thought like let's try to get an 'official math
publication' out...
No ,just never. So why was I that stupid and
think otherwise when it comes to physics?
Why was I that stupid?
But magnetism is also fun so although I still
have a lot of reservations, precautions, preambles, second
thoughts, about all things official, why not go on for one more
After all if electrons carry magnetic charge,
that changes your view on physical reality a little bit in a
beautiful way.
I crafted a short so called 'Elevator pitch'
that you can see in the next picture. Page 4 is your end
destination if you click on the picture:

The 20 seconds pitch is a tiny bit over the
top, but basically the present version of an electron being a
magnetic dipole doesn't add up: it is was a magnetic dipole it
would be magnetically neutral.
In my view electrons are not magnetically
Till updates.
(03 Jan 2019) A happy new year to all! Over
here we had nice festivities, not much damage at all while in our
street it was at a record level of people ever. Ok there is still
plenty of broken glass on the streets but those city workers can't
clean up the entire town in just one or two days of
But I wanted only to show you four integrals
that honestly I cannot crack. I know the outcome because these
four integrals make up the famous 4D number tau and since tau is a
4D log it might very well be these four integrals do not have a
simple to write down primitive.
Item 1) How to crack these four
Item 1) How to crack
these four integrals?
May be I am just stupid and if you feed those
four integrals into one of those math software packages that are
capable of finding the primitive of an integrand, you get an
answer that is more or less comprehensible to a human brain.
But of course I do not have such expensive
software packages like mathematica & the likes. There seems to
be an open source alternative named Axiom that is also very good
at finding such primitives, but until now I only found some of
those dot tar files and they are for unix systems so that is not
going to work.
Anyway I can crack these four integrals with
matrix diagonalization, but as far as I know this technique is not
used in such packages since at best they use 2D complex numbers
Here is a small and unreadable picture of
only 450 pixels wide, if you click on it you get a version of 1500
pixels wide:

For the rest of this year when it comes to
the magnetic stuff, I am more or less planning to go on with a new
page on more reasons as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
But on the other hand I have already 60+ reasons found as why
electrons must be magnetic monopoles.
And you do not have to think very long about
this: If electrons are magnetic dipoles with a north and a south
pole, in that case they are magnetically speaking neutral. But
those paramagnetic materials like iron are only magnetic when they
have unpaired electrons...
In my view the electron pair is magnetically
neutral while the unpaired electrons are not.
This is not very hard to understand or to
think through.
So are those physics professors just too
stupid or do they have some emotional blockade? I think it is the
latter and that makes it more or less completely irrelevant if I
try to find more and more reasons over the coming years that show
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
A few years back I imagined that by now I
would be capable of finding Youtuve video's where the idea of
electrons being magnetic monopoles would be ridiculed by
professional physics professors.
But there is only silence.
Luckily I have more hobbies than electron
spin. Woodworking is also a nice hobby and I am making a new wash
drying rack. It is a heave duty one because the wooden beam is
rather big compared to the light weight wash drying racks most
people use.
It's by far not finished because what in a
normal industrial produces thing is a line where you hang your
laundry from, I need wooden strips. Of course I could also use
plastic wash dryer lines but hey let me have an 'emotional
blockade' too and only use more wood & steel in order to
finish my wash drying rack.

Wow man there are all kinds of electrons
inside the wood. Would all this wood just fall apart if the
electrons were truly magnetic dipoles?
Who knows, anyway have a happy new
(27 Dec 2018) Today only a short video with
the funny title 'Is your brain shrinking?'
Political developments have gone fast in the
last week in the USA, may be more and more trump supporters are
finally realizing the guy they support has a very deep rooted
'mental thing'. With 'mental thing' of course I mean that in case
the donald is mentally ill, I think it must have some biological
But let's skip all things political and turn
to the funny video.
Item 1) Is your brain shrinking?
Item 1) Is your brain
The video is from dr. Berg. In my house Mr.
Berg is held in relatively high esteem because years back when I
tried to loose some weight it was the Eric Berg guy that remarked
just eating a few slices of bread ensures you cannot burn fat for
a long time.
At that point in time for me that was a real
eye opener, after all bread is generally considered a healthy kind
of food. And in my search of what I was doing wrong, I succeeded
in loosing about 30 kg and stay stable in weight after that year
in year out.
So I changed my way of eating with a simple
to understand goal in mind: Keep those fucking blood sugar levels
low and as such eat so that insulin levels never spike too
It was only later I found out this was more
or less the ketogenic diet. I don't recommend any kind of diet,
there are plenty of elderly people that start the day with a
breakfast and eat a few slices of healthy whole wheat bread and
stay slim forever. But the obesity crises tells us there is more
going on: you can only get obese when you just never can burn the
I like those difficult to understand
problems, like the Brexit problem we have lately here in Europe.
Brexit is a fascinating problem because it is so extremely hard to
predict what the future will bring.
Alzheimer is also on the list of problems
that have my attention because I think this basically is an energy
problem for the brain. The more insulin resistant the brain
becomes the more it looses the capability to run on glucose and as
such needs alternative fuel in order to keep tidy and clean.
The problem with the Alzheimer illness is
that it develops so slow, so for a person who is developing this
there never ever is dramatic point in time where it is clear you
have to change your food habits.
But enough of the blah blah blah. Here is the

Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOdz26znBbE
For myself speaking I hope this video is a
sign of people slowly getting to recognize that indeed Alzheimer
& similar illnesses of the brain are mostly caused by a lack
of energy available. Things like medicine that removes the beta-amyloid
plaques do not move the needle: removing a symptom does not change
the root cause that is a lack of energy for the brain.
Let's leave it with that. Till updates.
(21 Dec 2018) The comedian Trevor Noah (or
his team) had a perfect video out today. Normally for me it is
impossible to look for about six minutes to donald trump but the
video is really fascinating because it makes you wonder: why does
donald trump behave the way he does?
Item 1) Wow, 17 investigations into donald
Item 1) Wow, 17
investigations into donald trump?
It is no secret I think that donald trump is
mentally ill. And with mentally ill I mean it has a biological
basis that his brain works different compared to normal human
brain activity.
If it is more or less correct what the former
CIA director James Comey said about donald trump, the fact donald
has no morals, in that case for the donald not to behave in a
criminal way is impossible.
For the brain of donald trump it makes no
difference if some act is criminal yes or no and since he also is
impulsive it is impossible for donald not to break laws just all
of the time.
After two years into his presidency right now
there are about 17 investigations going on and rumors say this
spans his entire business history. Could be but my original
thinking was that we are dealing with a mentally ill
So the present day count of only 17
investigations adds some weight to that original insight from two
years back.
Anyway, the video about the crying man is
wonderful. After all when I think of university people I cry a lot
too. Really true...;)
Click on the picture for the video, source

Today is the shortest day of the year. In
case you feel depressed by all that lack of light and sunlight
while your miserable life is only in the dark, why not look at
much more videos of donald trump to get rid of your deep rooted
winter depression?
After all, only understanding a tiny part of
the donald should drive away all of your depressions because you
have not sunken that low yet...
Let me leave it with that my dear reader.
Till updates.
(15 Dec 2018) A little bit more on the
science of physics as a modern form or religion. I am well aware
of the fact then when you as a reader read 'physics as a religion'
you think I might be emotionally frustrated because my little
corner of insights is not found back in mainstream physics.
Well, I might be weird, but I am not as weird
as for example the people from the Electric Universe. At the
Electric Universe they are also frustrated because their insights
might be very popular, but the physics people don't blink with
their eyes.
That is logical because the Electric Universe
people have strange idea's like the earth is hollow (but NO reptilians
inside) and gravity does not go with the speed of light but has
infinite speed... Here is a link to a collection of those kind of
No no no, about zero frustration on my side.
For me it is a very interesting problem: If I am correct with my
idea's of electrons being magnetic monopoles, how the hell is it
possible the professionals never think of that in about one
century of time?
Item 1) Is physics prey to the desire of the
public for religious stuff?
Item 1) Is physics
prey to the desire of the public for religious stuff?
I have selected a video from the USA based
physics professors, in this case it is one of those television
physics professors Leonard Susskind. I selected Susskind because
in another video I observed him stating that people who hold
'minority opinions' often don't make it.
So I felt a tiny bit challenged, not that I
got emotional but the Susskind guy also has a Youtube video out
upon the details of electron spin and for me it is clear: Leonard
is a conformist and as such makes the science of physics
vulnerable to religious tendencies.
For example: The video on electrons claim
that if you measure electron spin in one direction, say
vertically, if after that you measure the spin of the electron in
another direction, say horizontally, you get 50/50 for spin is
left or right. Can that be true?
Grab a strong magnet and hold it to your hand, now turn the magnet
90 degrees. Do half of the electron binding pairs in your hand
fall apart because these pairs now have the same spin? Nope,
although the application of a strong magnetic field clearly acts
as a measurement on all electrons that 'feel' it never ever half
of the electron pairs in your hand get broken by this... (That
50/50 stuff is only a theoretical thing, it is nice fancy math but
if electrons have magnetic charge that is all it is: nice fancy
End of the example. (Link to the electron video from Leonard
SIMPLEST Quantum Example - electron spin - SUSSKIND
The main video I selected for this update is about
string theory, string theory is cute math & I will not deny
that. But does that fancy math have any relation with physical
reality if later it is found out electrons are not magnetic
I simply think it is not. As long as string
theory has only the electron magnetic dipole stuff in it, it will
always be a shit-show theory. So if I have any emotion, it is a
small smile on my face.
Here is the video, click on the picture:

At about 17 minutes into the video the daily
workload of Leonard is explained, his daily workload does not
differ that much from religious scholars:
He comes in at about 10 hour in the morning.
Has coffee for about one hour with his fellows and they talk all
kinds of stuff. After that they part and spend the rest of the day
doing their theoretical findings.
Often their theoretical findings include
calculations that use so called complex numbers.
And I, I only have a little smile on my face
while I am thinking about people who's math event horizon are the
complex numbers from the complex plane...
Let's leave it with that. Till updates my
dear reader.
(13 Dec 2018) It would be tempting to comment
on the Brexit developments, but let me skip all that emotion. Ok
ok, in the future I will bash a little bit more weirdo's like
Boris Johnson. No, this update is just a short update upon
electron spin.
In my view electron spin is a magnetic charge
just like the electron electric charge. But the magnetic charge of
the electrons comes in only two varieties: either the north pole
charge of the south pole charge. And that's it.
All that stuff like electrons are very small
magnetic dipoles is nonsense. That nonsense directly arrives from
the Gauss magnetic law that was formulated long long before the
discovery of the electron.
Item 1) A readable explanation of electron
Item 1) A readable
explanation of electron spin.
Electron spin inside the science of physics
is just like the gluten in your daily bread:
The body just cannot digest it in any meaningful way.
If the professional physics professors
explain electron spin, often it is explained like it is the earth
spinning on it's axis. From that very fact you can observe the
explanation is not carefully thought over.
It is just like donald trump: you make up
some stuff on the spot and that's it.
Fact checking? Never needed, why check experimental that electrons
actually magnetic dipoles?
But I am not a dictator, if you want
electrons to be magnetic dipoles I have no problem with that. Try
for example the next 'experiment':
1) Think of electrons as magnetic dipoles,
walk to the window of the room you are in and look outside.
2) Think of electron as carriers of magnetic
charge. Again walk to the window, look outside and what do you
You see no difference.
The only difference there might be is how you
view and try to understand the world, the physical reality like
looking out of your window always looks the same.
Here is a very readable explanation of
present day understanding of electron spin, you can read it while
you are in a super position of thinking:
Electrons are magnetic dipoles versus
electrons carry magnetic charge:
of Electron Spin
Ok that was it, don't forget to look out of
the window while asking yourself: do electrons carry magnetic
As you see on inspection: nothing changes.
Till updates.
(05 Dec 2018) The 'What I've learned' channel
on Youtube has a strong clue about something I have been
suspecting for a long time: When you are young, your insulin
levels decline much faster while when you get older in a lot of
people this decline in insulin levels goes slower and
After all when I say you should eat less and
less carbs if you get older, this decline in insulin levels
becomes a problem because you can't burn fat if insulin is too
Item 1) Elevated ketone bodies in newborns
& infants?
Item 1) Elevated
ketone bodies in newborns & infants?
The video is about 20 minutes long and since
it also confirms what I have been thinking on stuff like the
illness of Alzheimer (an energy problem for the brain related to
the daily food we eat). Here is a link:
What can Baby Brains tell us about Alzheimer's? (Type 3 Diabetes)
For me it is still relatively new to know
that so many animals have also trouble going into a fat burning
mode too. But stuff like dolphins, only when their blood sugar is
double compared to humans, they too piss out the excess of
unburned blood sugar. That means dolphins run much more on sugar
(despite they don't eat much carbs) then you would think. By the
way, dolphins are of interest because they too can get
Longlivety is also important, both humans and
dolphins can get relatively old.
But back to the babies, what can we learn
from baby brains?
Likely a lot more then the picture below. If
I am correct, on the vertical axis you see one of the ketone body
products that arise from burning fats. It looks like newborns are
awash in it...

The video contains more interesting stuff
like the things that are needed to clean up the brain from those
beta-amyloid plagues also take away the hormone insulin. As thus
suggesting constant fighting all that insulin is not a battle the brain can
Ok, let's leave it with that. Till
(29 Nov 2018) A few days back the Perimeter
Institute had the best visualization out there when it comes to
the warming of the atmosphere. It is weird to observe that the
average USA republican voter is just too stupid to understand the
video. The USA has come a long way but now their life expectancy
is shrinking just like I estimated years ago so the future is bright
as far as I am concerned...
Item 1) USA republicans too stoopid to
understand this video...;)
Item 1) USA
republicans too stoopid to understand this video...;)
The religious right in the USA are mostly
voting for republicans and those people are hardcore stupid. But
only a couple of years back it was also among republicans more or
less accepted that the changing composition of the earth
atmosphere was the driving force behind the climate change.
But the last years it has turned the other
way and now we have that piece of shit in the White House that
climate change is a Chinese conspiracy for making the US economy
weaker... A couple of days back some reasonable leftovers of the
former US government brought out a report estimating possible
future economical damage related to the changing climate.
The White House shitheads would not have that
name if they not rebuked and denied a report written by other
parts of their very own government. It was not translated from the
Chinese language, no it was actually written by Americans...
The video is a perfect visualization, my
compliments go to the people who made it. All you need is an
infrared camera and those four gasses they use. For a university
these are just common things.
Now in the video you see that some gasses
block the infrared radiation. For shit headed US republicans:
infrared radiation is heat radiation...
Here is the video, click on the

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaY36yxFb1o
It has to be remarked that the blocking by
the greenhouse gasses in general means two things:
1) The greenhouse gasses get heated by the
infrared radiation, or
2) The greenhouse gasses mirror the infrared radiation back to
Either way it is not a good thing... Till
(24 Nov 2018) This update is about food, a
bit more precise as why carbs and sweet things stops the fat
burning in your body. After all the obesity crisis is not caused
by people eating too much or exercise too little. Fat gain and
loss is a process strongly ruled by hormones, in most cases it is
just too high levels of the insulin hormone but other hormones can
disrupt your metabolism too.
At the other side of the planet, to be
precise in down under Australia, there is that collection of
medics doing more or less the right thing and they try to
understand how all that fat accumulation and loss actually
If only the physics professors would do the
same thing with electron spin, I would be in paradise... But
anyway, let's start with the only item of the day:
Item 1) Dr. Paul Mason - 'Low Carb from a Doctor's perspective'.
Item 1) Dr. Paul Mason - 'Low Carb from a Doctor's perspective'.
Today I observed another idiot from the Dutch
Foodcenter (Het Voedingscentrum)
that you should eat bread and carbs (carbs are those foods that
fall apart in simple sugars very fast). As usual 'the brain runs
on glucose' was one of the standard reasons given to eat that
The fact that in your blood only about 5 gram
of glucose is transported all of the time and that your body can
easily make glucose for itself is always neglected by the Dutch
Foodcenter people.
So eating a few slices of bread or consuming
a few pancakes releases a whole lot of simple sugars like glucose.
High blood levels of glucose are so toxic to the body that all fat
burning stops and your body deals with the elevated blood sugar
levels by turning it into fat. (Also other things like glycogen in
your muscle tissue but all that toxic sugar must be absorbed as
fast as possible and that is where the mighty hormone insulin
comes in: it orders you body cells to take up glucose and process
If you are a young male and rather muscular,
it might very well be that if you binge on like say 10 banana's
and after one hour you measure your blood sugar levels, they might
be fine... That only means that this young muscular human male can
absorb a lot of sugar in a short time span. But the older you get,
the more this capability gets lost.
Therefore I always apply the simple rule of
thumb that says as you get older you should eat less and less
carbs. Or, if you are in your twenties: no more sugar in coffee
and tea. But for every body it is different, females can have
those thyroid problems and that is a mighty hormone
Here is the very good video, about half an
hour long, that is a far better perspective on food as you compare
that to the miserable and life shortening stupid food advices of
the Dutch Foodcenter.
The screenshot was taken at 10.30 minutes
where Paul Mason shown the current understanding of releasing all
that energy stored in you body fat:

Ok, let's leave it with that. Till
(21 Nov 2018) Let's be cool not post 10
video's of people claiming quantum computers can work because of 'Schrödingers
cat'. Likely you know this thought experiment; a cat is placed
inside a box and there is some quantum mechanism like the
radioactive decay of one atom that triggers misery for the cat and
the cat will die.
Item 1) On the nonsense of Schrödinger's cat
& quantum computing.
Item 1) On the
nonsense of Schrödinger's cat & quantum computing.
According to a lot of people, a cat as in the
Schrödinger thought experiment can be in a superposition of being
dead and alive. This all depends on the atomic state of just one
atom that has decayed or not. The superposition of the dead and
alive status of the cat is a direct consequence of the unobserved
atom whose state (radioactive decay yes or no) is not
But a lot of people find this very strange,
can you be in a superposition of being dead and alive at the same
time. Ok ok, sometimes when I look in the mirror it looks that
way. But serious: If you are alive today that means you have been
alive all days of your entire life. And once you are dead, the
state doesn't change either. It is not that a few days later you
flip back to life (unless you are the original Jesus of course).
You know the lesson from the Schrödinger
thought experiment is very simple:
If macroscopic things like cats cannot be in
a superposition of being dead and alive at the same time, the same
goes for quantum particles like radioactive nuclei.
You also never hear professional physics
professors talk like this:
We now have a quantum computer where the
qbits are in a superposition of being an uranium atom and a helium
atom. Most physics professors think that is unwise in case they
want to promote their own career & the precious ego that comes
along with that.
But when it comes to electron spin all of a
sudden it can be in a superposition and as such a whole of quantum
computer stuff is based on that. I don't think it is gonna work,
only qbits that truly behave as waves can be placed into

Ok, let's leave the cat nonsense with that.
Till updates my dear reader.
(19 Nov 2018) It was a bit of searching but I
found a nice video about the most weird stuff the British press
told their local audience. A few of the most weird titles of 'news
reports' were:
EU forces British cows to wear nappies, the
Daily Mail. (At 9:30 minutes)
EU to ban high heels for hairdressers, the Daily Telegraph. (At
12:45 minutes)
EU says pets must be pressured cooked after death, the Sunday
Telegraph (At 15:10)
And so on and so on.
Item 1) Why are the British always so
emotional about the EU?
Item 1) Why are the
British always so emotional about the EU?
There is constantly all that emotion going
round like 'The EU has to set an example so no other nation will
dare to leave the EU'. This is a non rational view but an
emotional driven take on the things Europe does.
Let me say it one more time because the
British are just like the physics professors when I talk of
electron spin, they will not react on the next words:
The British can't get a deal
that is better compared to what we have amongst ourselves.
That is the basic European line, it is
reasonable because why give outgoing countries unreasonable
benefits? But over the decades I myself have observed that the
British have this 'penny in must be a penny out' attitude going
back to their iron lady Tatcher. And combined with all that weird
stuff the UK people think about Europe, for myself speaking I am
glad we have those weirdo's out.
And as far as I am concerned, it might cost a
penny or two.
But let me keep this update as short as
possible: Only about 4 weeks down the time line the British
parliament will vote upon the deal. So we must wait in order to
observe a hard Brexit yes or no.
Needless to remark, since I predicted a hard
Brexit it will be highly emotional for me if that does not
After all if your future is that of evil
Eurocrats that force you to pressure cook your pet after death,
you better go for a hard Brexit.
Here is the youtube link:
Why Do British People Think The EU Is Their
Ok, let's leave it with that. Have a nice
Brexit or try to get one.
(16 Nov 2018) Wow, all of a sudden there is a
Brexit deal on the table. I had not expected it that fast so it is
clear Europe wants to minimize the damage that the British are
inflicting on our common economy. But a few updates back when a
possible deal looked far beyond the horizon I informed you that
from all European parliaments the parliament where a deal would
possibly fail is the British parliament.
Since it is well known that I do not like it
when my estimations fail, I 'hope' for a fail in the British
parliament. I know a hard Brexit will cause a lot of economical
pain, my own country too has a lot of trade with the UK. But there
are so many brexiteers in the UK that want out whatever what and
that is an emotional process that likely just has to run it's
I have talked about the weirdo Boris Johnson
before, but in the UK they also have more advanced form of
weirdo's and one of them is Jacob Rees-Mogg. The guy got my
attention when he more or less between nose and lips remarked that
tax cuts might be good because 'just like in the USA' that
generates economical growth.
Yeah year my dear Jacob, why don't you ask
all those kids in Greece living below the poverty line how
fantastic it is when the government goes on a debt hugging
In Italy they more or less have the same
problem: Government debt is already running at something like 130%
of the GDP and 'just a bit more borrowing' will magically bring
down the 130% because of the extra economical growth.
When the lunatics run the asylum you can
observe all kinds of weird logic. But on the other hand I would
like to remark it is very charming that the Italian government
wants to put in place that so called basic income. I like that a
lot but when your country is debt riddled to the tune of 130% I am
sorry to inform the Italians that it is just a dream for the time
But as long as there are weirdo's willing to
buy Italian government debt, they can dream on. Stability pact? Is
that some kind of pizza will the Italians ask.
After so much politics, just one small item
for today:
Item 1) Two new posts on 4D complex numbers
on the other website.
Item 1) Two new posts
on 4D complex numbers on the other website.
Diagonal stuff. Finally I did put all those
matrix representations of four dimensional complex numbers in
diagonal form. That was nice to do and in the first post I used it
to calculate the most simple matrix representation possible:
The matrix of the very first imaginary unit l
in the 40 complex number space.
And in the second post I used the same
technique to calculate the matrix representation of the number tau.
And that is a fucking hard calculation to understand. People like
Jacob Rees-Mogg easily need a few billion years for that before
they understand it's details. Hey Jacob, how is your Brexit going?
But let me act as an adult and leave all that
political stuff and end this update with a small screen shot of
the last 4D complex number post:

So there are many ways to calculate the 4D
number tau (complex version of course) but what is the British
parliament going to do to my reputation?
If they are reasonable, they will go for the
hard Brexit.
Let's leave it with that. Till updates my
dear reader & thanks for your attention.
(07 Nov 2018) Ok ok, it is about high time to
update the files on magnetism as they are found on this website.
For a long time I want to attack those so called Penning traps as
they were used in the 'most significant physics experiment' in
measuring the magnetic dipole moment of the electron in about 12
decimal places correct...
But a few days back I looked at that great
video about the origins of precision inside the fine art of metals
and it seems there is a giant force between two metal blocks that
have perfectly flat surfaces...
So that is Reason 67: Perfect
flat metal pieces stick together like very strong magnets.
It brings nicely together what I have been
thinking about magnetic domains and beautiful history on how to be
more precise & use that in the industrial production of precision
metal things. End of this update.
(03 Nov 2018) One of the weirdest videos I
saw in the last weeks was from some 'economic adviser' to the US
prez donald trump, I can't find the video back but they were
talking about the ballooning US Federal debt.
And I really had to laugh when this adviser
totally claimed that the tax cuts would pay for themselves...
These guys really think that it is going to 'pay for
Item 1) US tax cuts and economical growth.
Item 1) US tax cuts
and economical growth.
Do those weirdo's in the White House really
think that tax cuts pay for themselves?
Sometimes it makes sense for tax cuts, but
that meets a long list of boundary conditions that must be there
will it work. For example after the financial crisis from a decade
back banks borrowed much less money out because they needed giant
amounts of money to repair their over inflated balances. So bank
loans were running low.
Furthermore for the entire economy access to
new bonds issued or offering more stocks to be sold must also
heavily restricted and must have been for a number of
All in all the situation must be so bad that
almost all companies just could not expand because they had no
access to capital. Also profit margins of companies must be under
heavy repression from evil government tax collectors, so the very
own profits of the average company is also not enough to make more
Ok, if the above is true in some economy, you
could do a bit of experimenting with lowering taxes. And if that
brings room for the hard needed investments, it might work.
In my view this will not happen because for
an economy of USA size, for yearly tax cuts in the order of one
trillion the economy needs to expand by something like 7 trillion
I don't think that is going to happen, given
the fact that the average life span of the population is in
decline for some time now, the economy is not very vibrant. It is
just a bunch of obese folks chasing the next hamburger.
As far as I understand reality, the honorable
US prez donald trump has never tried to read the so called Z1
release from the USA Federal Reserve. If he did and indeed he was
that smart as he thinks he is, can you see the incoming fun?
You can find the Federal Reserve Z1 release
by clicking on the next picture, please remark that 'seasonally
adjusted annual numbers' only means the stuff is multiplied by 4
& has some statistical seasonal adjustment on it. For the rest
the next picture is more or less what is actually borrowed in that
quarter if you divide it by 4.

I hope it was boring enough, these tax cuts
will not pay for themselves because the right economical
conditions are not met. There is no lack of investment capital on
a nation wide basis... Till updates.
(19 Oct 2018) A nice football match between
the Dutch & the Germans, Brexit and will US tax cuts will pay
for themselves? (On 20 Oct I added item 4.)
Item 1) Wow, that was great to watch!
Item 2) Brexit.
Item 3) US tax cuts and economical growth.
Item 4) Teaser picture for a new Cauchy integral representation on
Item 1) Wow, that was
great to watch!
Sometime this week I wanted to put out my
television but to my surprise a football match was just starting.
Holy shit, it was against Germany. I had no clue that such a game
was on.
But I had only time for five minutes and I
had to go.
Five minutes before the end I was back,
instantly put on the television and I watched those last five
minutes and the three minutes of extra time.
Wow, two great goals & this time we had a
big win...
It is tempting to make a few jokes about it,
but better not do that because that maximizes the outcome of
future matches. At last, the Dutch should a bit more humble in
general when it comes to football matches with Germany. With some
simple statistical order laws in your hand and given the
population sizes of Germany and us (about 82 million Germans
versus about 17 million Dutch), most of the time the Germans will
I hope you don't get pessimistic from those
Item 2) Brexit.
Like expected the latest round of Brexit
talks also failed. May be that is a good thing because even a deal
was reached it has to pass all of the 28 parliaments that are the
basic democratic building blocks of our European democracy.
The weird thing is that any deal most likely
would not pass that parliament somewhere in the UK. Those hard
brexiteers like the weirdo Boris Johnson just want to be 'free'
and they want it at all costs whatsoever.
So I will not change my view on this:
Just prepare for a hard Brexit and mop up the
damage later.
Item 3) US tax cuts and
economical growth.
US federal deficits are rising although the
latest figures are still tame, about 779 billion US$ for 2018. Ok,
if you calculate it back to debt growth per capita US citizen per
day it is a crazy number but anyway it is still 'tame'.
For simplicity let's assume the US taxes
about 1/7 th of the GDP every year. Now you cut taxes by 1
trillion a year because 'tax cuts pay for themselves'. How much
does the economy need to grow to make up for the cut taxes?
Very simple: about 7 trillion more GDP will
generate 1 trillion of extra tax revenue.
The USA GDP is at best 20 trillion a year and
a 7 trillion expansion is about 35% larger. At a yearly growth of
the US GDP of about 4% this will take about 8 years to
In my view this will not happen.
Item 4) Teaser picture for
a new Cauchy integral representation on 4D.
Last week I published a new Cauchy integral
representation for the complex 4D numbers. For myself speaking I
am very pleased with it because I found a way so that you can
prove it very easy for real valued polynomials.
So no difficult stuff, just boring
polynomials like f(x) = x^2 + 1.
As a matter of fact, the Cauchy integral
representation for the complex plane is already a bit beast if you
see it for the first time. So on the 4D space of complex numbers
it is not going to be more easy or so...
I have now done zero math in the last 8
days since publication, that usually is a sign of begin satisfied.
After all you cannot fire a cannon of such size every day...
It is twelve pictures long, I did my best to
keep it short but you know it is the Cauchy integral
representation so likely it is hard anyway.

Let's leave it with that, have a prosit or a
brexit & see you around.
(29 Sept 2018) Yesterday I found a nice video
from the Royal Institution so without making Brexit jokes like
'Hey RI how is your Brexit going?' let's take a look at that
because it contains a lot of thought provoking stuff.
I choose the title of today's item as the
title from the video. For me that is funny because I think
electrons cannot be in a super position of two spin states. Only
things that behave as waves can be super imposed and my version of
electron spin is not a wave but a charge.
And if in the future all attempts to making
quantum computers based on the idea that electrons can be in a
super position of the magnetic electron spin all will have failed,
the title will also apply to all those who believed in the super
position of electron spin.
Item 1) Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Physics is Different.
Item 1) Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Physics is Different.
In the video you see Philip Ball, a good
lecturer by the way, and let me start with a tiny bit of criticism
about how to tell an audience what electron spin is.
The most horrible way is explaining electron
spin like the earth is spinning while it also revolves around the
sun. Now luckily Philip doesn't do that (otherwise I would have
never selected the video of course) but at about 11.30 minutes all
of a sudden electron spin comes out of the monkey sleeve.
And spin is up or down.
Why is it not left -right? When the talk is
about 'up' or 'down', my dear Philip, you should always say that
this is against an applied external vertical magnetic field.
And when electron spin is up the tiny compass
needle that the electron is, is aligned with the magnetic field.
And spin down means going against the magnetic field.
In the beginning when I started studying this
magnetic stuff, it took a relatively long time to figure that out:
Electron spin up or down is ALWAYS understood against a vertical
applied magnetic field...
After having said that mild criticism the
video has a funny start with a guy that really never understood
electron spin. His name is Richard Feynman, he was a relatively
smart guy but if you hear his ramblings about positrons going back
in time you also know he has some problems...
This is the guy that refused to understand
electron spin, may be he had the brains to understand electron
spin but he just didn't do it.

Before we go to the beef of the video, let me
first give you a link to the video and take your time to make it
to the 32-th minute.
Here is the link:
Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Physics is Different.
You know, inside physics there is also all
that talk like quantum information cannot be destroyed. Or it
never gets lost, or there is conservation of quantum information.
Or the universe is just a 2D hologram of quantum information. This
2D hologram is on the outside of the universe. We are living in a
simulation & I can prove that. And
a whole lot more of that utter nonsense that goes for 'science' at
a lot of universities.
If true that quantum information cannot be
destroyed and as such you could build a quantum computer that
never looses information, would that be possible?
Here is the screenshot from 32.03 minutes, it
is just some thinking about rotating the so called 'pure states'
of the quantum computer:

At 33.03 it is explained that if we can flip
electron spin in a continuous manner we live in a quantum world
but if electron spin can only flip from up to down, or the other
way around, we live in a classical world.
What to think of that?
After all the standard model of physics says
electron spin is a magnetic dipole and as such you can view it as
a vector, so for them it is more or less 'logical' that you can
push a vector from pointing one way into another way.
My view is electrons carry magnetic charge
but that also opens many cans of worms (and those are my problems,
not those of Mr. Feynman). For example: if photons can flip
electron spin, thus the magnetic charge gets replaced by the
opposite charge. In that case photons should also carry magnetic
charge around...
And I just don't know. It is a charming idea
but also very strange because as far as I know light and other em
radiation is not influenced by magnetic (or electric) fields.
As a matter of fact, I have no clue what a
photon actually is.
So, that is one of my tiny problems...
Ok, let's leave it with that.
Till updates.
(25 Sept 2018) A short item about the
Wendelstein X-7 stellarator fusion reactor.
Item 1) The stellarator ain't dead after 26
seconds of operating.
Item 1) The
stellarator ain't dead after 26 seconds of operating.
After my humble opinion all nuclear fusion
attempts like the tokamak or stellarator concepts will fail big
time because the electrons get go much accelerated by the very
magnetic field that is supposed to contain those very plasma
Now back in the time, the Chinese started
bragging that they will just turn on one of those machines and
watch what is going to happen. Of course I was highly exited how
this would end but there was just no significant news.
The best I could find that 'It was a wild
If memory serves, it was about 104 or 103
seconds of turning the machine on.
So rather likely the Chinese experience was
not a great success. Now back to the present; this summer the
Wendelstein X-7 stellarator from the Max Planck institute got to a
respectable 26 seconds.
I guess I will wait another few years before
the Wendelstein X-7 thing blows up because of the production of
all those relativistic electrons...
Wendelstein 7-X achieves world record
Let me close with a cute picture where,
according to the standard model of physics, it is impossible to
get a lot of relativistic accelerated electrons:

That was it for today, till updates.
(23 Sept 2018) The Salzburg meeting of EU
leaders with the UK pm failed, just a few comments from my side
because all of a sudden we are now 'EU rats'.
In the second item a bit more experimental
evidence that the stronger a magnetic field is, the more the
electrons get accelerated (that is both attracted and
Item 1) And now we are EU rats...
Item 2) Stronger magnetic fields give more electron acceleration.
Item 1) And now we
are EU rats...
The Brexit thing is a horrible complicated
thing, it can in potential disrupt things like the supply chain in
industry, all those things in the financial sector that are not
understood, must Ireland have a hard border yes or no and so on
and so on.
The European position is relatively
The UK will not get a better deal than what
we have amongst ourself.
That is a reasonable position, why should the
UK get a better deal compared to other European nations? One of
the problems on the UK side is that they view all payments to and
from the European institutions with a pair of 'pennies in =
pennies out' kind of view. During the referendum campaign that was
a big point, but why was the UK a net payer to the EU?
That was because their economy did relatively better, so all those
years they had nothing to complain about you might
As a comparison, I am a Dutch citizen and I
even do not know if the Dutch are net payers or receivers when it
comes to European stuff. We have a large agriculture sector so it
could be we are net receivers.
But I don't know and I don't care; I am glad
we are part of the European Union because that is about the best
thing ever for our economy... The British are very different,
there is substantial non solidarity with the European cause decade
in decade out. From Tatcher with her 'We want our money back' to
present day complete incompetent political leaders like Boris
In my view I am now thinking a hard Brexit
might be the best and we mop up the damage later...
For what it is worth, after all it from a
paper named The Sun so it is a lot of emotion and low on the
cognitive parts of the brain, but it is a funny read because we
are now dirty rats instead of just rats...
EU DIRTY RATS The Sun Says we can’t wait to free ourselves of the two-bit mobsters who run the European Union
Well my dear Sun intellectuals? What's
holding you back? It's called a hard Brexit but likely once more
the cowards from the UK won't do that because they lack
Let's leave it with that.
Item 2) Stronger
magnetic fields give more electron acceleration.
Between two blocks of buildings where I live,
often rough garbage like furniture and bikes & all that stuff
that does not get collected via the standard household garbage
removal. And I found a magnetron over there, it was only 10
minutes of time of removing the magnets and putting the magnetron
together and placing it back at the illegal dumped garbage.
Sometimes life is funny because:
1) You first steal a magnetron from a small pile of garbage, after
2) You take ownership of the two magnets you want and after that
3) You unsteal the magnetron by placing it back and by that
4) I am dumping illegal garbage myself...
Sometimes it is funny to break the law.
This afternoon I made a few photo's outside
in my small garden but to my surprise the photo's were all rather
strange; giant black spots. It was easy to understand why: the
camera automatically adjust for the amount of light it receives
and as such the shutter time was so short that I was photographing
of a timescale related to the frames per second rate...
Anyway, today's simple experiment confirms
that the stronger the magnetic field, the bigger the dark ring
gets where no electrons land on the television screen.
It is a bit hard to see because on the two
photo's in the picture I hold the camera at different distances
but with the four magnetron magnets the radius of the ring is
about 3 mm larger. Also with my own eyes I can see that the inner
circle of electrons that get attracted to the magnet get a bit
smaller indicating that they undergo more acceleration towards the
Here is how it looks, the radius is about 3mm
do the diameter is about 6mm but this small difference is a bit
hard to see:

Now according to one of the details in the
standard model of physics, electrons can move freely along the
magnetic field lines but can't travel in between magnetic field
I am too lazy to post all kinds of video's
about that, but in the previous post I found that German science
journalist and he repeated it more than one time:
Die elektronen können nur freilich bewegen
entlang die magnetischen feldlinien und nicht senkrecht darauf.
Well Harald
Lesch, that is very interesting but my simple 12 € television
experiment shows that the electrons indeed move 'senkrecht'
(perpendicular) to the applied magnetic field.
Ok, let's leave it with that. Ein prosit to
den Deutchen & the UK folks can try to lick the ass of donald
trump and get nice trade deals with their own very special
Till updates.
(18 Sept 2018) Two items for today's
Item 1) Cute factorization of a 4D
determinant crafted.
Item 2) Explaining why the Wendelstein X-7 fusion reactor will
fail too.
Item 1) Cute
factorization of a 4D determinant crafted.
Over on the other website (that's 3Dcomplexnumbers.net
of course) about six days ago I posted a possible way of
factorizing those matrix representations you encounter in the 4D
complex number system.
The importance lies in the fact this is a
very general method where you can avoid writing out the
determinant and after that try to factorize it. With this method
you simple calculate all the factors of the determinant, these
factors are the eigenvalue functions. You can find that stuff for
any dimension if needed.
Anyway, I multiplied all of the four factors
against each other in order to calculate the determinant. And
until the present day I never wrote out the determinant of the
matrix M(Z) you see in the picture below using traditional methods
like using those matrix minors.
Click on the picture to read the post.

A lot of those smart people known as the
professional math professors are fond of the so called 4D
quarternions. But how much of them have calculated the determinant
of the matrix representations of quaternions?
May be a few but I guess the number is more
or less zero professors who did that for the right reasons. One
right reason is of course if length is preserved just like in the
complex plane.
So far for this item.
Item 2) Explaining
why the Wendelstein X-7 fusion reactor will fail too.
If electrons get accelerated big time along
the field lines of magnetic fields compared to the behavior of
protons and isotopes like deuterium, it is impossible to get a
long term stable burning plasma in either the tokamak or
stellarator configurations like the German Wendelstein X-7 fusion
It's very simple: The longer such a torodial
magnetic field is applied to keep the plasma contained, the more
electrons will get very relativistic.
As I understand reality right now, the German
Wendelstein engineers also have tools for measuring the turbulence
of the plasma.
In my view, electrons carry magnetic charge
beside their electrical charge and as such it might be expected
they will get accelerated as long as the fusion machine is turned
Because electrons carry one of two types
magnetic charge, turbulence is expected to rise the longer the
fusion machine is turned on. And also have more and more damage to
the plasma chamber walls because of increasing relativistic
In my view it will never work.
In Germany a lot of honorable people like the
university people of the Max Planck institute are working hard to
make nuclear fusion work.
One of these honorable people is Prof. Dr.
Hartmut Zohm.
He absolutely has no clue if electrons get
accelerated yes or no by magnetic fields, likely he is very good
at doing the blah blah thing when it comes to the famous Stern
Gerlach experiment. An non constant magnetic field can blah blah
accelerate electrons and now we understand the Stern Gerlach
We only need a bit more money for grund
forschung so within 20 years we will have commorcial nuclear
He is good at this kind of blah blah but
believe me at the Max Planck institute they have never studied the
subject of electron acceleration by magnetic fields...
They too are scientists of the blah blah type.
Here is a video of the honorable Zohm:
Fusionsforschung • Grundlagen & Stand 2018 (1/2) •
Live im Hörsaal | Hartmut Zohm
So mein lieben Deutchen: Ein prosit und gutes
glück mit fusion forschung...
Added on 20 Sept 2018:
After a bit of searching because I lost the name of that
scientific journalist (Harald Lesch) I found back that
video where this Max-Planck guy claims it is about 20
years before we have commercial nuclear fusion. The video
is in the German sprache but relatively soon the Max-Plank
Institute guy remarks that we will have commercial nuclear
fusion within 20 years...
Harald Lesch & Hartmut Zohm zur Fusionsforschung
Comment: Present day ideas about
nuclear fusion rest on the standard model that says
electrons are magnetic dipoles and as such they are not
accelerated very much by magnetic fields.
If I can do an experiment with a 12 € television and 50
€ of strong neodymium magnets, the Max-Planck Institute
could do similar experiments in a university setting for
about 1 to 10 million €.
That is very cheap for a beautiful
physics result: Each and every electron is a magnetic
But it is not going to happen this
academic year, I selected this video because you can see
that the Max-Planck Institude guy is just another severe
case of the psychological condition known as the 'Anne van
Streun syndrome'.
If a university person has Anne van
Streun syndrome, only the ego matters.
If something not flatters the ego of that university
person, nothing happens. |
And that my dear reader is 'scientific
progress', it costs a fucking load of tax payer money and it only
makes progress if the ego's of those 'professional scientists' are
praised like they are some form of donald trump...
Till updates my dear reader.
(05 Sept 2018) It has been a long time since
I wrote something about the illness named Alzheimer. Back in the
time I found that work of an American female, I lost her name, but
she claimed that Alzheimer is caused by insulin resistance in the
The human brain can produce insulin for
itself and as such can work independently of the rest of the body
for glucose intake but if the brain can develop insulin resistance
that also explains as why slim people get Alzheimer. You don't
have to be an obese fatbag for developing Alzheimer.
Anyway all those years I thought that animals
never developed Alzheimer while the human Alzheimer is mostly
caused by the fact if you eat a carb based diet it is difficult
for the body to burn fat. That is the root cause for obesity
anyway: you can't burn the fat, either dietary fat or body
About half a year ago I found out that
dolphins can develop Alzheimer, that was a nasty blow to my ideas
about how Alzheimer develops. My idea was that because of the
insulin resistance it is mainly an energy problem for the brain;
the fat doesn't get burned and it covers the insulin receptors and
the brain cells cannot take glucose in while ketone bodies are
never produced.
It all is a bit more nuanced; dolphins unlike
humans cannot form ketone bodies in the first place... That is
item 1 for today.
In item 2 we will take a look at what I call
the 'Anne van Streun syndrome' that explains why scientific
development as done by university people always goes so slow slow
Item 1) The dolphin diet.
Item 2) Anne van Streun syndrome in university people.
Item 1) The dolphin
Dolphins eat a lot of fish and
evidently little carbohydrates, so unlike humans they don't eat
food that falls instantly apart in simple sugars like bread &
the likes.
When I found out that dolphins
also could get forms of dementia, it was stressed out that
dolphins just like humans have large brains and become relatively
old compared to other animals.
So the fact dolphins get it too
looked like a giant blow to my hypothesis of an energy problem in
the brain related to the brain lacking energy because of the local
insulin resistance.
For humans the ketone bodies are
an important fuel for our brain, it is often rumored that the
brain prefers glucose but I am not convinced by that. Also your
own body can easily make glucose when needed, after all it is a
relatively simple molecule.
If dolphins are fasted for 72
hours they never go into ketosis, this suggests that if dolphins
burn fat they likely turn it into glucose.
So although dolphins eat a
natural diet while in the wild, it is still very much possible
they get Alzheimer or other brain energy problems
And what humans concern: My
original idea is still standing. When people age they should eat
less and less carbs or to put it simple: eat in such a way your
blood sugar does not spike. May be, when you are young, you can
eat up to 10 bananas and just one hour later your blood sugar
levels are ok. That only means your body can store a lot of sugar
fast in the form of body fat, but if you age stuff gets harder.
Lately I observed an interview
with Bill Gates who said a few millions would go to research about
Alzheimer in general also a bit of looking at the energy function
of human brain tissue over the lifespan of the
So that is a good thing. But the
human body is very complicated. If I compare the best of my math
works to a simple molecule like glucose, my own body can make all
these huge and complicated proteins that my brain will never

Item 2) Anne van Streun
syndrome in university people.
Now why does scientific progress like
research into Alzheimer as an energy problem of the brain or a
full century of idiot stuff related to electron spin go so
After all the universities burn a lot of tax
payer money and why does it all go so slow?
For a large part it is because universities
are advanced forms of a bunch of monkeys on a rock. Most of us
understand that if you look at a collection of monkeys on a rock
there is a whole lot of stuff going on and only a tiny bit of
cognitive growth aka science.
A long time ago I once went to the local
university, math department to meet with Anne van Streun. Mr. van
Streun was into didactics or the fine art of how to teach math to
teens and young adults. It was over two decades ago so I really do
not remember anymore what my actual proposal was, but I remember
after the small talk that I put down my proposal. And Anne thought
about it for a full second. Suddenly as stuck by a bee he sat up
and informed me:
But in that case it
would look as if I would work for you.
And that my dear reader is one of the ways
tax payer goes wasted:
Regardless of the merits of the proposal,
within one second of time it was shot out of the sky because 'that
would look as if I was working for you'.
It was just one of the reasons I decided
never to get a PhD in math, these people are not into science but
only in advanced games as who is working for who & all the
crazy stuff they have over there in crazyland.
Ok, that was it for today. Till
(28 Aug 2018) A short update from the
previous update from 20 Aug; it was better to add a few more
screen shots to that previous update so here we go:
Item 1) Electrons are infinitely small and
process in magnetic fields?
Item 1) Electrons are
infinitely small and process in magnetic fields?
Let's keep this short and simple:
In the previous post I showed you that PBS
video on 'the most reliable relation between physical theory and
experiment'. It is no secret I disagree with that all because I
think electrons have magnetic charge and that the so called
magnetic dipole of an electron is more a fantasy based in the
Gauss law on magnetism.
At 3:57 the video guy claims electrons are
point particles while
at 10:51 the electrons precess because of a magnetic field.
The last is known as Larmor precession. Here
is a picture of how this precession should look when it comes to
the electron being a magnetic dipole:

The tiny problem with this detail is as
The Larmor precession is a frequency of em-radiation.
But if the electron only wiggles around on the spot while it has
not much of a radius, why should it emit photons with a particular
As far as I know reality, electrons emit
photons when the electrons are accelerated.
It is known as brems strahlung and not 'wiggle wiggle
Ok, that was it. Till updates.
20 Aug 2018) I finished Reason number 66 as
why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles while as an antidote to
that I post a link to a Youtube video about the fantastic coupling
there is inside physics between the theoretical and experimental
measuring of the electron magnetic dipole moment.
So one item with two links in it.
Item 1) Reason 66 posted + the official
electron magnetic dipole moment.
Item 1) Reason 66
posted + the official electron magnetic dipole moment.
Ok, with my simple experimental setup with
the 12 € old television and a 50 € stack of those modern
strong neodymium magnets it is obvious the electrons get
accelerated big time.
If you see it for the first time it is a mind
boggling number while it is only some conservative lower bound on
the actual electron acceleration.
But there is no arguing with reality: Every
body can repeat the simple experiment and observe the black spot
on the screen where no electrons land. Remark the speed of the
electrons in the electron beam is about 120 thousand km/sec so
over one third of the speed of light.
That is why you need these crazy acceleration
numbers in order to get a black spot on the screen... If you
click on the picture you land at reason 66:

It's still mind boggling: As a number the
electron acceleration is over 8 million times the speed of light
(as a number of course).
As an antidote to that we have more mind
boggling stuff: The official version of electron spin, both theory
and experiment. It is in this 16 min video:
Quantum Theory's Most Incredible Prediction | Space Time
Now some time back I explained to you as why
I will not try to write an 'official publication' when it comes to
the impossibility of electrons being magnetic dipoles. And at the
time I would like to give you some examples of people that would
instantly trash my 'professional article'.
This person from PBS space time has all it
takes to be the arrogant peer reviewer that would trash my article
within five minutes, but at the time I decided to skip this all
because why make it so personal like monkeys on a rock?
After all the idea about electron spin is
wrong, it has nothing to do with individual people... But four
days back this guy comes out with another video of blah blah blah
see how good we are because we are good 12 places behind the
decimal point & more of that blah blah blah.
But I have to remark; Seldom have I seen a
tshirt so perfect for the occasion where the very best of physics
is praised while the tshirt reads: Lehman.
That is mind boggling too, but may be it has
nothing to do with the math of Lehman Brothers but is it Lehman
bakery from around the corner.

That was it but again, let's not make it
personal because we have in this update a giant electron
acceleration versus the official electron g factor.
What more do you want? Ok ok, may be an
experimental result that indeed says electrons are magnetic
dipoles. Till updates.
(14 Aug 2018) Oh oh politics at it's most
stupid point is those Omarosa tapes from places like the situation
room inside the US White House...
I enjoy this tremendously because this is
what can happen if you vote a person like donald trump that has
clearly all kinds of mental issues to the presidency. And the
funny thing is of course that in the past the honorable donald
trump himself has said that 'the fish rots from the head' (when
talking about Obama of course).
But this update is not upon politics but a
shorty on magnetism and some simple calculations around that old
television photo.
Item 1) Side-way acceleration = 8 million
times the speed of light? YEP!
Item 1) Side-way
acceleration = 8 million times the speed of light? YEP!
Here is that old picture again from 14 Jan
You see that there is a dark ring where no
electrons land on the screen.
Under the assumption the electron cannons in
my old television set work at an electric potential of 40 thousand
Volt, it is not that hard to calculate the electrons go about 120
thousand km/sec or just over one third of the speed of
So you need a huge huge side way acceleration
to displace the incoming stream of electrons by at least 0.5
centimeter. If my calculations are correct, I have to comb them
trough a bit more because the answer is so bizarre:
As a number the speed of light is 300
million, we skip the unit m/s.
As a number the estimated side-way acceleration is about 8 million
times the speed of light. And that is a number that makes you
It is not forbidden, the giant acceleration
only lasts at most 2 nano-seconds and indeed inside Einsteinian
mechanics there is nothing that forbids acceleration numbers like
So for the time being this will be the next
Reason number 66 as why electrons cannot be magnetic
I took the trouble to make a new photo, now
with the stack of magnets in the corner of the television screen.
The asymmetric shape you observe cannot be explained by the
Lorentz force, but if you use a simple model like electrons carry
two different charges of magnetism, this shape looks rather
Anyway to me it looks logical. Here is the
new photo:

As you see there is rather large spot where
no electrons land on the television screen. In my view this
clearly demonstrates that the electrons get accelerated because
they carry magnetic charge.
End of this update.
(23 July 2018) At the end of last year's
summer I more or less thought out a simple model that explains all
those solar loops that go between pairs of sun spots. It was vey
If inside the sun plasma starts rotating in a
tornado like (or tube like) structure, in a short time it becomes
electrically very positive and will create strong magnetic fields
that at the surface of the sun looks like a sun spot.
That was all there was to it but I did not
know as why there would be any tornado like or tube like rotation
in the sun so I never penned it down until now.
This update is about reason 65 as why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles:
22 July2018: Reason 65: A possible model for solar loops going
between two solar spots.
Item 1) On a simple tornado/tube like plasma
rotating model.
Item 1) On a simple
tornado/tube like plasma rotating model.
Only about two weeks ago I picked up this
model again after finding out that the sun rotates unequal on the
various latitudes. At the solar equator it rotates must faster as
compared to the polar regions.
I did not know that last year, but from that
rotating differential it is very likely all kinds of rotating
tubes will form in the outer layers of the sun. So for the time
being I use this rotating difference as the driving force behind
the magnetic fields as found in the sun spots.
At this point in time my simple model only
contain words, not important numbers like the acceleration that
electrons and protons have under a unit of magnetism of say 1
Tesla or 1 Gauss.

One of the features of my simple model is
that it is falsifiable, that means if the simple model is wrong
you can prove that. In this case all solar rotating structures
like those tube shaped should behave the same.
If you can find only counter example, this whole idea of rotating
positively charged plasma can be thrown into the garbage
Yet I am positive upon future findings in
this because one year back I only had some vague notion of
spinning plasma and this year we have found a possible driving
mechanism while all those details of leading and trailing solar
spots nicely fit in with the original idea. After all the period
of the magnetism on the sun is 22 years while visible sun spots
behave more like an 11 year thing.
Let me show you one of those lovely pictures,
often from the ultra-violet part of the em-spectrum, that show the
so called solar loops between solar spots:

The sun is a nice thing, you have all that
kinetic energy there and magnetism and electricity is a way of
transporting energy over longer distances.
Ok, that was reason number 65 as why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Till updates my dear reader, live well and think well.
(13 July 2018) Oh oh the NATO top this week
had the enjoyment of the wisdom of the US POS (= Piece Of Shit).
This time the brilliant insight is that neighbor Germany is a
slave to Russia because they buy gas from Russia.
Even the Kremlin thought this was a bridge
too far by stating that things like selling gas is more a way of
creating a mutual dependence and that is a better representation
of reality.
On the trade war I have only one
The biggest driver behind the USA trade deficits is, in my view,
that the US economy as a whole consumes more than it produces.
Historically this could grow this way because the US$ is a little
bit overrated (that is artificially strong) because it has world
currency reserve status and therefore a lot of US companies could
indeed not keep up with the competition abroad.
Instead of innovating faster and harder, like for example Germany,
the USA went for the lazy way and sell paper like US treasuries to
the Chinese.
That's how we got in this stuff in the first place, putting tariffs
on particular goods will not solve the problem of a US population
that has to use a dollar that is artificially too high all of the
Oh oh politics, better not think about all
those weirdo's out there lately.
This update is about a much more crazy thing
than recent politics and that is a tiny calculation into so called
BCS theory that explains super conductivity.
I post it here because it was already
discussed in the pages on magnetics a long time ago, but the
simple calculation says the whole theory is rather likely
Item 1) BCS theory, Cooper pairs and super
Item 1) BCS theory,
Cooper pairs and super conductivity.
In a nutshell BCS theory tries to explain
super conductivity via the formation of electron pairs, that
sounds 100% reasonable because in my view electron pairs are
magnetically neutral and that is an important property because it
opens much more of those ballistic channels in a super conducting
But if you zoom in on the details of the BCS
theory it is just horrible to the bone, it goes more or less like
1) One electron comes in the grid of positive
metal ions.
2) This attracts the positive ions that therefore pull together
creating an even stronger positive electrical field that
3) Makes it more likely for another electron to enter and that
4) Is a Cooper pair.
It is a complete bullshit theory and that can
be shown with a very simple calculation:
Originally back in the year 1911 Heike
Kamerlingh Onnes discovered that metals like mercury and lead lost
all electrical resistivity when cooled down to extreme low
temperatures. Of course it was a fascinating discovery.
About 50 years later the first 'theoretical
explanations' arrived at the scene and that is present day BCS
Let me keep the calculation short and easy to
The electron enters that lattice of positive
ions and as such it feel a force F from those ions because they
have positive electrical charge while the electron is negative.
The ions feel the same force.
Ok, lets say our lone electron makes 4
mercury atoms vibrate.
Will they vibrate a lot inside the ultracold mercury
Now the electron has a mass that is about
1830 times as small as the mass of a proton or a neutron. Mercury
is number 80 on the list of periodical elements and suppose it has
about 80 neutrons also.
Furthermore suppose our electron moves four
of those mercury atoms so that the Cooper pair can be formed.
Do the math: F = ma so the acceleration of
the electron is relatively high compared to the four mercury
nuclei. The electron must move 4 x 160 x 1830 in mercury
mass or over one million time the mass the electron
I do not think that ECB theory is a good
explanation, I think it is 100% bullshit.
The reason for writing this update is that I
viewed that video again where Noble laureate Frank Wilczek unfolds
his wisdom on superconductivity.
Now I do not want to be negative on this
Frank guy, he is mild mannered, soft spoken and at least he tries
to think a bit around. But BCS theory is plain bullshit and all
those people inside physics should calculate a bit more and do a
bit less of all that blah blah blah stuff that is going
Just one electron that resonates over one
million nuclei mass is just too stupid to talk about. But if you
give those people a salary, give them titles like professor and
stuff and suddenly all important but elementary calculations are
Such is life; human science is a social
construct one way or the other.
Here is the video that aroused my attention
once more to the explanation of super conductivity. Am I looking
at science or am I looking at pure 21-th century religion?

Youtube source video: Superconductivity: a far-reaching theory
I hope you can find a wiki for yourself if
you are interested in these details on BCS theory because I am
completely through with all that nonsense that so often lacks a
simple experimental or calculational basis....
So let me chase happiness and pop up the last
pint of the day and enjoy the fact that we humans are only monkeys
on a rock.
Till updates. (Updated on 14 July with a
video from drPhysicsA and we look at the energy stored in the
electron pair).
May be it is best you first watch the entire
video from drPhysicsA because that is rather refreshing after all
the talk bordering on religious talk from Frank Wilczek
as in the previous video.
Click on the picture for the video, important
detail is found at 6 min 46 seconds where drPhysicsA claims the
energy stored in the electron pair is about 10^-3 electron Volts.
I think this is very wrong, it has to be much more.

The basic idea as explained in the video is
that the super conductivity reaches it critical temperature and
above that the electron pairs are destroyed because of the high
Not only does that contradict the fact that
at present day those complicated high temperature super conductors
work at much higher temperatures but also the existence of room
temperature hydrogen molecules.
Take two hydrogen atoms, they are both
electrically neutral because the electron and the proton cancel
each other out. So two hydrogen atoms are never attracted to each
other because of electrical forces.
In my view, where electrons carry magnetic
charge, only when the two hydrogen atoms have electrons with
opposite magnetic charge, they will fuse into molecular hydrogen H2
. From the noble science of chemistry it is known that energy
stored inside hydrogen bonds like this is about 4 eV.
That is about 4000 times as much as
drPhysicsA claims that there is in the electron pair.
In my view, the opposite magnetic charges in
an electron pair are stronger compared to the repelling electrical
charge the electrons have.
Is there any kind of experimental proof for
such a bold claim?
Not that I am aware of, but there is existential
proof because if you are a human and you read this, your entire
body hangs on the strength of the electron pair. Ok ok there is
also ionic bonding but most organic matter hangs together because
of electron pairs.
Ok, that is what I had to say. Let's close
this update with the remark that likely the breakdown on super
conductivity as drPhysicsA expains it is that even the electron
pairs cannot those ballistic pathways of transport anymore.
And as such the super conductivity breaks down when it gets too
Till updates.
(06 July 2018) Oops, this website was offline
at least one day last weekend. But it's online again so it's fine
again; at least I did not forget to pay some bills and got offline
via that route... That always makes you feel so dumb and that is
not a state of mind that I like.
In this update I want to reflect on so called
scientific progress and in how far this is very much a social
thing (like a bunch of monkeys on a rock, that is also a social
As an example I only want to look at the
weird detail that inside mathematics 3D complex numbers are not
used at all while I skip the little fact that in physics they do
not understand electron spin as a magnetic charge. That is more
for those philosophers on physics; why is the electron a magnetic
dipole for a full century?
Item 1) Why are 3D complex numbers not used?
Item 1) Why are
3D complex numbers not used?
If you do a simple internet search on, lets
say 'why do 3D complex numbers not exist?' you get a whole lot of
If you look at the websites that answer this
question, they are all more or less of the type that you as an
average citizen can ask and answer questions.
Like for example in the next math exchange
dot stuff link:
number with three dimensions
These kind of questions get answered at such
websites feeding the interest of the general public into
scientific stuff. Often the answers are really stupid like 'Hey
dude that does not work!!!' to more advanced answers that include
stuff like the 2, 4, 8 theorem or that theorem of Fröbenius.
These theorems are very interesting because
they include a strategy that cannot work: they try to chase a 3D
complex number system where everything outside of the 0 must have
an inverse.
And that is a very stupid demand to begin
The theorems might be smartly crafted but it's basic demand was
impossible for 3D to start with.
Here is a link to the Fröbenius theorem:
Frobenius theorem (real division algebras)
Let's not get into the math of why this
approach is stupid because it can easily be shown that there
always will be numbers that are not zero but act like projections,
destroy dimensions and as such are not invertible.
Now what has this to do with the vague
concept of 'progress in science' aka our little 'monkey on a rock
Well on such websites serving the questions
of the general public at least you get some answer. There are also
websites for math professionals and over there the answers are
given by those math professionals that are superior to those those
who pose the questions...
On websites like that, for professionals and
by professionals, you just cannot find a question like 'Why do 3D
complex numbers not exist?'
So when you are a professional math
researcher you look smart if you do not ask such
And with that you have a probable reason as
why entire scientific communities can easily make no progress at
all for over a century on particular details like higher
dimensional number systems inside the math community or stuff like
electron spin inside the physics community.
And life, life will go on.
Why do we need scientific progress in the first place?
Let's leave it with that. Till updates.
(20 & 21 June 2018) What do you think of all those
weird reports from the USA about family separation where for
example one year old toddlers are taken from their
That's some great nation...
But this update is not about some disgusted
politics but about my decision to put a possible official article
about electron spin in the garbage bin.
Item 1) So no try at some official
Item 1) So no try at
some official publication?
No, there are only reasons against it. I just
don't feel good about it
For example on my computer system for some
strange reason pictures never get properly included in the Latex
texts. So about two years back I did put together a new computer
that could serve as a spare for when my regular computer broke
But in those two years of time I never
investigated if pictures could be properly included on the spare
computer... Also a few months back the spare computer broke down
and I haven't even looked into why it does not function any
When I read my own emotional state over all
that time, I think I am not very eager at this point in time to
try to get some stuff 'officially published'.
It is not only that it is very hard to take
the so called 'peer review' threshold, the small possibility of
taking that threshold is not my main reason of canceling all
prospects of an electron spin related article.
You must also weigh that against the outcomes of a possible
Suppose I could write that 'perfect article'
and with a bit of tunneling luck it becomes mainstream that
electron spin is not a vector but a magnetic charge, why should I
even try to write such a 'perfect article'?
Beside that a few years back I more or less
expected to have more experimental evidence or even proof by now.
But beside that old television of 12 € and that set of neodymium
magnets, I never came across any apparatus I could use.
And say for yourself, using a television of 12 € is not
something that those scientific magazines will applaud. Here is an
old photo from April 2016 that, in my view, proves that electrons
get accelerated by magnetic fields:

And then there is the problem of scientific
journal selection; what scientific publication would be best to
approach after writing some 'official publication'? I don't have a
clue because I only use internet sources like the preprint archive
& the likes.
I do not read such scientific journals and
that raises a funny but also philosophical question to mind: Why
should I try to get a publication into a scientific journal or
paper that I do not read myself?
That is not rational behavior, for my life it does not make much
No no, I am not crazy to the bone yet and it
is better that at least this decade the official position of all
university physics professors is that electrons are magnetic
dipoles. That is best for every one.
If you click on the picture below, you will
land at Reason 62 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles:

End of this update.
(02 June 2018) It has been a very lazy week
for me. After publishing the coordinate functions of the 4D
exponential curve, why not take a break?
Luckily there is all kinds of chaos to look
at; according to donald trump the operatives from the deep state
had infiltrated his campaign with a spy. Oh oh, it is going
to take a long time before the USA citizens realize that their
POTUS is mentally ill.
It is now about 500 days of looking at news and all so often
mostly on a daily basis you observe the words THIS IS NOT NORMAL.
And yes I agree, this or that donald trump
detail is not normal because the brain of donald trump does not
function properly. But if people try to say that, suddenly you are
not allowed to say that because 'you are not a mental health
expert' and most of all 'you did not investigate him'.
Come on, what we observe is easy to
understand; the donald trump guy might be a bit more intelligent
compared to the average US consumer, but he is clearly mentally
ill because he more or less believes the nonsense he is speaking.
But enough of the donald, in this update only
one item and that is a teaser picture for my latest post on the
other website.
Item 1) A teaser picture for the new baby tau
number in 4D.
Item 1) A
teaser picture for the new baby tau number in 4D.
Lately I have been studying the four
dimensional complex numbers a little bit, they are fun to write
about because a century of so called smart physics professors
never found this beautiful mathematical object.
Just like the math professors, the
mathematical horizon of physics professors is likely the
quaternions in four dimensional space.
And this while in general 4D space has been
in the interest of physics professors for over a full century. The
human brain is not made for math, it is much more an emotional
machine. The human brain needs on a daily basis all that emotion
because that makes you feel alive but it also prevents you from
cooling down and analyze the stuff on a deeper level.
To put it simple: We humans are only a bunch
of monkeys on a rock.
Ok, here is the teaser picture and if you
click on it you can find out how to craft those cute looking
coordinate functions:

It might look a bit difficult but that is
only how it looks.
The only thing that matters is the first
coordinate function, the others are just time lags of the first
one. So this is the product of two cosine functions, one with
period 4 and the other with period 8.
That's all, hope you have a tiny bit of
cognitive growth and in case you also want some emotion:
Let US pray for the day when the donald trump
problem is solved via a nine millimeter solution through his
Just like that funny Ghadaffi video, wouldn't
that be great?
Or better cool down and do a tiny bit more
End of this update.
(13 May 2018) Is the stock market going to
crash in the foreseeable future?
For this year I am not expecting this
although it has to be remarked that stock market growth as a
percentage has been a huge multiple of underlying economical
In the previous update I mentioned the so
called 'Second activation of the Nightmare on Wall Street' as was
started on 12 Nov 2007. At that point in time I had already
studied the worldwide financial system since the year 2004. So
after 3 years of study I had a good oversight upon the many
weaknesses and bubbles there were around in those long lost
My main insight into 'this is going to blast'
was mostly rooted in the fact that the US financial system
annually adjusted needed about 2.4 trillion US$ fresh debt in
order to function properly.
It was obvious there was not that much money
to satisfy that level of fresh debt...
So it just had to snap...
Item 1) What will happen with QT in the year
Item 1) What will
happen with QT in the year 2019?
Since the financial crisis from a decade ago
it has been a fact of life that the US federal deficits growth was
always above economical growth and as such tax money intake.
At the beginning 10 years ago the total US
federal debt was about 60% of the gross domestic product, at
present day it is hovering about 100% of the GDP.
QT if the fine art of the central banks to
unload some of the stuff they bought and QT stands for
'quantitative tightening' and as such the US federal reserve plans
to sell all those US federal debt they bought. I do not know the
exact numbers, say they sell about 50 billion US$ a month. That
would be about 600 billion in the year 2019...
The US federal deficit for 2019 could be as
much as one trillion, likely a bit more because donald trump is
the king of debt so that is an extra market pressure of 1000
billion US$ in fresh debt.
To top it off, there is also old US federal
debt that will mature and it has to be paid back. Of course there
are no saving funds for that so they will do the refi or the
'refinance' thing. I do not know the numbers and have no clue
about how many billions these are, but will old investors in US
debt that matures in 2019 actually buy new US debt???
So all in all the present market situation is
easy to understand:
It is totally crazy and can the central banks
really sell all the garbage they bought?
The numbers in the next picture are total US
federal debt levels in billions of US$. Of course what is still
left out is the hidden debt like in the social security funds.
Stuff that looks like some asset but is in fact debt to be sold in
a future market...
Source of the numbers: FED
Z1 release.

Ok, let us leave all this market madness
behind and just observe how the central bankers of the USA and
Europe sell the stuff like they promised...
Till updates my dear reader.
(27 April 2018) The staying power in the news
of the pee pee tape over the last two weeks is amazing. On 14
April when I wrote the previous post I did not know it but it
seems that donald trump on three or four occasions brought the
subject of pee pee tape up with James Comey.
So that makes it much more likely that indeed
some splashing details are true, but if the tape exists we still
don't know what is upon it. It would be great if indeed we will
see the donald consuming lady pee while on hands and
Beside the fun, in this short update I would
like to try explain as why donald is mentally ill as I have been
thinking all of the time. That is our item for today:
Item 1) What explains all those weird lies
from donald trump?
Item 1) What explains
all those weird lies from donald trump?
Two strange flaws that often bedevil the
donald are:
1) This giant stream of lies and
2) The absence of strategic thinking.
Just like most people I only thought donald
was some pathological liar and emotionally too unstable to have
any strategic importance.
For the rest I did not think much about it,
after all it is not my problem.
But lately the former head of the FBI James
Comey told a few times that donald trump has no morals at all. In
the brain of donald trump, all moral stuff is completely
Most morals also have a biological embedding
in the brain, if a species has some biological based morals that
can help them or hinder them. For example if cannibalism is
rampant among some animal species, this could hinder the long term
survival of that species and as such most animal species avoid
cannibalism under normal circumstances.
For example a small brain fish like a piranha,
when they attack a prey they never attack each other. Now are the
piranha embedded by God with moral values like 'thou shall not eat
thye neighbor nor the daughter of the neighbor'?
No, God has not much to do with it.
If all piranha's know they will never be attacked by their fellow
hunters, that makes them the formable attack force they
Morals in some animal species or our own
human species often make clear when you can attack a fellow member
of your species. It is well known that donald trump attacks a lot
of people often for what we consider as 'no reason at all'.
For example when donald trump strikes at
those NFL players for kneeling down on one knee during the playing
of the national anthem. Only a person with a brain that is not
properly functioning on the biological level would do that, you
must have something that is some deviation from normal brain
Now suppose the observation from James Comey
is correct and indeed donald trump is void of morals, in that case
the border line between a lie and that what is true fades away.
The brain activity of donald must be the same if he tells a lie or
when he tells the truth.
In my view, this is a deep rooted
malfunctioning of the human brain.
In other words: The US prez donald trump is mentally ill.
The words as written above should not be read
as negative stuff, or that I am in some depressed mode about the
future of humanity while we have a bag of garbage at the nuclear
button of the USA...
A few months back I came about that html page
I wrote about a decade ago.
And I smiled softly because now 10 years later it all looked so
chaotic, just like the donald has all that chaos surrounding him.
Although my html file was highly chaotic if
you read it after 10 years, it did not lack strategic thinking.
After all I had reached my goals and the DOW Jones was cut in
half... ;)
Here is a screen shot picture from the start
of that file, click on it to go to the old html file:

Oh oh, those good old days without donald
Need an AAA credit rating? Just buy one!
That was it for this update, thanks for your
(14 April 2018) The last days there suddenly
is a tiny bit more news of the 'pee pee tape' related to a visit
from donald trump to Moscow. As the rumor went, donald wanted a
room and had some prostitutes pee over each other...
The whole thing was secretly taped and as
such could be an explanation as why the Russians have so much sway
over donald trump.
I always considered this a bag of nonsense,
if it is true that we only see a few prostitutes peeing on each
other, why should a person like donald be embarresed?
That is our first item of this update, in the
second item a few more reasons as why electrons cannot be magnetic
Anyway here we go:
Item 1) How does donald trump get his
Item 2) A zero field splitting of electron spin?
Item 1) How does
donald trump get his potassium?
Potassium is an important element for your
body, daily enough intake via enough veggies is important because
your body cannot hold on it. You can't store potassium, you pee it
Some time back last year James Comey was
fired from his CIA post and now he has a book coming out and one
of the details seems to be that donald asked James Comey to start
an investigation into the 'pee pee tape' and the conclusion should
be that it was all not true.
When those pee pee rumors emerged for the
first time, after a few minutes of thinking about this relatively
weird news I understood what could be on the pee pee tape:
That was not donald trump ordering a few
hookers to urinate over each other, no no much more likely it was
that the present US president donald trump was on hands an knees
and actively drinking as much of the stuff as possible.
Now with the new information coming in that
donald trump wanted an 'investigation' into the pee pee tape from
Moscow, after waiting long it just looks more and more likely that
donald trump did indeed swallow a lot of urine while he was on
hands and knees...
After having said that, it is a pity that it
will likely take a few more years before the pee pee tape finally
will surface. On the positive side, if there is one pee pee tape
that is talked about, what else can there be?
Let's leave it with that.
Item 2) A zero field
splitting of electron spin?
On 7 and 9 April I posted two more reasons as
why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
The 7 April update is about the Majorama
fermions as found by the Dutch university of Delft (I still don't
think these particles are their own anti particle my dear Delft
The 9 April update is a bit more from the
chemical sciences; even in the absence of any applied magnetic
field there still is a difference in electron spin state.
It has a beautiful name: Zero field splitting...
Scroll down on page four of the magnetic
stuff as it is covered on this website:
The funny detail in the last reason is that
even in the absence of a magnetic field there still are two
kinds of electrons, that once more validates that electrons do
not have spin but charge, that is magnetic charge so to say...
Ok, that was it for this update. Till
End of this archive file index12.htm.
(of these homepage files).