(05 Nov 2021) That climate conference in
Scotland might be interesting to comment upon. But let's not do
that only for that weird detail that India wants to be CO2 neutral
in the year 2070. This simply means the Indian government has
absolutely no clue what is in the future. Of course India will
argue that a lot of it's citizens are poor and they want to save
lives by going slow toward climate goals. But by going slow they
will likely kill a large multiple of the numbers they want to
save; all in all India has no clue what is coming in the next
Today a short Brexit update, here we
Item 1) Is Lord Frost a mentally fresh
person? Nope, it's an idiot.
Item 1) Is Lord Frost a
mentally fresh person? Nope, it's an idiot.
May be you have been in that position too:
trying to convince other people there is something wrong with what
they say or think and you use logic and cold hard facts. And it
just does not work. Whatever you come up with no logic works and
for you that is more or less frustrating.
But it is very common. people are prone to
belief and belief systems that guide their thinking while this
belief or belief system is not rooted in cold hard facts. Take for
example the arguments anti vaxers come up with; a lot of them
think there are all kinds of conspiracies going on and that is
just not logical.
For example in the last five or six years I
tried to explain that electron spin is completely different
compared to what the professional physics professors make of it.
Electron spin is a clear part of a belief system, in this case
that magnetic monopoles do not exist. But if five years of brining
logical arguments to the foreground just does nothing, I concluded
electron spin is part of the belief system and the professors just
want to keep it that way.
I came across a perfect photo that in my view
perfectly symbolizes how a believer reacts on logical arguments
and cold hard facts. For true believers like physics professors it
is all Blah Blah Blah stuff.

The UK negotiator for all things Brexit is
Lord Frost. Often this Lord has a lot of weird stuff. For example
the North Ireland stuff is a sheer horror to him. Are there empty
shelves in the NI? Is there a fuel shortage in the NI? Are there
piles of dead pigs that cannot be slaughtered? Nope that is all
not the case, actually it is a cold hard fact that in the NI it
goes better compared to the UK.
But this imbecile David Frost keeps on
hammering how worse it is in the NI. So that could be a 'belief
system' thing.
Well yesterday I found a bit more proof that
Lord Frost is not married to rational behavior. Let me quote a bit
from the total nonsense he was uttering a few days back, quote:
Lord David Frost will tell the Tory
conference on Monday “the long bad dream of EU membership is
over” and Britain can now look forward to sunlit uplands outside
the bloc.
In a speech to a scaled-down main hall
in Manchester, he will declare: “The British Renaissance has
Comment: At this point in time UK pigs are
processed in slaughterhouses in my own country and exported back.
This is crazy beyond belief, more and more the UK is not capable
of taking care of her own food. As you see on inspection of the
quote; Lord Frost thinks likely these are all good
developments. (Click on the picture for the quote source.)

We can safely conclude that Mr. Frost is not
fresh between the ears; may be he only pretends to be a believer
in Brexit, may be he is a true believer but given quotes like that
I do not view him as a mentally normal person.
He is a lunatic just like most Brexiteers.
But please do not take my words as political speech; it is not
words spoken for just one day. The Brexit problems will only
accumulate month in month out. It is a bunch of crazies and
nothing good will come from that, but the UK population voted
these idiots in place so they must also swallow the fine results
flowing from that choice.
Till updates.
(29 Oct 2021) It was an interesting week. In
my home country it could be there is finally some possibility for
the formation of a new government. I often say that simple
political structures like in the USA and the UK where you have
only two mainstream political parties, that is not efficient. It
is not efficient because as soon as a there is a shift after
elections the incoming party directly overturns a lot of the
decisions of the former party. So in that sense a country looses
strategic behavior. But here in the Netherlands we have a lot of
political parties and it always takes a long time to form a
government. So that is a disadvantage of having so many political
parties yet all in all I think it is better this
Also in the UK a new government budget was
out and the minimum wage we raised by over 6%. The inflation
expectation was also upgraded to 5+% so all in all this minimum
wage got a little bigger. My expectation is that UK inflation will
be over 6% for the next 12 months so that at best the value of the
minimum wage stays more or less the same. It is just a guess on my
behalf, I did put up a wet finger in the air and it felt like over
6% inflation.
Today a few UK fisher crews were arrested
because of illegal fishing in French waters. Of course the
Brexiteers are in all states and for a few weeks now there is that
talk of France shutting down the electricity deliveries to the UK.
I don't think they will do that but it would be ultra perfect if
say 3 days before Christmas all EU and French electricity
deliveries to the UK would stop. That would be a great Christmas
gift for the UK...
Item 1) As long as you have fun, who cares
about stupid pigs?
Item 1) As long as
you have fun, who cares about stupid pigs?
On the scale of things it is just a detail
but like a lot of details in the Brexit adventures they pan out
completely different compared to what the Brexiteers expected.
Take for example that idiot Jacob Rees Mogg; he is very good in
explaining why the EU is just so horrible with all that red tape.
We have studied this for decades and it is just horrible. But if
at present day a lorry for say Marks & Spencer has to go to
France, sometimes they need about 700 pages just to cross the
border. So we can safely conclude that Jacob Rees Mogg is a multi
decade long idiot comparable to idiots like Geert Wilders as we
have over here.
Because of the lack of EU workers the UK
economy has lot's of troubles like those pigs that cannot be
processed in the slaughterhouses because of a lack of butchers
& lorry drivers. In the next picture you see a pile of dead
pigs and stuff like that has always a big psychological impact on
the farmers. As a matter of fact decades later they will talk
about it just like the killings related to mouth & claw

Ok, I made a bit of propaganda with the above
picture. In parliament they are not laughing about a pile of dead
pig corpses and the BoJo is not painting a picture of a pile of
dead pigs. But it has some truth in it: Brexiteers are too stupid
to understand the damage they do.
And say for yourself: If you think that
cutting ties with the EU and doing more trade with the East and
far East, you are really very stupid. If you do not understand the
basics of your own economy, how can you become a good government?
Of course that will never happen, just like over here is that
imbecile Geert Wilders would become pm and he is leading a cabinet
of 'like minded' people, that will be very bad for our economy and
of course our international reputation.
I used a few screenshots to make the above
picture, they are from the next video:
This Dysfunctional Brexit Is Unravelling By The Day. TRUTH TO POWER
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-SuZp9L6dw
Oh yeah, thinking about trade with the East:
It seems that ships from there are avoiding UK ports because they
cannot get unloaded because of the lack of lorry drivers. As such
the stuff supposedly going to the UK is going to the EU.
With a bunch of idiots running the UK, the
next months will bring only more of this kind of
Ok, that was it for this week. See you
(22 Oct 2021) Today I observed Vladimir Putin
telling that if we just opened that Nord Stream II pipeline, in no
time plenty of gas supplies could be there relieving the very high
gas prices we have recently. But other people claim that simply
via the existing pipelines there are enough to easily double the
amount of gas that could be delivered. To be honest after all
these months I have never seen a good explanation as why gas
supplies from Russia are that low. Rumors say that Russia is
deliberately holding back gas supplies to make it more likely that
the Nord Stream II pipeline will get opened. I do not know what is
best, we need the gas but do we need all those stupid emotions
from the Vladimir? If Vladimir Putin was a rationale actor I would
have far less problems with it but the guy is always an emotional
piece of shit. It could very well be that in the future we will
regret making us depended on Russian gas supplies too much. On the
other hand mutual dependencies always have a tendency to minimize
the likelihood of war and that is a good thing of course. So I
don't know what is best in the long run...
Our item for today is of course Brexit once
more. It is still going from nuts to mega ultra über nuts and
only one thing is sure: It will only get worse month in month
Item 1) And all those pigs get killed and
burned for no reason at all.
Item 1) And all
those pigs get killed and burned for no reason at all.
Most people in Europe really do not give a
shit about Brexit but I find it fascinating how an entire nation
can go into the wrong direction without any possibility to change
course. We are taking back control over our borders! Well, the UK
is still not capable of making border checks on incoming goods.
Everything gets waived through and that's it. Idiots like Pritty
Patel make a big fuss about people who come in on small rubber
boats but nobody knows how many get smuggled in because no truck
gets checked. It is a human trafficking paradise and what it has
to do with 'taking back control' is hard to see. It is more the
Labor shortages are the same; for example
there is a big shortage on butchers. Anybody could see that coming
for months and months but nothing is done except some blah blah
blah that the industry should hire more British workers. And just
like in the past those British workers never show up so the
problems only accumulate. And you get that total nonsense like 'we
are going towards a high skilled high salaries paid economy'. Well
why didn't you do that in the last 50 years or why has the EU
never done such a thing if it is that easy? It is just hollow shit
that sounds good for only two seconds.
And what about stuff like 'we must trade more
with Asian nations because they grow much faster as the EU does!'
That is that stuff a shit head like Nigel Farage always tells us.
But if you do some elementary calculations, it is total rubbish
just like Nigel is.
The weird thing about labor shortages is that
it is only low paid jobs. In practice if you go for a higher paid
job it is suddenly far more easy to enter the UK. And the
threshold is rather low: only about 25 thousand pounds a year in
salary and it is much more easy to enter the UK. That is strange
because that is just a few thousands above what I get while I am
unemployed for about 20 years right now. And if you take into
account the ridiculous prices of housing my guesstimate is that
people on a 26 to 30 thousand pound a year salary are actually
worse of then I am. That is weird.
Byline tv had a beautiful short video about
all those pigs that pile up on farms and there is no way to
process them and bring their meat and proteins to the
supermarkets. In the meantime the UK only imports more and more
meat from the EU and it makes you wonder who is the crazy one

Once pigs are too big, they cannot be
processed by the slaughter houses. So they must be killed on the
farms and incinerated after that. That will make pig farmers
hesitant in the next year to take up too many pigs and as such the
EU will export much more pig meat in the coming years.
You never ever hear a piece of shit like
Jacob Rees Mogg from the ERG about that. That idiot Jaboc is very
good at talking about 'EU red tape' while that is a made up
fantasy the ERG people live in. Why they do that I don't know,
likely they are all far to rich and as such have troubles
understanding how a society works.
Anyway Byline tv has a video out, here is the
Devastated Farmers: Thousands of Pigs to Die in Vain
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u9gXdi-2uk

Yes you are for sure. But I still like to
study this; why does a nation do weird stuff like this? Of course
it is strongly related to emotion; the EU is evil and we are good
and all of that nonsense. As such the cognitive functions of the
brain get repressed, look at Jacob Rees Mogg to understand what I

Ok, that was it for this week. Till updates
my dear reader.
(15 Oct 2021) This week the most weird
experience was when looking at a video from Byline where they
asked people waiting in line for fuel what they voted and if
Brexit had anything to do with the fuel shortage caused by the
driver shortage. To my amazement all said it had nothing to do
with Brexit once more validating that Brexit is a self selective
process: Only if you are stupid enough you think it will have much
more benefits than setbacks. Of course complicated problems often
have more than one cause, for example the driver shortage is
caused by a long list of stuff like more drivers going into
retirement than new drivers enter the workforce. Their bureau that
handles licenses and stuff also seems to be a big mess, if you
apply for a license to drive a large truck it is easily waiting
for weeks and weeks until you get some old fashioned snailmail on
your doormat. And the one person thinks this detail is more
important, the other thinks that but if they all think that Brexit
and the lack of EU labor does not play a role you are a very
stupid person.
The UK government is even asking ambulance
drivers and fire truck drivers to go for that fantastic job of
being a lorry driver. As if ambulances and fire truck drivers do
not have shortages at hand... It shows the desperation of the UK
government and that is weird because it looks like they understand
the situation. And that is strange: do they understand it will get
only worse month in month out?

Video title: Angry Brexit Drivers Run Out Of Petrol
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9BVAD25bQM
What I do not understand about the UK
government is that they do not try to be the first country with a
free trade agreement with the South Pole. Stuff like that is
a true high skilled job because when trading with the South Pole
you must first learn Penguinese. For example you make a deal with
the penguins to export every year 50 billion in ice while
importing for 40 billion a year in fresh white fluffy snow for use
during summer heatwaves. It's brilliant, a new continent with
unlimited opportunities for those who have an eye for it...
Our item for today is about another segment
of utter idiots: Physics professors talking about electron
Item 1) Can you simulate on a computer what
happens in this old television?
Item 1) Can you
simulate on a computer what happens in this old television?
According to those physics professors
electrons are tiny magnets with two magnetic poles. In my view
that is nonsense because if they have two magnetic poles they are
neutral and cannot be accelerated by magnetic fields.
Ok ok, the physics professors have figured
out that if the strength of a magnetic field is not constant, it
is possible to get acceleration. That sounds good but if you do
the calculation talk like that breaks down to just talking out of
your neck. Ok ok they have that weird expression for the potential
energy but in there is nothing about the electron size. Yes they
put a Bohr maneton in it but again: that says nothing about the
size of the electron while any idiot can see that the closer the
two magnetic poles are, the less acceleration will be there.
Therefore you never can find any satisfactory
calculations in that direction. The same goes for the solar wind
that powers the aurora's. If the electrons come smashing in with a
huge speed so they can ionize stuff like oxygen, what explains the
speed of the electrons? Only a magnetic monopole makes sense but
try that to explain at a physics professor. Likely they will
simply refuse to talk about it, just look at you angrily and
that's it.
Just like a long time ago I was talking to
one of the math professors, Floris Takens was his name. He asked
me about what I was doing lately and I tried to explain a bit
about 3D complex numbers. At one point in time he asked me
"But how about integration?" And I answered "Oh you
can do that with a primitive". And Floris just looked at me
angrily and he did not want to talk about it any longer. And
Floris was one of the more smart and bright professors. So group
think can make smart people stupid and with electron spin I think
that is the case too.
In the next picture you see how electrons
from an old color television get accelerated by a stack of
permanent magnets. There is a black spot on the screen where no
electrons land. From that detail alone you can infer that electron
spin is not some continuous vector pointing in some direction but
a clear cut two way discreet thing. The two way thing is of course
monopole north and monopole south.

If you are a physics student you can try and
ask one of your professors what explains the black spot where no
electrons land. With a bit of luck he or she will only look at you
angrily and will not even try to answer the question.
For myself speaking, after over five years of
writing on electron spin I do not know what is more stupid:
1) Brexiteers at a fuel station explaining
Brexit has nothing to do with it or
2) The total lack of action of physics professors in the last say
six years.
But can you simulate this behavior of the
electrons on a computer? I am very bad at programming so I cannot
try this. In order to make such a simulation relative easy to
implement, you can replace the whole stack of magnets by two
points with a strong magnetic charge.
Then you try to get a 'black spot' using
electrons that have two magnetic poles (in that case you should
fail to get a black spot). And when you use electrons with a
magnetic monopole charge, you should be able to get such a black
If you succeed into simulating a black spot
on the television screen (or you have a good simulation that
perfectly mimics the behavior of the solar wind under the earth
magnetic field) you must absolutely not try to publish it. That is
just a waste of time and it will lead to nowhere: you will not
pass any kind of peer review if you say that electrons are
magnetic monopoles.
Compare that for example if I would try to
publish results on integration in the 3D complex number system and
by accident a genius like Floris Takens would be my peer
reviewer... Of course he would have trashed it.

It looks like this update is long enough so
let me try to find that button known as 'publish website'. Till
updates my dear reader.
(08 Oct 2021) Correction: Last week I wrote
that 5500 visas for truck drivers are there in the UK. This was
wrong, it is 5500 visas for poultry workers and 5000 visas for
truck drivers. It was not a big mistake but I like if the record
is correct on small details too.
What I consider a very strange detail is that given the number of
missing lorry drivers in the UK, the shortage is so big that empty
shelves in supermarkets will only increase in size. Just like the
fuel shortage, it can only get worse. It can only get worse
because after Brexit the amount of missing drivers is so large,
the stocks in supermarkets get depleted faster as new items come
This is not a very difficult or deep insight; if you have only a
few working brain cells alive you likely agree with me. So not for
the UK government, these idiots and inbred retards think that 5000
EU truck drivers is enough to help out...
Why are Brexiteers always so utterly stupid?
Anyway, today it emerged that a full 27 EU truck drivers have
applied for a job in the UK... (Others claim it was 127 but I like
27 more...) That is a lot given the fact you
still have that ultra dry cramp cunt Pretti Patel running the
immigration stuff. With a full blown weirdo like that you never
know what will happen next week or next month so if you are a EU
truck driver you better think twice about the fantastic job
opportunities they have over there...
Today's item is about magnetism, once more
all those fusion reactors based on magnetic confinement will fail
Item 1) Runaway electrons at relativistic
speeds? Please explain!
Item 1) Runaway
electrons at relativistic speeds? Please explain!
Every body knows that if you are sitting with
your family around the campfire, you get constantly bombarded by
high speed particles and all that radiation kills your family in
just a couple of hours. That is why humans are so good at
withstanding the cold; fire cannot be used...;(
Or is that utter nonsense? Of course, a fire
might produce a few sparks but it does not cause radiation that is
lethal. On the contrary it is pleasant and nice, it glows warmth
and light and therefore humans loved it for thousands of years.
Today I would like to show you two video's;
the first one is from PBS and it is that same guy again; the hefty
believer in the Gauss law of magnetism. That there are hundreds of
problems with that, who cares? After all this world universities
hire people that are very good at teamwork and as such they must
be conformists. If something is clearly utterly nonsense but the
group thinks it is true, those team players will never say
something is nonsense but nicely play along with the group.
And if the group thinks that the Gauss law
for magnetism is actually a true thing, those conformists will
think it is. It has nothing to do with science so why do those
people get all those professorships is unknown to me.
Anyway, in the first video the full blown
conformist 'explains' why magnetic monopoles should exist. Hey you
idiot: what about electrons, why don't you give some experimental
proof that they obey the Gauss law of magnetism?
Click on the picture to land at the video:

Video title: Why magnetic monopoles should
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw1sekg6SUY
Of course we do not get a good explanation as
why they should exist. As usual there is some blah blah blah about
GUT theories that say they should exist but those assholes never
explain in detail why that should be so. And of course that
inflation nonsense comes along: In the beginning of the universe
there were plenty of magnetic monopoles but after inflation there
might be only one magnetic monopole per galaxy making them very
hard to find.
For me it is still strange to observe all
these people not realizing that this universe just can't exist as
it is with bipolar electrons. It is not logical on all kinds of
levels; why is the electron pair in chemistry binding with
electrons of opposite spin?
If you accept the more logical thing that
electrons are magnetic monopoles, the existence of the electron
pair becomes much more logical: it is a pair because they have
opposite magnetic charges.
You might think that people from the science
of chemistry find this interesting, but no they are full blown
idiots like physics and math professors too.
Anyway for years I have been stating that
tokamak nuclear fusion reactors will never work because the
electrons are accelerated to relativistic speeds. Depending on
their magnetic charge they will go left or right around in the
fusion vessel causing all kinds of turbulence and become very very
But until yesterday I was never aware that
high speed electrons have actually been found in nuclear fusion
reactors. It was just something I assumed because it is not
logical that the Gauss law for magnetism will hold for
Today I can confirm that the idiots from the
scientific field of fusion research have found so called 'runaway
electrons'. And if I would tell such an idiot that electrons can
only get accelerated so fast because they are magnetic monopoles,
instantly those idiots will know that I am the crazy person in the
I have stopped maintaining the magnetic pages
on this website some time ago. I have given up upon trying to
convince the university people they are wrong on electron spin. So
if I name these people 'idiots' you must not think that I am
frustrated or emotional. On the contrary, the new policy is 'It is
enough that I know, that I understand' and the rest is just a
circus filled with idiots.
The finding of runaway electrons was reported
by fusion news, remark this is the second video of this year they
produce that clearly proves the stability problems are caused by
the fact that electrons are magnetic monopoles.
As usual click on the picture to land on the

Video title: Fusion News - Friday 20th August 2021
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2_8HbXcn5Q
Yes I know the background of the above
picture is not a tokamak. It is that laser facility in the USA
that tries to fuse small pellets with 192 simultaneous laser
beams. It does not have the fundamental plasma instability that
all tokamak vessels have but that laser thing is a far far cry
from a serious application too.
Of course I have to mention the fuckheads
from the Max-Planck institute in Germany once more: Hey you
incompetent fuckhead and shit eaters: Your Wendelstein fusion
reactor also has those fundamental problems. It is never going to
work and you will go down history as just another bunch of shit
eaters and sino's. (A sino is a scientist in name
It is now about the seventh year I understood
the Gauss law is not valid for electrons or loose protons or
neutrons. Much more proof that for example at the Max Planck
institute you only have idiots at work is not needed I just

Ok, that was it for this week. Please enjoy
the high energy prices from the old carbon based economy but never
invest money into idiots that promise you a carbon free futute
with nuclear fusion.
In this world there is never a shortage of
Till next week my dear reader.
(01 Oct 2021) Wow wow wow, on a global scale
energy prices are jumping. Some time ago the US Federal Reserve
came out with stating all that inflation was only temporary or as
they said it: transitory. With that they likely meant it will fade
away and it would not lead to permanent long lasting inflation. At
the time I did not comment on it but as time goes by the more I
doubt it that it will simply pass after some time.
Brexit is going well; we have one more proof
that the mental capabilities of the present UK government are
highly restricted: They now 'allow' for say 5500 EU truck driver
visa's that will expire on Christmas eve. You can't make this up.
Not only is that a far to small number and the period is far to
short. I mean who the hell will go over there to work as a truck
driver? Remember last year when because of COVID the French had to
block the border and all those drivers has a nice Christmas in
some stinking parking lot without food and toilets. The only way
the EU drivers could take a shower is via pissing over each other.
The UK government handing out food? Of course not...
Two items for today:
Item 1) Rishi Sunak on universal credit.
Item 2) An infinite list of counter examples to Fermats last
Item 1) Rishi Sunak
on universal credit.
It was only recently that I became aware of
the fact that the UK finance minister Rishi Sunak is from a
wealthy family of say 100 million. This week the extra 20 pounds a
week will be lifted for about 6 million UK citizens. And this
Sunak guy, in my view he will not last even one month if he needs
to go on stuff like universal credit himself...
Let us make a little play from this, a rich
overpaid guy living his entire life in wealth and how he will cope
on universal credit. Here we go:
Reinko: Hello Rishi, I have a challenge for
you. You must live at least one month on the money levels that
come with universal credit.
Rishi: Ok, I accept your challenge. How
difficult can it be. I know a lot about money! Hey let go for a
walk and take a cup of coffee in that café down the street.
Reinko: No no no, when you are on universal
credit you can never go out eating, buy a coffee in a café or go
to a pub to gulp down a few beers. Otherwise at the end of the
month there is no money left for food.
Rishi: That is ridiculous, does that mean I
have to cook my own food too? That is work for servants but I can
bake an egg. I am very good at that.
Reinko: Let's do some shopping because you
need food and drink for this month. Best is to go only to shops
like the Lidl and Aldi because they are not overpriced.
Rishi (they are now in a supermarket): Let us
buy a pound of good Arabica coffee, that will last a long

Reinko: Are you crazy!? Arabica is for people
with money. We take the robusta because that is 70 cents cheaper
and at the end of the month you do not want to miss those saved 70
Rishi: Bah, I do not like robusta. That is
for peasants and homeless crap. Hey I see a good steak over there,
look it is very very cheap only 18.99 pound per kilo.
Reinko: Such meat is far to expensive. Best
is you buy some chicken, may be a bit of pig and most important:
skip meat on a lot of days otherwise at the end of the month you
have no money left.
And so on and so on. People like Rishi Sunak
always come up with those "Why don't they eat cake" kind
of solutions. They have a very limited understanding of how to
live on stuff like a minimum wage or a minimum government handout
like in the UK they have that universal credit stuff.
If you are on the social minimum, something
like 20 pounds a week is something you can benefit from greatly. A
poor person can squeeze out a lot of value out of one extra pound
while a rich person never has any important use in one extra
At last we have to take into account that
Rishi is a Brexiteer and if you only think for a few seconds that
it is good for the economy to do the Brexit thing, you are stupid
to the bone anyway.

Item 2) An infinite
list of counter examples to Fermats last theorem.
Once more the professional math professors
validate that when it comes to wasting tax payer money, no one
beats them except may be for people like Rishi Sunak. Now from day
one I never ever expected them to react to those counter examples
to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat. It is now Oct 2021 so it
looks like it is confirmed; they will not react...
You must not think this is a disappointment
to me or so. When it comes to professional math professors my
expectations are never very high. Say for yourself: the list below
is easily extended to an infinite number of counter examples while
each and every entry on that list can be used to make even more
counter examples.
The professional math people have only one
space where there are no counter examples: that is the space of
ordinary integers or the counting numbers if you want. Of course
that is the space where the original last theorem of Fermat was
placed, but I still do not understand how in three centuries of
time nothing happened when it comes to finding counter
We see once more they are a bunch of weird
people only doing what they think other professors expect them to
do. The so called 'group think' thing. Just like 3D complex
numbers do not exist and all those idiots hold that for some form
of higher wisdom...
In the picture below the prime number q runs
through all the prime numbers from small to large. Say we take q =
13, we can now form pairs of primes like (2, 13), (3, 13) and so
on through (11, 13). With each of these pairs you can make a fresh
counter example to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat.
To be honest: What I count as 'only one'
counter example like in 2^n + 3^n = 5^n modulo 6, this is already
more that one counter example. It is not an infinite amount
because that stuff becomes periodic.

The background of the above picture is from a
guy named Beeple, anyway that is his artist name. He claims to
have made one graphical art work over the last 12.5 years every
day without skipping only one day.
I am not much of a graphical artist, I only
use those programs to make stuff that stands out from the crowd.
So it is easy recognizable for people who are after some math in
some search engine or so.
Ok, that was it for this week. Thkx for your
(24 Sept 2021) Brexit is going well; it seems
that electricity is about 3 times as expensive in the UK compared
to the EU. The UK is now outside the EU and as such cannot take or
give surpluses or shortages from the big internal market. Just
another giant benefit of being out. Because there is a gas
shortage, the gas is so expensive that UK fertilizer factories
have stopped and as such there is not CO2 for the rest of the
industry. With a bit of luck in a few days they will even run out
of CO2 for beer. Why not buy CO2 in the EU? Sorry, EU customers go
first and sorry after that there is nothing left. You are on your
own and that is what the UK idiots wanted. At last BP is coming
out stating that because of the driver shortage it could very well
be that gas stations will not be able to sell gas and petrol. You
see the UK is on a road to mighty prosperity so all these minor
hurdles are no problemo. Hasta la vista baby!
Sometimes I wonder how the UK will look in say 2 years time...
This update is about the Chinese Evergrande
property developer that rocked the markets this week. And a bit of
nonsense about electron spin, this all in two videos.
Here we go:
1) Evergrande and the crazy debt levels in
2) PBS unloads a fresh stack of nonsense about electron spin
1) Evergrande and
the crazy debt levels in China.
China is doing relatively good lately. They
have a functioning Mars rover racing hin und her on Mars and some
time ago we could enjoy that visit to the other side of the moon.
But for years I have been wondering how they manage all these
crazy high debt levels they have over there. According to the BIS
(bank of international settlements, the central bank of central
banks) debt levels in the economy are about twice as high as in
the USA and I consider the USA already a bunch of debt
In the beginning of the week there were
rumors that this was a kind of 'Lehman moment' for China but all
in all this is likely not the case. Evergrande has giant mountains
of debt, up to and over 300 billion US$ but only 20 billion is
debt from outside China. For the time being it is not expected
this will lead to a giant international financial crisis, but if
the crazy debt levels in China become unmanageable there could be
future troubles waiting for us. After all China has become a big
With the video I post below I do not want to
insult the Chinese in any way. So comparing the Evergrande wealth
management section to a Ponzi scheme or a pyramid game is not an
insult but a funny joke or for the Chinese a lesson about how not
to manage a wealth preserving company.
After all these years I finally begin to
understand as why so many Chinese companies are simply allowed to
roll over old debt into new loans (the refi thing) without paying
off the old debt with cold hard cash instead of vague future
promises. These companies are allowed to do that because otherwise
official targets for economical growth are not met and of course
that cannot happen in China...
Click on the picture for the video:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FCRReOtLc0
Video title: Evergrande Wealth Management Products - A Ponzi Scheme?
Once more the Chinese should not get angry or
mad about such a video title. After all the biggest Ponzi scheme
around are the bonds that pay for the US federal deficit. Do you
really think that future debt payments by the USA are done with
tax payer money? I doubt that very much, the USA is more or less
in a perfect debt trap. Since at least a year of five this federal
debt grows with 10% a year and that is about 5 times as fast as
economical growth so you can be 100% assured: They won't pay it
back but only offer you lousy stuff in the future.
2) PBS unloads a
fresh stack of nonsense about electron spin again.
In this update I absolutely do not try you to
convince you that it is impossible that electrons are magnetic
dipoles. I have more or less given up on that because after more
than five years of explaining electrons must carry magnetic charge
and as such are the long sought magnetic monopoles, what do we
Well year in year out we get university
people doing nothing so I am through with all those sino people.
(A sino is a Scientis In Name Only.)
You know the same people that always warn you
that you must not project your idea's or your insights derived
from our macroscopic world on tiny quantum particles are
relatively stupid because they themselves do that all of the time.
Magnetic bipolar stuff is a macroscopic
thing, stuff like a permanent magnet is an example. How can it be
that the official 'explanation' of permanent magnetism is that all
electron spins point in the same direction while in chemistry the
bonding of atoms into molecules can only be done with electrons of
opposite spin?
These imbeciles are crazy to the bone but
there is nothing new in that: People too stupid to understand for
example three dimensional complex numbers still have a more or
less functioning brain and as such will blah blah blah according
to their brain.
The next video is full of complete nonsense,
stuff like electrons have to go round twice before they have their
original spin back. All this spinor stuff is just rediculous, with
my 3D complex number I can easily craft a 3D spinor that after
three rotations returns to it's original state.
Does that mean there are quantum particles
that do this? May be may be not, but if the imbeciles and sino
people never give some experimental evidence or proof that every
electron has two magnetic poles, that only validates they are sino.
Click on the picture for the 720 degree

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK_6OzZAh5k
Video title: How Electron Spin Makes Matter Possible
Ok, that is it for this week. See you around
and don't believe the hype & use your own brain. Till
(17 Sept 2021) At first I wanted to update on
that so called quantative easing or the practice of central banks
to buy up the government bonds of nations that apparently need
such kind of 'help'. It is now going on for about 13 years and
directly in the beginning I said it was a bad idea because once
you start such stuff it is very hard to stop it. And just like an
obese person that does not understand the food he eats, the
balances of the ECB and the FED just keep on swelling and swelling
with no end in sight.
Stuff like QE might work if it is limited in
time duration and size and most of all: it must be geared towards
GDP growth. Just piling up more government bonds just does not do
the trick needed, so why do the central banks do this weird
Later I decided to write a good old Brexit
update because they are still so crazy and stupid at the other side
of the channel. So let's do that.
Item 1) Why don't they eat cakes instead of
bread? Rich people & their solutions.
Item 1) Why don't
they eat cakes instead of bread? Rich people & their
People who are born rich often come up with
relatively weird solutions only a rich person could view as a
'solution'. For example in the UK they have that universal credit
kind of stuff, that is for people at the end of their rope who
truly need a bit of income support. In my country that kind of
system is known as the bijstand (the support). It is not much
money but if you manage it properly you can avoid becoming
homeless. And that is a good thing of course.
Now over there in the UK lately the universal
credit was 20 pounds higher on a weekly basis. For a low income
person this is a significant sum of money, if you spend it wisely
you can buy a lot of stuff for that. While most rich people only
buy one or two coffee for such a sum of money. Now this extra
money is being scrapped.
I came across some words as spoken by Therese
Coffey, one of the Brexiteers in their present government. And she
is really stupid; she thinks that people living in poverty only
need to work two hours extra a week in order to have those lost 20
pounds. This Coffey chick is as fat as she is stupid. In the first
place the minimum wage in the UK is below 10 pounds an hour, on
top of that you have to pay taxes. Now people having income
support via universal credit are allowed to keep about 36% of what
they earn (of course they can earn only a limited amount of extra
money). So if you add it up it seems people on universal credit
need to work almost nine hours extra in a week in order to have a
net result of 20 extra pounds...

It is claimed that this fat incompetent pig
had over one ton in expenses declared in a year's time and she has
a fat government salary. As you see, a high salary does not make
people smarter. If you cannot do such elementary arithmetic, why
is this fat & stupid pig part of the UK government
A lot of those UK cabinet members have such
fantastic insights, for example the Sunak guy who is also in favor
of people working instead of holding up their hand for a fresh
government layout. Of course if this is possible this is great but
if I take a look at myself, why am I unemployed for 20 years right
now? Of course I tried to get a new job but in 20 years of time I
just never ever got just one job interview.
And then I observe all those stupid but rich
people asking or stating "Why don't they get a job or work a
few more hours" as a solution, it makes me almost puke upon
You know I really have nothing against rich
people, they simply pay their capital gains tax and that is a very
important income source for the government. Basically a rich
person is just a big bag of money and if they manage it well it just
belongs to them. But if it comes with a rotten pair of brains like
that stupid pig Therese Coffey, I think society is better off
without people like that.
In a very funny development, in the UK
parliament one of the Tories asked some questions about all that
fruit and vegetables rotting on the fields. It was very funny and
it made me wonder as why those rich Tories do not volunteer
themselves to work the fields, harvest the British food and show
that they love Brittany...
In the next picture you can see a few of
those 'rich but stupid' persons lined up and looking a bit worried
at that Tory guy asking questions about the rotting crops on the

Yes, well why don´t rich Tory voters and
donors work on the fields themselves?
The answer is relatively simple: People like Jacob Rees Mogg and
all the rest they are very good in being a parasite. It is well
known there are no parasite species with large brains, they are
just a form of life known as parasites. They suck in a lot of
resources but hardly anything good comes out from them.
Ok, let's leave it with that. Oh and just by
the way, can my Dutch fellow citizens after the harvest season
just stop shipping food to the UK? If that would happen even
parasites like Jacob Rees Mogg can learn from that...
Till updates my dear reader.
(10 Sept 2021) I heard between nose and lips
that the low vaccination rate in the UK was due to Brexit but I
could not find anything meaningful on that hilarious subject. But
from the USA came some good COVID news; a journalist has plotted
out the number of death per 1 million people and differentiated
between the support of either political party. It was found that
the death rate in places where mostly democratic voters lived was
only a third compared to places where most people vote republican.
That was good news; if you are a Trump supporter you are about
three times as likely to die from COVID 19. It is amazing that
something that is clearly a non political thing (COVID 19) can
turn into a political item that makes supporters of conservatism
more prone to death...
So I could not find the stuff I wanted for a
Brexit updated but I have still some stuff on the shelf that can
be posted now. Two items for today:
Item 1) That horrible toothpaste problem from
Greenpeace: SOLVED!
Item 2) Why is Duck duck go so different from Google?
Item 1) That horrible
toothpaste problem from Greenpeace: SOLVED!
For many years Greenpeace has been making
noise about a horrible environmental subject: The toothpaste
wasted because it stays behind in the tube. You can wonder if they
do not have something more serious to worry about, as such why
does modern toothpaste always come in plastic tubes that if left
behind in the environment takes hundreds of years to break down?
In my view a bit of chalklike material wasted is not the end of
humanity or so.
Anyway anybody knows the problem: The plastic
tube is almost empty and you try to squeeze the last bit out but
it just won't come. Two weeks back I had the same but there was
also a box cutter lying on a table in my shower. And I did cut the
plastic tube in half and looked into it. There is no denying it;
there is a lot that stays behind.
All in all I could brush my teeth for about
10 days longer. And did the remaining toothpaste not dry out now
the tube was cut open and exposed to the air? No, every day you
add a few droplets of water and it does not become dry and hard if
you do that correctly. If you apply too much water it just gets
dissolved into the toothpaste and for a couple of days you will
have toothpaste that is more liquid.
You won't get rich from it, may be you save
15 or 20 cents by doing so. But I decided to keep on doing this
because in this way you can use almost all of your
I will not claim that this was the most
important item that I wrote in my entire life...;)
Item 2) Why is Duck
duck go so different from Google?
A few weeks back I showed you those picture
search results from Google. Even if you wrote code-like stuff like
in 3^n + 5^n = 8^n the Google algorithm was able to pop up the
relevant pictures from my website.
Lately I have been vaguely hoping that my new
little theorem of Fermat will draw a bit more attention. And in a
sense that is much harder because trying to improve on the little
theorem of Fermat is a subject that is non taboo and a lot of
people try it.
So it is different from those taboo like math
topics like 3D complex numbers or for that matter the 3n + 1
problem. If I use Google search once more it pops up the relevant
pictures but non of the links to my other website. So for a change
I tried Duck duck go and to my amazement the very first link was
one of my latest posts on the subject:

So right at position no 1 (the link was that
post on the other website where we checked it out using Pari, Pari
is a cute and free computer program for all kinds of number theory
Why did I use the search engine Duck duck go?
Well about one year ago I had constantly all kinds of trouble with
crazy amounts of trackers on my computers. On average every hour
of internet use gave one thousand trackers on my computer! One day
the weather was really bad so I could not go outside and I had
also nothing to do in the house so I had a long long internet
session of six hours. And yes: after that about 6000 trackers on
my computer. That is a crazy number: about 1000/hour is one new
tracker every 3.6 seconds.
I found out that the most significant thing
is simply disable Google as you default search engine in your
browser (I use mostly Firefox from Mozilla and Opera). That really
helped the most, at present day there are about 20 trackers an
hour installed.
The problem I have with trackers is that you
just don't know what they are doing. It can be very simple and
innocent like only tracking if you click on one particular
advertisement. But where is the end? What does that stuff trace
& track?
Is disabling Google as the default search
engine a problem? No, for most searches you do not need that
sniper fine search stuff from Google anyway. And in case you need
the capabilities of Google, hey man there is a fantastic website
out there named google.com and there you can do those precious
I am more or less through with Google after
my 1000 trackers/hour experience and I more or less turned it
around: Why should I let Google build a profile of me year in year
out? Ok Google uses it for 'better advertisements' but I do not
want those stupid advertisements in the first place. In my life I
never ever bought one thing because of a Google advertisement. Nor
any other stupid internet advertisement, I am not an impulsive
But now that Duck duck go search engine did
pop up my written text in a real link on top of all search results
regarding the little theorem of Pierre de Fermat, I wondered how
this search engine would react on the search phrase '3D complex
And now I had the top 3 positions of the
non-picture results; this detail is of interest because Duck duck
go claims it does not trace or track you so even if you are in say
Zimbabwe and have a live internet connection, you should get the
same result...

And there is my old foe or may be an old
friend again: Alan! When I started the other website about 3D
complex numbers for at least two years Alan his page was always
above me in the (Google) internet searches. It was a rather
frustrating experience for me; I am doing my best and constantly
garbage like that ranks higher in the Google search results.
Alenspage about higher dimensional complex
numbers is a bad as it can be. He makes all mistakes you can make
so why is that website or page always ranking so high? Well all
the mistakes and faults Alan makes in his 'analysis' is also done
by the overpaid math professors. So it really took a few years for
me to understand this was absolutely not Google to blame or so but
it was a society problem: if all those idiot math professionals
like math professors make the same mistakes and faults it becomes
logical people click on garbage like the pages of monsieur
So let me end this update; rejoice in all
those deaths in the USA in donald trump supporting regions, always
cut your plastic toothpaste tube in half at the end of it's life
so you have a few days more of FREE TOOTHPASTE, never ever go to
that horrible math page of Alan about higher dimensional complex
numbers & most of all stay happy so you can slowly grow your
cognitive capabilities.
Till updates.
(03 Sept 2021) It seems that in the EU most
countries have vaccination rates above 70% of the population so
that is now above the UK vaccination rates. Not that it is a
contest but the Brexiteers think it is. Anyway if their pm the
Bojo keeps on bragging in their parliament that they do so good on
the vaccination front because they have left the EU, in that case
we can safely conclude he has the same kind of mental illness as
donald trump. You just make something up on the spot and
supposedly that is 'reality' or 'the truth' from now on.
Time crystals. There are all kinds of crazy
media reports out about Google who supposedly have found time
crystals. Time crystals are stuff that is periodic in time but it
is not an oscillation or so. It is stuff that alternates between
two quantum states without the adding of energy. May be that is
possible but I found the explanations given not very convincing.
Google uses that weird Ising model of electron spins and in my
view that is garbage. But hey trying to explain to a physicist
that electrons cannot have two magnetic poles is the same as
trying in the first decade of the war on terror to the local
authorities that there is something wrong with their view on the
911 attacks...
The only good thing is that the police does
not follow me everywhere when I am talking about the impossibility
of official electron spin, bah I feel sick in my stomach when
thinking about all those years of police interference... Well it
is over now for a lot of years and let's hope those idiots will
stay far far away forever and ever and even longer.
So no time crystals but today for our item we
take a look at why the Taliban took Afghanistan so fast within a
two week timespan. After all that surprised me too.
Item 1) A few possible explanation why
Afghanistan fell so fast.
Item 1) A few
possible explanation why Afghanistan fell so fast.
According to a video from Visual Politik the
application of air power against the Taliban was stopped much
longer ago in some agreement between the USA and the Taliban. I
have to say that was completely not on my radar screen just all of
the time, but I did not track the Afghan developments at all
during the last years.
Complex things like the sudden rise of the
Taliban often have a lot of root causes and not just one or two
simple explanations. In my view the Taliban were always much more
a standing army willing to fight while on the other hand they too
are made up of many factions with different views on reality or
politics or military matters.
Lack of motivation by the USA trained Afghan
army is of course an important reason. Those weird stories of
corruption on all kinds of levels is also a main contribution.
Presidents fleeing with millions in cash are weird, or those lists
of so called enlisted soldiers and the USA handing out money for
salaries but a lot of those soldiers on the list are totally fake
and all that extra money is funneled away. And so on and so
Here you see weird behavior, I don't know how
it is in your country but our local soldiers do not wear such
weird Covid-19 masks...

This was not a standing army but more a
collection of local clowns or some carnival parade. You never see
the Taliban dressed up like this.
Of course there are plenty of talking heads
on video's out there but I more or less go for the Visual Politik
video as found in the next link:
A few quotes from that video:

The last quote is more or less important: The
Taliban are more or less corruption free. Once they have collected
some kind of tax you get a receipt that is valid for the whole of
Afghanistan. Just compare that to the behavior of the former
corruption riddled 'democratic' regime propped up by foreign
powers like the USA.
Ok, I can talk for hours on this subject. For
example did you know that the evil overlord Osama bin Laden once
imported a few kidney dialysis machines to Afghanistan? And of
course in the Western media you had those strange reports popping
up: Why does he do that because he is so evil? Yes there were a
lot of people truly thinking that Osama was pure evil and
therefore had no reason at all to buy such life saving medical
After two decades of fighting evil I think
that is a war you cannot win.
Till updates my dear reader.
(27 Aug 2021) What a shitty day: There was a
successful suicide attack outside of the Kabul airport. It was
claimed by ISIS, may be that is true. Anyway I do not expect the
Taliban to have done this. Well my country and a lot of others had
to stop the evacuations. So if nothing is done at the 31 August
date, the situation for those who remain there is dire for sure.
By all standards this is a pretty shitty development...
A very different thing: I just finished
writing a math post about a search suggestion as done by the
Google search machine. This has never happened before, most of the
time I use a very unreliable quantum computer named 'human brain'
to figure out what must be in the next post. May be this is a new
era of math research: just do what the Google search engine
But the suggestion was so good, I do not feel
ashamed or so.
In the upper half of the picture below you see the Google
suggestion. For a few seconds I was afraid that professional math
professors already have found the new little theorem of Pierre de
Fermat. But a few seconds later it dawned on me that although the
math profs have a proof for that cute expression, they will be too
stupid to make a new little theorem of Fermat from that...

After so much chaotic introduction, the item
for this post is vaccination rates in the diverse countries. The
UK folks have been bragging for months and months that 'because
they left the EU' they can do this much better.
Item 1) Vaccination rates in the diverse
Item 1) Vaccination
rates in the diverse countries.
In the UK parliament the UK pm Boris Johnson
aka the Bojo is always bragging about how good they are with their
vaccination rates and that all because they are outside of the EU.
All those months a lot of people have constantly remarked this has
absolutely nothing to do with the EU; countries can do what they
want anyway. But try explaining that to the weirdo's of the
Brexiteers. Even if they would pay attention they would not
understand it because the EU is a communist fascist Goelag
archipel ruled by unelected burocrats that only want to enslave
the UK!
Really true, the EU = pure evil.
Every day I still look at a few Brexit
video's, lately I like the empty shelves in the supermarkets that
week by week become more empty. That Brexit stuff just isn't a
good idea but only long lasting and heavy hunger will slowly bring
a bit of insight into the heads of the Brexiteers.
The list below is made from data about two
weeks old. So on details the present list should be a tiny bit
different. Given how far they were ahead, it is amazing how the UK
has dropped on lists like this. That is one more proof the
Brexiteers are a bunch of idiots.

The empty shelves in the supermarkets are
caused by a shortage of lorry drivers or as they say it over
there: HGV drivers. (HGV = heavy goods vehicle, so a large truck
or a lorry).
The HGV assication estimates the shortage of
drivers about 90 to 100 thousand drivers. I do not know how large
the present fleet of drivers is but the pandemic gave rise to
about 30 thousand postponed new drivers.
Are most Brexiteers full blown
Well today I observed Dominuque Raab telling
in an interview that they want the industry to solve the driver
shortage with new domestic drivers.
So the combined lockdowns caused a backlog in
driver exams of about 30 thousand while on a short notice three
times as much new UK born drivers are needed.
I think it is safe to estimate that at least
Dominique Raab is a full blown idiot. Given the numbers it is very
hard to see how the driver shortage can be solved. For that there
must be much much more poverty in the UK so that more people are
willing to get a job as a haulage driver.
Before we split, there was a raunchy rumor
about our intellectual Dominique: Because of the Afghanistan
developments he had to return from a luxury holiday resort. Evil
tongues say that one week at such a resort costs about 40 thousand
I do not know if it is true, I only repeat
some hearsay.
But given a salary like Dominique has, did he
pay his holiday out of his own pocket? Who shells out such a large
fraction of his yearly salary for one week of holiday?
I would not do this, that is for sure.
Ok, it is time to split and for me to find
that button known as 'publish website'.
See you around my dear reader.
(20 Aug 2021) In Afghanistan the situation
has evolved fast now the Taliban have taken over. It is amazing
how fast the Taliban took over once the application of air power
has stopped. The USA prez Joe Biden said that they will no
longer fight a war that the Afghanis themselves do not want to
fight. I do not agree with that, you can also argue that if the
standing Afghan army was say 300 thousand and the Taliban say 70
thousand, the USA & allies have done a terrible job in
training the Afghan army.
Now we are supposed to be scared by all those
terrorist organizations that in the future will operate from
Afghanistan and all that pure evil will kill our good citizens who
have done nothing to deserve this. Come on give me a break; why
did a guy like bin Laden arrive at the conclusion the USA was also
an enemy and not the Russians only? Well a long time ago it were
just a few weapon deliveries by the CIA that lured the Russians
into Afghanistan and a whole lot of killing begun. And the
Americans bragging like "Now Russia has it's own
Vietnam" and more of that. The Afghans were simply used as a
proxy war against Russia. Apparently a war the USA was to coward
to fight for herself...
Item 1) Is this the Taliban 2.0?
Item 1) Is this the
Taliban 2.0?
It is weird to see all those Taliban fighters
looking at their phones and the public taking selfies with Taliban
fighters and everybody smiling and so. That is a very far cry from
the nineties when there was that story going round that in some
government building (likely the ministry of the interior) where
there was one television. And that television was guarded so that
no one could look at it...
But back to the present. It is hard to say if
there will be any long lasting iconic photo's in the collective
mind of humanity from the present situation. But I found the
next photo from Reuters having the potential for becoming a long
lasting iconic photo:

My own country has also a lot of trouble of
getting people out of Afghanistan. Yesterday I read of an air
plane that went back empty and today there was a plane with 9
people going back. The Kabul airport has a very limited capacity,
beside the political situation that is the root cause of a whole
lot of chaos.
The Taliban have promised amnesty but at this
point in time it is hard to see how many people will be included
into that. May be all Afghanis who have played a military role
will face some trouble. So we have to wait and see how this
amnesty will unfold but now the Taliban is a bit more tech savvy
with their smart phones, it could be they will become more
moderate compared to two decades back.
A guy from the UK named Rory Stewart was
interviewed and he had a lot of interesting things to say. I don't
agree with all of it but the parts where he explains there were
zero deaths among the Western soldiers in the last years makes you
wonder what Joe Biden means with "We no longer fight a war
the Afghanis do not want to fight themselves". If there were
only 2500 military personnel and zero deaths over a couple of
years, can you call that 'fighting'?
Anyway, from the military point of view the
present situation once more stresses the importance of air power.
The strategic benefits are so big that you just cannot win without
it. But even if you have the benefit of superior air power, that
is not a guarantee you will win if the enemy adapts enough like
the Taliban did in the last two decades.
What I consider a bit strange about this
whole situation is what were the Americans thinking? Likely
they thought the Afghan army was a real military loyal to a
democratic elected government or so? I heard a funny remark today:
Those Afghan soldiers were not loyal to the government but only to
the next paycheck. And given the employment and economical
situation of Afghanistan, there might be some truth in
The interview with Rory is relatively long to
present day attention spans most people have. It is well over 20
minutes! Oh oh oh, of course in the meantime you can also grab
your phone and do some other stuff like gaming or looking at porn
or email or whatever what. Click on the picture below to land at
the interview:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igu0Gvz1i2I
That was it for this update. See you around
in the next update.
(13 Aug 2021) There is a new climate report
out but that can wait for another update. Today's main item is the
amazing search capabilities of Google when it comes to pictures
and the least important item is a pair of perfect bicycles for
export to the UK.
Item 1) Bikes ready for export!
Item 2) Does Google search 'understand' the content of pictures?
Item 1) Bikes ready
for export!
Near a local supermarket named the Jumbo
there is a giant beach here. And at the side I observed two bikes
that are perfect for export to the UK. These are very expensive
bikes. Here we have an expensive brand known as Koga, the most
expensive bike is about 6000+€. But those bikes I encountered,
just one wheel of those starts at 20 thousand €.
These are not bikes for the average minimum
wager, it is more for the financial elite of the UK. Or may be
David Cameron, it was in the news this week that he walked away
with 10 million pound for his part time lobby job at Greensil. I
do not know if the report is actually true, but hey we now live in
a post truth world. It really does not matter if something is
true, all that counts is that it could be true. Or that it is
believable that it is true.

Now you can say this is a pile of rust ready
for the garbage belt. But no, it takes a lot of time and high
skilled people to make bikes look like that. They are brand new
made from the best materials and all thieves think it's a pile of
rusty garbage. So these bicycles just won't get stolen.
Look at the fine details of this all; it
takes very experienced artisans hundreds of hours to arrive at
this perfect look. All thieves will think it is a pile of rubbish
and only you and I know we are looking at two wheels that are over
20 thousand €...

In the UK may be the army is going to help
with food distribution. If you would have said this one year ago,
the collection of idiots known as the Brexiteers would be all over
the place shouting 'Project fear! Project fear! Project
fear!'. But it seems to be one of the measures to deal with the
shortage of lorry drivers. There is a shortage of about 100
thousand drivers so the say 2000 army drivers won't make much of a
I like it very much that those European
drivers simply stay away from the UK. Ok, they are now
'non-essential' workers and as such not allowed to work in the UK.
I have a truck driver permit
myself and I too would not want to work over there. With a piece
of shit like that superdry crampcunt Pritty Patel you just never
know what kind of weird stuff will come next.

Let us leave the crazy world of Brexit for
the time being for what it is and go on to the next item.
Item 2) Does Google
search 'understand' the content of pictures?
This year I have been doing math stuff like
counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat. As such
a couple of months ago I searched for the first time on Google for
phrases like:
8^n = 3^n + 5^n mod 15.
And I was relatively bewildered that nothing
popped up. The entire math community totally unaware that is was
so easy to craft counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat?
How could that be?
Well that is very easy to explain: If you
know about the 3D complex numbers it is very normal to find
counter examples to that famous theorem. But for at least 3
decades the professional math professors simply refuse to pick up
the subject. So it is clear these math professors are overpaid
ultra arrogant incompetent persons totally unaware of a lot of
But this item is not about the social
behaviors of math professors, it is about Google search. A few
days back I once more did these kind of search phrases like above
and as usual like a few months back nothing serious popped up. So
I decided to take a look at the picture search because my math
always comes in relatively high ranked at picture search.
To my surprise I found indeed a bit of my own
work back. Just one picture so I clicked on it. To my surprise the
pictures of my work you can find that way do indeed contain that
very search phrase. Although not 8^n of course but 8 to the power
I checked the text surrounding those pictures
on the other website but in the text part the search phrase just
wasn't there. The search phrase is also not in the name of the
pictures so the logical conclusion is that Google search can
indeed relate such a search phrase to the actual content inside
the picture...
Here is how it looks (click on the picture to land at the post on
the other website):

And another one, it goes the same as the
above result because Google picture search returns only one
picture with the correct content:

So for me it is amazing that Google can find
such stuff.
Before we split let me give you the cute
click bait title of the last link to my other website:
Counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat using the number 210.
I hope that for the average math minded
person this acts a good click bait. But the content of that post
is not bad at all so it is not click bait that lures you to some
shitty form of internet content.
Ok, that was it for this week. Try to keep it
cool so you can think well.
Till updates.
(06 Aug 2021) Today one of the top Brexiteers
came out stating that Brexit was a fiasco... Well that is more or
less a brave thing to do, likely he will get a ton of criticism or
may be gets neglected at all levels.
Anyway yesterday I made my choice for this
update and that is about a relatively dumb Brexiteer named Jeff
Taylor. Jeff had as news that the Canadian based company General
Fusion is going to build a plant in the UK. So that is our item
for today because the way General Fusion wants to save the planet
is very different: it is a steam powered nuclear fusion reactor.
Item 1) The limited world of Jeff Taylor.
Item 1) The limited
world of Jeff Taylor.
As a form of entertainment I often view
videos of Brexiteers like "What kind of nonsense do we have
today?" kind of stuff. But Jeff is a guy you should not watch
to many videos from because he is so very simplistic.
For example last year it was still unclear if
a deal would be struck and the fisheries stuff was totally unclear
at that point in time. The EU came out with new fishing quota and
while Jeff was reading them into the camera I already guessed
these were not full year quota but likely covering just one
quarter of a year. Some fish species had a zero quotum so it was
very unlikely these were full year quota.
So not for our friend Jeff, he was bewildered
by all these low numbers and he had even contacted a so called
'expert' and this 'expert' had never seen stuff like this Jeff
told us. We can safely conclude that this 'expert' has similar
cognitive capabilities as Jeff has; when people are more or less
equally smart they can have meaningful conversations because they
can learn from each other. When the cognitive differences are
rather big, it is much harder to make meaningful talk to each
other where both parties can learn something.
Always when Jeff sees a sign that says
'Financed (in part) by the European Union' he is always very sad.
Jeff knows that the evil empire first has stolen that money from
the UK and the EU throws back a few nickels and for Jeff this is
sheer horror. From such details you can see that Brexiteers are
more emotionally crazy and on top of that you get all that weird
logic they portray.
Anyway the video was about the new nuclear
fusion plant that was going to the UK, of course a lot of stuff
about how superior the UK is with nuclear fusion research and so
on and so on. In Jeff's simplistic world it is always some form of
superior UK versus an evil and inferior EU. Once more: they have a
ton of weird emotional stuff going on...
Click on the picture of Jeff to view the bragging video:

At first sight I looks very weird to use
steam technology for something like nuclear fusion. But it just
does not have all that fundamental instability that those tokamak
and other magnetic confinement fusion reactors have. If my
insights into plasma behaviour are correct, in that case it are
the magnetic fields that are supposed to contain the plasma that
generate the instability and as such they will never ever work
For example ITER, the biggest installation in
it's kind, it will not work because in no time the electrons will
have relativistic speeds, turbulence will rise and rise and boom
that will be the end of your arrogant machine.
Another example: The arrogant and incompetent
employees at the Max-Planck institute operate the Wendelstein
machine. If they wanted they could run the machine longer than
just a few seconds but I am waiting for years until they will run
it at least two minutes. Of course weasels like the Max-Planck
employees will never speak out about my critique; they are
university people so the word bravery is not found in their gold
plated dictionaries.
The way General Fusion wants to create fusion
is totally different; It are the pneumatic blasts from high
pressured steam that must do the trick. I don't know if it will
succeed, I hope it will but I just do not know much about the
behavior of matter under such pressures.
To put it simple: Matter like water is incompressible,
no matter how much pressure you apply on water it's volume will
not shrink. Of course there is a limit to that, at some level of
pressure the electron clouds in the water will shrink or simply
separate from the nucleus and at that pressure water becomes
compressible again.
In my view, if that happens in the way
General Fusion wants to do her thing, that method will fail too.
But I just don't know if that will happen, I am pretty sure the
Max-Planck institute will fail just like Iter and all the fusion
reactors in China will fail too. But I have a tiny slither of hope
that may be General Fusion will succeed.
Here is a cute picture of how it is supposed
to work:

In the past they always simply named it steam
powered, at present the video's say it is pneumatic. So these are
much more real people, not that advanced shit like the Max-Planck
institute arrogant shit holes. Hey Max-Planck people: Still not
needed to give some experimental prove that electrons really have
two magnetic poles?
No, of course not. All those precious ego's
at all those high shot universities. To stupid to find stuff like
3D complex numbers for themselves but they never ever lack all
that precious ego.
Ok, it is time to split so one more picture
and that's it for this update.

Till the next update.
(30 July 2021) Lately Shell has been ordered
by a Dutch court to fasten CO2 emission reductions. That is a turn
for the good because it was just a few years ago that my own
government was afraid of halting the gas production in our
province Groningen because the were afraid Shell would sue them
for lost income. Yes at the time it was that crazy: Shell &
friends pumping up all that gas that caused a lot of earth quakes
here and dispite all that damage the Dutch government was afraid
to do something about it...
Disclosure: I own Shell stocks, they generate
about 10% of the money I need to save in order to stay out of
financial trouble after I turn 67 years of age.
Item 1) Climate change as a garbage bin
Item 1) Climate
change as a garbage bin problem.
What a lot of people don't understand is that
the changing climate can be viewed as a garbage bin problem. In
the future climate change will be much much more severe and at
that point in time we can say "The garbage bin is full and
The atmosphere is our garbage bin and every
day of every year we throw in more greenhouse gasses into that
garbage bin. A lot of people think that reduction of greenhouse
gasses is enough to prevent disaster, that is wrong. Most of the
greenhouse gasses we inject into the air stay there. Nature is not
very good at removing that excess of CO2 and methane.
To be precise: Plants grow a little bit
harder now there is more CO2 but that is not enough to clean the
atmosphere in a reasonable time. Another indication that a lot of
people just don't understand the garbage bin nature of the problem
is the use of biofuels. But biofuels solve next to nothing:
greenhouse gasses were elevated, some of the carbon is used to
grow plant material for making biofuels and after the biofuels are
used the carbon is back in the atmosphere. May be it is better
compared to pumping up more and more mineral oil, but biofuels do
not lower the amount of greenhouse gasses.
Stopping climate change can only be done if
the level of greenhouse gasses is stabilized. Climate change can
only be reversed if the level of greenhouse gasses in the
atmosphere is actually reduced. Stuff like lowering emissions or
using biofuels is not bad but does not solve the problem.
It is not a secret that I more or less a
climate fanatic. For example in the winter I consider it pretty
normal that it is at most 13 degrees Celcius, that is my 'comfort
temperature' during winter times. That is a total different
attitude compared say all those people who think a tshirt is
enough because the heater makes the room 21 degrees or more.
Some people think it is strange that I own
Shell stock but I do not view the oil companies as the problem or
the root of all climate change evil. It is the demand for oil
products by the end users that in the end puts all that CO2 in the
Anyway, today Shell came out with their new
raised dividend and the Shell CEO was interviewed by a relatively
dumb Bloomberg journalist about how and what. The CEO Ben van
Beurden explained that Shell keeps on being commited to being
totally carbon emission free in 2050. That goes for the company
itself and also it's customers.
Click on the picture for the interview in
case you are interested:

Video title: Shell CEO: It Was Appropriate to Step Up Buyback
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR4Jsx2OAG4
I have no idea what the monthly salary of Ben
van Beurden is, likely it is a multiple of what I get in an entire
year. I don't complain about that, on the contrary I am glad I am
living in a country where unemployed people like me do not need to
live on the street without a house. But why do they fork so much
money to Ben while it is clear he is even to stupid to understand
the garbage bin nature of our present climate crises?
But Shell is going to appeal the courthouse
ruling, they say it is unfair that other oil companies do not get
restricted in any way. At first this sounds good: we are doing our
stinking best to make it to carbon free by the year 2050 and now
we are hindered very much while our competition is
For myself speaking I disagree with the
reasoning of Shell. Compare it to a sex offender, say a violent
rapist. This rapist is caught and when he has his day in trial he
complains that right now all kinds of violent rape take place
without any interference and therefore it is unjust to jail him
while this is going on.
Yet all in all this climate change thing is
going to be expensive, you thought Covid 19 did cost a lot of
money but reversing climate change is far more expensive. All in
all I am more pessimistic than positive on this: my estimate is
that humanity cannot bring down the level of greenhouse gasses in
a meaningful way.

Just look at all those high paid physics
professors and all that money going into the development of
nuclear fusion. For over five years now (that is over half a
decade) I have been explaining the likely root cause of plasma
And what have the shitholes of the
universities been doing in the last half decade?
Yes you are right: Nothing.
So humanity bringing down the level of
greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is a funny joke. The real and
far bigger climate problems will be there when the garbage bin
spills over in a significant manner and at that time people like
Ben van Beurden will complain that: Our best minds from the
universities did not foresee this, so you can't blame Shell for
Let's leave it with that and enjoy this cool
Summer while it lasts.
Till updates.
(23 July 2021) We had some serious flooding
lately although Germany was hit harder. Here it was like max 150
mm of rain on one place (in the south in Limburg). Now everybody
knows that China wants to become a world leader and when it comes
to flooding they surely are: 200 mm of rain in one hour. In an
environment with hills and mountains, 200 mm is an awful lot of
rain when it streams into the valleys and rivers...
Here is a bit how it looked in my own

That is an awful lot of work to clean it all
out. And we, we were only lucky. It happened all about 400 km from
here so instead of there it could also have been over here.

For today I have two items, here we go:
Item 1) Follow up on the USA GDP; is it a
Item 2) What is the origin of the new corona virus?
Item 1) Follow up on
the USA GDP; is it a fake?
A couple of updates ago I compared the per
capita USA gross domestic product with my own country. And yes,
the USA was about 10% higher but how meaningful is that?
All Americans that live in Europe all say that life is much
cheaper here, from groceries to the costs of a mobile phone to
health care insurance and so on and so on.
In the 21 May update we observed for example
that insulin is about 10 times as expensive in the USA compared to
countries with a normal form of capitalism. And I wondered why
there is that giant lack of price competition in the USA.
And it is really weird, why should stuff like
bread be twice as expensive? If ordinary items like basic food is
twice as expensive, why is that?
The Guardian has a good article about it,
when it comes to retail a lot of things are sold by just a few
companies. If in the USA you go to one of those super sized super
markets to buy say that disgusting food like cereals or ice cream,
it looks like you have an abundant amount of choice. Row after row
dozens may be hundreds of boxes to choose from.
But it is all fake; it is always a hand full
of companies that divide that segment of the market. I am not
saying that these companies always make illegal price fixes, but
it is 100% sure there is a severe lack of price competition.
Here is that Guardian link:
The illusion of choice: five stats that expose America’s food monopoly crisis
You can argue that this concentration of just
a few companies per sector is a necessary condition for the lack
of competition on price. And on behalf of the US government there
is always that stuff like "We don't do price controls"
and voila that is how the average US citizen finds itself back
paying 1500 US$ a month for stuff like insulin.
In my view, the form of capitalism that the
USA has developed is a sucker capitalism. It only grows the divide
between the rich and the poor, most people get sucked out of their
money and via all kinds of highly inefficient routes that money
ends in the pockets of the rich.
If I read my own words I sound like some
lefty, but no I think capitalism is a very efficient way to do the
Item 2) What is the
origin of the new corona virus?
There is an old story that more or less goes
like this:
On a huge parking lot in the middle of the
night there is only one lamp post. A drunk man is crawling
under the lamp post. When asked what he is doing the drunk
man replies that he is looking for his lost car keys. But
this is a huge place, why are you looking only here? The
man replied that this is the only place with light. |
In the beginning of the outbreak in Wuhan
very fast the outbreak focused on some kind of food market known
as a wet market. Via some other animal the virus was supposed to
jump from bats to humans. I considered this strange, in my view
that food market acted like the lamp post in the old story from
It was possible that the virus went via that
food market, but concentrating on just one possible route that is
a very narrow path to take. If you would have asked me in those
long lost times I would have remarked that an outbreak from that
Wuhan lab was 10 to 100 times as likely.
But all the time there was that shadow of an
idiot named donald trump. And that idiot named Mike Pompeo. If
those right wing nuts attack China because of the Wuhan lab, for
me it was better to stay silent.
If I would say it was better to take a good
deep look at that Wuhan lab it would look like I would side with
those lunatics that also have idiot stuff like climate change is a
conspiracy from China to weaken our economy. So it was hijacked by
those right wing lunatics, I had to stay silent.

Luckily the era of shithole one is over, at
least for a couple of years anyway. Now we know that in the Wuhan
lab they did stuff like 'gain of function' that is altering viruses
and study that, the whole picture changes.
Of course as a virus expert you can learn a
lot if you can alter a virus so that, let's say, it much more
easily infects humans. You can learn a lot of that. But from the
present crisis we know it has much more value to craft new
vaccines fast.
I want to emphasize that my view has nothing
to do with a political attack on China or so. It could have
been any virus laboratory in the world. Compared to food markets
those places are far more dangerous and if you load them up with
the kind of people known as 'scientists' it is only waiting for
some serious non performance.
Take for example the ITER project: The
superior scientists will make the very first nuclear fusion
reactor costing countless billions. I have been explaining for
years that this thing will not work because the physics professors
are wrong on their ideas of electron spin. But it is waiting at
least four more years when in 2025 they will fire it up. Our last
hope of preventing climate change will not work and what do those
'scientists' do? Of course that pile of garbage will do nothing
year in year out.

Ok, that is what I had to say for today. Till
(16 July 2021) Oops, all of a sudden my
country is a code red zone for corona. It all went blazingly fast,
lockdown was ended and in no time the numbers of people testing
positive started climbing fast. To the extent that for example
music festivals and so on are locked down again. Luckily hospital
admissions stay low, a clear sign that for the time being the
vaccinations work.
Originally I wanted to make a comparison of
the diverse European nations but later I skipped that because the
video as found below is far better. So let's look at that 20
minute video instead.
Item 1) How big is a visible photon?
Item 1) How big is a
visible photon?
I haven't seen much video's from that channel
but they are very refreshing compared to all those overpaid ultra
arrogant nitwits explaining say electron spin. The guy making
these video's at least accepts and understands that when it comes
to nature, most of the important stuff we just don't know.
I am not afraid or ashamed to say that I
hardly understand what a photon is. But using the idea that
electrons are magnetic monopoles and electrons can make photons
and the two kinds of electrons give more or less rise to two kinds
of photons. And the difference between these two kinds of
electrons is that the magnetic field is phase shifted by 180
For example the jets of active black holes
should emit mostly photons of just one kind and the other jet of
that black hole the other kind of photons. The same should go for
sun spots and coronal mass ejections; if driven by magnetism the
electrons by their monopole nature should produce mostly photons
of just one kind.
It is a pity for sure that scientists do not
pick this up and finally give some experimental proof for their
weird claims that electrons are magnetic dipoles. If you shake
magnetic dipoles around do you get electro-magnetic waves? No you
only get oscillating electric waves. But try to explain that to
all those idiots that make Youtube video's about explaining
electron spin...
Electrons are very weird things; they have an
electric and a magnetic charge and those charges, these fields, go
out with the speed of light. It makes you wonder does the electron
never run out of field? Doesn't it cost any energy to produce that
field stuff?
I do not claim to know much but when I see
and smell retarded bogus stuff like electrons must have two
magnetic poles, I more or less know it must be nonsense because in
so many ways it is just not logical.
In chemistry it makes a lot of sense to view
the electron as a magnetic monopole because that explains the
binding of atoms and molecules via electron pairs. But if you ask
the sino's from physics, a lot of them 'explain' the electron pair
as a super position of opposite electron spin. Well that validates
they are indeed sino (scientists in name only) because atomic
hydrogen is never explained that way. No, electrons going round a
nucleus is always and only Coulomb stuff; opposite charges attract.
It is never that an electron and a proton are in a super position
of electric charge and as such it forms the hydrogen atom.
But back to the video; in the picture below
you see one of the common representations of em radiation. As the
video guy remarks; does the photon really go along a line? My
guess is that photons are not points that oscillate. Yet I have no
clue whatsoever what a better description of a photon

Here is the link: How
big is a visible photon?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDtAh9IwG-I
The intro is perfect: A visible photon should
be smaller than a tiny slit but bigger than the distance between
those two slits in the two slit experiment... Compare that to all
those idiots explaining electron spin...

That was it for this week. The video is 20
minutes long and it is worth your time.
Till updates my dear reader.
(12 July 2021) It were supposed two rainy
days, yesterday and today, so I decided to put up a brew for a
fresh batch of beer despite I have inflammation in my right wrist.
Yesterday I meshed the wort, let it boil and it cooled down
overnight. My right hand really hurts, the inflammation is so bad
that just the weight of my hand makes it hurt and hurt. So I am
basically brewing with one hand, it takes a lot longer this way.
All the time there is zero rain and after many hours of work with
just one arm I am ready and sit down on the couch. Within a few
minutes all of the pain dissipates away and I am wondering: Is
this how math professors feel every day? All your plans don't pan
out, all the time you are in a ton of pain and at the end of the
day all was in vain...
Yes, that is likely the daily math pro experience!
Item 1) We won, you lost, get over it.
Item 1) We won, you
lost, get over it.
Tonight is the finale for European soccer. In
a packed stadium named Wembley the public is harvesting the latest
corona virus. It is Italy against England. England and not the UK?
No, the UK is allowed to participate with more countries because
after all England and Scotland and so are also independent
Secretly I am in favor of England, if they
win very may be they will return to a more or less normal
cognitive functioning of their brain matter now we have all this
retarded Brexit around. It is claimed that it was 55 years ago
since they won the last time.
And that brings me to the football paradox:
Why do all countries always want to play in such large
tournaments? After all if 32 countries are participating, only one
can win and the other 31 have a bad experience. They learn nothing
from that bad experience because four years later they are happy
once more to get slaughtered of the football fields. This is a
strange thing about humans: why make such a big fuss about it when
the possibilities of winning are so small?
Anyway, the final game was undecided even
after the extra time so it went to penalties.
And England came close, here you see vaguely England taking the
lead over Italy during penalty time:

For some strange reason the Italians also
would like to win and in the end they won. Ok Italy now you have
won, why not make a plan to bring back the government debt? What
you say? Mario Draghi takes care of it? What does that mean?
Oh it means that the most wise investor in
Europe, that is the ECB, strongly invests in Italian government
bonds because they are such a good investment.
Well I don't know it that is a wise thing to
do, my gut feeling say no because now Italy has zero point zero
incentives to change and evolve a little bit.
But this post is not about government
fincances so we close with the loosers of the day: the English...
Well get over it, it does not matter because now you have Brexit
and in the future you can become very rich by that with for
example trading with the penguins on the South Pole. On the South
Pole economical opportunities are just very different and the
first nation to tap into that giant reservoir of opportunities
will become the economical powerhouse of the third millenium!
Really true.

It is time to split my dear reader. Till
(09 July 2021) I am almost ready with my
second post on the oversight of all counter examples to the last
theorem of Pierre de Fermat. So if you are into math check it out
on the other website in a couple of days.
For this update I want to take another short
look at the sausage wars and in the second item I want to show you
are relatively retarded video on electron spin. So let's go:
Item 1) Angela Merkel visiting the UK.
Item 2) And another retarded video on electron spin.
Item 1) Angela Merkel
visiting the UK.
Lately the Brexiteers have been whining and
complaining that sausages can't be exported anymore from the UK to
North Ireland. And we must be more flexible this and more flexible
that. If in the past no checks were needed, why would they be
needed right now, the EU wants to punish us. And so on and so on.
These weirdo's want to be outside of the EU
and the common market while at the same time holding on to the old
benefits it gave. But for stuff like meat there are reasons that
chilled meat is not allowed. May you have eaten in your life a
piece of meat that wasn't chilled properly. You can become so ill
that your bodily fluids come streaming out from two of your body
holes at the same time. I once had the pleasure of sitting on the
toilet with diarrhea while vomiting in a bucket at the same time.
That was no fun. It is enough to have such an
experience once in your life and after that you understand the
importance of properly cooled meat...
Anyway since the Brexiteers are so whinefull
of the EU to be 'more flexible', to my surprise next year bottled
water from the EU must have some allowance for going to the UK. So
it could be that EU brands like Evian can no longer export to the
Bottled water? Are they crazy?

Yes they are crazy, what can go wrong with
bottled water?
Of course it is also a crazy thing to put
water in bottles and drive that to the UK, if water has a carbon
footprint you are looking at a crazy product. Here where I live we
have perfect tap water for say 1.50 € per cubic meter, without
taxes one cubic meter of perfect water is below one Euro! But
there are plenty of places in Europe where the tap water is not
drinkable and people need to buy it in the stores and
I have no idea how the tap water in the UK
is, but banning EU bottled water sounds like a crazy idea. Later
the monkey came out of the sleeve: this could be for retaliation
against the purified shellfish stuff now the UK can't export
shellfish any longer.

So with that water in the back of my mind it
was strange that the Bojo started talking about sausages when
Angela Merkel was visiting. Boris Johnson talked about bratwurst
not capable of going from one part of Germany to another.
In my view he should have talked about
frankfurters and hamburgers. Suppose it was not allowed for
frankfurters to go from Hamburg to Berling while at the same time
hamburgers were not allowed to go from Frankfurt to the
Lüneburger Heide, in what kind of world would we live? Of course
the Bojo should ask that in a rhetorical manner so that we the
public can enjoy the depth of his wisdom.
All in all I still like that Brexit stuff and
compared to all what happened in the USA this is often much more
funny. Say for yourself; headlines like this are pleasant to read
while all of the stuff coming from the USA in the last years was
always not funny to read...

So far for this exiting item.
Item 2) And another
retarded video on electron spin.
The only good thing about that PBS video is
it's title: Electrons DO NOT spin. Because the title is spelled
this way (with the DO NOT in capitals) it is reasonable to expect
that the author/editor of that video has mimicked the calculation
that clearly says all magnetic properties from electrons cannot be
caused by the electron spinning.
So the guy that is presenting this video is
clearly a shallow thinker; there is so much more he needs to
explain via at least some rudimentary calculation but it just
ain't there. And although that guy understands the electron
magnetic properties cannot be explained via the electron spinning
like a little planet, he simply skips to explain why electrons
should have two magnetic poles.
After about six years of trying to explain
that it is not logical that electrons are dipole magnets but must
be monopole magnets, why do I have so little success? Well such
well funded videos have over 300 thousand views in just 24 hours.
And most viewers just more or less believe that crap because they
are shallow thinkers too.
There is so much garbage packed into this,
let me show you only the results of the Stern Gerlach experiment.
The video guy wants to 'explain' that experiment with some nice
graphics and show you how a beam of silver atoms is split in two
via a relatively weird magnetic field.
Because the video presenter is lazy and dumb
we see zero calculus to validate the talk. In the past I have dome
some estimations myself and I needed a magnetic gradient of over
100.000 Tesla per meter to make the electron only accelerating at
1m/s^2. Let alone pull an entire silver nucleus with that
This whole video is just garbage.
But the title is good, very good: Electrons
DO NOT spin.
The video idiot simply proves electrons
cannot be magnetic dipoles because that is never measured, yet he
keeps on thinking about dipole magnets as the only explanation.
Here you see a screen shot from about six minutes into the

And in other parts of the video he explains
that there are some many spectral lines, but if his version of
electron spin was true why are the spectral lines that sharp? If
both the atomic nucleus and the electrons have some bipolar
magnetism going on, it is impossible to get sharp spectral lines.
Only a net magnetic charge for both the
nucleus and the electrons can explain this, but the presenting
idiot he just goes on and on and on.
But it is time to split, so see you in a new
update in some future date.
(02 July 2021) A somehow different update for
this week. There are some people that have passed away and I would
like to comment on them a little bit. These two people are (were)
so different that I have to put them into two separate items.
Let's go:
Item 1) In memoriam: Professor Stam.
Item 2) In memoriam: Donald Rumsfeld.
Item 1) In memoriam:
Professor Stam.
It is somewhere in 1991 or 1992, this day I
had to see Mr. Stam for the last time and we will be discussing a
bit of my work on the newly found 3D complex numbers. Today I will
get my grading and it is worth five or six so called study points.
One study point represents a week of work. So I go there and we
make some small talk and all of a sudden Stam asks me: Do you also
work with handicapped children?
I should have said ´I am working with you´
but since I am always so polite I more or less explain that I have
a small voluntary job and yes there are indeed teens with issues.
Some have autism, other mutilate themselves, some girls are
sexually abused for a long time and the other half of the class is
more or less normal.
All of a sudden Stam says: Your grade for
your end work is a 10. Of course I don´t complain, after all a 10
is the maximum score. But I found the reasoning a little bit
strange, isn´t the grading of math investigations supposed to be
about the quality of the work?
Anyway years later I tell the above ´grading
process´ to someone else and he knew that Stam had a son and the
education of his son was extremely troublesome until he arrived at
the right kind of education for his son. So I finally more or less
understood what was going on when I got my weird grading.
Stam gave probability theory and stuff like
statistical testing. His lessons were always rather good, beside
the theory you always got a good show with it and that prevented
you from falling asleep. The exams he gave were relative easy to
make and that motivated a lot of people to run that extra mile
because if you scored above say a 7 you could use that as
compensation for other exams that went a bit more troublesome.
From Stam I learned to to phrase statistical
tests: What do you put in your zero hypothesis and what not and
why is that all? He was very good at that.
But professor Stam has now passed away so he
will live on in memory.
Item 2) In memoriam: Donald
Ten years later my life is very different. It
is Oct 2001 and I am working in Germany as a temporary contractor
of the Dutch department of defense. I am giving economical
statistics to military officers who get that as a part of
their education. Not for the military service itself but for if
they want to go somewhere else to work.
That year I accidentally managed to make the
Muslims mad as hell, it was only six weeks ago that 911 happened
and looking at the details of that giant attack I am suspecting
the 19 attackers from the 911 attack were also mad as hell at me.
For a lot of reasons I suspect I had something to do with those
In the evening I am watching televisions and
the US SecDef Donald Rumsfeld gets interviewed. At some point
Rumsfeld simply bypassed the interviewer, looks into the camera
and begins talking like: And it makes you wonder, how does he do
it? And we would like to ask this person to come on over to our
side and together fight the war on terror.
I am sipping from my beer and I wonder about
who he is talking; did I just get a gob offer from the US SecDef?
My gut feeling says that I will not go over to the USA side of
things, they deserved what they got on 911 so why go over there
and help them?
One day later I am driving back and the radio
in my car tells about something new in the USA: Anthrax attack! I
stick my right fist in the air while shouting VICTORY! A few days
before I had to go to Germany I posted on this very website a few
words like:
Still the world hold
it's breath and still the first American bomb has to fall and
still there is no anthrax at the scene. (If memory
serves after two decades it was about 5 to 10 days before the
first anthrax letter killed the first victim.)
So it could very well be that this anthrax
attack was done because I recited for it, it could be or it could
be accidental. But if there was some USA based person having
access to that anthrax strain and reading my website and deciding
to help me a bit, it all had it's internal logic...
Anyway, Donald Rumsfeld is now dead. Of
course I cannot prove that he was talking about me when he spoke
words like 'How does he do it?' On the other hand, there are only
7 billion people on this tiny planet, so if it wasn't me who else
did Donald talk about?
Here are a few pictures of Donald Rumsfeld
combined with that cute fire bomb known as the Mark 77:

I too often do not understand 'How do they do
it?' For example when I craft a better version of the little
theorem of Pierre de Fermat, nothing happens. But in four
centuries of time, no math professor did the same so again:
nothing happens.
Now what later my yearly pension is, that
amount of money is just the yearly pay increase of the math
professors. So Donald just between you and me: How do they do it?
How can math professors be so incompetent yet rake in all that
I am clueless...

Ok, that was it for this week. Till updates.
(25 June 2021) According to Dutch blood banks
about 70% of the population has anti bodies against COVID-19 in
their blood. This reflects the fact that the vaccination of the
populations goes fast and hard. But we ain't home yet, I do not
know the details of the UK vaccinations but the new Delta variant
of the virus is spreading fast over there. But hospital admissions
stay behind and that says the vaccines still work despite the
mutations. And in India a new version of that already nasty delta
variant is emerging... The stock markets still act as if we
already won from the virus, but it can still mutate to say it is
25 times as deadly as now or in such a way that renders a lot of
vaccine stuff less relevant. All in all I am satisfied about how
the things evolve but there are far to little vaccines going to
poor nations. I mean what the fuck does it cost to vaccinate the
entire planet compared to the giant economical damage we can
prevent in that way...
This week it was five years ago that the UK
voted to get out of the EU and that's our item for
Item 1) Brexit referendum was five years ago
this week.
Item 1) Brexit
referendum was five years ago this week.
It amazes me how slow the Brexiteers change
their ideas about how good Brexit is for the UK economy. Ok ok
because they thought in the first place it was very good for the
UK economy to leave the EU and it's internal market, they were of
a lesser cognitive kind to begin with. So even when the economical
damage is big and clearly non reversible they will likely blame
the EU for that instead of their own actions.
But that is how they are: highly emotional anti EU. Only large
economical disasters over a long long time (at least a decade or
so) might make them wiser in the long run. But again they were
stupid to begin with and stupid people also learn new things much
more slowly compared to people with a normal functioning
Things that also stay the same is that
remainers keep on saying the Brexiteers are lying. May be
sometimes they are lying but most of the time it is just a bunch
of stupid people without good insight into the situation they are
in just stating the first thing that comes to their limited minds.
That is not lying, that is dumb people talking.
The stupidity also explains why they think
that outside the EU will be better for their economy. That is a
non starter to begin with but if you have limited insight into
economical affairs to begin with, you might fall into that
nonsense that somehow it is better to be outside the EU. Compare
it to the economical opportunities you have on the South Pole; far
away from all that EU burocracy you can prosper and prosper...
Well if you believe that, you don't understand the economical
opportunities of the South Pole.
We, the Dutch, would love it to help the
failing UK automobile industry. So we made a prototype of a car
that in theory could be a big hit in the UK. It is easy to produce
now the UK folks are in large part outside of the industry supply
chains (remark: that is a good thing according to Brexiteers).
Look for yourself, in my view it is the ideal car for the average
Brexit voter:

Cars like this come with a green agenda: They
hardly emit any CO2 but they are also much safer: All car owners
of such cars report zero accidents in the past 12 months and that
is indeed one more Brexit miracle!
When asked even the police say these kind of
cars are very good because they never go through a red traffic
light, no ridiculous speed tickets because these kind of cars
always obey the speed limits. From a policing standpoint these
cars are fabulous said Mr. P Olice when asked by the BBC about
fatality rates...

The sausage wars continue, although it could
be that North Ireland is allowed to import a few months more of
that chilled meat known as UK sausages. This sausage stuff once
more demonstrates how dumb the Brexiteers are: If it is that good
to be outside of the EU, say being a third nation, in that case no
more exporting of chilled meat to NI should also be good. Or, if
not good, it is mightily surpassed by all the riches you get from
leaving the internal market of the EU.
But no no no, all of a sudden these dumbo's
want to export chilled meat to the EU or more precise to NI while
they also want to be outside the EU or more precise want to be a
third nation.
Yet on the scale of things the Boris
government is not as stupid as the old Dubya administration from
the USA. As a matter of fact I enjoy it on most days. After all it
would be an extremely long internet search to find our pm Mark
Rutte hanging on so called smoke sausage (in Dutch: rookworst) in
order to make a point.
In the UK that is pretty normal so here is a
picture of the UK sausage guy:

It has great entertainment value, that cannot
be denied. But if I were a UK citizen I doubt if I would find that
kind of stuff entertaining... Ok, let me end this weird Brexit
stuff that started more or less precisely five years ago.
Before I close, over at the other website I
posted an oversight of all counter examples to the last theorem of
Pierre de Fermat that I found in the last half year. It is very
hilarious because I crafted most of my counter examples of modular
arithmetic so you might think that as an easy counter measure the
math professors would simply say 'Modular arithmetic is not
allowed in counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat'.
But they cannot do that because one of their
overpaid masters, Gerhard Frey, wrote in a pdf on the last theorem
of Fermat that:

Link: Oversight of all counter examples (until now) to the last theorem of
Of course the math professors will not react
on a person that finally puts out a list of counter examples to
the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat. But for me this is still a
hilarious update anyway. Ok, it is time to split and see you
around next week or so.
Till updates.
(18 June 2021) And finally the heat of Summer
is there. Today it was about 30 degrees Celcius & tomorrow it
will be even hotter. I came across some Brexit news because now we
have all this COVID chaos going round, how to estimate the
downside of a stupid idea known as Brexit? It was some UK
statistical office and they simply compared the present day output
of the car industry against a five year period. And it was about
40 or 42% lower... They also have all kinds of labor shortage
because of a lack of EU workers. But you have all those strange
stories of say girls that want to work as an au pair in the UK but
they have some minor faults in their paper work. They get
arrested, handcuffed and are locked up at least a full week
without access to their phones. It is like I said before: more and
more the UK becomes a hostile entity.
For this week's item I wanted to look once
more at those new Alzheimer drugs and that's likely the last
update on this detail because it's the third update on that. In
the first update it is explained that for about a full decade I am
thinking that Alzheimer is caused by a lack of energy in the
brain. In the video from 2 week back that was more or less
Item 1) Why FDA, why did you do this?
Item 1) Why FDA, why
did you do this?
University people would not be u university
people if somehow they didn't mess up all kinds of stuff so that
in practice they are only sino (sino = scientist in name only).
One of the best examples is physics professors and their pathetic
version of electron spin. Need an explanation for permanent
magnets? Well the spins align and that is what makes the permanent
magnet strong. And in chemical bonding you need opposite spins? No
problemo, now is it the Pauli principle that 'explains it all' and
the opposite spins is what makes the chemical bonds strong. They
just talk from their neck and weirdly enough always come away with
Without doubt with something like Alzheimer
the situation is horrible too because if there would be approved
drugs or medicine, that would be some cash cow. And if it's in the
USA this medicine would serve as a vehicle to get rich fast.
This new medicine only removes a part of the
garbage in the brains of Alzheimer patients. In the first update
on this I explained to you that this is likely caused by insulin
resistance in the brain that is caused by eating to much carbs and
refined carbs like bread, rice, pasta, cookies etc etc. The older
the brain gets the less energy it can take up from glucose and if
you eat too much carbohydrates your body does not burn fat and the
brain has no access to that form of energy as the famous ketone
The energy hypothesis looks logical; if the
brain has a energy deficit just always that could explain as why
those plagues and amyloidal garbage is not removed from the brain
while you sleep. But if you only need to eat different in order to
avoid that, the pharmaceutical industry will not make a penny from
But a lot of totally incompetent university
people think that it is the building up of the plagues and stuff
that is the root cause of Alzheimer; if you could remove that
somehow miraculous the Alzheimer will go away. If Alzheimer is
caused by an energy deficit in the brain, the new medicine will
not make much of a difference.
Even in my own country there are academics
that work on medicine that will remove all that brain garbage; of
course it is not going to work. But at the universities there is
never a shortage of opportunists that will do everything for more
status and research funding. These people are a waste of tax payer
money, because they try to achieve emotional goals like high
social standing and high incomes automatically they will be sino.
If a full century of electron spin is wasted
by physics idiots still thinking electrons have two magnetic
poles, how can the university model bring us forward? You would
think that any idiot would see soon and fast that electrons carry
magnetic charge and as such must be magnetic monopoles. But at the
universities for a full century it is no problemo; you just talk
some bullshit from your neck and you get applause. It has it's own
logic: people like to get recognition for their work and they like
to feel they are part of a wider community. But that makes them
sino, it is not logical that the properties as shown by electrons
are done by magnetic dipoles.

There is a whole lot of controversy around
the sudden approval of this new drugs. In the USA there are about
6 million Alzheimer patients or about 2% of the population. If the
USA pharmaceutical industry can come up with a medicine that does
not work at all but gives hope to desperate people at the tune of
only 56.000 US$ a year, guess what will happen?
And it just happened: the FDA approved a very
expensive medicine that will not work whatsoever for those who
have Alzheimer. But it's going to fill the pockets of the
shareholders in question. I did not look into the detail but this
could lift the price of a share by about 100$ and that is how the
USA works.
It's healthcare industry is just some sucker
stuff to suck money from sick people and transfer it to those who
really do not need much more money.
But hey, if as a country you organize your
economy that way, the future will be only more of that way. I call
that sucker capitalism. I don't want to sound as some lefty kind
of person, but say for yourself:
If a 'capitalist economy' like the USA
charges say 1500 US$ a month for stuff like insulin, is that a
vital & vibrant economy or just a bunch of weird
In my view these are a bunch of weird

Source of the text in the picture: Sorry I am
now working on another computer and I can't find it back on Google
news. Anyway it is not that important because I did found back
that idiot story of flickering lights that also can cure
Can flickering light and sound treat Alzheimer’s?
Flickering light as a cure to Alzheimer?
Electrons are magnetic dipoles?
I can't see the difference between these
idiot statements. They both come from an academic culture run by
the sino people. Money and social standing is always more
important compared to the science you do. That is the world we
live in.
Till updates & thnx for your
attention. Updated on 20 June:
I found another good video about insulin
resistance in the brain. The video is rather long, I only had time
to watch the first 20 minutes or so but the guy Ben Bikman has
also done a lot of research and he has all kinds of interesting
info. He claims that in the brain you hippocampus area has about a
2 to 3 times higher metabolic ratio. So when that part of the
brain becomes insulin resistant, what kind of brain function goes
out the door first? It always starts with memory loss and that's
precisely what the hippocampus is doing.
And for myself speaking: Most people know how
important the hippocampus is and how many functions is has to
fulfill. I was always amazed that the hippocampus area was so
small. But if it is true what Ben Bikman claims about the high
metabolic rate, the small size becomes a bit more understandable.
Anyway here is the Youtube video:
How Insulin Resistance DESTROYS Your Brain & Causes
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P10Nlwp_us
Here you see two scientists discussing the
benefits of a plant based diet with little carbs and moderate
amount of proteins. It is amazing how these ultra sharp minds dissect
the problem of brain decline...;)

End of this extra update to the 18 June
(11 June 2021) All of a sudden we have some
kind of sausage war in North Ireland; the Brexiteers want to
import sausages from the UK after 1 July. And they already one
sided extended the grace period where stuff like chilled meat was
allowed. Sometimes I wonder what is more stupid: the average math
professor or the average Brexiteer. Don't these weirdo's know they
wanted to have a third nation status? Well all third nations
follow the same rules so if the UK can export sausages to the EU
via NI, in that case all African nations would have the same
'right'. Of course Brexiteers are stupid for a reason: they
selected themselves to support Brexit and only stupid people think
it is better to be outside the EU. If you think that you are
stupid to begin with.
In another development, last week I wrote
about Alzheimer again after at least two years and to my surprise
this week a new medicine was approved in the USA. So that's the
item for this update.
Item 1) Does the new medicine take on the
root cause? Nope!
Item 1) Does the new
medicine take on the root cause? Nope!
Last week we looked at Alzheimer as an
illness caused by a lack of energy in the brain. Over the years
the capability of your brain to run on glucose slowly diminishes
and if you follow the standard food advices it might be your
insulin levels are too high. When insulin is elevated that is for
a reason: your body wants to get rid of the dietary sugar in your
blood because too high sugar levels are poisonous for your body.
So it does not burn fat and no ketone bodies are produced.
Because the brain has no access to energy in
the form of ketone bodies it has that energy gap, or deficit, and
that is what demolishes your brain in the long run. In my view it
should be relative easy to prevent Alzheimer: Don't eat to many
carbs like bread, pasta and rice so that every day there are
plenty of hours that your body produces ketone bodies. I myself
eat nothing during the day and if I get hungry I eat an avocado or
stuff like that (no sweet fruits for me). If you are used to a low
carb diet it is very easy to eat nothing for say 12 to 18 hours,
it you eat far to much carbs it is very hard to make it to your
next meal without snacking. For a carb eater with elevated insulin
levels, six hours without food is already a long long time.
Talking about cause and effect in something
as complicated as biological systems like your body & brain is
a tricky excersice. Something causes an effect but that effect can
become a cause for new effects. And you run into those cycles that
only reinforce each other. A lot of university people think that
the building up of plagues and tau proteins in the brain is the
'cause' of Alzheimer. But if you view Alzheimer as an energy
deficit driven condition, this build up of garbage in your brain
is just a symptom that makes things only worse.
Compare it to gout; when I have gout I take
medicine that suppresses my immune system and yes that reduces the
pain and the swelling but it does not solve the root cause of
gout. This new Alzheimer medicine only prevents or reduces the
build up of one of the two garbage problems in your brain. A lot
of university people think that this garbage in your brain is 'the
cause' of Alzheimer and as such you will find professors broadly
stating that 'this new medicine takes on the cause of Alzheimer'
but in my view that is nonsense.

Why the FDA approves this new drug so fast is
unknown, may be they are desperate because the decade long
horrible food advices in the USA had not only led to the wave of
obesity but also a wave of Alzheimer. Only after one round of
testing this new medicine was allowed.
Funny detail: After administering the new
drug they will monitor you for brain swelling... And there you see
the full American 'health care for profit' at full swing: Likely
the injection for the new drugs will set the average American back
a few hundreds of US$, but they can also be charged for 'being
monitored' for say only 175 US$. We love it if it's inside the
USA, of course here in the EU we don't torture our population for
just making a few billionaires more billionaire.

The source of the pictures can be found in a
video from the next CNN link:
New Alzheimer's drug
aducanumab: cost, side effects, timeline and other questions answered
Link used:
Now I started this update with the question
what is more stupid:
The average math professor or,
The average Brexiteer.
Of course the average math professor is less
stupid than the average Brexiteer. Brexiteers are pre selected
because they like the idea's around Brexit while math professors
are pre selected because they like math.
Yet you must never think that universities
are 'enlighted spaces' or so. At best it is a place or a
collection of humans that are 'less stupid' but they will be
stupid anyway.
So if the root cause of Alzheimer is indeed
an energy problem in the brain (and we know that brains take up an
awful amount of energy compared to the rest of your body, it's
something like 20% of all your energy intake), what to think of
this next round of weird nonsense?:
Can flickering light and sound treat Alzheimer’s?
Link used:
All in all the energy hypothesis looks rather
logical, so why do all kinds of university people come up with
this retarded nonsense of flickering light that could cure
Alzheimer? Why do academics come up with bullshit like this?
End of this update, use your brain to
navigate the landscape of university press releases and if you eat
eat less carbs for brain health may be you can postpone Alzheimer
a little bit... See you around in the next update.
(04 June 2021) Me and my big mouth: always
shouting that at the universities everything happens at least one
hundred years to late. But this time it is me that is too late,
luckily only about 3 years so it is not that stupid as physics
professors with their version of electron spin.
Anyway, I don't remember it because it is so
long ago but if memory serves it was some female that found in the
year 2005 that her lab rats had Alzheimer AND they had all insulin
resistance in the brain. Well it was years ago but that same day
the quarter fell in my head: Is Alzheimer caused by an energy
deficit in the brain?
Of course year in year out nothing happens,
after all we are dealing with university people so you must never
have any expectations whatsoever because that only leads to
mountains of disappointment. About two years back I wrote for the
last time on the Alzheimer detail.
But I had figured out that the older you get,
the less carbs you should eat and likely that kind of behavior was
enough to prevent you from dying from or with Alzheimer. After all
it is a nasty way to die, or not?
Item 1) It looks confirmed: Alzheimer caused
by an energy deficit in the brain.
Item 1) It looks
confirmed: Alzheimer caused by an energy deficit in the brain.
About 10 years back I had insulin resistance
myself and as such I understood the problem: your body cells are
hungry as hell but no matter how much you eat your body cells just
can't get the energy because the mighty hormone insulin does not
work anymore. This insulin resistance is caused by eating to many
carbs that raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels. It is also
caused by eating to many meals on a day; you really do not need
three meals a day.
Anyway it is easily solved: Eat less and less
carbs, throw out stupid stuff like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta
etc etc. I lost about 30 kg of body weight and have a stable
weight ever since, no silly jojo effect for me. All these people
that do the jojo thing with their body weight: they simply still
eat too many carbs. Obesity is not a matter of being lazy or
eating too much, it is mainly caused by the fact that your body
cannot burn fat. And that is what makes you hungry that fast
again, as a matter of fact even after a big meal you are still
hungry because you have insulin resistance (if you are obese
because of too high insulin levels of course).
In 2018 a guy named Stephen Cunnnane posted a
video and he has investigated how the energy intake of the brain
varies over the diverse age groups and he could differentiate
between glucose intake and ketone bodies intake. (Ketone bodies
are made from fat, your body can only produce it when insulin
levels are low enough.) To my surprise all my original ideas about
the stuff were found to be true: as you ago the amount of energy
your body gets from glucose declines. And if you eat like the
government tells you: 3 meals a day and lot's of bread and other
garbage food, you always have too high insulin levels and your
body does not make ketone bodies.
Because over the years the energy deficit
only increases, that is why your brain goes broke: your brain
cannot clean itself properly, that is the building up of all those
plagues and stuff. And in the end entire regions of your brain
simply die and you have lost most of your cognitive
It is important that it is more or less
validated by Stephen that Alzheimer is caused by an energy
deficit. After all if Alzheimer was caused by other things, for
example the building of plagues, and energy intake was impaired of
that, you would be looking at the wrong hypothesis. But no, the
energy deficit precedes Alzheimer:

With all kinds of so called PET scans Stephen
was able to produce how the average brain takes up energy from
glucose and from ketone bodies. I have to admit I never studied
how PET scans work, I still try to convince physics professors
that they tell crap about electron spin because electrons must me
magnetic monopoles. But like I said: at the universities
everything always happens at least one 100 years too late.
Here you see a visual of the energy intake,
the redder it is the more energy intake there is:

Explanation: AD = Alzheimer disease and MCI =
mild cognitive impairment.
Something I expected was that the older you
get the less is your brain capable of taking in energy from
glucose. And by the way, you don't need to eat carbs for getting
glucose in your blood. Glucose is a rather simple molecule and for
your body it is important there is always a little bit of that in
your blood. That is why your body can easily make glucose for
itself. Just like you never see a lion peeling an orange and eat
it; the lion's body knows how to make vitamin
What I did not know was how much energy is
from glucose and from ketone bodies, so after all these years I
have to say I am surprised by how large the glucose part is.
Again: you don't need to eat carbs for that!

Explanation: MCT = medium chain fat. Stephen
talks about a dietary supplement in order to avoid Alzheimer or
better to close the energy gap in your brain. For example coconut
oil has those medium chain fatty acids. The benefit of this stuff
is that your body can instantly use it and it does not need any
There is also MCT oil, I never used it. I use
coconut oil often while preparing my meals and for the time being
I still don't have Alzheimer or anything like that...;) But I am
aging fast, far to fast. I will never be an old man, but hey may
be I would not have smoked so much during the years I was still
At the end of this update, here is the video
from where the above three screen shots were made: Stephen Cunnane -
Can Ketones Slow Down Alzheimer’s?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR8bHXZKZj8
Ok, that was it for this update. Sorry I am
late by about 3 years but on the other hand everything I told you
in the past on this Alzheimer detail seems to be true to the bone.
And that's a good thing, now only for electron spin and all those
retarded physics professors...;) Till updates my dear
(28 May 2021) Over at the other website I
posted a post about inverting 4D complex numbers. Ok, it is a
repeat and not much new but since lately I found out that
the 4D rationales form a so called field I was only thinking like
let's repeat that detail.
If you check the expressions for an inverse
4D complex number you understand it is hard to remember that, it
is just too complicated and too long. But a few years ago I was
able to formulate the determinant in such a way it is easy to
remember for a human brain. The only problem left is: Do math
professors have a human brain?
Anyway, here is the link: Inverses for the field of 4D complex
Our item for today is Brexit.
Item 1) Japanese agriculture produce for
better brain health for Brexiteers?
Item 1) Japanese
agriculture produce for better brain health for Brexiteers?
On Youtube on the channel A different bias
the guy comes up with an hilarious video about finding the very
first benefit emerging from Brexit. He shows a lot of headlines
from the retarded UK tabloids that are in favor of a very hard
Brexit but at the same time always complain about Brexit
And most of the damage still has to emerge, likely this year the
COVID vaccination programs will have done the entire population in
both the EU & UK and after that there is no hiding any longer
and more and more Brexit damage will pop up.
Lately the same channel reported that the UK
government is looking for someone who can and will identify Brexit
benefits. At first I had to laugh about it but later I realized
that after all these years we finally could export Geert Wilders.
Dear UK government, Geert is the man for a
job like identifying Brexit benefits. With ease he will find at
least 10 benefits for leaving the EU every working day, so you
will have about 50 fresh benefits every working week. We, the
Dutch population, would like to export Geert Wilders to your
beautiful country. This all without tariffs or quota's, as a
matter of fact we the Dutch population will also pay for the
shipping and packaging costs of Geert Wilders! Beware that Geert
has a razor sharp mind and is extremely focused on finding Brexit
benefits, you will have nothing to complain if you accept

In another development that advisor Dominique
Cummings was before an investigation and he accused Matt Hancock
of all kinds of horrible things. And I was like 'Why do those guys
all have names like they are a porn star'? We have Dominique
CUMMINGS (the half a pint man) and Matt HanCOCK who's non erect
penis is already 30 cm!
So who cares if it was Matt HanCOCK that
ordered all those patients recovering from COVID-19 to go from the
hospitals to the care homes without any testing if they still
spread the virus? Come on, give me a break, you voted a bunch of
Brexiteers in place and after that expect they will think
everything carefully through?
Compare it to trade deals, there is a reason
that crafting trade deals can easily take up six to ten years. So
if you go around like a lunatic and close many trade deals a year,
just like the Brexiteers are doing right now, likely these are not
the best deals for your country.
Luckily there is also that Japan deal that
clearly proves the UK can stand on her own legs after being
crippled for so long by evil EU burocrats and there is all that
cheese and stuff going round between the Japs & the UK.
Today with a bit of luck I found the perfect
milk for export from Japan to the UK. It looks like a creamy
produce and I recommend it to all male Brexiteers. With the help
of Google translate I was able to find a few of the benefits of
this Japanese milk: it says that it makes babies grow very fast
and as such I thought I might be good for the brain development of
the average Brexiteer! Oh oh, where would we be without Google

Please remark that beside better milk, the
Japanese also have superior dress codes. In the EU or UK if you
look at advertisements for milk, you can never see the titties of
the females. This leads to severe depression in a lot of males who
are only left to wonder 'How do they look'? And they never get an
answer, it is estimated that by this lack of deep knowledge alone
about 2 million EU males a year commit suicide!
If the UK Brexiteers import more of this
healthy Japanese milk, the will avoid that sheer horror that goes
on inside the EU, just ask Geert Wilders!

Ok, this might be a good time to stop writing
and find that button known as 'publish website'. See you around my
dear reader.
(21 May 2021) Well well the UK seems to get a
trade deal with the Aussies. The Aussies ask for tariff free
exports to the UK for agriculture produce. The UK said yes sir! In
parliament the BoJo told stuff like 'The UK farmers should grasp
this opportunity to export more'. So we have more proof that the
BoJo can be horribly stupid: Why not ask the fishermen how the
exports are going? And in Australia they have those super huge
farms, how can you compete with that as a UK farmer? On top of
that you should not eat Australian meat, the way it is produced is
more like animal torture/cruelty and has absolutely nothing to do
with normal farming...
Over at the other website I have a magnetic
update. I found something that is named a Heisenberg magnet and it
is a long time ago I observed something as stupid as that. It is a
line of electrons, say horizontal and all their spins are pointing
up and than the physics professor says: This is the ground state.
After giving it a few weeks of thought I still do not understand
why this would be so. Either I am too stupid or the physics
professor is not mentally fit. Check it out on:
Heisenberg magnets: the most retarded electron configuration
in the history of humanity? Link used:
Today's item is for the USA gross domestic
product; it is fake in many ways.
Item 1) More on the fake USA GDP.
Item 1) More on the
fake USA GDP.
It is commonly thought that the USA has a
truly giant economy where per capita citizen the gross domestic
product is very high and as such it is 'logical' that for example
the US$ has global reserve status.
Likely the next data are from before the
COVID crisis but it gives you an idea:
USA per capita GDP = 68309 $ and for my own country
NL per capita GDP = 60461 $.
In my view, if you look at goods and services
consumed by the average Dutch citizen this is far more compared to
the USA. And that is simply explained by the fact that most stuff
is much cheaper over here.
If you see video's from USA citizens that
live in Europe, they all say the same. The average cell phone is
twice as expensive in the USA, a high quality loaf of bread costs
5 to six dollar and so on and so on.
And that made me wonder; why does competition
on price just not work in the USA? After all the USA is the
heartland of capitalism and as such economical laws like price
competition should work. If you look at the minimum wages in the
USA it is more of a miracle as why every thing is so crazy
Two week back I remarked that the USA economy
is geared towards making the rich richer and that is all there is.
And yes that skewed shape of the economy (a few rich & ultra
rich and a lot of poor people) is indeed much of the explanation.
This causes a lot of inefficiencies in the economy, take for
example health care. USA health care is also about twice as
expensive but the average US lifespan is shorter compared to most
(or all) European nations.
Take for example insulin. Medical insulin is
an old product, in the past it was retrieved from animal tissue
and as such it was likely rather expensive because the glands of
dead animals contain only so much insulin and because they are
dead you must harvest a lot of glands from dead animals to get
some serious amount of insulin.
Present day manufacturing goes with modified yeast (or may be
genetically modified bacteria) so you might expect a far cheaper
Well this is how it looks in the heartland of capitalism:

Because humans eat such crazy food a lot of
them develop diabetes type 1 (your own immune system has killed
your insulin glands) and as such they need to inject insulin on a
daily basis. In the USA this often leads to monthly costs in the
range of 1300 to 1500 US$. That is a crazy price but it serves the
rich who love to suck out their fellow countrymen and women... And
the USA government? We don't do price controls is all they

All this stuff of gearing an entire economy
to only making rich people richer leads to the most strange
excesses. If in the USA if a female gives birth via a cesarean
cut, they charge you about 40 dollar for holding your baby.
Why you would charge 40 $ for what is a
natural and important thing is unknown to me. But every body is
into the thing of making the rich much more rich so why not charge
40 $? It is crazy in many ways.

Source of the screen shots:
What Does U.S. Health Care Look Like Abroad? | NYT Opinion
My estimate is that if you look at actual
goods and services as consumed by the average American, it might
cost an awful lot of dollars but likely it is about 30% less
compared to what we consume in my home country the
That was it for this update. See you around
and try to avoid getting COVID-19... ;)
(17 May 2021) A lot has happened in the last
10 days; the Germans came out hefty against the USA proposal of
skipping the patents for the new vaccines. But Biontech promised
to create more production facilities and on top of that third
world countries could buy it at the cost price of production. Ok,
accepted by me. After all we have 7 billion people to vaccinate
asap & that is a giant problem because all the time the new
corona virus can mutate around the new vaccins.
I have been vaccinated myself so I have my
first shot of the Biontech & Pfizer vaccine. If you get the
same one and later you feel very high, for me it helped a lot by
just riding my bicycle. Within half an hour you will be less high.
I have to say that for me it is a very pleasant vaccine. I
remember the second vaccination in the military service, I was so
ill from that shot that I had to go to bed and just feel
In my hometown Groningen the third bridge was
rammed out two days ago. It is completely ridiculous; in a time
span of say six years three bridges rammed out by ships going too
fast. Or is it?
Item 1) Yes, why not ram one more bridge
Item 1) Yes, why not
ram one more bridge out?
Every time a bridge gets rammed out the
skipper gets arrested and interrogated. Also this skipper and the
police found no clues of alcohol or drugs. An old experienced
skipper told the local newspaper that the new skipper was rather
inexperienced. He had a small incident with that same boat in
Amsterdam and he explained that the shipping companies go for the
cheap and hire only young skippers.
A lot of locals wanted it to see for
themselves, I too of course because this was a relatively old
bridge. It was not a beautiful bridge but the way it opened and
closed was interesting: one end of the bridge stood on a small
boat and as such it could go open via a sideway movement. It was a
design from the 1930-ties. Here you see a bit of the public and
how they want to lift the old bridge away so the waterway is free

Now every body is blaming the skippers and
may be too many of them have to little experience. But another
important contribution to the present safety situation is the
concentration of all bridge waiters into one hub. And from that
remote hub most bridges in this city are remotely controlled.
I have had plenty of times where a bridge
would go open, a ship passes through and after that just nothing
happens. So the remote controlled bridge gets open and after that
they forget to close it again.
A few times I asked the other people waiting:
"If we all wave to the video camera's may be they will see
it." Often that helps, the waiters see some movement on the
video screen and all of a sudden the bridge closes again.
Likely those remote bridge waiters are
sitting in a chair, eat bread and have absolutely no body movement
at all during work hours. May be a method of making them more
attentive is by simply making this a standing job. So no more
chairs in the remote control chamber and they are only allowed to
sit during a coffee or tea break.
Of course having one central control post for
most bridges is much cheaper. Yet now the third bridge is rammed
out and that is in total an amazing number of years of operation
costs. In my view it is much better to go back to the old ways of
one bridge waiter per bridge.
Or improve the attention span in the remote
control room one way or the other. We cannot blame skippers all of
the time because I have waited far to often on a bridge that does
not close again after the ship has passed through...

That is what I had to say today. Till updates
my dear reader.
(07 May 2021) The horror in India continues
and likely it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Ok ok
the Indians should never ever have organized those super spreading
events like political rallies and religious gatherings or
festivals. That was super stupid so to say but the new mutations
also play a big role.
Is my faith in the USA restored? No of course
not but from all nations out there the USA is talking about
lifting the intellect property of the new viruses so that
countries like India can make their own vaccines. I applaud this
idea, there might be some setbacks for the pharmaceutical industry
but that is very limited: future profits will be a bit lower. In
the meantime the benefits for the global economy could be much
much bigger let alone prevention of the loss of life. Well if the recipes
of how to make those vaccines are released of course there is not
much extra production capacity the next day but at least it gives
some hope to a lot of poor nations.
Today's update is some old hobby of mine: the
USA Federal deficit. I haven't written about it for a long time
but right now it is like 28 trillion US$ in the red. The second
item is a shorty on the acceleration of the solar wind.
Item 1) For the time being the US$ still is
the global reserve currency? Crazy!
Item 2) Still crazy after all those years: physics professors on
electron spin.
Item 1) For the time
being the US$ still is the global reserve currency? Crazy!
Most people find it difficult to identify a
debt bubble. In my view it is best to look at a time series of the
debt growth of that particular debt bubble and see how fast it
grows on a percentage basis. After that you figure out how this
debt should be paid back and how fast the capability of paying the
debt grows, also as a percentage of say year on year.
If the debt growth is always a multiple of
the capability of paying back the debt, in that case you can be
sure that you are looking at bubble formation.
When it comes to US Federal debt it is
logical to compare that to GDP growth because after all it are the
taxes on the GDP that supposedly are needed to service the debt
and to pay it back when it matures.
In the next picture that is from the Federal
Reserve Z1 release you see the percentages in the second column
and the total Federal debt in the third

In the last four years it has expanded by 50%
or about 10% year on year. Needless to say this is a significant
multiple of the underlying GDP growth. It is also clear this will
not change in the foreseeable future, ok ok the present government
is flirting with the idea of raising taxes on so called 'rich
people' like raising the capital gains tax.
Even if there is a change in tax policy, I do
not think this debt growth can be brought under control. You have
to take into account that basically the USA is a country without
much reserves in the population or the broader economy. Everything
is geared into making rich people richer, that has been going on
for a long time, and as such the capabilities of raising taxes are
It is noteworthy that there is also a lot of
internal debt in the USA. These are the social security funds, in
those funds you don't find money but only US Federal debt. At the
time the Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan gave his approval
while saying 'This makes the deficit look smaller'. Alan was
right, the last number in the table 23621 billion is indeed
smaller but all those years the USA has looked like it has smaller
cognitive capabilities (aka this is a bunch of idiots).
Hey tomorrow all of my own financial troubles
are gone: I simply borrow a million € from myself and I will be
a rich man ever after... Do you think tomorrow I will be a
millionaire? Of course not, but the fact that the USA has this
weird internal debt simply shows that for decades they are
unwilling to pay back what they have borrowed.
Yet in a lot of Central Banks around the
world, the US Federal debt is part of their reserves. This shows
that a lot of central bankers simply do not understand the long
term evolution of their own financial system. Take for example
that piece of shit Mario Draghi; why the hell did he start with
that buying up of European government bonds? Idiots like Mario
only drive with the pedal to the metal towards a very weird
financial future: over 10 years ago I remarked you should not do
this because you can never stop this.
Of course we are now in a pandemic situation
that changes the economical environment, but purchases of the
European Central Bank have never stopped. And countries like Italy
just do not take any action to reform because they have this ECB umbrella
that sucks up a whole lot of Italian government debt.
And what to think of the present US Federal
Reserve chairman? He sounds relatively smart, anyway he sounds a
lot smarter than Alan Greenspan, but he said lately that inflation
will be 'transitory'. Yes you read this right: transitory. That
means it will come and it will go.
Just like 12 years ago: We will start buying
Federal debt and as soon as we can we will stop this again.
Yet at present day the FED buys more debt as
ever before. Don't forget central bankers are often selected for
psychological reasons: if they are good in soothing the public and
are good at public relations that is what promotes them to be
central bankers. If in the meantime they do not understand their
own job, who will save us from a very very weird financial
Item 2) Still crazy after
all those years: physics professors on electron spin.
It is no secret that my biggest failure of
the last decade was trying to explain that electrons do not have
two magnetic poles but that electrons are either north or south
pole so called monopoles.
I have done my best and over the years I have
more or less collected one hundred reasons as why this is
impossible. Yet I failed, why? Why does logic not work?
After all physics professors are supposed to
be logical creatures, if you come with a logical line of reasoning
in the end logic will prevail.
Yes, but that is only when the stuff is not
that important anyway.
If someone like me 'finds' the magnetic
monopoles those incompetent shitholes are looking for so long.
will logic prevail?
Of course not, physics professors are just
like math professors: overpaid and just too much ego. So they
can't talk about my idea's, that is a pity but they were a bunch
of weirdo's to start with.
Because electrons and protons carry net
magnetic charge, that is why they get accelerated by magnetic
fields. But hey try to explain that to one of those inverted ass
holes known as university professors: you will fail!
The next picture is from a pdf I found back
on my computer, it lacks a horrible amount of very important data.
It looks convincing like it contains words like 'The speed of the
solar wind'. But the solar wind is made from very different
particles, we have electrons, protons, the usual helium nucleus
and so on and so on.
But they get accelerated by the sun's
magnetic fields, what do our honorable inverted ass holes think
about this? Well you get a lot of 'magnetic waves' that drive the
Good luck with that one. Anyway, we lack
thousands of details but in order to show you you cannot trust the
talk of the physics professors here is an oldie from the year

That was it for this update.
(30 April 2021) Good news: today I received a
letter with an invitation for my corona vaccination. Bad news: I
go to the website to make an appointment, seems I am not old
enough... Well I guess they must adjust their website so it fits
with the correspondence they put out. You know during this
pandemic a lot of faults are made but I just can't get mad about
it. People do their best and with stuff like this that has no precedent
it is rather normal a lot goes wrong.
And wtf is going on in India? It is horrible,
two patients in an IC bed and a lot of people waiting outside till
they die or get a place inside. In reality the reported numbers
must be much higher, you only count as a corona dead if you die
inside a hospital. Let's hope the international help afford makes
a bit of a difference, but the numbers are so high. All those
millions of people, all those overrun hospitals all those this and
all those that. It is a sad sad story.
Two items for this update:
Item 1) The Bojo said what?
Item 2) A second proof for the new little theorem of Pierre de
Item 1) The Bojo said
I don't remember the exact words but it is
rumored that the UK Bojo said the next:
No FUCKING lockdown, let the
bodies pile up in their thousands!
You understand I was in a total shock: As a
prime minister you can't say 'FUCKING'. At no 10 everybody denied
it was said, but this is definitely something the Bojo could have
said. I think he has said it. It is a bit strange to say something
like that if you are a pm, but I considered it more funny as
shocking. But it is far away from standard protocol; as a pm you
simply are a role model. People simply need that in leadership.
Look at the USA & Brazil with that worthless leadership and
the amount of corona deaths. Ok, now we have Joe Biden in the USA
hopefully it will get a bit better.
To be honest I was rather hesitant to place
the next picture. After all there are still people alive today
that have been in one or more of the concentration camps from
WWII. I absolutely don't want them to see such 'humor' because
they will not find it funny and it might provoke old

This looks like a long lasting durable oven
where many deals can be baked until perfection... Ok, next
Item 2) A second
proof for the new little theorem of Pierre de Fermat.
I succeeded in making a very short proof of
my newfound new little theorem of Fermat. Even for me the proof is
shockingly simple and I wrote it myself! And if the Bojo would
read it, would he say it is FUCKING simple?
Of course not, the Bojo is a Brexiteer and
those people are horribly bad at math. A bright and shining
economical future while creating all kinds of barriers with your
most important trading partners? Only a bunch of lunatics would do
I also reformulated the new little theorem
'just like' the old little theorem was formulated. If you click on
the picture below you get a slightly larger format that is more
readable compared to this 450x450 pixel version:

Let's do the old & new Fermat little
theorems for a = 125 and p = 2.
The old Fermat says 125^2 = 125 mod 2 = 1.
Well that is very interesting but for over
3.5 centuries of time the old little theorem does not return a
but a mod p. And if the prime exponent is smaller
than a, you don't get your a back.
Let's now do the new version of the little
theorem: we take it modulo 250 instead of modulo 2. Here we go:
The square of 125 is given as: 125^2 = 15625.
The number ap = 250 fits 62 times in 15625 with a remainder
of 125:
15625 - 62*250 = 125.
With this small modification of taking the
integers modulo ap and not p, all the problems of
the little Fermat theorem are gone forever. Since my proof is only
3 lines long, why all these centuries did the professional math
professors not cough this up?
It could be that the consensus in the math
community is that 'mathematics is a social thing'. With working
together you come much farther compared to working on your own.
In my view this is not correct. Of course
social interactions are important, but the science of math is much
more 'Me against the universe' and it is not much 'a social
thing'. Making advances in math 'a social thing' is not good; the
only new results you will find is stuff that even the most idiot
among your ranks understand. As such progress is bounded by how
smart the most idiot is inside your profession.
In physics we have the same problem: They
always seek confirmation among their peers. As such it is
impossible to explain it is not logical that electrons are
magnetic dipoles. Now suppose a physics student has found this is
not logical and wrote a paper about that. Later in file he or she
applies for a job at CERN.
Guess three times what will happen...
Of course this person does not get the CERN job.
Life is simple, just like the brain of the
average Brexiteer is a simple thing.

Ok, that was it for this update. If you
understand the calculation of the square of 125, at this point in
time your brain is better compared to what 3.5 centuries of
overpaid math professors did. Till updates & have a good
(23 April 2021) The proof of the new little
theorems of Fermat is finished so if you like that branch of math
check it out at the other website:
Proof of the conjecture on Fermat’s little
theorem. Link used:
For myself speaking I am very satisfied with
this proof, it is a bit more complicated to prove the new little
theorems compared to the counter examples to Fermat's last
theorem. The math professors live up to their reputation: not a
word from the universities upon the counter examples to the last
theorem of Fermat. Once more it is validated: as a science math is
completely lost in the woods because it has lost all capabilities
of cleaning herself up.
So Andrew Wiles is still the math rock star
(Andrew proved the last theorem of Fermat back in the nineties).
Andrew got a nice Sir title, lots of applause and that Abel prize
that, if memory serves, is seven ton. These are staggering amounts
of money, not that Andrew needed that because he has his high
Princeton salary anyway...
And what do I get? Well I won't get the
smallest possible footnote and not even 50 cents in prize money.
Well that is how they are, but decades ago I already understood it
is unwise to entangle my life with the professional math
Today's update is another Brexit video
because for me it keeps on being a fascinating subject: How can a
nation put itself outside it's main trading partners while
thinking this is a good thing?
Item 1) Here is that idiot Michael Heaver
again; a 100% dumb Brexiteer.
Item 1) Here is that
idiot Michael Heaver again; a 100% dumb Brexiteer.
I watch those video's from that idiot as a
form of entertainment; what stupid weird stuff has Michael found
today? Michael is very good at neglecting say 90% of the news and
only concentrate on those few percent that might be viewed as
'positive' regarding to the Brexit stuff.
For myself speaking I sometimes wonder if I
do the same with electron spin. I think it is impossible that
electrons are magnetic dipoles but all physics professors are one
100% convinced that magnetic monopoles do not exist. So am I
fooling myself in a way similar to what Mr. Heaver is doing?
Lately the results of the g-2 experiment came out and there was
that stream of bragging how smart those physics professors are
with their complicated calculations on muon & electron
Well that is very interesting, but if they
are that smart why not use those cognitive functions of the human
brain in order to explain the speed of the electrons coming in at
the earth north & south pole that give rise to the wonderful
aurora's? Those electrons come in with speeds so high that it is
ionizing the atmosphere, why not calculate that?
But back to our Brexit stuff: Last year truck
drivers had to get permits just to drive to the city of Kent. It
was expected that the chaos would be that big that without permits
everything would get clogged deeply and fundamental.
Now this permit stuff is cancelled, the chaos
is just not there.

Here is a link to that video, the title alone
is weird or let' s say it is biased:
Post-Brexit Trade Has SMASHED Remainer Scaremongering
Link used:
So is this good news or bad news? Of course
for lorry drivers this is good news because it is one less hurdle
to take. But the reason it is not total chaos in Kent is also
explained by the fact there is much less trade between the EU
& UK.
All in all if you place in a lot of new
hurdles for trade between your own country and your main trading
partners, of course this is bad for your economy.
So why is the Heaver guy so positive upon
Brexit? Well he was an idiot to begin with. Only people who do not
understand what they are talking about could think Brexit was a
good idea in the long run.
The UK population as such selected themselves
in two parts: People who think the positives will outweigh the
negatives and people who think the opposite.
Compare that to the career of physics
professors: If they do not think electrons are magnetic dipoles,
they will not have a career whatsoever. So we are looking at a
biased population of professors: no experiment that proves their
fantastic insights?
It is no problem over there in the land of
physics professors.

That's it for this week. See you around my
dear reader.
(16 April 2021) That Greensil scandal in the
UK is very weird. Not that my own country is completely corruption
free, for example it seems that a lot of our senators have a
tremendous amount of secondary jobs too. Of course this is always
a complicated issue; lawmakers must have access to the real
economy because they must understand in detail how stuff works.
But David Cameron texting the UK finance minister stuff like 'Hey
bro can you help me out?' is from another dimension. David Cameron
is rather pissed saying everything gets misrepresented... And
those rumors David could pocket 60 million if it all panned out
fine. Oh that is not presented honestly too? Only 25 million? Oh,
that is just a tiny amount of pocket money, I agree what is the
fuss of it all? And the weird thing is that David isn't a
Brexiteer; because the average Brexiteer has such limited
cognitive capabilities they are much more likely to fall into some
corruption trap.
Anyway, last week I showed you the new
conjecture and I think today I found a good proof. So likely
next week on the other website I can publish it.
Item 1) The conjecture has died; long live
the new theorem!
Item 1) The
conjecture has died; long live the new theorem!
My conjecture was short lived; about one week
or so and now it is more or less proven. When I wrote it down
today on a piece of paper I had to laugh; for years I am poking
fun at the math professors like 'why do you only work with fields
so much and so often'. But for this proof I was glad I could pull
the difficulties back to a simple field and transport the results
back to the ring of integers I started in.
So am I now a hypocrite? May be, but now the
proof is understandable.
And because it is not every day that somebody finds new so called
'little theorems of Fermat' is there good hope math professors
will use it?
No of course not; math professors are not on
earth to bring the science of math forward. They are on earth so
other people can serve the giant ego of the math professors. May
be you think that space or our galaxy is a huge thing, but a few
billion cubic light years are just nothing compared to the ego of
the math professors...
Look, here is one of the best math professors
hard at work:

May be it is a good thing that you see for
yourself what math professors do with all that tax money that is
handed to them in the form of salaries & pensions. Compared to
my file it is so different: I did not have a job interview in the
last two decades and in my entire life I have never had a
non-temporary labor contract. The difference is just too big, may
be that is why they never act as a normal adult would do.
So if it is 3D complex numbers, counter
examples to the last theorem of Fermat or like now fresh so called
little Fermat theorems, you will never ever hear from those
Weirdly enough I also made a tiny bit of
progress on that giant proof of Andrew Wiles on the last Fermat
thing; I now more or less understand the opening sentence of that
proof. Before that I already crashed in the first words of that
proof. That symbol I crashed upon was some standard elliptic
curve, you can even find it with Google so if I have time I will
go on. What still puzzles me as why you would need elliptic curves
to prove the last theorem of Fermat; why do the math professors
think that elliptic curves are the way to go?
And why are the counter examples to the last
theorem of Fermat not included in the discussion? After all if
there are plenty of spaces where the whole thing does not work,
shouldn't you at least mention & explain that? But I can never
find Andrew Wiles talking about stuff like that. Of course Andrew
is one of those perfumed professors or perfumed princes; with his
Princeton professorship of course he can never react on some
amateur stuff the plebs come up with...
Such is life & it gets sucher every
Here you see the best math professor of all
times in a cubic form contemplating the latest forms of little
Fermat theorems. (Actually here name is Lilly K, she is a USA
based dancer with a clothing line):

That is what I had to say this week. Thanks
for your attention & see you in a new update in the future.
Till updates.
(09 April 2021) In North Ireland the
situation is more and more going out of hand. About 50+ police
wounded and of course the potential for things to get much worse.
That is all project fear we were told by the Brexiteers; it's not
going to happen. The same Brexiteers are likely now blaming the EU
for the deteriorating situation. Well that is how they are.
Let's hope for the best but it does not look
Today's update is a bit of cute math I only
found a few days ago. It is another form of Fermat's little
theorem. At this point in time I do not have a good proof so for
the time being it is just a conjecture.
Item 1) My little conjecture.
Item 1) My little
If memory serves it was in January that I
found the first counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat.
Just like expected zero reaction from the 'professional math
folks'. Ha even if I solved one or more of the so called millennium
problems the professional math folks would once more excel in once
more completely neglecting the results found...
Well that is how they are and this behavior
defines them as a group.
A couple of days ago I found a new form of
Fermat's little theorem. Fermat's little theorem is very cute and
easy to understand. It works with prime numbers, say the number 7.
Now all six numbers below 7, if you raise them to the power 7 and
do the modulo 7 thing, you get your number back.
Take 3, well 3^7 = 2187. And 2187 - 312*7 =
In math we write this as 2187 mod 7 = 3, the modulo thing gives
the reminder.
My new found version of Fermat's little
theorem is a tiny bit more complicated: you do not modulo just a
prime number but you must do modulo N where N is the
product of two different prime numbers, say N = pq.

Example: take 7 and 11 as the p & q in
the formula above. So we must do modulo 77.
My little Casio fx-82 calculator says:
7^11 - 25679568 * 77 = 7 and
11^7 - 253080 * 77 = 11.
To say it in words:
The reminder of 7^11 divided by 77 is 7 &
The reminder of 11^7 divided by 77 is 11.
It is a cute result and for a given pair of
prime numbers it is easy to prove, you just write the calculation
out and that's all there is to do. At the moment I do not have a
satisfactory proof but hey as time flows often new idea's come
along so I do not worry that among the collection of sleaze ball
math professors there will be one that is able to find a counter
For example, these sleaze balls were not
capable of finding counter examples to Fermat's last theorem in
over 350 years! These people are crazy to the bone, the only thing
they are good at is keeping each other stupid...
After having said that, here is the 'cube
version' of my new little theorem of Fermat:

A bit more artistic version of the above cube
is below:

Amazing how a clean math cube can transform
so fast into something that resembles North Ireland at the present
Ok, that is what I had to say for this
update. Thanks for your attention & see you around! Till
(02 April 2021) Just a few Brexit pictures
and some comment on it.
Item 1) Just a few Brexit pictures.
Item 1) Just a few
Brexit pictures.
It was out say two weeks back so it is a
little late but the decline in trade to and from the UK and EU is
fascinating. But you cannot draw definitive conclusion from these
January figures, we know for example there was stockpiling so that
extra depresses the Jan numbers. Furthermore a lot of, mostly
smaller, companies indicate that they temporary halted exports to
the EU. It is impossible to estimate how much of them will start
exporting again once they understand how to do that. Also given
all the extra costs for things of animal or plant origin (stuff
like health certificates) makes it difficult to estimate how much
trade will recover.
But on it's own the January figures were a

Take for example whisky, per bottle it is
relatively expensive so the extra costs that are now in place
should not be the biggest hurdle. But clients in the EU don't
order at least one container of that stuff but at best a few
pallets. Transport companies now often refuse to load their trucks
& lorries with a few pallets from here and a few pallets from
there because if the paperwork on just one of them is not in order
the whole truck or lorry gets rejected...
It is weird to understand that if in my
country a piece of utter shit named Geert Wilders would have
gotten a political majority, this incompetent piece of shit would
have destroyed our own economy in a similar manner... Every year
this inside out asshole Geert comes with stuff that is always not
thought through: take for example a ban on the Quran. Beside it is
a weird idea to begin with, how the fuck do you enforce such a
stupid ban?

The vaccine mess.
In the EU there is still a horrible shortage
of vaccines. That is a luxury problem because it is a miracle in
the first place that there are so many new vaccines. But we are
still exporting vaccines that are produced in the EU to other
countries, also to countries that have a third nation status like
the UK.
Parasitic nations like the USA & UK never
export anything in significant numbers.
So I was totally amazed when I observed the
BoJo speaking in the UK parliament that there were no rules or
legislation that prevented vaccines going out from the UK.
A few days later it emerged that nothing
comes out of the UK, so I did not know what to think of that.
Either the BoJo is incompetent by thinking the UK exports vaccines
just like the EU or he is a 100% hypocrite.
Hint: Most of the time Brexiteers are not
liars but only dumb people because if you really think that being
outside of the EU is good for your economy you really are a stupid
person. Just like the Geert Wilders mentally ill cognitive

I exaggerated the text a bit because the BoJo
never said anything about Nazi hell hounds from the EU. But I
still do not understand why he says stuff like this: could it be
that the BoJo has a medical condition that more political leaders
suffer from?
Do the speaking parts of his brain work far
better compared to the other cognitive and logical functions of
his brain? If so he will sound rather smart while if you think
about it it is total cognitive crap but phrased so elegant and
smart that it sounds like real stuff.

These were a small part of my thoughts for
this week. In case you missed it, on the other website yesterday I
posted post number 181 and this one is about the so called Frey
elliptic curve and what happens if we place a counter example to
the last theorem of Fermat into that Frey thing. If you like math,
here is a link:
remarks on the Frey elliptic curve. Link used:
That was it for this update, see you around
my dear reader.
(26 March 2021) I cleaned this frontpage and
dumped a lot of stuff into the archives, we have page 14 in the
archive: index14.htm in case you
desperately needs to find something that is now deleted on this
Today I observed the BoJo stating that the UK
needs to prepare for a third wave of our beloved COVID virus
because 'It will wash upon our shores too'. Pardon me? In Europe
we have problems with new waves because the old measurements do
not work properly any longer and why is that? That is because we
are hit by the UK mutant version of the COVID-19 condition. So why
does the BoJo say stuff like that? In my view it only proves that
the average Brexiteer is relatively stupid.
In another development it was observed that
Dominique Raab said that Europe was some kind of dictatorship
because of the blocking of vaccines. Well that is an interesting
contribution that once more proves most Brexiteers are stupid to
the bone. The EU is complaining about the lack of so called reciprocal behavior: there is only vaccins going out from the EU
to, for example the UK, but zero flows back.
So my dear Dominique, who is actually the
parasite around here? It's the UK.
But I do not want to waste my time at the
opinions of the average UK Brexiteer, physics professors are
exited because of may be the so called Standard Model of physics
can finally get updated! Have they figured out that electrons are
magnetic monopoles? Of course not, they love to be stupid too, but
at least it is less irritating compared to idots like Dominique
Raab or for that matter our local idiot Geert Wilders.
No, we take a small short look at so called
Item 1) Exiting: do the smart physics
professors found a new particle?
Item 1) Exiting: do
the smart physics professors found a new particle?
Wow wow wow, even in our Dutch language the
news was found: possible new particle beyond the standard model of
physics was found! For me this is interesting because it is about
the creation of pairs of leptons and their anti version of it all.
It is no secret I think that leptons like
electrons carry magnetic charge and just like electric charge
there are only two magnetic charges: north or south. Together with
the two electric charges that leaves us with only four electron
type leptons:
1) Electron with a north magnetic charge,
2) electron with a south magnetic charge,
3) positron with a north magnetic charge &
4) positron with a south magnetic charge.
In my view when positron meets electron, they
will annihilate only if both the electric charge and the magnetic
charge are opposite. Annihilation will take only place when 1)
meets 4) or if 2) meets 3).
So there must be collisions between electrons
and positrons where just nothing happens because the two particles
have the same magnetic charge.
Today I am a bit exited too because I found
finally out that indeed often just 'nothing happens' when electron
meets positron. And guess what, the physics professionals name
that 'elastic collisions'.
At CERN they are just too fucking stupid to
understand that the electron as a magnetic dipole is not logical
in hundreds of ways. So if those weirdo's come up with a new
particle, better think twice about what they claim:
Has a new particle called a ‘leptoquark’ been spotted at CERN?
Link used:
After five years of trying I decided to stop
the magnetic pages and stop trying to convince the so called
'physics professionals' that electrons carry magnetic charge. If
those idiots want to believe that electrons are magnetic dipoles,
let them be idiots.
In practice even if you set up collision
experiments by electrons and positrons a lot of times the
collision is just elastics and not of the annihilation nature. See
for example the next wiki:
Electron–positron annihilation
Link used: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron%E2%80%93positron_annihilation
In my view those physics people working at
CERN are all sino's (a sino = scientist in name only). If after
over five years of explaining that electrons cannot be magnetic
dipoles and just nothing happens, these people are all sino.
Not that I am some kind of dictator, but if
logic fails year in year out there is often something going on
that is not scientific. At CERN they are really crazy, for example
they have tried to measure the mass of the anti-proton. Because
they wanted to know if that mass was exactly the same as a normal
proton. Don't get me wrong: Checking that out is of course
important. But giving some kind of proof that the electron has
actually two magnetic poles? Nope. That is why I consider them
crazy; none of them remarks this should have experimental proof

Anyway the finding that a collision of an
electron and a positron is often just a purely elastic collision
is just another strong clue that electrons & positrons are
magnetic monopoles. In the wiki I showed you above they mumble
something about 'angular momentum' because often electrons spin is
named 'intrinsic angular momentum'. A lot of those retarded inbred
imbecile physics people think there is actually something spinning
there. So let's do a little thought experiment:
Suppose the magnetic
properties of the electron are caused by the electron
actually spinning. Now a pair of an electron and a
positron gets created, what will happen?
1) Conservation of angular momentum?
2) Conservation of total spin?
Because the electron & positron
have opposite electric charges, if they are actually
spinning in the same direction they will have opposite
'electron spin'. But that violates conservation of angular
If we want conservation of angular
momentum, in that case the two particles must be spinning
on opposite direction but that would give two times the
same electron spin. So that violates conservation of
electron spin.
Year in year out you never hear the
physics people about that; And because they do not talk
about that, in my view they are all sino's. |

I can't find back where the source of the
pictures is, if memory serves it was the Volkskrant. And who cares
if it is illegal use of graphic material anyway? That CERN garbage
are just a bunch of sino's if they keep on thinking that it is
'logical' that electrons are magnetic dipoles.
Let's wait and see if they really have
stumbled upon a fifth force in nature.
Ok that is what I had to say. Live well and
think well my dear reader.
(19 March 2021) We had elections this week,
the voting was an interesting experience. I often vote in a church
near to my house and all those years it was just in some side room
of the church. This time it was in the main church area where the
concept of 'social distancing' was taken to a whole new
experience. It is my turn and I hand over my id and my voter pass,
do I need to take my mask off I ask. The guy looks at the photo on
my id, no take off your cap he tells me. I really had to laugh but
indeed without taking my mask off you can indeed identify me with
just the upper half of my old bold head...
The political left have gotten a beating, in
the long run it is not good that this sector of the political
spectrum gets too small. In my life I have only voted once for a
left party but it is not good if that sector gets too
Luckily that party of Geert Wilders got a
nice shaving too, that is a good thing because it shows people do
not like prolapsed assholes walking around like they are normal
persons. Bah disgusting, I do not understand why people vote for
this weirdo.
By the way, on the other website I posted a
post about all counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat you
can make with the number 210. The math behind it is so simple that
in theory a person like Geert Wilders after some thinking could
understand it. And that idea almost makes me puke but anyway, here
is a link:
Counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat using the number
Link used:
The item for this update is 'Those times the
EU annoyed me the last 10 years'.
On 20 March I added the second item.
Item 1) Those times the EU annoyed me in the
last 10 years.
Item 2) Counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat.
Item 1) Those times
the EU annoyed me in the last 10 years.
It is not a secret I am very much in favor of
Europe working together. From the historical perspective it is
well known we are very good at starting entire world wars and the
founding fathers of the EU needed a bit of stuff from preventing
flaring up such niceties again.
A very good idea was that if we make our
economies interdependent, likely this prevents a whole of of
declaring war & all the niceties that come with
Beside this, from the beginning this was good
for our economies, while there has been not that much military
conflict in all those decades. So all in all it actually
When was I annoyed in the last 10 years?
Example 1: A couple of years ago an airport
was expanded to give rise to a higher volume of air planes going
in and out. Of course the local population was not a big fan of
that and as such a local compromise was made: No extra flights in
the evening.
Comes the EU flying in: This is not allowed,
evening flights should be there.
And I was really on the side of evening
restrictions and my first reaction was I was really pissed. But if
you turn your viewpoint the other way, from the EU regulators it
is well known that nations have a tendency to ultra support their
local aviation business. So I understood when it comes to
aviation, Europe rules & countries swallow.
And if you think about it a bit longer: If
done properly air safety increases when on a continental scale
regulation gets harmonized. You can't deny that.
Example 2: Lately my bank has changed the way
I must log into my bank account. In the past all I needed was my
username and a password but now they have a brand new shiny
apparatus that spits out code numbers. All of a sudden beside my
username & password I have to use that stupid code apparatus.
The argument given was 'EU regulations'.
I was pissed because now every entry into my
bank account takes more time because I have to enter that extra
code as given by the apparatus.
But again, after giving it some thought,
entry to my bank account is now more safe.
So all in all likely on the European scale,
bank fraud has gotten a tiny bit more difficult. As such I
accepted the extra work needed for just to log into my own bank
That is all I could find in being annoyed
with EU regulation for the last decade. Just two examples and both
example if you think about it a bit longer, my emotional reaction
was stupid.
Now compare that to an incompetent prolapsed
ass hole like the Geert Wilders guy: This idiot, this retarded
person likely has negative emotions about the EU on a daily basis.
Just like all those Brexiteers have, they only do emotion and
never do logic.
Item 2) Counter examples to
the last theorem of Fermat.
This method of finding counter examples is so
extremely simple that I can explain the method if you know that on
a standard clock if it says 15 hours you know it is 3 'o clock.
That is clock arithmetic, for a standard clock it is said you
count the numbers 'modulo 12'. For example 33 = 21 = 9 hours. And
12 = 0, that is important.
Why is that important? Wel if you multiply 3
and 4 you get 12 and in algebra the pair 3 & 4 are known as a
pair of divisors of zero. That means 3* 4 = 0. This has all kinds
of interesting consequences, for example if we add 3 and 4 and
square it we get:
(3 + 4)^2 = 3^2 + 2*3*4 + 4^2. Remark the
2*3*4 = 4*12 fades to 0 because 12 = 0.
That is how I find expressions like 7^n = 3^n + 4^n.
Now my latest post on the other website is
about stuff like this with the number 210 instead of the number
12. I have chosen 210 because that is the product of the first
four prime numbers: 2*3*5*7 = 210. You can split the four prime
numbers into seven different groups with each two factors that
multiplied always give 210.
In the next picture you see those seven different ways of splitting:

Now I was very hesitant to use this because
it is all so utterly simple. I more or less expected this to be
some standard example known for centuries as a counter example to
the last theorem of Fermat.
Of course a lot of my readers on this website
have no clue what this last theorem is, it is a negative result
from a long long time ago. About 3.5 centuries back Fermat found
that it is impossible to have four integers such that x^n + y^n
= z^n. This for powers n greater than 2 because for n
=2 this is the theorem of Pythagoras.
And for the theorem of Pythagoras there are
plenty examples that work like in
3^2 +4^2 = 5^2.
So I was rather hesitant, but I just could
not find these counter examples online and that made me scratch my
head. Could it be true that the professional math professors
skipped this easy to find result for say 350 years? It looks like
it, these easy to understand calculations are not a standard
counter example to the last theorem of Fermat.
Once more the overpaid math professors have
proven not to be worthy of their huge salaries. And my dear
reader, mark my words, even if these counter examples are easy to
understand, they will never ever talk about them. Even if you are
a young reader in the far future you will never observe a math
professor saying stuff like 'Hey here we have a bunch of counter
examples to the last theorem of Fermat'.
If you click on the next picture you will
land at the last post on this easy going math:

Ok, that is what I had to say. Till
(09 March 2021) I was just reading some news
on Google news, I was at peace with myself and I felt in harmony
with the rest of the universe. Says that retarded Google news:
Delft quantum computer will not work.
Gone is my harmony and all that peace: I
could tell you that years ago and as such nobody is interested of
course. This is now the third time I observe exactly the same news
about Delft university and their quantum computer based on
Majorama fermions.
Item 1) There are too many overpaid perfumed
princes, WHY?
Item 1) There are too
many overpaid perfumed princes, WHY?
It is no secret I have been telling for over
five years that the overpaid physics professors have electron spin
a tiny bit wrong: If you think about it, it is impossible that
electrons are magnetic dipoles. All this stuff from the overpaid
professors does not make much sense; if electrons were magnetic
dipoles they could not be accelerated by magnetic fields.
If you look at the sun for example, you see
acceleration of plasma all of the time. So right in your face the
dipole nature of electron magnetism can be doubted.
Now those Majorama fermions are very
interesting because they are supposed to be there own
anti-particle. The Delft weirdo's combined an electron with a hole
(a hole is supposedly a positive electric charge) and as such they
thought to have constructed Majorana fermions as a composite
And tons of blah blah blah that you can make
topological quantum computers with that stuff. Years ago it was
easy to foresee this would never fly, just like nuclear fusion
will never work because of the acceleration of the plasma will
make all fusion reactors unstable in a short notice of time.
With the deserved failure of Delft to go the
path of the Majorama's it is worth mentioning that the university
people keep on not understanding anti-matter in particular the
positron or the anti electron.
They are correct in stating a positron must
have a positive electric charge. That is correct, but the electron
spin should also be opposite. And if you think that electrons are
tiny magnetic dipoles, what the fuck do you mean with 'opposite
Electrons simply have a magnetic charge just
like they have an electric charge. That makes logic if you think
about it. Why in chemistry you only have the electron pair that
binds the diverse atoms? Why in nuclear physics in the orbitals of
atoms you only have unpaired electrons and paired electrons?
That's just not fucking logical if electrons really would have two
magnetic poles, if they really were magnetic dipoles.
The only thing university people are good at
is being totally incompetent all of the time.
For over five years I have been explaining
this kind of stuff and 100% nothing happens: WHY do we only
appoint idiots at professor places in universities?
It is just like math professors: it is just a
bucket filled with shit. If you are a physics professor and you
think electron spin means electrons being magnetic dipoles, well
welcome into the bucket of shit you call home.
In the picture below you see two overpaid
perfumed princes in action: The perfumed prince on the left is Leo
Kouwenhoven who's ideas about Majorama fermions did not pan out
entirely as expected. The perfumed prince on the right is our
king. It has to be remarked that although overpaid, all in all our
king is not under performing like the math & physics
professors do on a daily basis...

It is totally disgusting: After five years of
explaining that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles I am
observing this overpaid retarded dumb shit doing what they are
good at.
It is disgusting: For over five years
university people just never give proof to their retarded insights
upon electrons spin and I am supposed to be at harmony with the
universe because I have my minimal money as an unemployed person?
Please do not make me puke, if you do not
want to know more about electron spin it is fine by me. But do not
show your stupid face in 'news articles' like this.

Oh oh university of Delft, after all these
years just once more: Why not show your FUCKING proof that
the electron is a magnetic dipole?
What you say, I cannot hear you? Oh you say
next week there is a fresh batch of perfume & you are focused
on that. Ok, that is fine by me but please do not pretend to write
about science if the only thing you are interested in is the
latest perfume.
Source of the pictures used:
Onderzoeker Kouwenhoven erkent
fout: deeltje voor quantumcomputer niet gevonden
With this speed of progress it will be about
500 years before the physics professors find out that electron
spin is monopole in nature and not the dipole magnetism they
assumed all those centuries.
End of this update on retarded perfumed
princes. Till updates.
(06 March 2021) To be honest I don't have
much to say this week. Funny news was coming from the UK where in
a lot of news papers fake news articles emerged hailing the
success of Brexit thus far. It was all 'government sponsored' aka
advertisements, articles pretending to be news but in fact
It has to be remarked however that most of
those articles indeed said they were sponsored articles so all in
all the UK is still more or less a normal functioning democracy...
Anyway for a couple of weeks I wanted to post the old photo's from
below and because I do not have much to say let that be our
Item 1) Fishing for leave & No deal is no
Item 1) Fishing for
leave & No deal is no problem!
There are significant slumps in trade both
from the UK to the EU as the other way around. So despite the fact
there is some rudimentary deal, just being outside of the EU is
causing a whole lot of trouble.
From the get go in 2016 it was of course a
stupid idea, but it was hard to foresee in detail how much could
go wrong. For example I never expected the trouble of the UK
fisheries that high, I thought that only with tariffs put on fish
the UK fisheries could be slaughtered. But no it all goes
spontaneously down hill fast so that is a good thing because the
more UK fishermen go bankrupt in the long run that is better for
the EU fishermen.
Here is one of the pictures that I wanted to
include in this website, after all this picture stands for a lot
of what was happening: Only emotional ventilation of feelings
while in practice about nothing was carefully thought

This Brexit stuff keeps on an amazing thing:
in my home country a shithole named Geert Wilders is of similar
stupidity. Always the Geert weirdo is complaining about EU this
and EU that while the tax money our shithole is paid with comes in
large part from the economical developments from the last 2
There is no difference explaining to Geert or
the average Brexiteer that being outside the EU is a stupid thing
to desire; low IQ people often do not realize how low IQ they
actually are.
For the UK the present situation is damaging
for their economy but if ever my own country would do the same,
relative there would even be more economical damage. We transport
a whole lot of stuff to the rest of the EU. Suppose all things
arriving in the Rotterdam port would be subject to tariffs if it
is exported to the rest of the EU?
From the above picture I made one of those
'cubes' that look much more cute compared to a shit hole like
Geert Wilders:

At last a few words about financial
derivatives. Now Amsterdam has managed for at least one month to
be the largest stock trading platform in the EU, what can be said
about financial derivatives?
For reasons I do not understand, trading
financial derivatives seems to be far more lucrative compared to
trading in stocks. Why is that? I do not know.
A stock market like the Amsterdam one is a
platform that facilitates trading in stocks of companies but they
cannot create stocks out of thin air. Ok ok they have some market
making obligations but it is not that if for example Shell is
relatively high the Amsterdam stock market thinks like 'hey lets
create a bit more Shell stock and sell it now prices are high'.
As far as I know platforms that facilitate
the trading in financial derivatives are bound to the same: they
are not allowed to create derivatives out of thin air. They only
facilitate between sellers and buyers of those derivatives.
In my view a lot of those trading in
derivatives should go to the EU now the UK is outside of our
financial markets. It is completely ridiculous that if EU
companies want to buy protection against currency fluctuation like
in the €, we must go to London or New York.
These are vital for our EU economy, we should
do that ourselves. And given the detail those kind of financial
derivatives are far more lucrative points to the likelihood that
the EU can craft far better financial products compared to what
London or NY has to offer.
Ok, that were my thoughts for this update.
Let's slaughter the London city where it comes to financial
derivatives & for the rest enjoy life as long as it
(25 Feb 2021) Oh oh those Brexiteers: For
decades they complain about all that bureaucracy that is coming
from the European institutions. And now it is often you need to
fill in 71 pages of bureaucratic stuff while in the past it were
only 2 pages for the transport of just one lorry of goods...
A lot of Brexiteers think the present
troubles from this year emerge from the EU being 'mean' or that
'they want to teach us a lesson'. That is not how it works,
because the EU is a union of states all stuff is formalized as far
as possible. As such the UK now has the status of being a third
nation and all third nations are treated the same.
Take for example those shellfish problems
that cannot be exported any longer to the EU. If that were allowed
then for example all African costal nations could say 'Hey we too
want to export unpurified shellfish to the EU. Of course we cannot
have that, the UK is now a rule taker as all other third
Today I want to do a tiny bit of math. You
can say isn't that what the other website is for? Yes of course
but this is too simple for the 3Dcomplexnumbers.net
website. We do some simple stuff every body knows: the abc formula
for solving quadratic equations.
Item 1) The two forms of the abc formula for
solving quadratic equations.
Item 1) The two forms
of the abc formula for solving quadratic equations.
In about 1982 I found a cheap math book. It
was a small pocket book, just over one hundred pages and it was
more or less only formula's and very little explanation. That was
before I had to do military service and as such also before I
became a math student. I was totally fascinated by those Fourier
series; how could a bunch of sines produce a tooth saw shaped
That pocket book also contained the two forms
of abc formula. And although it is very easy to prove these two
forms are the same, for me it was a surprising result.

If you want to prove this you must use the
first formula with the 'plus' sign and equal that to the second
formula with the 'minus' sign. That is why in the first abc
formula you see a plus-minus sign while in the second abc formula
this is a minus-plus sign.
Anyway if you work out this equation you will
find that 4ac = 4ac. But 4ac = 4ac is an expression
that is obviously true and from that you can conclude that your
starting equation was also true.
In theory that is how math is supposed to
work; finding things that are true. In practice like in any other
social structure the internal communication is always more like a
greatest common divisor. So if math professors talk to each other,
they keep it always as simple as possible so that even the most
idiot math professor will understand these internal
communications. For example '3D complex numbers do not exist' is
one of those internal communications that even the most idiot math
professor can understand and repeat when needed.
As such those simple statements like '3D
complex numbers do not exist' become a binding factor inside the
profession of mathematics. Inside physics you have the same kind
of untrue simplifications like 'If you cut a magnet in two, you
always end up with two smaller magnets'. Because this is something
even the dumbest physics professor can easily remember stuff like
that takes a life on it's own and as such becomes a binding factor
in the social structure of physics professors. That makes it
logical as why physics people without any experimental proof talk
about electrons as if they have two magnetic
But hey let that university crap be what it
is: the crap of a social structure known as a university. I hope
the next picture is a bit readable, anyway it is still the two
ways of abc formula for solving a quadratic equation:

Ok, have fun with your proof of the two abc
formula's & till updates. Updated one day later: I found
a video about a person named George Eustice, I never heard about
him but he claims the EU has been flip flopping on the shellfish
detail. The video is made by Maximillian Robespierre in his 'Fool
of the week' series. Maximillian often thinks that Brexiteers are
lying, in my view that is often not correct. Brexiteers are not
lying, they are just more stupid and as such it might look as if
they are lying. Compare it to the physics professors; in the last
five years have I ever said they were lying about electron spin?
No I have not done that. Those professors might be telling
nonsense about electron spin but they only do their best, they are
not deliberately lying or so.
Anyway, here is the video:
Fool Of The Week - Brexiteer George Eustice
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ2xYjQzRI0
That was it for this extra update. Till
(19 Feb 2021) Brexit is going as good as it
possibly can be; it will likely take a few more months before the
majority will realize this is bad for the UK economy. On the other
hand the average Brexiteer has cognitive capabilities that are
below of that of the population. So they will blame the corona
pandemic on their future economical development.
In this update two items: An old Brexit
picture from 2016 and the Microsoft Bing search engine is going
bonkers again on the 3D complex numbers (it goes bonkers in the
image search...).
Item 1) This old picture again.
Item 2) Bing search engine going bonkers again.
Item 1) This old
picture again.
It keeps on being a fascinating subject; how
can a society like the UK society do all this weird stuff? You can
argue that the ruling elite like the conservatives do not
understand on a detailed level how the economy actually works. Not
that I myself understand all the fine details of a continent wide
economy like we have here in Europe, but I do not claim retarded
stuff that it is better to be 'outside of Europe'.
But in the UK the anti-EU sentiment has
slowly been growing over the decades. Why it has never cleaned
itself is unknown to me. May be only after the stuff runs out of
hand there will be some changes. I do not know and I do not care,
it is just fascinating to watch this weirdness going on and on and

It is a weird mindset they have over there; a
dying Europe?
By the way, how are your fisheries going my dear UK?
Item 2) Bing search
engine going bonkers again.
A couple of months back when I did a search
on the Microsoft search engine Bing on my hobby of the 3D complex
numbers, to my surprise I had total dominance. Over half of the
pictures shown were from my other website upon 3D complex numbers.
So later I wanted to write an update on that
detail but at that point in time all of a sudden the picture
search was back to normal. Ok, it is better that things are normal
but if Bing goes bonkers on a search phrase like '3D complex
numbers' it is not that an extra amount of people die from that
for no reason at all.
So it is not much of a real problem, it only
shows that the Bing search engine can make a bit more
improvements. There is the potential to get better to say it
I made a screenshot from this simple search,
if you click on the picture below you get large version. Or you
make a Bing search upon '3D complex numbers' for yourself...;)
Anyway, it is not guaranteed that in the
future this kind of picture search on Bing will stay the same.
Here is the fun:

So once more and likely for a short time I
have full spectral domination on those Bing search results. That
can be classified as a temporary success.
But in my life there are also giant failures:
the physics professors still completely for the full 100% do not
want to engage the idea that electrons can't be magnetic dipoles.
Electrons are magnetic monopoles, but the internet search engines
of this world only say 'Go fuck yourself'.
Ok, let's leave it with that. Till updates my
dear reader.
(13 Feb 2021) Ah, the first 'weaponization
talk' of UK financial services observed. It is only two stupid
Brexiteers talking to each other so it is not UK government policy
or so. But we cannot have it that for example government bonds of
EU countries run into trouble; essential financial services is
something we have to do ourselves now the UK is a third nation.
Item 1) Brexit dividend: Amsterdam stock
trading volumes soaring...:)
Item 1) Brexit
dividend: Amsterdam stock trading volumes soaring...:)
The numbers are staggering, this is not some
calm year on year percentage growth. Nope, compared to December
last year trading volume on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange is four
times as big in January this year. On top of that trading in CO2 emissions
went from the UK to my beloved Amsterdam.
Without doubt now volumes are soaring there
will be all kinds of extra costs to be made by the AEX but I want
to urge that as soon as possible trading costs should come down.
That means that for the AEX (that is a company in itself) it is
not good if four times the volume means four times as much
profits; nope! It is not going to happen that with two fingers in
the nose they will make boatloads of money.
Our financial markets should work as
efficient as possible, in the long run that is best for our
economy. Now a large part of my own portfolio is composed of
financial stocks and bonds so I love the dividends and the coupons
but please stay normal: the thing known as the economy where
actual stuff is made and a lot of people have a job is far more
Well let's hope for the best, after all we
only have one month of soaring trade volume in. Let's try to
consolidate that.
But the numbers are truly staggering; Daily
volume in Amsterdam in January was above the daily average in the
UK over the year 2020. That is boink boink bonkers!

Never forget that the Brexit rather likely
will be very bad because it is a stupid idea in the first place.
So over time frustration in the UK will build up more and more and
because for decades they blame a lot of things that go wrong
inside the UK on the EU we must be prepared to take these matters
into our own hands.
We must get free from the expensive shackles
of the London financial hub.
It is important that this all gets organized
a bit efficient so that the costs of financial services are low. A
simple tactical reason for that is that the BOE came out with a
statement just a few days ago that this 'countryfication' of
financial services away from their London thing will only bring
higher costs... Let's hope that a few years down the line the BOE
still doen not understand what has struck them and why it was so

Ok, today I observed the first video about
weaponization of the UK financial services industry. It doen not
amount to much because it is from a guy named Michael Heaver and
that is not a very smart person. I mostly look at Michael his
video's as a for of entertainment; what retarded stuff does
this person have today? I am always exited to hear the latest
insights on why the Brexit is going so good...
Anyway Michael was talking to another
Brexiteer named Ben Habib and this Habib guy came up with a simple
scheme to drive up the costs for EU government bonds to 'go
through the roof' as he said himself.
Again: it does not amount to much. I do not
think at this moment in time the BoJo government is working on
plans like that. But the last four years of USA politics have
learned us it can go very fast from just 'standard a little bit
crazy' to the daily madness we had to endure from the USA over
that last four years.
Anyway this is how this low IQ weirdo Ben
Habib looks, if you click on the picture you will land at the
Youtube video.

Link used:
Silly title of the video: Boris Urged To STAND UP To EU Bullying
Ok, that was it for this update. For myself
speaking I hope we more or less succeed in developing efficient
financial services inside Europe. Don't forget that however the
trading volumes as quoted above are spectacular, it is only one
day in making Europe a better place to live in.
Till updates my dear reader.
(08 Feb 2021) On 08 Jan so exactly one month
ago I showed you that video from a glass-eel farmer that now
cannot export to the EU any longer. That farmer was in the past
very upbeat about Brexit because of 'all the possibilities' it
gave for expanding the economy. Now in that video there was also
some Brexit reporter routinely talking stuff like 'But we study
this for two decades and constantly there is all kinds of red tape
coming from the EU' and at first I was impressed because of the
words 'We study this for two decades'.
When I would study something for two decades
I would know a lot about it; take for example the 3D complex
numbers that over the last 30 years have been studied by me about
one decade long. If you study things for a long time your
knowledge starts to accumulate faster and faster and at this point
in time it is likely that on this little planet I am the guy who
knows the most about that subject.
Now I came across this horrible video from
Jacob Rees Mogg and Jacob was interviewed by somebody from the
Institute of Economic Affairs and I just could not believe my eyes
and ears. So that is our item for this update.
Item 1) Is Jacob Rees Mogg a totally retarded
Item 1) Is Jacob Rees
Mogg a totally retarded person?
The guy from the IEA asks Jacob the next
question: Now that we are out of the EU we can make our own
legislation and as such we could get rid of the VAT on female hygiene
products, can you give us some more examples of how we can benefit
and change legislation now we are out of the EU?
To my utter surprise Jacob explains there are
many many bad legislations and rules directly related to the EU.
And he explains it will take time to change them because of the legislating
process and the way parliament works and the troubles with the
pandemic that slows the stuff.
But he just does not give one fucking
Those guys have studied the evils of the EU
for two decades or longer and the only thing they come up with are
VAT free tampons...
Let me repeat it once more:
The only thing they come up with are
VAT free tampons!
And Jacob, ultra smart as he is, throws the
ball back by saying the people from the IEA should inform the ERG
(that is the European research group from our cognitive here
Jacob) so that they can take action.
I have seen this more often; Every time a
Brexit person complains about all that legislation from the EU and
you ask them 'Can you give just one example of a law that is bad
for the UK?' they never come up with only one evil law.
So this is more confirmation of what I wrote
lately when I compared the Brexiteers to a modern platoon; since
Brexit is a stupid idea in the first place it only attracts people
with diminished cognitive capabilities.
No nice pictures today because I did not have
the time, but nine minutes into the next video you can find some
deep fundamental proof that Jacob is in fact a total retarded
person: There are thousands and thousands of... All blah blah blah
In Conversation with The Rt Hon Jacob
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGOzTGUwqQ8
Now we must not loose ourselves in all these
day to day tactical things, in the long run the EU must get free
from the shackles of the UK financial city. Are these 'financial
services' good for the EU now the UK slowly is becoming a hostile
Or am I exaggerating a little bit here? No I
am not, now the UK has a third nations status it cannot be that
vital financial services come only from London. The BoJo is more
or less a reasonable person but as soon as the UK people elect a
donald trump clone, the financial services of the UK will be used
as a weapon against Europe.
Ok, let's leave it with that. Till
(03 Feb 2021) A lovely row erupted a few days
ago when the EU threatened to temporary lift the North Ireland
protocol. The Brexiteers were in all states while of course non of
those cognitive handicapped people remembered that just a few
weeks ago the BoJo did exactly the same. And the UK themselves
have a list of medicines that are forbidden to export, but when
the EU wants to do something at the vaccination situation we are
of course pure evil...
In the update we take another look at the
niceties of the Brexit and once more we will understand that as a
group the Brexiteers lack conitive capabilities (on average they
are more stupid compared to the average of the population).
Item 1) Is trade with fast growing nations
important? Brexiteers say yes.
Item 1) Is trade with
fast growing nations important? Brexiteers say yes.
Brexiteers, retarded and stupid as they are,
now constantly tell that the situation at the border is perfect
and all that stuff from 'project fear' just did not materialize.
But as a matter of fact a lot of food like fish and meat just
can't be exported because it takes so long that it starts to rot.
So for the time being it is bye bye fisheries. For shell fish it
seems to be the same; normally they got produced in the EU because
in the UK they do not have the facilities. But decade old rules
say that for safety only processed shell fish can be imported from
third nations... I do not understand why those UK fishers
specializing on that kind of food never ever thought that through
before the Brexit was there. Once more: Brexiteers are more stupid
than the average person and the fishermen voted overwhelmingly for
As far as I am concerned: to the hell and
beyond with those weirdo's.
Wine also seems to be a problem. The UK has a
relatively large wine importing industry and just like in my own
country due to climate change it is more and more possible to make
local wines. Anyway the trade in wine is also falling apart and
that is a good thing because it confirms what I said in the very
beginning: Brexit is a stupid idea.
But beside Brexit being a stupid idea, the UK
government itself is often also rather lunatic. The most weird
story was from some expensive second hand watch trader. Think for
example at a Rolex. Normally as a trader you pay VAT to the
government and only that added value gets taxed. Remember VAT =
Value Added Tax. But now all of a sudden if they want to sell an
expensive watch to some customer in the EU they must pay VAT over
the full price... So if this trader buys an expensive watch for
8000 pounds and sells it for 10000 pounds all of a sudden the VAT
must be paid over 10000 instead of 2000 pounds... Once more:
Brexiteers are stupid.
In a video from 'A different bias' it is
claimed over 50% of the lorries leaving the UK are empty. If true
a lot of export has just fade overnight from 31 Dec to 01 Jan...
Once more: that is a good thing because it confirms what I thought
about this all.
Click on the picture if you want to see that video:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAHeuyJrKhM
Lately I oberved Nigel Farage stating that it
was better for the UK to seek alliance in trade with fast growing
nations like those from the Trans Pacific Partnership nations.
Nigel Farage is like our own Geert Wilders (also anti EU all the
time year in year out). If I listen to the logic of people like
that to my mind comes a lot of gay porn video's where the males
have anal prolapses and they love it. I do not love that and find
it disgusting. Just like the logic of Geert Wilders or Nigel
Farage is disgusting to me.
So how useful is it to trade with fast
growing nations? Let's compare two nations say Vietnam and
Germany. I did not check if the next numbers are actually correct
but you will get the picture easily:
The Vietnam GDP per capita is about 2500 €,
the German per capita is about 40000 €.
Suppose without all this pandemic stuff the German GDP grows say
2%, per German citizen that is a growth of 800 €.
Suppose in a particular year the Vietnam GDP expands by 10%. Well
that is about 250 € per capita Vietnam citizen...
Do you see how retarded the logic of Nigel
Farage is? Vietnam is at the other side of the globe, why should
Vietnam people want to buy UK stuff? The Nigel guy is a shitshow
on all levels possible.

Luckily not all things in the UK are going
from bad to worse. They have a new under secretary that handles
immigration! And I was just flabbergasted; why can't we have
political leaders like that?
So instead of listening and looking at
another worthless piece of shit like Priti Patel the UK males can
look at this female doing the immigration stuff in the UK:

Now what is wisdom in this time and age? Is
wisdom found in complaining that if we look at the average
European parliament there are never good looking sluts dressed in
latex clothing? Or do we need more math inside the heads of
prolapse Nigel Farage & Geert Wilders? And what does the bible
say about pandemics?
Ok, that was it for this post.
For older updates see the archives at index14.htm
or go to the oversight
of the archive pages.