06 To Germany.

15 to 19 October 2001.
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Not all details will be told, only the most important ones. Lets go: 

Somewhere around 5 October I was asked to work in Germany at the Dutch military base in Seedorf. To me this was fine because the teaching program was relatively standard so it was not much work (10 at most 20 minutes to prepare the lessons for that day, give lessen for about 4 to 5 hours and get paid for 8 hours a day is not the most bad deal).

Carefully I avoided mentioning me going to some explicit place in the days before the 15th of October (if I was traced in all my internet moves than 'the enemy' would know on the forehand where I would go). All in all I had some bad luck because I did drive to the 'wrong Seedorf' and therefore I arrived two hours to late.

After some time I finally met the female who was supposed to see me, I was just sitting in front of the building and saw her enter the building 20 minutes before. And all I was thinking 'Probably it is her I need to have'.
So finally after 20 minutes the canteen boss comes out with 'She is here' (the guy helped me a bit with some phoning around). And I entered the building.
To my surprise the female was in some very big kind of panic, she said 'O, the teacher is here. What to do? What to do? Shall I phone or not?' And she just did not look at me and she made some phone calls 'The teacher is here, he had driven in the wrong direction'. Etc etc.
She even said; 'The military police was here this morning and yesterday evening the checked your hotel but you did not arrive!' You understand I was heavily interested into this kind of info but suddenly she stopped telling things (a pity, I still wonder why the MP's would be so interested in me...).

So  that was the Monday.

The rest of the week went fine, at one point it became very clear that someone was following me in his car. It was also very clear that this guy did not like his job at all because he did really nothing to hide he was following me. This was nice to observe, someone driving behind you and not hiding back that he was following me.
What a stupid thing to do. Why would there be any reason to be followed?

And on Friday I returned home again, Seedorf is a bit less driving compared to Hamburg. Hamburg is about two hours driving from this old city under the name of Groningen. When I come driving in the city it is clear again that I am followed in my car, the guy had clearly trouble in following me (I know the way and he not and I drove relatively fast across the highway surrounding Groningen. Again, give me a reason why I should be followed and traced in my car?


Back home, I start working as an idiot on my website again. The American Congress was placed out of order because of the anthrax attacks. You understand this felt so good to me, I was in a good mood because of that..

Then Monday 22 October 2001 comes along, at about noon I go out to get me some food. But since most Chinese food places are still not open I walk along a bit until I find one that is open.
On the street I observe a guy acting a bit strange, he first looks sneakily around and after that he puts on a very little hat. Or may be it was more a very small cap, the guy is about 50 years old.

I order for some food and in 10 minutes it will be ready so I go outside and walk very randomly around. From a very silent street I walk back to the Chinese restaurant again and just by 'pure coincident' I meet the old guy again. Intensely I look at him because now his cap (or hat) is gone again. That is interesting! Why should a tourist go walk into such a silent street right to nowhere?

The weeks after from time to time I am under the impression that I am followed in my car but it is now more difficult to judge. After a few weeks no car tracing is observed anymore by me.



All together; Important observation is the 'big panic' when I was too late for work. Also important is the fact that the Dutch military police did investigate where I was on the evening before work.
Furthermore the tracing of my car was interesting to observe. Again we have only small details that do not prove anything, but it all adds up. It all adds up.


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