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The shoe bomb alert and some mustard gas news.


Date;  End December 2002.

The shoe bomb alert from Christmas and the mustard gas news.

Timeline date=End December 2002.


This is a little detail from my own (little) life and generating nice echo's on a worldwide scale. For myself I do consider the 'mustard gas' news as a real coincidence because that echo was a bit fast. But the shoe bomb alert from just before Christmas makes more sense.

What did I do? Since my financial situation was very bad (due to some actions of the local courthouse my little company went broke, the details of this are not important here) and I was almost forced to leave my house because I had trouble paying the rent.
After selling my latest stocks I had just enough money to avoid a street life, also I was sending around the 'Terror statistics' (see part 30 of the timeline) and on the outside of just two envelopes send to two process servers (or ushers, Dutch word = gerechts deurwaarder) I wrote:

Do you want your plane with or without mustard gas?

That was all I did and it was more or less meant as a joke. May be a nasty joke but it was a joke. Lets look at the echo's below:


Just one day later I did read some news articles about the developments in Iraq, all news articles did start more or less as:

In Iraq are shells with mustard gas missing & the rest.

It was nice the mustard gas was stressed compared to the rest of the 'missing stuff' (so the VX stuff, the anthrax and etc etc was all mentioned as 'the rest' and the 'mustard gas' was isolated and put in front of the news articles. But because this echo was within a rough 24 hours I decided it was just too fast, the Dutch governmental workers do not work that fast. It seemed fairly impossible that the envelope news would spread that fast.... So this was a true 'coincident'.

A few days later a new shoe bomb alert was given, ha that was funny and that made more sense. Of course there could be more 'shoe bomb sources', how would I know? All I know was my little joke and all I know the echo does fit. Lets leave it with this, some (American or Dutch) secret service employees might know a bit more on this and I hope that they will tell some day to the public.
But for some (or more) reasons it is a policy to tell the public as little as possible, this is called the Patriot act invented by the smart White House. Why all that secrecy? Does that really help ongoing investigations? Do you believe that?


End of the mustard gas joke, we proceed with nr 30 on the statistics arising from the Islamabad audio tape. That is written partly in Dutch but the statistical reasoning is in plain and simple English. Read it and do your thinking and shoot some Dutch secret service employees in the arse later please.


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