(22 April 2022) To be honest I do not have
much to say today. Of course I could comment on a thousand things
but I don't feel like it. The spring has started and I am feeling
Also I must clean up this homepage, because I
did so many updates it is far too long already so better first
clean that up and move on. So I scrolled down to see what had to
be placed in the archives in order to free up a lot of space
And I saw that funny infinitely long list
again that has all kinds of counter examples to the last theorem
of Pierre de Fermat and remove that because after all who is
reading those archive files anyway?
So we are going to recycle that old update
from 01 Oct 2021 so I have an excuse to repost that funny picture.
That is today's item:
Item 1) Reposting the infinite long list of
counter examples to FLT.
Item 1) Reposting the
infinite long list of counter examples to FLT.
This math was a bit around that modular
arithmetic where we do the things modulo pq where p
and q are two prime numbers. Those expressions you see
below always are periodic, so you must not think that each
expression is an infinite list.
The list might be infinitely long but each of
the entries on that list contribute only a finite number of
counter examples. For example in the first entry it reads that:
2^n + 3^n = 5^n mod 6.
But 5^6 = 1 mod 6 so the 'exponential orbit'
as I name it has a period of 6. A cute math fact of this long list
is that the exponential orbits of 2 and 3 never go through one
while their sum 2 ^5 does go through one. That property goes for
all entries on this list

In case you like the kind of math with
integers, may be you want to read my third oversight of possible
counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat:
Oversight of all counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de
Fermat, Part 3.
Ok, that was it for this update. Hopefully I
have cleaned this page a bit up the next time you visit. Thanks
for your attention and see you around.
(20 April 2022) First a few words on military
expansion. Just this week I heard some good explanation as why the
Ukrainian forces hold up against Russians so good. Of course there
are many reasons for this but Ukraine had a conscript system for
their army and everybody had to serve inside those contested
regions. So most Ukrainian conscripts already had a good idea of
how the Russians fight.
All those conscripts serve as 'seeds' so to
say now the Ukrainian army had to expand that fast in the present
situation. Back in the time before WWII, at some point the Germans
were allowed to have an army of just one hundred thousand soldiers
or so. They did it differently; most military personnel could
serve up to three higher ranks. So any soldier could also function
as a sergeant or sergeant-major. If you have that build in, it is
possible to expand the military big time.
About that sunken local flagship the Moskva I
don't have much to say. I welcome the official explanation by the
Russians that it was a fire that caused a few ammunition to
explode. Later due to rough sees it regrettably sank...
Since there still is the possibility that
about 400 Russian sailors also sank to the bottom of the sea, I
will not make jokes about it today. The Russian society gets more
emotional by the day with weird reports like moms disowning their
sons or Russians that no longer want to talk with people they know
from outside Russia.
So it still has to sink in that they were the
ones who started this war of aggression, well only time will tell
how that evolves further. Don't these weirdo's not see pictures of
say Mariupol and think this is all normal?
No jokes or stuff that hurts the feelings of
our beloved Russians, only a small picture of those stormy
conditions. I made the screenshot from a CNN video but did not
save the link. Experts say this is likely the Moskva. It is a bit
hard to say but we are looking at the back of the ship I think and
that is why you do not see those characteristic cruse missile
launchers because that is behind the smoke. Click on the picture
for a larger version but the screenshot was grainy to begin with
so the larger version is also not 100% instantly clear it is the

The reason for this update is that you often
hear that when we apply an oil and gas embargo to Russia, within a
few weeks they will run out of money. I understand the emotion and
hope that this would be a short cut to end it all but sorry I have
to throw a bit of cold water on it. So that is our item for
Item 1) Will an oil & gas embargo against
Russia end the war in say 10 weeks?
Item 1) Will an oil &
gas embargo against Russia end the war in say 10 weeks?
No it won't do the magic trick. It might be
true that the income of the Russian government is say 50 to 50%
from selling oil and gas. It might also be true that they don't
have access to their oversees Central Bank reserves held by other
financial institutions. But it won't do the trick.
How do I know that? Well I tried it myself
and it did not work back in 2007 or so.
From 2004 I started studying how the
financial system works and believe me it takes a long time before
you get some comprehension of it all. Anyway my plan was simple in
November 2007: I activate once more the NightmareOnWallStreet and
after that I hunt it down until the US military is out of
That was the plan so I activated my second
NightmareOnWallStreet. At the time the DOW JONES was at a record
level, something like 14 thousand or so. Anyway it was only
waiting and in the meantime I filled the html pages of my
activation with cute financial information.
At present day this is known as the financial
crisis. Now did the financial crisis lead to a 100% suppression of
US military funding? Nope.
At one point in time the the US president of
those days, the Dubya, simply went to the US Federal Reserve and
he got a loan of one trillion US dollars because otherwise he no
longer would have an economy...
So my mistake, one of my biggest multi year
blunders by the way, was that I had not anticipated on this. I
mean that was a FUCKING TRILLION or one thousand billion
The political leaders that now ask for a fast
reduction of buying oil & gas make the same mistake as I made
in 2007: If all of a sudden Russia is without income from oil
& gas sales, their Central Bank will print the rubles that
Putin needs.
Of course putting Russia into a oil & gas
embargo is a significant step but it only will raise the inflation
inside Russia and that can take a few years as history shows from
similar examples...
That was it for this update.
(15 April 2022) That is a cute coincidence:
Just last week I remarked that it would be good if heavy long
distance artillery would go direction Ukraine and voila in the
latest military aid from the USA contains indeed better
For myself it becomes a bit confusing as what
'defensive weaponry' actually is. In the beginning it was clear:
the Ukrainians needed for example anti tank ammo because one way
or the other if your village or city is under attack you have the
right to self defense. And at the time I would consider long
distance artillery more as a offensive weapon. But for the country
as a whole I can agree this is more or less for defensive
The German Rheinmetal said they could deliver
tanks, it will take some time but anyway what's in the pipeline is
in the pipeline. There was also a short row about the detail that
the German president was not welcome for a visit to Kyiv. Oh oh, I
can understand the emotions from both sides. Yet in times like
this it is better to ignore all that emotional stuff and
concentrate more on that what is really significant.
Today the news came out that the Russian
local flagship had 'exploding ammo' caused by a fire. Anyway that
is what the Russians said. But the Russians say so much that can
be doubted. May be flight MH-17 fell from the skies because of bad
maintenance or whatever weird pipedream comes from that place. I
just learned the Moskva has now sunk, when I made the next picture
that was still unknown:

So for me it was funny that within the hour I
wrote that 'Go blup blup blup' text, the positive news of the
sinking was there...;)
Today's item is about the scale of stupidity
and a few details that are so mind bobbling stupid that you might
wonder 'Does this particular stupid thing fall from the scale of
Item 1) Bucha was an UK job & trenches
dug at Chernobyl; off the scale?
Item 1) Bucha was an
UK job & trenches dug at Chernobyl; off the scale?
The Youtube channel IEarlGrey tries to be a
bit more middle of the road kind of commenter on the war in
Ukraine. An sich this is not forbidden, on the contrary with all
news you must always wonder how much of it is true and what likely
I did stuff like this myself during the war
in Iraq. Beside the Pentagon tallies of dead and wounded I also
visited a lot of alternative websites where much larger numbers of
dead and wounded were reported. Anyway after a few months it
turned out that almost 100% of the time the Pentagon numbers were
the correct ones. And all those alternative websites were just
emotional weird stuff.
Well you can learn things from that, now I am
much faster at deciding what news to neglect and what to
But the IEarlGrey guy goes much to far when
he takes the words of Lukashenko for possibly true. President
Lukashenko is a guy with in my view rather limited cognitive
capabilities (that means he is a stupid person). So when he comes
up with weird stuff like Bucha was a UK job or that his pal Putin
started the war 'just in time' to avoid catastrophy, we are not
dealing with superb intel from professional intelligence agencies
but we are dealing with dumb and dumber.
Click on the picture for the video:

Video title: Bucha was "BRITISH JOB" Lukashenko claims. - Inside Russia Report
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKShu_yUjrM
The whole concept of the Belarus intel
agencies having supurb intel about Bucha being a UK job is so
stupid, I think that later in life IEarlGrey will still be stupid.
No, at present day Belarus is a joke of a country comparable to
say Spain at the end of the dictatorship of their Franko.
On the first day of the war in Ukarine the
Russians occupied Chernobyl. For the younger readers: Chernobyl is
home to one of the worst nuclear disasters in the last century. As
such the environment is heavily contaminated with all those nice
forms of radioactive shit there is.
Anyway already on the first day of the war
you could filter out that Russia was on a war mission that was
impossible. Securing Chernobyl was a way of avoiding a dirty bomb
that would supposedly be made by "Ukrainian
nationalists". Since that is not a realistic representation
of the Ukrainian government, at that point in time it was already
clear the Russians are fighting wind mills.
Now the Russian military has left the scene
of Chernobyl, it turned out they did not have stuff that measures
radioactivity. So Putin is planning his grand invasion of Ukraine
for years and years but the military forces that attacked
Chernobyl had no 300 US$ dosimeter for measuring radioactivity.
How stupid is that?
The dosimeters shown in the video cost only
300 US$, more advanced stuff goes for 700 or 800 dollar or euro so
how stupid is our Putin doing his planning?

If you want to buy one: http://ecotestshop.com/
If your political leaders are stupid to the
bone and rule a particular country for a long time, the whole
country gets more stupid on all kinds of levels. Below you see a
perfect example of how stupid the invading Russian military forces
actually are: Digging trenches and stuff like that in the
Chernobyl radioactive zone.

Video title: See footage of Russian trenches in radioactive area
That was it for this update. I wish the
Ukrainians luck when it comes to more advanced and efficient
strikes. All in all I am moderate positive on a good outcome for
Ukraine, after all it looks like they are the better fighters.
Till updates.
(08 April 2022) A short update mostly on
Alzheimer for a change. So that is today's item. Now last
Wednesday I was forgotten to explain why Lavrov is such an idiot
so lets do that first:
Russia called on the UN Security Council to
come together to condemn that fake stuff that NATO is doing in
Bucha. You know where all those dead civilians were found. Well a
couple of hours later (or may be sooner) that news with the
satellite images came out where it was demonstrated that those
dead bodies were lying there for a few weeks already.
At that point in time the brilliant Sergei
Lavrov should have come out stating that these satellite images
were computer generated images or CGI. Why didn't he do that? No
idea but it could very well be that Sergei does not know what CGI
Ok, lets go to our item on Alzheimer.
Item 1) A relatively good video: Is Dementia Inevitable?
Item 1) A relatively
good video: Is Dementia Inevitable?
A long time ago I came across the results of
some female researcher and she stated that she had mice in the laboratory
that all had Alzheimer and the brains of those mice were all
insulin resistant.
From that point on I considered Alzheier an
illness mostly caused by a shortage of energy in the brain. Over
the years I have found more and more evidence that supports this
hypothesis of mine. Others think that those plagues and tangled
stuff in the brain is a 'root cause' but I see that more as a
symptom of the energy shortage.
Now the brain is a rather complicated organ
and the initial energy shortage gives rise to all kinds of
symptoms like brain shrinkage and the building up of those plagues
that later become causes of further brain deterioration.
After all in a complex dynamical system like the brain cause and
effect can feed upon each other and even change role; what once
was a cause becomes an effect and vice versa.
Furthermore it is important to stress there
are many more factors involved like your genetic constitution,
smoking is of course a thing and even your food. Our governments
have promoted eating weird stuff for a long time. If you eat to
many carbs or even sugary stuff, insulin levels rise and all fat
burning stops. This simple mechanism is the main root of obesity:
Obese are not obese because they are lazy or eat too much. They
are obese because they cannot burn fat. And if you cannot burn fat
you get hungry fast and need another dose of perfect food like
For a short time I had obesity myself, but
that was about 30 kilo's ago and once you know why you get fat it
is not that difficult to keep the weight off. But if you follow
those stupid government advices and eat already bread in the
morning, after any weight loss you will do the yoyo thing and get
fat again.
So I know how it feels to have insulin
resistance: Even after a large meal your hunger never goes away.
And that is highly logical: if your body cells are immune to
insulin these body cells do not take up the glucose and have an
energy deficit just always.
The weird thing about the human brain is that
it can become insulin resistant itself without the rest of your
body being insulin resistant. I don't know why but it must have
something to do with the huge amount of energy your brain
Inside the human brain there are places where
even more energy is burned like in the hippocampus. The
hippocampus is one of those areas very heavy influenced by
Alzheimer. That is why I keep on thinking over the years that
energy is likely the main cause of the onset of Alzheimer.
In the video a graph is shown, it is a bit
vague what exactly those standard deviations are on the vertical
axis but it clearly shows that glucose uptake in the brain starts
becoming deficit about 15 years before you have the diagnosis of
Combined with the consumption of that healthy
whole wheat bread every morning at breakfast this keeps the brain
at an energy deficit all of the time. And, in my view anyway, this
is what results in that nasty condition known as Alzheimer
Click on the picture for a larger

The video itself does not mention at all that
Alzheimer is mostly an energy problem. For me that does not
matter, I am pretty used to the fact that my insights are never
followed. Anyway it is a good thing people like that trace
Hippocampal volume anyway and may in 500 years or so they will
conclude: You should not follow the food advices from the 20-th
Video title: Is Dementia Inevitable?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47V_7kPgAWI
Ok, that was it. Tomorrow we will try to get
more Russians in the place where they belong. Hey Putin how are
your central bank reserves doing & funny stuff like that.
Till updates.
(06 April 2022) The last days it is more and
more coming out how the Russian army has behaved in those occupied
territories around the Ukrainian capital. Every body is shouting
war crimes but because this war started without an official
declaration of war the whole enterprise is illegal to start
Of course all those executions and all those
stories of rape are war crimes. Yet in my view this is simply what
you get when you have a frustrated army given an impossible task
of 'fighting fascism'. In large part this is a moral problem
directly flowing from the Russian leadership. A guy like Putin
might be a skilled parasite, but do not expect some kind of moral
leadership from our presidential parasite...
Ok, I think the time has come for much more
heavy weaponry going to Ukraine. Good long distance artillery and
the likes. These are not offensive weapons of course, no they are
Special Defensive Weapons.
Two items for this update, in the second item
I included some relatively large image files. They are like 7 to 8
mega bytes or 4000x4000 pixels. Lets go:
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part 5 of 100
(Foreign reserves fun).
Item 2) The Bucha massacre, are conscripts the only cause?
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part
5 of 100 (Foreign reserves fun).
Hey Putin my perfect presidential parasite,
how is life going today? Today I heard that the evil Americans
have frozen the Russian central banks further. Until now it was
allowed on a case by case basis to use that for payment of Russian
Someone told me that in your mind the two
countries Ukraine and Russia are the same and I found that so
beautiful. You have a great mind so I did some thinking myself. Of
course I am not so good at thinking as you are, after all so many
people say you are some savvy guy while I suffer from all kinds of
mental handicaps.
But I did my thinking and I was in harmony
with the world because the next revelation came to my mind: If
Russia and Ukraine are the same, in that case it is logical that
their central banks are also the same.
So from that perspective, all those frozen
Russian foreign reserves could also go to the Ukrainian central
bank. After all you Putin had the perfect equation like in:
Russia = Ukraine, so
that in my view:
Russian Central Bank = Ukrainian Central Bank.
We will be glad to get all that money back to
you via the Ukrainian central bank. I hope my dear Putin, this is
fine by you. So Putin look me in the eyes and say "Thank
you!, thanks for returning our foreign central bank

Item 2) The Bucha massacre,
are conscripts the only cause?
In how far are those massacres in Bucha (and
likely a lot of other places) an exception? Paint me a cynical
person, I think that given the frustration the Russian military
must experience this is pretty standard normal
My own country has done similar stuff in for
example Indonesia. One of them is the so called Rawagede massacre
from just after world war 2. During the second world war Indonesia
was occupied by Japan and as such the Dutch colonial rulers were
driven out. The Dutch wanted it back, the army got mobilized and
both conscripts and professional soldiers were send over there to
take it back. The Indonesians wanted independence and as such the
Dutch army had an impossible task.
In the end we lost and they won because they
wanted independence
In the Rawagede massacre Dutch killed all
males from one village and for what? The Dutch were looking for
only one independence fighter, the villagers did not want to tell
anything and all Indonesian males got executed. It took over 40
years for the Dutch authorities to recognize that crimes were
So stuff like that takes a long long
Now to the recent Bucha massacres: Of course
the Russian army is frustrated because the last two decades they
had terrible political leadership. If your political leadership is
highly parasitic on the nation and care more about their half a
billion € super yachts and not that much in growing an economy
for the common good, this is what you get:
An army without good and secure communication
so you get that weird use of the Ukrainian phone network. An army
that 'secures' the Chernobyl site without cheap gadgets for
measuring radioactive radiation, as such they had a lot of
radiation sickness over there. And so on and so on, the list of
failures is very very long.
The use of conscript soldiers is worrisome
because a few months of military training is by far not enough.
And when attacked from all sides, such conscripts easily adapt by
making the war more ugly day by day. It soon becomes accepted to
kill just every one, or at least as much males as possible, so
once more it the Russian fm Sergei Lavrov says that only military
targets will get attacked with only precise weaponry he
demonstrates he is ripe for a mental institution.
But it was funny to observe the Russians
asking the UN Security Council for an emergency meeting because of
the 'provocation' done by NATO and the likes in Bucha. No no
Lavrov, economical and financial sanctions will only increase and
this on a multi decade time scale. Get used to it my dear mental
hospital patient...
Let me put in place a few

A somewhat modified version at a 2000x2000
pixel size is here.
Sorry, but for some strange reason I love all
that burned out Russian military hardware...;) So one more for the
fun of it:

The last two pictures took over one hour of
work to craft, these are png files because I gave them no
background. They are both 4000x4000 pixels in size and fall more
or less into the category of war art.
fighting fascism, 2band cube
fighting fascism, 3band cube
Here is how they look in a 450x450 pixel size
with a white background:


That was it for this extra update: More
economical & financial sanctions for the long run of this
conflict and more weaponry for the Ukrainians is what I hope for
this week.
So see you around.
(01 April 2022) Firstly I posted two new
entries on the other website. I won't copy and paste the links as
I usually do because they are so long but here are the two
Comparing the two sphere-cone
Last week I mentioned something as being the
Ukrainian equation. You can find that in the above post although
on the other website I do not name it the Ukrainian equation
because I would like to keep all politics out on that website
mostly about math.
Two videos on electrons and the still missing magnetic
The missing monopole video proofs once more
that physics professors are rightfully classified as some form of
math professor life. At best they are living fossils absolutely
not capable of adapting to other things. It contains all the usual
stuff like "If there was only one magnetic monopoles in an
entire galaxy that would be enough" and more of that weird
crap. Anyway it was a nice distraction to write that small
Gas. From today on according to Mr. Putin we
must pay in rubles and on top of that from today we have new
contracts! Weeks before the war started when Nord Stream 2 was
delivered I wrote an entry that if we put it in use we will likely
regret that in the future. It would only be waiting until Putin
would get some bowel winds again and voila for some weird reason
that gas would not be delivered.
The rest is known, NS2 got postponed and later
Now for these new contracts I do not think
such stuff is legal by any standard; you can't replace contracts
one sided with zero consideration for the old contracts. Beside
that by the sanctions it is forbidden for companies to do business
like that in rubles.
And once more I do not understand it.
Suppose a company wants to buy rubles with
euros and opens an account at a Russian bank. What is the
difference between paying euros to that bank compared to paying
these same euros to Gazprom? There is no difference beside the
legal point that under the sanctions this likely is not
Our item for today is an analysis from the US
and reported by CNN and others that Mr. Putin might be misinformed
by his military. I found a nice picture about that but I do not
know if the translation is correct and if it is from the recent
events and not something say from two years back. But it's funny
anyway, or may be it is tragic:

Picture source (at the end of the
Why Russia is INCAPABLE of Air Superiority in Ukraine
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpzUCSdxi7k
Item 1) US intel believes Putin is being misinformed by advisers.
Item 1) US intel believes Putin is being misinformed by advisers.
The last weeks we have been seen all kinds of
weird stuff like that long table that makes you wonder what is
going on over there. Remember for example that Putin once said
that no conscripts are used. Could it fucking be that he believed
this himself?
And remember that imbecile Lavrov saying that
only precision ammo would be used against only military targets.
Below you can see a before/after picture of Mariopol that clearly
demonstrates that if there is one person ripe for a mental
institution, it is Lavrov.
The Russians have been upgrading their
military by about 10 years. And now we get this? This is a
shitshow on so many levels. Take for example all those unsecured
communications that are intercepted. Russian soldiers walking
around with Chinese walki talkies and stuff like that. If you take
a full decade to prepare for an event like this while upgrading
your military, this is a total shitshow.
Click on the picture for the CNN video:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh7zK9DZ6IQ
I agree in large lines with this US analysis.
But if true it also makes we wonder how long this already is going
on. Stuff like secure communications should have been handled
years ago. But there are hundreds of other weird stuff
And that accumulates into crazy pictures like
from Mariopol, or must I write that as Mariupol? Anyway, this
clearly demonstrates that Lavrov is one hundred % ripe for a
mental institution:

Oh yes that was also weird news: The Kremlin
said that in order to gain some trust there would some significant
reduction in military activity around the capital. With a soft
smile on my face I can only advice the Ukrainian forces to keep on
killing Russian soldiers.
That was it for this update.
(25 March 2022) First two pieces of weird
1) In the UK there were people relying on
food banks that turned down the offer for potatoes because they
could not pay for the gas to cook them on... Wow, that is weird.
Over there they brag they are not dependent on Russian gas and
together with all those Brexit opportunities they would have
stinking low gas prices by now.
Anyway I am lucky when it comes to the gas bill; my gas prices are
locked in till end 2025. The other weird news is:
2) I observed Putin stating that gas to so
called unfriendly nations should be paid in rubles. And I did not
understand that, why would that matter? It should make no
difference if EU energy companies first buy rubles and the bill in
rubles or that it is paid in € or US$ and the Russians buy
rubles themselves...
As a matter of fact, it would be better for Russia not to get paid
in rubles because in that way they can use the foreign money at
their tactical advantage like every Monday morning. Propping up
you local currency with foreign reserves works best every Monday
morning and if needed some more flexible stuff in the rest of
every week.
So what is going on with this weird proposal
of paying in rubles? Beside that how is this related to the
content of the gas delivery contracts? I do not know much legal
stuff but if in those contracts it says payments are in €, is a
payment in ruble even legal?
I have no idea, so far for this weird
Before we go to the only item of this update,
I want to stand still at why we are doing all this stuff like
economical and financial sanctions on Russia. Ok the strategy is
to lower the Russian economical output so they cannot hold up this
kind of military.
We simply have far to much of stuff like the
girl below. Only 15 years of age and one of her legs amputated
because the Russian army is supposed to liberate Ukraine from the
Nazi regime.

Video title: Heartbreaking images show wounded children in Ukraine hospital.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUnXpOUYZ54
After having said that, lets go to today's
Item 1) Torture for Russian soldiers: Math
theorems without drinking Vodka!
Item 1) Torture for
Russian soldiers: Math theorems without drinking Vodka!
How do you get 50 Italians on the back seat
of a Fiat Panda?
Very simple: First you lay a one € coin on the back seat.
After that you hang up a sign that reads:
Borrow one € at a 0% interest rate.
How do you get 500 Italians on the back seat
of a Fiat Panda?
Very simple: First you lay a two € coin on the back seat.
After that you hang up a sign that reads:
Borrow two € at a minus 10% interest rate.
But serious: I am against governments telling
companies what to do. Ok, we all need some rules and regulations
but going away from Russia is a noble goal right now.
Just like it is important that also Russian
naval vessels gets destroyed.

Video title: Russian military ship destroyed in Berdyansk, Ukrainian Navy claims
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep-sWkbPNwk
Of course this is good news, the Russians
simply cannot rebuild a ship like this without modern
In the last month I only wrote one new math
post that I will publish on a short notice. This is a reduction of
about 50% of my normal mathematical output and I blame Russia for
that. So lets destroy at least 50% of the Russian economical
output using the cognitive parts of our human brains.

That was it for this update in this weird new
Till updates.
(20 March 2022) It is late at night so why
not post a small update. I originally planned to finish a new math
post but that is almost finished so I feel more like writing a few
Special Irritation Operations...
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part
3 of 100 (new crew on the ISS).
Item 2) Special Irritation Operation Part
4 of 100 (train wagon with body bags).
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part
3 of 100 (new crew on the ISS).
It is important to remark that in general astronauts
or cosmonauts are not allowed to make political statements. That
is logical because often political statements can lead to
emotional reactions in those who hear them. For example it would
be weird if an American astronaut would advertise voting for
donald trump because democrats are stupid anyway. That is not very
A few days back it was in the news that the
International Space Station could eventually crash in Europe. That
was a remark that was far too emotional. And if you constantly
react on the emotional level as a small child, you ain't gonna win
this war this so called Special Military Operation.
Anyway it seems that the crews are allowed to
choose their own outfit while serving on the ISS. So my dear
Russians what you see is absolutely not a political statement
because that is not allowed.

(Click on the picture if you want a larger
Like said before: Just be creative. Ok, not
every body is in a position to engage in this war but sometimes
you are like when it comes to the economical sanctions and
destruction of the value of the ruble. Just be creative...
Ok, lets hope this is irritating enough...
Video title: Russian cosmonauts board ISS wearing colours of Ukraine flag
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xalv7PYX-14
Item 2) Special Irritation Operation Part
4 of 100 (train wagon with body bags).
It was rumored that an entire battalion was
killed. I didn't check the details but if correct this is only the
first battalion to be wiped from the face of the earth.
Without doubt more will come soon because
only now the arrival of weaponry has gained more momentum. If my
memory still works I remember Putin stating that conscripts would
not be used in military operations. And that other shithole Lavrov
stating that "Only military targets will be attacked by precision
Well my dear duo of shitholes, here are some
cute bodybags likely filled mostly with dead

The beautiful and perfect irritation lies in
the fact that the above are only whole bodies. So all those loose
body parts like arms, hands or bowels blown out are not
Don't forget: If all info is more or less
correct, this is only the first battalion!
Video title: 'These Are Relatively Whole Bodies': The Aftermath Of Russia's Battle For Voznesensk.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_84Vm4nG7lU
Ok, that was it for this short
(18 March 2022) There was funny news like
insurance company Lloyds 'decertifying' those half a billion €
super yachts. As such these yachts loose their insurance and they
will run into similar problems as you when you drive your car
uninsured trying to pass a police checkpoint...
Sad news was of course that bombing of a
theatre with something like 1200 civilians inside. Of course the
Russians are denying they did it or will claim the Ukranians did
it themselves or you get that stuff again like it was a base of
military radicals just like with that children's ward..
Every body is fighting evil; the Russians
fight the nazi drug using regime. The Ukrainians fighting the
invaders and so on and so on. So how do stories like a children's
ward being a base of radical militants come to life? Very simple:
Likely there were a few guards outside that
children's ward, the Russians spot it and they see evil and as
such decide to attack those military radicals. As a result 3 to 4
people lost their lives and that is a point of interest: The
Ukrainians try to give realistic information, they could easily
have said there were 30 to 40 people dead and most people would
believe that. Of course the war isn't over by far but often that
party of the conflict that tells the most incorrect info will
eventually loose it.
I came across a new estimate of Russian
military death toll thus far. For the time being I skip the
estimates from the Ukrainians and settle for some Pentagon tally
published by the New York Times. It is surprisingly high at 7000
and it could very well be a more or less accurate

Screen shot from an MSNBC video with the
title: Rising Russian Troop Deaths Take Toll On Morale.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqLu_MNGYW4
The ruble recovered a lot this week. It is
hard to estimate how much foreign reserves this has cost but it is
as expensive a guarding a currency peg so that looks like a good
way of sapping Russian foreign reserves further.
Today we have two items:
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part
2 of 100.
Item 2) Dr. Becky on one of the first James Webb telescope images.
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part
of 100.
In the first place this is a joke: I will not
write one hundred of these irritating things but until I get bored
from them why not write a few more.
I have selected the famous "Go fuck
yourself" against that Russian warship. It seems to be quite
a thing on social media, I don't know because I hardly use social
Later it was claimed that this Russian
warship was lured to the coast and got under fire from short range
artillery. But later again photo's dived up from that same boat so
it is unknown if that ship was hit or not.
Anyway it seems that Russia has only three of these kind of
warships so if they all three can be taken out and sunk to the
place where they belong, that would be a good thing.
So this second irritation operation is
relatively mild: I did not include a screenshot from the video
where they claim to have hit this particular vessel but instead a
cute screenshot of a Russian armoured vehicle that was shot at
with the right kind of ammo.

Those Ukrainians are so cruel: Those Russian
sailors on that warship do not have anal lubricants for males.
That comes not in their daily rations like those lovely meals
ready to eat. And using grease for the motor is bad for your
health because it is rather toxic. What are these sailors supposed
to do?
Answer: Of course they must say "Blub
blub blub" and sink to the bottom of the sea...
Item 2) Dr. Becky on
one of the first James Webb telescope images.
If you get tired from the war you better do
some other stuff and not follow the news all day long. I too
consume too much war news but I won't get it go too far.
Anyway, over on Youtube dr. Becky has a nice
channel upon astronomy and of course I like astronomy a lot
because after all the moon is a perfect space for say Russians to
According to dr. Becky what you see in the
picture (that one star) are about one hundred times fainter than
what your eyes can see. That sounds a bit confusing to me: that
James Webb telescope has a huge mirror so it takes in a lot of
photons otherwise you cannot reconstruct such a picture as below.
So likely she means the wavelength of the photons; the individual
photons have 100 times less energy as the minimum photon that can
activate our eye cells for human vision.
I am glad that this 10 billion US$ telescope
seems to be working ok.
Click on the picture for the video & the relevant links in
case you are interested.

Video title: The James Webb Space Telescope mirrors are aligned! LIVE
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nOX66G5q9E
End of item 2).

At the end of this update I want to remark
once more that the economical sanctions must be heavy and harsh.
Only that will cripple the long term military capabilities of the
Russian military forces.
So be creative. For example evading the SWIFT
messaging telex system between banks is not that hard if some
payment has to go through only one or two banks. Some people claim
all you need is a phone or an email and a Russian bank can easily
open a bank account at a foreign bank. Stuff like this can easily
be countered by stating for example: "Ooh you want to open a
bank account here? Well you are a bank yourself so you should
message us via the SWIFT telex system. If not, you cannot open
your bank account here. And by the way: Why not go home and fuck
Ok, may be this is a good time to split.
Think well my dear reader & don't forget to destroy the
Russian economy while we can. Till updates.
(16 March 2022) For a long long time I only
posted updates on Thursday but because I actually posted it after
midnight those all bear the dates of Fridays. Precisely three
weeks ago when I realized that Putin was no longer a rational
actor, I wrote that update like "Has the Vlad gone
Anyway at latest I posted it on 02.00 hours local time, in Ukraine
time that would be 03.00 hours and a few hours later the first
Russian soldiers crossed the border with Ukraine. The rest is
I don't care about the specifics of Putin
being crazy or at least has lost contact with reality. But
even a guy like Lavrov who he must known for years and years must
stay at a distance.

It makes you wonder where this particular
room is. My guesstimate is that it is in a bunker relatively deep
underground. Of course I have no proof for that, but look at this
picture: Putin has gone weird, very weird to say the
Item 1) Special Irritation Operation Part 1
of 100.
Item 1) Special
Irritation Operation Part 1 of 100.
Every day the other European nations watch at
how the Russian army performs in Ukraine. A lot of stuff is
totally weird like the lack of air power the Russians have. And
why do those relatively cheap drones (they seem to cost 1 to 2
million apart from the ammo) have a relative big success?
It all baffles the mind, after all every year
we got videos from Russia about their upgrading of the military
forces and now we have this. A possible explanation is that all in
all Russia is a corrupt country, that is why you have all those
half a billion € yachts floating around while the average
Russian GDP per capita citizen is only 10 thousand € per year.
That is not an economy, that is a joke.
It makes you wonder: Is their nuclear arsenal
in a similar shape?
Anyway, I love those videos where those
Turkish drones zoom and lock in a target and BOOM there goes that
Russian target. It is very uplifting to see so I hope there will
be plenty of military hardware delivered to Ukraine so they can
stage complicated and beautiful attacks...;)
Click on the picture for the video:

Video title: Effectiveness Of Ukraine's Drones Against Russian Forces Following Successful Attack Overnight.
Link used:
I wonder if this update is irritating enough
for the Russians. Hey Russians how are you doing tonight? Hey
three weeks back just a few hours before the war started I posted
this funny title for my update:

Ok, lets leave it with that. Till updates my
dear reader.
(11 March 2022) Ok, you can't cram 100 things
in one update. But I would like to remark that Russian death toll
in Ukraine could be as high as 6000 right now. That is blistering
much if later more or less confirmed. A lot of countries try to
bring down their dependence on Russian energy sources; the EU is
rather ambitious with trying to reduce Russian gas next winter to
only one third of the present volumes. A children's hospital came
under attack and of course because it is war there were
accusations of that hospital being a base for radical fighters.
I want to keep all madness out, so I will not
comment on the likelihood of 'radical fighters' using a hospital
as a base of operations. Nor again talking on those crazy
narratives by the Russians that the Ukrainian government are drug
using nazi's. It has only to be remarked that this crazy narrative
is a clear cut proof that Putin himself has gone crazy or at least
has a mental thing or two.
Today I want to take a look at the value of
the Russian Ruble and a video from CNN with a former Russian
foreign minister. So lets go:
Item 1) The adventures of the Ruble thus far.
Item 2) Is Putin in the classic dictator trap? Does he have a
mental thing?
Item 1) The
adventures of the Ruble thus far.
If a central bank has to defend the value of
the local currency, they need foreign reserves for that. With the
foreign reserves they buy the local currency so that it's relative
value to other currencies gets higher.
Because the Russian central bank assets are
frozen, they often can't do that. Or not in a significant manner.
Of course there are now all kinds of capital controls in place for
companies that trade with other nations must change 80% of foreign
currency into Rubles. But as the sanctions get more and more heavy
the less foreign currency will flow to Russia anyway.
So raising the interest rate to 20% is an
interesting move, but that in itself is not a direct method of
supporting the Ruble. Yesterday and today I made a screenshot,
right now it is at about 150 Rubles for one Euro and my
expectation is it will decline further and further.
Click on the picture for a larger version
(1500x2500 pixels):

I juiced the picture a bit up with a photo
from that air attack on a column of Russian tanks going into Kyiv.
Video's like that are always big fun to watch.
Anyway, the €/Ruble pair has already hit
170 a short time back so lets hope for the best but my expectation
is a long path of decline. I have no idea where the bottom will
Item 2) Is Putin in
the classic dictator trap? Does he have a mental thing?
When it comes to war or now we have this
weird 'Special military operation' it is very often the case that
a lot of false information is there. Or false beliefs and
The last war or political action that my own
country did was after world war II when we tried to get Indonesia
back. Of course there was that underlying stream of racism like
'How can those people govern themselves?' But a main thing was
that the Dutch were afraid of an economical collapse. It was
phrased as 'Indie verloren, rampspoed geboren' what means like
Indonsia lost, disaster will be here.
These were all false assumptions, of course there were more
reasons as why we lost that war like international pressure from
the USA but the false assumptions did of course play an important
Gulf War I: The USA senate or a committee
thereof was told Iraqi soldiers removed babies from couveuses so
they could bring those life saving devices back to Iraq. It was
just a detail, totally false and fabricated, but soon thereafter
the USA senate gave permission to start Gulf War I.
Gulf War II: People of my age likely remember
that now infamous presentation of Colin Powell to the United
Nations Assembly. I wanted to see that very much and I even stayed
at home for that. It was a very good presentation, even I bought
Now we know there were no weapons of mass destruction at all in
So war and disinformation feed on each other.
When it comes to the present weird stuff of a
nazi regime in Ukraine, nonsense like that has lead to the present
troubles. Because it is clearly nonsense you might wonder if
Vladimir Putin has mental problems in any shape or form. I think
he has.
The way it goes over there is not mentally
very fresh or so:

Another Russian weirdo is Sergei Lavrov, he
is the foreign minister to Russia. He is very good at his job and
with great skill he always defends the Russian position no matter
In the previous update I mentioned that
shithole Lavrov said that the Russian military only strikes at
military targets with precision weapons only. Of course in
practice that is not how wars are fought let alone a bunch of
Russian military with lots of cannons will do it. Try to explain
that to shithead Lavrov...
Today I observed the Vlad stating that only
professional soldiers and no conscripts take place in actual
fighting. As far as I know the Russian military has about 80% of
conscripts in its ranks. So conscripts not fighting points once
more to Vladimir Putin having serious mental problems.
The next video is rather interesting, CNN
interviews a former Russian foreign minister. At the time shithole
Lavrov was his deputy...
It is unbelievable but it looks true:

Video title: Kremlin Vet: They’ll Overthrow Putin Before Giving Him ‘Bad News’ About Russian Setbacks In Ukraine.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MgZQOkP1yM
Ok, that was it for this update. Till
(07 March 2022) Back on 25 Feb I noticed the
former Russian prez Medvedev saying stuff like "We will make
gas prices two thousand Euro!". It seems that this is a
measure per 1000 cubic meters, so Medvedev threatened us with
prices of 2 Euro per cubic meter.
(Often gas prices are done in the energy content like the price
per mega Joule or more likely per mega calorie. But you gas meter
at home can only measure how much cubic meter gas you take in and
on your yearly final calculation there is where the calorie
settlement sets in.)
Anyway it is clear that for the time being we
still need the gas and oil from Russia but at the same time they
use that money to fund the war effort and that is not a desirable
situation. Is it possible to slam tariffs on all Russian oil and
gas? I do not know if that is possible just like I did not know if
Russian central bank assets could be frozen or confiscated.
It should not be that hard but I have never
traded gas or oil so a lot of the detail are unknown to me. The
basic idea is that all payments go via a new entity say the SOF
(Special Oil Facility) and Russia gets only paid after the actual
delivery of the gas or oil. They will get only half the market
price to one third of the market price. That would mean tariffs in
the range of 50 to 67% on all sold gas or oil.
In this way all buyers still pay normal
market prices while Russia gets only a fraction of what they
should have gotten else. The combined tariffs can later be used
for the rebuilding of Ukraine.
In case Russia starts deploying chemical
weaponry in Ukraine, the money can be needed to get more and more
military hardware to Ukraine.
It is just a proposal and to be honest I have
never worked in an oil and gas trade environment so I do not know
how this should be implemented in detail. But one way or the other
we must prevent Russia being able to fund the war in
After having said that, our item today is a
bit of fun around the penis of Putin.
Item 1) Someone send me an email with Putin
and his new girlfriend...
Item 1) Someone send
me an email with Putin and his new girlfriend...
Since Putin keeps on rambling about nazi's
that apparently run the Ukrainian government, in my view he has at
least a mental thing going on. At worst he has some form of some
mental illness that will get worse over time.
Could it be early onset of Alzheimer? No
Could it be advanced paranoia? No idea.
But with his new girlfriend all of a sudden
he looks much younger so may be there is a tiny shiver of hope he
will not get one hundred percent crazy. I have been told this is a
classic Russian beauty:

At first I thought "So what?" but
then I received another email explaining that although she looks
like a classic Russian beauty, females like this are also a backup
house heating system...
Females that are a backup house heating
system? It sounds crazy but Russia is a very cold country and
evolution is a powerful force in nature. If all of your females
are also a back up house warming unit, in the cold environment of
Russia that is what females like that give a survival
But back to Putin now we know he is crazy. If
he has Alzheimer he could also have erection dysfunction and that
dysfunctional penis could lead to much more anger and frustration
on behalf of Putin and before you know it we have a nuclear war.
So we must help Putin to put it in and why
not a rubber penis? In that way he can have plenty of sex with his
new girlfriend, that classic Russian beauty, and we will have no
nuclear war at all but only peace in our time.

Yes Putin, I know it is not the real deal but
it is better compared to what you have right now between your legs
and on top of that your new girlfriend will love it big time. Just
give it a try and you will see that your new girlfriend is not
only a backup system for heating just one family house but she can
heat the entire Kremlin!
This is an amazing world we live in, that is
for sure!
So Putin, now you know how to put in the
stuff I want to show you a good joke.
It is called Gross Domestic Product per capita citizen and the
data are from the World Bank. It says Russian GDP per capita is
about five times as small as in our country.

Click on the picture for a larger graph. The
Russian economy is about 10 thousand US$ per Russian citizen. Of
course that is not a real economy my dear Putin, that is a joke of
an economy of course.
Why would Russia need a Central Bank with
such a joke of an economy?
Come on Putin, with an economy like that all you need is a part
time accountant that works for 3 to 4 hours a week to keep track
of the statistics of your 'economy'.
Hey Putin, I have a brilliant idea! We simply
keep those central bank reserves so you do not have to think about
how to use them and in return we give you a free copy of a very
advanced computer program known as Excel. It is a so called spread
sheet program and you can use that for all kinds of complicated
calculations like 1 + 1 = 2.
So Vladimir, deal or no deal? You get a free
copy of Excel while we use those stupid Russian central bank
reserves and you no longer have to worry what to do with that
On top of that we give you big dildo for your strapon so you can
have sex with your new girlfriend that is also a backup heating
system for the entire Kremlin!
May be it is time to split. So my dear reader
see you in the next update.
(04 March 2022) Ok, the economical sanctions
against Russia are on their way and I am impressed by the scope
and depth of them. The Russian stock market is still closed, why
they are so coward on that tiny detail is unknown to me. After all
the wise and smart leader Vladimir Putin has spend years to make
the economy sanction proof. For example they hoarded billion in
central bank reserves and because the Putin is so smart those
reserves are now frozen for a fucking long time...
Last week I planned a math update for last
Thursday but on Tuesday evening I came across that weird video
from that idiot Putin and I understood instantly the guy had gone
bonkers big time. So lets look into that in the first item and try
to do a bit of math in the second item.
Item 1) On the Ukrainian equation & the
deteriorating mind of Vladimir Putin.
Item 2) A new de Moivre identity.
Item 1) On the
Ukrainian equation & the deteriorating mind of Vladimir Putin.
Last week I classified Putin as mentally ill.
But it is not a medical condition although early onset of stuff
like Alzheimer cannot be excluded. Compare Putin to say donald
trump; in my view if you take a brain scan of the donald rather
soon you will find the spot or spots where there is clearly a
difference from the average person.
With Putin this might not be the case but if you see how the
invasion of Ukraine is executed and what the motivation is (denazify
and demilitarize) you understand there is clearly a mental
thing going on.
Today I observed a former female prez to Luthania or so and she
formulated it as a form of deteriorating mindset. May be that is a
better way of saying what is wrong with him.
In another development I did see some video's
with captured Russian soldiers who indeed all said they had no
idea they would be send to war in Ukraine. At best they knew they
would go on a peace mission. One of them said: This is not at all
like it was shown on television. That is in line with what we
know from Russian television: it has all kinds of narratives that
are kinda weird like nazi's in the Ukrainian governemnt.
My point is those prisoners should not be open on such video's, at
least their faces should be blurred. It is more or less illegal to
treat them this way, beside that it you can recognize them from
video later they could be prosecuted in Russia and locked up for
many years. The BBC does it correct with blurred faces...
The next kind of photo's will likely become a
future icon like for example the "Road of death" related
to the first war against Iraq from 1991. Like sitting ducks it is
about 65 kilometer of armored vehicles that do not move day in day
I have never seen weird stuff like that:

I had to cut the picture in two halfs because
it was to wide.

It is a pity that NATO air power cannot take
a hit at that long column...
A lot of Ukrainian people are angry because
there is no declaration of a no fly zone. I understand that if you
do not know much about military matters you get angry. But
declaring a no fly zone could lead to a spillover of the war to
other countries or the entire block of NATO members and as such
likely it will become a nuclear war.
That is not desirable, of course we will help
the Ukrainian people with killing thousands and thousands more of
those Russian military guys.
At last my Youtube channel today spontaneously
jumped to an interview with the Russian foreign minister Lavrov. I
would never waste 50 minutes of my time on that worthless idiot
but there he was doing his usual retarded form of logical

And the idiot and imbecile repeated that Russian
forces were instructed to attack only military targets with precision
weaponry. Lavrov is such an idiot I am not going to waste my time
on him. Sky news had a video about those "military
targets" and the "precision weaponry" used...
Video title: Ukraine invasion: Drone footage shows devastation in Borodyanka
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EGCRkI2R-k
Item 2) A new de
Moivre identity.
Last month on the other website I posted two
posts about how math professors are just not capable of doing math
with complex numbers in dimensions higher than 2.
Even for something as simple as finding the
complex conjugate they are just too fucking stoopid to generate
any significant results.
When back in 1990 I found the 3D complex
numbers, very soon I had figured out how to find conjugates the
way they were supposed to be.
Now 32 years later, the weirdo's known as the
professional math professors are still doing it wrong. The idiots
and imbeciles still think it is just a flip in the real axis. And
as such they make no progress at all decade in decade out, century
in century out.
But if you do it properly, you can find
exponential circles and curves into higher dimensional spaces and
with that comes the perfect fruit of new de Moivre identities.
In math right now there is only one de Moivre
identity in use. May be you have used it yourself because it is a
very handy way to reconstruct what for example cos(2t) or
sin(2t) is expressed in the elementary functions cos(t)
and sin(t).
In the space of three dimensional circular
numbers we have the next new de Moivre identity:

So just like finding what cos(2t) is with the
old de Moivre identity, the above shows the same stuff for the
three dimensional circular numbers.
Let me close this long update with a
numerical example that they actually work:

So for those interested in math that is
avoided by overpaid math professors, here are the two posts from
last month from before the new war:
Post 1: Once
more: The sphere-cone equation. Link used:
Post 2: Addendum to the previous post: The new de Moivre identity for the 3D circular numbers + 2
videos. Link used:
Ok, that was it for this update. Work well
and kill well. Till next update.
(01 March 2022) That freezing of the Russian
central bank assets was a brilliant idea! I had only thought of
may be it is possible to exclude Russia from all gold transactions
(because they have large gold reserves too). So that was a smart
and good move: The Russian central bank could not as normal defend
the ruble value with it's reserves but had to raise rates from
9.5% to a whopping 20%.
The ruble plunged 20 to 30% today but don't
forget: It needs to plunge much much further preferably until we
have an exchange rate of say one thousand ruble against one dollar
or one euro... We'll keep an eye on that interesting detail.
In another more Germany has raised it's
military budget by 100 billion €. I have been asking for stuff
like that for about 15+ years now I estimate. I am not frustrated
at all by the slow progress, it is easy to understand why a lot of
Germans do feel rather unease about that. I am not a war mongerer
but too low military budgets only attract other armies as Napoleon
once more or less mentioned. Anyway it is a good thing this is
done so I want to thank Germany for that.
I would like this update as short as possible
so here we go with two video's from CNN:
Item 1) WTF is going on in the Russian army?
Item 1) WTF is going
on in the Russian army?
A lot of military analysts express amazement
by the slow advancements of the Russian army. I am not a military
analyst but I am amazed too. Now lately we have observed that
Putin has gone bonkers and some people argue that Putin might do
his calculations but that they are inside a bubble not related to
reality or for that matter military reality.
It seems that since about 2014 the Russian
media push the narrative that NATO attacks the Russian speaking
minorities inside Ukraine and are causing genocide and stuff like
That is blatantly total nonsense, all these
years the death toll was only about 15 thousand and military
deliveries were always withheld in order to prevent stuff running
out of hand.
For example most of the Ukrainians do not
have good protective gear like helmets and advanced body armor. If
there was some kind of proxy war between the NATO and Russia via
Ukraine, of course we would have provided more body armor.
This is all so fucking stupid, it makes you wonder why the Russian
media do stuff like that.
For the time being it is important that NATO
forces stay outside of Ukraine. Luckily countries like Poland
volunteer to distribute anti-tank and anti-aircraft weaponry to
Ukraine. And let me state it once more: All those east European
countries that want to join NATO, in my view it is now ok to
After all we now have more clear insight in
how Putin is getting crazy and as such all promises made in the
past for not expanding eastwards are now zero and void.
I also observed some people stating that
Putin has fell into the classic dictator trap: His subordinates
cannot tell him he is wrong on just the smallest detail. Look at
this crazy video for more details on that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9A-u8EoWcI.
In my view the higher echelons of the Russian
army are not free thinkers. They must adhere to the weird and
crazy view from Putin that the Ukrainian government is a bunch of
drug using nazi's. So the poor Ukrainian people are under the whip
of drug users that support the nazi ideology...
So if the Russian army would invade Ukraine, without doubt those
poor people would welcome them with flowers and applause and of
course a lot of fresh pussy that would love to have sex with those
Russian war hero's.
In reality it all goes a bit different.
Ukrainians don't want to live in Russia and they are willing to
put up a fight. And that is what they do.
Didn't I say this update should be short?
Yes, so here come the cute video's.
In the first CNN video you see lovely carnage of a few Russian
It is claimed it was done with anti-tank ammo. Click on the
picture for the video:

Video title: CNN reporter discovers he is crouching by grenade while on air
Link used:
More of that lovely stuff is a video where a
column of Russian vehicles were attacked from the back (there is
lower armor at the back):

The second video from CNN is also very
interesting. They interview David Petraeus and that is my old
opponent from the war in Iraq. Now David was a formidable opponent
and he was really hard to crack back in those long lost years. But
he never was crazy like we now have with the Putin that clearly
has lost it in many ways.
Here is the video: Former CIA director: 'It’s going abysmally' for Putin
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux51JTprqq4
Ok, that was it for this update.
(27 Feb 2022) I never knew Putin could be
this funny: I saw him in a video urging the Ukrainian military to
throw over their own government. And once more that talk of the
Ukrainian government as being nazi's and drug users. It is hard to
say if these words were meant for the Ukrainian army (in that case
we have one more proof he has a serious mental illness) or that
these words are just for consumption inside Russia.
What the 'drug user' part is I do not know
but the nazi stuff is explained for the young people in the last
item of today.
About 50 minutes ago it came to my attention
that some Russian banks will be thrown out of the SWIFT messaging
bank service. That is great, just one day ago countries like Italy
were against it but I am glad that for the time being these
hurdles are taken. An important detail I never knew was that SWIFT
is just a messaging service, it is not an instrument for the
actual interbank payments. I guess this more or less means that if
Russian banks cannot use it, the obligation to say pay off loans
is still there. So all in all it might less of a disaster for the
EU banks compared to what I first thought of it.

Two items for today's update:
Item 1) Weapon deliveries at the Ukraine.
Item 2) What is a vodka drinker? What is a kleptocrat?
Item 1) Weapon
deliveries at the Ukraine.
Ok, Nord Stream 2 is now cancelled so that
strategy has blown up for Putin. Now an important strategic
objective from Russia is rather likely they will try to prevent
the expansion of NATO eastwards. If my memory works properly, the
Russians are in the right that in the past when the iron curtain
fell promises were made that NATO would not expand to the east.
But likely these were only verbal promises and they have never
materialized into treaties in a more formal manner.
Now it has become clear that Putin has gone crazy, I too consider
those old promises void and empty. So that is another strategic
setback for our lunatic Putin.
As far as I am concerned, these countries are
welcome inside NATO.
Today it became known that my country will
deliver 200 Stinger anti-aircraft rockets and on top of that
German made Panzerfaust anti-tank boom things. Both bring a broad
smile to my face. The Stinger makes me smile because hey we have
some MH17 stuff still outstanding with the Russians. The
Panzerfaust is funny because ammo like that dates back to World
War II so the Russians understand a bit what is coming their

I do not know if the Ukrainians are supposed
to pay for this. I hope they get it for free as a gift. In my view
we should keep on delivering weaponry to the Ukraine until at
least an estimated 10-fold of Russian military personel are killed
compared to the war act done against the MH17 back in the
Of course it is hard to say now how long the
Ukrainians can keep up the fight, but with some luck we could look
at a few thousand extra Russian military dead and wiped out via
for example life long handicaps, amputations and all those
niceties of warfare.
Item 2) What is a
vodka drinker? What is a kleptocrat?
When we hear somebody speaking about vodka
drinkers or a kleptocrat, we here in the Netherlands and other EU
countries instantly know that a vodka drinker is a Russian
alcoholic while a kleptocrat is a person near to Putin that
siphons money to outside Russia where it can be
But when Putin is speaking about the Ukraine
government as nazi´s, what does he mean with that? Stuff like
that goes back to WWII. When the nazi´s invaded Ukraine they were
welcomed very much. The Ukrainians were glad because they had
suffered millions of deaths because of Stalin and his perfect
insights. If you are young and never heard of the Ukrainian
famine, you should look it up on the internet. As a matter of fact
you can classify the Ukrainian famine as a genocide done on
purpose by the Russians.
By the way, I also found out what Puting
means with the present day ´genocide´ that according to his is
going on in Ukraine. That are the about 15 thousand deaths since
2014 when Putin confiscated the Crimea and as such started the
whole thing. And now he is blaming the nazi´s from the Ukrainian
government for that.
Didn´t I say it a couple of times in the
last five days: Putin clearly has gone mentally ill.
Ok, that was it for this update. I wish the
Ukrainian people luck in killing plenty of Russian slime. The
first kill is always the hardest, after that you simply are a
different person. But the Russians are there to destroy your
country, so they must be killed.
And NATO must be expanded, that must happen
At last a short message to that fabulous
leader Vladimir Putin:
Vladimir please look me in the eyes:

Answer the question Vladimir: Do you think I
will bow for you?
Ok, that was if for this third post in just
five days.
Thanks for your attention and please free your
mind from all that emotion. Think well and work well.
(25 Feb 2022) I think I must do something
that I do not like. But I want to apologize to the USA folks
because only last week I made a bit of fun over them when it came
to the Ukraine stuff. Ok, what they claimed did not come out
(Russia staging a fake terror attack in order to provoke an
invasion of Ukraine) but all explanations from the Russian side
are just plain crazy. So the assessment of the USA was better
compared to what I was thinking one week ago...
Before we dive into that, the Nord Stream 2
is now gone so that is a good thing. Now a lot of people will say
that is a bad thing but if Nord Stream 2 would have gone in work
it was only waiting until Putin would get emotional once more and
cut off the gas to Germany. Another hurdle is kicking Russia out
of the SWIFT international payment system. There are some
hesitations because European banks have something like 20 or 30
billion in loans outstanding and the payments of those loans go
via the SWIFT system. So kicking Russia out will hurt the banks on
that detail but there is also a bright side: These losses will
make the banks much more hesitant to make future loans on a
timescale of over one decade. And that is where I want the Russian
economy to be: Massive damage for over one decade, preferably two
But Russians can also be very funny: the
former prez Medvedev came out in an emotional way by stating that
Russia would charge 2000 for gas! I do not know in what currency
that was, is that like something of 20 Eurocent? Dumb idiot
Medvedev: If Russia is outside of SWIFT, how will you sell only
one cubic meter of gas?????
Item 1) Is Vladimir Putin mentally ill? Part
Item 1) Is Vladimir
Putin mentally ill? Part 2.
For me it is hard to react on what is stated
as possible explanations and/or motivations for the invasion of
Ukraine. For example the Putin speaks of genocide. Without doubt
murder rates in Ukraine are higher compared to the years previous
to 2014 but that is logical when there is a civil war stoked on by
Russia. But weapon deliveries to Ukraine have been sparse all
these years so that has prevented large scale genocide.
So Putin speaking about genocide is a thing
outside reality, that points to a deeper mental illness or at
least not being able to grasp what is going on.

Another very weird thing is that stating this
invasion is needed to demilitarize and to denazi Ukraine. Once
more: the Ukrainian nation is not a military threat to Russia and
what our shithole Putin means with nazi's is unknown to me. As far
as I know reality Ukraine is not a hotbed of nazi stuff.
Once more: Talk like this points to a severe
cognitive malfunction of those parts of Putins brain that are not
braindead right now. In my view this can be classified as being
mentally ill.

For some strange reason the Putin also warned
that "There will be consequences the world has never seen
before". With that he likely means the nuclear
In my view it is unwise to bring this subject
up. Now we are analyzing the mental state of Vladimir Putin and we
are more and more accepting he has gone bonkers and is just too
emotional. NATO no longer has an option of say throw the smallest
possible nuke in a remote corner of Siberia. The only option is
now a full blown nuclear assault concentrated on Moscow and make a
smoldering radioactive pile of rubble from that city...
So thank you Putin for pointing me to the way
you likely think: along lines that other people could classify as
being a mentally ill person.

So far for the SWIFT evolving situation in
the Ukraine. I am sorry for the banks that might loose some
billions, it is also important that neither the ECB or any
European government compensates for those bank losses because the
goal is now to utterly destroy the Russian economy.
Hey Putin you shithole: Do you think I will
bow for you?
Of course you think that, that is why I classify you as some
mentally ill person.
Ok, that was it for this update my dear
reader. Think well and work well and please do not let all those
emotions get a hold of you.
(23 Feb 2022) A short item upon the swift
evolving situation in the Ukraine.
Item 1) With Nord Stream 2 now gone, is
Vladimir Putin mentally ill?
Item 1) With Nord
Stream 2 now gone, is Vladimir Putin mentally ill?
A common trait of so called autocratic
leaders is that they hold on to power far longer than is good for
their country. They lack the insight that they are not so ultra
smart as the mirror tells them every morning. Some of those
leaders have a lot of crazy others are better in hiding it or
simply have much lower levels of being crazy.
All these years I never considered Vladimir
Putin a mentally ill person. I always operated from the hypothesis
that in the end he will take rational decisions. Ok, the Crimea
thing was a silly miscalculation on his behalf. The Vlad never
expected so much sanctions for such a small piece of land.
But now we have this weird speech out, I
still have to see it in it's entirety but it is filled with really
weird stuff. Did Vladimir Lenin create the Ukraine? I do not have
a clue about that but at present date, that is Feb 2022, the
Ukraine is a so called sovereign nation. As such it is rather
weird that the Vlad can 'recognize' so called peoples republics
inside Ukraine.
If Putin does not understand the concept of
sovereignty, in my view that is a clear sign he has lost it in a
fundamental way. You know a long time ago Belgium was a part of my
own country too. We have had a war with them and now they are
independent for say 1.5 centuries. One way or the other Belgium is
a sovereign nation, they might have a lot of problems inside that
were not solved at all by the war of independence but it is no
longer ours. So we cannot confiscate it entirely or only the Dutch
speaking parts of it.
The same goes for the Ukraine. For example
Russia has handed out hundreds of thousands of Russian passports
to the Russian speaking parts of the Ukraine. But that does not
make it a part of Russia. At best those people can travel easily
to Russia and build a better life under that perfect leadership of
Vladimir Putin.
Yesterday it was announced by Germany that
the Nord Stream 2 pipeline will be postponed indefinitely. Likely
one of the details that Putin did not expect, hey you imbecile: 10
billion € down the drain and you will be the laughing stock for
a generation to come.
But serious: I am in favor of kicking Russia
out of the SWIFT system plus of course tons of more sanctions. I
know it will cause a lot of economical damage here too but now
Putin is classified as a possible mentally ill person in the long
run it could be the best option we have.
Of course kicking Russia out of the SWIFT
system for international payment should only be done if there is
far to much military action in the Ukraine by Russia.
From a very weird but short video from the
Guardian I took the next screen shot of my beloved hero the Vlad:

Video title: 'Speak directly!': Putin has tense exchange with his chief spy.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9A-u8EoWcI
Oh yes Vladimir: I hope you understand I have
spoken directly and clearly. Bye bye Nord Stream 2 and that is
only the beginning. Or do you think I will bow for a piece of shit
like you are?
In that case you are seriously mentally ill.
End of this update. Think will & work
(18 Feb 2022) What a windy day today &
tomorrow a fresh storm will be there. Today via a gust of very
hard wind I was blown from one side of the bicycle path to the
other side and there was nothing I could do to stop that. This was
caused by a high rise flat near where I live and that flat is
curved and apparently under the right conditions that can make it
blow really hard. And it was fucking hard, I first had to walk say
20 meters before I could ride on... Anyway no one was hurt or so.
Today I have three video's that cover a wide
spectrum of human behavior. From weird diplomacy to a very
retarded Brexiteer and as vid number 3 a perfect experiment done
with water (water is an electric dipole, that is important here)
that once more shows that electrons cannot be tiny magnets. Lets
make 3 items out of the 3 video's:
Item 1) Could Russia trigger a fake terror
attack? Was 911 an inside job?
Item 2) The weird world of Michael Heaver: Plan To REJOIN EU Exposed.
Item 3) Thunderfoot debunks Vertitasium and helps debunking
electron magnetism.
Item 1) Could Russia
trigger a fake terror attack? Was 911 an inside job?
With bewilderment I was looking at the USA
envoy to the United Nations. He was explaining that Russia could
in an extreme case just fake a terror attack to justify an
invasion of the Ukraine...
In my view talk like that falls into the category of conspiracy
theories, just like those people that think that the 911 attacks
from the year 2001 were an inside job done by the USA.
Is it that hard to understand what the Russians and Vladimir Putin
want? They want safety within their borders and be free from a
foreign attack by NATO forces or so.
I don't think Russia will invade the Ukraine.
In the first place a whole lot of gas is sold and transported via
the territory of the Ukraine. If there is war this gas stream will
likely be damaged a lot and as such no natural gas can be sold. On
top of that the new Nord Stream 2 will never open and if the
Russians have bad luck things like preventing use of the SWIFT
system for international payments will be put in place. So
invading the Ukraine is not a rational thing to do...
If I remember it correctly, Putin's mother
was in one of those cute World War II things known as Stalingrad
or the Leningrad siege. For those who never studied those parts of
WWII you surely must do that at least once in your life. Stuff
like that was so horrible that it looks logical to me that Putin
wants to prevent stuff like that at all costs.
Click on the picture for the Youtube video:

Video title: Ukraine Crisis: Russia could 'fake terror attack' - US
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W78ek72VEw
Item 2) The weird
world of Michael Heaver: Plan To REJOIN EU Exposed.
In general Brexiteers are stupid people
because if you think that throwing up all kinds of barriers to
trade is good for your economy, you have at least one screw loose.
Brexit is appealing to people that have under average cognitive
levels, to be precise: only if you are stupid enough you think
Brexit is a good idea.
I sometimes look at the video's of Michael
Heaver just for entertainment. What weird stuff has Michael today?
Today he discovered a secret plan to REJOIN THE EU! Sheer panic of
course. Luckily we have the cool and committed Michael to explain
this all to us and as such prevent a horrible REJOIN THE EU!
There is so much nonsense going on in the UK.
Brexiteers think that the new blue passports were forbidden by the
EU. Brexiteers think that the old and impractical imperial
measurements were forbidden by the EU. Brexiteers think this and
they think that, very often it is not rooted in fact but more in

Video title: Plan To REJOIN EU Exposed
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p7IQLJCd-s
For example those freeports that are embraced
by the Brexiteers, it was David Cameron who back in 2012 or so did
end the freeports they had at the time.
It was never a thing that is not allowed by EU rules &
regulation. But trying to explain that to idiots like Michael is a
work that will take at least 5 centuries of time...
Item 3) Thunderfoot
debunks Vertitasium and helps debunking electron magnetism.
About one hundred years back in the year 1922
the so called Stern-Gerlach experiment was done. A beam of silver
atoms was split in two by a magnetic field. I went totally crazy
when I learned about the SG-experiment for the first time. How the
hell was this possible because after all the overpaid idiots known
as the physics professors always tell us there is only one kind of
electrons? And all these electrons are tiny magnets that either
align themselves with an applied external magnetic field or that
they anti-align with that magnetic field.
One of the detail I could not understand was:
Why would an electron anti-align itself with an external magnetic
field? That is just like a compass needle turning into the wrong
direction and instead of pointing to the north it does the
Anyway in a few days I figured out that if
electrons carry magnetic charge, the results of the SG experiment
could be explained in stuff that was far more logical. If
electrons are not tiny magnets but instead are magnetic monopoles
all of a sudden a whole lot of things become much more
In the video Thunderfoot shows that water
molecules (that are electric dipoles) never split in two streams
and that the whole process of 'anti-alignment' just never happens
in water molecules.
After so many years and about one hundred
reasons as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, this is one
more for the road we are driving on. After so many years I still
have to find that one shiny detail that proves the overpaid idiots
known as the physics professors are in the right and I am in the
wrong with my ideas about magnetism...
The video is about 30 minutes long and there
is a whole to unpack in it so better view it twice to get some
better comprehension. Electric fields only attract an electric
dipole because that anti-alignment is just a fantasy.

Video title: Veritasium: BUSTED!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hyy1zRZPiQ
My dear reader: Please do not think that by
showing you this video on the behavior of water molecules is an
attempt by me of convincing you of my ideas of electrons being
magnetic monopoles.
Last year in 2021 I changed policy and
classified the physics professors as the same kind of shit as math
Ok that is what I had to say today. Think
well and work well.
(11 Feb 2022) Yesterday on the other website I
posted a piece explaining how to find the so called exponential
circles. Since it is still a miracle why the professional math
people could never find 3D or four dimensional complex numbers, in
part this lays in the fact that likely they always take
conjugation the wrong way. And if you do that, in part that could
explain as why century in century out they make only so little
progress on that detail of math known as complex analysis. Link : Once
more the sphere-cone equation.
This update has two items, one is that
partygate in the UK scandal and the other item is about Paris and
how they are trying to transform it into a city for bicycles! Yes
I know it is unbelievable but Paris is turning into a more healthy
kind of city. Lets go:
Item 1) The whole country in a lockdown
but we keep on partying like hell.
Item 2) ????? Paris a bicycle friendly city ?????
Item 1) The whole
country in a lockdown but we keep on partying like hell.
It is said that the London police, I think
they are nicknamed the Met, have changed their mind over the
Downing Street 10 scandal four times. And in the fourth time they
asked to withheld all information about the parties that they are
investigating. A lot of people think there is some conspiracy
going on but likely they uncovered more and more damning details
that point to relative severe rule breaking.
Don't forget that lately a lot of toilets
have been investigated on drugs use, both in the UK parliament and
also on Downing Street 10. It was said there were all kind of
traces of a particular A class of drugs (likely cocaine) but more
has not come out.
It could very well be that all those parties
as Downing Street 10 also involved a lot of drugs use. I am not
surprised by anything now we know the BoJo government a bit better
after a few years of looking at all that chaos.
A very funny video is from a guy named Mark
Steel who is very good at imitating the voice of the BoJo. Click
on the picture for the video:

Video title: Mark Steel on Boris Johnson & Partygate Scandal
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYOYl_Q2ZtI
In a development not related to partygate but
to the traffic troubles in Dover I think today I observed the most
stupid and retarded Brexiteer until now. It is so stupid that it
is also possible this female is just joking in the UK parliament.
She claims that the Dover traffic jams have nothing to do with
Brexit but are caused by the burocracy of the EU. If she really
means that it makes you wonder why the British people vote such a
piece of weird human into their parliament.
Yes I know we have Geert Wilders in our
parliament but in this country we have representive presentation.
We do not have voting districts where only one candidate goes to
the parliament. As such there will always be some reservoir of
people voting for that piece of human waste known as Geert
Wilders. Anyway click on the video for looking at that weird weird
UK mp:

Video title: Brexiteer Complains About Dover Traffic Jams!
Lin used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN01M8DJDhg
Please take into account that Brexit is a
form of ideology that is attractive for stupid people. If you
think that raising barriers in trade is good for your economy, you
are very very stupid.
Item 2) ????? Paris a
bicycle friendly city ?????
I missed this development completely but it
seems a miracle is happening in Paris: it is trying to get more
bicycle friendly! Of course the pandemic has a lot to do with that
because the local underground or the Paris metro is of course a
perfect place for transmitting the new corona virus. And by having
a better bicycle infrastructure people can avoid the metro so this
is a good strategy for beating future outbreaks of new
There are all kinds of reasons to have a
better bicycle infrastructure: climate change, the obesity
pandemic, jammed cities, bad air quality and so on and so on.
If Paris can make such a transition a lot of other cities could do
that to.
Without bragging, likely my home country has
the best bicycle infrastructure in the entire world. But we have
been building this for say 40 or 50 years so other countries and
cities must not think you can do this in just a couple of years.
I have never been to Denmark but experts say
that if you want to know how to transition to a more bicycle
friendly city or nation you should visit that country so you can
see how to do that on the cheap. By the way, Denmark itself thinks
too they have the best bicycle infrastructure in the world... But
serious: a lot can be done on the cheap. It is very much a mindset
that has to change and not always give priority to those fucking
cars on every level of government infrastructure planning.
As usual click on the picture to land on the

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI-1YNAmWlk
Video title: How to (Quickly) Build a Cycling City - Paris
Ok, that was it for this update. Thanks for
your attention & don't forget to ride your bike always more
kilometers as you do with your car!
((04 Feb 2022) Ah the results of the blood
tests are in and I am a happy guy! No liver damage and no kidney
damage at all. You might think that is pretty normal but you don't
know how much alcohol I have consumed over my lifespan. For
example when I was 15 every Friday afternoon with a group of peers
we drank two liters beer. And that was just after school every
Friday afternoon with an entire weekend still before us. So for
the time being there is no reason to worry or to panic and for all
that gout stuff there is even medicine that suppresses the levels
of uric acid. For the time being life is good...;)
Today two items, one about intermittent
fasting and in the USA the Federal debt climed to over 30 trillion
US$ or about 130% of the present GDP..
Item 1) Intermittent fasting; good for the
brain? Yes.
Item 2) Fresh record in Federal debt in the USA; 50 trillion here
we come!
Item 1) Intermittent
fasting; good for the brain? Yes.
An unknown number of years ago I came across
that insight that Alzheimer is an energy problem in the brain. To
be precise the brain gets insulin resistance independent of the
rest of your body and as such it cannot take in glucose from your
food or the glucose that your liver makes. The result is a sad
condition known as Alzheimer where the brain deteriorates more and
more and it looks like there is nothing that can help and turn
that around.
When I was bordering on the edge of obesity
one decade ago I had insulin resistance myself. And it is a stupid
state your body is in: no matter how much you eat you are always
hungry. Most obese people are hungry all of the time if they have
insulin resistance. The root cause is modern food and the food
advices from our governments. They advice you to eat lots of carbs
all day long and that is what keeps your blood sugar levels
elevated and as such your insulin levels are too high to be able
to burn fat. For most teenagers those food advices are ok but if
you age you should eat less and less carbs. People often think
that sugar is the preferred food for your body because that is
what your body takes out of the blood stream first. But no,
elevated blood sugar levels are poisonous for your nerve system
and that is one of the reasons your body takes that our first. It
wants to remove that poison...
Intermittent fasting is something I have been
doing for a year of four, may be five. At most I go about 16 hours
without food and I feel fine about that. And when I go hungry I
eat something but most days I just do not get hungry because the
fat burning prevents that I feel hungry. Back when I was far to
fat I often woke up in the middle of the night from hunger; that
is a clear sign your body cannot burn fat even in the deep hours
of the night. And that is also how people become obese in the
first place: It is not they are lazy or eat too much. It is that
they cannot burn fat and as such get hungry far too soon and often
eat stupid stuff like bread and that bread ensures you cannot burn
fat for another six hours so you get hungry and so on and so on.
The obesity cycle is ruthless: always hunger, never satisfied and
no matter how much you eat the hunger does not go away.
At the Radbout hospital they looked a bit
into the intermittent fasting thing and found out it not only
helps with Alzheimer but also conditions like epilepsy and
multiple sclerosis.

The human brain is a big energy consumer. You
hear often that about 20% of all the energy your body uses goes to
only 2% of your body and that is your brain. So if you have
starved your brain a few years from enough energy to function
properly, my guess is that it is too late to repair the damage
with intermittent fasting.
But if you start in time and simply neglect
all those weird food advices from government departments, it might
very well be you can prevent Alzheimer and stuff like that.
And these semi-official government
departments they can be really stupid. For example a few months
ago our Voedingsbureau (the Food Buro) came out with the next
advice: If you have diabetes type two you should stick to the
official guidelines around food.
But in those official guidelines is weird stuff like you must eat
breakfast and you must eat bread and all that kind of stuff that
gave you that diabetes in the first place.
Lets leave it with that, I only have one link
to post and I am sorry but it is in the Dutch language: Gelderlander.nl/radboutumc
Item 2) Fresh record
in Federal debt in the USA; 50 trillion here we come!
Today I was looking at a video from Deutsche
Welle about the record breaking 30 trillion threshold in Federal
debt that was taken recently. And they had invited some kind of
'expert' that was supposed to shine a light on things. This
'expert' soon was found out to be a total idiot when he stated
that this might sound like a big number but if interest rates in
the future are below of the GDP growth rates, there should be no
Seldom I observe such an overpaid blah blah
blah idiot. This 'expert' has only a very limited understanding of
the debt situation in the USA. They are in a classic debt trap and
with that I mean no matter how much fresh debt they take on it is
impossible for the US economy to pay this debt via the mechanism
of tax collection.
The wealth in the USA is far to skewed distributed and they refuse
to let pay the billionaires a reasonable amount of tax because for
some strange reason these billionaires must be worshipped because
they are rich. Cutting spending on social programs is not reasonable
because the poor part of the USA is already very poor. And try to
cut back on military spending? Well give it a try but likely you
will fail on that spending detail too.

In my view it is not that hard to estimate
what the future development will be for say this decade: More and
more the Federal Reserve will finance the debt and not the tax
payer. In the meantime a lot of international investors will keep
on thinking that USA Federal debt is a solid investment grade
opportunity to safely park your money.
It is surprising the US$ still has reserve
currency status, of course that is also a TINA effect. TINA =
There Is No Alternative and that is true. The European Central
Bank is also a laughing stock because they were that stupid to go
and buy up European government debt and at present date refuse to
raise rates in order to fight inflation. No the € is not a
replacement for a reserve currency. That would only make the €
too strong and after a few decades we would have the same troubles
as the USA has at present date.
I do not want a new continent full of lazy
dumb and obese people, so please no reserve currency status for
the €...
In the meantime the US Federal debt is only
90 thousand US$ per capita citizen, if you need a good joke think
about how this could be paid back via the mechanism of taxation.
Will they tax Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet? Of course
not, the Federal Reserve will step in with future programs to pay
for the USA Federal debt.
Till updates my dear reader.
(28 Jan 2022) The Ukraine situation is
getting weirder and weirder; why does the USA withdraw it's
embassy staff? Do they know something we do not know? Or is it,
just like the Afghanistan mess, a misjudgment? For myself speaking
I do not think that Russia will invade the Ukraine in a short span
of time, but back a couple of years it was also not expected that
Russia would confiscate the Crimea.
The Russians are angry because they say it was promised that the
NATO would not expand eastwards. NATO and stuff is denying this.
Yet if I dive deep in my unreliable memory, there were indeed some
promises of that kind made in order to sway Russia away from the
territory of the former DDR. As a matter of fact back in the time
(about three decades back) the Russians did not even have money to
pay for the withdrawal of their troops from the DDR, so that was
paid in a large part by the West.
Well lets wait and see how stuff evolves, yet I do not expect a
military conflict on a short notice...
In another development it was reported that
the Chinese tokamak nuclear fusion reactor has burned for about
1054 seconds at about 70 million degrees Celsius. That is a very
long time, over 15 minutes and if my insights in plasma behavior
match reality this plasma should get unstable. At first I did not
want to read that news because it also said the Chinese fusion
reactor costs about one trillion US$. But the ITER machine in
France is much much bigger and that is now in the order of 20
billion and compare it to the James Webb space telescope that is
in the order of 10 billion. Why would the Chinese EAST fusion
reactor be so much more expensive?
So this news does not look very reliable and may be the
instability stuff is simply not reported. It has to be remarked
that likely the Chinese kind of fusion reactor, if it is turned on
also has a big electrical current running in it. That current
creates a magnetic field that is stronger in the middle and that
is what should prevent the super hot plasma touching the walls
anyway. So after waiting for so many years finally a fusion
reactor that runs longer then just a few seconds but now the
result is not what I expected. I guess we have to wait longer...:(
Here is one of those bad reports missing all kinds of info, it if
from the Independent:
artificial sun sets new record.
Our item for today is another Brexit item; it
is still fascinating how a nation can get crazy and just go on
with it like that is normal behavior.
Item 1) Long queues of trucks at Dover; is
the party getting started?
Item 1) Long queues
of trucks at Dover; is the party getting started?
The UK has begun implementing checks for
stuff that comes from the EU. Until 01 Jan of this year everything
got just waived through because they were not able to build up
staff and facilities to do those kind of checks. Why all EU
countries could cough up the staff, procedures and facilities to
do checks is still unknown.
Anyway at first I did see a video of a Dover
port spokesperson or may be a CEO and he explained all stuff via
refurbishing just one ferry. It all sounded reasonable, after all
the guy works at the Dover entry port so he should be good
Then other people point to the fact that
every year in Jan & Feb it is relatively quiet and therefore
ferries are always maintained in that period of the year before
the traffic picks up end March & begin April
So the journalists from Byline started
investigating the stuff because all those miles of trucks was
nowhere reported in the UK media. And all truck drivers they spoke
had to wait many hours, 10 hours of extra waiting is nothing it
seems. And all related to the extra paperwork, all that red tape
that is caused by the Brexit. One guy was waiting for four days...
Video title: Furious Lorry Drivers Stuck For 17 Hours In Dover Queues
Click on the picture for the video:

Oh oh, those ultra imbeciles and idiots from
the European Research Group, they concentrated for decades on all
that evil red tape coming from Europe. At best that was two hours
of waiting and now there are examples of four days waiting
incompetent weirdo's like Jacob Ress Mogg stay silent month in
month out.
Jacob should apply for a lot of honorary math
professor asignments; he is clearly stupid enough for that and
universities are always on the look for new idiots they can make
honorary or even real math professors...
Two weeks back I showed you the next picture,
say for yourself this is not normal. And waiting two weeks for an
explanation of why this happens during dark and only getting 'It
is just one ferry in refurbishment' that causes this, that is of
course 100% bull shit.

It has to be remarked that the UK has only a
very limited implementation of border checks. Yes we have had all
those years of 'taking back control of our borders' but if you
have idiots from the ERG at the helm it is only expected that this
party is only getting started.
Likely it will get much more worse in the
coming months.
Lets leave it with that for this update.
(21 Jan 2022) Today was a very interesting
day because after a waiting period of only 55 days I was able to
see a more specialist doctor at the local academic hospital. So I
hope a good diagnosis can be made of what I actually have, my
estimate is that it is more than just gout. So lets wait until the
Today I did not feel like diving into the
Brexit stuff or all that weird party stuff (it is now called
partygate over there). I recently found a video channel about
physics and cute historic facts that most of us included me did
not know.
So lets go:
Item 1) Kathy on JJ Thomson & his
discovery of the electron.
Item 1) Kathy on JJ
Thomson & his discovery of the electron.
I love her vids, every day I look at a few of
them. It is much better compared to a lot of those television
physics professors explaining we might live in a multiverse with
only 10^500 universes. Or that you can fine tune the electron into
a superposition of spin up and spin down, you can make a qbit from
that and if you have a few hundred qbits your quantum computer has
much more possible states as there are particles in the
Let me imitate that stupid mumbo jumbo with a
hydrogen atom:
hydrogen atom is a quantum system of two interacting
particles. Because they are constantly interacting their
wave functions are combined and the two particles the
proton and electron are in a superposition. If one of the
particles has a positive electric charge, the other has a
negative charge.
If we measure the quantum state known as 'electric charge'
of one of the particles and say it is negative, in that
case we instantly know that the other particle must be
positive charged when it comes to electric charge.
If we separate the two quantum particles of a hydrogen
atom and move one to the Andromeda galaxy and after that
we measure the electric charge of the particle left here
on earth, if we find it has negative charge than instantly
the particle in Andromeda becomes
positive... |
I hope you consider this weird mumbo jumbo;
if you separate the electron from the proton in a hydrogen atom it
is plain stupid nonsense to say the two particles are in a
superposition of being an electron and a proton. But when it comes
to electron spin all those weirdo's tell you in your face it is
possible without giving only the most rudimentary
Back to Kathy and her video channel. I
selected her Thomson video because of my interest in electrons and
because it contains a very interesting detail that was unknown to
me: Heinrich Hertz also tried to make a so called cathode ray
moving with electric fields but failed in that...

Kathy explained the failure of Mr. Hertz
because the vacuum in his cathode ray tube was not good enough.
The electron beam ionized the air around it, therefore it became
conductive and acted as a Faraday cage ensuring no electric field
could move the electron beam.
Now that is lovely science as it is supposed
to be and not all that weird string theory stuff where they think
they have a theory of everything. All theories of everything now
and in the future will be wrong because it will always have one
detail that is wrong. For example electron spin; the fuckheads
have zero experimental proof that the electron is a 'tiny magnet'
and because these physics professors are dumb fuckheads with that
they even do not realize the importance of such an experimental

If you click on any of the two pictures above
you will land at the video from Kathy.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3c77C-69wg
The interesting detail is of course that
electrons could have been discovered much earlier if Herr Heinrich
Hertz would have had a better vacuum tube...
That was it for this week. See you around in
a fresh update.
(14 Jan 2022) It looks impossible but in my
country hospital admissions related to COVID-19 are still on the
decline. Yet it is hard to estimate how the situation would be
without all those extra measures that are in place like
non-essential shops closed.
In the meantime Brexit is going it's own
destructive course, new is of course that there are now checks at
Dover for stuff that goes from the EU to the UK. It is only
partial because the UK government is not capable of organizing the
stuff they dreamt of for years and years.

It has to be remarked however that this is
not only caused by the new checks, it is also the COVID-19 checks
that cause the extra waiting time. On all those booze parties at
Downing Street number 10 during the lockdown, I do not have much
comment. It demonstrates what a lot of people are already thinking
for years: All those Brexiteers are stupid to the bone. That was
clear from the onset of course: if you think that Brexit is good
for your economy you are stupid to the bone.
There was more fun out the last week: We have
finally a new government and on the department of education we
have a string theorist! You fucking don't believe it but his name
is Robbert Dijkgraaf and I turn this into today's item because I
had to laugh hard and long when it was in the local news:
"Top scientist becomes new minister of education." Most
of this item will be in Dutch because I imitate a press conference
where journalists from Dutch magazines ask questions at Robbert.
Here we go:
Item 1) Questions for Robbert Dijkgraaf (Vragen
voor Robbert Dijkgraaf).
Item 1) Questions for
Robbert Dijkgraaf (Vragen voor Robbert Dijkgraaf).
Dames en heren, welkom op het ministerie in
deze moeilijke tijden. Nu we een nieuw ventilatie systeem hebben
kunnen we dit weer hier organiseren en hoeven de meeste persvragen
niet meer exclusief online gedaan worden. We beginnen met Sacha
van de Libelle. Sacha?
Oh ja, mijn naam is Sacha Paalvangst van de
Libelle. Onze lezers willen al jaren lang graag dat de
huishoudschool terug komt. Daar kunnen de meisjes eindelijk dingen
leren waar ze later wat aan hebben inplaats van al dat rare gedoe
zoals een abc formule of nog gekker a kwadraat plus b kwadraat is
c kwadraat.
Zou het niet veel beter zijn als de meisjes leerden koken? Bijv
koken op aardgas, koken op electriciteit en ook op keramische
En denk eens aan al die mogelijkheden tot verdieping: Stel je hebt
een houtvuur en een gietijzeren pan. Nou hoe krijg je die stapel
poepluiers schoon en netjes?
Wat is uw mening daarover?
Robbert D: Voor zover ik weet is er voor deze
doelgroep het vak verzorging. Voorlopig brengen we de
huishoudschool niet terug omdat we in het verlegen goede redenen
hadden om te stoppen met deze vorm van onderwijs.
Dan gaan we nu naar de redacteur van !!Geert,
Peter ga je gang.
Graag, mijn naam is Peter Paalschieter en ik
ben redacteur van het magazine !! Geert. Onze lezers ergeren zich
al jaren aan allerlei onjuiste feiten die er rondgaan in allerlei
vakken in het middelbaar onderwijs. Zo is er een rotte onderlaag
in onze maatschappij en het hele onderwijs doet net alsof die niet
Maar feiten zijn feiten en het moet eigenlijk in een vak als
biologie toch kunnen dat je gewoon zegt dat er een groep mensen is
waarvan de mannen een gemiddelde penis lengte van maar drie
centimeter hebben. Dat zijn natuurlijk de Marokkanen, waarom
krijgen de leerlingen dat nooit te horen?

Het is ons opgevallen dat jong adolecenten
als zij ons magazine voor het eerst lezen heel verbaasd zijn over
de penis lengte van Marokkanen. Waarom al die leugens in het
middelbaar onderwijs, waarom niet gewoon de waarheid op tafel?
Robbert D: In een moderne samenleving zoals
wij die nu hebben mogen alle groepen meedoen. Dat heet
inclusiviteit en dat is onderdeel van de verantwoorde samenleving.
Mijn partij D66 heeft niet voor niets de slogan "De
verantwoorde samenleving: Die maken we zelf!" Zo gaan wij ook
geen Geert Wilders stemmers afzeiken omdat ze zo'n klein
hersenvolume hebben. Volgende vraag graag.
Het woord is aan Maaike Mijnkamp van de Opzij.
Dank u, mijn naam is Maaike en ik ben als
freelancer verbonden aan de Opzij. Onze lezers maken zich al jaren
zorgen om sexisme in de vrouwen handel. Er zijn tal van misstanden
in de vrouwen handel, vorige week bijvoorbeeld kwam het naar voren
dat vrouwen vaak een brandmerk krijgen zonder dat er verdoving
plaatsvind. Ook gebeurt het regelmatig dat in vrouwen pakhuizen er
brand uitbreekt in het ventilatie systeem en dat alle vrouwen op
voorraad dan levend verbranden.
Hoe kan het onderwijs eraan bijdragen dat er minder sexisme is in
de vrouwen handel?

Robbert D: Als er al sprake is van sexisme in
de vrouwen handel dan is dat meer een zaak van justitie en niet
van het ministerie van onderwijs. Toch kan het ministerie van
onderwijs bijdragen aan de oplossing van deze problematiek. Immers
de verantwoordelijke samenleving, die maken we zelf!
Zo kunnen we bijvoorbeeld veel meer de nadruk
leggen op het feit dat meisjes en vrouwen gewoon zelf hun eigen
vrouwen handeltje kunnen beginnen. Er mag geen sexisme zijn in de
toegang tot de markt voor vrouwen handel; als er al belemmeringen
zijn voor vrouwen om zelf vrouwen handelaar te worden dan moeten
wij samen ervoor zorg dragen dat die belemmeringen weggenomen
In de praktijk weten wij dat vrouwelijke
vrouwen handelaren vaak heel efficient werken. Bijvoorbeeld is er
in je opslagpakhuis uitbraak van vrouwen ziektes zoals vaginale
schimmel, dan zie je vaak dat mannelijke vrouwen handelaren de
hele boel preventief gaan ruimen. Maar een vrouwelijke vrouwen
handelaar die kijkt eens goed naar haar pakhuis, kiest drie of
vier vrouwen eruit en geeft die een asperientje en een paar dagen
later is die hele uitbraak van ziektes verleden tijd en is
iedereen blij.
Dat is duidelijk een geval van betere of
grotere efficientie bij de vrouwelijke vrouwen handelaren. Dus
sexisme is slecht want die mannen met hun preventieve ruiming
zorgen er alleen maar voor dat de prijzen hoger en hoger worden
als er veel uitbraken zijn van vrouwen ziektes. Nogmaals: De
verantwoordelijke samenleving die maken we zelf en we hebben
allemaal de verantwoording om de prijzen en inflatie zo laag
mogelijk te houden. Ik hoop uw vraag zo goed te hebben beantwoord.
Dames en heren de tijd is bijna om, maar
Jopie Bladzeiker van het maandblad Kijk kan nog een vraag stellen
en dan is het over:
Hallo mensen, mijn naam is Jopie Bladzeiker
en de lezers van ons maandblad zijn al jaren op zoek naar het
experimentele bewijs dat electronen feitelijk twee magnetische
polen hebben. Dus het belangrijke bewijs dat de wet van Gauss voor
magnetisme ook geldig is voor electronen zonder al dat bla bla bla
van bijvoorbeeld string theorie lulletjes. Dus Robbert Dijkgraaf,
wat is het experiment dat bewees dat elektron spin aanleiding
geeft tot twee magnetische pooltjes?
Robbert D: In mijn leven heb ik vele stomme
vragen beantwoord maar deze vraag is zo stom en idioot dat ik niet
weet wat ik moet zeggen. Ik ga dit niet beantwoorden, ik heb
betere dingen te doen zoals mijn ministerschap opzetten zoals een
top wetenschapper betaamd.
So far for this long text in the Dutch
language, let me close this update with one more picture upon the
tiny fact that likely electrons and protons & stuff like that
carry a net magnetic charge. Logic should prevail and not the
stupid blah blah blah of the string theorists. Don't forget the
string theorists also have zero explanation as why for example the
sun corona is that hot or for that matter why we have solar wind
at all.

Ok, that was it for this weeks update upon
'top scientists'. I am still laughing about the classification of
Robbert as a 'top' scientist. See you next week, live well and
work well.
(07 Jan 2022) It's a bit late but I wish
everybody a happy new year! Yesterday I finished & published
an oversight of 2021 on the other website. After all 2021 was not
a bad year when it came to math results and of course more
findings in the magnetism stuff. In the oversight I link to
several posts from the last year so it is almost impossible to
read all in one go. Five
highlights of the year 2021. Link used:
Today no Brexit stuff, I want to show you
some simple COVID statistics and a detail that I never knew: There
is already an infrared satellite out there and on top of that it
seems that my own country has contributed to that one. So these
are our items for today.
Item 1) Simple statistics from the Dutch
Item 2) IRAS is her name, she is an infrared space telescope.
Item 1) Simple
statistics from the Dutch landscape.
For a couple of weeks our home country has a
fresh series of measures to fight the new omicron variant of the
new corona virus. Well very much in the beginning of that I wrote
you that may be we are lucky this time because omicron might be
less severe and also more transmissible as such pushing out other
variants of the virus.
It all seems to pan out fine, of course we
have to take into account a large part of the population is double
vaccinated (84.3%) and we have all those closures in the economy
like non essential shops closed and working from home if possible.
But most days the number of hospital and intensive care patients
declines a bit.

Of course if you are a shop owner who cant's
sell a thing in a normal way and can do only the online thing, you
will be highly frustrated. One of the weird things from this
pandemic is that if you are a company you must have really deep
savings in order to survive such a viral assault. It is not enough
to have financial reserves like 12 to 18 months of gross profits,
no it must be 12 to 18 months of total revenue. For most companies
this is an impossible amount.
So we are not doing bad with only about
25,000 positive tests a day. For comparison yesterday France had
320,000 or so positive tests. For a country of that size that is a
Item 2) IRAS is her
name, she is an infrared space telescope.
Lately with the launch of the James Webb
space telescope all attention is focused on that crazy thing of engineering.
Most of the time people that develop a new satellite try to avoid
having moving parts in them because out there is space the
possibility of failure is so large. Well take a look at the James
Web telescope; it has a few hundred critical points of failure!
Let's hope for the best but for myself
speaking seeing is believing. There is so much that can go wrong.
Well today I clicked on a video from scishow
space and they had some stuff about some IRAS satellite and my own
country was involved! Now when it comes to space I am never
nationalistic, space is not a soccer match or so. I do not care
what country brings home the bacon, let is by China, the USA,
Russia, Luxemburg or Botswana. I do not care, space is humanity
against the universe and we better leave out all of that childish
political stuff.
An interesting detail in this IRAS thing is
that it is cooled with helium, so it is very different compared to
that James Webb satellite. Here is a vague impression how it
looks, click on the picture for the video:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgkDZPEtf5E
Ok, that is what I had to say today. Have a
good year & a healthy year.

Till updates.
(31 Dec 2021) For the time being the
hospitals are still not overflowing (just as expected a few weeks
back but seeing is believing of course). There is a shiver of
fresh hope when it comes to this new COVID-19 variant: this
omicron thing makes you ill in about 10 days and not 20. Some
people do not see why this is good news, yet the hospitals are
still not overflowing despite the much more rapid way this new
variant can make people ill. One way or the other this is good
So week in week out I stay optimistic. But I
can fully understand that if for example you are a nurse in a
third world country like the UK and you go for your so maniest
shift of only 12 hours, you are fed up with it all.
Today I want to take a look at those idiots
from the so called European Research Group. Here we go:
Item 1) The ERG; has their research any value
beyond comedy?
Item 1) The ERG; has
their research any value beyond comedy?
I clearly remember that the first time I
observed those people talking they clearly stated stuff like
"We have been studying this for years and there is just a lot
of red tape coming with the rules and regulations of the EU",
I was very impressed.
Wow man doing research for years and years,
that is just like I do although math is a hobby around here but
you find result upon result and you think and think and every year
the pile of results grows bigger and bigger.
For example this year I was studying the
counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat and with
a bit of luck I could also improve on the so called little theorem
of Fermat. In my view these are great achievements because
thousand of math professionals have beeen studying this stuff too
and they never found anything of relevance. So I thought the
European Research Group was more or less the same.
Anyway it was the chairman of one of those UK
retail chains, it was Tesco if memory serves, that also have
stores in France. He said that now a full truck could need up to
700 pages of documentation while in the past these were often just
2 to 5 different papers to fill in.
At that point in time I clearly understood
how fundamentally stupid and retarded those Brexit people from the
ERG actually were. With the greatest of routine they complain
about all that red tape that is coming with the EU and her
regulations while now they are outside the EU it is over 100 times
as much...
Years and years of 'study' and the reality is
one 100 times the opposite. Only a collection of total idiots can
do this. Here you see a few of those lunatics:

Of course donald trump is not a Brexiteer,
but that guy has a long list of mental illnesses that make him
fall out of the range of normal political behavior. Think for
example at those tax cuts that supposedly would pay for
themselves, when trump became the US prez total state debt was
about 19 trillion US$, now it stands just so much higher it is
crazy beyond belief. As a matter of fact it is totally impossible
this debt will be paid back via taxes on the US economy. It can
only be paid by the Federal Reserve so the world reserve currency
is just a money printing machine. Thank you donald...
In my own country we also have such an idiot
believing in weird stuff when it comes to the EU, his name is
Geert Wilders. Now what do Geert Wilders and say Jacob Rees Mogg
and the other Brexiteers have in common? It is relatively simple:
the part of their brain that does the talking is very well
That is how often political figures come floating above: they have
nice talk and it is pleasant to listen to it because it sounds so
good. Unfortunally their speech center is the only part of their
brain that is well developed. Most other parts are under
developed, bad at math, bad at writing, bad a logical thinking but
often their motoric skills are about average so when they move
their body they look healthy.
Yet if you start thinking about what people
like Geert and Jacob say, it does not take long to see the
shortcomings in their ways of thinking. If a guy like Jacob Rees
Mogg complains about the amount of red tape that comes with EU
rules & regulations, it sounds good but it is all a bunch of
total crap absolutely not rooted in reality.
Did you know that wikipedia can be
hilariously funny? I can't remember any other time I really had to
laugh about what a wiki said. Here is the funny part, by the way
the ERG group was founded in the year 1993 so we are looking at
almost 3 decades of utter stupid stuff like that:

Source of the wiki fun: European
Research Group
Link used: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Research_Group
The words "Carry out research" is
what made me laugh hard and long. At present day the only benefits
to Brexit there are is that on websites you can skip the cookie
part where you can manage the cookie stuff. And lately there is
that talk of pint sized Champane bottles. A pint is one of those
weird old measures of volume, it is something more than 0.5
Why that is important I do not know. And do
you really think the French will start filling weird bottle sizes
for the UK only? Beside that true Brexiteers should never drink
champagne because that stuff comes from a region on earth where
evil unelected burocrats force wine makes to add chemical stuff to
wine that enslaves the population to an evil regime. Brexiteers
should not be drinking European wine, that stuff is evil.

Ok, that was it for this update. See you in
the next year and a happy new year!
(24 Dec 2021) Today I had a weird experience,
it looks like that energy company Vattenfall is trying to help me.
Why I don't know but they promise to live fossilfree within one
generation. So likely with death squads they will go round the
world turning all math professors into biofuels. And I wondered if
that all was legal or so. But suppose a university calls the
police for help saying: "They have slaughtered and tortured
all math professors to death and now their corpses are sold to the
highest bidder!". You don't need much brains to figure out
how the police will react: "Math professors? Well today and
the rest of the week our police officers are all busy writing
extra parking tickets for people who illegally park their car in
the wrong spot. We have to prioritize so may be next year with
your stupid math professor problem..."
Why would have thought that of Vattenvall?
After all they don't look very scary but likely this female is a
death squad member too. And why Vattenvall thinks that math
professors are responsible for climate change is also unknown to

Anyway today two items. The first one about
the Brexit results of this first year and in the second item we
look at some numbers around the new omicron variant of the
COVID-19 stuff. Here we go.
Item 1) A Brexit summary by a different bias.
Item 2) Dr. John Cambell on some statistics around omnicron.
Item 1) A Brexit
summary by a different bias.
One thing that is more or less a weird
conclusion: A lot of stuff the Brexiteers wanted has one way or
the other turned into the opposite. For example Brexiteers,
racists as they are, wanted EU workers like butchers out so that
British people can pick up those jobs. As a matter of fact no
British workers pick up those jobs and now carcasses of dead
animals are shipped to say my country and processed and packaged
here. And then the stuff goes back to the UK.
Of course from the economical point of view this is weird
behavior: the UK becomes only more depended on food imports
instead of less depended.
I'll link the video below, here is a
screenshot of a nice pair of painted flags:

The same goes for immigration. Now the UK is
out of the EU they can't transport people back who entered
illegally. As a matter of fact that cramp cunt of them, Pritti
Patel, was disinvited when European countries came together
discussing the problems of illegal channel crossings.
Another big problem for the UK is of course
that nobody trusts the UK government. It is a bunch of weirdo's
doing only weird stuff. For me as an outsider it if often funny to
watch but if I would be a UK citizen I would not like it at all.

The above picture is a bit over the top. The
EU is not on a war path with the UK. It is more the UK needs to
sort out what it wants instead of that idiot drumbeat of 'new
opportunities outside the EU'. It is total BS. You can also go to
the South Pole, Mars or even Jupiter and cry out loud about the
new found economical opportunities. But they are just not there,
how hard you believe in it it is just not there.
Youtube video: Brexit Year Zero Hasn't Gone
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFDYFg58cZ4
Item 2) Dr. John
Cambell on some statistics around omnicron.
A couple of weeks back I expressed some
positive gut feelings about the new COVID-19 virus variant. That
was in the update where I checked if my original estimate of at
most one percent of the population dead has come out or not.
We are now about four weeks into the new
variant and it spreads like crazy but hospital admissions are
still going down. Because omnicron has such a high R value
associated with it (some folks estimate the R as 3 to 5 so there
is not much you can do to minimize it's presence), I too expect
hospital admissions to rise in a few weeks time. May be even next
week already.
Again without giving false hope, it could all
be a storm in a glass of water. Yet what I call the 'hospital
equation' is not killing us. If say you have triple the amount of
positive tested cases but the probability of dying is only one
third or less, hospital admissions stay the same and the health
care system will not get overrun.
Of course as a government you have to take
measures that include all possible outcomes and not only the very
positive ones. So I support the restrictions that for example my
own Dutch government has put in place. It is better to be safe
then sorry for all those filled coffins.
Here is the video: Positive UK data
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qzKh_S4Qs0
Ok, remember to avoid false hope. Stay
realistic on your expectations.
Until next update, take care of yourself & don't forget to
turn math professors into bio fuel because that's the best fuel
for your car and heating your house...;)
(17 Dec 2021) And finally after about 270
days we have progress on the formation of a a new government. It
is about time and long durations like this are a disadvantage of
the large number of political parties we have over here. Yet I
prefer this much more compared to countries with only two main
stream political parties like the UK & the USA. Often in such
nations when the power swings the other way the new government
first starts unwinding a lot of stuff from the previous
government. Of course from the strategic point of view that is
wasteful but that is what you get in a polarized society.
The new omnicron variant of the COVID-19
stuff is also going fast over here: Last week in Amsterdam it was
about 2.5% of tested cases, latest figures are 25%. So the trend
of doubling every two days is also here going on (it would be
strange if that would not be the case). Now all we can do is hope
this new variant is mild enough to prevent clogging up of the
And I have a small correction to make: Last
week I told you that the BoJo lives at Downing Street number 10.
And as such Boris must have been aware of Christmas parties in the
building. Yet from a channel named 'A different bias' it was
explained that back in the time when Tony Blair was the UK pm,
because he had children and so he took the house at number 11
while Gordon Brown took the living house at nr 10. Anyway it does
not matter: If the BoJo is stating he was unaware of Christmas
parties he was either lying (very likely) or very incompetent
(also very likely).
Two items for this weeks update:
Item 1) Is that Christmas party a scandal or
a symptom?
Item 2) I was lucky in finding this animated gif.
Item 1) Is that
Christmas party a scandal or a symptom?
More photo's have been popping up about those
illegal Christmas parties at Downing Street number 10. For myself
speaking I do not consider this a scandal. A scandal is an
unexpected thing that is also highly immoral. But if you vote a
bunch of stupid people into office (that average Brexiteer must be
a stupid person if they think this all is good for the country)
this is what you get.
The UK conservatives are just another bunch
of hypocrites. If I would be a British citizen I think most of the
time I would not vote at all. If you must choose between a bunch
of hypocrites and labor, I think I pass.
The latest photo is again from the Mirror,
remark this was at a time when it was forbidden to mingle with
different households so one way or the other this was clearly
illegal. As you see on inspection, this bunch of hypocrites have a
good time and say 'Fuck you' to the general UK population.

Nice catering stuff included & the BoJo
says he does not know a thing...
Item 2) I was lucky
in finding this animated gif.
About five years back I figured out that the
magnetic domains in say a material like iron were not 'tiny
magnets' but these domains were places with either a surplus in
spin up electrons or spin down electrons.
Actually it is very stupid to name something
'spin up' but that is the common language they use in physics. It
is extremely likely that electrons are in fact magnetic monopoles
but it is also one hundred percent clear the people from physics
are not ready for this.
Anyway this year I stopped the magnetic pages
on this website; trying to talk logic to a bunch of stupid
assholes does not work at all. And now I have the freedom to name
these people what they are: Incompetent idiots.
I have taken my conclusion this year: Physics
professors are the same as math professors and as such this is a
group of people you must avoid at all costs. Let these idiots do
their stupid 'spin up' and 'spin down' stuff. I do not longer want
anything to do with them. It is incompetent shit in the first,
second and third place.
After having said that, it was also five
years ago I figured out how a magnetic field would change the
magnetic domains in say a piece of iron. What happens if you hold
a permanent magnet near a piece of iron? Well some domains will
grow in size while the domains next to it will shrink.
And that is what you observe in the next
animated gif:

I am not trying to convince those idiots any
longer. It is enough that I know how stuff more or less works, in
the case magnetism and electrons. Let the idiots do 'electrons are
tiny magnets' and let me do 'electrons are magnetic monopoles'.
There is plenty of space under the sun; the
idiots will be happy and I will be happy.
I don't want to mingle with them any longer; they live in their
world, I live in my world.
End of the update for this week. Thanks for your attention.
(10 Dec 2021) What a lovely political scandal
they have over there in the UK. All kinds of Christmas parties
were held in Dec 2020 while in the rest of the country people were
dying in hospital without family members being allowed to be
I observed the BoJo in parliament stating that he was 'furious'
when looking at that leaked video. And for one time I do agree
with Boris Johnson: It is an outrage that somebody leaked such a
video! How can you run the country if traitor like people leak
fake video's like that! The BoJo assured parliament that there
will be an investigation...
Investigation? Pardon me, the Christmas party
was held at Downing street number 10. As far as I know that is
also the home of the BoJo, that means he lives there. So there was
a Christmas party with 30 or 40 people lasting until after
midnight and the guy who lives there was unaware of it?
Have you seen that video where staff members
of Downing street 10 poke fun at that Christmas party? Why do they
behave like that? My guess is that every day there happens a lot
of stuff that needs to be kept secret from the public. Just look
at the body language of those conservative males in parliament;
you can sometimes see through shining that there is all kinds of
stuff going on. The smirks, the shining of the eyes etc etc.
Compare it to the next anecdote from myself about 40+ years back:
Tiny anecdote:
Our class was separated in two and we had to go to some
building where we would get 'job education'. That meant we
teenagers could a bit sniff at the diverse kind of jobs
out there. Well I left the room and went to the toilet
down the hall. In the hall I meet a pal of mine, he has
found a canister of toilet refresher you can use after you
take a big shit and want to hide the smell.
We soon found out that the stuff was highly flammable so
we are having fun with our improvised flame thrower. The
flame was about 70 or 80 cm long so it was fun big time.
We go back to the room with the job education stuff and we
try to look as serious as possible. But every time my pal
and I see each other in the eye, we are having fun with
the memory of the improvised flame thrower stiff vivid and
alive. |
That kind of behavior is what I see in some
of those males at the conservative side ot the UK parliament. It
is just a bunch of teenagers with a lot of secrets to hide from
the grown up people.
Anyway, our item for today is my old old
estimate from the total death toll caused by the latest COVID-19
virus (all variants).
Item 1) After 600 days this death toll
estimate is till very valid!
Item 1) After 600
days this death toll estimate is till very valid!
Back in the time as soon as possible I wanted
to estimate what the new Wuhan virus could mean for humanity when
it came to total death toll. I do not remember the exact date or
so but it was very early into the new pandemic. I arrived at the
conclusion that for the time being at least, total death toll
would be at most 1% of the population.
Because 1% of the human population is about
70 million, for me it was only important the estimate would be as
realistic as possible. At all costs I wanted to avoid giving some
kind of false hope. It had to be as realistic as possible.
Now, about 600 days into the new pandemic, my
original estimate still holds.

If you click on the picture you get a wider
screen shot that is better readable compared to this 450x450 pixel
small picture. It compares a whole lot of viruses but the red dot
says clearly: 1% fatality rate.
So I am glad my original estimate holds up
very good. Of course I am not glad about all those dead people but
again my goal was to be as realistic as possible while avoiding
giving people false hope.
The picture and screenshot if from a video
from ZOE COVID study. If you have never seen the ZOE videos, they
are very good. It is from the UK without all the weird Brexit
stuff, just a scientist doing his work:
COVID-19 More Deadly Than The Flu?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oLbZLrcE3c
So far for my old estimate of total death
toll from the new Wuhan virus. I am very curious if with the
latest omnicron variant this estimate will change...
In case you have a normal life and not like
me unemployed decade in decade out, it could very well be you
missed that funny video where UK government staff poke fun at
Chrismas parties held at Downing street 10 where the BoJo denied
they happened at all. Click on the picture for the video:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c0wpCufAUk
Ok, that was it for this weeks update. See
you around & take care of yourself.
(03 Dec 2021) What do you think of the latest
known version of the COVID stuff? I am cautiously optimistic but
there is still a lot we do not know. For example the long COVID
damage is unknown, what it does in elderly or fat & obese
people is unknown. But if the initial reports from South-Afrika
turn to be valid, that is a lot of mild symptoms, no oxygen
troubles or os, no loss of smell, in that case we could finally be
lucky. In my country the beta variant blasted the previous variant
away in say one month or five weeks while that beta thing was
about 60% more transmissible.
Of course I am not saying we are in paradise,
we better wait and see and do not believe in any amount of false
hope. Now South-Afrika was complaining that with all those travel
restrictions they were punished by being open and transparent.
They have some point here because they did a very good job in
isolating this new variant. But when in my country they checked a
few planes from SA, about 61 people tested positive on COVID. That
would be about 10% of all travelers from South-Afrika. So although
travel restrictions do not help against keeping a new variant out,
it buys a bit of time at best, we have a right to defense our
hospitals against overflowing. Ten % of all passengers testing
positive is crazy beyond borders, or not?
Two items for this update: Angela Merkel goes
away & the Eurostat inflation numbers.
Item 1) Angela retiring; we will miss you
Item 2) I have never seen such strange inflation numbers.
Item 1) Angela retiring; we
will miss you Angela!
After 16 years she will go. I have always
been a big fan of Angela. In my view she is the one that embedded
Germany more and more into the EU and as such minimizing cute
stuff like WWIII. You could always blindly trust Angela doing the
right thing, being a reasonable person, avoid confrontation
without looking weak and so on and so on.
I think it really helped her that she is a
female. I do not want to sound sexist with that, beside being a
female you must have a lot of other qualities for a job like that.
With Angela at the helm year in year out you could always trust on
the fact that we would not end in a fresh war for only little or
no reason like macho males doing their thing.
From her farewell ceremony:

She only disappointed me a few times. The
worst case was when she ceremonial opened that Wendelstein 7X
nuclear fusion reactor. She did not remark that for plasma physics
to work, the professional physics scientist must prove that such a
plasma stays stable. Although Angela is a physicist herself, she
did not pop that balloon of fantasies with a sharp needle. If she
would have lectured the Max-Planck fake scientist
Du blöde Arschlöcher, waarum prüfen Sie
nicht dass die elektronen zwei magnetische polen haben? Ihr seit
Dreck, Ihr seit Scheisse und Sie von Max-Planck Institute Irh seit
alle Sino's. (A sino is a scientist in name only.)
If she would have done that, may be I would
be in a different place today.
But she didn't, it was just the usual mumbo jumbo of saving the
climate via nuclear fusion and for the rest she acted just like
all other university people.
It was a pity but since I self won't die from climate change I
could live with it.

Item 2) I have never
seen such strange inflation numbers.
It is no secret that I am in favor of central
bank policy striving to an inflation of 0% and not 2%. Just like I
am against all those bond buying programs that likely in the long
run will do more harm as they are good. It is really not that a
country like Italy is thinking 'wow we really must address all
that money borrowing because every imbecile can see we will never
pay it back'. No, ECB policy allows for that madness to go on year
in year out.
Inflation in the EU zone is performing better
than I expected, it is definitely below the UK and USA stuff so
that is a good thing. The USA is already in a debt trap; since say
2015 the federal debt ballooned far above 100% of GDP and no
possibility to raise taxes in a meaningful way. The UK has it's
own problems now they are on their own, it will be very
interesting how high the inflation will go over there.
Anyway, Eurostat had the Oct numbers out and
I have never seen anything like this. I had to rotate the picture
because in a horizontal manner the 450 pixels would render it
unreadable. It is no surprise that energy is the biggest disaster
at over 23%.

But we also want a more durable energy
environment, something that will not destroy the climate. And for
that we need much higher energy prices so you do not hear me
complain about how this all goes. All other scenario's are worse,
so burn baby burn while you can.
Picture source: Annual inflation up to 4.1 % in the euro area
Link used: Too long to copy & paste.
By the way, it is 03 Dec and the Nov figures
are also out! Yeah yeah, the EU has good speed so to say. This is
blistering fast, my compliments!!!!
Flash estimate November 2021
Euro area annual inflation up to 4.9%
Ok, that was it for this week. Have a good
life and burn the balls of stupid physics professors that refuse
to validate their talk on electron spin. Till updates.
(26 Nov 2021) A pity: More measures against
COVID-19 are needed because the thing goes much to fast. But this
time the kids are allowed to go to school and may be that is the
best thing to do. You can't keep them at home year in year out or
every winter or so. Over Europe there were all kinds of protests
against the new lockdown measures. Of course it is a good thing if
young people just always protest when liberties are shrunk. But to
be honest if I look at opinions like 'We want our lives back from
before' is naive to the bone. The world has changed in the last
20+ months and on the scale of history it is only peanuts: compare
this COVID-19 stuff to the pest when that hit Europe. The pest
could wipe out half of the population in severe cases, with
COVID-19 we have only lots of teenagers complaining 'We do not
want to live under dictatorship' or whatever what they come up
In this update two items; The BoJo has given
a fantastic speech and in the second item we have that PBS idiot
again explaining all official accepted knowledge on magnetic
monopoles. In this world there is just never a shortage of idiots,
a bit more positive you can formulate that as 'There is room for
Item 1) Vroom vroom boom, the bus goes boom
boom boom. (Latest BoJo song.)
Item 2) PBS space time on magnetic monopoles.
Item 1) Vroom vroom
boom, the bus goes boom boom boom. (Latest BoJo song.)
The UK pm Boris Johnson got a lot of critique
after his remarkable speech. Reporters were asking 'Are you well
prime minister?' Other wondered if the BoJo may had drunk a glass
of champagne on an empty stomach. And so on and so on.
I considered it a perfect speech perfectly
matched on the cognitive capabilities of the average Brexiteer. If
for example you want to explain how a combustion car works to a
Brexiteer you better avoid difficult words like 'combustion
engine'. You must tell it like in:
The motor goes BOOM BOOM BOOM, so the
Come along on the Brexit bus,
drink some beer without the fuss (And so on and so on, let it be
the latest song by BoJo & The Cons where they drive around in
the UK landscape in the bus drinking beer and singing beautiful
Brexit songs.)
The remarks made by the BoJo upon Peppa Pig
were a true eyeopener for me. I did not know what Peppa Pig was so
I have learned a brand new thing. We only have Nijntje over here,
Nijntje is a rabbit that can talk. So in the UK they have a pig
that can talk and communicate in a meaningful manner with the

I reject all that negative criticism; people
should embrace Peppa Pig because you can learn so much from that
wise wise pig. And don't forget Peppa Pig is extra happy these
days because the evil EU butchers have left the country so the UK
pigs can't get butchered by that evil form of human
Just like the fish that are happy because
there is nobody to catch them anymore.
Item 2) PBS space
time on magnetic monopoles.
This year I have given up trying to explain
that it is not logical on all kinds of levels that electrons are
magnetic dipoles. The only meaningful alternative is that they are
magnetic monopoles, they carry magnetic charge and they are not
'tiny magnets'.
The new policy in place is very simple: It is
enough that I know and I will not try to convince those idiots
like physics professors that their idea's upon electron spin are
not correct. After 5+ years and zero reaction I am one 100%
through with these idiots and for the rest of my life I will have
nothing to do with them.
To my surprise PBS space time came out with
another video completely related to magnetic monopoles. And yes
there we have that combination of rambling statements again. I
will link the video below.
For example the PBS space time idiot and
imbecile starts with an example of separating electric charges in
a metal rod: shove all negative charges to the left and all
positive charges to the right and you have an electric dipole.
How this must be done is of course not explained because it is
100% impossible.
So me explaining for about 4 years that
permanent magnets like iron are permanent because their unpaired
electrons are locked in the deeper orbitals is what makes them
permanent has not reached those idiots and imbeciles.

It is just a detail of all stuff wrong with
this rambling piece of science: The idiot thinks that the Gauss
law for magnetism also holds for unpaired electrons. This is a
very deep problem: always when those physics people encounter some
patch of math that works very well, they always want to use that
in a broader sense.
Look for example how they dweep with Paul
Dirac, they think that Paul just by looking at the math discovered
anti matter before it was found. Well as a matter of fact Paul did
that but he was unaware of it. Anyway if you look at the four
Dirac solutions it clearly separates matter from anti matter and
it separates the spin states of an electron.
Matter and anti matter are two very different
things, you cannot flip an electron into a positron. It is never
that an electron 'pick up some phase' and changes into a positron.
The same goes for electron spin: the sole fact that Paul Dirac
needed two different solutions already says you cannot flip one
magnetic state into the other.
Try to explain that to the idiot and imbecile
as shown above: they keep on thinking that spin is tiny magnet
stuff and if you turn the magnet 180 degrees the spin state is
The list of weird things is endless: The
idiots only look at particles that only have a magnetic charge and
no electric charge. But if it is really true that an electron is a
tiny magnet with an electric charge, would the opposite of that be
some kind of particle with just a magnetic charge and a dipole
electric charge?
That would be the logical thing to do. But
100% of the physics professors only do the weird thing like
looking for a particle that only has magnetic charge and they
never talk about a particle that is an electric dipole.
Now the electron is really small, it is
unknown how small but it is far far beyond the size of atoms. It
is far far beyond the scale of nano meters. Likely most people
understand that if you cram in an electric dipole in such a small
particle, it is just a neutral thing when it comes to electric
But for the idiots and imbeciles, if an
electron is a magnetic dipole there is never a problem at all.
Next year 2022 will be the century birthday
of the Stern-Gerlach experiment that in my view was the very first
experimental proof that electrons are magnetic monopoles.
But try to explain that to the idiots &
imbeciles, sorry I pass that task in the next years. The only
thing that counts is that 'I know' and that's it. I will
absolutely not go on as the last five years, talking to shitheads
is a waste of time, energy and pleasure in life.
If they want their electron spin to be tiny
magnets, they can have it. Why not?
Let me not forget the link to that PBS space time idiot and
Why Magnetic Monopoles SHOULD Exist
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw1sekg6SUY
That was it for this update. Thanks for your
(19 Nov 2021) COVID-19 is still far from
conquered. Germany has troubles big time and we too have hospitals
more or less running at maximum capacity. In Germany the problem
is the too low vaccination rate mostly in the former DDR regions
where distrust in all things government is still
I remember back in the year 1990 or so, we
were on a bicycle trip to Berlin and we were following Radweg eins
(a long route that ends in Berlin). At some point in time we
entered a village and we were looking around like "What the
hell has happened here?" There were houses and yes they
looked like houses and yes there was glass in the windows but if
you looked more clear there was no paint on the wooden
frames of the windows. Further down the main street three
guys were cleaning the street with a broomstick and a wheelbarrow,
no machines at all just hand labor. All of a sudden I realized
what was going on: "This must be the former DDR I said to my
All in all our bicycle holiday to Berlin was great and a good
lesson in embracing capitalism as your basic way to run an
This short update has it's item committed to
Shell, they want to replace their headquarters to London UK. And
that only for the 15% dividend tax?
Item 1) Bye bye Shell, we will miss you after
all those decades.
Item 1) Bye bye
Shell, we will miss you after all those decades.
It was in the news that Shell indeed wants to
place it's headquarters in the UK. All in all at most 10 people
will move from the Dutch landscape to London so that is not a big
deal. Shell claims it wants to simplify it's corporate structure
and yes they have two forms of shares known as A and B. The one is
listed in Amsterdam, the other where no dividend tax is paid is
listed in London.
By moving to London it seems that the main
tax regime will be the UK tax regime. I am not a tax expert so I
cannot comment on that. But I do not understand why the dividend
tax is such a problem for those Shell management folks. Some time
ago Unilever did the same and they too did it for the dividend tax
they said.

I doubt it you pay less taxes if you avoid
the dividend tax. After all the state needs it funding, if you
scrap the dividend tax some other form of state income must
replace that. It is unwise to go the Italian or USA route with
only piling up more debt that in the end will only be serviced by
the central banks.
Sometimes I consider it a pity that central
banks are independent from politics, if it was up to me it would
be illegal to buy up debt from say Italy. In the meantime Italy
has zero incentive to so something about their debt hugging
problem so as a matter of fact the ECB makes stuff only worse by
buying up Italian government debt.
Why the management of Shell is so eager to
move to the UK is unknown to me. Lots of the UK are now sewage
infested because the Brexit causes a lack of chemicals for waste
water treatment. Is that how the management of Shell envisions
their own future over there? Lax environmental rules because after
Brexit we can go our own way...
Why the hell do you move to a country that
clearly is dysfunctional by the standards of a normal working
brain? Cutting trade ties with countries close by while doing
stupid blah blah blah like "The center of trade is shifting
towards the east so we must do more trade with that part of the
world". It sound good but it is as stupid as eating shit
instead of real food because "The price profile of shit is
much lower compared to real food".
For myself speaking I will not sell my shell
stocks but I will wait a few more years before it expanding it
again. I doubt the mental capabilities of the Shell management
team. Just look at the cost of housing; if the Shell management
team wants to live in London, housing is expensive. So in the long
run you will have much more costs.
Anyway I found a couple of guys that are very
willing to keep the fuel flowing to the Shell gas pumps in the

These guys are extremely smart and have
survived a lot of stuff: The stone age, the bronze age, the Napoleon
wars, World War I & II so for them a bit of Brexit is no
problem... So let's hope that dad's army is capable of helping the
smart Shell management team with it's glorious task of keeping
dividends high!

Oops, the hero's from dad's army don't
understand it perfectly: It is no dividend TAX and not the end of
all dividends...;)
See you in the next update.
(12 Nov 2021) What a mess at the Polish
border; but the first refugees have already arrived in my country
so the border is not tight closed as suggested by the large
numbers of Polish soldiers and police. Those poor refugees, the
nights are getting colder fast. This mess perfectly shows that the
Belarus prez is indeed a full blown weirdo, but there is not much
new about that.
The Brexit developments were perfect this
week: I observed Boris Johnson telling an international audience
that he 'does not see corruption in his country'. I think I agree
with that, for the conservatives all this weird stuff like 3
million pounds to buy yourself a seat in the upper house is just
business as usual. It seems that you can also buy nobility titles
but I did not read much about that. After all the UK government is
a bunch of incompetents anyway.
Our item for today is a bunch of cute physics
that is likely untrue. Here we go:
Item 1) Heisenberg uncertainty + Casimir
effect = Hawking radiation?????
Item 1) Heisenberg
uncertainty + Casimir effect = Hawking radiation?????
This week I finished a relatively long post
where I wrote down five so called easy calculation around
magnetism. It more or less demonstrates that the physics
professors are wrong when it comes to magnetism. For example if
you have one of those old televisions and also a stack of those
very strong neodymium magnets, if you hold that stack against the
television you can get a black spot like in the next photo:

If you use the official theory for electron
acceleration by a magnetic field, you find that a black spot like
this is only possible if your magnetic field has a gradient of
hundreds of millions of Tesla. I don't know the maximum field
strength of my stack of magnets, you can lift a piece of 5 kg iron
with it but how strong it is in Tesla I don't know. But hundreds
of millions of Tesla in just a gradient is of course a ridiculous
answer that once more demonstrates the official ideas around
electron spin are just 100% wrong.
The fact that I wrote such a long post is not
a sign of me changing policy again; After trying to talk and write
some sense in the heads of the professional physics people for
over five years I arrived at the conclusion they just don't want
Logic does not work so I changed policy and
from this year on I will not try any longer to 'make contact' or
'indulge in dialogue' or whatever what. If the idiots and
imbeciles want electrons to be tiny magnets, well let it be. But I
do not want to have any kind of contact with these idiots any
May be it was naive and stupid from me that
thinking using stuff like logic would bring up some improvement in
the science of physics. I was wrong and likely I will never make
that mistake again.
So from this year on the physics professors
have the same status as math professors: Avoid all contact because
they are imbeciles and idiots. Overpaid and overly incompetent, it
has always been this way and it will always be so in the
They just don't want me, this year I accepted
For example all those years I never
investigated properly if the Stephen Hawking guy based his black
hole radiation on the results of the Casimir effect experiments. I
did so because year in year out I tried to be humble, only talk
logic about the stuff. And not position myself on the level of
Heisenberg / Casimir / Hawking, that would only repel the physics
professors and I always respected that kind of stuff.
So after all these years it was only this
very week that I did a simple Youtube search on 'Casimir effect
and Hawkin radiation' and instantly video's pop up explaining the
relation between them.
Now I have left my policy of being polite I
can tell a bit more truth like that Casimir effect stuff is not
true at all. It is bitter that the university where Hendrik
Casimir worked has never responded, it is a Dutch university so
that is what makes it bitter.

The idiot and imbecile above, his name is
Mike Merrifield, really thinks there is a straight line of
reasoning from Heisenberg to Hawkin via this Casimir effect.
With the explanation of the Casimir effect
experiment the physics people only used insights from that
Heisenberg principle. But if you take two pieces of metal and
polish them very very flat, that will also stick to each other. So
there are many routes to explaining this attraction, why only
focus on a detail that likely is not true at all?
Bah, I am getting in a bad mood again. Why
are university people always so shitty and so stupid? Click on the
next picture to land at that youtube video:

Mike is one of those thousands of physics
professors that just do not understand you must have experimental
proof for their electron spin stuff. In particular you must have
experimental evidence that an electron has two magnetic
Why do they not understand that? Just like
other mentally handicapped people, it must be a lack of brain
function I just guess. Anyway no more being polite, when an
imbecile like Mike comes along I will tell what I see: an imbecile
and an idiot.
Let's leave it with that.
For older updates see the archives at index15.htm
or go to the oversight
of the archive pages.