The birth of the Kweb.


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Dear readers, I have changed this page into a series of pages.
Mostly on a monthly bases, so now we have End August 2003.
Look at the index of these pages!

Part XXIVb: End August 2003:




Extra texts 

16 August 2003   txt01: Israel = Saved by the bell?  
17 August 2003   txt01: Cache of 'signal' text (remark; this is not a signal) 
19 August 2003   txt01: Good Kelly stuff   txt02: Some terror ratings 
 20 August 2003   txt01: Non technical blackout into from JUS   
21 August 2003   txt01: Fat usher (in Dutch)   txt02: Prosecutor (Dutch to)   
22 August 2003   txt01: Fourth & Last Israeli letter   
 23 August 2003   txt01: Cache of 'photos from Summer 2001 request'  
25 August 2003    txt01: Arresting Reinko details  
26 August 2003    txt01: An European dual to the NATO?  
27 August 2003   txt01: Two letters to local cops (in Dutch) 
29 August 2003   txt01: Fair use 9/11 quotes   
30 August 2003   txt01: Cache of request of the  'Gas Union photos
31 August 2003    txt01: Media report to 31 August 2003   



To readers who are new to this story: You are now in part XXIVb of the Birth of the Kweb, the Kweb is of course the KinkyWeb&is this website. This website is good&strong, it's some fine piece of art. Sometimes I write a bit rough on some subjects, but that's the way it is. If you don't like that you get to some other PolitcalCorrect website please!
If you are new, you have to know that almost all things I do write on this website do have some nasty habit of coming out. To avoid juridical shit I had to place some disclaimers, here is the disclaimer to this story.  

Also it is wise to read the Introduction to the stories, here I spell out some words that frequently appear in the stories, for example the SilverBullet. Who is the SilverBullet do you think? If you don't know read the Introduction to TheStoriesProject.


16 August 2003: Part 24b already again! What a strange strange story these writings are altogether, shall I also repost nr 01 again? You know the one that was originally posted on 06 September 2001? Why not?

I have a confession to make to you: I can be stupid to! Yes you are reading this right, I can be stupid to! What's the case? Well I planned more or less after the second start of this website (the collection of files you find online right now) a temporary one and later hang the original collection of files in it again. But I was stupid, because in both versions of this website (the old and the new one) I named the first directory 'rootdirectory' and you cannot use two times the same name for different directories...
You might argue that I have to rename one of those directories but then a lot of hyperlinks end up in a mess, and after that you will argue that the Microsoft html editor will automatically repair all broken links... But oops; in that case I am very willing to demonstrate the result of such a 'automatic repair' to you in person... Brr, you end up in shit after shit after shit after shit. But my vision on Microsoft is well known; they do not take their customers serious.

Proof that Microsoft does not take it's costumers serious: It is very very simple to make a button in the Explorer browser that prevents all those stupid pop ups coming up and up and up & up. And when you need a pop up (when you want to see pictures and photo's on some news websites or so) you click the button and for one time the pop up is allowed. But does Microsoft do such a thing? Really, it would be very easy for Redmond to make this button in the Explorer browser, but they prefer to never ever take their customers serious. 


Now a 'blasting remark': As far as I can see there are no governmental attacks against me anymore, so as far as I am concerned there is no need to blast to protect me or to protect the ongoing of 'the story'. BUT I am not somebody who changes policy on some daily basis or so, therefore the axiom of 'military targets only' will come back after 1 September only.
More on this subject: Lately I exposed my little wish of a second 'nine eleven size' attack, well attacks of this size cannot be hindered by this 'military axiom only'. I am very sorry America but if you have some complaints around this let me give you the advice to complain at the White House. It is only their behavior that makes that this all has to happen again. Sorry, just so sorry but it is clear the White House is asking for more. Sorry.


Title: Creative washing without electricity by suburban female observed.  

At last we arrive at the fun from this day: The perfect electricity blackout from yesterday (and the day before). This was so beautiful and of course it is my role to play the advocate of the devil and remark that in the past it has been observed that some (evil) al Queda member did say 'We are far more advanced then they know, just far more. And all this cave stuff is stupid crap.' With this wisdom (I think these words are true, you have seen nothing yet) we tunnel into the Media report:

Media report to 16 August 2003: How nice, finally some technical details observed. You could call this a 'swap' of just 800 megawatt. Let me quote the fun:
About the time power was disrupted, technicians noticed a stunning development on the northern leg of the loop: some 300 megawatts of electricity moving east abruptly reversed course and within seconds 500 megawatts of power suddenly were moving west.

Electricity flows on its easiest path, so it is believed the change in direction was caused by a sudden reduction in power somewhere on the line at the western end of the loop, investigators suggested.

"This was a big swing back and forth," said Gent, adding that throughout the grid system, power levels began to fluctuate. That caused generators and other systems to trip across the region to protect equipment.

More than 100 power plants, including 22 nuclear reactors in the United States and in 
Canada, shut down, most of them automatically to protect themselves against power surges, officials said.

But what triggered the shift of electricity flow, and where?

Comment: This was so lovely and it all could very well be a pure accidental thing. But the Holy President made it clear that this just 'cannot be a terror attack' and therefore this will grow into the truth... That is the way it works in America, a bit strange but all those stupid journalists nicely work along these kind of ideas. 
More to say: Here in Holland a 'ring of electricity' is too at the scene. This is the standard way of preventing cable breaking or power plant breakdown give fundamental hinder. This all is known for long, this all can be studied in detail and this all can be simulated on computers. Such simulations are a lot of work but some experts can do a perfect job on stuff like this.
For the rest I have no comments, oh yes before I just forget this: My own father worked at a power plant for 40 years... & I love power!



Title: Blonde lightning without the use of power plants observed?

That's it for this day, never ever I will make fun of a 'superpower with a third world grid' because I know that the Holy President is not capable of understanding the need of investment into power grids. Just like his former colleague from Iraq (that guy is / was not so smart too you know). Bye dear readers; work, live & sleep well.
(Oops, little tip: The isolators on high voltage power lines are made of glass, you could shoot them to pieces with some large enough bullets... Very easy and very efficient, good luck with it!) 


17 August 2003: And what journalist/reporter/tv-personality wins the TotalCrapAward for this day? That is CNN's Larry King. Yes definitely Larry King! A small part of the motivation is as follows: This guy is often into ads for CNN and he is telling stuff like 'I am asking questions all my life. And when you ask the right questions you get to the bottom of it and you gain insight in how it really happened. And bla bla bla on and on.'
Larry, you are classified by me as one more (stupid) marionette to the Slimy Worms, a marionette to the White House and nothing more. Ha, you say you want to get out the truth? I do not believe you and I think that in reality behind the screens other people make up the questions you have to ask. That CNN is all a big fake and you a just a little part of that big fake man! You are the classical example of American journalism, blind & stupid & only defending the so called American interests. 
American journalism looks rather much like the 'journalism' in Germany in the years before 1940 or the years before 1938. Fake and slave to the military powers, fake and blind to what you are doing all in all. Disgusting kind of journalism only bringing in stupid details and nicely standing beside your government standing outside reality. Just like the proceedings before World War II in Germany, just disgusting. Sorry Larry, better retire but this will not help much to the problems of so called American journalism...

Title: The suburban female keeps on washing in creative ways&Presidential pants too?

Now we tunnel into media reporting stuff:

Media report to 17 August 2003: The proof that the whole of American journalism is a bunch of flock stuffing weasels standing nicely outside reality is found on time dot com. Remark that Time magazine is one of the 'cornerstones' of American journalism. Quote:
If Hambali cooperates, he could also help investigators unlock some mysteries of the 9/11 plot.

Comment: This Hambali figure is supposed to be some important al Queda member for stuff in the Indonesia environment. (This in case you did not know this) The fact that time journalists are writing that there have to be 'unlocked' some nine eleven mysteries is making me sick!
This gives me a big big hunger for another big one and I hope from the bottom of my heart that the next is bigger, just bigger. Just devastating big to teach the stupid Americans what they deserve!

Bah I feel sick upon your behavior America, time in time out and over again. Let the next one be big as hell...

What big disgust I feel for America, this 'unlocking some mysteries'... Ugly to the bone!

And now I just stop writing, there is far too much burning hate in my heart. As far as I can remember I will pray for the very first time in my life for the death of other people and in this case I will pray for as many as possible American deaths in the next attack.
These American people are so coward, just so coward they are more like cattle then human. I just hope the next one will be BIG. That is what I hope for these cowards. Just fuck you journalists and fuck you America, only thieves and only coward and button pushing soldiers are found over there. Bah!

(Now it is a full day later and I write again a bit):
Sorry I will not delete the above red words, sorry. But if you are more interested in the details of some relatively unimportant church bomber and constantly ignore some other sides of the 'mysteries to nine eleven' you ask for trouble. And why should there not be some trouble? 



Now (that means a full day later) there is proceeding of stuff with some interesting opinion of so called 'terror experts'. Some of these terror experts have seen to many cartoons on fox tv or so, they have this fundamental 'good versus evil' kind of looking at reality. They forget that so called 'terror bombs' are made from the same emotion as the JDAM stuff from the Pentagon, exactly the same emotion and what is 'good' and what is 'evil' in this context? And why does the Pentagon give itself away for this kind of 'good versus evil' stuff?
The answer is simple; In a democracy the military is obliged to follow the instruction of the political leaders in question. That is a good principle, but when those high shot political leaders spent so much time upon collecting their expected 200+ million dollars, what to think of those political 'leaders'? My vision is clear, the Pentagon building needs a nuke and for the rest I have nothing more to add to this.

Title: Thou shall follow the Holy President; even when it costs 7000 bucks a piece.

Next quotes are found on time dot com (one of the cornerstones of so called American journalism, or not?). Quoting:
In those first few moments when the power went down, who didn't wonder: Is this the work of terrorists? Within an hour, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg assured us it was not. Yet we are left with a nagging worry: Even if this was an accident, could terrorists pull off something similar? 

Certainly, terrorists might be tantalized by the massive social and economic disruption the blackout caused. The episode brought chaos to 50 million people in eight states and Canada and showed just how vulnerable the tightly knit network of generators and transmission lines is.  

Comment: In case this was some kind of terror attack I would like to make my compliments. By the way, some time ago some kind of 'water delivery crackdown' was observed here. And I was only thinking:
'In case this is some fishing to my approval then just before 18.00 hour the water system will work again.'
And so it happened, just before 18.00 hours stuff was working again. I never took the time to comment upon this, but again my dear virgin my dear America you just have seen nothing yet. 

Quote on with the so called expert:
But Seifert says a terrorist would need years of tinkering and top skills to break into the proprietary computers of most U.S. utilities. And terrorism experts like Hoffman think disrupting the power supply is too unspectacular a ploy to appeal to terrorists, since it produces no dramatic bloodshed.

Comment; Well well Seifert, I just do not know if you will ever read this but you have a lot of learning to do. A lot of your theoretical knowledge can stay at hand, but it is wise to know that the White House is lying from the beginning of this all man! 

Please experts, try to analyze a bit what I am trying to say. I know that I am often a bit to emotional and a bit less scientific. Sorry, but that is the way that it is & just this morning I asked for the selection of five targets outside Israel as some kind of 'reward' for their constant slowing down of the so called peace process... Do your advantage with this knowledge when the blasts are there in reality & let me tell you this is going on for a long long time already. But what is the White House doing? What? 

End of Media reporting stuff, bye.




Now there will follow some extremely important part of the so called roadmap to peace. May be Israeli hardliners will snurk that this part is not in the original American designed roadmap, but speaking with some Wolfy (= Horowitz, the American deputy of defense affairs) kind of wisdom: 'No plan survives contact with the enemy.'

First the quotes that did trigger me to bring up this kind of future roadmapping, also I would like to remark that for all those hardlining figures it would be wise to think a bit around the 'evil versus good' theme they constantly bark around. Are you sure this is some true 'good versus evil'? Are you sure or do you want to play 'hardliner' with my mindset? You are welcome but at first we now read the quotes:

Whether Friday's deal would be carried out was uncertain at best as the militant group Islamic Jihad threatened retribution "like an earthquake" after Israeli troops killed its Hebron commander in a shootout on Thursday after trying to arrest him.

An Israeli Defense Ministry spokeswoman said Mofaz agreed to pull back forces from Jericho and Qalqilya early next week and the larger cities of Ramallah and Tulkarm in about two weeks.

"There are three conditions for this transfer -- that they (Palestinian police) fight terror, establish an apparatus to neutralize wanted terrorists and that there are no terrorist attacks in this (handover period)," she told Reuters. 

The deal (or the crosspoint of roadmaps) is as follows: All members of the diverse militias that only took part in actual and factual attacks against Israeli army people could go into some special branch of some future Palestine army. A nice size of this special branch is one thousand soldiers, but this is only a nice size compared to the total number of Palestines.
May be you feel this coming a little bit, but this 'special branch' is the one that will deliver soldiers for some 'future format' of making war. (That means bringing back the beast of modern warfare back in the cage where it belongs and both parties that want to make war just deliver 500 soldiers each to the War Tribunal. No airpower, no landmines and stuff like that. War as the way it once was long ago, so long ago before all that techno stuff. Nice dual fact: The new format will lean heavily on techno stuff, even the Americans can't resist these set of ideas & they have some good stuff in the making like wired soldier uniforms....).

Implementation & selection of militia members? I do not know, each individual must be fair and do not lie itself into this. In case you did participate into attacks at civilians you better not try to enter this new branch of some new 'Palestine army'. All know that defining the borders of this 'military versus civilian' is very hard, simply do not lie and if you can make it for your own conscience you are welcome into the platoons of the new format of making war. You are, but how will the US army react on this? And how will the White House react on this? And what about the so called hardliners (more often they react as some kind of cry babies, nothing to hardline only cry babies pushing buttons). 

So that is the deal upon the 'crack down' on terror organizations, in the meantime Israel is allowed to count all those bombs in the foreign lands and just wonder why there are so little blasts into the Israeli landscape itself...
Just wonder my dear Israel (and again my I ask some other people to make sure this information does arrive at Israeli departments in time...?). At last the remark to that Israeli Defense spokeswoman: The above is some part of your so called 'apparatus', feel satisfied or worried? And what is the worry? Afraid of giving up your tanks? And your air power? Yes, is that a source of worries? Sleep well & work well my dear spokeswoman.


End to 17 August 2003 kind of writing. So much more 'War Tribunal' files have to be written, just so much more. But unfolding is always a difficult thing and materialization of it all is still more difficult & you just cannot deny that often when I ask for miracles I just get some miracles so I am far from desperate. Far from desperate! Bye & love you all. Even the hardliners from the Israeli landscape!  


19 August 2003: Four extra 'texts to this days writing' were placed included a few 'oldies'. There is:
Text to 06 August: 3066 minus 63 equals 3003 observed in New York database.
Text to 08 August: letter to the fat usher (in Dutch)
Text to 15 August: letter to the GAK people (in Dutch) 
Text to 20 August: nice blackout info from al Queda (Just 7000 American dollars? My compliments.)

Sorry for placing some text to 20 August, but this day already has two extra texts on it's own. Just look in the above table at the top of this particular file! The two texts to this day were put in place yesterday, this all gets a bit difficult and I better start organizing stuff a bit better... But I am only & always telling only the truth and when there is 'anti-dating' at the scene this is often mentioned at the top of that particular extra text or extra file.


Writings to this day; Oops, a big blast observed into the Iraqi landscape. It was even observed that windows were blown out a mile away, but one kilometer away was also observed into the Media files. What can I say? Well I can only say that it still is not September and that we have some abundantly 'old way month', that is all I can say.

No, now I am lying a little bit. There is much more to say. This day and by pure coincident it came to my attention that al Queda is thinking that the United Nations are anti Muslim. I do not agree on this detail, you have mixed up what the UN is in fact and the influence of the United States of America on the UN. But I have worries too, my own opinion is that it would be best if the headquarters of the UN would leave the US of America; that is my opinion. Simply to make some statement to the conservative mindset of America (and the liberals too), but also to hinder the direct effects of the headquarters being in the midst of the enemy. 

Intermezzo: Around the United Nations theme a lot more could be said. The lack of real democratic values are some concern of me either. Why is is not a fact that countries can vote according to the numbers of their population? Make it simple; this country has around 16 million people and so it would be 'democratic logical' if we had '16 points' to throw in at some voting....
Or would this hinder the rich countries a bit too much? Is that the problem in the lack of democratic content of the United Nations?  

So far for the intermezzo and the intro to this days writings, in the future my so called War Tribunal will likely have to deal a lot with the United Nations so let me be humble while I still live on 20 bucks a week. Yes UN I can be humble (my natural way of living) and I can be bomb greedy (as you have found out by now). Sorry, I would not have selected you as some kind of target but this month is a 'free hand' month so sweat it out and bring your trouble to the local government (here in Holland) and more important to the government of America. (But I know, if you come in with some 'Dutch guy problem' they will act as if they do not understand what you are talking about. I know.)

Now a bit of Media reporting to this day:

Media report to 19 August 2003: More Kelly soap, from Guardian unlimited & Brian Whitaker is reporting (quoting):
Documents released to the Hutton inquiry show that Dr Kelly, in the last days of his life, also came under intense pressure - perhaps even bullying - from his employer, the Ministry of Defense. The pressure continued, in the form of unanswered calls to Dr Kelly's mobile phone, even as he lay bleeding to death from a slashed wrist. 

Comment: This gets more soap like than I ever imagined! Oh David, why could you not stand up against those figures standing outside reality? Is it true that after all you were only a conformist and not some scientist seeking the truth?
Why did you not fight back man? Why?

More oopsing stuff found:
The source of the 45-minute claim has not been identified and so far has been described by the government only in the vaguest terms. Tony Blair told parliament on June 4 that "he was an established and reliable source" and was not an Iraqi defector.

A Foreign Office document released to the inquiry last week, however, made clear that the claim was based on hearsay. It came second-hand from "a reliable and established source, quoting a well-placed senior officer".

Comment: The source of the 45 minutes claim is of the highest of interest to me. I was not against the War into Iraq (only to end economical sanctions) but this prelude keeps on being very fascinating. Very fascination and completely about how humans behave and completely avoiding the basic truth as it is...



Title: President Bush told the UN: 'I condemn all use of napalm, I do!'
Title: The Holy Bush said even: 'Napalm is the enemy of peace'.

Also President Bush said: "These killers will not determine the future of Iraq! These killers will not determine the future of Iraq, no way." Yes, this is what he said. Really true, napalm is the enemy of peace and these killers will not determine anything else. But to me the 'power analysis' stays simple; In case there was no WMD whatsoever the US army will nicely swallow all attacks. This does not mean that 'over the border & exhausted US soldiers' will not act strange and unworthy but the high shots at the Pentagon and the White House will nicely swallow. So when in September there is returning to the 'military targets only' axiom they will swallow & let them swallow please. 

End to this day of writing stuff. 


20 August 2003: To me this was a day of thinking, deep thinking and I did not reach the bottom of it yet. And yes, I know, these weeks are 'free hand weeks' and 'civil targets too' kind of weeks but stuff is running out of hand this way. There is lack of discipline and always when there is lack of discipline wars turn ugly and 'too hot'. At first we analyze around the Iraqi blast and later upon the Jerusalem one.

You can argue that I asked for this to happen, but when I simply look at the size of the blast yesterday it is clear that this size was just what I needed during the first 21 days of Gulf War II. But at those days there was simply no help whatsoever while it was clear that there was a big possibility that the US army would glide into the 'Road of Death' equilibrium and stop attacking far too late. Anyway, that was my analysis and all I cared about was how to stop the big war machine in one big so called 'system shock'. And in the end a thirteen year old boy had to do the dirty work and I could finally act and it worked even too... There was no second 'Road of Death' attack observed, but where was al Queda at that moment? What were you doing right then? Lets look at Ali again:

Title: And in the end Ali had to do the dirty work & where were you?

More emphasizing and highlightning of stuff; Even Osama spoke words of 'You should help the Iraqi people.' Simple words that can only be one way understood, is turning Iraq into a second Vietnam wise on the long run? All so called foreign fighters in Iraq think better twice upon this border condition of doing what is best for the Iraqi people in the long run, please do not forget to look at Germany; Isn't it a fact that they opposed the war in Iraq with all means and also via the United Nations? My advice is all in all; 'Think longer on the targets, the message that this particular target is sending has to make some sense. So far for this UN blast.


The Jerusalem blast is even far more serious in damage, a complete busload included 4 to 8 children is very simple an end to the truce; and end to the so called hunda. Now stuff has to be build up from the beginning again and very likely the Israelis will not do this twice. The future is rather clear, for some time they will shoot first and ask questions later. And the 2400 dead Palestines from the second intifada will grow fast, I hope it will not double or so but this is serious stuff.

This attack too was very undisciplinary, given the circumstances and the so called 'characteristics of the situation involved' the killing of the Islamic Jihad figure had to be answered more or less as follows:
Just waiting a few weeks or even months and after that kill some high ranking Israeli (military) officer in reward. Ok, may be two or three officers. But not a bus with this kind of 'content'. 

How out of this? Sorry, the crackdown will be there. I have tried in many ways to prevent this kind of crackdown, you cannot argue that. And in the meantime I only hope that the Palestines can do this crackdowing themselves before the Israelis decide to 'crackdown' on the Palestines themselves. And sorry this includes all and everything even execution on the spot, you do it yourself or other parties will set in. 

I feel sad, to be honest I feel shit. A lot of work on so called discipline has to be there and in the meantime I only can give some humble 'sorry' to Israel. Sorry, I mean this. Sorry. 


Media report to 20 August 2003: Some (relatively vague) info around the circumstances of the Jerusalem bus bomber in question. The info says that the bomber was a friend to the killed Islamic Jihad leader from Hebron. 
This makes the act a bit more understandable, but the timing is so lousy and on such the wrong moment that this will rather likely have severe consequenses.
The number of 2400 dead Palestines will grow is what I expect now, before the bomb I would have expected a few cities more under Palestine 
authority control but this all is on the long term right now. A pity, lets quote: 
There were some indications that the bomber, who disguised himself as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, tried to settle a personal score with the attack. The assailant, 29-year-old mosque preacher Raed Mesk from the West Bank city of Hebron, was friends with an Islamic Jihad leader in Hebron, Mohammed Sidr, who was killed by troops last week.

End of the Media report

End to the sad writings of 20 August, tomorrow will likely not be much better. Bye readers.


21 August 2003: And now it is official, the Palestine truce or hunda is ended. Just like expected by the way. Quoting from Bloomberg:
Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) -- An Israeli air strike killed a militant Palestinian leader and two others in Gaza, prompting the Palestinian Authority to halt a crackdown on terror groups, as Hamas and Islamic Jihad called off a cease-fire with Israel.

Yes, this was the clear consequence of this Jerusalem busload. Strange that just one person can stop the whole thing, that is strange because it all looked so promising. Just so promising but in the end there was to little discipline and only rough emotion from just one man. Bah, but let me quote on and make the final comment on this:

``The assassination has torpedoed the PA plan to start a protracted campaign against Hamas and Islamic Jihad,'' Zananiri said in a telephone interview. ``Now we're all waiting for leadership to reassess the overall situation in light of the assassination and take appropriate decisions.''

Well I can be short on this, when you want some leadership please do not look at me for a long time. Please look at my timetable and I know I will have to wait until the number of dead Palestines is above 3000 (now it is more or less still 2400). Here is the timetable:

  • Nov / Dec 2001; the first writings upon this all. But not relevant enough, the 'irrelevant time' sets in.
  • May / June 2003; the second attempt. This time much more relevant and although slow things moved into the right direction.

So may be next year, at first the 'counter' must be above 3000 and very may be I will consider a third attempt. Sorry, just sorry and it sure is a pity that this happened to the Hamas. That from all organizations out there it is the Hamas makes things shit for me, in the meantime I wish the Hamas good luck and hope they will kill as many as possible Israeli soldiers & military. And as little as possible civilians but there is some Dutch saying to this all and the saying is 'Geef mijn portie maar aan Fikkie!'. (Meaning, give my portion to the dog.). See you next year, sorry.

Title: You can give my portion to the dog & see you next year!


End to 21 August & let the fighting in civil areas begin again in the Mideast... Bye readers, cry well.


22 August 2003: The fourth & last letter was written around the Palestine & Israeli stuff, also I would like to answer the question 'Where did it go wrong?' This question is not so hard to answer, look for yourself in this fourth & last letter to the Israelis.

And a new story begun, it is named Annie walks through the park (late at night of course, what will happen to Annie?). This 'Annie story' replaces the 'Punishment for Sammy & Sons' story that therefore stays unwritten (two third of that is already dead anyway and all I wanted is their graves turned into dog toilets or public toilets). Yes, sorry if I am not a full 100% political correct with this, but I would like to see that happen. But what do you like upon this little detail my dear reader, or do you never think and do you only consume?

Title: The Mideast ways are back, but were they really gone? Do you believe that?


Media report to 22 August 2003: Hurray, more governmental cheating observed! This time it was found out that some secret services in Australia were also standing heavily outside realily! That is good and that is fine to observe, so where are the Iraqi WMD's my dear authorities that are not very proper?

And what about your version of the War on Terror? Also this amount of 'bullet proof'? No no, I think your version of the War on Terror needs a bit of adjustment too. And if it wasn't for all those fake (American) journalists this would have been surfaced a long time ago. But it did never surface so now I am only waiting for another big blast, I am waiting.... 

CANBERRA, Australia (CNN) -- The heat being generated over Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction has moved to Australia with a 

former senior intelligence officer accusing Canberra of exaggerating the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's regime.

Speaking to an inquiry called by the Australian Senate, Andrew Wilkie said Friday information in intelligence reports had been distorted by the prime minister's office and "sexed up" to suit the government's political agenda.

Comment: Fine, at first a few cracks in the stone of the Great Brittan government and now the Australian government. But the American government will safely come away with it because these kind of subjects are completely wasted on Joe Sixpack & his dumb slut.
These facts are carefully measured by the Whitest of Houses and so there will be no trouble on behalf of missing WMD stuff in Iraq.
That is a future fact, or not? 




 Intermezzo; The mind does not want to go that way.

After investigation this case the researcher started asking all who were involved the next questions: 'How come that one person can do this time after time and year after year?' And: 'How did it come that it took so long to add two and two to four?'

The researcher wrote down all answers in detail and later classified the answers into some categories. We from the WhatCrapAgain magazine asked this researcher why this killer could do it's thing time over and again.' The researcher would only speak on condition of anonymity but he gave some clues at why this all could go on so long. He told us that many people confirmed that this was actually a 'very nice fellow' and when you spoke to him you just couldn't imagine he would do things like this.

And one witness said; 'Only after so many years we came together and we compared our stories and we all felt so devastated. But it is actually a fact that your mind just does not wants to go there and you just do now want to think on that possibility. That would break your mind you know.'

A spokesman for the (few) next of kin of one of the killed families said; 'This is a rough scandal that our government willingly denied this and did it's best to wipe out all the traces time over and again. There will be some serious investigation upon this.' 

We from WhatCrapAgain magazine will keep you informed on this & fasten thou seatbelts please...


After this little emotional uprising we could proceed with the Media report, I will quote only a few words from a long and relatively very good article (even written by some American as far as I know, but I lost the name of the writer of these words, sorry). It is around what I call the OneMillionDemon, and like I said before I will bring a little bit of respect to this one million demon but after the United Nations blast I did shout 'Ho, not the UN & concentrate on the real enemy please!' That is what I had to shout, but I will bring respect to you OneMillionDemon, I will. Quoting on:

Iraqis have for over a decade lived and died by that food-for-oil program, a program whose crass, cruel, and deadly manipulation by successive U.S. administrations was a life and death matter for many Iraqis. The death toll of that dozen years of sanctions, as estimated by UNICEF and a host of others, was well over a million Iraqis, mostly children and the elderly, mostly dying slow, miserable deaths from starvation or preventable disease. For that entire time, the United Nations did little but carry out the punitive wishes of the Americans; its role in the country continues to be secondary and dependent upon its appeasing the Americans running things. The attack took advantage of the U.N. compound being not as well- fortified as American positions, but that wasn't why the site was chosen. The U.N., in Iraq, is not seen as  simply a benign relief agency or an impediment to American war designs. It's also the caring bureaucracy that oversaw a million deaths in the last decade. 

Comments: Yes, this all is well known by me. Also it is a fact of life that a lot of secret services were standing heavily outside reality with respect to the true content of the WMD question. (Just like they are with the War on Terror, the same stuff). 
But I want this OneMillionDemon to grow big because the very existence of the state of Israel has brought significant growth in the heaviness of the economical sanctions. 
So in the future this Demon is supposed to attack Israel & USA and not the United Nations please. 
End of this Media report.



Title: And I still think Israel does not understand the characteristics of it all.

No no Israel, this OneMillionDemon is surely of what you call 'holocaust size'. And you were only firing rockets and bringing bullets to one or two Palestine militia members at a time, now a lot of time is lost and once this so called OneMillionDemon comes haunting at your door I think you are on your own. I won't be there and you too looked at the Iraqi stuff for a full decade and even fuelling it up often. Or not? 

End of this days writings, for the Israelis: 'Kill well and die well, you asked for this.'
To the Palestines: 'I just withdraw my 'execution on the spot' statement, but some things must happen on behalf of disciplinary behavior.' Till some other update.


23 August 2003: Suddenly, from one day upon the other, I stopped smoking. I don't have any idea how long I can hold on to the 'starting of stopping' I hope for a few days or more. That would be wise because my lungs do hurt in the morning, may be I am bluffing like 'Ha ha I never have stress' but may be that is just bluffing.
On the contrary, without tobacco smoke (the Afghan smoke was stopped many months ago already) the body changes. In symbolical speech you can see this as some awakening of 'TheSoldier', or shall I call it TheBeast? Brr, well at first survive this day & tomorrow & now it is time to look at that creative American female washing her stuff without electricity and without water (smart girl, or not?).

Title: A wise, smart, creative and beautiful American girl discovered! They exist!

Media report to 23 August 2003 : Now I am lucky, I came across one of those sluts to the American conservative mindset. This stupid female even worked for this government, it is amazing that these people even exist and even more amazing they get paid a lot for spreading shit like the quotes below. The stupid power slut in question did write a book on the pre Gulf War II situation... Just unbelievable, quotes found on NY Times (By James Risen):
Even so, Mylroie comes at the agency from a skewed angle of attack. Its greatest sin, she proposes, is that it mulishly refused to agree that Iraq was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.

If it had, she suggests, then President Bush would have been saved the trouble of worrying about Iraq's efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction. Not that she doubts that the weapons were there. But if Sept. 11 had been recognized as a plot hatched in Baghdad, then there would have been a clear-cut case for war, one not fought pre-emptively but in self-defense. 
Comment: Oh yes America it is not for nothing that I lately had to roller blade on some very selective part of the ring way surrounding this city. With that act I gave implicit permission & asked for a second nine eleven sized attack...

Why not? You just haven't learned a thing, more is needed. But let me quote on from the wisdom of this power slut:
Mylroie complains that the C.I.A. seems to have been duped into believing that Al Qaeda is a loose-knit group of Islamic extremists, and that the agency's analysts have turned a collective blind eye to the evidence suggesting that Al Qaeda could well be a front organization for Iraqi intelligence. She believes that Iraq was behind almost every major terrorist attack of the past decade, dating back to the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.

Comment: And this female was invited by the 'final' nine eleven committee. Disgusting, I just have no words for this, disgusting. 



There is a website under the name of conservativeintellectual dot com, there are dozens people like Mylroie. The one stupid thing after another, it is often just unbelievable what is happening there. To be honest, this website is just nothing compared to the conservativeintellectual dot com stuff, just nothing. I will not quote from that stupid belly speech that normally only is heard in pubs and cafe's late at night by drunk people talking on politics. Wanna see the ugly side of America? Visit the conservativeintellectual dot com and just read a bunch of those articles as found there. And when you realize that there are millions of these kind of 'mindsets' found into America then you will feel sick for many weeks. Then you know why it is needed to attack this country, this conservative mindset once more. And then you will understand why I lately made a prayer asking for more deaths then there were on 9/11. 
You will grow in wisdom and you will cry once you realize how much butchering there just have to be done, sometimes I really wonder if a nuke on the Pentagon is even enough to 'correct' this conservative mindset. I just wonder if one nuke is enough...

Title: With a little bit porn in it you can break all laws there are...& nuke it!

End to this days writing, sleep well and think well. 


24 August 2003: I was arrested this day for smashing only one window, I even asked 'So this is time nr zillion you think glass is more important than human lives'. And some cop even said 'Yes.' Arrest was at 17.00 hours, 24 hours later I was free again while talking and talking. But it just helped nothing, so there is resuming to the August bomb campaign again. I say BOOM & BOOM again, but please my dear blasters make the Dutch feel it in all ways!

The silly one Dutch from the American hotel in Indonesia is far from enough (although I liked the 'official' version saying it was timed against some American interrogators, facts are that only on foreigner died) , please help the story a bit and read the detailed 'arrest report' below at 25 August. 


25August2003: Oh oh how sad I felt upon leaving that governmental police building, the echo of the words 'The prosecutor does not buy any of that 10 or 14 days crap just before your trial' were devastating. Really devastating and sad making, how many died in those blasts?

Well later I talked in the street with some Palestine refugee and he told me how he survived an Israeli air raid while he was in some training camp. The three guys next to him were all killed in that air raid but he had nothing, well nothing is not the right word he was in panic but physical he had nothing. 
That brought some relief in my mind again, the struggle will go on for a long time but I feel good on it. Blasting in Holland would be fine, after all my attempts to get some meaningful kind of contact this is only what is left over.   

But no difficult thinking upon the differences of religions and so, let me write a report of facts that happened in one of my last attempts to get contact with authorities. Here is the little report


Cache of words written on 21 August as written on 17.00 hours (these words are now to an ending, blasting will be observed again until the end of August):

May I ask for a few days of silence (meaning no bombs) and the 'free hand' blasts concentrated in the end of this month? I just need a few days of thinking & each blasts devastates me too. Thank you if this is possible.

Oh, oops now we are on the blasting subject anyway. I carefully did not mention India and the Kashmir region and so, but when I returned home I observed two car bombs blown into the Indian landscape. Well, since I was jailed I cannot be against this. What a pity for the so called free Western society, what a pity...  


Then for a completely not relevant remark, but I did not know this detail so I mention this. The name of the military wing of Hamas seems to be Ezzedin al-Qas. That's all. But I wish you luck my dear Ezzedin al-Qas, I know your situation and the above mentioned Palestine neighbor told me the next: 'I just made a phone call with some family members in Gaza and they were much more happy then the normal Dutch people around here, isn't that strange?'
Yes, I considered this a little bit strange too but I think that's the way life is and in this country society has turned strange in many ways.


Now we look at a very strange work of art, mostly I do not place pics of works I never recited for in detail. But now I feel a bit pissed at local authorities for the zillionth time after carefully trying to explain stuff in detail. And devastating answers like 'Are Chechen Muslims' and even 'Oh have Chechens something with seven?' can only mean one answer at only one country. This is not neglect, this is willingly neglecting stuff. 

Title: More has to follow, the future is clear & select targets please!

Six days to go to September, lets see what has happens again. Let me quote again from that little conversation with some Palestine. He says 'And they simply ride a car with hundreds of kilos of explosives in it and it is blasted.' And I said: 'Yes, that is so good, they have more guts than the locals & that's a fact.'


26 August 2003: We start with a few interesting detail upon the liberation of Afghanistan, in total the whole of the Karzai government has received something like 200 million US$ (& promised was something like 6 or 7 billion). At the same time the monthly cost of the US army in the Afghan landscape to keep the liberation going is one billion...

What a perfection, didn't I say that America is looking a little bit like Germany in the years before World War II? This fixation on military is surely a sick making part of this all, one billion a month on military stuff compared to a total of 200 million for civil stuff...
America is it strange that I call you some enemy mine? Compare this to my little advice upon puppy stuff, I am pleased that my simple words of 'I would like to see the farmers have a good price this year, they have children to feed and medicine to buy.' Ha! I was honored so much when I finally did read the result of these words but there went some rough 600 million to those puppy farmers. To evil drug dealers I have to say again 'Thank you!' and to America I can say 'Where are you? What are you without your military?'

Lets keep it with this America bashing for this day, the facts speak for themselves. Just like the fact into the War on Terror and the facts into the liberation of Iraq. Now a bit of Media reporting: 

Media report to 26 August 2003: A very interesting detail to the UN bombing in Iraq observed, again the number five. As so often the number five plays a significant role in most (large) terror attacks. But so called terror experts cannot explain this use of nr five & so called locals say 'We do not understand, this all is far far away and not important to us!' 
Lets quote the simple to understand stuff:
The initial letter was delivered Aug. 14, five days before the blast at the U.N. headquarters. 

Yes, a series of letters was written in advance of the attack. And locals, what am I doing lately? I am doing the same while I speak of some attack against some Dutch interest, may be here may be abroad. But you are smiling, I know. And you just do not take this serious, I know.
It is 'too difficult' for you, I know. And now I say BOOM once more... 

Oh shithead local courthouse employees, is there anybody out there that can warn you for your own stupid deeds? You wanted me to appear at your police court on 15 August at 09.15 hours. I knew this could have been the starting point for a devastating series blasts, I knew but you still not! 

Let me spell it out for you & this was only in Iraq... Only in one country, wake up eggheads! Quote:
"The American soldiers and American and Jewish businessmen occupying Palestine Meridian hotel, Ishtar Sheraton hotel, Al- Rasheed hotel, conference palace and president palaces will be target to Iraqi resistance forces starting from 8:00 p.m. of Saturday 16th August," said the one-page warning, in English on one side and Arabic on the other. 

Comment: Again I feel sadness and madness upon your stupid behavior locals. Do you really think the Americans will warn you for the impending danger? They will not! They prefer bombs in Europe because than the Europeans will 'join' them in that war on terror... Machiavelli isn't so difficult to understand my locals.
In Iraq a lot of letters were sent with more or less the same content. To prove the Americans are 'stupid' let me quote this:
U.S. officials, contacted in Baghdad yesterday, said they were unaware of the messages cited by Mr. Sandi. 

There is more of this 'bomb stuff' to come rather likely. Yes it is, yes... 



Strange days these are, that is a fact. Now it is 26 August and in exactly 10 days (05 September) this all could be over. This all could be over and some kind of street life is my reward, what can I say? I say nothing for the time being on this subject because 10 days left are still 10 days left and there is important work to do in those days left... Therefore we tunnel nicely into the second part of this Media report & here we go:

Some interesting facts surrounding the present state of the American army: 

For the first time since the all-volunteer Army began in 1973, a significant number of U.S. combat soldiers may have to start serving back-to-back overseas tours of up to a year each in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan and South Korea, top Army officers say. 

Comment: During the Vietnam war the daily number of dead soldiers was 18 during a 7 year period. This must have been some reason to do things different 'from now on'. So the 'one dead a day' in Iraq from lately is rather low... Quote on:
Privately, officers familiar with the Army's deployment needs say the math will almost certainly require extra overseas assignments. Preliminary estimates range from 15 percent to 25 percent of the nearly 180,000 troops now overseas in Iraq, Korea and Afghanistan would need to do consecutive tours. The estimate is based on the Army maintaining a force of about 130,000 troops in Iraq, about 10,000 in

 Afghanistan and about 40,000 in Korea for the foreseeable future. 

Comment: Technology isn't all as you might have found out my dear American army. And global military power needs indeed sure some transformation like the German army had in the years before World War II. Do you want that?
Quoting on:
Says one high-ranking Pentagon official familiar with the math: "Looking out three years, it is not unreasonable to expect that within a two-year period, a guy will have to do a year and a half outside the United States."
Commanders are worried that the added tours will lower morale and cause a wave of exits throughout the Army. A key concern is that the deployments will cause an exodus of experienced, mid-career veterans such as sergeants, staff sergeants and captains, who are harder to replace than younger soldiers. 

Comment: The facts are clear, what is the wisdom of the Holy President on this all? Is the global dominance reasonable yes or no?



More or less the end to this days writing; it is worthy to remark at last that the US army is the only army that deploys napalm stuff and that as far as I know the US is the only country that offers student loans on the assumption that you are some military volunteer. Yes, student state loans are bound to being a voluntary soldier...

Till tomorrow my dear readers, think well and work well and burn that napalm in some other place please.  


27 August 2003: This morning I had the pleasure of writing two letters, one to the local police force and one to the local usher (Jans & Hartmans is the name of the usher company). In the police letter I explained how it was possible that after one night in some cell a big BOOM was observed (in India, in BOMBay so to say).
But I think they will say 'No no, that all can't be true for reasons of bla bla this and bla bla that.' Yes, that is very likely because that has been observed so often by me. 
The letter to the local usher was send to explain that they were completely not to blame for the India blast but that their behavior was some root to the UN blast in Iraq. Life is simple my dear locals, you know that the previous American estimate that only at the end of the Summer / begin Autumn there would be 'danger again' was some very good estimate, anyway that was what I was planning too....
But some local courthouse shithead started with that courthouse session on 15 August and after two days of deep and hard thinking I just had to start up reality. So locals, welcome in the real world, welcome & I mean this.

On the other hand I just never misunderestimate your level of being smart, so I just have to ask cells in the Dutch landscape to be prepared at all times. Especially on 05 September as some local folks have planned to raid my house, put all stuff out on the street and give me a street life in return. They think that is what I deserve...
Well sorry folks, you cannot hold me responsible for the level of stupidity of the Dutch government (the American government of course never wants the truth out, that would be bad for the so called 'American interests').

Also, my dear locals, the Americans just do not have any interest in preventing terror attacks outside America. Even if the Americans would have some prior knowledge than they would not tell, that is some simple Machiavelli stuff! Listen to the words of the Holy President 'Now it is good we can fight the war on terror abroad in Afghanistan and Iraq because now we do not have to fight it into America!'
Yes, that all is very very normal for Americans! They are the superior race, that is clear and better throw bombs in the Afghan landscape than fight the war in the heartlands. Because when there is collateral damage it are only Muslims, it are only Muslims and there is no worry whatsoever. 


Now it is time to say a big 'thank you' to the ones who helped me with teaching some locals a good good lesson. With interest I will observe the 'official statement' or the 'responsibility statement' to the Bombay stuff. In case this statement is still in the planning, may be it is possible to add some words like 'A good lesson for the Zionist afterbirth' or so. But something like a 'Dutch treatment' would also be perfect (although then nobody would understand, this is always the problem with official statements...). And, just by the way and so, is it true that you only need two pounds of that RDX stuff to blow a big plane from the skies?

Wow, that's exiting! The last time a plane was almost blown out of the sky was the last time I had some cell days to do. (Yes my dear locals, I even informed you at those days but you were stupid once more! This is going on for a long long time now so please get adopted to some better version of the nine eleven atrocities.)

Title: Thanks for the help & good lesson for local Dutch observed!

Now a bit of Media report, the clumsy & stupid enemy under the name of 'conservative mindset' does bring it's wisdom at the scene. As always they are fundamentally stupid, lets enjoy: 

Media report to 27 August 2003: On the website under the name of New Republic online I found the next quote:
Many were surprised last Tuesday when a terrorist truck-bomb destroyed the United Nations' headquarters in Baghdad and killed the organization's top on-site diplomat, Sergio Vieira de Mello. While it's at least understandable that some Iraqis might want to kill their American occupiers, why attack the United Nations, which had refused to bless the war and which now simply plays an advisory and humanitarian role in the country?

Comment: It sure is a pity that I never took the time to think a bit around what 'legitimate targets' are. I can fully understand the devastating amount of hate against the United Nations in the Iraqi landscape. But it is wise to make some difference between the real enemy (America of course) and the slaves they have.
In general I am against attacking slaves, but this does not apply to the Dutch government. Sorry Dutch government, sweat it out is my advice for you. And for example the British are not slaves but friends of the USA. Welcome in the real world and let me inform you that I am many things but for sure I am the Shaker of Nations & I like that. 

On the other hand, now it is still the month of August and this month is some kind of 'free hand' month for all organizations of operative out there. At the end of this month I think it was wise to make something like a 'free hand month' because on the target choice I can see what problems are relevant to the operatives. That is important too, that is clear for all people I hope.

Quote on a bit more from this New Republic:
In 1976, the General Assembly infamously passed a resolution stating that "Zionism is a form of racism." It's less well known in the West that many Arabs are as frustrated with the U.N. as Israel is. Arab countries have long hoped that the world body would stand more firmly with the Palestinians.

Comment: What possibility do the Palestines have to fight back at Israel? Longer back in history it is observed that also famous Israeli figures made bomb attacks against targets like post offices... Please correct me if I am wrong but is the name of Begin something in this? (But again I am digging deep deep in my memory and I never trust old memories!). Come on, there is only victors justice in the occupied areas!

Or am I not too 'one sided' my dear Israel? 



Title: Now American tittie time again! Are these tits for real or are they American?

Now it is time to tunnel into stuff that could have said BOOM at the very moment in time some academic asked me 'Are Chechens Muslims?' while also stating that my story had some 'High KGB content'. Yes, you could look at life that way, but thanks for the 50+ deaths, just thanks. Now quoting stuff:
Police Commissioner Ranjit Sharma said Wednesday that preliminary investigations indicated the explosive RDX was used in both the blasts.

"Forensic reports are awaited but we suspect that a small quantity of RDX is responsible for creating this damage," Sharma told The Associated Press.

Comment: No comment, only thanks...

After the thanking it could be nice to tunnel into the very interesting blackout into the USA. As told before: electricity & power plant stuff is some very important root to the 9/11 happenings. But of course this cannot be found into what American media file whatsoever. Quote the latest investigation details:
Investigators of North America's biggest blackout say all signs from a nearly completed timeline point to human errors in the early stages in Ohio on Aug. 14 as the cause of the cascade into darkness.

They have nearly finished assembling a second-by-second chronology composed of millions of bits of data collected from computers, voice recorders and hundreds of sensors scattered from Detroit through Canada into New York, officials said.

The retracing of the 600-mile electrical storm track starts at 1 p.m. on Aug. 14. Three hours passed before local problems in the Midwest grew into a crisis that cost billions of dollars and darkened the homes of millions of people.

Industry officials involved in the inquiry said they were not prepared to point to a particular cause, human or technological, but they generally voiced enthusiasm for the pace and progress of the analysis.

Comment: Yezzie yezzie allabessie! At the morning the originally my courthouse session was planned I just hang before the telly. And the news was so wonderful, just so wonderful.
Later it was observed that some folks said that this blackout was some al Queda deed, but since the Holy President of the United States shortly after blackouting had wisdom like 'This is not a terror act' to share it is understood all American journalists understood what he was saying.
The al Queda statement was mentioned on something like 90 different news outlets and disappeared fast...



For completeness also some latest remark on the 'scientific content' of the UK government (Kelly suicide dossier, the UK government is truly washing her hands in innocence).

The claim that Iraq could deploy "chemical and biological munitions" within 45 minutes was made in a classified email issued by a member of the joint intelligence committee (JIC) - but with both sender and recipient blacked out for security reasons.

Comment: The 45 minutes claim was the biggest crap after all. Quoting on:
David Kelly was in a "state of deep confusion" over the 45- minute claim referred to in Andrew Gilligan's BBC report, the head of the joint intelligence committee (JIC) claimed today.

Emerging from the shadows of the security services for the first time to give evidence to the Hutton inquiry, John Scarlett said Dr Kelly was ignorant of whether the Today reporter was referring to "missiles or munitions" with regard to the disputed 45-minute capability.

That difference, between missiles - which need loading with materials - and "battlefield shells", could provide enough "wiggle room" for the government to reject both the BBC story and Dr Kelly's disagreement with the dossier, while preserving the government's scientist's reputation.

Comment: Kelly even has told Iraqis stuff like 'Just tell me the truth, if there is nothing there will be no war & I can tell you that...'.
But my dear Kelly, it does not work via the 'truth' as I have found out & I think I have to say BOOM again on 05 September to make my point in this! 


End of the writing to this day, only some old pics from the UN headquarters blasting. This blast happened on Tuesday 19 August & I have to say 'Oh locals thank you so much for your corporation, especially the prosecuting slime known as Mr. van Sloten and Mr. Gert Souer! Thank you so much!'.

Title: A stream of civil servants is leaving & thank you so much prosecuting crap.


29 August 2003: Simply unbelievable, just look at the above Media files! Only now (29 August) I finished it with column nr 5 so it actually ended with column nr 4 about the cause of the electricity blackout in the USA from 14 & 15 August. And now there was a blackout in London during rush-hour too! But more fun details:
Just by accident the unedited words 'elec info:' was at the end of that days writing, rather funny if you ask me. Ha! Thanks for the ones who contributed to that fact, of course in some cases it would be nice to make this look like some 'accidental' thing. (More repetitions of it can be made.) 

This sure is a big coincidence and very funny, but as said so often this entire website is pieced together of so called 'coincidences' even when I know on the forehand that such 'coincidences' will occur.
For example when I write 'I expect the OneMillionDemon to make some contribution to', it is only logical that there is some kind of blast into the Iraqi landscape. But no courthouse shithead can make a courthouse hard proof to that, it all works with the concept of 'expectation' in the mathematical sense and I never ring anybody saying 'Now I need BOOM & BANG' to impress the local courthouse employees. (No, this is not a signal although it is still August, save all stuff until 05 September please...).

No, I can tell you it even far more stranger. Only in my latest email I joked at some old student of mind 'But it blasts very well lately!' And just a few days later when I try to email again I found out that the password has been changed! Ain't that funny? I consider this as being 'ok' because I can understand the danger in writing emails compared to writing it here and may be someone is only trying to protect me. (This looks a bit like that very very strange telephone fun when I only mentioned some phone number and instantly this phone number did not work anymore...).


Oops, the words above were written by me on something like 03.15 hour (I was fallen asleep very early the day before) and again there is some blast in Iraq. But I just do not understand if the writing above was some trigger and anyway, how do you get internet around there when most infrastructure needed for that doesn't work properly! So, without details known I can say this looks like some 'independent one'. 


And the rest to this day is only quotes from the Port Authority (from the two former World Trade Inches in New York), a sort of Media report without comment. You can find it in the extra text to this day.

  Title: America; What is your problem anyway??? 

End to this day & till some other update my readers.


30 August 2003: Only thinking, just thinking. And although this was some terrible month is some way, the daily civil dead bodies has come out. On average there were 10 to 11 dead civilians this month, exactly as was written to the local prosecutor. It included even a religious object, not five churches but a Mosque in the southern Iraqi landscape. I am at peace with myself, I am just thinking on all those who are gone. Till tomorrow. 


31 August 2003: The last day of August, a lot has happened but in September there is some silence again. And some axiom to military object only is at the scene again.
And, just ha! The 'Opera Seven reward' is going to the Chechens! Yes, they made some good prelude and all this month of August they stayed more or less around the 'military only' axiom! In my kind of speech, it is simple: They have balls! But I will never underestimate the Chechen females, in the past you have made fundamental contributions to the story to & I won't forget.

To all others: You made good contributions too, slowly but surely you converge into the big sword I need to fight the Americans. Anyway, most attacks were relative professional (but the accident in the Afghan bus is still somewhere in the back of my mind).
Another bad development of this month was the derailing of the so called road map, now the Americans are on their own again (& therefore stuff will likely fail, this US administration is standing too far outside reality).

Enough of all this! Something like 300 civilians died for the story, may I ask you every now and then to think a bit on them? Every month something like 8 million people die around the world, to that 300 might sound little but to me it is still 300 and I hope to you to.

A last remark; The coming World Trade Organization negotiations are rather likely not bringing what I want them to bring (more access of a lot of poor countries to the world markets, less agriculture subsidies and so on and so on). Only a little bit improvement on the medicine front, but it is surrounded with all that formalities that rather likely make this a bit fake one in a few months or years. I know how these rabbits run and sometimes I am sad I just gave up my so called NightmareOnWallStreet powers. 
Oh, the Nightmare, it was an infinite dream. Only make a few 'clicks' and stocks went down, just down and often hard. Oh Nightmare I miss you...

  Title: Did not make it as some WTC rebuild, but why? 


End of part 24b, next part is September 2003 and has it (monthly) number 25











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