(08 April 2018) It is not my task to comment
upon every stupid video out there about food and diets, but after
viewing a video riddled with nonsense from the channel Seeker I
decided to put some side notes to that stream of nonsense...
The Seeker people, let's name them Mr. and
Mrs. Stoopid come up with all those nonsense stuff like 'Your
brain runs on glucose so you need to eat carbs' while in practice
because glucose is such an important molecule for your body, your
very own body can produce plenty of glucose...
It is just all so stupid, I hope to keep it
short but here we go:
Item 1) The most stupid Seeker video ever!
Item 1) The most
stupid Seeker video ever!
In the year 2011 my body weight had grown to
109 kg and because year in year out I was only gaining weight I
decided to do something about this ever growing problem.
So at first only some calorie restriction and
more exercise and kilo by kilo the fat burned slowly away. In the
meantime I began to study the stuff around food and how it all
affects your body.
At some point in time I did hit a severe
barrier; I could not get below 88 kg of body weight. Even riding
your bicycle for 500 kilometer a week could not break down this
In the meantime all of a sudden I developed a
serious gluten allergy so I simply was forced to stop eating all
that wheat stuff. That's it in a nutshell but year in year out I
am very stable in body weight ever since.
Compared to all those diets out there, the
way I eat resembles mostly the keto diet. The keto diet is
basically very simple: keep your insulin levels low so that your
body has the capability to burn fat.
If you eat too much carbs or protein in the
form of meat, blood sugar levels rise and at that point in time
your body can't burn fat. The present day obesity epidemic is not
about people eating too much but much more the food they eat
prevents their bodies to burn fat...
After having said that, here are a few of the
very stupid things Mr. and Mrs. Stoopid explain to us as being
'scientific' or 'under strict oversight' and it is just all soo
1) Eating fat, my arteries hurt says Mr.
Comment: If you can't burn the body fat also
dietary fat can become bad for your health.
2) Glucose, your brain and body runs of
glucose says Mrs. Stoopid.
Comment: Glucose is a very simple molecule
that your body can easily make plenty plenty plenty.
3) Giants amounts of meat. For some strange
reason Mr. and Mrs. Stoopid seem to think that maintaining a low
insulin level commutes with eating gigantic amounts of meat.
Comment: If your body cannot process huge
amounts of meat, your body will respond by breaking the meat down
into sugars raising your insulin levels.
4) Starvation. Here is where Mrs. Stoopid
gets really fanatic, only via starvation and all of that ridiculous
keto stuff you can loose weight...
Comment: Eating no food by carb hoarders for
more than six hours is known as the horrible process of
'starvation'. Yes, after about six hours your glucose reserves are
depleted and because you did eat too much carbs to begin with you
feel very very starved. And you crave food deeply...
A normal person would access the body fat for
energy and would find it very strange to name this
Only carb eaters use the word starvation, if
you are behind that diaper wearing phase in your life it is simply
Here are Mr. and Mrs. Stoopid explaining
their precious insights about how to feed the brain, click on the
picture for the stupid video:

Does the Keto Diet Actually Work?
Wow man, I am glad I made it mentally sane at
the end of this update... ;)
End of this update.
(02 April 2018) Lately I found a nice video
summing up all the problems related to when you eat stuff your
body cannot digest, in particular gluten.
At present day gluten is a bit of a laughing
stock for a lot of people because they never drop dead after
consuming bread or other wheat related products. But the effects
it has on your body build up over time, the first half century of
my like I did eat bread on a daily basis and I too never thought
it would do me harm.
It was just food, I trusted it...
That is the item for this update:
Item 1) Make or buy some gluten and take
experiments for yourself.
Item 1) Make or buy
some gluten and take experiments for yourself.
Gluten is something your body just cannot
digest, gluten is not one molecule or protein but has more
components. For myself speaking I view gluten as a collection of
anti rot components that the wheat grain uses to survive the
winter in order to sprout and grow and live for another generation
of wheat.
So if this is true, if gluten is also an anti
rot component for the form of life known as wheat, it should also
be that almost no other form of life can break it down.
I checked that more or less abundantly in the
past. I bought a kilo of 100% gluten for just five Euro, also I
washed wheat dough out until you are left over with the gluten.
I did put out chunks of gluten in plastic bags together with some
water and, for example, some French cheese. Or with beer yeast, or
a combination of cheeses and beer yeast or even bread
At one point in time I even placed a plastic
bag in my garden, let it open so all kinds of microscopic life
could enter the plastic bag.
After that I started using fermentation
bottles because that gave such nice looking photographs where I
could make my fancy pictures from.
Anyway, all experiments I have done to make
nature break down the gluten always were at least 3 months until
the proteins were broken down so small that the stuff became a
The human body is not made for digesting
stuff over a time span of 3 months or more so we simply shit all
problematic stuff out and live happily ever after.
Ha ha ha, the funny thing about gluten is
that the daily consumption of wheat related products gives you a
leaky gut so that all kinds of garbage can get into your
But this post is not about repeating what is
already out there in knowledge about what can happen if you eat
too many stuff your body just cannot digest, think of experiments
for yourself. What form of life can break down the conglomerate of
proteins known as gluten?
You can get gluten via washing out a fresh
kneaded wheat dough, after flushing the dough with water for about
40 or 50 minutes it looks like this:

Once you have the pure gluten you can think
of yourself for all kinds of experiments showing human digestion
cannot break it down. Nor other forms of life on this planet.
The leaky gut stuff related to gluten is also
very likely very true, after I changed my diet to anti gluten I
almost had no back pain for about four years. In all years of my
bread eating life I had so much back pains that every year at
least one week I could not ride a bicycle...
And if you eat bread every day, you also have
have at least for some time every day this schematic picture for
your leaky gut problems:

Ok let's call it a day.
The two pictures above came from the next
gluten that bad for your health? | The science
It is a nice video and with a little smile on
my face I can say I have also found a group of ultra smart
professionals that should eat more gluten: The math professors!
If math professors would eat more gluten and
the rest of the population less gluten I would be in paradise...
;) Thanks for your attention.
Till updates.
(26 March 2018) It is about high time to post
a few new updates on this very homepage. In the previous update I
did not mention it but only posted a link to page
3 on the magnetic stuff (mostly viewing electrons as magnetic
And with a little smile on my face I type
once more down 'electrons viewed as carrying magnetic charge' and
I know that instantly all those professional physics professors
will fast click away to some other website.
These people are shitty to the bone or to put
it more mildly: they are university people...
The last few weeks I have been working on a
general proof for the so called inverse Pythagoras theorem but I
was a bit stupid and first crafted the general proof and only
later tried to look up on the internet about the inverse theorem
of Pythagoras...
It turned out there is no inverse theorem of
Pythagoras, anyway I could find nothing in the public domain.
Anyway this inverse stuff is our first item and the second item is
about a very nice explanation of magnetic domains and the domain
walls of magnetic domains.
Let's go:
Item 1) On the other website: A general
inverse Pythagoras theorem.
Item 2) More on magnetic domain walls that are made of electron
Item 1) On the other
website: A general inverse Pythagoras theorem.
For myself speaking I would not classify this
result as a theorem but more like a cute result. But I found that
was of measuring the distance d as used in the cute result
over two decades ago.
On the other hand it was only why some other
guy named the 2D version a 'theorem' I started thinking about this
so for me this cute result is new too...
So theorem yes or no, let history decide! OH
NO: that kind of history is more or less the version of history
that future university people will make of it so may be that is
not a wise thing to desire...
Anyway, here is the link to the cute result
that for the time being goes under the name of The General Inverse
Pythagoras Theorem:
is the inverse Pythagoras theorem?
Here is a screen shot that shows the cute

That's it for this item: cute result or a
full blown theorem? Make up your own mind.
Item 2) More on magnetic
domain walls that are made of electron pairs.
At the beginning of February I watched a
video with Stuart Parkin from IBM talking about so called
racetrack memory where they use nano wires to shift the magnetic
domains inside the nano wire.
This is a way to store information on some
computing device, present day fast memory consumes far to much
energy and this racetrack concept of storing information on nano
wires is very very cute...
Stuart Parkin told that the magnetic domain
wall can only be moved by electrical fields like those inside the
nano wire done by what Stuart calls 'spin polarized electrical
current'. The important detail is that likely Stuart & his IBM
fellows have tried to manipulate the domain walls via magnetic
fields and as such they failed.
The same day I realized what must be going
1) The inside of the magnetic domains have a
surplus of electrons carrying north pole magnetic charge OR as
surplus of south pole magnetic charge on the electron.
The magnetic domains themselves are NEVER magnetic dipoles but
regions with a surplus in one of the two magnetic charges.
2) The domain walls contain much more
electron pairs because all unpaired electrons will be pulled to
some inside of the domain because they are not magnetically
neutral. The electron pair is by definition magnetically neutral
because it is always made up of a south and a north magnetic
charge and as such likes to hang out in the middle where the
Lorentz forces make it spinning around.
Basically that's it: paired electrons are
always by definition magnetically neutral while unpaired electrons
never are magnetically neutral because they carry magnetic
As such the formation and change of the walls
of magnetic domains is a highly dynamical process, unpaired
electron will tunnel into another magnetic domain if the wall is
too weak and so on and so on.
Here is reason number 57 from two days back:
video containing the formation of magnetic domains
The reader is invited to think a bit about
electrons having magnetic charge and as such explain all those
weird phenomena we see around us...
After all it is not my task to convince you
about anything electron related, if your brain is more or less
healthy you will arrive at similar insights...
(Except for the university people of course.)
End of this update.
(10 Feb 2018) Ok, I could talk long and short
about some local earthquakes but I won't.
We leave out all local emotional stuff because we also have to
clean the closet every now and then.
So this is more about the Mathologer who
finally sees the light and the IBM folks who still struggle so
much to understand the elementary basics of electron spin:
Item 1) Finally the Mathologer sees the
Item 2) Magnetic domain walls explained via electron
Item 1) Finally the
Mathologer sees the light.
Back in April 2016 after visiting a general
math lecture at the local university here I thought it would be
funny to completely debunk the nonsense from a bunch of Nottingham
physics professors who claimed that the sum of all integers equals
minus 1/12.
They sold nonsense like:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + .... = -1/12.
And from that it is easy to deduce much more
completely retarded nonsense, for example you can lower every
integer in this sequence by one in order to get the same sum
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... minus
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... =
0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ...
But if the last sum also equals -1/12, it has
to be that:
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... = 0.
If you have a normal functioning brain, I
hope you more or less estimate that if you add the number 1
infinitely many times, the answer is the thing known as
To my surprise on a video channel I found the
Mathologer also explaining why this is a bunch of weird math. It
was fun to watch so I placed a small update with his video on this
two year old detail:
Debunking the Euler evaluation of zeta at minus
Let us leave this detail behind us.
Item 2) Magnetic
domain walls explained via electron pairs.
This week I was viewing another video of
Stuart Parkin who is trying to craft so called racetrack memory
for future computers and he is trying to use the spin of electrons
in order to reach his goal.
Of course Stuart Parkin is a strong believer
in electrons having two magnetic poles, just like all the other
professional physics professors.
Let me not lamentate upon the slow acceptance
of electrons carrying a magnetic charge, that is how the human
brain works after all: slow and dumb ;)
Anyway within a few hours of looking at his
video I understood how the magnetic domains in metals like iron
are for real:
The borders as found in iron have much more
electron pairs into them, furthermore each magnetic domain has
either a surplus of north or south electrons carrying the magnetic
The electron pair is magnetically neutral
while unpaired electrons never are, so when Stuart Parkin informed
me that those magnetic domain walls just not got moved by magnetic
fields, after all that time I had a tiny bit of experimental
validation of my whole magnetic charge idea...
So this is reason number 53 as why electrons
cannot be magnetic dipoles:
Reason 53:
Domain walls of magnetic domains explained (electron pairs).
Here is a picture of
the stuff that is most horribly wrong with the representation of
electron spin as a vector; make up your own mind but I consider
this not correct:

Ok, that was it. Till updates.
(28 Jan 2018) About three weeks back I had a court case
because back in Nov 2016 I was that stupid to park a car on the
parking spot of a handicapped person...
That was stupid of me, I cannot deny that, but I was completely
unaware of the nature of the parking spot because I did not see
the sign.
Anyway I was fined a nice 390 € and because
that is a whole lot of money for something I had not done on
purpose, I decided to appeal.
So I performed all my appealing duties, it
was nice to use the old post method of letters written on paper a
few times, and that was it in let's say Dec 2016.
About half a year later I got the next letter
from the CJBI (that is the Dutch state fine collector, a rather
powerful organization) and my appeal was not taken into
consideration because I failed to handover the letter that said I
could appeal in the name of the car owner...
But I never received a letter telling me to
do so, all I observed was month after month of nothing.
So I appealed against the decision of not
taking up my first appeal and as such we had a court house date of
08 Jan 2018 at 14.00 hours.
For me it was kinda strange to be back in the
local courthouse, so much has changed like for example it is much
harder to bring explosives or metal weaponry to the courthouse...
It was nice to observe how they evolved since I have evolved
Anyway, beside all those old emotions, later
I found out that at 14.00.52 hours a multiyear long record
earthquake was there just outside the city where the gas pumps of
companies like Shell suck the natural gas from under our living
Therefore in order to promote cognitive
growth in item 1) we try to estimate the average amount of how
much the so called 'bodem daling' will be.
And since this is a local issue, it will be
done in the Dutch language. (Sorry for that.)
Item 1) Wat is eigenlijk de gemiddelde bodem
Item 1) Wat is
eigenlijk de gemiddelde bodem daling?
Een aantal jaren geleden heb ik eens proberen
te schatten hoeveel de bodem daling in Groningen nu eigenlijk gaat
De gasproductie is altijd gegeven in het
aantal miljarden kubieke meter, één miljard kubieke meter gas is
precies één kubieke kilometer. Maar 1 kubieke kilometer aan de
oppervlakte onder een druk van 1 atmosfeer (of 1 bar zo je wilt)
neemt diep in de grond veel minder ruimte in.
Nou ik wil niet de hele berekening herhalen,
maar je maakt gewoon gebruik van een nogal eenvoudige gaswet die
zegt dat druk maal volume gedeeld door de temperatuur gelijk is
aan een constante.
In al zijn eenvoud, bij veronderstelde
gelijke temperaturen, bij twee keer zoveel druk heb je half het
oorspronkelijk volume.
Dus ik ga het spul niet herhalen want dan kom
ik weer op een gemiddelde bodem daling uit van 3 tot 6 meter. Je
hoeft niet erg lang na te denken dat dit eigenlijk nogal rampzalig
is en gigantisch duur op de lange termijn...
Ik nodig jullie dus van harte uit om het zelf
eens te proberen, daarbij heb je de volgende gegevens nodig:
1) De cumulatieve aardgaswinning sinds het
begin van de gaswinning in de jaren 60, stel dat is X miljard
kubieke meter aardgas dan is dat dus X kubieke kilometer aardgas
bij een druk die we aan de oppervlakte hebben.
2) Diep in de grond is het warmer, dat laten
we gewoon weg uit de berekening omdat we een CONSERVATIEVE
SCHATTING willen maken. Er zijn namelijk ook allerlei redenen dat
de bodem daling minder zal zijn, bijv als er veel grote rotsen
zijn of hele steenlagen dan kan die bodem daling wel miljoenen
jaren duren.
Nou er zijn eigenlijk geen rotsformaties en gegeven de hogere
temperatuur zal die X kubieke kilometer dus iets meer volume
innemen want hoe warmer het is hoe meer het gas uit zal zetten.
3) Gemiddelde diepte van het gewonnen gas,
dan kun je de druk uitrekenen. Op bijv zes kilometer diepte is de
druk gewoon het gewicht van een kolom aarde daarboven tot de
oppervlakte. Als ik het mij goed herinner gebruikte ik een massa
van 2500 kilo per kubieke meter grond. Dan kun je de zwaartekracht
uitrekenen die je per vierkante meter hebt, dat is dus 6000 maal
2500 maal de lokale gravitatie constante g = 9, 81.
4) Je moet ook de oppervlakte van de
gaswinning weten, volgens mijn geheugen is dat vrij precies 900
vierkante kilometer.
Als mijn schatting van 3 tot 6 meter bodem
daling correct was, dan moet al het gas dat er gewonnen is sinds
de jaren zestig diep in de grond dus ongeveer een volume hebben
900 maal 0,003 = 2,7 kubieke kilometer, tot
900 maal 0,006 = 5,4 kubieke kilometer.
Een aantal jaren terug vond ik het eigenlijk
best wel een schokken resultaat. Gelukkig hebben we ook de
universitaire wereld en die deden natuurlijk weer waar ze goed in
Dus geen validatie, geen ontkenning. Gewoon
business as usual en vooral niets doen...
Laten we het daarbij houden behalve een
geinig nieuwtje omtrent een belangrijke aandeelhouder van de NAM
die natuurlijk voor de kosten van de bodem daling zou moeten
opdraaien. Dat is Shell, die suckers beginnen zich terug te
trekken tegen de toekomstige kosten van de Groninger bodem dalind
veroorzaakt door de gaswinning van de Shell suckers themselves.
Dit is van dagblad Trouw:
Shell zet de Nam op
afstand. Wie draait er straks op voor de schade in Groningen?
En voor het geval je eens hard wilt lachen om
één van die overbetaalde ultra debielen bij Shell: De NAM heeft
poen zat voor alle schade die nog gaat komen. Dat wijf is echt
rand debiel, hier is haar overbetaalde visie:
Shell-topvrouw: NAM financieel robuust genoeg voor rekening aardbevingsschade
Waarom kopen die mensen niet een paar zakken
potaarde voor de planten vraagt de topvrouw van Shell zich af.
Daarmee kunnen ze toch makkelijk die bodem daling compenseren?
Toegevoegd op 01 februari, een leuke wiki
zegt dat op dit moment de maximale bodem daling ongeveer 30
centimeter is. En dat is maar in een niet al te groot gebied, niet
in de 900 vierkante kilometer van het totale gaswinnings gebied...
Er zijn dus al giga veel problemen en allerlei kosten bij een
maximale bodemdaling van 30 centimeter.
Als mijn gemiddelde schatting van 3 tot 6 meter uitkomt dan is het
duidelijk dat de meeste problemen nog in de toekomst liggen.
End of this update, till updates.
(10 Jan 2018) Often you hear stuff like 'Do
not use Google search but Duckduckgo because the latter protects
your privacy and for Google you are just a bunch of data'.
People sometimes say 'If you are online,
Google knows who you are'.
There might be some point into this because
with the rise of fake news, last year the echo chamber came to the
foreground meaning websites like facebook and the likes bombard
you with news and advertisements of stuff you have seen
So in this update we do only one search,
calculation of the 7D tau
and we will look at the behavior of the Bing
search from Microsoft, Duckduckgo and the elephant in the room
named Google search.
Item 1) Internet search engine comparison.
Item 1) Internet
search engine comparison.
On 06 Dec last year I posted the way to
calculate this seven dimensional important number on the other
website. Here is the post for those who are into that kind of nice
An important calculation of the 7D number tau (circular
To my surprise on all three search engines
this post popped up at number one. Some people might remark this
is rather logical since there are not that many webpages with
titles like that. Ok, that is true but there is also a lot of
noise that pops up high in the search results.
Yet, the Bing engine from Microsoft gave only
one result on the first page. Duckduckgo gave also the
introductionary post to the calculation of the 7D tau.
Here is a screen shot:

Now compare this to Google; they give also
the 06 Dec post as number one but also pages of the categories as
I use them on the other website. Categories like 'Exponential
curves' or 'Matrix representation'.
I think it goes too far to classify this as
'echo chamber', it is just better and is what Google always said
they try to do: Making searches more relevant.

For myself speaking I will mainly be using
Google as my default search engine. The fact my userdata might
have some use for Google is fine by me, after all Google gives
also goodies in return like Youtube or Google books.
Of course you must be aware of the
differences between the three main search engines, in the future
the searches stood be relevant and not what some AI guesses you
like to read.
Ok, let's hit the button 'upload changes' and
see you next time!
(20 Dec 2017) I added two more reasons to the
long list of why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. That is our
item for this update on this homepage:
Item 1) The spin of positrons.
Item 2) The aurora's of Jupiter are without accompanying
electrical fields...
Item 1) The spin of
Last week I was looking some Microsoft videos
about quantum computing and they came up with a result from the
university of Delft:
Majorana fermions that are there own anti
A bit more investigation gave a nice result
from some guy named Leo Kouwenhoven and he claims that a super
position of a hole and an electron forms a Majorana fermion.
And they are their own anti particle...
So that made me thinking; what actually
happens when, for example, in the large hadron collider in the
Swiss landscape we observe the formation of a electron positron
This is very interesting because the
electrical charges cancel out so that the law of electrical charge
conservation is respected. But now I have figured out that
electrons can have two magnetic charges, it looks reasonable that
in the creation of the electron positron pair they will also have
opposite magnetic charges.
To put it in the language of the professional
physics professors:
If the electron is spin up, the positron must
be spin down and vice versa.
But now we have a problem because
professional physics professors often explain electron spin via
actual spinning of the electron around an axis. And because the
electron and positron have opposite electrical charges, the only
way to produce opposite spins is if they are spinning in the same
And that would violate the conservation of
angular momentum...
More in magnetic page number two at entry
number 51:
17 Dec 2017: Reason 51: Spin properties of
the positron
Item 2) The aurora's
of Jupiter are without accompanying electrical fields...
This observation made by the Juno probe
around the gas giant Jupiter is a blistering success for my idea's
around electron spin being a magnetic charge.
The electrons in the aurora's of Jupiter are
also coming up from Jupiter without electrical fields to suck them
This result was found back in September this
year but I waited a bit because I would like to read some stuff
from the preprint archive on this interesting detail. But nothing
was found and that might be logical: People often write about
stuff they understand and not about stuff they do not
In my view, if electrons are coming up from
the atmosphere of Jupiter without enough electrical field, it has
to be they are expelled by the magnetic field of Jupiter.
Just like the ejection of the solar wind when
it comes to electrons; the electrons are blown out because they
have the repelling magnetic charge.
Here is a Scishow video upon this electron
detail that is not understood by the professionals:

More on the stuff in reason number 52 as why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles:
19 Dec 2017: Reason 52: Jupiter aurora's
without the electrical field acceleration
Ok, that was it for this update. Till updates
my dear reader.
(07 Dec 2017) It amazes me often as why the
obesity epidemic keeps on spreading. I was once obese and back in
the year 2011 I decided to do something about it and after some
time it was understood that you only have to keep insulin levels
as low as possible and live slim & happy ever
Does this simple knowledge spread into
society? Hardly because for the UK for example we have the next
weird item:
Item 1) One in four UK nurses are obese.
Item 1) One in four
UK nurses are obese.
Weight loss & gain is primarily driven by
hormones and as such you should expect that inside the
professional health community a better understanding of this fact
would be there.
Now to the excuse of nurses they often work
night shifts and it is well known that working night shifts is
very good in messing up your hormones. So if you work night shifts
should you avoid carbs even much more as those who do not work
night shifts?
No talk like that from the UK health
In practice over 25% is obese strongly
suggesting that in the UK they still view the human body as some
kind of mechanical machine and exercise is the answer to weight
gain. The fact that a raised insulin level prevents the body
burning fat, a very elementary thing to know, is completely lost
on those people.
'1 in 4 nurses in England are obese,' survey finds
A strong characteristic in all Western
government advices on food for the population is that they never
say you should fade away from carbs the older you get. On the
contrary, they give weird and wrong advices like you should eat
bread every day.
But for a lot of people bread spikes the
blood sugar to too high levels, this is poisonous and as such the
body excretes insulin in order to lower the blood sugar
Glucose is an important and very simple
molecule for your body, therefore you do not need to consume it
because it is important your body can make plenty of it for
After all glucose is a simple molecule, it is not like some
protein of thousands and thousands of atoms forming giant
More than one in four nurses are obese, new study shows
All this food stuff has strong
characteristics of addiction, that is why (scientific) knowledge
does not spread around. All this designer food is not food, the
stuff is designed to make you overeat and instead of complaining
most people buy more and more of that particular 'food'.
As an antidote to all that madness going
round you should simply look every time you go out and buy food,
And from that it is easy to figure out what
not to eat; if you are like me over 50 years old, only a complete
idiot would eat lots of carbs every day. If your body cannot burn
the fat you will get obese. It is as simple as it is, exercise is
good but it does not make your body burn fat...

In my life everything is simple:
1) Math professors refuse to understand
complex numbers while
2) Physics professors refuse to understand electron magnetic
charge and
3) Nurses refuse to think about food and what it does in your
Let's leave it with that, eat a few more
cookies and sing praise to trump:
The US is exporting obesity – and Trump is making the problem worse
In the meantime I still refuse to die so
probable there will be new updates in the
future on this website... So see you around.
(16 Nov 2017) I found a nice pdf file from
CERN where they try to explain Larmor frequencies of electrons.
The title of the pdf is Electron spin resonance, our item for
today is about that CERN pdf:
Item 1) Electron spin resonance according to
Item 1) Electron spin
resonance according to CERN.
The article starts with a description of a
nice experiment with a steel ball with a bar magnet in the middle
that can float in an upstream of air. Two magnetic fields are
applied, one stationary and one vibrating at a particular
And indeed, if you find the right frequency
and strength of the vibrating magnetic field it is very possible
you flip the rotating metal ball so that it's bar magnet is anti-aligned
with the stationary magnetic field.
The bar magnet is trapped in this manner
because the angular momentum from the metal ball prevents it from
making the proper alignment with the stationary magnetic field; it
is more or less in an energy trap.
The CERN folks claim this is the way to flip
the spin of an electron.
Here is the pdf-file: Electron
Spin Resonance
There is only one tiny problem: the magnetic
properties of an electron cannot be explained via rotation because
it has to spin a huge multiple of the speed of light.
This directly implies you are not allowed to
argue from rotating stuff and year in year out I am wondering why
those people do that. Because if that is accepted at CERN it must
be accepted by the whole physics community.
It is not much of a secret I think that
electrons carry magnetic charge, either a north pole or a south
pole charge. And why do electrons resonate a la Larmor?
Because they act as tiny masses on a spring,
the spring being of course the binding to some atom or molecule.
Depending on the strength of the bond between the electron and the
atom different resonant frequencies will be observed. Of course
this resonance comes best forward if there is an applied constant
magnetic field....
The constant magnetic field is what makes the resonance possible
in the first place.
As usual the CERN people bring up the Stern-Gerlach
experiment and this exposes their shallow thinking; if a few
electrons would be flipped against the magnetic field, how the
hell can they draw an entire silver ion into two separate
Silver has over 100 protons and neutrons while an electron has a
mass of about 1/1830 of a proton; should we believe that a few
flipped magnetic bipolar electrons can move a mass of about 200
thousand electrons?
No way; the Stern Gerlach experiment does not
validate the official theory on electron spin. It is the way
towards understanding electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles but
magnetic monopoles that carry magnetic charge.
At last one more link to what I posted in the
previous month:
In page 2 on magnetic stuff you can find
reason number 50:
Reason 50: A calculation on electron acceleration by a magnetic field
End of this update, see you later
(18 Oct 2017) Four days back I published
reason number 50 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, that
is for item number 2. Item 1 is for new obesity record rates in
the USA; that is good news because it validates my long ago posted
insight that the average lifespan in the USA will decline for a
relatively long time...
Item 1) Hurray; obesity rates almost 40%! Pop
open another Coca Cola!!!
Item 2) Reason number 50.
Item 1) Hurray;
obesity rates almost 40%! Pop open another Coca Cola!!!
The rate of obese adults in the USA is now
standing at almost 40%. That shows that all government information
about how to eat and what to eat are completely wrong. Just like
in my own country where the so called 'experts' at the Dutch
Health Council have the guts to advice to eat bread on a daily
Contrary to government officials I know what
I am talking about because back in the year 2011 I was 109 kilo or
a body mass index of 32 and as such I have qualified for being
What government officials refuse to acknowledge
is that having so much fat in your body is not a case of eating
too much but much more the problem of your body not being able to
burn body fat.
And when you cannot burn body fat you get hungry very fast, four
or five hours without fresh food is enough, and you need to eat
again. And again and again and again.
The food advices of our Western governments
also assure that even if people manage to loose some weight, often
they start to jojo and end up with even a bigger weight...
And this all while it is basically so very
The older you get the less carbs you should
If you do not abide a simple rule like this,
the excess amount of sugar will shorten your lifespan. Cut down on
the fucking carbs and live happily ever after.
A funny read from Forbes:
U.S. Obesity Rates Have Hit An All-Time High
Item 2) Reason number
Because we humans use the number system based
on the number 10 without doubt there is some symbolic value in
reason number 50.
So I decided to make that calculation where
electrons are accelerated by a non-uniform magnetic field as this
reason number 50. But for that calculation that is based on
macroscopic behavior of let's say a bar magnet, you need to know
what the size of an electron is.
There is the start of what makes stuff rather
fuzzy because electrons also exhibit wave like properties but the
most reliable information I could find was based on collision
experiments that say the electron size should be less then 10 to
the power -18.
I still use the size 10 to the power -14
because there you already need a spatial gradient of the strength
of the magnetic field of like 10 million Tesla rendering all
fantasies of electrons as being magnetic dipoles into an oblivion
With an electron size of 10 to the power -18
you would need a magnetic gradient of about 100 billion Tesla per
meter and that would only accelerate the electron with an
acceleration of just 10% of what the earth magnetic field
In page 2 on magnetic stuff you can find
reason number 50:
Reason 50: A calculation on electron acceleration by a magnetic field
There is only one tiny problem left: The
university people still act if I am the one with severe cognitive
I cannot solve that problem, may be they
should eat a bit more of that healthy whole wheat bread so their
brains will have a tiny bit more energy.
Let's leave it with that. Till updates.
(04 Oct 2017) Oh oh that Las Vegas shootout
was some serious blasting; over 500 wounded and until now 59
reported dead. This seems to be a record in modern day mass
shootings. And there is also positive news: The USA government, I
think it is now at the Congress level, is working to make it more
easy for all kinds of gun silencers to make it to the consumer gun
So with a bit of luck, this decade we will
have new fresh records in mass killings.
And my best wishes go to the NRA: No amount of guns brought to the
country & western music concert by the public would have made
any difference in the outcome.
Lets leave this mass shootout detail with
that, it is boring to start with so lets go to the more
interesting stuff:
Item 1) A ten million Tesla gradient for only
weak electron acceleration?
Item 1) A ten million
Tesla gradient for only weak electron acceleration?
Fourteen hours back the 2017 Nobel prize for
physics was reported and more or less like expected it went to the
discovery of gravitational waves in that LIGO experiment. I
expected it already last year but the discovery was made after the
deadline for making applications to the Nobel committee so 2017 is
the fastest year possible to award a Nobel prize to that wonderful
The greatest thing is of course that humanity
now has a new way of looking at the universe and once we have that
into the pocket it will be there for a long time.
If you compare that to understanding electron
spin, that is to say electrons are not magnetic dipoles but carry
magnetic charge, it would be great if there would be a tiny bit
more experimental evidence.
For example the expectation that electrons
also get accelerated by magnetic fields that are as uniformly as
possible would be a great contribution because I cannot do that
Not that I am expecting any kind of help,
after all the university people have a big dictionary and words
like 'cooperative' or 'helpful' are just lacking. It is not there,
university people will always stay the same just like the average
Nevada redneck is a gun hugger, university people will never be
But the title of this item is about magnetic
fields having a gradient of many millions per meter. That is what
you need if you want to accelerate electrons by their so called
but non-existing magnetic dipole moment.
You can find the calculation on the other
website, here is a permalink:
Collecting the nonsense in a vid named Spin 1/2 in a B
The magnetic gradient is mind boggling but if
you think about it, it makes a lot of sense: The electron is very
very small so if it is an magnetic dipole one way or the other the
north and south pole are very close.
In order to make a serious force to accelerate this electron you
need a giant gradient in your magnetic field.
Compare it to the mass density of neutron
stars, if you want to accelerate a tea spoon of neutron star stuff
you also need gigantic forces.
As usual the non-performers from the
universities (the university people) will not react, after all
being helpful is just not in their dictionary. So we will have
more years of total silence...
Here is the heart of the simple to understand calculation:

Till updates.
(15 Sept 2017) Of course Google news is a
horrible place to search for 'magnetic monopole' so why not reap
the harvest?
Item 1) University people on magnetic
monopoles, a disaster of course...
Item 1) University
people on magnetic monopoles, a disaster of course...
Those poor university people still on the
lookout for that mysterious magnetic monopole. They are searching
for a particle without electric charge and only magnetic charge.
And always there is the ghost of Paul Dirac hanging over it
because he was the one that started it all.
Also those university people compare the
magnetic monopole to the electron, but what is an electron?
According to official theory the electron has an electric charge
and is a magnetic dipole at the same time.
What I truly do not understand that if you
believe the electron has electric charge and is a magnetic dipole,
why not look for a particle that is a magnetic monopole but is an
electric dipole???
It is not for nothing I say that the
professional physics people have left the path of verifiable
experimental results and instead have turned the science of
physics into some religion with all of it's mystifications and not
understandable miracles like their explanation of electron
Why do they look for a pure magnetic monopole
while even the electron is not a pure electric monopole but has
'something to do with magnetism'.
Why is it always the same with university
people year in year out?
Always excel in fundamental stupidity exposing shallow

Source of the text in the picture
Physics Monopole-y: A Key to a Unified Theory of Everything?
It sure is dogma that magnetic monopoles do
not exist, yet the Stern-Gerlach experiment can only be explained
via magnetic monopole behavior of the electron.
The laws of nature look a lot nicer if you
accept that as a building block of your thinking, but university
people never do that. They indulge into crap like this (quoted
from the picture source):
Magnetic monopole particles
are likely extremely rare; Flicker speculates there may be a
single particle in every galaxy. In the case of Flicker’s
experiment, this will not constitute the observation of a real particle.
Comment: Only one magnetic monopole per
capita galaxy, need more proof these people turned what once was a
respectable science into a religious thing?
Let's leave this nonsense with that,
university people will always act as conformists while stating
they love the freedom of thought.
Till updates.
(12 Sept 2017) A new magnetic update was
posted five days back:
Item 1) Reason nr 49 as why electrons cannot
be magnetic dipoles; Jupiter aurora's.
Item 1) Reason nr 49
as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles; Jupiter aurora's.
Yesterday it was another 'nine eleven day'
and for sure this is also the biggest failure of my own life:
Although I did my very best for a full decade long, never ever the
authorities were interesting into investigating the so called
trigger hypothesis.
Simply said; the 9/11 attack from the year
2001 were only so successful because in those long lost years the
Muslims were ultra pissed because of only one piece I wrote...
So authorities never dived into the fact why
the WTC towers were flattened while the White House not... Let it
be, for me it is like water; if it does not stream away it will
evaporate and I will go on with my life.
But I am now already wasting a huge amount of
time into explaining to the more scientific parts of humanity as
why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
The spacecraft Juno observed the Jupiter
aurora's in a bit more detail and ha ha ha they are a few hundred
times as strong as they are supposed to be.
Of course all scientists do the standard
If you use the hypothesis that electron are
not magnetic dipoles but magnetic monopoles, you do not need one
extra cent of taxpayer money. You only need to use your brains.
So what will happen?
Very simple: University people will keep on
asking for more and more funding and refuse silly idea's like
electrons carrying magnetic charges. Just like for a full decade
the local authorities hefty neglected all research into the
trigger hypothesis into the 9/11 attacks...
And life, life will go on.
By the way, here is reason
number 49 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Have a nice life or try to get one. Till
(30 August 2017) It is wonderful to see the
amount of rain in Texas, right now they had more rain in a few
days than we have over here in an entire year...
This must be God's way of explaining climate change to GOP climate
change deniers.
Just a few years back Republicans were much
more willing to accept the role of human behavior in the observed
climate change but 8 years of the Obama presidency have changed
this: Now the Republicans understand that the Democrats think
climate change is human made and as such they are more or less obliged
to take the opposite point...
But let me not waste time on the USA and her
troubles like that piece of shit named donald trump, I found a
long book upon monopole stuff and already in formula 1.2 the stuff
goes wrong wrong wrong...
Item 1) The electron is not an electric
Item 1) The electron
is not an electric monopole.
As far as I see it, almost all problems there
are inside the science of physics are related tot he fact that
most folks think that electrons are pure electric monopoles.
Of course I cannot deny that electrons carry
electric charge and that this charge is always negative, but after
my humble opinion electrons also carry one of two magnetic
charges: so the electron has a negative electric charge and a
north or south pole magnetic charge.
For about one century the scientific
community tries to find the so called magnetic monopole; with a
magnetic monopole they mean a particle with only magnetic charge.
Rather likely this is impossible; if my
version of reality turns out to be true in that case electrons
always have two charges, a magnetic and an electric one and it
might very well be that it is impossible to particles with only
one charge to exist.
In the last weeks I have read a whole lot of
nonsense like the Seiberg-Witten garbage on magnetic monopoles.
These folks are very good in crafting 'physics theory' that just
never ever is validated by experiments.
It is only wooly wooly talk with zero
relation to observed reality, always over complicated math without
any explanation of how this pans out in observable reality.
The difference between those overpaid
weirdo's like the team Selberg & Witten compared to me is that
I only talk about stuff that can actually be validated or rejected
by experiment:
If electrons carry only one of two possible
magnetic charges, it is easy for universities with their huge
budgets to craft experiments that either reject or accept this
simple insight.
Here is an example from 1994 about what those
guys wrote and still write today:
Monopole Condensation, And Confinement In N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
Although cited almost 4000 times, I do not
consider this stuff being good science. After all we are now 23
years further down the timeline and still zero of all those new
super symmetric particles are found... It is garbage written by
people that even do not understand the basics of the
Now I am not going to repost my own
experiments with an old television set of just 6€ and a stack of
50€ strong neodymium magnets. Those experiments clearly
validated my own insights and it sure is a pity I have no access
to more advanced stuff like trying to estimate the amount of
magnetic charge on electrons or so...
Here are two photo's from 26 December 2015
that show a black spot on the television screen where no electrons

It is important to understand
that the Lorenz force make electrons go around and as such there
is only little to zero transfer of energy; most important is that
the initial momentum of the electrons cannot change via the Lorenz
force. Soif the Lorenz force was the only force acting, you would
never see spots on the television screen that have no electrons
coming in...

I in the next picture I show you on how a
deep level those professional physics people are doing it all
wrong. Here is the link to the long pdf file:
From chapter one with the title Magnetic
Monopole in Classical Theory only the very first formula (1.1) is
correct, in (1.2) it already goes wrong because the electrical
monopole does not exist.

The nonsense in (1.2) is easy to explain: the
stuff e[v out B] is the Lorentz force and as such the acceleration
in the direction of the magnetic field is neglected.
The acceleration in the direction of the magnetic field is, or
course, dependent on the magnetic charge on the electron...
And if you would take the effort and view a
few of those video's from plasma people you would find that they
think that only the Lorenz force is an actor in how electrons move
through a plasma controlled by magnetic fields like in a fusion
Let's leave it with that, till
(31 July 2017) Often when I read stuff on
math or physics like electron spin it feels like I am watching
some weird weird football game where all players in the field
included the referee are blind.
Item 1) The behavior of a blind football
Item 1) The behavior
of a blind football team.
Needless to say it is a giant handicap when
you are blind and you have to participate into a football game.
Not only is it extremely hard to find the ball but when you have
found that stupid ball how to score when you are blind?
But the public watching the game is allowed
to help and they shout all kinds of help to the football players
in order to find the ball and when found the ball how to get it
into the goal...
Among the public are also supporters of the
other team so the football players cannot always rely for the 100%
of all that stuff that is shouted to them from the tribunes.
In the picture below you see some Maxwell
equations, the upper set is the standard set as used by the
professional physics professors, the lower set could fit in case
the professional physics professors have found their long sought
magnetic monopole.
I found these screenshots in the next pdf
article as found on the preprint archive:
Magnetic monopole and the nature of the static magnetic field
It is written by Xiuqing Huang back in the
year 2008; when I read stuff like that it makes me feel looking at
a team of blind football players...
What is the case of blindness on behalf of
this Huang guy?
He observes that electrons might be a
candidate for magnetic monopoles although he completely does not
explain as why this should be so.
He is pandering a bit around and comes up
with the smallest possible bipolar magnet he can thing of: an
atomic nucleus and an electron arranged in an alternated fashion
(see figure 6 in the above mentioned pdf file). It is all crazy to
the bone because the smallest possible bipolar magnet is the
electron pair.
Anyway to make some long story short, here is
a picture with an old version of the Maxwell equations and a
better version of the Maxwell equations as dreamt up by a blind
Chinese football player:

This Chinese guy, he is so blind:
One of the corner stone reasons as why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles is the simple fact that
inside the science of chemistry we only have the electron pair as
a bonding mechanism.
If electrons were magnetic dipoles we would
not observe only electron pairs but also triples and more
complicated electron configurations.
Till updates.
(27 July 2017) Yesterday I had my birthday
and my shining youth is now standing at only 54 years; the most
annoying detail is that for sure I will not double in age...
But I got a lovely birthday present from IBM;
without the IBM researchers being aware of it they are writing
bits to and from so called racetrack memory that validates my
views on electrons have two magnetic charges.
Electrons are the long sought magnetic monopoles, each and
every researcher, university department, commercial company etc
etc that will not accept that will make no progress just like IBM
failed with their racetrack memory. That is item nr 2.
In Item 1) just an oversight of stuff done
the last 4 months.
Item 1) Four months of updates; what have I
Item 2) Reason 48: The failure of IBM's racetrack memory.
Item 1) Four months
of updates; what have I done?
On 19 March I posted a model for super
conductivity based on the sole fact that electron pairs obey the
Gauss law for magnetism meaning the electron pair is magnetically
The old theory named BSC theory is based on weird ideas like
vibrations of the ion lattice that allows for so called Cooper
pairs to go into super conductivity mode...
The BSC theory is far from complete, it lacks to explain as why
only electron pairs contribute to super conductivity.
As usual zero response from so called
'professional' people working at universities, this confirms once
more that beside overly stupid the not so stupid are overly
Reason 46: BCS theory says electron
pairs are bosons...

On 19 April I posted more stuff on another
lost century in astronomy: The failure to accept and investigate
the role magnetic fields have in the acceleration of spin half
particles. The overpaid professionals prefer to say that 'At
present day it is not good understood that blah blah this and blah
blah that'.
On the other website (3dcomplexnumbers.net) I
posted in March the second post on the general theorem of
In the month of April I made some desperate
move to once more explain how permanent magnets work, of course
zero reaction from those who waste all of our tax money...
Also I made some additional posting to the general theorem of
In the month of May I started with a very
clumsy way of defining a new way of taking a Fourier transform,
this was done in the context of looking in how far coordinate
functions of the 3D exponential circle were also perpendicular to
each other from the viewpoint of Hilbert space.
I should not have posted it this way; the 3D
attempt to a new Fourier transform is only ammunition for
university people who can now indulge in stuff like "You see,
the only reason this shithead is posting this is to get famous, go
on neglecting this stupid stuff."
June was a fruit baring month; on 01 June I
posted the new way of taking a Fourier transform, stuff like this
is clearly the top of what I can do. The problems of the clumsy
way of defining a non-performing Fourier transform were over and I
was satisfied at the result.
Also some old math was dusted off; two funny
internet security attacks were posted using the so called Jente
principle of finding the factors of a giant number N supposed to
be factored by only two large prime numbers: N = p*q.
Originally I found this about two decades ago, although it is
extremely basic as far as I know reality the math professionals
never found this. And that is strange, we give those people such
high salaries and so much job security so why do they just never
ever just for one day perform a little bit better???
Item 2) Reason 48: The
failure of IBM's racetrack memory.
Back in the year 2004 IBM patented the so
called racetrack memory, I am not going to explain the details
here because you can find it in the video's in the post for reason
48 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Now I spend over one week reading all kind of
articles in the preprint archive about racetrack memory because I
wanted to write a bit more like a scientific responsible post on
this subject.
But those 'professionals' only understand a
tiny part of the problem so after a day of 10 of reading all those
preprint archive articles I skipped all that 'professional' stuff
because on Youtube in just one day I found much more answers.
The answers mainly came from Stuart Parkin, a IBM fellow, and just
between nose and lips he stated in a video that they write new
information to the racetrack memory using 'spin aligned
At that point in time I understood IBM will
never make it to a commercial product in a thousand years;
electrons spin is a magnetic charge and if you think about it like
some bipolar tiny magnet like a vector you will loose it big
And that is whay IBM has done in the recent
years: No progress at all and most of all always on all levels
possible not understanding electron spin...
Now in my world it is extremely hard to find
experimental evidence that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles,
mostly because of university people but also that I am unemployed
so I do not have much social interaction with people who in theory
could help me out.
But IBM is definitely the biggest fire
cracker at my birthday party; if they want to write a spin state
to a magnetic domain using so called 'spin aligned currents', in
that case they will destroy magnetic bits in the
And ha ha ha, my dear IBM fellows; the
general accepted standard model in physics does not explain that
but I, Reinko Venema, I do.
In the picture below you see a flow of red
electrons coming from below and they are wiping out that read
piece of the nano wire; this is the repelling of same charge
particles at work. Only this time the electrons carry a magnetic
charge named red and they repel the red in the nano wire...

So IBM, please follow suit like all those
university people:
Be a bunch of losers into the future
Till updates.
(21 July 2017) It is not much of a secret I
do not hold most professional math people in a high esteem. I
think most of them are overpaid under performers; too much money,
too much social status and far to many titles like honorary
professor have done bad for the level of the average 'professional
professor' in mathematics.
Our small item for today is about Yitang
Zhang, he is a self made math guy.
Item 1) What did Yitang Zhang find?
Item 1) What did
Yitang Zhang find?
Given the set of whole numbers, the integers,
we also have as a subset the prime numbers. For centuries there is
that so called twin prime conjecture out that states there are an
infinite number of twin primes like the pair 3 & 5 or 11 &
It is supposed, or conjectured, that there
are infinitely many twin primes while on the other hand we know
the average distance between prime numbers grows like the natural
A few years back if surfaced that some
unknown Chinese found a upper bound on a gap between prime
numbers, it was like 70 million or so. Yitang proved that there
were infinitely many pairs of primes separated by at least 70
I never studied the details because I mostly
avoid the stuff that every body else is doing, but how did the
mathematical community react on this finding of Yitang?
Because professional math professors all have
that giant self esteem thingeling they think they are very very
smart and as a group they have a strong tendency to only look at
their peers and that is all.
It is a closed system like a run of the mill
pedophile network uncovered on the internet; as a group math
professors act just like a (social) group of pedophiles...
I found a lovely Youtube video where you have
a few of those weirdo's talking about the finding of Yitang and
the next math professor sums it up so perfectly:
"There was no way
some guy I never heard of solved a problem like this".
These words are lovely; it shows the overpaid
math professor thinks he is inside the center of the universe when
it comes to math.
The idea that somebody outside the realm of
overpaid math professors comes up with a relatively good idea is
completely new to those folks.
Here is a picture of the overpaid math
professor, I do not know his name nor do I know his mathematical

In my view this guy is just another
neglectable overpaid imbecile.
Picture source:
from infinity trailer 2.
And no no no, I am not going to talk about
modified Dirichlet kernels of all those new trigonometric
identities found. Why should I?
The math professors act like some pedophile
society, so we better treat them as just another bunch of
End of this update, have a nice life or try
to get one.
(11 July 2017) Yesterday I found a perfect
video explaining a whole lot of stuff about ketone bodies and the
human brain, that is item 1 for today.
And in the second item just a few more teaser calculations around
the so called Jente principle. Although the Jente principle can be
explained to elementary school pupils, I am not aware of any study
of this principle in the entire history of mathematics...
Item 1) Ketone bodies and the brain.
Item 2) More elementary calculations upon the Jente principle.
Item 1) Ketone bodies
and the brain.
It is not much of a secret that I think that
the older you get you should consume less and less carbohydrates
in order to prevent funny illnesses like Alzheimer.
It is not much of a secret I think that a
state of Alzheimer is an illness that comes from the brain having
not enough energy to perform the things needed to keep healthy. In
my view you can only develop Alzheimer if you eat bread multiple
times a day, if you consumer sugary stuff also multiple times a
day the Alzheimer fun only gets faster and faster delivered at
your brain.
There is a whole lot of nonsense going round
about the functioning of the brain and consumption of sugar and/or
carbs. Very often you hear those weirdo's explaining the world
But if you think about human evolution, does
this make sense?
Suppose 50 thousand years back you get hungry
and need to go out on a hunt or to collect food. Do you really
need carbs all year long to keep your mind at work?
In my view that is not how evolution works:
Evolution is much more about getting more efficient in about
everything and this does not include eating 3 meals a day and on
top of that a whole lot of in between snacks...
Yet in my own country the Netherlands,
incompetent government agencies advice to the public to eat bread
every day. In my view these people are fucked up weirdo's, but the
good thing is that when they stand at the grave of their grand
parents that died from Alzheimer they often wave there hands and
say 'Nobody understands Alzheimer'.
At such a point in time I always have peace
in my heart:
Idiot A goes to the grave of idiot B thinking
about how complicated life is.
After that idiot A goes to the cafetaria that comes along the
giant graveyard, idiot A orders a coffee and some bread &
cheese or so...
Here is a nice screenshot from the video, it
is about how much bigger the human brain got (about 3.5 times in
size) and how much blood flow there is on average (about 6 times
as much over time):

Source video: Is
Ketosis Dangerous? (Science of Fasting & Low Carb
The relevant
fact is found at 11.40 minutes into the video:
Human brain size
about 3.5 as large but blood flow to the brain about 6 times as
Item 2) More
elementary calculations upon the Jente principle.
Lately I have posted some math fun around the
subject of the total and utter destruction of internet security on
the other website. In this item I only post a few very elementary
calculations because in my view two posts upon that kind of stuff
is enough.
But it sure is tempting to the brain because
understanding the so called Jente principle also brings a ton of
questions around prime numbers and stuff.
So just two more teaser pictures that relay
to the same old second post, here they are:

If you want to destroy internet security you
must never be afraid of big or giant numbers. Just look for
something like in the last picture:
How to find very very fast that 351 = 0 mod
Of course in practice you need to crack giant
numbers like 351 decimal digits long or 3510 decimal digits
I never found it, but in those long lost
years I used to breakfast with bread and coffee. Also I am
horribly bad at writing computer code, please let some body else
do it...
Till updates my dear
(02 July 2017) It is fascinating to observe
that in the USA slowly just so slowly the people start to realize
that donald trump has a serious mental illness.
And all those talking heads on the television
are just wasting time and energy; month in month out they try to
explain the behavior of the POTUS as was this a person that is not
mentally ill. The baseline of reasoning is wrong; a person with
the IQ of donald and not mentally ill would never do such weird
But I have patience, why not?
After all this is the best political show I ever observed in my
And for the more serious stuff, item 1 is
only a new teaser picture:
Item 1) Only a new teaser picture.
Item 1) Only a new
teaser picture.
A few days back I finished the second post in
the 'Destroying Internet Security' stuff where we try to find the
biggest prime factor q that is in some known giant number N = p*q
where p is the smallest prime factor.
In general I do not know much about algebra
in general and number theory in particular, but it might very well
be the so called 'professional math professors' are once more
found standing only in their underwear if they do not know this
easy to understand method of finding prime factors.
Here is an old teaser picture from 13 June
that was from the first post, but if you click it you arrive at
the second post on finding primes via this method:

Only for reasons of 'showing off' I made
another teaser picture with a so called 'double modulus formula'
in it. This is not found into either posts but it surely is the
way a 'professional math professor' would 'explain' his
Overly complicated and hard to read and

So if you want to read post number 2 just
click on one of the pictures.
End of this update, have a nice life or try
to get one.
(22 June 2017) In the previous update I
forgot to post it explicitly but the new update on attacking
internet security was finished a few days ago. Here is the link to
the other website:
In another development I found out that
inside the science of nuclear fusion they already know since the
year 1976 that runaway electrons in nuclear plasma causes trouble.
That is our item of today:
Item 1) For 40 years they have those
'unexpected accelerating electrons'???
Item 1) For 40 years
they have those 'unexpected accelerating electrons'???
For about 4 years I am trying to explain that
electrons are accelerated by magnetic fields because electrons are
not magnetic dipoles as official doctrine says but carry one of
two magnetic charges; a north pole charge or the south pole
version of stuff.
If you embrace that simple idea a whole lot
of things are suddenly much better understood; for example
permanent magnets are 'explained' by 'professional physics
professors' by mumbling words like 'all the electron spins get
aligned' and so permanent magnets work.
Oh oh those incompetent shitholes; for four
years they are not only too stupid to understand what I am saying,
these natural born imbeciles also learn nothing on time scales
about ten times that long.
When during operating a nuclear fusion devise
suddenly electrons get far far more accelerated compared to the
other particles, why does no one of those people arrive at the
idea that magnetic fields do that?
Ok, we have the Gauss law of magnetism. I
know this Gauss law is not valid for unpaired electrons because
they carry magnetic charge, but why are there zero people using a
free brain inside those thousands and thousands of so called
'professional professors'? The answer is: They do not use a free
brain because they do not have one...
Back to those physics imbeciles: Electrons
get accelerated by the magnetic fields that are supposed to
contain the plasma. So how do the weirdo's solve this problem?
By injecting heavy stuff and once the electrons collide with that
heavy stuff, the speed declines temporarily...
Once more we observe: In this world there is
no shortage of imbeciles.
A few quotes plus the sources where I found
them: Quote 1 (source):
Researchers are one step closer to a safer and cleaner energy free from carbon dioxide emissions.
A team from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have created a new method of decelerating runaway electrons, paving the way for better fusion power.
To get atoms to combine requires both high pressure and high temperatures, but runaway electrons also are a danger to fusion reactors. An unwanted electric field could jeopardize the entire process because electrons with extremely high energy can suddenly accelerate to high speeds that can destroy the reactor wall.
However, a pair of plasma physicists from Chalmers have successfully identified the runaway electrons and decelerated them, by injecting heavy ions in the form of gas or pellets, including neon and argon.
Comment: This is so stupid it is hard to
comment on it, but it clearly says they do not understand
electrons are accelerated by magnetic fields...
Quote 2 (source,
this source might be unreliable as a hyperlink because it is one
of those html pages that expand as you near the end of the page,
but may be the link keeps on working):
Chalmers University of Technology researchers claim to have fixed the problem of runaway electrons suddenly accelerating to dangerous speeds that can destroy experimental fusion reactors. Researchers say they can decelerate runaway electrons by injecting heavy ions, like neon or argon, to act as “brakes.”
Runaway electrons have been known as one of the biggest roadblocks to commercial fusion power since 1976.
Comment: Since 1976 they have not found the
reason as why electrons get accelerated, congratulations with it.
More stupid as this is like talking about donald trump and how
smart he is...
Ok, let's leave it with that. Till
(20 June 2017) A few months back this year
the USA based Heinz Kraft company placed a bid on the entire
Unilever company based in the Netherlands & UK.
Of course this kind of takeover was not
allowed because in the USA because of the weird food they eat the
life expectancy has started to shrink. We do not want shrinking
life expectancies in Europe so it just cannot be allowed weird
food companies like Heinz Kraft to expand into Europe.
Why allow for the premature killing of our
So have a food item for today's update:
Item 1) Making peanut butter healthy again.
Item 1) Making peanut
butter healthy again.
Almost all peanut butter as sold today has
zero health benefits; it is also not damaging but once upon a time
peanut butter was a healthy food.
May be you have a jar of peanut butter
somewhere in your kitchen and just grab it and look at the list of
ingredients and rather likely you will find it contains 'hardened
palm fat'.
Why does the food industry merge hardened
palm fat with chopped peanuts? (May be more emulgators are added,
I am not an expert on industrial peanut butter.)
This gives a more consistent product, if you
only chop the peanuts after some time the oil comes floating above
and the dry peanut matter is found on the bottom of the jar.
The problem with these kind of weird
additives is very simple:
Very often when those liquid fats are
'hardened', your body cannot digest it any longer.
This is an over simplification because biological chemistry is
highly difficult to understand but the whole process of 'making
fats more stable' is a root cause of your body to also not capable
of digesting this hardened fat.
Stuff like that also goes under the name of
transfats, trans is referring to the fact extra hydrogen bonds are
introduced on the molecular level while food regulation never asks
to check if your body can actually digest the stuff
Have you ever tried to eat a spoon of
halvarine or margarine?
Have you ever tried to eat a spoon of olive
How come a spoon of halvarine makes you vomit
while if you did spread it out on your healthy whole wheat bread
it did not make you vomit?
To make a long story short: Unilever is going
to sell it's poison spread business, so it is bye bye to all those
modified fats that do not make you fall dead on the spot but are
not contributing to you health at all.
This fall they are auctioning their stuff; I
hope there will no buyers there with the expectation of course for
USA based buyers.
USA people are more like pigs anyway, so let
the pigs eat what the pigs want...
Unilever Plans Autumn Auction for Spread Business
Now I do not hate Unilever, but in general
companies should not sell stuff that human bodies cannot digest.
Let's leave it with that.
Till updates.
(13 June 2017) Oh oh politics; the UK has
managed itself into a hung parliament after the tories decided to
call for elections three years early...
The previous time those wise UK based
conservatives called for an election in the form of a referendum
we got Brexit and please never forget this was a good thing.
Beside the UK has nothing more to say on
European politics we have the giant benefit of exactly zero
elderly British folks complaining on television about:
So from that point on in time they only could
fuck themselves & indeed that is what we observe.
Let's leave politics with that, with too much
weird nations like the UK or Turkey it would be impossible to have
some fortress Europe...
Item 1) Teaser pictures on internet security.
Item 1) Teaser
pictures on internet security.
Lately I picked up some new investigations
about finding the factors in huge numbers N that have only two
factors. say N = pq.
A whole lot of internet security is based
upon that and two decades back I realized if you could crack the
problem of finding just one of the factors, internet security
would evolve to a more safe space...
Now I am the first to admit that since the
year 1997 I did not make much progress.
So why pick it up again?
That is because one of the results was so
beautiful it would be crazy not to look at it again at some future
time. But I found out in the year 2017 stuff is just as hard as it
was in the year 1997.
Zero progress in only 2 decades but I would
like to share with you a beautiful result that rather likely is
unknown to 99.99% of overpaid professional math professors.
It is the detail where I calculate it is only
Here are the teaser pictures:

Yes, once you found this paradise like basin
of numbers, it shouts like THE PRIME FACTOR IS HERE!!!!
Let's leave it with that, till updates my
dear reader.
(30 May 2017) Time flies when you are having
fun. The news lately has been good, all European NATO members
understand that by now you cannot trust the USA on all kinds of
levels. Let it be the name of a suicide killer or a clean cut
signal NATO is important; do not look at the USA.
So albeit over 10 years late, it is good to
have some common sense into the heads of the European political
After having said that we skip all things
political because political things have a tendency not to stand
the wear and tear of time passing by. Only yesterday we thought
the Dubya was the full blown idiot now we have the wisdom of
donald trump to digest...
So we skip all things temporary and I just
post a funny quote upon the Stern Gerlach experiment that was
conducted in Germany in the year 1922 but still is not understood
by so called 'professional physics professors'.
Item 1) Just a funny quote done by a traitor
of the Gauss law of magnetism.
Item 1) Just a funny
quote done by a traitor of the Gauss law of magnetism.
I found the quote in an article published on
the preprint archive, here are the source files:
Stern-Gerlach Experiment Revisited
Now at the top of page three you can find a
sinner, a guy named Devereux is breaking open the century old
grave of the holy Gauss and starts fucking the corpse of Gauss in
the ass...
And the editors of the preprint archive, they
only look the other way...
By definition according to the accepted laws
on magnetism like we have them from Gauss & Maxwell, it is
forbidden to study acceleration of particles by magnetic
So what to think of the next quote of the
scientific infidel Devereux?
Devereux (2015) argues that a comparison with
double slit experiments of photons or electrons is misleading because in the case
of SGE a real energy transfer takes place which destroys any superposition.
Comment: This is pure evil as proposed by the
devil worshipper Devereux because if you think about it, if a real
energy transfer would be there, how can the electron be a magnetic
dipole as ordered by the Gauss law on magnetism?
These science people they are so evil, why do
they whisper Gauss is not a prophet???

Oh oh oh, energy transfer from magnetic
fields. Since when is this world suddenly an evil place? Why do
they kill the prophets?
The Gauss law on magnetism holds because the
prophet discovered his law long before actual electrons were
discovered. Why in the year 2015 some idiot is talking about
energy transfer is unknown to me.
Added 24 hours later: Two good videos for
very different reasons:
A short video about the properties of
electron spin, all these properties make no sense at all if you
view electron spin as a vector. If you view them as a magnetic
charge all of a sudden spin is easy to understand:
By sheer accident I came across the next
video from MIT. As a matter of fact I watched some other video but
I fell asleep. And when I woke up this MIT video was playing and
after some time I got exited:
This guy is fucking calculating a spinor!!!!!
And on top of that it is easy to understand
while if you read the ordinary 13 in a dozen texts on spinors you
only get confused. Here is the video:
4. Spin One-half, Bras,
Kets, and Operators
Ok ok my dear MIT professors; the USA might
be the root source of having donald trump at the scene. In a
normal world you would get a punishment for that but because I
finally found the answer as why a spinor needs to go round two
times in order to return to it's original state I will love you

In my life I never understood as why some
overpaid university people think that only when an electron
encircles an atomic nucleus twice, it is back to it's spin
Come on my dear MIT folks; using the simply
hypothesis that electrons beside carrying electric charge also
carry two different magnetic charges makes the world a much more
easy thing to understand with our tiny human brains...
Till updates.
(20 May 2017) What a lovely week; I almost
completely recovered from my very first gout attack. It really
wrecks havoc on your joints, those ureum crystals cut in the soft
bone material holding your joints together.
You often read that gout is the most painful thing you can have,
that is total bullshit. A few years back when I developed my
gluten allergy it was much more painful when your entire immune
system starts attacking your gut.
In the meantime donny boy has ousted the FBI
director, just one day later donny boy had two Russians over in
the White House and he started bragging like Firing
that nut job Comey brings great relief to the investigation...
It is strange this donny boy with his long
array of mental illness still has so many supporters but we have
to take into account most people are shallow thinkers. Often they
can be much more smart but it just does not happen because their
brains are wired for the easy quick solution like physics
professors with their electron stuff.
But the goal of this update is just another
teaser picture.
Item 1) Teaser picture upon the use of 3D
complex numbers.
Item 1) Teaser
picture upon the use of 3D complex numbers.
Yesterday I finished a new post for the other
website; it is a bit of this and a bit of that, mostly Fourier
analysis stuff. I give some examples as why Fourier analysis could
work using three dimensional complex numbers.
But there are also many reasons as why three
dimensional complex (or circular) numbers just cannot do the job
like Fourier analysis crafted by the two dimensional numbers from
the complex plane...
Anyway I just skipped a lot of the more
difficult stuff and in a few days on the other website you can
read it.
Here is a teaser picture from the end of the
post where I show an alternative method of calculating the
primitive of a particular function in a different way the shallow
thinkers mostly do.
You just write it down and take the real part
of stuff & voila with a tiny bit of knowledge of higher
dimensional number systems you now have an alternative way of
calculating these kind of integrals. It is not a very general
method, on the contrary you can only very seldom use it.
But if you understand it, it brings utter joy
to the brain.

Ok, let's leave it with that. If you want a
bit of math pleasure just multiply a circular X against the
inverse as given in the picture above. And if you have found that
indeed X times X^{-1} = 1, you more or less discovered how my
brain works.
In the meantime the POTUS will go on his very
first international trip as being the US prez, he will also visit
a NATO meeting and rumors say that other political leaders are
instructed to keep their talks at at most four minutes because
otherwise donny boy has trouble of listening much longer...
No wonder the Russians, just like me, keep on
smiling. Till updates.
(12 May 2017) Why am I wasting so much time
on political stuff?
For about the last 100+ days when I finally
fire up my computer at 22.00 hours in the evening, instead of
doing valuable work I only scan about what donald trump did
Don't get me wrong; I am not a supporter of
donald trump but for me it is interesting to observe how a simple
binary democratic system destroys itself because the simple
democratic system is not capable of repairing itself. It only goes
more bipartisan year in year out.
Every day I am wasting at least one hour of
my time on this while this goes at the expense of math &
similar stuff.
Item 1) Why do so few people understand that
donald has a serious mental illness?
Item 1) Why do so few
people understand that donald has a serious mental illness?
I do not know why this is, but I have this
nice little screenshot about a White House press representative
hiding in the bushes of the White House.
His name is Sean Spicer and for some strange
reason he also fell out of love from that mental retard known as
donald trump.
See here Sean defending his bushes:

I mean I love it: please much much more
emotion at the scene before the Americans decide that their POTUS
might have some 'minor mental illnesses'.
Good luck with it my dear USA folks &
what will the donald trump circus pump up tomorrow ? Let's wait
and see how the next chapter of this circus will evolve...
Till updates.
(04 May 2017) Why does scientific progress
goes so slow?
I am not talking about understanding electron
spin, about nine years ago there was a very good publication about
the Alzheimer illness being diabetes type three.
Now in my own life I am pretty much used to
it that when it comes to university people you will never ever get
any kind of help or recognition of the value of published
Back in the year 1992 I already understood
these people from university institutions are mostly parasitic
imbeciles. But nobody dies from not understanding electron spin
and thousands of university careers are kept up by telling more
nonsense upon electron spin.
But when it comes to illnesses like
Alzheimer, why does the progress inside universities go so
horribly slow?
Item 1) Why do university people always
hinder scientific progress?
Item 1) Why do
university people always hinder scientific progress?
I am not talking about my own favorite wooden
horse sticks; electron spin being not what we are told or, for
example, when it comes to math why the modified Dirichlet kernels
are neglected year in year out.
For me stuff like that is frustrating but at
the same time it validates the lack of cognitive prowess they have
over there at the tax payer funded universities.
So you might think; but hey when it gets
emotional and it is not that hard to prevent granny or grandpa
from dying of a horrible brain illness, one way or the other the
university people will finally follow elementary insights...
No no no, studying the Alzheimer illness as a
fundamental energy problem of the human brain??? Nowhere it is
done, thanks to university people of course.
Let me keep this update short:
Here is a screen shot of Google news, on top
of the news just one scientific article pops up. Once more this is
not due to university people but due to the Google

Alzheimer's Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes–Evidence Reviewed
In the beginning it is a bit hard to read,
for example what is the abbreviation T2DM?
That is diabetes mellitus type two...
My dear reader I am fully aware that the math
community stays silent year in year on when it comes to mopdified
Dirichlet kernels. I have no problem with that because it
validates that 'professional math professors' are not very
professional at all except when it comes to collecting ridiculous
high salaries...
But when it comes to stuff like the Alzheimer
illness, why do these university people just nothing century in
century out?
Please, can we cut the salaries of those
non-performers in half?
Till updates.
(26 April 2017) In this update two health
related items; the first item is for allowing feast at all
universities because lately I had a gout attack so day in day out
I had to endure a lot of pain.
Without doubt this will cheer the mood of the
university people so let them dance on the table while shouting
The second item is about Alzheimer; in 2015 I
posted seven updates around that illness known as Alzheimer's
decease where I carefully viewed this horrible decline of the
brain purely as an energy problem.
I found a nice video that validates all of my
insights into the development of Alzheimer...
Item 1) A big feast for the university
Item 2) A big defeat for the Dutch Health Counsel?
Item 1) A big feast
for the university people?
Shit man that condition known as gout is a
bad ass thing; you are getting those crystals inside your joints
and not only is that painful, with every move you make you only
allow those sharp crystals to cut into you soft bone
For the time being I cannot comment much upon
it but I think that the root cause was a change in diet and that I
did consume far too much fat for about 2 to 4 months.
The fat turns into ketone bodies and if your
body does not use them for energy you simply piss them out. That
is why it is so easy to maintain a steady body weight; if you do
not use the ketone bodies you simply piss it out...
But ha ha ha, the ketone bodies compete
inside your kidneys from attention from other acid sources like
ureum acid. And if ureum acid is not removed properly, it forms
all of those lovely crystals inside your joints.
I am pretty sure this will make the academic
society dance on the diverse tables...
Item 2) A big defeat
for the Dutch Health Counsel?
In the year 2015 I did a seven update long in
depth review of viewing Alzheimer as an energy problem of the
human brain.
All I knew more or less for sure was the tiny
fact found back in the year 2005: Alzheimer brains have insulin
Insulin is needed for your body cells to run
on glucose, so called intra cellular lipids block the insulin
receptors and as such those body cells can not take in glucose as
an energy source.
In my view elderly people should gradually
eat less and less sugar and carbo hydrates and more and more fats.
In my view only when you eat bread multiple times a day you are
prone to illnesses like Alzheimer.
The Dutch Health Counsel promotes eating
bread on a daily basis...
They think it is a healthy food, not that
there is much proof for that but that is what they think.
Now I could talk about this for many hours
because I am very emotional about this. Compared to understanding
electrons spin, that is just another bunch of university people
doing stupid stuff I never get that emotional.
Nobody dies from not understanding electron
But millions die from not understanding the
food on a basic level, please remark I am not running after some
'food guru's' or so. From the mathematical point of view eating
bread on a daily basis is a necessary food habit for the
developing of Alzheimer.
Here is the video, it is about 20 minutes

Source of the pictue: The Brain & Ketones – Dr. Stephen Cunanne (Full Interview)
For myself speaking, this video says that
over the years when your brain is aging less and less you can rely
of glucose as an energy source of your brain.
So you need to burn fat, but if you eat bread
multiple times a day you cannot burn fat 24/7. For myself speaking
I am glad that this video validates all and everything I have ever
written about Alzheimer being primarily an energy problem for the
In another development I found a relatively
long but very readable article about nuclear fusion having all
kinds of problems. It is written by a guy named Daniel Jassby and
he has worked about 25 years on nuclear fusion reactors.
And he has an amazing long array of possible problems with nuclear
Here is the relatively long news article:
Fusion reactors: Not what they’re cracked up to be
Let's leave it with
that, till updates.
(20 April 2017) Two items in the update for
today: Yesterday I posted reason number 47 in the magnetic pages
as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. It concentrates on
the speed and acceleration of the solar wind.
The second item is about a very very wrong
use of the Hamiltonian in a description of the most simple atom
there is: the hydrogen atom. Once more this is an example that if
you give silly names like 'electron spin' to important properties
like 'electron magnetism', those stupid names can blur the mind
for decades...
Item 1)
Reason 47: The acceleration of the solar wind, Part 2.
Item 2) Even the Hamiltonian for molecular hydrogen is too
difficult with spin.
Item 1)
Reason 47: The acceleration of the solar wind, Part 2.
There are some explanations out as why the
solar wind has all of it's strange properties, the last one I
found was some NASA based explanation using ion cyclotron
This all is very interesting but for the time
being I stick by my guns that say spin half particles (but not
neutrino's!) are always accelerated by magnetic fields because
they carry one of two possible magnetic charges.
If you click on the picture you land at
reason number 47 as why electrons cannot be magnetic

The above calculation is far to simplistic to
be realistic, but it is just soo cute I had to include
Next item:
2) Even the Hamiltonian for molecular hydrogen is too difficult
with spin.
In the last update from 08 April I already
said that if you model chemical reactions via electrons carrying
magnetic charge, you could be in for a field day because finally
after all those decades the pieces fall into place.
Also in reason number 47 as in the above item
I say that you cannot trust any computer simulation that is based
on the present understanding of electron spin because it is
nonsense that spin only exists against an external magnetic
That is like stating that the electron only
has a negative electric charge in the presence of an electric
field. Most people think that if there is no external electric
field, the electron still carries a negative electrical
May be it is best if you look at a video of
only six minutes long where a Youtube guy named TMP Chem writes
down a Hamiltonian only using Coulomb forces:
Quantum Chemistry 10.1 - Hydrogen Molecule Hamiltonian
Now the goal of this small item is not to
poke fun at all those chemistry people like 'THEY ARE EVEN TO
Here is the funny screen shot of what happens
if you model atomic hydrogen using Coulomb forces only (nothing
happens because at the end of the video the TMP Chem guy says it
is all to difficult to solve analytically):

Now don't get me wrong: Even this person
thinks a robust and good approximation of the most simple molecule
there is not an easy task.
But simply scrapping in the above the
repulsive forces between the two electrons should give a far
better numerical result. After all the magnetic neutrality of the
electron pair is paramount over the protons so just scrapping the
repulsion between the two electrons would give a far far better
looking result.
End of this update, till next
(08 April 2017) Three days back I posted a
small addendum to reason number 46 as why electrons cannot be
magnetic dipoles.
Item 1) Just a small addendum added.
Item 2) Why are quantum simulations always so lousy on modern fast
Item 1) Just a small
addendum added.
After watching a few more of those video's
where those professional quantum people decry and decry 'Why do
electrons form pairs because they have the same charge' and that
fucked up nonsense like 'If you think you understand quantum
mechanics, you do not understand quantum mechanics', I decided to
write a bit more to show you the nonsense of the BCS theory upon
super conductivity.
The only thing that is good about this BCS
'theory' is that they discovered it were the electron pairs that
were center stage to the phenomena named super conductivity. Yet
from the BCS theory it becomes clear they did not have a clue
about the magnetic properties of electrons.
Beside this it is not a theory at all; at
best it is a BCS model for describing super conductivity. A theory
is something that explains a whole lot of things while a model is
a thing used to explain some stuff of some detail.
For example saying that light is made of particles is a model that
gives some good answers to the behavior of light but not all
behavior is explained perfectly.
So in my little addendum together with the
rest of reason number 46 as why electrons cannot be magnetic
dipoles I do not view it a 'theory'; the way I am describing the
paths of electric and magnetic neutrality as central to super
conductivity is just a model.
Anyway, a day later I realized that my simple
model based on the fact that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles
also covers the high temperature super conductors. Of course that
phonon theory of vibrating crystal lattices was doubtful for the
low temperature super conductors, but for high temperature super
conducting materials even the professionals understood it had to
be something else.
As far as I understand my own simple model
for super conductivity; it explains not only the low and high
super conductivity stuff but als those strange details as found in
the latest record high temperature super conductor material:
Hydrogen sulfide under 1.6 million bar of
I haven't looked up the details, but if my
model has the predicting power I think it has, the giant pressure
is simply needed to make the electron pairs going from one
electron cloud to the next.
Here you see a picture of how electron
transport is supposed to go under the ridiculous BCS theory with
phonon resonance, as you see on inspection the unpaired electrons
are supposed to stay out of the electron clouds:

Once more: the good thing about that episode
in time (the 1950-ties) was that they discovered the electron
Item 2) Why are
quantum simulations always so lousy on modern fast
If you have one of those statistical packages
like SPSS you can with easy run thousands and thousands of
simulations using all kinds of probability distributions like the
normal distribution or whatever what.
But year in year out we always hear those
advertisements for quantum computers because with quantum
computers we can engineer medical drugs because quantum computers
have something exponential going on with the number of Qbits they
So why are classical computers so bad at
doing chemical reactions because after this is very much an
electron affair...???
In my view this is caused by the fact that
professional university people thing that electrons are magnetic
But in chemistry only the electron pair (and
some loose unpaired electrons) explain almost all of the behavior
of molecules and how they react with other molecules.
If you model the electron as being a magnetic
dipole, it must be extremely hard to get good results. For example
if unpaired electrons are magnetic dipoles, why do they never ever
form a magnetic triangle?
So the computer code writers are always
forced to worship the electron pair because if they use the
electron as a magnetic dipole, the software just gives nonsense
That is why the simulation of chemical
reactions is so very bad: they do not understand the
To put it in bricklayer terms: If you do not
understand the properties of the bricks and the cement, no wonder
your house will crumble in the shortest of times.
End of this update.
(29 March 2017) In this update with two items
we only look at the good and bad of the CERN organization, instead
of the words 'good' and 'bad' may be it is better to use 'smart'
and 'stupid'.
Item 1) The good (or smart) side of CERN.
Item 2) The bad (or stupid) side of CERN.
Item 1) The good (or
smart) side of CERN.
Most science folks like CERN a lot, me too.
If you think about a 27 km long particle accelerator who does not
feel proud that humans can pull such a thing into reality?
Without doubt the machinery at CERN is a
giant engineering wonder of the 20-th century and lately they even
updated it with even stronger magnetic fields and that is one of
the first wonders of the 21-th century.
From some old video files I have selected
number two in how they made those magnetic dipoles that form the
27 km long ring. If you click on the picture the old video will
open in a new tab or window:

And the whole thing, 27 kilometer long, will
be cooled with liquid helium so that the super conducting magnets
can do their work...
It is an ultra marvel of present stuff humans
can do if they work together.
Item 2) The bad (or
stupid) side of CERN.
As far as I know reality at present day CERN
is once more shut off and under repair and or improvement. But
lately they have been running an experiment so that they could
find magnetic monopoles.
The experiment at CERN is named MoEDAL and
with two fingers in my nose I can tell you they will fail.
It is not much of a secret that I, Reinko
Venema, am thinking for over 3 years now that all spin half
particles carry magnetic charge and as such are magnetic
monopoles. Just like the electron and proton carry electric
I make an exception for the neutrino family of particles; why they
are classified as spin half I do not know, but given their tiny
tiny mass they should be the most active magnetic particles there
are but they don't: interference with neutrino's are very
seldom... At least the professional professors say so.
Ok, at CERN they are looking also for
magnetic monopoles and once more it is not much of a secret that
I, Reinko Venema, found very good candidates for that. For example
the electron; it comes in two falvors and while both flavors have
negative electric charge the magnetic charge can be either north
pole or south pole.
If you take that as your basic idea of
electrons suddenly you can explain all kinds of things that the
professionals cannot explain; why is the electron pair so
important in super conductivity? Why is the electron pair in
chemical stuff like the valence bonding so important?
If the professionals were right with stating
electrons are magnetic dipoles too, what is the experimental proof
they have?
They have no proof, neither experimental nor
Here is a video of the weirdo's at CERN
explaining once more they did not find any magnetic monopoles
inside the range of their scientific insights that lead to the
performance of the MoEDAL experiment:

Sometimes I just wonder as why the scientific
community has so much trouble into digesting that the electron
also carries magnetic charge beside the electric charge.
But on other days I just wonder as why this
piece of shit above named Jim Pinfold has such a high monthly
salary. I am unemployed since the year 2002 and I can only
dream of the stuff you could do with a salary the idiot Jim receives
every month for being stupid to the bone...
Let's leave it with that my dear believer in
electron spin.
Till updates.
(23 March 2017) Two items in today's update:
Item 1) Reason 46 why electrons cannot be
magnetic dipoles is posted.
Item 2) Are the people from the UK based JET fusion reactor
Item 1) Reason 46 why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles is posted.
Back in the time there was an explanation
found as why super conductivity occurs, this is known as BCS
theory. The B, C and S stand for Bardeen,
Cooper and Schrieffer.
At present day the electron pair is still
often named a Cooper pair and back in the time in 1957 it must
have been utterly amazing:
If electrons are magnetic dipoles, how can it
be that they form only pairs and why do these pairs contribute to
the super conductivity while unpaired electrons do not?
Without knowing it, B, C and S have found
what I now call 'magnetic neutrality' of the electron pair. It is
the fact that the electron pair is neutral in the magnetic sense
that promotes super conductivity and the fact that unpaired
electrons are not contributing to super conductivity is one more
reason that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Here is the stuff:
Reason 46: BCS theory says electron pairs are bosons...
And it has become more or less a ritual, but
why are the professional physics professors stay silent year in
year out? This is now year number four and when there is some
scientific debate people are supposed to bring in arguments.
I have kept my part of the deal that normally
brings science forward; right now I have 46 arguments as why
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Now during the last 3+ years the scientific community from the
physics side of things have brought forward zero stuff...
It is still like 1992; You just cannot trust
the university people to do the right thing for only
Item 2) Are the
people from the UK based JET fusion reactor trustworthy?
Two decades back the Joint European Torus
(that's JET) did set a fusion record: It was claimed that about
two third of the energy in came out.
Back in the time that sure was a record and
it did bring hope for the future so we could leave fossil fuel and
stop poisoning the atmosphere of our planet.
I too was thinking 'wow man, may be finally
some progress towards nuclear fusion'.
But this JET record now more looks like a
scam; in order to focus the mind first look at this Youtube video
where some JET employee hails the successes of the year 1997:

They claim that about 60% of the energy put
in was converted via nuclear fusion to output energy. But the 16
mega watts produced was only extra heat inside the fusion chamber,
it was not electrical energy out.
But the biggest fraud is that 'energy in' is
only the heating energy.
For the confinement of the plasma they needed
about 700 mega watts so all in all this was not 60% effective but
only in the order of about 2%.
This also explains why the JET people never
did set up another 'world record' in the last two decades; it
would only draw attention to their fraudulent claims back in the
year 1997.
So beside my own insights as why nuclear
fusion will never work (the electrons only get accelerated without
boundary by the very magnetic fields that are supposed to contain
them) we now have a more easy to understand thing as why
commercial fusion will never work:
It was based on lies done by people who
thought they did the right thing:
Saving the planet...
Let's leave it with that. Till updates.
(16 March 2017) The elections have come and
gone, luckily that piece of shit named Geert Wilders will not be
in any new Dutch government soon. On the downside the Dutch labor
party (the PvdA) lost massively, I regret that because I consider
the last government we had as one of the best I observed in my
entire life.
The Dutch labor party manned the ministry of
finance and as such they implemented austerity measures of the
tune to about 50 billion. Ok ok I always want more austerity
because in the last 50 years we only had two or three times a
budget surplus and not a deficit, but Jeroen Dijsselbloem was one
the my favorites in the last government...
Now in my last update I was a tiny tiny bit
provocative towards that dog known as erdogan. There is absolutely
no reason at all to write his name as Erdogan, just as it is
better to write donald trump without the capital letters.
Yesterday, because I was curious, I did a
simple Google search on erdogan dog and I was very much surprised
by the results. That is our short item of today, next week I will
finally post a few more updates on magnetism but for the time
being we are still looking into the ass of a dog named erdogan.
Item 1) A dog named erdogan.
Item 1) A dog named
If you did the Google search 'erdogan dog'
yesterday, result number four and five are about that piece of
shit erdogan likening the European countries to a pack of dogs
because 'They do not bite each other'.
Here is a screen shot, if you click on it you
get a new report where that piece of dogshit erdogan is explaining
his wisdom:

Let me quote from the turkishminute.com the
next quote from that piece of dogshit erdogan:
Continuing his reactions to the Netherlands’ expulsion from the country of Turkish Minister of Family and Social Policy Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya on Saturday night, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sharpened his tone, likening the silent Europeans to dogs, the state-run TRTHaber reported on Sunday.
“There is no voice [reaction] from the Europeans because they do not bite each other,” said Erdoğan referring to the Turkish proverb, “A dog does not bite another dog,” during a speech in Kocaeli.
Comment: Rather likely this piece of dogshit
named erdogan is portraying the European nations as a pack of
dogs, but my dear erdogan dogs do bite each other. Dogs have a
strong tendency to bite the dog that behaves strange.
Did you know that when the salvia of a dog
touches a devout Muslim (that would be a friendly dog lick), the
Muslim is obliged to wash that place on his body six
That is why, for example, you never see
Muslims inside the Dutch landscape walking a dog around; that
religion has serious mental issues with dogs...
Ok, let's leave it with that. Till
(14 March 2017) Lately we the Dutch are
having a diplomatic riot with Turkey because two of their
government ministers were not allowed to give political speeches
on our own soil...
Now Turkish pm Erdogan was speaking in front
of an applause machine that represented the local parliament they
have over there and it was clear he tried to provoke us by
referring to the Sebrenica massacre.
So I feel pleased and honored to rise to the
Item 1) What does any dog have in common with
Item 1) What does
any dog have in common with Erdogan?
Where do the Turkish excel in?
They excel in committing the Armenian genocide and after that for
a full century keep on denying that did all that killing and all
that raping of small children.
Why are there zero high class weapon
factories in any Muslim country?
In general Muslims buy weaponry from Christians because they are
too stupid to produce them themselves.
Has there gone any Nobel prize to any Muslim?
Might be one or two in a full century but those are always people
living outside Muslim culture.
Why are Muslims so illiterate when it comes
to all kinds of science?
Answer: The prophet Muhammad could not read or write, now over one
thousand years later his followers still cannot read or write any
stuff you need a brain for.
Why do the Turks think they can hold
political rallies all over the place inside Europe?
Answer: They are Muslims so by definition they will come up with
crap like that.
Can the Kurds held political rallies inside
We all know what the Turkmen do to the Kurds...
What has the Turkish pm Erdogan in common
with a dog?
He is very good in licking his own ass clean because they cannot
handle toilet paper properly.
Let's leave it with that, but if the Turks
keep on behaving so strange & weird like calling Germany and
my home country a bunch of Nazi's, I will not hesitate and run
your future into the ground.
After all if your trading partner says you
are a Nazi, why trade goods and services for the next century? Why
not give Turkey to the Islamic State?
Who needs Turkey in the first place?
End of this update, the IS is allowed to
place some attacks inside Turkey but after 500 deaths they should
stop again.
Oh oh Erdogan, let there be peace on the
prophet once more...
End of this temporary update.
(10 March 2017) For years and years I have
been arguing that the average lifespan in the USA will decline. I
do not remember how long I have been telling this, it might be 7
years of a full decade or even longer.
In this update we are going to harvest on my
old insights because now actually the USA life expectancy is
actually declining. Also I will highly critical against my own
Dutch government Health Council (in Dutch: De Gezondheidsraad)
because via their food advices the average life span in my county
will not rise very much in the estimated time scale of 2010 to
Here we go:
Item 1) Old insights into USA life expectancy
are coming to life; hurray!
Item 1) Old insights
into USA life expectancy are coming to life; hurray!
If you study what food the average USA
citizen is consuming it makes you wonder: why does the government
do nothing about that?
Answer: The USA government, just like the
Dutch Health Council, does not understand all the details properly
nor do they understand how those details like sugar and carb
consumption interplay to bring life expectancy down.
I do not claim I know all the answers, after
all I am a math & physics guy but when I am told scientific
crap like 'You should eat bread every day' (by the Dutch Health Council)
it is obvious the dumb authorities will kill on a large large
For example, in 2015 I crafted 7 updates in
where I explain in great detail that you only can get Alzheimer if
you eat bread multiple times a day. Of course it is not only bread
but if you eat bread multiple times a day this comes with a whole
variety of other foods like cake and other healthy wheat based
At present day the Alzheimer brain illness
does not contribute a lot to the overall causes of population
death in the USA. Here is a picture that says it is only going up
from 25.9 in the year 2014 to 29.4 in the year 2015.
Please note that the category 'Unintentional
injuries' is also a reflection of average brain health in the
population, once more; brain health is declining in the USA.

Please remark that Alzheimer grows over 10%
year on year.
Source of the picture:
U.S. life expectancy declines for the first time since 1993
It is very funny for me to quote the wisdom
of people saying you 'should not draw conclusions from just one
data point', by saying that these people only show they have
limited understanding of statistics in general.
But after the picture above you have all kinds of idiots stating
stuff like:
Experts cautioned against interpreting too much from a single year of data; the numbers could reverse themselves next year, they said.
“This is unusual, and we don’t know what happened,” said Jiaquan Xu, an epidemiologist and lead author of the study. “So many leading causes of death increased.”
Comment from Reinko: So you have a full year
of statistics and 'We don't know what happened'.... This is just
like the Federal Reserve back in the year 2007.
Now it is getting late and I am tired so
without going into much detail as why my own Dutch government is a
piece of shit when it comes to giving health advices at the
general population, here is another Washinton Post link estimating
the average lifespan increase in a lot of countries:
U.S. life expectancy will soon be on par with Mexico’s and the Czech Republic’s
So if you are an enemy of mine, please eat
more wheat based products as endorsed by your local government. If
you die from a heart attack please note this is good for the
economy because after all these medical costs you also did overeat
your entire life...
Till updates.
(27 Feb 2017) Weirdly enough the Unilever
story still has many headlines in the news but although tempting
today's item is about why the present USA prez donald trump has a
long array of mental illnesses.
Item 1) Exploring the mental illnesses of
donald trump.
Item 1) Exploring the
mental illnesses of donald trump.
Ok, a person is going bankrupt six times,
manages to keep not going bankrupt in some other places but hey:
We know those kind of people for a long long
time, they are known as pathological liars. Every time they come
up with a fantastic story about how you should give them money for
another fantastic project, after a bit of time the wheels come
flying off and every body goes bankrupt but not the donald that
simply files for another bankruptcy...
A very important feature of the pathological
liar complex is that people like that truly believe the lies they
are telling at that moment; in order to understand donald trump
you must look at it in that way:
This is just some guy with mental issues
& that's it.
After my humble opinion all those news
outlets that try to make sense of the donald by analyzing his
spoken words as if there is some 'large strategic strategy' behind
it, they will fail: donald trump might be smart but also has
severe brain damage.
Why the Americans vote such an imbecile in
place I do not know, but in the live of people that try to eat
normal food there is no place inside NATO for the USA any
Or am I wrong and donald trump is just a
temporary fault inside a perfect working democracy?
End of this update, please elect more
imbeciles in the future my dear USA.
Till updates.
(18 Feb 2017) This is crazy: USA Kraft foods
wants to buy Dutch Unilever, this is not allowed because it is
well known that kids born in the USA today will have a shorter
livespan than their parents have. And that only because of the
food they eat...
Item 1) Food can act as a medicine but also
as a poison.
Item 1) Food can act
as a medicine but also as a poison.
It is not much of a secret that I do not like
my own Dutch based Unilever just a tiny bit because in the past I
was that stupid to buy one of those 'health foods' they sell with
the promise that food had '3 times more omega 3 fats' compared to
olive oil.
I was stupid and by eating that Unilever shit
I was rewarded with a 100% gluten allergy... So one thing is sure:
Unilever will never be a friend of mine.
But on the scale of things, in the USA
average lifespans are declining just like they did when the USSR
fell apart and now we have the USA based Kraft company trying to
take over Unilever?
May be try to get a smart US prez in the
first place...
My dear Kraft floks, I will not allow you to
shorten the average lifespan of the average European citizen.
Please eat the food you produce yourself and not force-feed
innocent people that think they buy food but instead it is more or
less poisoness in the long run.
A simple quote:
Shares of Unilever and Kraft Heinz shot higher Friday, after the companies disclosed that Unilever had rejected an unsolicited $143 billion bid from the Warren Buffet-backed Kraft Heinz.
"Unilever rejected the proposal as it sees no merit, either financial or strategic, for Unilever's shareholders," the company said in a statement.
But Kraft Heinz isn't giving up, setting the stage for what could potentially be one of the biggest deals ever in the space.
Comment: No comments because I do not eat
Unilever foods but I do not like it when Kraft foods are taking a
hold in Europe. You should not eat from companies that do not
understand food...
Source of the quote:
Once more: It will not be allowed by USA
based companies to shorten the lifespan of children that are born
in the year 2017 inside Europe.
If USA based Kraft wants to expand their activities, why not sell
more sugar loaded stuff inside the USA? Or inside Mexico? Or
whatever what, you just fuck up with your stupid fat asses and
Till updates.
(12 Feb 2017) Suppose in order to explain the
electron magnetic properties, you need the electron to spin about
one hundred times the speed of light, is your explanation valid or
One hundred years after the discovery of
electron spin, at Fermilabs they still think the electron is
spinning at just one particular speed.
Item 1) Another Fermilab imbecile observed:
Dr. Don Lincoln.
Item 1) Another
Fermilab imbecile observed: Dr. Don Lincoln.
In this update I am not that polite as usual;
when I observe a shallow thinking imbecile I simply say this is an
imbecile. And I will not say that because Don is a Dr in physics
he must be very smart by definition.
At stake is the most significant physics
experiment ever done in the entire human history:
The measurement of the
magnetic dipole moment of the electron.
It is measured to be the theoretical value up to 12 decimal
Isn't that proof that Fermilab people are very very smart?
But if you study the details, a true 'dipole
measurement' was never done; with some magnetic fields it was
possible to catch some frequency in the electro-magnetic spectrum
but that is all there is.
The basic thing to understand about electrons
is that they only send out electro-magnetic radiation if they are
accelerated. And if electrons are accelerated, both the magnetic
field and electrical field are in perfect phase suggesting this is
done by a particle carrying both electric and magnetic
Once you understand the basics of an
electron, the 100% in phase of magnetic & electrical field,
you understand the electron cannot be a magnetic
Not physics Dr. Don Lincoln.
Like a lot of other physics professionals he
uses a strange strange strange way of explaining electron
behavior. Let me show you the nonsense picture first:

Congratulations my dear Fermilab employees;
one hundred years after it was calculated the electrons needed to
spin at speeds above the speed of light you still use the analog
of the gyroscope.
Congratulations with being such an
There is nothing spinning when it comes to electrons.
Furthermore, your so called 'most confirmed
up to 12 digits', what is it worth?
It is just another coupling constant towards the Bohr magneton, it
is a coupling constant in order to make the theory work.
The experimental fact you observe some
frequency does not prove at all the electron is a magnetic dipole.
Let's leave it with that, here is one more picture and after that
we say goodbye:

Here is the Youtube source from the two
screen shots as shown above:
Experimental evidence
End of this small update, most of the time
physics professors are in the right but when it comes
electrons it is just like we are watching a future video of donald
trump explaining how the economy works.
Till updates.
(09 Feb 2017) Oh oh it would be tempting to
comment on that piece of shit named donald trump or may be a bit
more philosophical by explaining that binary democratic systems do
not work in the long run. (Binary democracies are like the UK and
USA; because there are only two mainstream political parties the
hatred only builds up and up and almost never goes down down
But no, we go the boring way because I wrote
two new reasons as why it is completely impossible for electrons
to be magnetic dipoles. That is the item for this update:
Item 1) From shiny metals to how qubits from
Dwave quantum computers work...
Item 1) From shiny
metals to how qubits from Dwave quantum computers work...
Have you ever wondered why metals are shiny,
mirrors reflect almost all the light that comes in and why your
magnetron over keep all that powerful radiation in?
The answer is that electrons come in two
variants namely magnetic north and magnetic south (and of course
electrical negative for both of those variants).
If the professional physics professors are in
the right and electrons are magnetic dipoles, in that case the
magnetic part of stuff like visible light could not interfere with
any electron because all acceleration on the electron would not be
possible via the magnetic part of visible light.
Only the electrical part of visible light
could accelerate the electrons in the metal or the mirror or the
inside of your magnetron oven.
More bla bla bla is not needed on this
homepage, for more details go to:
Jan 2017: Reason 43: The way a Faraday box and other mirrors work.
Reason number 44 as why electrons cannot be
magnetic dipoles was found when I finally dived a bit deeper in
how the quantum computers from the Canadian Dwave company work on
their deepest level:
The qubit.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew they
use macroscopic structures that have two electrical currents
running against one another in a circle.
Luckily with a simple Google picture search
the trick of making two spin currents possible was found. And with
pride in my heart I can tell you it is only the small fact that
the Gauss law for magnetism does not work for unpaired electrons
that you can make these kind of electrical spin currents.
Here is a picture as I found it on the
website of Nature:

As you see on inspection: the two electrical
currents with 'spin up' or 'spin down' are created by magnetic
fields that are tangent to the circular metal shape.
Let's leave it with that and we will enjoy
another week where professional physics professors will tell you
once more that magnetic monopoles do not exist.
Till updates my dear reader.
(02 Feb 2017) Fake news from the Royal
Society observed, that is our small item for today:
Item 1) Fake news from the UK based Royal
Society observed, it's about monopoles.
Item 1) Fake news
from the UK based Royal Society observed, it's about monopoles.
When the official folks like Royal Society
folks talk monopole you instantly know it is about the magnetic
monopole and not about the electric monopole.
They want to find a particle that has zero
electrical charge but has a magnetic charge, after my humble
opinion they will never succeed into this noble
The official stance about electrons is easy
to understand, electroms have two properties:
1) It carries electrical charge and,
2) It has magnetic spin that is up or down BUT it is a magnetic
Ok ok, this all sounds very very vague and it
becomes even more vague when the UK people would like to find a
magnetic monopole with no electrical charge...
After all if an electron is a electric
monopole and a magnetic dipole at the same time, would it not make
a lot of sense to find a particle that is a electric dipole but
also a magnetic monopole?
But no no no, at the British Royal Society
they keep on telling this nonsense like a magnetic monopole should
exist at higher energy levels.
Oh oh my dear fellows from the UK Royal
Society, electrons are electric and magnetic monopoles all of the
time. Yet it has to be remarked that they can change when it comes
to magnetic charge.
So the fake news coming from the UK based
Royal Society simply boils down to the nonsense the next guy is
telling you:

Screenshot picture source:
Let's leave it with that, electric or
magnetic monopoles are hard to find. Till updates.
(29 Jan 2017) A few years back the folks from
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works projected this year 2017 as the year
when they would have their first version of a small nuclear fusion
Wanna bet Lockheed Martin will fail?
They will fail just like ITER in France, they will fail just like
the Wendelstein 7-X from the Max Planck institute will fail and
this all for a very easy to understand reason:
The electrons (and to a very small amount the
protons too) get accelerated by the magnetic fields that are used
to contain the plasma. This is the root cause for a lot of the
instabilities in the fusion plasma but plasma professors keep on
telling their nonsense like there is no Reinko Venema at
Item 1) 2017 is the year Lockheed will fail
delivering a prototype fusion reactor.
Item 1) 2017 is the
year Lockheed will fail delivering a prototype fusion reactor.
Four to five years back folks from the Skunk
Works detail from Lockheed Martin started bragging that they had
developed a so called 'high beta' concept for making a nuclear
fusion reactor that should fit on the back of a truck...
But if you study the details coming from
Lockheed Martin they think that the plasma is diamagnetic, one of
the properties of diamagnetism is that it is very softly repelled
by magnetic fields.
So for me it was clear: This whole Lockheed
Martin endeavor of crafting truck sized nuclear fusion reactors is
a pipe dream that will never work.
As far as I know reality the electron
acceleration will always hinder the fusion process because with
this kind of plasma containment you only accelerate the stuff you
do not want to have high speed. For fusion to take place it are
the protons that need the most of speed.
But on all universities around the world,
professional plasma professors refuse to investigate if electrons
get accelerated by magnetic fields.
After all this is year number 4 that I write about this small but
significant detail but all I hear is the usual wall of silence...
But a first small success can be reported
although I do not think the source where it comes from if filled
with extremely smart people:
US Flagship Fusion Reactor Breaks Down After $94 Million Spent Fixing It
Ha ha ha, Princeton is just one of those
place where they simply refuse to understand the magnetic
properties of electrons. Electrons that get accelerated by
magnetic fields??? No no no, the Princeton professors have this
fantastic mathematical machinery with electron spin operators in 3
dimensions and the intrinsic commutator relations between those
three operators.
Is there any experimental proof for this math
being a true representation of reality?
It might be but I have never seen it...
Here is a nice picture showing how arrogant
these overpaid people from Princeton are:

Refusing to understand electron behavior will
come with a price my dear perfumed princes...
Picture source:
COLLOQUIUM: The Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor
Before closing this update let me post a BBC
link where we once more have this guy named Steve Cowley who is
leading the UK affords to bring nuclear fusion to live.
Here is the link:
'Skunk power' creates confusion over nuclear fusion
Here is the quote from Steve Cowley:
Like many experts in the field, those at Jet believe the Lockheed announcement is not a breakthrough but a lack of concrete information is frustrating the scientists.
"You have to be ready for somebody to change your mind, you have to be," said Prof Steve Cowley, the director of the Culham effort.
Comment: You have to be ready for somebody to
change your mind???
Come on UK folks, because this is year number four I am telling
you about electron acceleration via magnetic fields, you are the
ones that are not listening.
Don't forget Steve Cowley is the one that
asks himself as why nuclear plasma starts rotating in the first
place. So Steve is one of those guys that see the plasma
accelerating under his nose on a daily basis but because of
Maxwell equation reasons electrons cannot be accelerated by
magnetic fields...
Welcome in the halls of 21-th century
Idiots like Steve Cowley rule the place, just like centuries back
when the pope was the keeper and ruled of all human knowledge.
More on the UK works of achieving nuclear
fusion without understanding electron spin:
Limitless Fusion Energy Is Just 13 Years Away, According To Tokamak Energy
End of this update, live well and work
(27 Jan 2017) It is not much of a secret that
for the last 16 years I tried to kick out the USA from the NATO alliance.
But after ten years of work I made no progress at all so I decided
to pick up other things and not tell every year that non-USA
countries should have larger military budgets.
Yet now we have the donald as the new US prez,
all the time during the long long USA election process I was
forced to be silent but after all this time I only have one small
Item 1) Why does nobody simply concentrate on
the mental illnesses of the donald?
Item 1) Why does
nobody simply concentrate on the mental illnesses of the donald?
In my view people should stop reacting with
all that emotion when it comes to donald trump, they should very
simple focus only on the mental illnesses that comes with this
You must not think there is some kind of
strategy behind all this weird news; it is just a guy of about 70
years old that has a lot of mental deficits. To put it simple: the
donald that in now the US prez is a weirdo not understanding how
societies work.
Let's leave it with that, tomorrow we have
another day of weird stuff coming along and all I want to tell you
is: Do not act in an emotional way because the guy named donald
trump has a long array of mental sickness.

End of this update, till updates.
(21 Jan 2017) Wow man, yesterday the Donald
Trump imbecile was the new US prez and one of his most important
tasks is to replace Obamacare by something that actually works.
Good luck with it my dear Donald, it is a battlefield of your own
choice and observing the food the average American thinks you can
eat, good luck with lowering the medical costs of such
After having said that, only one short item
for today's update because I found a perfect plagiarism result
that might be no plagiarism at all.
After looking a few days on it I jump to the conclusion the
writers of this preprint archive article do not know who I am and
how long lasting my mathematical empire will be.
Item 1) From the beginning it looks like
plagiarism, but is it?
Item 1) From the
beginning it looks like plagiarism, but is it?
As far as memory serves it was about the year
1988 when I found an alternative way of differentiation in the
multiplicative style but since I did not pass my first year exams
at the local university I had to rearrange my priorities.
So like all other works I made it was just
never published because from the get go I understood the peer
review progress in science is not for real.
After a few attempts I decided to never ever
allow those idiots to value my work again; if you allow to get
ruled by people that are basically idiots you only shorten your
own lifespan...
So let me do not difficult, on the one hand
it is pure plagiarism while after I have learned my lessons at the
local university I understood it is far more handy to implement
your policies without having your own name attached to it.
From that point of view the next preprint
article is a blistering success, here is a screenshot that makes
me dancing on the table:

The devil is in the details, yet as far as I
know math history it was me that did put in the dx in the exponent
for the first time.
It takes about 30 years to view some follow
up on that... This long period does not bode well for my insights
on electron spin; if that too takes up three decades I will be
over 80 years when finally the physics people understand electrons
cannot be magnetic dipoles...
At the close of this update let me once more
place a link to a pdf I wrote about 2.5 years back where I discuss
ten different styles of product integration. Style number three is
the Reinko style and only that style uses that you raise a
function f(x) to the power dx.
Click on the screen shot picture to download
the pdf in case you are interested in product integration:

For myself speaking it was kind of strange to
finally read some stuff written by other people about a math idea
I had when I was just a beginning student. And if you understand
product integration and use the dx in the exponent notation you
really do not have to mention my name; I have no professional
career in math whatsoever.
Let's leave it with that, till
Till updates.
(09 Jan 2017) Happy new year by the way. Two
days ago I opened a new html page on magnetism on this website,
here is page
2. On the other website with all that beautiful but as simple
as possible math I posted two posts about magnetism; the most
funny one is explaining how permanent magnets work because the
official version needs electrons to be glued in place.
Of course electrons cannot be glued in a fixed position in
I also opened a new category on magnetism, you can find how
permanent magnets work in that new category:
But in my simple life I do more than study
math & the occasional fragment of physics, I also like to
understand a bit more about the human body in particular as why we
can develop Alzheimer disease and nobody understands
Item 1) You can only develop Alzheimer's
disease if you eat bread on a daily basis.
Item 1) You can only
develop Alzheimer's disease if you eat bread on a daily basis.
It is well known that I think you can only
develop Alzheimer if you eat bread on a daily basis, other carbs
might be harmful too but only bread has the power of
simultaneously make your brain insulin resistant while at the same
time attacking your brain-blood barrier.
But I never post much on it, here in my home
country the Netherlands the official health officials promote
eating bread on a daily basis and the only way to talk some sense
into their head is not posting long calculations. No, the coffins
must do the talking against the wisdom of our local 'gezondheidsraad'
(that is the Health Council around here).
It is just a detail but it is an important
detail; the New England magazine for medicine published back in
2013 the results of a nice follow up study:
With n = 667 elderly participants only all
that was measured was the blood sugar levels during fasting. Now
fasting is only the time between meals, you must not think the
elderly had nothing to eat for days on a row.
Interesting detail is that elderly with blood
levels of about 105 to 110 were much more prone to developing
If you do not know what 105 means, that is
105 milligrams of glucose into one deciliter of blood or for
simplicity 1.05 gram glucose per liter of blood.
The thing to Avoiding Alzheimer is relatively
easy to understand: The older you get the less your glucose blood
levels should stay the same. Eating bread is just another death
spike in your blood sugar levels.
At about 28.00 minutes in the next Youtube
video you see Mr. Perlmutter explain the stuff a little bit:
David Perlmutter - Ketogenic Diet, Carbs & Gut Bacteria
Let's leave it with that because the Dutch
Health Council simply advises to eat bread on a daily basis. And I
am not looking for a fight, all those time those Health employees
visit a funeral is far better to make them think about their own
Till updates.
(27 Dec 2016) Three days ago I posted reason
nr 41 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, it is part two
of the so called vacuum catastrophe.
The vacuum catastrophe is indeed caused by the fact that
theoretical physics folks use the flawed results of the
experiments that lead to the acceptation of the Hendrik Casimir
effect. Here is reason
nr 41.
Yesterday I was lucky because I found a one
hour long video with an oversight of the Stern Gerlach experiment,
this is important because the SG experiment is the proof that
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles in the first place.
So that is our item of today:
Item 1) The most extensive description of the
SG experiment ever!
Item 1) The most
extensive description of the SG experiment ever!
This video contains a treasure trove of info,
for example I still had zero proof that Mr. Stern & Grlach
were Germans. Ok ok their names sound very Germanic but that does
not proof a thing.
Actually Albert Einstein knew Stern so Albert
must have known the results from the SG experiment from the get
go. It never dawned on Albert that it is kind of weird that
electrons were attracted to the weaker side of an inhomogeneous
magnetic field; this is impossible because basic math probability
theory says there is zero chance of an electron to perfectly
anti-align themselves with an outside magnetic field.
My dear Albert, you are now dead by a long
run but it is not that the electrons are attracted by the weaker
part but they are repelled by the stronger parts of the magnetic
But beside the things Albert remarked on the
Stern Gerlach experiment, we also have crap coming from people
like Niels Bohr or Mr. Pauli, here is a screen shot from 40.50
minutes into the video presentation:

Click on the above picture to land on the
treasure trove video,
Here are the title and https link to it:
The Stern-Gerlach Experiment And The Discovery Of Electron Spin - Sandip Pakvasa [2016]
I could say a lot more on this subject but it
is almost mid-night and I go to sleep.
Let incompetence rule the science of physics
just a few more years, till updates.
(13 Dec 2016) The last days I was busy
searching for more stuff on the vacuum catastrophe, I mentioned
that detail in the 10
Oct update in the page on magnetism.
Indeed I can confirm that professional
physics people base a lot of their insights on the original
Hendrik Casimir experiments. Now I know a little bit more it is
important to back pedal my words from 10 Oct 2016:
It is not that individual electrons are doing
the checker board pattern, it must be small clouds of electrons
that do this. But this update is not about me being wrong on some
physics detail, after all I am not a physicist, but we take a
small look at some TOTAL CRAP as Lawrence Krauss is telling
Item 1) This video proofs that physics is
turning into a modern religion.
Item 1) This video
proofs that physics is turning into a modern religion.
After the invention/discovery of quantum
physics slowly but surely what once was an exact science known as
physics turned more and more into some mythical thing bordering on
being a modern religion.
A hallmark of religion is that it is so
riddled with mysteries you need a strong belief in order for the
cognitive parts of your brain to accept those mysteries. Stuff
like the virgin birth that Mary had to being Jesus the son of God,
all highly mysterious and for the cognitive parts of the human
brain hard to swallow.
But humans are humans and the best way to
broaden you science like physics is to throw a bit of mystique
stuff in it, the more mystique the more the general population
allows for more tax money to be burned by the high priests of
For example in chemistry we have the electron
pair as a very important kind of cement in making larger molecules
in the first place. In physics, just an example, the super
conductivity of electrical current only sets in when the
temperature is low enough so that electron pairs can form.
And when the electron pairs are formed they are magnetically
neutral so the super conductivity can set in. The fact that with
loose electrons this does not happen tells us the electrons cannot
be magnetic dipoles...
If you think about it; if the electron was a
magnetic dipole chemistry as we know it would not have the
electron pair as we know it.
If you think about it; if electron pair
formation is the main source of making materials having zero
electrical resistance, how come this electron pair is magnetic
Once more: These scientists tell crap but
because they are in the realm of crafting a modern religion and
they will never say that their science is doing weird. No no no,
it is always you that is the imbecile not worshipping the high
priests of quantum physics:
And in many ways they are right with stating
this because if you think the electron is a magnetic dipole I too
agree that all kinds of stuff is just incomprehensible. Just like
Jesus is the son of God without God fucking the virgin
Anyway to make some long story short; if you
click on the picture below you will see one of those USA
professional physics professors doing their very best to turn what
was once are noble science into a religion.
Dr. Lawrence Krauss claims that the below
simulation of the empty space inside a proton is responsible for
about 90% of the mass of this particular proton.
The Krauss idiot thinks that without any
experimental proof at all, inside a proton most of the mass is
explained by mysterious particles that pop in and out of
And if you ask one of those imbeciles as why
the space outside protons does not have this heavy bombardment of
extra mass they will say:

Link source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4D6qY2c0Z8
And if you keep on persisting into asking why
this mysterious mass in only located inside protons they will
Let's leave it with that & have a nice
day about understanding as why electrons just cannot be magnetic
Till updates.
(02 Dec 2016) Fantastic baby; my weird health
problems from the last 10 to 7 days are known in the Dutch
language as 'peesschedeontsteking' and Google translate says it is
tenosynovitis in the language du Anglaise.
Anyway to make a long story short; just one
tablet of a medicine named Diclofenacnatrium Aurobinde Retard and
only waiting 40 minutes of time and relief from the pain sets
Because this medicine is so good at attacking
the retarded behavior of my wrist I thought: why not post a link
to my latest found exponential curve?
After all now there is pain relief I can use the computer keyboard
Item 1) A perfect and easy to understand new
exponential curve found.
Item 1) A perfect and
easy to understand new exponential curve found.
Wow man, on the second day of medication I
can use the computer keyboard again like I do not have a swollen
wrist right now. But it still looks ugly so I keep this
update short.
So just a link to a newly crafted 4D number
system that is a hybrid number system. It mixes the circular and
complex plane numbers, as a matter of fact I start with the
circular plane and replace the real scalars by numbers from the
complex plane.
If you compare my hybrid system with what the
professional math professors have to offer, this is the difference
between a lush forest and a dry dry desert.
And although this is a very beautiful
differential algebra completely outstripping the math as the
'professionals' do it with their pathetic 'several complex
variables' kind of theory, as usual these professionals will not
react whatsoever.
Since the year 1990 they have been doing
their thing like making a little bit of progress every now and
then and I have been doing my stuff.
Here is the link:
Let me use the old teaser picture from below
again because it is still a lovely teaser picture:

Ok, with that the university people can do
their daily parasitic thing like wasting tax payer money and do on
a daily basis where they are so good at:
Talking about themselves.
Sometimes out of curiosity I wonder what has
the most inertia,
is it:
1) The giant black hole in the center of our
milky way, or
2) The global set of professional math professors?
Let's leave it with that, till updates.
(23 Nov 2016) It is clear that my insights
into electrons not only being electrical monopoles, they are also
magnetic monopoles, is still falling on deaf ears.
Ever heard of the electron pair in for example chemical bonds or
why Cooper pairs lead to super conductivity? Can this be explained
from the viewpoint of electrons being magnetic dipoles?
Not at the website under the name physics dot
org: Over there the imbeciles keep on hanging to the idea that
every electron is a magnetic dipole.
As usual the weirdo's do not give any kind of (experimental) proof
for their stupid talk.
That is our item for today:
Item 1) In the year 2017 the physics.org
people will keep on talking weird stuff.
Item 1) In the year
2017 the physics.org people will keep on talking weird stuff.
In an article under the title The mysterious missing magnetic monopole
the people from the website physics dot org expose their stupid
They still have not found the magnetic
The article is from 09 Aug 2016, those people will never
understand basic stuff.
Link of the source file of these weirdo's:
I do not feel any desire to place some
graphical art or so, we are now more or less entering the fourth
year of explaining as why electrons are also magnetic monopoles
but zero point zero reaction from the scientific community.
The electron pair; it shouts in your face
electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Let's leave it with that, from past
experiences it is well known that university people are relatively
worthless when it comes to cognitive endeavors.
The electron pair exists because electrons are magnetic dipoles,
congratulations for your insights but the wiser policy is to avoid
all contacts with weird people like that.
Till updates.
(19 Nov 2016) Did I sit on my hands for the
last 10 days?
No I didn't but I decided that all that zeta function stuff was
just to difficult.
After all, after 26 years when I discovered
the higher dimensional complex numbers until the present day there
still zero confirmation by so called 'professional math
professors'. So we leave that pile of garbage people where they
belong: simply inside the dumpstack of useless and worthless
Two items in this update:
Item 1) Has the imbecile Donald Trump ever read the Federal
Reserve Z1 release?
Item 2) After 26 years of neglect I finally do research the
circular plane; it's lovely!
Item 1) Has the
imbecile Donald Trump ever read the Federal Reserve Z1
Back in the time to the year 2004 I decided
to study the global financial system because I understood if there
was one perfect way to hinder and stall the dominance of the US
military it would be by ruthless slaughter of the finances flowing
into the US military.
After 3 years I more or less explained that
this was not sustainable, debt growth was crazy and nobody said
one thing about it. For example at some point in time I discovered
that in order for the US financial system to pop up her 'profits'
as usual this financial system would need a popping 2.4 trillion
more in outstanding debt in the course of just one more year of
this madness.
Later in popular culture this became to be
known as the 'credit crisis'.
All credit crisis's we know of in history are
always caused by the fact you have to pay back the money you
borrow and for a wide variety of reasons those societies did not
understand that properly.
The imbecile named 'the Donald' is also
behaving like he does not understand the debt environment he lives
in. Ok ok we had some talk about 'negotiating the debt thing' and
it is known he has gone bankrupt on a few occasions, but does he
get the stuff the Z1 release is shouting out?
Here is a picture of a screenshot of the
present day overall debt growth in the USA:

The stuff is not that hard to
This year 2016 Q2 = 46300.8
Last year 2015 Q2 = 44073.7 so an overall debt growth of just
So the pile of non-financial-sector-debt is
growing at 5% a year while the underlying capacity of the US
economy does grow not that fast year in year out. The economical
growth is like 1 or at most 2% a year; once more the debt keeps on
The Trump imbecile wants yearly economical
growth of 4%, at the same time this imbecile wants to lower
taxes and repair all that crumbling infra structure. So that would
be a yearly total debt growth of about 15 to 20%.
For me the
situation is clear:
The Donald is just as stupid as the Dubya.
End of this item.
Item 2) After 26 years of neglect I finally do research the
circular plane; it's lovely!
I really do not know why as why I only
started to do some math investigations into the two dimensional
circular plane after 26 years when I discovered the three
dimensional complex numbers.
May be all have our so called hubris, our
cloud of superiority and we make discard to those who express
other views...
But the 2D cousin named circular numbers of
the complex plane is very beautiful if you use the right math
Let's not complain that since that guy named
Euler all people refused to craft those math tools, humans are
like ants: they only think they are smart and that's what keeps
them alive.
Well just a short teaser picture from the
work of the last few days, I do not expect that the worthless
overpaid math professors will react on it. It is truly the cousin
of the complex plane so if there should be a point in time they
should react it is now...
But mark my words: The overpaid idiots will
not react.

For the time being I am planning to post the
above stuff on the other website.
Let's leave it with that, till updates.
(09 Nov 2016) For a few weeks I am trying to
make some magnetic equivalent to the works of Ben Feringa who
received a Nobel prize a few weeks ago.
When the Nobel prize on physics came out in a very short time
frame I was able to explain the so called 'vacuum catastrophe'
(that is the difference between the actual energy stored in vacuum
space as compared to the theoretical predictions of it) via explaining
reality using the fact electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
With the Ben Feringa nano motors I tried the
same but I failed, after a few weeks it is easy to understand why:
they do not use magnetic fields whatsoever in order to power their
beautiful nano-motors...
So I just gave up because this kite would not
Guess what?
Within 30 minutes I had one lovely math
discovery; the determinant of one of my most complicated tau
numbers equals 35 times the zeta function evaluated at the even
number six. So that is our item of today:
Item 1) Just a screen shot showing the
numerical result.
Item 1) Just a screen
shot showing the numerical result.
At the moment the American elections for the
new prez are closed and they are counting the ballots in order to
see who will be the next US prez.
Donald Trump or the Clinton female.
This is of interest because the USA will
break down into the future into more or less different states
because the politics in Washington are completely broken. If the
Donald gets elected this process will accelerate.
Let's leave it with that.
Without explaining as why in the next six by
six matrix all these entries have their numerical value, the
outcome of the applet is clear: 35.607035.
And that would be 35 times the value of the
zeta function evaluated at s = 6, so we have some severe
math victory tonight.
Remark once more: if you give up all of those
emotional things like beating some local Noble prize winner all of
a sudden you get rewarded with cognitive pleasure.
Here is the simple screen shot:

The joy as found in the result is as next:
35.607025 etc equals pi to the power six divided by 27 and that
equals 35 times the zeta function evaluated at the real number
So today I had a good day, even if we get a
Trump presidency it was a good day.
And don't forget: If we get a Trump president the USA will split
just like the UK is splitting from Europe.
Till updates my dear reader. (Two days later
a small update on the matrix representation that started it all a
few years back) .. Here is how the matrix looks, I am
so sorry that it is 451 pixels wide instead of the usual 450
pixels so I guess we are still not in paradise.

Ok ok, there are all kinds of complications
coming with this because you should view the above matrix as a 3
by 3 matrix of 2 by 2 blocks that represent the complex numbers
from the complex plane.
You know there are days when I am desperate
to figure out how to bring my ideas to a wider audience, but if
your audience like the total collection of math professors act
just like they are another collection of rabbits, why try to make
future contacts?
Let's leave it with that, till updates.
(04 Nov 2016) This week I finally found out
why high blood sugar levels are so poisonous to the human body;
why does the fat burning process stop at the very moment we have
to high levels of blood sugar?
The answer to that is the process of
glycation, so that is our item for today:
Item 1) Glycation, it makes you age faster
and faster...
Item 1) Glycation, it
makes you age faster and faster...
A few weeks ago I estimated for you that if
you eat only two baguettes or 200 gram of bread, in that case in
just a very short moment you have about 15 times as much sugar
entering your blood steam as there is in your blood at any given
Recall there is only about 1 gram of glucose
in every liter of blood, for a male adult this gives about 5 gram
glucose in the blood at any given time but 200 gram of bread
releases about 75 gram of sugar...
So why does that mighty hormone insulin spike
so fast and so long and why does the fat burning process
The answer is glycation and it is easy to
understand: the glucose molecules often bind two protein molecules
together that are supposed to be loose from one another. This
binding of proteins results even into clustering of red blood
cells and that is why people who are obese for a long time often
have a few toes amputated because the blood has become so thick it
cannot pass small blood veins...
At one point in my life before I understood
the strange dangers of bread I was 109 kilo, that qualified for a
body mass index of 32 and indeed I was officially obese. In my
very first selfie as you see here under all that excess body fat
is gone fore good; once you understand how to burn that body fat
why should it come back?

As a comparison, in the UK people like me who
have shed over 25 kg of excess fat, only about 1 in 200 are able
to keep their weight down.
This abundantly proves that in the Western
countries all those food advices coming from government paid
institutions are just crap to the bone.
Here in my home country the Dutch landscape
we have the so called 'Gezondheidsraad' or the Health Council of
the Netherlands, in my view this is the most worthless government
agency we have. And if you look in the latest advices these
shitheads gave in 2015, these are all professors. Ok ok, there
might be some dr in between but the majority are university
And these university imbeciles advice to
consume at least 90 gram of whole wheat bread a day, so for those
mentally handicapped university professors it is no big deal if
you eat 200 gram of bread when you are an elderly person.
Persons that stupid should be executed in
public because the level of stupidity classifies them as being no
longer a human person; these are only idiots serving the food
industry. Don't get me wrong: these professors are not paid or
bribed by the food industry, it is only these professors are
stupid to the bone while the food industry is the food
Here is what the shitholes of the Health
Council have to say on food:
Dutch dietary guidelines 2015
By the way that furry thing on my legs is a
dog named Loïs, tomorrow she will be 14 weeks old. But back to
the glycation process and the best efforts all Western governments
make in promoting that you die prematurely:
Oh oh, basically it is so simple although
there are large differences between population groups but the
older you get the less carbon hydrates you must eat. Or in a dual
version: avoid foods that make your insulin rise too high. Till
(28 Oct 2016) Oh oh that poor Google picture
search engine, so hard it tries to find a picture of my face but
it just isn't there on the entire internet...
Item 1) Stop grieving my dear Google picture
search engine, here is my face...
Item 1) Stop grieving
my dear Google picture search engine, here is my face...
A few days back when I did that Google
picture search on my own name it was kind of weird to observe that
the search engine did spit out completely irrelevant pictures on
rank number 2: the place where you might expect a face or
And I felt a pity for the Google search
engine; so much she tries to do her best and via the latest of AI
even trying to 'understand' what the content of the pictures
actually is.
But all those deep learning algorithms
including those convolution methods did not pop up a picture of my
face. Oh oh poor Google picture search engine, what to do about
your problem?
The answer is: Sunglasses and an old old
photo from about 20 years back:

Dear Google search engine, the computer name
for this picture file is:
I sincerely hope you now have some peace of
heart and when somewhere in the year 2017 I once more do a Google
picture search on my heavenly name Reinko Venema this one also
pops up. In the meantime I have other things to do, so good luck
with it my dear Google search engine.
Till updates.
(24 Oct 2016) Although it is a bit of narcism,
this update is upon two simple Google picture searches. The first
search is about 3D complex numbers and the second search is a
picture search of my own name Reinko Venema.
Item 1) Time evolution of two picture
Item 1) Time
evolution of two picture searches.
About a year ago I started a new website
named 3dcomplexnumbers.net
so for me as the author of that website it was interesting to see
the evolution of Google searches when it came to topics related to
three dimensional complex numbers.
The last year I did post about 40 posts and
every now and then I checked the evolution as found on Google
pictures. There were many rises and falls of some pictures but one
picture when it began it's rise it only went up. For over half a
year a picture from a six dimensional space is always on top; it
was a post on a hybrid where I mixed the numbers from the complex
plane as we know it for centuries with my own invention of the 3D
complex numbers.
A few pictures further in the Google search
there is always that Cauchy-Riemann equation stuff where I explain
how the hell Riemann wrote down the CR equation and math
professors should stop to write it down in that 'ant fucking
style' like they always do but instead use the 'chain rule style'
because that is mathematically superior...
As such the picture search on the Google
search engine is more or less very stable for many months on a
row. In the upper half of the next picture you see the results as
they are more or less month in month out:

The lower half of the picture above contains
search results number 1, 2 and 3 when you do a picture Google of
my name Reinko Venema.
I don't do that very often because I am not
very much preoccupied with day to day action like we have in the
media files. Beside that picture searches on the name Reinko
Venema always have some content related to the first decade on the
war on terror.
So people might get confused; is it math or
is it a evil terrorist???
But anyway, the three pictures from the lower
half of the picture above shows:
1) On the left a fragment of the top index
picture of this website,
2) A picture from some math question website that should be my
face &
3) Victory: Poking fun at the PPP.
I just never expected to be a photo of the
experiment that shows that electrons get accelerated by magnetic
fields be on position number 3. Yeah yeah only electrons that are
the long sought magnetic monopoles can do that kind of behavior;
the official story of the professional physics professors that the
electron is a magnetic dipole on it's own is just not
Ok ok, the electron pair is indeed a magnetic
dipole and as such will obey the Gauss law of magnetism, but that
is another story and at the time being it is good to observe the
evolution of the Google picture search every few months or
Let's leave it with that. Till updates.
(14 Oct 2016) At last the update with reason
number 39 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles is finished.
That is our item of this update:
Item 1) The acceleration of the solar wind
Item 1) The
acceleration of the solar wind analyzed.
Last week I just did not understand why the
electron and proton temperature in the solar with was so different
from the stuff we know from fusion reaction here on earth. Later I
realized you should not view the sun as a down to earth short
lived plasma acceleration kind of stuff, the solar wind has gone
on from thousand of millions of years.
So you must view the solar wind as it is now
via how it likely has evolved.
Since electrons are much more accelerated by magnetic fields it
has to be that in the beginning of the formation of the solar wind
the fraction of electrons was much higher. Over time the sun
became more and more positively charged and that is more or less
the explanation for the present temperature of the electrons in
the solar wind.
Click on the picture to land on reason number
39 on the magnetism page:

Let me end this small update right now, till
(10 Oct 2016) Ha ha this is funny: only today
I found out that the Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to three
people and one of those three is from the local university.
So although this is nice news, of course on
such a detail I will absolutely not change my own policies when it
comes to dealing with people from universities and other
institutions like that. Better avoid all contact will still be the
prevailing policy...
Our item for today is an imitation of the
Nobel prize in physics from this year:
Item 1) The Hendrik Casimir effect and the
vacuum catastrophe.
Item 1) The Hendrik
Casimir effect and the vacuum catastrophe.
To make a long story short:
The energy stored inside a vacuum is about 10
to the power 120 less than as measured at present day. So where
does this discrepancy come from?
As usual it is the Gauss law for
Now you also understand as why it is still
important to keep a large distance between myself and those people
working at universities...
A long time ago a Dutch physics guy did some
experiments and from that we have the so called 'Hendrik Casimir
effect'. And Hendrik did his best and he tried to avoid all
possible attraction between the metal plates he used in his
At the time it was thought that electrons
were magnetic dipoles so there was no reason in this experimental
setup to correct for the fact they are not magnetic
But inside metals you have those free
electrons, they are not bound to nuclei but they can roam around
in freedom. And if you repeat the Casimir experiment again and
again of course you will find that cute attraction between two
metal foils...
Enough of the bla bla bla, click on the
picture below to land on reason number 38 as why electrons just
cannot be magnetic dipoles.

The vacuum catastrophe is the actual amount
of energy as it is stored in one cubic centimeter of vacuum. It is
only 10 to the power minus 8 and not the weird numbers as they
flow from experiments like done by Hendrik Casimir...
End of this update. Till updates.
(07 Oct 2016) I have added two more reasons
as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, for these two reasons
go to the page
on magnetism
In a separate development I have selected
Albert Fert, the Nobel laureate in physics in the year 2007 as the
'perfect imbecile'.
Item 1) Is Albert Fert really a perfect
Item 1) Is Albert
Fert really a perfect imbecile?
Albert Fert explaining electron spin in some
Youtube video.
And I am wondering is this person a perfect imbecile yes or
The video is very short, it will take only
1.04 minutes or 64 seconds of your attention but within this
framework of just 64 seconds of time you have all these imbecile
thoughts together:
1) The electron is actually spinning and that
makes it a tiny dipole magnet.
2) It has spatial quantum stuff.
My answer to this idiot explanation are very
1) Show me some experimental proof that there
is something spinning.
2) It has not spatial preference whatsoever, it only follows
magnetic field lines because it has magnetic charge.
Let's leave it with that.
Here is the picture of the 2007 Nobel
laureate in physics explaining electron spin:

For myself speaking: It is very hard to pack
more nonsense into 64 seconds as this guy does. From the
sociological point of view video's like this where 'important men
explain electron spin' always have the same characteristic:
It always lacks experimental proof that
electrons are actually magnetic dipoles...
It is always the same, it is only theoretical
blah blah blah and zero point zero experimental validation of this
particular blah blah blah.
Let's leave it with that. Till
(04 Oct 2016) Today the Nobel prize in
physics was announced and by sheer coincidence about one week ago
I did read for the first time about the quantum Hall effect. That
is item number 1, the second item is an addendum on the food
update from 29 August and now we fine-tune our calculations on
blood sugar caused by bread.
Item 1) Nobel prize stuff + lost photo found
Item 2) You eat two baguettes, what happens next?
Item 1) Nobel prize
stuff + lost photo found back.
Today's announcement of the Noble prize in
physics was not my first choice: I would have recommended the
gravity wave folks because that is a strong victory for the
experimental physics professors.
That would also have prevented Nobel prize money going to those
theoretical professional physics professors who think that
electrons are magnetic dipoles by definition.
So that is my take on it, yet of course it
has to be remarked that the quantum Hall effect is a truly amazing
thing and this quantum Hall effect is only a part of what those
weird states of matter can do. From that point of view I also
think the choice of the Nobel prize committee is very
On top of that, the oldest laureate was from
1934 or so and of course since the Nobel prize can only be given
to people that are actually alive, this might have weighed in
Yesterday I was lucky because I am recently
working on reason number 37 as why electrons are not magnetic
dipoles but magnetic monopoles and I found back that photo that
was made by Marcin Bialec.
The important feature of this photo is that
you see the beam of electrons spreading out into a broader sheet.
So it is spreading out in the direction of the magnetic field
lines and that is what I name the bonkers force:

This photo is perfect, from the very
beginning the beam of electrons starts spreading out into the
direction of the magnetic field lines...
That simply means there is acceleration into
the direction of the magnetic field lines and that is the bonkers
force. Why do I name it the bonkers force?
Very simple: It will make the professional
physics professors go bonkers.
So there in no denying this: If it makes the ppp go bonkers it
must be a very mighty force... ;)
Item 2) You eat two
baguettes, what happens next?
On the 29 of August I made a simple
estimation that said if you eat two baguettes that weigh about 200
gram you get a dose of about 15 times the total amount of sugar
that is in you bloodstream at any given time.
I did that easy estimation because I was
highly irritated by the sheer incompetence of the Dutch health
authorities when it comes to food: this is a collection of
imbeciles known as the Dutch Health Council.
Now back to our easy estimation: Blood sugar
readings during fasting are 90 100.
That means 90 to 100 milligram of glucose per deciliter blood.
That is a very difficult way of stating you have about 0.9 to 1.0
gram of glucose in your blood so in your entire bloodstream there
is about 5 gram of glucose in total.
My easy estimate was there would be about 80
grams of carbs in two baguettes.
In the next picture we once more have my beloved Australian
glycemic index that tells how your blood sugar levels react upon
eating particular kinds of food:

In the last column you see 'Carb per Serve'
and indeed if you multiply the serving size of 30 gram by a factor
of 7 you land on 200 grams of bread or two baguettes.
So my estimate was rather good, only eating
two baguettes gives your blood a nice blow of 15 times the amount
of glucose that is in it...
What happens to all that sugar in the blood?
Very simple: The most mighty hormone there is starts pumping in,
insulin enters the blood stream and tells your body on the
cellular level to go into glucose burning mood.
So all that excess glucose makes your body
run on glucose and the rest gets turned into body fat. Humans
cannot store blood sugar, we have never evolved that
But there is more: Because insulin spikes you
turn the bread into fat but later when the sugar high is gone you
need to burn the fat. Ha ha ha, your insulin levels are still far
to high so you cannot burn fat in the first place.
And that my dear reader is the stuff that
explains we have all those weird looking people with all those
excess fat on the weirdest of places...
Till updates.
(02 Oct 2016) Wow man the Russians have all
kinds of comments on the Dutch investigations on the downing of
flight MH17. But as I long long ago remarked, if they have nothing
to do with it they would not make all kinds of strange
So the advice to the Russians is: DRINK MORE
Ok, in the world of the grown ups I would
like to explain to you that the science of physics has gone
bonkers way beyond control and I only show you two easy to
understand Youtube videos by doing that.
Item 1) Why do physics professors talk the
talk they do?
Item 1) Why do
physics professors talk the talk they do?
Just two video's from the 'Breakthrough
physics prize' conventions as they have over there in the USA.
Both video's have nothing to do with smart and elaborate research
into important details like the explanation of the speed of the
solar wind, how do we explain diamagnetism that can elevate frogs
with a strong enough magnetic field etc etc.
No, we only get weirdo's like Leonard
Susskind and imbeciles like Nima Harkani-Hamed. You understand: I
myself, Reinko Venema, am not fishing to get the next
'breakthrough prize' in the science of physics...
Anyway, here are the two video's from two
physics professors that are sung loose from reality years and
years ago:
Breakthrough prize in physics year 2014:
Leonard Susskind:
Susskind: 2014 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Symposium
Breakthrough prize in physics year 2016: Nima
Arkani-Hamed: 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Symposium
In order to understand the nonsense that is
going round in the professional USA circles of so called
'professional physics professors' I only post one screen shot of
that weirdo Leonard Susskind. He is talking about black holes that
have lot's of wormholes to photons coming from Hawking radiation
coming from that same black hole.
There is not much experimental prove given,
but hey these are the 'theoretical physics professors' on their
top performance so who cares about actual experimental proof

And don't forget: The pay rise in salaries
these idiots have every year is what in the future is my entire
yearly pension.
Who says these imbeciles should even get more
Let me leave this stuff by that, idiots
talking about black holes connected via wormholes to loose photons
is worthy of a 'breakthrough prize in physics' over there in the
USA... Till updates.
(16 Sept 2016) Two new reasons as why
electrons are magnetic monopoles, or at least carry a net magnetic
charge, were posted this week.
Our item of today is about reason 34 because that contains the
most imbecile explanation of electron spin as done by overpaid
physics professors.
Item 1) Only imbeciles give imbecile
Item 1) Only
imbeciles give imbecile explanations.
You can check this explanation for yourself,
it is found in the next short video at about 3 minutes in. The guy
in the video is David Awschalom
and he is (or was) the head of a spintronics department somewhere
on this globe.
Source file of the picture: Spintroncis
made easy
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPIbGq634yU
This is how he looks:

Now David is not the only physics professor
starting the explanation with a spinning earth but he is the
fucking head of a spintronics department!
Furthermore this David claims that this
electron spin can point in any direction like it can point to
anywhere on a sphere...
But the 1922 Stern-Gerlach experiment said that THIS JUST DID NOT
So in 94 years of progress in the science of
physics these weirdo's still miss the main point: IF IN THE
And if the electron was a magnetic dipole,
the thing could never undergo such a strong repelling force. Once
you get that my dear but stupid David you also understand
spintronic devices like the read and write head in spinning hard
disks as we have at present day in our computers...
I hope that I am not sounding frustrated
because on the scale of things nobody dies from physics professors
thinking weird and unproven stuff. While for example in the
meantime if you look at the food advices from the Dutch Health
Council thousands and thousands die every year for no reason at
But the Dutch Health Council has a long
history of being on the wrong side of things: In the 1960 we
suddenly had to skip the fat and embrace a low fat diet.
Later a lot of people were advised not eating eggs because of cholesterol.
And so on and so on, even now in the year 2016 they advice stop
using butter and change to liquid oils...
In this world there is just never a shortage
on idiots in high ranking positions.
Till updates & bake a few eggs in lovely butter.
(08 Sept 2016) The Health Council of the
Netherlands (de Gezondheidsraad) has a multi decade long history
of giving the wrong food advices. Last year a new set of guidance's
for food choices came out and today we are looking if they still
are stupid to the bone yes or no.
Item 1) Check on the Health Council of the
Item 1) Check on the
Health Council of the Netherlands.
Last year new guide lines came out, you can
find them in the next link (it is in Dutch of course):
In these pages you can find two advices that
completely for the full 100% contra dictionary to each other.
These two advices are:
1) Stop drinking liquids that contain sugar,
this includes fruit juices.
2) Eat at least 90 gram whole wheat bread a day.
The idea behind advice 1 is likely that
consuming too much sugar leads to too high levels of blood sugar,
the body reacts by releasing insulin and as a result most of the
consumed sugar turns into body fat.
This is a very general thing: You can only
store fat if insulin levels get elevated.
The idea behind advice 2 comes from some
cohort research that I have no access to but likely they compare
whole wheat eaters to refined wheat eaters and indeed you may find
a small positive health effect.
More on blood sugar: Too high levels are
poisonous to the human body and in the so called Glycemic index
there are a whole lot of foods found and the influence on your
blood sugar it has.
Lot's of people ate a standard amount of food
like 50 or 100 grams and this is compared to eating 50 or 100
grams glucose. The amount of blood sugar after consuming glucose
is the fixing point labeled 100 (it is an index number).
The university of Sidney has a perfect
database of a lot of foods, you can check the numbers I give to
you yourselves over there:
Index Database
Snickers Australian = 41
Snickers USA = 65
Orange juice = 46
White bread = 70
Whole wheat bread = 75 to 85
As you see on inspection, the orange juice is
relatively innocent compared to the whole wheat bread. Now you
might wonder as why whole wheat bread gives an ever higher reading
compared to white bread?
That is because whole wheat is not whole
wheat; about 5% of the weight is extra added gluten. Because
gluten is stuff that is in wheat naturally by law the millers are
not obliged to tell this on the package but you can see it at the
price you pay for whole wheat flower:
Always in every store if you compare the
cheapest while wheat flower to the whole wheat it is rather
precisely 50 cents more expensive. But hey ha ha ha, the price per
kilo gluten is 10€ hence 50 gr of gluten is 50 cents...
At the Dutch Health Council they think that
whole wheat means it is whole wheat but that is wrong, it is a
refined product because healthy things like vitamin E are removed
and sold to the cosmetics industry while extra gluten is added
because otherwise the bread will not rise properly.
Now what explains the very high index range
of 75 to 85?
The extra gluten causes even more very tiny bubbles in the bread
so whole wheat bread has more surface area for chemical reactions
when it is inside your gut system.
Do you understand why I think the Dutch
Health Council is just another load of academic imbeciles? They
name the Glycemic index in their report but when it comes to bread
they do not use it because it does not fit their ideas upon
healthy whole wheat foods...
And if you ask them about that anti bread
sentiment from lately they say: That is just some guru, it is just
one person...
From that reaction, that is broadly held at
the Health Council, you can see they are even not capable of
judging the stuff you can find in books like Wheat Belly that are
written by that 'guru'?
Let me give you a similar reaction from the
year 1905:
Two professional physics professors PPP1 and
PPP2 are having a conversation:
PPP1: I did read a very interesting article
about some guy that stated E = mass times the speed of light
squared, did you see it too?
PPP2: Yes but I looked it up and there is that guy Albert
Einstein, the problem is that he is not a scientist. He is just
some fucking clerk at some stupid patent office...
PPP1: Oh I did not know he was not a scientist at all, we better
skip that nonsense I just guess.
PPP2: Of course we skip this nonsense, only real scientist make
real science and clerks are only there to sharpen the pencils and
bring us our coffee.
And that happened, for over three years
nobody said a thing about what is now the most famous physics
equation: E = mc^2.
Ok this update is getting a bit long so let
me skip the Alzheimer things because with the Alzheimer things the
Dutch Health Council is also not picking up her responsibilities
but only talks coward shit year in year out.
Let me leave you with a screen shot of the
whole wheat GI index:

There are dozens and dozens more reasons as
why these people working at the Dutch Health Council are just
another layer of academic imbeciles.
For example in the year 2005 it was
discovered that the human brain can have diabetes, that was
classified as diabetes type 3.
If you would ask the Dutch employees of the
Health Council on that detail, they will react like seeing water
burning of you have more of that 'it is just one person who found
that' kind of stuff.
End of this update & and once more a
rigid middle finger to de Gezondheidsraad!
Till updates.
(07 Sept 2016) A few days back I finished the
update on new methods for differential equations. That is our item
for today:
Item 1) Second teaser picture for the diff
equations update.
Item 1) Second teaser
picture for the diff equations update.
So how 'new' are these 'new methods' anyway?
To be honest I have no idea, for example in Part 2 where we do the
'easy Taylor coefficient finding' it is hard to imagine nobody has
done such a thing before.
And in Part 1 where we expand solutions from
the real line to the complex plane & more it is the same: It
is hard to imagine nobody has never done that before.
But in my life as a 53 year old person I have
never seen it in not a single book or some internet resource. Yet
one thing I can assure you: Everything beyond dimension 2 is very
likely never done before.
I shrunk the teaser picture from the other
website from size 550 x 550 to 450 x 450 (otherwise it does not
fit over here) and I hope you can read it a little bit.
The new update is 10 pages long (that is 10
pictures of size 550 x 1100) and I did my best to concentrate on
differential equations people know already and on approximation
methods people know already. (Like the Taylor approximation.)
Click on the picture to land on the new

For myself speaking the three coordinate
functions as shown above can only be found if you treat the 3D
vectors from 3D space as numbers. Otherwise you just cannot find a
result like this.
So that is one nail more in the coffin of the
official math professors who think century in century out that
three dimensional complex numbers do not exist...
End of this update, if I have time this week
we will also be looking at the very weird food advices as given by
the Dutch so called 'gezondheidsraad' or as they name it
themselves: Health Counsil of the Netherlands.
These people are retarded to the bone and
with only 10 minutes of internet search that can be validated on a
deep level. Ok, see you around & till updates.
(29 Aug 2016) I am very pleased with the
results from the university of California related to reversing
Alzheimer because that is not very hard to do via diet changes.
So that is item number 1, in item number 2 a teaser picture for
new methods of solving differential equations.
Item 1) Dutch government health officials are
really stupid.
Item 2) New methods for solving differential equations, teaser
Item 1) Dutch
government health officials are really stupid.
This year the Dutch health officials from the
so called Gezondheidsraad crafted new guidelines around food, In
the USA they have the 'food pyramid', here we have the 'disk of
In this item I will not go to long lengths as
why I think that Dutch government officials are just as
incompetent as math or physics professors. I just give a very
simple calculation around blood sugar levels. Here we go:
If you have developed that nice condition
known as diabetes type 2 you constantly have too much sugar in
your blood and that is not good. Now how do medical doctors
measure your blood sugar levels?
Very simple: If the reading is 140 that means
you have 140 milligrams of blood sugar per deciliter of blood.
That is a very difficult way of saying you have 1.4 grams of suger
per liter blood.
Healthy levels of blood sugar between meals
is in the range of 90 to 100 meaning 0.9 to 1 gram per liter
So in your blood there is about 5 gram of
blood sugar in your entire body if you have healthy blood sugar
Now suppose you eat two baguettes or about
200 gram of bread, let's say these two baguettes contain about 120
grams of wheat and I do not know the exact percentage but suppose
this wheat breaks down into 80 grams of sugar.
Do you understand the problem?
Eighty grams of sugar eager to enter your
blood stream is about 15 times the amount of sugar in your blood
you need to function properly.
Let me keep this item short: Most elderly are
not bicycling the Tour the France on a daily basis, they do not
need this high intake of sugar. It would be far more better if
their livers produce the blood sugar they need.
And this, my dear reader is why I think the
Dutch health officials are just another bunch of
Update from 31Aug 2016: The latest update on
food by the Gezondheidsraad are in the next link. It is a pdf file
and it speaks for itself.
Item 2) New methods
for solving differential equations, teaser picture.
In the past I have stated often that if the
complex plane is a fish bowl, the higher dimensional number
systems are an ocean.
Therefore the present 100 thousand
professional math professors always prefer to be in that very fish
bowl. This kind of flock behavior is very interesting, all in all
it acts like a religion preventing progress and studying the
ancient texts with devotion...
Hello bunch of weirdo's: Here I have two
functions x(t) and y(t) that are just simple real valued functions
but if you differentiate them this mimics the multiplication from
your superior complex plane.
Without all this emotion about incompetent
professionals: Lately I have been studying time evolution of
complex spaces and to my amazement it was so simple to find very
deep results so soon.
You know inside math societies there is that
idea going round: All the low hanging fruit was picked by Euler
and associates. This is a nonsense idea: Only overpaid people
eating bread at breakfast can take this seriously.
Here is the teaser picture, just
differentiate the two x and y functions my dear professional math
professors and voila: There is your magnificent complex plane

End of this update, finalizing the above math
work will take about one week while talking reason to our local
health officials will take about 750 years.
Till updates.
(24 Aug 2016) Last year in 2015 I did a seven
update long explanation of how to prevent Alzheimer based on the
idea that those dementia illnesses are caused by the brain not
having enough energy.
Anyway the conclusion was: Stop eating that
fucking bread because it contains gluten and the gluten is what
weakens the blood-brain barrier. Also stop eating all that weird
stuff like carbon-hydrates because if you eat the stuff that
babies and children need that is not good for you...
Now, 2016 by the way, at UCLA they had a
small study with only 10 patients but they were capable of
reversing the Alzheimer symptoms... That is our item of
Item 1) Can Alzheimer be prevented by simple
dietary choices?
Item 1) Can Alzheimer
be prevented by simple dietary choices?
In 2015 I perfectly understood how bad the
general food advices are as given by the governments of all
Western countries. That is not some evil conspiracy but much more
accumulation of stupidity that gives rise to weird food advices
like eating bread for breakfast.
So in order to avoid hefty frustration I
decided: Only seven updates and after that we will observe year in
year out all those deaths from Alzheimer and the other brain
deceases that kill efficiently.
That is important because the imbeciles that
give those government sponsored food advices simply have to carry
a lot of their own grandma's and grandpa's to the grave before
they will realize: My food advices are not 'completely optimized'
It is now only one year later and this is
already the second time this year I speak about it again, but both
on the gluten front and the consuming of simple carbon-hydrates it
looks like the small UCLA study of only 10 patients is a
thundering victory.
I only cut and paste change number 1 that is
the most important step in avoiding / reversing Alzheimer:
Eliminating all simple carbohydrates, gluten and processed food from her diet, and eating more vegetables, fruits and non-farmed fish.
Comment: It is important that year in year
out all those nurses and medical doctors keep on carrying their
own grandparents to the grave prematurely because only this kind
of emotion will change the way they view food.
Here is a modified picture of a screen shot,
once more it is important that those weirdo's that keep on eating
bread die too soon because they were stupid in the first

Source link: newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/memory-loss-associated-with-alzheimers-
Oops I also observe this strange advice of
'fasting for a minimum of 12 hours'.
Now in order to get a clear discrepancy
between the government guidance for food intake and my own view on
that: Always allow for the elderly who already have Alzheimer to have lot's of candy in their
Ok they will die prematurely from consuming
all those sugary products, but we live in a free society without
Let's leave it with that; please die from
Alzheimer to bring strength to my statistics!
Till updates & do not forget to eat your daily whole wheat
bread at breakfast.
(20 Aug 2016) Yesterday I posted reason nr 33
as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, a link will be there
in item number 2.
In item number 1 we will look at the MIT
idiots once more.
Item 1) More MIT idiot behavior observed?
Item 2) Reason number 33 as why electrons cannot be magnetic
Item 1) More MIT
idiot behavior observed?
Today I was just clicking around on this very
website using the so called World Wide Web. To be precise: I was
looking at my magnetic page.
And guess what?
Entry date = 12 July and two of the picture
were missing...
That was strange, this was so strange that I
felt a heavy desire to investigate and indeed on the internet
server two pictures were gone.
Indeed this is strange behavior of website
servers, so what kind of pictures are these??? Well these are two
pictures where I more or less verbally attack one of those MIT
weirdo's telling nuclear fusion is just around the
Here is the link to the refreshed page, I
uploaded the first two images a second time so now the reading
pleasure of the average reader is restored again:
July 2016: Reason 31: Experimental results from JET show non
confinement for plasma particles.
Please MIT give me a break: I am not
responsible for the utter stupidity of your own nuclear plasma
Item 2) Reason number
33 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
Reason number 33 is a rather perfect reason
because also in Europe we have lot's of weird physics professors
trying to make nuclear fusion work.
But the weird plasma professors always refuse
to accept the elementary detail that electrons and other spin half
particles are accelerated by magnetic fields.
I found a perfect quote that talks about
'magnetic energy' that is supposedly loaded into the nuclear
plasma and can destroy the fusion reactor if not understood
The professional plasma physics professors (
a pppp) do not understand it, but after retirement they can say
what they want. And as such I was happy as a child to find the
next drawing of a retired pppp:

Ok, end of this update. It was strange to
observe the two pictures related to the incompetents of MIT
removed from the web server.
But there is no need to declare war on MIT or the wider parts of
the USA because those people are on a long decade run of eating
themselves to death.
Of course I with them good luck with that ;)
Till updates.
(13 Aug 2016) Two days ago I posted reason
number 32 as why electrons must be magnetic monopoles or at least
must have a net monopole charge. In this update I named 3 things
as why nuclear fusion will never work.
Item 1) For the first time I use the words
'magnetic discharge'.
Item 1) For the first
time I use the words 'magnetic discharge'.
When you look at those modern video's from
the surface of the sun with all those coronal mass ejections it is
hard to understand that this is only done by electrical fields and
electrical discharges.
Yet at present day with the Maxwell equations
still ruling the brains of professional physics professors only
electricity and/or mechanical motion can explain the behavior of
solar plasma.
After my humble opinion, all those discharges
of plasma on the sun along magnetic field lines also have to do
with what I call a 'magnetic discharge'. It looks a lot like an
electrical discharge as for example we have here on earth in the
case of lightning where a channel of ions (plasma) enables the
electrical discharge.
Solar magnetic discharges must be different
in the sense you see something flying out and landing in some
other spot of the sun. But if it is for example only magnetic
monopole north particles going out, there must be a more or less
equal amount of magnetic monopole south particles going into the
Only you cannot see that but there is a strong clue as we see
Newton's law of action versus reaction at work because never we
observe shockwaves going out no matter how bit the coronal mass
ejection is...
Anyway a bit more down to earth; here is the
picture of professional physics professor Steve Cowley who at some
point in the video starts asking as why the plasma in the fusion
reactor starts rotating...
This Steve guy is from the UK JET fusion
project and every time those people make we wonder: How can you
work year in year out on stuff like that and never ever wonder as
what makes the plasma following the magnetic field lines?????
Click on the picture to land on reason number

Link to the video the above screenshot comes
Source: Inside
ITER: Preparing to burn (Steve Cowley)
Let me not do negative or sarcastic but give
you a simple example:
If an electron with initial velocity of zero
goes from a negatively charge plate of -200 Volt to a positively
charged plate of +200 Volt we say it has gained 400 eV (electron
Volts) of energy.
The electrons follow the electrical field
lines because the electrical charges create a force on the
With magnetism it is grosso mode the same
only in practice it is very hard to mobilize enough magnetic
monopoles because now the line splits in the particles themselves:
there are two kinds of electrons, two kinds of protons, two kinds
of neutrons etc etc.
End of this update, till updates my dear
(03 Aug 2016) A teaser picture for a new post
on the other website.
Yeah yeah, higher order Cauchy Riemann
equations and the math paradise they bring... If you would ask one
of those severely overpaid non performing professional math
professors about higher order Cauchy Riemann equations they would
That is so simple to understand, nobody will
study that because you are only going around in circles.
Item 1) Teaser picture for an impending post
on the other website.
Item 1) Teaser
picture for an impending post on the other website.
Oops oops, partial differential equations as
the professional math professors have never seen them
So as usual since the year 1990 when I for
the very first time found the Cauchy-Riemann equations for the 3D
complex numbers, there will be no response whatsoever.
But life goes on and overpaying people always
introduces giant inefficiencies, just look at the banking sector
of our economy, and since life goes on I simply post some new
teaser picture of some partial differential stuff.
Let's keep it simple: Here are some higher
order CR-equations & let's leave it with
that... Click on the picture for the new post on the
other website:

Yeah yeah, factorization of the Laplacian
that rules the wave equation of quantum mechanics and those
weirdo's stay 100% silent year in year out.
End of this update, till updates.
(30 July 2016) Wow man I am back from a very
short holiday with a person named Son and although completely
untrained he performed well:
On the second day he had to bicycle 88 km and he was almost like
dead meat.
On day number five we did 104 km and after that he had plenty of
energy left...
Also on day 5 we only ate non carb meals,
very small like less than one third of normal energy intake for
your body. It was a perfect lesson for Son: he now knows he can
ride the bike for over one hundred kilometers without any of that
weird carb food...
Item 1) Can you as a nation eat yourself to
death premature???
Item 1) Can you as a
nation eat yourself to death premature???
Of course you can, the most perfect example
of wasting your citizens is the USA where more or less unavoidable
life span will decline more and more in the next decades to
It is strange that the nation with the
highest per capita citizen GDP is also the nation leading in
decline of your average citizen lifespan.
The best way to understand societies learn nothing from the global
obesity growth is every 3 months in Google news you search for the
simple phrase 'obesity'.
Just read some of that stuff and 3 months
later you do the same and you arrive at the conclusion: This is a
system that is not capable of learning.
It is always the same dumb stuff like people
need to exercise more.
But if as a nation you feed your citizens industrial products
instead of healthy food, what use is there in more
The reason for this update is the next simple
graph, I do not know how reliable it is but it is now the year
2016 and we are still more or less on steam with the impending
decline of average USA citizen lifespan expectation.

It more or less looks like those USA people
are eating themselves to death, I wish them good luck with that
because for the rest of the world that could be a reason to avoid
too much industrial products that are marketed as food.
Sources of the above picture:
America’s inefficient health-care system: another look
Economy of the United States
End of this small update, if you are a USA
citizen please keep on eating yourself to death because otherwise
you would make me look like some kind of fool and I do not like
Till updates.
(20 July 2016) Last year 2015 I did a seven
update long set of item's about Alzheimer, the root cause being an
energy problem in the brain via insulin resistance and how easily
to avoid this via dietary changes.
There was some unfinished business: All those weirdo's that
claimed you need to eat carbs because your brain only runs on
Item 1) Does evolution say: Thou shall eat
carbs 3 times a day all year long?
Item 1) Does
evolution say: Thou shall eat carbs 3 times a day all year
In 2015 we observed there is a whole lot of
experimental evidence that says Alzheimer is caused by insulin
resistance in the brain. And when your brain has insulin
resistance it cannot take in glucose while because insulin levels
are far too high the body cannot burn fat at the same time.
And if your body cannot burn the fat it gets
deposited at strange places like your muscles and even in your
body cells; that is the root cause of insulin resistance: intra
cellular lipids blocking the insulin.
Basically it is easy to understand:
If you like me are 50+ years of age but you
keep on eating like you are a 12 year old boy, likely you will run
into a broad array of trouble. At the same time our own government
is promoting to eat bread a few times a day but that stupid advice
only ensures you cannot burn fat.
And if you can't burn it, your body will
deposit it in the strangest of places.
Anyway, last year I could never find a
reliable source that explained in layman terms how your brain gets
the energy it needs to function normally.
The next video is from Eric Berg and a long
time ago that person was the first to inform me that after eating
a few slices of bread you cannot burn fat for many hours. I had
some WTF reaction to that but studying the details proved Eric to
be 100% right.
Anyway, click on the next pic to see the
video and if you want to avoid Alzheimer ensure that you are able
to burn that fucking body fat:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cwojmZxsjY
In the meantime our own Dutch health
authorities knows as 'de gezondheidsraad' promote eating bread
because going against too much bread is 'just some trend' and is
promoted by 'just some guru'...
In my opinion these fake scientists should
start at the basis and look up some stuff known as the glycemic
index. It is obvious that in the past they were to fucked up
stupid for this and it is expected in the future to be the
So let me give the middle finger to de
gezondheidsraad, in our society those fake scientists only make
the problems worse and worse. Lets leave it with that, till
(19 July 2016) All this bogus stuff using
weird and complicated math that really does not help very much in
understanding magnetism. Today's item is a short one and we
compare how my 50 € experiment without any math at all relates
to a similar result from that what likely is a ppp. (A ppp is a
professional physics professor.)
Item 1) If you cannot use math, how to do
physics experiments???
Item 1) If you cannot
use math, how to do physics experiments???
On 18 June I showed you the next photo where
I show that with a stack of about 30 € of those new neodymium
magnets on an old television you can separate the electrons from
the three electron cannons into three regions:
Region 1: The outside.
Region 2: The dark spot where no electrons land at all.
Region 3: The center spot where the electrons that are attracted
By all means, this is a very simple

So let me show you the math needed so that a
ppp can put up a similar graphic.
You can find this in the preprint archive, here is the title and
link stuff:
Spin Transport in Tilted Electron Vortex Beams
Try to understand the math these professional
idiots use...
It is incomprehensible, far to technical and has no relation with
real nature whatsoever. But weirdly enough, after using a galaxy
of not needed math this guy arrives at the next picture:

The conduct of those people is breathtaking;
holding on to the Maxwell equations but also capable of using some
'positive B' for spin filtering.
What 'positive B' actually is is not
explained of course; after all physics is the new 21-th century
religion and as such we will observe much more 'miracles' like
'positive B' before those weirdo's understand electrons carry
magnetic charge...
Till updates.
(13 July 2016) Just finished the 31-th reason
as why electrons are not magnetic dipoles, it even contains are
very simple calculation that everybody who understands
F = ma will grasp...
Item 1) Reason 31 as why electrons are not
fully understood...
Item 1) Reason 31 as
why electrons are not fully understood...
Ok ok I know I have to be patient, but I am
now talking 3 years about the fact that electrons do not behave
the way they are supposed to do under the present umbrella of
scientific physics knowledge.
That is about 2% of the time since the Gauss
law for magnetism was penned down by Gauss...
It is remarkable that also in this case we
have about zero response from the universities and academia; the
bravery of those people speaks for itself (just like all those
coward math professors).
Of course I can put a positive spin on
If they are incompetent to the bone, they
know when to stay silent...
Anyway, here is a small teaser picture and if
you click it you will land on reason number 31 as why electrons
are not magnetic dipoles as was conjectured by Gauss long long
long before the actual discovery of electrons:

Ok that was it, pop up a fresh beer or do
whatever you like.
See ya around! Till updates.
(11 July 2016) It was a beautiful day
yesterday because a Dutch guy did win an etappe in the Tour de
France using brain over muscle while the Portuguese won the
European soccer title...
But our item of today is about plasma
physics; if we want to save the earth for future generations we
need fusion energy but the shitheads do everything wrong big
Item 1) Why are professional physics
professors in plasma so dogmatic?
Item 1) Why are
professional physics professors in plasma so dogmatic?
The answer is very simple:
I deleted the text as I wrote it last night;
I was far to angry and frustrated by how those plasma professors
do not understand their own stuff.
In order to kill the frustration I made a
picture with four small screen shots from the video below where I
show you what is wrong with the official approach. According to
the laws of Maxwell in a magnetized plasma no acceleration occurs
because of the magnetic field. On the other hand most people know
that if you observe turbulence this is always related to
acceleration of deacceleration of the stuff involved. Let it be
air around an air plane or plasma in a tokamak; the turbulence
itself is a strange attractor and always there are forces and
energy involved...
Here are just four things wrong with plasma

Fault 1: In the upper screen shot you see
helical electron or proton movement; this is correct and caused by
the Lorentz force but the way this is drawn you observe no
acceleration of the particle. That is the 'dogma part' of plasma
Fault 2: A giant difference between theory
and experiment; they try to understand how particles disperse to
the outside (that is the D with the perp sign to it) and if you
use dogma stating magnetic monopoles to not exist you get that
very small number.
Experimental evidence shows it is much much more like in the order
of one square meter per second.
To the excuse of the plasma professors this
is info from the UK based JET tokamak and they also use
electricity to keep the plasma together and electricity also
accelerates plasma particles...
Fault 3: Plasma does not diffuse properly,
anyway not like Brownian motion. But if you need stuff like Lévy-flight
to model your plasma, something must ensure the acceleration of
those particles. Well magnetic acceleration proportional to the
inverse of the mass explains all observed stuff properly.
Fault 4: If all spin half particles are
magnetic monopoles, in all tokamak and stellarator designs both
electrons and nuclei will more around in two directions. So you
will always get four streams of particles. And when those stream
collide always a lot of particles will hit the walls of the
I simply predict that both the 20 billion €
ITER in France nor the Stellarator from the Max-Planck institute
will work properly ever. The design is flawed because in fact the
particles are accelerated by the magnetic field and the longer it
is confined by the magnetic fields the more turbulent it will get.
It is as easy as it is my dear reader. (And
that made me so aggressive yesterday because the advocates of
nuclear fusion always do that bla bla of global heating but those
fools are on the wrong path...)
Anyway, here is a link to the video that
triggered it all:
classical transport in tokamak plasmas.
Till updates.
(09 July 2016) Yesterday I posted the latest
post on 5D complex numbers and how I found the first modified
Dirichlet kernel on the other website. Click this
or the teaser picture from the previous update below.
This update is about climate change as I can
see it where I live.
Item 1) The climate is shifting but nobody
changes lifestyle yet...
Item 1) The climate
is shifting but nobody changes lifestyle yet...
Just a few anecdotes:
Anecdote 1: Reinko is a draft soldier in the
years 1985 & 1986 and by train I had to travel every week from
the north to the south of this country. It was highly interesting
to observe spring of 1985:
In the south more or less perfectly the
spring in all of it's details started about 14 days early compared
to where I lived in the north of the country.
The distance traveled was about 300 km in a
straight line.
In the year 2016 it was in the local news
that the growing season for al plant life around there was about 6
weeks longer.
Beside spring we also have later autumns and
the calculation is very simple:
In about 30 years we now have the average
climate around here like it was in the 1980-ties about 450 km to
the south. For a human with their short lives this does not sound
like a bit deal, yet in geological terms it goes with the speed of
Anecdote 2) An 18 year old boy takes a walk
through a local park and there suddenly is that giant plant that I
just have never seen before. The locals name it bereklauw or
bearclaw. And the thing is beautiful, almost three meters high
unlike all other weeds around here it sure was a king the very
first second I did see that new weed.
At present day this weed has become a pest:
It has become widespread and is a highly invasive plant so to say.
Every year the costs of controlling this pest have gone up.
Here is a photo I took today, I think this is
ground owned by the local university and in the background there
was just some demolition of the new pest but one small plant
survived the pest control:

In the background you see the poisonous
destroyed bearclaw...
Anecdote 3: Last month June 2016, for the
first time in recorded history the yet streams high in the
atmosphere have crossed the equator going from north to
Normally the atmosphere around the equator is
about 3 km higher and that more or less always keeps the jet
streams from the northern and southern hemisphere separated. Well
no longer I just guess.
Climate change is not something that will
happen in some long distance future, it goes on year in year out
but nobody changes lifestyle.
Therefore the people from the SETI project
searching for intelligent life elsewhere in the universe should
turn around their telescope and turn it into a microscope and try
to find intelligent life on our own very planet.
That is what I had to say today, have a nice
life or try to get one.
Till updates.
(04 July 2016) Today with a bit of delay like
seven days, I finished the text for the nest post on the other
website. It is about five dimensional complex numbers. Weirdly
enough the 5D update from 30
Jan 2014 on this website always ends up very high in the
search engine results.
That is strange because that old 30 Jan 2014
update is really hardcore & as far as I know reality
professional math professors do not like hardcore or softcore math
when it comes from outside a university or so.
And that is our item of today: a teaser
picture and a strange video of a guy defending the suburb academia
& university people.
Item 1) New teaser picture + do scientists
use dogma?
Item 1) New teaser
picture + do scientists use dogma?
For the math folks, professional or not,
British or not, try to think a little bit about the two integrals
in the teaser picture below. Likely they can be solved using
standard math techniques but I can solve it with two fingers in my
nose while looking & thinking at other problems...
As you see it has a nice flag in the
background, the flag is irrelevant because what is relevant is how
present day math could solve these two simple to understand
Later in the week when I uploaded the new post you can click on it
for the new post:

A Youtube channel under the name Concordance
or as he writes it: C0nc0rdance has most of the time carefully
thought through videos. Now to his defense I have to say this
conordance guy mostly takes it out at the USA based creationalists
and those USA folks believing in the literate creation of the
earth like every point and comma in the Bible was scientific fact
are one hundred percent retarded.
But thinking that the official science
community is not prone to such thought is naive by all standards.
I now have a solid bag of 30 reasons as why (for example)
electrons carry magnetic charge just like they carry electrical
charge but even if I could guess what happens if I would send that
to a peer reviewed physics outlet like Nature???
Come on Mr. Concordance; the peer reviewer
will use lot's of dogma because it is deep in the Maxwell
equations that magnetic monopoles do not exist.
Just a detail: For about 65 years physics
people try to make fusion reactors because we fucking need an
energy source outside gas, coal and oil. How much progress did
they make? Indeed zero point zero point nothing...
So do not say this so called 'exact science'
does not use dogma.
Here is the link:
The Tyranny of Evidence: Do Scientists Use Dogma?
Come on Mr. Concordance, both physics and
math professors use dogma all of the time in all of the places.
And year in year out a common characteristic is that when you
confront them with it: They stay silent year in year
Till updates my dear
(02 July 2016) By sheer accident today I
bicycled towards a local village known as Haren and I came
across that large spancloth reading: Open day 02 July at your
drink water company.
So driven by curiosity I went there and after
taking some photo's of all that technical stuff I suddenly
So that is our item of today:
Item 1) Making Great-Brittany tea
Item 1) Making Great-Brittany
tea again.
It is no secret the British love their tea
and that is not for nothing: without boiling the water and just
drinking it without a boil you get all those illnesses and often
people die.
By experience the clever British people know that if you drink tea
you do not die from all those kind of weir illnesses...
How does the average Brit make a tea?
For example this person lives near the river Thames, so if water
is needed they go out with their kettle or a wooden bucket and a
rope. They throw in the kettle or bucket and with the rope they
pull it in.
Ok, now the average Brit has his or her water
they boil it and make their tea with it.
Here in my own country we often use so called
ground water, it is free from bacteria or germs so it only needs a
few treatments and it can be pumped to the households and
companies that need water for a array of reasons.
We can drink tap water without getting ill...
In the next photo you see one of the oxidation chambers where
water from the deep ground is oxidized so it does not have that
'ground taste':

And when seeing one of those oxidation
chambers I thought:
Wow man, the Brits should know this too!
But a few minutes later I realized that Louis
Pasteur was the person that discovered that people get a whole lot
of illnesses via germs. Let it be in the air, in the food or in
the water...
So the British logic very likely goes like
Louis Pasteur = a French person while;
France = European while;
Europe = Evil Super State where:
Super State abbreviates to SS and that has something to do with
World War II.
And I realized the British could never ever
use the theory of germ born disease because that is all evil evil
evil and it is better to make tea the British way once
Till updates my dear reader.
(30 June 2016) Today I did some serious
thinking now I understand that the pro Brexit camp was fighting
evil decade in decade out. They were fighting evil European
institutions where unelected technocrats were writing evil laws
that enslaved the freedom seeking wonderful British people.
And the coin fell: Start subsidizing corn
just like in the USA!
Item 1) Just like in the USA: start poisoning
your own population!
Item 1) Just like in
the USA: start poisoning your own population!
Every USA citizen knows that the USA is the
greatest nation on earth.
This is caused by the simple fact there are so many fat and obese
people over there; for their population size they have the most
kilo's of human biomass on the entire planet.
(Actually this is not 100% true because there
are some small island states where obesity rates are even
higher... But anyway for normal countries it is true.)
Now in the USA they also have a long history
of fighting evil, that was known as the war on drugs. And highly
fanatic government agencies on all levels, let it be federal or
state wise, fought drugs with ridiculous punishments.
For example if you were a teenager in the
1980-ties caught with a tiny amount of weed you got criminal
records. And for a lot of them that was the start of a lifetime of
But evil is evil so the authorities kept on
going to fight evil.
In the meantime decade in decade out the US
government kept on subsidizing corn and although that is not evil
an sich, they allowed the high fructose corn syrup in unlimited
amounts in the food of the US population.
So while fighting the evils of drugs, as far
as I know it the USA was the only government that poisoned it's
own population year in year out.
As a result we have a present generation of
youth that will have a shorter livespan compared to their
Also: Per capita citizen the USA has the
largest GDP.
Now we have Brexit Brittany should much more
consider how she can be more and more in sync with the USA while
fighting the evil European institutions.
And after a bit of deep thinking the answer
is very simple:
Start UK subsidies on corn, stimulate the
consumption of high fructose corn syrup and ensure the rise of
obesity by making Brittany bigger as ever before.
Basically my advice is very simple: Just eat
your way out and you'll be fine...
A few technicalities as why it is so good to
poison your own population while fighting evil at the same time is
in the next vid:
Fructose Corn Syrup
And if you are from the UK don't forget to
eat more sugary stuff so all your savings go into your healthcare
problems and your political masters will be happy because now they
have more economical synchronization with the USA.
Till updates.
(29 June 2016) Correction: For me it is more
or less very funny but I made a stupid typo in the updates below:
it is not 0.1 cent but 0.1 Pound (or less than 0.1 Pound a day for
the average UK taxpayer).
I also remember as why I made this dumb
fault: I wanted to calculate it in pennies but I did not know how
much pennies there are in one Pound. Well since the evil
decimalization from 1968 (likely a European thing...) there are
100 pennies in one Pound....
In another development it slowly more and
more starts emerging that high fat diets simply are best. I can
confirm that because all in all I lost over 25 kg (for dumb UK
folks: that is over 55 lbs) and once you understand how food works
it is so simple to loose weight:
Simply avoid all foods that jack up your
insulin levels & live happily ever after.
Now in the UK people who have lost a similar
amount of body fat like I did, only 1 in 210 succeed in not
gaining weight but are capable of stabilizing their body mass...
The UK fuckheads, they all start eating carbs
again showing they might be able to loose some weight for a short
time but just do not understand what it takes long term...
Now when following a high fat diet consume
zero carbs, those carbon hydrates are only polymers of sugar and
humans are not like bees: for us daily consumption of sugar is
poisonous. Anyway here is the link:
High-Fat Diet Best for Diabetes Prevention in Obesity Prone
No news on the Brexit today yet it is
important to again tell the world the UK people are relatively
stupid because over there only 1 in 210 can hang on to a loss of
body fat of over 25 kilo's. I mean: THAT IS A CULTURE OF
So we are better off avoiding intimate
contacts. Till updates.
(28 June 2016) Didn't I say yesterday that
our local imbecile Geert Wilders would also like to have a
referendum? That one would have the name Nexit.
Now I was unaware of it but today it was on the news that the
political 'party' that is lead by the imbecile Geert Wilders filed
a so called motion in our parliament asking for a referendum over
here in the Netherlands.
Twelve parliament members from the political
'party' lead by the imbecile Geert Wilders voted in favor of it
together with two others that formerly were a member of the
political 'party' that is lead by the imbecile Geert
So that is a score of below 10% of Dutch parliament.
This drives our two items of today: Why is
political 'party' not a political party and that lovely 350
million a week bus from the Brexit weirdo's:
Item 1) Why a political 'party' and not a
political party?
Item 2) Why do so many British believe in such strange
Item 1) Why a
political 'party' and not a political party?
In any more or less democratic country if you
want to be political active you can join a political party. And if
you join you become that what is known as a member, you pay your
yearly contribution, you can go to meetings, you can vote for the
stuff that is so important the party members want to vote about
and so on and so on.
So not the PVV (that is the political 'party'
as lead by the local imbecile Geert Wilders). The PVV has only one
member: Geert Wilders.
Why Geert is so anti-democratic is something
I don't know.
But I know that the great Adolf was far more democratic:
If you wanted you could join the Nazi's...
Let's leave this imbecile with that.
Item 2) Why do so
many British believe in such strange propaganda?
Churchill once said: The best case against
democracy is just a talk to the average voter for just five
minutes. (Or words of similar phrasing.)
He was right: Most people live ordinary lives
and are satisfied with that and never try to get out and explore
some fresh and new idea's. They eat their daily bread that keeps
them dumb and when being dumb they ponder about stuff that dumb
fat people like to ponder upon.
As an experiment of thought:
Suppose you are one dumb daily bread eater
overweight person and you see this bus riding around:

Ok, I more or less estimated the average cost
for being in the European market for the average 30 thousand Pound
earning a year British tax payer about 0.1 cent a day.
That is the net cost because most of that
comes flowing back.
So why are so many Brits not attacking this
bus in the past from before the Brexit vote?
So from Adolf being much more democratic
compared to that piece of shit Geert Wilders to the Bus of Lies, I
call it a day and I say: till updates.
(27 June 2016) Yesterday I finally digged
into what those Brexit people had to say and it was some weird
stream of videos of UK people talking about 'the evil empire'.
It was kind of strange to observe this, for some collection of
weird reasons they think the European institutions are 'evil'.
So let's stay calm and observe we are simply
better of now those idiots have voted themselves out...
Another strange thing is that when our local
imbecile Geert Wilders shouts: 'We want a referendum too!!!' that
instantly a lot of foreign media folks think that Europe is on the
verge of collapse. And this all contributes to the panic on the
financial markets so I love it I love it & once more: I love
But I also love it that I, Reinko Venema, was
the guy that about 3.5 years ago figured out that electrons are in
fact magnetic monopoles. And with that I am simply better compared
to one century of professional physics professors...
It is as simple as it is... So our item for
today is what the ppp think of magnetic monopoles. The Youtube
video is from the Royal Society, I saved it for a rainy day like
Item 1) The heroic search for magnetic
monopoles by the ppp.
Item 1) The heroic
search for magnetic monopoles by the ppp.
The professional physics professors are
looking for a magnetic monopole that is at the end of an infinite
long curly string and at the end for some strange reason a
magnetic monopole has to drop out...
Now in my world the word 'imbecile' not only
refers to people like the Brexit voters or our local imbecile but
also to physics professors who accept stuff like this 'infinitely
long string' bla bla bla.
It is so retarded that I am not going to
comment on the video from the Royal Society; after all they made
it themselves and after they made the video they did not destroy
it but uploaded it to the Youtube channel so that every body can
enjoy the fruits of their mind processes:
quest (by the UK Royal Society)
Just a screen shot: Paul was likely thinking
if you extend this spiral thing long enough you would get a
magnetic monopole:

Once more: this is so retarded and a
disservice to the good things Paul Dirac did & I am not going
to comment on this nonsense.
Till updates.
(25 June 2016) It would be tempting to
comment about the Brexit but the main goal of this update is a bit
more on the Maxwell equations. Therefore a small item on the
Brexit and a normal item on the Maxwell equations related to the
speed of light.
Item 1) Good news: The UK parasitic suckers
are out!
Item 2) The Maxwell equations and the discovery of the speed of
Item 1) Good news:
The parasitic suckers are out!
Decades ago it started with Margaret Thatcher:
Now for some strange reason or a collection
of strange reasons the Brexit camp in the UK always says that the
UK is the biggest net contributor to the EU.
I am amazed at how dumb this is; for the
average tax payer in the UK about 1% of the paid taxes flow to the
EU and a lot of that comes back. A guy under the alias of
Thunderfoot made a good Youtube vid about that, he says:
Suppose you earn 30 thousand Pound, you get
taxed about 10 thousand Pound and from that about 100 Pound goes
to the European institutions.
Most of what you pay comes flowing back and indeed if you are a
net contributor as a country it might be expected not all 100
Pounds come flowing back so our hypothetical tax payer has a net
loss of let's say 20 to 30 Pounds a year.
That would amount to at most 0.1 cent a
For that they have access to a market of 500
million people, but for parasites as the British are these costs
are apparently too high...
Therefore as a Dutch guy I am glad we have
gone rid of those parasitic shitholes...
Item 2) The Maxwell
equations and the discovery of the speed of light.
Ok, it is not a secret I have a long list of
about 30 reasons as why electrons must be magnetic monopoles and
not the magnetic dipoles as the consensus is inside the field of
If electrons are magnetic monopoles you need
just a tiny change in the equations from Maxwell. But in the
science of physics this Maxwell guy was some kind of prophet and
on top of that he used an equation from Gauss that said that
magnetic monopoles do not exist.
Weirdly enough Gauss made his contribution
many many years before the electrons were discovered. And as far
as I know in the year 2016 there is zero point zero evidence that
there is experimental proof for this weird claim.
I mean everything in the Maxwell equations is
shouting for symmetry, yet in the year 2016 professional physics
professors are not capable of explaining the asymmetry as only
waiving their arms while stating: life is so difficult to
Here is a nice screenshot:

At present day you cannot paste code linking
to Youtube video's any longer: You do not get a clean small link
but the entire 'Youtube experience'.
But the screen shot from above is from the
next IP address:
Let's leave it with that and don't forget the
GOOD NEWS: These idiots that do not understand the 0.1 cent
calculus have a NEW FUTURE!!!!
Till updates.
(18 June 2016) Two items: a teaser picture
for a new post on the other website about modified Dirichlet
kernels and an item about reason number 30 as why electrons are
magnetic monopoles or if you want: carry a net magnetic
Item 1) Teaser picture for the modified
Dirichlet kernels.
Item 2) More proof that electrons are magnetic monopoles.
Item 1) Teaser
picture for the modified Dirichlet kernels.
In a few days I will post a relatively easy
to understand post on the other website (that is 3Dcomplexnumbers.net)
and I did my best to keep it as simple as possible:
Only dimension 1, 2 and 3 are covered
although dimension 1 is rather boring because it amounts to a
modified kernel that says d(t) = 1 all the time...
But for n = 2 my modified kernels nicely
gives the complex plane, as such suggesting this method of
modified kernels are the answer to a few very deep mathematical
questions I never dreamt of solving it...
What the hydrogen bomb is in the average
nuclear arsenal, that is what modified Dirichlet kernels are in
the study of higher dimensional number systems.
All in all I am glad I finally did pen down
this simple math because it contains a few elementary proofs that
I always took more or less for granted. But now they are written
down and on a very fundamental level I could expand my proofs
using existing knowledge. So this is not about 'new trigonometric
equations' but the other way around:
Prove this trigonometric identity using
existing math.
Here is the thing to prove:

It is not a deep result but it is very
fundamental to my theory of 3D complex and circular numbers.
Item 2) More proof
that electrons are magnetic monopoles.
Lately one of my brother came by for a visit
and since this is a relatively seldom event it was nice to show
some of the changes in my household like garden stuff, new
furniture made and also:
Show my triple electron cannon gun particle
accelerator and how it reacts on a s stack of those new neodymium
And when I showed him you could create spots
on the screen where no electrons land, he observed that 'this is
caused because electrons follow the magnetic field lines'.
For me this is a very valuable insight
because if my brother thinks that it is highly probable a lot of
professional physics professors think that too...
In the magnetics page I updated number 30
with two more photo's showing how electrons behave under the
magnetic fields of the new neodymium magnets.
And those two photo's counteract what my brother said:
Electrons follow the magnetic field lines and
are also magnetic dipoles...
As usual click on the picture to land on the
new update:

Ok, that is what I had to say. Till
(09 June 2016) Ok ok may be yesterday I came
a bit hard down on those beautiful people that only have a hard
time to understand math but otherwise they are the best of
intellectual forces humanity has...
So today I actually took the time to look at
the Youtube video I posted myself yesterday and at one hour and 34
minutes I decided I had enough.
Item 1) Hey you Harvard weirdo's, why not
explain to me the electron pair???
Item 1) Hey you
Harvard weirdo's, why not explain to me the electron pair???
When thinking about humans discussing if or
not the universe is just a computer simulation I only get a severe
headache after listening to all that stupid stuff they say.
No computer can simulate itself, so for the
universe to be a simulated thing you need a computer that is many
many times the size of our universe. So that is a little bit
problematic in the first place.
So let me keep this update rather simple and
challenge all those beautiful minds they have at Harvard,
Cambridge, Oxford, Russian universities and so on:
Why does nature (simulated or not) does not
allow for the electron triplet?
Let's leave it with that, the overpaid
university workers will do their thing once more and talk about
themselves and how good they are... Till updates.
(08 June 2016) In the last update where I
questioned if Elon Musk was a simulated retard I found 3 more of
these weirdo's talking about our universe being a computer
Item 1) Is the science of physics a
replacement for religion?
Item 1) Is the
science of physics a replacement for religion?
Religion is the oldest form of organized
science because religion tried to explain stuff about the world we
humans could not understand very good.
So everything was created by some almighty
God or Yahweh or Allah or some Hindu stuff...
And many valuable thought exercises were
made: how many angels can dance upon the point of a needle.
Normally scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson
always reject the creationist thing because of the argument 'Who
Created God???'
And now these same people come up with the
concept of that our universe is just a computer simulation of some
superior alien race and that this kind of reasoning brings forward
many 'mind blowing questions'.
Don't believe me? Read this:
WATCH: Is our Universe a simulation? The experts weigh in
Who are these so called 'experts' that in my
view cannot bake a mathematical cake anyway? There names
1) Lisa Randall
2) Neil deGrasse Tyson &
3) David Chalmers (the 'I found computer code inside math'
Facts are these 3 so called 'scientists' are
too stupid in the first place to understand higher dimensional
math like complex numbers in the first place.
In the second place people like these might be good in popularizing
science but now they look as if they live to be on the television
screen forever and ever...
Back in the past it were also the more
advanced scientists who pondered the question of how many angels
could dance on the tip of a needle; in those old gone days it was
the church that was the keeper of all knowledge known to man.
At present day the universities and
academia's think they are the keepers of all knowledge scientific
and we get shit like our universe is some computer
I have said it so often:
Present day science is organized like it is
some substitute for religion...
And if our universe would be a computer
simulation, the computer that does this would be some kind of God
don't you think?
And who did build that computer anyway?
That is just like the question who created God...
Let's stop this nonsense update on weird
pseudo scientists like number 1), 2) and computer coding finding
idiot 3).

Sometimes I just wonder: Why do people like
this talk crap bordering on the side of pure religion and why do
they not study math at all?
Till updates my dear reader.
(02 June 2016) For years I am annoyed by
people who say that we are living in a computer simulation of some
alien advanced species.
Just 'do the statistics' they say; the
probability that we are living inside a simulation of reality are
far greater compared to actually not living in a simulated
Item 1) Is Elon Musk a simulated retard?
Item 1) Is Elon Musk
a simulated retard?
In the USA the Elon Musk guy is rather famous
because he is in a very interesting array of companies. Rumors say
he is more or less against AI (artificial intelligence) and in the
next video you can observe all that stupid talk about 'living
inside a simulated world':
Musk: Chance we are not living in a computer simulation is 'one in
Now without doubt Elon is a smart guy and to
be honest there is something to the idea we are living inside some
virtual reality.
But it is all nonsense after you try to do
the next thought experiment:
You must build a computer that has only one
Craft a simulation of yourself, so the
computer has to build a program that if executed properly is a
simulation of itself.
Just think about that for a few days; even
our biggest human build super computers can only mimic a few
million molecules of let's say the actual power supply of that
very super computer.
This is a very fundamental law in my
No computer can make a simulation of itself
that is actually better than the original.
So the idea that we live in a simulated world
is kind of crazy to the bone:
Show me the computer that can do this in the
first place and secondly:
Show me the aliens that for some strange reason want to make such
simulations of our universe...
Please keep it real: Despite what all those
scientist say, it is fundamentally not possible to live inside a
simulation because computers cannot simulate themselves.
Hence, we are living in some kind of
reality... (And not in some stupid simulation of that.)
Till updates.
(27 May 2016) This update is mainly an
advertisement for the new [a, r, t] coordinates as I published
them on the other website a few days ago.
That is our item of today:
Item 1) An advertisement for the new [a, r,
t] coordinate system.
Item 1) An
advertisement for the new [a, r, t] coordinate system.
With a delay of about one week I finished
this update, it is 14 pictures long with picture size 550 x 775
It is less technical compared to the latest
update on page
4 of the higher dimensional complex numbers where on 6 May I
introduced the [a, r, t] coordinates for the first
In the [a, r, t] coordinate system all of
those special properties of important particular higher
dimensional complex numbers come together and each play the fine
role as is needed.
For any coordinate system to be useful, if
must adept to the way the human brain works. For example we teach
rectangular coordinates to high school pupils and when you enter
university you also get polar coordinates in the plane.
Cylindrical and spherical coordinates in 3D space and so on.
This [a, r, t] coordinate system is luckily
very easy to understand:
You take a cone and drag it through space along it's main axis of
You can 'touch' every point in 3D space with this simple
Ok ok there are some technical issues: In
order to calculate the t coordinate you need all these fancy
internet apps so this new coordinate system is in many ways also a
true 21-century coordinate system: without those internet apps or
advanced computer programs on your desktop it would not be of much
In the post on the new [a, r, t] coordinates
I also give a new rule of de Moivre and I am joking that in about
3 centuries it is good there is finally some progress on that
Here is the teaser picture, click on it to
land at the post on the new coordinate system.

Ok that was more or less what I had to say;
it is funny to point attention once more to the new de Moivre
identities while at the same time noticing non of all those fancy
overpaid math professors will react on it...
Let's leave it with that, till updates my
dear reader.
(20 May 2016) On the other website a weird
thing is going on: I am getting hundreds of comments on my post on
using 3D complex numbers for atomic and molecular orbitals. There
is only one tiny problem: Non of them are written by humans...
So that is the item for today:
Item 1) Can we kill AI before it kills us or
shall we love AI?
Item 1) Can we kill
AI before it kills us or shall we love AI?
The last years all of a sudden AI is taking
off because now you can train artificial neural networks like
never before. This stuff is known as deep learning; it is possible
to create some collection of artificial neural network and to
train it.
Anyway to make some long story very very
A very important update on the other website
was update number three on how to use 3D complex numbers when
solving the Schrödiger equation. It basically says you should use
only 3D complex numbers that are found on the main
It is relative deep math, so you are invited
to check on those hundreds and hundreds of weird comments make by
computer programs but there is not one real human amongst them at
my other website:
post on the Schrödinger wave equation using 3D complex numbers
for atomic & molecula orbitals.
End of this update on the rise of the
machines: Will they kill us?
Till updates my dear reader.
(14 May 2016) Yesterday may be many years to
late I went to the local child protection agency here in my city.
They are located at the Leonard Springer Laan. At first I only
wanted to make an appointment for next week or so, but there was a
female prepared to make notes so I told my story.
So I am changing my seven uploads on Hanneke
slightly because the female from the local child agency explained
a bit to me how children behave when they come under severe deprivation
of people that show normal affection.
This is the item for today:
Item 1) Because the smallest child behaves
like the child protection female says...
Item 1) Because the
smallest child behaves like the child protection female says...
Ok the latest news on the smallest child of
the female psychopath Hanneke is very simple: Together with his
sister he moved to a new school but he has behavior problems that
forced the school to expel him and he has to go to one of those
special education schools.
But on those schools there is no room so he
has to wait at least 30 days. And ha ha ha most of those 30 days
will be spend with his dearest of psychopath mommy's depriving him
even more from contact with people that act normally when it comes
to showing a bit of affection.
When telling my small selection of
observations around Hanneke the female from the child protection
agency said:
Such children when they are offered affection
often are very claiming about that.
As I understood from the biological father of
the child this is the case: The small boy wants attention from his
teacher but he is in a class with like say 25 other children.
He does not get his attention fast enough so he does things like
pulling the cables from the computers or some other stuff that
brings attention in a fast way...
You see, everything I have told you points
only in one direction:
Hanneke is a psychopath and as such she is
not capable of understanding in a deep way how emotions in other
people work.
Let me close this with story number 7 on
Hanneke because for myself speaking I am deprived from talking
about math and stuff:
Last year Hanneke her oldest son became
homeless because for a few years he has lived with his biological
father (he has a different father compared to the other kids) and
that father moved to another town.
So he became homeless sleeping on other addresses
most of the days. I meet him in the street and he is explaining a
bit how life goes and he cannot get enrolled in a new education
because he is homeless. And those schools do not accept homeless
I think about it for a day or two and decide
'You can live officially at my address but you can't be here seven
days a week'. He agrees.
In the same time I met Hanneke and we talked
a bit about the homeless problems of her eldest son. And she is
completely against the idea that he could use my address for
example when he has to receive some mail or so.
So this is the emotional system of the
psychopath named Hanneke S:
When her oldest son is homeless, she tries to
make him homeless even longer.
Ok, end of the 7 Hanneke files. Till
(12 May 2016) This is update number five on
Hanneke. In this update I describe some stuff that happened in the
year 2005 so that is when she only had one child.
Item 1) After a few weeks suddenly Hanneke
understands why...
Item 1) After a few
weeks suddenly Hanneke understands why...
Ok I learned the 10 year old boy to ride a
bicycle and I slowly get more understanding of what is missing in
his upbringing as a child. Now all my own children are a member of
the local library; for kids up to 18 years it is totally free and
that is one of the unpaid treasuries of our society.
Needless to say I consider it very important
that children have access to giant vaults of knowledge and also
fun books to read. So I am consulting Hanneke if she knows it is
free anyway and shall be make her son also a member of the local
city library?
I didn't know it was free she says so I take
that as a token that we can go direction city library.
So I take Hanneke her son there, show him how
the book borrowing system works, we go through the membership
administration stuff etc etc.
The boy selects some books and we return
home, likely at Hanneke her house I will drink some whisky and
smoke a few joints because by now I understand that is her
favorite way to kill the day time.
I basically forget about the whole thing
until a few weeks later Hanneke shows up at my doorstep in the
evening. Her child is unsupervised at her home apparently.
And Hanneke is really mad at me, that is
clear so what is the problem I ask.
Now I understand why you did all this library
stuff! (She is really angry!)
That is to put my family in a bad spot light! (I have no clue what
this is about.)
Well it turns out the boy was late with
returning the borrowed books, as most people know this is no a big
deal like a fine of 10 cents a day.
I try to explain that I never wanted a bad
spot light on her family in any way but she keeps on being highly
emotional and keeps on insisting that I did this library stuff
only to put her family in a bad spot light.
After two full hours of 'discussion' this
detail it dawns on me the only way to stop this nonsense is to put
up a fight in order to reset the brain of Hanneke.
And I am shouting as hard as I can: Why do
you have no teeth? You were a fucking heroin whore, you are a
useless piece of shit. Your face is so ugly, who wants to fuck you
After about 10 minutes of this stuff (in the
meantime I am worrying what my neighbors will think of me tomorrow
and the days after...) finally her brain breaks down and she
starts to sob and cry.
So after about 2.5 hours she stopped
explaining that all this library stuff was done to put her family
in a bad spotlight. All the time the kid was home so I send her
back to her house and indeed she goes away.
Now my dear reader take some time to think
about it: There are far less female psychopath compared to the
rate of male psychopaths in the population.
But on that day in the year 2005 I more or
less began to understand that Hanneke was a female
Yet on the wider range of things, every
person is more or less a psychopath. For example if you step with
you shoe on a few ants, do you instantly stat crying because you
just killed a few of those very beautiful ants?
No, normal people usual have little emotional
attachment to a few bugs that might get killed yes or no. After
all pest control is also important.
Let me end with a nice old video of a
neuroscientist who more or less discovers from his own brain scan
he himself is in fact a psychopath also...
But ha ha ha, there is a difference; Hanneke
has a very low IQ while this guy is a higher IQ version of the
psychopath thingeling.
Discovering One's Hidden Psychopathy
End of this update, till updates my dear
(11 May 2016) This is update number four on
Hanneke. In this update we do bedtime stories Hanneke style while
in the next update I will give you a rather fundamental proof of
her being a female psychopath.
Item 1) Bedtime stories Hanneke style.
Item 1) Bedtime
stories Hanneke style.
Ok, in the afternoon we have been smoking
joints and drinking whisky for hours in a bad ventilated room with
a baby present.
We have had our food and that is a thing where Hanneke is very
good at: cooking.
After the meal I turn to beer because I
cannot stand those huge amounts of whisky.
Somewhere between 7 and 8 'o clock in the evening Hanneke suddenly
decides it it bedtime for the baby.
So she grabs the kid form the floor, goes to
the room next to the living room en returns in a few seconds. As
soon as she closes the door the baby starts to cry.
Hanneke walks to the dinner table in the
corner of the living room and she does not say a thing. I can see
she is angry because of all that crying from the sleeping room.
This goes on for over half an hour, all the time she keeps looking
At some point in time I try to explain why
telling bedtimes stories and talking a bit of what happened that
day is good for children and that most of the time they will not
Hanneke does not say a thing, I am pretty
sure all three of her children have never heard one story from her
in their entire life. They might have seen it on the television,
parents that actually talk to their children instead of only
giving commands and barking negative comments...
Now why does Hanneke do this? Once more; a
psychopath has no clue about how emotions in normal people work.
For Hanneke reading bedtime stories is a fucking waste of effort
and time. For her doing that there is no reward like more whisky,
more cannabis or money. Beside that there is not a single
childrens book in the house. (May be now there is but at the time
it was not.)
Very likely this goes on every evening:
without any announcement suddenly picking up the child put her in
bed and leave the room as fast as possible...
Welcome in the wonderful world of Hanneke...
Next time we will do the library story; when that happened I
understood she must have psychopath issues. So till updates my
dear reader.
(10 May 2016) A bit more of Hanneke stories
but I promise you that this is update number 3 on Hanneke and I
will stop after update number 7 just like last year when I tried
to explain you can only get Alzheimers if you eat bread every day
multiple times.
So we pick up on the day when the daughter of
Hanneke was able to walk using the table as a guide.
Item 1) Late in the afternoon her oldest son
walks into the house, what will happen?
Item 1) Late in the
afternoon her oldest son walks into the house, what will happen?
It is about five o'clock in the afternoon and
we have been drinking whisky and smoking joints for a few hours in
a badly ventilated room with a baby around.
And her oldest kid enters the house.
This is not on deaf ears on Hanneke her
behalf and she commands the kid over here and with great interest
I observe a long stream of problems that this kid
It is not like "Hey son what have you
been doing today but this morning you left a few bread crust on my
aanrecht while you were preparing your meal for school while I was
sleeping in my bed. Can you clean this up now?"
No, minute after minute a stream of low
accusations comes out.
It is clear the boy is used to this, he simply swallows all this
low stuff and even tries to make a reasonable comment but this
makes mommy only more furious.
For me it is clear that the usual bonding
between a child and it's care giver simply is not there. It is
just some psychopath female trying to bring control to the
End of this update & we will have
precisely four more updates on Hanneke to go.
Till updates.
(09 May 2016) Oh oh now I opened the box of Pandora
about a female named Hanneke S why not post a second update with
some baby stuff from about 8 or 9 years ago?
If after reading this you think I was an
asshole not going to the police or the child protection agencies
it is very simple:
1) In those long lost years the local police
always tapped the sounds in my home via my telephone. The
technical details how they did this are not important but each and
every day when I did my daily walk to the local supermarket it was
always at the same space there was this police car with always 3
police officers in it.
It was always at a shop named Dik Race, they had fine-tuned me
leaving my house against their readiness of preventing ruthless
terror attacks...
2) Child protection agencies? Give me a
brake, I was under investigation myself.
And if you are under investigation yourself, there is little
practical use of making them change their minds.
Item 1) Hurray, Hanneke has a new baby and
she is so cute!
Item 1) Hurray,
Hanneke has a new baby and she is so cute!
It's about 8 or 9 years back and I am over at
Hanneke her house that is right behind the corner and her baby
named S is just so cute! By now she can stand holding herself at
the table and move a bit around by that.
Hanneke asks me: shall we smoke a
That was ok by me although even in those long
lost years I never liked smoking weed during the day time. So
Hanneke prepairs a joint and I say:
Shall we go to the garden because all this
smoke is not good for babies.
Hanneke, skilled female psychopath as she is,
she opens a tiny window so that fresh air can come in.
The baby S is trying to get to mommy and is
going to use the table as a guide.
All of a sudden Hanneke places a carton box
between her and the baby.
The baby clearly does not like it, but at
looking at the scene she decides that if she moves all the other
way around she would still make it to mommy...
So the baby goes all the way step by step and
tries to make it to the other side.
And guess three times what happens?
Mommy replaces the carton box so the path of
the baby is blocked & the whole scene repeats itself. And
again mommy replaces the carton box so that fucking stupid baby
would stay away from touching her.
And as such what once was a perfect baby is
at present day a child having all kinds of damage that was not
needed in the first place.
End of this update, have a nice life or try
to get one.
(07 May 2016) Two items, one about a street
kid I know for about 11 years and the second item is about a brand
new coordinate system that is very beautiful if you understand
Item 1) What about the boy now he is so
Item 2) Teaser picture for the latest math update.
Item 1) What about
the boy now he is so psychotic?
It was in the year 2005 and there was that
boy walking down the street with a bike in his hands. And always
he was only walking, he never did ride his bicycle.
So I asked him why he never rode his bike and
he said: I would like to ride my bicycle but I do not know how to
do this.
A few days later I learned him how to ride a
bicycle, it took a lot of running but within one hour he could
ride his bike...
Later I confronted his mother, her name is
Hanneke and I asked her as why her 10 year old son was not able to
ride a bicycle. All I got for an answer was some lousy explanation
as that she herself never learned that and when she fell with her
bike and came back in bruises she only got laughed at by her
More later I confronted his mother: But you
got pregnant so you had to stop smoking weed and stuff.
Answer from mommy dear: But I was so glad to give him that feeling
of a high while he was still in my womb...
Fast forward to today: Yesterday I visited
the boy who is now in emergency care at the local shrink clinic
know as Lentis in Groningen. He is totally psychotic like cutting
his clothes, wearing sun glasses with only one dark glass &
total chaos.
Now the psychopath scientist in me is glad to
observe what 21 years of emotional neglect can do do a child. But
my human part suffer a lot because the female under the name of
Hanneke has two more children under her care.
They will more or less go down the same route, that makes me
Item 2) Teaser
picture for the latest math update.
With great joy I announce a new coordinate
system, it can only be used inside a 3D number system like
circular or complex numbers. So during my life it will never take
off because of the 'special smartness of the professional math
professors'. But decades ago I understood how smart these people
are, so why talk about shit when you can also discuss math beauty
like a new coordinate system???
Come on, they are mostly imbeciles with that
retarded stuff like 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12.
And do those retards ever come up with a
simple but fundamental new way of crafting new coordinate systems?
Nope, njet, no, nee, nein und nimmer...
They only recycle the known coordinate
systems like the rectangular, spherical or cylindrical coordinate
Well talked enough about those people, here
is the teaser picture and in this picture you can see that I
myself can also be very stupid for decades on a row:
In the past I really tried to find metrics so that the length
would be preserved, but the determinants always killed everything
I threw at it.
Yet in the upper part of the teaser picture
is something I should have calculated a long long time ago. As
usual click on the pic to land at the update.

Till updates.
(01 May 2016) A few days back I posted an
extra update in my 'debunking Euler' update on page four of the
higher dimensional complex numbers. That is the item for
Item 1) More debunking Euler stuff...
Item 1) More
debunking Euler stuff...
Originally posted on 15 April, two days back
I posted two more pictures there
where I basically do two things:
Thing 1) Calculation zeta at minus one using
the analytical expansion and
Thing 2) Make the same flawed mistakes as those five Nottingham
professors do but now with the geometric series.
Since everybody knows the geometric series I
found wisdom in debunking the
next also:
1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 16 + 32
+ etc etc = -1.
But university people are university people
and indeed it was simple to find a university weirdo easily
explaining as why this should be minus one:
Past Infinity (WARNING: Math Ahead)
The above video is from MinutePhysics, it is
only 47 seconds long and the calculation speaks for itself.
Needless to say it is nonsense on a very deep level.
But university people are university people
and a pure intellectual under that name of Singing Banana was
Nottingham professor number five that give the green light for
nice summations like:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + etc
etc = -1/12.
All of this nonsense feeds upon itself: The
math people think that because the physics people from string
theory stuff
use it, there must be some truth in it.
The physics professors think that because Euler and Ramanujan are
never debunked properly it must have some value.
And life, life will go on...
End of this update.
(28 April 2016) Two more updates in the
magnetic page, so that is our item:
Item 1) Reason number 27 and 28 are added in
the magnetic page.
Item 1) Reason number
27 and 28 are added in the magnetic page.
It is well know that a moving electrical
charge like an electron produces a magnetic field and a moving
magnetic charge produces an electrical field.
So my teaser picture looks very weird:
according to professional physics professors the electron is a
magnetic dipole. We have used the scientific method they say.
That is very interesting, but in this teaser
picture as far as I can see I do not see a magnetic dipole at
work. If there is any truth to those pictures depicting how linear
polarized light acts, it cannot be a magnetic dipole combined with
an electrical monopole.
I have spoken, here is the teaser

Have fun with thinking about the existence of
linear polarized light.
It is well known that professional physics
professors are very good at stating the next:
If you think you understand quantum
mechanics, you don't understand it.
And they are in the right: If you think that
an electron is a magnetic dipole it is extremely hard to
understand quantum physics.
Here is a nice Youtube video from a female
that really tries to understand the stuff with electron spin but
she just keeps on hanging to that dipole magnetic thing.
Once more we observe that 'modern science' is only a substitute
for religion, but let me skip my usual stick horses:
The video is from a female under the name
'looking glass universe' and she really tries to make sense of the
concept of electron spin.
She is cute but also a perfect example as why physics is the 'new
religion' because dogma's are never doubted but used as basic thought
End of this update, have a nice life or try
to get one.
(20 April 2016) Just an item related to an
Item 1) I emailed daughter but she said she
did not understand it...
Item 1) I emailed
daughter but she said she did not understand it...
Oh oh, I emailed Daughter with a short
version of the debunking Euler proof and she said she did not
understand. And since she is not particular crazy I decided to
look for that video that is fool proof so that you can understand
as why some professional math professors think that:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + etc
etc = -1/12.
This is all very basic math, no zeta function
stuff or so...
Only the fact you can add or subtract two rows of numbers and that
you can multiply them by a constant number. Click on the picture
for the Youtube video:

Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-I6XTVZXww
And if you search for the 'sum of all
numbers' on Youtube you get the next stuff:
Well I really hope I did not confuse to many
people because that proof saying it is nonsense to valuate the
natural numbers to -1/12 is just basic math.
Till updates.
(16 April 2016) Two new updates and that is
the item of this update:
Item 1) Debunking Euler & third post on
the Schrödinger equation.
Item 1) Debunking
Euler & third post on the Schrödinger equation.
Debunking Euler:
Five days ago I was at a public lecture at
the local university here in Groningen and a guy named Frits
Rammers (for Dutch folks that would be Frits Beukers) talked also
a bit on a very bizarre result dating back to Euler himself:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + etc etc = -1/12.
Obviously this must be nonsense, only people
why are bad at math will fall into this trap done by the high
priest of math himself: Leonhard Euler.
Now does this change my views on Euler since
this high priest is so easy to debunk?
Of course not, Euler gave the world the number e and if he would
not have done that it would only be in this century that I could
do the same... ;)
So as far as I am concerned, Euler will
always be the number 1 guy when it comes to ranking math people in
the long run. The debunking stuff is found in
page 4 of the higher dimensional complex numbers, to be
precise it is at entry 15
April 2016.
The third post on the Schrödinger wave
equation is on the other website:
Both updates were fun to do: The Euler
debunking stuff was fun because it was so easy while at the same
time for example 26-dimensional bosonic string theory is based on
And the Schrödinger update was fun because I
succeeded into explaining how to use 3D complex numbers without
ever solving the Schrödinger wave equation.
So from my point of view it was a great week:
Debunking weirdo's like people who believe in
string theory & at the same time giving the green light for
usage of 3D complex numbers for constructing those very difficult
atomic & molecular orbitals.
It truly was a geek week! Till updates.
(10 April 2016) The last few days I have been
writing stuff for the third post on the Schrödinger wave equation
from quantum mechanics using higher dimensional complex
This update is for posting the teaser
Item 1) Teaser picture for third post on the
Schrödinger wave equation.
Item 1) Teaser
picture for third post on the Schrödinger wave equation.
More or less without thinking in the first
post on the Schrödinger equation on the other website I said you
should use complex numbers from the main cone in order to craft
all those beautiful atomic & molecular electron orbitals...
Later that week I was cleaning my living room
and came across that old dirty piece of paper, and yes it was
true: A long time ago I already decided you cannot solve the
Schrödinger wave equation using 3D complex numbers.
It was clear I had acted like a fool because
you cannot say 'use the main cone' if in a wider sense it will
never work.
But now some time later I am almost ready
with composing the third post.
The math itself was developed over two years back by me and for
myself speaking it was very rewarding to do it once
For example in the next teaser picture you
see the plusses and minusses of the three basis vectors. My
complicalted exponential curve goes through all these six end
That was a major math victory at the time leaving all those so
called 'professional math professors' far behind in a cloud of
murky dust...

For myself speaking it was nice to read all
that old stuff again; because there is more than 2 years between
it I could also see how my own brain works...
In a few days it all will be ready and posted
on the new website:
Till updates.
(06 April 2016) Yesterday I came across that
video with the nice title 'Magnets in the sky' and may be I could
find a bit more reasoning as why electrons are the long sought
magnetic monopoles.
But what I found was the most utterly and
totally stupid explanation of how permanent magnets
Item 1) For whatever reason, iron does line
up it's electrons at 11.34 min.
Item 1) For whatever
reason, iron does line up it's electrons at 11.34 min.
This guy physics professor Bryan Gaensler
tells more or less the most retarted explanation that is out
there. He is not the only one, I have seen MIT profs doing this
too but the way Bryan puts it is just so mindbreaking
If you think about it, Bryan thinks the
electrons are glued into a fixed position and that is the way
permanent magnets work.
He compares wood to iron, observes in wood
electrons have spins in all directions while in iron 'for whatever
reason' (sic!!!!!) the electrons are aligned.
I have to say I am more or less speechless as
why this retard gets a government paid salary. As stupid as he
pumps it up, he is classified as a 'creationist'. You know one of
those people that think the earth is created in six day and the
bible is in fact a scientific piece of work.
It is just so utterly fucking stupid, I stop
talking about this retard.
Source of the screenshot picture:
in the Sky, Prof Bryan Gaensler (aka the fundamental retard)

This explanation is 100% retarded as only the
people of the universities can come up with.
Luckily as an antidote to this sheer 100%
retardization process I posted reason number 25
and 26
into the magnetic page.
Let's leave it with that. Till
(01 April 2016) The 3D complex numbers seem
to be faring well in the diverse search engines but the fact that
electrons are not magnetic dipoles is much more of an abandoned
So in this update I only repost a picture of
me holding a bunch of those powerful new neodymium magnets against
a 6 € old television.
Item 1) The Lorentz force only goes that
Item 1) The Lorentz
force only goes that far...
It is just a repost of a picture from some
time ago and at the same time I perfectly understand how deep the
science of physics is married with the idea you cannot make
magnetic monopoles.
But each and every electron in our universe
is a magnetic monopole, if you want this statement a bit less
extreme you can say electrons carry a net magnetic charge.
By now, if you are a professional physics
professor you are already on the verge of vomiting, I am well
aware of how you behave and why you behave.
Let me not do difficult and just repost my
old photo of holding this stack of strong magnets against a small
television screen and trying to explain what I see using the ideas
behind the Lorentz force:

If you click on the picture you get a bigger
version of it but in this small one you already see the Lorentz
force at work: it is that rotating thing going round using the
rigth hand rule.
Unexplained is the circular spot where no
electrons land on the television screen.
Present day physics in the year 2016 cannot
explain this empty electron spot.
End of this update, till updates.
(24 March 2016) Six days back I made a small
advertisement for the woodshop Dikhout that sells countless fine
woods from all over the world. But this does not mean all wood
from regular shops like Hornbach is worthless.
Item 1) In defense of Hornbach wood.
Item 1) In defense of
Hornbach wood.
In the picture below you see a piece of a
wooden beam, bought it about a year ago and it was only 8 € for
about 3 meter of beam. That is dirt cheap, beside being cheap it
is already flattened and shaved.
The only disadvantage is that it is kinda pale, in the past it was
easy with a finish containing petrol and stuff to get a far
stronger contrast in the grain of the wood. But at present day
most paint is water based and that does not improve the grain of
the wood.
On top you see an unfinished piece of wood
and directly below I brought a bit of contrast in it. How to make
this kind of wood a bit more beautiful?

Very simple: You make you own water based
paint with two pieces of steel wool (wash out the soap carefully)
and some vinegar. I used cleaning vinegar because it is a bit
stronger. You put it in a jar and put the lid loosely on it.
After about a day or five it is ready to use, filter it through a
paper coffee filter or something like that.
It is important you take enough experiments because this stuff
acts different on different kinds of wood. After five days the
paint is very strong, I had to dilute it to 25% of it's original
After painting you can sandpaper it unit you get what you wanted.
The piece of wood below is some plywood, you
see a small gray spot, so you see it works very different going
from one kind of wood to another. I do not like the gray color,
but that is for every one themselves to decide.
Again dilute it enough, the first time I
tried this the wood turned into pure black and that was a pity
because without the paint it looked better and I could not
sandpaper it.
So experiment on small pieces of wood that
you do not need anyway...
Till updates.
(21 March 2016) Yesterday I finished reason
number 24 as why spin half particles are in fact magnetic
monopoles, or if you think such particles are always spinning very
fast without any reason: they have a net magnetic value.
That is the item for today:
Item 1) Reason 24: Energy distribution in
cosmic rays.
Item 1) Reason 24:
Energy distribution in cosmic rays.
Where the spinning electron pair explaining
dia-magnetism is the smallest thing based on the idea of electrons
being magnetic monopoles, the behavior of charged particles in
inter-galactic and galactic magnetic fields is, until now, the
greatest structure found that drives the behavior of cosmic
In the next picture you se an impression of
our Milky Way and a few years back the high energy satellite Fermi
found two giant lobes perpendicular on the center of the Milky Way
and there was significant more gamma rays coming from that part of
Gamma rays are the highest energy rays we
know of, it is thought they are produced by cosmic rays and
contrary to the name cosmic rays are not rays at all but very energetic
charged particles.
Cosmic rays (particles) is also a bucket name
for a wide variety of particles, the lower energy ones come from
our sun in those violent corona mass ejections and for those high
energy stuff the professional physics professors have no good
That is understandable: If you think that
electrons are magnetic dipoles it will never cross your mind they
are accelerated by magnetic fields. In that case you will only
think they are accelerated by electrical fields.
Well that is a choice they made every day
again in favor of the prophet Maxwell (may peace be upon the
prophet Maxwell). Long before the electrons were discovered the
prophet decided magnetic monopoles do not exist and until this day
this is part of the Holy Scriptures of the religion named
Let's leave it with that, here is the teaser
picture for reason number 24:

Of course the pink/purple stuff is only
showing the space where the gamma rays are coming from. As usual
click on the picture to land on the magnetic page.
Joke of the day: If you know a professional
physics professor in person, just ask this person how to explain
such giant lobes of 25.000 light years high...
Till updates.
(18 March 2016) About one week back I took a
look at the amount of pictures I made since I started that new
website 3Dcomplexnumbers.net.
Indeed fresh picture production was so high I thought 'let's take
a little holiday from that'.
Item 1) Let's take a holiday from all that
math and stuff.
Item 1) Let's take a
holiday from all that math and stuff.
Beside hobby's like brewing beer, riding the bicycle
& tiny amounts of published math, every year I also make a few
pieces of wood furniture. Here you see a picture of my latest
piece of furniture; a new book shelf that replaces the old
On the left of the picture you see two new
woodworking projects:
The thing on top of the barrel is supposed to
be my very first table saw sled. With a sled like this you do not
need to have your hands very close to the sawing blade, so this
brings in a bit of safety.
Underneath the sled is a barrel, that was a
woodworking project from about 8 years ago and now I am going to
turn it into the Cauchy integral formula with the help of lots of
epoxy resin and some prints of the new Cauchy integral

I would like to make a free advertisement for
the guy where I mostly buy my wood.
The locals here in the city of Groningen likely know the new
bridge known as the Oslo bridge. If you come from the kernel of
the city, after the bridge you go to the left and park your car at
Dikhout fijnhout.
The guy from Dikhout has wood that is very
very hard to find at places like Hornbach, Praxis or whatever
'wood retailers' that are out there to serve the public need for
fresh wood.
End of this update, if I succeed with the
Cauchy barrel may be some more photo's will be added. Till
(09 March 2016) Added to the page on magnetism
are two more reasons as why electrons & other spin half
particles are magnetic monopoles.
Since the very last reason involves also diamagnetism of DIY at
home made plasma, I finally had a good reason the post that
picture of the levitating frog...
Item 1) The levitating frog.
Item 1) The
levitating frog.
Reason 22 is the so called Birkeland
currents, I never heard of them but these currents stream from the
sun outwards to the earth and stuff. I found a perfect very old
photo, likely made by Birkeland himself, it shows a toy model of
our earth bombarded by electrical currents.
At the end of reason 22 I post a link to a
video that shows some guy making DIY plasma at home and he is
doing experiments with strong permanent magnets. In reason 23 I
discuss the results of that person in detail because the plasma
particles that are diamagnetic behave perfectly as one should
expect when electrons are magnetic monopoles.
But if you would ask a professional physics
professor about how to explain diamagnetism, you get answers
1) Diamagnetic materials contain no unpaired
electrons, or;
2) If atoms have only electron pairs, they become diamagnetic, or;
3) It atoms are stripped from the unpaired electrons, those ions
are diamagnetic.
Etc etc.
Stuff like that is not an explanation, at
best it is a correct observation or description about when you can
expect diamagnetism. But it is not an explanation.
Click on the picture to land at reason 22 as
why electrons are magnetic monopoles:

This frog was levitated at some Dutch
university, you know one of those places where they are overpaid
and think they understand electrons using advanced math...
Let's leave it with that. Till
(03 March 2016) Weirdly enough my six
dimensional complex numbers are a hot topic when it comes to
Google picture searches. That is our item for today:
Item 1) Why do the 6D complex numbers score
so high?
Item 1) Why do the 6D
complex numbers score so high?
The six dimensional numbers combine the 2D
complex plane and my own invention of 3D numbers in a very
straightforward way, so why are they so successful?
Likely it is the 'complex plane' because
people from universities and stuff know what the complex plane
Of course it is a great honor to arrive at
search result number 3, but for me who has published vast amounts
of math that has gone unnoticed, I don't give a shit.
After having said that, look at the screen
shot & after that I will give you the link to what started it

End of this update, click on the pic to land
on the post outlining the 6D complex numbers using only 2D &
3D complex numbers.
Till updates.
(25 Feb 2016) Added is reason number 21 as
why spin half particles are magnetic monopoles, that is our item
for today:
Item 1) The way magnetic mirrors work in
plasma containment.
Item 1) The way
magnetic mirrors work in plasma containment.
Just go the magnetics page here
and enjoy reading reason number 21 for spin half particles being
the long long sought magnetic monopoles.
Till updates.
(22 Feb 2016) Just finished a new math update
under the title The Cone Theorem.
That is the item for this update:
Item 1) The Cone Theorem.
Item 1) The Cone
I found a very beautiful way to classify all
subspaces of the 3-dimensional complex number space such that if
you multiply by an imaginary unit like j, all stuff gets rotated
by a fixed amount.
This also adds a new layer of geometric
properties on the 3D complex and circular number systems. It has
to be remarked that I found it because the preprint archive
article from Slomi Jacobi gave me the idea to investigate this
stuff a little bit.
Here is a link to the preprint archive:
a novel 3D hypercomplex number system
The new update is 12 pages long and placed in
four of the higher dimensional complex numbers. If you click
on the teaser picture you land directly on the new update:

The applet I used for these pictures is the
Polyray applet from the WIMS archive of applets. The next one is
from the university of Leiden but there are more around the world.
Likely you must search a little bit:
Ok, that was it for today. Till
(17 Feb 2016) Another reason why electrons
and protons are magnetic monopoles. This time it is from the
geniussus of MIT, believe it or not but via simulations on giant
super computers they found that there are two types of plasma
Item 1) One step closer to fusion power.
Item 1) One step
closer to fusion power.
The title of this item is the same as the
video from MIT, for reasons of being very sarcastic I hold on to
this title. This is now year three of me talking about electrons
and stuff being the long sought magnetic monopoles and year in
year out on a global scale all university people stay
That proves a lot of things, things like
being stupid, being arrogant, not understanding your own
profession, being a bunch of fucking cowards and so on and so on.
The list of problems these people have is like an endless
And always this bragging like 'we follow the
scientific method', if for just once they did that instead of that
endless river of nonsense about electrons that are spin half and
magnetic dipoles at the same time.
There is no proof for that, the scientific
method is not used for about 106 years since electrons were first
discovered... These people live in a fantasy world, a lot of the
common knowledge is correct but a few important details stay wrong
year in year out...
Click on the picture to land on reason number

Source: One
step closer to nuclear fusion
Till updates. Extra update from 19
It is also funny to read the news from the
MIT source itself, for myself speaking I consider it also more or
less funny when on 21 Dec I explained the root source of plasma
instability via spin half particles being magnetic monopoles in at
most two hours. It took the MIT weirdo's 37 days on a giant super
computer to find similar results. The only problem is: the MIT
weirdo's still think electrons are magnetic dipoles...
Well, good luck with it.
Here is the MIT news link: New
finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors
Till update my dear reader.
(15 Feb 2016) Only added Reason number 19 as
why spin half particles are in fact magnetic monopoles. This
reason is the temperature of the corona of our beloved sun. And
since this temperature is about 100 times as high as the outer
layers of the sun, only a fool would hang on to stupid stuff like
electrons are magnetic dipoles...

Click on the above picture to land on the
19-th reason as why spin half particles are all magnetic
Till updates.
(12 Feb 2016) I was busy doing other things
so only this evening I became aware of the announcement that
gravity waves are discovered. Give or take it looks like a solid
breakthrough, so why am I not dancing on the table?
Very simple: I dance on the wooden floor
because years back I had to repair the table and I know how weak
it actually is. I am not going to dance on a weak structure like
Item 1) China has also a record breaking new
when it comes to nuclear fusion.
Item 1) China has
also a record breaking new when it comes to nuclear fusion.
On the fourth February of this month I poked
fun at those German scientists from the Max Planck Institute about
how their Stellarator nuclear fusion reactor will never ever work
because they are in denial when it comes to the properties of the
particles that make up the plasma.
The Stellarator folks managed to get the
plasma to about 80 million degrees Celcius for about 250
I informed them this project will blow up in
their arrogant faces...
Did I know that the Chinese were also hunting
down nuclear fusion the wrong way?
No, until this day I was not aware of any Chinese stuff using the retarded
Tokamak design to craft nuclear fusion.
It makes me smile because after all the
Chinese have a new endurance record:
102 seconds of stable plasma.
Funny link from a website under the name
'popular science':
All those circular nuclear fusion reactor are
self destructive by design because the scientists on a global
scale refuse to understand how spin half particles behave inside
magnetic fields. Let's leave it with that, till
(10 Feb 2016) I opened page
4 in the higher dimensional complex numbers on this website.
But now I have that new website known as http://3dcomplexnumbers.net/
my estimation is that I will publish only the more hardcore stuff
on page 4.
All soft stuff will go to the new website.
Item 1) Teaser picture about the seven
properties of the number alpha.
Item 1) Teaser
picture about the seven properties of the number alpha.
On the other website I said lately I would
post a post on the more or less elementary properties of the
number alpha. But while writing that it became a bit too long and
at the same time I had not opened up page
4 on this website.
So combining the stuff, I posted 3 teaser
pictures on the new website while publishing the real meat in page
4. For me it is a great honor to place my fist at the heads of all
those incompetent math professors with writing down just another
Euler identity...
These incompetent shitholes known as
'professional math professors' often state that the most beautiful
equation they know is the Euler identity.
And as such, if they did not react all these
years upon similar identities, it is clear these people are
incompetent to the bone. Let's leave it with that.

End of this update, till updates.
(07 Feb 2016) You know I have a so called
'smart tv', it is not really smart because for example you cannot
disable cookies and as such a channel like Youtube always goes on
where I left. So I am always rewarded with fresh attacks from
scientists on creationist and vice versa. That is the short item
for today:
Item 1) A non-black crow, creationism and
Item 1) A non-black
crow, creationism and evolution.
Here in Europe it is completely absent but in
the USA you have all these fights between people that think the
bible is literally true in every point an comma versus the
standard view that life always evolves if needed.
For myself speaking, I think that religious
thought is an important evolutionary trait that after a long long
time gave rise to scientific institutions.
Today I was riding my noble iron horse and I
was in a village named Southhorn (that is Zuidhorn for the locals)
and I passed that strange looking crow. The crow had clearly
non-black feathers but it did not look ill or so. On the contrary,
for a crow it observed standard behavior; these birds are always
very alert.
But I could make this photo:

I have no clue as why this bird has lost this
amount of black stuff.
I have no idea if this is a genetic thing, so it is unknown if
this is evolution under your nose at work.
Creationalists see the work of the Almighty
in each and every aspect of life; for example genetics explained
via evolution?
Very simple: the Intelligent Designer simply uses the same sets of
genes while creating different kinds of species with it. After
that those species never evolve further...
And if you would show them the nice new zika
virus that wrecks havoc in the brains of babies, it is not a virus
that evolves but surely must be a punishment by the Almighty
because so many people believe in evolution.
But on the science front you can find much of
those examples too:
Plenty of professional physics people think
that if an electron circles a nucleus once, it has reversed the
magnetic spin. So that only after two times going around it is in
the same spin state again...
They never say that the electrical charge of
an electron oscillates in a similar fashion because even
creationalists instantly see that this is nonsense.
This is the end of my religious sermon
discussing evil creationists and demon scientists while looking at
a non-black crow flying around in Southhorn...
Till updates.
(04 Feb 2016) Two days back in the magnetic
html page I posted reason number 18 as why electrons must be
magnetic monopoles. In it we look at why oxygen is para-magnetic
and we observe it must be the unpaired electrons that are causing
this para-magnetism. So here is Reason
number 18.
Today we poke fun at the Stellarator people
from the Max Planck institute, Germany:
Item 1) Poking fun at people that believe in
electron spin.
Item 1) Poking fun at
people that believe in electron spin.
First a correction: In the previous update on
the Stellarator fusion reactor I told you that it took 19 years to
build. Now there is also a lot of info out there that says it was
9 years.
It is not that relevant, likely the planning started 19 years ago
and the actual building was started 9 year ago.
What is relevant is that these people are
building a fusion reactor where all particles in the plasma are
supposed to follow the magnetic field lines, yet all those years
these people never realize only magnetic monopoles follow magnetic
field lines...
I mean; how fucked up stupid can you
I am not going to explain for a second time
as why these ring shaped fusion reactors are all unstable by
definition. If the Max Planck institute people are to fucked up
stupid to understand my 18 reasons as why electrons are magnetic
monopoles, it is their problem and not mine...
Yesterday Angela Merkel pushed the button for
the second experiment and the temperature was impressive: about 80
million degrees Celcius for about 0.25 seconds.
But once more it was claimed that in the
coming months they will try to let the thing run for 30 minutes or
1800 seconds. On top of that these strange people say that this is
a preparation for a continuous operational fusion vessel.
Well, for myself speaking I am very
interested what happens if you accelerate your electrons and
protons second in second out. My gut feeling says these fusion
vessels are instable by definition.
But let's wait a few more months and see if
indeed the whole thing will blow up in their arrogant faces.
In the long run, what is the lesson the
profession of physics can learn from this?
Now very simple; if from day one after the
Stern-Gerlach experiment you put weird names on the observed behavior,
weird names like 'intrinsic spin' you cannot make any significant
progress because your mind does not grasp what is going on.
Funny wiki link: Wendelstein
Till updates my dear reader.
(27 Jan 2016) Two more reasons as why
electrons are in fact magnetic monopoles & that is today's
Item 1) Two more reasons as why electrons are
magnetic monopoles.
Item 1) Two more
reasons as why electrons are magnetic monopoles.
I arrived at reason number seventeen as why
electrons are in fact magnetic monopoles, this time I selected the
diamagnetic properties of things like wood or water that are
always repelled by all magnetic fields.
And I do not need to use fancy math that no
professional math professor understands, it is basic stuff like
nature is always seeking to minimize energy levels.
And minimizing energy levels seems to be a
perfect explanation as why those strong permanent magnets always repel
stuff like wood and water...
Just read it at the magnetic
End of this update, have a nice life or try
to get one. Till updates.
(20 Jan 2016) Yesterday on the preprint
archive I found a very interesting article:
On a novel 3D hypercomplex number system
Ok the name is a bit over the top, there is
nothing to 'hyper' about 3D complex numbers. Anyway now for the
first time I have some evidence I was not the first: it is claimed
that the original author found the 3D numbers back in
Once more this proves it is better to avoid
all contacts with university people because university people are
like one dimensional people only interested in getting more tax
payer money and their rankings in their publication
In this update I will dissect the weirdo's at
CERN hunting for so called magnetic monopoles. That is our item
for this update:
Item 1) Trashing the torque hypothesis on
electron spin.
Item 1) Trashing the
torque hypothesis on electron spin.
Long before the discovery of the electron
scientists already concluded that magnetic monopoles could not
exist. So when electrons were discovered about 110 years ago,
despite them being electrical monopoles having an electrical
charge, it was already forbidden to treat them the same.
So even when the Stern-Gerlach experiment
came along, electrons were still viewed as being magnetic dipoles.
And they had a serious problem to explain:
Why did the beam of silver ions split into two?
This was a serious problem because it was
forbidden to say that it was magnetic monopole stuff that caused
the whole thing, therefore the concept of 'intrinsic spin' was
Furthermore this spin is always up or down,
but why do they say this?
Now when it is up or down they talk about a vertical applied
magnetic field.
When the spin is left or right they talk about a horizontal
magnetic field applied.
In that way you can always avoid talking
about magnetic charge that can be measured in all kinds of
magnetic fields. Because if electrons have a magnetic charge, the
orientation of the magnetic field applied should not matter that
very much.
Experimental validation of electrons having
magnetic charge:
Click on the next picture: the 3 electron
cannons of the old color television spit out electrons all the
same. Yet my 3 strong neodymium magnets ensure there is a circular
disk where all electrons are void void void & more void.
Now you can come up with a very complicated
theory using torque explaining this while the more down to earth
explanation simply says: This proves electrons carry magnetic
Click on the picture for an

This is the most cheap experiment disproving
all that torque stuff: It uses a second hand television for 6 €
while I only needed 3 of those new neodymium magnets or about 25
€. So for only about 30 Euro you can poke fun at those thousands
and thousands of overpaid CERN physics people hunting the magnetic
monopole in their own way.
Let's leave it with that, till updates.
(17 Jan 2016) This update was not planned:
while reaching high in the search engine count I discovered I made
two terrible typo's!
So instead of me poking fun at the physics
professors like "hey how are your dipole electrons do
today?", I find myself back in the corner where the beatings
Item 1) Correction of my 07 Dec 2015 update.
Item 1) Correction of
my 07 Dec 2015 update.
Since I have my new website about once I week
I do some internet search engine searches like '3D complex
numbers' and just see what nonsense pops up.
I am very satisfied because results from 3dcomplexnumbers.net
pop up high enough. Not on page 1 of course, there are all of
those websites out there to serve the general public to answer all
kinds of questions science related, ok ok I accept they hang out
on page one of the search results...
But on Google pictures, last week I was
hanging out at picture number six.
And guess what? It was a teaser picture for the 6D complex numbers
as constructed from 2D and 3D complex numbers...
Not a bad result, but on inspection pure
panic was on my behalf!!!
There were two typo's in it, two minus signs
that were supposed to be there were AWOL. Of course the people
from the universities will say instantly:
See, just a bit more proof this guy hangs
together from typo's and more weird stuff...
So I corrected my teaser picture and now it
looks like this:

End of this update, have a nice life or try
to get one.
(11 Jan 2016) In the new
page on magnetism I added two more reasons as why electrons
rather likely are magnetic monopoles. This makes the item for this
Item 1) Superconductivity explained via
magnetic monopoles.
Item 1)
Superconductivity explained via magnetic monopoles.
Just a teaser picture, you see the so called
Meisner effect: If you place a permanent magnet above a
superconducting piece of material (mostly metals) it starts to levitate.
So it has a high Harry Potter content, it is
just like in the background Harry Potter is waiving his magic wand
whispering 'Leviosa at infinitum'.

Till updates.
(05 Jan 2016) The last week I have been
studying superconductivity type 1 and a bit of type 2. Once more
the idea that electrons are magnetic monopoles is once more the
last idea standing... But this item is about poking fun at the
professional physics professors & about wishing you a happy
new year!
Item 1) Poking fun at the ppp.
Item 1) Poking fun at
the ppp.
In my house it is well known that ppp
(professional physics professors) think that electrons are
magnetic dipoles.
In my house it is also well known that there is no experimental
proof for that anyway; the thing that comes most close is the Stern-Gerlach
thing and what do the ppp say when talking about this
They often say: For some strange reason
nature does not allow us to measure electron spin in more than one
They often say: Electron pairing is a quantum thing.
They say this and they say that, if they use math they come only
up with 2D complex numbers, so for me this is a bunch of toddlers
playing in the sand pit wearing their diapers while carrying sand
from one place to the other.
These weirdo's with their vertical Sz
measurement of electron spin, these people are crazy without
In the next photo you see 'spin measurement'
around the circle, or to put it mildly: In an infinite amount of
directions... And when measured in an infinite amount of
directions, the electrons still behave the

If you click on the picture you get a larger
version. Anyway now we have these strong new neodymium magnets for
just 30 €, we can do experiments that measure electron spin simultaneously
in a 360 degree fashion.
Till updates & have a happy life or try
to get one.
(30 Dec 2015) Happy celebrations tomorrow
& do not forget to drink a gigantic amount of beer, a tiny
amount of wine or a very tiny amount of Vodka! Cheers to
I just finished the latest update on why
electrons are magnetic monopoles, here
it is or click on any of the 3 teaser pictures from the previous
two updates.
Till updates & see ya next year!
(29 Dec 2015) Bah, I did sprain my ankle so I
do not feel like dancing or so. Since I stopped eating bread and
the poisonous gluten I did not have any joint problems for over
1.5 years. And it is also my own fault; I should not have gone exercising
yesterday because that only made it worse and now I have a nice
swollen foot...
But there is also good news; I can confirm
that with these new neodymium magnets you can both attract and repel
electrons. So a small update on that.
Item 1) Confirmed by experiment: electrons
are not magnetic dipoles.
Item 1) Confirmed by
experiment: electrons are not magnetic dipoles.
In the 26 update I showed you a teaser
picture with a black ring where all electrons were missing. Now
that was caused by south pole electrons attracted to the north
pole of the neodymium bipolar magnet.
Below you see the opposite, the neodymium
south pole is repelling electrons, to be precise: monopole
magnetic south poles. The shape of the missing electrons is
explained by the fact the electrons come in with an angle at the
corner of the screen.

You can also see a bit more light under the
magnet tip, these are extra north pole monopole electrons. For me
this is very important because this way everybody can check self
for under 50 € that I am in the right.
Because if we wait until the first university
confirms results like this, after 500 years we will still be
All in all these simple experiments with a
small second hand television together form reason number 13 that
electrons are the long sought magnetic monopoles.
This week I will update the magnetic page
with reason nr 13.
Till updates.
(26 Dec 2015) I bought myself a second hand
particle accelerator a few days ago and combined with those new neodymium
magnets I bought one month ago we can do some physical
Item 1) For 6 € I bought that second hand
particle accelerator.
Item 1) For 6 € I
bought that second hand particle accelerator.
This machine is perfect, it makes all my
dreams about electrons being magnetic monopoles come out. Now the
second hand particle accelerator that I bought for just 6 € is
also known under the name 'color television' and mine is from the
Dutch brand known as Phillips.
But old fashioned televisions are also
quantum stuff things because the old tube televisions had 3
electron cannons in them and a truly suburb copper wiring to guide
the electrons to the right place in the right time.
Anyway to make some long story short, the
next teaser picture is also a teaser picture for all those
overpaid physics professors. Please explain the circular disk
where no electron at all reaches the screen...
So my dear physics professors, explain in
long and exhausting detail as why we have such strange black
circular spots where one type of electrons is clearly missing in
our very simple physics experiment.

As you see on inspection: at the end of this
magnet stuff some electrons are in, after that you get that
circular band of no electrons hitting the screen and after that
the whole screen if filled with electrons that hit the
A bit more detail:

Where are the electrons gone?
Why do they not hit the screen?
Stuff like this only fits inside a theory of
reality where all spin half particles are also magnetic
End of this update, till updates.
(of these homepage files).