To readers who are new to this story: You are now in part
XXXVII of the
Birth of the Kweb, the Kweb is of course the KinkyWeb&is this
website. This website is good&strong, it's some fine piece of art.
Sometimes I write a bit rough on some subjects, but that's the way it
is. If you don't like that you get to some other PolitcalCorrect website
If you are new, you have to know that almost all things I do write on this
website do have some nasty habit of coming out. To avoid judicial shit
I had to place some disclaimers, here is the disclaimer
to this story.
Also it is wise to read the Introduction to the
stories, here I spell
out some words that frequently appear in the stories, for example the
SilverBullet. Who is the SilverBullet do you think? If you don't know read
the Introduction
to TheStoriesProject. |
05 Sept 2004: You know last week
there was a political convention in New York, America. It was the
Republican Convention and of course the most bizarre ways of
reasoning were to be expected. (I am not some friend of the
American Democrats, the Americans they are all crazy.) The most
stupid remark was definitely made by the former major of New York,
Mr. Rudy Giulliani...
He spoke there too (Rudy is also a Republican) and what did he
say upon that very moment he had some planes in some buildings in
the city he is majoring? He said (while laying a hand on the
shoulder of a police commissioner) "Bernie, thank God George Bush is our
Are we really supposed to believe that? People throwing themselves
from burning buildings, large structures smashing down and lots of
people vaporized. But Rudy says "Bernie, thank God George Bush is our
What a pathetic remark Rudy, you have the main prize for
telling crap at this convention. But may be you are right with the
'wisdom' you unveil. Lets look at a few historical examples:
- Beginning of World War Two the
Germans bombed Rotterdam, only 2000 thousand civilians
dead and never the Dutch loved queen Wilhelmina
- German V2's on London? The British
only pondered their love for their royalty!
- Again WWII, Stalingrad and
Leningrad under long long siege, the Russians found en
masse their love for Stalin again...
- End of WWII, Bremen and Hamburg
(fire) bombed by the allied forces; 'Hurray we still
have Hitler!' all Germans shouted.
- Nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Never the Japanese had more fun in throwing in big
parties to honor the Emperor...
Pathetic Rudy, just pathetic. (But later I found out that you
were fishing for a nomination in the 2008 elections... Ah, that explains
a lot, you are already practicizing in telling crap like this
present american president number 43.)
So far for the fun, let me write the next words upon the use of
soft targets for operatives again. This in relation with the
hostage taking of an entire school in North Ossetia in the
neighborhood of the Chechen landscape, quote (copy from the
(Saturday 04 September
14.37 hours) Well, the Ossetia hostage takers will be remembered in the
backbone of humanity as those 'soldiers' who shot on fleeing naked
children. Not teenagers but children, you know that small stuff.
It gets more weird all the way long, this has been in the planning for
some time (at least weeks may be months). Although
I am mad as hell they chose such an object lets not waste time on
emotion but draw a few military conclusions from this:
This act of
hostage taking of an entire school is for sure some advertisement
for a new set of military axioms.
Attacks that are
purely based on hate and revenge often do not work or, as in the
Ossetia case, are counterproductive.
In case attacks
against so called 'soft targets' have to be there (what always regrettable
is), those kind of attacks need to help some overall scheme (for
example the Madrid paella from 11 March did their work in the
elections). This hostage taking lacked all this.
With the wisdom of
hindsight we see that for such a large group of hostages much more
hostage takers must be there.
Lets leave it with
that, only a last remark: Right now the number of disappearances in the
Chechen landscape is something like 44 to 48 people per 10.000. (Likely
on an annual basis, the info didn't say that but rather it is not a
'total percentage') This is
strikingly the same as during the height of the Stalin terror. Even the
same methods are used (cars without license plates and so). To me it is
nice to observe that this old wisdom is still in the Russian army after
seventy years (the old Red Army was 'cleaned up' far more hefty...)
All in all this hostage taking of an entire elementary school
was very hefty, over a thousand hostages was a hefty act. But we
must not forget that the international outcry is only triggered by
the Media reporting in this, for example in the Sudan landscape in
the Dafur region there must have been many '300+ dead civilians'
Therefore this whole hostage taking is indeed a big
advertisement for some new set of axioms of making war, one of
those axioms is that all warfare is send out via the Media outlets like
television, news papers, internet and so on. Only when the people
see it with their very eyes they are capable of grasping what is
going on, just think of all those American 'journalists' and
'writers' that were constantly so very proud upon the thousand of
killed Iraqi soldiers. Only proud but when these 'writers' and
'journalists' have to slaughter an animal themselves for food or
so they tell you 'I cannot do that'. That is what Western society
has become, blubber to the bone and killing preferably from a
distance with attack helicopters and the AC130 gunship.
(The WarArt below was made with two pictures from the Ossetia
hostage taking, a school is a stupid target because you can only
apply a target like that when you have military majority... These
are cold words but transformation of military axioms can only be
hammered home when that part of the story is written in blood. The
ink has to be accompanied by blood.)
This target was not allowed,
why was this operation not cancelled?
And a slightly different version of these two pictures from the
Ossetia school hostage taking:
My condolences to the
Ossetians, but please Russians stop that Chechen shit!
Media report to
05 September: Bah, the developments around the
Ossetia hostage school still leave some bad taste in my
mouth. Only a week ago I asked the Taliban from the Afghan
landscape 'Did you do that school bombing?' (There were
nine reported dead Afghani kids) and within a day swift
answer was there:
'No we do only military stuff and election related
things'. And just two days later the Ossetia hostage
taking began... (That was an act long in the planning,
weaponry was hidden under the floor after a rebuilding
this Summer, that technical part was good but the choice
of the target was wrong). So with a bit of joy I can quote
on normal attacks again, Iraq Kirkuk and an police academy. Quoting:KIRKUK, Iraq – A suicide attacker detonated a car bomb Saturday outside an Iraqi police academy as hundreds of trainees and civilians were leaving for the day, killing 20 people and wounding 36 others in the latest attack designed to thwart U.S-backed efforts to build a strong Iraqi security force ahead of January elections.
The car bomb in Kirkuk littered the street with |
bloodied bodies, gutted cars, shards of glass and twisted metal. The police academy's steps were covered in blood.
"I saw one of my friends killed before my eyes. I couldn't do anything to help him," said Bassem Ali, a student at the academy who was hurt in the blast. Comment:
Needless to say after all this time but police stations in
Iraq are definitely allowed targets until this now.
The fact that police stations are often stationed in
civil areas is regrettable but solely the responsibility
of the occupying forces and this present Iraqi interim
Right now the Iraqis must come up with ideas about how
to deal with traitors, traitors have poisoned the
Palestines and the Chechens and in the long run they form
an enormous danger. When you cannot trust your neighbor
any longer Iraq could turn into a failed state. Guard for
that but how? But how?
In the meantime in Iraq the
US army kills and the operatives kill.
06 Sept 2004: Not done much
today, only pondering my brains a little bit. What a stupid attack
there in Russia, Ossetia... Now operations must be deleted or
withheld for some time, the art of 'terror' is that there is long
time nothing and a bit attack every now and then.
When there is daily bombing the population fast adopts to it,
just like the population is adopted to car accidents. The whole of
9/11 is only 10 or 14 days of car accidents in the USA but no one
blinks an eye to that. (But a long time ago it was funny when I
made that '9/11 = 10 days car accident' calculation and even the
German terror experts cited it, the White House spokes figures
reacted so funny with 'The enemy is trying to put us to sleep!')
Yes, the enemy is trying to put them to sleep... So I hope they
just never sleep over there and always be 'valiant' and 'vibrant'
and constantly so 'focused on the task'. And stuff like
Well one more Sierpinski gasget, here we go (this is the
Ossetia school with that roof blown from the gym & the
hundreds of deaths inside):
A building of devastating
emotions observed.
07 Sept 2004: Today lets start
with a light tone, you can't live on hate day in day out so why
not a bit of fun into these writings of devastating art? Lately I
found a rather good writer, he goes by the acronym Malcom Drury
and he is one of those who keeps a fictional 'daily journal' from
the 43rd president of the United States of America, the IQ43
This writer is very good and it is a pity he (or she, but it
looks like a 'he') concentrates of the fun part so much, a bit of
sarcasm could do miracles. But it is fun to read, the writing
style is very 'verbatim' or 'phonetic' in the Texas way. (So Thursday
3 June gets Thersday 3 Joon) A few quotes (found on
deadbrain dot co dot uk):
Thersday 3 Joon
One of the aids said don't forget the head guy from Ostralia is coming today. I couldn't think who he meant then I figgered he probbly meant Arny Shwortsnegga, he's from Ostralia and he's head guy up north there in Callyfornia, he talks reel funny. I thought I'd try to make him feel at home so I put my robocop suit out on, and when he walked in I said hastalavister, baby, but it turns out it wasn't Arny after all, just some guy called Howard. He talked reel funny too, couldn't understand him, he kept going on about how it was bumpy on the plain and it nearly made him chunder. So I just kinda smiled and nodded and said do you know Arny, he's from the same place as you, and he said I think you've got a kanngeroo loose in the top paddock mate.
After he'd gone I took an aspirin and went for a nap but I started dreaming about a flock of kanngeroos all wearing robocop suits and chasing me so I woke up screeming and after that I couldn't get back to sleep again. At least the security guys didn't come in and throw water on me like they used to do when I woke up screeming, I think they've got used to it now.
Friday 4 June
In Rome today to see the pope and Sylvia Bossanova. Pope's a nice guy but he started going on about Iraq and when was we going to give it soverannty and why did we torcher prisoners. I just let him go on, didn't want to argue with him, he's an old guy, didn't look too healthy. Gave him a medal instead, that sorta shut him up.
Later on had a meeting with Sylvia. He said what would you like for dinner and I said how about Italian, do you have Italian food like pizza here, and he said what. I wish these forreners would learn to speak American instead of just saying what to me all the time.
Saterday 5 Joon
Left for France to sellabrate D Day, I reelly like her films, wonder what she's doing these days. Not sure why we have to go all the way to France to sellabrate her though. On the way Air Force One had to turn reel suddenly, I almost choked on my peanut butter sandwich, turns out the pilot thought the French had taken a shot at it with a missle, the plain that is, not my sandwich. So when we landed I said to Sheerac what's going on, why are you firing missles at us, and he said we wouldn't do a thing like that delibberatly, it must have been an accident, they probbly thought you was an intruder, can't be too careful. So I said yeah, I bet it was an accident, do you think I'm stupid. He said do you reelly want me to anser that. Anyway I said you'd better be careful or we'll have an accident of our own, some of our cruise missles are a bit temperamental and liable to set themselves off if you catch my drift.
Later on phoned Donny to tell him what had happened. But he was sulking, he said so what, I don't reelly care if they did fire a missle, you wouldn't let me come, hope you have a nice time, try not to choke on any baggettes, and he hung up in a huff. |
Lets all hope the Republicans get reelected in America for four
more years, then the acronym Malcom Drury can write four more
years of that... Yes, it is better we have our Dubya, our
DoubleYou, in office for four more years. W Dubya is just a better
representation of what America really is and that is better than
some smoke curtain like Democratic opponent Kerry. They must be
slaughtered one way or the other, especially the military parts.
Just a simple and easy example why the US army must be
Wasn't the cold war against Russia the main
motor behind military spending on behalf of the Americans?
Aren't there hundreds of thousands of people in America
that think stuff like "Because of the military
spending of Ronald Reagan we won the cold war"?
Well, in this old
posted file you can read how the American defense
budget reacted on that 'winning' of the cold war. Did it
decline? Not really eh? (A 25% decline in a decade and
after that up up up again.) So we see once more that
symbols like 'cold war' or 'war on terror'
are only used to keep military spending up. It is nonsense
to fight 'war on terror' with B2 bombers, just brain dead
It is the opposite around, they want B2 bombers and try to
figure our a 'rationale' for that. (We must never forget
that the average 'Six pack Joe' has only 20 to 25 minutes
a day to grasp the world news of that day, they just
believe crap like that...) |
In Iraq democracy was
BOOMING all the time, just all the time...
10 Sept 2004: Tomorrow it will be
another 'new years day' according to the oldest calendar system in
the world; the Egyptian calendar system. (I'm only joking of
course, but indeed 11 Sept is new years day according to that
But there is more fun observed: According to almost all
statistics around the US fatality rates in Iraq we have finally
crossed the one thousand border. Today it stands at 1005 actually
but let me 'cut & paste' the words from the homepage (from 08
Yippee! Yippee & Hurray! Lets
1002 dead US
soldiers in Iraq!
Fun, Party,
Fun, Party & so on & so on.
milestone = 1250 of those slimy creatures dead & I wish the
Iraqis all the luck in the world in achieving that. |
Wow wow US army, isn't is a fine job to spread freedom and
democracy? Ha, now it is almost a complete year back the the first
Military Bloody Day was declared. That was a fine scaling up in
advancement of attacks, I thank the Iraqis from the bottom of my
heart... It is shit there is so much air power used in Fallujah
& other Sunni triangle cities lately, by the way my dear
reader did it occur to you that so called 'professional armies'
often bomb at night?
And does my dear reader understand why this is? There are no solid
military reasons for that, but bombing at night is a handy way to
avoid all that camera exposure of bodies torn apart. That is what
professional armies like the US army and the Israeli army often
do, at night there simply are often no reporters at the scene to
film it...
In America there are even a lot of people who think that
America lost the Vietnam war 'because of the media'. That is a
remarkable point of view, let simply observe that the German
concentration camps also run perfect without 'media exposure'. Ha!
Have you ever seen films where US soldiers sprayed that agent
orange stuff in Vietnam? That stuff was highly poisonous to the
local population (they received that as sheer terror and lots of
sick and extra death) and so it was clear that war laws had been
broken, but when it isn't that much on the telly stuff works fine.
Stuff works fine, but did agent orange help? Did it help in the
In Iraq democracy was
BOOMING all the time, just all the time...
Media report to
10 September: Yesterday I came across a rather
disturbing remark from the Pakistani army. This remark
likely implies they have lack of elementary battlefield
discipline. Read the words spoken upon the civil
casualties; quoting: WANA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani jet fighters and helicopter gunships pounded a suspected terrorist training camp near the Afghan border on Thursday, killing at least 50 mostly foreign militants.
Witnesses and a security official said troops clashed with tribesmen loyal to the militants into the evening following the morning attack near Dila Khula, 15 miles northeast of Wana, the main town of the South Waziristan tribal region.
"We have learned that 50 people are dead, mostly foreigners," said a military spokesman.
"Investigations are going on, and there is a possibility that the number of casualties may increase." |
When asked to comment on local reports of heavy civilian casualties, he added: "They were all militants and if there were any locals they would have to be part of those militants."
Military spokesman Major-General Shaukat Sultan said foreign fighters were still at large in the area, although there were no "big hideouts" left. Comment:
This all looks a bit crazy Pakistan army, in the first
place you simply do not brush off repots of civil
casualties with such an amount of arrogance. In the second
place I gave you a clear 'battlefield request' in the
spring of this year and that was "Give me good shows
in 'attacking' operatives." Later I watered this down
with "People who truly think that it is alright to
kill simply because other people have a different religion
are allowed to kill."
So what is in your brains Pakistan army? Don't know
that a new weapon is in the making and that is the weapon
of designer diseases?
Don't you know I need 'test targets'?
After all Pak army, this
story had anthrax delivered in 60 hours...
Yes Pakistan army I consider your remarks above as way out of
line, may be some operatives must give some car bombs another try.
Or not my dear but stupid Major-General Shaukat Sultan? Or
In another development I have decided to turn some Chechen
female into art, it is a bit against my writing practices of not
highlighting individuals (because only broadstream policies count
and it is better to highlight the policy in question). But the
picture was so nice I could not resist and since the enemy is
constantly making commercial advertisements himself (B2 bombers to
fight 'war on terror' and so) I have finally decided to make the
next work. It is one of those 'Sierpinsky things' but this one is
slightly altered:
The 63 nations of Muslim
mania, just let it grow. Let it grow...
And now you are at the end of the writings to this day, live
well & work well and think with light.
11 Sept 2004: So today is the
third anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with four planes in America
and it is nice to observe all that pathos from the other side of
the ocean. The Americans still feel they are the ones we should
feel pity with and they are the ones who have made so called
'ultimate sacrifices'. Disgusting.
And, like I wrote in October/November 2001 already, they fight
'war on terror' in exactly the same stupid way as they fought the
'war on drugs'. That means it is done in such a way that the
'enemy' slowly but surely gets stronger and stronger. Why they
do that, I do not know.
Also it is very interesting to observe that there still is not
account whatsoever of the so called 'trigger hypothesis' and the
'religious provocation'. That provocation that dwarfed the Salmon
Rushdie writings...
Ha it is Waco all over again only this time the scale is much
bigger, but the corruptive streams in America that prevent a
careful investigation of the religious provocation are very
similar to that weird Waco burning.
(To readers who do not know this detail: US government forces
raided a sect from a guy named David Koresh, the raid went
completely wrong and lots of people included a lot of children
were burned alive. Right after this rumors started spreading that
the fire was triggered because of the use of military teargas. It
was denied by authorities that military gas was used; but instead
of 2 to 3 days to let the truth out it took an amazing six years.)
That is what I mean when I say that America is corrupt to the
bone, it is not corruption in the sense that with paying 50 or 100
dollar to some authority your car will not be searched or so. No
it is fundamental corruption within the political powers of that
country, just like it was 'not in the interest' of some political
figures to let the truth out after the Waco burning right now it
is not in the interest of these people to investigate a bit
There is only crap like "You cannot show weakness in this
world because the enemy will only exploit that." But since
when was telling lies and telling misinformation the best way to
serve your country? Since when? Well since the moment corruption
entered the arena of American politics. Very simple, but we must
keep on killing Americans because if we don't they will still
avoid elementary facts that fit rather good in the 9/11 attacks.
Only the deep and fundamental corruption can explain the next:
When I wrote on Thursday 29 July that during the next (planes)
operation it is best to strike in the same minute and within four
weeks this actually happens (the two Russian planes were in fact
within one minute in time separated) there is only silence
observed. Only silence from that coward species that calls itself
Americans, ha the home of the brave. Please make me puke again
America, please make me puke again because then it easier for me
to recite for more killings.
Hey America please make me
puke once more so I can recite upscaling again!
Enough of those miserable creatures that only self-pity
themselves (just like small children do, the emphatic qualities of
small children is not quite will developed, there is not denying
this that Americans behave similar). We go to that other country
that took part in the cold war some years ago. We take a fine look
at Russia since it is eight days ago that the bloody end was
there in that hostage taking of an entire school.
It is always extremely important to observe how countries react
on their first attack or on the upscaling of attacks. If the
situation in Russia wasn't so dramatic it would be very nice
comedy, but there are so many killed (I mean in the Chechen war)
that it isn't funny. It is drama with a smile, drama with a
Lets start with a very interesting 'racist' behavior of the
Moscow police (the remarks made by the colonel in question give
rise to the expectation that this is standard behavior of Russian
police forces). Quote (found on the moscownews dot com):
Two Moscow policemen beat up a Russian cosmonaut who had a “Chechen” surname, the Moskovsky Komsomolets daily reported on Friday.
The incident took place near the Vykhino metro station in south-east Moscow on Thursday night. Colonel Magomed Tolboyev was stopped by two police sergeants for a routine document check. After the law enforcers saw the colonel’s name, which suggests he is of Caucasian Muslim descent, they started beating him up. The beating stopped only after passers-by called the police station. Before leaving the attackers said: “Get away from here, you black, and tell your kinsmen we will strangle all of you, whatever the cost.”
Colonel Magomed Tolboyev is a distinguished test pilot; he bears the country’s top honorary title Hero of Russia. During his space career Tolboyev was commander of Russia’s first and only space shuttle — the Buran.
In his comments to the Ekho Moskvy radio station Tolboyev said that he will not bring the case to court as this was below his moral principles. “I am an officer of the Russian Air Force, I do not want to sue this scum,” he said.
“Apart from that, there are tens of thousands of them, nothing can be done anyway,” he added.
“I could shake these sergeants off me in a second, but I understood that in this case they would have claimed that I had attacked them first. That is why I only asked them not to hit me on the back — I once fell from high altitude, my whole spine is made of plastic now,” the colonel said.
Comment: For years on a row there are hundreds of
similar reports like this, the Russians want the Chechens
not in their cities. The Russians consider them as second
class citizens that can be spit upon and can be a free
fuck with a bit of luck.
On the other hand the official line is that Chechnya is
an integral part of the Russian federation. That is a contradiction,
strange that the Russian officials completely neglect all
that and are right now indulging in self-pity themselves.
At last it is funny to remark that they think that a 'full
blown war' is waged against them, what a naive way of
looking at reality. Naive.
Five hundred kilo RDX under a chlorine train when the wind
is slowly blowing towards a 70 thousand size city, that is
a total war my dear Russians. (By the way, in case the
operatives read this, right now in this stage of the war
on terror I consider chlorine actions not done. May be
only in America when the wind is drifting towards a large
military camp or that giant bomb production facility, but
even then that would be too soon in this stage of the so
called WarOnTerror.)
Have a nice day. |
Is it true that raping of
Chechen females is often not investigated???
Lets end this day with a light tone and look into the
adventures of Sgt. Jenkins, in short it goes like this:
In 1965 Jenkins deserted from the US army to the North Koreans, in
1978 he met a Japanese that was abducted by the North Koreans so
they could learn Japanese. And now he is back, quoting:
His surrender, at a U.S. army base in Japan, marks the end of a bizarre Cold War odyssey and is a big step toward resolving a diplomatic headache for the United States and close ally Japan. Jenkins, looking solemn and wearing a suit and tie, gave a long salute as he was received by Lt. Colonel Paul Nigara at Camp Zama, the U.S. Army's headquarters in Japan west of the capital.
"Sir, I'm Sgt Jenkins, and I'm reporting," he said.
Unlike some accused deserters thought to be at risk of trying to flee, Jenkins, 64, was not handcuffed or put into leg irons, partly out of sensitivity to sympathy in Japan for his Japanese wife, Hitomi Soga.
Washington says Jenkins, a native of Rich Square, North Carolina, slipped into North Korea one cold January night in 1965 while leading a patrol near the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Koreas. It says he later joined Pyongyang's propaganda machine, appearing in an anti-American film as a sinister spy.
Jenkins met Soga in North Korea after she was kidnapped by its agents in 1978 to help teach spies to speak Japanese. The couple have two North Korean-born daughters, aged 21 and 19.
Comment: This is a truly bizarre story, a deserter from
the US army and an abducted Japanese female Soqa. Seldom
we observe stories so bizarre, but what can I say to that
military court that has to judge Sgt. Jenkins? Here we go:
If I would be the judge in this than (with or without
plea bargain on behalf of Sgt. Jenkins) I would give him
at least 3 and at most 6 months imprisonment in a light
regime. Considerations would be the long long time that
passed since deserting and the actual circumstances he
lived in for 39 years (he has missed a lot).
He cannot come away with no punishment because for a
professional army deserters simply have to be punished,
yet given the relatively high moral in the US military and
the low level of actual deserters there seems no need to
'set an example'.
With or without plea bargain I would make sure that
during his 'prison time' Sgt. Jenkins would produce a full
account or a full report of how life in North Korea is and
how it developed all these years, it is just another
report but this 'just another report' outweighs the 'set
an example' needs of the US military.
That is what I would try to do but it is hard for me to
see along what lines of reasoning the US military judges
must reason. |
Sgt. Jenkins, age 65, is
reporting for duty... Unbelievable!
So that's it for this interesting day, we have covered the next
-The 'self-pity' behavior of the Americans regarding the 9/11
-The 'just an example' Waco killings that illustrate where
corruption in America is located (at politics),
-Russian dualism, hating ordinary Chechen people outside Chechnya
but the seperatists are hated the same,
-Explaining that a 'full scale attack' has to imply the wiping out
of entire cities (via chloride trains or so),
-The adventures of Sgt Jenkins, reporting after 39 years for duty
Till updates my dear readers, please never argue from a set of
stupid emotions. Otherwise the operatives will come after you,
wanna bet? Till updates.
13 Sept 2004: Yesterday it was a
rough day in Iraq, a fine barrage of mortar and rocket fire into
the Green Zone in Baghdad. In the Haifa neighborhood there was
even a journalists killed by the US army in front of the cameras.
That was clearly a great death because it is my wish that warfare
will be fought before the camera, so the public can see what their
'democratic elected' leaders do with their tax money.
And it is a good lesson about what war really is, often it comes
down to Stubborn fighting against Stupid while both parties think
they are fighting Evil. But in Iraq the picture is more
complicated and the US army is soliciting to both labels, they are
Stubborn and Stupid at the same time.
But the US military is very familiar with that kind of
behavior, the present American Secretary of State (the foreign
affairs department) was a high ranking military man himself.
General Powell is very upbeat upon Iraq, he sees only minor
problems in holding elections in four months time. The fact that
entire cities are completely beyond control of this 'interim
government' is a 'no problemo' kind of thing to General Powell. If
it wasn't that tragic I would have had fun upon this, these are
our world leaders;
--A White House president George DoubleYou Bush that did
declare yesterday that he admired Vladimir Puting, his colleague
from Russia, the fact that Vladimir is a former KGB head is no
'flip flopping' of course.
--A former military guy named General Powell heading the State
Department, nobody in America found it ever strange all these
years that it is rather strange to have a military man on the
State Department.
Lets enjoy the wisdom of General Powell:
Washington, Sep 12 The US today said insurgency in Iraq will be brought under control and expressed confidence that elections in the war-ravaged nation will be held in January.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell said American commanders are working with Iraqi military leaders and the interim government of Prime Minister Ayad Allawi to put down the terrorists in control of Fallujah and other cities.
"The insurgency will be brought under control. It's not an impossible task," he told the NBC's "Meet the Press" programme.
Comment: Well if this task is far from impossible then
why don't you explain in just 3 or 4 oneliners how to do
this General? Or do you have all kinds of wisdom without
my reach in a hundred years? Could the General please
explain how there can be peace when America simply does
not address the one million+ death from the economical
sanctions? Can the General please explain that if the
facts that the Saddam arrest and the transfer of 'sovereignty'
did not change one detail, that the assessment of the
situation this time is the correct assessment? And not
fault number seven thousand three hundred and
thirteen? |
We must take into consideration that General Colin Powell is
indeed one of the sharpest knifes in this present American
government, the rest is even far more crap. It is for sure a pity
that General Powell still is a soldier deep down in his heart, he
simply does as he is told by his President. Nah, that is to say,
it is a pity for America and for me it is just another good
But it's time to leave the crap the crap and fine tune upon
those two Italian female hostages in Iraq. Why did I until now not
write just one word upon them? (Because their capture goes against
the so called 'rules for hostages and execution'.) That is for a
lot of reasons, in the first it are only two people so why waste
time on such small numbers (an arrogant argument). In the second
place the US army has done stuff like that themselves, often
daughters and wives and other (female) relatives were placed in
the Abu Ghraib prison while the Western freedom loving press
stayed silent on that hostage taking.
There are even reports of three female that came back pregnant
from Abu Ghraib and got killed by their families as 'honorable
killings'. There is also a report of one Iraqi female that got
gang bang raped by 17 Iraqi police men, needless to say that the
Iraqi society fancies strange habits every now and then.
In the picture below you see Simona Pari, an Italian female
from the 'Bridge to Baghdad' organization. 'No problemo' would
General Colin Powell tell US, no problemo & hasta la vista
Imitation of Pentagon
tactics observed & we love the power and the glory!
Since we are on the General Colin blast anyway, why not take a
look at some nice corruptive behavior from the American government
from a few decades back during the Vietnam war? Like I said
before, corruption in America is located within their government
(all branches, this depending on the 'power position' of that
branch and the 'power position' of individuals within that
Although corruption around the military draft are from all ages
and all countries; for example here in Holland there was
corruption within the medical profession because with a statement
from a civil doctor you could avoid the military draft. And guess
what, lots of children from medical professionals did escape the
draft. But in America it was located within the political power,
here is a bit more quoting from the General Powell figure, from
the Secretary of State of the MUSA (the Military United States of
During another interview on "Fox News Sunday," Powell reaffirmed his distaste for Vietnam War draft policies that allowed sons of the powerful to avoid combat, as spelled out in his 1995 autobiography. At the same time, he said Bush, a congressman's son who served in the Texas Air National Guard, "served honorably."
In "My American Journey," Powell wrote, "I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well-placed managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units."
Asked about that comment and Bush's military career, Powell said: "I disagree with the policies that were in place at that time. I didn't think it was the right set of policies for the challenge the nation was facing. But those were the policies that were in place at that time."
Comment: You said it yourself General, it were the policies
that were in place at the time. So you don't see
'corruption' but you see 'policies'. Interesting remark
from the sharpest knife in this White House box... |
Would Simona Pari like that
crap emerging from Powells lips?
To make it abundantly clear to my reader that all people on
this world must work together to kill Americans in the thousands
and hundreds of thousands, let me give you a few simple details as
found yesterday. It is around the number of killed Chechen
children during Chechen War I and II combined. After that we take
a fine look at the ways the American president views this all.
Here we go (numbers found on the Toronto Star):
Boris Yelstin's 1994-96 war left about 80,000 dead, including 32,000 children.
An agreement granting Chechnya de-facto sovereignty was abrogated in 1999 by Putin.
He launched another war, which has killed about 80,000, one-third of them children.
Comment: The numbers speak for themselves, it
amounts to 60 thousand children so the whole of Beslan dead kids
in Ossetia, Rusland,
is at most 0.5% of Chechen war I and II combined. Easy to
understand. (That
does not take away that in general I still am against targeting
So on the Putin watch something like 26 thousand Chechen
children were killed, 'No Problemo' would General Powell say but
what does his boss Mr. George Dubya Bush think of this all? Next
quote (found on mosnews dot com):
Nine days after the end of the Beslan school siege U.S. President George W. Bush paid tribute to the young victims, describing the barbarity of the hostage-takers as “beyond comprehension” and vowing to work more closely with Russia to combat terrorism.
With first lady Laura Bush at his side, the U.S. president made a surprise visit to the Russian Embassy in Washington to sign a “book of condolences” for the hundreds of victims, Reuters reports.
He expressed his support for Russian President Vladimir Putin, and declared: “The United States stands side by side with Russia as we fight off terrorism ... We stand shoulder to shoulder.”
Bush called Putin “a man who I admire,” and said, “I’m here to express my heartfelt sympathies for the victims and the families who suffered at the hands of the evil terrorists.”
Comment: The statements made by Mr. Bush
speak for themselves, we have indeed reason to think that
Mr. Bush is just not capable of understanding the
complexities of this world. Therefore I hope from the
bottom of my heart that he will get reelected in eight
weeks. |
Hey America please make me
puke once more so I can recite upscaling again!
So now there are probably some folks out there who want to know
that I think of the latest statements done by uncle Ayman on a
video tape. Well to put it mildly and diplomatically I can say
that the statements from uncle Ayman are closer to assessment of
reality than the statements done by General Colin Powell. That is
what I think.
Lets leave it with that, only this detail has to be named:
Recited for were at most five blasting days with each at least one
attack inside Europe. Russian stuff from lately also accumulated
to five attacks but Russia is not Europe as far as I have insight
in reality. So it stays open, good luck with the selection of the
targets & all the rest.
In the next picture you see two children from Fallujah from the
last days (there are often nightly bombings lately, until this far
I have not observed any solid military reason to bomb at night by
the way). Bombing at night is only handy to avoid too hefty media
exposure. Since we observed above that the American president is a
great admirer of his Russian counterpart the Vladimir Putin figure
(and vice versa of course...) we see the world is round...
To make the world a bit more 'round' I introduce two concepts
here, the first is the concept of a so called 'Beslan speed' and
the second is a 'Beslan cover'. The definitions of these two
concepts are relatively easy to understand, lets say at the Beslan
hostage taking of school number one there were 250 children dead.
A standard Beslan Speed of one is killing 250 children per
day. (So a Beslan Speed of 0.5 equals to 125 dead
kids/day, simple isn't it?)
Def: A Beslan Cover
is the number of days it takes for a 'professional army'
to kill 250 children. (So when 5 children are killed on a
daily basis it takes 50 days to kill 250 of them and
therefore the Beslan Cover = 50) |
Now a question for the glory and the power: What is your
Fallujah Beslan Covering anyway?
What is your Fallujian
Beslan Cover my dear US military? Now?
Why not end this day with a nice quote upon the hefty ways the
US military thinks that the Zarqawi figure is indeed located in
Fallujah? I have never observed any kind of proof of Zarqawi being
inside Fallujah, could be that he is and could be not. Why don't
we enjoy the next quotes telling stories upon the behavior of that
professional army that is the US army? Quoting:
At least 15 people were killed and 20 wounded in a US air and ground assault on alleged Al-Qaeda operatives in Iraq's notorious flashpoint city of Fallujah on Monday, medics and an undertaker said.
"So far we received 15 bodies. Among them is an ambulance driver and two nurses, plus five wounded who were in the ambulance when it was attacked," said Falah Abdullah, an undertaker at the cemetery in Fallujah.
Comment: Now it looks like everything is converging
into the good good direction, the US army is deliberately
targeting ambulances because 'Zarqawi could be there'. Or
his evil henchmen. And while this Zarqawi figure is
captured suddenly life will be different in Iraq...
Nice fairytales eh? Just like before 13 December 2003,
just like before the Saddam capture. Only now Zarqawi is
the anvil of evil. Lets say that armies often behave &
think on a large scale as their commanders in chief think
& behave.
Fine result US army, 8 dead bodies from an ambulance!
Great, just great! |
End to the writings of this day, think with light and keep on
killing Americans into the thousand and the hundreds of thousand
my dear readers. If not you could have the possibility of burning
in hell forever, who knows?
Hey America please make me
puke once more so I can recite upscaling again!
14 Sept 2004: First a message to
the Mujahedin in Fallujah & similar cities, hoping this
message will get through. We start with a little quote (as found
in time mag):
Captain Abdel Hadi was driving home from a long day's work as an officer in Iraq's new security force when gunmen pulled him over. Two white Oldsmobiles screeched around his Nissan pickup, and four men armed with AK-47 machine guns grabbed Hadi, blindfolded him and stuffed him into the trunk of a car. They drove him to a safe house in Fallujah, where, for five days in early August, he was tortured and interrogated by some of the insurgents who control the town. His captors, he says, beat his feet and legs with a pipe until he could no longer feel them, thrashed his back and tied his genitals before forcing him to drink three bottles of water. At one point, Hadi says, he heard a knife being sharpened next to his ear. His interrogator threatened to chop off his head unless he confessed to collecting information for the U.S. forces. Hadi refused.
Fortunately for him, a cousin had witnessed the abduction and recognized one of Hadi's kidnappers. The next day, armed tribesmen surrounded the kidnapper's home and threatened to kill all his family members unless Hadi was released within four days. On the fifth day, at sunset, Hadi was set free. He could barely walk, but he was alive. "This is a dirty way to treat people," says Hadi of his captors.
Comment on the quote: It is indeed a dirty way to treat
people but air power is dirty too. |
- Like said and written before: Low level soldiers in this
'new formed Iraqi army' under supervision of the US army have
some kind of protection because one way or the other they have
some right to feed their families. The higher the rank is the
less this counts. But attacking families of simple soldiers
and sergeants is not done.
- Watch out with torture, I know it is a bit of local folklore
but you must only use that in case all other methods have
failed. Please stand up to your responsibilities in this all,
there is a severe likelyhood that Iraq and especially Fallujah
& similar cities will form the kernel of what I call the
When right from the start widespread torture is there, later
it is hard to get it out again and I will find myself back
into a position I have to slaughter that kernel and create a
new kernel. That would be no fun, I would cry on that day.
- Alcohol, please act a bit normal to people who only sell
beer and may be wine. Ok, it might be against the writings of
the Prophet but please give punishment in proportion. There is
a war going on you know.
Upon sellers of liquid (whiskey and that stuff) you have free
hand, but again don't make it too crazy.
- Now for the 'Mania' word in 63NationsOfMuslimMania; A long
long time ago it was easy to foresee by me that strange things
would happen. Indeed there are reports of sightings of the
Prophet in Fallujah, there are even reports of giant desert
spiders that attack the Americans, white pigeons that protect
the Mujahedin in battle and 'heavenly' scents coming from
bodies of Martys. This kind of stuff is even mentioned in
Friday sermons at the Mosques reports say.
May I ask the Mujahedin not to trust on giant desert spiders
or white pigeons for protection? Please use that mighty weapon
that is Gods gift to humanity. It is behind your eyes and
between your ears, it is called a brain.
- And last but not least, just keep on looking at reality with
a military eye.
What is your Fallujian
Beslan Cover my dear US military? Now?
16 Sept 2004: Yesterday there
was a widespread disruption of air traffic in the Los Angeles area
in America. I didn't read that news, I was only thinking 'So
What?' Yet this morning I considered this shrugging of
shoulders horribly stupid, it is not that difficult to disrupt air
traffic around major airports.
And when that is done at more major airports at the same time
we are into interesting stuff. All you need are a some big
transmitters that disturb all radio transmissions from and to the
air planes. It is not that difficult, all you need to be is some
dedicated hobbyist towards electronics and building radio
transmitters/receivers. In the extra
text to this day you can read a bit more.
To give you an example of what happened yesterday during this
disruption let me give you a quote from the New York Times (Why
did I select the NY Times my dear readers? I could have chosen a
quote from the Alabama Drumbeat too, or not? Hey New York how are
you doing?...). Quote:
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 - Air traffic controllers in the Los Angeles area lost voice contact with 800 planes on Tuesday, allowing 10 to fly too close together, after a radio system shut down because a routine inspection was skipped, the Federal Aviation Administration said Wednesday.
The three-hour radio failure, at the Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center, caused widespread disruptions. The system shut down while 800 planes were in the air, and forced delays for 400 flights and the cancellations of 600 more.
While there were no accidents, there were five incidents in which planes flew closer than rules allow.
Comment: Again this morning I felt stupid to the bone,
why did I never before crossed crystal clear the simple
ideas as unfolded in the extra text to this day. Ha, in
two years this kind of disruption could very well be at
the scene! Lets hope for that, wouldn't that be funny?
Now? |
Now for a little hot potato as emerged today, the chief of the
United Nations Mr. Kofi Annan spoke words that could be
interpreted as being the US-led war against Iraq illegal. Let me
give you a quote from the BBC:
Kofi Annan told the BBC the decision to take action in Iraq contravened the UN charter and should have been made by the Security Council, not unilaterally.
Comment: We see Kofi is a bit playing the diplomat with
the observed 'contravened the UN charter', from the beginning
it was clear that this was an illegal war. But my dear UN
and my dear Kofi, already in the Summer of 2002 I had done
my calculations. The only way possible to lift the
economical sanctions against Iraq was via warmongering of
America against Iraq.
Without a waging of war, the Americans never would have
accepted a simple statement from the Security Council of
the United Nations that said 'End of the economical
sanctions towards Iraq'. They would have thrown in the
veto right they have...
And my dear Security Council, could I ever have dreamt
this all would pan out so perfect? Didn't we have that
American president saying that the UN was in fact
insignificant because her weapon inspectors could not find
anything? Didn't this same president not say the same upon
the nuclear watchdog of the UN? Was not in fact the IAEA
very bad in 'finding the nuclear stuff' in Iraq?
This all is a good lesson for America but on the same
hand it is a good lesson for the United Nations &
especially the Security Council. Face the facts on the
Weapon of Mass Destruction stuff my dear Security Council,
over one million people dead for completely nothing. Just
nothing, only because of the fact of stupid and stubborn
behavior on behalf of the Americans and what did you do in
understanding reality?
Nor much eh? The UN truly deserved that bombing from
August 2003. That is clear.
But lets look upon some reactions of the governments
that are the most heavily involved in operation Freedom
Iraq, quoting:
But US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the use of force against Iraq had a sound legal basis.
Earlier, US allies including the UK, Australia and Poland also said the war was backed by international
Mr Boucher said military action was consistent with UN resolutions which referred to "serious consequences" if Iraq failed to comply with UN demands.
Comment: (The United Kingdom, the Brits, only said that
this position of the chief of the UN was already known to
them and consistent with similar words from Kofi Annan
from the start of the present war in Iraq). Nice to read
this, but only making statements that 'We think it has a
sound legal basis' is crap when you do not spell out in
detail what the 'sound legal basis' exactly
There is no sound basis, the Americans could have come
away with this in case WMD would have been found. In that
case they would have saved the world (anyway that is what
we constantly would have heard in case there was real WMD
stuff). Only WMD findings was the way to avoid 'illegal
classification words', in Afghanistan the Americans had a
lucky escape when finally a bit more proof popped up but
in Iraq it goes from bad to worse. Slowly reality sets in,
that is good but it goes all too slow. So slow, now we are
so many month into this Iraqi war and only now there are
some 'illegal war' words at the scene.
Wanna bet the one million dead from the economical
sanctions will just never get addressed? Wanna bet?
(Because the UN and the Security Council are to blame too,
they did this all).
But you don't hear me complaining too much because there are
benefits too;
Saddam gone & his sons too, relatively free flow of
information towards Iraq, economical sanctions lifted,
lots of American soldiers got killed, a very good cell
structure is growing and hopefully traitors are countered
efficient (watch out for that cancer Iraqis!), the lack of
official law and order can only be countered by Islamic
law and order on a grassroot level, and so on and so on.
There is also a lot of shit, the chaos in Iraq kills a
lot of people too but still this chaos gives rises to far
less death annually than the economical sanctions did.
(Anyway until now this is so, to me the future is also
mixed because a full blown civil war is still a risk in
Iraq. But I estimate it simply will not happen but I could
be wrong on that one)
Lets leave it with that, the war is highly likely not
legal. The Americans can not come away with it because of
the lack of WMD. The WMD and the 'not complying too' UN
resolutions was 'the reason' to start this war in the
first place. So from a military point of view I am in
paradise, I am in paradise as far as possible but where
are you my dear reader. Where are you? |
NATO NATO what did you
forget? Now I'll wipe you and and that's a fact!
18 Sept 2004: Yesterday the
'responsibility' upon the Beslan, Ossetia Russia school hostage
taking came out. So after thinking a bit on that I have some words
to say to Shamil Basayev, a so called Chechen warlord. Here they
From a WarTribunal point of view the
logical reasoning is accepted, these days there is only
one way to keep 'professional armies' in line and that is
a bit of hefty terror every now and then.
The fact that I would not have chosen for a school is not
that relevant right now, relevant are the number of killed
Chechen children and although reports vary widely it looks
reasonable to pin this down at something like 60 thousand.
(Chechen war I + II combined).
Therefore it is a fact of life that the number of dead
Beslan children is at most 0.5% of the Chechen fatalities.
So after I have done my thinking I can not complain upon
this as long as you do not make it a policy.
In case you need a policy, you must start investigating
how to wipe out large villages and small cities. Yet in
this phase in the global WarOnTerror it looks to early to
wipe out entire cities, but starting of studying it is
Hundreds of motivations could be given upon this, but
pinned down to the Chechen-Moscow stuff it is a bit like
The Putin figure really thinks stuff like "We were
attacked because we were weak and weak people get
beaten." There is no denying this, Putin said that
himself. Well matters of fact are that Stalin also spoke
similar words and this gives rise to the expectation that
Putin silently hugs the Lenin doctrines of using terror.
(That means that every act of terror always must be
answered with a bigger act of terror.)
With this wisdom in mind it is wise to look at the
numbers killed in the 1999 Moscow apartment building
bombings and compare that to the total of dead civilians
done under the Putin watch. Also we must take in mind that
the American president Mr. George W. Bush is a great
admirer of the Russian Vladimir Putin. It seems likely
that George is willingly lying upon the very kernel of the
9/11 attacks and after three years I think it is
reasonable towards small cities and large villages.
Basayev, in your letter you unfold thinking that this
raid was planned from the very beginning by the Russian
authorities. You validate that with the fact reported to
you saying that the people who came in to collect the dead
bodies (from the first day of this) shouted at the
hostages 'Run, run!'. At first I was thinking along
similar lines but later I gave more credit to the
hypothesis of incompetence. That means I think it were
indeed those (Beslan) volunteers among the professional
army that started the firing, but I am not sure. I am not
That's it for the time being Shamil Basayev, good luck
with applying the limited resources you have. And, just by
the way, my greetings to all other 'warlords' in the
Chechen landscape. |
My dear readers and my dear Shamil there are always many ways
reality folds itself around this story. But given the Beslan
ending was it wise for me to post the next picture at 18
August? Exactly one solar month ago I published the next
picture, I found wisdom in leaving the title unchanged. Here it
Battlefield requests understood China? Fine, fine!
19 Sept 2004: The American
president Mr. George DoubleYou Bush has been spoken funny words
again, he said he was reasonable optimistic upon Iraq (and
Afghanistan) and spoke words like 'Freedom
is on the march in Iraq.'
He only forget to say where exactly 'freedom' is marching
towards, may be it is marching towards a cliff. Or may be freedom
is on the run in Iraq, who knows. Mr. Bush also sighted desperate
insurgents that would commit more attacks because these insurgents
had a deep fear for freedom. That is his assessment of the
situation, this guy is remarkably good in breaking down all
credibility that America has. It is important that he gets
reelected again, four more years of heaven for all Anti-Americans
in the world...
Well lets analyze a bit further, before the 30 June transition
of power to the interim government there also was a vast drumbeat
of messages saying that towards the 30 June date 'desperate
people' would scale up attacks. So lets assume that 'desperation'
is already within the next information upon US-led coalition
US-led coalition fatalities in Iraq |
Period |
US |
UK |
Other |
Total |
Average |
# Days |
3 |
178 |
6 |
11 |
195 |
2.35 |
83 |
2 |
715 |
27 |
58 |
800 |
1.89 |
424 |
1 |
139 |
33 |
0 |
172 |
4.00 |
43 |
Total |
1032 |
66 |
69 |
1167 |
2.12 |
550 |
Lets say the Bush statements amount to 'the situation did not
get worse after 30 June' (because upscaling of attacks is only to
be expected just before the impending elections). So lets make
that the zero hypothesis:
H0 : After 30 June the
situation did not get worse until now, (against the
Ha : Not the zero hypothesis (it has
gotten worse) |
To test the likelihood of the upbeat (or neutral) statements
done by the most important American official, the American
president, we create a so called statistic (or a stochastic) that
'imitates' the last 83 days of period 3 given the fact that the
424 day period nr. 2 is still valid in period 3.
Statistical folks like me often give this the name of X,
so let X be the next:
X = The number of US-led
coalition fatalities in period 3
(given the fact that period 2 conditions
are still at the scene in period 3) |
I hope that my fellow statistical colleagues agree with me that
our stochastic X is very good approached by the Poisson
distribution with expectation value m
= 83 * 1.89 = 156.9
The standard deviation would be s
= m0.5 =
Since this value of m is so
high, we can safely apply the normal distribution with m
and s as above. We can estimate
the next cumulative probability:
P(X > 194.5) = P(Z
> 3.04) = 0.0012 or 0.12%
So in case the upbeat statements of Mr. Dubya Bush were in fact
correct, there would be only a 0.12% likelihood (or a 1 : 833
fraction) that we would have 195 or more dead coalition soldiers
in the last 83 days (Period 3). Therefore we can conclude, from
elementary scientific considerations, that Mr. Dubya Bush is not
correct with saying 'Freedom is on the march
in Iraq.' Data proof otherwise.
Does this mean or does this imply that Mr. George Bush is a
lying Texas dog? No, it means that inside the American government
elementary information flows simply do not work properly. And this
information flow does not work properly because in the American
model of democracy far to much power is laid down in the
institution that is the American presidency. In these days the
shortcomings of their democratic model come floating above, when
the guy at the helm does not digest large streams of information
properly the American state is heading for disaster. Therefore I
hope he will get reelected for another four years...
Beside the American president Mr. G.W. Bush standing beside
reality, his democratic opponent in the next elections has crap to
share too. Here are a few words from the democratic presidential
hopeful Mr. John Kerry:
On Wednesday, in a rare development, one candidate was pressed for specifics. The radio host Don Imus asked Mr. Kerry how he would meet his stated goal of leaving Iraq in a first term. Mr. Kerry said, "The plan gets more complicated every single day" because of the mayhem there.
He said he would "immediately call a summit meeting of the European community," seek more help from allies and speed training of Iraqi troops.
Comment: Why the hell does this Kerry thing think that
allies would come to help America? Iraq is a typical case
of 'this is your baby'. Also the democratic
candidate must realize that during the eight Clinton years
the economical sanctions were at the scene in Iraq. That
happened mostly on the Clinton watch while we now know
there were no weapons of mass destruction all those years.
But he too simply does not address the problem of those
hundreds of thousands dead resulting from living in a
fantasy world. The fantasy world of Saddam = Evil, as
believed by most secret services in Western countries
around the world. Mr. Kerry only indulges in crap like 'We
must send better protection gear to the soldiers in Iraq.'
Better and up to date soldier gear is not the problem, per
US citizen America already invests 20 times more in
military stuff as decent nations do.
And all that military spending never gave rise to a
realistic view of the situation in Iraq, but of course the
Americans only blame the former Iraqi president Mr. S. Hussein.
But who the hell did send those American spies along with
United Nations inspection teams? Did Hussein do that
Wow wow, what a wonderful world. Most world leaders are
only driven by simple nationalistic symbols and only try
to find good looking one liners like 'No
American soldier must be hold hostage for Americas
dependence on oil.' Sounds good but in fact it
doesn't mean anything, a 'no hostage holding policy' can
not be implemented in practice. It is crap for the
television and nothing more.
Bah, only after a more devastating killings inside
America they will start acting normal. There is more to
say on this subject:
After long intensive and extensive
thinking on this I have arrived at some '1% civil
threshold' for war making in general (now we still
have the old military doctrines & axioms at
the scene). For America with an estimated
population of 300 million people that would amount
to 3 million people.
By accident lately I came across the content of
a laptop computer that was seized in the Afghan
landscape during the first warmongering of America
after 9/11/2001. It seemed that this laptop was
used by lots of high ranking al Qaida operatives.
One of the documents said that the threshold of
civil dead in America cannot exceed 4 million.
So this is a striking similarity, I might have
some differences with al Qaida and they might have
some differences against me. But in the broad view
there simply is much similarity, very much. They
are just normal people my dear readers, the
fundamental problem is far more with America and
not found in so called 'Islamic extremists'.
That does not take away that so called
'extremists' must study no longer then one hour a
day the religious writings, beside that they must
study computer sciences, medics, physics,
chemistry and so on. Especially the king of
science named mathematics, use your God given
brain to find beauty so unbelievable. (Or am I now
provocative?) So lets strike at Great Satan! |
In the meantime in Iraq the
US army kills and the operatives kill.
20 Sept 2004: From fake memo's
and American presidents... Fake memo's, the American media
outlet CBS, the 60 minutes show, a female named Ms. Mary Mapes,
the timing of the coming out of Abu Ghraib, this old
file from 13 January, memories at 29 April when the first
GiantMilitaryBloodyDay was there (still the biggest US-led-slime
kill of the entire year!) and so on and so on.
It is all a devastating knot of emotion & that is what I
like. In case my dear reader does not know what is meant with the
so called 'Killian memo', the 'Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian memo' in
short it goes like this:
On the 60 minutes show a respected
anchorman named Dan Rather did file some old memo from Mr.
George Bush military 'service' dating back to the Vietnam
war times. Jerry B. Killian was the commander of George W.
Bush, both men seemed to like each other but later Mr.
Killian (he is dead now) was very disappointed that first lieutenant
George Bust (the present commander in chief) did skip some
physical exam as was required for military pilots once a
But the memo showed is rather likely a false memo
although there are statements observed saying that the
content is correct but the layout isn't. (The former
secretary to Mr. Killian states that anyway, she is far
over 80 years now but I think she is very credible.)
Within five minutes of the publication of these memos
there was already suspicion that the memo was in fact made
on a modern computer because of the proportional font used
and the use of so called superscript in the memo.
Against this is the fact that the letter 'l' is used for
the number '1' as we all did indeed in the old days of
mechanical typewriters. |
Well my readers can judge for themselves, here is a picture of
the fake memo. (I think it is a fake too, but on the content I
have poison to share below...). This 'memo' certainly has the
looks and feel of a computer crafted work of art, it could only
have been crafted by an American of course because on most
computer text programs there still is the 'typewriter' font (or
the 'keyboard' font) available. Enjoy the probably fake
There is no denying that the above memo has proportional font
(the Times roman font it looks indeed) but I myself was only eight
years old in May 1972. How can I know if this is not for real? (A
little joke of course...).
To make it a bit more exiting, last week I emailed to CBS that
they had to compare this with similar memo's from the Killian
figure. That would bring clarity upon the proportional font stuff
and that superscript use, lucky me the American media outlets even
did this. Here is a memo from the Pentagon, again enjoy how memo's
dating back that long looked:
Now for the broad prospective on this all, it is a very good
study in how the American society works but lets tunnel in on the
content of the fake memo:
WhyTheHell would first lieutenant George
W. Bush skip a physical exam anyway? The official White House
declaration was that it simply was not needed because
George went to a 'no flying job' anyway. This official statement is hard to swallow, because flying
is fun. And although George went on a 'non flying job'
anyway, how could he be sure that he would never be in the
given chance to fly again?
Why don't you ask some air force officials (from the
British RAF for example) what their opinion is upon pilots
who loose their flying license because they skipped a
medical exam?
Think my dear reader think. Why would the present
commander in chief skip doctor examination while he knew
that skipping that examination would lead to never flying
again in the military.
Think my dear reader, think.
In a separate development, lately I placed the American
secretary of defense (Mr. Donald H. Rumsfeld) on the
sniper list at position number
four. Before I placed Mr. Rumsfeld on number four he
spoke words like 'I do not care what army does it'
when it came to eradication of Afghan puppy fields. After
the placement on the sniperlist suddenly all kinds of
subtilities were observed, like 'It is a global demand
problem and it might be yes or no that there are
associated problems with supply.'
Think further my dear reader think further.
Later there were even press statements observed that US
drugs policies did use 64% of budget upon drug treatment.
That is indeed a remarkable shift away from locking up
people for over a decade for the possession of only one or
two grams of mariahuana. Think my dear reader, think.
So, why did George Dubya skip his physical? Is it that
stuff named cocaine or is it mariahuana or did he indulge
at a difficult combination of these two in those times?
But, rather sorry, the so called 'bloggersphere' in
America would never ever bring this up in just five
minutes. They just wouldn't, they are stupid to the bone.
They are. |
To the present commander in chief of the American military
forces I can say the next: I just do not blame you, it is better
this way. Far more better, there are no 'mister perfects' on this
planet although you try to let the people think you are one.
Please do not fight a health care problem like drug addiction with
bullets, you know why...
23 Sept 2004: Only written
some elementary and rudimentary ideas upon how to build better
bunkers that can withstand those so called bunker busters. Here
it is.
25 Sept 2004: Today I came across
a very promising development into the Iraqi landscape, lots of
Sunni clergymen are giving battlefield advices. Of course that is
going on for a long time already but never it was reported that
sharp in media files that crossed my attention. Let me quote a bit
for you:
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- For Sheik Mohammad Ali Mohammad al-Ghereri, a Sunni Muslim cleric, the question is no longer whether to tell his followers to fight the Americans, but how to assure they wage war properly.
"The holy warriors should have a clerical leader with them to advise them on all points, such as how to properly treat the Americans they capture," he said in his austere mosque in the capital's Zafarenieh district.
For fellow Sunni cleric Abdul Sattar Abdul-Jabbar, the issue is no longer whether his followers should kidnap foreigners, but which ones.
"Isn't the trucker who brings supplies for the Americans and helps the occupation also part of the occupation?" said Abdul-Jabbar, a member of the Association of Muslim Scholars, the country's largest Sunni religious grouping. "I think so."
Comment: I just tunneled into a good mood when I read
this, of course the clergymen cannot in the Friday sermons
indulge in complicated military lessons. That is (during
sermons) none of their business, they must bring the right
morals to the battlefield. And that is a very important
task beside all other tasks the clergy already has...
Also we must not forget that the operatives, who stage the
actual attacks, often pose as though guys with a 'who can
harm us' attitude. But they don't fool me, they have
battlefield stress too. And when you have seen to many
bombed houses and bodies torn apart it is very imaginable
that the operatives loose moral values.
Yet in the long run and over the decades, only holding
up good battlefield morals will bring victory. |
You know there is no way denying that the security situation in
Iraq is bad, I had never foreseen that too and in case I would
have foreseen it I would have tried to explain to the Americans
that there likely were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.
(Because only the lack of WMD could explain the behavior of the
Iraqis in those days before the occupation...)
But like said before, beside the security shit there are
benefits too. Free flow of information towards Iraq is a big step
forward, lots of science can now be imported for free via computer
methods. And the security vacuum can only be countered via Islamic
law, so that gives a smile on my face... ;)
Now we talk about computer stuff anyway, read the next quote:
But on the streets, the calls by clerics for jihad are spreading into the mainstream, seeping into a popular culture ironically liberated by the same occupation they're opposing. Unencumbered by Saddam Hussein's strict censorship laws, videos of armed mujahedeen (holy warriors) battling Americans -- often set to rhythmic religious music -- sell briskly at CD shops and in bazaars.
Comment: It is important that the people who compile
these videos make sure that when important military
lessons come along, there is no disturbance from religious
music. There is a time for religious feelings and there is
a time to think over and study military matters upon
staging attacks of, as the saying goes, 'increasingly
sophisticated level'.
So my dear video, CD and DVD compilers in Iraq; Recruiting
propaganda is fine, but good information upon creative
attacks is better. |
Next item: The likelihood of a full blown civil war in the
future in Iraq. My personal view is that this is only a small
likelihood but I have troubles in estimating the size of this
likelihood. Disturbing is the next info (that is old info but
disturbing anyway):
If Sunni clerics are a window into the soul of the violent resistance to the United States' aims in Iraq, the landscape they reveal couldn't be bleaker for U.S.-led forces trying to quell an insurgency that shows no signs of abating.
Among Iraq's Shi'a Muslim majority, the United States can at least count on a few high-ranking clerics to counter junior preacher Muqtada al-Sadr's incendiary calls for holy war. But among the Sunni "ulema," or clerical leadership, who guide the Sunni masses, the calls for armed opposition to the United States, no matter the cost, have become increasingly strident.
Comment: From a historical point of view it is very
understandable that lots of (major) Shia at first sided
with the Americans. The bait was easy to understand; The
Shia form the majority of the population and therefore
could grab significant power in a 'one person one vote'
democratic system.
But still large parts of Iraq's history is unknown to me,
a detailed view of how things evolved in the period 1920
to 1960 is largely unknown to me.
This does not take away I have good hopes there will be no
'Sunni-Shia' war, may I count on the operatives and the
clergymen in this? And may I ask the Shia to reconsider
their stand?
I am asking the Shia this humble and politely, please use
Gods gift to humanity and you can find that behind your
eyes and between your ears. It is called a brain, do not
take my words for granted but think until you have found
your standing in siding with the Americans. |
In the next quote you can find a bit upon the situation in
Fallujah, of course lots of Fallujah kids and grown ups have great
fear in their heads from all that American bombing. And beside
fear a lot of that simple to understand emotion known as hate, raw
hate against the American military. Beside the Fallujah equation
right now some other detail upon 'true jihad' is found in the
quotes below:
"What we can hear from the people of Fallujah coming to visit us is that most of the houses have been partially destroyed and many, many families have left Fallujah," Dawoud said. "The people have been unemployed for a very long time."
Unlike scholarly clerics immersed in books, Dawoud says he ministers to those suffering the consequences of the insurgency from his tiny mosque in Baghdad's Karada district.
"The jihad itself is meant to remove injustice and harm from the back of the people," he said. "If the jihad brings more harm to the people, then it is not justifiable."
But most Sunni religious authorities dismiss such talk as nonsense, not in line with Islamic teachings in the Koran or the Sunna, the body of work produced by Muslim scholars after the religion's founding.
"The jihad is a necessity for each Muslim," said Ziad Farhan, a master's degree candidate at Islamic University. "The Prophet (Mohammed) gave up everything for elevating the religion. In Islam there is either death or jihad. There is no other way."
Comment: This is a complicated matter, both Dawoud and
Farhan bring in good arguments. My standing is simple, I
hang on towards directions like Dawoud. Let me explain:
The goal (right now) is to win the war, to drive the
Americans back home and start creating that large and big
thing called the 63NationsOfMuslimMania.
Also the (military) axiom of a tactical retreat to save
lives and prevent the loss of valuable combat knowledge in
the heads of the operatives is easy to understand. The
goal is to win the war and not to get martyred anyway.
Of course we must take into account that lots of
carefully placed martyrship operations can bring great
change to the actual battlefield. This entire WarOnTerror
started with a martyrship operation...
But now the goal is to win the war and with every
martyr also a soldier is lost. To find the best balance is
up to the operatives, the main goal is and stays to win
the war and not to maximize the number of martyrs. I hope
you get the point in this.
At last, Ziad Farhan is also in the right, but the
words 'either dead or jihad' can only be interpreted on a
life long scale. When you tell these words too often to
teenagers that already have those strong emotions running
though their head and bodies, there is a danger of wasting
young lives that could otherwise have fought many years
longer... |
Just another Fallujah kid
& the US military loves her own operating axioms.
To lift the spirit of the Fallujah people (& similar
cities) a bit we, close this day with a very nice quote from
January last year. Twenty months back the beloved leader of the
United States of America spoke the next words in a speech that is
named 'The state of the Union'. History unfolding, read the
Twelve years ago, Saddam Hussein faced the prospect of being the last casualty in a war he had started and lost. To spare himself, he agreed to disarm of all weapons of mass destruction. For the next 12 years, he systematically violated that agreement. He pursued chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, even while inspectors were in his country. Nothing to date has restrained him from his pursuit of these weapons -- not economic sanctions, not isolation from the civilized world, not even cruise missile strikes on his military facilities.
Almost three months ago, the United Nations Security Council gave Saddam Hussein his final chance to disarm. He has shown instead utter contempt for the United Nations, and for the opinion of the world. The 108 U.N. inspectors were sent to conduct -- were not sent to conduct a scavenger hunt for hidden materials across a country the size of California. The job of the inspectors is to verify that Iraq's regime is disarming. It is up to Iraq to show exactly where it is hiding its banned weapons, lay those weapons out for the world to see, and destroy them as directed. Nothing like this has happened.
The United Nations concluded in 1999 that Saddam Hussein had biological weapons sufficient to produce over 25,000 liters of anthrax -- enough doses to kill several million people. He hasn't accounted for that material. He's given no evidence that he has destroyed it.
The United Nations concluded that Saddam Hussein had materials sufficient to produce more than 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin -- enough to subject millions of people to death by respiratory failure. He hadn't accounted for that material. He's given no evidence that he has destroyed it.
Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. In such quantities, these chemical agents could also kill untold thousands. He's not accounted for these materials. He has given no evidence that he has destroyed them.
Comment: These days even 'respected' CNN journalists
hold high opinions like 'He cannot
say sorry because that would be seen as a sign of weakness'.
Well this is for the responsibility of these particular
CNN journalists of course, it is my responsibility to
guide the so called 'designer diseases' in the next few
decades into the right direction. (Read direction America,
at first a bit of non lethal stuff and scale up
later) |
Yes CNN dumbheads you read that right, the Arabs and the Iraqis
are not like those Vietnamese that let themselves killed into the
millions and later not strike back. They are a different kind and
what can I say more on this? Well let me say at the end of the day
that each country and each organization always gets the attacks
they deserve.
America deserves designer diseases, they do my dear CNN. Please
adjust to reality.
Just another Fallujah kid
& the US military loves her own operating axioms.
26 Sept 2004: In an amazing
development it was reported today that the Israelis did kill a so
called Hamas leader in Damascus. This would not be so amazing in
case the Israeli Defense Forces did fly with a clear military
recognizable plane towards Damascus and placed a so called 'surgical
strike' on Hamas member Izz el-Deen al-Sheikh Khalil. You know it
is in the present rules of warfare that there is some component
that says you have to be recognizable as a military force when
conducting attacks...
(Ok I have left that kind of stuff too a long time, I decided
to follow the American lead on this. Also and the Israelis don't
care much upon the Geneva conventions, they think they are
special, just like the Americans think. It is just an old 'theory'
of course, this fighting in a military uniform.)
No the Israelis were likely in civil clothing and the method of
killing was a car bomb...
So this all is highly surprising given the fact that in short
time many thousands of precision bombs get delivered for free
towards Israel (part of the USA military aid program) they indulge
in undercover operations even using car bombs... In the first
place the killing of Izz el-Deen al-Sheikh Khalil has no real
military significance and in the second place this kind of killing
has all the looks and feelings of a classic so called 'terror
The WarTribunal is simple in it's vision; It is up for the
Israelis to cough up proof that Izz el-Deen al-Sheikh Khalil was
indeed planning attacks. Exactly what do you have Israel? All info
is welcome, lets hope you are not that stupid as the Americans
were during the legal status of the present Iraqi war. Good luck
with coughing up Israel.
In another development I have to say again that just a few days
ago I asked the Palestines to start making deterrents against the
5000 precision ammo from the USA towards Israel. More precise I
asked them to use the method of car bomb deterrents in lots of
(European) capitals. With this information in the back of our mind
the next quotes are very ironic:
The statement issued in Gaza and obtained by Reuters mourned the death in a car bomb of Izz el-Deen al-Sheikh Khalil, believed to be in charge of Hamas's military wing outside the Palestinian territories.
Hamas blamed Israel for the assassination.
"The Zionist enemy has opened a new door for the struggle by transferring the battle outside Palestine, in spite of the fact that al-Qassam Brigades has always been keen to keep its rifles directed against the entity in the land they occupy," said the statement, which had been broadcast earlier by the Arabic television station al-Jazeera.
A Hamas representative in Lebanon denied that the group had taken a decision to attack Israeli targets abroad. He and a spokesman in Damascus said Hamas would launch attacks only inside Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Comment: After my humble opinion the Israelis do not
understand the attacks against them. The Hamas &
similar organization prefer to strike at Israeli soldiers
only but in the 'tit for tat' race that goes on over there
also soft targets within Israel are considered OK. (During
'tit for tat' operations only speed counts.)
So when the Israelis strike inside a foreign capital
(with all the military stuff they have already) via
undercover methods and with a car bomb I think this is not
very smart given the fact I asked the same from the Hamas
just a five days ago.
Also, now this all has happened, the Hamas will
consider her standing in this all and take into account
the effectiveness of the strikes along doctrines of 'pure
jihad'. (Only inside occupied areas and in the country of
the occupier.) It is very well possible a 'policy change'
will arrive at the scene and after that I can enjoy the
famous capabilities of the Hamas to smuggle explosives
through highly guarded entries...
So Sharonneke, was this particular action very
smart? |
But the same news report said more, the next quote is how the
Israelis view the Hamas. I wonder if this is a rather realistic
view (because the Americans and Israelis are big friends so they
must have similar mindsets). Read the quote from this particular
'senior Israeli government source':
In Jerusalem, a senior Israeli government source said that Hamas' pamphlets and Web sites made clear it was engaged in a "total war against Jews" and the latest threat reported by al-Jazeera, whether genuine or not, would not be new.
"Hamas has been hitting us in Israel for a long time, they have never recognised the green line or any kind of border, so it's only an obfuscation to say they will now strike at Israelis abroad," the source
He declined to say if Israel was behind the killing of the Hamas official in Damascus on Sunday, but added: "Terrorism today knows no geographical boundaries, so you have to strike at them wherever they are, wherever they can be pursued.
Comment: This is crap, the Hamas is known as a
classical example of an organization that works locally.
Look at the place where attacks happened stupid Israeli
senior. Elementary data proof you tell nonsense. You
better go to the senior elderly homes and let a more up to
date person take over your job. What crap is this man? In
most capitols around the world Palestine refugees live and
almost never ever there was striking in foreign countries.
You are dumb to the bone, just dumb...
You are just as dumb as Netanyahu who after every (civil)
bus blown away constantly equals the entire holocaust to
the 12 people just killed. What would Netanyahu be without
his holocaust stuff? |
What would minister Netanyahu be without this? Now Israel? Now?
27 Sept 2004: Today is another day
of pondering why the US military simply has not the brains to win
the war in Iraq. Let me give you a quote at first, it is highly
likely that 'insights' like that are widely validated within the
US army. Quote as found on myway dot com, it is around the many
killed from the use of air power in Fallujah, Iraq:
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A month of U.S. airstrikes on rebel-held Fallujah has killed more than 100 suspected insurgents, taking a heavy toll on the terror network of Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, senior U.S. military officials said on Sunday.
The strikes have stopped attacks elsewhere in Iraq while setting off deadly feuds among insurgent groups holed up in the city west of Baghdad, said Air Force Brig. Gen. Erv Lessel, deputy operations director for U.S.-led forces here.
"We're confident that, through these airstrikes, we have been able to thwart many large-scale attacks and suicide bombings that were in the planning process," Lessel said in a briefing with reporters. "We've gotten some of his associates and emerging leadership in his organization."
Comment: This is one sided and simple minded
propaganda, there are two effects at work:
- US air power could indeed take a few insurgents out
that would otherwise have staged attacks &
- US air power increases the hate of the average Iraqi
and are cause to more insurgency attacks.
These two effect (that work contrary to each other)
give rise to (quote):
The airstrikes have not, however, halted a record number of car bombings this month, mainly in Baghdad and nearby Sunni Muslim majority cities. With a twin car bombing outside an Iraqi national guard base that wounded U.S. and Iraqi troops Sunday, at least 34 suicide car bombings have been launched in September.
Comment: A 'professional' military that is not capable
of taking the above two effects into account and can only
reason via 'Because we poundered via the air, strikes were
prevented, we are 100 percent sure' is an army incapable
of winning the war.
It is as simple as it is, when entire streams of human
behavior are not taken into account you will loose in
circumstances like this. The US military might perform
many times better compared to the drunks from the Russian
army, but it's simply not enough. Performance is not good
enough, they will loose it all. |
In a completely different development, today I realized that I
had forgotten the third anniversary of my accidental reciting for
anthrax on 20 September 2001. There is no denying this that it is
very interesting that anthrax materialized after I named it purely
More facts of interest; Last year I recited again for anthrax
(nicely on 20 September 2003) and later in some military post
handling facility (don't know which one anymore, didn't file it)
some alarm went off. But because this time the incoming mail was
irradiated before, there was no serious harm involved.
So, in case the anthrax mailer reads this, can I recite for a
third wave? I would be very honored, of course I hope you have
done your thinking on alternative delivery systems. May be there
is (private) city mail in America, may be via parcel delivery
companies you can come an end. I dunno. Good luck with it (in case
you read this and you have processed another sample). Good luck.
May be the anthrax mailer
even has other things to share...
And and oops, I do it again:
And still the world holds it's breath
and still the last American bomb did not fall
and still there is no VX nerve agent at the scene! |
The next item of this day is far more important than a third
repeat of anthrax attacks yes or no (but I would have great fun of
course in case more anthrax would be there!). No, the next item
speaks for itself and it is important that the Iraqis guard for
the poison described below (the Palestine society is poisoned via
traitors, the Chechens can often not count any longer on
acquaintances and neighbors, watch out Iraqis!). Quoting on:
A recent video CD released by Fallujah-based insurgents graphically illustrates one such killing, while giving insights into U.S. intelligence operations in the city.
The CD shows an Egyptian man confessing to placing tiny transmitters near buildings used by insurgents. The man held one of the matchbook-sized chips in his hand, and said the U.S. military gave others like it to him, to pinpoint locations of sites to bomb.
After the confession, masked men standing behind the Egyptian shoved him to the ground and brutally beheaded him.
Abu Thar said U.S. spies were a major problem for fighters in Fallujah.
"In every war there are spies who are ready to sell themselves to the occupiers," he said. "Those agents might be your friend or your neighbor and they provide the Americans with information in return for money."
Comment: Let me be short on this subject, in peacetime
I am in general against death penalties and in wartime is
can be justified sometimes. But people who place tiny
transmitters near buildings must definitely be executed,
one and one is two. This is the negative aspect of
traitors, the execution aspect.
A more positive (but also difficult) aspect is the
next: When the mosques and the clergy succeed in giving
the people food when they are hungry, a bit of medical
help when needed and elementary protection when there is
danger there will be a smaller pool of potential recruits
for the occupying forces.
Of course in practice, there are not enough recourses but
it is important to share that little there is with each
other. But on an empty stomach it is hard to share the
last slices of bread, it is hard. |
So far the item of traitors, it is time for a picture again and
this picture is around a so called 'Beslan cover'. A Beslan cover
is the amount of days it takes for a professional army to kill 250
children. And given a certain time frame you can introduce the
concept of 'cumulative Beslan covers' meaning the number of Beslan
covers so far.
In Fallujah is a reasonable estimate the the US military is
working on it's third or fourths Beslan cover right now, anyway
only April had at least one full cover (600 civil deaths from
direct hits + not capable of reaching the hospital for an enduring
time, 'Heads must roll' is what the US president had ordered in
those days).
What is your Fallujian
Beslan Cover my dear US military? Now?
28 Sept 2004: Lots of interesting
news observed, for example the American Secretary of the State
Department (general Colin Powell) telling stuff like "We will
retake cities like Fallujah in Iraq before the coming
elections" are of course very interesting. The (political)
rationales these American authorities always come up with, you
just don't believe it. They want to 'liberate' the parts of Iraq
that don't want to take part in the elections anyway, but the
rationale is that it has to be done before the elections...
Americans are funny creatures and they are even more funny when
they are dead.
Before we start looking again at a few details why the
Americans will fail in Iraq, I just have to share another lovely
news event with you. The last days this country was visited by the
Pakistani prez Mr. Musharraf, you know one of those staunch
'shoulder to shoulder' allies of this WarOnTerror. I didn't follow
this visit very much (a waste of my time, official visits are not
that important) but on the television it was just so funny to
observe our financial minister Gerrit Zalm (Gerrit Salmon
translated to English) seeing so unassured of himself.
It just isn't a thing for Gerrit to compliment a foreign leader
with a fresh killing inside Pakistan... It just isn't the suit
Gerrit fits, he looked around as if any moment one of those things
could go off. You know one of those things that speak one big word
that starts with a B, end with a M and has 'two holes' in the
No, Gerrit must talk government budgets, department income and
outgoing payments, paying the state debt, financing of new state
loans, future generations without state loans and so on and so no.
That is the suit of Gerrit.
I am not negative or so, Gerrit Salmon is a very good financial
minister and very may be he is the best of that last decades in
this country. That is likely a fact, but Gerrit sure made a fool
of himself when trying to give compliments upon a killing, that is
very undutch. Very undutch Gerrit, yes or no?
A short message to Musharraf: One of your nicknames is 'tricky
Mush', I am not negative and I estimate you are a bit smarter
compared to your American counterpart, but you know the deal and I
will keep an eye on you. One part of the deal was you were only
allowed to kill those people who think it is 'rather normal' to
kill others because 'they do not have our religion'. You know the
other part of the deal, stick to it!
At last but certainly not as least my dear Mush, as you might
expect the history of the Pak nuke is well known to me. I think
that a nation that can make a nuke included a delivery system can
also make good precision weaponry like the Americans have made
already. I also think you have a very complicated society to watch
over, why not try to change it a bit in an Islamic melting pot or
so? (Just like for example in Iraq where people are getting more
religious because nowadays this is considered as more 'anti
Be careful Mush, these are dangerous games & good luck with
steering society into the growth direction that's needed. And,
just by the way, did you like that nuke scare from the beginning
of the WarOnTerror? Is it really true that the Americans wanted
all Pak nukes transported to China? That was big fun on my behalf
man, big fun.
You know Pervez, just to put the nuke scare into perspective.
The days when I started it there was only one car window smashed
from my car. It was only one car window but it was the wrong one.
It was the one with the kid pics on it, I just didn't like and how
could I be sure this was not some 'experiment' in those days?
You know Perves M, some 'car experiment' from the Israelis or
whatever. It was only a 1 to 2% likelyhood but I went nuclear
anyway... So Musharraf, how did you like that nuke scare from Nov
Now it's about time to close fun out and bring
in serious arguments why the Americans will loose in Iraq:
One example: Once there was a meeting with
a lot of high ranking operation Iraqi freedom generals,
most of them American generals and one British general. At
a certain moment the British general asked (in relation
with the Abu Ghraib prison): "Why
don't we do the decent thing and release most of them?"
The reaction from the Americans was: "Who
are you talking to?"
Comment: Let me spare you the 'sudden start' of the Abu
Ghraib investigation inside the Pentagon in January this
year, even people like retired Col. Hackworth slam
themselves on the breast because of 'fundamental
contribution' to cough this up.
No, this is a military comment upon why you will loose
it in Iraq. Here it is:
From September 2003 until July 2004 I declared a number
of so called Military Bloody Days, often there was a good
upscaling reported, via media files upon 'upscaling' of the
Iraqi resistance.
During all this upscaling the American grunt on the ground did
only lock up those who knew little to nothing.
These people were often treated badly, you and me know
how the Pentagon investigation in Abu Ghraib started don't
we? Beside this, you could not react sensefully militarily
upon these MBD's. You didn't understand the Military
Bloody Days (and ok ok, there was a lot of independent
stuff going on of course, a lot because a perfect cell
structure works via hierarchical timing orders but also
Large parts of the Iraqi resistance is indeed organized
via this perfect cell structure that, I hope, can endure the
traitor test we know from Palestine and Chechnya. The
lessons of the Palestines and the Chechens have not fallen
on deaf ears in Iraq, but all the time you fight against
people who only defend homeground.
The whole concept of "Who
are you talking to?" is a good example of how
you think, you think you are in the right and constantly
waste all you time in details that are of less long term
significance. You took upon you a task that can never be
done by any military and when I unfold my wonder upon
this, your American journalists start writing articles
that say that all military subdepartments are always
better financed compared to similar State subdepartments.
The US military went political (problem from longer
ago) and they will loose it.
Just an example where it went devastatingly wrong; The
new Iraqi money billets, far to late to turn stuff into
the right, just far to late. I just do not agree with the
analysis that it was the firing of the entire former Iraqi
army and all other Baathists that was the cause to the
chaos, I think it was the lack of money in the system.
You could have started the clock ticking with a simple
sudden money tick.
You could have had it all, even the fired army members
would have forgiven much...
Yet, after May 2003 it became too late. Again, it was
my task to prevent another road of death that ended the
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, that part went ok and I was
still happing for air too begin May. But anyway, the
warplan of Tommy was not good.
The estimated 120 days of the Tommy warplan were only
21 in practice (or 19 days as others say) and that was just not a very
good estimation. These days some people say that there was
a 'catastrophic success' while I know that in those day I
did ride the American horse. (But I jumped off this horse
half way May 2003.)
Now for the cell structure in Iraq, even if the US army
wipes away all pockets of resistance like Fallujah &
similar cities, the overall cell structure stays intact.
So the impending military actions in Iraq may look good on
the television (or bad) but it will not change the long
term outcome of this war.
The Saddam capture didn't change it, the new interim
government didn't change it so what will?
No, it is just what I emailed to the Pentagon before
the first Giant Military Bloody Day from 29 April this
year (concerning the Fallujah equation). It says "Hit
the road Jack, we do not like you any longer."
That's what the email said.
(End of analysis, by the way my dear reader, don't you
think this is not a 'military analysis' at all? I
hope you do... ;)) |
30 Sept 2004: In the extra
text to this day we think a bit around the meaning of the
preparedness request asked by the Chinese president Hu Jintao. He
asked the Chinese military forces to seize the moment and start
preparations for war, it is not that difficult to understand what
the target is.
A pity somehow, but the target might be slightly misguided by
American military advisers. I could be wrong of course and that
the target is not Taiwan, but it is a pity that the North Korea
population will suffer on and on. (In case the war goes on...)
We'll see how reality will unfold, we will see.
And if it ever comes to operation PearlHarborReloaded (see extra
text) we can observe devastating military history. Or not my
dear reader? Or not?
At first a few quotes that formed the basis of the extra text
to today and after that we can look at what party did deserve the
daily price of the MostStupidAttack! At first the Hu Jintao
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Communist Party chief and President Hu Jintao has urged the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to prepare for a military struggle, but stopped short of singling out rival Taiwan as the target.
Hu, who assumed the role of military chief less than two weeks ago, told the 2.5-million-strong PLA to "seize the moment and do a good job of preparing for a military struggle," the People's Daily and the Liberation Army Daily said on Thursday.
Hu did not say against whom the struggle might be fought.
Comment: No comment beside that fact that I expect the
help of the Chinese to smith warfare (axioms) around a
more dignified kind of steel. That is what I hope! |
Now for the most stupid attack of the day, stupid in the sense
from 'military stupid'. Choose from:
- Combined civil death toll in Iraq done by the US
army. (Total number unknown to me.)Or,
- The (at least) 25 killed Palestines at the hands of
the Israeli defense forces. (The IDF tried to prevent
Palestine rocket attacks after a rocket attack killed
two children.) Or,
- The daisy string (or combined car bombs, reports
vary with the source) that left 41 people dead
included (at least) 34 children at the sewage spot al-Amel,
western Baghdad, Iraq. (Also 10 US soldiers wounded
included 2 critical.)
All three items have one thing in common, with the death they
sow they only harvest more trouble in the future. So my dear
reader what do you think, who was the most stupid today? The US
army, the IDF or some unknown cells from the Iraqi resistance?
My dear readers may choose for themselves, but all in all I
think the Iraqi insurgency blast at the opening of that sewage
plant is the most stupid. There are a lot of reasons to name for
that, one of the reasons is that these 34 dead kids will implement
hate inside the families these kids come from.
And contrary to the US army and the IDF that are there only
temporary, the Iraqis need to live with each other for a long long
(That doesn't take away that the Israelis still haven't left
the Gaza strip, if it ever comes to that of course... And it
doesn't take away that the US army could have a long term presence
in Iraq.)
No, my problem with the sewage plant attack is simple, this
will only lead to a bigger recruitment base for traitors in Iraq.
This is stupid, it was better to cancel this at the very last
minute... Sometimes that is wise too you know my dear Iraqi
insurgency folks. Sometimes it is better not to strike, this
beside the concept that you never must strike at full capacity all
the time because in that case you can never upscale when this in
Most stupid strike today was
at that sewage plant, western Baghdad.
Well brrr, after all this killing it is about time to tease the
cognitive parts of the mind a little bit. No, my American readers
must not worry, it is just very little bit. Simple probability
calculation when it looks like you have missing information, to be
precise there is exactly 20% of the 'information' missing. It goes
like this:
Every school day at nine
o'clock in the morning a certain teacher has always the
same class to teach mathematics. And every day this
teacher takes blindly a ball out of a vase, the vase comes
out of a metal chest and afterwards put back in the chest
and locked up again.
When the ball is yellow the pupils
get a little (written) test and when the ball is green the
pupils must go on with their work or whatever what.
There are four green balls and one
yellow in the vase. So elementary probability calculations
say that there is 1/5 = 0.2 or 20% likelihood on a test
every day.
After the ball is drawn and the
yes-or-no moment of an exam has passed, the ball always
goes back in the vase. So far so good, this is going on
for years already.
But some night, some EVIL thief
breaks into the building, steals one of the balls and
leaves without just any trace left. So no one (except for
the thief of course) knows there was ever a breaking into
the school building).
The next day there is math lesson
again, just business as usual and the teacher draws
another ball.
What is the probability of a little
test this day? |
So that is the whole problem, one ball is stolen but no one in
the school knows even there was a burglar that night. And the next
morning, without counting if there are still five balls, another
ball is drawn. Without the information that a ball has
disappeared, how likely is it to draw the yellow ball? __________________________ You
know this is a wonderful world all in all with all kinds of
probabilities (or likelihood's) in it. There is even the
probability that those British HSBC bank employees read these very
words. Could be, you never know. Of course the smart employees at
HSBC bank know instantly within one or at most two seconds the
probability of drawing another yellow ball in the above simple
Or not my dear HSBC bank employees, isn't this simple forward
to calculate stuff? You know that stuff with expectation values
and so? Now, you can also read what I wrote a few days ago on the
homepage to this nice little website. Let me quote for
(Tuesday 28 Sept 19.50
hours) Shit, the computer starts doing real weird again. Just weird, let
me spare you the list of details. As usual (during the last 3 years)
trouble starts often when I find some spyware, I know now that it is
often wise not to delete it because that is always the start of (hefty)
trouble. You
know, in the past I never had these kind of troubles. Trouble like when
you spot some spyware and you remove it that instantly all files exactly
five directory layers deep on your computer are wiped away. I never had
that kind of shit around. That kind of shit is typical for the last 3
years, well it comes with this weird job I just guess. You don't hear me
complaining, when I can recite for dead Americans again and again why
should I complain? ;) So
when uploading & refreshing this website falls from the map in a
short notice, I am only repairing the stupid computing device. It is a
pity that from most jobs I am spitted away, the so called 'free market'
is often far more efficient in estimation what happens than 'official
folks' are. So luxery repairs are out of question, but why worry? I
simply trust in the operatives and that indeed those five car bombs
inside Holland are ready to fire any minute but only as a deterrent of
course. Only as a deterrent... (Operations against financial
institutions are always allowed of course, give it a try but work
carefully and let it be big.)
(Wednesday 29 Sept
20.30 hours) This morning I had big big fun in reading that 'five bomb
news' from Turkey. Only percussion bombs but anyway, fast delivery...
Just look at the time I published the words below yesterday, fast
delivery... (Of course all similarities with reality are purely
coincidental from the judicial point of view.)
No big stuff but a fast
drumbeat of percussion fun. Feel the beat HSBC...
End to this part, part 37 covering the solar calendar month
named September.
NATO NATO, what did you
forget? Now I'll kiss you with love & that's a fact!
End of part XXXVII. Back to part
XXXVI or go to