(03 March 2023) Two items for this
Item 1) Do the economical sanctions against
Russia work?
Item 2) AI generated pics & advertisement for a new 4D complex
number post.
Item 1) Do the
economical sanctions against Russia work?
All kinds of people react a bit frustrated
against the IMF who's forecast for the Russian economical growth
is above that of say Brittany. But economies are also living
things and even if you tell them to fall dead on the spot, they
often refuse to do just that.
I have no opinion on the IMF coming out with
a positive growth number for Russia. All in all the IMF should
stay away from political stuff with of course an exception for her
mission: Educate political leaders how to collect taxes and pay
off the debt.
It is very well possible that Russia has a
positive growth number, but that does not say those are healthy
numbers. They had a lot of reserves and without doubt a part of
those reserves are now tapped in order to fund the economy that
more and more is becoming a war economy.
If oil and gas revenues keep being low all in
all this should work as we want it to work. Of course new rounds
of fresh sanctions are always welcome...;)

Further reading on this detail of the
How Russia's economy unexpectedly survived a year of war and sanctions
Of course we must also take into account that
the Russian GDP per capita is not that high. So if their (war)
economy grows by 0.3%, per person that is not much.
Item 2) AI generated
pics & advertisement for a new 4D complex number post.
After a very small internet search within
five minutes I already had two AI generated pictures. It is
amazing for sure what you can do with that kind of stuff. And the
first AI generated porn is there in the form of a website name
I made my two pictures on https://www.aiimagegenerator.org/
and yes it is free but my browser acted a bit strange because you
also get free pop ups with advertisements. For the rest it works
as it is supposed to.
The big problem with all this AI generated
art is that the database used with all those pictures in it,
nobody gave permission for his or her work to be in that database.
And how come that often these AI images are that good? That is
because they are trained on millions of art works from the best
artists. If you would feed those AI's only crap, they will produce
only crap.
Suppose there would be a math AI and you
simply give it a prompt like the next:
Generate five pages of math on 3D complex
numbers where the importance of matrix representations is
highlighted. Do this in the style of Reinko Venema.
And if such a hypothetical AI would produce
five pages that look almost identical to my own work, I would be a
bit pissed for sure. So I feel definitely some sympathy for all
those artists who's work is now plagiarized on a big scale.
Anyway I used two simple prompts like
"Blue sky over a forest" and "Blue sky over a
mountain" and that gave me the two next pics:

It could have been a photo, you can't tell
the difference here. Anyway I can't.
The math in the next picture was of course not generated by that
AI but by me.

Above you see an example of what you can do
with the 4 dimensional complex numbers. And the 4D complex numbers
are NOT those fucking QUATERNIONS from Hamilton, no it is the 4D
complex number space ruled by it's imaginary component l.
And the fourth power of this imaginary thing gives minus one: l^4
= -1.
It is a beautiful four dimensional space, but
the math professors as far as I know it, they just don't want it.
They only want 2D complex numbers and of course a bit of the
quaternions and after that all cognitive attention fades away
Being a math professor is a weird job: You
get paid a lot for being non productive at all.
In the math above you see the definition of a
4D complex number and it's square. Also I gave some time dependent
functions a(t) and so. If you differentiate those four so
called coordinate functions, that mimics the square of the 4D
complex numbers.
Ok, let me end this anti math professor rant
by remarking that if you are stupid you can also put a positive
tone to it: Wow there is room for improvement!
End of this update.
(01 March 2023) Two small items for this
update, here we go:
Item 1) Is that Russian AWACS out or not?
Item 2) Quaternions and the vector wars.
Item 1) Is that
Russian AWACS out or not?
Yesterday it was reported that inside Belarus
near to Minsk one of those Russian AWACS came under drone attack.
There is of course some form resistance inside Belarus against
that piece of shit that rules that country.
So it is hard to say if it happened, likely
it did but that is far from sure. Those Russian AWACS go for
something like 330 to 500 million € a pop but that is not
important. If severely damaged to the point of no repair, if the
economical sanctions work as supposed they can't replace

This baby seems to be capable of tracking 60
targets simultaneously. Sometimes I wonder why Russians are so
strange: They can design and build their own form of an AWACS but
failed at say night vision goggles.
At last a photo of what I usually avoid:
Wounded people. It is not that I neglect that, but I am not a big
fan of disaster porn. Just like I post some destroyed buildings
but don't do that all the time. But if there is war, people get
wounded and killed. That is a small detail you must never forget
my dear reader.

Let me show you the two conflicting reports
of the Russian AWACS stuff:
Belarus partisans say they blew up Russian plane near Minsk
(The Guardian.)
Belarus official says claim activists blew up Russian spy plane near Minsk is fake
(From Reuters.)
It's late so lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Quaternions
and the vector wars.
On 03 Feb I showed you one of those "Quaternions
are fantastic" video's as they are out there. And don't get
me wrong; quaternions have a significant importance because you
can use them to describe rotations in 3D space.
Now rotations in space have the property that
the order of the rotations matters a lot, math people say that
they don't commute. The relation between these 4D numbers and
rotations is not very trivial but once you have it correctly in
your computer code you can do all rotations you need in say a
video game.
It is not much of a secret that I found the
3D and even the 4D complex number systems, but I never got any
significant response from the math community. So I got a little
bit pissed at those overpaid people, or should I not have reacted
Well even the discovery of the 4D numbers
known as the quaternions gave rise to tremendous amounts of
emotion. Back in the time when you were talking about 4D space you
were precisely the lunatic as I am today talking about 3D complex
numbers. It makes you wonder why were they so emotional? Here is a
cute quote:
Hamilton’s disciples labeled the new system a “monster,” while vector fans disparaged the quaternions as “vexatious” and an “unmixed evil.” The debate raged for years in the pages of journals and pamphlets, but ease of use eventually carried vectors to victory.
Comment: As you see when it comes to higher dimensional numbers,
most math professors are dumb as hell.
The quote is from a very readable article,
with readable I mean also a non mathy person understands more or
less what it is about. Here it is:
Title article: Meet The Four-Dimensional Numbers That Led to Modern Algebra
Link used:
End of this update, see you around.
(24 Feb 2023) Today a bit of strange news
came floating around: It seems that about 90% of the Russian
conscripts are deployed at the front line. You might think so what
but take for example the Vietnam war; for every combat soldier
there were about 10 others working in the background just to
support the front line soldiers.
Today I would like to skip items about the
war and turn to artificial intelligence again because the
developments still go fast and furious over there.
Item 1) ChatGPT bad at math & Leonardo AI
has some tricks in it's sleeve.
Item 1) ChatGPT bad
at math & Leonardo AI has some tricks in it's sleeve.
It must be frustrating to works in a creative
job these day. Jobs like drawing or animation can much cheaper be
done by some AI like that Midjourney or Leonardo stuff. It is
indeed amazing to see a prompt you type in being turned into
But can the same happen to say mathematics? I
don't think those present language models will be good at math.
Often a piece of math is just plain wrong if there is only a tiny
fault in it. And those present language models are not married to
the truth but married to what is likely the next word.
And by definition that is a bad way to do
math. But who knows may be there are learning algorithms that
start proving simple math statements and after that get trained on
more and more complicated math propositions until it is above
human intelligence. That would be a very strange
I chatted two times with that ChatGPT version
that is not online, it's the one trained on a big heap of internet
text until the year 2021. So I asked:
Reinko: Have you ever heard of three dimensional complex numbers?
ChatGPT: Yes, I have heard of 3-dimensional complex numbers. They are also known as quaternions, a non-commutative extension of complex numbers to four dimensions. Quaternions were first introduced by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and have found applications in various fields, including computer graphics, robotics, and navigation.
The answer shows this chatbot is clearly not
trained on the text of any of my websites. May be the answer from
ChatGPT looks plain wrong because quaternions are four dimensional
numbers made from three complex planes that share their real axis.
So the answer is not as close to the truth as possible but more a
summary of what is historically written about the quaternions.
Next question:
Reinko: Have you ever heard of four dimensional complex numbers?
ChatGPT: No, I haven't heard of four-dimensional complex numbers. Complex numbers are a two-dimensional extension of real numbers, so there is no such thing as four-dimensional complex numbers in the traditional sense.
The answer shows that when it comes to
complex numbers this system ChatGPT is dumb as hell. Even dumber
than the average math professor. It is just a language thing but
it sure is impressive. There is no denying that.
Microsoft invested about 10 billion US$ into
OpenAI and now has access to these versions of the language models
and at present day tries to incorporate them with their search
engine Bing.
So may be in the future if you search for 3D
complex numbers on Bing it will be different. But I would like to
thank Microsoft for their many years of help in promoting my 3D
complex numbers. Here is a screenshot of what I mean, if you
search for 3D complex numbers right in the left upper top it

I think I wrote the above text in 2012, may
be I should repeat it more because that is the most simple way to
explain the 3D complex numbers. But the math professors keep on
being not very cooperative, why this is is unknown to me. One
thing is clear: Microsoft has helped me much much more as that
miserable form of life known as the math professors... THEREFORE:
If you really need a laugh, try searching for
3D complex numbers on the images at the Bing search engine. That
is so much of my work completely dominating all things else that
even I am opposed to it. Other voices should be heard too say the
democratic parts of my brain. But if you think about that, what
fucking contribution will there be from the universities? If you
lack brains you can't talk back in a meaningful way I just
One of the new things into that graphics
generating stuff is Leonardo AI. You can feed it a relatively
small picture and gradually expand it into other directions. It is
beautiful, in the screenshots below you see the expansion at work.
Click on the picture for the Youtube video:

Video title: Leonardo AI Changes Everything – So much more than MidJourney.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZyTk7BNDpI
That was it for this update.
(22 Feb 2023) Precisely 52 weeks I made an
extra update on this website. That was very out of the ordinary
because for years I only posted some stuff on Thursdays and left
the week for other hobby's. It was a few hours before the invasion
of Ukraine by Russia, the title of that 52 week old item was
"Has the Vlad gone crazy?"
And yes, now their daily death toll is almost
one thousand a day we can safely conclude that the Vlad was rather
mental when he ordered the Russian military to attack
May be in this second year I will more and
more skip the Tuesday updates, I don't know because after all
there is always plenty of news.
Today was the speech from Vladimir Putin,
after about 20 minutes I had enough of it. But it was very
refreshing to hear from the Vlad himself that before the special
military action there were biolabs from the USA in Ukraine. So
after a year we can indeed safely conclude that the Vlad has
mental problems and as such a limited grasp on reality.
Of course there is the possibility that this biolab stuff is only
for internal use where everybody knows it's not true, but I am not
convinced this is the case.
And when after about 20 minutes he began lamentating about pedophiles
and homophiles that rule Europe it was time for me to move
Two items for today:
Item 1) Joe Biden visits Kyiv and Poland.
Item 2) Economist Jeffrey Sachs on the Nord Stream sabotage.
Item 1) Joe Biden
visits Kyiv and Poland.
The Kyiv visit was indeed a surprise visit
showing once more that the protections against Russian air power
is indeed rather good. The problem is of course you can't protect
the entire Ukraine with this, Ukraine is just too large for that.

The lower photo is relatively good, you can
see the reflection of Zerlensky in the sunglasses of Joe Biden. As
usual when you visit you bring a few gifts, this time it was
something like half a billion in military aid.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Economist
Jeffrey Sachs on the Nord Stream sabotage.
For me this video gave me a strange feeling;
I am not used at the fact that people can agree with me...;) For
example why are there no physics professors saying that indeed the
idea that electrons are tiny magnets is indeed 100% bullshit.
There are so many reasons for this, if in chemical bonds the
electrons in every electron pair must be anti-aligned, that means
they have to bond via north pole to north pole binding or south
pole to south pole. But year in year out they keep on talking like
electron spin is a tiny magnet. Physics is a science beyond
repair, if they hear something might be wrong just nothing
And I am used to that, it is the same as the math professors who
are at best a collection of fossils, if they are living fossils is
unknown to me.
Now Jeffrey is of the opinion that likely it
was the USA that did the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines back
in Sept last year. But he is also making a big fuss about the CIA
doing all kinds of covert operations and always killing people and
blowing stuff to smithereens on foreign soil.
And yes over the last five decades they have
done some amazingly weird stuff, I will not deny that. But, as far
as I know, they never tried to kill me. So in the last decade my
old anti-Americanism has come down significantly. And all in all
during the first decade of the war on terror I was able to bring
some significant damage to the USA, yet all those years there was
never a CIA operation to kill me.
I still appreciate that a lot my dear USA
readers, it brings a lot of piece to your mind if you don't have
to constantly worry any longer about attacks against
Another point I disagree with Jeffrey Sachs
is the way he talks about expansion of NATO. In my view this is
not a very aggressive policy or so, it is just some countries like
those in east Europe they want to join because it brings
Ok ok back in the nineties NATO countries
promised not to expand eastwards towards Russia, that promise is
clearly not hold by those countries. On the other hand Russia does
the same because when Ukraine gave up her nukes it was also Russia
that guaranteed the safety of Ukraine.
It all hasn't worked out the way it was
supposed to be and now we have the Vlad talking about biolabs in
Ukraine and pedophiles running NATO or the EU as some vague way to
justify his military adventures.
In this world there is never a shortage of
Anyway if you want to see the Jeffrey Sachs
interview on the Nord Stream stuff, as usual click on the picture

Video title: Jeffrey Sachs: Who really blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fv_nKyF_5g
Let me end this Tuesday update, see you on
Thursday and if you see some biolabs popping up in France or
Poland, please inform the Russian government...
(17 Feb 2023) Tanks! Germany is rightfully
complaining that only 50 tanks have been promised by other
European countries. Of course they are a little bit pissed because
just a few weeks ago there was all that pressure on Germany to do
'something' on the tank front and now this.
So why are countries not forthcoming? Well it
could be that a lot of political folks took a deep look at what
they had and all of a sudden realized they don't have that much
military gear at all. Don't forget a lot of armies are underfunded
for a lot of years, that was the so called peace
If it wasn't that serious it would be very
funny. After all politicians complaining about other politicians
is more or less their job description... I guess all I can do is
wait and hope for a few more admissions. In my country it is also
a pile of garbage: We only lease 18 Leopards so we don't even own
them. So likely it is tough for other nations too.

The two items for today are:
Item 1) Seymour Hersh interviewed on
Democracy Now.
Item 2) Advertisement for the latest math post.
Item 1) Seymour Hersh
interviewed on Democracy Now.
The whodunnit on the sabotage against the
Nord Stream pipelines will likely continue a bit longer. Seymour
was interviewed on Democracy Now, for the USA this is a very left
leaning media outlet. You know lefties telling you that war is bad
for the economy and lots of people die for no reason at all.
Try explain that to the Russians, they are
even deaf for the language of the coffins. Last week they had
daily death toll averages of something like 850 so I am softly
humming with satisfaction.
But back to the Nord Stream stuff: The day it
happened I sucked in all the information available at that moment
and later in the day I tried to guesstimate whodunnit. After 2 or
3 minutes of time I arrived at the conclusion it was likely
the USA.
So why not Russia? Well Putin is a control
freak and if somehow there was still gas streaming he is the one
that can control the amount of gas through it. If Russia would
blow up their own pipeline this kind of control would be lost. So
for a control freak like Putin this all is not a logical thing to
Another detail of interest is that I believe
it was Denmark who after a few weeks said they would not share
their findings because of 'national security concerns'. That was
also strange.
And now we have Seymour telling us it was
done with cooperation of Norway I remembered that Norway all of a
sudden very frantic started to guard their own oil and gas
infrastructure. At the time I did not understand why they were so
frantic, now we can say that if the Seymour version of reality
bears some truth may be the higher echelons in Norway were afraid
of a counter attack. They had a 'bad conscience' so to say.
Click on the picture for the Seymour Hersh

Video title: Reporter Seymour Hersh on "How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline": Exclusive TV Interview
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4BuMaGlKp0
In my view there are also reasons as not to
suspect a main European culprit; we have learned the hard was it
is better to not attack each other. In this regard if it all is
true the behavior of Norway is a statistical outlier.

Joe Biden wasn't the only USA official
bragging they would take it out before the war started almost one
year ago. On themselves details like this do not prove the
whodunnit but it all weaves a pattern that points to the USA as
the main culprit.
So that's what I think on this detail.
Item 2) Advertisement
for the latest math post.
My latest post on the other website is about
the 'Speed = The Square' type of equations. What does that mean?
Well it is not physics but more or less pure math where you study
how a space evolves if at every point in that space the speed of
that point is the square of the position.
So the place of the origin is very important
for the behavior of a point, that is not a very physical thing. In
physics the choice of a coordinate system should not influence the
time evolution.
Below you see the three coordinate functions
of a curve in the three dimensional complex number space. And if
you want to find the speed of such a point you must find the
derivative with respect to time.
If you do that you will find that at any
point on this curve the speed is the square of the position in the
3D complex number space. The x, y and z with a dot above them is
just a way of writing down the derivative with respect to time in
a compact manner. If you have never seen it, it is called the
Newton dot notation. It is just a notation, but it is from Newton
and that was not a lunatic as far as I know...

Title of the new post: Solving the ‘Speed = The Square’ equation on four different
spaces. Link used:
On the internet I could not find anything
about equations like this. Have the math professors once more
succeeded into slamming this world into stupidity? It very much
looks like it...
Lets leave it with that and try to upload
this stuff to the website.
See you around & thanks for your attention.
(15 Feb 2023) Somewhere in Turkey right
through some olive orchard a giant crater emerged. It is
completely unbelievable what happened over there. A geologist
explained that the maximum horizontal acceleration of the earth
was a staggering 8 m/s^2 or 0.8 of the gravitational acceleration
constant g... Those were gigantic forces!

Click on the picture for a larger and wider
version. Source is a drone video:
Investigan una enorme grieta en Turquía surgida tras el
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyBfXzUMTI
Two items for today:
Item 1) Ukraine wants F16's from my
Item 2) Seymour Hersh on the Nord Stream 1 & 2 sabotage.
Item 1) Ukraine wants
F16's from my country.
Last week the news emerged that Ukraine wants
F16's from my home country. Of course that is not up to me to
decide but for our government to decide yes or no. But if I could
vote on the matter I think I would vote yes.
I have no idea how to solve all these
logistic problems related to repair and maintenance, just like
with those tanks you need a good working maintenance team. And the
Ukrainians must do that themselves, it can't be there are all
kinds of Dutch military maintenance workers doing all the
But if it all succeeds and even if say the
F16's are only operational 50% of the time, I still estimate it is
worth it.

Of course there are the standard boundary
conditions like you can only use them inside Ukraine in the course
of this war. In case my government decides to not only lend them
out but to give them away, in case of a future war there must be
again permission to use them inside Russia.
That is not to hinder any possible
application of F16 air power, it is more that we can shout in some
future year stuff like:
All jokes aside, lets give it a try. Anyway
that is what I would vote for...
Item 2) Seymour Hersh
on the Nord Stream 1 & 2 sabotage.
Last September when the Nord Stream pipelines
were bombed into insignificance of course at some point in time on
that day I started trying to guess who had done this. After about
2 or 3 minutes I arrived at the conclusion that the most likely
candidate was the USA.
Last week the US journalist Seymour Hersh
came out with an article stating it was indeed the USA but that
also there is some involvement of Norway when it came to the
precise target selection.
In general the US media completely ignores
the writing of Seymour, at best they remark it is only based on
one anonymous (human) source. I agree with such an approach; after
it was only one silly clerk named Einstein who said something on
gravity. It is only one guy that says something, you can neglect
In this item I want to show you two video's
with opposite reactions to the Seymour Hersh article. Here we go:
Video 1: Combat Veteran Reacts explains the
broad credibility Seymour has with stuff like reporting the Mai
Lay massacre from the Vietnam era. It all speaks for itself:
Video title: Nord Stream 2 Destruction a Covert US Intel Op? Ukraine Withdraws from Krasna
Hora? 12FEB Daily.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foequ3-4pVM
Video 2: If I remember his name correctly it
is Puck Anders Nielsen and likely he is from Denmark. Now Puck is
far more intellectually challenging because he always has some
military theory of why stuff is such or so.
From the beginning Puck thought it was Russia
that did it. I disagree with this, not because I do not like
Puck's theoretical contributions but because it neglects the fact
that Putin is a control freak. Therefore I consider it unlikely
that the Kremlin ordered for the take down of the Nord Stream
pipelines, he would loose control over the gas supply to Europe in
particular Germany.
Video title: Why is the West not reacting to Russian
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeP_ZZbBIl4
By the way, if the USA did indeed do this
there are no hard feelings on my personal behalf. We had to cut
Russian gas anyway but the act of sabotaging the Nord Steam
pipelines is not the kind of help we are waiting for.
At last a link to Seymour his writing, I
still did not have the time to read it all because it is so long.
May be that is another reason US media are not reacting to it:
They like to be on Tik Tok or so.
How America Took Out The Nord Stream
Link used: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream?r=5mz1
End of this update. Think well and learn well
my dear reader.
(10 Feb 2023) Oh oh those poor Turks, death
count keeps on climbing and I had not even the time to look into
the geological details of why this is such a big
On so many scales this is a giant set back
for Turkey, look for example at this old castle from the second

It is late already so lets go fast to the two
items for today:
Item 1) Finally the first day with over one
thousand Russian deaths; praise the Lord!
Item 2) Yes yes ChatGPT is impressive, but can it master math?
Likely nope.
Item 1) Finally the
first day with over one thousand Russian deaths; praise the Lord!
Some time ago when the Kremlin plans became
clear I wrote stuff like "LET THE SLAUGHTER BEGIN!" Of
course it was only waiting until the first day with over one
thousand Russian soldiers would be there.
Of course new years eve with about 610 dead
Russians in one strike was very beautiful but it was not over one
thousand. Since over there at the Kremlin they are persistently
stupid they think they can win it with more and more untrained
conscripts and convicts.
Of course because the Kremlin is so stupid,
shall I ask for so called area bombs for the Ukrainians? I have
been thinking about that on and off for about three months. And I
am still so unsure if that is a wise thing to ask for.
On the other hand Ukrainians always do their stinking best to not
kill their fellow country people and of course in the future we
need days like 2000 or 2500+ killed per day.
If I were a commander of say the Dutch
military forces and looking at stuff like a thousand deaths a day,
I would consider surrendering. Yet at the Kremlin they are crazy
to the bone, they don't give a shit about their own death toll so
now I can say:

The photo above is very interesting: Is this
one of the assisted ammo rounds? The Russians don't have stuff
like that because they are crazy. And if you are crazy anyway, why
would you need ammo like that? Come on a fresh bottle of Vodka is
all it keeps to make any Russian tranquil & obedient...
Let's go to the next item.
Item 2) Yes yes
ChatGPT is impressive, but can it master math? Likely nope.
There is all that buzz of this new language
model named ChatGPT. And all those people talk about it has 175
billion parameters. And as such they compare it to models with
only 15 or 20 billion parameters, conclude that it is bigger but
never ever try to explain what a 'parameter' actually is.
Why are humans always so shallow?
It is just like physics students or
professors when they talk about electron spin: It is a vector that
can point into any direction but it is only spin up or spin down.
If you complain this is all not very logical at any level because
they will remark: "If you think you understand quantum
mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics".
And ok, if your stupid spin theory forces you
to say that in chemical bonds the electron pair must have opposite
spin, so you are marketing the idea that molecules hang together
via tiny magnets that bond north to north pole, it is obvious
nobody can understand quantum mechanics.
If you view electrons as magnetic monopoles
you don't have this kind of weird stuff, but at the universities
they are stupid too. Why do university people never understand
they talk nonsense?
Back to ChatGPT: Yes it is impressive but as
I view it, it is just as impressive as my old Casio fx-82
calculator that can do many calculations for you in seconds where
it would you take hours of work. It's more of the same we already
Let me close this update with a picture where
you see the good old Mandelbrot set and in it are two coordinate
functions that if you differentiate them, they will return the
square in the complex plane. I don't see any GPT model coming up
with stuff like that anytime soon...

End of this update, ChatGPT can you tell me
how to keep the number of killed Russians above one thousand a day
for the foreseeable future?
Till updates.
(08 Feb 2023) As if Turkey did not have
enough problems already! And now this big earthquake or better
that series of earthquakes on top of it. Thousands of dead and if
you think about all those people slowly dying under the debris,
that does not bring a good mood.
On the Ukraine equations, those so called
small diameter bombs seem to have some delay. It was just a
proposal by Boeing & Saab. The idea is to use old rockets and
new payloads, that explains likely why they are that cheap. But
the combination parts that fit the rocket to the payload still
have to be produced and stuff like x-raying the old rockets to see
if the solid propellant is safe to use.
So that is a setback compared to a situation where the stuff was
already in stockpiles like I originally thought. Well it is what
it is and since they have a range of 150 km they will be of great
value for my beloved Ukrainian fighters...
As an antidote to all that negative news,
lets take a look at that weird balloon news from the USA in the
item for today:
Item 1) This is news: The balloon has left
Item 1) This is news:
The balloon has left Montana!
That so called Chinese weather balloon
crossing US military sites is by all standards weird news. Ok it
could be just a weather balloon by accident blown off it's course,
but there seems also be a sighting over Latin America and that
does not contribute to the Chinese version of this incident.
For myself speaking I don't think this is a
major security incident, the amount of information you can get via
this cumbersome method over satellite info is just marginal. Ok ok
you can read more in the infra-red part of the spectrum but how
much of an advantage is that?
Then the news emerged that during the donald
trump administration there were at least 3 of these kind of
balloons also seen but never reported to the higher echelons of
the American government.
So it could be this Chinese balloon stuff
started completely innocent like just an accident where a huge
balloon went off course. But it went unnoticed and this was during
the years of the donald. How would the Chinese react on
It could be possible this all started as a
balloon really lost to unexpected winds while later there would be
more and more surveillance tech on those weather balloons.

At first I was completely shocked by the
reports that the balloon has left Montana. After all some parts of
the balloon, it's so called pay load, was said to be three London
busses long.
And I was in a total panic about the health
of Miley Cyrus who after all is that Montana thing. How many
lubricants do you need for the safe passage of a thing that is
three London busses long?
Oh oh, this wonderful world is full of
mysteries. May be one day Miley will explain to us how she did
May be it is a good time to split. Thanks for
reading this nonsense & see you around.
(03 Feb 2023) It seems that the entire EU top
was in Ukraine. Does that mean they are all relative brave people
because they could be a target? May be but likely it shows air
defenses over that part are ok.
There was all kinds of talk of faster
becoming an EU member. I don't know if that is possible because
becoming a member is a mountain of work on it's own. Compare it to
rebuilding Ukraine from all the war damage, you can try to do that
in say six months and after that everybody will hate the result.
In my view military safety has more priority at the moment. Well
we'll see...

Two items for today:
Item 1) In a few days new Russian price caps
on the refined oil products.
Item 2) Another 'quaternions are fantastic' video (from Kathy love
Item 1) In a few days
new Russian price caps on the refined oil products.
Until now it looks like the Russian revenue
reduction from crude oil is good on it's way. The last time I
checked the Ural oil prices it was still fairly below the 60$
price cap.
But in a short time the ban on refined
Russian oil products will set in. Joe blogs had a good video about
it. The picture below is a bit vague because I had to shrink it so
much but the light blue part is the stuff sold to the EU and that
is a lot.

A lot of people complain that the economical
sanctions don't work because the Russian economy doesn't drop dead
on the spot. Yet stuff like economical sanctions always take a
long time to eat into the system. Don't forget the long term
strategy is diminishing the Russian military power so it can't do
to any other nation what they are doing to Ukraine...
Source: RUSSIAN Oil Disaster as New Oil Price Cap.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DUrZEN9v-E
Item 2) Another 'quaternions
are fantastic' video (from Kathy love physics).
Now I don't want to hear a bad word about
Kathy. If this was the first time she encountered the four
dimensional number system known as the quaternions, she done a
very good job as usual.
She always puts in a lot of research into her
videos, she doesn't only cover the physics involved but also dives
into the private lives of those people long gone. So her video's
are often interesting from multiple points of view.
Now Hamilton tried a long time to find the
three dimensional complex numbers and I still don't understand why
he could not find them. Don't forget this is the same Hamilton as
the one from Hamiltinian or the energy operator. We are not
talking about some shallow nutjob.
What they always did wrong in the past was
trying to start with the complex plane and expand that somehow to
three dimensions. But that does not work, for example on the
complex plane if you have any complex number, say z, the
determinant of z is the same as the determinant of -z.
Behavior like that is impossible for three dimensional number
systems so that bites and it is impossible to extend the complex
plane to three dimensional space.
What I did not know how close Hamilton came,
he even pondered ij = 1 or -1. He was so fucking close all
of those years, why did he not see it?

So how should he have done it? In the picture
below you can see how he should have done it in order to be more
successful for what he called triplets.
Ten years back in 2012 when I picked up my
old study of the 3D complex numbers up from where I left it in
1992, I really was considering if I would try and get a promotion
on that math subject.
That was very tempting because I was already
unemployed for many years and in my country doing promotion work
for your phd is a paid job. So I would earn my own money again and
that was a very tempting prospect.
I gave it a few weeks thought and I decided
not to do it. Ok, if I would do it I would earn my own salary
again but the cost is that I could only do research under the
supervision of a local math professor.
But professional math professors have a 150+
year track record of not finding the three dimensional complex
numbers. So that would only give a ton of friction, those folks
have about zero mathematical imagination and if that is your boss
all happiness flies out of the window fast...

There is tons and tons of stuff you can't do
on the quaternions because you cannot differentiate or integrate
over there. Stuff like complex analysis is not possible over
there. So quaternions are cute but have only very limited use, the
only significant use I know of describing rotations in 3D space
and that is all we had in a 150+ time span. (The space shuttle
seemed to have incorporated them for navigation purposes.)
The cute exercise in the picture above is
from the 3D circular numbers. That is when your 3D numbers of the
form X = x + yj + zj^2 have to follow the defining rule of j^3 =
1. As such the X^2 is calculated.
But the math professors are not interested in
stuff like this, they like it more as the stuff they are very good
at. They are very good at telling you that whatever they tried
they just can't find the 3D complex numbers.
Welcome to the world of 21-th century
Source: Quaternions are Amazing and so is William Rowan Hamilton!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdwxpSInhvU
End of this update. See you around!
(01 Feb 2023) It's late so lets jump to
today's two items:
Item 1) Who wants to work for the
Wagner group?
Item 2) Alternative explanations for the Casimir effect.
Item 1) Who wants to
work for the Wagner group?
TVP (television from Poland) has a rough
video from how the Wagner group works. This group is very brutal
to it's members, you read a lot of reports about executions and
likely there are tons of torture too.
Most video channels I follow can't show
footage like this because they would get instantly demonetized by
team Youtube. But TVP is tax payer funded so they don't have
problems like getting no money from an advertisement firm known as
It is astounding how those Wagner guys are
supposed to make progress, this is madness from an whole different
level. Click on the picture for the video:

Video title: This is what Wagner's meat-grinder strategy looks like in practice.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvUnqhv2M2E
I hope you agree with me that sending out a
few men crawling over a field while left and right grenades
explode is a level of stupidity that is unheard of.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Alternative
explanations for the Casimir effect.
The Casimir effect is one of those physics
details that are likely not correct if it is true that electrons
are magnetic monopoles. Electrons come in two variants and the
professional physics professors always say it is spin up or spin
down. Nothing else is possible they say.
The Casimir effect is hypothesized by my
fellow countryman Hendrik Casimir. And it is found in practice: if
you bring close together two thin metal plates, they will feel an
attractive force. In the video it is claimed that at a distance of
about one nanometer the pressure the two metal plates feel is
about one atmosphere.
In general physics has a strong tendency to
find explanations that border on a religious experience. Stuff
like the many world hypothesis or that there are may be 10 to the
power 500 different universes because of string theory, the list
of weird stuff is long and impressive.
Physics professors, untermenschen as they
are, think they are scientists because they do experiments that
confirm their valuable insights. Tiny problem: they claim that
electrons are tiny magnets, they claim they have never seen a
magnetic monopole but if you start searching for experimental
evidence there is nothing just nothing.
That is why I view a field of science like
physics as something populated by untermenschen. I absolutely do
not mean this in a fascist way; it is not genetic or so. It is a
culture of untermenschen that keeps the endeavor of physics so
low. If you claim there are no magnetic monopoles and at the same
time claim electrons are not magnetic monopoles, where is your
fucking experimental evidence?
The religious thing the untermenschen explain
their Casimir effect is touting the wonders of vacuum zero-point
energy. What more do you want?
Here is how it looks: In between the plates the longer wavelengths
can't be there and as such the fluctuations of energy in the
vacuum must do the thing.
Click on the picture for the video:

In the video it is mentioned that it could
also be the so called van der Waals forces. For myself speaking I
think that if you bring two perfectly flat metal plates together,
the unpaired electrons in the conductance band will rearrange
themselves into more and more attraction between the
Of course the untermenschen will say nothing
about such an opinion.
Video title: Casimir Effect - What causes this force?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgJj49ws478
Some people might argue that using language
like 'untermenschen' is not very helpful when it comes to solving
problems like electron magnetism. But for the last seven years I
have always been very polite. And now we are in the seven year
long era of naming a bunch of idiots a bunch of idiots and we no
longer remark there could be room for improvement.
Let me show you an old counterexample to all
this weird quantum fluctuation stuff. If you make very very flat
metal surfaces, they all have a tendency to stick to each other:

Sorry but those physics people are just like
the math professors: If you want to have a happy life, better
avoid them as long as you live.
Till updates.
(27 Jan 2023) Wow, there are now about 12
nations already pledging tanks for Ukraine. Even my own country is
considering buying back some sold Leopards and donate them to
Ukraine. It's all a miracle.
I am glad the Kremlin is not doing difficult
or so. That is the wise and grown up position they naturally take,
never ever you see weird emotional stuff coming from the Kremlin.
Really true, they would never fight the devil or stuff like Mr.
Satan for that matter. A Kremlin quote from yesterday:
Jan 25 (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that any Abrams battle tanks supplied to Ukraine by the United States would "burn", dismissing the expected delivery as an expensive folly.
Comment: Thanks for the normal reaction and not that weird
emotional stuff.
It will take a lot of work before the first
tanks are on the battlefield, it is expected the Leopards will be
much faster and the USA Abrams stuff later. It was rumored that
the USA could not deliver from their own stockpiles because they
have embedded depleted uranium as part of the armor. And how you
make that seems to be classified stuff.
All in all the U-turn from the USA is
remarkable, after all a lot of those tanks run on jet fuel and not
on good old military diesel. We can safely conclude a lot of the
tank stuff is now in the pipeline and in a few months they will
operate inside Ukriane.
I have only one item for today, a small math
Item 1) The most simple example possible for
advanced Pythagoras stuff.
Item 1) The most
simple example possible for advanced Pythagoras stuff.
Often a simple example with in this case
integer numbers is best to illustrate what I have been doing last
year. I found a relatively easy way to make a non-square matrix
square in such a way that you can calculate the volume of some
higher dimensional parallelepiped by calculating the determinant
of that square matrix.
This update is far to short to explain in
detail how to craft those extra columns that make the matrix
square, for detail see the other website and search for the
category "Pythagoras stuff".
May be you have had some linear algebra in
particular matrices, determinants and how to invert a matrix. The
basic things so to say. Likely your teachers told you that if you
swap two columns in a matrix, the determinant changes sign.
Now with my cute way of squaring a non-square
matrix, that does not happen. After all I claimed the determinant
always returns the 'volume' of the parallelepiped so it must
return non-negative numbers.
This most simple example is a parallelogram
(so it's volume will be an area) in four dimensional space. The
first two columns describe that parallelogram. The third column is
just the cross product from 3D space and the cross product is
applied to the upper 3x2 minor matrix.
As such the length of the third column equals the area of that
minor parallelogram.
The fourth column measures the volume of the
parallelepiped spanned by the other three columns, if you
normalize the third column you are left with the area of the
parallelepiped spanned by the first two columns.
Anyway the point is that if you swap the
first two columns and apply the same manner of making it into a
square matrix, the determinant does not change...

As a background picture I did choose the old
Brigitte Bardot. She is of similar age now as I am. And a long
time ago we were young and looked beautiful. At present day we are
both a sack of skin filled with some bones, some muscle and some
Where did it all go wrong?
Well at some point in time somebody said
"Hey lets call this the stone age now we have all this
improved weaponry over the wood age". But at that point in
time aging did set in and if I see myself by accident in a mirror
I just wonder where has all that youth gone?
May be it is a good time to split and may I
thank you for your attention in case you also like these kind of
square matrices. Till updates.
(25 Jan 2023) Stuff I missed last week:
1) In Sweden there was a burning of the Quran
before the Turkish embassy... Well that looks like the end of the
Swedish bid to membership of the NATO. Sorry I can't help you with
that. Most Turks are proud of their religion and if you allow for
provocateurs to hijack your national security interests, there is
not a single thing I can do.
We have imbeciles like that too, ours is named Geert Wilders and
if you give imbeciles like that an opportunity, because they have
this weird combination of ideology and relatively stupid brains
the end result is often not good...
2) The Ramstein meeting was not only NATO
nations like I thought but the coalition for support for Ukraine
or something like that. Anyway it is a staggering 50 nations that
oppose this kind of war making. Fifty nations, that's a lot.
3) It seems the USA is giving so called Small
Diameter Bombs to Ukraine. They can be launched from a HIMARS
launcher and the good thing is they have a reach of about 150 km
(if memory serves).
Due to time constrains lets go to the two
items for today:
Item 1) Tanks as a culinary complement to the
Putin chef from Wagner.
Item 2) Everything wrong with molecular bonding, why are they
Item 1) Tanks as a culinary
complement to the Putin chef from Wagner.
Despite the fact there were 50 nations in the
Ramstein meeting a lot of attention goes to Germany and the
eventual delivery of Leopard tanks. Poland wanted to deliver tanks
to Ukraine with or without German consent. I don't think that is a
good idea, those military contracts are there not for
Last week there were rumors that Germany
demanded that the USA would bring the Abrams tank to Ukraine
first, I considered that strange and kinds weird. Anyway later it
was said no such claims were made at all...
So it is a bit chaotic but since Germany
indicated that it would be a good thing if other nations started
training Ukrainian crews on the Leopard tank, I guess all we need
is a bit more time.
You must take into account that as far as I
know Germany, they have a strong habit of doing what they say they
will do. If you have their commitment, it is often ironclad. So
all this emotional pressure might be unhandy, on the other hand I
understand the emotions because after all there is still a war
going on.
I found this funny picture on the internet,
it is about barrel stabilization. You can drive a Leopard tank in
rough terrain, the barrel is very stable:

So Russia must not worry about all this
Leopard stuff: Sometimes the Ukrainian soldiers want a pint of
beer and when they are close to the frontline this Leopard tank is
the best way to serve a beer.
It is just an advanced beer delivery system,
that's all.
Now I don't know if it is true but it is
rumored that often the Wagner mercenaries go without food and as
such they consume the dead soldiers from previous days. After all
a lot of bodies are not collected by the Russians so for the
average Wagner member that is delicious stuff.
But other nations think that is disgusting.
Therefore this new way of bringing beer to the frontlines is just
a way to show the Wagner members that you don't have to eat human
May be we should go to the next item:
Item 2) Everything
wrong with molecular bonding, why are they crazy?
Why are physics and chemistry professors so
stupid and crazy when it comes to electron spin. Without any
experimental proof, they claim that electrons are tiny magnets
with a north and a south pole. On top of that these idiots claim
they have never seen a magnetic monopole...
If you hold two magnets in your hand and you
attach them to each other, the lowest energy state is when north
pole meets south pole. Why is that the lowest energy state? Simply
because it takes effort and some energy to separate them again.
Why are physics and chemistry professors
crazy & stupid?
They claim that in the electron pair, the
spins must be opposite.
So these idiots tell us that the stuff is binding via north pole -
north pole or via south pole - south pole bindings in the electron
This is crazy because this raises the
potential energy without any logical explanation. It is as crazy
as you go outside and throw a rock horizontal, instead of falling
down the rock climbs and climbs and only gains potential energy.
This never happens, so why should electrons do that?
In my view electrons carry monopole magnetic
charge, they are magnetic monopoles and this charge is likely
permanent. That ensures the electron pair is also something that
minimizes potential energy.
Here is a picture of some stuff you can buy
and you can make models of molecules with this. But every fucking
bonding in this magnetic stuff is always NORTH against a SOUTH

The physics and chemistry professors have
some rudimentary feeling for the fact they behave like idiots: If
you ask them about the opposite spin stuff in the electron pair
they always shout : Quantum numbers & the Pauli exclusion
By acting this way they hide the fact they
are idiots and the more fanatic they involve stuff like the Pauli
exclusion principle, the more you are assured you are talking to a
plain bold idiot.
Lets leave it with that, thanks for your
attention and see you in the next update or so.
(20 Jan 2023) Today is the NATO meeting at
Ramstein, so we have to wait what comes out of it. Oh oh Germany
has offered Leopard tanks under condition the Americans go in with
the Abrams stuff. Like explained a long time ago, the Abrams is
likely not very handy for the Ukrainian battlefields.
Well I will accept whatever Germany comes up
with, after all there is also that thing as a historical memory.
So lets wait and see, after all there is more stuff as the Leopard
Two small items for today to kill the
Item 1) CRUX on weapon testing in Ukraine.
Item 2) New video on quantum computing with electrons spins (TU
Item 1) CRUX on
weapon testing in Ukraine.
The problem with modern weaponry is that the
more advanced it is, the more improvement on all kinds of details
can be made. A lot of things are not developed till the limit of
what is possible.
For example some time ago there were suddenly
problems reported with the German howitzers, something in the ammo
feeding system or so. And there are problems with barrels that get
worn out far too fast if used too much.
Armies and therefore the weapon designers are
always restrained by budgets, it is tax payer money and not some
free market enterprise. So there is no unlimited funding and as
such the present modern weaponry is as it is.
It is peacetime advanced weaponry, you can
unleash a lot of fire power with it but it's all made and
developed during peacetime. Ok ok there were the Iraqi &
Afghan wars but for simplicity we never had war economies since
To put it simple: A lot of weaponry has
hardly been tested to the limit, real stress tests that make them
wear out rather fast and after that see what you can improve on
it. Like I said: We don't fire howitzers until they break...

CRUX had a short video on this detail of
weaponry testing in Ukraine:
Video title: HIMARS, Drones & Howitzers | How Russia's Ukraine War Became A "Test Lab" For US & Allied Weapons
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp72ZuwljKE
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) New video on
quantum computing with electrons spins (TU Delft).
Some time ago I posted a four year old video
from the Technical University in Delft about the way they think
how to make quantum bits for quantum computing based on the spin
of the electron.
It is one of the postulates of quantum
mechanics that if not measured a quantum particle is in some super
position of all possible quantum states. Since the physics
professors think all electrons are the same, for them it is
logical that an electron can be in a superposition of being spin
up or spin down.
My ideas about electron magnetism are radical
different: I think electrons are magnetic monopoles. On top of
that I think this monopole magnetic charge is permanent, so an
electron with a north polo magnetic charge can never flip it's
magnetic charge.
For example that explains why we see only
unpaired and paired electrons but never some circle of electrons.
I think the 'tiny magnet' model of the electron is plain wrong.
There are two different forms of electron life and such super
positions of electron spin states are just impossible.
The new video is one year old, the previous
video was from four years back, has the TU Delft made any kind of
progress? If talking out of your neck while collecting tax payer
money is progress, TU Delft made tons of progress. Click on the
picture for the video:

Video title: Electron Spin Qubits
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re4l22ycc-k
The energy splitting you see in the picture
is the so called Zeeman effect. But if the electrons are tiny
magnets, this would not be possible or logical at all. If
electrons have a north and a south pole, all magnetic fields
applied will cancel all forces out against each other...
Try to explain that to the TU Delft weirdo's.
Need some experimental proof that electrons are really tiny
magnets? The Delft weirdo's will only think that I am the weirdo.
Let us split and say goodbye.
(18 Jan 2023) End this week there is a new
round of NATO talks. It seems that a lot of countries have
problems with Germany and the potential delivery of more heavy
tanks like Leopards. Well this is all very understandable but
there is also some thing known as a historical memory active in
You know as our largest neighbor Germany is always very reliable
but may be we are asking for the wrong things from Germany. But
there is also some fear inside the German political folks that
this all will escalate to the point where European soldiers will
enter this military conflict, this illegal war. I disagree with
that, it might be cruel to the Ukrainians but that will likely
only lead to unwanted nuclear stuff now Russia performs so bad on
the actual battlefield...
So I have respect for whatever Germany comes up with, after all
they are a sovereign nation. But we must get better and more
weaponry to Ukraine period.
Two items for today:
Item 1) Dnipro civilian death toll now
at 46 and counting...
Item 2) New math post on the other website.
Item 1) Dnipro
civilian death toll now at 46 and counting...
The digestion of information inside the
Kremlin is always weird. This time they came up with that the
Dnipro missile attack was a Ukrainian anti-air missile or rocket.
The Ukrainians say that the kind of missile that struck them is an
anti-aircraft carrier missile...

Anti aircraft boom stuff often does not have
much explosives on board, it is more they have shaped charges or
they blow out hundreds of small metal balls in order to destroy
the incoming aircraft or missile. After all most air planes don't
come with 5 cm reactive armor or so, so much explosives are not
needed anyway...
Looking at the photo's from the blast site it
looks like the Ukrainian version is far more accurate. Lets leave
it with that.
Picture source: Russian strike toll: 45 dead civilians, including 6 children.
Why the Russians do these kind of attacks is
unknown to me.
Item 2) New math post
on the other website.
A few days back I finished the latest post.
For some strange reason that matrix version of the theorem of
Pythagoras keeps on sucking in attention. This post is a more or
less worked example of how to make a square matrix from a
non-square matrix.
Of course it is very easy to make any given
non square matrix a square one, just add extra columns or rows
until it's a square matrix. Yes, but that is as easy as completely
Last year I did it in such a way that
important properties were preserved. This was done by adding extra
columns where every new columns is perpendicular to all other
columns. If after that you normalize the new extra columns to one,
the determinant of your newly crafted square matrix will be the
'volume' of the stuff you started with.
If you start with the first column in the
matrix below, that is just a vector in four dimensional space and
it's 'volume' is a length. If you would start with two columns,
provided they span up some positive area in four dimensional
space, the 'volume' will be that area. And so on and so on.

Title new post: Example: How to turn a 4×1 column into a 4×4 square
Lik used:
This example is a good post, I am satisfied
on this. It is always better to have a relatively simple example
that still contains all the math you want to show. And not those
complicated posts like I wrote on that weird root formula last
That weird root formula post was just far to
complicated, almost nobody can reconstruct what I wanted to say.
Bah! Hey I have a brilliant idea: Why not pop open a beer, sip on
it and start thinking about how more Russian soldiers could get
Why not? And Russians could open a new bottle
of Vodka, drink it empty in say two hours and think about the
Dnipro attack where a simple ground to air BOOM thing did all this
damage. Ok, one more bottle of Vodka for this day, why not look at
old speeches from Putin? Yes, that is a great way to pass the time
don't you think?
Let me end this update, thanks for your
attention & don't drink too much Vodka...
(13 Jan 2023) Likely the 2500 number of
Leopard tanks I mentioned in the previous update is not correct.
May be I misheard it or may be the documentary was flatout wrong
on that detail.
It's already late so lets go to the two items
of today:
Item 1) Gas & oil prices.
Item 2) Intercepted phone call upon the Makeevka death toll.
Item 1) Gas & oil
Of course there are always a ton of different
factors going into energy prices. For example the mild weather in
Europe depresses demand for house heating. EU citizens trying to
use as less gas as possible etc etc.
Here is a graph showing how fast gas has come
down in the last month:

Oil prices also have come down but that is
more on recession fears. The world bank is forecasting a
significant decline in economical activity on a global scale. And
it has been amazing how much the economies of the different
countries have endured in the last years, they still refuse to
drop dead.
A very interesting detail is the price of
Urals, that is Russian oil. It is far below the price cap of 60$.
That looks just like a lot of people just don't want to buy
Russian oil. I didn't look into the possibility of the oil price
cap mechanism itself that causes this, after all the goal of the
Russian oil price cap was reduction in oil revenue for
I hope I speak for a lot of EU nations by
once more remarking the strategic goal is to degrade the Russian
military until they can't repeat in another country what they did
and are doing to Ukraine.
And what those Kremlin crybabies think of it,
I don't care.
Item 2) Intercepted phone call
upon the Makeevka death toll.
There is a fourth military commander for the
Russian occupation of Ukraine. On CNN I observed a retired US
general stating this was a bizarre move by Putin.
I disagree; just look at number four. He clearly has the
appearance of a Russian general, they always come with about 10 kg
of medals. If you hang lights in them they can serve as a stand-in
for the Christmas tree.
No, if Putin would appointed the latest
Russian conscript with a face full of acne to the job of handling
the Ukrainian invasion, that would not be smart. But this guy has
all that it takes, I think it was a brilliant choice by Putin.
I would like to congratulate General Valery
Gerasimov with his promotion!

The Youtube channel Insights from Ukraine and
Russia is demonetized by team Youtube. He is asking for support
and therefore I repeat that: If you can support the guy because it
is important this kind of channels don't fade out into
Video title: Intercepted Phone Calls That The Russian Government Doesn’t Want You To
Hear! Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4CretiXgRk
Anyway this intercepted phone call indicates
that indeed the number of death was into the hundreds, just above
600 to be precise. And it also shows that the Putin speech likely
was not exclusively for the Makeevka conscripts.
So it was likely not that Putin was
one-on-one with the troops in Makeevka and then on 00.01 of the
new year Mr. Himars comes along saying "BOOM BOOM NEW YEAR
May be this is the perfect time to split, my
dear reader thanks for your attention.
(11Jan 2023) All of a sudden peace loving
nations start offering tanks and infantry vehicles to Ukraine. Of
course between the pledges and actual use on the battlefield, in
between there is always Mr. Logistics. Dear Mr. Logistics can I
ask you once more to work your ass off? After all this is all
pledged by peace loving nations and the goal is for Ukraine to
defend herself against the Russian soldiers who all hate
You know last week I saw a documentary by
accident and it was said that in the past we had 2500 Leopard
tanks. I don't remember that number but yes a long time ago we had
many tanks. But now we have nothing because at the time it was
thought that war with Russia was so unlikely that we could get rid
of those money gulping tanks...
May be we should have mothballed 500 or 750 of them.
Two items for today:
Item 1) Jake Broe found a totally crazy
video: is it true? Could very well be...
Item 2) How to make a non-square matrix square.
Item 1) Jake Broe
found a totally crazy video: is it true? Could very well be...
It keeps on rumoring that hundreds were
killed in the new years eve attack with HIMARS rockets in Mkiivka.
So the official number of what was it 98 or 89 is likely the
result of the way information is processed inside Russia.
Anyway if the video is true, the wounded
Russian conscript says they had to listen to a new years speech of
Putin... Wow, listening to political bullshit is about the
last thing I want on 00.01 hour on a new years day.

Video title: Russia Lied About Strike on 600 Ukrainian Soldiers
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd80ap8Gsr0
The video shown is from Nexta Media.
Now at present day often you have a two way
video connection. I don't know if the Putin speech of for those
soldiers only or may be the entire Russian nations was supposed to
enjoy those wise wise words too, but could it be that Putin
witnessed the strike?
If so, that once more confirms this is a
totally crazy war by all standards possible.
Item 2) How to make a
non-square matrix square.
One of the more cute mathematical results
from last year was the way you can make a non-square matrix
square. Of course you can do that in many ways, just some random
columns or rows until it is a square matrix.
But last year I found a way to do it in such
a way that you got the 'volume' of such a non-square matrix. I
write it is 'volume' because if you start with a vector, say a
vector with four real number entries in 4D space, the volume is of
course a length.
The way I showed it on the other website last
year was clearly not unique and on top of that it could go wrong.
It goes wrong if your first extra columns are based on stuff with
too many zero's in it.
For example the top matrix expansion goes
wrong if a = b = 0 while c and d are
non-zero. In such a case, if you wanted to craft a square matrix
of course, you must start with those non-zero entries.
In the picture below all these columns are
perpendicular to each other. As you see on inspection the extra
columns get more complicated fast but you also see interesting
patterns emerge:

The trickiest thing to understand is making
good use of the +/- chessboard pattern as you must use in say
calculating the inverse of a square matrix.
If you start with some 4D vector A,
how to make your first extra column?
In the upper part of the picture above I used a & b and
in the first extra column this becomes -b & a.
Halfway you see an expansion into the first extra column based on
using b & c resulting into c & -b.
You can argue as why the fuck this is
important because if you have made a new column perpendicular to
all other columns on the left, the minus of such a new columns is
still a perpendicular thing.
Yes that is true, but if you respect the +/- pattern it will save
you time later into figuring out if some stuff has a + or a -
If you respect the +/- chessboard pattern,
God will love you and ensure that enough Russian soldiers get
Let's leave it with that, see you around my
dear reader & thanks for your attention.
(06 Jan 2023) Ah that's better: France is
going to deliver tanks to Ukraine while US prez Biden was
considering Bradley fighting vehicles. In another development a 36
hour long cease fire was offered by the Russian side. But for a
cease fire to work there must be some basic level of trust. Given
the long array of war crimes and outright lies (for example before
the war Russia said it did not plan any war) the trust just ain't
there. And as such the generous offer was rejected by the
It seems that more and more Ukrainians
started celebrating Christmas in December away from calendar of
the Russian orthodox church.
I didn't have much time so only one item for
today, it is about gas prices and the progress made in Germany in
the last year 2022.
Item 1) EU gas prices back to prewar levels.
Item 1) EU gas prices
back to prewar levels.
This is a remarkable feature, it is back to
somewhere in 2021 so not the very cheap prices from the years
before. Of course I can never say I am satisfied with the war but
a silver lining is that gas prices are now at such a level that it
is commercially interesting to craft more renewable energy.
It is of course also the relatively warm
winter we have, most days I even don't need to heat the house and
outside there are often people not even wearing a coat or jacket.
Don't worry: climate change will never be a lazy thing and it will
always bring new surprises.
In Germany 46% of consumed electricity came
from renewables like windmills and solar panels. That is an
amazing amount but of course still not enough because the goal is
and must be zero emissions of CO2. And even if zero emissions is
achieved it is anybody's guess how long it will be until there is
not further heating up of our little planet.
Anyway in Germany reduction of greenhouse
gasses stalled in part because they had to fire up old coal
electricity plants due to the war conditions. Click on the picture
in order to land properly on the video:

Title of the DW video: Did Europe overcome its energy price crisis thanks to
renewables? Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXrq5d9T1Zg
From economical theory it is understood the
price of energy is very inelastic; you simply need some baseload
of energy. So with that in the back of your mind, the title of the
video is interesting: Likely without all the renewables prices
would have spiked far more...
Let's leave it with that so today no fresh
rant against stupid, retarded and idiot physics professors who are
to stupid to understand their talk about electrons being tiny
magnets is just fucking stupid.
At last I want to remark it is very easy to
relate those gas prices in MegaWattHours into the price for a
cubic meter of gas: If you divide the price of gas per MWh by 100
you get a rough estimate of the price for one cubic meter of
Till updates my dear reader, live well and
work well.
(04 Jan 2023) For me it was a perfect click
bait: Russian oil price cap makes Italian gas prices soar. I was
like WTF is going on here? So I clicked the CNBC article and this
is how it goes: There is a Russian oil price cap, there is an
European gas price cap. After that gas prices in some months are
mentioned and compared to present prices... That's all, nothing
that explains the title of the article.
It was so stupid I won't link to it.
Two items for today:
Item 1) The Makiivka strike.
Item 2) Two vids explaining electron spin in the wrong way
(on the other website).
Item 1) The Makiivka
The Russians admitted a huge yes a giant
number of casualties: 63 to be precise. And for the first time in
this was I was sad I could not understand the beautiful Russian
language as spoken on the Russian state television. Likely they
will tell the great Russian people that this was about five times
all casualties from the entire year 2022 while today the 350-th
HIMARS launch system was destroyed by the heroic Russian military.
Some Russian military bloggers pointed to the
fact it is rather stupid to gather so much conscripts in one
place. Yes but if you house them in say batches of 10 soldiers,
they will run away and become deserters. Or get drunk and start
raping females, teenage girls and of course the occasion small
child. Normally the Russian military leadership can't care less on
details like that, but that is inside Ukraine. This large batch of
conscripts was in the occupied region of Ukraine so too much
sexual violence is not handy if you want support of the

Some Russian military bloggers also pointed
out it is stupid to have such a huge number of soldiers near to a
ammo dump. Ok in all European militaries this is considered a
stupid thing, but for the Russian military leadership it could
also be a brilliant move. You must take into account it is very
hard to be in the leadership of the Russian army: What looks like
a bad idea in the morning, well if you are on your second bottle
of Vodka in the afternoon, more and more it becomes a good idea.
Beside that they were only conscripts, so who
gives a shit about them?

So I disagree with the Russian military
bloggers: This was a brilliant plan by the Russian military
leadership. Anyway it is much better compared to letting
conscripts dig a hole where they can sleep in without a sleeping
bag or so. And my dear Russian military bloggers: There are only
63 casualties so what's the big deal here?
Item 2) Two vids
explaining electron spin in the wrong way (on the other website).
I found two videos explaining or using
electron spin in the wrong way. The first video is about electron
spin itself, it is from the Science Asylum guy and of course it
misses all stuff as why electrons are supposed to be tiny magnets.
Why would you need experimental confirmation of this when you get
also money while talking out of your neck?
The second video is about the magnetism of
molecular oxygen. Now O2 is a fascinating molecule
because it needs a so called anti-bonding electron pair. And in an
anti-bonding electron pair, ha ha ha the electron spins are the
same. Now the fact that the oxygen molecule is magnetic or para-magnetic
if you want, is explained by the two electrons aligning themselves
with the applied magnetic field.
I did my best over there in the other website
to explain that if electrons are really tiny magnets, all in all
they should behave as magnetic neutral objects. The fact that the
oxygen you breathe has magnetic properties demonstrates loose
electrons are never magnetic dipoles. As a matter of fact each and
every oxygen molecule with an anti-binding electron pair should in
itself behave as a magnetic monopole.
And that last detail should not be that hard to prove in an
experimental setting my dear reader.
In the year 2023 is there a possibility that
some experimental physics professor will prove me right? Of course
not, the untermenschen from the universities simply want electrons
to be tiny magnets. So such an experimental professor will not get
the funding needed for such relatively cheap experiments.
Years ago I accepted this fact. untermenschen
are not some evil Nazi theory. No you see it in action with
electron spin: untermenschen want their tiny magnets.
So all I can say: good luck with it. And how
is your progress in quantum computers doing? Oh yes, as always
need more funding? Well good luck with your inferior cognitive
capabilities, enjoy your tiny magnet stuff.
Title: Two more videos that explain electron spin
Link: http://3dcomplexnumbers.net/2023/01/03/two-more-videos-that-
End of this update.
(30 Dec 2022) It is almost a new year so
happy new year to everyone in particular the Ukrainians military
who are not at home right now.
Two items for today's update:
Item 1) Unthankful Russian conscripts; should
they all be executed?
Item 2) On the nonsense of the word 'spin' in electron spin.
Item 1) Unthankful
Russian conscripts; should they all be executed?
The Sun had a short video out and in just a
few hours it had already over one million views. The video is just
one minute or so long, in it you see a bunch Russian conscripts
just walk away from their military base.
Likely as time goes by, they are more aware
of the situation they are in. After all the Russian state
television might be good to fool all with an IQ below 100 but not
all Russian conscripts are that stupid.
Good thermal underwear to withstand the cold
or some night vision goggles? Ten years of preparation for this
war this shining military moment for the Vlad, has produces some
extra super yachts but not much in military preparedness.
Click on the picture in case you haven't seen
the video already:

Video title: Conscripted Russian troops storm out of military base in
anti-Putin protest
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-4gQt_HRyQ
In the south of Ukraine the fighting also
goes on and on. Once more I would like to stress the importance of
good heavy weaponry for the Ukrainians because say for yourself
numbers like 200 to 300 dead Russians is what we want...
In a normal world a military that looses over
one 100 thousand soldiers in a conflict like this, that military
would give itself a good scratch on the head if the may should not
do things differently. But the Russians fucked up stupid as they
are don't do or they can't do that. For example all those Russian
missiles used against the Ukrainian electricity grid is of course
also a hinder for the Ukrainian armed forces. But all in all it
will never give a big dent in the Ukrainian military
But this was a stupid war from day one
because it is all based on some weird Kremlin fantasies like
Ukrainians are living in sewage, fighting fascism and most of all
fighting Mr. Satan. I just can't believe that.
No I did not believe the Kremlin was fighting
Mr. Satan so I phoned my uncle Tim. Mr. Satan's full name is
Timothy Satan and as such I asked him: "Uncle Tim is it true
that a bunch of Russian Vodka drinkers are attacking you? Do you
need any help?"
Uncle Tim remarked he was totally unaware of any Russian attacks,
the only problem lately there were more lice that were named the
Russian Vulgaris Lice and he did not know why there were more
I suggested these lice might be fleeing Russia and uncle Tim said
this could be an explanation for the increase in Russian
Here is a cute video to kill the time with a
bunch of Russian soldiers fleeing the front lines in southern

Video title: 28 Dec: Nice. 200 Recruits RAN AWAY FROM THE FRONT | War in Ukraine Explained.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz-qWBT6xq8
Item 2) On the
nonsense of the word 'spin' in electron spin.
Oh oh when will the professional physics
professors understand that if their claim of electrons being tiny
magnets is true, may be you should have some experimental proof or
evidence for that claim?
My estimation is that in the entire year 2023
I will have to repeat that question again and again and again. Why
are they so fucking stupid?
Electron spin is often confused with
'intrinsic angular momentum' but why is it 'intrinsic'? Well the
magnetic properties cannot be explained by the electron actually
spinning very fast, so the idiots named it intrinsic as if it were
some holy thing.
If you try to estimate the electron magnetic
properties via a spinning sphere, you will find out it must spin
much faster as the speed of light. So there is nothing spinning
over there, the more smart physics professors have found that
Why is spin a stupid word?
Suppose from a bunch of energy a pair of
electron positron is created.
In order to preserve angular momentum, the two pairs should have
opposite angular momentum. But if they do, the resulting magnetic
fields will point in the same direction violating electron spin
Why are physics professors stupid?
They are stupid because they keep on using a
word like spin that sets every body on the wrong foot. There is no
electron spin, there are no tiny magnets electron size. It's all
crap, the physics professors are overpaid idiots.
Lets leave it with that for the last update
of the year. See you in 2023.
(28 Dec 2022) What? Two and a half BILLION
€ as some form of gift while we have still a federal debt of 451
billion €????? In this universe we the Dutch are supposed to be
the most frugal human species in this quarter of the milky
But serious: Someway we managed once more to
get the federal debt below 50% of the gross domestic product. Of
course this still has to go lower because a government that does
not try to pay off their debt is a government that does not save
for future emergency outlays. After all mathematically speaking
paying off debt is the same as saving for a rainy day.
Anyway, 2.5 billion € amounts to just below
150 € per capita Dutch citizen. It is unconditional as far as I
know, it can be used next year for whatever is needed.
Two items for today:
Item 1) Kremlin reacts on the oil price
cap ban.
Item 2) Webinar on the COVID-19 origins.
Item 1) Kremlin
reacts on the oil price cap ban.
A few hours back it became known that the
Kremlin plans to ban sales of all countries that go along with the
oil price cap of 60$. It is just for a couple of months starting
at 1 Feb next year.
So it is very interesting what will happen
next year on the detail of Russian oil prices and oil revenues.
After all it is often said that if Russia cuts production, later
it will be very hard to start that production up again. And now
their partners like Shell and BP have run away from a bunch of
child raping Vodka drinkers, it will even be much harder for
Russians to scale up oil production.
But I have never worked in oil so for me it
is hard to understand all details and relying on what other people
say is not always a wise thing. Yet it is very understandable if
in artic conditions the oil stops flowing, it will freeze, pumps
will freeze etc etc.
Here is a Reuters report on the decree signed
today (or actually yesterday):
Putin bans Russian oil exports to countries that implement price cap.
Link used: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/putin-bans-russian-
Video channel Joe Blogs dives a bit deeper
into the oil stuff, click on the picture to land at the video:

The video title is a bit clickbaity because
in my view we are not at 'disater' levels at all.
Video title: RUSSIAN Oil & Gas Disaster as Sanctions Destroy Demand & Production is CUT.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clar72ar7gg
Ok, this is all very interesting so I will
follow it with the right amount of interest. Lets go to the next
Item 2) Webinar on
the COVID-19 origins.
It is no secret that I consider the lab leak
hypothesis the most likely hypothesis to be true. That is the idea
the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab and it's origin is not that
food market.
After all for the food market hypothesis to
be true, there was supposedly an in between animal carrier between
bats and humans. But such an intermediate species has never been
Now you might think "If there is a lab
leak, why would they cover this up?" Well if it is a lab
leak, there is a ton of economical damage in almost every country
on earth and that is not very handy from the judicial point of
view. Oh, did I cause trillions in damage by making this tiny
mistake? Sorry my insurance only covers 2.5 million, sorry.
Lately Jeffrey Sachs had a seminar out about
the origins of the new virus, it is about 100 minutes long but I
did not have time to listen at the second scientist.
Anyway there are many scenarios possible, in
the next picture you see four simple pathways possible. Click on
the picture for the 100 minute webinar:

Video title: SDSN Webinar: Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AprmM4pYI6E
As usual I had to skip a lot of stuff like
the attack on that Russian air field named Engels. Is it true that
a number of Russian air planes that can deliver nuclear bombs are
destroyed? That would be funny indeed.
Let me close this update and click on the
button known as 'publish website'.
Thanks for your attention.
(23 Dec 2022) Weirdly enough the Kremlin
spokesperson, Dimitri Peskov is his name if I remember it
correctly, came out with that stuff like we must respect and take
into account the safety and security concerns of Russia.
Well since the fall of the Soviet Union I was
more or less such a person. But then something happened, Russia
attacked Ukraine last February. So three decades of taking
Russia's security needs into account did not help much. On the
contrary we only get bullshit like Russia must fight fascism and
lately even Mr. Satan came along with the idiots in the Kremlin
saying they were fighting Mr. Satan.
A bunch of lunatics like that don't deserve
any kind of military security. On the contrary in February the new
doctrine became degrading the Russian military till the point they
can no longer repeat fighting Mr. Satan in countries like Poland
or other EU countries.
Can you now stop this silly whining Dimitri?
There is no going back to the old policies because in February it
became clear they have failed. In my view the Kremlin is just not
a rational actor any longer. In case you don't understand what
that means Dimitri: That means most of you better belong in a
mental hospital and not in the Russian government...
This update has two items so lets go:
Item 1) UA prez Zerlensky goes to Washington
Item 2) A simple solar detail confirming sun spots are caused by
spinning plasma.
Item 1) UA prez
Zerlensky goes to Washington DC.
Luckily Zerlensky is a relative good
communicator so he can give a speech in the US congress. It would
be nothing for me but he did a good job. Zerlensky was once before
in the White House on a visit to donald trump. I tried to find
back that old photo where he looks a bit bewildered but I could
not find it.
And say for yourself: sitting next to a piece
of shit like donald trump is a frightening experience if you have
a normal human brain for yourself. Bah lets hope this bag of bowel
wind, this nutjob never becomes USA prez again...

And my dear Kremlin spokesperson: Of course
there will be more batches of 100 thousand dead Russian soldiers.
The policy has changed so can you stop all that whining
For a short time the Ukrainian flag hung in
the US congress, may be that will act as a clear cut signal to
dumbo's like Dimitri... Let's hope it.

Ok, lets go to the last item.
Item 2) A simple
solar detail confirming sun spots are caused by spinning plasma.
Somewhere in 2015 I figured out that likely
electrons are the long sought magnetic monopoles. Why the physics
professors themselves could not find this important detail is
still unknown to me, ok it is bad for the career of a theoretical
professor to say that electrons are magnetic monopoles. But for
experimentalists there is little excuse: it is not that hard to
design a series of simple experiments that will validate
Anyway after a few years it dawned on me that
if in the sun there are rotating columns of plasma, as soon as
there is an imbalance in the electrical charges this will act as a
magnet. It is the solar version of an electrical coil so to
If electrons are magnetic monopoles, in that
case a lot of electrons will get spit out by the magnetic fields
because they will be repelled. At the time I had no clue if this
actually happened on the sun. But about one year later I found out
that at the solar equator the sun rotates faster compared to the
solar poles.
So we must threat these rotating columns as
rotating positive charges, as such we can apply the good old high
school right hand rule for determining the north pole of the
stuff. Please remark that if the rotating differential causes
spinning plasma or tornado like structures, they will rotate in
opposite directions on the north solar hemisphere compared to the
south solar hemisphere.
An important feature of sun spots on the
solar surface is they often come in pairs. The leading sun spot is
mostly the strongest and it is known the sun spots are places of
hefty magnetism. The solar magnetic cycle is 22 years, but the
magnetic polarity of the sun spots always stays the

As you see on inspection all details
surrounding spinning or rotating columns of plasma are found back
in the above picture. The leading sun spot always has north pole
polarity on the upper hemisphere and south polo polarity on the
lower solar hemisphere.
If you compare that to all those explanations
as given by the physics professors, do you understand we will
never be friends? Seven years of waiting until the physics
professors say something has come and gone and since last year
there is a new policy in place for dealing with those shitty
overpaid incompetent people: AVOID THEM!
So the physics professors, arrogant and
stupid to the bone as they are, they had seven years of poking fun
at me for thinking I had found the magnetic monopoles. Now it is
my turn to have seven years of being totally non cooperative.
Will the physics professors ever cough up
that proof that the electrons is a tiny magnet as those idiots
always claim? Of course not so AVOID THEM looks like the most
logical thing to do.
End of this update, kill more Russians and if
you want to neglect and avoid weird physics professors too that
could help on a seven year timescale.
Till updates.
(21 Dec 2022) I corrected a bunch of stupid
typo's: all updates in this month were labeled with the Nov
month... Sometimes I too wonder why I can be that stupid for just
so long.
Two items for today, I hope I remember the
name in the first item correctly:
Item 1) Interesting attack in Chongar
Item 2) A very good 30 min video on the Riemann hypothesis.
Item 1) Interesting
attack in Chongar observed.
In Chongar a Russian military convoy came
under attack. The interesting details are the convoy was moving so
it was not a stationary target. And it was about 120 km behind the
I took a screen shot from a Dennys Davydov

This is one of the many interesting
developments this week.
Item 2) A very good
30 min video on the Riemann hypothesis.
The video is relatively good in it's category
of Riemann hypotheses videos. All in all it is amazing how far
Riemann has come on his own and of course it is amazing the lack
of progress ever since.
Yes me too, I don't have a fucking clue how
to prove this beast known as the Riemann hypothesis.
The video is very bad when it comes to
expectations of human behavior. He constantly talks about the one
million US dollar prize that comes for solving this problem. But
for me and I think for most people, money is not a good motivation
for doing math.
Beside that, only if a university professor
solves this long lasting problem it will be validated. Most of the
time results from math amateurs like me are mostly ignored. Let me
give you an example of that:
Last year I found a simple method of crafting
counter examples to the also very old and very famous last Fermat
theorem. Now inside math there is a space known as the split
complex numbers and you can easily craft infinitely many counter
examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat. But all
attention only goes to some overpaid math professor named Andrew
Wiles (he solved the old Fermat conjecture).
Another example: Inside physics it might be
there is some potential prize money out for people that discover a
magnetic monopole. For me it is obvious that each and every
electron is such a magnetic monopole. Well I haven't received any
prize money or any attention and I expect that to be the case
until I am dead.
It is not that universities are evil
institutions, it is the large amount of relatively stupid people
that get promoted far beyond their cognitive capabilities. And if
they run the show you indeed get the behavior we observe: often
stupid to the bone.
But the video is very good when it comes to
explaining what has been found. And I like it that this guy uses a
different definition of the famous Riemann zeta function, it shows
he has a good functioning brain when it comes to being a smart
Yet his hopes for humanity are far to high: A
bag of money will never solve the Riemann hypothesis. And may be
that is a good thing.
Click on the picture to land at the video:

Video title: The Million-Dollar Equation: too hard for Sheldon??
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4kOh7qlsM4
That was it for this update. See you around.
(16 Dec 2022) It has been freezing over here
for a couple of days. It is fresh weather so to say. The new EU
Ukrainian aid package is prone to political games, I don't like
that at all but there is absolutely nothing I can do about that.
As usual it is some country with some kind of autocratic
leadership, in this case Hungary. An interesting feature of
autocrats is that almost all of the time they are not very smart
while at the same time very good at grabbing more and more
political power.
Two times for today:
Item 1) Laser nuclear fusion ignition
reached: is it important?
Item 2) Yeah yeah this is muddy.
Item 1) Laser nuclear
fusion ignition reached: is it important?
In the USA there was a big media fuss about
nuclear fusion because as it was claimed "More energy came
out as we did put into it". We have seen this before: decades
ago the JET reactor in the UK had the same success. The only
problem was that all the energy needed to confine the plasma was
not into the calculation and as such 'break even' was an
efficiency of say 2% (I don't remember the real numbers so say
From the USA came the news about 3 mega
Joules was produced with an input of just below 2 mega Joules.
Without doubt that 2 mega Joule must be the energy in the laser
light only. This time they are a bit more truthful as back in the
time with the JET stuff. Let me place a small quote from
However, while the fusion reactions may have produced more than 3 megajoules of energy — more than was delivered to the target — NIF’s 192 lasers consumed 322 megajoules of
energy in the process. Still, the experiment qualifies as ignition, a benchmark measure for fusion reactions that focuses on how much energy went into the target compared
to how much energy was released.
Comment: So if we restrict the efficiency to
the laser system only, that is about 1% efficiency. As you see we
have a long way to.
Quote and picture source: Nuclear-fusion lab achieves ‘ignition’: what does it
Link used: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-04440-7
It cost about 4200 Joules to heat one liter
of water one degree Celcius or Kelvin. With 3 mega Joules you can
heat about 700 liter of water one degree.

A very important feature of an electricity
plant is that it produces more electricity as it consumes. If not
there is nothing to sell. So looking at this sort of record
breakthroughs should always be looked upon a sliding scale.
You want all numbers, like the energy in the laser versus produced
fusion energy. The energy needed to fire the laser once, total
energy of the building where it all takes place and so on and so
At last to pour even more cold water over
this breakthrough: The 3 mega Joules produced is mostly heat, it
is not in the form of electric energy. If you take that into
account the total efficiency is even smaller.
On the other hand it is nice to have achieved
the thing known as ignition, in itself it is important but by no
means will this help with climate change. Carbon emissions just
don't decline and even if they would total amount of greenhouse
gasses in the atmosphere will only grow higher and higher.
If often view it as a garbage bin problem: We
use the atmosphere as a garbage bin by throwing in all those
greenhouse gasses like CO2 and methane. What happens if this
garbage bin overflows is anybody's guess but likely it won't be
Item 2) Yeah yeah
this is muddy.
It is well know that Ukraine can be a muddy
place in autumn and spring. But my home country can be a wet place
too so how does it compare? The UA ministry of defense had a short
video out demonstrating how muddy it is. Here is a screen shot:

Without doubt if over here we start driving
tanks over grassland they will sink too. But all in all it is not
that slushy as we see in the screen shot. First the land must
freeze over so lets hope that happens soon.
In the meantime I hope the Ukrainians have
enough good winter clothing. A lot of civilians have no idea how
it is to be outside 24h a day in conditions like this. I only had
one time the pleasure of sleeping under an open sky while it was
freezing. You really need a lot more food in conditions like that.
Ok, let me try to find that button named
'publish website' and hope it does not get stuck in some muddy
field...;) Thanks for your attention and till updates.
(14 Dec 2022) No shortage of weird news: Some
EU parliament official had about 600 thousand in € bills in her
house and in Germany a group named the Reichsbürger was arrested
because they wanted to overthrow the German government.
Who says humanity is always a work in progress?
But if we clean the world until it is tidy
again, in that case we are making progress. For example in Ukraine
you see a sniper team at work and they are cleaning up their
country from unwanted parasitic types that love steal toilet pots:

Two items for today:
Item 1) More on the oil price cap &
Russia's reaction thereupon.
Item 2) On the permanency of electron spin.
Item 1) More on the
oil price cap & Russia's reaction thereupon.
I have never traded in oil so I hope I don't
look too stupid with this update...;)
Oil trade has likely a ton of details with it
that are not very clear from the outside. I know for example that
during the trip of a tanker to her destination, the oil on the
ship can be sold and bought many times. Furthermore it seems that
the final date the oil must be paid for by traders is not the date
the ship sails from the port.
On oilprices dot com they have two articles
on the oil price cap. Title first article:
The Oil Price Cap Continues To Baffle Traders.
Link used: https://oilprice.com/
Let me place a small quote:
Bloomberg cited traders last week as saying that a lot of them risked getting stuck with Russian
crude cargos that cost more than the $60-per-barrel cap, unable to access Western insurance and
tankers because of that fact. And that, in turn, would threaten the supply side of the global oil equation.
Comment: It looks like it is better to trade
on a fixed price. I am tempted to ask if it amateur hour but on
the other hand I don't know the specifics of the oil trade. After
all there are real people that try to make a living trading in
actual oil. So no trading in fancy financial products but the
actual stuff we need to kill the atmosphere slowly.

Of course it is not the goal of destroying
the supply side of oil. There is a 90 day period for implementing
all the stuff. And ok oil traders did not have much time to
prepare, it was just a short time ago that for example Poland
insisted on a 40 dollar price and it took a lot of time to get the
legislation delivered in time.
So lets hope for the best, it is just a new
boundary condition on oil trade that makes things more complicated
but also attractive because of the lower price...
At last a second article from oil prices dot
Title: A Peek At Russia’s Response To The G7 Oil Price Cap.
Link used: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/
Item 2) On the permanency
of electron spin.
Over at the other website I just posted a few
reasons as why I think electron spin is a permanent property of
electrons. If correct this has all kinds of fascinating
consequences, for example in your body when you grow proteins
there must be all kinds of 'just in time delivery' of electrons
with the right kind of spin.
May be if electron spin is permanent,
biological tissue uses electrons as a form of memory for say the
shape of an organ or a bone or stuff in your eye. After all DNA
decodes for how to make proteins but as far as we know it contains
nothing as where to put and use that protein.
It was only this year I more or less decided
that likely electron spin is a permanent feature. A long time ago
a guy named Albert Einstein has calculated the probability per
second for an electron in atomic hydrogen to flip the electron
spin from a somehow higher energy level to a tiny bit less lower
So all these last seven years I kept a door
open to electrons being able to change their monopole magnetic
Another thing that made me humble and wait is
the famous 21 cm hydrogen spectral line used in astronomy. That is
very important because with this wavelength you can see right
throw dust and stuff. But the 21 cm transition line is often only
motivated by spin flip in atomic hydrogen.
Years ago I figured out that it should also
be possible if there are other electrons that collide with the
interstellar atomic hydrogen. Of course such atomic hydrogen must
be in the higher energy state when it comes to electron monopole
magnetic charge in order to release the 21 cm radiation.
So I did an internet search trying to find
out if engineers may have tried to make some resonance chamber
where they bombard atomic hydrogen with electrons in order to make
the 21 cm radiation. I failed but I found a pdf from an old
article out of the year 1958. To my surprise it explains perfectly
that collisions are far more likely to cause the 21 cm radiation
and not that fancy Albert Einstein calculation.
On top of that the pdf is from the RUG, the
university next door. So five years before I was born they
understood that collisions could also be the source of the 21 cm
radiation. But I never found that in my seven year long quest into
electron spin.
Here is a screen shot from the old article
pdf while I use some modern James Webb Space Telescope picture in
the background. Click on the picture to land at my latest post
over on the other website:

That was it for this update. Love thy
neighbor and don't forget to kill a few Russians here and there if
you can. Till updates and thanks for your attention.
(09 Dec 2022) Oil prices don't do wild
things. I more or less expected a few hickups here and there but
today oil prices were shaved by another percent. So as far as the
oil markets are concerned, the price cap for Russian oil did not
lead to price instabilities or so...
All in all there is a 90 days implementation period so it is far
to early to say something meaningful beside stuff like there is no
panic at all only tranquility from the eastern front.
Two items for today:
Item 1) Intercepted phone call on the
importance of Vodka.
Item 2) A tiny bit more on the exponential circle from the
previous update.
Item 1) Intercepted
phone call on the importance of Vodka.
I think I have shown you this channel before
but if you haven't checked it out it is still worth a try. It's
called Insights from Ukraine and Russia and he often has
intercepted phone calls. Those phone calls are not rigid
statistics or so but all in all they paint a very interesting
picture of the problems the Russians face.
If you just like me has served as a conscript
in the local army, likely you wonder why the Russians make such a
tremendous misuse of their own soldiers. In the end if you don't
take care of your soldiers in the end those frustrated males will
become rather criminal and alcoholic and drug abusive after
returning home.
And a lot of them won't come home alive
Video title: Russian Soldier Fears Sobriety And Arguing With His Mother On The Phone - INTERCEPTION
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J8ZDBiACrw

Russians have a habit of making Vodka for
themselves, it's legal over there. But often they need to filter
the end result with carbon in order to get something you can
drink. In the year 2010 I stopped making Vodka myself but in the
end I had perfected it to the extend you absolutely did not need
weird things like carbon filters.
It is interesting to see on such a wide scale
(all of Russia) that they hang on for so long to stuff that is so
dirty you need to filter it. With a bit of attention and
understanding how the Vodka making process works makes tremendous
improvements on the end product. May be in a future update I will
explain but covering all details is too long for short updates
like this one.
Item 2) A tiny bit
more on the exponential circle from the previous update.
I skipped a lot of things last Tuesday, in
the first place this is the exponential circle for so called
circular 3D numbers. They use an imaginary unit j such that
j^3 = 1 where for the complex three dimensional numbers we
have j^3 = -1.
In the picture you see five equations. These
five equations represent five geometrical objects and every
intersection between two of the equations is the beloved
exponential circle. Because there are five equations there are 10
ways to pair them up so the the intersection of each pair is the
exponential circle.
The meaning of the five equations is given
1) A sphere with a radius of 1.
2) A cone with the top in the origin and containing the three
coordinate axes.
3) This is the determinant of 3D circular numbers as a matrix.
4) A plane containing the three basis vectors 1 = (1, 0, 0), j
= (0, 1, 0) and j^2 = (0, 0, 1).
5) A cylinder around the main axis of non-invertible

But of course there is more, after it is math
made by me myself and I and therefore it is not so shallow as a
lot of other stuff. The last equations 4) and 5) are factors of
You can try that for yourself, multiply
equation 4) and 5) and keep on working until you have equation
number 3).
After that you can be amazed, just like I was
years ago, that the three functions depending on time always solve
all five equations.
And after days and weeks of thinking you
suddenly understand it all: This is a sign from God and it says:
Kill more Russians! Vodka or not if even God says we must kill
more Russians who am I to preach that thing as peace love and
Ok, it is time to upload this and thanks for
your attention.
(07 Dec 2022) Yesterday the Russian oil price
cap came into effect. It was agreed at 60 dollar so insurance
companies are not allowed to insure Russian oil if the price is
above the price cap of 60 dollar. Now at day 2 insurance companies
are already complaining that the Turkish demands are hard to meet.
I can't judge on that but I am glad the Turks start with a
positive attitude.
Weirdly enough there is finally one silver
lining in this war to be found: On a global scale the investment
in energy renewables for the next five years is as high as the
combined investment from the last two decades... That is also why
I have never complained about the high energy prices. Of course as
a consumer I don't like it but as a human I understand we have to
make the energy transition better as fast as possible. After all
greenhouse gasses are still increasing far to fast...
Two items for today:
Item 1) Funny attacks inside Russia.
Item 2) Some old math; the 3D complex exponential.
Item 1) Funny
attacks inside Russia.
Amazingly far from the Ukraine border deep
inside Russia there were a few relatively small attacks on
military air fields. The funny detail is that now this war is
still in it's first year, it looks like the Russian capital Moscow
could become under attack too...
But this is only year number one of this war,
likely when we are in year four or five the Russians will sing a
very different song.
It was often said that it was a great embarrassment
for the Russians that these attacks took place so deep inside
Russia. But if the reports are true that it was done by long
distance drones with a payload of say 75 kg, it is remarkable the
Russians even noticed that they were attacked.
After all if you start your day with a pint
of mother Vodka, it is hard to notice something blowing up a few
miles from where you are. So my compliments go to Russia: This is
not an embarrassment but a clear sign that Russians are woke.
Being woke means you are sensitive to attacks
and I am just so glad the Russians are woke, awake, alert, fast
reacting and all those beautiful things that come with being
The Russians claimed the attacks were done
with drones like this:

The wooden era is from before the stone era,
I think it is unwise to use drones from the stone age or stone era
(they are too heavy).
May be it is time to go to the next
Item 2) Some old
math; the 3D complex exponential.
Lately a lot of Ukrainians can't work
properly because they lack electricity. Among those are also the
electricity workers and some of them are in the business of three
phase electricity.
Now my math upon this is very theoretical and
not much of a use in day to day practice of maintaining a three
phase electricity grid. But my 3D complex exponential resembles a
lot of things the three phase electricity has.
But electricity workers can compare if for
themselves: How do the graphs of say the voltages look if you
depict all phases in one graph? That is what the graphs of my 3D
exponential complex too look.
It is a bit more complicated as the simple
two dimensional complex exponential known as e^it. But at the time
it was a miracle I could use the cosine function to craft the
beautiful thing.
You can neglect the female, at first I wanted
to estimate how far Bitcoin could fall further and she is one of
the people that think there is great value in crypto currencies. I
don't think that, but anyway she has an interesting face for a
hormone driven guy like me:

It is remarkable that the lower three
coordinate functions form a circle and also obey the five
equations as depicted on the top of the head of the crypto coin
loving female.
End of this update.
(02 Dec 2022) It is about time I start to
follow the football stuff because now I am without a proper
television it is just too easy to forget an impending match. My
television is a stupid piece: Everything works good but not the
television channels.
But we are now in the 1/16 final and the
impending opponent is the USA on Saturday. The USA might not be a
very football or soccer minded nation but that does not mean you
will have an easy win. On the contrary, only hard work and a
healthy amount of pure luck can bring a victory. So it could very
well be our football fate is decided in a few days of time.
Today I have only one item:
Item 1) Is there life after HIMARS?
Item 1) Is there life
after HIMARS?
In a video from Jake Broe he came with
something I had not given much thought about: Are there enough
HIMARS rockets? Jake estimated all in all about 10 thousand could
be shipped to Ukraine before serious shortcomings in the USA
arsenal is there. Furthermore he estimates about 1500 a month go
to Ukraine.
If true that would be on average 50 fired
HIMARS rockets a day?
I have no idea how reliable Jake's
estimations are, after all I observed him once explaining how he
does his investments and all that money into options only did not
look like some smart investment strategy. But reliable estimate or
not, of course the HIMARS stockpiles are finite.
We are still in a so called 'peace time
economy' so expanding military production should more or less
follow basic economical principles. In a wartime economy there is
much less on economical efficiency, military efficiency is more
dominant in a wartime economy.
Companies like Boeing are putting down
proposals for the delivery of other rockets in the 100 mile range.
These are small rockets with a small diameter, have not a very
large payload but have target precision.
Delivery could be in the beginning of
Of course there are a lot more proposals
going on and given the finite amount of HIMARS rocktes this
problem must be solved. All I do is say that I hope it is FUCKING
CHEAP per capita rocket so we have not a ceiling of say 10.000 but
more like 50 thousand cheap but precise rockets...

Picture source and Reuters file with a few
Exclusive: U.S. weighs sending 100-mile strike weapon to Ukraine
Let's leave it with that. Till updates.
(30 Nov 2022) There seems to be some delay in
the EU proposals for the Russian oil price cap. I don't know the
details but someone said that Poland considers the present
proposals as too high and want the capping at 40€.
I don't think such a price will work, if Russia considers the
price too low and as some form of economical suicide it could very
well be they blow up the entire global economy by halting all oil
That would be extreme but we must take into consideration that the
Kremlin is no longer a rational actor. As such I think 40€ is
too low and something like say 63€ looks like a better
In a very different thing, it was reported
that the face of Sasha Grey was used on some Russian military
recruitment poster. Well Sasha is USA based and likely not very
pleased with this weird stuff. The poor girl.
Two small items for today:
Item 1) Two already iconic pictures from
Bakhmut I believe.
Item 2) I still can't find any repeated Stern Gerlach
Item 1) Two already
iconic pictures from Bakhmut I believe.
By all standards this is very hard work for
the Ukrainian armed forces. Lets hope they can rotate enough so
they can avoid nasty stuff like a trenchfoot. I saw a video from a
guy after five days of being in these wet trenches, he did put out
his shoes and was wearing plastic bags over his socks.

And the real cold still has to come. The
Russians without proper winter clothing, sleeping bags etc etc are
already dying from hypothermia. Once more we see the Kremlin is
not a very rational actor: how can you send your soldiers into
battle without proper clothing or a sleeping bag?
The next picture is also already iconic,
anyway I consider it so, this shows a bit of the damage done to
the nature inside Ukraine:

If you think about all those animals wounded
& killed by shrapnel, it makes you a bit sad. But a lot of
nations are stepping up military and humanitarian aid and that
makes me happy.
On the electricity front it amazes me how
fast the repairs are being done. From childhood on I knew a bit
more about electricity production and distribution because my
father worked as the local electricity plant. Now for all people
complaining repairs don't go fast enough I have a simple challenge
for you:
Replace the plug of one of your apparatus or
just montage a plug at the end of some electricity cable. Lay out
all the tools you need, start the timer and never forget the first
rule of electricity: Every mistake can lead to serious death or
Most people need easily 15 minutes or more
for just replacing a plug...
My compliments go to the electricity workers
from Ukraine!
Item 2) I still can't
find any repeated Stern Gerlach experiments...
No, on the preprint archive if you just make
a simple search on say like "repeated Stern Gelach" you
get zero results if you restrict it to the abstract inside all of
If you make a full text search on the
preprint archive you will get results, it is not 100% braindead
but it comes very close.
Without doubt many times in the last hundred
years since in 1922 the results of the Stern Gerlach experiment
became known, without doubt a lot of times people must have tried
to do the 'repeating' experiment. Or the stuff like "If you
measure the spin in the Z-axis direction, both spins in the X and
Y axis direction are reset to a 50/50 probability
Well it's all not there, on the entire
internet you can't find it anywhere: In one hundred years it was
never validated that all this super position quantum stuff was
Yet at present day people try to build
quantum computers while they think that electrons are often in a
super position of being spin up & spin down.
I say nope to this nonsense: Why don't the
university people back up their ridiculous claims like every
electrons is a tiny magnet?
Where is your experimental proof?
The only place in this universe where
electron spin gets flipped is inside the heads of physics
professors. In my view these people are crazy, they are not
Here is Sasha on my recruitment poster for
thinking about electron spin as a magnetic monopole.

Oh oh, lets hope Sasha does not recruit too
much Russian horny dicks...
May be it is a great time to split my dear
Till updates.
(25 Nov 2022) Two items for
Item 1) Amrita Sen on oil price cap, oil
embargo & the famous FTT token...
Item 2) It sounds cool: spin lasers.
Item 1) Amrita Sen
on oil price cap, oil embargo & the famous FTT token...
Amrita Sen is a good energy analyst. So if
you are confused by the oil price cap, the so called oil embargo
and most important: Are you interested in investing in
Click on the picture for the CNBC video,
title: The price cap does not impact Europe's ability to buy Russian oil, says Energy Aspects' Amrita Sen:

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nm4z6dry7c
If you have a normal life with a job or so or
some kids you might have missed the crash of the crypto coin
exchange FTX. By accident I came across a video from April this
year with the crypo billionaire Sam Bankman Fried. The way Sam
describes the crypto currencies or coins as a box is a very good
way of depicting what crypto actually is.
Crypto is a charming idea, but at present day
total market cap of all cryto's is about 800 billion dollar or
euro. Do you think 800 billion in stuff made out of thin air is
enough to serve the real economy in some kind of way or form? In
my view total market cap can fall much much more...
Crypto CEO Accidentally Describes Ponzi Scheme
It is from the Channel Coffeezilla, he didn't
do the interview himself but it's a repost.
So now you know what a crypto coin is: It is
a box where people put money in.
Item 2) It sounds
cool: spin lasers.
In the previous update I didn't have time
enough to explain as why I think electrons carry a permanent
one-pole magnetic charge. Why is this 'spin' permanent while
extremely smart people from the physics departments try to build
quantum computers based on flipping qbits?
I want to repost this picture from the ESO, I
posted this one on 05 Oct:
The spirally stuff means the photons have
opposite circular polarization.

Under the assumption that electrons are
magnetic monopoles, the sun spots will spit out mostly one kind of
electron. These electrons produce different kinds of
Ok, but what makes these two 'spin states'
The official theory says that if you measure
the spin of an electron in a particular direction, say along the
X-axis, that serves as a kind of reset if you measure it along a
perpendicular direction say the Y or Z-axis.
A measurement is any kind of magnetic field
coming from any direction; that should count as a reset on
directions perpendicular to that.
Now the sun is a rather chaotic place so why
is there a significant circular polarization to find all of the
time? And once more: why do professional physics people not see
for themselves that their idea's about electrons being tiny
magnets are total BS? If you claim that electrons are tiny magnets
you must have some experimental proof for that. They haven't any
proof and on top of that don't think there is a problem there.
Why do we use so much tax money to fund these
Well I don't think we have enough time to
look at the spin lasers. But it's a catchy title so why change it?
May be next time, sorry!
Ok, that is what I had to say today. Thanks
for your attention and I hope you will sleep warm with peace in
your hard while you dream of being a long distance sniper shooting
a few Russian conscripts a day every day...;)
(23 Nov 2022) The WHO reported that about 700
attacks were done against Ukrainian medical facilities since last
Feb. That is a staggering amount. I remember in the first week of
the war I was irritated by that mental hospital guy Lavrov the
Russian fm. He said at the time there will only be attacks against
military targets done with precise weaponry...
Not often you observe a person that weird. Is
it a problem for Sergei Lavrov his insights did not come out? Of
course not, he is a very mental guy.
Two items for today.
Item 1) Russian oil price cap &
Item 1) Russian oil
price cap & inflation.
Oops, it seems that the price cap is set at
60 US$. But my estimation says it should be 63 US$ because at
something like 60 dollar there still is a possibility the Kremlin
will go beserk.
With going beserk or bonkers I mean they will
stop all oil deliveries at the countries that are participating in
the oil price capping mechanism. Anyway the mechanism via ship
insurance is still a beautiful route: If the insurance of the ship
is too high, the insurance will not be sold.
Ok, I am too late with my 63 $ remark. Sorry
but in previous updates I had also other things to do of course.
So ok, let it be 60 dollar if this can't be changed.
For the time being inflation is just going on
and on. I don't blame anyone for this. Ok ok from all existing US
dollars there are a lot of the introduced into the economy in the
last years since COVID-19. You must weigh that against the damage
that would have been done by the new virus if there would be zero
help from the governments around the world. In the USA there would
be millions more homeless people because they could not pay rent
or mortgage. The rescue packages have prevented this but the
fallout is a nice rout of good old inflation.
Lately oil prices did come a bit down so may
be this is the beginning of the unwinding of the latest inflation
rout that rams through the entire economy.

May be we should not call it "Price cap
on Russian oil" but we invite Russia to make a humble
contribution to the noble fight against that evil inflation
monster. Hey Russia, is 63 dollar a barrel acceptable for
Item 2) Circular
photons and electron spin, from blah blah to logic.
Sometimes I can be stupid too. Four evenings
on a row I wasted about half an hour to find some meaningful stuff
on the interaction of electrons and photons.
But I did that search on Duckduckgo. The
fifth day I was thinking "Why not try Google?" At
present day Google has an option of "Reject all tracing &
tracking" so it is more or less safe to skip using Duckduckgo.
Within five minutes I had what I
Spin up electrons create say left turning
photons while
spin down electrons create right turning circular photons.
The fact this is a bit hard to find in the
year 2022 on the internet is a reflection of the fact that science
does not embrace the logic of electrons being magnetic
May be you have ever heard of the so called
complex exponential:
e^it = cos t + i
sin t.
This is a left turning thing. We can make it
a right turning thing by replacing the time t by a negative time
-t. We can also apply a 'phase shift' of 180 degrees to the sine
and in that case we get:
cos t - i sin t.
Say the cos is the electric field of the
photon and sin the magnetic part.
If electrons are magnetic monopoles, this
comes down to a 180 degree shift in the magnetic field of the

The quote in the picture above demonstrates
that physics professors understand that electron spin caused the
kind of circular photon you have.
It's late, lets end this update and give you
the internet sources used:
U.S., Allies Eye $60 Price Cap For Russian Crude
Ok, that was it because I run out of time.
But the 'blah blah' is what physics professors think while the
'logic' it the 180 degree shift in magnetism when it comes to our
beloved electrons that are all permanent magnetic monopoles.
Till updates.
(18 Nov 2022) Today after say 8 years, the
verdicts were done in the case of the downing of the MH17 with a
BUK rocket. One person was found not guilty, the others got life
sentences. It's all highly symbolic of course given the fact the
accused are in Russia, but it gives some closure to those who's
loved ones were shot from the sky...
In the case of the rockets in Poland the
investigation is still underway. I vaguely read also a Ukrainian
team was on their way or had arrived so lets keep calm because
this does not look like an attack against NATO. It's likely some
stupid accident just like the MH17 stuff from 2014.
Dennys Davydov (a Ukrainian Youtubber) had
two interesting observations:
1) The S300 ground to air missiles are supposed to explode in air
if they miss their intended target. They only hit ground targets
if they are modified like Russia did.
2) If you use the coordinates of Kyiv and Liyv (I hope I spell it
all correctly) and you fill that in as longitude and altitude, you
get weirdly a situation very close to the place of impact. As such
Dennys is suggesting that some rockets at the Russian side were
loaded with the faulty coordinates.
It's all very interesting but better wait a
bit longer is my take on the stuff.
I found a video that is utterly useless,
stupid interpretation of the facts, completely not understanding
that adult people do often act calmly and not so weirdly
hysterical as that FirstPost video. This is all fucking
Video title: US, NATO and other Allies of Ukraine Angered by Zelensky’s Lies About Russia | Poland Missile Attack.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TXQGZAbfCI
So far for the intro, today's item is about
Item 1) Wow man they found Weyl magnet
monopoles! I hit back with oxygen!
Item 1) Wow man they
found Weyl magnet monopoles! I hit back with oxygen!
Today I finally did an internet search on
what Weyl magnets are and to my surprise they found something that
acts as a magnetic monopole. I still have no idea what Weyl
magnets are because most explanations don't make use of the fact
that electrons are magnetic monopoles themselves.
It still baffles my mind as why those physics
professionals don't see their idea as the electron being a tiny
magnet leads to all kinds of contradictions. For example how can
it be the electron pair with opposite spins is a binding element
in chemistry? But if you view electrons as the monopoles when it
comes to magnetic charge, all of a sudden it makes much more sense
that an electron pair is a binding thing inside the science of
Lately I looked again in the details as why
oxygen molecules are magnetic. It seems that every oxygen molecule
O2 has one so called 'non binding' electron pair. The
official theory says a non-binding pair has two electrons with the
same spin.
So in my world of understanding electron
spin: Every oxygen molecule O2 must behave as a
magnetic monopole. And it should not be that hard to verify this
experimentally, but a wise person must not wait for universities
to take their responsibilities on this detail.
Anyway you can compare for yourself what is
overly complicated and what is very simple to understand when it
comes to magnetic monopoles.
Here is that Weyl stuff:
Physicist observes the first unpaired Weyl magnetic monopole.
And what I had to say on electrons being
magnetic monopoles and as such explaining the magnetic properties
of the oxygen molecule O2:
Why is oxygen
Before we split and you just don't want to
know about electron spin, let me post one of those new music
videos with AI generated images based on the lyrics of the song

Video title: Killer Queen - But every lyric is an AI generated image
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei3Mg7ajMP4
It looks amazing if you realize it is made by
some computer.
Let us split an go our different ways, till
(16 Nov 2022) This evening two missiles
landed in Poland killing two people. Once more it goes from crazy
to worse and of course the Kremlin denying it all just like we
observed with that MH17 from eight years back...
All in all at first impression this does not
look like an attack but an accident, yet this drives up tensions
only more and more.
It's late, two items so lets get
Item 1) Missiles in Poland and a
Dnieper crossing to the Kinburn Peninsula...
Item 2) The complex exponential for 4D complex numbers (from
Item 1) Missiles in
Poland and a Dnieper crossing to the Kinburn Peninsula...
It is not only bad news from Ukraine. I
observed some video fragments of Ukrainian soldiers crossing the
Dnieper going to that Kinburn Peninsula. But in the haste I could
not find any pictures.
This was shown in the first pictures from

We must wait until more details emerge.
In a light note I wanted to post a detail of
that weird but also very beautiful photo from a drawing by Banksy.
It is very beautiful. Drawing is something I am very bad at, I
just can't draw a human face so to say.

I skipped an awful lot like the G20 meeting,
but lets go to the next item.
Item 2) The complex
exponential for 4D complex numbers (from 2018).
Until now I keep all of my math works in one
rather large file that is now almost one thousand pages long.
Lately I have been scrolling through that on a few occasions and a
lot of stuff was found that made me say 'not bad'.
One of those is what as known as a complex
exponential, that is that stuff like e^it that goes round
in a circle in the complex plane. I found that thing on the 4D
complex numbers.
Now 4D complex numbers are NOT the
quaternions. Just as the complex plane is based on the calculation
rule that i^2 = = -1, for 4D complex numbers the imaginary
unit is given by k and the calculation rule is that k^4
= -1.
Here is some basic stuff:
And what about the numbers tau? They are the
kernel of all complex exponential stuff in any space you can dream
of. May be the 4D number tau is worth say one hundred thousand
more dead Russian soldiers, is that a good advertisement for 4D
complex numbers?
I think it is time to split, I am sleepy. I
hope you are too.
Update from 24
hours later: This day it emerged that likely some
Ukrainian anti-air boom stuff went astray. So I was wrong
with blaming Russia as soon as possible. This proves once
more you must not draw such conclusions when you are both
tired and irritated.
Also because I was a bit
too tired yesterday I could not find that parametrization
for the 4D complex exponential, but today now I am happy
and not tired at all and of course I have Jesus in my
heart, the screenshot was easily found again.
It is a bit more
complicated as the famous e^it = cos(t) + i
sin(t). But these four coordinate functions are
very beautiful: it is the multiplication of two such
famous things together and one of those circles runs twice
as fast as the other. It is just like the 'explanation' of
electron spin with the stupid Dirac belt trick but don't
tell that to the believers in electron spin 'Dirac style'. |
Here is the screenshot, it's the 4D version
of e^it:

The imaginary unit l in the above
picture is the second basic vector in 4D space, so:
l = (0, 1, 0, 0) and l^2 = (0,
0, 1, 0) etc etc.
So far for this small correction &
addendum. See you around.
(11 Nov 2022) As usual a lot did happen in
just two days, I want to look at the Kherson stuff and the USA
Item 1) USA elections; it looks like a big
Item 1) USA
elections; it looks like a big relief...
The Ukrainians are on average very convinced
that they will win the war. And ok given the circumstances they
are doing it relatively very good. But if the political situation
outside Ukraine changes a lot, it will all become much more
harder. May God forbit it but if trump becomes US prez again, we
will see all that chaos once more.
Often in a binary political democracy like
the USA there are relatively large swings in elections. It looks
like this time they weren't there. In itself this is a good thing,
stuff in the USA is already so strongly polarized that the fact
there was no big election swing indicates more and more Americans
understand that donald trump is a piece of shit.
And I don't want to hear that piece of shit
every day in the news talking his weird stuff. If I want to listen
to people that have all kinds of mental handicaps, if I want I can
always go and visit a local mental hospital...
The New York Post had a funny picture with
donald in the form of trumpty dumpty. For new readers: I can't
write the name of donald trump with the two capital letters it
needs, if I do that I always become emotionally instable...;)
I added a wallpaper version of the Ukrainian flag as a background
to the trumpty dumbty picture, may be I should apoligize to the
Ukrainians for using their flag colors...

This week Russia came out stating that they
will withdraw from Kherson. A lot of reports say they have tens of
thousands military folks over there so we wonder if they are
capable of an orderly withdrawal or retreat.
After all this is hard work, doing a
withdrawal while constantly engaging into fighting with the
Ukrainians is a hard thing to do. If there are really about 30
thousand Russians in that area, it will take some time to complete
such a withdrawal.
The New York Times has a relatively good and
long oversight on the Ukrainian equation. The picture below is a
part from a photo of Stanislav Kozliuk, sometimes I am just to
lazy in naming sources but this photo was so beautiful that I had
to mention Stanislav his name.

NYT source, title: Ukrainian Forces Advance After Russia Orders Kherson Retreat
I would like to end this update with a sad
estimate: US estimates say that both Ukraine and Russia have
suffered casualties in the order of a hundred thousand. A casualty
is a dead human or a serious wounded one.
And that my dear reader is an awful lot of
human suffering.
Thanks for your attention.
(09 Nov 2022) It seems that a bunch of tanks
are going direction Ukraine. My country together with the USA
bought some T-72 upgraded tanks. If memory serves it were about 90
pieces, our contribution was about 45 million € from a new 120
million package. I don't know what the upgrade is, isn't it time
there would be technical innovation such that you can also brew
beer with a T-72?
What's that tank doing in your garden? Oh that is my latest
brewing equipment!
Our defense minister would not say what was
in the rest of the 120 million only that it was in line with what
was requested by the Ukrainians. So I hope it is helpful. On top
of that about 100 Dutch military folks will train Ukrainians in
some EU initiative.
So all in all it is not much and it is not
Two items for today:
Item 1) A grave digging contest in Russia.
Item 2) A tiny look at solar sun spot magnetism.
Item 1) A grave
digging contest in Russia.
Jake Broe often has those funny video's about
Ukraine. This one has the funny title:
Russia Keeps Failing at Everything
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6LMD_80upA
In his video Jake shows some Russian grave
digging contest. I don't know what to think of it although it is
indeed funny. Well all countries have a right to their own kind of
crazy. In the USA you have that halloween stuff and we the Dutch
still love some caricature form of a Negro named zwarte Piet.

For sure this is the Russia we love and
expect to see: Very good at digging graves...
Another reason to bring up this vid from Jake
is the next statistic as often published by the Ukrainians. The
Ukrainians try to estimate Russian losses and so often it just
baffles the mind: Why the hell do the Russians proceed with this?

Just another day on the battlefields in
Ukraine: 840 Russian soldiers dead.
These are crazy times and crazy numbers in a
crazy year...
Item 2) A tiny look
at solar sun spot magnetism.
Years ago I found an alternative explanation
for sun spots: rotating cylinder or tornado like structures in the
sun. The official explanation for sun spots is that so called
'magnetic lines' enter the surface dumping a lot of magnetic
energy in the solar corona.
In my experience of solar stuff and using the
very handy model of electrons being magnetic monopoles, I think a
rotating cylinder of plasma will become very positively charged
soon and become a very strong magnet.
So in my model the magnetism is not some weird thing popping up
but a mechanism where rotating kinetic energy is transformed into
The less complicated sun spots always come in
pairs with opposite magnetic polarity like in the next

Scientists think that sun spots are related
to the rotation of the sun: At the equator it rotates faster as on
the poles. I too think that it is related to this difference in
rotational speed: that causes the spinning cylinder stuff anyway
and after that kinetic energy is transformed into magnetic energy.
There is always a leading sup spot in a sun
spot pair; that must be the one with the spinning plasma under it.
Observations say that on the two hemisphere of the sun come always
opposite: If say the leading sun spot on the northern hemisphere
has polarity north, in that case mostly the leading sun spot on
the southern hemisphere will have south polarity.
Perfectly in line with the spinning plasma
cylinder model I think is more valid.
But present day professional physics people
just don't want to entertain the idea that likely all electrons
are magnetic monopoles with a permanent magnetic charge.
So my dear professional physics professors:
When the fuck are you finally giving some kind of experimental
proof that indeed electrons are the 'tiny magnets' as you claim to
Let us split my dear reader. Till
(04 Nov 2022) This update will be used to
take a short look at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in China
from Dec 2019. So for once we skip the Ukrainian equation. One of
my family members was relatively surprised that I more or less
guessed that a lab leak was the most probable cause of the
outbreak. He thought for a short time that I had lost my mind to
the conspiracy weirdo's around at that time.
Item 1) US Senate report & John Campbell
on the COVID origins.
Item 1) US Senate
report & John Campbell on the COVID origins.
The Chinese always reacted furious when it
was suggested that their Wuhan institute for virology was the root
source. After all if you work with viruses that can infect humans,
it does not take much error to get a leakage out of the lab. After
all at the end of the day all workers go home, they don't stay in
the lab always...
Now to refresh your mind there were two hypotheses:
That food market where the virus supposedly had come from an
animal source. The other main stream was the lab leak. And of
course tons of weird conspiracy stuff like Bill Gates wanting to
chip humans for some strange reason. Most of the time that
conspiracy stuff could be neglected but large parts of the
population fell prone to stuff like that.
I was doubtful about that food market
hypothesis. Ok ok over the entire history of mankind there will be
millions of people that went healthy to a food market and got some
virus or bacterial infection over there. But I know of no viral
stuff emerging from a food market in the entire history of
mankind. Of course if such a thing happened in say the year 1013
in some part of say Scotland, now we have no way of finding that
out. But anyway, the food hypothesis could be true but it definitely
needed much more evidence and proof.
Of course the lab leak hypothesis also needed
more evidence. The problem with the lab leak is of course that if
true, it might very well be the Chinese would try to cover this
up. After all only the economical damage was HUGE so to say.
So even if you have 5 or 10 pieces of strong
evidence pointing to a lab leak, the Chinese would not be
convinced in any way.
You can compare investigations like this (COVID
origin) to my own little quest into finding out if electrons are
'tiny magnets' or magnetic monopoles. The physics professors think
they are tiny magnets while I had my doubts. One of the strongest
pieces of evidence I had was the fact that in nature there are
only loose electrons or electron pairs. Why the hell are there
only single and paired electrons? If the 'tiny magnet' model was
true, where is the logic to this all?
But years later the Nobel prize committee,
idiots as they are, keep on handing out Nobel prizes in physics to
people that deeply think that electrons are tiny magnets. So the
fact there is never a triplet of electrons observed is no problem
for the committee members. If you are a nutjob anyway this is
never a problem.
So how could you bring a tiny bit more
validation to the lab leak hypothesis? The next picture shows a
map where Chinese people searched on some app about flu like
symptoms. It shows clearly that if there was a lab leak, these
data show more activity in the lab region compared to the food

If you show this very interesting map to some
Chinese official you won't get a meaningful response.
Ok, let me wrap up this update. It was a
video from John Campbell that aroused my old interest in the
COVID-19 origins again. Here are video title & link:
Video title: Covid could have started earlier than thought
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DwIfrFbyuI
The US Senate report named in the video:
At the end of this update I want to remark
that of course COVID-19 was already spreading before the Chinese
authorities made that public.
If you compared the speed of the reaction
from the Chinese compared to what the physics professors are
doing, we can safely conclude the physics professors are stupid to
the bone while the Chinese authorities are smart, clever and fast
reacting on changing circumstances...
Sometimes I wonder why the world is as it is.
But than I think: If there is a way to kill
more Russian soldiers we do not have
to wonder why.
End of this update.
(02 Nov 2022) It's a bit too late to write
the two items I planned for today so lets skip one of them. The
electricity situation in Ukraine keeps on worsening day in day
out. I don't know a way out, only air defense stuff brings some
relief but it is very hard to hit 100% of the incoming missiles.
It is still strange that the Russians think
they have some kind of right to their behavior like bombing all
that civilian infrastructure. And when a warship of them comes
under attack this is all of a sudden a 'terror attack'. At the
Kremlin week in week out they become more mental. But I said it so
often: These are not rational actors any longer, that means of
course some form of mental illness must be there.
I don't know if the grain deal really has
fallen apart, I didn't have time for that. But Monday a lot of
ships sailed anyway and now Russia is out of the deal we can also
reason like this: If Russia attacks some of the grain ships, this
could be considered as an attack on NATO (in case it is a Turkish
grain ship or so).
After that we could bomb the entire Black Sea fleet to the eternal
blup blup blup area of the Black Sea.
Item 1) That drone attack on the new Russian
Black Sea flag ship was spectacular!
Item 1) That drone
attack on the new Russian Black Sea flag ship was spectacular!
It has been some time since I wished the
Ukrainians good luck with the more complicated attacks. I don't
know how long ago that was but since then we observed a lot of
relative complicated attacks like the Crimean air port stuff and
just recently that drone attack on the new Russian flag
It is kinda weird that there is only a
helicopter from the Russians trying to shoot these drone boats. I
don't know much about boat defense but my humble guesstimate is
that a helicopter might give some protection but you need plenty
more. Well that is apparently lacking, lets hope the Russians
never run out of vodka.

The attack was in the dark, likely the
Russians don't have much night vision gear. For the long term
strategy of preventing Russia from doing another attack like they
do now in Ukraine, it is obvious the entire Russian Black Sea
fleet must go blup blup blup.
The Russians are denying any significant
damage but even if the new flag ship is unusable for the rest of
this war never forget the rest of the entire fleet still has to
In case you haven't seen the footage, it is
really crazy to see, here is a link:
Video title: Attack on the Port of Sevastopol
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tbUr5Nkxlk
That was it for this update. Thanks for your
(28 Oct 2022) It is already 00.50 hours over
here so lets get started. Two light items for today. So lets go:
Item 1) These feet cloth date back to tsar
Peter the Great.
Item 2) More on electron transport in biological tissue.
Item 1) These feet
cloth date back to tsar Peter the Great.
One of the video's from Jake Broe's channel
is also about so called voetlappen (that is Dutch for feet clotch)
is not related to the economical sanctions. Jake is mistaken in
that, but if you don't know the history of this stuff I can
understand why he is making that mistake.
Centuries back the Russian tsar Peter the
Great worked here as an intern so he could learn how ship were
build. He also found out that the Dutch in those long lost years
did not use socks for their military boots but voetlappen.
I know this is not very important information
but we must not view everything related to Russia with a mind full
of economical sanctions or so. Some things like these foot or feet
cloth are centuries old.

Back in the time it seems that Russia did not
have the flag it has today. I don't know if that is true but it is
said that tsar Peter based the Russian flag on our
May be it is time for another
Item 2) More on
electron transport in biological tissue.
After thinking a bit longer on this, the
finding that in biological systems electron transport can be spin
polarized. That is the chiral induced spin selection. I have
absolutely no idea how it works in detail but I can honestly say
that professional biochemical professors know even less about it
because they ask particle professors for advice. So they won't
make much progress with understanding it all.
Back to electron spin basics: In my view
electron spin is not some fragile state of some magnetic vector
pointing into some direction. I think that electrons are magnetic
monopoles and as such for the last seven years I tried to find
stuff that contradicts this monopole hypotheses. Year in year out
I could not find a thing, at present day I think this monopole
magnetic charge of the electron is true.
The idea of two different electrons with a
permanent magnetic charge has profound implications for chemistry
and biochemistry: Every electron pair is made of two electrons of
opposite magnetic charge, so when your body is making new proteins
or so there are going into this building up an awful lot of
electron pairs.
If there are two kinds of electrons, inside your body's electron
transport system there must be ways to separate these two variants
of electron.
If the story of the physics professors was
true, you only need to 'flip' the spin of a particular electron
and you'll be fine. If all that bullshit was true, why does nature
not invent some clever way to flip the spin of an electron?
In this universe the only place where electron spin gets flipped
is inside the head of those overpaid weirdo's known as the physics
I have two video's for you, the first one is
from the guy that more or less discovered this spin selection
effect. He works at some Israeli institute and it is obvious he
does not have a clue about how important this finding is. He is
thankful for the advice he gets from particle professors, now good
luck with that kind of advice.
Click on the picture for the video:

The next video is from PBS space time: The
idiot is explaining as why the 2022 Noble prize in physics is such
a good thing. In my view the Nobel prize committee is a bunch of
lunatics when it comes to electron spin; they keep on handing out
Nobel prizes to weirdo's thinking electrons are 'tiny
It is now the year 2022 and of course the
Nobel prize committee, idiots as they are, do not consider this an
important detail. For example last years Nobel prize winner Roger
Penrose thinks that an individual electron can be in a
superposition of spin up & spin down.

Video title: Why Did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US7fEkBsy4A
Don't believe too much of that bull shit, may
be this non-locality hype has some merits but observing all those
people putting two magnetic states into a superposition makes me
wonder where the intelligent life on this planet has fled too.
End of this post, till updates and as usual
thanks for your attention.
(26 Oct 2022) Two items:
Item 1) Crazy dirty bomb theory & small
Nordstream update (whodunnit?).
Item 2) Eagles Hotel California with AI generated images.
Item 1) Crazy dirty
bomb theory & small Nordstream update (whodunnit?).
At first when that weird accusation from the
Kremlin emerged I did not want to hear it or read it. I thought at
best there were some Kremlin ramblings about Ukraine assembling a
dirty bomb for use in Moscow or so.
But unavoidable while watching a CNN clip the
content of the dirty bomb stuff came out: The Ukrainians are going
to explode a dirty bomb on their own soil so they can blame Russia
for a nuclear attack...
Well I already had my doubts about how
information is processed inside the Kremlin and once more we
observe a system that can be described as being crazy or having
lost touch with reality.
Wasn't it just a few weeks ago when the
Nordstream pipelines came under attack that the Kremlin intensely
denied they had attacked their own pipeline? So why now come up
with weird stuff that Ukraine will attack itself with a dirty
Back in September when the pipelines came
under attack I had to do some thinking as who could have done it.
After three say at most five minutes a particular country came to
my mind. But I didn't want to influence the process in any kind of
manner so I did not say.
Yet I remember that I was thinking that
evening: Suppose it is indeed that country, and if the
investigation into that attack finds that too, what will they
Will they falsely accuse Russia? So I decided
to wait and see how stuff would evolve...
Last week Sweden came out saying they had
nothing to say because of reasons of national security. And yes,
that might be a way to avoid trouble in paradise.
Reuters Reporting: Sweden shuns formal joint investigation of Nord Stream leak, citing national security
Link used: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/sweden-
Now back in September I thought it was the
USA who had done this blowing up of the Nordstream pipeline. With
the behavior of Sweden we have a little clue that this could
actually be true. (Please remark this is not a proof of course.)
Now on the scale of things, how bad is it if
the USA has actually done this? In my view it is not a serious
crime but it is more than say a 'naughty naughty' thing. On the
scale of things lately the USA is doing the right thing when it
comes to the Ukrainian equation. I have lost count on the many
billions in military aid going to Ukraine, so compared to that all
in all the USA is on the right track.
But we can't have too much of this weird
stuff of course. So if it was the USA I would say: Lets not repeat
that kind of stuff.
Now it is time for a picture completely
unrelated to this item: A bunch of Russian so called mobilized
reservists that had to buy all their stuff and gear themselves.
Yeah yeah my dear Russian soldiers; there were just never ever
enough super yachts in this world and this is why you now must buy
your own gear.

And with the above guys Russia is going to
win the war in Ukraine... Sometimes I just wonder how the
information processing process is going over there in the
Item 2) Eagles Hotel
California with AI generated images.
This year there are a lot of new developments
like the stable diffusion stuff there text is converted into
images by some form of artificial intelligence. On Youtube you can
now find all kinds of old songs and the lyrics are used to feed
the AI that generates images.
In the AI science community they work hard
and have an open mind. That is why the developments go fast and
furious. Compare that to a science like say physics where it
becomes more and more clear they made some faults with electron
spin. The fucked up physics professors are mostly unaware they
need some experimental proof for their claim that electrons are
tiny magnets.
Year in year out just nothing happens. That
does not mean I am wrong with my ideas on electron spin. It means
or it shows that physics is a science that is not capable of
cleaning itself. So I must just accept that and move on.
But the AI is beautiful, I selected an old
song from the Eagles named Hotel California.
This is one of the pictures:

It is a cute idea to put the song text into
the pictures and see what the song looks after this improvement.
Hotel California - Eagles - But the lyrics are Ai generated images
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bulNXhYXgFI
That was it for this update. Thanks for your
(21 Oct 2022) This was another bad day for
Ukraine when it comes to attacks on the energy infrastructure. It
is kinds weird to observe the Kremlin talking about 'terror
attacks' when that big bridge came under attack but doing attacks
against civilian infrastructure themselves is no problemo.
It looks a lot like how the moral values
inside the head of donald trump go. In my view in the long run the
biggest threat to Ukraine's survival is another presidency of the
donald. Every week another tactic, weapons go or will be halted,
can you do me a favor bro? Why, why does that piece of shit, I
mean donald, not fall dead on the spot?
There is still info embargo when it comes to
developments in the Kherson region but at least that does not go
bad. Anyway given the limited info, stuff like evacuations and so
give a good indicator. First the Russian officers fled, after that
the political leaders and now the population is going over the
river direction south.
For myself it was a good day, by sheer
accident I found some info that indicates that living tissue like
our own bodies are capable of separating electrons according to
their spin. This is just another victory of my view on electrons
as being permanent magnetic monopoles; there are two types of
electron and in your body say when proteins grow there is a need
for electron pairs. And electron pairs are made of two magnetic
monopole electrons in their lowest energy state: opposite
Item 1) The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect.
Item 1) The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect.
The professors from chemistry are just as
fucking stupid at the physics professors when it comes to electron
spin. If it is true that electrons are tiny magnets as they claim,
why is the electron pair in chemical bonds the lowest energy
After all if I push two big macroscopic
magnets against each other, say north pole to north pole, this is
not a low energy state...
Once more, I am saying this for seven years
or so: likely electrons are magnetic monopoles. And if those weird
physics professors claim that electrons have a magnetic moment,
that they are tiny magnets; where is your FUCKING proof for that
But I digress. Suppose the spin of an
electron could be flipped. Now during the billion year long
evolution of life on earth, if life would need an electron spin
flip wouldn't it have found out a way to do that?
In the universe the only place where electron
spin gets flipped is inside the heads of physics and chemistry
professors. Likely in nature it never happens.
Since it was only this afternoon I observed
this 'induced spin selection' effect it still has to sink in on my
And the chemistry professors, stupid as they
are, they too have to do some sinking in: electrons are magnetic
Anyway, click on the picture to land on the
Yourtube simple video about electron spin. And by the way it was a
bad idea to name this electron magnetism 'spin' because the video
indeed suggests something is spinning.

Video title: The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect From The Weismann Institute
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgo1kfI_QAs
If it is true that electrons are tiny
magnets, why would nature or biological life go through all this
hussle and transport only electrons of a particular spin state?
Why did nature not develop some kind of mechanism that in case it
needed the other spin it would just flip that electron spin on the
fly if needed?
A bit more advanced but still stupid way of
looking at this spin state selection in bio stuff is found at: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.accounts.0c00485#
Let me end this update by saying sleep well
and if you are a chemistry professor I can say 'keep on sleeping'.
End of this update, thanks for your attention.
(19 Oct 2022) It seems the Iranians are trying
to make themselves popular in Ukraine. As some bizarre detail both
the Russians and the Iranians are denying the drones used come
from Iran... Oh, do they come from the South Pole and weren't
there some troubles because the penguins demanded payments in
Lets hope a bit more air cover will go on
it's long logistic route, but Ukraine is a large country and it
looks very difficult to get some protective umbrella over the
whole area. And what I don't understand from Russia is why attack
all those civil targets? It only makes the Ukrainians more pissed
as ever before and of course that will translate in more dead
Russian soldiers. You ain't seen nothing yet my dear Kremlin.
Two items for today, just a silly video about
the bracelet of an Ukrainian military commander and a somehow
deeper look in the giant magneto resistance effect.
Item 1) Yes it's a swastika! Fascists run
Ukraine for all those years!!!
Item 2) The giant magneto resistance effect explained using my own
Item 1) Yes it's a
swastika! Fascists run Ukraine for all those years!!!
Something that does not go away but pops up
every now and then is that silly belief by a lot of Russians in
the fascist nature of their neighbor country Ukraine. Likely stuff
like that was encouraged by the Russian government on their
wonderful state television. Anyway if you fight non existing
demons you won't win the war...
As a recent comparison was the widespread
belief in the West about the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
And Saddam kept that belief intact as best as he could because he
thought it would bring him safety if everybody thought he had
weapons of mass destruction... Well we know how that one panned
Now some weird pro Russians came up with that
Ukrainian guy below wearing a swastika bracelet. The only reason
people would wear a swastika symbol is in my view most of the time
provocation; these are often dumb young aggressive males trying to
provoke. After all fascism is not a very intellectual theory or
so, it is that stuff with strongmen running their country with an
iron fist and all of that kind of stuff.

It can't be denied this looks like a
swastika, but looking for stuff like that only shows you have
weird and non realistic ideas and views about your Ukrainian
neighbors. In the video you see that these are Scandinavian
symbols and it is how the light falls on the thing that triggers
those horror fantasies in the pro Russians...
Dear pro Russians, the Ukrainian army is a
serious army. There are not much weirdo's in it worshipping
Get real please...
Source: We take a look at the Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief 's 'swastika' bracelet • FRANCE 24 English
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tRsNlAA-ko
Item 2) The giant
magneto resistance effect explained using my own brain.
Some time ago before the Nobel prizes were
announced this year I told you some stuff on the giant magneto
effect that give rise to those modern hard disks with a few TB of
storage space.
This effect is viewed as some form of
spintronics where spintronics is a branch that tries to galvanize
on the magnetic properties of the electron. There is not much
technology based on electron spin and why is that?
Well the physics professors refuse to look
into their particular version of electron spin; they think it is a
tiny magnet. I think electron spin is not a tiny magnet but there
are two kinds of electrons because they carry magnetic charge. So
electrons are magnetic monopoles is what I think and at the same
time the physics professors are too stupid to understand they must
cough up the proof of their particular weird version of electron
This giant effect is found in layered
materials, different layers are given the same or the different
magnetization. If given different magnetization an electric
current through those layers meets much more resistance.
Once more: If that shithole version of the
physics professors was true in detail, why the hell should there
be a difference in electric resistance? Once more I do not
understand why physics professors keep on hanging to stuff that is
not logical, highly contradicting and why don't they see that
They are so fucking stupid: electrons are
magnetic monopoles and as far as I know reality this charge is
Anyway here is a simple picture of how it all
is supposed to work: take into consideration there is a current of
electrons flowing through this stuff and it meets more resistance
if the magnetic orientation is different.

So these two blocks at the top of the picture
actually carry an electric current through them. Now what explains
this giant magneto effect in my view of reality:
Very simple: In the left upper block only
half of my magnetic monopole electrons meet resistance. In the
right upper block, if a current goes through it ALL of the
electrons will face resistance.
Why are those physics professors so fucking
stupid year in year out?
I don't know but in the lower block you can
see they understand that if they send magnetically separated
electrons through a material that has a surplus of those
electrons, there is more scattering and more electrical
And if I am in the right, ha all those stupid
quantum computers based on electron spin will never ever work. But
even that won't make the physics professors take a deep look at
their silly belief in electrons as being tiny magnets...
Picture source: Magnetic Semiconductors and Spintronics
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgUE5UPlkXY
I have spoken, kill more Russian soldiers and
neglect those weird physics profs.
(14 Oct 2022) It's late, I am cold and tired
so lets go fast to today's item:
Item 1) Anders Puck Nielsen on the war in
Item 1) Anders Puck
Nielsen on the war in Ukraine.
For Dutch folks like me Anders his name is
funny because in our language the word anders means different. The
word anders is also used in other meanings like otherwise. Anders
Nielson gives often a relative good analysis on war stuff.
I remember a few videos back that Anders
asked the question if Russia will win by definition because it is
about 3.5 times bigger as Ukraine. Anders homecountry is Norway
and he compared it to a war between my country and Norway. He
remarked that it is not a foregone conclusion that the Dutch will
win because of population size ratio's.
But Anders, I think what will happen if our
military forces are commanded to go to war with Norway. At first
they will do as they are told but instantly after the first shots
are fired almost all Dutch military folks that have to do the
shooting will refuse. They just realized that if they shoot, in
that case Norwegians will die and that is truly HORRIBLE!
Anders repeated a funny joke from Ben
Russia wants to be the second best army in
the world but right now they are only the second best army in
That is funny because it is true in many
ways, yes the Russians can adapt but only via that commanding
chain they have. All low ranks in the Russian army don't move
without ordered so, how the Russians thought they could become the
second mighty army of this world is unknown to me.
You know the Russians always seem to think
that it is important to have a leader that is 'tough' or 'strong'
or whatever what. There might be some benefit in that, but if you
combine that with low cognitive brains it's not going to
Why are they so fucking stupid in the
Kremlin? Well the Kremlin is likely organized the same way as the
fucking Russian military: Nobody makes a move until ordered
Time for a picture that has nothing to do
with this update, it is just a cannon. But if you click on the
picture you will land at the video from Anders Puck Nielsen:

Video title: How is the war going? — Mid-October 2022
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTSWKrGEAAA
I think it is time to split. So let Jesus
enter your heart so you are in harmony with your surroundings, you
feel love and compassion for all other living things. And you just
want all this peace, love and understanding.
And than you see the Russians doing their
weird stuff like just the stuff from the last week: All of a
sudden you only want to kill them. What use is there in trying to
talk to the Kremlin?
Not much, so let the slaughter of the new
Russian mobilization begin.
End of this update, it's still late but I am
no longer cold or tired.
(12 Oct 2022) Two items:
Item 1) Ukraine stuff; oil price cap, new
HIMARS ammo etc.
Item 2) This math video does pain to my eyes and brain!
Item 1) Ukraine
stuff; oil price cap, new HIMARS ammo etc.
The most important strategic news from last
week was in my view the possible price cap on Russian oil. The
actual price is unknown, may be about 60 US$ a barrel is
acceptable for the Russians.
It has to be remarked however that by now it
is well known the Kremlin is no longer a rational actor. As such
it could be possible that indeed Russia will stop selling oil to
all countries that go along with the price cap. That will destroy
a lot of oil capacity inside Russia because if you stop the flow
of oil it is hard to get it running again.
The amazing mechanism is indeed the insurance
to oil tankers, it's brilliant!
A few times I came across the remark that the oil insurance for
shipping might simply go via some Asian insurance companies. But
that is likely where the reinsurance level sets in: as soon as
some of those Asian insurance companies try to reinsure their
stuff instantly so called secondary sanctions must kick in.
All in all it is an amazing piece of work,
lets hope that it works because after the long term goal is at
least halving the military potential of Russia. Well not only it's
potential but you know what I mean.
Last Wednesday it came out there are new
kinds of ammo going to Ukraine. The one kind can throw down about
26 anti tank mines. Yes anti tank mines via a rocket, welcome to
the wonderful world of advanced weaponry...
The other kind is what made me scratch my
head first. It's an area weapon made by Lockheed. But if all the
technical details are correct we can give it a try. This thing
does not have all kinds of small bomblets but metal balls around
one high explosive. Only about 180 thousand metal balls and it can
cover a significant area.
So on the one hand the problems from the past
have been solved. For example in Afghanistan the unexploded
bomblets were often picked up by children because of their vibrant
yellow color. Kids thought it was toy stuff.
Well that was all not a great success but it has to be remarked
that this vibrant color was not some evil thing. On the contrary
the intentions were good: It is now more easy to find unexploded
On the other hand it stays an area weapon so
the Ukrainians must use it as sparsely as possible.
But if every now and then all of a sudden
about one thousand Russian soldiers die on one day, and that gets
repeated again and again, you won't hear me complain my dear
Forbes reporting: New Types Of Ammunition Make Ukraine’s HIMARS Far Deadlier
The last days there have been barrages of cruse
missiles against a lot of Ukrainian cities. I won't make any
emotional comment on that, only the statement that over there in
the Kremlin they don't know how to win a war.
Item 2) This math
video does pain to my eyes and brain!
The video is from Michael Penn and although
the choice of solving this equation was a disaster, all in all
Michael has a very good Youtube channel upon math. Michael tries
to make one video a day so he is much better compared to me that
can't even make one video in 10 years of time...
But last year 2021 when I gave all those
counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat, I always
more or less used the next expression in the background of my
mind: (x + y)^n = x^n + y^n. Click on the picture to see
that horrible approach of a very nice equation:

Any person with more than two working brain
cells will shout this has no solution for real numbers. So why
Michael tries to view this on the real line is unknown to me. Ok
ok may be for odd n there could be some surprise solution
but five seconds later you already doubt that.
It is interesting that Michael never remarks
the solution of his equation would give counter examples to
Fermat's last theorem.
No no no, professional math professors never
talk about counter examples to Fermat's last theorem. As such they
are unaware that inside their so called split complex numbers
there are an awful lot of counter examples to be found...

So you can compare it a bit for yourself, is
looking deep into the equation
(x + y)^n = x^n + y^n
worth your time? Michael his stuff:
Video title: A beginner student's dream
Link used : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoN6coooZ5U
My stuff, it is part three of an oversight
found of all counter example to the last theorem of Pierre de
Oversight of all counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de
Fermat, Part 3
Ok, that was it for this post. Till
(07 Oct 2022) Beside the destruction,
unneeded dead and wounded in Ukraine, it is all going amazingly
well. It is clear the Ukrainian armed forces are still learning
and this learning is still accelerating. That is not a miracle or
some over the top estimation, the more you know about a subject,
say the present war, the more you are able to learn and improve
every day. On the Russian side you don't see stuff like
Tanks. It keeps on popping up, why no German
Leopards or American heavy tanks or so? I lost the video but David
Petraeus was explaining that such a US tank has a mass of 70 ton
and if the maintenance must be done in Poland, this is not a
workable solution.
[One day later: I found the video with David back, it was on DW
and not on CNN so that is why I could not find it back that fast.
Video: DW
News, link used:
But it's late so lets go to the item of
today: A quantum Bell state for atomic hydrogen...
Item 1) In the Andromeda galaxy I measure the
electric charge of particle 2.
Item 1) In the
Andromeda galaxy I measure the electric charge of particle 2.
This is a parody on all that quantum stuff
about Bell states that is flying around lately. It was even
rewarded a Nobel prize in physics this week so my congratulations
go to the three laureates.
If memory serves, Mr. Bell originally thought
about an experiment with the creation of an electron/positron pair
and look at the correlation between their magnetic spins...
Of course such an experiment never
materialized or if it materialized the results did not get
published because of this or that.
If I am correct in stating that electrons are
magnetic monopoles and that this charge is permanent, in that case
all this Bell states stuff is just not possible.
That is why I hastily wrote this short parody
on the quantum Bell states. I kept it ultra simple so even leaving
out the factor with the square root of 2. So therefore the physics
professors can keep their head high by remarking "He even
does not know how to normalize a vector".
After all if the physics professors think
they are making good progress with their second quantum revolution
and I think there is more and more evidence for electron spin is
just monopole magnetic charge, in that case we are in a WIN / WIN
situation! Everybody wins, isn't life beautiful?
The parody is two pictures long. After
writing it I decided to make the Sombrero galaxy as the background
picture. So although the quantum measurement is done in the
Andromeda galaxy the picture in the background is the Sombrero
Here we go:

Again I left normalization out, but can you
make a Bell state like this:

Yeah yeah, using quantum operators... But it's time to split so goodbye and keep your brain a bit fresh.
Till updates.
(05 Oct 2022) The signing ceremony in Russia
related to the annexation was a weird show to watch. What striked
me was that in the public really nobody looked happy, they were
all in a grave mood.
Given the size of the nonsense ceremony
(about 15% of all of Ukraine) it looks reasonable to get some
middle range HIMARS boom stuff to Ukraine. I forgot to look into
the details but wasn't that the stuff with a 120 to 135 km range?
Or was it 150 km?
Anyway that hardware is not under my
ownership so for the HIMARS boom stuff to go to Ukraine some more
people must think that it's a good idea too.
I want to remark I don't know what the best
hardware expansion is right now. Germany is giving 4 good air
protection stuff (about 150 million € a pop). So may be a bit
more air power is also a good idea.
I also want to remark that some in Ukraine
asked for long range HIMAS boom stuff with the offer of a veto for
any target inside Ukraine. I don't think that is a good idea, in
that case it looks like the USA is micromanaging this war and that
is not the case. May be another reason why some countries are
hesitant is future political developments in Ukraine. Under this
government you can more or less go blindly on their good
intentions, but if a lot of weaponry gets delivered and we get
some nutjob as the next prez, that could go very wrong...
So it's a difficult problem, yet all in all I
expect no significant problems if a few middle range HIMARS stuff
gets to Ukraine. Well lets stay cool and give it a

Today's item is a perfect video about solar
magnetism and a horrible choice of the Nobel prize in physics that
was announced today.
Item 1) When are these weirdo's going to
prove that electrons are tiny magnets?
Item 1) When are
these weirdo's going to prove that electrons are tiny magnets?
Well never of course, that is why they keep
believing in faster then light teleportation while so often an
alternative explanation is also at hand. For example there are
those non-linear crystals that able to split one photon in two and
they claim that the photons are entangled.
That is all very interesting, but if the
crystal spits out two photons may be it is possible an entire
electron pair has jumped into a higher energy state and fallen
back. And as such emitted two photons that of course will be
Today's Noble prize was about such
correlation in the so called Bell experiments. When to quantum
particles are entangled they have 'to much' correlation to say it
simple. Albert Einstein thought this was not possible and there
must be some kind of hidden variables at work. In the above
example if indeed an entire electron pair jumps up and down, that
is the 'hidden variable' but those physics people never talk about
that: They just say it is entangle without explaining why this is
the case.
Below you see a nutjob at work explaining
that electrons can be in a so called Bell state: that is not only
the two particles are entangled but both electrons are in a state
of spin up and down at the same time. Why this never happens in
say any hydrogen atom when it comes to the electric charge is of
course never explained. Never ever the proton and electron of the
hydrogen atom are both in a Bell state.
Only nutjobs don't feel the need to explain
such weird discrepancies between electric and magnetic charges.
Collectively this group of physics professors also think there is
no need at all to check via experiments if the electron spin is a
tiny magnet yes or no.

They are nuts to the bone, what they do can
not be classified as a scientific approach.
Anyway years ago I figured out that if you
have in the sun some kind of spinning cylinder of plasma, or some
tornado turning thing, that thing would spit out a lot of
electrons fast and as such become a very strong bipolar magnet.
And because this spinning plasma becomes so strongly positively
charged, this is a very good way of turning the kinetic energy of
the plasma into magnetism.
I never ever mentioned it until about one
year later I found out that at the equator the sun revolves faster
as compared to the polar regions of our sun. And voila, after
about one year I finally found a mechanism that could produce a
lot of tornado like structures.
In the picture below you see a result from
ESO, it says that from a major sunspot photons with say a clock
wise circular polarization emerges while at the secondary sunspot
it is mainly the other circular polarization...

The nutjobs of physics think that if you
change the direction of the magnetic field, this can flip the spin
direction of the electrons. If that weird stuff was true, due to
the very variational magnetic fields on the sun you would never
get such a difference in the circular polarization because their
spin would constantly flip.
But ESO claims they can even see the
footprint of this kind of photon behavior on other stars. Of
course the physics professors, nutjobs as they are, will never
ever view the ESO result as something that makes them prove that
electrons are tiny magnets.
In my view this kind of stuff makes clear
that electrons are magnetic monopoles and they never flip their
magnetic spin. And what the nutjobs of this world think about
that, last year I just did not care any longer...
Enjoy the video, it is worth your time:
ESOcast 76: A Polarized View of Stellar Magnetism
That was it for this update, thanks for your
(30 Sept 2022) It feels like the chaos is
only increasing and there is little you can do to bow that around.
Week in week out it goes from crazy to worse. Yet I still refrain
to pen down some simple rules for the use of tactical nuclear
ammo. May be I am a coward, may be the world is still not crazy
The whodunnit related to the attacks on
Nordstream 1 & 2 is still in full swing. I only want to remark
that all reasons people come up with that it must be Russia
because of this or that are not very convincing to me. On the
other hand Russia is doing month in month out things that other
people consider not very logical or consistent.
Two items for today:
Item 1) The UK bond market meltdown &
Dutch central bank going bankrupt???
Item 2) First Russian draftee already surrendered & fun with
Item 1) The UK bond
market meltdown & Dutch central bank going bankrupt???
It all started with the mini budget from
Friday last week as presented in the UK lower house of parliament.
Tax cuts that benefit the highest incomes five times as much as
tax benefits for the lowest tiers. And you won't believe it:
The last time we observed that mumbo jumbo
was when donald trump was the US prez and like usual it never ever
"pays for itself". A lot of other people too thought
stuff like that raising questions about the sustainability of the
UK government debt.
After all most skilled financial people
understand that when you hear the phrase "tax cuts will pay
for themselves" you instantly understand such a person does
understand the underlying math. Let alone calculate how much the
economy must grow before it has "pays for itself".
Anyway, in the UK government bonds are called
gilts and you always see yield graphs of them and not the actual
prices. But the upswing in yield on gilts is truly dramatic. In
the next picture the blue line is the 5 year gult and that red
disaster is some basket of stuff that supposedly was a safe

Video of interest: UK Bond Market Meltdown - Bank of England Intervenes
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16FUZKQls_E
The vertical striped line is the mini budget announcement...
It seems that UK pension funds are allowed to
be leveraged up to their teeth, after all they are professionals
so what can possibly go wrong? Well they got all kinds of margin
calls from all that money they borrowed and had to sell all juice
that was sellable... Hasta la vista baby!
In my own country our central bank came out
with the pleasant remark they could go broke in a year or two. Why
is that?
After the financial crisis the central banks
began buying large quantities of government bonds. I was hefty
against it because the volume of buying was so large that it was
possible that central banks go bankrupt. And that is a situation
that is not desirable.
Anyway now we have a serious rout of
inflation, all those bonds bought at elevated prices don't return
much income while the outlays for the central bank rise because
commercial banks have to park their money overnight at the central
bank and now interest rates are on the rise...
Quantitive easing: What can go wrong? We are
the central bankers, we are professional who understand what we
are doing! But if your bond holdings only vaporize in value again:
what could go wrong?
Dutch source: DNB waarschuwt Kaag over verliezen door hoge rentes
Link used: https://www.nd.nl/varia/varia/1143037/dnb-waarschuwt-
Item 2) First Russian
draftee already surrendered & fun with tampons!
With an amazing speed the first of the new
Russian draftees has surrendered himself to the Ukrainians. The
guy was drafted only about six days ago and already popped up on
the front in six days time.
We can safely conclude that inside Russia it
is getting more and more chaotic and there is not much the Kremlin
can do about it because the chaos is of there own
The Russian state television makes great
contributions by telling the people that all those idiots that
make such a mess of the mobilization should be send to the front
themselves. And the supreme leader has nothing to do with this
chaos. Yes, Putin was named the supreme leader.
It makes you wonder if our Putina is soo
supreme, why is it such a chaos. After all our supreme intellect
has been planning this special military operation for years and
years... In my view this is a supreme shitshow and not much more.
In that sense the mobilization is a good thing: more and more
Russians understand the depth of the 'shit' in this shitshow.
Anyway from getting the draft paper to
surrender was only six days or so for this guy:

Russian soldiers get the advice to take with
them cheap tampons. And they must buy it for themselves. Why would
Russian male soldiers tampons that are designed for a non-male
kind of problem? Well if they get shot and put a tampon in the
shot would, the tampon will swell up and stop the bleeding.
So the Russian military forces can't even pay
for a few tampons for every new draftee, for every new conscript?
The chaos it is spreading more and more and what can you do? Here
is a female Russian medic throwing in her 50 cent of medical

The above two pictures came from screenshots
from the next video from Jake Broe (Don't follow Jake's investment
advice but he is a nice chap anyway):
Mobilized Soldiers are Already Surrendering in Ukraine
That's it for this update. Please don't get
confused by the chaos!
(28 Sept 2022) Two short items for today
because it is already so late...
Item 1) Nordstream attacks, Russian
mobilization, etc etc.
Item 2) Quantum Bell state for two electrons: mumbo jumbo or is it
Item 1) Nordstream
attacks, Russian mobilization, etc etc.
Never a dull day, today it emerged that the
Nordstream 1 & 2 came under attack. In my view there is only
one party or country that has done this. But I am not gonna say,
The Russian call to mobilization was a
perfect example of how it goes so often over there at the Kremlin:
Putin stating it will be a partial mobilization and only qualified
and classified reserves will be called to serve this noble
military operation. Now within a few hours in stuff like the metro
police officers hand out military draft notices to whoever they
can lay there hands on.
So often if weird stuff like this was observed in relation to the
war in Ukraine, like the Bucha stuff and more recent those torture
chambers, always the Kremlin doubles down on their obvious
nonsense. But this time they could not do it because the Russian
population might be stupid but they are not that stupid...
If you see videos of those new draftees
saying goodbye to their families, I never see anybody walking
around with those Z-logo tshirts. Where are those braggers
Those high speed referenda are very
interesting. I have never seen soldiers accompanied with vote
collectors going door to door and collect votes. In my view there
is a tiny problem with these referenda: Isn't stuff like that only
legal if this referendum was held in the entire
It seems that the Russians want to annex it
with high speed and after that throw their nuclear umbrella over
their new territory.
Originally I planned to write and post a few
simple rules on using nuclear ammo in say the standard howitzer.
For the time being I refrain, sorry. After all the Nordstream
attacks are a perfect distraction.

From the realm of madness we go to the realm
of quantum madness in the next item.
Item 2) Quantum Bell
state for two electrons: mumbo jumbo or is it something?
I could not find back that video where some
quantum computing weirdo was explaining a beautiful process:
An electron was prepared in a super position
of spin up and spin down.
This electron was in some exited state of an atom.
After that the electron could fall down to a lower energy state
landing in either the spin up state or spin down state for that
lower energy level...
In my view where electrons are magnetic
monopoles, it is very hard for any electron to be in a
superposition of spin up and down. That is just mumbo jumbo.
In this universe the most simple atom is
atomic hydrogen. Atomic hydrogen is made of one proton and one
electron with opposite electric charges. So every hydrogen atom is
a small quantum mechanical system. But do we say that a hydrogen
atom is made up of two quantum particles that are both in a
superposition of being an electron or a proton?
Any reasonable person would say that it is
very unlikely for a quantum particle to be in a mixed state of
being an electron or a proton. A reasonable person would say this
is mumbo jumbo.
But when it comes to electron spin, the
professional physics professors have no trouble at all in selling
this mumbo jumbo as some form of 'advanced and subtle science'.
And one by one those weirdo's are too stupid
anyway to find say the 3D complex number system. They even don't
have any experimental proof that the electron is a 'tiny magnet',
they don't have a proof that every electron is the same, they
don't have a proof that electrons are not magnetic monopoles...
I found another video that is stupid enough
to share with you, it is about entanglement and stuff like Bell
states for electrons.

From MIT Open Course Ware we have: Entanglement
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3HSP3qMgKI
I think it is time to split my dear reader.
Till updates.
(23 Sept 2022) Now my dear Kremlin what a
fuss about nuke stuff all of a sudden! Why is that? The last time
there was talk about nuke stuff was a few months ago and as such I
just thought "May be it would be handy if we have howitzers
inside Ukraine".
So I started writing like wouldn't it be a
great idea if the Ukrainians have howitzers? And a lot of people
thought that was a good idea too so as fast as possible they were
delivered to Ukraine. Howitzers can also shoot nuclear ammo, that
could be handy in the future.
The Kremlin did not complain at all, on the
contrary I have observed Putin stating that "It is all a bit
more of the same." So there was no problem with that at the
Kremlin, I considered them good sports guys.
Later there were some vague reports that nuke
ammo was delivered, the Ukrainians that spoke about it were a bit
laughing like they really thought it was a mistake. Of course you
can't talk about that in the Media files but anyway.
And now we have this; the Kremlin talking
about nuke stuff again.
I don't know what to think about it, the Vlad even says that he is
"not bluffing".
That is very interesting, but I have never ever been bluffing the
last months on this detail. Right now there are dozens and dozens
of so called 'NATO installations' inside Ukraine that if needed
can fire tactical nuclear bombs...
Sometimes I wonder how the information
processing goes at the Kremlin, do they have a clue about what is
going on yes or no? Often it is just a big NO.
Today's item is about the Schrödinger
equation because likely already for the Helium atom it all goes
wrong (if my ideas about electron spin are correct, already for
Helium it goes wrong...).
Item 1) Parth G. on solving the Schrödinger
Item 1) Parth G. on
solving the Schrödinger equation.
Very often this equation is very hard to
solve and when it gets complicated only numerical approximations
can be made. Why is it so hard? Well the Schödinger equation
contains a so called Hamiltonian that described the energy levels
and how they evolve in time.
Very soon it becomes very
Now why is Helium an interesting atom? It is
because it has two protons and two electrons. The official theory
is that both electrons must have opposite spins but as you see in
the video this detail is one 100% neglected. My theory says
electrons are magnetic monopoles and 'opposite spins' means they
must carry opposite magnetic charges.
That makes for a perfect small but already
complicated quantum system: the Helium atom where the electric
charges between the protons and electrons are attracting and at
the same time between the electrons there is repulsion because of
the same electric charge and attraction because of the opposite
magnetic charge.
In my view the electron pair can only do it's
magical dance around the nucleus because the electrons are both
repelling and attracting each other. It is a beautiful idea where
the stuff with 'opposite spins' and 'spin is a vector, it has a
direction' in instantly served away as garbage.
Click on the picture for the Youtube video.
As you see on inspection at the bottom of the picture, they only
take into account the kinetic energy and the potential related to
the electric field forces. Nowhere the spin is used so already for
the Helium atom the standard model runs from the rails it is
supposed to run on...

Video title: The Schrodinger Equation is (Almost) Impossible to Solve.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjLm7ctMnb0
It becomes all a bit more funny if you
realize that the same physics people also promote the idea of
quantum computing using electron spin. The poor people of physics:
is it that hard to stop thinking about electrons as tiny magnets
with two magnetic poles?
I guess it is.
End of this update, thanks for your
(21 Sept 2022) Oops, a small correction might
be needed: It looks like that Reuters report I mentioned in the
last update could have a typo in it when it talks about 9000
square km... Anyway the important thing is not to loose newly
gained territory for the Ukrainians and that eats up a lot of
In another development an Iranian drone seems
to have destroyed one of the US delivered howitzers. These drones
come in with high speed and having a payload of 40 kg explosives.
So I don't want that on my head or so...
Of course it is a pity that the Iranians did deliver this to the
Russians, I don't think this is a moral thing to do. Well despite
all I would like to compliment the Iranians with the improvement
they made over the years.
Two items for today's update:
Item 1) Will the Russian Federation break
apart? (Ben Hodges.)
Item 2) The quantum computing bubble.
Item 1) Will the
Russian Federation break apart? (Ben Hodges.)
That is a very interesting question just like
for example "Will the US$ loose her status as a reserve
currency?" The second question is rather easy to answer: For
the time being the US$ will keep on being the global reserve
currency because of TINA (= There Is No Alternative.
There are a lot of reasons that there will be
more turmoil inside the Russian Federation. It depends in a large
part on how dissatisfied the other parts are with
Some reports of conflicts between parts of
the Federation are already there. And even weird reports from
inside Ukraine where sometimes different factions of the occupying
forces seem to shoot at each other. And they now have those
'volunteer battalions' made up of ethnic groups so if now say a
bunch of Chechens also get the command of say a few platoons of
other ethnicity guess what happens? Yes you are correct: The other
ethnicities always go first into battle...
I never studied it in detail but a lot of
wealth in Russia is concentrated in Moscow and the surrounding
regions. And if the other parts never have any prospect of getting
a bit more of the economical pie, of course that causes some
Anyway on a Youtube channel with the highly
exiting name Renew Democracy Initiative a former NATO commander
gives his views. I agree in large lines with his line of
reasoning. Click on the picture for the video:

Video title: “Where is The Russian Navy?” - The War in Ukraine with General Ben Hodges - Episode 2.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgOB0BaQqzs
Item 2) The quantum
computing bubble.
A few years back, say in 2015 or so when I
started the other website on 3D complex numbers, at first I was
very positive about quantum computing. In the theory about that
stuff they use a lot of the so called complex exponential and
because I had found a lot new complex exponentials I was willing
to give it a try.
Later I became much more hesitant because
those quantum computing people put all kinds of things into
superposition and it makes you wonder if that can be done. For
example they claim that electrons can be in a super position of
spin up and spin down. Even stronger: In an electron pair it is
claimed that both electrons are in such a superposition...
If I would make a guesstimate all quantum
computing based on electron spin will never work because likely
electrons are magnetic monopoles and this magnetic charge is
permanent. Please remark that all those physics people don't have
any experimental evidence at all that their version of electron
spin is correct.
It is one of the basics of quantum mechanics
that you can make such super positions of properties of quantum
particles. But if you measure those properties you always get just
one of the possible answers. So you can just never check if such a
particle was actually in such a super position. The implication
are funny: If that postulate of quantum mechanics is just not
true, in that case no form of quantum computing will ever work...

The Financial Times of all places has a nice
article about it:
Title: The quantum computing bubble
And yes there is a lot of crap out there: I
too feel annoyed by those sales type people trying to hype quantum
computing. You notice it instantly if you are listening to one of
those sales nutjobs; they always talk about discovering new drugs
and medicines. It is never explained how this should work but hey
if you give them a few millions they will do their stinking
May be in thousands and thousands of years
when people finally figured out that electrons are not 'tiny
magnets', that will help much more in understanding chemical bonds
and most of all: electron transport in living tissue...
That was it for this update, I wish the
Ukrainian soldiers good luck and for all of you thnx for your
attention. Till updates.
(16 Sept 2022) The EU is designing a windfall
tax for energy companies with 'too large' profits. You can think
of stuff like electricity generated with renewables and sold for
prices related to gas and oil. Or may be more to gas because that
is the largest problem right now.
I am often a bit hesitant when it comes to
large scale government intervention in the economy like now the
energy part of the economy. On the other hand these are just not
normal times, so why not? It's only about 140 billion € so this
is not like a new financial crisis or so...
The windfall tax is a perfect lesson for
Shell; lately their head quarters left for London and often it was
heard that our dividend tax was the main culprit in chasing Shell
away to London where there is no such tax. Back then I already
joked that if needed a local government will find other ways to
tax you if that money is needed. Yeah this is a good lesson for
In the past in my country the gas prices were
pegged to the price of oil. That was a way of ensuring that if you
heated your house with oil or with gas, there were no fluctuations
between them. If oil was cheap so was gas and if oil was expensive
so was gas.
Lets dive into our item for today:
Item 1) Wow, already 9000 square km liberated
in Sept in Ukraine?
Item 1) Wow, already
9000 square km liberated in Sept in Ukraine?
A few hours back Reuters reported the 9000
number, I did not save the link but they reported it. One week ago
the counter stood at say one thousand square km so it is still
going fast and furious.
At some point in time you think this has to
stop. After all you need soldiers for the border with Russia, you
need soldiers to move the found ammo because the large piles are
known to the Russians and as such targets for future attacks. And
so on and so on.
It is amazing and once more I with the
Ukrainian armed forces GOOD LUCK.
A lot of villages are liberated and it is
heart warming to see video's like this:

They just want to give a hug to their
liberators. Of course that is logical, who wants to live under
control of the Russian military?
Now thousand of noteworthy things happened
but I only post this weird picture of recruitment of prisoners who
can fight six months in Ukraine and after that are

I am sure these guys will make fantastic
At last I want to remark AMMO AMMO AMMO! No
not Russian ammo because the Ukrainians now have much of the stock
of the occupiers. I mean ammo for the weaponry as given by the
peace loving democracies.
It is just a detail, but after it became
known that Ukraine was receiving those Vulcano rounds for
howitzers the USA also threw in a cute stone like the Excalibur
rounds. The Excalibur has a slightly shorter range like 60 km or
so where the Vulcano is more or less equivalent to the reach of
the HIMARS systems.
I have limited insight in how much our modern
weaponry has helped the fast and furious progress made by the
Ukrainian armed forces, with a little smile on my face I can
honestly say I don't know why the Russians are so panicked so
May be this is a good time to split my dear
reader. Thanks for your attention.
(14 Sept 2022) When I couple of updates ago I
wrote about 'fast and furious' stuff I was talking about
developments in artificial intelligence. Not about the speed the
Ukrainian army moves over the temporary occupied
It's not going bad, so my estimate is that we
are looking at some good military expansion as I name military
growth like that. At this point in time about 6000 square km are
won over Russia in not that many days, one analyst said the
Ukrainians move at about 20 km a day where the Russians previously
did about 1 km a day.
So we can indeed talk about 'fast and furious'.
Item 1) Are we looking at a successful
military expansion in Ukraine?
Item 2) Was the Frisch-Segrè experiment a failure?
Item 1) Are we
looking at a successful military expansion in Ukraine?
In the first place congratulations with the
developments in the last days! It has been remarkable and great to
But I want to talk a bit about military
expansion. There go a lot of things into that, for example if
there is no military hardware enough, it will not happen. Today I
want to look a bit at the 'learning side' of the humans that make
up the Ukrainian armed forces.
Six months ago a lot of them were musicians,
people working in industrial job, teachers, students, nurses and
so on and so on. So they have learned a lot in six months of
Now every time you learn new stuff, all kinds
of new pathways in your brain form and if you really have learned
new stuff after that you think a little bit different. Take for
example math, you can learn only so much math on a given day. That
has a simple biological explanation: your brain gets tired from
making all these new connections. That is why you need sleep and
dreams; beside sleep cleans the brain from the garbage built up
during the time you are awake, it also makes those new pathways in
your brain better.
But if you have bad sleep because for example
there is constant shelling in your neighborhood, you will learn
much much less day to day.
In my view the amount of learning done by the
humans that make up the Ukrainian army is almost the maximum of
what is humanly possible. So that is good but before there is a
solid standing army over there a lot of more learning has to be
done. And only after that Russia will understand for at least a
few decades it is better not to attack Ukraine again.
So far for the 'brain part' of my beloved
Ukrainian fighters.
From the deep state map you can see it goes
indeed fast and furious:

Another detail I would like to stress again
is always try to keep as close to the truth as possible. Ok, there
is now an information embargo in Ukraine for all the right
reasons, but I remarked once that the party that stays close to
the truth will likely win this war.
Of course there could be other reasons
Ukraine could be not victorious in the end, but if you deviate
away from being truthful that eats away military capabilities big
time. If there is all kinds of disinformation going round, nobody
understands how to behave to make progress in the war effort. See
for example all that nonsense on the Russian state television. If
you are a Russian soldier looking mostly at Russian state
television and you are send to Ukraine, you don't know how to
behave in order to achieve victory for Russia.
A military analyst Ben Hodges remarked that
the flow of information in the entire Russian army from the bottom
to the top has serious flaws. And if the top brass don't get
information that is accurate as possible, that is where everybody
lives in some kind of weird bubble like in:

All in all Russia does not understand how to
deal with bad news, that is why they likely will loose it...
Item 2) Was the
Frisch-Segrè experiment a failure? YEP!
In my own little effort to try explain why
electrons can't be 'tiny magnets' but simply must be magnetic
monopoles, I made a tiny tactical win:
I often suspected that Albert Einstein did
not understand that it is not logical to view the electron as a
magnetic dipole. After all Stern was his first assistant so he
must have thought about the results of the Stern-Gerlach
Why all those weirdo's like Einstein, Feyman,
Pauli, and so on never entertained the idea of electrons being
magnetic monopoles is unknown to me. May be that is a weak spot of
how the human mind works, I don't know.
But I have two funny quotes for you, the
first one is from Feynman:
The significance of the Stern–Gerlach experiment and relevant works are detailed in a 2016 inspiring
review, concluding that “The physical mechanism responsible for the alignment of the silver
atoms remained and remains a mystery” and quoting Feynman, “… instead of trying to give you a
theoretical explanation, we will just say that you are stuck with the result of this experiment … ”
Comment: Hey weirdo's from the universities,
why not try to use the 'electron is a magnetic charge' model'?
Quote two confirming Einstein had his fingers deep into that
failed Frisch-Segrè experiment:
A year later, Frisch and Segrè modified the same apparatus by adopting Einstein’s
suggestion on the use of a single wire instead of three electromagnets to rotate spin;
they also improved magnetic shielding, slit filtering, and signal detection.
The source of the quotes is a pdf from the
preprint archive:
Stern-Gerlach Experiment Modeled
Link used: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06471
That was it for this update. Thanks for your
attention and good luck with the formation of new pathways in your
own human brain. And ok ok, may be kill a few more Russians may be
(09 Sept 2022) Queen Elizabeth has passed
away, condolences to the UK. Even in my own country most people
view Elizabeth as a 'good queen' and yes the UK population had a
very good monarch in her for an amazing long time.
Also in the UK Liz Truss is the new pm, she
plans to lower taxes in order to help fighting their inflation. It
is interesting to see how that pans out. My expectations are not
that high so to say.
In Ramstein Germany there was a large
military meeting but I didn't have the time to sift all the
relevant details out. In the meantime in Ukraine stuff doesn't
seem to go bad. Of course it is still a crazy silly war and every
people die for no reason at all but the daily oversight was not
bad at all (Links to the Guardian):
Ukraine has retaken 1,000 sq km of territory, Volodymyr Zelenskiy says
The item for this update is a quote from a
cute pdf I found on the Stern-Gerlach experiment. So lets
Item 1) Comment from Einstein on the results
of the SG-experiment.
Item 1) Comment from
Einstein on the results of the SG-experiment.
For people who do not know about this
interesting experiment, look it up on Youtube or a wiki. It is
about a beam of silver atoms that get separated in two streams by
the application of a magnetic field. The physics professors think
it is very important that this magnetic field is inhomogeneous,
that means it is not constant with respect to distance but it
should (in this experiment) not change in time.
How does the official explanation work? They
do a bit of math, differentiate the stuff and voila there is your
gradient of the magnetic field.
Suppose the physics professors are in the
right and electrons are all equal and are tiny magnets, in that
case when this tiny magnet is placed in a inhomogeneous magnetic
field, there is a tiny bit more force on one magnetic pole
compared to the other magnetic pole of the tiny magnet.
The two forces one the magnetic poles of the electrons should also
cancel each other out because the electron is so small. If you
take a simple model for a tiny magnet, say a very small piece of
line with two point sized magnetic poles on the endpoint of that
line segment, the resulting force should be some constant times
the gradient of the magnetic field.
The gradient acts as some kind of derivative
like in f(x + h) = f(x) + h*f'(x), if h is small the
difference between f(x) and f(x + h) is some
multiple of the derivative.
Below you some form of 'official calculation'
where they 'forgot' to multiply in the size of the
But first the hilarious quote from

Given the time, more than a 100 years, I
think that Einstein took into account the size of the electron.
But I haven't seen his calculation so it is a wild guess what the maestro
thought about how to explain this all.
I remember I got crazy results too. Years ago
I tried to calculate what gradient you needed to accelerate just
one electron just one meter per second squared, ok it was just a
wild estimate but the estimate said a gradient of 100.000
And given the fact an electron has a very
small mass, it would be totally impossible to move a silver atom
in any significant way. And years ago that was one more reason as
why electrons can't be tiny magnets.
The only thing that is logical is and stays
the annoying fact that electrons must be magnetic monopoles. This
whole concept of electrons being tiny magnets was ridiculous from
the get go.
But professional physics professors are even
far more crazy: They also claim that electrons are 'point like
particles'. How you cram two opposite magnetic poles in a point
like particle is of course unexplained.
Anyway, here is the 'official
And on top of that it is always swiped under
the carpet: How is it possible that a super tiny dipolar magnet
like an electron can 'anti align' itself with the applied external
magnetic field? Other stuff like small electric dipoles like a
water molecule in an electric field never do the 'anti align'
This is what I had to day today. Thanks for
your attention & till updates.
Updated 10 Sept: I forgot to link the pdf so here it is straight
from the preprint archive:
Stern-Gerlach Experiment and the Electron Spin
In the meantime I found out there is only one
repeated SG-experiment, this is known as the Frish-Sergè
experiment and ha ha ha, it failed often to 'flip the electron
spin'. That was done in the year 1933 so you just cannot say that
in the science of physics the developments go fast and
furious. Is it so hard to ponder the electron as a magnetic
monopole? Apparently it is...
(07 Sept 2022) The situation around the
nuclear power plant in Ukraine keeps worrisome. The United Nations
is asking for a demilitarized zone and it would be great if that
could happen. This is such weird stuff that even for this detail
we should keep on the economical sanctions at least one decade
longer in place...
Anyway I prepared two items but it is already
far to late so let me skip the Einsteinian fun for now and dive
into the complicated world of a possible price cap on Russian oil.
So that our item for today:
Item 1) The price cap on Russian oil, will it
succeed or fail? I am optimistic.
Item 1) The price cap
on Russian oil, will it succeed or fail? I am optimistic.
Lets go back a few years; at one point in
time all of a sudden oil prices went negative. Negative? Yes, if
you bought oil you also got some money for that noble deed. As an
outsider you look at that with utter surprise like have they gone
mad or so?
No they have not gone mad, the costs of stopping production were
far bigger compared to paying buyers to 'buy' oil. The negative
price was a rational decision.
The same will go for Russia; likely they will
have great trouble restarting a drill if it had stopped for some
time. On top of that it was remarked that during winter in
Siberia, if they stop pumping up oil it all freezes and after that
the whole drilling thing must be repeated... So that is all not a
viable option for the Kremlin despite their words of cutting oil
But there are many sides to this interesting
problem: The main side seems to be insurance. If you ride your car
you must have insurance in case you cause an accident. The same
goes for oil tankers. The idea is to make it forbidden to sell
ship insurance to Russian oil above a certain price cap.
Yet if one oil tanker goes bust, the costs
with it are gigantic and will drown a lot of insurance companies.
So the 13 major ship insurance companies pool all such risk among
themselves and on top of that there is major
There is nothing ingenious about that, as a
matter of fact we the Dutch did that with the creation of the VOC,
the United East-India Company when we invented the stock market.
By buying shares in the VOC the investment was not concentrated in
just one ship but in the entire fleet. So the loss of one ship
does not bankrupt your investment.
Another interesting detail is the lack of
tanker capacity. A lot of oil from Russia to the EU goes via
pipeline. But if Russia cuts that, is there enough tanker capacity
out there?
Other people say that if the EU doesn't get
the oil, China and India will buy it up. Again tanker capacity is
the bottle neck: it takes a long time to deliver to say India.
That eats up global tanker capacity and will also cripple Russian
revenue because they must offer India lower and lower prices so it
stays attractive for parasite nations like India to make a profit
from these oil deals.
Anyway the finance ministers of the G7
countries have come to an agreement on this very important detail
of diminishing Russian oil revenue income.
After all the strategy is to cripple Russian
military might to such an extend they will not repeat their
Ukrainian adventure in any other European nation.
On Youtube channel Joe Blogs there is a
relatively good explanation of how all that insurance, pooling and
reinsurance works. And if the entire insurance industry feels like
it is fine, wise, even a moral obligation to destroy Russian
revenue from oil sales, why not it?
It might cost some money but if the insurance
industry starts thinking about another war of aggression started
by Russia; that will cost much much more for them. I am not saying
No I am only saying we can't have this in
another European country.
Ok, you must always listen to other opinions.
So I found some weirdo's that from the get go think it will all
fail. Please read it so you can think about the depth of their
Why The Russian Oil Price Cap Won’t Work
Link used:
A screen shot from the Joe blogs channel, it
is about pooling risk:

RUSSIA - G7 Announce OIL PRICE CAP to DESTROY Russian Oil Revenue WITHOUT Affecting Global Oil Price
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2p6X_upSXQ
Ok, it is late at night so sleep well and
have nice dreams about crippling Russian military might. Thanks
for your attention and see you in future updates.
(02 Sept 2022) I don't have much to say and I
don't have much time. So lets go:
Item 1) Poland wants 1.3 trillion & IEAE
arrives at Zaporizhzhia.
Item 2) Correction & addendum.
Item 1) Poland wants
1.3 trillion & IEAE arrives at Zaporizhzhia.
Today it emerged that Poland wants a
staggering 1.3 trillion € from Germany as compensation for the
damages of WWII. Is that a good idea?
As far as I know history, after WWII the
political leaders decided not to repeat the mistakes made after
World War one. So no crippling decade long repair payments to the
victors of WWII. As such the European nations could snuggle
together in things like the coal & steal community, later the
European Economical Union till the present day form the EU
The Marshall plan was also very helpful with
the crafting of a more modern Europe.
May be Poland has some point, but you can
also demand say one trillion from Russia because Poland was taken
into the Warsaw pact...
I don't know much about international law but
my guesstimate is this will not hold up in any international
court. And if I could vote on it, I would vote against it.
Likely this is a sensitive point in Poland,
after all they have suffered much more in WWII compared to my own
country. May be it is better to let this rest for always...
Further reading:
Reuters: Poland puts its World War II losses at $1.3 trillion, demands German reparations
Link used: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/01/europe/poland-
In Ukraine the atomic inspectors have arrived
in that nuclear facility in a place with a name I can't memorize.
It is noteworthy that had to cross the frontline and that is an
interesting feature in itself. If you run into a bunch of Russians
without proper communication gear, you cold draw fire...

All I can say is GOOD LUCK!
Item 2) Correction
& addendum.
A few updates I posted a faulty math thing.
It is just a typo but it is a very good typo because I always
check my texts before publishing them because there are always
some errors. Some are tiny and not significant, but as a math
person I love it when all faults are gone.
It was that picture with the intellectual
Harley Quinn. Those vertical stripes mean you must take the
determinant of what is in between. The comp means you must take a
complementary minor, in this case a 2x2 minor.
So it must not be comp(| AB12
|) but this: | comp( AB12)|. I hope this did not
cause much confusion because it is just a typo.

Addendum: In the previous post I made fun of
those Delft physics people that put all kinds of quantum stuff
into super position with each other and after that declare that
they can teleport quantum information faster as the speed of
For the record: When it comes to electron
spin I don't think this is possible. If my view on electron
magnetism is correct, likely their monopole magnetic charge is
permanent just like the electric charge of an electron or a
I want to remark that after a few years I am
looking into those Bell proofs again and may be may be it is
possible to create those so called 'Bell states' with photon pairs
from those non-linear crystals that do that 'parametric downward
conversion'. (That is a process where one photon breaks down into
two photons).
Why do I think that? Well photons are very
wavy things, so may be it is possible to craft the so called Bell
states with them.
But I understand not much about photons. For
example our electricity net has an alternating currency of 50 Hertz.
As such the photons produced by that have a wavelength of about
6000 km. But how 'large' is a 50 Hz photon in itself?
Or is that a meaningless question?
My dear reader, it is time to split so we can
both go our own ways.
Till updates.
(31 Aug 2022) In Ukraine today finally some
international inspectors can go to the nuclear plant that is in
use as some improvised Russian military basis. Lets hope they can
do their job and report what is going on there. Don't forget in
the beginning when they went to Chernobyl they did all kinds of
crazy stuff like digging trenches in the radioactive
The grain export situation is still stable
although the amount of exports needs to triple or so. Famine in
some countries is still not prevented if the exports don't
The long awaited counter offensive has begun:
I wish the Ukrainians a lot of luck. Going of the offensive is a
very different thing compared to defensive actions. There is an
information embargo and that is good of course. A commentator
joked that they know more about the Russian army than the
Ukrainian army. Until now only the first line of Russian defense
seems to be taken, there seem to the three lines of Russian
defense. Anyway my dear fighters: GOOD LUCK!
Vulcano ammo for hwitzers? I had never heard
of it but it seems to have a range of 80+ km. That is the stuff
called 'assisted rounds', of course they have less kg explosives
because likely they are about 50 kg total weight. The good thing
is of course that this makes the howitzers a more equal footing
with the HIMARS boom stuff from the USA.
And an awful lot more happened, the above are
just four details that I consider the most important. But there is
also a meeting between nations to discuss further military help
and aid and training and more and more.
Today one item about what I view as 'good
science' where developments go fast and furious compared to 'bad
science' like explanations for electron spin or weird fantasies
like 'teleporting quantum information fasten then the speed of
light'. So lets go:
Item 1) Stable Diffusion AI (good) versus
quantum entanglement (likely bad).
Item 1) Stable
Diffusion AI (good) versus quantum entanglement (likely bad).
There are more and more AI's floating to the
surface of media attention. We have those giant language models
that are very good at estimating the next word. You can alsmost
talk to them like they are humans.
A few weeks back a thing named Stable
Diffusion came out: It is a text to image generator. So you type
in some stuff and Stable Diffusion creates a picture from that.
You can even install it on your own computer but that is not easy:
You need the correct hardware, you must know how Python works and
more of that.
But it is amazingly good, just look at

Developments in AI go fast and furious for
years now and it looks like there is no end in sight. I think this
is caused by the fact people are willing to learn and if they are
on the wrong track they soon change course.
I don't think that during my lifetime I will
see an AI that is good at math or better at math as humans are. If
you ask those large language models what 17 x 13 is, they look it
up in their massive database until they find the answer 221. These
models don't have a clue about counting or adding of multiplying
Another cute picture, even the Harry Potter
characters are made by this Stable Diffusion thing. Stable
Diffusion seems to be very good with human faces while the hands
are still horrible.

So all in all good science is capable of
learning from their mistakes, adapt and move on to the next
Bad science is for example the next:
You have two quantum
particles that are entangled when it comes to their spin.
For example the electron pairs in your body are entangled
and that is not because the one electron has spin up and
the other spin down. They are both in a state where they
are both up and down at the same time.
It is only when you measure the spin of one of them and
you find say it is spin down, the other must be spin
up. |
In my view this is advanced mumbo jumbo.
Electron spin is the magnetic properties of the electron and it is
no secret I think that electrons are magnetic monopoles that carry
a permanent magnetic charge. There is nothing mumbo jumbo about
Let me repeat the nonsense that they believe in for example the
Dutch university of Delft. Only now I do it with a hydrogen
You have two quantum particles that make up
the hydrogen atom: a proton and a neutron. Because of the opposite
electric charges they have these two particles are entangled.
Every particle is constantly in a superpostition of being an
electron a proton.
Now if you separate the two quantum particles
in a hydrogen atom and you bring one of the particles to the
Andromeda galaxy and when you are in that far away galaxy you
measure the electric charge of that particle and you find it is
positive, in that case the particle left behind in our own
universe will have a negative electric charge...
Nobody with a normal functioning brain will
think that any hydrogen atom will act this way. But when it comes
to the magnetic properties of the electron, the weirdo's from the
universities keep on making no progress.
For you, my honorable reader, I selected one
of those idiots that are very good at spreading quantum mumbo
TU Delft Has Appointed Professor Ronald Hanson Distinguished Professor in Quantum Computing and Quantum Internet
Now I don't hate Ronald, he is just one of
the many weirdo's when it comes to electron spin. But this stuff
he is doing is bad science and no good working quantum computer
will emerge from this... Anyway no quantum computer based on
electron spin will ever work properly.
End of this update & thanks for your
attention & kill more of those fucking Russians!
(26 Aug 2022) Two items for today's
Item 1) Lets hammer those grenades into
Item 2) Harley Quinnn loves determinants?
Item 1) Lets hammer
those grenades into perfection...;)
On TvP (tv Poland) they had some amazing
footage of a guy preparing grenades for an RPG7 they said:

I guess the guy knows perfectly what he is
doing and it's all safe...;)
There was a new military aid package from the
USA, it's worth about 3 billion US$. Without listing it all, here
a few details:
In addition there is money for six advanced surface-to-air missile systems, known as NASAMS, munitions for them,
24 counter-artillery radars, precision rocket systems, and more than 300,000 rounds of artillery and mortar ammunition.
I am glad finally some good air protection
goes that direction. Germany has promised air protection too but
that is still in the pipeline. Some commentators think or suggest
Germany is deliberately doing stuff the slow slow way. That's not
true, it is a bit of what I name the paradox of NATO.
Germany just like my country are in the NATO
for decades. And it works perfectly, decade in decade out almost
no serious war. At least not on our home territories and so over
the decades military readiness has declined. Both Germany and my
country had strong pacifist movements all the time. Now I am not a
pacifist myself but I consider them a valuable part of society. I
think it is better to live in a country where there might be 'to
much' pacifism compared to a society where every 2 or 3 years the
majority wants to go to war with another country...
Anyway it is what it is and one day the German air protection will
be there.
My old opponent David Petraeus was on CNN in
relation to the Ukrainian war that now lasts for over six months.
And a small miracle happened: David his dog did not come in more
or less demanding a walk. Likely David was in his work environment
because on the table behind him were all kinds of books. Well
click on the picture to see the CNN video:

Video title: Ex-CIA director predicts what's next in Russia-Ukraine war
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK8CFuXExLw
Item 2) Harley Quinnn
loves determinants?
No, as far as I know Harley Quinn doesn't
love determinants. Yesterday I posted the new post on how to
calculate the determinant of a 4x4 matrix using only 2x2
Now I have more or less cracked the matrix
version of the Pythagorean theorem it was more or less doable. But
I remember that at least a few times in the past I tried similar
stuff and that always failed. It is not a ground shaking math
result but it is interesting in it's own right.

In the above M is a 4x4 square matrix,
the stuff like |AB12| are the six 2x2 minors you
can find in the first and second column of the matrix M.
Once more this is not a deep math result like
finding new exponential circles or so, but it is surprising for
sure that only two minus signs pop up. If you are just like me
always dumb and naive, you would expect three minus signs.
Just like you calculate the determinant in the usual manner...
I only worked out the case of a 4x4 matrix so
I skipped the general case of a nxn matrix. Here is the latest
post from the other website:
Calculating the determinant of a 4×4 matrix using 2×2 minors. What is the +/- pattern in this
Ok, I spilled the beans already because you
can see the +/- pattern in the picture from math professor Harley
Quinn. And sometimes I wonder if I am crazy; I start this update
with a guy hammering RPG grenades while ending with the honorable
professor Quinn hammering out four dimensional determinants...;)
End of this update. See you next
(24 Aug 2022) I cleaned up this home page a
bit and threw a lot of old stuff into the history files, index17.htm
to be precise. So it should load faster now because all these
updates since Feb this year make a long long reading...
Tomorrow, or actually today I think, there is
some independence day in Ukraine. The US has warned for Russian
attacks and has even withdrawn a lot of their employees from
Ukraine to safer places...
Two items for today:
Item 1) The Dugina death; is dad a crisis
Item 2) A short but very good math video upon curve
Item 1) The Dugina
death; is dad a crisis actor?
By all standards this was a weird attck; this
Dugina female died from a bomb attached or planted in the car she
drove. It is weird to assume it was done by foreigners, that
Dugina female was definitely not a serious target. And her father
that weird hard core ideologue Dugin is, as far as I am concerned,
also not a valid or worthy target.
My guesstimate is that it is some internal
working of the Russian state. And that Dugin guy is indeed some
weirdo. It was said that he dreamed of a Russian empire from
Wladiwostok to Dublin. Yes, to Dublin. My whole life I have been
waiting for the wonderful day that my country could become a part
of Russia. What a fucking lunatic, people with serious mental
thingelings are often not a serious target.
UATV explained how the attack was done
according to the FSB:

Video title: Death of Dugina: the case is solved. Here is what happened
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YwC9xAADvE
The next picture is of course a bit of
dubious moral value. But I decided to make it and post it today.
Why not? When we heard from so called 'crisis actors' when the
Bucha stuff came out, of course at some point in time that needs
an echo.
So the Kremlin gets a bit of her own coin
back; Dugin is a crisis actor. May be he doesn't even had a
daughter and that female is just some CGI computer construct...

Well lets leave that idiot alone.
Item 2) A short but
very good math video upon curve curvature.
It is a bit of a shame but I never derived
that result in the next short video (3 or 4 minutes). The video
goes a bit fast but for my taste not too fast. It is about finding
an expression that gives you the radius of curvature at any given
point in a graph.
If you see the result for the first time
without a good derivation of it, the result looks rather weird at
first. Why is there a third power and so?

Video title: Radius of Curvature Proof - approximating a curve with a circle!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCJfq77sFE8
This summer there are a whole lot of math
videos out because the guy from the 3Blue1Brown channel has thrown
in another summer of math exposition. This time you could also
participate if you, just like me, could not make those fancy
animations yourself. In that case you could team up with someone
who could do those animations and you just do the math.
I have to say I gave it some serious thought.
For years I have been thinking that finally the exponential
circles or Euler circles if you want, would get the attention they
need if I just had a good video.
But after a day I realized that even a good
video will not wake up those people, so I decided not to
participate. No, better avoid more disappointments and not waste
my time on the professional math professors.
Ok, that is what I had to say today. Till
updates and I hope you have some fun with the math
(19 Aug 2022) The situation around the
Ukrainian nuclear power plant is still a mess. And I don't
understand what the Russians want with this. Ok there might be
some dumb ass African nations that support Russia but more normal
countries frown a bit on this kind of behavior I just guess.
A few countries have imposed limits on
holiday visa's for Russians. Ok, countries are sovereign so they
can do what they see fit. For myself speaking I think I side more
with the German line of thinking; we must not end in a situation
where for example dissident Russians can't leave Russia. And
what's next: also ban students?
As far as I see it, the goal is to cripple the military power of
Russia to the extend that they can't repeat the Ukrainian
adventure in another country. The goal not to cripple the entire
Russian society.
So if there are no security concerns with Russians traveling in
and out of Europe, I am relatively relaxed on this travel
Two items in this update:
Item 1) Wow, that is some hard GDP
Item 2) Another weirdo that can't find magnetic
Item 1) Wow, that is
some hard GDP growth!
The latest Dutch gross domestic product
growth surprised to the upside: It was 2.6% quarter on quarter and
the economy was 5.4% bigger compared to a year ago.

For the time being we can say that COVID-19
was just a dip and now we are back on track. Ok, it was expensive
but the extra debt our government had to take on is also already
declining fast. So it's more or less like it is expected to
Why inflation does not hurt more I don't
know. Ok ok in almost all labor contracts here there are automatic
provisions for inflation. So you don't see central bankers here
shouting hard that wages must not grow in order to prevent a
price-wage inflation spiral...;)
All in all I like the way we have our
economy, if wealth is more evenly spread it is much easier to eat
up all that inflation. But the inflation cycle isn't over by far
so may be I will regret my words in say 12 months of time...
A positive by-effect is that both the
inflation and the extra economical growth contribute to the tax
revenues of the Dutch state.
Source (in Dutch): Economie groeit in 2e kwartaal 2022 met 2,6 procent.
Link used: https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2022/33/economie-groeit-in-2e-kwartaal-
Item 2) Another weirdo that
can't find magnetic monopoles...
Another video
where some weirdo explains that they can't find magnetic
monopoles. And you get the usual explanation that even the
electrons are tiny magnets with two magnetic poles. The rubbish
refuses to die.
In the picture below you see David Tong
explaining that two magnets attract each other if their magnetic
fields are aligned. This audience was rather dumb but suppose
someone would ask David as why in an electron pair the electrons
must be anti-aligned in order to be able to make chemical bonds or
stuff like that...

Video title: David Tong: The Allure of the Magnetic Monopole.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma4NgH8abKU
Well in that case the weirdo's always come up
with the Pauli exclusion principle and they mumble some stuff
about 'quantum numbers'. That is not an explanation, at best that
is a mystification and the person who asked the question is
supposed to feel dumb because he or she does not understand
'quantum number'.
It's all a big bag of bullshit my dear
reader: There are only electron pairs in nature because very
likely electrons are the magnetic monopoles and every electron
pair is made from the two magnetic charges there are...
That makes much more logic than that weird
'spin up' versus 'spin down' that the weirdo's from physics use.
You know stuff like 'spin up' makes only sense when there is some
applied magnetic field. So what happens if there is no magnetic
field? And what happens to 'spin up' when the magnetic field is
changing or vibrating?
The official version of electron spin is
still a bag filled with bullshit.
Fun detail: Yesterday on the preprint archive
I made a few searches on 'spin flip' and 'electron spin flip'.
Well you don't get articles from people in a physics laboratory
showing how they 'flip the electron spins'.
No, you get a lot of articles where people do
all kinds of calculations in those Ising models. And of course in
those Ising models they use the spin of electrons as tiny
magnets... And that my dear reader is where they spend your tax
money on.
I am waiting for about 7 years, if people
like David Tong claim that electrons are tiny magnets, what
fucking experimental evidence you have for that David?
There is no experimental evidence for that
claim. And people like David Tong never ever think that is a
problem. They just blah blah on year in year out.
That was it for this update my dear reader.
You must not think I am angry at the physics professors. You must
more see it as a better understanding of how stupid they are.
Thanks for your attention and see you in the next
For older updates see the archives at index17.htm
or go to the oversight
of the archive pages.
__________ End