The writings of Reinko Venema. 

 Click the pic for the history of this main page... (The archives)


Archive of this home page going back to 2005.


-Dring dring, there the door bell goes. Reinko opens the door and it is Arty! Hey come on in Reinko says. 

Arty: Shit man, all these years you let me dry out in the beautiful Afhganistan landscape and now I must come here to eat cookies?

-Reinko: Oh, you got the message wrong: In this country it is illegal to send so called cookies along with your website. 

But I cannot control the cookies my dear Arty, that problem is around for many years: 
Visitors get a cookie, but it is not done by  me... .

Arty (looking difficult): So what do we need to do?

-Reinko: We must eat the cookies before they eat us..

 Arty (smiling): Ok ok, I have to go back to my home country, so bye bye 




(12 Feb 2025) I don't have any comment on all that trade war stuff that likely will go off in the short future. The two items for today are:

Item 1) From Donkeys on the front to the Münich security conference.
Item 2) It's posted: The fundamental theorem for calculus for 3D numbers.

 Item 1) From Donkeys on the front to the Münich security conference.

Lets start with a weird detail: the Russian army uses donkeys to transport ammunition and stuff? It seems to be true. When in WWII the Germans did the same the allied military commanders concluded there was a severe shortage of fuel for motored vehicles. Here some Russian milbloggers blame the usage of donkeys on that lack of moter vehicles at all.
May be (hopefully) here it is a case of both: fuel and vehicle shortage.   

The Kremin said it was all 'pretty normal' or 'natural', I don't remember the precise phrasing, so that is an interesting statement from the Kremlin.
The Independent had an article on it: 

Title: Russia forced to use donkeys to bring ammunition to 
Putin’s troops in Ukraine as military vehicles run short.
Link used:

In a very different development, the Baltic states severed the electricity cables with Russia and have now switched to the EU electricity grid. So welcome! And yes it is better this way, Russia will always weaponize every thing there is regardless of contractual obligation. So for the rest of this century and likely longer, no more Russian electricity...

Article title: Baltic Nations Switch Off Russian Power Grid. Link used:

I missed it completely about one month ago but that story from Craig Kennedy (from Harvard or so) has a lot of meat on it. Likely there are lots of emergency loans done to the Russian defense industry. So it might very well be true that the entire Russian banking sector is saturated with non performing loans. Of course since corruption is a way of life over there in Russia, a lot of that loan money has miraculously disappeared...
On the 12-th of Jan the FT reported on this important detail. If it all is true we are likely looking at another Putin thing where he thinks he is very smart and the rest of the world is utterly stupid...

Article title: Russia’s war economy is a house of cards
Link used:

As a fourth sub-item lets take a look at the impending Münich security conference that will go on at the end of the week. There is an awful lot at stake and as far as I understand it the USA will send a heavy delegation that also included the Treasury Sec Scott Bessent. So that's a bit strange but may be it has something to do with that strange rare earth deal, who knows. Also the USA vice prez JD Vance will attend.

I never looked in detail that the Ukrainian unused commodities like the rare earth metals, but likely there is much of that stuff in regions where there is an illegal invasion going on. It would be strange that in the future the Russians can unearth that stuff and use it for themselves...
Fox news had an article on the Münich conference: 

Article title: JD Vance, Treasury Sec Scott Bessent to meet with Zelenskyy as Trump team sets sights on Russia-Ukraine war.
Link used:

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) It's posted: The fundamental theorem for calculus for 3D numbers.

It's finally posted so that is the fourth fundamental theorem that humanity now has. It's kind a bad that it took hundreds of thousands of years to make the first three fundamental theorems but it is what it is. Don't forget the math professionals only have three theorems (two for the real line and one for the complex plane) because they don't know of any other spaces where you can do integration with the usage of a primitive.  

So the math professors still want the impossible: They only want 3D complex numbers if they are an extension of the complex plane. But that is a stupid wish to start with and as such they are empty handed.  

But lets not complain about math professors. The new post is rather long, 9 pictures and 3 extra figures and also a video. I think it helps a lot if you already understand integration in the complex plane. Sometimes that is referred to as complex integration. Anyway it is very similar on the space of 3D complex numbers. In the picture below there is already a calculation that clearly says that on the space of 3D numbers finding a primitive is sometimes a sport in itself. I like it, but who am I? 

So if you are interested in taking a look or go in for a deep and long study until you are exhausted as hell, click on the picture to land at the other website: 


New post title: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for the 3D Complex Numbers. Link used:

Ok last weekend I posted it and weirdly enough within a day when I was watching a few youtube video's there was a recommende video from Hannay Fry. And guess what, it was about the fundamental theorem of calculus.

The video is a bit too simple for the other website. Suppose a person has figured out how the theorem works for the 3D complex numbers, after that looking at Hannah solving how you take the limit of a Riemann sum is not much of a cognitive challenge anymore.  

But for this website it is a perfect video. If you have never seen or done a Riemann sum for yourself, it is one of the basic things you need if you want to know more and more math. So click on the cube I made from Hannah her face if you want to see the video she made:

Video title: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Explained |
Link used:

For myself speaking I had a good weekend with the publication of this new post on the fourth Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as known to humanity. At the same time I acknowledge that all math professionals will avoid talking about it. Well it is what it is. Lets leave it with that and as always thanks for your attention.   


(07 Feb 2025) In Greece around an island named Santorini there is an amazing amount of earth quakes going on. News says it is not related to possible volcanic activity. If true there is 'only' seismic activity. In the past there have been very violent volcanic eruptions there so lets hope for the best. The two items of today are: 

Item 1) And another oil attack & what about that peace plan?
Item 2) Deep fake video's still getting better and better. 

 Item 1) And another oil attack & what about that peace plan?

And another oil attack done with a bunch of drones done this week, this time in something known as Krasnodar Krai. Some people remark that since Russian oil installations came under attack, since then there is also a decline in the daily number of attacks done by the Russians. That is only a correlation of course but militaries use an enormous amount of fuel and likely all that old army material they use is not that fuel efficient.
But to answer the question when such a correlation becomes a more cause & effect relation you must have much more insight in how those Russian oil installations work in practice. The diverse capacities, the logistics of it all, is there spare capacity and so on and so on. Of course I have no such specialist knowledge but it is not unreasonable that the oil attacks are indeed very hindering to day to day Russian military operations. I have two news articles for you, the first one is from Pravda and you can click on the picture if you want to read the latest news on this subject:

Article title: Ukraine's defence forces hit Russian oil refinery and air defence system. Link used:

The second article is from oil price dot com where I did forget to explicit look for article a bit explaining if the attacks on Russian oil installations is so bad it highers the oil price for some types of oil.

Article title: Massive Ukrainian Drone Attack Targets Russian Oil Refineries. Link used:


In a very different development it was rumored that on Bloomberg there was some sketch of a peace plan. So I tried to check it but it was behind a registration wall and although it was for free I declined. Beside that on Radio Free Europe it was said that Keith Kellog himself denied that he will unfold the plan in Germany where some meeting will take place. Here is the RFE article:

Article title: Kellogg Rejects Report That Trump's Ukraine Peace Plan Will Be Revealed Next Week. Link used:

It is indeed complicated stuff, I have no idea what a long term solution could look. It is a matter of fact that at the Kremlin they are not emotionally very stable and once Putin has one more of his perpendicular bowel winds all agreements will be broken again.

Also the UA prez hasn't heard a thing, he expects that Ukraine will have input into the plan too while at the same time the EU wants a seat at the table too. Here is a quote:  

In comments on February 6, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he is certain that there is no official U.S. plan yet, suggesting that any  formal plan should be coordinated with Kyiv. 

So it is all very complicated to say the least. With that let us go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Deep fake video's still getting better and better. 

I'm now about 95% finished with the new math post on a fourth fundamental theorem of calculus. Of course this fourth one is on my beloved 3D complex numbers. I estimate in the next update on this website it will be finished, ok ok I could rewrite some parts or add more but it's already long enough and it doesn't have to be ultra perfect.  

Therefore I only want to show you a fresh video on the AI generated deep fakes and they are still getting better. If you search for yourself on youtube with the title as shown below, you can see that the guy from this channel uses the same title for more video's. So he is reporting on the developments in this subfield for some time now. 

This deepfake model is such that you only have to show it a picture and after that it can make any video with any text you want. There is even a short fragment with Albert Einstein and you get a very good black and white video to see. Here is the video: 

Video title: This AI deepfake tool is WAY too real. Full body animation.
Link used:

And again this is all very interesting but how are you going to make money with this? Countless billions are invested and totally crazy plans to even build new nuclear fission plants for electricity production, but can anyone show me the big money maker?

That was it for this update, see you in a next one. 


(05 Feb 2025) On a possible trade war I have no comment beside it's stupid. Interesting detail that was not very sharp on my mind: We, our tiny country the Netherlands, are the fourth exporter of the USA. Here is from a small list I found:

1. Canada: $85.69 billion

2. Mexico: $80.16 billion

3. China: $36.85 billion

4. Netherlands: $22 billion

5. Germany: $19.82 billion

6. Japan: $18.97 billion

7. United Kingdom: $18.73 billion 

The smartest comment I heard from other people was that the USA wants to be a reserve currency and therefore they more or less have to import more as they export. Buying stuff from abroad is just a way of pumping dollars into the international financial system... I have nothing to add to that.
Lets go to the two items of today: 

Item 1) Paul Warburg on Russian banks & Russian tree huggers observed.
Item 2) New math post almost finished & more on artificial asses...

 Item 1) Paul Warburg on Russian banks & Russian tree huggers observed.

A few weeks back there was that crazy rumor that possibly the Russian government would raid the bank accounts of ordinary Russians. Well that would be pretty crazy, it is a very good way to get the entire population mad as hell. But since a few weeks there is also an alternative out; there were much much more loans to the Russian defense industry done as was in the eye of the public. 

So officially the Russian government spends 8.5% of their GDP on defense spending, the war in Ukraine in particular. But in the meantime the Russian banks were forced to make more or less secret loans to the very same war effort or the defense industry.

To be honest I don't know if it's true yes or no and it was figured out by just one person and I have not found the original analysis. But by now understanding a bit more as how the present Kremlin operates, it could very well be true. And again I have no proof or so but if true in that case likely the Russian banks are saturated with non performing loans. So that's very interesting if this is all true. A guy named Paul Warburg who likely lives in Utah USA has a video on it. Now it's not an extremely deep analysis but it's good enough for the time being. Click on the picture for the video: 


Video title: Russia’s Banks Are Literally Running Out of Money
Link used:

Now in the Russian army it is known that often it is a bit rough on it's own soldiers. On the one hand this is logical because you likely won't get those meat wave attacks without using some convincing arguments. I forgot to save the video link but it's from Warthog Defense and it was a video about the ratio of Russian losses to UA losses and that was about 1:7.
Of course that is not an overall statistic for the entire war but just some nasty spot along the long front line. Anyway I wanted to show you this lovely picture that shows even the Russians can become tree huggers...  


This is likely from just before they get tied to those trees. You know in almost all armies there are lets say asshole officers. But behavior like this is from some other planet or some old stuff from history, it is crazy. 

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) New math post almost finished & more on artificial asses...

I am now 3 or 4 hours in work further and it is mostly finished. The last images need to be made. After that the whole stuff can be turned into that relatively good png format so it can be used on the internet.

So the new post is about the fundamental theorem of calculus only now for the 3D complex numbers. And there are far less problems with formulating such a theorem as I expected all those years. If there are problems it is because there is some stuff in the functions you want to integrate that make it hard to find the primitive.

What you see in the "As simple as possible" calculation below is that I integrate from some point or 3D number A to B along a straight line. Of course this is not a proof that integration can always be done but as you see for yourself: For the calculation to work it just does not matter if those A and B are non-invertible numbers. Think of say the king or the queen of non-invertible numbers, that is zero. If your endpoint or startpoint or any midpoint is zero, that in itself won't give problems.
You must just follow the standard math rules like not dividing by zero and stuff like that. The calculation below says that integrating the identity along a line that connects two points gives the difference in the squares divided by 2. Just like you have along the real line but now in the entire 3D space. 


Now why do I place an ai generated female ass with it? That is because two days back my smart television with the youtube channel behaved a bit weird. I had only seen one or two short of those video's and all of a sudden all of the video's that were recommended to me were those dumb ai generated videos with ai generated bitches in them.

I can't remember to have ever had that before, my so called smart tv automatically logs in with my own Google account. So why the youtube suggestion or recommendation algorithm decided to show only ai generated stuff was a bit puzzling to me. 

A possible explanation might be that there are already so many fake ai video's out there that stuff from real people like I prefer of course gets all snowed under. May be we have already reached a tipping point in the sense that already that ai generated garbage is much much more in volume compared to stuff made by humans...

Who knows? Anyway that was it for this update. If you are a human thanks for your attention and see you in a next update here or the new math post on the other website about 3D complex numbers.


(31 Jan 2025) Here are the two item that make up this update:

Item 1) Another bingo card for Russian oil refineries & Swedish stuff.
Item 2) Boring video on quantum mechanics while Harry Potter...

 Item 1) Another bingo card for Russian oil refineries & Swedish stuff.

The prof Gerdes guy had found one of those funny bingo cards where with every successful attack on a Russian oil refinery, it gets crossed out. So that's in the video if you click on the picture below. All in all the Ukrainians have become experienced at this kind of drone attacks. It all started very underwhelming last year in January but back in the time I understood the possible consequences and that has more or  less come out; better and better over time.  

Video title: Ukrainians are Playing Russian Oil Refinery Bingo!
Link used:

Today I had the weird experience because the news out of the USA is constantly so crazy, that reading a bit of news on the Ukrainian war felt like reading normal stuff...  

Sweden came out with it's biggest package of military aid for Ukraine since the start of the war. Here is a Reuters report: 

Title: Sweden donates $1.2 billion aid package to Ukraine Link used:

Of course a lot more did happen but it's time to go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Boring video on quantum mechanics while Harry Potter...

Now don't get me wrong, I like quantum mechanics because it has so much math in it. So of course I like it, I only think there are some tiny faults here and there because of a lack of experimental validation of stuff that is generally held for true. 

Stuff like electrons are tiny bipolar magnets and magnetic monopoles don't exist. Ok that non-existence is may be hard to prove, but all in all there just isn't any experimental evidence that electron spin is what it claimed it is.  

I think that electrons are magnetic monopoles and that for example explains why there are two kinds of circular polarized light photons. So I was curious at first when I came across the next video title: "Chapter 6: Spin one-half and polarized light (Quantum Mechanics Done Right video 11)".
But what I hoped for wasn't mentioned at all, no explaining what the relation is between electron spin and the circular polarization of photons. No it was all that standard crap as is being recycled for decades and decades. For example the only experiment the guy mentions is the Stern-Gerlach experiment from 103 years back and that's it.
Now at some point in time this guy comes up with a quantum operator that he names S+. And this operator is supposed to change the spin of an electron. The only problem is: As far as I know you can't flip electron spin and also there is no experimental evidence that you can actually flip the electron spin.

Just as all that stuff like ladder operators or creation and destruction operators, it is often nice math but hard to do on command in the practice of say a physics laboratory. It's not forbidden to do of course but I view it more as some mathematical fantasy. In my view, if you use an operator for say flipping the spin of an electron, that should be based in lab experiments. And not based on talking out of your neck claiming all is a five sigma science. Only when a high enough statistical evidence is found, it is allowed to enter physics theory.
But in practice the Gauss law for magnetism is used all the time as some kind of axiom while it is never tested at all.

Now the video is a bit boring but if you have never seen a lesson in quantum mechanics may be it is a good thing to watch for a few minutes.       

Video title: Chapter 6: Spin one-half and polarized light (Quantum Mechanics Done Right video 11). Link used:

The excuse of the guy above I can say all those teachers of quantum mechanics more or less do this; the operators they talk about, it is often hard to phantom how this in the lab should work.

On a bit of a lighter note I came across one of those new AI video's. This one is a version of a North Korean Harry Potter. I have no idea if the text from the song in the video is actually translated, I don't speak Korean North or South.   

Video title: Harry Potter - North Korea Wizard (Official Music Video)
Link used:

It is from a person that names his or her self "demonflyingfox" on Youtube. There are many more Harry Potter video's out there, of course also those redneck trailer park kind of stuff. It's very American but funny to watch contrary to all that political stuff going on over there. 

Ok that was it for this update, I just poured in a nice 0.75 liter pint of home brew so that will keep me busy for the time being. As always thanks for your attention. 


(29 Jan 2025) Well it seems that a bit of air has escaped from the AI bubble in stock market valuations. If it's all true, that company DeepSeek is not a robot for finding lost tampons, no for only about 6 million US$ they made a workable form of AI. And again, if all true, that is a serious blow to all that overhyped ai stuff. Lets go to the two items for today.  

Item 1) Handcuffed Russian soldiers & oversight of drone attacks.
Item 2) That pair of cute limits repeated. 

 Item 1) Handcuffed Russian soldiers & oversight of drone attacks.

Suchominus had one more of those weird and crazy video's. It is the transport of a bunch of Russian soldiers all handcuffed together. It is complete without any geolocation and the guess of Suchominus is that likely these are a bunch of Russian prisoners. That could very well be, what I found a bit strange myself is they seem to be having a good time relative to the circumstances. So it's all a bit strange: 


Video title: Russians Handcuffed Together On the Way to the Front So They Can't Run Away (Likely Convicts) Link used:

The next video is a bit longer and is more or less a good oversight of all those drone attacks from lately. It is presented by Chuck Pfarrer and it's from the Kyiv Post. What the Ukrainians can do with their home produced drones is indeed impressive and one thing is clear: warfare has evolved to now including a terrible lot of drone stuff. As always click on the picture to land at the video: 

Video title: Kyiv Post - Ukraine’s Largest Drone Strike on Russia.
Link used:

And then still is there the weird situation with Greenland where Donald Trump keeps insisting that Greenland becomes part of the USA. I really can't comment on it because it is all so crazy, Greenland is part of Denmark for I don't know, 600 or 800 years? Well lets say since medieval times and now it must forcefully go to the USA?   

Likely we will see four years of this kind of stuff, well it is what it is I just guess. Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) That pair of cute limits repeated. 

The new post is making progress but still isn't finished by far. And of course it's a hobby so I don't have to work 8 hours a day on it but only for fun. But it's good to write this all together for more or less the first time, the fundamental theorem of calculus but now for the 3D complex numbers.

Now back in 1990 or 1991 I already understood that you could do integration on a 3D space in this way, just by simply using a primitive. So it is good that finally after all those years to put it together. Of course all those years when I needed some 3D integration myself I always did this shamelessly because it always worked. Ok ok, the integrals it generates can be hard to crack, but if cracked I always had a nice box of math candy so to say.

But in order to cross all the t's and dot all the i's, I also had to explain how to differentiate on the non-invertible parts of the 3D numbers. Because if you can't differentiate, are you allowed to use a primitive? And it was just a couple of weeks back that I found a satisfactory was of expressing the stuff. That are the two cute limits in the image below.

Next week I should be a lot further so now I don't have a link or so. 

The beta in the above limits is the direction of the derivative, you always differentiate into some direction. And you run into trouble if you can't divide by such a number beta but with the simple trick in the lower limit it is still possible to make some edible stuff out of it. 

That was it for this update, thanks for your attention and lets go saufen! 


(24 Jan 2024) And for this update the two items are:

Item 1) Attacking on Crutches, weird Russian oil tanks & more UA stuff.
Item 2) An empty item, just a picture of a female looking at a theorem.

 Item 1) Attacking on Crutches, weird Russian oil tanks & more UA stuff.

The next screenshot if from a video from Davys Denydov, I don't have a link for you, but it is totally crazy. Guys walking on crutches have to attack Ukrainian positions. In another video I observed a few of those slowly going through a field likely to a certain death. Why don't they use pictures like this in recruitment advertising for military service in Russia? 

From the next video I did save a link, it's from the channel Reporting from Ukraine. He comes up with how some of the Russian oil storage tanks now look, it is also bizarre and likely not foreseen in Feb 2022 by all those brilliant Kremlin strategists. Click on the picture for the video, it's about five minutes long: 

Video title: NO STOPPING NOW: Russians Lost THEIR 400-KM RADAR!
Link Used:

In another development a few people remarked that the USA envoy to Ukraine, Keith Kellog, was asked to pull out that 100 day plan for achieving peace in Ukraine. But I could not find much news on that detail, the Wall Street Journal had an article on it but it's behind a paywall and I don't think most people that read this have a subscription on the WSJ. 

Well I wish all involved all the luck in the world because it is 100% sure all such attempts will have a high rate of failure. In particular I wish Keith Kellog the best in trying to get something done. 

With that lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) An empty item, just a picture of a female looking at a theorem.

Originally I wanted to link to some intergalactic magnetic stuff. It seems there are not only huge magnetic fields inside the milky way but even much bigger magnetic structures between galaxies. Of course the people from astrophysics can't explain this because they only have a dynamo principle for explaining huge magnetic fields. As you might expect, a dynamo thing is electricity going round and that produces a magnetic field.

As such if magnetic fields are so huge they are between entire galaxies, of course the official science will have a hard time explaining that. But if electrons are magnetic monopoles and not tiny bipolar magnets and on top of that there is a mechanism that can separate this magnetism in say the particle beams of active galactic nuclei, the whole thing might at least partially explained.  

So let me save that for some other update. In the meantime the new post on that fundamental theorem of calculus for my 3D complex numbers isn't finished by far. In about a week time I should be much further with the completion of that thing. I have nothing to link to so just a picture of some steampunk video where an ai generated female figure is 'looking' at my formulation of this fundamental theorem for 3D numbers. 

The time has come for you and me to split, so may be see you in another update. Thanks for your attention. 


(22 Jan 2025) The two items for this update are:

Item 1) Oil strikes from last week & new US administration.
Item 2) Are there three fundamental theorems of calculus?

  Item 1) Oil strikes from last week & new US administration.

For no particular reason but I found the picture below having a nice looking outlay so I decided to make a screenshot from it. It is from a video of that UA pilot guy, Denys Davydov. I think the video is about half an hour long but I'm now offline so I can't check it and in itself is it not that important. And there were even more attacks on Russian oil installations last week beside the four pictured below.

Video title: Wow! Ukraine goes all in Striking Ruzzian Oil Infrastructure.
Link used:

In a very different kind of news, the BBC had some report of a weird case of corruption in the UA army. This sounds like a relatively large case, just look at the title:

Ukrainian army psychiatrist arrested on $1m corruption charge
Link used:

In the USA, one of the presidential orders was holding all foreign aid for 3 months. I don't know if that also means Ukraine. And Rubio vows to make the State Dept the center piece of US foreign policy. Well lets hope the State Department will just do that. A Reuters report:  

Rubio vows to put State Dept at core of Trump foreign policymaking
Link used:

Rubio also voiced he wants the war over as soon as possible. Well who doesn't? But there is a fundamental problem, the Kremlin has violated all there was on the Minsk accords. So why should they keep their side of a new accord? I have no idea how to solve this problem, in my view at the Kremlin they are just not a bunch of rational actors...

Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Are there three fundamental theorems of calculus?

I have been working on a new post about the so called fundamental theorem of calculus. That's the thing with an integral of a function and you must find a primitive or a so called anti-derivative. And in my mind there was only one such theorem but since I was writing this new post I decided to look it up and it seems that more or less common knowledge says there are three of them.

Ok ok, there might be some point to that. But say with another theorem that everybody knows, the Pythagorean theorem, we simply say there is a Pythagorean identity for this or that on a such or so space. Oh the other hand, that third version of the fundamental theorem of calculus is about integration on the complex plane. And that explains a lot: They don't know of more spaces where you can make such a fundamental theorem. 

For many years I have skipped the formulation of this theorem, I always thought there would be huge and complicated problem if you would do integration on those non-invertible numbers. As such it could be problematic to even try and find an anti-derivative aka a primitive. If you can't divide by such numbers, that gives the same nonsense as say dividing by the number zero. 

The post isn't finished by far, but in the picture with that AI generated thing that looks like a female, you can see it. It is just like on the complex plane only now in the space of 3D complex numbers. From Wolfram Math I link to an article about the three versions of the fundamental theorem:

Article title: Fundamental Theorems of Calculus.
Link used:

So we now have one more fundamental theorem of calculus.

In a very different thing, if you look at the picture above you see fast it is some ai generated stuff. The skin is often to perfect or there is some vague shine that you don't see in real photo's from real people. But today I came across a video and I was looking like one or two full minutes if this was fake or real. But it gave itself away in the small details, somewhere in the background was some guy with a bike and all of a sudden he started to vibrate in a way that is impossible in real life. So that generative ai stuff still makes progress by the month, that's impressive for sure.  

With that we are at the end of this update, as always thanks for your attention and have a good time. 


(17 Jan 2025) Two items for this update:

Item 1) Sanctioned ships, drone attacks & so on; UA stuff.
Item 2) Is math found or made? And that lost SG video found back.

 Item 1) Sanctioned ships, drone attacks & so on; UA stuff.

Well it's the last week of the outgoing US administration and there is a significant amount of new sanctions out. I didn't even have the time to flea through all the details but about 120 of those shadow fleet are now sanctioned. So that's a good thing because the last thing we need is an oil spill in say the North Sea Or before Ireland or so. And of course it's a good thing because it will hurt Russia in the wallet. Interesting detail is that oil prices seem to be a bit up but I didn't check if it's significant. If almost all Russian oil does not reach foreign markets anymore, that could have the potential of raising oil prices globally. So thanks my dear USA, it's great to have a package like this.

In a very strange development, more a vague rumor I guess, there was fear in Russia that ordinary bank accounts would be frozen. That is so crazy that it's hard to phantom that such a thing is actually true...

There were more drone and missile attacks done by Ukraine against Russian targets. A few times I heard that one million tons of fuel & oil was set on fire. Is that actually true? A million tons is one billion kg of fuel so that's even more as one billion liters because fuel weighs less as water. But if that fuel storage place served that large airfield Engels and has to serve more big fuel guzzlers may be it is a large hit.

The Sun had a video out, it was about 8 minutes long, about a few of those strikes. But there is a lot going on on a daily basis so it's hard even for professional media outlets to cover it all. Click on the picture for the video:

Video title: Explosions rip through huge Russian ammo factory as Ukraine drone wave flies deep behind enemy lines. Link used:

Ammo storage and production facilities also came under Ukrainian attack, so the Kremlin can be glad and happy that Putin will not be bored. Lets all try to prevent that the Vlad gets bored, such negative emotions will lead to nothing but bad outcomes don't you think? 

But serious, there were also a lot of attacks done by Russia on Ukraine. The UK pm Starmer was visiting Kyiv and even then there were attacks on the Ukrainian capital. So Russia is loosening that protocol that says when foreign leaders are here or there there are no attacks here and there. So we see once more that it is hard to make some kind of deal with Russia, why should they want to keep to their side of the deal? In all likelihood that's not going to happen, anyway I see no easy solution to it. 

Here is an article from CNN, the glow seems to be from a Russian drone that was hit: 

Article title: Ukraine and Russia launch major strikes on each other with Trump’s inauguration days away.
Link used:

After the weekend there is a new US administration so we have to wait and see what changes and what stays the same. With that lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Is math found or made? And that lost SG video found back.

There is that false dichotomy going round where people pretend to be smart if they ask the question "Is math discovered or invented?". Only if you don't know much math this is a question worth pondering. 

You can see how dumb and false this dichotomy is by replacing the word 'math' by say food or tools. Is food discovered or invented? Are tools discovered or invented?

The way I see it is that in math you have both at the same time. A discovery is something relatively simple but more or less unexpected because you weren't looking for it. For example I found the 3D complex numbers in just a few seconds and it was just a wild thought.
And a very different example is when a few years back we looked al all that advanced Pythagoras stuff related to non-square matrices. And I had found a way of making a non-square matrix into a square matrix by adding new columns that were always perpendicular to all previous columns in the matrix. Well that was clearly an invention because I clearly understood such a thing could be done but the precise technical details are still unknown. And an invention like this is always more complicated as a discovery is.  

And for food and tools go similar things, the first pizza's were not discovered growing from a pizza tree. And stones for usage as tools were not invented but always found and discovered. While when stones were first shaped before usage in say a stone axe or the tip on an arrow, that sounds much more like inventing stuff.  

So the first video can be taken with a grain of salt, in my view this kind of question is wrong. Likely the formula you see below is one of those Ramanujan things, and likely this one too has the property that it converges amazingly fast. I think the person that made this video has had little math, you see an equal sign at the pi thing, but it's just the first approximation for this Ramanujan idea. Pi really isn't what it says below but likely already good for say 5 may be 6 digits. Click on the picture if you want to see the not so good video:

Video title: Is Mathematics Found or Made? | Mathematical Platonism
Link used:

Beside this, it can vary very much from person to person what they consider a discovery versus an invention. If the mathematical level is very different, such persons might have very different opinions compared to what you think of it. Take for example the Math Queen. That sounds already as the USA and yes I think she is from there. With amazing I viewed a few of her video's, a couple of weeks back she solved the amazing equation x = x/5 but I couldn't find it back. So I selected the next very hard problem:

Video title: Can you solve this equation? – Math tutorial.
Link used:

But stupid people are everywhere. One of my first paid jobs was teaching say 15 year old boys a bit of what on that school passed as 'math'. For example the next difficult problem:

A garage door is 3.7 meters high. A truck that is 2.40 meters high rides through the open door. How much space is there between the truck and the door frame?

And a lot of them just couldn't process stuff like that... Of course in groups of boys like that often there is also an unwillingness to cooperate in any kind of lesson. But really a lot of them just did not see you had to subtract these numbers...  

With that lets not say the world is full of idiots but be a bit more positive and say there luckily is room for improvement.

At last I found back that video from the Science Asylum. I think I made some weird mistake myself in editing my last post and somehow pasted in some weird private link. But I found the video back so if you want to enjoy the Science Asylum talking about the famous Stern Gerlach experiment be my guest:

Physics Misunderstood This Experiment For Years   

So my last post on this SG experiment on the other website is now repaired, in case you missed it, here is the link once more:

Two more video’s on the Stern Gerlach experiment from the year 1922.
Link used:

That was it, thanks for your attention. 


(15 Jan 2025) The two items for this 15-th of January are:

Item 1) Sanctions & oil, Russian propaganda & drone attacks.
Item 2) This video says quantum computing is a hoax, do you agree?

Item 1) Sanctions & oil, Russian propaganda & drone attacks. 

Ok, those sanctions against the shadow fleet of old and rotten oil tankers seem to be working in the sense it was reported a lot of them can't go to their destination and unload the oil. So that's a good thing but can we and will we keep those ships out of our waters? I have no idea what you can do legally but the likelihood of another oil spill is very large of course. 

Anyway it was good news that some of those oil tankers could not unload.

For some time I already wanted to take a short look at those weirdo's from Russian state television. And it is often amazingly stupid, just regular talk of for example nuking London or Paris. We had decades of the cold war and all those years the prevailing doctrine was nicknamed MAD from Mutual Assured Destruction. Those Russian lunatics think they can use nukes and after that nothing happens? I don't know. What I self find interesting is that from a psychological perspective, why do they need television shows like this? UATV had a video on it, as always click on the picture if you want to see it:   

Video title: "We Got GERMAN TANKS on Russian Soil" – Russian Propaganda Hysteria. Link used:

A whole lot more did happen but there was a record breaking drone attack on Russian targets by Ukraine. I don't know exact numbers but likely it were over one hundred drones. On a relative vague photo you could see a drone that looked a lot like an Iranian Shahed drone, so may be the Ukrainians copied that concept of an ultra cheap drone with what is it, 40 kg of explosives?

All in all a lot of targets were hit and it was a bit awkward that the Russian ministry of defense came out by stating this will not be unanswered. I vaguely remember that the great and stable genius Putin himself said that peace is such a boring thing and that's why we have war. Well the Ukrainians are only trying to lift the spirits by bringing more war to Russia otherwise Putin is just so bored.

The Kyiv Post had an article on the stuff:   

So it is hard to say where they are more crazy: At the floor of the famous Russian state television or the weirdo's from the Russian ministry of defense... 

Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) This video says quantum computing is a hoax, do you agree?

Only in the intro they say it's a hoax, likely as a form of tickling your brain because relatively fast they start defending the concept of quantum computing.  

Every year I become a bit more skeptical about all those wild proposals they make for say the qubits. All kinds of two level systems are crammed into a qubit, for example if an electron is there or not. And if you don't observe it, it is in a mixed state of having an electron or not.

For myself speaking I only consider it possible to a quantum thing to be in more states at the same time if those states are associated with precisely the same energy levels. As soon as the energy levels are different, the whole concept of a possible superposition breaks down. It's just an opinion because I don't have some fancy lab where I can do experiments that confirm that but it sounds a bit more plausible as what I hear those professionals claim.

So there could be all kinds of deep problems with the concept of super position. But also entanglement could be problematic, without all that long range entanglement between qubits the quantum computer just would not have that exponential range of possible states to be in and the whole thing won't work out of principle. 

And there too the physics professors can talk weird, take a look at the strange sounding name of "Parametric down conversion". That is a crystal where it is possible that one photon in becomes two photons of the same energy. And because of that the professors claim the two photons are entangled.
But if in such a crystal say instead of one electron jumping up and down the energy ladder because of the incoming photons, but very seldom an electron pair jumps up to a higher energy level and later falls down producing two photons in doing so.
If my idea's of electrons being magnetic monopoles, if a pair jumps you will always have two photons of opposite circular polarization. And if that all is true that just doesn't prove all that talk of non-locality. (Non locality is the idea that if you measure one quantum particle, the other at a very different position will change too.).

As you will see, in the video they just don't address problems like this. Just as the claim in the video that quantum computers will be good for simulating chemical reactions. You hear that very often and it sounds good but in say 30 years of quantum computing no one has ever made some good algorithm to so such stuff. If they think that electrons are tiny magnets because someone else said so, even if they manage to craft a good scalable quantum computer it just won't work for chemistry based on chemical reactions involving electron pairs.    

So in the video, without insulting the participants, I think we see just more people that are what I call "beyond repair". With that I mean if you show them good solid evidence that say electrons are not tiny magnets, they will automatically ignore it. It does not resonate in their brains, those brains are beyond repair. 

I selected a picture not from the video but from some gothic steampunk made with the good old MidJourney. In AI everything goes still fast and furious while in scientific branches like quantum computing or nuclear fusion reactors there is almost zero progress because of that blatant not understanding electron spin. 
So the IAI video can be viewed if you click on the nice looking AI bitch:

Video title: The quantum hoax | Dominic Walliman, Joscha Bach, Ruth Oulton. Link used:

Ok that's it for this update.


(10 Jan 2025) The two items for this update:

Item 1) The 155th Brigade (in Dutch) & last Ramstein meeting...
Item 2) Why does the Dirac equation have four solutions and not two?

Item 1) The 155th Brigade (in Dutch) & last Ramstein meeting... 

The video is in Dutch, it's from a guy named Tom Lassing and he makes video's in Dutch about the Ukraine war. Anyway I had heard only vague details about this 155th brigade and yes this was a blatant failure. In France alone if the figures are correct, when they were training there were 500 desertions...
But it's good it comes out in the open so everybody can take notice and may be learn a bit of the stuff that went wrong. As Tom remarks, it is wrong if the entire brigade is made up of conscripts. Soldiers, sergeants and officers were all conscripts. I agree with that, you must have some backbone of professional leadership that stays while conscripts rotate.   

In practice because of the war a lot of conscripts don't rotate at all. A lot of Ukrainian soldiers are on the same spot on the frontline for almost 3 years now. And at some point they just had enough and become deserters. That's understandable and for the UA army this is a complicated thing to deal with.

Anyway in the Dutch video Tom remarks that he has been a conscript himself and lives on the royal salay of 500 Dutch guilders. I can relate to that, when I was a conscript we got the minimum wage as was legal here but from that were withdrawn the costs for housing and food. So I got about 750 guilders a month. So for  the Dutch, click on the picture for Tom's video:  

Video title: De 155e brigade, daar is van alles bij misgegaan.
Link used:

In 10 days we have a new administration in Washington so a lot is still unsure. Well in a few weeks we will know more, if weapon deliveries stop or decline that will costs a whole lot of Ukrainian soldiers their lives. So lets hope for the best.

There was a latest Ramstein meeting, I don't know if this is or was the last meeting or just the latest. That too is totally unknown but for a long time everybody saw this moment coming so lets hope for the best.

Of course I am not an official institution but I would like to thank the US SecDef Lloyd Austin for all his time and commitment. And of course all the logistics personnel from the US military, without their hard work a lot of stuff just wasn't there. And there was a serious low of course when during that long time there were no deliveries at all. That was more a political problem and for the US military that must have been frustrating to say the least. 

From Ukraine Inform I selected the next article:   

Title: Participants of Ramstein meeting approve eight roadmaps to support Ukraine through 2027. Link used:

As always I have to skip a lot of things so lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Why does the Dirac equation have four solutions and not two?

I have a video from the World Science Festival that is rather long and it is about matter versus antimatter. This video is about six years old and is 1.5 hours long. But it starts with the famous Dirac equation and if you like it a bit more hardcore math there is also a link to a wiki on that equation of Paul Dirac. 

Paul Dirac became world famous because he more or less predicted antimatter with math before antimatter was discovered in the form of positrons or the anti electron. In the video you see a kind of panel on a stage talking about this antimatter stuff. So all in all you must be looking at say 100 years of academic life in the form of these participants in the discussion. And yes they talk about the Dirac equation and that it was so important that he found solutions that at first sight made no sense. And later when it was confirmed that positrons existed, all of a sudden they made sense.

But the whole panel does not discuss why there are four solutions needed, well that's easy to explain: Dirac needed two solutions for the electron spin and with the wisdom of hindsight, two more for antimatter here positrons and other spin half Fermions like quarks and so. 

The official version of electron spin is that it's a tiny magnet and as such you can view it as a tiny vector pointing into the 'north pole direction'. I don't mean the actual north pole of the earth, but the north pole parts of the electron magnetic field.

This gives one of the many problems there are with viewing electrons as tiny bipolar magnets, this time it is not an energy problem but a 'continuous problem'. Now what do I mean with that?   

If it were true that electrons are tiny magnets, in that case you can change the direction of electron spin with an external magnetic field. As such you can in a continuous manner flip the electron spin until it is opposite to what it was.  

And as far as I know, you can't do that with the two solution from Paul Dirac. It's just two solutions and that's it. Now the last time I looked into that stuff must have been over five years ago and I am to lazy to do all that complicated Paul Dirac stuff again. But in my view the work of Dirac shows once more that magnetic states of the electron are very different and you can't transform one into the other.

And that is precisely what I think of electrons: they are all magnetic monopoles and you can't flip one into the other. It's just like their electric charge: permanent and monopole.

So if you want to avoid math, you can look at say the first 15 minutes of the video that covers the Dirac stuff: 

Video title: The Matter Of Antimatter: Answering The Cosmic Riddle Of Existence. Link used:

And if you are a bit more math hardcore and never looked at the Dirac way of handling an equation like that, for the math itself it is already interesting, you can try the next wiki or do some searching for yourself:

Dirac equation.
Link used:

At last I want to remark that if true that electrons are magnetic monopoles, it makes no sense at all to talk about superposition of the magnetic states. Also the idea's of Paul about magnetic monopoles are not correct, but year in year out that is the guiding mechanism at CERN for their experiments that year in year out carry zero fruit. No no CERN weirdo's: Why don't you craft some experimental evidence that indeed electrons are tiny magnets in case that is what you believe to be true.

Lets leave it with that so I can upload this to our giant garbage can: the internet. And may be pop open a pint of my own brewed beer, yes why not? So thanks for your attention in case you made it this far.  


(08 Jan 2025) Two item's for the update of this day:

Item 1) Surprise Kursk attacks by Ukraine, is it pre 20 Jan stuff?
Item 2) Small advertisement on the latest post on the other website.

 Item 1) Surprise Kursk attacks by Ukraine, is it pre 20 Jan stuff?

For months the Russians are trying to repel the Ukrainian forces from their soil. They made some gains but all in all it's far from finished. If memory serves it was 01 Oct from last year that the great and inspirational strategist Putin ordered his army to wipe out that futile Ukrainian exercise.  

Time and again and again the Kremlin orders for stuff their own army just can't do. Could it be they live in some kind of fantasy land?
Some observers tied this interesting attack, small scale on three places and they even use tanks without them getting destroyed by enemy drones, to the impending inauguration of the new US prez Donald Trump.

It's hard to say, the Russians too seem to get a bit more ground and yes that too could be tied to the 20-th of Jan or not. What I myself find a bit weird in a lot of comments is that the emphasis lies on the fact that Ukraine is loosing ground and that often told in a tone as "See they are loosing". Well yes in that way they loose but the Russian daily casualties are only so high because Russia is grabbing small pieces of land. Without that Russia would by far not burn to that weird amount of soldiers as they do month in month out. It's a complicated situation but one thing has become much more clear in the last almost three years: Most other military professionals now have a far better insight in what the Russian army can do and what not. Of course that is priceless valued information and for that I would like to say thank you to the smart asses inside the Kremlin...;)   

Ok, I have one video for you. It is from the Sun. As always click on the picture if you want to see it or search for some news yourself: 

Video title: Ukraine breaks through Putin’s defences using UK-made tanks in lightning three-pronged counter-blitz.
Link used:

That was all for this update because I did forget to take a look at the Ruble rates against other currencies. So may be another time and may be there is nothing new to find. Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Small advertisement on the latest post on the other website.

So I finished the latest post and although it contains almost no math all in all it was 10 images long only to find out the main video I had selected was more or less removed from Youtube...

It now says it's a private video and you must log in in order to view it if you have viewing rights. So I have no idea what's going on, all in all the video from the Science Asylum about the Stern-Gerlach experiment from the year 1922 was relatively good. There's plenty of garbage video's with far worse animations out there and again the guy from the Science Asylum tries to explain why electron so anti-align. That's very seldom, almost one 100% of the physics professors skip that question or just neglect it. But it's a very serious energy problem; how can the electrons gain potential energy out of nothing? 

Now I already downloaded the video in case I want to make some sreenshots while I am not online. Beside that with a medial player like VLC you can much better select the individual frames and sometimes that is a handy feature. And as soon as you visit a site like Youtube you get a 100 or more cookies, trackers and tracers because life is life and Google just wants to suck each and every penny of worth there is in your userdata. So if you download a video and view it later, your data are not used by Google.   

It is tempting to place the video here on this website so from the other website you can see it from there. But after a bit of thinking I decided not to do that because I don't know for what reason(s) the Youtube video was withdrawn. So now I have a new post without the main video in it.

By the way, the guy from the Science Asylum is Nick Lucid and he remarks an interesting idea inside physics: They think that because electrons are just like tiny magnets, they don't get accelerated by a constant magnetic field. That's that homogeneous stuff they always talk about, that's just a field that is constant in space. Anyway that would be a way to falsify my own idea's of electrons being magnetic monopoles. After all if they are magnetic monopoles also in a very constant or homogeneous magnetic field they will get accelerated. So it's pretty shitty I can't do such experiments myself. 

But the new post is finished & published so click on the steampunk owl if you want to see that post: 


Post title: Two more video’s on the Stern Gerlach experiment from the year 1922. Link used:

That was it for this update, let me wish the Ukrainians all the luck they need in this new year because something tells me they might need it. As always thanks for your attention.


(03 Jan 2025) Of course a happy and most of all healthy new year for you. Let me try to keep it short, here are the two items for today: 

Item 1) Euromaidan explains how NK troops get decimated.
Item 2) New post is almost finished, here's some blah blah...;)

  Item 1) Euromaidan explains how NK troops get decimated.

It seems to be going from bad to worse for the NK soldiers in the Kursk region or oblast as they name it over there. They still cross open terrain with large groups and are still unaware that they are literally seen by drones. Interesting to observe is that apparently the Russian are not able to communicate stuff like that to them. Or may be the Russians just don't care and if they need more NK soldiers they just open a new can...

The picture is from a bunch of NK soldiers in Pyongyang, if you click on the picture you land at the Euromaidan article. Anyway that is what I hope because this looks like some eternal long article that grows longer over time. But placing a good hyperlink can be done although I never do that anymore on this website. 

Title: Frontline report: North Korean “human bait” tactic fails catastrophically in Kursk offensive.
Link used:

Let me skip all the other news and lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) New post is almost finished, here's some blah blah...;)

Lately I decided to make a new magnetism post from that video from the guy from the Science Asylum. Scroll down a few updates in case you haven't seen it, it's about the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
And I found a second video from the university of Illinois and that video is 'bad' in the sense that it as most video's simply skips the part that come from crazyland. Stuff like the anti-alignment of the electron pair or the anti-alignment of individual electrons as an 'explanation' for the outcome of the 1922 SG experiment.  

If memory serves it was Feb 2015 when I for the first time learned from that experiment and my explanation was 'possible magnetic monopoles' in the sense that electrons were not magnetic dipoles as is widely believed but has not experimental basis at all.

There is hardly any math in the new post, most of it is already shown in the picture below. But I haven't written the post yet so there is no link to it now.  

The background picture is from some ai generated video about retro future where USA looking humans from the 1950 do futuristic stuff like riding in a flying car. It's all nice looking but so very fake and I still don't understand how to make some money with all this new ai.

I also came across a third video but I won't use it for the new post. It is the famous Hanky Panky professor! Anyway that is how I name him, I think he has a real name of Seth LLoyd or something like that. In my house he is famous because years ago he explained his approach to quantum computing:  

If nature does some hanky panky quantum thing, then I try to use that hanky panky thing and see if I can use that in quantum computing.

And I found that very interesting, quantum computing or more general quantum mechanics is not something you study via experiment. No, you just use the scientific method of hanky panky... 

I selected him because together with his partner in crime from the World Science Festival they explain electron spin in the most stupid way: Via a rotating electron and on top of that saying that the electron can spin in opposite directions at the same time. And with nutjobs like that I guess it will take some time before a more or less working quantum computer is there. 

So as an antidote I placed a tiny bit of math for adults in that picture. I wouldn't recommend looking at the video but if you want here is the link:

Quantum Computing: Hype vs. Reality

In the video you see mostly animations and it all is clearly for a very non-math audience. Now you must not think that television professors or in this case a MIT prof don't listen to voices. They listen to their own voice all of the time. And as long as people like it, the show will go on.

Therefore if you click on the picture you land at my last math post on the other website. A bit of math for the grown ups so to say. 


Math post title: Keep it simple: Take the line integral of the identity in two complex spaces.
Link used:

That was it for this update, my estimate is the new magnetism post is up and running before the next update on this website. So thanks for your attention also in this new year and see you around. 


(27 Dec 2024) Next update is likely on 02 Jan 2025 so I skip my Tuesday update. I'll be gone on 31 Dec so let me wish you a happy new year. The two items for today are:

Item 1) Likely civilian air plane shot down & NK soldiers do not surrender.
Item 2) Oh oh, not experimenting on an electron beam? That's just dumb.

Item 1) Likely civilian air plane shot down & NK soldiers do not surrender.

A civilian air plane from Azerbaijan did crash and today video emerged where indeed all kinds of strange holes in the fuselage was to be seen. It was all far less dramatic as the MH-17 from 10 years back but 38 people were dead anyway. The Kremlin came out with a perfect statement as in the next quote from spokesperson Peskov:

In Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "It would be wrong to 
put forward any hypotheses before the investigation's conclusions. We, of course, will not do this, and no-one should do this. We need to wait until the investigation is completed."

Oh yeah back in 2014 there was a ton of evidence pointing to the use of a BUK system, it started with that video from a BUK truck driving round with just one of the rockets missing. Lots of tapped telephone conversations and so on and so on. But the Kremlin flatly denying the obvious.
Well I didn't like it very much that my fellow citizens included a lot of kids came falling from the sky from a height of 10 km. Now we are at about 700 thousand Russian casualties and counting and at my tea water I can feel a whole lot of Russians need to die before I am no longer bored at the situation. In the meantime, as far as I understand it, Putin is still bored at the idea of peace time? The BBC reporting on the present Kremlin reaction:

Russia warns against 'hypotheses' after Azerbaijan Airlines crash.
Link used:

In a very different development in Kursk the North Korean soldiers are killed en mass. With relative large groups they go through the forest likely not realizing they are clearly visible, not only by normal light but their infrared footprint is hard to hide against the cold snow.

Anyway it seems that they don't surrender so the Ukrainian soldiers have to kill the all. So why don't they surrender even if they come in an impossible combat situation? Of course nobody knows for sure, but it could very well be they are just commanded not to surrender and if they do it has rather severe consequences for their families back at home. Stuff like the three generation detention on one of those lovely North Korean prison holiday camps where the food is good and plentiful and labor conditions are those from a workers paradise.
So that could make it logical that they prefer to die instead of surrender. 

The video channel Reporting from Ukraine had a short video on it, even in the very small still picture below you can recognize the human figures :   

Video title: 25 Dec: BRUTAL: Ukrainian Special Ops TAKE NO PRISONERS. | War in Ukraine Explained.
Link used:


Let me end the year on a light note. Recently there was some consternation that the stable genius Donald Trump had done some deep thinking and arrived at the conclusion that it would be better for everyone if Greenland became a part of the USA. Now I do not want to comment on stuff like that, I will not comment on a new strategy every day for the next four years. That is not an efficient way of using my time. Beside that I am a stable genius myself so there is already enough stability and geniality in my own life.  

There are more and more AI generated video's on youtube. There are already AI's that can do the singing for you; even if you are a male with a horrible voice the AI will make you sound as a perfect female voice if you select that. I don't know if the sound in the next video is also fake or if it's sung by a real human. The title of the song is a bit weird, what has that sexual addict Epstein to do with it? But it doesn't matter, it's just a funny song for the end of this year. The video is just a few minutes long: 

Video title: NEW SINGLE: Greenland Isn't For Epstein (Vikings)
Link used:

Enough of all that war & politics stuff, lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Oh oh, not experimenting on an electron beam? That's just dumb.

One week ago on the 20th I showed you a video from the guy from the Science Asylum channel. And I have decided to write a post about it for the other website because he is the first person in almost 10 years of time that tries to explain as why electron should anti-align themselves. He thinks it has to do with the angular momentum and of course it is not forbidden to think such thoughts. I think electron magnetism is just like electron electricity in the sense it is a charge and this magnetic charge is permanent just like the electric charge of permanent.

Since I thought that for the first time in they year 2015 of course I constantly tried to falsify my own idea but I never succeeded in that. For example the electron pair becomes much more logical when you view them as two opposing magnetic charges. While, as we saw in the last update, if you view them as tiny magnets you run in all kinds of very very weird energy problems that are just never properly explained by the professional physics professors.  

Now in the new post I look at that momentum stuff and also the math as how the electron acceleration in inhomogeneous magnetic fields is explained. Of course I have to remark that there is zero experimental validation that in constant or homogeneous magnetic fields there is no acceleration done by electrons. Of course the professors have no problem with that for say the last 102 years since the original SG-experiment. For my idea of magnetic monopoles it is crucial that you observe electron acceleration when you apply such a magnetic field. If not that would be the very first indication that I am wrong and the electron magnetic properties are not explained by saying "It's just like their electric charge". That would count as a full rigid falsification of that idea.

A second reason for writing this post is that he remarks that you should not take experiments on beams of electrons. And why not? Well the Lorentz force makes the electron beam feel the Lorentz force.
And as such moments I am no longer the stable genius I always try to be; No I jump around and shout at the youtube channel: You FUCKING IDIOT, you make your experiment such that the Lorentz force can do it's thing and the monopole magnetic charges their own thing and that's of course acceleration into the direction of the magnetic field lines. (The Lorentz force is perpendicular to that.) 

Now despite my social classification of a FUCKING IDIOT, I like the guy a lot and many of his video's are way better as this crap. As a person he is ok and no different to all other physics professionals: Always shallow thinking when that is needed the least of all things. Of course all the weird stuff comes from their belief that magnetic monopoles do not exist, so that generates more or less a kind of blind spot in their thinking.

The person in this video does indeed show the Lorentz force but clearly has no clue how to split the electron beam in two. He goes to the beam with just one side of the magnet, now of course that can work but may be it is better to use two magnets and see if you can split the beam in two. A complicating detail in a setup as shown below is the fact there is an anode and a cathode. The strongly positive cathode can spoil the whole thing, I don't know because I never tried it on a beam like this.

In case you haven't seen the video, click on the picture to land at the video: 


Video title: Physics Misunderstood This Experiment For Years
Link used:

I used an old black & white television and a set of neodymium magnets to split all electrons into two groups. At least a few times a year I posted some photo's from that, but hey physics professors are also university people. And as such what they do looks like science but it is always to be used to get more quotes and citations from their publications. And say for yourself; if they in a publication write that electron very likely carry a monopole charge and are not magnetic dipoles, in the first place they won't get it published and in the second place is published by accident it will get zero quotes and zero citations.

Well I have written enough for today, let me wish you a healthy new year and don't fall prey to too much too shallow thought. See you in a future update, thanks for your attention.


(25 Dec 2024) Let me wish everybody a nice Christmas. In my country we always have two Christmas days so most people with a job have two days off...;) But most shops are already open again on the 26-th but that's mostly big corporations stuff, small shops or family owned are often not opened on the second day of Chrismas.
The two items for this update are: 

Item 1) Interesting drone developments & Putin talking out of his neck.
Item 2) Once more showing the official electron pair is very weird.

 Item 1) Interesting drone developments & Putin talking out of his neck.

It seems the Ukrainians managed to stage a full drone attack on a Russian position. I didn't have the time to go through all details but is was a combined usage of ground drones and air drones or the FPV thing. So zero infantry running around! Well that's an interesting development because during the assault all Ukrainians were on a safe place anyway...
The Kyiv Independent had a short story on it:

Title:Ukraine war latest: For the first time, Ukraine attacks Russian positions using solely ground, FPV drones Link used:

In another development Putin had one of his long releases with the public and the media. Of course I did not see it, it last hours and the guy is a nut job anyway. But he said the war started because he was bored, may be he was joking a little bit but he was bored as he said himself.

Now everybody knows that Ukrainians are very friendly people always trying to help and so they did. There was a beautiful drone attack in a place named Kazan on a high rise building and it brought back all kinds of memories because it looked a lot like the 911 attacks from a long time ago.

This was absolutely NOT BORING, it looked beautiful! And how did the mentally weird guy Putin react? Well he threatened Ukraine with more and more destruction so it is clear he is not mentally fresh. It is just dumb talking out of his neck just all the time.

I have a short video from India for you. From India? Well in that case I could skip the whole youtube thing so click on the picture to see it if you want to: 

Video title: Russia Hit by 9/11-Style Drone Attack, Multiple Buildings Damaged. Link used:

It is very weird that while Russia itself is staging all kinds of attacks all the time, for some strange reason they are not allowed to do a bit in return. This reaction is strongly emotional and once more shows that you can never make some kind of peace deal with Russia. They might claim otherwise but you can easily neglect all that talking out of their necks. Putin is a fundamentally emotional unstable person, he just doesn't have what it takes to be a successful war leader, it's a bag of emotions combined with may be a 110 IQ brain and that is just to stupid to be a war leader.

And at the Kremlin they are all of this kind of weirdness. Somewhere in the first half of this year Medvedev was standing on a stage bragging that Russia had no borders. And he made a big deal out of it: Russia has no borders! 

And later the Ukrainians decided to go van visit the Kursk region because they wanted to see how grandma was doing. And Medvedev reacted very emotional on that too while the idiot himself has stated that Russia has no borders.  

At the Kremlin all the grown ups are much more spoiled children who get emotionally upset if they are not allowed one of their spoiled children things. These are weird people: Don't they realize that in order to win a war you must have more as one working brain cell?

Kyiv Independent reports:
Title: Putin threatens 'more destruction' for Ukraine after Kazan drone strike.  Link used:

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Once more showing the official electron pair is very weird.

This year 2024 is almost over and last year I made the top of the picture below for usage during this entire year. It shows the more or less official version of the electron pair although likely no physics professor will depict it that way. They always do very vague about it.

But we have seen that again and again and again: When details about electron spin sound logical or are actually logical, they always talk about that. And the soon their theories lead into crazyland, that is just not talked about. It is always skipped, at best they mumble "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you do not understand quantum mechanics"  

So what they always leave out is that if the two electrons that make up an electron pair have opposite spins as must be by the Pauli exclusion principle, in that case we have weird stuff like I show you below.
You must give up that magnets aligned are in the lowest potential energy state, so you basically have to give up that only opposite magnetic poles attract. But the professors never say that, this detail is always skipped and instead you get a lot of bragging that physics is a so called "Five sigma science" and with that they mean that new experimental results are only accepted when it is more from five standard deviations from what the zero hypothesis says in statistical testing of their results.

Well that is very interesting but they don't have any fucking experimental proof that electrons are in fact tiny magnets. There is nothing of that stuff, for nine years I have been searching for it and they only talk out of their neck when it comes to electron spin. There's no link with this picture. 

I included the version of magnetic potential energy that physics professors use for the energy of a standard bipolar magnet. The dot represents the dot product, the mu is a vector namely the magnetic moment of that magnet. And the B is the applied magnetic field.
Now if mu and B point in the same direction, the dot product is a positive number and as such the potential energy U is negative. And that's good: potential energy always wants to be as low as possible, just like the brain activity of physics professors.

And if you fill in two opposing vectors like you see in the official version of the electron pair, the potential energy is positive contradicting what we know of nature: It always strives to lower the potential energy.  

An interesting observation, it's more sociology, is that it is obvious that physics as a science has zero capacity of cleaning herself up. Nobody reacts on what I say, nobody does a thing, nobody does any experiment to validate what they say or does an experiment what validates what I say and that is of course that electrons are magnetic monopoles.

I might just as well go to the moon or go to Mars and talk and explain to the rocks over there why electrons have all those fundamental energy problems when viewed as tiny magnets. And you don't have all those weird problems if you view them as magnetic monopoles. The result will be the same as with the physics professors: Nothing, just nothing year in year out.

Physics just isn't a five sigma science, at least not when it comes to the understanding of the magnetic properties of the electron. But it's time to end my little insignificant rant at the overpaid physics professors. So the time has come to split our ways and as always may I thank you for your attention?  


(20 Dec 2024) The items for this update:

Item 1) North Koreans like Chrismas & a new laser weapon?
Item 2) Just some blah blah talk & new SG-experiment video.

  Item 1) North Koreans like Chrismas & a new laser weapon?

The North Koreans in the Kursk region seem to enjoy hefty losses, a few hundred already killed in action and one thousand injured. So that's 10% of the entire NK force that's helping Russia in just a few days. 

The North Koreans can't deal in any shape or form with those FPV killer drones, but if you would let loose one of those on me I likely couldn't deal with it either. They are horrible weapons and in the future when they get more and more AI into them they will only get more horrible.  

The Ukrainians are always willing to do some intercultural exchanges because the NK soldiers likely don't know what Christmas is. So they attached Christmas ornaments to their attack drones, I am pretty sure the North Koreans were happy to get a few intercultural exchanges.
Forbes had a bit more on this small but funny detail, click on the picture:  

Article title: Drones Wearing Christmas Ornaments Helped Kill Or Wound 200 North Korean Troops in Kursk.
Link used:

According to the Putin Russia is now better as before the war so we see once more that stuff like economical sanctions are in fact very good for Russia. The Kremlin should write a letter of thank you to the EU.

In a very different and surprising move it was revealed that Ukraine has a laser weapon. The UK is also working on their version of a laser weapon but that one is supposed to be ready for rollout in 2027. So how the Ukrainians did this so fast is unknown to me.

But a lot of the stuff for a laser weapon is stuff you can simply buy and of course in Ukraine the weapon development simply goes much much faster. Now such energy weapons are not a wunderwaffe, atmospheric conditions play a huge role into the efficiency of such a laser beam. Moisture, rain and fog are all big obstacles in transferring enough energy to the target. But for slow moving drones these are the ideal targets because it takes some time to transfer the energy and make the drone cook over.  

It's an interesting development, of course another big pluspoint is that a laser weapon once made is cheap to operate. And we the Dutch due to our genetic constellation are always fond of cheap things. If the Ukrainians find something out that kills Russian soldiers for say 50 cents a dead soldier, of course we will think about how to get the costs down to say 45 cents or better 35 cents. And 35 cents per Russian soldier is still 35 cents above the valuation of the average cannon fodder soldier as valued by the Kremlin.

I don't know if this is the actual weapon but it looks awesome:

Article title: Ukraine Claims Its New Laser Weapon Can Shoot Down Targets Over 2 Km Away.
Link used:

If this information is all more or less correct I would like to compliment the Ukrainian weapon developers with this amazing result. Of course likely there is no mass production right now but often the Ukrainians don't let grow much grass over it.

There were also more oil refineries and chemical plants under attack so it is hard to understand why Putin says that Russia is better off now. But that is his mental thing and luckily not mine. Yet with the new US administration coming in in Jan it could be hard times are coming for the UA. Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Just some blah blah talk & new SG-experiment video.

I could not find that video fragment back where Sabine Hossenfelder is talking to someone else and all of a sudden they talk about the fact that if you leave academia you won't get anything published. That reminded me of the 1990-ties where I tried to get my first publication out but it all got refused and I soon stopped trying to get through.
That experience was one of the reasons in 2012 I decided not to do a promotion at the local university upon the subject of higher dimensional complex numbers. Of course a more important reason was that I wanted to score some results but if that had to be done under the supervision of university professors, it would be almost impossible to get good results. After all the universities have a 150 year long track record of being to stupid to find only say the 3D complex numbers. Universities are much more social constructs and not science producing institutions.  

But now Sabine claims that this happens to almost everyone that leaves a university? Well I wasn't planning on writing some article on electron spin and get that published anyway. But now I know it is 100% useless to even try it; just because I don't work at a university it won't get nowhere anyway. So that's good to know. And say for yourself, physics professors and telling them that electrons are magnetic monopoles is the same as telling math professors about 3D complex numbers. They just don't react, period.

That brings us to the latest found video on the Stern Gerlach experiment from the year 1922. It is very interesting because the guy from the Science Asylum as his video channel is named does actually try to explain as why electrons will anti-align their tiny magnetic field with applied outside magnetic fields; he claims it is because of the intrinsic angular momentum the electrons have. This is the first time in 9 years that I see somebody actually trying to explain this crazy fact.
But it does not solve the many energy problems there are if you keep on believing that electrons are tiny bipolar magnets. Here too is it unclear where the energy comes from to get to that high (potential) energy level known as anti-alignment.
Unless you believe in even weirder quantum stuff like the alignment is instantly and into the direction of the magnetic field lines and it is random in nature. So it aligns or it anti-aligns instantly and randomly.
That's bullshit too, if I hold a magnet against your body it is no that 50% of the binding electron pairs turn into non-binding electron pairs. There is zero experimental evidence for these weird statements.

Electron magnetism is just like electron electric charge: permanent and monopole in nature. You can't flip it, if in an experiment it looks like the spin is flipped that likely means it is just replaced by another electron.

At 3.25 minutes into the video the Asylum guy claims that in a constant magnetic field, or as the physics people say: a homogenous magnetic field what means it has spatial constancy, the electrons can't get accelerated.

That looks very logical: If an electron is indeed a tiny magnet, in a constant magnetic field all induced forces will cancel out and indeed there will be no acceleration.

There is just only little tiny problem: Where is your fucking experimental proof that validates this? Such an experiment would also contribute to the idea that electrons are tiny magnets but where is you fucking experiment that validates what you say is correct?

Click on the image if you want to see the video, I actually recommend it because he is also a funny guy and he is the very first person I see that tries to explain this anti alignment stuff. So in that detail he is better as say 99.95% of all those physics professionals out there that are far better at talking out of their necks...  

Video title: Physics Misunderstood This Experiment For Years.
Link used:

Even the video title is funny because it should read as Physics Misunderstood This Experiment For 102 Years And Counting.

I think I take this video to write a new post on magnetism for the other website. And no, in my life I will never write an article on electron magnetism for an 'official publication'. After all I am not crazy, it won't get accepted anyway. Ok, it is about time to split and let me try to upload all this word garbage to the internet. Thanks for your attention. 


(18 Dec 2024) The items for this update: 

Item 1) More Russian shit & more on their inflation.
Item 2) New math post finished & published.

 Item 1) More Russian shit & more on their inflation.

1) Well yes, 2 old Russian oil tankers sunk & damaged in the Black sea. More proof that the Russian shadow fleet and dark fleet are a serious environment danger is not needed. Those shitty ships were over 50 years old and suppose one of the breaks down in the North sea, will the Russians pay for the damage? Of course not, after all they are natural born parasites and parasites never pay for what they take. 

2) Then there was a giant ammo dump under successful attack from Ukraine, it was said a few times that from a distance of one hundred kilometer you could see the ammo going off. That is remarkable because from 100 km away you are rather deep under the horizon. I hope the link from Euromaidan press works properly: 

Ukraine’s Security Service destroys Russian ammo depot with drones in Donetsk Oblast. Link used:

3) A top Russian general was killed via the method of a remote controlled bomb. Some folks say this was a terrorist attack and yes you could say that. But there were no civilians killed or wounded so from that point of view I myself would not classify this as a terror attack.
The Russian general was responsible for a lot of chemical attacks inside Ukraine. Not with the most poisonous gasses out there, a heavy form of tear gas. But it's forbidden anyway so that too goes as a long list of war crimes. So terror attack or not, it is good this piece of shit is dead.
Furthermore it seems that before the war he floated idea's at the biolabs in Ukraine and genetically modified mosquito's that the USA wanted to release inside Russia.
So we can safely conclude that the crazy stuff inside Russia is at least of the same order of magnitude as say what the Americans thought of Saddam Houssein's so called weapons of mass destruction. That was crazy hysterical too and a giant failure of the US intel services.    

4) And inflation; it keeps on being high and that is of course caused by all that war spending. Likely at the Kremlin themselves they don't understand why there is so much inflation. Like the testosterone riddled macho's they are they slam their fists on the table and craft more war spending in order to show who's boss. And in the meantime have no clue what they are actually doing.

It has to be remarked that it is rather hard to get a good statistic on Russian inflation. Take for example the mortgage rates, it is now standing at about 28% so nobody takes a loan for a house at such rates. So does that count as inflation? And of course there are people who have fixed rates and people who have adjustable rates. So the official figure of 9% inflation can be taken with a grain of salt, I am not saying they are cheating but the statistical landscape has changed so fast it is hard to get good statistics. Click on the picture for a video from the Candian CBC:  

Video title: Is Russia's war economy on the brink of collapse?
Link used:

I once saw a video about a retired Russian female who lived on 135 US$ of rubles a month. She had worked 30 years as a nurse. Yes after 30 years of labor she has the 'right' to 135 US$ of value in pension. What a fucking shit economy... 

And I forgot to save a link but it seems that in 1990 one dollar was about 0.9 Russian ruble. Now it's above 100 rubles for one dollar or one euro. The Russians must surely love their leadership in a deep way otherwise they would have been beheaded a long long time ago. But likely the average Russian citizen is unaware of how fucking stupid they are at the Kremlin.
Lets go to the next item because it starts to smell like Russian shit in my room and I don't like that.  

 Item 2) New math post finished & published.

All in all I am satisfied with the latest post. Ok it contained a stupid typo and I hate that but it's now repaired. Now the last years I try to write math posts that are as simple as possible but what does that mean?

Well it does not mean it is blazingly stupid like all those Kremlin shitholes. I could make it really utterly simple by just adding two 3D complex numbers. No that's not the goal, it still must have some form of a math bone in it.

This post is about integrating the identity function and although that sounds utterly simple, the real lesson is of course that you must do complex integration in three dimensions. And that is very different from what we learn our students when it comes to integration in a real 3D vector space.   

Today I found it amazing that ordinary math  professors just never do such things, on their own they just can't do complex integration behind their complex plane. That's weird but likely they don't care and yes the monthly salary will come in any way. What is also a bit strange in my country is that say in the last quarter of a century, say the last 25 years, I can't remember just one math result that made it to the media. You never ever hear about them, they have formed those large research groups because that spits out much more publications and as such all members of such groups have a longer publication list. But you never hear of any interesting result.

A long time ago it occurred to scientists that publications with good scientific content get more citations and get more frequently quoted. So they turned the stuff around and now you must get as many citations and quotes as possible. But does that produce more or better science? No of course not, you only get the scientific version of click bait titles. Or making stuff sound much more spectacular as it actually is, it just doesn't work. In sciences like psychology a huge part of the publications are results that are not reproducible, it's just click bait nonsense and has not much to do with science or the stuff known as 'scientific progress'. It's just an attention seeking contest.

Let me do the same: Click on the nice looking AI generated females in order to land at the other website with the new post. The females are all fake AI bitches, these are not real humans you can talk to or so.     


Title of the new post: Keep it simple: Take the line integral of the identity in two complex spaces. Link used:

That was it for this update, thanks for reading till the end and see you in some future update.  


(13 Dec 2024) And these are the two items for this Friday the 13-th:

Item 1) Mothership drones & a video from Operator Starsky.
Item 2) Last typo's removed, here is the 3D version of XdX.

  Item 1) Mothership drones & a video from Operator Starsky.

A few weeks back I already wanted to show this kind of stuff to you, it is not science fiction but they are there: mothership drones. In the article you see a land drone with 2 extra FPV drones, plans are for 6 per mothership. And I already did observe one sea drone that was also a mothership for FPV attack drones.

The latest is very interesting for my own country now there are plans and money to build a few new navy ships. One of the many future threats are of course sea drones and the new ships must have all kinds of systems to deal with stuff like that. May be in the future there will be even motherships that are submarines, how do you deal with that? I have no clue, this is a wide range of anti drone tech. Stuff like exploding bullets, Rheinmetall is working on stuff like that. Likely it will all be relatively high tech ai supported stuff to defend our precious navy ships. 

The Interesting Engineering dot com had a small article on the subject, click on the picture if you want to read it. 


Article title: Ukraine turns spy drone into UAV mothership for launching kamikaze attacks. Link used:

It has been some time since I last linked to a video from good ol Operator Starsky. He gives an oversight about the latest attacks between Russia and Ukraine. Here is the link & video title:

Tough Night for the russian terrorists | UK Tested Laser Weapon | Orban Becomes a "Peacemaker" 

A lot more did happen, the EU launced the 15-th packet of economical sanctions but I did not have the time to read it. But it seems to contains measures against the Russian shadow fleet so that's a good thing. Those old pieces of scrap metal are not the ideal mechanics to transport oil, anyway that's my opinion. Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Last typo's removed, here is the 3D version of XdX.

In the previous update I showed you that steampunk image but there were only two parts in it. There was a typo, I had forgotten a + sign and that looked just awful, but now it's repaired.
I wanted to look for more of those steampunk females but instead on some website for free wallpapers I came across a picture that is used in one of my music video's. No idea how old it is but very likely this is art made by some real human. On top of that I like the picture only below you only see a part of it. 

I am more or less ready with the new math post but it still has to be turned into a bunch of images because that's the way I work. Originally I had trouble to incorporate images in my Latex math texts so I decided to turn it around and make images from the Latex math texts.

Hopefully this post is as easy as possible while it still has a bit of math meat on the bones. All I do is integrating the identity function on the space of real numbers, on the complex plane and on the space of 3D complex numbers.

How difficult is it? Well if you had math in high school may be you remember the product rule for differentiating the product of two functions. Basically that said p(x) = f(x)*g(x), in that case the product rule for differentiation says: p'(x) = f'(x)*g(x) + f(x)*g'(x).

Or shorthand: p' = f'g + fg'. Now in the middle of the picture you see
xy' + yx', and if you integrate that you get the product xy.    


So it's all as basic as possible and that's a good thing. If you now integrate XdX you nicely get 0.5X^2. So there is no need to go around with an axe and decapitate random people, no relax man: It's 0.5X^2 so calm down please...  

May be it is time to upload this to the internet so may I thank you as always for your attention. 


(11 Dec 2024) Two items for this update:

Item 1) Crazy Syrian stuff & UA: Is it a loan or a gift?
Item 2) A 3D integration detail in a steampunk setting.

 Item 1) Crazy Syrian stuff & UA: Is it a loan or a gift?

With the present development inside Syria the horrors of the Assad regime came out in the open. And don't forget, stuff like this has gone on for decades. So if you haven't seen the gory details of Syrian prisons, if you click on the picture you get a video from Times Radio: 

Video title: 'Horrors' of Assad’s prisons revealed as thousands of disappeared Syrians emerge. Link used:

Local air powers seem to do a lot of bombing. Israelis bombing possible storage places of chemical weapons. The US bombing the diverse jihadi groups, the Turks likely bombing the shit out of the Kurds. So there is plenty of the stuff that makes humans such a wonderful species...

Even in my home city there were celebration of local Syrians, well I wish them a better future but likely that is easier said then done.

I didn't have much time to follow the Ukrainian news but I came across two conflicting news headlines:

US loans Ukraine $20B from seized Russian assets

US gives $20bn to Ukraine funded by seized Russian assets

So is it a loan? Or is it a gift? Or did the US give a loan, because this is also a possibility. May be we should go to the next item.

 Item 2) A 3D integration detail in a steampunk setting.

I am almost finished with a new math post on 3D complex numbers. The last years I always try to find subjects that are as simple as possible and avoid the more complicated stuff.
So this time I am integrating the identity function on the well known complex plane and in the space of 3D complex numbers. Of course I have done such calculations many times over the years but never in this rather explicit way of trying to find the primitive.  

And it was very satisfying, even the more simple stuff on the complex plane was really not a punishment to write down. Now the post isn't finished so there is nothing to link to right now but in the picture below you see some x, y and z variables. You should read that as just functions of time so x(t), y(t) and so on. And the stuff with the accents, like x' is just the derivative as you likely have learned in high school. So x' = x'(t). 

For the background I used a few screenshots of those AI video's that Youtube is lately bombarding we with. Now my dear Youtube I have to remark all those bitches look very beautiful but it's all fake as hell. So that's a bit of AI steampunk; mostly perfect looking female figures. 

As you see it is very easy to find the primitive and above you only see the real part and the first imaginary part. (3D complex numbers have two imaginary parts.) And they nicely form the real and first imaginary part of the complex number or function 0.5X^2.
So it's just like integrating along the real line, what more do you want?  

Lets try to upload this, as always thanks for your attention. 


(06 Dec 2024) A relatively short update for this day:

Item 1) Is Russia's weapon industry imploding slowly?
Item 2) Calculations say: Trump likely financially prudent? Yep!

 Item 1) Is Russia's weapon industry imploding slowly?

I hadn't seen any video from Heinrich in a long time, he runs the video channel Military & History. But today one of his vids popped up, as mostly an oversight of the situation in Ukraine, and at the end was an interesting detail. India wants to shift away from Russia as a weapon supplier and wants more US made stuff.

And India has bought a lot of stuff from Russia in the past, but as all other nations they see now how it actually performs more and more doubts are sinking in of course. The Indian stuff is about 15 minutes into the video. 

Video title: Russia's Manpower Problems Increase; Its Defense Industry is in Trouble! Link used:

As Heinrich already explains it is easy to see why the loss of such a large consumer like India is a long term set back for the Russian weapon industry. Development costs of new weapon systems are always huge so you must spread them out over many produced items, say a new type of tank. It's all just a detail but I found this interesting. 

A lot more did happen but we have to skip that all and go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Calculations say: Trump likely financially prudent? Yep!

Yes economists shout the new plans from the incoming US administration will be horrific for the Federal debt levels because they could climb by an extra 7 trillion US$ over the new 4 year term of now president elect Donald Trump.

So lets take a look at historical debt grow of the Federal debt: 

Back in 1981 that debt stood at 997 billion US$, say it's the first trillion.
In 2023 it stood at 33 trillion, so 33 times as much after a timespan of 42 years.

If we take the 42-th root of 33 we get: 33^(1/42) = 1.087. 
A yearly growth factor of 1.087 means an additional 8.7% per year.
So that's the historical growth: 8.7% a year. 

Suppose that Donald Trump is just like the average ordinary US president from the past and he too lets it grow about 8.7% a year.

How much will US debt be over 4 years? Well we extend the 33 trillion simply another four years via:

33*1.087^4 = 33*1.396 = 46. 

The four year growth factor gives an additional 39.6 or 40% of the present debt pile of 33 trillion US$. That means if in the next four years the debt grows by a fresh 13 trillion, that is just the historical average...

If you click on the picture you will land at the FiscalData on historical debt website from the US government: 

Title: Historical Debt Outstanding.
Link used:

In itself is it an interesting observation: On average 8.7% growth a year over the last 42 years. I will be the first to notice that the above analysis is a bit shallow, you could with a lot more work also look at the situation without inflation. With that I mean: What is the value of 33 trillion in 2023 US$ be in dollars from the year 1981? You should also include a bit more on the reasons as why it always grows and never shrinks but that contains all kinds of social and political stuff and is not a simple calculation. 

Let me leave it with that and as always thanks for your attention and may be till next week. 


(04 Dec 2024) Well my stomach flu is over and I can eat again so what more do I want? Let me spare you all the gory details but yesterday I realized that it likely is far over 15 years ago that I vomited for the last time... So I considered this an interesting detail of my own life and it's an interesting topic to bring up if you talk for the first time to some stranger don't you think? But I'm feeling ok again so lets go to the two items for this update:

Item 1) New UA envoy is Keith Kellog & all those peace plan stuff.
Item 2) The mystery of coronal heating is still a mystery after 80 years.

 Item 1) New UA envoy is Keith Kellog & all those peace plan stuff.

The new US envoy to Ukraine is Keith Kellogg, to be precise: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Keith Kellogg, and every body says he's a good guy for this job. And yes I to thinks he has good credentials, anyway they are a lot better as mine...;)

Ok now there are all kinds of peace plans going round and I would like to refrain from any comment on this beside a small point as also made by Mark Rutte. We can't have the Kremlin "high fiving" with such plans, that's not good for the future of this little planet.   

If you just like me have never heard of Keith Kellogg, he also served in the previous Trump administration. Kyiv Post on Keith: 

ANALYSIS: How Trump’s Ukraine Envoy Could Reshape US-Ukraine Relations. Link used:

And the Kyiv Independent came out with the remarks of the secretary general of NATO: 

Rutte tells Trump 'bad peace' in Ukraine could embolden US rivals
Link used:

Lets go to the next item:

 Item 2) The mystery of coronal heating is still a mystery after 80 years.

For me this was a rather annoying video to see. It is about the heat of the solar corona, that's the atmosphere of the sun. The surface of the sun is about 6000 Kelvin while the corona is about one million degrees. 

Likely you just like me have seen some video's of the sun because they are beautiful to see. A very interesting feature is of course that you see all that plasma coming out and falling back again. Now can that be done by electric fields?
No of course not, there are both electrons and protons in the plasma and they get accelerated in opposite direction under application of electric fields. So electricity can't explain this acceleration of plasma.

The video says it was discovered in the 1940-ties that the solar atmosphere was a lot hotter as the surface. Since then they have made little to no progress in understanding how this all works. 

I mean you see before your very eyes the plasma accelerating and in 80 years of time nobody does any experiment to try to get to the bottom of this?

Now if you just like me think that it is much more logical to view particles like electrons and protons as having a net magnetic charge, in practice that means they are magnetic monopoles just like they carry electric charge, the plasma behavior looks a lot more logical.

Why are these people just so fucking stupid when it comes to electron spin? Viewing electrons as tiny bipolar magnets, in this case, prevents you from understanding how at least a significant part of the energy transfer is done: via forces and acceleration of the individual particles.    

And nobody does any meaningful experiment at all, anyway I am not aware of it. The video is a short video and it is already a couple of years old once more showing there is zero progress in understanding electron spin year in year out. The video is a production of ScienceAtNASA and of course they have to tell the official accepted version of this corona temperature but it is so fucking in your face: The plasma gets accelerated!

As always click on the video if you want to see it:


Video title: ScienceCasts: The Mystery of Coronal Heating
Link used:

At last I want to remark that experimental physics folks are weird and lazy of doing nothing while it is also true that such experiments are relatively hard to do. For example in a fusion reactor you can't see most of the plasma all of the time.
That was it for this update, as always thanks for your attention.


(29 Nov 2024) The two items for today's update:

Item 1) More adventures of the Russian Ruble.
Item 2) Two video's on tomography. 

 Item 1) More adventures of the Russian Ruble.

Well that was going fast, from yesterday or better: from 27 Nov I made the screenshot with the 113 Ruble against the dollar. I can't remember to have ever seen a daily change of 7.25% in a currency. A lot of people say one of the main root causes must be the fresh financial sanctions against Gazprom Bank. If true that is an amazing detail and indeed my compliments to the Americans.

It has it's own logic; there were a few European nations left using gas from Russia but the pipelines go via Ukraine. Ukraine does not want to go on with those gas transport contracts in 2025 and as such a few extra financial sanction are always a good idea.

So in case you haven't seen or read a thing about this cute movements of the Ruble, I have selected two video's for you. 

TLDR video: Why is the Ruble Crashing?
Link used:

It seems to have fallen further to 115 and today recovered a bit to 110. The second video is from Joe Blogs and he informs us that the Russian central bank withdraws from the currency markets till year's end? Ok, likely that means they can't do a thing...

As always click on the picture to see the video: 

Video title: RUSSIA Cancels Ruble.
Link used:

The interesting thing is of course this all happened while the official interest rate of the Russian central bank is still a staggering 21%. I once remarked that this rate could go to something like 26% and that scenario looks a bit more plausible now.  

So we'll have to wait and see the next move of the Russian Bank. Let me close with a bit more funny news and skip all that other news like the average Russian contract soldiers has an expectancy of just one month... Well here's a Reuters report:

Ukraine flag appears on big screen during Putin visit to Kazakhstan
Link used:

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Two video's on tomography. 

Tomography is a beautiful piece of applied math. Of course you also need the engineering of such medical devices but without the math the whole thing would not work. 

I remember that somewhere in the beginning of the nineties I went to a lecture about tomography. At the time stuff like that was still in development or just more or less developed enough for actual applications. It was about an interesting math problem: How do you construct how a original object looks when you have a bunch of shadows or if you want: a bunch of projections?
At the end of the lecture I had a short question that I did not understood: Are all shapes reconstructible or are there things this method misses?

Now the guy that gave the lecture totally misunderstood my problem or the question and answered with something not very helpful. But in the back sat a few other folks I had never seen so likely from other universities and later I found out they perfectly understood what I tried to ask.
It was answered in the next issue of a math magazine issued by the Dutch Math Society. So that was all very interesting although I have no vivid memory of all the math details involved, it's now 30 years back you know...   

So that was more or less normal behavior from people that have salaries coming from tax payer money. It might be expensive and not very efficient but I don't think there is a thing as 'efficient science'...

Anyway the math is a bit to hardcore for a website like this, but the idea's on how this all works is relatively easy to understand. It's a bunch of projections and how to reconstruct an image of the original? 

These are two projections as used in the first video: 

Video title: Looking through Objects - How Tomography Works!
Link used:

The next video is from a guy that actually works with this kind of stuff. So that's the kind of scientist I like, anyway it is lightyears better as all that talk of 10 to the power 500 universes or the many worlds hypothesis from quantum mechanics. There is just so much "Talk out of your neck physics" going on and looking at a  person that actually works the equipment is a pleasant thing.

Video title: What is tomography?
Link used:

Beside old memories floating to the surface of my conscience, a reason for me to post these two videos is the sharp contrast there is in time. Over thirty years back I asked a question about reconstuctability and that actually gets an answer. And in the present time when I write one 100 reasons as why electrons can't be magnetic dipoles, not much happens. Now science is science, they are not my slaves or so.
But it's all tax payer money going to waste and the physics people should back up their claims on the magnetic nature of particles like electrons.

There is no fucking proof that electrons are tiny magnets. Where is the proof? Show me the money is what they say in movie terms, show me the fucking money!    

May be it is time to upload this all and open a bottle of beer. Thanks for your attention and lets hope you don't need that Radon transformation too much in your next visit to your hospital. 


(27 Nov 2024) That is sobering news for our young: The average price of a family home is now 500 thousand Euro... It's crazy yet the government keeps on subsidizing home ownership. But it's late and I don't have much time so lets go to the two items of today:

Item 1) Two vids from Suchominus & Anders Puck on the ATACMS stuff.
Item 2) At CERN they keep on trying finding magnetic monopoles...

 Item 1) Two vids from Suchominus & Anders Puck on the ATACMS stuff.

For the time being the ATACMS keep on flying towards the Kursk region of Russia where also the North Koreans operate. Last week it was a bit strange to see the Kremlin react so harsh. Do those people really believe they can escalate via all that NK stuff with even tech transfer to NK and not get any response?
Now a point I heard a few times from the Kremlin is that the ATCMS need NATO staff to fire them. For myself I don't think that is true, these systems are often designed such that skilled low ranking military can operate them. But with something more complex like a Patriot air defense system it is reasonable to expect there is also some specialist input. That might be clandestine but all armies do stuff like that included the Russians themselves.

Suchominus had a short video on a S-400 system taken out, in the picture below you see one of the launchers a tiny bit damaged. Click on the picture to see the short video, it was said that 3 ATACMS were used. 

Video title: S-400 Radar and Two Launchers Destroyed by ATACMS in Kursk (Not the Airport Strike).
Link used:

Now there is indeed some confusion going on if the ATACMS and/or Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles are long range weapons. It is just what you compare them with, compared to say the HIMARS sixpacks with a range of less then 100 km they are long range. And compared to a lot of other missile systems they are short range. It is just like asking if a dog is a large or a small animal.

The next video is from Anders Puck Nielsen and I agree with what he has to say on the subject. Anders points out that Russia herself is using missiles with much much longer ranges as ATACMS will ever have. So yes all in all it looks like the Kremlin is a bit hysterical over the entire situation.  

I didn't save a picture although Anders is a very handsome guy don't yuu think? But serious his analysis is right on spot: 

Video title: What is a long-range missile? – The hysteria about ATACMS and Storm Shadow. Link used: 

A lot more did happen, Russia fired a massive 188 drones into Ukraine. For the time being that is a record number. But again it's late so lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) At CERN they keep on trying finding magnetic monopoles...

I wasted a lot of time trying to find out if it was known that the cosmic jets have circular polarization in their photon emissions. But I could find nothing of any significance, some folks measured all kinds of stuff about polarization but that was always linear polarization.

More time was wasted by looking at a long video from some astro physicist telling that they don't have a clue where those large galactic magnetic fields come from. But the video was far to technical to show to you and they did not investigate the things that likely matter a lot: cosmic jets. The researchers only looked at the density of the interstellar medium in order to try and explain the giant yet weak magnetic fields that are so very huge in size. 

And then, out of boredom, I clicked on a link to a CERN page about magnetic monopoles. And guess what? They never gave up on their ways of finding a magnetic monopole! The failure of the MODEAL experiment wasn't enough so they keep on doing their weird ways of finding a so called Dirac magnetic monopole. 

No matter how many billion € you pour into the CERN institution, they will never ever figure out that electrons are magnetic monopoles beside their electric monopole charge. The CERN employees, the physics researchers, are too fucking stupid to see all the energy problems that are with the version of electron spin as tiny bipolar magnets.

It never ends, you must realize that an institution like CERN with it splendid funding is also very elite. It is so elite that as a matter of fact they will never listen to possible problems of their holy and also very elite standard model of particle physics. 

They always claim they are a so called "Five sigma science" but where is their fucking five sigma proof that electrons are tiny magnets? That in only in the heads of the superb elite of high IQ people that work as physics researchers at CERN.

I use a picture from CERN herself that shows that they think this magnetic monopole has no other charges. So it is not like an electron or so, like I think. For example if electrons are magnetic monopoles it now becomes logical to the human mind as why they only form electron pairs if a positively charged environment like in molecular bonds. But try to explain that to the CERN weirdo's...

Click on the picture to land at the CERN page on their new experiments in finding the Paul Dirac version of the magnetic monopole: 

CERN page: MoEDAL zeroes in on magnetic monopoles
Link used:

May be I saved the wrong link, in that case you must look around a little bit and find a few CERN pages of this year 2024 about magnetic monopoles.

That was all I had for you in this update, thanks for you attention and let me upload this update to this website. 


(22 Nov 2024) Only one item for today's update:

Item 1) An ICBM in Dnipro? & US$/Ruble finally above one 100. 

 Item 1) An ICBM in Dnipro? & US$/Ruble finally above one 100. 

Yesterday the US embassy and the embassies from a few other nations all of a sudden closed. So that gave me some food for thought and today an interesting monkey came out of the hypothetical sleeve, quote: 

A U.S. official said that Washington was pre-notified by Russia shortly before its strike, while another said they had briefed Kyiv and other close allies in recent days to prepare for the possible use of such a weapon

There seem to be treaties that if the USA or Russia wants to fire and ICBM they must notify the other party beforehand. So it sounds a bit strange that Russia warns the USA but it is better to have diplomatic channels open in cases like this. 

Anyway the Kremlin said it was a new midrange missile and if that is true it was not a real ICBM. Furthermore an ICBM would still have a giant amount of fuel on board because they are designed for extreme long distances. Reuters had a report on it, click on the picture if you want to read it: 

Report title: Russia fired experimental ballistic missile at Ukraine.
Link used:

It was last week that I showed you the value of the Russian ruble against the US$ and the €. At the time the € was already above one 100 ruble while the dollar still noted below that. And yesterday I decided it was time to take a look to see if it was already that far, by sheer luck on that same day just a few hours earlier the 100 threshold was broken on the US$/ruble pair.

You can wonder how significant this is since there is not that many trade anymore in rubles. Even the Russians themselves have to pay with other currencies for trade with other nations. But you can say that Russia can't afford even any more foreign currency on support of their own ruble. And while all of the time this support for the ruble was relatively cheap because the trade in rubles got thinner and thinner.

So it looks like an interesting statistic in that way but of course it says nothing of how much foreign currencies the Russian government has left. May be priorities have shifted because basically who cares if the ruble is more or less as one dollar cent... 

And today it fell a bit further, a few hours ago it stood at about 102. So that was a long wait since Feb 2022 when I was that stupid to brag about a bit about the 130 or so the dollar or euro were reading at the time.  

A whole lot more did happen, it is still a very busy or hot war. In another development the Israeli Netanyahu was wanted by the International Criminal Court here in The Hague. I didn't see that one coming, also the former Israeli minister of defense is accused of war crimes.

No other update for item 2, I wanted to search a few pictures of magnetic domains but they were all so grainy and vuage. Ok, that comes with the size of magnetic domains and the way you must find a contrast so it would be very strange if you see a crystal clear HD image of magnetic domains.
May be next week, in the meantime let me upload the above to our beloved giant garbage can: the internet. Thanks for your attention.  


(20 Nov 2015) Two items for this update:

Item 1) A bit more long range freedom for Ukraine?
Item 2) New math post on 3D integration and the number alpha.

  Item 1) A bit more long range freedom for Ukraine?

A few days back via the NYT it was leaked or revealed that Ukraine had permission to use the longer range ATACMS on Russian soil. Ok that was good news and I don't know if it's related but the Kremlin updated their nuclear doctrine. So that was all very interesting, it was also interesting that a lot of people thought that now about up to 200 military targets could potentially be attacked.  

Well not so fast, it could be that use is only permissible in the Kursk region and that's it. It's hard to say if that's a hard White House boundary condition because both as far as I know the US and UA government had not commented on the issue.

If you ask me if this could trigger a nuclear response from the Kremlin? Hard to say but some stuff blown up only in the Kursk region is not an existential thing. As such these sound from the Kremlin is more some hissing and not something to be studied long and deep.

Let me quote from Forbes, once more it is unknown what the actual restrictions are, but here they say:

First, the White House reportedly is allowing strikes strictly in and around Kursk Oblast in western Russia, where an approximately 20,000-strong Ukrainian force is defending a 250-square-mile salient against a Russian-led corps with more than 50,000 Russian and North Korean troops.  The target of the Tuesday ATACMS raid, the 67th Main Missile and Artillery Directorate Arsenal, is just west of Kursk.    

If you want to read the Forbes article, click on the picture below: 


Title: For Ukraine, ATACMS Season Might Not Last Long.
Link used:

So on the one hand it is great there is some first use on Russian soil with this stuff. As such the Russians themselves can also get a bit used to it. On the other hand a lot of targets go unattacked while they are used to stage attacks against Ukraine.

After all there still is the principle that Ukraine has the right to defend itself. One way or the other.
Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) New math post on 3D integration and the number alpha.

In the first line below in the picture you see and easy to understand integral. It's just along the real line and that's why I wrote this with a dx so a small x to indicate just that. 

The alpha in the exponent causes problems finding a primitive because you can't divide by alpha. Now may be it looks a bit strange but that is actually the same integral, the calculation is not that hard you only have to use the fact that alpha is it's own square.

And now the alpha is no longer in the exponent we can find a primitive and as such the final answer is at the bottom. This is one of only two examples in the latest post, the other example is an integration along the line through alpha and zero, the main line of non-invertible 3D numbers. And they are related these two examples, even for me that was a surprise but it is not a very deep result or so. It has it's own logic and as such it is beautiful or at least not an ugly part of math. 

Click on the picture in order to land at the latest post:


Title of the new post: Integration and the number alpha.
Link used:

As a background in the above picture I wanted to use one of those "futuristic city's" pictures but I stumbled on this old rusty but still sexy robot again. Why are robots femalized? May be deep inside the GPU's and CPU's of this robot she does not want big & rusty tits. I think all that robots want to do is Boolean algebra, what do you think on that existential problem of malekind?

Before we split I want to show you a picture of magnetic domains as found in the internet domain. Now if my idea's of electrons being magnetic monopoles, in that case it look reasonable to suspect that magnetic domains in a metal like iron is a surplus of either the north pole magnetic electron or it's south pole magnetic charge cousin.

That's an old result from the year 2018 or so, or may be it was 2017 anyway the exact date is totally unimportant. Important is that if my version of magnetic domains is the one that is found in nature, in that case adjacent magnetic domain have opposite total electron spin and are separated by a magnetic domain.

Experimental evidence shows that you can't transport the magnetic domains with magnetic fields. Of course you can change the content of magnetic domains with a magnetic field and that will change the domain wall but it seems that the walls themselves are not magnetic.

So no to same domains can touch without a domain wall between them. Well look at the picture below, what do you see? 


Be careful: It's the light and darker parts that define the two different kinds of domains. So not those flake like structures from the neodymium magnet material. And also don't forget these magnetic domains are of course three dimensional. 

That was it for this first update of this new week where we had a tiny bit of first snow today. As always thanks for your attention. 


(15 Nov 2024) Last week while I was typing the text for the update on 08 Nov there were those riots in Amsterdam. And all of a sudden my country's capital became news all over the world. And I hadn't seen a thing of it and to this day I only saw a video of Iraelis tearing down Palestine flags from houses and marching while chanting and singing anti Palestine slurs.

Even Joe Biden came out on a football match in Amsterdam and our king said that we the Dutch failed the Jews in World War II and that we failed them yesterday.

Now I am not an expert in football hooliganism but you can safely say that those Israelis were not ordinary football fans but more hardcore hooligans.

An interesting detail is that one week ago the Amsterdam police could not deal with it because a lot of the attacks were fast hit and run attacks. So it was not they could charge a bunch of people, they could not do much. May that explains they feel a bit frustrated and want to show who's boss around here because until today the situation is far from calm (article is in Dutch):

Demonstranten na politiegeweld: 'Ze sloegen me op hoofd, armen en benen' Link used:

Those Israeli hooligans like to sing songs about raping Arab bitches. If for example their team plays against some Arab nation they want the bitches to come along so they can get raped. It's just some hooligans having a party I guess...

Well I found a video that is very biased, it is one hundred % pro Palestine and left leaning but all in all it looks fact based and that is more or less the only thing that counts.

At some point in the video below it is asked by hooligan types as why school's out in Gaza. Well that's because there's no more children left.

Again I am not much of an expert in football hooliganism but I think you should not defend people like this, right now there are about 15 thousand children dead and that has not much to do with that so called "Right of Israel to defend itself". 

Anyway enough of this intro talk, the video is about 15 mins long:    

Video title:EXPOSED: What REALLY Happened in Amsterdam
Link used:

Ok this double down news is left leaning but it look like a far better coverage compared to those right wing foreign who report on hostages taken or whatever weird crap they have to spread... It's Crazyland without the physics professors... After this long intro lets go to the two items for today: 

Item 1) Normal NATO news, weird NATO news...
Item 2) A spin valve (for electron spin).

 Item 1) Normal NATO news, weird NATO news...

Totally normal NATO news: Mark Rutte visits Macron. And they discuss a lot of things of course and it was in this article that was an open door I never talked about.

The open door is op course: The best way of helping Ukraine without restrictions on use of military aid is simply by aiding and financing the Ukrainian weapon industry. It's an open door but I wanted to repeat this elementary insight once more because I had never done that.  

NATO Secretary General and President Macron discuss defence production and Ukraine. Link used:

And then there was a meeting on quantum stuff by the NATO specialists??? Yes there was, no idea if it might have something to do with electron spin...;) I had not expected NATO would be into quantum stuff too, but they are.  

For myself speaking every year that passes I become more negative on quantum computers. Lately I even doubt more and more if that Copenhagen interpretation of stuff is actually true, after all sounds just like some opinion: If unmeasured the quantum particles are always in a superposition of quantum states.....
And if that just ain't true, there is not much hope left of quantum computers and as such our present encryption codes will last for a long long time.

Click on the picture for the NATO news article:  

Title: NATO quantum experts gather in Copenhagen for annual conference
Link used:

The way I see it is that quatum tech will be mostly things like sensors that can get much much better that is of use for NATO. All that quantum computing is first seen before believing in fairy tales from Copenhagen. 

  Item 2) A spin valve (for electron spin).

In my memory it was very different:

A wire with an insulator around it and then a coil around the insulator. So a magnetic field in the direction of the electrical current. And that was the whole spin valve. But I could not find it back, even the wiki files showed on of those so called giant magneto effect kind of things.

Of course that is also a spin valve because it's resistance is dependent on the spin electrons have. Now it is no secret that I am crazy because I think that electrons are in fact magnetic monopoles and can we look at our spin valve and destroy that idea away from the earth?

So I ask you to weigh two models of electron spin in your head at the same time: The official version of electron spin as tiny magnets & My version where they are magnetic monopoles just like they are electric monopoles.

Again remember the (electrical) resistance is different: 

This is one of the many details as why it is sometimes shitty I can never do much experiments myself: If at the low resistance kind of setup the number of electrons that goes through is always about 50%, that validates my model of electron magnetism a tiny bit more.

I tried dozens and dozens of things, but there was not one that disproved the idea that electron magnetism is just like the electrical properties of the electron: Permanent & monopole. 

If you want to know how I would explain the high resistance state of the spin valve: With two layers of opposite magnetization, the electrons that travel through the layers will always meet one high resistance layer. Of course this a varies with the applied voltage and the thickness of the layers but that is more or less the main thing why it works. 

Those high capacity spinning hard disks use this, now IBM could story much more information on a magnetic hard disk. At the time it was a huge improvement while in my opinion it is important to observe that at IBM they still don't understand the magnetic properties of the electron but they figured that giant magneto resistance thing anyway. 

End of this update, as always thanks for your attention 


(13 Nov 2024) Two items for this day:

Item 1) Gerdes has some weird statistics & the tin foil hat stuff.
Item 2) A simple integral with 3D numbers.

 Item 1) Gerdes has some weird statistics & the tin foil hat stuff.

An awful lot did happen again in the UA equation. For example Starmer & Macron met and they stated they are in favor of Ukraine using longer range weapons inside Russia. Now some wonder since the UK & France have given Ukraine those Scalp\Storm Shadow things, why not allow Ukraine to use those? Well of course this kind of stuff has to be synchronized inside the NATO and the USA is the military commander of NATO, as such the UK and or France can't do that on their own...  

Lets go fast to the two sub items I picked for this; first the crazy statistics that were shown by Mr. Gerdes or Prof Gerdes as he names himself. If I understand this staticstics good, in that case now the marginal number of death Russians is about 10.5 per new occupied square km of land. It seems that in the 20-th century only in the Korean war this death toll per square km was higher.
I don't know how reliable the statistics are but all in all the Gerdes guy is not crazy and always tries to give correct information. Anyway click on the picture if you want to see his video.
At the top and bottom of the picture below you see two new daily records of Russian casualties; these are not deaths but also include wounded and captured and stuff like that.  


In a far less serious development it was rumored somebody from Belarus lured some Russian teachers into wearing these beautiful tin foil hats. To the excuse of the Russians it can very well be they don't know what it means to wear such a beautiful tin foil hat.
For a starter it isn't tin foil at all but aluminum foil and in my own culture (Dutch) it never was a thing as far as I know. I only met this tin foil hat via the internet and I have to say I made one myself many years ago. 

They are amazingly warm those alu foil hats, it works a bit like those thin sheets that ambulances have with them to keep people a bit warm. It reflects all infrared radiation and that makes it comfortable. 

It's the flags on the tin foil hats that makes this a beautiful photo. And at my side it triggers philosophical questions about the meaning of life. What is the meaning of my own life and what is the meaning of a tin foil hat with a Russian flag on it? May be we should go to the next item.  

 Item 2) A simple integral with 3D numbers.

I more or less finished the math for the latest post but I must still turn it into a bunch of pictures. So may be this weekend it is finished and can be published.

And this week and last week I got the latest bills for these two websited; together it is now over 700 € a year while back in the year 2015 if memory serves it was about 110 € for those two websites. Or may be it was 110 per website anyway now I know how it feels for an American when he or she needs medical care in a hospital: Your finances will be squeezed one way or the other. But lets not complain, if I wanted it I could always go to a cheaper website provider.

The new post is about integration in the space of 3D numbers and that in itself is often a more or less magical experience. It is very different from saying calculating an integral with just some dt to integrate against. Now you must work with dX where X is a 3D number so it has a real component and two imaginary components:

X = x + yj + zj^2, as such dX = dx + dyj + dzj^2.   

You can compare that to integration in say the complex plane where you must use dz = dx + idy. Anyway in the whole post I give just two examples and in those two examples I use that number alpha again. And even for me after all those years of looking at stuff like this, the result was surprising. You can use that good old Riemann integration in more ways at what looks possible at first. If you have ever done integration with a primitive, loosely said that is Riemann integration.  

So the new post is almost finished, here is a link to the previous post that was a rewrite from old staff dating back to 2015. 

Seven properties of the number alpha

And that is the benefit of math: you can always lay things down for a decade or so and then pick it up again. With most things like programming, that's writing code without Chat GPT, often you can't do that.

But my Latex typeset system for math has a so called frozen kernel. That means it's never updated anymore and decade in decade out you can still use those commands just like say in the 1990-ties or even earlier. The benefit is you only have to learn it once and if you just write a one or two math texts a year you won't loose that knowledge.

The clock says it's about time for a home brew beer so let me try to get this new update on the internet. As always thanks for attention 


(08 Nov 2024) Today's two items:

Item 1) Two political earthquakes at once.
Item 2) WTF is Magnetic Circular Dichronism?

 Item 1) Two political earthquakes at once.

In the USA the prez elections were won by Donald Trump and that by a fair margin. It was definitely not the close call as was so heard so often in the media files. Why does political polling in the USA stay so bad?

And on top of the US elections in Germany this evening the so called traffic light coalition fell apart. I don't know the fine details but the finance minister was sacked by Olaf Scholz and it was about that Schuldenbremse stuff? Well yes that is a big problem for Germany: They need a lot of investments but there is no money for that. So some want to borrow more. 

But not all of Germany's problems are a simple lack of money. Take just high speed internet; I have it for decades now and it costs me about 70 € a month, so that is about 800 € a year or 8000 € per decade per customer. I don't know why in detail it is so hard to get fast internet into your house but likely a lot has to do with too much burocracy. It's a good product but in Germany it's hard to get or so it seems.

Given all the changes in the political landscape, likely in Germany they will hold elections too, it is of little use to make all kinds of speculations. But good old Anders Niels Puck did give it a try so that's my one and only video for this item for today: 

Video title: What will Trump's victory mean for Ukraine?
Link used:

In the meantime the first clashes between the North Koreans and the Ukrainian fighters seem to have taken place. I vaguely heard a NK soldier complaining that his dear leader was lied again by Putin. Oh oh, those poor guys, they can't help it they are in this but they have to die mostly anyway.  

There is too much to wrap my head around so let me stop talking and lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) WTF is Magnetic Circular Dichronism?

Back in Feb 2017 I had figured out that the magnetic domains in say a metal like iron are not tiny magnets but all have a surplus of either north pole charged electrons or the other magnetic kind of electrons.  

So today I just tried to find a video about magnetic domains and circular polarized light. And see if the usage of circular polarized light brings a contrast to the magnetic domains in order to make them visible like in a Kerr microscope.

And bam, the second video was perfect. It is a bit long at say 65 minutes or so but it contains a lot of interesting stuff to see. Of course this is a video with only standard knowledge, so they all think that in magnetic domains all spins are aligned and that as such not only the unpaired electrons but also the magnetic domains are tiny magnets. 

Now of course if you are a die hard believer of the standard model version of magnetism, in particular of course the Gauss law for magnetism, may be you won't find the picture below as very convincing.

But I think that if electrons are permanent magnetic monopoles, in that case the two electron kinds produce different photons. And this is very likely the two circular photons there are: left and right turning.  

Anyway today was just another day to trying to destroy my original finding from 2015: Electrons are magnetic monopoles.
And I clearly failed in destroying this idea, just like with all other things I tried in the last 9 years.

The nice swap between the dark and light colored regions in the sample of magnetic domains below cannot serve as some validation that electrons are not magnetic monopoles. Click on the picture for the 65 min long video:   


Video title: Magnetic Circular Dichroism.
Link used:

In case you want to know What The Forest is MCD like in the title of this item, I even found a wiki about it. So although it was nine years back since I straddled on this long journey of figuring out the electron magnetism, until this very day in 2024 I had never heard of Magnetic Circular Dichroism.

Now that are very beautiful words, if people ask you what you do you can always say that you study or think about Magnetic Circular Dichroism and likely they will be very impressed.

May be it is time to split and may be pray a bit for a bit of a better future or grab an extra pint of beer or whatever what. As always thanks for your attention. 


(06 Nov 2024) The two items for this update:

Item 1) US elections & Ruble versus the EuroDollar.
Item 2) Looking Glass Universe on electron spin.

 Item 1) US elections & Ruble versus the EuroDollar.

It is now 00.05 hours on 06 Nov so in the USA poll stations are still open. It's a bit weird but here are a lot of news outlets that have special 27/7 coverage on these days, that shows how important people feel that the issue is.
The weird thing about US prez elections is that even if you could predict the outcome of the popular vote, that does not mean that person will be the next US prez. So although I too have some expectation, I will not be that stupid to share it with you.   

Anyway my old 'smart tv' is slowly more and more falling apart or may be I was hallucinating yesterday when I typed in Ruble US$ and it showed me something like 102. I was very surprised but the internet on my tv is rather unreliable so today I took a good look at it and likely this is a better representation of reality: 

So 100 Rubles is now below one € and just above 1 US$ in value although it has to be remarked that stuff like a packet of butter is now more expensive in Russia as in my own country.
I mostly buy a so called biological version of butter that is about 3€ for 250 gram, ordinary butter here is about 50 cents cheaper. For USA folks: what we call 'biological' is what you name organic.  

I am in the camp that thinks the Russian economy should be rather significant in tatters right now. Of course for more tatters the economical sanctions are important and of course the obvious problem is that in case Russia succeeds in evading the sanctions, you almost by definition don't observe that directly.
But there are still a lot of people that think the Russian economy is doing fine. It would be a bad thing if in a few years we will find out those people have been right all along. Just like for example all that biolab in Iraq hysteria was after all not true at all.  

So you can make up your own mind because I found a bit from both sides. And if you just like me have nothing better to do as waiting for the outcome of the US elections, you could read it if you want to. The first one has a very positive tone in it like it is very important that there is no deficit in the Russian budget.

Article title: Russia's Economic Prospects In 2025 And Beyond.
Link used:

The next article is from the Atlantic Council and is a much more realistic view on the economical matter at hand in Russia: 

Article title: Russia’s economy is overheating but Putin cannot change course. Link used:

Likely in two days we will know more about the evolvement in the American equation and as such we can now go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Looking Glass Universe on electron spin.

In the year 2015 I started doubting that electrons were tiny bipolar magnets because I wanted to explain the results of the Stern-Gerlach experiment. In that same year the girl from the Looking Glass Universe youtube channel had a video out on electron spin.  

So without doubt that was one of the dozens yet hundred of video's out there that explain electron spin as the tiny magnet stuff. That made me cautious going forward of course, but over the years it always made more sense if you viewed electrons as having a magnetic charge just like their electric charge. And if on top of that you assume that this monopole magnetic charge is a permanent feature so spin flips just can occur, that is what I think is likely our physical reality.

The girl from the Looking Glass Universe, I don't know her name, has just a new video out explaining how electron spin can flip or change if you measure it. So she hasn't changed in say 9 years of time.

In this video she speaks of so called repeated Stern-Gerlach experiment and as such she must have shown us the results of at least 5 experiments that validate all the claims she makes about the probabilistic nature of these repeated SG experiments. But she only talks about the one and only Stern-Gerlach experiment from the year 1922.

Physics people often brag about physics being a five sigma science, for a new result to get accepted the found discrepancy between experimental outcome and theory should have a significance of at least five sigma. That sound very impressive but as a matter of fact there are all kinds of experiments just missing and they never talk about it.
There is no experiment that says electrons are tiny magnets, there is no this and there is no that.     

The Latex text in the picture below is from me. It says that if you have two magnetic fields behind each other at an angle theta, via the cosine of that that theta angle you can find the probability of measuring one of the two spin states. Needless to say that contradicts one 100% of what I thing with a permanent monopole charge on the electron just like the electrical charge.

The video is well made, goes along all the relevant things from the official theory yet avoids stuff that a lot of people will feel as too hardcore: complex numbers. The video is about 35 minutes long, click on the picture if you want to see it: 

Video title: Spin in Quantum Mechanics (Looking glass universe)
Link used:

That's it for this update, as always thanks for your attention. 


(01 Nov 2024) Oh oh those poor people in Valencia in Spain. I never heard of a full year of rain falling in 10 hours, that is a very very extreme weather event. It is crazy, stuff looks like this where cars are toyed around: 

Well I wish the Spanish people a bit of luck in recovering from this disaster... The two items for today: 

 Item 1) Just a video from Anna from Ukraine.
 Item 2) New math post and another just talk out of your neck video.

  Item 1) Just a video from Anna from Ukraine.

I like the video's from Anna from time to time because it reminds me that there is still a lot of stuff happening that is relatively upsetting. But it's hard to stay upset for say 3 years, after some time the crazy stuff becomes the new normal.  

Anyway Anna was enthusiastic about an attack on a Russian artillery base inside the Luhansk region of Ukraine. I didn't find much news on it in other places. Here is Anne her video: 

Link used:

And a local news source on the same attack: 

Powerful explosions in Luhansk: occupants evacuate local residents
Link used:


In another thing UA prez Zelensky wondered why there was not much of a reaction from the west on the deployment of those North Korean soldiers and other military folks. And yes, I just don't know too...
It is one of those totally crazy things that are hard to get your head around. 

But as those NK troops get transported via sea, why not take entire ships out? Yet as far as I know there is also some railroad connection. As far as I know they are not in Ukraine right now while the USA has said that if NK soldiers would go to Ukraine all restrictions on future USA weapon use will be lifted. 

For that all to happen we still have to wait for the results of the impending US prez elections from in a couple of days. It is what it is and now it's time to go to the next item.

 Item 2) New math post and another just talk out of your neck video.

Finally that long post is uploaded. I think it is the longest math post ever on the other website. And all in all over the years I have written about 275 of those math posts. Sometimes I think it is much to much, how can an ordinary person find a good way to navigate this in case they have some rudimentary interest in 3D complex numbers?

This post is all about the number alpha in three dimensions. It is many things or better said it has many interesting properties. All in all it has 11 images of math, that in itself is record long. But the size of the images is also larger as in the other 275 math posts. Namely 550x1500 pixels.

And I learned something new to; finally after all those years I have found a better way of representing the derivative with the help of a limit. The problem is that the beta you see in the picture below can go into a direction that has no inverse. And in that case you just can't use the upper limit.
I know it's not a world shocking math result, it is more like say Lebesgue integration: Not a brilliant idea but it works very well.

As always click on the picture to land at the new math post: 

New post title: Seven properties of the number alpha. 

I found another video on electron spin in the German language. Together with the video from 2 days ago it once more perfectly demonstrates that those physics professionals just always talk out of their neck when it comes to electron spin.

What is the case? Now in the video on the SG-experiment from Tuesday there was a homogenous magnetic field and why was that? Well that was to fix the spin state of the electrons, either up or down. And 50% are supposed to go up and the other 50% will jump into the down state.
According to professional physics people that clearly shows that beforehand the electrons are in a super position of spin up and spin down.
Well I said many times they are crazy...;)

But in the new video on the Einstein-de-Haas effect we see similar conditions: A bunch of electrons getting a vertical magnetic field. For the explanation to work this time it is needed that 100% of the electrons will align themselves with the applied magnetic field.

Together these two video's show that indeed there is a lot of talking out of the neck going on. This is caused of course by the fact they don't understand the magnetic properties of the electron. They are not tiny magnets, the magnetic properties of the electrons are just as it's electric properties:

Permanent & Monopole.

Click on the picture if you want to see the German video:

Video title: Quantenmechanik 8: Elektronenspin
Link used:

Here's an English wiki on the Einstein-de-Haas effect in case you can't understand the German language:
Einstein–de Haas effect, link used: 

In vids like this the pattern is always the same when it comes to electron spin: They only tell you the stuff that sounds logical, but if you take the idea of the electron being a tiny magnet to the limit you often land in a land known as Crazyland. And that part is always skipped by the professional physics people. 

One hundred % alignment or a 50/50% alignment, if you are good at talking out of your neck it's just never a problem over there in Crazyland where the professional physics community lives. 

Lets call it a day and let me say goodbye to you and as always thanks for your attention. Let me try to upload this to our biggest common garbage can: the internet. 


(30 Oct 2024) And the two items for this update are:

Item 1) Russian central bank raises 200 pts + But is it sewage?
Item 2) Tiny correction + Bad video on the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

  Item 1) Russian central bank raises 200 pts + But is it sewage?

About four days back the Russian central bank raised their stuff with 200 basis points to a whopping 21%. A few times in the last months I have wondered why Russian interest rates are that high compared to their reported inflation numbers.

For example peak inflation in the USA was (if memory serves) 9.1% and the max rate from the Federal Reserve was something like 5%. Here in the EU we has similar numbers, key observation is of course that interest rates are always far lower as the inflation it is supposed to tame.  

So why in Russia it  is the complete opposite? Inflation at something like 8% and the overnight interest rates at double digits? That's weird and of course there could be a fraudulent component in this all but there are also additional explanations possible. May be the Russian economy is far less debt driven as our economies are. That could be, you have a much smaller middle class in Russia where you have those rich elites and a lot of poor that live on a few hundred dollars a month.
Furthermore the Russian economy has changed a lot in recent times and may be the Russian statistics can't handle that properly; if entire new industries get into those statistics but they have already strongly elevated prices, in that case inflation statistic look good while they are in fact bad.  

Or may be the whole defense industry is just not into those inflation statistics and as such you get underreported inflation numbers via that route. It's hard to say but my guestimate is that the Russian inflation is a bigger problem as meets the eye. Click on the picture for a Reuters report:

Report title: Russian central bank hikes benchmark rate to 21%, highest since 2003. Link used:

This weekend or may be it was Monday there were those video's from Moscow with a very high fountain of brown stuff and we were told this was sewage going very high up.

At first I believed that, but later I backtracked that because there is no proof that inside Russia or Moscow there are high pressure sewer systems. To focus the mind in case you did not see any video, here is how it looked:

Now over a decade ago here in the city where I live we got a brand new high pressure sewer pipes under the street. It was meant for a pressure of 25 atmosphere or if you prefer 25 bar. In Dutch we were told that: Jullie krijgen een 25 atmosfeer riool.

At first I too thought this was some real weird idea of getting rid of all that piss and poop and used condoms and tampons and so on and so on. And I thought this was crazy to do in an area where there could be significant earth quakes. So I wanted to know a bit more about this.

Turns out we have two kinds of 'riool' or sewage. One is for households and companies, the other strictly for rain and melting snow and so. The high pressure thing is for extreme weather with giant amounts of rain. 

If I were an engineer, I would make a sewage system so that it needs preferably no pumping at all. Let alone a ridiculous high pressure of 25 bar...

A lot more did happen in the Ukrainian equation but I would like to remark that Mark Rutte has made it to the North Korean television! That is a remarkable achievement, I can't remember of any other Dutch person to be named on that famous television network. So Mark gets my applause for achieving this almost impossible task. I absolutely know of no way how to get my own name on the beautiful North Korean television shows...;)

May be it is time to go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Tiny correction + Bad video on the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

In the last update I showed you an example of a so called counter example to Fermat's last theorem. Turns out later it was a bit too simple although the statement itself remains true. Look in the picture below from last week: 

The three terms 6, 10 and 15 are each their own square if you take them modulo 30. Lets check: 6 squared is 36 and the remainder is 6 if you divide it by 30. The same goes for 10 because 100 mod 30 = 10 and idem dito for the third term 15. As such the proof becomes just too simple once you have seen this 'they are their own square' kind of thing.
If you take three different odd primes, the 2 is causing this effect here, you won't have it that easy although even that is not very difficult to prove. So if you take the primes p, q and r as 3, 5 and 7 you have what I actually wanted to say.


So far for the tiny correction. The video for this day's update is another video from the Stern-Gerlach experiment. I'm afraid it is only in the German language. The reason I selected this video is that they replicated an entire setup of the Stern-Gerlach apparatus from the year 1922.

Of course that is not forbidden, for example a Bach music playing ensemble might try to collect music instruments from the time Bach was alive. As such there are no laws against making such a replica apparatus.
But it sure lacks any creativity, they just talk about the machine and never mention that you can also perform experiments with magnetic fields on electron beams like your good old television set or an old oscilloscope.

Here in this apparatus they have two magnetic fields, that's the main reason I show you this video: First a constant or better homogeneous and after that an inhomogeneous magnetic field.

Likely the first magnetic field is there in order to align the magnetic spins of the atoms they use. Or better: make the outer unpaired electron align with the applied homogenous magnetic field.

And of course these weirdo's leave out to explain as why half of the electrons would anti align their spin against the magnetic field. In all those video's it is always the same: As soon as it gets crazy they just don't talk about it. The crazy stuff gets skipped and as such it is not explained that if it were true that electrons are tiny magnets, why the fuck would they anti align?     

Video title: Zauberhafte Physik: Stern-Gerlach-Experiment
Link used:

These professional physics people, why are they to stupid to understand those simple energy problems we have with electrons as tiny magnets. Why the fuck should they anti-align?

End of this update, as always thanks for your attention.  


(25 Oct 2024) The two items for this update:

Item 1) NK soldiers already near battle zone & Zerlensky trolls a bit.
Item 2) Counter examples to Fermat's last theorem: a triplet mod 30.

 Item 1) NK soldiers already near battle zone & Zerlensky trolls a bit.

Just like a lot of other people I look at the weird situation with those NK soldiers and don't know what to think of it. Some Russian remarked that those soldiers were none of our business. But there are also rumors that Russia will give the tech to North Korea so they will have nuke launch capability from submarines. So that weirdo that said it was non of our business is just what it is: a weirdo. 

Remember back in Feb 2022 when we were told that Russia has every right to hold military exercises everywhere they want and it's non of our business... Well we see still everyday where that has lead us. 

South Korea has come out again stating they are reconsidering military aid to Ukraine. Until now they support Ukraine but did not want to deliver military aid. So may be that is going to change. 

Here is a CNN report on the NK stuff: 

North Korean troops spotted in Russian border region with Ukraine, says Kyiv Link used:

And who knows, may be the only place where the NK soldiers will get used is in Kursk only. To be honest I don't believe that myself... And if they are deployed as soldiers on the front, another wildcard is how good they actually are. Ok they might be much younger as the average Russian recruit who's average ago now almost is 50. But these NK soldiers come from a population where there is not much done likely for things as vaccination. Likely the NK rulers have their kids properly vaccinated and the rest just not. Who knows? 

In another twist Zerlensky is wearing a funny tshirt (I found it in a video from prof Gerdes but I don't know where he got it from): 

I forgot to save the link to his video but it was something with the borders of say 1462 or something like that. Let us go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Counter examples to Fermat's last theorem: a triplet mod 30.

This is a small part of my new math post that all in all has grown rather long. May be it's the longest math post I have ever written. But it's finished now and this line of math is from property 6 of the number alpha.

The whole post is about seven properties of the number alpha and I tried to keep it as simple as possible and therefore I included some lightweight math like counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat. If you are a normal person and not a mentally handicapped nerd kind of person like I am, you likely to not know what this last theorem is.
Well it says that there are no integers x, y and z such that:

x^n + y^n = z^n, this for n > 2.

Andrew Wiles has given a proof for that back in the 1991-ties but this proof is very long and also very complicated. Also as far as I know Andrew has never given a bunch of those easy to find counter examples that can do a perfect job in case you want to explain it to a general audience. 

In the picture below I took the three smallest prime numbers and multiplied them to get the modulo 30 thing. Mod 30 is just the remainder after division by 30, so 31 mod 30 is one and so on.
If you choose the a, b and c as below you can easily make such counter examples to the last theorem of Pierre de Fermat. What I myself like in this example is that it sums to 1, actually it is 1^n but that's 1 for all n. 

The capital A upside down is a symbol that means "For all" so the above means for all natural numbers n. That does not mean there are infinite solutions, the exponential terms are all periodic so it repeats after some n.

Now the new post is about 3D numbers of course, I only use the mod stuff as an example and in those 3D complex numbers you also have integers and with those you can indeed make infinite long of these counter examples. And again why they are never used in those lectures on what Andrew did to the last theorem of Fermat is unknown to me.
Lets leave it with that, no electron rant today so at the end may I thank you for your attention and already wish you a nice weekend.   


(23 Oct 2024) A couple of days back I am watching a video about a Dutch guy that was the first foreigner to receive some high SS medal during world war II. Anyway at the end of the video I suddenly freak out: There was a photo from just beside the main bridge. I always passed that bridge on my way to my school, the Immanuel school and that was of course a school with the bible... Anyway it turns out that the guy that was in the small docu likely lived in my village too... And he was a secretary of the local football club but we had two clubs back in the time, I was with the Christian football team CSVH... 

Video title: Hitler's First 'Foreign Hero' - Dutch SS Knight's Cross.
Link used:

The items for today: 

Item 1) Are the North Korean soldiers in Ukraine an escalation?
Item 2) Dr. Jorge S. Diaz strikes again + funny Einstein news. 

 Item 1) Are the North Korean soldiers in Ukraine an escalation?

It is indeed bizarre news, just imagine how the Kremlin would react if soldiers from some EU country would go to Ukraine. Not as the occasional volunteer but lots of them on the behalf of their government. Well the Peskov's and Lavrov's of this world would make a gigantic amount of noise.

South Korea is even considering sending their own troops and weapons, I don't  know how serious this thinking is but that's just one of the things going on. And it even has it's own military logic to it: The North Korean soldiers are there to help the Russians but also to learn how to fight a Western kind of army.
Don't forget the NK military hasn't fought a war since like 70 years or so. And the South Koreans can study how to kill a lot of NK soldiers.

It's all totally bizarre, there is a large language barrier so will they only be used in meatwave kind of attacks? And if there are any survivors later, will North Korea take them back because these soldiers have been abroad and might have picked up some strange idea's. Religion seems to be forbidden in North Korea so how does that rhyme with the Russian so called traditional family values? 

Anyway Lloyd Austin the US secdef was in a surprise visit in Ukraine and there were a few military aid packages. No not the big hammers like 60 billion but still interesting stuff like 800 and or 400 million size packages.
Let me quote from Kyivindependend: 

The U.S. is planning to provide Ukraine with an aid package of $700-800 million for the domestic development of long-range capabilities, President Volodymyr Zelensky told journalists on Oct. 21. 

Of course Ukraine making her own gear is the best long term solution without all the boundary conditions as set by other nations. Not that I am emotional or negative about such boundary conditions, that's just how international arms trade and military aid works. If for example Germany says they don't want to deliver stuff like those Taurus boom things, well that's it. Here is a link to the Kyivindependend: 

Title: Ukraine war latest: US to provide Ukraine with $800 million to boost domestic long-range capabilities. Link used:

A lot more did happen but it's now time to go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Dr. Jorge S. Diaz strikes again + funny Einstein news. 

A few days back I finally finished my new math post that likely is the longest one ever written by me. So even turning it into pictures will take much more time as usual.

In the meantime Dr. Jorge strikes again with a second video on the Stern Gerlach experiment from 1922. And again in it's kind it is a very good video with again lots of interesting historical material.

This time I could learn interesting stuff like that it were the famous Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg that strongly promoted a so called repeated or sequential Stern-Gerlach kind of experiment. You know the kind of experiment that I claim has never been done successfully and that this is very strange because if you could do this likely you would have won a Nobel prize.
That's what I wrote a couple of times in the past and now it seems validated more and more that the pair Einstein & Heisenberg were pushing for this, if you would have done a successful repeated experiment also raises the likelihood of winning the main prize in physics.

What I myself like is of course the fact that both Einstein and Heisenberg just never realized to what barrage of problems there are with viewing electrons as tiny bipolar magnets. They too were too fucking stupid so to say...;)
But I am also aware that this can work against me; people will reason like "If Einstein did not see that electrons are magnetic monopoles, in that case this Venema guy is totally wrong".

If you click on the picture you will land at my latest post on the other website:   

Post title: Another video on the SG experiment and an additional pdf.
Link used:

Well here above you see what is supposed the probabilistic nature of electron spin. Precisely the stuff that all models of quantum computing are based upon: If not measured the qbits will always be in a super position of quantum states.

But people like Dr. Jorge Diaz they are with many thousands so likely they will run the asylum a few more years. Didn't I have an equation for that? The measure of stubbornness = the measure of stupidity.

Yes, why don't these people not see the weird energy problems there are with their version of electron spin? After all they are supposed to be the grandmasters behind complicated Hamiltonians that if implemented correctly gives humanity quantum computing. 

Lets leave it with that, as always thanks for your attention.


(18 Oct 2024) This week in two days time our ASML lost about 20% of it's market cap. It was a comedy and a tragedy at the same time because by accident the financial data were published a bit to early. So during the trading day people became aware that the orderbook was only half filled compared to expectations from so called analysts. So could that silly AI hype be over it's peak?

Like I said before, a lot of the new AI be it generative or language based models are impressive. But I still don't see how all that money poured in will generate enough profits. And it's a lot of money, today it emerged that more and more of the big players want to build entire nuclear plants for the production of electricity. And that for stuff our own brains do with about an energy consumption of 20 Watts... 

Item 1) NATO meeting of Sec's of Def & the peace plan.
Item 2) Two vids; one on quaternions and the other on quantum computing.

 Item 1) NATO meeting of Sec's of Def & the peace plan.

Seriously, I had planned to try and read the entire peace plan that is going round lately. I am always a bit skeptical on such plans, take for example the two state solution from years back in the Israel-Palestine conflict. But I had constantly other things to do and the only video I did see had only the beginning of the stuff.

But it started with simply stating that Ukraine should become a member of NATO first. Well that is a very fresh thing to hear, I don't know if NATO is ready for such a bold move at this point in time.
But it brings a smile to my face, may be and I say may be this is a thing to consider in the future.    

Another thing that was tldr for me was the next transcription of a Joint press conference between Mark and Volodimir Zelensky from Ukraine. But there's where I got the picture from so it is more a source file as an advice to read the entire thing that is from NATO HQ.  

Title: Joint press conference.
Link used:

And a small remark about the Kursk stuff: The weird behavior observed lately seems a lot related to the fact that already the mud season has started there. Someone remarked that both the Ukrainians and Russians are without supplies so their ammo is running low. And likely their food too... 

If all confirmed that would indeed explain a lot. Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Two vids; one on quaternions and the other on quantum computing.

It's already some months back that I wrote about the quantum computing stuff where of course I always argue that all such computers based on electron spin will never ever work. When I wrote about that the last time I wanted to look up some stock prices of USA based quantum computer start-ups. But like with so many other things like peace plans it didn't come to it because I can always pick hundreds of things to write about. There is never a shortage on stuff, most I just never mentioned.  

But today Sabine had a video with two stocks in it, the D-Wave company with their difficult to understand annealing approach and that Rigetti computer company. It seems that the guy with the name Rigetti doesn't work any longer at Rigetti computers, a very interesting situation for say investors in the tech of tomorrow: quantum computers.

It could very well be that none the the way people try to build quantum computers will work because they are all based on the principle that quantum particles when unmeasured are always in a superposition of quantum states. And if that principle is just not true, and say for yourself why should such a thing be true because it sounds more as an opinion and not as an unavoidable thing flowing from many experiments in the lab. 

Sabine herself is much much more upbeat on quantum computing but I think that a bunch of people that can't see the energy problems we have in say an electron pair will never make good quantum computers. Sabine her video is rather short, about 7 minutes: 

Video title: The Quantum Computing Collapse Has Begun.
Link used:

May be you once heard that story of a drunk guy who has lost his car keys and now is looking for his lost keys under the only lamppost on the entire parking lot. And when asked why he looked for them on this spot, instead of starting a fistfight he politely answers "Because here is the light".

As such you should view the next video: Why is the lady using the quaternions as founding stuff for quantum mechanics? Well that is her form of light, it is the only thing she knows of.
But quaternions are horrible if you want to differentiate, so you can't solve stuff like the Schrödinger equation. The only thing quaternions are good for is describing rotations in 3D space. That's why game developers and also the good old Space Shuttle love the quaternions.

And for example in my own 4D complex number, if I start rotating stuff using the 4D version of the complex exponential, it starts rotating over the four dimensions. But physics people use 3 spatial dimension and one for time and as such we get the famous 4D time-space.
Well this simply says my 4D complex numbers are not a good match for the 4D space-time from Einstein. It does not make much sense for the time coordinate to get rotated into a spatial dimension.

But I also didn't have enough time to flea through the entire video, likely it is just a thirteen in a dozen kind of video's relating physics to the quaternions from Hamilton. If this weekend I have a bit more time I can try to find some beautiful germs in this video but I doubt a lot I will succeed. And for this lady it goes too that she does not see the problems there are with the official version of electron spin. So that does not spell much good... Click on the picture for her video; it is rather long, about 40 minutes or so:

Video title: Quaternionic foundations of Quantum Mechanics and spin 1/2 visualization.
Link used:



(16 Oct 2024) The two items for this update:

Item 1) Some to UA related details and a flag in the clouds.
Item 2) An interesting way of defining a derivative. 

  Item 1) Some to UA related details and a flag in the clouds.

A few days back it was suddenly rumored by Russian milbloggers that one of their SU-34's was shot down by an Ukrainian F-16. But there was zero following up on that story, until at least now, so likely it is just a story. And in case it is actually true, why talk about it? Three or four days back Forbes had an article on this detail, recall it could very well be just some gossip:  

Milbloggers Claiming Ukrainian F-16 Downed Russian Su-34 Aircraft.
Link used:

Suchominus was once more so friendly as to go through some of the satellite images from that Feodesia place. Here is another before & after, for his video click on the picture: 

Video title: Satellite Imagery Shows Nine Oil Tanks Destroyed at Feodosia Oil Depot After Drone Strike.
Link used:

This site burned also for a couple of days, it is always totally impossible to predict what likely will happen. When I saw the first pictures all you can do is hope but it could go out also fast. Well that clearly didn't happen here. 

Hundreds of other things did happen, for example I didn't have the time to keep track how the Kursk thing evolves. Some say the Russians are constantly gaining ground back while others say it is maneuver warfare and as such you must keep them running. 

Before we go to the next item I saved a screen shot from a video from the prof Gerdes guy. May be this is an unaltered photo and if these are true colors you get with a camera it is a perfect photo. Yet if I would estimate it, the colors have been adjusted a little bit so you get much more of that effect like it's the Ukrainian flag. I didn't save the link from the video so you can click on the picture all day long, nothing will happen. 

Lets go to the next item while skipping at least one hundred other UA details. 

 Item 2) An interesting way of defining a derivative. 

A long time back, in 1990 to be precise, I found those 3D complex numbers. And it is very easy to verify we have so called Cauchy-Riemann equations fulfilled and as such you can differentiate and integrate functions 'just like' on the real line. Just like your average high schooler has to manipulate things like a parabola f(x) = x^2$ and how to find the derivative and so.

At the time I found it hard to write down the derivative in a satisfying way, that is in such number spaces like 3D complex numbers there are always a bunch of non-invertible numbers. So you can't divide by that just like you can't divide by 0; it will blow up.

But years later I found a better way of writing the stuff down, it is very easy to understand what is going on: If you can't divide by it (here that beta number), bring it to the other side by multiplying with it. So I never had a good equivalent to the famous "Delta y / delta x" or "Rise over run" as the Americans say it so beautifully. A couple of years back I finally found this definition and if memory serves this is only the second time I pen it down in a new math post.
So the upper limit is for when you can't divide by beta and the one in the middle is just the equivalent of "Rise over run".  

I have now arrived at property number 7 of the number alpha in writing the new post. It is becoming a very long post, one of the longest I have ever written.

The professional math professors can't use the way of taking a limit the rise over run kind of way, but they can calculate limits like the upper one because there you only divide all the time by t and that's a real number. So for once they are not one 100% pathetic, a clear sign of positivism.

The female robot on the picture is a bitch for sure! She has two remote controlled guns on her shoulder and she lacks that friendly look in her facial expression.

The last days I made two internet searches for comments on the 2024 physics Nobel prize that went to two founding fathers of AI. I expected a bit more uproar but there were not many comments on it. The most pleasant one to read was from somebody who asked him or herself the question: What is the Nobel committee trying to say with the handout of these prices?  

Well yes my dear reader what do you think? Is the committee trying to say something? Who knows? But I know it's time to upload this fresh pile of garbage to the biggest pile of garbage humanity has: the internet!
As always thanks for your attention. 


(11 Oct 2024) And what is life without a reminder of my girlfriend on a distance Majorie Taylor Greene? Yes sometimes I complain about our own Geert Wilders but the poor Americans must keep up with stuff like: 

Well yes I would love that too; Control over hurricanes of Cat I and II...;) May be we better go to the two items of today. 

Item 1) A bit more on that oil depot & more UA related stuff.
Item 2) Chemistry Nobel to two non academics?

 Item 1) A bit more on that oil depot & more UA related stuff.

In the last update I mentioned this oil depot thing, likely it is also a fuel storage place. Anyway two days back it wasn't clear if it would burn a long time but it seems to be going fine. Here is a satellite image, if you click the picture you land at an article of Newsweek where they have a Telegram video: 

Article title: Crimea Satellite Photos Reveal Damage to Oil Terminal on Fire After Strike.
Link used:

There was another ammo dump successfully targeted but I don't know what was actually there. Some video said it were 400 Shahed drones (that Iranian stuff) but I didn't find much back in the regular press. Only this other Newsweek article: 

Ukraine Goes After Russia's North Korean Arms Stockpiles

All in all the last weeks the news often has a more negative tone in it. It feels a bit as if people get tired from news from Ukraine. So may be the public opinion for support for Ukraine might be slowly turning. Or may be it goes just a bit down and that's it. But the tone of a lot of news reports and videos slowly becomes a bit more negative.  

Well it is what it is, lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Chemistry Nobel to two non academics?

Just one week ago I wrote that people like you and me can never get a Nobel prize no matter what. And yes most of the time it goes to university people only, the only counter example I knew of was some Japanese guy who invented that blue LED light. To be honest I never checked in detail if Noble prizes in physics only go to people with an academic job.

But now we have another two from more or less outside the official academia, I believe both work at Google and they got the chemistry prize for that protein folding thing from a few years back.   

It seems that the theme of AI is used more or less by the Nobel prize committee because both physics and chemistry share this. And like expected the first complaints that this is not true physics are already there. Well I don't care that much, yes AI development is not pure physics and much more computer science. On the other hand this committee is simply sovereign when it comes to what they want to do. I don't know if soverneign is the correct word here because that is mostly used in the context of countries, but you get the point: They can do as they see fit.

May be you recognize the guy on the left, that is Demis Hassabis who played a role in that cracking of the game of go from a couple of years back. Click on the picture for a Reuters report:  


Reuters report: Google's Nobel prize winners stir debate over AI research.
Link used:

The other guy is likely John Jumper who likely made some software some time ago and if you put in some amino acid sequence it spits out the likely 3D shape.

Well you can talk long and short on the subject of using AI or computers into research. I do it all the time, not AI but all kinds of computer programs because it saves me an awful lot of work. For example I know perfectly well how to find the eigenvalues of say a 5x5 matrix, but that is a lot of work prone to error; any tiny mistake and the whole answer is mostly gone.

But lets take for example this protein folding problem or a similar thing: how does biology only make one chiral kind of molecule? I suspect it has a lot to do with what I think of electrons: that they are magnetic monopoles. I can't prove it but it might very well be that in the two chiral versions of a molecule the electrons in each electron pair are swapped when it comes to their magnetic charge. Yet if somebody as a (bio)chemical researcher wants to investigate the monopole magnetic behavior of say electrons, all the existing AI and or computer programs are likely of zero help or use.

I have no problem with computer aided research, as it helps speeding up things it's fine. I myself don't use stuff like Chat GPT, I tried it a few times and yes it can spit out code even stuff like Latex code for writing my math texts. But overall I didn't like it a lot and now I never use it anymore.    

Hey lets call it an update and let me try to upload this to our common garbage can: the internet. Thanks for your attention. 


(09 Oct 2024) The USA is preparing for a big bad thing named Milton. My notes say it's an orkaan but likely the Americans name that a hurricane and I wish them good luck if you're in the landing zone of that thing. 

Item 1) Niels Puck on who's the best analyst & more UA stuff.
Item 2) A good not too long video on dynamical systems. 

  Item 1) Niels Puck on who's the best analyst & more UA stuff.

Niels Puck Anders had a more or less funny video out on who from the specialists did foresee the war in Ukraine correctly. And I have to say that Niels lays the bar relatively high; he makes the point that you had to foresee on say 19 Feb 2022 that 1) Russia would indeed attack & invade and that 2) You already foresaw that Russia would not be able to win. On the other hand he is talking about experts so in that case this might be a reasonable criterium about who had good analysis before the war and who not...

And that brought me back to myself, not that I am an expert on these things but I simply thought back in the time that Russia would not invade. I was thinking "They might be stupid at the Kremlin but they are not THAT stupid."
One day before the war I even bought a few stocks for in my portfolio and if you think a significant geopolitical event would soon occur, I wouldn't have done it but wait a few days or longer. But there was some interview or some speech out from Putin and finally the quarter fell in my head; he indeed had gone crazy. Or may be better; after all those years it was unveiled what was inside his head.   

And I wrote the first so called "Tuesday updates", before the war I mostly updated only on Thursdays so just once a week. But on that Tuesday I more or less panicked a little bit and therefore I decided to make an extra update that week. And since that time I write two updates a week, so now that is already about 125 extra updates. It has been a pretty crazy ride I have to say. Anyway here is the video from Niels, click on the picture: 

Video title: Why did experts fail to predict Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Link used:

In other news it was reported an oil storage facility in Crimea or near Crimea was attacked. It was burning but not the whole thing, so lets wait and see.  

And it seems that this week a few of the Dutch F16's have arrived in Ukraine. So take it easy, not to many missions and get first some routine under your ass. But there likely is not enough time for that, I know I know. Well my dear Ukrainians I can only wish you well with them.
Further reading:

I hope you don't mind I don't post the link to this article... 

May be it is time to go to the next item. 

 Item 2) A good not too long video on dynamical systems. 

This is a good video if you are not that good at complicated math calculations but still are a tiny bit interested in for example what we name dynamical systems. Today the guy with the interesting name Artem Kirsonov did post his video on youtube so it is fresh from the press.  

Now in the video Artem gives a standard example for these kind of things: The predator prey model. Here it is done with foxes and rabbits. Although such models might give some insight of how things could evolve in nature in practice, you must also be aware that these models are often over simplifications. For example once rabbits have learned to avoid confrontations with foxes, that is not in the model.   

I remember that when I learned this model myself the first time, one of the other students remarked/asked the next: So if in the winter you shoot some extra rabbits, that makes the rabbit population that summer larger? And yes if those closed trajectories from the video are true the answer is yes but again such models are very simple compared to the complex behavior you find between lots of systems in nature or in your own mind or even in your bowels.  


The dot you see above the x and y just means the rate of change with time, this dot notation dates back to Newton. I too use it often but if you need a lot of higher derivatives it is not a good notation and the Leibniz stuff is better.  

Video title: Differential Equations: The Language of Change.
Link used:

Before we split and go our own ways again I want to make a small remark upon today's Noble prize in physics. It was given to two of the founding fathers of artificial intelligence, if I remember his name correctly it's the Hinton guy that in the past worked for Google and another guy I never hears of.  

Now I did not mind because with this choice I did not need to irritate myself with looking to people talking about electron spin. No, it was an AI choice so that's interesting. Most people would see computer sciences as a different science from physics. Of course these two sciences influence each other but most people likely think they are separate fields of human knowledge. 

Well I just didn't care and it was not as hellbreaking bad as those "validation of the Bell inequality" where one of the prize winners even remarked that "This experiment is almost impossible to do with spin half particles like electrons, that's why we don't use them". (I never dived in the details but if memory serves the original Bell inequality stuff was with electron spin...)

It is time to upload this stuff to the internet, as always thanks for your attention. 


(04 Oct 2024) As so often just two items in this update:

Item 1) Well Mark does not let grow much grass over it.
Item 2) My candidate for the 2024 Noble prize in physics.

 Item 1) Well Mark does not let grow much grass over it.

We're now at 04 Oct and if I remember it clearly the Putin guy had ordered a few weeks back that the Kursk region should be taken by 01 Oct... So after more as 2.5 years of war Putin still has no clue whatsoever what his army can do and what not. Ok ok, that was it from day 1 of this SMO but it's still going on and it shows once more how good he is at his stuff.

I selected the next news item because of the cute picture with a NATO & a Ukrainian flag. Now I am not the one that gives false hope so I just repeat that it will be a long long way before there is some flag raising ceremoney like we had with Sweden and the likes.  

Anyway Mark Rutte is just a few days the new (political) chief, isn't the official title a Secretary General? Or is it without caps just secretary general? A few days back he was given a strange piece of wood by Jens Stoltenberg and I know now that this piece of wood is a Viking gavel. What more do you want? Well I forgot to look up what a gavel is, no idea may be a symbolic kind of hammer or something you can actually use if you need to do a bit of chisel work on some wood or so. You can read a small report from the Associated Press if you click on the picture:

Title: New NATO chief Mark Rutte visits Ukraine in his first trip since taking office.
Link used:

You can't see it clearly on the small picture, but Zelensky has an extra word after the year 2024. So it could very well be they have at least two different calendars over there so they need some extra information for that. 

There was a lot more news, for example it seems that in China entire drones get ensembled and shipped to Russia. I don't think that's a very good idea so may be fresh trade tariffs of just 5000% on Chinese electric cars? Who knows, but lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) My candidate for the 2024 Noble prize in physics.

I think it was two days back that Sabine Hossenfelder came out with a video on the fresh impending Noble prize in physics. And she had a few candidates or fields to offer for the impending stuff.

One of her choices was David Deutch. David Deutch? Noah, I don't know. It has to be remarked however that David has some unique qualities. For example you want to get high on weed and you look in your shoebox where you keep your stack of marihuana and you find it is EMPTY!
You begin to panic a little bit but years ago I have made a solution to such problems: A spare shoebox with weed in it. But hey shit, that one is also empty! What to do now? How to get high and stoned as hell?
Very simple; just down a few beers and wait to you get a little bit dizzy. After that you only have to view a few videos with David Deutch in them and if after an hour or so you are still not stoned you should see a doctor.

Another proposal of Sabine was someone out of quantum computing. Here again I don't think that this is wise, for example all quantum computers based on electron spin very likely will never ever work in a million years. But all quantum computers are based on a principle of quantum mechanics and this principle says that if unmeasured a quantum system will always be in a superposition of quantum states.
If this is just not the case, no form of quantum computing will ever work at all. So if you award a Nobel prize for that, you run the risk that in the future you look rather dumb.

If I had the right to bring forward a candidate I would choose that Fermilab experiment under the name g-2. It seems that the physics people have been working about half a century on such muon g-2 experiments.
It is fantastically stupid that those muons go round and round in a ring steered by a vertical magnetic field and everybody thinks that the muon spin stays horizontal.
Non of them even remarks we have a serious so called energy problem here; why does the muon spin stay horizontal? That is so much stupidity in just one group of physics people that this more or less acts like a black hole of stupidity. And this black hole of stupidity is very attractive to all those people that shout "New physics! New physics!" after Fermilab released their fantastic findings.  

Just an old picture without link to close this update: 


Oh yes now I remember it; this was a very complicated way to calculate the length of the first column of this matrix M.  

That it for this week, as always thanks for your attention. 


(02 Oct 2024) Well yes, Iran attacking Israel. That's just what the world needs right now I just guess. Lets go to today's two items:

Item 1) Former Gazprom employee as UA fighter?
Item 2) Just some fooling around with the number alpha.

 Item 1) Former Gazprom employee as UA fighter?

A pity we don't have such a giant explosion from a Russian ammo dump this week. I don't remember the name precise but there was a failed attack where the fields around the dump were on fire but the ammo dump itself survived another day. Someone joked that it was so weird that this time the Russians not only said they shot down all drones but they actually did it. 

Anyway this evening I came across a rather beautiful photo and I don't know if it's a fake or a real. Furthermore 'beautiful' is of course rather subjective, it that is your farm field you likely will have a very different opinion on this. It was reported that in Yesk, Russia, there was a more successful strike on a ammo dump.  

If you click on the picture you will land at 

Article title: No title given.
Link used:

As a bit of human interest, the Sun had a small video about a Gazprom spokesperson turned Ukrainian fighter. It sounds a bit strange but it has all of it's own logic, the guy was born in Ukraine and likely had as such a better understanding of what was going on. And with 'better understanding' that is compared to the average Russian who got most of their information from the lovely Russian state television. 

Here is a link: 

Video title: Gazprom official turned Ukrainian fighter has message for Putin. Link used:

As always a terrible lot more did happen, for example our Mark Rutte had his first day as the new NATO political chief. It was told he now lives in a house with 20 bedrooms...  

 Item 2) Just some fooling around with the number alpha.

Over the years I have written many times "Go look for the old post with seven properties of the number alpha". And one or two years back I tried to look up for myself that old post from 2014 or 2015. 

And yes, in some rudimentary form it was there but it was smeared out over the two websites because at the time I had just opened the new website and I was busy transitioning from here to there. So I wanted to do a rewrite of that old stuff into a new piece for some time now. And a couple of days back I actually started doing that.

If you would ask me what is the more or less most surprising result from the study of 3D complex number, I would say it's all those properties the number alpha has. For example it is the center of the complex exponential in the space of 3D complex numbers, that alone makes it an interesting 3D complex number. It is also it's own square, a property it has in common with 0 and 1 who are also their own square.

The post isn't finished by far, but in the picture below you can see the calculation that says alpha is it's own square. I multiplied it by 9 so I did not have to divide constantly by two factors of 3.

The number alpha is a 3D complex number X = x + jy + j^2z, because these are 3D numbers the third power of the imaginary unit must cube to minus one:

j^3 = -1. 

The number alpha itself is  (1 - j + j^2)/3, so that's why you see the 9 below.

Ok no electron rant this week, next week the Nobel prizes of this year will come out. May be the physics laureates will be more of those that think the official version of bipolar electrons is actually true. That would be a funny thing: You can be utterly stupid and still get a Nobel prize...

And we shouldn't pity these winners too much, ordinary people like you can me can't even get a Nobel prize no matter what. It's more or less totally exclusive for university people although I never looked into the founding documentation to the Nobel prize to see if it's also there.
That's it for this update, as always thanks for your attention. 


(27 Sept 2024) It's late and I'm a bit tired so a small update today. Our Dutch federal debt came in lately as 42.3% of GDP. So that's not bad, ideally it could be even more less as say 30% of GDP but with a debt quote like this we can absorb a relatively large shock like COVID or something of similar damaging size... Two items for today:

Item 1) Francis Fukayama & new US aid package for Ukraine.
Item 2) New post on the SG-experiment on the other website.

 Item 1) Francis Fukayama & new US aid package for Ukraine.

Today I didn't see much news and I didn't have any meaningful to say so I thought to myself: "Can I say something that is just as meaningless as my own life is?"

And of course I can, I want to say thanks for your support for Ukraine to the outgoing US government in general and chief Joe Biden in particular. So that's all I had planned for and include that with some interview with a guy named Francis Fukayama.  

But no way I could find that video back, may be it was a bit older but I could not find it. So I found another that can be used as a substitute and after that I took some time for the news of today.

Ok, a new military aid package from the USA to UA and not the expected maximum of 6 billion but 8 billion US$. So that's great and lets hope that it helps.

Click on the picture for the video:  

Video title: Francis Fukuyama: 'Trump is on the Russian side' in Ukraine war | DW News.
Link used:

And a Reuters report detailing a bit of the latest aid package is here: 

Biden announces $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine
Link used:

Luckily beside all that polarized politics stuff in the USA there are still plenty of normal people over there. Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) New post on the SG-experiment on the other website.

On youtube this week a few days back a new video came out and this one was very good. There are dozens and dozens of such Stern-Gerlach experiment videos but most of them are just a rechewing of old stuff.

This video is great in detail and has also lots of historical details that are, at least for me, interesting. It's made by Dr. Jorge S. Diaz and although his video is very good in it's class, of course he to stays away from a land known as Crazyland. So he shows the expression for the potential energy of a dipole magnet in a magnetic field. Now it is easy to show that if electrons are indeed tiny bipolar magnets, that leads to all kinds of problems that are so crazy that I classify them as the stuff from Crazyland. 

The most crazy construction is of course the electron pair, that is the picture I have been showing you all year 2024 long but I made another one of those crazy things: The anti-alignment problem. Why the fuk should an electron anti-align itself with an applied magnetic field? Well the physics people never explain things like that, the only start explaining when things sound logical. If you click on the picture you will land on my other website where you can see the video. It was about 25 minutes long and if you like stuff like that I would recommend it because of the many details that are interesting: 

Title of the new post: Video about the Stern Gerlach experiment, it’s good in the details.
Link used:

I also started a new math post that will be rather long, so that will likely easily be two weeks from now before it is finished. That was it for this week and as always thanks for your attention. 


(25 Sept 2024) The two items for this update: 

Item 1) Falling debris & the three ammo dumps that were.
Item 2) Alice in Crazyland and muon decay.

  Item 1) Falling debris & the three ammo dumps that were.

This was another week with just to much news so I only take a look at the three ammo storage places that were under drone attack. What I found interesting is the fact that apparently if one ammo bunker explodes, that gives a chain reaction and it takes with it much more bunkers.  

After all if you see the footage of all bunkers and buildings gone, it is hard to believe that all were done by one or more drones. An operational detail that is out in the open is the fact that the Ukrainians collided those attacks with the arrival of trains loaded with new ammo. Of course you must wait for some time after the arrival so that the unloading of the ammo is widespread over the area, that is an interesting operational detail.

I have two video's for you, the first one is from Suchominus and once more he has a boatload of satellite imagines with highly interesting "before & after" comparisons. He also noted that the tree pattern in a few of the images resembles the old Tunguska event from the year 1908. So you understand the scale of the explosions here a bit better. For his habit this is a relatively long video, about 23 minutes or so. Click on the picture in case you want to see it.  

Video title: Five Trains Confirmed Destroyed, Plus Missile Stockpile at Toropets and Kranodar Ammo Depots.
Link used:

The next video is from Artur Rehi, at first I did not want to post this video because it contains such an elementary fault that I did not want to get associated with that. See below; if you release 10 thousand shells a week and you have 750 thousand shells, that is for two or three months shells. Likely the fault is that it's 10 thousand Russian shells a day and not a week... But anyway.

But later in the video Artur comes with this cute picture below, I can't read that but he claims it's debris in Ukrainian. I have no idea if this is fake or real but that does not matter. And from the Russian side yes they very often claim all drones are shot down but it's the falling debris that did it... 

At last I want to remark that the range of say the Toropets region was beyond say a missile like the Storm Shadow / Scalp range. The success of these attacks is a big thumbs up for the Ukrainian weapons smiths and designers and all the other things that go into making such a flying bread named Palyanytsya. It is unknown how the attacks unfolded in detail, so it could be that the new flying breads were in it or not. 

Click on the picture for the video from Artur Rehi: 

Video title: Ukrainians did it Again! Russian ammunition Blew Up!
Link used:

And once more the fires were visible from space. Ok I skipped as always a lot of things and other important details but lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Alice in Crazyland and muon decay.

By coincidence I came across one of those AI generated videos, this one had the title "Alice in Crazyland". For me that was amusing because I always use the name of that land when I try to explain some of the weird things going on with electron spin as a tiny magnet.

I always talk about electrons as being magnetic monopoles and not binary pole things but there are many more spin half particles out that can be magnetic monopoles. But year in year out I keep it as simple as possible yet some years ago I once pondered the question if may be those tiny pesky neutrino's could be magnetic monopoles too.

But only now in the last few weeks I am looking into that muon g-2 experiment from Fermilab that I came across a detail that says it could be. So all it says that if nuetrino's carry magnetic charge the next picture is in line with that. If a muon decays into an electron (or a positron as in the Fermilab experiment) it also generates two neutrino's. In the picture below in the upper line it says there is a muon-neutrino and an anti electron-neutrino. And I simply trust the physics professionals to have it right in this detail because after all it looks like something rather hard to validate via experiment. It's not like validating the electron magnetic monopole character via cheap experiments below say one thousand €. 

If you click on the picture you will land at the video from Alice so one of those AI generated things.   

Video title: ALICE IN CRAZYLAND, More surreal than ever!
Link used:

That's it for this update, see you around and as always thanks for your attention. 


(20 Sept 2024) Here the two items for this update: 

Item 1) Toropets drone attack & Russian oil refinery capacity down.
Item 2) An empty item, just a picture and some talk.

 Item 1) Toropets drone attack & Russian oil refinery capacity down.

Well there was some serious boom stuff going on inside Russia; a huge mushroom cloud and geologists measured two peaks in earthquake activity; one 2.5 and the other 2.8 on the famous Richter scale.

It is rumored that up to 30 thousand tons of explosives could be stored at that site in Russia's Toropets. One person compared it to the nuke bomb on Hiroshima, that one was equivalent to 15 thousand tons of TNT.

What I considered very significant was that according to local authorities all drones were shot down and it was some falling debris that caused the fire. At the same time this location was built to withstand a nuclear attack and I felt so happy for Russia that they did this.
If you think about it, an ammo dump that can withstand a nuclear blast is very expensive; that must have been some very expensive super yachts and plenty of expensive houses in foreign countries. It is great that Russia is willing to fund all those super yachts so there is more safety in say Toropets.

So it could very well be that say a few bolts and nuts from some drone debris that only weighted 28 gram caused the explosion that gave a nice 2.8 on the Richter scale. Just imagine what would happen if a 28 kg piece of metal fell on the ammo storage facility when it was NOT made nuclear proof! Lets all thank Russia for their wise behavior and the prudent investments in safety via the method of super yachts. 

The guy in the middle was the one that said all drones were shot down. Now don't forget it is Russia: It could very well be that is the information he just had and he is not lying at all. Official information is official information, if you say it's not true you run the risk of prison time or free flying lessens from an open window.

I think most people will have heard or read the news from Toropets because it was such a giant explosion, if not you can click on the next picture for some Business Insider article or look for news yourself: 

Title: Ukraine says it wiped a key Russian missile and artillery arsenal ‘off the face of the earth’ in long-range strikes.
Link used:

It was said the ammo site had about 200 employees and the explosions were so huge and hot that a lot of them just vaporized. If correct and in the future we find a bit more validation of this vaporization idea, in that case this attack can be classified as a Special Barbeque Operation or a SBO.

At last Suchominus had an audio fragment with the sound of a jet engine in it, so it could be that this attack is (one of the) first applications of those new jet drones.

At I found a short tally of Russian oil refinery capacity lost in the last few months. Luckily it once more draws the correct conclusion that these attacks could lead to more crude sold by Russia and as such these attacks by Ukraine help bring down international oil prices. 

Here is the article:

Russian Oil Refining Capacity Plummets 14.5%
Link used:

So all in all this week on this website alone we had three interesting things:
1) Russian Central Bank rate decision,
2) The Special Barbeque Operation or the SBO &
3) Global oil prices.

That is all very interesting from the intellectual point of view, so the hopes of the Kremlin that in the end people will get tired from all that Ukrainian news are likely idle hopes. Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) An empty item, just a picture and some talk.

I didn't came across any interesting news or video when it comes to electron spin or magnetism. So lets repeat the picture below one more time. After all when I made it last year it was my plan to use it at least once but preferable more times a month for the entire 2024.
And of course my plans didn't come out, may be I reposted it every two months may be every six weeks.
What is difficult for me is understanding rather precise how dumb guys like Dr. Don Lincoln actually are. (In case you missed the video from Don scroll below to the previous update.) 

Again I don't want to insult Don Lincoln because after all he is a likeable guy, but if you like him are a physicist and you can't see and you will not see all those weird energy problems we have with the official version of electron spin, you are a failed scientist.

But I understand there are also all those social things that stabilize the official version of electron spin aka the tiny magnet model. Suppose a bunch of physics professionals are having a coffee break. A few professors, a few phd's and a few students from the different years. Well non of them can say that rather likely electrons are not dipoles but monopoles. If a person does that either he or she must be making a joke and if it's not a joke this is a crazy person.
Every professional knows that magnetic monopoles don't exist... So there are all kinds of weird social dimensions to and there is not much I can do about that.

But I can ask you as a reader, what do you think of the picture below? In an electron pair the electron spins must be different because the Pauli exclusion principle says it can't have the same quantum numbers. And that leads to all kinds of very weird energy problems, how can such a configuration like below be stable?   

Nothing explains the anti-alignment better as giving up the idea of the tiny magnet. If you view electrons as magnetic monopoles you just don't have all those weird energy problems that people like Dr. Don Lincoln refuse to entertain anyway.

That was it for this week, as always thanks for your attention. 


(18 Sept 2024) We have a very flat landscape over here, yet the idea of getting 300 to 400 mm rain in a couple of days clearly sounds as a disastrous kind of thing. So all those living in mountainous area's or near rivers in East Europe have it often much harder compared to that amount of water in a country like mine. But we have plenty of rivers here and they can overflow of course... Luckily there was some preparation time otherwise the number of deaths would be much higher as compared to the relative low numbers now reported. Lets go to the two items of today:

Item 1) Russian central bank raises to 19% like expected.
Item 2) Don Lincoln satisfies an equation & explains the muon g-2 thing.

 Item 1) Russian central bank raises to 19% like expected.

Russian central bank governor Elvira Nabiullina came out with a rate hike from 18 to 19% because there are persistent inflationary pressures that did not fade away.

Well the Joe Blogs guy lately showed some numbers about the Russian producers price indices, they were so high that I did expect more rate hikes to be there. And if producer prices have low double digit growth, of course that's a persistent thing to consumer price inflation.

I got a Reuters report for you and I found it a bit strange that in it it says a lot of experts did not expect a Russian rate hike but I didn't have the time to figure out what they have done wrong.

Today it emerged that the Russian army will expand with another 170 thousand so that alone will have some additional inflationary pressure: Less workers in the economy and high salaries needed for them as soldiers. So all in all in my view everything still points to more and longer inflation. I have no idea where this will end but future rate hikes till say 24% are not impossible I just guess. Click on the picture for the Reuters report:  

Title: Russia's central bank raises key rate to 19% amid inflationary pressure. Link used:

So that part of the war goes relatively like expected, again the importance of the economical sanctions is huge. I also would like to remark I am very satisfied with an opponent like  Elvira because at least there is some pair of brains at work and that can't be said very often about the Kremlin leadership.

Before we go to the next item, the CVR (the Combat Veteran Reacts channel) had an interesting list with all kind of Ukrainian and Russian land changing hands. He claimed that all Russian gains from a long time have a total area that is less compared to what Ukraine gained in the last month in the Kursk region.  

I completely mutilated the table he showed because otherwise I would become so small that it would be unreadable. But it's somewhere at 08.30 min into his video. The video is a bit clickbaity but he has to live from this so it's allowed. 

Video title: Ukrainians Have Nearly Cut Off THOUSANDS of Russian Troops! Link used:

Let me wish the Ukrainians all the luck they can get into this Kursk incursion & let us go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Don Lincoln satisfies an equation & explains the muon g-2 thing.

Now I don't want to insult Don Lincoln because he is a likable guy, but in this speed it will take anything from 5000 to 500.000 years before those physics people will realize that if they claim that electrons and muons are tiny magnets, you need to validate that via experiments.

When a couple of weeks back I finally found out that they used vertical magnetic fields in the muon g-2 experiment from Fermilab while those folks talk about a horizontal direction of muon spin, it was clear we have a fresh new so called energy problem.

In this case we can wonder why the muon's spin if that is really a tiny magnet, stays horizontal. After all if you ask a physics professional what happens to an electron if you apply a magnetic field, almost all of them will explain that the spin of the electron will align with that magnetic field.
And they always skip to explain as why in say the Stern-Gerlach experiment the electron spins anti align but they will emphasize the probabilistic nature when you measure electron spin. Of course there is no good experimental evidence for that but hey these folks think they run a so called 'Five sigma' kind of science. And if you have an enough arrogant attitude like that, you can easily just ignore what I have to say on the matter of electron spin and keep on talking out of your neck. And Mr. Lincoln is very good at that as you can see in the more or less entertaining video.

The mu I use has nothing to do with the muon from the experiment. The symbol mu is also used in math as a measure. And I write it in this way because years and years ago I arrived that the conclusion that a lot of physics folks have this combination of arrogance and stupidity. And I know that because I myself can be a very arrogant person too, but I only have that attitude if I know what I am talking about.

So if you want to see the video, it will take about 15 minutes out of your life if you look at the entire video. May be you better think about all the crazy energy problems that come along with those ideas that electrons and muons always must be tiny magnets.  

Video title: What does the Muon g-2 experiment tell us?
Link used:

Now we are about 3 year further down the timeline compared when this video was made, can we say that in 3 years time absolutely nothing has been heard? Yes as far as I know reality, the g-2 experiment has told nothing point nothing in three years of time. 

That was it for this update, as always thanks for your attention and try not to be too arrogant but be humble and try to get more Russians killed. 


(13 Sept 2024) The two items for this update:

Item 1) Anders on Russian provocations & Blinken + Lammy in Kyiv.
Item 2) Terrible bad explanation of the muon g-2 experiment.

 Item 1) Anders on Russian provocations & Blinken + Lammy in Kyiv.

Anders Puck Nielsen had a short video out with some thoughts as why European NATO countries react so lukewarm on Russian provocations. And I agree in a large part with the way Anders looks at it, if I speak for myself I can't get highly emotional or agitated by Russian stuff.

Today I was thinking this evening I must try and look up those weird details of the burned down IKEA but I forgot to do that and now it's too late. Of course I don't have any definitive proof that Russia was behind that, but the details are so weird that it is hard to get agitated. It is more like HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN THIS GET?

Of course there is much more going on like all those drones that land in weird places or fly through other nations skies. Even if it's done on purpose, I don't get very agitated by it. So here's the video:

Video title: Why is NATO not responding to Russian provocations?
Link used:

A horrible more did happen and all that has to be skipped but I want to mention the rare visit of USA's Blinken and the UK's Lammy. Now what I hoped for myself was that may be there could be some kind of solution to the glide bombs the Russian use. And it seems ATACMS are not the answer to that, quote:

One of the key requests from Kyiv is to strike with U.S.-produced Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS. The Pentagon has noted they wouldn’t be the answer to the main threat Ukraine faces from long-range Russian fired glide bombs, which are being fired from more than 300 kilometers away, beyond the ATACMS reach, said Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Charlie Dietz.   

Well I didn't ask for a specific weapon system of course, only asked if it was possible to do something against the threat of glide bombs. I don't know much about glide bombs but likely they go on their gliding mission from about the maximum range they can be fired from. If memory serves the Russians use launching air planes that can climb relatively high so that the distance can be covered.
Lets leave it with that, below is a France 24 article with more on the stuff:   

Article title: 
Link used:

In the above link from France 24 there was a red dot in the link visible, that must be the code  %F0%9F%94%B4 in the link. I had never seen such a thing before but on the other hand often you don't pay much attentions at the links you click. 

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Terrible bad explanation of the muon g-2 experiment.

This is one of those terrible bad video's on electron spin, in this case the muon g-2 experiment from 3 years back done at Fermilab. It was just a few weeks ago that I dived a bit deeper into the details of that experiment and now have the next magical result from Fermilab:

The muon goes round in a circle with a diameter of 14 meters at almost the speed of light. It's path is curved and that is done with a magnetic field that must be vertical in nature to get the Lorentz effect (the curving of the path the muon follows).
Anyway these Fermilab people claim that the spin of the muon stays horizontal.... 

And that is once more a result from Crazyland as I name that, you always get stuff from that land if you view electrons and similar particles as tiny bipolar magnets. Why the hell in this particular case do the muon's never align with the applied vertical magnetic field? 

But the professional physics people never talk about it when there results are from Crazyland, they only concentrate of stuff that looks or sounds more or less logical.

The video is from Parth G and very very likely I had already seen this video a few years back and if so you can learn absolutely nothing from this video. You only get the usual blah blah blah about physics being a so called 'Five sigma' science meaning that a large significance threshold is taken.
But if you leave all the trash out, no wonder you get some pristine high sigma significance. Beside the stuff from Crazyland there is nothing in this particular experiment that proofs that indeed particle like electrons and muons are indeed bipolar tiny magnets.
This is one of those experiments where they only measure a frequency but that in itself does not prove in any meaningful way that this is caused by tiny bipolar magnets...   

To be honest the video is a waste of your time so do not say I did not warn you! But serious, this kind of behavior is what the physics people all do and then you get that bullshit again like "Oh we want to find new physics!".
The second half of the picture below is not from the video but it shows the remarkable angle the muon's spin direction makes each round: A sharp 12 degrees, a true miracle before our eyes.  


Video title: Have Scientists Really Discovered a New FORCE? Muon g-2 Experiment EXPLAINED by Parth G.
Link used:

Oh oh, these people won't learn it in a thousand years: Want to find some so called new physics? Well very simple, try to think about the electron as a tiny magnet and find some of the crazy weird energy problems that come with it.
Like the stability of the electron pair; two anti-aligned or anti parallel tiny magnets just aren't in their lowest potential energy state. Let me post the next picture one more time in this year 2024 because I made it not for nothing in the last year 2023, if you click the link you will land at the category magnetism on the other website: 


Link used:

Ok lets try and get this garbage uploaded to the internet and may be till next week or some other update. Thanks for your attention. 


(11 Sept 2024) Two items for this update:

Item 1) Oil prices / Weird influencers / Ramstein meeting / Thermite drone.
Item 2) New math post on the other website.

Item 1) Oil prices / Weird influencers / Ramstein meeting / Thermite drone.

As an interesting joke we can observe that those attacks on Russian oil refineries and storage places are having their desired effect: It suppresses oil prices...;) Today oil prices fell by 4% with some kind of Texas oil going for just 65,75 $ / barrel while gas prices at the pump are about 15% lower as one year ago. So winning the elections on the back of that looks like a cakewalk. 

Weird influencers. More people did bring this weird subject up of paid conservative influencers that pushed Russian points like the terror attack on the Russian Crocus hall was done by Ukraine. Anyway Jake Broe had an excellent video about this madness about some guy getting one hundred thousand $ a week for 'licensing' his podcast show to some firm named Tenet. 

It is just as crazy as that story that an Ikea was set on fire by Russian agents. And the idea was that for some strange reason that would lead to more people being against Ukraine... Don't ask me for the logic, may be ask Dimitri Peskov from the Kremlin. 

As always click on the picture to land at the video: 

Video title: Russia Offers Asylum to YouTubers Paid by TENET Media to Promote Russia & Trump.
Link used:

I often wonder how good such weird things actually work. Take that crazy Ikea example from the past: Instead of the locals getting upset with Ukraine for not understandable reasons, the locals can also think "Hey lets do our best to get 25 thousand more Russians killed". 

More serious was of course the Ramstein meeting. I won't say much on it only remark that I agree that deep strikes inside Russia are not the Wunderwaffe that is now often thought. After all war is a dynamical process and likely Russia will figure out how to circumvent that. On the other hand I myself have the opinion that Ukraine also has the right to defend itself against stuff like those glide bombs and other long range ballistic missiles.  

Click on the picture for a Reuters report: 

Report title: 
Link used:

And the last of the four subitems is without any link but it's about that horrible new thermite drone. A local video blogger thought it was a drone that poured liquid metal, will no this is much more worse. Thermite is a wonderfull substance as long as you are far away from it, with the present chemical knowledge it is relative good understandable how the heat generating process works. So you don't need much insight into the nature of electron spin.
Anyway I had the screenshots from a local channel named but it has terrible resolution. So to be sure what was what I placed the text in the middle of the picture.  

It's also called a Game of Thrones drone. Normally I would frown upon usage of that stuff directly against humans, but the Russians have used thermite themselves so as far as I am concerned what comes around goes around. Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) New math post on the other website.

I finally finished the new math post and published it on the other website. I am not one hundred percent satisfied with it because originally I was planning to build it around the so called Möbius function. But later I decided not to do that and all in all the post is already 10 pictures long.  

The post itself is about how many integer solutions there are on those ellipses that come with the so called elliptic complex numbers. If you use the fact that those interger points are also (ellitic) complex numbers, you can make much more sense about how many integer solutions there are found on some particular ellipse x^2 + xy + y^2 = 7.  

May be you have heard of the Gaussian integers, there they always come in quadruples, in sets of four. With the elliptic stuff it all comes in sixpacks or if you want in sets of six. So in the list below you can see that now 7 can be factored into two elliptic primes because there are 12 integer solutions.  

Normally I don't dive too deep into stuff that is clearly algebra but this time the subject was beautiful enough to make an exception. So if you want to know a bit more about those elliptic numbers, click on the picture below and land on the new post on the other website: 

Post title: On the number of integer solutions on the ellipse x^2 + xy + y^2 = N. Link used:

That was it for this update, thanks for not dropping dead and as always thanks for your attention. 


(06 Sept 2024) Only one item for this update:

Item 1) Pm Schoof in UA, our defense note & Oleksandr Syrskyi on Kursk.

 Item 1) Pm Schoof in UA, our defense note & Oleksandr Syrskyi on Kursk.

I think it was at the beginning of this week that our new pm Dick Schoof was on a visit to Ukraine. So despite our rather strange gone elections, this is a clear signal to Ukraine. And now the German elections, they too have a problem with that AfD stuff that is also for some strange reason anti Ukraine. And of course the biggest election wildcard is still the US prez elections from in about 2 months from now. 

We have a new so called defensienota out for this year. And it sounds impressive, more fregats against submarines, more F-35's more this and more that. So after so many years of under investment that's a good thing. In the past it has happened on occasions that during exercises there just wasn't enough ammo to practice with. But that's over now.
And those new frigates must be much more resilient against the new sea drones as we see them in the Ukrainian conflict.  

I bring this up because now we seem to have that 2% rule that says 2% of the size of the GDP should go to defense. And that's a simple to understand rule and I don't want to make things more and more complicated when there is no reason for this.
But for example those extra frigates are made here while the extra F-35's costs a lot of money that goes to the USA. But those two things are a hell of a lot different, with all stuff locally made at least the money stays into the local economy and the know how of how to make a modern frigate is kept alive and vital. While all money on new planes will mostly go  to the USA. As a long term cost to the economy that is very different from each other.

The next link is in Dutch, it's a news version of the defensienota 2024: 


Link used:

And just before I wanted to start writing this update while scrolling through the US news there was a CNN exclusive with Oleksandr Syrskyi. And he was explaining the rationales behind the Kursk incursion or invasion if you want.

Now there are dozens and dozens media reports out where it is told this Kursk thing is a blunder, a strategic failure and so on and so on. I always try to avoid such shallow thinking, this Kursk thing is a complicated thing of say a 1000 different ways to think about it. But if there are possible a 1000 things going on and you spread your wisdom on only 2 or 3 of them, that leads to such shallow talk as often found in such reports.
It's more some opinion as it is a serious analysis. 

Let me quote the opening lines of the interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour:

Russia had been planning to launch a new attack on Ukraine from the Kursk region before Kyiv’s surprise cross-border incursion, Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyi told CNN in an exclusive interview Thursday 

And if by taking the fight to enemy territory so more damage inside Ukraine is prevented, that is all very logical I think. So I agree with Oleksandr that in this way the Kursk stuff is a success while everybody knows there are still many many problems that are unsolved.

Stuff like those glide bombs are still a giant problem. And may be may be if it is allowed to use far reaching weapons against the launching vehicles that are deep inside Russia, that can help a bit.
But that's not a so called Wunderwaffe, it is just one of the many tools needed to win this war. And winning the war is still a mountain of work...
Click on the picture to read the CNN exclusive: 


Title: Ukraine army chief reveals the strategy behind Kursk incursion.
Link used:

That was it for this post, I didn't have much material for a second item and that's also be I just started a new math post turning into the 7 or 8 pictures that it will become. So that's for next week and in the meantime let me thank you for your interest.  


(04 Sept 2024) The two items for this update are:

Item 1) Another week with too much news from Ukraine.
Item 2) New post on the other website + another crazy video.

 Item 1) Another week with too much news from Ukraine.

Ok I prepared a bit for this update yesterday so that's why the stuff with Pink is still in. Likely if I would have started today I would have left this out because of the large and rather weird strike against that educational facility. See CNN if you don't know what happened: 

Article title: Dozens killed in Russian strike on military educational facility in central Ukraine.
Link used:

So it looks like this was not a war crime contrary to a lot of strikes from the last days.  

Last Sunday there was a barrage of US drones attacking inside Russia, one of the targets was an oil refinery that apparently is about 20 mile from the Kremlin itself. But around Moscow there are about three rings of air defense systems so it is very remarkable that so many come through.

I don't know if the next picture is from that refinery close to Moscow, it could be but it was just some footage from a Dutch news video: 

The guy known as prof Gerdes joked that on this day two years back Putin ordered for the entire oblast to be taken in two months. Of course that didn't happen and that is just one more example that Putin is just to fucking stupid to understand what his own military can do and can't do.

If I would make such a serious miscalculation I absolutely didn't want to be seen in public for at least 6 months or even 10 months. A common misconception amongst almost all autocrats is that they think they are very important. It really is a kind of mental illness so even as it is shown they are stupid to the bone they just go on and on and on. And then some mentally retarded general gets sacked or arrested and that's it and the shitshow goes on for another cycle...

The German Torsten guy, the one with a degree in military history, had a new video out. I think it was from yesterday:

Video title: BIGGEST Strike by Ukraine so far; Prokovsk: Russians slowing down.
Link used:

And for what it's worth I looked up to that old video from Pink and guess what? The original video wasn't in my pile of illegal copied videos! Shame on me. So despite the mood is a bit down today, last Sunday's attacks were a feast for the eye. And Russia should not complain, they started attacking energy infrastructure themselves. But likely on the Russian state television they complain about barbarians that attack thermal power stations... Ooh, those crybabies, they are so sensitive and so special.   

So here's that old Pink video again, it's said it is 14 years old:

Video title: P!nk - Get The Party Started (Official Video)
Link used: 

A lot more did happen but it's now time to go to the other item. 

  Item 2) New post on the other website + another crazy video.

That video from Fermilab about the muon g-2 experiment was so crazy that I decided to pen a new post about it. Likely these people themselves are not aware how crazy their result is: 

Muons flying round in a ring at almost the speed of light in a relatively strong vertical magnetic field while the muon spin stays horizontal all of the time.

And these weirdo's even don't try to explain how it is even possible that the electron spin stays horizontal. Once more: Where does the energy come from? As always when electron or in this case muon magnetism becomes a bit crazy, they just skip that and just don't talk about it. 

In quantum computing the physics folks from TU Delft try to make qubits based on electron spin. The video is five years old and of course at the university of Delft they have nothing to show for. And next academic year 2024/2025 will be just another stream of video's from the QuTech Academy. Over there one more year no one will remark that hey may be it's a good idea to check via experiment that indeed electrons are tiny magnets. Or for that matter: is electron spin really probabilistic in nature?
These are overpaid weirdo's, I myself do not view they as scientists because what they use as 'knowledge' is often so shallow and is not consistent.

In the video from QuTech they claim they can flip the spin of an electron with just a tiny microwave sized pulse. So at Fermilab the muons go round with almost the speed of light and no spin flip while at QuTech they only need a tiny amount of energy to make the miracle happen.

The video is rather boring so if you have a normal life you can choose not to watch it. Or if you want to see it anyway, don't forget that it is much much more likely that electrons are magnetic monopoles. In that case you don't have a wide freakshow of all kinds of crazy energy problems like the Fermilab muons that stay horizontal.  

Video title: NV center qubits | QuTech Academy.
Link used:

Large parts of academic research into quantum computing and also nuclear fusion will never be done correctly if these weirdo's keep on viewing the electron as a tiny magnet. But likely next academic year absolutely nothing will happen once more demonstrating how utterly useless these people are.

With useless I mean long term scientific progress, all in all they might be normal people with healthy brains. Who knows?

Lets leave it with that, as always thanks for your attention. 


(30 August 2024) The two items for this update:

Item 1) Just another day in Ukraine.
Item 2) No, this is not an electron pair & short list of elliptic primes.

 Item 1) Just another day in Ukraine.

And as always just too much did happen, for example Jake Sullivan on a visit to China but I didn't even had the time to read it. So at random just a few of the details of just another day in Ukraine.

Funny news was that some Russian soldiers get a pay cut when they are redeployed to the Kursk region. Salaries chopped down from 200 thousand ruble to 35 thousand... 

Sad was of course the news that already the first F16 is down and of course sadder is the loss of the pilot. So my condolences to those involved.
I never wrote it down but from day one I understood that in say a bad case scenario there could be losses of 20 to 30% of all F16's delivered to Ukraine. Details aren't out yet while I more or less estimate it's not shot down by Russian fire. But we have to wait for more details.
CNN reporting: Top Ukrainian pilot killed when US-made F-16 fighter jet crashed. Link used:

Oil news: More attacks on Russian oil depots, one of those is already burning for 10 days and may be the one in the picture below is a barbeque party that's only getting started. Wasn't that some old song from Pink? Get this party started or something like that.
Anyway if you click on the picture below you don't land at the Pink song but at a Reuters report:  

Title Reuters report: Ukraine drones set oil depot ablaze in Russia's Rostov, attack distant Kirov region.
Link used:

Then there was a bit of vague news about the use of may be the Storm Shadow and Scalp a bit deeper in Russia. It seems there are GPS problems, the Americans have some kind of solution for that but they don't want to bring that out.
Ok, now it becomes all a bit more rational and not that weird stuff like a reset of US-Russian relations. May be I reacted a bit to harsh in the previous update. Well lets hope for the best because this week was a crazy week when it came to bombings originating on Russian soil. 

Lets end this UA update on a light tone: Putin has ordered for the Kursk region to be liberated by 01 Oct. So in one month and one day we will see again how good he is at understanding the capabilities of his own military & other similar security stuff as they have over there. 

Furthermore, I hope I have the Kremlin at the line, I finally have found a good use for the new territories in Kursk. It is perfect for DRYING LAUNDRY. If you think about it, it all makes sense. Every day in say a city like Kyiv there are tons and tons of wet undried laundry. Now and if you that to dry out in Russia's Kursk region, everybody will be happy don't you think? 

May be we should go to the next item. 

 Item 2) No, this is not an electron pair & short list of elliptic primes.

I only link to the video because I used a small screen shot from it. Of course it's not forbidden to see it anyway but for me there was nothing new in it. The video is about electrons so that's why I did see it. 

Often I have argued that viewing electrons as tiny magnets leads to all kinds of energy problems that if you think about it will make you doubt that electrons are tiny bipolar magnets. Now the energy problems are so weird that I name that crazyland, take for example the electron pair.
When electrons are viewed as magnetic monopoles, a pair is just formed with two opposite magnetic electrons. And that's just the lowest (potential) energy state.
But the Pauli exclusion principle says the electrons in a pair should have opposite spins and that is often said as having an anti-parallel or anti-aligned spin configuration. The crazy part is of course that it 'must be' anti-aligned but if you say something about that likely they will tell you that "If you think you understand QM, you don't understand QM".  

You can judge for yourself, is the picture below from Ali Yazdani really in the highest (potential) energy state? No, not at all. Ok ok we see two vectors or arrows pointing in opposite direction but you can easily see the magnetic field lines going round and round. It might now be the lowest energy state possible because then you must have a north pole against a south pole but all in all it should cost some energy to take apart this configuration of prof Yazdani.

This serves a a perfect example that physics professors never talk about crazyland and always try to make it look as logical as possible. It's not a conspiracy or so, they just can let go of the Gauss law for magnetism.  

The screen shot is a bit fuzzy because it was a small part of the entire screen. Here Ali depicts what they think of an electron pair when it comes to super conductivity, that's why that phonon stuff is included. 


Video title: Peering into the Secret Life of Electrons with Ali Yazdani
Link used:

Lately I started looking at those prime numbers in my cute 2D elliptic complex numbers. And slowly I am getting to understand a bit more about them. All in all it's has it's specific beauty. And that's more or less always the same with a patch of math:

If you fully understand it, it is always rather beautiful. I never came across a math result and when I understood it, 30 seconds later I am vomitting in my toilet pot. That just never happens, it's always beautiful.

Anyway my new math post for on the other website isn't finished anytime soon, may be I'll hang in an additional post on magnetism with that video from the Fermilab mu - 2 experiment.

The list below was made by me only yesterday, in the left column you see the first 20 prime numbers from the standard day-to-day integers. In our day-to-day integers the number 7 is a prime number because you can't divide by any other integer. But inside that elliptic plane you can find two prime factors, that's why the list says '12 solutions'. That means you basically have two prime numbers and the 12 solutions fall apart in two groups of six each related to one of the primes.   

In case you are interested, the numbers 2 + i and 3 - i are the two factors. If you use the rule that i^2 = -1 + i for the elliptic numbers it is not hard to check that:

(2 + i)(3 - i) = 6 + i - i^2 = 7. 


You can use the list to predict or calculate in advance how much integer solutions there are on some ellipse. If you take the numbers 7, 13 and 19 and you multiply them together you get 7*13*19 = 1729. 

Each number comes with two primes and you can form 8 different product with three factors each. And multiply that by 6 to get 48 integer solutions. If you want check it out at Wolfram's website via the next link, you must replace the 1 by 1729 of course:  

The link looks a bit weird but it means x^2 + xy + y^2 = 1. 

That was it for this week, one very short and one long update. So if you made it to the end I can say thank you for your attention and may be until next week. 


(28 August) I'm sorry but I don't have much time and also have some trouble typing. So just one short item for today:

Item 1) USA-Russia, ready for a reset of relations? & The flying bread.

  Item 1) USA-Russia, ready for a reset of relations? & The flying bread.

Over the weekend some weird news emerged about Ukraine not allowed to use long range weapons because of a reset of relations? At first I wanted to write a long piece about that because a government should not try to achieve conflicting goals as a rule of thumb.

Let me just post the link so in case you want to read it you can do so: 

Politico: US resists lifting restrictions on long-range weapons amid Kursk success to not ruin relations “reset” with Moscow.

If this all is true, it sounds like this is from the same source or group of people that wanted to stop Ukraine attacking Russian oil refineries because that would make oil prices jump. While in reality attacking Russian oil refineries in the present oil market would lead to more crude oil on the oil market because Russia can't refine it.
If this reset crap is true it could be from the same level of cognitive functioning.  

Well I don't want to be too negative because the USA has also done tons of good things for Ukraine. But leadership can't talk "We will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes" if behind the scenes all kinds of conflicting policies are activated. Lets leave it with that. 


Ok, now I am actually typing it is all a lot less painful to what I expected so the next update will likely be a normal update.


One thing I would like to mention is that the name of the new jet powered Ukrainian drone is indeed terrible. Also in my language so I have to laugh about that. But it looks good, it's a totally new thing; a jet powered drone.

The CVR (that's the Combat Veteran Reacts channel) has a short promo video and the wheels and carrier stuff get uncoupled and the jet drone takes off without any wheels and metal carrier parts. The Kyivpost reporting: 

Title: Russians Will Soon Learn to Pronounce ‘Palyanytsya’ – Ukraine’s New Jet-Propelled Drone.
Link used:

That was it for this very short update but as always thanks for your attention. 


(23 August 204) Two items for this update:

Item 1) Did Germany cut support for UA? I don't think so.
Item 2) And another weird energy problem, this time with muons.

  Item 1) Did Germany cut support for UA? I don't think so.

Lately the German military aid for Ukraine part in their federal budget was cut in half. I observed a number of speakers concluding that German support was therefore waning, I considered that a bit short sighted but I didn't write about it.

But now even Ben Hodges has come out saying that Germany let her ears hang towards Russia and I thought it was about time for the Nonsensebremse.

Of course such policy decisions often have more than one cause, but the way I see it is that the so called Schuldenbremse is the main cause for this financial decision.

You know, in Germany they take government budgets serious and on all levels of the German state it is forbidden to run deficits. I didn't look it up but German debt levels are about 60% of their GDP.
As a comparison, in my country we have about 500 billion government debt and that's just under 50% of our Dutch GDP. So our two countries are not like say Italy where with borrowed money households can get subsidies for house renovation. That's an interesting way to stimulate the economy, but over here we don't do that kind of weird stuff.

So it's a pity Germany has less money to spend this year and yes it comes at a bad moment but stuff like the Schuldenbremse always come at bad moments. All in all it is good governance, more governments should think a bit more on the long term and do such stuff for themselves.

In Germany the Schuldenbremse is in their constitution so that detail alone shows that it's serious stuff. All in all I expect no decline in German support for Ukraine only a decline in the amount of money available. 

The picture is from the Stern. 

Some observers said the move could also be related to the rise of the AfD in the former DDR parts of the country. And the AfD are much more against aid to Ukraine. It could be, I can't judge that because I don't follow German news in such detail.

On the incursion of Kursk by Ukraine I can't still say a thing. What can you do with about 1250 square km Russian territory along the border? I still can't write any detail down because the Kremlin is a bunch of weird dumbo's. Lets not bring them to any meaningful insight whatsoever... 

Beside that it is of course to the Ukrainians to make up what they want and not me. With that lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) And another weird energy problem, this time with muons.

I found a very good video from a female that really tries to explain how the so called muon g-2 experiment was done at Fermilab. About 100% of the physics community thinks that particles like electrons and muons are always tiny magnets while I since 2015 more and more got convinced that they are magnetic monopoles.
So electron and muon magnetism is just like their electric properties: permanent and monopole. As such when a muon decays into an electron, or a positron as in this experiment, it looks reasonable that it will have the same kind of magnetic charge. 

Now there are all kinds of weird to very weird energy problems related to such particles being tiny magnets. The electron pair is one of the most weird problems, the Pauli exclusion principle says it must have opposite spins. But when electrons have opposite spins that is like giving up that in magnetism only opposites attract.
Beside that, how can an electron pair be stable if the tiny magnetic fields must oppose each other? That just plain fucking weird but always as we enter crazyland, the professional physics professors just don't talk about that.

Often it is said that if you apply a magnetic field, the electrons or in this case the muons align their magnetic monent in order to get to a lower state of potential energy. And yes the official professors also believe that electrons anti-align but lets skip that part of never explained crazyland.

In the muon g-2 explanation for the experiment there is a brand new energy problem: The Fermilab people use the Lorentz force so that the muon beam will go round. As such they must apply a vertical magnetic field or as you see in the picture below where it says 'B pointing out of screen'.   

But the muons when going round always have a horizontal spin, a horizontal magnetic moment in the official Fermilab explanation. Of course that is a crazy thing and therefore they just skip any explanation at all and just don't mention it. Why in this case don't the muons align their tiny magnetic axis with the 1.5 Tesla strong magnetic field?

They only explain stuff with tiny magnets if that sound logical, every time it is just something from crazyland it gets skipped.  


Video title: Measuring Muon g-2
Link used:

Why the phisics people themselves don't see all the weird energy problems for themselves is a question I have not made much progress with over the years. Ok ok if you are part of a collective like here the class of physics professors, ok you give up a tiny fraction of your individuality and adhere to the norms that shape and form the collective.

I can understand that, but these energy problems are clear cut and very serious to the extend that nature just can't work that way properly. Without doubt the electrons in an electron pair will have opposite spins, but that must be monopole magnetic charges otherwise we are in crazyland...  

That was it for this week, I hope you didn't fall asleep with all that Schuldenbremse and muon stuff. Thanks for your attention. 


(21 August 2024) Two items for this update:

Item 1) Again nothing serious to say & funny HIMARS decoy.
Item 2) Ok ok, a slight improvement in the two elliptical primes.

 Item 1) Again nothing serious to say & funny HIMARS decoy.

On the Kursk incursion again I think it is better if I just keep my mouth shut. So no serious stuff for this update although at the end of this item I link to the old battle of Kursk from WWII.  

It was from a video from Suchominus that started with this funny news: Russian min. of defense reported taking out one of those old HIMARS system, those on caterpillars. That's an M270, sorry if I wrong on that name because I was to lazy to look it up. 

Anyway the US min. of defense came out with a photo from likely the precise same location showing a decoy. Likely one of those inflatables. I didn't save the link so all there is is this screen shot: 

Now in the past I likely have read more as one hundred books on the second world war, but that was about 40 years ago. So when I see present day military analysts poking fun at the situation that there are German tanks rolling again, my mind was a bit empty.

So I decided to look it up and yes it was a big thing in the past during WWII. All in all it was a victory for the Russians who with the help of British intelligence could prepare in advance while there was massive support from the USA for Russia with military hardware.
And yes that is a bit different from the situation we have today. The only constant element is that Russia is ruled again by a not so smart dictator kind of type. The wiki is very long because yes it was a big thing during WWII. Clcik on the picture if you are interested.   


Wiki title: Battle of Kursk.
Link used:

It's time to go to the next item.

  Item 2) Ok ok, a slight improvement in the two elliptical primes.

First a small correction on the previous post on the muon g-2 experiment from Fermilab: I was a bit wrong with my thinking on muons that are spin polarized. I thought they spin polarized the muons themselves and after that tried to measure the magnetic dipole moment of the muon. 

That was what I thought was funny: using the magnetic monopole properties of the muons and after that measure the magnetic dipole stuff. But that was not correct; it is nature that seems to do the spin polarization. Those pions they have decay into muons with only one kind of spin. Please remark that in their entire experiment those muon spins never flip once more suggesting that electron & muon magnetism is a magnetic monopole and not a magnetic dipole and that the monopole magnetic charge is a permanent feature of such elementary particles.

I was able to make a small improvement on my so called Figure 1 I showed you last week. Instead of taking the two elliptic prime numbers p and q as last week, I saw that you can also take the conjugate. And that is where it becomes a bit more interesting; it seems those kind of two dimensional prime numbers are either on their own or come in conjugate pairs.

As far as I know math professors only use conjugation as something that turns a + into a - or vice versa. In the picture below you must take such a conjugate a little bit different.

If we write a 2D elliptic number as (x, y), in that case the conjugate is given as (x + y, -y). Please remark if you repeat this you get (x, y) back, just like two time flipping a + into a - sign.

For the rest I haven't made much progress with the stuff, but slowly it looks more and more interesting now these prime numbers have some structure in them.

So here is a slightly improved version of the prime elliptic 2D integers, I took the ellipse with a determinant of 7 because 7 is the smallest number that gives rise to my beloved conjugate pair p and q

That was it for this update, as always thanks for your attention and let me try to get this stuff uploaded to our most beloved garbage can: the internet. 


(16 August 2024) And another crazy large batch of news coming from the war between Ukraine and Russia. Here just a tiny selection of it all.

Item 1) Just some war related pictures and some text.
Item 2) Is physics really a five sigma

 Item 1) Just some war related pictures and some text.

Now of course I can say some things that UA could do with the newly found Russian territory but once I realized how stupid the Kremlin leadership actually is, better keep my mouth shot.

Ukraine came out stating they want a buffer zone between them and Russia and of course the land of the new incursion will come in handy when it comes to that detail. I am fully on board with this, along more or less the entire Russian-Ukraine border there must be a demilitarized zone where it is forbidden for the Russian military forces to be. Equivalently Ukraine has the right until say 2050 to attack in such a zone if in the future Russian military forces will be there.
In that way a repeat of the Feb 2022 happenings is guaranteed.

So far for the serious stuff, lets look at a few things that are more or less funny. I heard that the Russian army chief with the difficult name 'was aware' of the buildup of UA military forces prior to the incursion. But he did nothing with it... I think that's why he works for Putin, they are both more or less equally stupid. 

I don't know how true or exact it is but today it was rumored that now about 1200 square km are under UA control up from Monday's 1000 square km. The Russian state tv once more decided to hang out the comedian via this type: 

After more than two years Ukraine decides enough is enough and does a little ramming back. And now they are barbarians. As this war drags on and on I more and more start understanding as why the fascists thought of Russians as the famous Untermenschen. I am not a fascist myself but yes there are some weird things in Russian culture.

In the next picture you see an amazing amount of POW's, there were about 102 today and that is a huge number. I think the photo below is beautiful, may be you can call it war art. Likely if all these POW's knew they would be part of such a beautiful piece of art they all are one hundred % proud of themselves.


And I skipped a thousand things but now it's time to go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Is physics really a five s science? 

Often people from physics brag that they are a good science because of the five sigma rule. An experimental result should have at least a significance of five sigma before a particular hypothesis is rejected and the alternative accepted. 

That is often how they sell their stuff to the public. The fact that there is all kinds of experimental evidence just missing is never talked about. There is no repeated Stern-Gerlach experiment done in 100 years of time, there is zero evidence that electron spin is probabilistic in nature and not permanent and on top of it all there is not evidence whatsover that electrons are indeed tiny magnets...

A few years back there was a lot of talk in the physics community of so called new physics related to what is known as the muon g-2 experiment. It was only this week that I decided to take a look at some of the details and it was as funny as could be.

Muons are a cousin of the electron and I expect muons just like electrons to be magnetic monopoles. So when muons decay into electrons it is expected that they will have the same spin aka the same monopole magnetic charge. 

So what is the funny thing? Well they start the experiment with a bunch of so called polarized muons. They didn't say it explicitly but that can only mean spin polarized muons. In my understanding of magnetism you can only easily split electrons and muons in the two magnetic classes because they are magnetic monopoles.
If muons and electrons really are tiny magnets, they would behave rather neutral under application of magnetic fields. But you can easily split the particles in their two classes with a magnetic field once more strongly suggesting they carry monopole magnetic charge.

Ok, the idiots at Fermilab separated the muons and used only one type of muon and what do they do? Well they try to measure the muon magnetic dipole moment...

The only problem is that for a dipole moment you need two poles so I hope you understand why I think this is funny. They use the monopole properties to get the muons for their experiment and after that these muons must be tiny magnets.  

And they always measure some frequency, let me be totally honest that I do not understand why these frequencies occur but all that's measured is some frequency.
May be if I would work in such an experimental environment myself for a couple of months or even a few years, I would develop some insight in why such frequencies are generated. But that is not the case so I just don't know.

What I do know however is the fact that because electrons and muons are magnetic monopoles they behave very different under application of magnetic fields. So at Fermilab if they would use non polarized muons they would get a mess from the get go. So that's why they need that spin selection in the first place.    

There's plenty of internet resources out there but never forget these people always think of electrons and muons as tiny bipolar magnets. So yes you can learn something from it but not all what is told can be correct. For myself speaking I do not understand why physics people don't understand the energy problems there are with their version of physical reality...

Anyway here is one of the advertisement video's for finding 'new physics' and as always click on the picture to see this video:

Video title: How Fermilab made the particle beam for Muon g-2.
Link used:

That was it for this week, lets hope more countries will see the nonsense of trying to keep the war inside the borders of Ukraine. Ukraine has the right to self defense and as such there is no reason whatsoever that Russia is spared from that very fate.
As always thanks for your attention and let me try to upload this to our common garbage can: the internet. 


(14 August 2024) The items for this update:

Item 1) But then Stalin overcame his submission to Darth Vader and...
Item 2) Ok ok here are two elliptical primes. 

  Item 1) But then Stalin overcame his submission to Darth Vader and...

Yes the  talk of the town is of course the incursion into Kurks and Belgorod, but am I supposed to comment of the stuff the Kremlin says? Sometimes I am very willing to go and sit on my heels so that we can have eye contact while speaking, but the present Kremlin talk is so stupid that is just light years below me. No I am not going to comment on it at all.

Of course the Kursk situation is very interesting to follow and it makes we wonder that in case wants to liberate those parts of their country again will they use the same (artillery) tactics as they do inside Ukraine? First level every building there is and after that send in the meatwaves?

Today I want you to see a video that is about Russian propaganda that is indeed very very weird. It's a series of 2500+ state sponsored books and you can get them in a lot of book shops.     

It is weird beyond recognition. In my entire life I have never ever seen such weird stuff in my own country. Only once back in the 80-ties of a long lost century I had a small booklet that 'explained' how the KGB worked and that was clearly some translated piece of propaganda. In itself it was very interesting because KGB agents went from village to village in order to rape children. But that's only one weird book in my entire life. In Russia it is all from another dimension and I am glad to see they do like Unkel Adolf just like they love Stalin.

It's kinda weird that the two men who are likely responsible for the most Russian deaths in the entire history of Russia play such an important role in the present day Russian state sponsored books propaganda. But the last two decades a lot of new statues of Stalin are erected, may that indicate the Russian population loves another cleanup of their entire society? Who knows, well you can now enjoy a few of the screen shots of book covers I made:

I don't know what to think of it. Of course it is fiction and as such more or less anything should be allowed to go, but this seems to be state sponsored stuff. Why the hell should a state do such weird things?

Anyway, if you want to see the video or a part of it you can click on the next picture:

Video title: The Most Insane Russian Propaganda.
Link used:

Before we close just one remark about that fire at the UA nuclear plant. The Russians claim that this was caused by shelling done by Ukraine. So that is another "They fire on their own nuclear power plants".
As it looks as a society you can view this as a mentally ill society.


Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Ok ok here are two elliptical primes. 

Last week I showed you that very good video about the Eisenstein prime numbers. And that made me think about my own 2D elliptical complex numbers and do they have prime numbers too?  

And once I looked at my own version of a complex plane and wondered what integer numbers are prime and what are composite numbers made of more than one prime, all of a sudden I understood a bit more about the number of integer solutions on all those ellipses.

In the picture below I show you the ellipse that has all numbers with a determinant of 7. There are 12 of those integer points and as such we have two groups of 6 integer points that each represent an elliptic prime.

It's a bit confusing may be, but my prime numbers come in groups of six. That's a bit like on the real numbers you have 5 as a prime number but then you know that -5 is also a prime number. In case you haven't seen the video scroll to down below and watch it first.

Now what is the problem I could solve?

Well there are two prime numbers with a determinant of 7, lets name them p and q. How much integer points are there with a determinant of 49?  

That is now easy to answer, p^2, q^2 and pq are all integer points with a determinant of 7^2 = 49. I forgot to make a screen shot of the Wolfram website that indeed says it has 18 solutions.

I think that if I write a new math post it's about this small but very cute math detail.  

That was it for this post, as always thanks for your attention and see you in a future update. Updated on 16 Aug: Screenshots and a link to the Wolfram website if you are interested in that.

Link used:

As you see, the two primes form 12 solutions and their three possible products give together 18 solutions. End of this extra update. 

(09 Aug 2024) Lately there were some disturbances on the financial markets for a large part related to a stock market crash in Japan. That was caused by the Japanese central bank raising from 0.1% to 0.35%...
Of course the only reason they would raise if they have inflation.

Well a few years back I once remarked that you must never ever behave like the central bank of Japan has done for decades now. I remarked they basically can't raise rates and as such not use that as a weapon or a tool to counter inflation.  

Today someone from the Japanese central bank came out stating that they wouldn't do it again given all that turmoil in the markets. And that basically means that if they have inflation related problems, that must be solved in other ways... Lets go to the two items for today: 

Item 1) Ukraine attacks Russia in the Kursk region.
Item 2) The Eisenstein primes, a very good video on that detail.

 Item 1) Ukraine attacks Russia in the Kursk region.

When I wrote the last update two days ago this large attack was already underway but I was totally unaware of it. Anyway there is not that much news out but it seems the Ukrainians are about 15 km deep inside Russia and try to spread out.

So compared to the gains made by Russia inside Ukraine this is big. A local newspaper joked more or less that since Napoleon and Hitler this is the third army that crosses Russian borders. And if you look at it that way it is indeed a significant thing.  

But let me not comment on things that are all unknown, after all even the UA government is tight lipped on this but the US White House has asked for some clarification but further let us also in the dark.  

Now in the last update I said military aid to Ukraine should be a bit more based on the fact that Ukraine has a right to defend itself. And yes I understand a lot of people want to contain the war to Ukraine and yes I too agree we should avoid spreading the war to other European nations. But I see little logic in containing it to Ukraine itself, if Russia stages attacks from her territory why should there not be war? 

Well I have two video's for you on this significant detail, in the picture below you see that Ukrainians also have that extra coverage against drone attacks so it's not only the Russians that do that. And in the video from the Centre for Eastern Studies you can see also a few air planes are involved... 

Video title: Ukrainian troops attack INSIDE Russia. What's going on in the Kursk region?
Link used:

The second video is from Anders Puck Nielsen who just came back from a holiday and more or less planned a video on his opinion on social media??? I didn't know you were into blah blah stuff like that Anders.
Anyway Anders just like me can't say a lot until more is known but one thing is clear: the Kremlin is getting a cookie from her own dough.  

Ukraine's attack into the Kursk region / Anders Puck Nielsen. 

Lets leave Ukraine with that for this week and go to the next item. 

 Item 2) The Eisenstein primes, a very good video on that detail.

These Eisenstein integers and prime numbers lie in that standard complex plane. They are very closely related to those elliptic complex numbers I looked at last year and this year. To be honest I did not look at what integer numbers inside my own elliptic complex numbers are prime numbers and what are composite numbers.

The video is very good and as the title says it is a visual introduction to these kind of numbers. So even if you are rather bad at math calculations, this video is much more visual. It is one of those video series that go under the name SoME and that means Summer of Math Exhibitions or something like that. I think that SoME stuff is a project from the 3BlueOneBrown guy and he must have plenty of help from others because it's a relatively large project every year. The video's are often very good so if you like math I definitely advice you to look up a few of them every year.  

The omega you see below is the so called third power of unity in the complex plane, that means omega to the third power gives one. I would have taken omega to be the sixth root of unity because after all you get six of those 'units' anyway but I don't want to criticize the choice of the video maker in any way shape or form.  

As always click on the image to see the video on Youtube: 

Video title: Eisenstein Primes Visually #SoMEpi
Link used:

That was it for this week, thanks for your attention and let Russia burn for the rest of this century because they just don't stop their aggression. And don't forget the right to self defense is a better way to help Ukraine and not all that micro managing stuff like this weapon can be used here but not there and that other weapon can't be used here but there it's allowed...  


(07 Aug 2024) The items for today are: 

Item 1) The Telegraph on how Ukraine can win the war.
Item 2) Google AI dominates the math Olympia. 

 Item 1) The Telegraph on how Ukraine can win the war.

At "Defense in depth" at the Telegraph they had a video out with about five ways stuff must go different in the war of Russia and Ukraine. Well you can say a lot about that because now it is a patch blanket of what is allowed and what not. 

Some countries let a particular weapon system be used inside Russia while other countries won't allow for that with the same kind of weapon system. For example my country and Belgium when it comes to the use of F16 stuff.  

For myself speaking I often use the principle that Ukraine has the right to defend itself. Take those glide bombs, they have no heat footprint because they just glide and as such are hard to detect. Missiles and rockets always emit a lot of heat but glide bombs don't. Well because Russia attacks Ukraine constantly with this stuff, Ukraine has the right of self defense and as such can shoot down the Russian air craft if it is inside Ukraine or not. 

Don't forget war is always a dynamical thing and as such the Russian will always try to exploit the situation. And if they won't get attacked if they launch from their own territory, that only rewards and enforces such behavior. So if I as a democratic person could vote on it, I would vote for UA having the right to get weaponry that takes out those Russian air planes that do the launching of those glide bombs...

Here is the video, as always click on the picture for the video:   

Video title: Ukraine is surviving - here's what it needs to win | Defence in Depth. Link used:

It's more or less a goal that at the end of this year there will be about 20 F-16's in Ukraine, problem is of course the number of trained pilots. Since the COVID stuff there seems to be a backlog and yes pilots from other nations need their training too...

But we now have a tiny baby start of a possible UA air force so may be one day they will have a fleet of 120+ F-16's.

What I don't understand is that Russia is saying they will shoot them down, why would you do such a nasty thing? They are beautiful to see and why would you shoot such a thing down? Only crazy persons would do such weird things...  

Ok, I have two more links for you:

Ukraine finally deploying US-made F-16 fighter jets, Zelenskiy says
Link used:

And a tiny bit more technical was found on Forbes: 

Ukraine’s F-16s Have Arrived—With Some Of The Latest Defenses Against Russian Missiles.
Link used:

And yes, that is important too: Using fixed wing air power as a supplemental air defense but again I say something must be done about those glide bombs...

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Google AI dominates the math Olympia. 

The International Math Olympia is famous for it's rather tough questions you must answer in a limited amount of time. My estimation is that a lot of the participating students are actually smarter as me when it comes to math. But they are still humans and as such will have a very strong tendency to conform to the norms and behaviors of the group they will belong to so although smarter, they will never find or study 3D complex numbers.

And now in the year 2024 that Google AI has won a silver medal at this competition? On the one hand I don't like that just like say the graphical artists don't like it if their works get copied by text to image generative AI.

But hey I use computers all the time for studying math, from diagonalizing matrices to integrals solved by that Wolfram math stuff to all kinds of graphical programs and applets. And some of that Wolfram integral finding stuff is rather super human too, but stuff like that can never be used to find the answer to just one Olympia question.

The video channel Mind Your Decisions has a short video out on the stuff. He remarks that Google AI has some advantage by getting more time and also a human is doing the translation from the IMO question to something the Google AI can solve. 

All in all it is remarkable that you can use machine learning for solving a  complicated geometry problem like below in the picture. Now geometry puzzles like this are century even millennia old, but that AI can solve a lot of them is very interesting. 

Here is the video:  

Video title: Google AI dominates the Math Olympiad. But there's a catch.
Link used:

That brings us to the end of this update.  


(02 Aug 2024) The items for this update:

Item 1) Attacks in Mali & Syria + A large prisoner swap with Russia.
Item 2) Anton on all the stuff humans made, it's a lot...

 Item 1) Attacks in Mali & Syria + A large prisoner swap with Russia.

Weirdly Ukrainian operatives are supporting groups in Mali and now also Syria to stage attacks against Russian. In Mali the Wagener group was targeted and that resulted in huge losses. But Wagner can take huge losses as we saw in earlier stages of the war. In Syria a military base was attacked and of course that is a serious loss of face for the Russians if they can't protect their overseas military bases...

In an unexpected move a lot of prisoners were exchanged and a whole lot of countries took part in it. Turkey helped into being more or less a mediator, so thanks Turkey for you support on this.

I found a Fox news article and I decided why not? Mostly I avoid Fox news because it is always so shallow one dimension stupid stuff. Only once I linked to a video from Fox news but that was back during the financial crises and I did that because the video was so horribly bad that it became comical. It was some weird right winger talking about the problems with the Euro at that time, now of course we always have trouble with our common coin but what they can make of that at Fox news is often not a reliable picture of what goes on. 

Anyway it looks like a lot of diplomacy that finally gave some fruit in the form of this prisoner exchange. Click on the picture for the Fox thing: 

Title: WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich asked for Putin interview upon release from Russian prison.
Link used:

If Evan Gershkovich did actually ask this (remark it is still a Fox news article), that says something about the guy. It also says he's likely not broken mentally so that is a good thing if correct.

At last the first batch of F-16's have arrived, it's only six or so but it's a start. Well lets hope for the best and I only want to repeat that I hope Ukraine will get the weaponry for taking out the Russian planes that push those glide bombs on their lethal path.
Please no weak knees again this time, Russia won't splinter into warring war lords that are nuclear armed from just a few less Russian air planes...  

An article from France24:

Title: Ukraine receives first batch of US-built F-16 fighter jets, officials say.
Link used:

Lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Anton on all the stuff humans made, it's a lot...

Anton Preskov found an interesting website where the total biomass of living things like plants, animals and fungi are visualized as cubes. On my computer this website did not work while as far as I know everything is up to date over here. So likely the website was down for some reason, you can try for yourself if you want:

It is all not much of deep science but the way it is all visualized is very pleasant. Of course these are all estimates and I have no clue if for example the number of tons of say virus on earth is actually this or that tonnage.  

Anyway the point of the website and video is comparing all biomass to the stuff humans made. And in our history we have made for example an amzaing amount of bricks. And an amazing amount of concrete and asphalt.  

It's amazing so it's a tiny bit frustrating that I can't open the website. So there is only the video from Anton, here it is: 

Video title: As of Now, Humans Built More Stuff Than Total Mass of Biosphere Combined.
Link used:

Just one giga ton is a lot, that's a billion ton or a million times a million kilo's. And the estimation says there is 900 Gt of plant material on earth. And we animal file need all that plant stuff in order just to be alive. For oxygen, for food and of course building material like wood. 

Ok let me end this update and as always thanks for your attention and may be see you next week or so. 


(31 July 2024) The two items for this update: 

Item 1) Russian rate hike, will it work & 8 finance ministers tell...
Item 2) New math post on a simple to understand open problem.

 Item 1) Russian rate hike, will it work & 8 finance ministers tell...

On Friday 26 July the Russian central bank hiked their (lowest) interest levels by 200 basis points from 16 to 18%. As an educated guess it is very likely this won't be the last hike. Will it work? 

Well that depends on how much of the Russian economy is influenced by this rate hike. At present there is still a growing part that turns into a war economy and they just get paid by the government in order to produce stuff that is needed in the war. Likely this part of the economy gets it's money upfront and they don't have to worry about finding loans.  

As an example it was lately rumored that new recruits from the Moscow region get up to 22 thousand $ large enlistment bonuses, as such the war effort in itself is highly inflatory.

And lately Joe Blogs reported on the ongoing Yuanization of the Russian economy, if Russians can get loans in Yuan against Chinese interest rates, they won't give a shit about what the Russian central bank does.   

I think that governor Elvira Nabiullina is fighting an uphill battle for as long as this war will last and may be even longer. Click on the picture for a Reuters report on the Russian rate hike:

Title: Russian central bank sharply hikes rates to 18%, promises further tightening. Link used:


Sometimes people think that the economical sanctions don't work because the Russian GDP grows faster as say that of Germany or my own country. It's a bit like explaining to a flatlander that the earth is a globe. People who only look at such a number as the GDP don't understand much of all the in's and out's of an entire economy.

If your central bank has already raised rates to 16% that is a clear sign of an emergency, whatever the fucking GDP number is. The high GDP is mostly a reflection of all that money the Russian government throws at it, it has nothing to do with a healthy economy...

Last week a group of 8 EU finance ministers came out stating the obvious that the sanctions are working. And as far as I know reality they are right of course it works. But also of course Russia will always try to evade and mitigate the effects of sanctions.
Just like all that dark oil tanker stuff, of course it mitigates a bit for damage done by the oil price cap but it's a lot of work and also sucks up capital because somebody has to buy these old oil tankers.

These economical sanctions will always be a work in progress, may be you can better say a sanctions regime is always dynamical in nature. It is not you write a simple rule down like "Russian economy, can you please drop dead on the spot?" Well don't be surprised if that won't happen.   

But we still need more sanctions according to the 8 fin ministers and with that I agree too. The Guardian had an article about this detail of the 8 finmin's: 

Title: Russia is lying about its economic strength: sanctions are working – and we need more.
Eight European finance ministers.
Link used:

Let's move on to the next item. 

 Item 2) New math post on a simple to understand open problem.

Last week I finished a new post on a relatively easy to understand problem: What is the maximum value is you add a bunch of sine functions? 

If you just add two sine functions with different periods you can end with stuff that makes you wonder what the maximum is. That's example 1 in the new post.

Example 2 is about a sine function and 10 equally placed time lags or if you want translations. Now the summing of sines becomes periodic with respect to the number of sines you sum up. But here at least it is clear there is some maximum value although I was to lazy to actually hunt it down and find it.

In example 3 there is the real beef of the problem I could not solve 3 or 4 weeks ago. I decided to formulate it as a sum of sine functions but you can frame similar questions on the unit circle in the complex plane we all know and love.

As far as I know this is a completely useless problem to solve, in case you succeed in cracking it likely there is not other branch of math or no other math problem that also waited hundreds of years for solvation.
Likely it is not as cracking the 3D complex numbers and that leads the way to all of those beautiful p-dimensional complex numbers. It looks like this problem is a stand alone but on the other hand I could not solve it and may be if I would have been able to solve it, it would also say something about other branches of math. I can't exclude that because I just don't fucking know how to solve this infinite sum of sine's...  

Anyway click on the picture below in case you want to take a look at this easy to understand but hard to solve math problem: 

Title new math post: An open question related to the sum of a bunch of sines.
Link used:

That was it for this update, thanks for your attention. 


(26 July 2024) Two items for this update:

Item 1) The illicit trade in computer chips towards Russia.
Item 2) Ten interesting people and their TOE's.

 Item 1) The illicit trade in computer chips towards Russia.

It seems there are still a lot of computer chips going to Russia via China. Well that is not surprising since these two countries are neighbors and share a long border, but a few pounds less my dear China would be nice.

After all those chips are also used in the production of all kinds of weaponry used to kill Ukrainians. It seems the White House is considering more and or fine tuning of sanctions, in particular at Chinese banks and of course the chip makers and traders.

Reuters had a rather technical report on this detail with a focus on Hong Kong. Click on the picture to read the Reuters report.  

Report title: Exclusive: Illicit chip flows to Russia seen slowing, but China, Hong Kong remain transshipment hubs.
Link used:

In another interesting development today the Russian central bank will make a new rate decision. Interesting to see if they raise from their what is it, 16 or 17% to even higher.
In that regard on this financial detail, lately I mentioned the so called Yuanization of the Russian economy and if that is indeed a significant thing, the rate setting central bank policies will work less and less.  

To put it simple: If people can borrow in Yuan instead of Ruble, it does not matter much what the Ruble rate is... 

Lets go to the next item. 

  Item 2) Ten interesting people and their TOE's.

No electron rant today but 10 so called Theories Of Everything today or 10 TOE's as it is abbreviated. It is about physics of course because where else would they do such weird stuff?

Now if you want to take the present theories in physics and you want to expand that into a much much wider framework known as a TOE, there is always a giant risk into such an endeavor. If in the original theory just a small detail was wrong, in that case the entire new TOE will be wrong also. And of course in physics what is wrong is the idea that magnetic monopoles do not exist in general and in particular that electrons must be tiny magnets.

Well I think that electrons are magnetic monopoles and it is a pity that nobody does any kind of experiment to confirm what the official version is versus the monopole variant. Such an experiment could be as simple as separating liquid molecular oxygen into it's two spin states, try to get something in a balloon and check if the balloon behaves as having a magnetic charge.
After that try to flip the electron spin states and you're ready. But only problem is of course to get the results published, it will be very very hard to crack the peer review barrier. Anyway I am not going to try such a thing because likely this peer review barrier will be too high.

But this is not supposed to be an electron rant, in the video you see 10 very different theories of everything. Often these are some complicated math models like Stephen Wolfram with his graphs. The one theory is crazier as the other while the composer of the video thinks these are all very smart people. String theory is on the list also but as far as I know they always model the electron as a tiny bipolar magnet so beside all the other weird things going on with string theory like the many dimensions it needs, the electron detail too makes this a very wrong theory.

People from string theory often think they are the only game in town and that is correct: It is more a game as say a piece of science. It's a completely piece of shit theory because there is no experimental proof to be found now or in a thousand years.

Among the ten people with their TOE's there are also more charming and less arrogant ones like that surf guy who discovered a piece of math known as E8 and thinks there are elementary particles in that math group. Well I have said before that the human brain is very bad at doing math, I know that because I am a human also.

The video is about half an hour long and the order of the the theories is of course done by they guy that made the video, it has nothing to do with what I consider the most weird, stupid or brilliant theory. So click on the picture for the video:

Video title: Ranking the 10 Best Metaphysical Theories
Link used:

So you just saw 10 "very smart" people each having their own version of a theory of everything while all those years they were just to fucking stupid to see all the energy problems we have with say electrons as tiny magnets.

If they can't see such simple things that could easily be verified in a not to expensive lab, why should the rest of their theory bear any value at all?  

The official version of the electron pair is that is has to have opposite spin and if the electrons are tiny magnets that should look at the next pictures. And all those 10 weirdo's work their entire life in physics never realizing that there is an energy problem here... 

Last year I made this picture for repeated use in this year so here it is once more in all of it's glory: The Pauli exclusion principle says the electron spin numbers must be different... 

That was it for this update, as always thanks for your attention. 


(24 July 2024) The two items for this update:

Item 1) More action against that Russian dark oil tanker fleet.
Item 2) Searching for 4D complex numbers.

 Item 1) More action against that Russian dark oil tanker fleet.

There was just much to much news like Joe Biden's withdrawal from the US presidential elections, a diplomatic visit to China by the UA, drone attacks, oil attacks and so on and so on. So let's just restrict it to that dark or shadow Russian tanker fleet trying to evade and avoid the sanctions there are on Russian oil. 

On 05 June I wrote for the first time about that detail of all those old oil  tankers that are now in use so that Russia can sell oil above the price cap. And now only three weeks later there seems to be a coalition of 45 nations forming to tackle this particular problem. So that's swift and fast, something we can't say about university professors...

Now I am the first one to admit I don't have any insight at all how this all legally works. A few principles are clear to me like the fact all nations have right to access the oceans of this world. But of course nations bordering the seas and oceans also have rights, for example if there could be an impending emergency like a large oil spill from an ill or uninsured tanker, they likely have the right to do something about that. 

Now at the UK they just have a new government and guess what? The new UK pm Keir Starmer is a lawyer...;). Anyway the UK will try to lead this coalition so that's a good thing.  


I have two links to articles for you, the first one is from the FT:

UK targets more Russian-linked oil tankers with sanctions.

And one from Lloyds, no not the US SecDef but likely it is that insurance company.  

UK leads 45-country coalition crackdown on ‘Russia’s shadow fleet’.

And a quote as found in both sources:

Announcing the UK sanctions against the further 11 tankers, Keir Starmer, UK prime minister, said: “We will not allow Russia’s shadow fleet, and the dirty money it generates, to flow freely through European waters and put our security at risk.”

Well I am glad people are working on this because the last thing we need is another broken oil tanker. With that lets go to the next item. 

 Item 2) Searching for 4D complex numbers.

At most once a year I check if the internet search engines still act properly when searching for 3D or 4D complex numbers. So on duckduckgo I searched for 4D complex numbers and just as in the past in the image section the results are always impressive.

That must be a bit like how Julius Cesar must have felt when later he spoke the famous "Veni vidi vici" words. I still have destroyed all competition yes even the images about quaternions that can also be viewed as 4D complex numbers.

Suppose there are 100 thousand math professors worldwide and you would ask each and every one of the what are 4D complex numbers? Likely you will get the quaternion answer a 100 thousand times.

But internet search engines don't lie: Somehow more popular or more relevant things keep float on top of the results of such searches. And since the pages of the other website started ranking high when people search for 3D or 4D complex numbers, it has stayed that way.    

A few months back I saw an interview with Roger Penrose and out of the blue he started to tell that the quaternions were not that fantastic extension of the complex numbers. He didn't elaborate beyond that but likely Roger has found out that you can't do any form of complex analysis on these quaternions from Sir Hamilton.
Now the 4D complex numbers as I crafted them do allow for all the complex analysis you can ever dream of. I wrote most of the stuff in the year 2018 so that's now back about 6 years. And guess what, as far as I know nothing has happened in the brain of just one of those hypothetical 100 thousand math professors...

That internet search result stuff is indeed interesting, sometimes it goes ok like with the 3D and 4D complex numbers. But when it comes to electron spin and the logical detail that likely electrons carry monopole magnetic charge and are not tiny magnets, the search results are still a total mess. No veni vidi vici there observed at all...

So the electron thingeling still does not resonate at all with a wider audience and that's just one of the things in life when you only can say "It is what it is".   

For those who want to take a look at those 4D complex numbers, on my other website it is a category on it's own but if you check that category it is of course the latest post is seen first. So for an introduction to the stuff you must find the older posts on 4D complex numbers.

Click on the picture below to land at the category of 4D complex numbers on the website In the picture you see a screen shot of such an internet search combined with some robot stuff: 

That was it for this update. Thanks for your attention and let me try to upload this stuff to our beloved garbage bin: the internet. 




For the time being I think I keep the next picture as a 'closing logo' indicating you are at the end of this homepage. It was to cute to throw away, the math is utterly simple and I hope a tiny bit surprising.  

Click on the picture to go to part 22 of the archive: 


End of this update, ChatGPT can you tell me how to keep the number of killed Russians above one thousand a day for the foreseeable future? 

Till updates. 



For older updates see the archives at index18.htm or go to the oversight of the archive pages.  

 __________ End

















Everything on the 3D complex numbers from 2012 and 2013 is bundled together in one html file.  

A primer on the three dimensional complex numbers.

For 2014 there is page number two: Page 2   

In 2015 we proceed with page number three: Page 3 

In 2016 still zero point zero reaction from the official math professors. Ok, let's proceed with page number four: Page 4 

In Nov 2015 I opened a separate website for the three dimensional complex numbers:  


23 Dec 2014: Back in the year 1748 or so, Leonhard Euler found the very first exponential circle.  

It is also known as the Euler identity, Euler's formulae etc etc. 


In the last 2.65 years I found 10 more of these circles & periodic curves in higher dimensional complex number systems. 
I made a 25 page pdf from it. 

An overview of 10 exponential circles & periodic curves.  

Please take your time and try to understand it page by page. If you do all 25 pages in one day, very likely you will go bonkers...  


28 Oct 2015: Finally I started a new html page about electrons (and other spin half particles) that, after my humble opinion, are the long sought magnetic monopoles. 

It starts with the Ten reasons why electrons are magnetic monopoles

09 Jan 2017: The link above grew out to 41 reasons that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. We proceed with reason number 42 on

Page 2 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. 

Page 3 covers the stuff as found in the year 2018.

Page 4 covers the stuff for the year 2019.

Page 5 covers results found in the year 2020. 


29 Jan 2015: I made a new kind of so called Clifford algebras. As far as I can see it will have no practical value whatsoever. 
It is only six pages long, it contains no definition but only examples.
Clifford algebras cubic style


14 July 2014: Since a lot of young folks are also hanging around here I wrote a simple piece named the Water Planet.
We calculate as a start the number of water molecules in a liter of water; Here is the rest. 


19 June 2014; The noble are of product integration is a very seldom observed thing.
That is caused by the fact that in general math professors are relatively dumb people. Ok they are good in reproducing things from the past but a relative more advanced concept like a continuous product is met with a giant vacuum inside their brains.
So if those folks were talented they would use it and given the fact almost nobody uses it, the dire straits of average math departments is clear... 

Ten styles for product integration and product differentiation.  

09 Jan 2015: Later I rewrote the piece a little bit using the curly font from Richard Gill for writing the product integral. 

The content has not changed, the difference is only the curly symbol used... 

Ten styles for product integration and product differentiation with the curly notation


Some old math I wrote about 13 years ago, it is very simple to understand: you can differentiate and integrate all geometrical objects. And when you triangulate a landscape or a movie scene properly you can later in a computer change the position of the camera. Of course you need a new file format because the goody good mpg format won't work.
This might be of future interest for police or stuff like that (you can change the camera viewpoint to that of the victims or that of the criminals. Of course this is not a miracle; missing information can only be repaired at a certain level but anyway... The math is there and it is waiting to be used!
(Ok you also need geometrical integration but that's a cakewalk, some geometric projection theory, lots of self repairing codes and very very difficult: a good camera device. But if these conditions are met you can later change the camera viewpoint...)


(17 Oct 2008) This morning I finished a very simple and non technical article about statistical testing of poisons in food. It is so horrible non technical that even political leaders can understand it's content; only seldom I have sunken so low...

Here is the pdf file.


A pdf file explaining why we likely never ever will have nuclear fusion as a reliable source of unlimited energy...  



Sayings from famous and unknown people that shed light on their insights and their emotional daily running system:

Phrase nr one (from Dubya or the present lame duck president of the USA):

"The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war, thereby causing no more war!"
--The first Presidential debate

Phrase nr two, also from Dubya but I have to pump it up from my memory so there might be some little faults in it (it was some weeks after the 911 attacks on the USA):

The enemy is so evil that most people in the USA do not know what they do why they do!

Phrase nr three from the former USA secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld (if my memory is correct he spoke these words in the week from 16 to 21 October 2001, at that point in time we were on the height of the anthrax scares): 

And it makes you wonder; How does he do it? And we would like to ask this person to come on over to our side and together fight the war on terror.

Phrase nr four is from me myself & I:

To understand your own 'logical thinking' you must know that logical thinking is only the first derivate of emotion. That is why all attempts towards artificial intelligence have failed: computers do not have emotion build in but we humans, like all other animals,  do.
The above mentioned three phrases of my enemies only expose their emotional system, lets destroy that system...

Phrase nr five is from US celebrity Donald Trump. A few weeks before this the famous Lancet report was published calculating Iraqi civil death toll at 650 thousand (this with a relatively large but acceptable standard deviation):

For myself I use 400 thousand killed.

Phrase nr six is from CNN's Larry King (CNN is received in 200 countries so therefore the CNN management thinks it's wise that Larry King can parade every day one or more American celebrities). When King was asked why he did not use the internet he responded:

There are a billion things on the internet.

Phrase nr seven is one more from the former US secretary of defense. After a few years in the war on terror he was asked what it all boiled down to. He said:

Can we kill the terrorists in a faster rate than the massandra's spit them out?

Phrase nr eight is from Osama bin Laden. The phrase is very worthwhile mentioning because the US CIA folks were in the past very satisfied with 'Just a few weapon deliveries and we lured the Russians into Afghanistan'.

When America needed us to fight their proxy war against Russia they supported us. The moment the Russians left Afghanistan we were irrelevant. 

Phrase nr nine is from US four star general Peter Pace, he made it during a memorial speech on 11 Sept 2006 (exactly five years after the 9/11 attacks from 2001).
At that point in time total US military death toll already stood above the number of civilians killed on 9/11/2001.

Right now the total amount of killed US military members is approaching the civil death toll from nine September 2001.

Phrase nr 10 is again from me myself & I. It is around the rebuilding of the organization after the military campaign in Afghanistan.

Make sure to imitate the way the German army was organized after world war one; That is make sure that every member can function properly until up three hierarchical layers higher. If you do that you can grow with an enormous speed in the future when this is needed.

Phrase nr eleven is also from me myself & I. It is to proof that I can be stupid too. I do not know when I wrote it but it was a long time ago.
I asked the Iraqis the next:

Can you hold on one more year? After that things will get better, I promise.

You just don't imagine how much I have regretted those words, after that the US military came with bonuses of up to 70 thousand dollars for enlisting / reenlisting and how could I have been so stupid as to not have foreseen this?
I mean the Americans run their country on the greenback & why was I outside reality? Why?

Phrase number twelve is from a peace loving female neighbor of mine, her name is Geertruida.

We people we can speak, so we should not fight war but speak with each other until our differences are solved.

Of course I had to remark: Because we have speech we are much better in making war compared to other animal species. 

Phrase nr thirteen is from the present al Qaida leader in Iraq. I mention it because I think it was a very important detail, it was made in his first statement after he took over from Zarqawi.

We need help from scientists, let it be in the field of communications, chemistry, medics, biologicals or whatever what. You can live your dream and kill the Americans on a large scale inside their bases. You can fulfill your scientific dreams.

Phrase nr fourteen is from CNN's war whore Christiana Armanpour. Why do I call a whore where in fact she is a respected senior correspondent?
That is because she understands the difference between a 'commodity driven war' and one that is not driven by that.
In the entire Iraqi war no CNN reporter has emphasized that Iraq is very much 'commodity driven' (read stealing the oil) but when Tony Blair resigns she says:

He wanted military assistance in Bosnia although there are no commodities over there.

(Or words of similar phrasing, I do not recall her exact words but they boiled down to the above.)   


Not all my hobbies evolve around war, death and destruction, or financial markets. No, I also like to cook food and stuff. There will not be many recipes but here is the index to some food I made, it is just a small fraction of what I cook. A very small fraction but the goal is to come to a feast meal for the Iraqis and Afghanis. So it likely will take a few more years...

























































Title: A 2022 condolences card to the US dollar.