To readers who are new to this story: You are now in part
XXVb of the
Birth of the Kweb, the Kweb is of course the KinkyWeb&is this
website. This website is good&strong, it's some fine piece of art.
Sometimes I write a bit rough on some subjects, but that's the way it
is. If you don't like that you get to some other PolitcalCorrect website
If you are new, you have to know that almost all things I do write on this
website do have some nasty habit of coming out. To avoid judicial shit
I had to place some disclaimers, here is the disclaimer
to this story.
Also it is wise to read the Introduction to the
stories, here I spell
out some words that frequently appear in the stories, for example the
SilverBullet. Who is the SilverBullet do you think? If you don't know read
the Introduction
to TheStoriesProject. |
17 Sept 2003: Well Holy Moses,
that courthouse session did indeed spell out the exact mean of
jihad to me. Oh oh, what fatbag opponents and what slow mindspeed.
But anyway, the whole session did not last 15 (as I expected) but
a full 40 minutes!
Let me shortly describe the 40 minutes stuff:
Planned were 30 minutes from 09.30 till
10.00, start with 'Are you Mr. this and that born on tit
for tat in the village of HighChurch?' 'Yes' I said but
instantly I was told not to answer these facts. 'Ok' I
After some other technical formalities the prosecutor
starts (to me it was a bit amazing this was not Gert Souer
or the 'van Sloten' figure; a third prosecutor has emerged
from the blubber & she was blubber indeed). Since I
don't know her name let me name her Ms. Blubber.
Proceeding (09.35)
Blubber speaking: 'Facts are that the evil Mr. Reinko
Venema did the next: ......' (in short; five little
strikes with stones at the IBG building to reward the USZO
people & seven little strikes against the local
courthouse at address Guyotsquare nr 1 in ThisOldCity
This was confirmed by me as being correct, then the
judge started asking some questions that were little
significant. Let me name one:
Mr. Judge: 'So the police went to that flower selling
shop to get some kind of knowing how you look and so they
did find you?'
Reinko (??total confusion, did this guy read
his files
yes or no??): 'No, with the 35 flowers to pay for the 35
(= 5 times 7) stones throw windows and so there was of
course my name and address included. Very simple.'
After that some from here to there talking and I tried
to explain why stones used and that only after sitting
four nights in some stupid police cell I finally get some
little talk with some prosecutor (the 'van Sloten'
figure). And more from these fabulous insights, as
expected no quarter did fell when I remembered them to
that 29 July letter saying there would be returning to 10
to 11 civil deaths a day during the month of August. No
quarter did fall, the general wisdom is the more deaths
you name the more stupid people react (except when you are
a Muslim but that is something completely different I just
Then it is time for Ms. Blubber to make her 'requisitor'
or so: 'The evil Mr. Venema is writing far to complicated
letters that nobody can understand and it would be wise if
there would be somebody there making this a bit more
simple. Also the content is those letters is far to nasty,
this is not normal.
Furthermore he uses a lot of stones and a lot of axes to
make his point and in this country we.... (And Ms. Blubber
blubs on spreading the one after the other brilliant
observation while making use of smart commonplaces like
'if every civilian that has this of that'... And she blubs
on explaining the insights emerging from those 3 dossier
After the wisdom of Ms. Blubber I
am allowed to speak the last words and I just repeat what
I said before, more or less this: 'The sole reason I made
August into a civil kind of month is given by your
invitation for 15 August that was cancelled later. The
crucial document is and stays my letter from 29 July
explaining there would be 10 to 11 civil death on a daily
basis, this has come out. But my dear judge, how is it
possible that this comes out in such a sharp detail?'
Judge: 'Blup blup blup' (His
insights into international terror are not of the highest
quality, so why quote it? This is a constant problem with
ALL governmental figures I meet, they have lack of IQ and
have lack of details in all ways possible).
At the end I am
rewarded with 3 months jail time (conditional, only when I
repeat this I get these three months...) and I am obliged to
pay for something like 11 thousand Euro in damage.
End of the courthouse session, it
lasted 40 minutes instead of the expected 15. |
Till tomorrow (now just a little pic from 18 September 2003,
some journalists did write something of 'sophisticated attacks'
but I just do not understand this). Enjoy the pic just like I do:
Wow, finally some 'cell of
cells' stuff is there... Love you Iraqis!
19 Sept 2003: Is it really true
that the MBD (=Military Bloody Days) started on Wednesday 17
September? And was that triggered by the evil audio tape from
Let me be honest, I feel totally 'in love' with the Iraqis; Is it
true that a nice 8 US soldiers were burned to death?
Welcome to the real world my dear but fake American
journalists... Welcome thou foot soldiers of Bush!
Media report to 19 Sept 2003: Let
the 'Terror Leading Indicator' report on the MBD project:
Series of attacks in Iraq 8 US troops killed
By AFP, Khaldiyah
Sep 19, 2003, 07:48
US forces took heavy casualties Thursday in an ambush in the town of Khaldiyah in just one of a spate of assaults following a purported message from Saddam Hussein urging renewed Iraqi resistance.
The Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television station said in an unconfirmed report that eight Americans were killed in a series of attacks on the convoy in Khaldiyah, 80 kilometres west of Baghdad.
A bomb went off underneath a vehicle that caught fire with about 10 US soldiers inside, witnesses said. The rest of the convoy was pelted with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) as it tried to make its way to a nearby base.
Mahmud Ali saw eight badly-burned soldiers taken from the bombed vehicle, while Yusuf Ali, no relation, said he saw four.
But there was no official confirmation of the deaths. The convoy was hit while travelling through Khaldiyah en route from the Sunni flashpoint town of Fallujah to Ramadi. "A bomb exploded underneath a troop transport. It caught fire. The remainder of the convoy tried to continue and was hit by rocket-propelled grenades 500 meters (yards) away," said Mahmud Ali. |
The Khaldiyah attacks came a day after hospital officials in nearby Fallujah said US soldiers had killed an Iraqi teenager and wounded six other people. That incident further fueled tensions in the flashpoint town where last Friday US soldiers shot dead nine Iraqi security officers in a "friendly fire" incident. An AFP correspondent in Fallujah said soldiers opened fire when their convoy drove near a house where a wedding was underway and shots were being fired in the air in celebration.
Fourteen-year-old Sufian Daoud was shot as he was passing by and died in a local hospital after the incident at 11:00 pm (1900 GMT) Wednesday. Six other passers-by were wounded, none of them seriously, doctors said.
The US military said it had no information on the incident.
In the northern city of Mosul, meanwhile, US troops came under a series of grenade and rocket attacks that began shortly after midnight.
The US military confirmed one incident, saying that rockets hit the Civil Military Operations Centre office there late Wednesday, damaging some vehicles and leaving two people slightly wounded. Comment:
Fine and good, but as so often take into account the
enormous amount of 'trigger happy' in the US army
The developments seem ok, softly turn this into a second
Yezzie yezzie AllahBessie!
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Hurricane Isabel is
targeting Washington (space view on this beauty).
A military spokesman also said a soldier of the 4th Infantry Division was wounded early Wednesday by a bomb in the town of
Taji, 10 kilometers north of Baghdad. He did not give any details.
But Mosul residents reported a run of attacks that started shortly before midnight and targeted US troops at the entrance to the northern town, in front of a restaurant and at a hotel. They did not mention casualties.
The residents of Mosul, 400 kilometres northwest of Baghdad, said it was the first time they had seen such a spate of closely timed attacks on US forces since the Americans ousted Saddam in April.
They called the assaults a response to the audiotape message released Wednesday in which a man identified as Saddam called for intensified resistance and warned the Americans to get out of the country.
Comment: A brilliant observation my dear Iraqis, it
must be that Saddam tape (for myself speaking I can think
of no 'other' reasons too...)
A nine-vehicle US convoy was attacked with grenades and rockets about 11:30 am (0730 GMT) at the southern entrance to Mosul, said local resident Mohammad Yunes, 45. He said US forces quickly sealed off the area and brought in reinforcements.
A short while earlier, attackers hurled a grenade at an American military vehicle stopped in front of a restaurant where some soldiers were eating near Mosul University, said Ibrahim Taqqa, an engineer. He sad US troops quickly surrounded the university.
Attackers using grenades and rocket-propelled grenades targeted a local hotel used by American troops shortly before midnight, staff at the hotel told AFP. They said some rooms were destroyed but provided no further details.
Two Iraqi policemen were found dead, their throats slit, on the sidewalk in front of the local US-supported television station around midnight, according to an employee of the station, Samir Abed Rabbo, 50.
© Copyright 2003 by The New Nation |
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Naughty Isabel did nice
damage to the electrical & phone system.
20 Sept 2003: Good Media stuff
found, but at first I want to tell to the operatives some simple
solution to the next problem: May be you suddenly think 'Hey,
is there use of voice recognition software while I make telephone
calls?' As far as I know a typical characteristic of telephone
recognition software is that the line suddenly breaks (only a
sharp echo remains) and after calling again you hear the echo but
the other person doesn't. (But this is what I had in the Summer /
Autumn of 2002, things could be different now, in other countries
the technical details could be very different!)
How to check this? Very simple, you go to a few public phones
(or you use the phones of other people) and you make a call. All
you have to do is speaking with some 'funny voice' that is rather
different from the way you usually speak, after one or two minutes
you drop that funny voice and use your 'normal voice' again.
Indeed, when again after a few seconds the line suddenly drops
dead you know that voice recognition software is on your trail. Do
your benefit with it, change your ways of 'important
communication' and for the rest you have more or less two options:
1) Start making a lot of hoaxes, or
2) Never ever mention anything that could be dangerous to your
life or to ongoing operations.
Now we tunnel into the Media report, the big question is 'Is
Osama dead or alive?' (Of course I have my ideas upon this subject
too, but I am so sorry these ideas are classified).
Media report to 20 Sept 2003: What
a beautiful news was found; There is rather wide consensus
into the US secret services departments that Osama is
dead, ill, afraid, away, nr two of al Queda, and so on and
so on.
Although I have some sharp expectations on this subject
too I will simply keep my mouth shut on this. Let US enjoy
the quotes (found on theage dot com dot au):
After examining new video and audio tapes of Osama bin Laden that were broadcast last week, US intelligence analysts have concluded that the fugitive al- Qaeda leader is probably ill or injured and could be incapacitated or even dead.
Three administration officials, all speaking on condition of anonymity because intelligence matters are classified, said the videotape, which showed bin Laden hiking in the mountains, could have been made up to two years ago.
Comment: No comment, just beauty found... |
The officials all cautioned that it's impossible to draw any firm conclusions from the tapes, but they said the new material has strengthened the belief that bin Laden is ailing and that Zawahri may now be running al-Qaeda or preparing to succeed a weakened bin Laden.
"I think there's a pretty broad consensus that bin Laden's probably alive but not well," said one senior official.
Comment: No comment. Proceed quoting:
Some analysts have offered alternative explanations for the old tapes, including one holding that bin Laden may be healthy but so worried about his security that he's unwilling to allow anyone near him with an audio or video tape recorder.
Comment: This kind of 'alternative explaining' is not
in line with previous behavior of Osama. That is all I can
say on this little subject. |
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Targeting Holland; Islam
striking is coming closer&that's a fact.
Let US proceed with a very very
strange thing, wasn't is a long long time ago I asked the
operatives in case of capture to simply tell the truth?
This without exposing too much upon ongoing 'projects' of
course, but simply tell the truth and try to talk a bit of
sense into the head of the opponent. Now I have found this
on the Hambali figure (the so called 'central connection'
between al Queda and Indonesia...):
One official expressed surprise that Mr. Isamuddin, who was captured in a joint C.I.A.-Thai operation on Aug. 12, appeared to be talking rather freely, acknowledging among other things his role as financier and planner of many terrorist attacks in Indonesia.
Another Western intelligence official cautioned not to conclude that Mr. Isamuddin was telling all. He has not yet provided the detailed information needed to round up members of other cells operating in Southeast Asia, this official said.
Comment: My dear and so called 'terror experts' making
a living of being 'expert inside America' let me tell you
The 'profit taking' of this is not for free
America, it just isn't. At least I can expect the
same from |
you, simply tell the truth as
it is (but you don't do this).
And since this was a long time ago I asked the operatives
to do this (and they do!) your time has run out some time
ago. The next 'niner' is more or less around 40 thousand
(may be more may be less, look at the previous 'niner'
that one could have been much bigger too in case the WTC
elevators just had stopped working).
So that's the deal right now my dear White Housers,
that's the deal right now and there is no negotiating on
this particular subject. Sorry.
Targeting Germany?
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Targeting Holland; Even from
outer space milk&honeypot forces will bomb in.
Against the stupid American
propaganda from above it could be wise to place some
completely other words. These other words could also be a
bit beside reality, but some of it sure is not beside that
reality. You can judge stuff for yourself:
Dubai - Osama bin Laden is running the terror war against the United States from a cave, a press report said on Thursday, quoting a source it said was the chief of training for the Al-Qaeda network.
"Al-Qaeda is everywhere around the world and in strength," claimed Abu Mohamed al-Ablaj in an e-mail interview published by Al-Majallah, a Saudi-owned weekly.
"Bin Laden is leading it from a cave, the same cave from where the orders went out to destroy the citadel of the Pentagon and which the Pentagon has not been able to destroy," he said.
Comment: I just do not know at what date this order to
destroy the citadel of the Pentagon went out! Of course I
would like to know this date...
Proceed quotes:
"Abu Abdullah (bin Laden) enjoys full freedom of movement. He directs the fighting against the evil administration in Satan's Black House from his cave.
"When Abu Abdullah disappears the whole world wonders about it, when he reappears the world is stunned," Al-Ablaj told the newspaper, which has run several previous interviews with the same man.
"His sudden reappearances are a war in themselves, it's a blow struck at the head of the American media cobra."
Comment: It is not a Media cobra, it is more like the
German Media before World War II. More quoting (upon the
next 'niner'):
"The great strike promised" against the United States was
"inevitable". And more:
"All those who trade with America and Israel are targets."
Comment: Thy know what I want & need...
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So all in all a rather mixed Media report, some think that
Osama is dead/ill/afraid while others hand on to different
opinions. For myself speaking I only repeat that I hope the next 'niner'
is around 40 thousand (simply because American is not telling the
truth around the previous 9/11, simple and efficient).
Is it true there were 10 US
soldiers in this van and they burned to death?
CNN says only two wounded...
Or am I mixing different attacks up?
Of course so much more did happen, but let me end
the day with a little quote that makes abundantly clear that it is
'morally ok' to wipe out at least 40 thousand American civilians
in the next 'niner'. Quote:
KABUL (Reuters) - At least eight Afghan nomads, including women and children, were killed in a U.S. air strike in Afghanistan that also killed two Taliban guerrillas, Afghan officials said on Saturday.
Only two Taliban members were killed to (they used the satellite
phone from the nomads, or they needed batteries for the satellite
phone or so, but ... the phone signal was picked up by the
americans... & the americans they just bombed, they just
bombed... & this all is rather normal to the american mindset,
it is).
End of this day, work well & sleep well &
be creative in exercising harsh operations! And how far are Iraqi
operatives in making napalm themselves? I just expect a bit of 'burning
back' at the US army & good luck. (Never forget, the US
army is the only army in the world owning and deploying napalm
because their soldiers are to coward to fight human to human &
that's a fact or not Pentagon boys and girlz?)
21 Sept 2003: Twenty one September
2003 is the date and this date is a good one to make a little
Flashback: On 20 September 2001 I wrote the next words:
"And still the world is holding it's breath and still
the first American bomb has to fall and still there is no anthrax or stuff like
that at the scene." That is what I wrote on that date, thanks for
your attention fake journalists... (On 22 Sept 2001 the first anthrax
laced letter was delivered, but of course fake journalists
always look first at the 'position' of the White House in matters like this.) |
May be you wonder why I do quote these anthrax words again? Why
mentioning this SongOfA again? Is it may be some kind of signal?
Some kind of signal that indeed does allow the use of biochemical
fun inside America?
You are right! This is indeed the signal that does allow use of
these kind of fun again, of course I just cannot hope for the next
but I will ask it anyway:
Singer of that old SongOfA, do you have some proceeded batches
ready? In case you have, please sing again. Lets hope you have
some good quality left, but if you don't have good stuff we have
bad luck :(...
Motivation for the 'allowance' of bio-chemical warfare in the
USA: After waiting for over 2 full years I am just completely fed
up with all those weasel (american) journalists, all those weasel
(american) politicians and last but not least all those weasel
american soldiers. Only hiding up some simple truths, weasels to
the bone is what you are. And weasels are of course allowed to do
their weasel things, but these weasels must not complain if they
get a little bit of trouble in the future.
Mark my words: The 'allowance' of bio-chemical jokes goes for a
full two years, exactly the period of time those american weasel
journalists are staying silent while shouting all the time 'We are
the true temple of the free press!'
The temple of the Free
Press? Ah, you make me feel sick! I say A, B, C,...
After the hate there is often fun found again, this afternoon I
took the time to make a lot of google searches around that old old
nuke scare in the Pakistan landscape again. Let me quote for you a
detail from what I found:
On November 10, the Washington Post reported that Musharraf had ordered an "emergency redeployment of the country's nuclear arsenal to at least six new locations and has reorganised military oversight of the nuclear forces". |
This was in the year 2001 of course, it is not for nothing I
have to classify the entire american 'free press' as just a bunch
of weasels. Just a bunch of weasels that no normal human would
have to take serious, just talking heads talking rubbish after
rubbish after rubbish. But let me quote a bit from how that 'nuke
stealing scare' could have been started (I wrote that in the
fourth and fifth so called 'letters to my Dual'):
My dear Dual, you carry so many faces and some of these faces sing some song of A. That's strange don't you think, the song of A? But I hope you don't sing this kind of song.
You don't sing this tweety tweety kind of stuff, you have some very big voice and when you start singing the whole world watches. Yes yes, my dear Dual, you know what I am talking about don't you?
Because your voice can be so very loud, you know you cannot sing lightly. So you must do your thinking first and may be act upon some signal. But what signal can I give to you at this moment? |
The quotes above were published on 02 November
2001, only after this the Pakistan nuke scare suddenly did set in.
But of course there are weasels and weasels and weasels and
nothing more, I hate weasels!
Only weasel soldiers,
politicians & journalists across the Atlantic ocean. |
Weasels, only
Weasels, only
Weasels, only
==>weasels<== |
US weasels, the perfect
crime is so easy. I just sing A, B, C,... |
At the end of this days writing a little Media report, since
all those coward & weasel minded american journalists
constantly ask the wrong and boring questions better skip that for
this day. Old stuff from the Times of India:
Media report to 21 Sept 2003:
More nuke quotes, this time from that evil terror mind
that forced his puppets to shave body hair before flying
into the Pentagon and stuff like that. (Yes, my dear
weasel journalists, Osama did force them to shave their
body hair, really true...):
October 8, 2001
LONDON: In an interview given three years ago, excerpts of which were published on Sunday, terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden said it was his right to acquire nuclear weapons in his battle against Americans. "At a time when Israel stocks hundreds of nuclear warheads and when the western crusaders control a large percentage of such weapons, we do not consider this an accusation, but a right and we reject anyone who accuses us of this.
Comment: You are completely in the right upon this
statement from 3 years before 2001 (so 5 years back from
now). These days even your old fatherland Saudi Arabia is
considering getting nukes, that is some interesting
development. Also the americans consider (still) making
small sized nukes for use on the battlefield... Do you
think that is a wise battlefield consideration? (I
don't, I want one of those things too...) |
And what that Umma stuff considers, that
great nation of a lot of Muslim countries I can say it is
a good idea. It could take many years to build a great
nation like that but it would sure be some improvement
over the present situation!
Umma, free speech &
And in case there would be some kind of
free speech into Saudi Arabia it could very well be that
the bombings from May this year did have broad supports.
Anyway, I loved them. I did.
End of the Media reporting. |
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Total awareness: And then I
started moving all those weapons...
Total awareness: And
sometimes I just dropped them.
At the end of this day I want to thank the operatives for
returning to the military only axiom, it is strange to observe
that I can count on you in many ways and that I just never can
count on normal behavior from the locals. And of course never
ever normal behavior of americans (and the fake journalists
around there) but it is rather well known that the americans
often can not be counted upon. They ram, they kill, they don't
think and they just love holy president and their country looks
in many ways just like Germany did before World War Two. So lets
kill those bastards and lets attack them in all ways possible!
Ha! These days even the Canadian neighbors hate them, but the
americans they just do not understand. They just do not
Lets say amen & till tomorrow or so.
22 Sept 2003: The Oops Keffer is
indeed the new Secretary General to the NATO 'forces', this is the
third Secretary General from the Dutch landscape. So the Oops
Keffer (real name is Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, the 'Oops Keffer' is
some invention of a journalist from the PeoplesDaily) is the
'leader' of the NATO.
Well Oops Keffer thing, the Media whispering was true after
all. So, in case you accept the job let me give you my
congratulations. Hey Oops Keffering thing, this White House reward
for the Dutch government does also proof that the ties of
friendship between the Dutch and the American government are deep
and solid.
Yes, there is so much friendship between these two governments (I
could name more examples but that is not needed right here, the emphasizing
of the concept of 'deep and fundamental friendship' is enough).
And even when the Oops Keffer thing reads these very words he will
say 'Yes, this is correct because we are not slaves to the
Americans or so, we are just friends!'). Let me be diplomatic and
close the subject of Oops Keffering stuff. (He explained a long
time ago why things into the Afghan landscape went so perfect, it
had a bit to do with 'military and humanitarian aid going hand in
hand' to some bright future. He just did forget to mention the
money numbers involved but he can't help that, he knows what to
speak and he knows what to forget).
Much more important is the next subject, some of the words
spoken by Khalid did surface into the Media files! That is the extra
text to this day, finally some good info (as the fact that the
original nine eleven project contained up to 10 planes striking
the East & West coast & or in other countries, later it
was scaled back although much details are not mentioned).
Ten planes? No no, stick to
the facts: Annie was grabbed three times...
Media report to 22 Sept 2003:
More on the Khalid quotes, the next was found on Reuters:
The Saudi official added that Mohammed said the plotters also hoped to drive a wedge between Saudi Arabia and the United States, and turn U.S. public opinion against the Gulf kingdom.
"(The choice was made for) political reasons. They wanted to hit Saudi Arabia as much as the United States. They knew the ramification this could have on the relations between the two countries ... on American public opinion," the official said.
The official pointed out that -- though Saudis were subject to less scrutiny than, say, Yemenis when they applied for visas pre- Sept. 11 -- the same was true of the citizens of other Gulf states like Kuwait and Qatar.
Comment: Indeed the 'goal' of slitting America and Saudi
Arabia looks a bit to far sought. It looks a bit like
after the Bali bombing; by accident most deaths were
Australian instead of American and it popped up that
'Australians were allied to the US'. (But it was an
'accident' and it was shit so little Americans were
killed, that was likely the truth of the Bali blast). |
Quoting on with a very
interesting detail:
"By the time the decision was made," he said, "it was too late to change the major players, hence -- as you will notice -- only one of the pilots was a Saudi. ... They were not happy that they did not have enough time to train Saudis to be able to fly the aircraft.
Comment: Well my dear but rather fake Western
hemisphere journalists, is in the extra text to this day
and in the quotes above just one detail that is not in
line with the so called 'trigger hypothesis' of Mr. Reinko
Oops, I don't hear you? Oh you say it is not a matter
of 'truth' or a matter of 'facts' but there is only
'keeping the ranks closed' and there is only 'standing
beside the Holy President'? And that shaving of body hair
and stuff like that is not relevant to the White House and
therefore not relevant to you?
Well, all of you have made that choice. May on some
individual level, may be on some group level but the next
big attack is just inevitable. If you would have taken
your job serious things could have looked differently, but
now not any longer. Not any longer and I am waiting, just
waiting... |
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Ten planes? No no, stick to
the facts: Annie was grabbed three times...
More good and funny quotes,
this time from a guy who probably does not know what
exactly the NightmareOnWallStreet was (I only needed to
click a bit with my mouse in the big markets and stocks
just dropped down..., what hedge funds did make this
possible???). Quote fun:
When the first plane hit the World Trade Center before the start of trading on Sept. 11, 2001, stock futures traders didn't immediately suspect an act of terrorism. It wasn't until the second plane hit that traders realized the country was facing an unprecedented attack and stock futures plunged.
"It has made the market more sensitive to news events," said Bob Potter of JNBA Financial Advisors in Bloomington, who noted that stocks dropped Wednesday afternoon after a new tape purporting to show Osama Bin Laden hit the news.
Comment: I noticed the dropping too, to fake
journalists I can say that last year when my computer was
blown to pieces the day after ... (And that was a bit bit
more than the result of the |
latest Osama tape, sorry
Quote the big fun on (the financial markets truly
believe what the Holy President is saying!):
"When there is something that happens, and we don't know what it is, the markets will sell off and ask questions later," Potter said. "And then when they find out it was something not terrorism-related, the market tends to bounce right back."
For instance, last month's massive blackout, after the close of regular trading hours, caused a 2 percent drop in stock futures, which recovered only after the government said it didn't suspect terrorism.
Comment: These financial remarks are all very funny,
but since I am into some kind of position I cannot even
ask for being declared bankrupt (that is legal stuff,
the old enemy under the name of USZO is rather smart axing
in my back), I need 'stuff' again. Well I am only waiting...
Waiting for 40 thousand or may be
more... |
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Four planes? No no, stick to
the facts: Annie was grabbed three times...
23 Sept 2003: What a strange
day! I have only peaceful feelings and where is all the hate I
always carry around lately? No, I have severe problems this day to
feel 'complete' and when I meet other people I constantly did run
into all kind of funny situations that always ruled my life in the
past (also relatively free of hate & stuff like that).
Nah, ok for one day I will surrender to this peace (scientists
have found out hate loving people live shorter), but don't get me
wrong and with some luck I can hate again tomorrow...
And although I am so very handicapped today with all this peace
in my heart may I still ask the OneMillionDemon to do some job
around the date of 02 October 2003? (On that date another boring
court house date is there, this time the Essent people will get
'their thing' and take away my electricity & stuff like that.
So let me peacefully whisper '10 extra' from that 'desired
nationality' that has to be guided friendly into reality too.)
Vague enough? Ok, let this next picture be the road of peace (with some already
famous kisses):
Does all that falling
American fruit really bring peace? Who knows?
Yes, the American society in particular (and Western in
general), how to slaughter it with peace in my heart? Oh what a
difficult day, all that peace in my heart does make me feel weird
but in some way I like it: 'How to slaughter America with peace in
my heart and without losing a day of my life?'
These are difficult questions, how to get back to that EVIL
state of mind knowing as 'loving hate'? Or, a bit more simple the
'attacking mode', the mode that gives good nuke panics & stuff
like that. But again heavy peace is overwhelming my heart and my
mind (& the rest too) so just one more pic and after that we
say goodbye:
With peace in my heart I
say: 'Still that nuke on the Pentagon is needed'.
Media report to 23 Sept 2003:
Just a few more 9/11 details, this all is getting so
bored. Just so bored but lets read the quote:
The Associated Press first reported details about Mohammed's statements from a leaked report.
Government officials, who expressed anger over the leak, said the report was incorrect in one respect: It said Mohammed had said two of the hijackers were more important to the plot than Mohamed Atta.
Government sources told CNN that is not correct and that U.S. investigators still believe Atta was the ringleader.
Atta "gave the 'go' signal," one source said. |
Comment: This all is getting so
bored, just so bored. For how long and how many times did
I spell out in detail how 'the trigger' worked? No
reaction at all is what my reward was, so what to
Well, you as a reader you could look at the writings in
this long story a few days back...
There I just had to give permission to use even
bio-chemical (and nuclear of course!) stuff in some other
big impending attack at the US of A.
With thanks to your perfect press corps by the way, the
freedom loving press corps that we all love so much... But
who gave that 'go signal' do you think my dear freedom
loving corps?
So with love in my heart I have to say; Bye bye & end
of this Media reporting stuff. |
_____1_____ |
_____2_____ |
End of stuff for this day, so boring all this who gave the 'go
signal'. Come on, ABC... is the next 'signal' and I just have to
say this with a lot of so called peace in my heart and in my
brain. Till some other update.
24 Sept 2003: Now I know it for
sure, I must be sick or I must have some 'mental thing'. What is
the case? My so called 'hate' is still gone and this is the second
consecutive day of this! Even when I think of the Americans there
is no 'red void' before the things I see, it is even more worse:
Just after reading two complete articles on that 'intellectual
conservative dot com' I don't grow into my usual angers.
Also on a local scale the anger is gone, when for example I think
of the prosecuting blubber (from exactly one week ago in that
'building demolishment trial' I don't grow mad. So my situation is
clear: I must have some heavy 'mental thing'. But what is it? How
to get my desired 'loving hate' back and what has this all to do
with the concept of 'Social Quantum Mechanics'?
Beside 'lack of hate' there are other problems observed, just
sometimes (three times on a row) I try to reactivate the so called
NightmareOnWallStreet. But these days when I 'click' in big
markets it just goes up! Disaster! I just hardly dare to 'click'
anymore, the bastards must have swapped the stuff.
Yes sure this is disaster, it was such a brilliant invention that
NightmareOnWallSteet; the Americans were allowed to pump over
their fear from terror to the 'loss of stock value' and that was
perfection in itself... The psychological transform was just
perfect, such a nice dream it was. Just a few 'clicks' and stocks
went down down DOW.
Are two slices of crustless
bread licking each other wet? Who knows this?
Media report to 24 Sept 2003:
Yes, from the next quote (if Sharon is telling the truth)
you can see that the Israeli government is standing beside
reality in exactly the amount as the Americans are
'suffering' from. Sharon is telling us that he does not
know it is 'military month only' (and that therefore
attacks are harder to organize). Enjoy the wisdom of this
old man:
Sharon noted that Palestinian militants have refrained from
attack Israel in recent days.
"I don't know what the reason is for the quiet, but it is certainly possible that this stems from the fact that Arafat is frightened and working to prevent terror attacks," the Yediot Ahronot daily quoted him as telling his Cabinet on Sunday.
A Cabinet official briefing reporters confirmed Sharon indicated that the current lull in violence could be linked to the threat to expel Arafat. |
Comment: I could say a lot
of things, but I would like you to remember to this old
story called 'How to make some simple cyber war.'
In case you never read it, here is how to make some
simple cyber war, you only need an email address and the
capability to 'cut and paste' selected parts of these
For example you can 'cut and paste' the words I wrote
on 'target selection' outside Israel (of Israeli interests
of course). And may be the Palestine militias take some
time to select those targets, or are busy doing something
But in short: People I need more support! More support
on much more levels, if you do not help me this all will
end. May be end in disaster, may be end in indifference,
but act! Do something and to me the big bombs are
important of course but there is so much more... Please
help and do some emailing at the Israeli government.
_____1_____ |
_____2_____ |
[After writing the above I started to work on some graphics as
found below, but I was that stupid not to disconnect from the so
called internet or may be I was not stupid and it was all
'coincidental' but only after starting up my PC over ten times I
could finish the next graphics work.]
But even after this (NSA??) invasion of my privacy I am still
feeling so full of love and still all that hate is gone. And still
I think I have some mental thing without my 'loving hate', but I
publish the next work anyway:
Lessons in Democracy part
II: The right to bear arms. |
Oh what a beautiful babies above, they defend democracy of
course. And they do a DAM good job, they are even known as JDAM
stuff. A lot of liberation of the Iraqi landscape was done this
way, but of course beside this tweety tweety stuff also that
goodie good old napalm was used (although the Pentagon said it
wasn't napalm or so, it was something like Mark 77, but do you
know what that particular Mark is?).
More Media reporting stuff:
This time around that lousy American judicial system that
benefits the rich upon the poor (because in the USA the
lawyers must do their own 'research & investigation'
and don't have direct access to the stuff the prosecutors
are using...
This quote is upon the unbelievable greed as is regular
found in Americans (that greed is emerging from the fact
that there are no normal social security systems at work
in America, this has turned the whole society into greedy
bastards and again we see we must fight them in all ways
possible!). But let me quote the bizarre fun: U.S. officials had to stop nearly $65 million in cash -- seized assets of the deposed Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein -- from being loaded on a Baghdad-bound plane at the last minute Tuesday, after a court ordered the money kept in the country pending a ruling on whether it should be used to pay damages to relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, suicide hijackings.
Smith and his family -- along with the wife and |
six children of Timothy Soulas, another World Trade Center victim -- won a judgment in May that they were entitled to $104 million damages from the former Iraqi government. Judge Harold Baer ruled that the two families -- with the aid of evidence from former CIA Director Jim Woolsey and author Laurie Mylroie -- had proved, "albeit barely," that Iraq was involved in the attacks.
Comment: But lately the Holy President even said
that rather likely the Iraqi regime just had nothing to do
with that evil 9/11!
So why should two (stupid) American families have the
'right' to steal 104 million US$ from the Iraqi population
while at the same time the 100 thousand families from the
RoadOfDeath (that war crime that ended GulfWarOne) are not
entitled to sue the US government?
Let alone those OneMillion death from economical sanctions,
there likely was no WMD from 1991 on... But every one
'forgets' these little facts in America, anyway the
American so called 'free press' forgets this
_____3_____ |
_____4_____ |
So over OneMillion and HundredThousand Iraqis dead and the
Americans constantly playing cry baby upon a lousy ThreeThousand...
Again all FreedomLovingPeople see 1.1 million reasons more reasons
to make
the next AmericanNiner somewhere around 40 thousand dead
civilians. Who doesn't and who wants to confront me with this
little '40 thousand wished' fact of me?
Even after the next Niner
that fake American cake won't sue me.
25 Sept 2003: This is the third consecutive
day that I do not have that big burning hate in my heart! I am
amazed, I feel strange and I just wonder how the hell this is
possible. May be I have some kind of DualDisease, I don't get it
where my burning hate is gone...
And the whole world is even working together to bring me good
moods, just yesterday I published those two letter to Essent
Retail BV and in those letters I ask them is the blackout from 11
& 12 Sept was done via arson or if it was a 'spontaneous fire'
at that electricity (transformer) house. The electricity house is
(was) found at the BeggarPath in the StoneVincinity.
So that was yesterday (read the extra text to 24 Sept 2003, in
Dutch of course). And this morning I was just looking at the telly
with a nice cup of morning coffee and the news was as next: "In
Baghdad exploded a bomb in a transformer house and two American
journalists were killed."
And again I felt a heavy love for the Iraqi people in general
and the operatives around there in particular, they have read
these stories well. Just look at the details:
- This month is a 'military only' month (while August
was the 'civil month'), but
- American journalists were classified by themselves as being
'footsoldiers for Bush', so
- Western & American journalists are 'allowed
targets' (because they only surf the White House
But eight hours later I started looking for the details of the
American journalists blasting (the US Media company NBC was under
attack) and a more down to earth picture emerged from the dust:
- It was not a transformation building but a hut with a
(electricity) generator &
- No two US journalists were dead but only the Somali
So it was not SuperPerfect, but it came close to
SimplePerfection. Also let me emphasize that the size of this
journalists hotel bomb is fine by me, in a civil area better not
use those big blasts (and particular not in this month!). So it is
fine by me and lets take some time to remember that Somali guard
who was likely only making some money for his family and nothing
Now we are talking of the 'target subject' anyway, let me spell
out some policy again:
- Slowly but surely turn the Iraqi equation into a second
Vietnam for the Americans, but
- At the same time it is important to work on improvement for
the Iraqi population (they have gone through enough misery and
they deserve a real chance of some improvement).
Media report to 25 Sept 2003:
A very short report, beside that interesting Media
blasting there was also a bomb placed in some cinema in
Mosul. Three civilians were killed, let me comment on
I came close to asking for the execution of the cell
that made & placed that Mosul bomb. Remember that only
one time before I asked for execution of people (Sammy
& his sons), but I have decided to give this cell some
fundamental and some final warning.
In case no cell members read this, I hope some others will
inform you. Or do you want a bit more of that American air
power back at the scene? You can have it anyway you want
but if I were you I would try to follow the direction of
'The Story'. Thanks for your attention.
More interesting news was found: Battalion |
commander Freek Swart was
boasting stuff like "Terrorist al Queda members
around here? We just haven't seen any of them!" (He
was more or less suggesting that the Dutch army scared all
those folks away from the province of Al Moethanna located
somewhere in Iraq).
May I ask the OneMillionDemon to consider the next
- Remember the Chechen taxi driver from Kabul
(07 June this Summer), the guy is a real hero.
On his own he blasted away an entire busload
of military...
- Main target is of course the US army but in
the meantime .... (fill in the dots for
yourself please!)
_____1_____ |
_____2_____ |
Beside those serious remarks there is also a bit of big fun to
share upon 'insights' concerning the 'big markets' in the USA (the
stock markets of course):
"It definitely has had an impact on some segments of the economy . . . but 9/ 11 didn't seem to have that broad of a permanent impact on either the economy or the markets," Potter said. "We are a pretty doggone resilient people, and I think that the markets reflect that."
Comment: This sure is funny, only three thousand
Americans dead and they consider themselves as a 'pretty
doggone resilient people'. Ha! I remember all kinds of
rather different things, stuff like "We
shall bomb this out, justice will be done!"
And stuff like "Dead or alive,
we want that guy and we shall have that guy! We know he is
guilty and if you cough him up, and his people, today we
will reconsider what we will do to your country"
Oh oh America, how is the actual situation right now
into the Afghan landscape and how many Afghan civilians
died from the first part in the so called War on
Terror? |
_____3_____ |
End to the writings of 25 September in this big and long story
centered around ramming the truth out of America upon the 'real
start' of the 9/11 equation that brought to life the Infinite
Justice project... (So Iraqis you see that with porn you can
do truly amazing things, let me post that picture once more and
remember that in just a few days that 'Infinite Justice'
was gone and replaced by 'Enduring Freedom'.)
Two ladies in search of
their Infinite Justice...
Hey you US of A, what is
your problem anyway? Please confront me!
Yes American bunch of weasels, why don't you confront me? And
when I wrote at the end of July that 'In
August there will be 10 to 11 civil deaths on a daily basis again!'
why did you stay silent? Cowards is what you are and being coward
is you nature and when your Holy President is boasting 'We
brought the War to their own turf!' he gets applause from
the American audience...
Lets close the day and say 'Amen' once more & close with
the last words to remember:
This is just week number 20 in the second wave of attacks
against America
(this for a second period of 15 months). |
26 Sept 2003: Today we start with
a little analysis around how to become a terror leader of (big)
format. You must have a few characteristics that might come handy
in the job, let me spell a few as far as I know them:
You must be good in motivating (large &
small) groups,
Beside this a bit of pure charisma is also
very handy,
You must have a rather clear defined enemy or
you must be able of 'making enemies up',
You must have a big hate towards that enemy
but you must fight the enemy with a lot of creative behavior
(and use harsh weapons to of course),
You must work hard on loyalty, in the end your
followers must be willing to die for you or for the ideas you
stand for,
You must not be a coward and you better not
lie, only when you yourself are willing to die for what you
are standing for others will do the same,
You must study a bit and listen to other
terror leaders and look what made them successful.
That's it a bit, of course there is much more
involved, in practice you must have a lot of luck too. The people
must be in search of 'someone' so you can jump into the Void. Let
me spell out what for me was one of the most important lessons
from others, of course who else then Osama? According to the White
House is Osama the biggest terrorist that has ever walked on the
face of this planet so it sure is worthwhile looking at how 'Osama
does it'. We first take a little look at some old hole, the famous
USS Cole Hole: Title:
Osama said: "I recited
and they reacted.".
title says it all, Osama 'recited' and they 'reacted'. And at that
moment the quarter did fall into my head and from that moment on
this principle of 'reciting' became some guiding principle of my
writings too. Often this 'method' had great success but it is
limited too, it is limited in the sense you must have some luck
that the operatives read the stuff in time and that they agree
with what you are reciting upon. Let me spell out an example from
reality (in the first part of the Media report):
Media report to 26 Sept 2003:
On 20 September in this story (as written above) I wrote
And how far are Iraqi
operatives in making napalm themselves? I just expect a bit of 'burning
back' at the US army & good luck.
Now just six days later I can proudly quote the next
(found on the Guardian Unlimited, By Robert H. Reid, AssPress Writer):
Also Friday, the military announced that a soldier from the 4th Infantry Division died and another was injured in a fire Thursday night in an abandoned building in the Tikrit area. No further details were released.
So this is rather good, just six days between
'reciting' and 'Media echo'. You see that in practice
stuff is rather simple, I just ask for
'stuff' and I am delivered
'stuff'. Simple or not?
But of course there is more; if you, just like me, walk
around in a country that is 'friendly' to the 'enemy' (the
US of A) you must keep a sharp eye on the law. The ways of
communication with the operatives in the field must be
judicial safe, just look at how I write it (clearly
judicial safe since I am doing this now for two years...):
And how far are Iraqi
operatives in making napalm themselves? I just expect a bit of 'burning
back' at the US army & good luck.
It sure is 'judicial safe' because I am only
'expecting' something (in some mathematical sense), just
like a weather report. And is the weather reporter
judicial punishable because he or she is expecting extreme
weather like hurricanes? Now? No, of course not...
_____1_____ |
_____2_____ |
Is the weather reporter
expecting hurricanes punishable by law?
Till some other update, I want to think a bit & stuff like
28 Sept 2003: Yes, I am smiling
again. For sure I am smiling again (I just felt a bit shit last
Friday & Saturday upon the news of the 7 to 9 reported dead
civilians from that Iraq market, I just refused to read the news
because I didn't know how to react.)
So therefore I just did not want to write a word yesterday and
did only remember those 7 to 9 people. I don't feel like shrugging
my shoulders upon that or whisper 'Life goes on' or so, but the
news from this morning did cheer me up & that's a fact.
May be you wonder what news is so nice? You have to take into
account that on 02 Oct I am invited to the local canton courthouse
where some (not so smart) canton judge will tell me the result of
the 12 June session concerning Essent Retail versus Reinko Venema.
(Reinko has ordered at Essent to deliver electricity, energy and
internet services for exactly 10 years at a price of 1 Euro a
year. This as some kind of 'WarTax' for the WarTribunal that I
started begin May this year, see part
21 of this story). A picture of Rome during blackout:
Oh, how beautiful. Thanks
& I feel better now.
Let me quote the big fun, another blackout is observed. And the
size was more or less exactly the American blackout size from 14
& 15 August. The first quoted fun is as follows:
Most of Italy's 57 million people were left without power, compared to the 50 million affected during the Aug. 14 blackout in the United States and Canada. By mid-morning, power was returning to the north but still remained out in most of Rome and the south.
Carlo Andrea Bollino, the director of the Italian electrical network, ruled out terrorism. "All the data we have now is in line with a technical failure," Bollino said. |
_____1_____ |
Wow Carlo, I hope you are right because it is rather likely
that 'something else' is more real than your version of events.
But Carlo, let me tell you the truth; Even if it was some 'terror
attack' in that case the White House would have asked quickly to
try and classify this as some 'non terror attack'. That's
the way it works my dear Carlo...
The fake American cake journalists from CNN did make the next
little list, it is of interest to observe that on the three days
of those blackouts I did not write on this website (of course a
'coincidence', or not?). Quote fun:
- The Italian blackout comes on the heels of other major outages elsewhere in the world this year.
- On August 14 a massive blackout swept the northern and eastern United States and parts of Canada, affecting 50 million people and shutting down more than 100 power plants.
- Two weeks later another outage hit London and parts of southeast England, disabling public transport at the height of the evening rush hour.
(Reinko; And here in Holland we had next:)
- Blackout for Essent Retail
& Rendo on 11 & 12 Sept 2003.
_____2_____ |
Before I make some comments on these four blackouts lets turn
to the 14 & 15 of August one: Because the slimy, blubber,
stupid & slow minded local authorities decided to invite me in
court on the 15th of August I just decided to make August the so
called 'civil month' with daily civil deaths at something like 10
to 11 (so a rough '300 extra').
This was also done as some TourTheWorld comparing my vision on
9/11 to the White Housing version of it. There were bombs in all
significant places that mattered to this TourTheWorld (but the
White House stayed silent again, only silence observed from their
side, may be they just jump for joy with every bomb not exploding
into the US of A). Now a small work concerning just one step in
the TourTheWorld, it is the United Nations flag during the hotel
blast in Baghdad, Iraq:
Title: Written
in the Best Understandable Language; US officials just bla bla bla.
So now you know (again) what joker runs the show in the
WarOnTerror we can tunnel into some comments upon the four
blackouts from this Summer (four blackouts so far, what will
happen if Essent Retail truly tries to take away my
electricity???). The commenting table:
Title: The
commenting table upon four blackouts (so far) |
American blackout |
On the 15th of August
(originally) some important courthouse session against me
was planned, again authorities thought broken windows and
unpaid bills are far more important than human lives. So I
had to act.
Result: 300+ more civilian deaths & rather likely the
American blackout. |
London blackout |
At the end of 28
August I left this story unedited and the last two words
were 'elec info:'. The next day I did not write into this
story and in the evening the London blackout was there.
Result: Once more I was proved that this story just
'writes itself'. |
Holland blackout |
On 11 Sept I just
refused to write in order to make a little protest against
the silence of the White Housing Americans. Later that day
an electricity transformator building was burned
down (I asked Essent Retail for specific details upon
this, but I did not get them till now)
Result: A very good mood for me and hopefully a bad mood
for Essent. |
Italian blackout |
Again a day of 'not
writing' and now in Italy stuff breaks down, this is the
third 'friend of America' having blackout problems...
Result: Again a very good mood for me |
Now (about 4 hours after making the above table) I have found
another blackout! One in Scandinavia! Oops, I just missed that one
in the news I just guess. They had a blackout last week and it's
scale was 'A maximum of 20 years' but in numbers it was 4 to 5
million without electricity. Let me quote a few details around
that one:
Officials at Swedish power company Svenska Kraftnaet said the problems had been caused by a combination of events that had not yet been fully explained.
They said the failure of a ventilating system at the Oskarshamn nuclear reactor in south-eastern Sweden had caused the shutdown of the power station.
The Ringhals nuclear station, which should have taken over, also had been shut down, after the breakdown of its link to the grid. |
_____3_____ |
How beautiful these five blackouts are, every time the so
called 'experts' say that is was just a coincidental combination
of facts and that it was rather unlikely that such extreme events
would happen again... Remark that the Scandinavian blackout does
not fall into the pattern of 'One day not writing and see what
Lets leave it with that, till the next update my dear and beloved
What would the USS Cole Hole
think of all these blackouts? Now?
29 Sept 2003: By the way, on 15
April this year I published the next little graphical work. This
work is from
a story I wrote last year and that story has the name Free
Electricity. A nice story, or not?
Give me a million ways to
attack the local crap tellers.
After all that international electricity
fun from above it is about time to take a fine look at the so
called '@Home Front'. This could be
of interest because in only three days time some company under the
name of Essent Retail will get its judicial waiver to end my
humble use of free energy sources (and killing this story for a
long time of course). So Essent how are you doing on this
particular day?
Oops, how to expose my feelings in some 'judicial acceptable'
way? Ah! Now I know:
Upon receiving
that strange news upon some big scale accident in some
Dutch power plant I just felt curious upon the details in
this particular accident. Some details are that in the
city of Geertruidenberg is located some power plant named
'Amer 9 centrale' and some accident did happen, in a 85
meter high steam kettle some scaffold broke down resulting
in a pile of rubble of some 47 meter maximum height.
To me these details are more
or less 'emotional neutral', we all know that 'shit
happens' and this is just another accident. And nothing
more, all can understand this.
Well, in fact, there are more
'some details'. The scaffold collapsed on Saturday (I
don't know the exact time or the 'exact timing'), collapse
was exactly 5 days before the wisdom of the local canton
judge (in the case 'Essent versus Reinko') is made public.
Also there were up to 4 Americans in this work crew and
also the name of Essent is on the outside of this
particular power plant.
These last details are not
'emotional neutral' to me, in fact I have some smile from
ear to ear. This is rather likely some Opera 5 and not
some lousy accident my dear Essent. It was rather likely
just some lethal combination of facts; 4 Americans, 5 days
to go and ownership of Amer 9 by Essent... It was all just
lethal my dear Essent and in case you didn't had enough
there is always the concept of 'scaling up' lingering
around the corner. |
So Essent Retail, didn't you
know 02 October was waiting for you?
In case of 'Opera 5' I have
to thank operative(s) dearly! Harsh & good!
Remark: Later I found that the 'Essent accident' was not
exactly 5 days before the verdict of the trial 'Essent versus
Reinko' was spoken out. The verdict will be spoken out on 02
October, that's why in the picture above it is written '02 Oct is
Now we tunnel a bit to the Media report to 29 September in the
year two thousand and three.
Media report to 29 Sept 2003:
A nice quote found upon the failure or documents around
the destruction of the Iraqi weapons of massive
destruction (lost the source, sorry):
But there wasn't much he could tell them, not that he could prove, at least. Just before the war, he recalls, the chiefs at the mic had told people like him involved in the weapons program to hand over some of their documents and burn the rest. "They didn't realize at that time the Americans would insist on every single document," he says. "They thought the (U.S.) attacks would come and that would be it." When in the years after the war U.N. inspectors kept demanding a paper trail, the superiors got nervous. They "started asking us for the documents they had told us to destroy. They were desperate. They even offered to buy any documents we may have hidden."
Comment: Well man, analysis like this went through my
head before the start of Gulf War II. But I decided to 'go
ahead' with the GWII anyway, was there any other way to
end the economical sanctions? Now, what's the answer on
this? Was there any way, given the current political power
configuration on this planet, any possibility to end those
sanctions sucking out the life blood of Iraq?
Proceed quotes with Israeli
ISRAEL'S defence minister today lambasted a group of air force pilots for their refusal to carry out airstrikes against Palestinians militants, accusing them of providing a propaganda coup for Israel's enemies.
The 27 reserve pilots declared in a public petition handed to the air force commander last Wednesday that the airstrikes were immoral and illegal because they killed innocent civilians.
However, at the same time another active pilot threw his lot in with the rebels and signed the petition.
In the past three years, dozens of wanted men have been killed in air attacks, along with dozens of bystanders. Many of the attacks are carried out in crowded Palestinian cities.
Comment: It is good to observe that there do exists
some Israeli soldiers who indeed realize what they are
doing all in all. It is wise not to forget that the
tremendous amount of power of the Israeli army is fed by
all that US money (mostly unconditional given away). |
_____1_____ |
_____2_____ |
And now for something completely different, there are still a
lot of people who think it is 'normal' to enforce virginity via
violence. In particular when this is around their own daughters
(or other family members). Quoting:
On 12 October last year, he "hacked his daughter to death", before cutting his own throat and jumping from a third floor balcony of their home in Acton, west London.
Police officers found him injured but alive and went into the flat to discover Heshu's body. A bent and broken kitchen knife still protruding from her neck bore testament to the savagery of the attack.
During a family holiday to Kurdistan last year, Heshu became worried her father might try and arrange a marriage for her - and she felt trapped.
"It was while there that the defendant might have discovered that his daughter had a boyfriend and that she was not a virgin," said Mr
McGuinness. Yones pulled a gun on his daughter and threatened to kill her.
On their return to Britain, Heshu started to make plans to run away and wrote to her father, saying: "Bye Dad, sorry I was so much trouble. Me and you will probably never understand each other, but I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted, but
there's some things you can't change." She ended the letter by saying: "Hey, for an older man you have a good strong punch and kick. I hope you enjoyed testing your strength on me, it was fun being on the receiving end. Well done."
Yones, who spent months in hospital afterwards, but made a full recovery, first claimed Heshu had been killed by an
al-Qa'ida gang before admitting the killing last week.
Comment: Well Yones, your ordeal is a hard one. You
will rather likely do some hell burning later when you are
dead, may be you just did forget the next:
When some female wants to enter matrimony as a virgin,
this is just her own responsibility.
And as a parent you are of course allowed to talk to her
and you can hope she won't disappoint you, but kicking as
hard as you can and even use guns is way out of line.
That will only lead to food poisoning (often not seen by
'authorities') or other ways of dealing with this
particular 'male mindset'.
You messed it up man, you will burn. |
_____3_____ |
_____4_____ |
After this 'Western style preaching' (that isn't Western
preaching at all, it is just a simple rule of live and let live)
there is also a bit military fun observed. Former US general
Anthony Zinni has some remarks to make:
Some critics of the Administration's hard-liners pull no punches. "It reminds me of Vietnam," says retired Marine General Anthony Zinni, who headed the U.S. Central Command from 1997 to 2000. "Here we have some strategic thinkers who have long wanted to invade Iraq. They saw an opportunity, and they used the imminence of the threat and the association with terrorism and the 9/11 emotions as a catalyst and justification. It's another Gulf of Tonkin."
Comment: Well Zinni, I don't know the exact |
details of the Gulf of Tonkin
but I can tell you this: 'I have cells in strange places
and all I wanted was an end to the economical sanctions.'
So Zinni, often people just try to do what is GOOD and
not what is EVIL. The US government is no exception to
this rule so why don't you read the story called Only
madness words? I think the US government just wanted
to get rid of these horrible sanctions themselves, that's
what I think Zinni & what do you think? |
_____5_____ |
_____6_____ |
Beside this GOOD versus EVIL behavior there is also the concept
of STANDING OUTSIDE REALITY. When you would ask me I would share a
rather humble opinion with you. And this opinion is that this
whole WarOnTerror is just one big lie from the beginning. Just one
big lie from the beginning of it all, but for me it is hard to ram
the truth out because a whole lot of high shot people would have
to take serious loss of face value.
That's my little problem so I just keep on reciting 'stuff'
until... Yes, until what? Until what?
Lets now read the beautiful estimation about the costs of the
Iraqi occupation as estimated before GulfWarII (found on Time dot
com). I call this the '50 to 60 million US$ joke, this joke surely
proofs that most members of the US government were standing
outside reality for sure:
It was the work of that group that in large part led omb director Mitch Daniels to estimate a year ago that the total price tag of the Iraq adventure would be just $50 million to $60 million, a range Bush surely now wishes were true. The failure to get the costs right turned on two false assumptions: that Iraq's infrastructure was in relatively decent shape and that Iraqi oil exports would pay for much of the country's reconstruction. But Iraq's electricity grid is barely functional, and its oil installations aren't much better. "The oil refineries can't be repaired, in my opinion," said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham after a visit to Iraq last month. "They have to be replaced."
How did the Administration get its cost estimates so wrong? The conventional explanation—offered last week by Marine General Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—is that "until you get in on the ground, you don't have a thorough understanding of how degraded those systems became." But Iraq isn't on the dark side
of the moon. |
"There were plenty of people in and out of Iraq—inspectors and many other potential sources of information about the state of Iraq's infrastructure," says Ralph Peters, a retired Army intelligence officer. "This was a whopping intelligence failure."
Comment: This simply is what you get when you make
international politics based on the GOOD versus EVIL
This is for sure a tremendous whopping intelligence
failure and it is a very good lesson in 'truth finding'.
The lesson is that it is rather unwise to trust on US
intelligence in particular and and Western intelligence in
Often are failures of this magnitude observed by me, all
you need is some independent brain or some independent
attitude. But most people are simply like sheep and they
just do not dare to float away from the general wisdom or
general ideas living within their organization (or in
their country, or in their government).
Flock stuff problems is what this is! |
_____7_____ |
_____8_____ |
Yes, the 'flock stuff problems' keep on popping up. May be a
big part of the human 'flock stuff behavior' can be explained that
in some very far past the whole of humanity was only some 3000
people. Anyway, that is what some scientists have measured from
the genetic diversity into humanity. On the other hand this 'lack
of genetic diversity' is something that has brought big benefits
for humanity, without it we would not be able of working together
that good.
But in the end your 'powers' often turn into weak points; and the
complete standing beside reality of the US (and other Western)
governments is just one of those weak points. Or is my analysis a
bit to simple do you think?
We proceed with the Moroccan equation (remember they had some
bombs too lately in May). The quotes were found on the website of
the British Broadcasting Corporation:
Three teenage Moroccan girls, two of them twin sisters, are facing a new charge of planning attacks on the Moroccan king and his family following the resumption of their trial on terrorism charges.
The three 14-year-old girls were already facing grave charges of planning suicide attacks on the Moroccan parliament building and a supermarket selling alcohol in Rabat.
But sources at the first hearing of their trial on Friday say that the girls are now also accused of planning to attack King Mohammed and other members of the Moroccan royal family.
No details have emerged of what their alleged plot amounted to, but it has added a new twist to what was already set to be a sensational trial.
As a sign of how sensitive the case is, the Moroccan authorities have decided that the girls should be tried separately from 18 other adult suspects, who the police say were implicated in the plot and their trial will be held behind closed doors.
This is a country still coming to terms with the |
suicide bombings in May that killed 45 people in Casablanca.
But others question the likelihood of three impoverished girls, barely into their teens, having the capacity, even if they had the intention, of carrying out such ambitious attacks.
Comment: This kind of behavior of the Moroccan
authorities are clearly fueled by fear and panic. Just
like the Americans after 9/11 they sure make a big fool of
With seriously investigating the 'thread' of 3 14 year old
teenage girls against the Moroccan parliament they make
themselves the subject of my humiliation and my disgust.
These authorities are just cowards, these authorities
cannot deal with a bit of danger lingering around the
Al last let me say that I myself wasn't very satisfied
upon the Moroccan bombs myself. The blasts in Saudi Arabia
were sheer perfection (just a few days after I started the
WarTribunal the US civil-military parts came under
attack). But the Moroccan blasts were rather vague... What
goal was served there? So that was a bit of a pity. |
_____9_____ |
_____10_____ |
What a long Media report, we are almost there but the next just
has to be mentioned too:
U.S. Constitution: Second Amendment
Second Amendment - Bearing Arms
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Comment: Oh, the whole of the US army is only a 'well
regulated militia'? Or are all those civilian gun owners
into some kind of 'regulated militia'? I just don't get
this America, may be I am to stupid to understand this
part of you exactly.
Facts are that for example in Canada the density of guns
is the same as in America but in America there are far
more violent gun murders and deaths. These are simple
And how come that for example a lot of other groups
just not have this right to bear arms? Look at the Hamas,
if they would have normal rights upon this then there
would be much less civil Israeli deaths observed. Or am I
wrong and are the Hamas only EVIL people? |
_____11_____ |
Almost at the end of this part, again I would like you to
remember at that perfect nuke scare into the Pakistan army that
was rather simply triggered by me with just two letters to my so
called Dual. Let me quote a small part of these letters again:
My dear Dual, you carry so many faces and some of these faces sing some song of A. That's strange don't you think, the song of A? But I hope you don't sing this kind of song.
You don't sing this tweety tweety kind of stuff, you have some very big voice and when you start singing the whole world watches. Yes yes, my dear Dual, you know what I am talking about don't you?
Because your voice can be so very loud, you know you cannot sing lightly. So you must do your thinking first and may be act upon some signal. But what signal can I give to you at this moment? |
The quotes above were published on 02 November
2001, only after this the Pakistan nuke scare suddenly did set in.
But did I just get one second of attention from the North American
Media parties? No of course not, they like standing outside
reality too. Just like the US government, now a lot of time later
you see what it brings when you stand outside reality...
Now I stop working on this Media report, this is for sure the
longest Media report that I've composed. But as you can see it
only covers a little bit of humanity, just a few fragments and
that's it.
See you in part 26, what will that part bring to us all? After
all the number '26' is for sure a 'terror number' and therefore I
have good hope upon the proceedings of this long story in part 26.
Go to the next part; nr
For the Dutch a small extra 'gift' is there. By accident I came
across the next Reinko via some google search:
"Ik ga niet vertellen wat het verhaal is. De mensen moeten hun eigen verhaal maar
verzinnen'', zegt Reinko Hallenga, die in een kijkdoos een rampzalig scenario
uitbeeldde. |
And may be this is all I am doing, only making disastrous
scenarios in a 'looking box' or in some 'glass box' (a computer
monitor). I like it, that is a fact. Just a bit of writing and
sometimes a bit of reciting and later reality folds around the
written words. Till next part! ;) Again the link to part
More upon the nuke scare recited on 02 November 2001? Ha, nice
details were found & good laughable stuff. Perfect website
with the quotes, called nucnews dot net...
But the question still is, will I have my nuke on the Pentagon
during my lifetime yes or no?
Go to the next part; nr
End of part XXVb. Back to part
XXV (Begin September) or go to
part XXVI