(31 Jan 2024) Just two
items, no intro talk.
Item 1) Waiting for a
miracle & Jens in Washington.
Item 2) De Moivre identity & video on the Stern-Gerlach
1) Waiting for a miracle & Jens in Washington.
All in all I am not
very positive upon funding for Ukraine. It might very well go
wrong in Washington and of course in the EU it's problematic too.
Well lets hope for the best and prepare for the worst as the
saying is...
There was also some
renewed talk last week upon seizing the frozen reserves from the
Russian central bank. That is important too if you look at the
numbers: It's about 300 billion $ if memory serves. Or about five
times the size of the US proposal if that one goes through.
In another development
Jens Stoltenberg the present NATO chief went to Washington. Of
course there is a boatload to discuss. I only write about Ukraine
but there was also an attack on US soldiers in Jordan, all that
Palestine stuff and so on and so on. Sometimes I wonder if war is
some contagious kind of virus...
I didn't have time to
view the entire press conference but on C-Span they have the whole
thing. Interesting detail: Anthony Blinken is left handed. You
might say 'So what?' But I belong to that oppressed minority too,
so Anthony and I we are two lefties.
As always click on the
picture if you want to see the press conference:

Video title: Secretary Blinken Joint News Conference with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg.
Link used: https://www.c-span.org/video/?533244-1/secretary-blinken-
Lets go to the next
2) De Moivre identity & video on the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
After a bit of doubt I
decided to craft the new so called de Moivre formular or identity
for that elliptic kind of complex plane you get when you use the
rule i^2 = -1 + 1.
If you have ever done
an elementary course on complex numbers, likely you have seen this
de Moivre formula. You can always use that in case you have
forgotten what sin(2t) or cos(2t) were when expressed into sin(t)
and cos(t).
Historical detail:
This de Moivre identity proceeds the Euler stuff by something like
half a century. Anyway this de Moivre guy was an interesting guy,
there is even a martingale that carries his name. Here is a good
wiki on the biography and works of Abraham de Moivre:
As so often in math,
the first findings were often very different from how we use them
today. That also goes for the present form of the de Moivre
formula. Abraham himself had a more or less inverted version from
Anyway I have no idea
when the next post is ready but here is the new identity itself.
The AI picture of the humanoid is from Pixabay. If you need
pictures that are free to use it is a great place that Pixabay,
until last week I had never been there but it's a nice website.
Most of the time you
won't need more complicated de Moivre identities. That goes also
for me, of course there are more ways of finding say cos(2t) but
even I never need stuff for like below cos(2t + pi/6).
But writing down such
new de Moivre identities is always a feast in itself, so it's not
very practical but it is still a feast to do.

Electron time!
Brian Keating had a
long video out with Martin Bauer from Germany. For me it is very
interesting because it contains information that I did not know or
if I knew it was forgotten or neglected.
But Einstein himself
was much more involved in the Stern-Gerlach experiment than I
knew. Albert himself secured a lot of the funding of the original
SG experiment. On top of that it was Albert Einstein himself that
pushed for those 'repeated SG experiments' that would confirm the
math rules for spin flip of electrons in case the magnetic field
changes direction.
May be this Einstein
involvement causes that even today in the year 2024 people still
tell that crap about repeated Stern-Gerlach experiments.
In my view the mistake
physics people make is that they think electron spin is some
fragile quantum state. And just a tiny amount of energy will flip
the spin state of the electron.
I think that is all
100% BS and even in a nuclear explosion no electron flips spin
state. Electrons are magnetic monopoles just like they are
electric monopoles and all that blah blah blah from the two guys
in the video is just what it is: Blah blah blah.
Brian and Martin: Show
me the FUCKING experiment that validates the math rules you guys
use for electron spin flip and all that stuff. In nine years of
time I still haven't found it.
Well I am glad for all
the new info in this video, but why does the electron has to be a
tiny magnet as both gentlemen seem to think?
That is why I placed
my version of the electron pair from last week on top of the two
talking heads thinking electrons are tiny magnets while they have
no fucking experimental evidence for that.

Video title: Martin Bauer: The Revolutionary Stern-Gerlach Experiment
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiw3aJwc7TU
Ok, lets leave it with
that while I still do not understand why two of such guys keep on
believing into the tiny magnet model for the electron and why two
such smart guys absolutely don't talk about other experiments you
could do. I think that is just like asking a math professor about
why not using elliptical complex numbers?
Thanks for your
attention, see you in a next update.
(26 Jan 2024) Bah, one
of my wrists hurts so it is better to keep this update
Item 1) UK to USA:
Don't go wobbly!
Item 2) A picture of the official version of electron spin.
Item 1) UK to USA: Don't go wobbly!
No comment on that
tragic loss of a plane where in according to Russia were 65
Ukrainian POW's. All POW's included the nine crew are dead. So
that was some sobering news it this is all correct.
The New York Times has
a article with the funny title ‘No Time to Go Wobbly’ where
the NYT explains why the UK is lobbying the US republicans.
And may be that is a
good idea, after all the UK conservatives and the USA counter
parts are often on the same level playing field when it comes to
cognitive capabilities. And in such situations there is often
meaningful communication possible. While if the cognitive levels
are very different or asymmetric if you want and the ways of
thinking between two groups is just very very different, in such
cases it is not possible or much harder to have meaningful
May be you hit a pay wall and I would recommend not to read the
article or at least avoid paying for it, it's not such high
journalism that it is worth money. But it's a funny article title,
click on the picture to land at NYT:

Title: ‘No Time to Go Wobbly’: Why Britain Is Lobbying U.S. Republicans on Ukraine.
Link used: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/25/world/europe/ukraine-
Lets go to the next
2) A picture of the official version of electron spin.
Sometimes when I try
to explain to people why the electrons cannot be tiny magnets,
often they have a very empty look in their eyes. And that is not
because they are stupid, I remember a time when I was such a
person myself.
All I knew nine years
ago is that people from the field of physics think that electrons
are tiny magnets. That is all I knew and for me too it took a long
time before I could go forth and back between electrons being
bipolar tiny magnets compared to electrons that have a monopole
magnetic charge.
And now so many years
later this has become so easy that it is hard to imagine that
other relative smart people are so slow when it comes to
understanding the implications of the 'tiny magnet' model compared
to what I think: electrons are permanent monopole magnets. (So
there's two kinds of electrons so to say).
It is well known that
in an electron pair the electrons must have opposite spins, that
is known as the Pauli exclusion principle. But what the physics
community will never tell you that if you apply such idea's to
tiny magnets, you get all kinds of weird stuff.
Bipolar magnets, large
or small, should always bind or connect via the principle that
only opposite poles attract. As such if it was true that electrons
are tiny magnets, their magnetic fields should align.
And they should not
anti align like I made in the next picture:

It is important to
realize that what is in the above picture is the official version
of electron spin without magnetic monopolism.
But such an image is
not findable on the internet, I had to make it myself. This is
what the physics professors never tell you because if they show
pictures like this everybody understands that they are crazy.
So that's why you always get those boatloads of math when they
talk about magnetism.
I have to say it works
pretty well, most people just don't see when a patch of math is a
good cover of what is known as physical reality and when a patch
of math is clearly misused.
For example Rabi
oscillations between electron spin states, it's an interesting
boatload of math but if electrons are just permanent magnetic
monopoles it is just bull shit.
Anyway yesterday on the other website I finally posted a new post
on magnetism. May be if you are a reader of this homepage you have
already seen that all because I selected the two most cute
magnetic details as I wrote them on this website.
Here is the link to
the new post:
That mysterious electron pair and so called VESPR
In this post I
selected the idiot talk from Cornell university (electron pairs
explained that is is just like two bar magnets connect with
opposite poles, the Cornell people are truly stupid). And of
course VESPR theory, this theory comes more from the chemical
sciences and may be I like it therefore more as the crap that
always comes from the physics community.
That's it for this
update, as always thanks for your attention.
(24 Jan 2024) I didn't
save any links so this is just me talking or writing and no link.
Two items for today's update:
Item 1) Random Ukraine
Item 2) Tiny bit old math & repeat stupid Cornell explanation.
Item 1) Random Ukraine stuff.
As always much to much
did happen to comment upon. A crazy high number of civilian
wounded caused by the latest Russian missile attacks while Russia
is claiming they only targeted military production facilities...
Well the Kremlin and
it's internal steams of information will always be a source of
utter amazement. It really is a parallel universe or may be
better: it's a part of crazyland.
Now the ink of my
previous post wasn't even dry and there was another target hit in
the neighborhood of St. Petersburg. This time a gas producing
facility that makes liquid gas for export is my understanding.
Well after all those strikes from Russia against Ukrainian energy
infra structure, this is of course an allowed target.
This gas facility
attack had much more success compared to the oil attack from last
week in the same area of Russia. Here it took one full day before
the fires were more or less under control. And if gave a wonderful
picture with all that frozen water:

And not directly
related to Ukraine but it seems the Turkish parliament has voted
on membership of Sweden for the NATO alliance. I still think it
was rather unhandy to burn Korans in Sweden during demonstrations,
but it seems that under Swedish law it is allowed to so such
things. You can talk long or short on stuff like this, but I
always frown upon those weirdo's burning those religious books
while I do not have a problem with burning a flag or so. But in
Sweden it's allowed to burn religious texts so the only thing that
protects them is the limited discipline of those demonstrators.
Anyway I would like to thank the Turks for letting Sweden in!
The only country that has not given permission to enter NATO is of
course Hungary...
But I do not feel like
commenting on Hungary so lets go to the next item.
2) Tiny bit old math & repeat stupid Cornell explanation.
I was thinking about a
magnetic post for on the other website containing two updates from
this website in the previous year:
That totally stupid
explanation of electron pairs by Cornell university.
And the way the so called VESPR theory works where the building
blocks for atoms and molecules emerge from the fact that electron
pairs repel each other.
Today I thought of a
similar thing as stupid as the Cornell explanation, it goes with
money and is as next:
If you have money in a savings account or
if you have taken on a loan and you are indebted, in that
case you always get so called interest. So all you have to
do is take on a loan because it acts 'just like' your
savings account... |
In case you don't remember the stupid line of reasoning by
Cornell, it was about electrons as tiny magnets and in order to
form electron pairs it is known the electrons must have opposite
spin. Having opposite spins is also known as 'anti alignment' and
is for sure one of the biggest mysteries in physics: Why do
electrons anti-align themselves?
Of course at Cornell they never explain that kind of nonsense they
keep on repeating year in year out.
Well I think that electrons are not tiny magnets but they are
monopoles when it comes to magnetism, just like their electric
charge is a monopole. If you look at it that way it becomes much
much more logical as why an electron pair is neutral under
application of magnetic fields.
Here is that tax payer paid crap once more:

In another development
in the graphical package DESMOS you can find online, after seeing
last week that guy adding up the first 200 terms of the famous
Riemann zeta function, I decided to do the same with my modified
Dirichlet kernels.
And in yet another
development I finally was that smart to go to Pornhub and look
over there for so called 'female robots'. The result was very
strange: Ok ok now the robots have better tits, actually they look
pretty amazingly good, but now they have NO FACE!
The things you have to
do for science, it is just amazing. How can you find out if these
robots have hollow tits yes or no? Can you very politely use a
rubber hammer on their tits and hear if it sound hollow?
And why do female
robots need tits anyway? Life is full of deep deep mysteries like
why do physics people believe in electron spin as tiny magnets? If
they would use that tax payer money more wisely they would
investigate if these tits are hollow or massive. Likely that will
lead to some "New Physics" as they call it.
Anyway in the picture
below you can see the fourth modified Dirichlet kernel and that is
one of the building blocks for the 4D complex exponential. I just
wanted to see how it looked in the DESMOS package and after that I
added up the first 200 terms.

Now my scientific
research did arrive at the next conclusion: These tits are likely
fake tits and the robots do not have a face because they come from
a computer game named Atomic Heart.
May be now is the
right time to split so we can go our own way in parallel universes
and as always thanks for your attention.
(19 Jan 2024) Wow man how terrible cold is it
over here! During daytime about +1 degree Celcius while in the
middle of the night temperatures get as cold as minus one or even
I don't think much Russians will read this
but if you are sitting there without heating and or electricity, I
understand your troubles! Wow man minus 25 or even minus 30 sounds
just like that horrible minus 1 we have over here!
May be Russians can find peace of heart by
understanding that if something does not kill you, it will only
make you stronger. Just like a bottle of Vodka, just one bottle
does not kill you so it makes you so strong that you think like
"Why not another bottle?"
I have an extra picture but I did not want to
delete it because may be that is considered as genocide on
snowmen, a practice that is illegal of course. So here it is:

But lets go to the two items of
Item 1) Two very different video's about and
from Ukraine.
Item 2) Finally the latest math post is finished.
Item 1) Two very
different video's about and from Ukraine.
The first video is from Anna from Ukraine.
It's a bit more emotional but also very charming. It's also a bit
of a motivation that we must keep on helping Ukraine and not tire
for no reason at all.
After all it took me about 11 years before I
had my stomach full of the War on Terror and this war isn't even
two years old. Click on Anna's picture to see her

Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq3BepTPmOs
Yes I haven't read that news but it seems to
blow up in St. Petersburg because of UA drones or may be local
Russians that want to get rid of their government.
The next video is from Paul from the video
channel Combat Veteran Reacts. It is very interesting because this
video highlights a bit the data streams you need in combat in this
21-th century.
Paul himself has fought in Afghanistan so
that was likely a decade ago or so and he tells how difficult it
often was to make sure you have communications with different
military posts over there.
Even longer ago, in the beginning of the
1980-ties I was a soldier myself working in what we name 'Verbindingen'.
Translated that would be lines of communication but those words
are also used for just transporting all kinds of stuff. Anyway I
had a telex with encryption and one or two radio channels with
unencrypted stuff.
The telephone was done by rolling out hundreds of meters of cables
and everywhere there were telephonists who's job it was to plug in
the cables so the telephone calls could reach their target
All in all this was not much bytes per second but it was better
compared to a situation where you had no telex, radio or telephone
at all...
Right now in Ukraine they use systems like
Starlink and those connection speeds are just like my own internet
connection. Compared to how fast I could type text on my telex
back in time, this is a very huge improvement.
I think Paul is a bit over the top in his
intro that Ukrainians have leapfrogged over US and NATO command
centers. Eventually those command centers will pick up but in the
military things often don't go that fast.
And of course in the military everything has to be of 'military
grade' for the obvious reasons, making the stuff military grade is
a long process in itself. After that militaries have to buy it and
that can also take a long time before it is actually used.
By no means this is a criticism of Western militaries, this is
just how it works. They always have limited means because it's
taxpayer money and as such it is better to think a bit longer
before you spend that taxpayer money...
Click on the picture for the video from

Video title: Ex-US Soldiers: Ukr Command Posts BETTER Than US!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfzkkFLTaiw
In the end things will pick up, compare it
for example to 10 Sept 2001: There was no video surveillance of
the Pentagon building itself. And now there likely is, so in the
end all militaries can evolve if needed...
Item 2) Finally the
latest math post is finished.
Yesterday I finally published the latest math
post and I checked on the post before that and it was published on
20 Dec last year. So this post although it's math at the surface
is not very deep, it took me a bit long to write.
Anyway it's seven pictures long and an
additional 3 extra figures, so all in all 10 images and for what?
Well for giving two parametrization of an ellipse...
May be this is an indication I am getting
senile while on the other hand now I finally have some math that
math professors could understand (complex analysis in a flat
plane) it is important that no flaws are there.
After all these years it's a bit sad for me
that 3D complex numbers have never picked up any notice. Well it
is what it is and I am one hundred % through with the
(professional) math community.
If they are to stupid and/or unwilling to
think about higher dimensional complex numbers, that is something
I have to accept.
Anyway the latest post is finally there, I
also found a new cute looking female robot so click on the picture
to land at the latest post if you want to read it:

Math post title: Two parametrizations for the ‘unit’ ellipse in the i^2 = -1 + i kind of multiplication.
Lets leave it with that, till updates.
(17 Jan 2024) No intro, only two items.
Item 1) Russian AWACS down & Inside
Russia on utilities breakdown.
Item 2) Finally it's finished but it's not yet published yet.
Item 1) Russian
AWACS down & Inside Russia on utilities breakdown.
It's already a few days in the news but it
seems that a Russian version of the AWACS system plus a huge
command air plane were destroyed respectively damaged.
So that's the second AWACS they lost if
memory serves, it seems they have something like 10 left but only
about 6 in active duty. If this AWACS tactical detail is true, in
that case it is important the economical sanctions do their work
and they can't rebuild such a plane in say the rest of this
Here is a newfeed from the BBC:
Article title: Ukraine says it shot down Russian A-50 spy plane
Link used: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67978739
Below you see that so called damaged tail of
the command plane. As the BBC also mentioned these details are
hard to verify given just one picture.

Konstantin from the video channel Inside
Russia had a good video out explaining the finer details behind
all those breakdowns of utilities they have over there in Russia.
In my memory Konstantin is an economist but
in the video he tells that he knows a bit about electrical
equipment. After all he bought some stuff from Siemens and if you
buy stuff like that you must understand what you buy. And may be
he is an economist too, I just don't know but the video is very
Anyway for me it is very interesting because
I would like to see a breakdown of the Russian military forces to
the extend that they can no longer do to any other EU nation what
they are doing to Ukraine.
As such all these breakdowns in Russian
utilities like warm water and electricity are a welcome
development as far as I am concerned. Of course the weather is
also very helpful, likely without the severity of this winter the
breakdown would be much less. So for that I want to thank the
Almighty for this great help because who else to say thanks
Click on the video from Inside Russia, as you
see it's 23 minutes long:

Video title: RUSSIANS ARE FREEZING! | In January 2024 The Utility Industry Collapses.
Link used:
The Ai generated picture of Joe Biden
discharging his presidential duties is funny. It looks like Ai is
here to stay, but for the human artists it is of course a bad
thing that people can make pictures with just a few lines of
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Finally it's
finished but it's not yet published yet.
Yesterday I finally finished the work on the
latest math post. Given the fact I am actually doing are relative
simple thing, only give parametrizations for the covering of an
interesting ellipse, it tool a lot of time to write it all
It has also become amazingly long: Seven
pictures of 550x1100 pixels and three extra figures to explain
some important details. Since I now have written over 250 math
posts of course it has happened before posts became rather long.
But that covered much more math so to say, this is only just two
parametrizations of the same ellipse...
On the other hand there are all kinds of
reasons as why this post became so long. The first parametrization
is based on finding the logarithm of the number i that
rules the (elliptical) complex multiplication. The rule says that i^2
= -1 + i so it is a bit different from the complex plane where we
have i^2 = -1.
With this small modification of the way the
complex multiplication works we now have the very interesting
property that i^3 = -1. That gave me the idea for the
second way of finding or crafting a parametrization: See what you
get if you project the three dimensional complex exponential (a
circle) on the xy-plane.
And that was an interesting discovery: You
get the same ellipse!
So the first way of crafting the
parametrization was an invention because you have to work often
hard and long to find the logarithm of imaginary units. And the
second parametrization was a discovery.
Now often in weird Youtube video's you see
overpaid academics ask each other that stupid question: Is
mathematics invented or discovered? That is a stupid
question, compare it to say roads. Are roads made from asphalt or
from stones?
The question if math is discovered or
invented is rather easy to answer:
If you work hard and long to get some desired
result, this is clearly an invented piece of math. You often need
a lot of time for that.
A discovery on the other hand is if you just 'try some stuff out'
and that solves the whole fucking problem. It's just a few second
or minutes of trying and such mathematical results are classified
by me as discoveries.
Anyway in the picture below you see the two
parametrizations at the top and bottom of the picture. The female
robot thing is from pixabay, it is for free use so I do not need
to pillage & plunder images because it's free anyway... And
don't forget that in the picture below i^2 = -1 + i and not
just -1.

If you would ask me what parametrization I
like the most, that is hard to say. Of course I like it when after
finding a number tau I also can figure out how that complex
exponential works.
But if you just 'do some stuff' in a short
time frame and you find or discover the second parametrization,
that is also cute.
Lets leave it with that, thanks for not
falling asleep during my incoherent ramblings. So see you in a
next update.
(12 Jan 2024) Only one item for this update
because I still haven't finished the new math post while I also
have no fresh stuff for a rant against weird physics professors
that think electrons are tiny magnets. No wondering as why the
physics professors themselves can't see the wrongs with that idea,
the idea that electrons 'must be' tiny magnets without any
experimental validation. So no rant against that class of
incompetent professorial parasitic physics people, no why rant
against those that are mathematical inferior beings that are too
stupid to understand they have a problem...;) ?
There is an old song from the sixties titled
"No milk today, my love has gone away" and as such I can
only sing "No rant today, my brain has gone away".
Therefore only a bit of Ukraine related stuff
in this update:
Item 1) Random UA related stuff.
Item 1) Random UA
related stuff.
Random thing 1: It was reported that in the
USA about one billion in military aid to Ukraine was not tracked
properly. Ok every billion in that category is a billion to much
but on the scale of things I would say the one billion is a good
number. If it later turns out that one billion was just the tip of
the iceberg I might change opinion but for now this does not sound
like a bad number.
Corruption. Now a lot of people always say
that Ukraine is so corrupt but in this entire war as far as I know
not much military gear has been stolen or sold on black markets.
In the beginning of the war you had a few of those pictures from
anti tank boom stuff, but if checked it were always just Russians
trying some weird Russian stuff.
For example I have heard of no infantry
transport vehicle being sold for the value of it's scrap metals.
So from the point of view of corruption, it could be much much
Source Axios: Over $1B of U.S. military aid to Ukraine not properly tracked: Pentagon report.
Link used:
Random thing 2: Were Russian casualties in
the long Sovjet-Afghanistan war really that low? This war happened
a long time ago when I was a soldier myself and at the time it was
a big thing. In this old military conflict there was a guy named
Osama bin Laden why studied all that war stuff a little bit and
arrived over the years at the conclusion that the USA was only
using the mujahedin in order to fight Russia... But those were
other times.
Anyway, here is a quote from a wiki. You must
not compare that to the present 300+ thousand Russians because
they are counted a casualties. So that dead and wounded so it's
not over 300 thousand deaths. But here is the quote:
The total official fatalities of the Soviet Armed Forces, frontier, and internal security troops came to
14,453. Other estimates give a figure of 26,000 killed Soviet soldiers.
A wiki: Soviet–Afghan War
Link used:
Ok now it is about time for a nice picture, I
think this was from the Axios report. This shows how we, decadent
fascist homosexual Europeans think when we hear the words
"Winter" and "Russia":

I still don't understand why we are
"decadent" but at some circles in the Kremlin they seem
to think that. That's bit strange because if you would ask me what
subspecies is decadent I would say the children of the Russian
elites. Or the kids of those weird Russians with all their super
yachts, I mean that is decadent.
Random thing number 3: A Youtube channel
named Military & History.
It is from a German guy and the German
tradition is just like me that we want to think through a lot of
stuff and we always want validation and proof and not jump to
conclusions too fast.
This channel is more or less a typical German
way of doing stuff, it is very very different from say those war
channels done by Americans. Also you must like it a bit when about
20 minutes long it only goes about (possible) changes in the long
front in Ukraine. So even I do not watch all those front moves
every day but only every now and then, and for that this channel
is rather reliable in what it posts.

Video title: "We lose 90% of our Heavy Equipment" Russian Blogger Admits!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wii1wvF2JtA
That was it more or less for this update. We
are still in the waiting phase of more help for Ukraine comes
forward from the EU and USA but for the time being there are
'political problems' so to say.
As always thanks for your
(10 Jan 2024) It's also getting very cold
over here: By day minus one and by night minus 4 or 5 degrees
Celcius... So that's not much but of course already in a
neighboring province named Friesland they already prepare a bit
for a famous 200 km ice skating event. Let hope it will go on, the
skating I mean.
Weather forecasts say where I live we could
get about 20 cm of snow. Bah, I don't mind if it freezes but all
that snow is much more irritating. Anyway two items for today so
lets go:
Item 1) UA air defense ammo shortage &
drone production surplus.
Item 2) Some cute math & a Sabine video.
Item 1) UA air
defense ammo shortage & drone production surplus.
These days more and more if I want to read
some news about Ukraine I have to search for it. In the past it
was much more in the foreground of the news, so is there too a bit
of tiredness going on?
Two Reuters reports for today, there are a
few good photo's in it. There is a shortage in air defense
Ukraine has deficit of anti-aircraft guided missiles - air force
Link used:
You can already read in the success rate of
downed Russian rockets and drones that it starts to bite. The next
report is a bit more uplifting:
The Ukrainians produce more drones as there
are funds to buy them. Of course that is a much better situation
compared to when there are plenty of funds but nothing to

Report title: Ukraine producing more drones than state can purchase, minister says.
Link used: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-producing-
Since the Reuters photo's were clearly
copyright protected for once I decided not to use such stuff. So
that's why the above photo is not a winter photo. At the end of
this item I wish the US soldiers warm feet, at least for a few
minutes a day... Winter can be a rough rough thing.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Some cute
math & a Sabine video.
My progress with the new math post goes
amazingly slow. That's not a problem because it is just a nice
hobby and it gives a bit of time so I can ask myself why that
fucking ellipse just doesn't go away?
I hope most of my readers know that if you
project a circle on a plane under some angle, you mostly get an
ellipse. So one day I decided to project the three dimensional
complex exponential on the xy-plane.
That might sound complicated math talk but
all I do is leave the z-coordinates out or declare them
zero. To my surprise there was that ellipse again: x^2 +
xy + y^2 = 1. Actually it was not that one but it had
the same shape.
Ok ok there might be some math reasons as why
my good old 3D complex exponentials get projected on this
particular elliptic shape. They both love the third power of
imaginary units to be one or minus one...
After all on the ellipse we have an imaginary
unit i with the interesting property that i^3 = -1.
As such powers of i have a period of six just like the
complex multiplication in three dimensions.
Anyway, here is how I found that
parametrization with the strange + 0.5 in it that I showed you a
few weeks ago:

So that's how I found that result, now all I
need to do is write out the new post and go on to drink another
pint of beer...);
May be it is time to go to the video from
Sabine Hossenfelder. I like Sabine a lot because at least she can
be a bit critical on say the study of quantum particles like they
do at say CERN.
So that is a good thing. But she is also a
believer in electron spin as a tiny magnet, so that is a bad
Therefore since it is now the year 2024 I
once more used that famous background "The Scream" for
saying "No, no, no!" albeit now in German.
So as always click on the picture for the
video, the video itself is very interesting because just like
everyone else I too would love it if the so called "Moore's
law" is there just a few years longer.

Video title: This New Semiconductor Could Revolutionize Computing
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXBtPmVrES4
That was it for this update, so no rant upon you cannot flip
the spin of an electron. No, I want a pint and not write a rant...
(05 Jan 2024) The two items for this update
Item 1) Safe skies over paradise?
Item 2) Finally that math picture finished...
Item 1) Safe skies
over paradise?
Ok ok if you are an Ukrainian you might feel
annoyed by such a title while over there they had two huge
barrages of Russian rockets and Iranian drones. Anyway it is not
meant to be annoying but I hardly had any time today to follow the
So only at 23.00 yesterday I could find a few
minutes and check the headlines.
Without doubt one of the Russian goals was of
course to see if they could overload the Ukrainian air defenses.
And that is understandable but with such an attitude that comes
with a price: The more things like Kinzhals get successfully shot
from the skies, the more can be learned from the data flowing from
Like said before, for us this is important
because those hyperspeed missiles also have a nuclear capability
so if those Patriot systems get upgraded again and again, may be
in a future year we will be glad to have such anti Kinghals fire
Likely the next picture shows what the
Ukrainians made from it:

I only read a news article from the business
insider, I got the picture from above from there too. Now we are
in an environment where politics might turn away from Ukraine I
want to emphasize once more we have a clear vested interest
ourselves in such knowledge.
After all every nuclear bomb shot from the
skies is a lot of human suffering less. But try to explain that to
the Hungarian weirdo or to those USA republicans that tie closure
of the border with Mexico to their UA aid package...
Winston Churchill once remarked that the USA
always did the right thing after exhausting all other
possibilities. Let's hope this time it is not different from those
long lost years dating back to WWII.
Anyway click on the picture for the Business
Insider article that explains why those battlefield data from
Ukraine have value to us. Don't forget the very first report of a
Kinzhal shot down was just after the Patriot systems getting an
upgrade. I am not saying the first Kinzhal was shot down because
of that upgrade because I have no such proof for such a claim. And
if the Patriot upgrade was important into brining down the first
Kinzhal, that will be classified information anyway so it is not accessible
by my anyhow...

Article title: Shooting down Russia's overhyped missiles with Patriots is a win for more than just Ukraine. The war is an 'intelligence bonanza' for the West.
The link to the article is too long to post,
if it does not work try to remove the end where it reads: ?international=true&r=US&IR=T
At last we must not forget these Russian
rocket attacks do a lot of damage to real people living in real
houses. So I might sound coldhearted by talking about military
data that could be beneficial to us, but war is not a thing you
should do with too much emotion anyway. It must be efficient and
often you need a cold cold heart for that...
Item 2) Finally that
math picture finished...
Last week I already wanted to make the
picture below but I did not have enough time. Last Tuesday I
wanted to post this picture but then that video with the two main
faults in the Stern-Gerlach experiment came along. So I postponed
making the picture once more.
After all if in just one video you have all
that crap physics professors believe is true, that pushes away my
math temporarily. The two main faults are of course the way they
calculate the force on an electron due to magnetism. The other
main fault is likely they think measuring electron spin is a
probabilistic thing while I think electrons are magnetic monopoles
that can never 'flip their spin state'.
So all that quantum computer crap based on
qubits based on electron spin will never work because those qubits
can't change their spin state. Now try to explain that to Viktor
Orban from Hungary or for that matter any dumb shallow thinking
physics professor... You will fail!
Yesterday I finally made the picture, it is
the complex exponential for a complex plane that is ruled by i^2
= -1 + i. So it is a bit different from the usual complex
plane that is ruled by i^2 = -1.
I've shown you a few parametrizations of the
unit ellipse before but this one below is solely based on the
number tau. The number tau is the logarithm of the imaginary unit i.
So this is how it looks:

That was it for this update. Thanks for your
attention and once more a happy 2024. Let me try to upload my
garbage to the biggest garbage can humanity has: The
(03 Jan 2024) Of course a happy new year to
all. It's late already over here so lets go to the two items for
this update.
Item 1) Joe Blogs on the Russian economy,
ruble & stuff.
Item 2) One video with the two main faults from the SG experiment.
Item 1) Joe Blogs on
the Russian economy, ruble & stuff.
The Wall Street Journal or so had declared
Putin a winner of 2023 because Russia was so good at evading
sanctions. It sounded like Joe was a bit annoyed by that because
he comes with a long analysis from Yale that makes a bit more
But sometimes you read very dumb stuff. So as
lately the Russian central bank lifted it's main interest rate
from 15% to 16% if I remember it correctly. To my surprise I came
across a piece of news with the title "Russian economy runs
risk of overheating".
More stupid as that is hard imagine, the rates are that high to
protect the value of the ruble. There are all kinds of capital
controls in place as for example Russian companies that have
reserves in foreign currencies have to convert a huge part into
ruble. Again that is needed to support the ruble.
And yes, inflation can easily occur when the
economy is overheated. But in my view the rising costs of imports
are a much larger part of explaining the Russian inflation. Oh the
other hand, there seems to be a labor shortage in Russia, and that
can have inflationary consequences too.
Anyway, click on the picture to see the
Video title: RUSSIAN Ruble is Dead as a Currency - Yale SOM Lists Reasons Why 2023 Was a Disaster for Russia
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf3bydzXjwQ
As always Joe's titles are always a bit over
the top.
And there are new economical sanctions
related to the Russian exports of gold. I have no idea how bit
that trade is so that is something to keep an eye on.
Also a lot of stuff still needs to fall in
deeper over time. For example the cannibalization of all those air
planes they have stolen. Without new spareparts they have to scrap
entire planes in usage for spare parts. That is also a thing to
watch in say the next 15 years...
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) One video
with the two main faults from the SG experiment.
As far as I remember this is the very first
video that I see in all those years that has the two main faults
in just one video. For people that do not know waht a SG
experiment is: That's the famous Stern-Gerlach experiment from the
year 1922. Informally said it was the discovery of electron spin.
The first fault is the idea this only works
if the magnetic field has a gradient. They calculate a force via
taking a spatial derivative and that's it.
The problem my dear reader is easy to
understand: Electrons are accelerated by magnetic fields while
they think the electron is a tiny magnet. But if you hold a bar
magnet of say 10 cm long in an inhomogeneous magnetic field, you
can imagine feeling a net force. Because both poles of your bar
magnet feel different forces resulting in a net force into some
But if you take a bar magnet of the same strength
but it is now 20 cm long, if you hold that in the same
non-constant magnetic field you must feel more net force.
To put it simple: If the electron only feels
a net force on it's tiny magnetic poles, the net force should take
into account the distance between the poles. So you must multiply
the gradient against this tiny distance and that should be your
basis of estimating the net force on the electron.
And don't forget: In the SG experiment it is
one single electron that is responsible for the separation of the
beam of silver atoms into the two magnetic states known as
electron spin.
All that stuff with tiny dipole magnets, it
makes not much sense. If you do not take into account the electron
size, its all crap.
The second fault is at the bottom of the
picture below: Repeated SG experiments. This is also a thing that
only lives in the imagination or in the brains of the physics
professionals. There is no experimental evidence you can flip the
spin of a single electron, there are only animations of how this
is supposed to work.
My dear reader, very likely this entire year
I will keep on thinking that electrons are magnetic monopoles and
that this magnetic charge is as permanent as the electric charge
an electron has.
Hey fucking physics community: Can you give
me in this new year 2024 only one experiment that proves or
validates your weird idea's upon electrons being tiny magnets?
Of course my dear reader they won't because
they don't have it.
It's about time to go to the video:

Video title: Know This, If You Want to Understand Quantum Mechanics! | Stern-Gerlach Experiment | Quantum Theory
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmAu4Vpdn_c
For myself speaking it is funny I can start
this new year with a video with the two main faults in it. In the
meantime I think all physics professors will keep on thinking this
entire year that electrons are tiny magnets. That is also funny;
how can you be so stupid for so long?
End of this update & have a good
(29 Dec 2023) The last update of the year
2023 already. Anyway a happy new year to all. And lets not get
sentimental like "Oh oh another year closer to my
coffin!" No, why should we do that?
Anyway two items for today:
Item 1) Russian reserves / UA F-16
speculation / NATO evolution.
Item 2) WTF are left and right handed electrons?
Item 1) Russian
reserves / UA F-16 speculation / NATO evolution.
There was some news that the USA wants to
confiscate the roughly 300 billion US$ in Russian assets that are
held outside Russia. In the beginning of the war I was very much
in favor of that. Later I thought you must avoid a situation where
central banks are afraid to park stuff in other
Once investors in my country lost a total
amount of say the reserves of the Dutch central bank to Russia.
They held bonds that among other things financed the railroad
system over there. Then came the revolution in Russia and the
communists declared all payments void.
So my dear Russia, when it comes to this
small transfer of money let it be known you can recover from this.
Reuters has a bit more on this:
What and where are Russia's $300 billion in reserves frozen in the
Link used: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/what-
Very different: The channel Combat Vet Reacts
has a funny video out with a bit of the speculation of F-16's are
already at work in Ukraine. Last update I said I didn't think so.
All I know about now the trainees have stopped flying on fly
simulators and go to Denmark for the real flight lessons.
All in all I expect that if there is news,
the news is reliable. On the other hand we must not make the
Russians wiser as is needed. And may be my government isn't lying
at all.
May be it is true there is a group going to Denmark.
May be it is true there are still language lessons going on in the
And the pilots already gone to Ukraine?
Oh oops, we cannot talk about that because that is confidential
Well whatever it was that downed a bunch of
Russian aircraft, it still is impressive. Here is Paul his

Video title: Ukr Airforce is Suddenly VERY Lethal! F-16s In the Air?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4Jwt5nva4s
Deutsch Welle had a short video on how NATO
is changing. No longer in war plans and stuff like that the enemy
is not some hypothetical country. No, it's now explicit Russia.
And that is indeed a change. Back in the 1980-ties when I was a
soldier it was also only implicit understood that the enemy was
Russia. Or better as it was in those days: The USSR and the
Eastern EU nations known as Warsaw Pact.
Here is the video:
Video title: NATO makes major changes to address new threats | DW News
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJezAVIIxDY
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) WTF are left
and right handed electrons?
I have never before written about this
because for me this is so crazy that for me it is hard to comment
upon. If you like me think that electrons have a permanent
monopole magnetic charge, just like their electric charge, the
whole 'definition' of left & right handedness in electrons is
totally crazy.
The Ai generated Aztec girl has nothing to do
with it. At the bottom of the picture you see a 'definition'. The
letter p refers to the (linear) momentum of the electron.
So the electron moves in the direction of the green arrows.
The physics professors believe that electrons are tiny magnets and
these magnetic fields point into the direction S. This S
is what they name the spin of the electron.

Now why is this totally crazy? Well we are
always told that spin is either up or down when a vertical
magnetic field is applied. Of course electrons move in all
directions so what happens if an actual electron moves in a
direction different from that magnetic field?
Once more: This is all fucked up crap.
Electrons have a permanent magnetic charge because otherwise
molecules could not bind via electron pairs.
There are many ways to confirm the monopole
character of electrons in say a chemistry lab setting:
You must have some ways of separating the
electrons depending on their spin state. Look or study a
particular chemical reaction when it is deprived from say the spin
down electrons.
If such chemical reactions are very different
or even just don't happen under deprivation, that validates
electron spin state is a permanent feature. And not some arrow
just pointing into some direction...
And if the physics professionals aren't weird
enough, they name this handiness property a chiral thing. Here is
the source of the picture that 'defines' electron left or right
Chirality (physics)
I think it is time to split and I hope you
will have a pleasant transition into the year 2024. Thanks for
your attention and make sure you do not need professional medical
help when trying to understand electron
Till next year.
(27 Dec 2023) It's late, I am a bit tired so
lets go to our items.
Item 1) Wow five planes & a rubber boat?
Novotjerkassk kaput.
Item 2) Tiny bit of math and an old horrible video on spin stuff.
Item 1) Wow five
planes & a rubber boat? Novotjerkassk kaput.
Well that was some Christmas weekend! Five
Russian planes down and likely less of those glider bombs? That
brings a smile to my face... Some observes say the last Patriot
system did it while other already speculated upon the F16. For
myself speaking I have no idea but F16 seems to be out of the
question likely. Pilot training takes a lot of time...
On top of that another Russian navy ship
kaput. The name is so horrible to me that I had to write it down,
it's the Novotsjerkassk. Reports varied from "Damaged with
one person dead" to "Almost completely
Anyway it was a big boom.

Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Tiny bit of
math and an old horrible video on spin stuff.
I made another parametrization from that
ellipse you saw around coming here lately. This ellipse goes
through all powers of i where the multiplication now is
ruled by i^2 = -1 + i.
This ellipse is the complex exponential for
this kind of a complex plane. I think it's a cute complex plane
because you now have i^3 = -1.
Anyway in the last post on the other website
we took that beautiful function named the logarithm from our
imaginary unit i and as such we got a number named tau. You might
say so what? But if you just like me crazy enough you need this
number to find those parametrizations.
By the way, most people who had a bit of math
have some rudimentary understanding of what a parametrization is.
Some math expression depends on some number named a parameter, as
such I do not like it very much to name the stuff below a
parametrization. It is more a 'cover in time' but nobody uses that
so lets use the word parametrization.

This parametrization should be the same as
given last week, but I was to lazy to prove it. And also I didn't
have time for that. But it should be the same. At last I want to
remark the above parametrization has period two pi while the one
from last week has period six. If you want to prove for yourself
these two parametrizations are the same, of course you must adjust
the stuff to having the same period...
Electron time! I found an old video from 8
years back and it contains a few fantasies upon magnons and spin
waves. I selected the video because it is so breathtaking stupid:
They want to send so called spin waves through an insulator.
Now why is that so very stupid?
Well in my world the spin of the electron is
not spin but monopole magnetic charge. As such there is a 'spin
current' if in a particular direction more north pole electrons
move as the south pole electrons.
Physics professors say there is no spin
current in say a copper wire if both spin up and spin down
electrons travel in the same direction. And they never say it explicitly
but if they talk about spin current they always mean a net
So they understand something is going on
here, in their world or mind the electrons are tiny magnets that
just happen to point their magnetic axis into a particular
direction the name 'up' or 'down'. For them it is one of the
mysteries of quantum physics: It's a vector but it can point only
up or down.
These people are crazy not even realizing
there is just no experimental proof anywhere that says electrons
are indeed tiny (bipolar) magnets. These people are crazy because
they don't see or talk about this heap on illogical nonsense like
electron pairs must have opposite spins.
Talking out of their necks is the main way to
pass the time over there...
It takes only two minutes to view the next
video, as always click on the picture to land at the video. The
video itself is from the FOM archive of the university of Utrecht,
so it might be older as 8 years.

Video title: Magnon spintronics
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-D5ja7Kmos
That was it, thanks for your attention.
(22 Dec 2023) We had a storm named Pia over
here but it did not do much damage. In Prague they had a crazy
shootout at a university with something like over 15 people dead.
The details from Prague are a bit strange, it was done by a
student that did not seem to have any trouble... So it was a weird
day when it came to the news.
Item 1) Over 80 thousand Russian soldiers in
the Bakhmut area? Why?
Item 2) New math post & Don Lincoln talking out of this neck.
Item 1) Over 80
thousand Russian soldiers in the Bakhmut area? Why?
The channel Reporting From Ukraine reported
that someone else has reported that there were about 80 thousand
Russian troops in the neighborhood of Bakhmut. The Wagner folks
were also back so they are now more or less integrated into the
Russian army.
I have no idea how reliable this information
is all in all but as the video says 80 thousand is about double
the 40 thousand from the Avdiivka (or how you spell that name)
region. If the information is more or less correct it is likely
the Russians are planning more offensives in this winter.
Click on the picture to land as the

The title is a bit over the top & it's
even in ALLCAPS!!!!!!!!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8f9HvfmCzY
If I remember it correctly at date 5 Feb next
year the EU will try again to get some serious aid package for
Ukraine done. Of course Hungary stays the crazy wildcard on this.
So we have to wait and see how this all evolves over time...
Item 2) New math post
& Don Lincoln talking out of this neck.
The latest math post is about finding the
logarithm of an imaginary unit named i. But the way the
multiplication now works is a bit different, again I used that i^2
= -1 + i way of multiplying numbers from the plane.
In math the logarithm, say log(x), has
the feature that it's derivative equals 1/x. You can also
use that the other way around: If you don't have any idea what the
log is, you can always try to integrate the inverse.
That's basically what I am doing in the new
post and for that you also need to find the inverse of such
complex numbers. And I was pleased we had to divide by the
determinant making once more chopped meat of the belief that math
professors have it is all about norms.
In itself the new post is not very important
because there are also other ways to find the logarithm. It's
importance lies in the fact you can integrate on such spaces like
that where the multiplication is clearly different from the good
old complex plane.
So if you are interested in math like that,
click on the picture to land at the new post on the other

Title of the new post:An inverse and a number tau for the i^2 = -1 + i multiplication.
Link used:
Electron time! If you like me think that
electrons are magnetic monopoles and not tiny (bipolar) magnets,
in that case how do permanent magnets work? One way of making
permanent magnets goes as follows, let use iron:
A piece of iron is heated above the Curie
temperature. A strong magnetic field is applied and very slowly
the iron is cooled. After that the magnet is ready for use, may be
a bit of sanding, polishing are painting and it's ready.
Why does it work? Well iron has four unpaired
electrons in it's inner shells. The Curie temperature is so high
that these electrons come slammed loosed from all that thermal
energy. The magnetic field ensures that the monopole electrons get
separated and when it all cools down the electrons land in their
inner electron orbitals. (If I remember it correctly it were the
So that is why permanent magnets are
permanent: the electrons have a permanent monopole magnetic
charge, their spins cannot flip, and now there are more north-pole
charged electrons in the north pole. And vice verse for the south
This also means that if you have a machine
that can make permanent magnets, if the direction of the applied
magnetic field is say from the left to the right. In that case the
permanent magnet should have it's magnetism from the right to the
For years and years I am looking for this detail to be validated,
but people don't speak much about a technical thing like making
permanent magnets...
Ok, lets fly Don Lincoln from Fermilabs into
this homepage: Don Lincoln is clearly a guy that likes it to hear
to his own voice speaking. Well that is not illegal or so but he
clearly is a shallow thinker never realizing there are all kinds
of deep deep problems and inconsistencies with viewing electrons
as tiny magnets.
I selected the next screen shot because it
also contained so called magnetic domains that are found in
magnetic metals. Back in Feb 2017 during one day of deep thinking
related to a problem from IBM with nano wires I was standing
outside and found the likely answor: Magnetic domains domains have
a surplus of one the the two kinds of electrons. And the domain
walls are actively keeping these magnetic charges separated.
Well Feb 2017 is over 6 years ago and people
like Don Lincoln just keep on talking out of their overpaid but
silly necks. Likely at Fermilab they have one of those so called
Kerr microscopes. With a Kerr microscope you can see the magnetic
domains of a material like iron and observe how it changes when
you apply a magnetic field.
Of course they never do that because these
people live in a world where all things magnetic has to be
explained via tiny magnets, Gauss his law for magnetism or
whatever what. They live in their world and I live in mine and
after so many years I am no longer interested in serious
communication or so.
This Lincoln guy even does not have his
domains correctly: This kind of configuration he shows cannot
exist if adjacent domains always must have opposite spins.
I think this is a good example how all this
shallow thinking works in practice. The words as spoken by the Don
sound good but if you think a bit longer there is all that crap
and all these inconsistencies. Inconsistencies like the electron
pair must have opposite spins, people like Don Lincoln buy all
that crap with a happy smile...
Click on the picture for the video where Don
Lincoln explains permanent magnetism:

Video title: How do magnets work?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7ndBIL402Q
That was it for this update, thanks for not
falling asleep while I rant on about electron spin. So thanks for
your attention.
(20 Dec 2023) In my own country the first thunder strikes
of our future government are heard: We all get cheaper health care
and that is paid for by an extra tax on the banks... As far as I
know now, this 'cheaper' health care costs 6 billion € where the
new bank tax will bring in 150 million or so?
My estimate is it is going to be a disaster,
this new government if it goes through will be a bunch of weird
and dumb people driving our government debt up fast & furious.
Well that is what the Dutch people voted for I just guess...
But for the rest of this world: May be the
next few years you have to count the Dutch out. Instead of a
careful kind of thinking you will get cheap populism, stupid
slogans and no serious stuff anyway...
Two items for today:
Item 1) BBC docu: They call us meat.
Item 2) Two cute integrals for a number named tau.
Item 1) BBC docu:
They call us meat.
Oh shit I was thinking there was a vote on UA
aid in the USA this week. But that's likely not the case since
just a few hours before writing this we had a Reuters report
White House plans one more Ukraine aid package, then up to Congress
Link used: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-plans-one-
A few times I observed US republicans
demanding there would be a strategy delivered that apparently was
not done by the White House all this time... Well as my little
corner of the world is concerned the long term thing is to degrade
the Russian military to the point where it cannot do to another
European nation what they are now doing to Ukraine.
And why don't the US republicans enjoy the
daily tactical news of just another 1000 dead Russian soldiers?
Have they gone crazy or so?
Well likely with Christmas impending,
somewhere next year the vote will take place. So lets wait and see
what it will be.
The BBC had an interesting video out were
they try to investigate what happened to some Russian elite
marines. That is a lot of work of course but as so often a lot of
them got killed.
Last week I showed you that US estimate where
87% of the size of the initial invading forces. I do not know how
long they measured 'initial invading forces' but total wiped out
was over 300 thousand Russians.
But with numbers like that the memory falls
out of your organization like we have here the Russian army. If
everybody with a little bit experience is dead or wounded and
there's only new recruits left, you basically have an army with
limited memory.
The next link is the short version, I did not
see it but there is also a version of about one hour. Just look it
up if you are interested in the beautiful life of Russian soldiers
and their romantic dead or wounded end. Click on the picture for
the video:

Video title: Russia’s elite marines sent into death trap in Ukraine | BBC News.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO_dPIYzbkE
And if you think about those hundreds and
hundreds of dear Russian corpses covering the Ukrainian landscape,
all that meat... I admire the Russians that they care so much
about Ukrainian wildlife, after all in the cold winter meat eating
animals must have something to eat or not? And when the beautiful
Ukrainian spring arrives, the flies must have some place to put
their eggs in. It is all so romantic: Russians feeding Ukraine
wildlife and helping Ukraine flies with having a happy life...
May be we should go to the next item:
Item 2) Two cute
integrals for a number named tau.
Lets first recap how we arrived in all that
math in the plane with elliptical and hyperbolic multiplications.
Well this year I started developing so called general theory so
that you can make complex numbers in any dimension.
In itself such general theory is much more boring but it was still
funny for me to write it down. As such I wrote the second post on
general theory:
General theory Part 2: On a matrix named big E.
That was on 13 Oct so just over two months
back. After that I wrote one more post in the general stuff. In
the big E post I simply said that you could experiment with it for
yourself and try if you can find some complex analysis.
I realized that of course this would be a
total disaster if left to the professional math professors. So
that is why I came up with that two dimensional multiplication
that I named the "Golden ratio multiplication" where the
imaginary unit behaved like i^2 = 1 + i.
In my view this was something math professors
could understand: Two dimensional numbers 'just like' the complex
plane they know. After 30 years I can safely conclude that the 3D
numbers just don't fall in any good earth over there in the world
of professional math professors.
So that's why I am doing this lately and of
course it is also fun to do. After all me looking at Diophantine
equations is like a Russian soldier saying Vodka is
Well Diophantine equations are nice but the
numbers tau are nicer. It's a bit more hardcore because you must
be able to find the logarithm of an imaginary unit. In the two
dimensional plane we only have one of those imaginary units namely
i and it is always a pleasure to solve that kind of
logarithmic puzzle.
These are what I always name the numbers tau,
it's the logarithm of some imaginary unit. Anyway the next post on
the other website is about finding such a number tau when you use
the multiplication ruled by i^2 = -1 + i.

Yeah yeah, it is often hard math work to find
such a number tau. For example it is hard to find the values of
such integrals as above and in the case of two dimensions they are
now as simple as possible!
Sometime this week I can hang the new post in
the other website.
That was it for this update, thanks for your
(15 Dec 2023) Sometimes politics go slow and
sometimes they go fast. In my own parliament there was voted on
going through with financial and military aid to Ukraine. And this
evening I read that UA can start getting into the EU? I did'n read
the details so I won't comment...;)
Anyway it is late so here are the two items
for this update:
Item 1) Estimated Russian losses & a bit
politics stuff.
Item 2) Pete Judo on six ways scientists fake their data.
Item 1) Estimated
Russian losses & a bit politics stuff.
It is an estimate from the US about the
overall losses of the Russian military forces since the begin of
the war in Ukraine. It stands at about 87% of the size of the
initial invading forces. That is a staggering number, over 300
thousand dead & wounded.
Article from Forbes (may be you hit a paywall):

315,000 Russian Troops Have Been Killed Or Injured In Ukraine, U.S. Says—Far More Than Russia Claims.
Link used:
Another development came from across the
ocean: Already next week US lawmakers will come together to vote
on the UA funding (and of course the other issues there are).
Click on the picture for the Reuters report:

Title Reuter report: US Senate to vote on Ukraine funding, border security next week.
So all in all it could be far worse but as
they say in the US that you must wait for some fat lady that
starts singing. Why this is I don't know, but it is a funny
saying. Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Pete Judo on
six ways scientists fake their data.
No electron rant today and no math either. I
found a funny video from Pete Judo, a lovely name by the way,
where he describes a bit how it goes with our tax payer
Well science is in large part also a very
social endeavor and of course it has to be. Without internal
communication it is hard to find global goals of research. And
that has it's own drawbacks like we see in the use of phrases like
"Publish or Perish" wisdom.
And the way present scientific publishing
works does not help very much. There is always that tendency to go
for sensational claims and most non-results will absolutely not
get published.
In how far does this play a role in math
& physics? I mean the 'faking the data' kind of thing. I think
in math it is not a big problem, fake data will not help when you
are crafting pure math. In the math science it is more a lack of
imagination that is problematic to the speed of new discoveries.
The problem is not that math professors publish fake math
In physics of course it gets a bit more
sloppy. Just like Pete said: You have these outliers in your data
set and you throw these outliers out of your data set because if
you include them you do not have a significant results.
And what about the cute practice of
p-hacking? You simply start collecting data until you have a
significant low p-value and after that you stop collecting data?
Do you think in a data hungry science like physics this never
Of course it will be, after all science is an
interesting form of social behavior. I combined the screenshot
from Pete with the Aurora Borealis that as far as I know is not a
fake. No the Aurora Borealis is not a fake because the solar
electrons slam in so hard because they are fucking stupid magnetic
Oh, oops, I said this item was not about
electron spin rants...
Anyway, here is the video. If you want to see it click on the

Video title: 6 Ways Scientists Fake Their Data
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uqDhQxhmDg
That was it for this update, thanks for your
(13 Dec 2023) Normally when we are out of
electricity here for 10 minutes in a year, that year is promoted
to the hall of shame. But today it went on for hours and hours and
it was just a local problem. Lately we got new electricity cables
and one of them broke. That's why it took so long: the workers had
to dig and repair the stuff. And with electricity you just cannot
haste that kind of stuff. So I did not view much news
Item 1) Zelensky meets the Viktor in
Item 2) New post, a bit of math and Intel's Tunnel Falls spin
qubit chip.
Item 1) Zelensky
meets the Viktor in Argentine.
Oh oh Argentine has a new prez, lets hope it
won't be a disaster. He wants to get rid of the Argentine peso and
replace it with the dollar. Well Argentine's financial and
economical problems are wide and deep, lets not go into that.
If it wasn't all that serious the next photo
would be hilarious. Zelensky talking to the Viktor. Well may be
there is a way to work around the problems and free up the funds
that Ukraine needs. On the other hand, a veto is a veto and
individual EU member states just have that right. With all that
politics in place it is hard to estimate what will happen.
The screenshot if from a video from Deutsche
Welle, click on the picture if you want to see it.

Video title: Ukraine fears for financial support from the EU and the USA
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6B_U0vz_Qo
The same goes for the USA where the UA aid is
mixed in with other things like funding border protection against
illegal immigrants. Again lets hope for the best...
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) New post, a
bit of math and Intel's Tunnel Falls spin qubit chip.
Over on the other website I finally posted
something about magnetism again. I could not do that for a long
time because the number of posts upon magnetism would be greater
as the number of posts on 3D complex numbers.
We can't have that of course therefore in the
last few months everything magnetic was updated over here on this
website. The latest post is basically what I wrote last week upon
those experiments that violate the so called Bell inequality. In
my view where electrons carry a monopole magnetic charge it is
impossible for an electron to be in a superposition of spin
And that is where likely all those experiments go wrong: They
always start with an electron that supposedly is into such a super
position (a Bell state, a so called maximum entangled quantum
state). After that they perform measurements on the photons that
are produced by those electrons.
Well I don't buy all that crap like
"When we measure the spin state of an electron here, an
entangled electron in another galaxy will instantly flip into the
other spin state. Don't forget these people do not even have basic
experimental proof that the electron is a bipolar magnet. On top
of that no one has a problem with that. But they are very good in
talking out of their neck when it comes to electron spin... Here
is the link:
Where do all those experiments for the Bell test go wrong?
I found a perfect so called parametrization
for the ellipse that is defined by the determinant being one when
you use the complex plane ruled by i^2 = -1 + i instead of
the usual way of just i^2 = -1.
I managed to use just two coordinate
functions just like the good old Euler did when crafting the e^it
= cos t + i sin t. To be honest I was a
little bit proud on myself (don't worry it lasted only a few micro
seconds) and for sure this was a very lucky shot.
In the picture below you see two graphs, the
red is the ellipse and the blue is an expression when I fill in
the two cosines in the determinant. That gives 0.75 or 3/4. That
is why you must blow up the red graph by a factor of the square
root out of 4/3 so that the determinant becomes one.
I can't use it in the next post because that
is about calculating the number tau for this kind of complex
plane. Yes I said I will leave out all complicated stuff like the
numbers tau, but one is allowed I guess.

In order to let the parametrization start in
the number 1 I had to replace the time variable t by t
+ 0.5. That is why I choose the time interval to be from 0 to 5.5
so you can see it now starts in the number 1.
It was very funny to do: Just two cosines to
cover an ellipse. Most math professors need more complicated
looking stuff although the + 0.5 in my stuff also looks a bit
complicated. Lets go to the last detail in the item 2)
Intel's Tunnel Falls 12 spin qubit quantum
Somewhere this Summer I showed you a video
from NYU where a bunch of people discuss this new quantum chip.
Since the TU Delft has a working relation with Intel when it comes
to quantum chips it was reasonable at the time to estimate that
also the TU Delft people would get one of those quantum chips...
Well the Intel product has 12 qubits based on
electron spin. And in my world that means they have 12 isolated
electrons that just cannot flip their spin in a billion years of
As such this device is totally garbage and
until now I still don't have any reports on this from the TU Delft
people. That was what I expected this Summer and now we are almost
at the end of this year 2023 it seems to be coming out...
Here is how the stuff is promoted and the
little arrows are supposed to be the spins of the electrons. Click
on the picture to see the exiting Intel promotional video:

Video title: Intel Quantum Researchers Introduce Tunnel Falls Silicon Qubit Research Chip
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVWZEFMEtjw
So nothing reported from the TU Delft
weirdo's. What will likely happen in the future? Well if there
will come out any news it will be that it does not work and they
need more funding. They will need more funding to fight climate
change or whatever crap the quantum computers will do for the
benefit of humanity.
Don't forget these weirdo's have zero point
zero experimental proof that electrons are indeed tiny magnets.
Lets leave it with that and let me upload
this to humanities biggest garbage can: The internet. Thanks for
your attention.
(08 Dec 2023) So luckily I can type again, I
had a nasty gout attack in one of my wrists and that is no fun.
Gout is a relatively stupid illness, one of those old age
illnesses. And because of that humans never got selected on that,
you only get gout when you don't get kids anymore so there is no
way of better genes entering the population...
But enough on my health, likely you have
fallen already asleep! So the two items for today are:
Item 1) More diplomatic troubles & the
railroad attacks from last week.
Item 2) On the TU Delft loophole free Bell test, the 24 Aug 2015
Item 1) More
diplomatic troubles & the railroad attacks from last week.
Bah more political troubles, the US Senate
voted 49 to 51 against aid for Ukraine. And also aid for Israel so
that is very very strange, US republicans against aid for Israel?
Anyway over there the whole thing is entangled with funding the
border in some attempt to fight illegal immigration.
These things have nothing to do with each other, but hey it is
politics so everything goes...
In the EU a similar sized set back, Hungary
veto's the aid package for Ukraine. It is what it is, but it is
not a welcome development of course.
Last week there was a nice strategic benefit
for Ukraine when they managed to put a bomb on a train going
through a tunnel to China. There seems to be one other railway to
China in that part of the Russian landscape and that was also
bombed via the method of loading a bomb on board of those trains.
The tunnel blast was interesting because that
train had all kinds of fuel on board and such fires in tunnels
like that take a long time to repair. Now this was an attack done
on Russian soil, may be it is even possible to place future bombs
on trains coming from China itself. I think that is allowed
because China facilitates the transfer of those one million
artillery shells delivered by North Korea. Sometimes you actions
have consequences my dear Chinese...
Anyway today the Pioneer had a video out on
that attack. That Pioneer channel has always video titles that are
a bit over the top. Over the top or not, the only thing that
matters is of course that the information offered is as close to
what really happened as possible. Click on the picture to land at
the video:

Video title: 3 MINUTES AGO: An emergency Call At The Kremlin! Russian Railway Line has Been Destroyed!
The Pioneer
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85tNV6HMDCo
It looks like a very hard repair work, so
this was well done my dear Ukrainians. Lets go to our next
Item 2) On the TU
Delft loophole free Bell test, the 24 Aug 2015 paper.
I remember that years back I downloaded that
pdf from TU Delft as found on the preprint archive. At the time I
was just getting started with looking into that detail of
electrons being tiny magnets. As such I did read a lot of that
stuff as published by the TU Delft and of course many more
Only this year I found a marketing like
slogan that sums it nicely up:
The magnetic properties of the electron are
just like their electric properties: Permanent and monopole.
The physics professors have very different
idea's about that: Based on an experiment done in the 1300-dreds
where a magnet was cut in two pieces, they believe that magnetic
monopoles do not exist. As such even today they believe that
electrons are tiny magnets and for some strange reason cannot
figure out for themselves that this is a very problematic
Now back in the year 2015 I really tried to
read that pdf from TU Delft, but it was so hard to understand. For
example they have an electron prepared in a Bell state and
entangle a photon with that.
What the hell does that mean? I often had no clue but today I know
what Bell states are and how Delft people 'entangle' a photon with
an electron spin state: They just fire a laser at the electron and
all photons produced in this way are entangled with the electron
they say...
Well I say the magnetic charge of electrons
is simply permanent and as such it is one hundred % impossible
that an individual electron is in a super position of the two
magnetic states there are. And it's fucking impossible to bring
two electrons in a so called Bell state.
Last year in 2022 there were even Nobel
prizes handed out to the folks who for the first time did such
experiments. Mr. Aspect was one of those and he remarked that it
is very very hard to do such experiments with the electrons
themselves and that's why they use photons.
As far as I know all those experiments have
the assumption that you start with an electron that is in a
superposition of the two magnetic states. Since in my view this is
impossible because the electron charge is permanent and non-flipable,
this is more a social experiment and has not much to do with
Physics and also math professors mostly do
social things. They try very hard to get publications into so
called 'high impact' scientific journals. They try to get as high
as possible on all kinds of citation and quotation indices. As I
say it: They only try to score social coins. And in the meantime
they do not much science anymore although I have to admit it is
very hard to define what science precisely is. May be it is better
to keep such definitions of science as vague as possible so that
science is more or less like porn:
It is hard to define but when you see it, you
recognize it.
So that is what I think of all those Bell
experiments: The basic assumption that electrons can be in a super
position of the two magnetic states is bull shit done by folks
that try to score social coins and admiration from their
I also found a video, that is why I am
writing this update because it is a nice video with music and it
abundantly shows that physics professors keep on thinking that
electrons can be in a super position of spin states.
As always click on the picture to land at the video:

Video title: TU Delft – A loophole-free Bell test.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE8MaQJkRcg
And if you want to go hardcore, the 2015 TU
Delft pdf is on the preprint archive so you can download it:
Pdf title: Experimental loophole-free violation of a Bell inequality using entangled electron
spins separated by 1.3 km.
At last I want to remark that I absolutely no
longer try to talk to physics professors using logic. No they live
in their world, I live in mine. And I would like to keep those
worlds separated.
Lets say: These worlds cannot get entangled via magnetic field lines
because I want to keep my world free from garbage and
That was the update for today, think well and
work well.
(06 Dec 2023) The last days it emerged that
during a small row between the UK and the EU over COVID vaccines
Boris Johnson had his military and spy agencies making plans to
invade our country and get those vaccines... Yes that is what you
get if you vote a bunch of low IQ ideologues into power.
The BoJo government did wonderful stuff during the COVID crises
like ordering infected people into care homes. No, not in a few
selected care homes where all things COVID were concentrated. Just
send them to care homes... So the Dutch can ponder if it is wise
to have our local weirdo Geert Wilders as the next pm or as we
name it: the premier.
In an unrelated but hilarious BoJo detail,
after a local car crash the police found the next id that is,
believe it or not, valid till the year 3000:

Two items for the update for today:
Item 1) Artur Rehi on our Geert & DW on
the USA funds for UA.
Item 2) A bit of math & perfect 'talking out of their necks'
Item 1) Artur Rehi on our
Geert & DW on the USA funds for UA.
To my surprise when looking at one of Artur
his video's our own Geert Wilders came along! Now in the previous
years I always avoided reading news on our Geert because he is
such a dumb man. So I didn't know it that Geert has visited Russia
not that long after the MH-17 detail.
So I did not use screenshots from the video
from Artur, after all deep fakes are getting better and better.
Therefore I just looked it up on some image searches and yes there
it is: Geert visiting Russia!
Now is our Geert also funded by Russia? I
don't know and that is more a case for the Dutch secret services
but it could explain as why he wants to stop military aid to
Ukraine. Another explanation could of course be he is so fucking
stupid but sometimes with folks like our Geert money talks.
As always click on the picture to land at the
video from Arur Rehi:

Video title: Ukrainians Exploded Deep into Russian Rear Areas
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNitpWGtFMU
Deutsche Well had a short video on all that
funding stuff in the USA now they have a new House speaker. If
memory serves it contains about 60 billion US$ for Ukraine. As a
comparison our country raised it's UA budget by 2 billion € for
the fiscal year 20024, I don't know what the total is. Say 4
billion (may be 6 billion, I just don't know).
The US population size is about 20 times our
Dutch population size, so if the 4 billion € is more or less
correct, sizing it up to USA population size would give about 80
billion €.
That's all very interesting but the big
problem is not comparing the size of help for Ukraine, the problem
is we do not have much military gear. It is vital that the USA
help can go through but instead of just do your work it all
becomes a bit politicized.
Video title: White House urges to pass funds for Ukraine | DW News
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrTjV1HWmMU
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) A bit of math
& perfect 'talking out of their necks' observed.
There is a very weird way of crafting a new
complex plane if you replace the way the complex plane is usually
ruled (that's i^2 = -1) by the new rule
i^2 = -1 + 2i.
In that case the complex exponential (yes
that's the e^it thing from Euler) now become straight
lines. And powers of the new imaginary unit i now hop over
that line, see below. I only showed a few positive powers of i
but powers of the inverse i^-1 hop into the other
Somewhere on the internet I came across a
person that showed the simple linear transformation that does the
trick into hopping over all integer points. So my estimation was
that he or she has done it before because after all it is kind of
weird to describe it as a linear transformation when you look for
integers points on the line y = -x + 1.
So this person has likely done it on some ellipses and may be some
hyperbola because otherwise you would not formulate it this way.
Of course the linear transformation he or she found was the same
as multiplying points by i if you use the new rule of i^2
= -1 + 2i. I was glad not everybody on this planet is totally
In the picture below in the upper half I show
you three examples of how you can multiply complex numbers. It
makes a transition where the complex exponentials are ellipses to
where they are hyperbola. And in between you get a straight line,
it's not very important I think but is sure is cute.
In the lower half I placed some powers of
i using that new rule or if you want on that particular
complex plane:

Electron time! A few days back I had nothing
to do and just for fun I did a search on bing.com on the phrase:
"Proof that electrons are tiny magnets". Of course there
exists no such proof or experiment, it is just something that is
commonly believed without any question.
Now often I wonder why the physics professors
do not see for themselves that viewing electrons as tiny magnets
bring a boatload of weird and crazy stuff with it. For example
electron spins must have an anti-aligment in them because the
Pauli principle says they must have different spin quantum
But anti-alignment simply means they now must
bond via north pole against north pole so you have to throw
overboard the principle that all magnets large or tiny must have
opposite poles in order to bind.
Often the weirdo's from physics and even
chemistry 'explain' it by saying that if the electrons combine in
an anti-alignment manner, in that way they are magnetically
neural. In itself this might be true but why would electrons do
that? Well the weirdo's never explain that detail.
Now my search on bing.com did of course not
give any result when it comes to proving that electrons are tiny
magnets. But the very first thing that popped up was from Cornell
University and more stupid as this is hard to find. The spins
combine "up" and "down", that is the
anti-alignment part, and they compare that to "like two bar
magnets with opposite poles together".
I am not making this up, this is what
university people dot: They just talk out of their

Instead of remarking that anti-alignment in
electron pairs is one of the weird weird things in quantum
physics, they just talk out of their necks once more by comparing
it to two aligned bar magnets...
By the way; didn't Albert Einstein once
remark that in this world only two things are of infinite size:
The universe and the dumbness of people. And he was strikingly
correct, after all Einstein himself never understood that it is
impossible for electrons to be tiny magnets.
So lets leave it with that and I will try to
upload this update to the biggest garbage can humanity has: the
Thanks for your attention, thanks for not
falling asleep and may be in the next elections thanks for not
voting idiots into power. I don't mind what you vote, just don't
vote idiots into power...
(01 Dec 2023) There is indeed some weird
stuff going on with tankers from Greece transporting Russian oil.
It seems they don't abide by the 60$ price cap and we can't have
that of course. See from the business insider:
Greek oil tankers are avoiding Russia after getting a stern letter from the US.
I found no further information on the rumor that Greece also sold
old oil tankers to Russia, these were old tankers designated for
scrapping them. But if Russia expands their tanker fleet that way
that is very unhelpful.
I do not know if those rumors bear any truth and I do not want to
make false accusations but if true we can't have stuff like
After having said that, two items for
Item 1) Latest Ramstein meeting and a new air
defense coalition for UA.
Item 2) Advertisement for the latest math post.
Item 1) Latest
Ramstein meeting and a new air defense coalition for UA.
Last week there was a new round of Ramstein
meetings, it was the 17-th already if I remember it correctly. Of
course there are plenty of problems like that lack of shell for
artillery and all kinds of stuff known or unknown.

But there was a new air defense coalition
formed under leadership of Germany and France. That is a good
thing because it's not only good for Ukraine but we Europeans too
have to master the art of air defense much more in the present
time of drone warfare.
I didn't look up the details but Germany has
also anti air stuff with big machine guns and the whole thing
seems to be laser guided. You understand why I consider that
interesting: there goes a ton of math into such systems...
Beside that the US Patroits are very good but
you can't just use them for drones, that is not an efficient way
of using them. Patriots must do the big rocket stuff that Russia
fires, in particular getting better and better at taking out those
superfast hypersonic missiles. Those hypersonic things also have a
nuclear capability so all in all it is important to learn how to
shoot them down before they reach their target.
Anyway Germany also has a giant 60 billion
€ in her budget so lets hope they can solve that. (A German
judge activated the so called "Schulden Bremse" and yes
if that is a law over there indeed there is a big problem...)
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Advertisement
for the latest math post.
Last Monday I posted the latest math post, it
is about 2D multiplications so ways of multiplying two numbers in
a plane. It's all very simple I left all more complicated stuff
like the numbers tau out. First that basics and they are already
very promising.
To focus the mind, hopefully you know that
the complex plane is ruled by an imaginary number i and
it's square is given by: i^2 = -1. If you replace that rule
by say i^2 = -1 + i you get a ton of interesting features.
You might wonder why the professional math
professors don't do stuff like that. Well if you would do that as
a math professor, that is bad for your career and likely you won't
get anything published. Beside that it might very well be there is
just no (expensive) math journal for such investigations.
Well it is what it is, math professors are just as weird as the
physics professors with their incoherent ramblings on electron
But it has all kinds of interesting math
features, for example below you can see a number i^3 = -3 + 8i.
Now in the world of the overpaid math professors if you would
calculate the inverse of this number unavoidable you are getting
fractions in your answer.
Yet in the plane ruled by i^2 = -1 + 3i
your complex exponential is a hyperbole and all powers of i
have an inverse without any fractions. It all has it's own logic
but hey try to explain that to the math professors...

To be honest if you would have told me five
years back that in the year 2023 I would seriously consider
studying so called Diophantine equations in the plane I would tell
you that you are mentally ill. Diophantine equations are mostly
just equations with solution but the Diophantine means you want
integer solutions to these equations.
May be you have heard of Pythagorean triples
like 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2. That in itself is a very Diophantine kind of
problem because you want integers that do the thing.
If you have a Pythagorean triple like above
all of a sudden there are more solutions to an equation as x^2 +
y^2 = 5 compared to x^2 + y^2 = 4. Instead of 4 there are now 8
Now my new found complex planes have all
kinds of stuff that is very similar to idea's like that. For
example if you use the rule i^2 = -1 + i all powers of i
do lie on an ellipse and often there are six solutions to that.
Those six solutions rotate if you multiply
them by the i that rules this particular kind of
multiplying 2D numbers. But like expected, sometimes there are
more solutions like in the next picture:

There are now 12 solutions falling into two
different groups of each 6 integer solutions.
It's all cute math stuff and may be I should
post the link to it:
Title of the new post: 2D elliptical and hyperbolic multiplications.
Link used: https://3dcomplexnumbers.net/2023/11/28/
Ok let's not get confused about math or
physics of overpaid professors! It is better to KEEP ON KILLING
After speaking such words of peace, let me
try to upload this to the internet.
As always thanks for your attention and see you in a new
(29 Nov 2023) No intro talk on Greece oil
tankers sold to Russia, just two items for this day's
Item 1) Our weird Geert & interesting UA
sniper records.
Item 2) Einstein de Haas effect; talking our of their necks again?
Item 1) Our weird
Geert & interesting UA sniper records.
Oh oh I would never think I would voluntary
look at some videos with our weird Geert talking. Well he has not
changed and he still wants a Nexit because for example of
(illegal) immigration.
Well look at the UK how that one goes since
their Brexit: They now have record numbers of immigrants but now
they cannot send back illegal immigrants to the country they first
landed in. And why? Well they are no longer part of the EU.
This idiot, Geert, will only make those
problems worse if he gets his way...
Every body can look up statistics, say
economical statistics from the UK and see for yourself how good
that Brexit is for their economy. Not much. So why does Geert not
do such stuff? Well like said before; he is just to fucking stupid
to understand such statistics.
A Nexit will do miracles for our agriculture
exports; if every plant or animal item has to be inspected by a
veterinarian and specialists in plant diseases, that will hurt our
economy very bad.
But again if you ask Geert you only get weird
emotional stuff and just never ever anything that is logical. The
guy is a walking disaster.

From Ukraine I only have a small but very
interesting detail. It's about sniper stuff, those long distance
shooters. I myself was not very good at shooting, I just could not
suppress my reflex of closing my eyes after pulling the trigger so
I could never see where the bullet did slam in.
But in itself the sniper stuff is an art or a science in itself.
There goes a whole lot of stuff into being a good sniper or
The distances claimed by the Ukrainians are a
huge improvement over long standing records. If it's all correct,
my compliments! An interesting feature is that they produce these
kind of long distance rifles themselves. That is a good thing of
course. US defense news had a video out recently, as always click
on the picture to land at the video:

Video title: Ukraine sharpshooter eliminates a Russian soldier 3,800 metres away with sniper rifle
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBZFUADgMl4
Lets go to the next item:
Item 2) Einstein de
Haas effect; talking our of their necks again?
Often I wonder as why the physics people for
themselves never see all those problems you have when you view
electrons as tiny magnets. When it comes to explaining all kinds
of problems they come up with all kinds of explanations that in
itself often sound logical.
But if you lay these kind of explanations next to each other, it
is not very consistent. It's often completely contrary, the stuff
just does not add up.
For example in the Stern-Gerlach experiment
the splitting into two streams of silver atoms is explained by the
probabilistic behavior of electrons: With a probability of 50% the
spin will point up and also 50% of pointing down.
Ok, this sounds reasonable and if you like
almost 100% of physics people not capable of doing the math to
calculate that 'tiny electron magnets' just can't explain this,
you might believe in that crap explanation.
Now a few weeks back I came across the
Einstein de Haas effect. The effect is that an iron cylinder
starts rotating when you flip on the magnetic field. (It is caused
by a changing or alternating magnetic field, see the video below.)
And how do they explain that?
Well if 50% of electrons would flip to spin
up and the other 50% would flip to spin down, in that case the
cylinder would never start to rotate...
But the physics people are very very good in talking out of their
neck and as such one 100% percent of electrons flip their spin
either up or down.
Now the underlying explanation is 'conservation of angular
And as such the whole principle of the
electron spin state as being probabilistic is thrown overboard and
0% of the physics community say this is crazy.
Well they live in their world and I live in
mine and in my world the electrons are the long sought magnetic
monopoles. The magnetic properties of the electrons are just as
their electric properties:
So all that stuff of electrons flipping their
spin is bull shit as told by people that are 'locally smart' in
the sense they can 'explain' one experiment. But they just don't
have oversight of how all those different experiments must also
have a so called 'global explanation'. And that is my monopole
But try to explain that to your local physics
Anyway it is late over here so let me try and
upload this stuff. The video is a bit boring if you are not into
physics but if you want to see it just click on the picture

Video title: 5H60.10 - Einstein De Haas
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFkW0PHhXcY
Well that was it for this update. Thanks for
your attention and ask your local physics professor why they are
(24 Nov 2023) Oh oh, that were some weird
elections! The PVV of Geert Wilders became the greatest party and
as such we run the risk of Geert as the next pm. If that happens
the Dutch population can learn it is not that smart to have a
dumbass pm.
For example our Geert would love to have a
Nexit, he would like to leave the EU just like the Brits did. So
why would he be in favor of that? Well one of the reasons is that
Geert is a relative dumb person. He is too stupid to understand
all the negative economical effects it will have, just like the
Brexiteers were on average to dumb to understand such complicated
What is good about Geert Wilders? Well he has
a healthy motoric system so he can walk and move and so. And, very
important, like a lot of politicians he has a well developed
speech center in his brain. As such a lot of voters seem to think
he also has a good cognition, but sorry that is not the case. All
his stuff is never thought through, most of the time it just an
emotional eruption like his explanation of why they won the
"De mensen zijn er spuugzat van!"
Translated that would be something like "The people are spit
saturated by it". So nothing of any form of analysis, only
one more emotional and stupid thing that explains just nothing.
Well we will have an interesting future over
here, hopefully it will go down more or less like the fantastic
government of Liz Truss. That's also a weird ideologue with little
cognitive capabilities.
Well we'll see, lets go to our items of
Item 1) It took Russians 40 days to capture
this post, why?
Item 2) More math & An applause for the chemistry guy Three
Item 1) It took
Russians 40 days to capture this post, why?
The channel Reporting from Ukraine had a
hilarious video out about a remote controlled machine gun. That
machine gun kept away the Russians for 40 days from the gun nest
it was in. It's totally hilarious, the Russians tried all kinds of
things like lots of artillery and even air power but the stupid
machine gun refused to die...;)
My dear Ukrainians I have no idea about how
the elections over here will influence the aid to Ukraine. Likely
the F16 stuff will go through but if you have an idiot as pm it is
hard to say what will happen. Plans were also to add an additional
2 billion € to next year's budget for Ukraine, lets hope that
won't get derailed by weird political forces.
It is what it is, there is no rolling back
these elections. Anyway as always click on the picture to land at
the video:

Video title: 22 Nov: WOW. Ukrainians UNLEASH ROBOTS-MACHINE GUNS
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEPwAJhR_uQ
Likely at night (Russians don't have night
vision goggles) the Ukrainians replaced the electricity and fed
the brave machine gun fresh ammo. I hope they also talked to the
machine gun and said that he was a good boy.
But serious, how much Russians were shot dead
by this gun? I have no idea but if it kept the Russians at bay for
40 days it must have been a lot.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) More math
& An applause for the chemistry guy Three TwentySix!
The complex plane is defined by the imaginary
unit i and most people know that i^2 = -1. Powers of
i lie on the unit cirle, that is the so called complex exponential
or that Euler thing that says e^it = cos(t) + i*
You can very easy make all kinds of variants
of this complex plane by changing the behavior of the imaginary
unit i. I changed it to the next rule:
i^2 = -1 + 3i.
It's just an example but if you now take successive
powers of i, they all lie on the integer points of a hyperbola.
This hyperbola is the set of points that have a determinant of one
and as such they form a group. If you multiply any two points on
that hyperbola, the result always lies on that hyperbola again.
You can check for yourself that indeed i^3
= -3 + 8i and if you want you can use the good desmos graphing
package from the internet to plot the graph and check all other
powers of i do lie indeed on this graph.
Math professors never use these kind of
simple and easy changes to the way a multiplication works. They
only use the complex plane and those 4D numbers known as the
quaternions. Why this is I don't know, it is one of the forms that
they use to keep each other stupid I just guess...

Electron time! A small but significant detail
was observed: For the very first time in the nine years that I
doubt that electrons are tiny magnets, there is this chemistry guy
Three TwentySix that wonders why there are only electron
That is worth a standing ovation for say 10
minutes long!
It proves that not everybody is braindead on
this planet, there is one guy that wonders why there are only
electron pairs. It is a true miracle, a non brain dead person
talking about electron spin...
Ok ok there are also lone electrons often
named unpaired electrons but if all that "electrons are tiny
magnets" bullshit was true, then why in the whole of
chemistry are there never ever more as two electrons combined?
The very smart non braindead guy Three
TwentySix does not jump to the right conclusion: electrons are not
tiny magnets but magnetic monopoles. But that does not matter, he
is the very first person in nine years time that actually
understands there is a weird problem here.
The video is about atomic orbitals and if you
do not know much about those orbitals this video is a very good
introduction. In the fourteenth minute it is where he doubts a bit
of how this all is supposed to work: electron pairs are two
electrons that are anti aligned and that is what the weirdo's of
quantum physics have made from it. So if you are interested as
always click on the picture to land at the video:

Video title: What ARE atomic orbitals?
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23bNW4G9DZk
Ok lets call it a day and let me try to
upload this to the biggest garbage can humanity has: the internet.
Thanks for your attention and thanks for not falling asleep with
my ramblings on electron spin.
(22 Nov 2023) It is election day over here
and polls indicate it is all so close that the outcome is totally
unpredictable. Just a very short time ago about 40% of the
population was still undecided, so it can swing to all sides. To
all sides? Yes even the party of Geert Wilders could become the
largest party...
Better not make some coalition with the
Wilders thing, likely just like the previous time four years is
just too long for Geert to stay emotionally stable and as such he
will blow up a future Dutch government just like he did
Item 1) Joe Blogs on the evolution of the
Russian population.
Item 2) A bit of math and a bit of VESPR theory.
Item 1) Joe Blogs on
the evolution of the Russian population.
There was a video out on how organized and
long term strategic Putin is. It is an interview with a guy that
was a long time adviser to the Vlad. Well I don't buy it, Putin
might be organized and a strategic thinker but does that make him
smart enough to eventually win in the Ukraine equation?
Video title: ‘I Worked With Putin: Here’s What You Don’t Know About Him’
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2AwAXcScds
Ok, now for the video that Joe had out, as
always his titles are a bit over the top. Russia's workforce and
population do not face a total disaster as Joe says but they sure
will have longterm and severe problems with that.
There are amazingly few males in Russia
compared to the number of females. There are all kinds of reasons
for that, for example Russia is a relative violent society and as
such a lot of males get killed by other males. I never studied the
Russian murder rates but likely they are far to high.
Anyway the long term goal is of course to
weaken the Russian military to the extend they cannot do to
another European nation what they are presently doing in Ukraine.
As such the information offered by Joe is surely helpful. Anyway
it won't work against that goal of long term crippling of Russian
military might...;)
In the picture you see a demographic up build
of the Russian population, it is obvious there will be future
problems. As always click on the picture to land on the

Video title: RUSSIA Workforce & Population Disaster - Employee Shortages, Demographic & Economic Crisis.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur5K2rvUpWY
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) A bit of math
and a bit of VESPR theory.
I started writing a new math post on those
slightly modified complex multiplication where the old rule i^2
= -1 is replaced by the rule i^2 = -1 + i.
The most important ellipse below is the red
one because that is a so called complex exponential. You can
compare that to the unit circle in the complex plane, you know
that Euler thing that says e^it = cos(t) + i*
What I found interesting there are six points
on the ellipse that have integer coordinates. If you multiply by
the number i using this modified kind of multiplication,
you go through these integer points. Here i is the point
(0, 1) just like in the ordinary complex plane.
For me it is a very funny detail that i^3 =
-1 for this multiplication. As always I expect all math professors
to see water burning once more and also once more zero reaction
from those folks. Not that I care much about that any longer but
that is what I expect: 100% neglectance as usual...
The integer solutions on the blue ellipse
have a very different position as those on the red ellipse but if
you multiply them by the new i you land on the next integer
solution. The blue ellipse is where the determinant is 3 by the
way. It's cute math, not very deep although I still haven't found
the parametrization of the red ellipse. That is a big more
hardcore math stuff.
I estimate that in a week time or so the post
is ready to publish on the other website. Lets go to the electron
Electron time! When about nine years back I
started doubting that electrons are tiny magnets, the first years
of course I tried to kill that idea. After all if I would go with
that insight to some physics professor, it was 100% sure they
would find that very funny but they would not want to talk about
such weird idea's.
As the years went by just nothing pointed to
the crazy idea's of the overpaid non competent physics professors:
electrons are not tiny magnets but are in fact magnetic monopoles.
Just like they are electric monopoles. But the physics professors
are truly stupid to the bone because they also think that magnetic
monopoles do not exist.
One of the details that pointed to me being
right were the details of the so called VESPR theory. This theory
tries to predict the shape of electron clouds and molecules by
using the observation that electron pairs always repel each other.
Furthermore it is well known that electron pairs are neutral under
the application of magnetic fields while lone or unpaired
electrons are not.
Well if you are capable of logical thinking,
you would say this all points to electrons being magnetic
monopoles. So how do the professional physics professors explain
this magnetic neutrality of the electron pair?
Well those shallow thinking weirdo's always
say that in an electron pair the spin of the electrons is
anti-aligned and as such the two magnetic dipoles cancel each
other out.
The explanation is often some blah blah blah
about the Pauli exclusion principle that says something about
quantum numbers that can't be the same. Or they do some blah blah
about the wave function. Yet they never say that such a formation
of an electron pair can only be done if you throw overboard the
principle that in magnetism only opposite magnetic poles attract.
But if you view electrons as magnetic charges
all of a sudden this VESPR theory becomes a lot more logical:
1) It explains why unpaired electrons are
magnetic &
2) Explains why electron pairs are neutral under magnetism.
So why does this kind of elementary logic not
fall into fertile earth at the side of the professional physics
professors? There are many reasons for this, they are overpaid and
have tons of social standing because they are 'professors'. That reinforces
their behavior: If you get a fat salary if you tell rubbish like
the do on electron spin, why change that?
Therefore in the last years I have given up
on only telling logic stuff and now name an idiot an idiot. Like
the David DiVincenzo guy or the Delft professors working on
quantum computers. These folks are idiots but they will not change
because of the far to high payments they get, the arrogance they
have and all of the social standing they have.
Anyway, VESPR theory comes from the science
of chemistry so it is mostly about how molecules are shaped in
that three dimensional world we live in. But the basic idea is
very important: Electron pairs repulse each other.
This time I did not select a video but a wiki,
it is rather long and may be more of interest for those people
that like chemistry.

The background picture is a female robot that
I found via an internet search on 'Female robots with big tits'.
Ok ok the robot tits are not that very big but why should female
robots have tits anyway? The picture was from the Huffington
As far as I know female robots with tits, big
or small, are not an item in our elections tomorrow. So Dutch
political parties have never expressed views on female robots with
or without tits. For my male mind this society is still full of
May be it is time to split and do some math
or so. Thanks for your attention and see you in another update of
this website.
(17 Nov 2023) There was just too much news
today but just one positive tiny detail is that about 1300
Russians were killed or wounded in the neighborhood of a town
named Adiivka or whatever you spell that name. Why the Russians
want that part of Ukraine so much is still unknown to me.
Two items for today, here we go:
Item 1) Xi visits Joe and Anders Puck Nielsen
on Ukraine.
Item 2) A bit of math & Ben Miles on the roundness of the
Item 1) Xi visits
Joe and Anders Puck Nielsen on Ukraine.
President Xi was or is on a visit to the USA.
What new was for me that in the past he has been an exchange
student in the USA, that's kind of hilarious... Anyway it would be
good if there were a bit less tensions between the two countries
so who knows if this might be a good start.
New York Times had a relative long article
about the stuff, as always click on the picture if you want to
read that:

NYT title: In Talks With Biden, Xi Seeks to Assure and Assert at the Same Time.
Link used: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/16/world/
In a very different development Anders Puck
Nielsen had a video out where he discusses the recent developments
in regard to the crossing of the Dnipro river. Puck also shows two
maps of the frontline and it is interesting how much it has been
the same for one entire year...
Video title: Ukraine's river crossing can change the war.
Link used:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhON52gz6Bk
Lets go to the next item:
Item 2) A bit of math
& Ben Miles on the roundness of the electron.
Ok, back to the small modification of the
complex multiplication. Now we use the rule i^2 = -1 + i
and no you must not try to solve this as a polynomial equation. It
is just a rule you must need in multiplying two complex numbers
Anyway I improved the picture from the
previous update a little bit because the desmos graphic calculator
places some dots in it but I wanted them on all points of the ellipse
with integer coordinates. It is not surprising that powers of i
under this new multiplication rule always are on the ellipse
because that ellipse is that part of the plane where the
determinant is one. This ellipse is a group under multiplication
using the new rule.
The surprising detail is of course that it
goes through ALL points on the ellipse with integer coordinates. I
tried a few other multiplications, if you use the rule i^2 = -1
+ 3i you get a hyperbola and as far as I can see powers of i
also cover all integer valued points. Ok ok on the hyperbola the
powers of i are not periodic but if you have one branch
found you also have all others via some simple transformations
like taking the minus of a found point and or swapping x and y. I
don't know what to think of it, I have no idea how to prove this
or that may be there are many counter examples to be found in the
Also this is more of an algebra thing and
often that is not my cup of tea. But a lot of math folks try to
find integer solutions or rational solutions to all kinds of
equations so questions like this are investigated all of the time.
Of course they don't use modifications of the complex
multiplication because they only use the complex plane and or
quaternions but that's a voluntary restriction on their behalf.
I didn't have time to make a picture with a
hyperbola so this is all I got:

Electron time! Often I complain about the
fact that physics professors do not have any experimental proof or
evidence that the electron is a tiny magnet as they think. May be
they think there is experimental proof because they think they
have measured the electron magnetic dipole moment to twelve
decimal places precise. But if you look into the details of such
experiments, often a single electron is trapped in a Penning trap.
A constant magnetic field is applied and with an alternating
magnetic or electric field the electron is made to oscillate and
it produces a frequency. Depending on the spin state of the
electron there are tiny differences in those frequencies and from
that they try to find the magnetic dipole moment of the electron.
The fact that you can make electrons
oscillate with an oscillating magnetic field is very strange if
the electron is a tiny magnet but no one cares and the circus of
professional physics goes on for another day.
But they have performed experiments trying to
find out if the electron may be has a (tiny) electric dipole
moment. Why they don't do that for the magnetic dipole moment is
one of the mysteries of professional physics...;)
Anyway a guy with the name Ben Miles had a
video out and one of the things was this particular experiment. By
the way the name 'Miles' sounds very strange don't you think? In
my country I know of nobody who has the name Kilometer like in
"Hello my name is Hans Kilometer and today I want to talk
about qubits based on electron spin".
Lets try to stay serious, Ben remarks that it
would have severe consequences if the electron indeed has a (tiny)
electric dipole moment. I agree with that but also want to remark
that for years I am saying the electrons do NOT have any fucking
dipole magnetic moment. And that has a lot of severe consequences
Consequences like we only observe electron
pairs and no other configurations of three or more electrons. That
VESPR theory is based on mutual repulsion of electron pairs and
that theory is used to explain the shape of electron clouds around
atoms. Ben Ben Ben, electrons are not tiny magnets, they do not
have a fucking magnetic dipole moment and why are otherwise
relative smart folks like you not able to see this simple fact?
As always click on the picture to see the
video from Ben Miles:

Video title: What If Electrons Aren't Round? The Antimatter Problem.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfg6bzj1WXk
That was it for this update, now let me try
to get my precious thoughts into the biggest garbage can humanity
has: the internet.
If you read this thanks for not falling
asleep and thanks for your attention.
(15 Nov 2023) No intro talking, the update is
already far too long. So just two items for this update:
Item 1) DW on the ammo delivery problems to
Ukraine (it's bad).
Item 2) Math and The Loss & Divincenzo proposal (part 2).
Item 1) DW on the
ammo delivery problems to Ukraine (it's bad).
I never looked into the details of those ammo
delivery problems, one million standard 155 mm rounds promised and
it won't happen on the expected timescale...
Well DW had a short but insightful item on
that: There are all kinds of problems. For example there isn't a
'standard round' at all but about 15 different ones. That is a far
cry from the principle that all kinds of ammo should go into all
kinds of launching platforms.
This all has grown in historical ways and yes
a lot is understandable because there is a lot of protectionism in
the weapons industry. If a company has some market share with
their particular howitzer round, that indeed ensures the profits
of that company but on the battlefield this is counterproductive
of course.
If every time you need another kind of
howitzer to fire the rounds you get, that is of course not feasible.
Also for the logistics point of view this is not good or as one
person said: That is a logistical nightmare...
Well click on the picture to land at the DW

Title: EU struggles with Ukraine ammunition pledge | DW News
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isi6rYStfAI
Well lets hope for the best but in the short
run there is likely not much improvement my dear
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Math and The
Loss & Divincenzo proposal (part 2).
A tiny bit of funny math, lately I showed you
an alternative way of multiplying in the two dimensional plane.
That was a slight modification of the split complex numbers and
now the rule was i^2 = 1 + i. (The split complex numbers
work via the rule i^2 = 1.)
You can do the same for the complex plane
that is ruled by i^2 = -1 and modify it to i^2 = -1 + i.
Last week I showed you an ellipse related to where the determinant
is one. Because it is one, that ellipse forms a group, if you
multiply any two numbers from that ellipse you always land on the
ellipse because the determinant stays one under multiplication of
any pair of such numbers.
Ok ok, the professional math professors think
that the norm of a product is the product of the norm but it has
nothing to do with norms. The underlying stuff is determinants and
yes on the complex plane the determinant is the square of the
norm, that is where that norm stuff comes from.
Anyway I was curious what powers of i
would be if you use the rule i^2 = -1 + i and it was very
funny to calculate. You see it in the picture below, it is very
interesting this ellipse goes through six coordinate point with
whole integer coordinates. In the standard complex plane there are
only four such points, so it's a kind of interesting Diophantine

It is striking hilarious that we now have i^3
= -1 yet as far as I know this kind of multiplication has
nothing to do with my own 3D complex numbers that are ruled by an
imaginary unit j via the rule j^3 = -1.
Then I want to make a short remark on what Sandro Mareco
claimed in a video from last week's update: He said that what he
told was verified by experiments. I said it wasn't so and once
more looked into what is actually known:
1) The original Stern-Gerlach experiment was
done in 1922.
2) There was a follow up experiment with atomic hydrogen in 1927
but there is hardly any information out on the entire internet. I
couldn't find a thing.
3) The Frisch & Segre experiment with a spin rotation chamber
from the year 1931 if I remember it correctly. It failed. As far
as I know this was the only sequential SG experiment, the Einstein
guy had given them some advice on how to build the apparatus but
if all FAILED!
So as far as I know it is all BULLSHIT that
experiments show electrons can change their spin state. In my view
the magnetic properties of electrons are just as their electric
I know the professional physics professors
won't like that or neglect that or whatever the weirdo's will do
or not do. I don't care but I also think that their salaries
are just a waste of taxpayer money. All those quantum computers
based on electron spin will never work if you can't flip the spin
state of electrons. These people are crazy.
Now we look again at the Loss &
DiVincenzo proposal from the 90-ties of the previous century:
Qubits based on the spin of a single electron.
Well if my vision of electron stuff is
correct those qubits will never work. So in about 25 years of time
how much progress have those people made? Not much, actually
nothing and they have only lame excuses to show for that.
Now it is that the spin of nearby nuclei
interfere with the spin of the electron and therefore that does
not work. So they try that spin free isotope of silicon, of course
it does not work and now they blame the atomic structure of
And so in the last years they have turned to
spin free isotopes of Germanium and I do not know what the latest
lame explanation will be.
A few weeks ago I showed you that video from
David DiVincenzo where he explained that electron preferential
form electron pairs if and only if they have opposite spins. Of
course this is crazy to the bone, it is well known that in
magnetism opposite poles attract while like poles repel. But
David, crazy as he is, tells the audience that the electrons bind
via anti parallel spins. Of course he does not say that he throws
overboard that principle that only opposite poles attract because
even the audience he is preaching his wisdom to will never believe
that. So he does some mystification and also gets an applause at
the end of his ramblings.
A few weeks back I had already seen the video
from Jeroen Danon but I did not write down the video title and I
could not find it back. But now I have found it back and yes if
you are not into that kind of stuff it is a bit long video. About
30 minutes long but you can go to about 13 minutes into that video
where he 'explains' that silicon based qubits don't work. They
don't work because the nuclear spins interfere with the electron
spin Jeroen says.
If you view the video please remark Jeroen
has a perfectly normal working human brain. There is nothing
strange in his behavior so his brain works more or less healthy.
For example he has only about 30 minutes of speaking time and he manages
that very good, so he has no biological illness or so.
Yet why don't these people see for themselves
that there are all kinds of problems with viewing electrons as
tiny magnets? If you can't see that, in my view you are not a
scientist but only a person that tries to score social points. And
the largest 'social point' if of course the Nobel prize, that's
the game they play and it has not much to do with science.
As always, click on the picture to land at
the video:

Video title: Solid-state spin qubits.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKylY6nDhsA
Lets call it a day and thanks for your
attention while I will try to upload the above stuff in the
largest garbage can humanity has: the internet.
(10 Nov 2023) EU chief Ursula von der Leyen
has invited Ukraine to start negotiations with the EU for future
membership of the EU Bloc. That is a good thing because I think it
is good for Ukraine if they have some long term perspective upon
stuff like economical development and all the things that come
with that. But my dear Ukrainians it is a very long process, in
the end you also must have those harmonized statistics that fit on
the EU standards so it's a mountain of work. But it's good thing
to put this thing on the rails...
Let's go to the two items for today:
Item 1) Zelensky says it's not a stalemate
and stuff like that.
Item 2) Advertisement new math post and more talking out of their
Item 1) Zelensky says
it's not a stalemate and stuff like that.
To my surprise a small row endured in the UA
capital between the political leadership and the military
leadership regarding that interview from Valerii
Zaluzhnyi to the Economist. In that interview Valerii warned the
stuff could go into a stalemate as far as I remember so not that
it already is a hard boiled stalemate.
Well you can talk long and short on this but
in my view a lot has been achieved. Take for example the
demolishment of the Russian naval headquarters in Crimea and the
gradual diminishing of the role of the Russian Black Sea fleet.
Grain gets still out although as far as I know now a second
civilian ship has been attacked by Russia.
And so on and so on. Also, it did not check
the calculations but I heard an estimate that estimated Russian
losses in lives are now about 15 times the total losses the USA
had in Iraq. Like I said before: Russia now has much more death
compared to their war in Afghanistan where they withdrew because
of the many casualties they had over there.
In a normal world where the political
leadership in the Kremlin was not crazy to the bone, they would
have withdrawn already. Why they are willing to let so many
Russians die is unknown to me, after all the costs are so huge
that it is impossible to gain that from seizing UA land.
This is a crazy war, lets not forget that.
And about the stalemate stuff, a lot of things go relatively well
but a lot of things also go terribly slow. That are all kinds of
reasons for that like the giant number of mines in use and the
fact both military parties can often see what the other is doing.
I don't think there is much shame in that, of course it is
terrible hard to gain much in the land parts of the war.
Especially where a lot of Russians are gathered, that is just
logical and may be a bit unforeseen.
CNN reported on the row, the picture is not a
video but just a picture. If you click on it you will land at the
CNN report on the stalemate detail:

Title: Tensions grow in Kyiv over status of war, as Zelensky insists conflict with Russia is not at a ‘stalemate’
Link used: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/05/europe/zelensky-ukraine-
Of course it's not Zelenksy's task to send
out all kinds of mixed signals, he should be a very one
dimensional leader pointing to victory. So I can understand he is
a bit pissed but all in all it is better to tell the truth as it
is and not paint a picture that is just far to rosy.
Military info should always reflect reality
and that includes the stuff that is not going well. I have
spoken on this detail.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Advertisement
new math post and more talking out of their neck.
As said before the new math post would be
about a multiplication in the 2D plane that you could name a
"Golden ratio kind of multiplication". I know it's a bit
of a click bait title but universities have multi million
marketing budgets while I have nothing so it's an allowed
Click on the picture below to land at my
latest math post with the golden ratio multiplication. In the
picture you see a few interesting things:
1) At the top you see a screen shot of an
internet search of my second part of general theory. That was
posted one month ago and it already nicely lands as the top result
in the search engine DuckDuckGo. So that is very satisfying
because in the past no matter what those websites with a lot of
traffic always popped up above me if for example they had a page
with an 'E' in it and also the word 'matrix'. It was hard to beat
websites like the mathstackexchange but as the years has passed it
now is a bit better.
2) In the middle you see a math expression
that equals one, the math expression if the determinant of the
matrix representations that come along with those new born golden
ratio split complex numbers. I was just curious what you would get
and it likely is a hyperbola. I did not prove it is a hyperbola
but given the way the quadratic expression looks it is very hard
that it is not a hyperbola...
3) At the bottom of the picture I show you
the result if you turn the multiplication on the complex plane
that is ruled by i^2 = -1 into a golden ratio style kind of
multiplication via i^2 = -1 + i and see what you get if you
want the determinant to be one. You get an ellipse. I did not
prove it was an ellipse, I was just curious what it could be.
4) Four the background picture I used is just
some random ai generated stuff.

Title of the new post: Cauchy-Riemann equations for a ‘golden ratio’ 2D multiplication.
Electron spin.
About nine years back I started doubting that
electrons were 'tiny magnets' with two magnetic poles. I was
thinking that only a magnetic monopole could explain the results
of the famous Stern-Gerlach experiment.
In the present year I dare to say that
electrons are not only magnetic monopoles but also that this
magnetic charge is permanent. So what took me so very long?
Well I looked for experiments that validated
all the claim that professinal physics people make when it comes
the the SG experiment. They think that an electron can flip
between the spin up and spin down quantum states they talk about.
And they even say it is validated by
experiment. So year in year out I kept on looking for experiments
that validated their claims...
Now I think this is all a bag of bullshit,
they think experiments have been done but where are the fucking
results? They are only in the mind of professional theoretical
physics professors, in a time span of nine years I found not a
singe experiment that proves their bullshit is validated by
In the next video you see one of those
weirdo's, likely overpaid as hell and that makes them dumb as
hell. It's about 13 minutes into the video where he says this SG
stuff about electron flipping their spin state is confirmed by
Why was I always so stupid to believe them at
face value, this quantum computer stuff based on electron spin is
one 100% bull shit!

Video title: Lecture 15 3 STERN GERLACH Sandro Mareco
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWodwNNDSu8
Come on Sandro, if your own body meets a few
magnetic fields do all electrons jump to another spin state? So
that most bonding electron pairs turn into non-binding electron
pairs and your body falls apart?
Get real you dumbass, this stuff is not science but the stuff of
overpaid weirdo's.
Well that was it for this update and let me
try to unload this into the biggest garbage can of humanity: the
internet. Thanks for your attention.
(08 Nov 2023) No intro, just two items:
Item 1) F16's to Romania for training &
new sanctions for Russia.
Item 2) Another Stanford video, this one is very good and
Item 1) F16's to
Romania for training & new sanctions for Russia.
A batch of our F16's are on route to Romania.
Training will be done by Lockheed Martin. I have no idea how long
it takes to get good at flying a F16 but for most people just
learning how to drive a car can easily take 2 months in case you
have daily lessons. So it will take some time before the UA pilots
are ready but it's in the pipeline and that is what is most
The Shoigu guy has told that those F16's will get shot from the
skies in about 20 days if I remember it correctly. So if true it
is not expected much trouble from the Kremlin when it comes to the
small and insignificant F16 detail.
Unrelated to the F16 stuff but I considered
it a nice picture, if you click on it you get a bit more info:

Title: Dutch F-16s Arrive At European Training Centre To Train Ukrainian And Romanian Pilots.
Link used: https://theaviationist.com/2023/11/07/
At a building shipyard in Kerch a Russian
corvette class ship was hit by cruse missiles. A corvette class
ship seems to be the smallest kind of ship considered a war ship.
So it's more like an advanced rubber boat so how can the Kremlin
complain about that? But the picture looks nice and boat by boat
the entire Russian Black Sea fleet has to be destroyed. It looks
like damage beyond repair, but it's only a rubber boat so who
Report from The WarZone, click on the

The USA has come out with a fresh package of
sanctions, the EU will follow this week or the next week with also
a new round of the stuff. A quote from the Kremlin indicated they
were adjusted to that kind of stuff so I hope it is not an inconvenience
for Russia. Euronews reporting:
Russia scorns latest round of US sanctions over war in Ukraine
Link used: https://www.euronews.com/business/2023/11/03/russia-
And Ukrinform has this:
EU to announce new package of sanctions against Russia next week - von der Leyen
Link used: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/
It is high time to go to the next item.
Item 2) Another Stanford
video, this one is very good and surprising.
Since in my view electrons are magnetic
monopoles, so there are two kinds of electrons and not what the
standard vision is that all electrons are the same, that must have
consequences for the photons they produce.
As a matter of fact it is to be expected that
the magnetic fields of two photons created by the two kinds of
monopole electrons are 180 degrees phase shifted. Say a photon is
created by a north monopole electron, in that case it should
behave very different when it interacts with other electrons
depending on the monopole magnetic charge of the electrons it
interacts with.
For years I am looking into clues if this is
true yes or no. But stuff like that never gets reported because
the physics people all think electrons are tiny magnets. Not that
they have experimental evidence for that but the tiny magnet is
what they believe. It's totally bullshit of course because if
electrons had a north and a south pole at the same time, they
should always be neutral under the application of magnetic fields.
And that is not what we observe in say Stern-Gerlach kinds of
The Stanford video is highly technical so it
is not appropriate for all of my readers, but I liked it a lot.
Why is the video that good? Well it is not stuff by some
theoretical physicist talking nonsense out of his or her neck
about electron magnetism. These are more engineer kind of people
trying to improve medical devices like MRI scanners that are in
use in hospitals.
Ok ok there is a tiny bit of nonsense in the
very good video: They think that so called Rabi oscillations
constantly flip the spin of the resonating protons. That is also
believed by folks that try to build quantum computers with qubits
based on say electron spin. In my view this is not correct, making
protons or electrons oscillate on a particular frequency that
corresponds with the difference in energy levels in 'spin up'
versus 'spin down' does not prove that spins are actually flipping
all of the time.
Compare it to the next example:
Physics people know a loaf of bread costs
1.20 €. Now I go to the Aldi and I buy one or more items in
total for 1.20 €. A physicist can measure how much a pay at the
cash lady and instantly jumps at the conclusion I have bought a
loaf of bread...
In my world electron magnetic monopole charge
is just like the electric charge of an electron: PERMANENT and not
Back to the video: You can make rotating
magnetic fields. The idea is a simple as the complex exponential
from the complex plane. That is something physics professors can
understand: Take two oscillating magnetic fields, ensure you have
a timelag of one quarter and it will rotate. You can see that as
the cosine and sine stuff below in the picture.
For rotating the other way you just need a
different timelag of the cosine.
Anyway the weird and not expected result is
that when you apply those rotating magnetic field on biological
material, the result is very different. In the one case the
protons will resonate and produce some heat, in the other case
there is no observable resonation and also produce heat...
Well this looks like the kind of result I am
looking for for years, it is not with electrons but with protons.
Please remark you can also not explain this phenomenon with the
tiny magnet model.
In biological chemistry there are a lot of
protons bound to all that complicated carbon stuff. If protons
just like electron carry net magnetic charge, in that case this
result is totally crazy:
All those protons must have the same magnetic
On the other hand we must not get overenthusiastic
and unlike overpaid university people never jump to conclusions
too fast: May be this weird effect can also be explained by the
chirality of biological molecules.
I think I have written enough text, click on
the picture to land at the very very good Stanford video:

Video title: Rad229 (2020) Lecture-01B: Radiofrequency (B1) pulses and the Rotating Frame.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zflijqAcE50
Before we close I want to say a bit more
about female robots with big tits as shown in previous updates.
Likely the robot above is a male robot and as such he does not
have a need for tits himself. But where are his balls and that
other thing? Is this our future: female robots with big tits and
male robots without a penis?
May be it is time to split so we can go both
our ways while we think on electron spin and the lack of penis in
male robots. What more do you want?
(03 Nov 2023) Ok, finally this website too
has https protocol instead of the old fashioned http. It does not
make much of a difference because there is not much information
flowing hin und her between this website and my readers. But it
looks a bit more modern, on top of that I got about a 40%
reduction in the yearly costs of this website (and the math
website too) so thanks to my internet host!
As usual two items for this update:
Item 1) Valerii Zaluzhnyi, locally made
drones and the famous meat waves.
Item 2) Not published yet here are the golden ratio split complex
Item 1) Valerii Zaluzhnyi,
locally made drones and the famous meat waves.
The Ukrainian commander Valerii Zaluzhnyi
gave an interview to the Economist and he told that there is a
severe probability of a long lasting stalemate. Yes that could
very well be, military supplies are indeed such that Ukraine is
able to defend itself but not enough for gaining more ground in a
faster manner.
There are many reasons for this so one
example is still the lack of enough artillery shells. The EU
promised a million but only one third is delivered while that is
one of the details that is needed a lot. To be honest I don't know
the reasons for why this all is going so slow, ok ok there are all
kinds of reasons that Europe is slow in building military stuff.
That is also a good thing, we are more interested in peace and not
that much a warmongering nation like Russia, but now it is not
helpful for Ukraine.
If you want to read the interview in case you
didn't already, here it is (I don't copy the link because it is so
Ukraine’s commander-in-chief on the breakthrough he needs to beat Russia.
Times radio had a short but interesting video
about a drone the Ukrainians make locally. It looks funny like
those old world war II planes with painings on the front like it
is a big beast. So it is funny: a shark with a high quality camera
in it. It can work without GPS (likely also with GPS) and seems to
withstand faulty controls. And, also very handy, it can land via
parachute. So this looks all rather good thought through and I
would like to give my compliments for making such a device.
As always click on the picture to land at the Times

Video title: Ukraine exposes Russian troops with shark drones
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_2Xj6Z9YtA
Weirdly enough the Kremlin reacted on the
interview given by Valerii saying that the sooner Ukraine realized
they can't win the war the better it is because there will be more
openings for negotiation. Or words like that, I didn't file the
exact quote.
The Russians need strange tactics like those
so called meat waves and in my view that is not a recipe for
success. It is however interesting that the Russians are willing
to take such losses in lost lives, back in the time when they
invaded Afghanistan they withdrew while much less losses.
From my side, and that is also the view of
the USA, we must degrade the Russian military to such an extend
that they cannot repeat to another European nation what they are
doing in Ukraine.
Now we are in a phase of the war that often
one 1000 Russians die daily and that was what I wanted about six
month ago. If Russia thinks that is worth the price well be my
guest. Beside that suppose this all is evolving into a long
lasting stalemate, the illegal occupied Ukrainians territories
will only get HIMARS-ed for at least a full decade. So Kremlin,
you will not be able to do anything meaningful like economical
development on that. You shouldn't have fucked me in the ass with
that MH-19 stuff, now you will pay a hefty price for that and this
is only the beginning.
Artur Rehi had a beautiful picture of how the
meat looks that is send into those lovely meat waves. The guy in
the front is the commander that sends out all those meat waves and
likely he thinks just like me the Kremlin is crazy. But we already
knew this when we listen for example to the wisdom of the Shoigu
guy explaining that today they just had destroyed more HIMARS
systems as ever have been delivered in the entire conflict.
Click on the picture to land at the video
from Artur:

Video title: Russia Lost an Entire Fuel Train in Donetsk!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5znJvLvkGg
Artur is a bit overenthusiastic by claiming
an entire fuel train was lost, later I did see some footage that
showed a lot of damage but not the entire train. Say 50% of
What the Kremlin just does not understand at
all that the longer this war goes on the better NATO can make
plans to bring great damage in the future to you. Stuff like
taking out most of your military logistic chain in just a few days
by massive bombardments of Russian rail lines inside Russia.
Hey Kremlin, do you call me a bluff like you
are or not?

Item 2) Not
published, yet here are the golden ratio split complex numbers.
Oh oh I shouldn't have done it: write an
entire math post in just one go. One day later I found a lot of
typo's and stuff like writing x and y where it should be a and b.
Also one day later I realized I should not
name this a 'strange multiplication' but a bit more catchy name
this the golden standard multiplication. It is a bit of a bait
title but that is just a little bit if the reader is capable of
realizing that inside such numbers you still have those good old
so called Cauchy-Riemann equations.
And the more general CR-equations were my
third post in trying to craft a bit more general theory upon
complex number theory in all kinds of dimensions. Not that
professional math folks will be interested at all, after a few
decades it is well understood they can only handle the complex
plane, some stuff known as the quaternions and that's about it.
But the professional math professors also
have the split complex plane, in itself it is a true miracle that
they found that but anything beyond a two dimensional plane has
always been out of their reach.
May be over the last few centuries a few
professors have looked a higher dimensional complex number but
very likely those people were sidelined fast and hefty. If you do
stuff outside the common thinking, you will get neglected fast
& furious. So all math professors always stay within the
borders of allowed thought and just do not cross the forbidden
lines of higher dimensional complex numbers.
As such it is kind of weird they also have so
called Clifford algebra's, it is mostly crap but they do indeed
some rudimentary higher dimensional stuff. Well it is what it is
and now in the year 2023 they still are very good at stating that
they cannot find three dimensional complex numbers.
It is what it is... Click on the picture
below to land at the new post:

The golden ratio has a feature that if you
take the square of it, that is the same as adding the number one
to it.
You can do the same with making a tiny
modification to the split complex numbers and make an imaginary
unit that has the same behavior.
It's cute stuff and for me it is amazing that
those good old Cauchy-Riemann equations can still be found in
After having said this all let me try to get
my update in the largest garbage bin that humanity has invented:
The internet. Thanks for your attention in case you did not fall
asleep from the all words above...;)
(01 Nov 2023) First a small update on all
that government debt and the declining bond prices that decline
for about 3 years now and there is no end in sight. I remarked
that it was strange to see no pension cuts until now, but that was
wrong. In the UK there are already cuts but that is more in the
individual pensions they also have over there.
Complicating factor in the UK is that the Bank of England is also
dumping their share of government bonds onto the market while at
their peak they held about one third of all outstanding government
At the time when all that quantitative easing
was announced and done I was completely against it. I said that if
you do that you turn your own government debt into garbage. Well
that is actually happening now, a three year bear market in bonds
is an interesting consequence of QE. Of course the main thing is
that central banks have to keep interest rates high in order to
fight inflation but unloading this much government debt by central
banks is not something that is helpful right now...
Two items for today:
Item 1) The US has a new speaker in the
House, trouble for Ukraine?
Item 2) The weird math of the Pauli equation for an electron, it's
all BS.
Item 1) The US has a
new speaker in the House, trouble for Ukraine?
It took a long time but now there is a new
speaker and I don't know what to think of it. Just a few days in
and US military aid to both Ukraine and Israel is just sitting in
the waiting room. It has to be remarked however that a lot of
republicans want to check in government spending and an sich that
is a good thing given the US deficits. (Right now about 3 trillion
a year of about 24 or 25 US$ per capita citizen per day.)
The problem is of course that stuff like this
is only used in partisan attacks against each other. US
republicans are not know for being constructive, it is always
highly partisan and always with a boatload of emotion in it.

This could be a severe setback for Ukraine,
after all the US has much more military gear as EU countries so it
could get bad and nasty.
In another development it could very well be
that former US prez donald trump will get tried in a lot of cases
a lot of them criminal. I don't follow that donald stuff very much
because in my view it is a mentally ill guy absolutely not worth a
second of my time.
So it's a very mixed bag, a new presidency by
donald trump would be a disaster too and I don't know what to
think of this new Johnson guy.
Lets hope for the best while preparing for
the worst.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) The weird
math of the Pauli equation for an electron, it's all BS.
To be honest I did not know there was also a
so called Pauli equation for the electron in a magnetic field. So
when Youtube came up with a suggestion on this equation I was
curious what it was all about. After all the Pauli matrices are a
complete disaster, never ever validated in any kind of experiment
so I expected a boatload of crap. And indeed I got a boatload of
crap from a physics professor at MIT.
Lately I showed you that DiVincenzo guy while
remarking he could easily have an income over five times what I
get. If you look up MIT full professor salaries, the average is
about 175 thousand US$ (that was from a few years back). So likely
this MIT professor has over six or seven times what I get and as
such you might expect some good brains at work.
Let me start with that photo of my own 12 €
Stern-Gerlach experiment where there is that black ring shaped
section around the magnet when I push it against the screen of the
old black and white television.

Electron behavior like that is very hard to
explain via viewing the electron as a tiny magnet. It shows in my
opinion that there are two kinds of electrons that differ in their
magnetic charge. In the present year I often formulate it like
The magnetic properties of the electron are
just like the electric properties:
Physics professors think that monopoles do
not exist and think that electrons are tiny magnets. Well if they
would be tiny magnets they should also be neutral under magnetic
fields and they are just not. See the above photo, the behavior is
not continuous and as such the monopole model is just a better
It is known that electron pairs are neutral
under magnetic fields (ok very strong magnetic fields rip apart
the electron pair) and this neutrality also says the monopole
model is just better.
For me it is always amazing that physics
professors just can't see all the stuff that is wrong when you
view electrons as tiny magnets. The fact that they must have
opposite spins in the bonding of chemical stuff is something
totally crazy when electrons are tiny magnets.
Well the video from MIT I have for you is
likely hard to follow if you are a more or less normal person like
an accountant or a baker or all things non-math and non-physics
like medical jobs.
But what every one can see relative in the
beginning of the video that all that advanced talking out of your
neck is based on electric currents going round. And yes that
creates bipolar magnetism but one electron hanging in a magnetic
fields is not a current going round. This is all one 100% fucked
up bullshit, where is the fucking current going round you overpaid
MIT professor?
As always click on the picture to land at the
video over there in Youtubeland:

The video is from the MIT opencourseware.
Video title: L4.3 The Pauli equation for the electron in an electromagnetic field.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl7q_VZ3eIQ
It is now the nine'th year that I doubt very
much that electrons are tiny magnets. I still like it a lot, you
must not think that I am irritated that overpaid guys like the
above keep on talking bullshit.
Viewing electrons a magnetic monopoles simply
gives a somehow better understanding of physical reality and
believe me that is priceless. And if you would give me 175
thousand € a year for talking bullshit out of my chicken neck, I
would only talk more and more bullshit.
So physics professors live in their own world
and I live in mine and I am perfectly happy with that. These
weirdo's come without repair: do you really think a guy as above
comes along saying 'hey may be that electron spin is a bit
different as we thought'.
Come on, if you think that better try to get
a more realistic kind of life.
Overpaid crazies are overpaid crazies and the high salaries only
acts as a strong reinforcement of their behavior.
That is what I had to say today, in the next
update I have made a complex multiplication based on the golden
ratio. Actually it is a split complex multiplication but that does
not matter.
So if you made it this far, thanks for your
attention and till updates.
(27 Oct 2023) Interesting economical news
today was the US economical growth number or the GDP. These were Q
on Q numbers and annualized the US economy grew at a staggering
4.9%. So is that something to envy or be jealous about? No, if you
look at the debt growth of the US government that grows even
faster and in a normal tax regime with more or less almost no
deficit, very likely the picture would be very different.
Furthermore the Federal Reserve is also
unloading their piles of US government debt and it makes you
wonder: Who is buying all that debt?
A thing I do not know now or do not understand is given the
situation on the bond markets, why haven't we heard of pension
funds shrinking their outlays of pensions? After all most pension
funds are obliged to invest a lot of the pension inlays into so
called safe investments and that is often government bonds. Or is
it only waiting until a fresh round of pension cuts will hit the
Lets go to the two items of today:
Item 1) Crazy Russian losses in Avdivvka
& more ATACMS stuff.
Item 2) A seven year old math post on factorization of the
Item 1) Crazy Russian
losses in Avdivvka & more ATACMS stuff.
Suchominus had a relative long video out
detailing info from satellite images upon the destroyed Russian
vehicles like tanks and armored personnel carriers and the likes.
The numbers are totally crazy just like the estimated numbers of
Russian casualties.
Two weeks back I pondered the question as why
Russia is staging these attacks because it made them look like a
bunch of fools. Well nobody knows, some say it was related to
Putin's visit to his pal Xi in China. Others say it had to do with
his reelection and he wants some success to show for and that
should explain these ongoing waves of attacks often using the
interesting method of so called 'meat waves'.
Well if in my own country some pm wants to
get reelected using tactics like meat waves, I would consider
moving permanently to another country. It's all a bit crazy what
is going on at the Kremlin...
As always click on the picture for the 20 min
long video from Suchominus:

Video title: 109 Destroyed Russian Vehicles Near Avdiivka Confirmed with Satellite Imagery!
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQMaqD60Jmc
What I forgot to mention in the update from
two days back is that the very muted reaction from the Vlad on
ATACMS indicates that I expect no significant complaints when all
kinds of missiles go to Ukraine and all kinds of payloads for free
delivery on Russian sites.
I was under the impression that one of the
reasons the delivery of ATACMS was delayed so long by the US was
that they were no longer in production. I think it was Jake Bro
who told that production was started again and Jake thinks that
Ukraine is getting an amount every month that matches the new
production of that month.
If true that is one hundred percent accepted
of course, given all the crazy stuff that is going on globally it
is rather logical that the US department of defense wants to have
their stockpiles full in case they need it themselves. So it's
great stuff like this in now in Ukraine and I want to thank the
USA in general and the White House in particular for giving the
green light for that.
In a very different development I did see a
fragment from the famous Russian state television where they
complained they had no longer red lines but only brown lines. I
would like to help and give a bit of advice because I have a lot
of experience with brown lines.
In the first place, try washing it on a
higher temperature. So you throw your underpants into the washing
machine and was at least at 60 degrees Celsius.
It also helps to soak the laundry that has brown lines overnight
in a soap that contains enzymes that brake down biological
material like your brown line stuff. Another thing that improves
removing brown lines is after the overnight soaking is brush the
underpants with a stiff brush.
At last buying a few new underpants that have
a brown color that matches the color of your particular brown
lines help making the brown lines much less visible.
On my behalf I would like to ask the EU and
other nations to ensure that brown underpants, especially those
for males, be outside any economical sanctions all of the time. I
hope Russians understand that I am fully committed to helping them
out with there brown line problems...
May be we should go to the next item:
Item 2) A seven year
old math post on factorization of the Laplacian.
This week I finished writing the third piece
of so called general theory for higher dimensional complex
numbers. And now my old windows XP computer has died from old age
I must use that GIMP graphics program. And yes it works, may be I
must get used to it a bit more, but my old graphics program was
just much faster.
Well it is what it is and at least I still
have something like GIMP that all in all is very good free
graphics software. GIMP sometimes has a bit weird features like
rotating a picture +45 degrees, a math person like me says that is
-45 degrees. But GIMP is more a thing for normal people like
graphic designers or graphic artists and not for nerds like me.
Anyway the new math post is on so called
Cauchy-Riemann equations in higher dimensions and as such it is
very much an ultra nerd kind of math post. Cauchy-Riemann
equations are very important because if a function obeys these
equations you can differentiate them just like a function on the
real line like say a parabola or a sine or cosine function.
Back in the year 2016 when my other website
was only one year old I posted how you can factorize a famous
differential operator known as the Laplacian. That was a
calculation that more or less blew my mind and as such it clearly
belongs to the category of "The 10 most amazing calculations
you can do on three dimensional complex numbers". I estimate
I have over 30 of such crazy or amazing calculations that belong
into the top 10, for me that is no problem because why write such
a top 10 anyway?
For the factorization to work it is handy to
use so called Wirtinger derivatives and combined with the
Cauchy-Riemann equations for three dimensional complex numbers,
the magic is there to unfold.
The upper two formula's or math expressions
for that Wirtinger derivative are the same in the space of 3D
complex numbers. After all the inverse of the first imaginary unit
j must be -j^2 because the one rule that rules them all
says that j^3 = -1. Just like i^2 = -1 rules all of
the stuff in the complex plane.
But hey try to explain that to math
professors, don't try to do that because I know from experience
that is a waste of your own life. It has to be remarked however
that math professors are still very good at telling other people
that "We cannot find the 3D complex numbers, we think they
don't exist".
Well it is what it is and as always click on
the picture to land at that seven year old math post.

Title of the old post: Wirtinger derivatives and the factorization of the
By the way, I still don't understand why
female robots need big tits. Do you have any idea? It is just not
functional for a female robot, they do not reproduce like
biological things. So what are these big tits for?
That was it for this update, lets kill more
Russian invaders and ponder the non math question as why female
robot need tits at all. Till updates.
(25 Oct 2023) No intro talk because this
update is already far to long.
Item 1) Putin visits China and he approves
the ATACMS deliveries?
Item 2) The Loss & DiVincenzo proposal, will that work? Nope!
Item 1) Putin visits
China and he approves the ATACMS deliveries?
By coincidence a video was shown to me where
Putin answered some questions and the subject of ATACMS came up.
To my surprise you can only view that as an approval because 'War
is war' and 'This only prolongs the agony of the Ukrainians'.
Click on the picture to land at the video:

Video title: Putin visits China, calls US missile deliveries to Ukraine a "mistake"
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkY0Z7u3kpw
In another development Artur Rehi showed some
footage about how it actually goes in that place named Avdivvka.
There is a line of about 40 or more Russian soldiers walking about
500 meter from the frontline...
Guess what happens? A few cluster ammo rounds later and they do
not walk that much anymore.

Yes you see this right, no armored transport
vehicles or may be they have left them. It is just walking to
their death, that is how it goes over there.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) The Loss
& DiVincenzo proposal, will that work? Nope!
Lets start with a simple example of four
statements you sometimes hear coming along:
1) Muslim clergymen saying there is only one
God and that Mohammed is his prophet.
2) A Catholic priest saying Jesus is the son of God he was born
from the virgin Maria.
3) Physics professors saying they cannot find magnetic monopoles.
4) Math professors saying that you cannot divide by a vector.
What do these four statements have in common?
Well they are hard to prove or even impossible to prove. Stuff
like this is mostly said to show other to what social group you
belong. If someone says that Jesus was born from the virgin Maria,
that is to show to all others he is a good Christian having no
forbidden thoughts about the virginity of Maria. The same goes for
all four statements, it is often only said what your social group
I just ended a math text and all of the time
I was dividing by vectors in real spaces of arbitrary dimension.
So I can clearly divide by vectors. The statement of math
professors is actually stupid because the complex numbers they use
themselves are also 2 dimensional vectors. Even the real numbers
you and me use everyday are 1 dimensional vectors but no sane
person will ever say you can't divide by them 'because they are
Here is a bit how it looks, if they wanted
even math professors could take the upper limit but if they do
that would be against the stuff that says you cannot divide by a
vector. And if you do that you have forbidden thoughts and you
will get neglected by other math professors to such an extend it
is bad for your career. So that is how stuff like that evolves
over time, it is a social thing a social construct not having any
scientific basis at all.

It is no secret that I think that electrons
have magnetic properties just like their electric properties:
permanent and monopole. As such it is totally impossible that
electrons flip their magnetic charge just like they cannot change
their electric charge.
In the science of chemistry when studying
electron transitions in the electron clouds surrounding atomic
nuclei there is even a rule for that: They say that spin
multiplicity is a conserved quantity, simple said that means
electrons never flip their spin during all the jumping hin and her
that they do.
That is nicely in line with what I am thinking about the electron
stuff so I was glad I found this rule somewhere this year.
But at TU Delft they think that they can flip
electron spin with a tiny bit of em-radiation. Those weirdo's
likely have never heard of the chemistry thing because electron transitions
can also be done with em-radiation.
For years and years those quantum folks
follow something known as the Loss & DiVincenzo proposal from
the 1990-ties where they proposed some things about a qubit based
on the spin of one electron. Of course those kind of qubits will
never work because electrons are monopoles and cannot flip that
magnetic charge. Click on the picture to enjoy a few minutes of
scientific bullshit as believed by the TU 'scientists'.

Video title: Quantum Dot Qubits
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQnA05VnGis
Just last Thursday I showed you that if
electrons were tiny magnets, so no monopoles, in that case all
electron pairs can only bind or bond if you throw overboard the
principle that in magnetism equal poles reject while opposite attract.
After all tiny or not if two bipolar magnets bind in an anti
alignment manner, this is only north pole to north pole or south
pole to south pole.
I hope my readers consider this a bunch of bullshit.
But the guy below, David DiVincenzo clearly
thinks this kind of BS is true knowledge so how does he talk
himself out of this problem? Well the overpaid weirdo only remarks
that in electron pairs they preferentially bind or bond via the
mechanism of anti alignment.
And with saying people like this are hefty
overpaid I mean that; this guy likely has at least five times my
income. And he now works in Germany I believe so it is all wasted
tax payer money big time. Just like in my own country the TU Delft
weirdo's get boatloads of money for talking bullshit about
electrons while they are too stupid to see all the problems that
come with the idea that for some strange reason electrons must be
'tiny magnets'.
Click on the picture to land at the TEDx
video, about 12 minutes in you see David explaining that electrons
spin on their axis (he is too stupid to do the calculation that
says it ain't so) and he explains the behavior of an electron

Video title: Quantum computers: David DiVincenzo at TEDxEutropolis
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie3GJyB9YyU
Once more: All these problems with the
official version of electron spin are only there because the
mindset is they must be tiny magnets. If you just view them as
magnetic monopoles just like they are electric monopoles you just
don't have all those weird weird problems.
Lets leave it with that and let me try to get
this uploaded to the biggest garbage can in human history: the
Thanks for your attention.
(21 Oct 2023) No intro talk, just two
Item 1) Wow about 15 helicopters kaput +
other UA details.
Item 2) New math post on the other website (the matrix big E).
Item 1) Wow about 15
helicopters kaput + other UA details.
The new ATACMS seem to work pretty good while
we have to take into account these are relatively old rockets made
in the nineties. So old rockets versus the most modern Russian air
defense systems and they simply come through hitting those two
More of those KA-52 helicopters have been
wiped out and that is a good thing because a KA-52 can fire from a
long distance and as such are very hard to hit. I heard that in
the beginning Russia had about one hundred of them and now the
remaining total number is below 30.
A missile building in the occupied region
Sevastopol was also hit, lets hope this minimizes a bit the number
of rockets that Russia can fire against civilian targets.
On top of the Ukrainian forces seem to have
crossed the Dnipr river (I hope I spell it correctly, I am offline
right now) and it was not a short strike & retreat attack.
They seem to have a foothold over there.
This picture is from the US military forces
and it was said these were some of the first ATACMS fired. It was
loaded with cluster ammo so it could take out a lot of helicopters
and stuff (air vehicles can't have armor or course...)

What these ATACMS seem to have common with
the usual HIMARS is that they have curved starting trajectories. I
never tried to look up the details but having properties like this
makes it very hard to pinpoint the position from where they were
fired. As such it is much harder for Russia to take out the
launching vehicles that can fire both the HIMARS & ATACMS.
Some Russian diplomats said that the delivery
of these old and rusty often malfunctioning ATACMS will have
serious consequences... Will have? I was under the impression that
about 15 helicopters is already a 'serious consequence'. Well guys
bring it on, my suggestion is doubling the price for gas
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) New math
post on the other website (the matrix big E).
Last week I published a new post about what I
name a 'big E' matrix. The post does not contain much math
results, it is highly descriptive math and it only tells what I
mean by this big E matrix.
It is also part 2 of general theory and as
such I don't work in just one space like 3D complex numbers or 4D
complex numbers but I try to generalize a bit more over arbitrary
space like the n-dimensional real spaces we know from
The matrix big E is a way to describe all
possible ways of multiplication in an n-dimensional space.
It specifies all possible products between the basis vectors. The
way it works is 'just like' the concept of quadratic forms as you
might know from linear algebra. But quadratic forms often only use
real entries in a matrix while big E contains n-dimensional
numbers or vectors if you want.
This time in the background I used the face
of a miss France as a decorative element. You must not view this
as a sexist remark, if I would use my own face there is a large
possibility that your computer screen or telephone screen will
crack and I want to prevent unnecessary damage of
As usual click on the picture to land on the
other website:

Title of the post: General theory Part 2: On a matrix named big E.
Let me end this update with a fresh small
rant against the nonsense of electron spin as being tiny magnets.
The Pauli exclusion principle says that in electron configuration
in the electron cloud surrounding atomic nuclei no two electrons
can have the same so called quantum numbers. That means that every
electron paid in an atom electron cloud must have different spin
numbers and as such one electron must be 'spin up' with it's
quantum number +1/2 while the 'spin down' electron must have the
number -1/2.
The official theory from the physics people
says that electrons must be tiny magnets. Not that they have
anything based on experiments that say that electrons are indeed
tiny magnets. Anyway it means that these tiny magnets must anti
align themselves and that gives an electron pair. That is total
bullshit of course because as most people know in magnetism, just
like in electric charges, opposites attract while the same charges
To show you once more how retarded and stupid
this is I just searched for a picture asking for 'two bar magnets
anti aligned'. As you might know from experience, if you try to
put two north poles together they will always repel.

Well if electrons are 'tiny magnets' how can
this form chemical bonds? Why does this nonsense go on for a full
century? Right now there are about one hundred thousand physics
professors and worldwide there are millions of people with a
degree in physics, why do they hold on to this crap?
It is worthwhile noting that the problems
only arise if you think that electrons are tiny magnets. If you
view them as magnetic charges, that is they are the magnetic
monopoles just like electrons are monopole electric charges, all
problems dissipate.
If you view electrons as magnetic monopoles,
the idea of an electron pair is in line with the basic principle
that only opposite charges have attractive forces.
These physics people are lost in math in a
fundamental way, their math describing electron spin is fucking
complicated, the outcomes have zero validation via experiments and
it is total garbage.
Let me leave this rant by that. Throw those
Pauli matrices into the garbage can where they should have been
for a full century. And do not think that Wolfgang Pauli was a
scientist, he often at the end of the letters he wrote to other
people as a signature, he was the 'Geisel Gottes'. A person who
keeps on doing that is not entirely fresh in his mind is what I
think of that kind of behavior.
By the way, the artwork in the picture above
was from Palamarchuk Mikhail and the art work itself has the name Journey to the end.
Ok, end of this update and let me try to
transport this to the global garbage can know as the internet.
Thanks for your attention and keep on killing those fucking
(18 Oct 2023) Only two items while I skip the
Israeli stuff.
Item 1) Medvedev the gas salesman & other
UA details.
Item 2) A video with a calculation on how electron spin oscillates
(all BS).
Item 1) Medvedev the
gas salesman & other UA details.
There are all kinds of interesting
developments in Ukraine. For example it seems that for the first
time in this 600 day long war the Ukrainians shot more artillery
shells as Russia. I don't know if it's true but it looked reliable
enough to pen it down. Needless to say this is an important
Then there was the reported strike at one or
two airfields inside the occupied regions of Ukraine. Russian mil
bloggers reported that those ATACMS were used. That is also an
interesting development because it was reported that a lot of
helicopters were destroyed and that could have been done, for
example, with a cluster type ammo in this kind of rocket.
(NATO countries have a habit of ensuring that all kinds of ammo
can fit in as much delivery systems as possible, in this case the
ATACMS have a likely a wide range of ammo that can go in there.)
Last week I pondered the question why the
Russians were attacking that Avdiivka
place while it looked they were making fools of themselves. The
answer seems to be that Putin is visiting his pal Xi in China and
he must have something significant to show for.
Well he has indeed something to show: massive losses and it looks
like a job well done by the Ukrainians. Stuff like 75% of
attacking forces killed or wounded and only 25% making the
retreat. (I do not know if that also goes for the overall
statistic but it is a significant blow and it shows that in
general Russians learn in a much slower pace as the
And now it is getting colder and colder over
here I wondered if the Russians have made some gas sales to Europe
lately. In the beginning of the war the former Russian president
Medvedev bragged that they could jump up the gas price to 2000 $
per megawatt... The guy is a total nutjob, wars are always
dynamical and as such all kinds of fantasies don't pan out in case
your enemy has a proper functioning brain. (That is something a
lot of Kremlin workers simply lack, they are there to serve their
president and are not supposed to think for themselves.)

I wonder if Medvedev will see this and enjoys
my cute graphics stuff...;)
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) A video with
a calculation on how electron spin oscillates (all BS).
Somewhere in the last updates on this website
I mentioned that physics people often fill in the energy levels
electrons have due to an external applied magnetic into the famous
Schrödinger equation. They solve it and after that conclude that
'the math says' that electrons oscillate between spin up and spin
down and in between they are in some kind of super position of
spin up and spin down.
My view on electron magnetism is very
different, I think the electrons are magnetic monopoles with a
permanent charge. As such the only place in the universe where
electron flip their spin is inside the head of math professors
because 'the math says so'. There are all kinds of reasons that
electron spin is a permanent property of electrons. A detail I
never mentioned (anyway I don't remember it) is simply the
stability of chemical bindings. If electrons would flip spin all
of the time, how can it be that in electron pairs that do a lot of
those bindings (you also have ionic binding like in salt) never
turn into anti-binding electron pairs?
After all the energy levels between electrons
of different spin state are rather tiny, as such it should be very
easy for say thermal energy to give a little energy to an electron
and it should flip. That just does not happen, so why is that? In
my view on the electron magnetism stuff is stable because the
monopole magnetic charge of electrons is a permanent feature.
Look even the Lidl agrees with me, they even
say it in French so thumbs up for the local Lidl!

I used the face of some miss Russia as a
background in the above picture.
But back to our electron 'spin oscillating'
stuff. How can you do math like this for an entire century and
never try to find experimental evidence for the outcome of your
calculations? The video for this update is rather long (over 90
minutes) and if that is too much for your attention span don't
worry: it is all math rubbish anyway.
The basic fault is very simple: If you fill
in this kind of energy into the Schödinger equation in order to
find it's time evolution the basic flaw is simple: If the electron
magnetic charge is permanent it will not change. So it has nothing
to do with the Schrödinger equation. If you fill in energy levels
related to the electric charge of the electron you likely will
find the electron oscillates between having a negative charge and
a positive charge and in between it will be in a super position of
positive and negative electric charges.
And a lot of this nonsense is paid for with
tax payer money, I think this is not a wise use of taxpayer money.
I absolutely do not favor the idea that governments dictate
universities what to research and what not, this is not Russia,
yet this nonsense must stop because it is not efficient.
As usual click on the next picture to view
the video but again the math is all one 100% bullshit. These Pauli
matrices are a disaster and they never should have made it to the
year 2023.

Video title: Quantum Spin (5) - Schrödinger's Equation & Matrix Exponentiation.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EMgALbLyic
That was it for this update, let me try to
get this on the internet and thanks for your attention.
(13 Oct 2023) No intro blah blah, just two
Item 1) A Palestinian fairy tale and,
unrelated, Avdiivka losses.
Item 2) Ben Allanach on the superior standard model of particle
Item 1) A
Palestinian fairy tale and, unrelated Avdiivka losses.
I don't plan to follow two armed conflicts
but there is all kinds of new "We will bomb this out, justice
will be done" kind of stuff. So let me describe the behavior
of a Palestine refugee who I know for about two decades, he is
more or less a pal of mine.
Lets name him Ali (not his real name of
course). He had borrowed my car to transport some stuff and all of
a sudden he came in a very dangerous traffic situation. It was
clear he would crash into another vehicle and it also was clear he
could not be blamed because of faults made by others. What did he
Well he pulled hard to the right and slammed into stuff at the
side of the road. If I remember it correctly, damage was about 300
or 400 Euro. That is not much but when you are living here as a
refugee you are not allowed to have a job and you only have a very
limited amount of money. But he paid for all the damages he had
made and of course insurance would never pay because he deliberately
steered of the road so that was impossible.
And I asked him why did you that? And he
answered he saw he would smash into the car of an elderly man and
he did not want to hurt him. (The whole thing was the fault of
that elderly man by the way.)
Of course one person is not a statistic but
the point is this kind of behavior is way off the mark compared to
beheading babies and toddlers like we heard lately from an Israeli
kibbutz. Why do most Palestines living in my country behave as
normal people and why is it so different in the Gaza troubles from
Well that is for you yourself to think about.
How is it possible that people become so frustrated that they do
stuff like that?
If you look at the present media landscape it
is often presented as if there is a very simple demarcation line
that separates good from evil in Israel where the people from Gaza
are the evil ones and Israelis are the pure innocent victims. I
think that is 100% bullshit. Of course I do not condone killing
babies and toddlers but now we have all this "justice
done" via the application of tons of air power, also a lot of
babies and toddlers will die or are already killed. Lets leave it
with that.
I further only have a video for you from the
developments in Ukraine around the Russian offensive in Avdiivka.
It all failed miserably and the Ukrainians did a good job doing
this all. It makes you wonder why Russia keeps on making fools of
themselves. Does the Kremlin think they can still win this war,
this special military operation? If you look how those weirdo's
conduct their military stuff you can reclassify this war as a
"Very special operation" or a "Very crazy military
Suchominus had a 10 minute video on the
Avdiivka (what a strange name by the way) on it. As always click
on the video to see it if you want:

Video title: Geolocation of Russia's Heavy Losses Near Avdiivka Show Their Attack Routes and Retreat.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PInZweIXmpM
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Ben Allanach
on the superior standard model of particle physics.
Today I came across a five year old video
with a guy named Ben Allanach, he is a physics professor. The
video begins with the amazing claim that everything that is in the
standard model of particle physics has been observed...
The guy is crazy, five years back it was also
known that for example the energy in the vacuum was wrong a
whopping 120 orders of magnitude. But that is a bit inconvenient
so as always they skip all the stuff that is wrong or weird and
they all do that.
Oh oh Ben, once more we look at the Pauli
exclusion principle and it says that electron pairs always must
have opposite spins or as I always say it: the spins anti align.
Now when to bar magnets align that means they
are positioned such that north and south poles connect or are
close to each other. The good old principle that opposite poles attract
and the same poles reject each other.
As such all chemical bindings done via
electron pairs must anti align and if you, just like Ben Allanach,
think that electrons are tiny magnets because of some century old
blah blah blah that magnetic monopoles do no exist, we simply must
have the bonding goes via north pole to north pole bridges or
south pole to south pole.
Hey Ben Allanach: Where has it been observed
that we can throw overboard the principle that only opposite
magnetic poles are attractive? You are the werido that claims
'everything has been observed' so where is your fucking proof that
electrons are tiny magnets?
No no Ben the only thing that is logical is
that electrons are magnetic monopoles. As such their magnetic
behavior is just like their electric behavior.
For example if it was true that electrons are
tiny magnets, why do we only observe unpaired electrons and
electron pairs? Why never 10 electrons going round in a circle or
The physics professors know that the electron
pair is neutral when it comes to magnetism and the electron not.
Now Ben, if those claims of tiny magnet electrons are true, why
the fuck are they not neutral under magnetism?
Everything has been observed, don't make me
puke Ben. There is only a silly belief named the Gauss law of
magnetism that never is validated by experiment and this silly
belief says electrons must be tiny magnets.
This is 2023 and we only have weirdo's like
our Ben that keep on talking rubbish and garbage about their holy
standard model and why can't we find the super symmetry particles.
Floss your fucking brain and stop talking
silly unfounded beliefs.

Video title: What will we discover next? Plus talks to Professor Ben Allanach.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwsgUkxMBy0
Lets leave this nonsense for what it is:
At the end a small remark on my previous
update with that very bad converging limit that goes to the number
e. Here it is once more in the picture:

There is a math computer program named PARI
and with that you can do a lot of stuff like calculating n! for
very large numbers. Now I take great pride in the fact that this
limit converges horribly slow, it is a total disaster if you try
to calculate it in a naive way like first calculating n! and
proceed from that.
On a Casio calculator you cannot go beyond
69! because 70! has 100 digits. With PARI you can go much further
and with n = 1500 you get the number e correct to two decimal
But 1500! is a giant number so this validate
that my limit for the number e is terribly slow at converging to
it's true value.
May be it is time to end this update. Thanks
for your attention and stop killing babies and toddlers for no
reason at all.
(11 Oct 2023) So that was some hefty weekend
with Israel in shock. That Hamas attack blew away all news about
Ukraine and some folks ponder the question if military assistance
to Israel could go at the expense of help to Ukraine. Likely not,
as one person remarked that Israel likely has huge stocks of
everything and it is a very different army compared to UA.
Two items for today:
Item 1) Was it a good idea to found Israel?
Item 2) My own Stern-Gerlach experiment for a whopping 12 €.
Item 1) Was it a
good idea to found Israel?
What I found interesting was how the blockade
of the Gaza strip was announced by Israel. It was something like
"No water, no food and no electricity. They are
Well I am one of the persons that think
Israel is treating Palestines in general as so called
Untermenschen and that is going on for about 75 years now. And now
it snaps a little bit because of all the frustration that has been
building up in the Gaza strip and West Bank but is that the result
of pure evil?
As a rule of thumb it is my opinion that
civilians should always be spared in armed conflict so I cannot
say it was a good thing as done by the Hamas but when it snaps it
snaps. Just like the USA after the 911 attacks, they started
stupid wars that all in all lead to nothing but a lot of trouble.
Why was Israel founded? Well after WWII that
was allowed by the United Nations and as such they got their state
at the expense of those who lived on that territory. But it is
very understandable as why the Jews wanted a state of their
For example it happened that a Jew came back
from a concentration camp and went to say Amsterdam or so. And
people literally asked "Hey why have you not been
Another example is insurance. A jew comes
back and finds his house devastated or all kinds of stuff stolen
or his entire house confiscated and say they had some insurance
for some of that. But very often insurance companies did not pay.
And why did they not pay? Well the last insurance premiums were
not paid. "But I was in a concentration camp and therefore I
could not pay!" But no contract is contract and if not paid
there is no insurance pay...
Last week it emerged that the husband of our
queen Juliana was a member of the party of Adolf. The guy, prince
Bernhard, always denied his entire life he was a member but they
found his membership card. So anti-Semitism was far more
widespread as an ordinary or naive person would think and as such
it is not much of a wonder that the Jews wanted something for
You can say a lot about Israel, for example
it has a relative good economy and stuff like that. But from the
viewpoint of human rights I consider it a failure that is hard to
repair. And if you are pro Israel or pro Zionism, why not try
living just one week in the Gaza strip and see how that
That is what I had to say on this
Item 2) My own Stern-Gerlach
experiment for a whopping 12 €.
Today I found back by accident an old post
from April 2014 and there already I doubted the idea that
electrons are tiny magnets. So instead of 7 or 8 years back, it is
already a whopping nine years. But I still like it although for me
it is still very very strange that the physics professors cannot
see for themselves that this tiny magnet model has all those weird
faults in it.
Why don't they see it for themselves? One of
the reasons is of course the theory they made is rather
complicated . For example they fill in the different energy levels
due to electron spin into the Schrödinger wave equation, solve it
and get some wavy thing and they think the electron oscillates
between spin up and spin down.
But my considerations say that the magnetic
properties of electrons are just like their electric
& MONOPOLE you crazy physics fuckers!
They even do not have any experimental proof
that electrons are tiny magnets so this is stupid on a long term
deep level.
Now back in the time, may be it was the year
2015 or so, I thought may be I should buy an old television
because that has electron cannons in it and may be I could do some
experiment with it.
I found it at a local shop named Mama Mini,
it is a small black and white television with a glass tube where
the electrons land on. And it was a thundering success for my idea
that electrons are magnetic monopoles and not tiny magnets. As you
see in the picture below electron spin behaves not in a continuous
manner because there is that black circle where no electrons

As you see in the middle of the black region
under the magnets there are the electrons that are attracted by
the magnet and the black is where no electrons land and outside
the black region are electrons that get repelled + all electrons
to far away to make it to the middle region.
And the explanation is very simple: Electrons
are magnetic monopoles and their magnetic charge is permanent.
Compare that to the weird stuff the physics
professors have made from electron spin. These people are clearly
'lost in math' while at the same time 100% of them are to fucking
stupid to understand math like the 3D complex numbers.
So in my view most of them are what I name
'math dwarfs', not that I am a 'math giant' but I am not a math
Anyway this was my little and cheap repeating
of the Stern-Gerlach experiment done with an old television and a
stack of modern magnets that did me cost about 50 €. The
television still works in the year 2023, it was covered in dust
when I took it out of it's storage place but it still works! And
that is not something we can say about physics professors who in
their superior knowledge of higher math think they can simply skip
my insights and build things like nuclear fusion devices or
quantum computers upon their own superior knowledge. Well good
luck with it you bunch of idiots.
Today inside one of my oldest updates on
doubting the official version of electron spin I also found back
one of my laziest math limits ever. Yes this limit does converge
to e but it goes so fucking slow that you can indeed compare this
to the brain speed of physics professors:

If you in a naive manner try to calculate
this on say a Casio calculator that cannot handle faculty number
n! above 69, you get an answer that is still horribly off the mark
of the famous number e.
I consider it a great work, often people try
to find limits that converge as fast as possible but this one is
going more or less as slow as possible.
Ok this is what I had to say for today.
Thanks for your attention.
(06 Oct 2023) Yes I know there was a Nobel
prize in physics this week but I have no comment because it was
back to normal science I guess or hope. So nothing of that stuff
like "An electron when unobserved can be in a super position
of spin up and spin down" and more of that kind of stuff
bordering on a strong belief in miracles or the realm of religion.
So in item 2 we only look at one of the many energy problems with
electron spin and skip that circus known as the Nobel prize in
Item 1) Sad day in Ukraine; likely rocket
attack on Hroza.
Item 2) One of the energy problems with electron spin.
Item 1) Sad day in
Ukraine; likely rocket attack on Hroza.
This is the largest single civilian death
toll in a couple of months, 51 reported dead but of course that
number can change. So my condolences to the

The political situation both in the EU and
USA seems to be shifting a little bit. Some republicans don't want
to finance the UA war because border security and street violence
are more important to the American people. How support for Ukraine
evolves in the EU is hard to estimate at the moment, it looks a
bit like that one lined solidarity with each other is a bit gone.
May be it is not a bad thing per sé, a bit
broader spectrum of views could even be helpful in the long run.
So lets hope we are not pushing the proverbial wheelbarrow of
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) One of the
energy problems with electron spin.
I have a horrible bad video for you today but
since I needed a screenshot from it I decided to post the link
anyway so you can judge for yourself a bit more if electrons are
magnetic monopoles yes or no.
Ok, what is this energy problem emerging from
the official version of electron spin that is know as the 'tiny
magnet' model? Well highly intelligent people known as physics
professors often say that when you apply a magnetic field to a
bunch of electrons, about half of them will align their poles with
the applied field while the other half will anti-align
And if you start thinking about tiny magnets
that anti align themselves you enter a weird weird world. In this
world the physics professors also say that if you think you
understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum
The problem is easy to understand: All
magnets, tiny or large, require energy to turn themselves against
a magnetic field until they are anti aligned. (That means north
pole against north pole and so on.)
Now where does this energy come
To focus the mind, here is the screen shot
that shows a large magnet and a tiny electron. Where does the
electron get it's energy needed to turn against the forces it
should feel if it was a tiny magnet?

Video title: The surprising reason behind electron ‘spin’! (They don’t REALLY spin).
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdN1mweN2ds
Like said before the video is not that good
but I want to remark that until this day I do not have a good
explanation for that so called Lamor frequency. If you can really
get this frequency from loose electrons in a vacuum, that would be
bad news for my little theory on electron magnetism.
But it is late and I will try to get this
stuff uploaded. See you!
(04 Oct 2023) It is about high time that I
clean this homepage up a bit. As always it is just much too long
and to be honest that is very often the case. Anyway two small
items for this update so here we go:
Item 1) EU delegation visits UA and,
unrelated, drones dropping mines.
Item 2) Interesting video on anti hydrogen + some blah blah from
Item 1) EU
delegation visits UA and, unrelated, drones dropping mines.
It was good to see such a large delegation
going to Kyiv. Now the USA is in a shutdown situation things could
rapidly change on important details. If you want to see the video
from UATV click on the picture:

Video title: European Union – from Lisbon to Luhansk: Ukraine hosted EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYLirfyRqRo
So that was good to see. In another very
different development, the evolution of drones and stuff, remember
those video's where a drone dropped one hand grenade? Now they
have made drones that can throw anti tank mines with a hefty
payload of 7.5 kg high explosives. That is some nasty stuff, seven
and a half kilo...

I love the way this all looks. It looks
amateurish but I don't mean that in a negative way. For example I
am an amateur beer brewer and my brewing gear looks very
amateurish compared to say how a brewery like Heineken produces
their stuff.
In the video you see a stabilizing fin likely
because that improves accuracy. May be in five years or so it is
also equipped with a small ai system that takes things like wind
into account. This kind of drone stuff is only at the start of
much more developments for a long time. Lets go to the next
Item 2) Interesting
video on anti hydrogen + some blah blah from me.
Let me start with the blah blah: Last week I
forgot to post a link with the fact that not always the collision
between an electron and a positron gives rise to annihilation. And
that it also occurs that they scatter.
Last week I did not have a link at all and
now I have a link that I consider a bit 'so so' so to say. The
math looks so weird, it is about four particles where two of them
annihilate and the other two scatter. Why do that in one
calculation that in my view is not crystal clear what it means to
"Sum over the spins". But anyway here it is:
Bhabha scattering
Link used: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhabha_scattering
I want to remark that the fact it is possible
that collisions between electrons and positrons not lead to
annihilation always is of course not much proof for my ideas
electrons being magnetic monopoles.
The way I see it, electron magnetism is just
like it's electricity: monopole and permanent, it should not be
that hard to make an experiment with a beam of electrons and a
beam of positrons. And if you manipulate those beams a bit before
they meet with magnetic fields you can get all kinds of outcomes
like very many annihilations to almost none.
Just like there is conservation of electric
charge there should also be conservation of the magnetic charge.
Well that is what I had to 'blah blah' for
this day.
Let's go to the video, it is about an
experiment trying to prove that anti hydrogen also falls down
under the influence of gravity. Of course it is expected that
indeed it falls down just like ordinary matter does but at CERN
they try to prove that for some time now.
Of course I applaud that, so when is it time
to prove that the electron is a tiny magnet via
But let me not be that vile, today I am in a
friendly mood because I too think it's cool to prove via
experiment that anti matter falls down under gravity.
I didn't make a fancy picture of it, may be I
am getting dementia or so, but here is the vid that I found
New Breakthrough in Physics | Discovery Files Podcast
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ee-Uk9g6T8
End of this update.
(29 Sept 2023) Bah, I had planned to do a lot
today but I got at most half done. Well it's one of those days and
at least what was finished was done good. It's already late so
lets go to two small items for today's update:
Item 1) UATV on Russia cannibalizing on old
military gear.
Item 2) Are electrons always indistinguishable? Of course
Item 1) UATV on
Russia cannibalizing on old military gear.
It was relatively quiet today when it came to
war news. That doesn't say it was quiet in Ukraine but there was
not that much news. I saw an interesting short video from UATV on
Russia cannibalizing old military gear from the Sovjet
Stuff like Russians are removing barrels so
they can replace the worn out stuff they use inside Ukraine. Click
on the picture for the video:

Video title: Russia is Scraping Old Equipment to Deter Ukrainian Counteroffensive.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbVXNK1oRJ8
It is hard to estimate how fast and in what
rate the Russian military is eating itself up. But it is clearly
happening so that will have some long term consequences for
Item 2) Are electrons
always indistinguishable? Of course not...
And the usual rant against electrons being
viewed as tiny magnets. No no in my view they are magnetic
monopoles and their magnetic charge is permanent so they cannot
flip their spin.
The strongest argument against the tiny
magnet model for electron magnetism is the weird case of the Pauli
exclusion principle that says in electron pairs the electrons must
have opposite spins.
But having 'opposite spins' means the tiny
magets are anti-aligned so the question is how they can form a
bonding pair in molecular binding? Because the electrons are
anti-aligned they must do the bonding via north pole to north pole
bridges or south pole to south pole bridges or bindings.
This means you must throw overboard the
principle that in magnetism opposites attract. Of course the
people that explain the Pauli exclusion principle never tell you
that, it is as if all logical thinking suddenly stops and all you
hear is that mumbo jumbo about quantum numbers.
Because I think the magnetic charge is
permanent, that means there are two kinds of electrons and they
differ only in their magnetic charge. One of things I couldn't do
today was look again for a source that says there are also
(elastic) collisions between electrons and their anti particle the
If there are two kinds of electrons there are
also two kinds of positrons and if an electron and a positron with
the same magnetic charge meet, they cannot annihilate. That would
make these collisions a bit more understandable: why don't they annihilate
but collide?
I found a relatively simple video from a guy
named Parth G and he follows more or less the official version of
stuff. And that says the Pauli exclusion principle is partly based
on the anti-symmetric properties of the wave function. For me that
is not very convincing, although I like math a lot in my view
electron pairs are not pairs because of 'quantum numbers' but
because they have opposite magnetic charges.
As usual click on the picture for the

Video title: The Basic Math that Explains Why Atoms are Arranged Like They Are: Pauli Exclusion Principle.
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INYZy6_HaQE
The problem I have with an explanation like
this that says electrons are in all kinds of super positions
otherwise the wave function would not be anti symmetric is very
1) Electrons have permanent magnetic charge
and therefore;
2) They will never be in a super position of spin up and spin
So the key question is also easy to
Parth mentioned that weird looking expression
like in
| 1 > | 2 > - | 2 > | 1 >.
It's just a super position of two possible quantum states for a
pair of electrons but that means the individual electrons do not
have a permanent magnetic charge.
Lets leave it with that, thank you my dear
reader to make it alive to the end of this post with weird looking
quantum super positions while in the real world the physics
professors have zero proof that indeed electrons are tiny
(27 Sept 2023) Not much lack of dull and
boring news like an EU media team has further tied evidence of UA
involvement in the Nord Stream 2 pipelines. It's no secret that I
thought the USA has done that but I do not have any proof
whatsoever and therefore I have to keep an open mind about that
Lets go to the two items for today:
Item 1) Black Sea naval blast partially
caused by salary problems?
Item 2) New post on other website + Karl Popper on falsification.
Item 1) Black Sea
naval blast partially caused by salary problems?
The 190 mile range ATACMS go to Ukraine, the
White House has given the green light for that. If I understand it
correctly only the cluster ammo version of it, likely there are
many warheads for such a system. After all it is made by Americans
so it's good (but expensive).
Last Firday the Russian naval HQ came under
attack, that was some serious development. If true that about 33
Russian officers are killed, given the tremendous hierarchical
structure of the Russian military forces this must be a good blow
for them.
If you would ask me all in all the counter
offensive of UA is going relatively good. I never said it but when
it all started a few months ago I directly more or less expected
the autumn to be the time frame where it all comes a bit together.
Of course it is autumn for just a few days, six days to be
precise, but if this sets the tone for the rest of the season
that's good.

A few hours ago came the next crazy news, let
me quote it:
After missing their anticipated salary payments, Russian officers leaked sensitive information about Moscow's Black Sea Fleet to a Ukrainian
partisan movement, Ukrainian media reported, revealing the intelligence later paved the way for a devastating missile strike on the fleet's headquarters in the occupied Crimean Peninsula.
Source: Ukrainian resistance fighters say Russian officers who hadn't been paid by Moscow sold them key intel on the Black Sea Fleet. Missiles then tore through the
headquarters. Link used:
That's how the Ukrainians came to know there
would be a meeting at the head quarters, I mean that is just

Of course the land war goes a bit slower but
it just keeps on grinding on and on and on and not in a direction desirable
by the Kremlin. At last it was reported that the average Russian
conscript has on average four and a half month to live when send
to battle.
Item 2) New post on
other website + Karl Popper on falsification.
I wrote a very simple post on the other
website that has a title that might sound complicated but if you
have seen that stuff before it is not that complicated: It is
about total angular momentum in the z-direction.
With that weird sounding language the physics
people mean how much spin unpaired electrons in atoms or molecules
have in a vertical direction. The point is that I view electrons
as magnetic monopoles and if I calculate the net magnetic charge
all I have to do is add things up just like you add up electric
charges in say an ion. Ions have a total electric charge because
they have too much or to little electrons. With magnetic charges
it all depends on the unpaired electrons that form the total of
magnetic properties.
What I do and what the physics people do is
precisely the same but of course my version is much simpler
because I do not have to worry about all those spin vectors that
do not exist but only in the mind of physics people.
Often I complain stuff like "Why don't
they fucking see that this tiny magnet model for electrons leads
to all kinds of contradictions and nonsense?" Because now I
reject that tiny magnet model it is rather easy to see a lot of
the nonsense that came along with that model for electron
Slowly I begin to understand a bit why the physics
people can be wrong about electron magnetism and not see that for
a full century. I you accept a paradigm like electrons act like
tiny magnets that becomes a way of thinking and everything wrong
with that is often hidden in the blind spots of that
Now the paradigm stuff is from Thomas Kuhn
but today I want to talk about Karl Popper because he is the guy
from that falsification stuff. Karl remarked that good science
should be falsifiable and that means if it is wrong you should be
able to prove that it is wrong.
That sounds very good, if it is wrong it is
of course handy you find that out before wasting years and years
of time in say nuclear fusion or building quantum
Yet now I know a bit more about Karl Popper I
have revised my view on him: he is as good a nutjob as a lot of
physics or math professors. He had some weird stuff about a so
called demarcation line between science and pseudo science. Is
there a way to differentiate between science and pseudo science?
For me these kind of questions are like how
many angels can dance on the tip of a needle. That is nice to
think or talk about when you are gulping down a few pints but that
is not serious stuff.
Of course there is no mechanism or method to
separate science from pseudo science. You must look at it on a
case to case basis, how can you find something that works in all branches
of science? That is too naive I just guess.
Another detail I do not like from Karl Popper
is that he claims that the best scientists are always trying to
disprove their own beliefs. That is total bullshit. Take for
example physics professors, since 100% of them believe electrons
are tiny magnets why should a career loving physics professor try
to disprove that? If he or she does such a thing like undertaking
an experiment that could disprove that electrons are tiny magnets,
the fellow physics professors will think this person is crazy to
the bone.
That's the way it works in practice. Just
like math professors cannot find three dimensional complex
numbers, if one of them tries it they will find themselves
marginalized and neglected by the mainstream of the community.
In my view Karl Popper was a dumb ass because
he was working in the beta side of science his whole life (he was
a logician) and never remarked it would be great if there would be
experimental proof that electrons were tiny magnets.
Never ever in one century of time there were
experiments like that.
A video from the Leiden university about the
Karl Popper stuff can be seen if you click on the next picture of
Karl Popper:

Video title: Chapter 1.4: Karl Popper and the logic of falsification
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlFywEtLZ9w
That was it, thanks for your attention.
(22 Sept 2023) It were two busy days in Crimea
and an airfield or airbase named Saky has come under attack. It
looks like it helped a lot that those S-400 air defense systems
from Russia are destroyed. And today it emerged the first grain
ship arrived in Turkey, it was only a 3000 ton ship if memory
serves but anyway that is a whole lot of trucks. The bulky
seaships likely cannot take that new route. Anyway a lot happened
but I have only two items for you so lets go:
Item 1) A grain rift between Poland and
Item 2) One century of doing nothing versus 2000 years of doing
Item 1) A grain rift
between Poland and Ukraine?
One thing is very clear: From the beginning
of this war Poland was very helpful and did a huge effort to help
Ukraine and all those refugees. Now Poland has recently refused
Ukrainian grains to enter the country because last year they had
such a bad experience with that.
Likely it is a bit overblown but there are elections impending in
Poland and if the imports are an election issue over there, that
should be something Ukraine should take into account and not go to
the World Trade Organization or so. I don't think that is very
helpful and only troubles the relations for no reason at all while
those judicial actions can take years before it ends.
I do not know in how far the action of Poland
itself is illegal inside the EU framework where it was allowed
that Ukraine could resume grain exports despite the fact that a
lot of the grains are grown without following EU rules on the use
of pesticides and so.
So it is a gift and not a fundamental right
or so.
On the other hand I might be handy if Poland
has a bit more trust in the EU institutions. They are not there to
rape pillage and plunder Poland but often try to help a bit. For
example this is from a few days ago:
Following the expiry of the restrictive measures on Ukrainian exports of grain and other foodstuff to the EU, Ukraine agrees to introduce measures to avoid a renewed surge in EU imports

On the other hand the stuff from the Polish
pm could be a bit misrepresented. An observer noted that by now
Poland has transferred almost all Sovjet era weaponry to Ukraine
and therefore it is now time to build and rebuild the Polish
military forces. Is it true Poland placed an order for 450 HIMARS
systems? Wow that is a lot and don't forget that is good for the
future safety of the EU or better the NATO members around
So it would be great if we can just stop this
tit for tat stuff that serves nothing at all. Lets hope this will
blow over as soon as possible.
That is what I had to say on this

Item 2) One century
of doing nothing versus 2000 years of doing nothing.
According to a theory on scientific
revolutions or changes from Thomas Kuhn scientists in a particular
field often follow some paradigm and when they find more and more
anomalies they can't explain, that will lead to a change in the
overall paradigm. And that can take a long time.
As an example you might have heard that some
Greek philosopher named Aristotle thought that heavy objects fall
faster compared to objects with less mass. And it was until
Galileo who experimented with that found out that this was not
true at all. And that was about 2000 years later.
So the question is why it took so long and
why did so many people just not see that the ideas of Aristotle
were false? Well the explanation given is that people who think
heavier objects fall faster explain real world things by just
using that. It has become a way of thinking and as such anomalies
are often just neglected.
Over the last eight years or so I have made a
long list of all things wrong with the official version of
electron spin and I just never understood why you have so many
physics professors but none of them see that there are problems
with viewing electrons as tiny magnets.
The best example of such an anomaly is the
Pauli exclusion principle in electron pairs in chemical bindings
between atoms. The Pauli principle says that the electron spins
must be anti-aligned and that simply means they must bind via
north-pole to north-pole bridges or the south-pole to south pole
variant of that. So you must abandon the principle that in magnetism
opposite poles attract. But these werido's, these physics
professors just never remark that simple to find anomaly. It looks
like all brain activity just stops before that...
Another example is the idea that electrons
anti-align themselves with an applied magnetic field. So if you
approach a bunch of electrons it is believed that half of them
will turn their north pole side to that applied magnetic field.
But that COSTS ENERGY because it raises the potential energy.
Well it could be true that if you believe in
the tiny magnet model for electron magnetism, you just don't see
the anomalies. And that that explains why the weirdo's, the
physics professors, never see the solution is so simple: All of
the problems are only caused by the belief that electrons are tiny
magnets, the problems are gone if you view the electron as a
magnetic monopole.
But there is another blockade in the head of
the physics professors: For some strange reason they think that
magnetic monopoles don't exist. So it goes from crazy (just
thinking that electrons are tiny magnets) to the madhouse
(magnetic monopoles do not exist).

You have the same kind of weird behavior
inside mathematics. Despite the fact it was in the year 1990 that
I found the 3D complex numbers, likely at present date a majority
of math professors still think 3D complex numbers do not exist
because they have a few stupid theorems that say so.
Nobody remarks these theorems are stupid
because they say you cannot find an impossible thing because it is
not possible. They want 3D complex numbers only as an extension of
their 2D complex numbers, that is clearly not possible and guess
what? Once more: all thinking stops for at least a century.
As you see my view on scientists is not very
positive: These are not critical thinkers. May be they check their
articles deep and thoroughly before publication but all that stuff
like electrons are tiny magnets or 3D numbers do not exist, they
swallow it all without thinking...
That was it for this update, thanks for your
(20 Sept 2023) Today I didn't have much time
to follow the news because I was able to finish the great cleaning
up of my computer. And you know it is time for a great clean up if
even your clone software is somehow corrupted or does not work...
Luckily the clones software could be
installed anew so I did not have to go back to a new install of
the Windows OS and after that install all that software you
need... That is often a full day of work so I could avoid
Anyway I was able to install a clone from
2010 and after that replace an old hard disk for a new fresh SSD
disk. I love them because they do not wear and tear (but it is
unknown how long they last as far as I know).
So I am ready to get or make a new computer
because I always like to have a spare computer. That is not only a
spare computer but also a computer that hardly visits the space
known as the internet. I have already seen a nice buy, it is 42 cm
high so it should just fit in. But if I would do that I would pay
for Windows 11 because that comes pre installed and the last time
I paid for the Windows OS was Windows 3.11. Ok ok after two
decades may be buy a new OS? Well we'll see...;) Two items for
Item 1) Just random UA stuff.
Item 2) Karl Popper versus Kuhn on how science evolves.
Item 1) Just random
UA stuff.
Since I did not follow the news at all today,
only an interesting picture of a second hole in that kilo class
submarine that came under attack in Sevastopol:

Suchominus has a bit more on this on Youtube:
Photo Shows SECOND Hole At Side of Kilo-Class Submarine Hit By Storm
Shadow! Link used:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ChU0w_5VgM
And very different, remember that old show
named Spitting Image? Well it seemed that Russia had some version
of that too but that was a long time ago:

Those were the days I just guess... Lets go
to the next item:
Item 2) Karl Popper
versus Kuhn on how science evolves.
I had heard of the Karl Popper guy because he
is the one that clearly stated that good science should be
falsifiable. That means if it is wrong it should be possible to
show via experiment that it is wrong. But I never heard of the
Kuhn guy but he had a theory about paradigms and the change in
those fundamental and wide things.
Now my ideas about electrons as being
magnetic monopoles is very falsifiable: Take a homogenous (that is
constant in space) magnetic field that is also constant in time.
If electrons placed inside that magnetic field do not get
accelerated, in that case the electrons are likely tiny magnets.
And if such a thing would ever occur I would have to pushback my
little theory of electron spin as a magnetic charge and of course
also commit suicide. Now may be that goes a bit too far, after all
it is only electron behavior but I would not feel positive about
such a finding.
The question of how science evolves is a very
wide question. How does sociology or psychology evolve versus
physics? And in math, does there evolve anything at all or keep
they keep on swimming in circles in a fish bowl known as the
complex plane?
Anyway I looked at a bunch of video's on this
subject and at some point it got truly hilarious: Karl Popper
seems to have stated that the best
scientists in a particular field of science work
hard to prove their core ideas wrong!
For me that was very funny and hilarious
because Karl Popper was a logician and as such a beta scientist
just like the physics professors. Now did the physics professors
ever once tried to question that electrons are tiny magnets? This
whole Karl Popper guy was very naive about how science goes from
day to day. As far as I know, if as a physics professor you
question the "tiny magnet" model for spin half
particles, that is not good for your career.
Now I do not want to go into the discussion
that viewing electrons as magnetic monopoles is a paradigm shift,
I see it more as crossing the t's and dotting the i's while only
remarking that it is weird physics professors are that stupid for
that long.
Let me show you only a small section of my personal background in
my computer for the last decade. The upper stuff is math that is
known for a long long time, these are the Cauchy Riemann equations
and they say you can do differential things in the complex plane
just like you do on the real line:

In the second part of the picture you see
some symbol X and that is only some real vector and if you
differentiate it you get a basic vector. If you would show that to
a math professor that person would not say this is crazy or wrong.
No this is very elementary, you are left with the basis vector.
The question is why professional math
professors never come up with the easy to find math you find at
the bottom of the above picture? These are the 3D version of the
Cauchy Riemann equations, so why can't they find it themselves?
Lets leave it with that, I think it is hard
to answer the question how science evolves in general. The
scientific fields we have today are so different that it is hard
to find general conclusion other than "Shallow thinking"
or whatever what. End of this update and thanks for your
(15 Sept 2023) Were the attacks against the
port of Sevastopol a sheer coincidence when it comes to timing?
Likely it is but for me it is funny that when I name Sevastopol
for the very first time, within a few hours that port came under
attack... So lets say it is a coincidence and if it's not a
coincidence: THANKS for the timing!
Two items for today:
Item 1) A short but good analysis of
the attack.
Item 2) Brian Greene telling a lot of unfounded stuff, why
Brian why?
Item 1) A short but
good analysis of the attack.
The Youtube channel "Reporting from
Ukraine" is relatively handy because in short videos the news
is neatly packed and easy to understand. They did a relatively
good analysis although it is hard to say if it precisely happened
that was but you get the idea. It was a so called complicated
attack and given the result it was done very good.
Here is what Reporting from Ukraine made from

First water drones, after that S-200's to
activate the Russian air defense forces, then those radar seeking
missiles and at the end a few Shadow Storm / Scalp missiles to
finish it all off.
Again on details it could be a bit different
but grosso modo something like this must have happened. Lets go to
the next item.
Item 2) Brian Greene
telling a lot of unfounded stuff, why Brian why?
Brian Greene is one of those American
television physics professors. Of course that is not forbidden and
he can do it in an entertaining manner so it is not boring
television but often it is just so oversimplified that it misses
the point.
Brian is one of those people from who I just
do not understand why they do not see themselves what is wrong
with electron spin as a tiny magnet, why this wall to wall
In the picture below you see two
1) All these decimals in the magnetic dipole
moment of the electron &
2) Super positions of electron spin that is totally unfounded in
Example 1) is often used by physics
professors to show how superior the standard model of particle
physics is. And it looks very impressive, I remember it
intimidated me too. Until I found out a bit more details of the
experiment and all those folks do is measuring a frequency that is
given off by the lone trapped electron they have. That does not
say the electron is a tiny magnet as thought by overpaid physics
Then the theoretical value, that is done by
adding up thousands of so called Feynman diagrams so that is very
interesting but is there anyone in the world that can check if
that all is done correctly? No of course not, we have to believe
it on their beautiful blue eyes or so. (I am not saying it is
fraud, only that it cannot be checked at all.)
People like Brian Greene always select stuff
like those 12 decimals found and routinely skip all the nonsense
that comes with electrons as tiny magnets. They never say that the
Pauli exclusion principle says that in atomic bonding the electron
pairs have opposite spins, this simply means they bond
magnetically via north polo to north pole bridges. Where has the
deep rooted knowledge of "Opposite magnetic charges attract,
like charges repel" gone?
They even do not have any experimental proof
that electrons are in fact tiny magnets, they just assumed it for
an entire century or even longer but there is no experiment that
says it is so.
And all that stuff that an electron can also
be in a super position of both it's spin states is also not
validated by only one experiment. And Brian makes it even more
crazy by the stuff he does with two electrons that according to
Brian can be in a super position of different spin states that
only become clear if you measure them in some kind of direction.
Last year three Nobel prizes have been handed
out but the experiments were only done with photons because as one
of the prize receivers said: "Doing it with a spin half
particle like an electron is just too difficult".
Back in 2015 I realized for the first time
that the tiny magnet model for explaining electron magnetism is
likely not correct. In the present years I tell it like: Electron
spin or electron magnetism is just like the electric charge of the
If you don't have that in for example
chemical bonding things would constantly fall apart. The electrons
in binding electron pairs in all of the proteins of you body never
flip their spin. If an electron would do that the binding pair
would become a non-binding pair and the protein would break or get
damaged every time a magnetic field comes along...
Of course this fucking never happens so why
do people like Brian Greene keep on telling all that crap about
electron spin when they don't have any experimental proof? Why
this level of stupidity and lazy shallow thinking?

I do not understand at all why the physics
professors do not see for themselves that viewing the electron as
a tiny magnet leads to so many contradictions. Why are they so
fucking stubbornly stupid?
Click on the next picture to see Brian Greene
explaining the wisdom the professional physics professors have on
electron spin:

Video title: Brian Greene at the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LSdU4PThD0
My dear reader this is the eigth's year of
simply me trying to explain that electrons are not tiny magnets
but have a monopole magnetic charge. All I use is logic and point
out that long list of contradictions we get if it was true that
electrons are tiny magnets.
Why the fuck do we use taxpayer money to fund
the salaries of people like that? May be as a society we should
withdraw that tax money from universities and give it to people
that make horoscopes. May be that is much much better for society
so instead of the crap that Brian tells about electron spin we can
enjoy the beautiful insights of people that craft horoscopes...
End of this update, thanks for your attention
and till updates.
(13 Sept 2023) A crazy lot did happen, from
earthquakes in Morocco, very bad weather in Lybia and so on and so
on. What the war concerns there has also happened a lot, a side
effect of the war is the German initiative for a secure sky over
Europe or the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI). More and more
countries are joining and for myself speaking it is very good that
Europe tries a bit more to keep it's military pants up and not
always rely so much on the USA. But I have been saying that for
almost 20 years now so there is not much news besides the
important point that it is no happening finally...
Two items for today:
Item 1) Elon Musk did what? And Ukraine
retook some old oil rigs.
Item 2) Again: Why no Nobel prize for a repeated SG experiment?
Item 1) Elon Musk
did what? And Ukraine retook some old oil rigs.
This crazy stuff seems to have happened one
year ago in Sept 2022, let me quote the weird stuff:
Excerpts of a new biography of Musk published by The Washington Post last
week revealed that the Ukrainians in September 2022 had asked for the
Starlink support to attack Russian naval vessels based at the Crimean port of
Sevastopol. Musk had refused due to concerns that Russia would launch a
nuclear attack in response.
Source: Elon Musk’s refusal to have Starlink support Ukraine attack in Crimea raises questions for Pentagon
Link used:
Comment: Now I don't want to go into all the
details for the Pentagon and stuff and I would like to remark it
was very important the Ukrainians got that starlink stuff for
communication. And may be Elon was in some kind of panic and
really thought it would raise the level to a full blown nuclear
This kind of behavior based on limited insights of risk is
not very helpful, on the contrary it is highly counter productive.
You shouldn't behave that way, for example I never tell Ukraine
what to do. Not only because it is none of my business but it all
goes much better if they can set out their own path on how to
conduct this war. If everybody comes along with a long list of
wishes, that brings the UA in an impossible situation. It is their
war and we are here to help them as good and bad as we can.
A very interesting development was the taking
back of the Boiko towers who were lost by Ukraine when the illegal
annexation of Crimea was done by Russia. It also gives a nice

Lets hope this detail brings a bit more
ownership of the Black Sea for the UA maritime forces. Lets go to
the next item.
Item 2) Again: Why no
Nobel prize for a repeated SG experiment?
In sciences like psychology or sociology they
have a serious problem: A large portion of all published articles
contain research that is not repeatable. Or if it is repeatable
most of the time the found result is far less significant. If you
understand a bit how those publications emerge, in my view this
was an accident waiting to happen. It is a big problem if
experiments can't be repeated because that simply says it is not
science. After all repeatability is more or less the hallmark of
science as we know it.
Now that might be a big problem for
psychology or sociology but in physics they have stuff that they
hold for true but have no experimental basis at all. So it is not
that the experiment is not repeatable, there is no fucking
experiment at all.
An important example is of course that
"tiny magnet" model they use for the magnetism of
electrons. The physics professors simply assume electrons behave
like tiny magnets while they have no experimental evidence at all
for that claim.
Last update I showed you that video about a
repeat in the year 1967 of the Stern-Gerlach experiment from 1921
or so. Now the theory says that if you make another SG experiment
after the first one, that will act as a reset for the electron
So a beam of electrons (or atoms like in the video) gets split in
two by a magnetic field and after that another magnetic field
perpendicular to the first one makes it split again. The theory
says the second magnetic field splits the beam again in a 50/50
kind of fashion.
That is all based on the Pauli matrices and
work of similar garbage levels. As far as I know there is no
experimental proof for that weird Pauli matrices stuff, so why is
there no experimental proof at all???
In my view because physics people are people
they constantly want confirmation by their peers they are doing
the right thing. I name that process "Trying to score social
coins". And the most important social coin for physics people
is of course the Nobel prize in physics.
Compared to just doing science, in my view
almost all physics professors mostly try to score social points or
social coins. And in the last century of time, if your experiment
validated the three Pauli matrices you would almost be sure of a
Nobel prize. So the Physics crowd hungry for that social coin must
have tried a few times to try to prove the Pauli matrices via
Of course it never worked because the idea's
of Wolfgang Pauli were totally and utter crap: You really cannot
call that collection of ideas a theory of physics because it is
based on nothing at all. Electron magnetism is likely just like
electron electric stuff: permanent and monopole.
If in the last century of time you as an
experimental physics person would have successfully done a
repeated SG experiment, you likely would have won a Nobel prize
for that.
As far as I know there is never ever a Nobel
prize handed out for that kind of experiment. So a reasonable
person would say: "Hey may be there is something wrong with
our understanding of electron spin".
But no, a century of time and zero physics
persons remarking that. They only follow stupid dogma like the
Gauss law of magnetism and the fake scientists never realize that
they have a problem here.
So in the year 1967 they finished this
beautiful looking machine but it has no repeater at the end
because the Pauli matrices are a total crap from a weirdo that
sometimes signed his letters with "The Geisel Gottes".

That was it for this update, thanks for your
attention (I know that if you do not know much about electron spin
it is hard to read what I write, so thanks for your
Till updates.
(08 Sept 2023) No, I am not in a talkative
mood today so lets go to the two items for this update.
Item 1) When will those small diameter bombs
arrive? No idea...
Item 2) Beautiful old video on the SG experiment found.
Item 1) When will
those small diameter bombs arrive? No idea...
There seem to be delays although I did not
read why. So that's a pity, wasn't September originally the
planning or so? I only did a quick google news search and the
oldest article that popped up was a Reuters one:
Title: Exclusive: U.S. weighs sending 100-mile strike weapon to Ukraine
Link used:
As you see that was Nov last year. Likely
there is a lot of unforeseen stuff going on or whatever

Since I am not in a talkative mood today, I
found an article that is for sure the longest article I found in
this entire war. The above picture is also from there although I
added the black on bottom and top.
Title: Perseverance and Adaptation: Ukraine’s Counteroffensive at Three Months
(Michael Kofman and Rob Lee)
In itself you must have some perseverance to
read the entire commentary.
Lets go to the next item.
Item 2) Beautiful old
video on the SG experiment found.
This is a video on Youtube containing an old
American documentary from the year 1967 and there they demonstrate
an upgraded version of the original Stern Gerlach experiment. The
machinery is all beautiful old style stuff, it even contains and
oven to turn a piece of metal into vapor.
In itself the video shows no other
explanations of the observed results in the SG experiment (the
splitting in two of the silver atom beam when exposed to
magnetism) compared to how it is told today.
That means of course that in the video
electrons are supposed to be tiny magnets and just like today the
long array of problems that come with that idea are just not
talked about. Or a tiny bit like in the next picture you see the
anti align arrangement of a bar magnet in an inhomogeneous
magnetic field.
The professor tells that it is not that easy
and you see below in the picture what he tries to do. Please
remark that there are four thin ropes holding up the magnet,
suppose you would have only two ropes and they are glued against
the north and south pole of the magnet. Could you ever find a
stable anti alignment in that two rope arrangement? No way, it is
a so called instable equilibrium.

(Remark that in the picture above only one
coil is on in order to get that inhomogeneous magnetic
As always it is never explained in only a
tiny part why electrons would behave this way, why do they anti
align? Yet if you view the electrons as magnetic monopoles you do
not have these crazy energy problems: all electrons only try to
get to the lowest possible potential energy.
Even if that means going into the direction of a lower magnetic
field strength like in the Stern Gerlach experiment.
The video is about 25 minutes long. Although
beautifully built in itself the machine is not needed at all. Back
when I was 4 years old the only televisions there were all had a
tube with an electron cannon in it. So with a strong enough
magnets you could split the electron beam in two. But usage of
magnets around those old televisions also damaged the fluorescent
stuff on the inside of the tube so the television became worthless
for normal use.
And they had no reason to do so either:
everybody believed that electrons were tiny magnets so why try to
prove otherwise?
Video: The
Stern-Gerlach Experiment (ESI 1967)
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcTqcyv-V1I
Why is this belief that electrons are tiny
magnets so persistent? It leads to explanations that in a
permanent magnet all electron spins align and that explains it
all. To the other extreme where the so called Pauli exclusion
principle says that in chemistry the binding electron pairs must
have opposite spin and as such they must anti align.
That is just fucking totally illogical and it
is only not logical because you must have that with that stupid
tiny magnet model for the electron.
Ok ok may be I got a bit talkative along the
way, let our ways part until we meet again. Thanks for your
(06 Sept 2023) It was a beautiful day today
because of the weather in this ending of summer 2023. So I did not
see much news and we can go to the two items for today.
Item 1) Shorty on corruption.
Item 2) A chemistry guy explaining electron spin as a vector.
Item 1) Shorty on
Lately there was some scandal in Ukraine
about corruption where rich kids could avoid military duty via
paying for a certified medical condition. I didn't know that, I
just read it today.
Anyway back when I was a soldier in the
1980-ties I remember that it was well known that sons of medics
often were so ill that they could not serve. It was not there were
zero sons of doctors and specialists in the military
service, but it was far below what you should expect.
The latter is more an abuse of power, the one
specialist sends his son to a friend for some medical testing and
later he tests the son of his friend and all stay out of military
service. While the UA stuff is clearly an unwelcome form of
All in all I consider this an internal
Ukraine matter. Beside that I am not much an expert into how you
can tackle corruptive behavior in an efficient manner. Lets look
at a very good photo:

On this detail of corruption I cannot say
much, as far as I know it is not that weaponry and ammo gets sold
on black markets or so... So it's not a total chaos and if there
is room for improvement I just wish the UA folks good luck. Lets
go to the next item, it's a bit hardcore for some of my readers I
guess so if you are into that category you can easily skip it and
live happily ever after...;)
Item 2) A chemistry
guy explaining electron spin as a vector.
As far as I understand the official version
of electron spin (the tiny magnet model and magnetism as a
vector), the chemical guy in the video does a good job at
explaining how it all hangs together. By the way the name of this
chemical guy is Michael Evans.
Contrary to the official version of electron
spin I think the magnetic properties of the electron are just like
it's electric properties:
permanent and monopole.
That means electrons are magnetic monopoles
while generations of physics professors have stated that they
can't find magnetic monopoles. So they keep on producing more and
more complicated theories and models like the Ising model that
always use tiny magnets.
The way electron spin was dealt with was very
much in line with how (linear) polarization of light works where
if you change the angle of the polarization filter you get
different results. With electron spin they think if you change the
direction or angle of the applied magnetic field, that changes the
probability distribution over the diverse spin states.
In my world this never happens, spin states
are permanent magnetic charges and as such they never flip their
spin so to say. Therefore the situation could not be more
different: a permanent monopole magnetic charge against a version
of electron magnetism where you can apply the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle????? (Click on the picture to land at the

Now I absolutely don't want to ridicule
Michael Evans who made this video, the stuff he says is widely
seen as the standard way of explaining the magnetic stuff.
For me it is still a bewilderment as why
these people never see all the logical problems there are with the
so called "tiny magnet" model of electron magnetism. A
simple thing is for example the miracle of an electron
"anti-aligning" themselves against a magnetic field. Why
should an electron turn it's magnetic north pole against the
applied north pole? Why physics people, why?
Well they don't, electrons have a monopole
permanent magnetic charge so they never align or anti align with
magnetic fields.
It is all fucking overly complicated, this
"tiny magnet" or magnetism as a vector is so complicated
that we can wonder if it is true. Do you believe the next

The two electrons are in different energy
levels but net magnetization is zero using the "tiny
magnet" model. I mean this is bullshit, the two electrons are
separated in space but find some way of keeping their vectors
perfectly at zero?
Get a life and stop using taxpayer money to
promote this madness.
End of this update, thanks for your
(01 Sept 2023) Is that so called Suroviken
line breached in Ukraine? For what is known now it is only at one
point so it is still fragile. Lets hope the Ukrainians will have
some good luck but also some good brains. Let me wish the UA
fighters in the south good luck with this...: GOOD
Item 1) A huge drone attack on Russia, even
in Pskov...
Item 2) Curious droid on magnetron usage in WWII.
Item 1) A huge drone
attack on Russia, even in Pskov...
To be honest until yesterday I was not aware
of a place named Pskov, but that seems to be about 600 km away
from UA. If the drones come from Ukraine, that is a long distance
to fly undetected.
Those attacks against Russia are often a bit portrayed
like attacks from inside Russia itself versus attacks from UA
territory. Of course likely both things are playing out at the
same time.
If the text that came with the picture is
correct, below is the result from the attack on Pskov:

Some Russian dude came out stating that
Ukraine can only fly these drones so far undetected because of
help from Western intel. For myself speaking I do not think
Western intel agencies can figure out from outside Russia what
path to fly.
Item 2) Curious droid
on magnetron usage in WWII.
Today I came across this video from Curious
droid (or is it Droid?) and to be honest I still don't know in
detail how a magnetron works. How can it pump out so much energy
at such relative long wavelengths? May be the stuff only works
because electrons are magnetic monopoles, I do not know.
After the video I was not much wiser on how
such a common thing like a part of your magnetron oven works, the
video itself was very interesting all in all. I never knew that a
magnetron was so important for radar, but yes radar uses
frequencies like that. For example if you look at a rain radar on
your local weather news service, you can never see rain made from
very small droplets.
The video is also interesting because it
shows how a relative small decision of some autocratic from of
life can influence the outcome of large military conflicts like
As usual click on the picture for the

Video title: The Device that Won WW2 - The Cavity Magnetron
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbTWzC86R4Y
So I am not much wiser about how a magnetron
actually works and why such machines needs those relatively strong
magnets in order to work. That has to wait for another day I
End of this update & thanks for your
(30 Aug 2023) Two days ago after working
about 9 years long, my old computer broke down. Normally I have at
least one spare computer so it should not be much of a problem or
so. Well actually my website was stored on one of those old hard
disk drives from before the SATA cables became common (those broad
cables as you had them in your computer in the past.
So I had no access to the website files and
of course I do not make a backup that I store on another hard disk
every day, the latest was from May this year. So I downloaded my
own homepage (this page) and hang it into the old backup and voila
it looks like it works. That was only 15 to 20 minutes work and as
such I could avoid pumping all content over via cut and paste text
and images...;(
But now the font has changed, I always use
Times New Roman and I don't know how to apply that to all text now
it has changed.
So just a very short update for today, these
are the two items:
Item 1) Ok it is caricature, but it is funny
Item 2) Wolfgang Pauli or Paul Dirac: Who did the most damage?
Item 1) Ok it is
caricature, but it is funny anyway.
Because of the war I too often portray the
Russians as some stereotype or a caricature. That is funny to do
but you must not believe in that in order to avoid thinking they
are real stupid.
Often Russians are not stupid at all but they
find themselves back into that interesting political system they
have over there. But I liked the picture I found on one of those
'Today in Russia' kind of video's. And with a title like that you
often already know what is coming.

As a whole it is a perfect composition: The
rubber boots, the booze, a cigarette, the bride clothing and of
course the smile or smirk she has.
Lets go to the next item:
Item 2) Wolfgang
Pauli or Paul Dirac: Who did the most damage?
Both Dirac and Pauli are known because of
their contributions to quantum mechanics in general and electron
spin in particular. It is also no secret that both Dirac &
Pauli believed into the so called 'tiny magnet' model for electron
magnetism while I think electrons are magnetic monopoles so no
tiny magnet model for me.
I don't link to it but the Paul Dirac guy had
some very interesting equations and he had four of them: Two
related to the electron and two related to the anti electron or
the positron. The two for the electron are split up between the
two spin states and the same goes for the positron. Hence four
equations that he solved with 4x4 matrices, indeed an interesting
mathematical feature.
But it never dawned on Paul that there are in
fact four different particles with each their share of electric
and magnetic monopole charge.
And what about Wolfgang Pauli? In quantum
mechanics it is often thought that particles are in all kinds of
super positions, why this is is unknown to me. As such Mr. Pauli
had his so called Pauli matrices that you can use for estimates of
possible spin measurement outcomes.
If for example you turn the magnetic field 90 degrees, that should
always serve as a reset of previous electron spin and now you must
have a 50/50 split between spin up and spin down.
The three Pauli matrices are for just one
electron, if you look at multiple spin systems the whole thing
explodes into large matrices.
As far as I know, in about one hundred years
of time there has never been an experiment validating the Pauli
matrices. The calculations the physics professors make about
electron spin in a turned magnetic field look a lot like how
linear polarized light behaves. Only you now have half an angle
alpha while with polarization you have one whole angle
If in one century of time there is no
experiment validating that weird stuff, I can safely conclude it
is very likely a bag of bullshit. It's not even a theory because
the magnetic charge of the electron is very much like the electric
charge: permanent and monopole.
So that is in a very stark contrast to Paul
Dirac who, let me put it in a larger font, had the honor of:
People found
experimental evidence for the positron, the first anti particle
was discovered!
And not so much, as far as I know it is
completely zero, experimental evidence for the predictive nature
of the Pauli matrices.

(Source of the photo's:
In the present years in the science of
psychology there is a bit problem going on because a lot of the
published results fail to be repeatable. If you think about that
you can find a lot of reasons as why the present situation is that
The publish or perish culture, the art of
p-hacking, formulating your hypothesis after you did the
statistical collection of date, the hunt for spectacular results
or even click bait stuff and so on and so on.
In psychology at least they understand they
have a problem is you cannot repeat a lot of experiments, after
all if it is not repeatable it is likely garbage.
In physics they are even unaware they have a problem if they just
never validate that indeed electrons are tiny magnets as they
always claim to be...
That was it for this update, thanks for your
(25 Aug 2023) This is still a hot war because
there is so much happening every week. Interesting highlights were
the blasting of that S400 system in Crimea. And with an
interesting human touch, the Ukrainians got a helicopter full
spare parts for Russian planes delivered. The helicopter pilot had
already his wife and or family inside the UA so there was no
danger to them, in itself a crazy story but thumbs up for that
Russian helicopter pilot.
Two items for today:
Item 1) Prigozhen had his last barbeque?
Item 2) The basic flaw (loophole) in those Bell experiments.
Item 1) Prigozhen had
his last barbeque?
Well if he is dead I can say it was a
colorful guy. It often looked as his guys, those Wagner soldiers,
completely trusted him. And that is a stark contrast with how
officers are looked upon inside the Russian army.
Let me not comment any further, dead is dead
so why waste my time?

Before we go to the next item, I found a nice
new stamp from Ukraine, it is in the next link:
Title: New Ukraine stamp shows F-16 jets 'rubbing out' Kremlin
Link used:
It shows the F16 stuff lives a lot among the
Ukrainians, that is logical of course but I would like to caution
against unrealistic expectations. But it would be great if UA
would be a bit more master of her own sky.
Lets go to the next item:
Item 2) The basic
flaw (loophole) in those Bell experiments.
Back in the year 2015 or so there were three
experiments coming out claiming they had done a so called
'loophole free' Bell test or Bell experiment. I remember I
downloaded the pdf that the TU Delft had out from the preprint
archive, but it was all very complicated. Now 2015 was (if memory
serves) also the year that I figured out that likely electrons are
not tiny magnets but magnetic monopoles, so I was fresh busy with
that idea and as such the TU Delft pdf was too complicated to be
Yesterday I came across a short video from
Nature and right there in the beginning you can see where the
whole experiment goes wrong: It starts with the assumption that
both electrons are in a superposition of both spin states. The
last years more and more I converged to the idea that electrons
have a permanent magnetic charge, just like their electric charge
is also permanent and not a fragile 'quantum state' or so.
Click on the picture for the video from Nature:

Video title: Quantum ‘spookiness' explained
Link used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dp27XYjHuk
Like said before: The only place in the
universe where electrons flip their spin is inside the heads of
the physics professors. In condensed matter for example no thermal
shaking does make a single spin flip. And if a photon is observed
that has precisely the energy difference between the two spin
states, in all likelihood that is an electron replaced such that
the potential energy is a tiny be lower. Think for example as the
usage in astronomy of the 21 cm hydrogen spectral
So my view on electron spin is radical
different from the official version as seen in the video. And
always the people making those video's never ever arrive at the
idea they don't have any proof via experiment that electrons are
tiny magnets. It's 100% idiot, there are also no elementary
particles that are electric dipoles, even a neutron is named a
neutron and is not a tiny electric dipole.
As a contrast I have a video about chiral
materials and once more we observe that in chiral materials it is
possible to get spin separation of the electrons. This makes only
sense if there are two kinds of electrons, so it is not true that
all electrons are the same and electron spin is a 'tiny magnet'.
The video is from back when we had the COVID
restrictions, it lasts about 15 minutes. The female researcher
sounds very competent and may be her understanding of the stuff
involved would benefit greatly from viewing electrons as permanent
magnetic monopoles. Will she do that ever?
I doubt it, doing so will be very bad for her career because
everybody will think she is a crazy bitch and avoid her in all
ways possible. Or do you have a more positive view on humans?
As usual click on the picture in order to see
the video:

My guestimate is that the directional
separation of electron spin according to their magnetic charge is
an important ingredient in the solution of the so called protein
folding problem. But I never looked into that on a more detailed
level because to be honest I do not know much about chemistry.
So the summary of this update is: Individual
electrons cannot be in a super position of the two spin states.
Electron spin states are not tiny magnets pointing into some
direction but monopole charges that are permanent. As such things
like a maximum entangled electron pair is also no possible.
But if it is not possible, how did they get
three times that experimental result back in 2015?
That is may be a nice update for some future date. Below you see a
picture where I summarize it a bit more, Bell states for pairs of
electrons are fucking impossible.

Just like it is fucking impossible to have
eyes like that without a lot of work. As far as I know this is the
face of a real human and not an AI thing, so we can safely
conclude that all of her electron pairs hold her together because
the electrons in those pairs have opposite magnetic charge.
End of this update, thanks for your attention
and see you around.
(23 Aug 2023) Only after the last update from
Thursday news came out that the USA allows for transfer of F16's
to Ukraine. So let me place a more or less formal Thanks! to the
USA. Today it emerged that Greece also wants to join the F16
coalition, so that is great also.
It is already a bit late and I am a bit tired
so only one item for today:
Item 1) All of a sudden the F16 stuff goes
blazingly fast, they didn't let much grass grow over it.
Item 1) All of a
sudden the F16 stuff goes blazingly fast, they didn't let much
grass grow over it.
By accident I came across that news of the
visit of the US president Zelensky, sometimes I just do not want
to read any news a day long because that brings some good calmness
around. Anyway I was surprised to see this on Sunday:

There is some confusion around the numbers
but if I understand it correctly we have 42 F16's and 24 of them
are still in active duty before they will be replaced by the new
F35 stuff in the future. So that would be 18 pieces and if I
remember it correct that was also the number where Denmark came
out with.
So how will Russia react? I do not expect the
Kremlin to have much trouble with it. After all media outlet RT
often tells it like it is and they explained that these 50 year
old planes will not make much of a difference. It is much older as
the latest Russian war planes, they are worn out and often hang
together with pieces of wallpaper and zip ties. So I do not expect
much words of wisdom from the Kremlin.

I forgot to copy & paste the link to the
video but if you want to see it for some reason it is one of the
latest vids from the guy named professor Gerdes.
Now it is understandable that from the
Ukrainian side there is a lot of expectation around all this air
power F16 stuff. As such there is a huge possibility that there
will be a lot of pressure on the shoulders of the new UA F16
pilots. I think that is not very good, it would be great that
people just understood these are just pilots trying to do their
job and that's it.
Before we split I would like to repeat that
one of the conditions of the delivery is of course the F16's are
only used inside Ukraine. At this point in time it is hard to see
when this condition can be lifted, that is more a future thing I
Let me try to upload this stuff
to the internet and thanks for your attention.
(18 Aug 2023) It was a relaxed day over here,
just like the rest of summer relatively cool. Lets go to the two
items for today, they are not that long:
Item 1) Footage of a sea drone named
Sea Baby.
Item 2) Cute distribution of the speed of the solar wind
around the sun.
Item 1) Footage of a
sea drone named Sea Baby.
Yesterday or today this footage was released,
if I understand it correctly this was that thing that did the
blast at the Kerch bridge when also the railroad was damaged? If
so I remember at the time there was also that footage of a truck
and it was strongly suggested it was a truck bomb.
I considered that a strange assumption, the Ukrainians don't use
suicide bombers. That is not a part of their culture.
I too had wild speculations at the time: how
did they get those explosives there? Of course most of the time I
just don't write down wild speculation but I was a bit thinking
along the lines of a submarine. Anyway it looks like the footage
from today is sincere and this was the thing that did it:

This is all a very interesting development, a
remote controlled sea drone loaded with 850 kg of explosives.
Stuff like this is mostly hand made so it looks expensive for such
a small boat but it's a lot of work. And if it can sink Russian
warships it is still a very cheap way to do this.
It was Zelensky that once said drones like this are about half a
million a pop and at first you think that is a lot for an upgraded
waterski but half a million could be a reasonable price.
Item 2) Cute
distribution of the speed of the solar wind around the sun.
The solar wind is a beautiful phenomenon, the
physics people have no idea how it works and likely that is all
caused by their weird idea's that elementary particles like
electrons must be magnetic dipoles for some weird reason.
And if you keep on thinking such nonsense, it is hard to
explain why the solar atmosphere, the corona, is so very hot. If
fact the corona is so hot that it actually heats the sun, how does
it get it's energy?
Well I think that elementary particles like
electrons are magnetic monopoles and that non-elementary particles
like neutrons and protons carry magnetic charge so they too are
not 'tiny magnets'. The bullshit from the physics community is
easy to understand: If electrons are tiny magnets, they should be
neutral under that application of magnetic fields just like the
neutron does nothing when confronted with an electric field.
The 'tiny magnet' model is just plain stupid
and it leads to all kinds of weird stuff like the Pauli exclusion
principle where in electron pairs the electrons must have opposite
spins. That simply means those tiny magnets (the electrons) bind
via north pole to north pole binding or south pole against south
I hope you agree with me that somewhere in the last century that
idea of all particles must always be tiny magnets has run off the
rails somewhere.
After all even children often know that magnets bind to each other
only if you have opposite poles, why physics professors don't see
that for themselves is one of the greatest mysteries of physics:
Why is it beneficial to be that stupid?
In the picture you see a beautiful
statistical representation of the data found around solar wind
speeds. For me it is not very handy, the plasma in the solar wind
is made up of very different particles like electrons, protons and
atomic nuclei like helium. They all have their own 'solar wind
speed' so let us assume that in this picture we likely look at
what can be detected: proton speed.

It is important to understand this graph is
from a time during the solar minimum where the magnetic activity
of our sun is minimal. I do not know what IMF means. The
interesting feature of this graph is of course that so many
protons have more or less the same speed when you look outside the
solar equatorial plane.
If magnetism plays such an important role,
why is there no higher wind speed at the solar poles? I think that
if the sun is billions of years old we are looking at an
equilibrium that has been set since the formation of our sun: it
must be strongly positive in the electric sense. But you never
hear astronomers talk about such stuff, for them the sun is like
neutral forever.
Ok it is time to upload this tiny update.
Thanks for your attention.
For the time being I think I keep the next
picture as a 'closing logo' indicating you are at the end of this
homepage. It was to cute to throw away, the math is utterly simple
and I hope a tiny bit surprising.
Click on the picture to go to part 19 of the

End of this update, ChatGPT can you tell me
how to keep the number of killed Russians above one thousand a day
for the foreseeable future?
Till updates.
For older updates see the archives at index18.htm
or go to the oversight
of the archive pages.
__________ End